Orientation to Professional Development: ADE Regulations and LRSD Guidelines Dr. Lloyd Sain Director...

Orientation to Professional Development: ADE Regulations and LRSD Guidelines Dr. Lloyd Sain Director Beth Clifford Renee Dawson Marion Woods Coordinators Sharon Kiilsgaard Secretary Professional Development Department

Transcript of Orientation to Professional Development: ADE Regulations and LRSD Guidelines Dr. Lloyd Sain Director...

Orientation to Professional Development: ADE Regulations and LRSD Guidelines

Dr. Lloyd Sain


Beth Clifford

Renee Dawson

Marion Woods


Sharon Kiilsgaard


Professional Development Department

Purposes for Professional Development

To develop high quality professional development system for all administrators, teachers, and certified instructional support personnel;

To improve knowledge and skills in order to facilitate individual, school-wide improvements for the purpose of increasing student achievement.

ADE Regulations

Professional Development: What is It?

Professional development is a coordinated set of planned learning activities that are



and continuous.

ADE Regulations

Professional Development Focus Areas

Content (K-12)

Instructional strategies


Systemic change process

Standards, framework, & curriculum alignment


Mentoring or Coaching

Educational technology

Principles of Learning or Developmental stages

ADE Regulations

Professional Development Focus Areas

Cognitive Research

Parental Involvement

Building a Collaborative Learning Community

All approved professional development shall be

based on the improvement of

student achievement on state assessment

and increasing student achievement and

academic performance.

ADE Regulations

Additional Focus Areas for Administrators

Administrators should obtain hours in the

following areas each year:

Instructional Leadership

Fiscal Management

Data Dis-aggregation

Some Approved Types of Professional Development

Conferences, workshops, institutes

Mentoring/peer coaching

Study groups/learning teams

NBPTS certification


District-wide, school-based programs

College/course work

Action research

Act 1185 of 2005

This Act allows teachers to earn up to twelve (12) hours of professional development credit approved by the district/school which may be applied toward the 60 hours of PD.

Forms are available on

the PD web page.

These hours are earned at the beginning of each school year (August 17-18) where teachers use the time to plan and prepare curriculum or develop instructional materials. The principal MUST approve the activity.

Some Approved Activities for Act 1185 & General PD Activities

Instructional planning teams

Analyzing student data Developing

assessments Professional book

studies Developing


Developing student-centered units/lessons tied to standards

Developing interventions strategies

Revising curriculum maps

Professional Growth Plan Activities

Non-approved Professional Development Activities at ANY time

Making and putting up bulletin boards

Clerical work associated with documents or programs

Administrative faculty or team administrative meetings

Supervising students on trips

Taking a real estate class, etc.

Non-approved Professional Development Activities at ANY time

Assisting with conference registration logistics, set-up

Working at science fairs, talent shows, spelling bees,

Summer military training

Attending a musical, band concert or touring a museum, libraries, etc.

Others ????

Arkansas Department of Education Requirements

Beginning 2005-06, teachers who seek license renewal will be required to have 60 documented hours yearly within the 5 year period prior to expiration date/year of the license.

Teacher is one who holds a standard teaching license.

Arkansas Department of Education Requirements

For TeachersEarn 60 hours a

year with 6 hours in

technology 2 hours in parental

involvement 2 hours in AR

History (K-5, & 7)

For Administrators

Earn 60 hours yearly with

6 hrs in technology3 hrs in parental

involvement strategies

LRSD: Performance Teacher Appraisal System (PTAS)

In LRSD, teachers are evaluated yearly on the attainment of their hours:

0 – 29 hours Below Basic

30- 59 hours Basic

60 -74 hours Proficient

75+ hours Distinguished

Hours must include the specific areas as listed in the previous slide.

Cycle for Reporting PD Hours Yearly: A New Change

In the past and last year, LRSD observed July 1 thru June 30 as the reporting cycle for obtaining the 60 hours of PD.

Effective 2007-08, Little Rock School District will observe June 1st thru May 31st as the cycle for reporting PD hours.

WHY the Reporting Cycle Change?

THIS YEAR:2006-07Hours for this year will be reported from July 1, 2006 thru May 31, 2007.

Please note this change.

Such change

Aligns better with PTAS and the PN Agreement May 15th deadline for completion of evaluations.

PD and coursework done in the summer will count toward the next school year.

Part-Time Employees and Professional Development

The part-time personnel as defined are:Adult basic educationGeneral adult educationESL adultsGED text examiners

Pursuant to Act 2007 of 2005, these part-time employees shall be required to obtain thirty (30) hours of professional development. All other certified employees must earn 60 hours.

No Exceptions in the ADE Regulations

Extended illness/medical leaves do NOT exempt a teacher from the 60 hours yearly for license renewal.

With regard to teacher evaluation and medical/extended leaves, it will be handled case by case.

What is Salary Credit for Professional Development

Salary credit for PD is designed to encourage teacher participation in

district-approved professional development workshops OR

for those teachers who needed specific state-agency workshops in order to maintain certification.

How does Salary Credit for PD work?

Teachers will be given one (1) college credit for every fifteen (15) hours of salary credit for PD on the salary schedule.

Undergraduate and graduate hours may count 15 hours of PD for every 3 hours of course credit, not to exceed 30 PD hours per year. Human Resources oversees this part of professional development.

Criteria for Salary Credit for PD Consideration NEW…

Must be pre-approved 30 days prior to the session;Must be three (3) consecutive hours in duration;Must focus on one of the PD focus areas;Must be aligned with ACSIP, state-content standards, and/or research-based strategies or practice

Pre-Approval Process for Salary Credit for Prof. Development

Complete a Pre-Approved Salary Credit Consideration Form and submit to the Professional Development Office 30 days prior to the session.

The Director of PD or coordinators will review and approve/disapprove the form within 10 days of its receipt to the office.

Pre-Approval Process for Salary Credit for Prof. Development

Approval for Salary Credit will NOT be granted after the event has occurred.

If approved, the Form should be attached to the roster or to the Out-of-District Form. Both forms require an agenda attachment.

Agendas, roster, and forms should be submitted within ten (10) days post the session.

Location and Availability of Forms

LRSD Roster/Sign-in sheet

Out-of District Reporting Form

Pre-Approved Salary Credit Form

Act 1185 of 2005 Form

All of these forms are found on the Professional Development page under a

link called “Forms.”