Orientation, Lab Safety, Measurement, and Processes Vocabulary.

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Transcript of Orientation, Lab Safety, Measurement, and Processes Vocabulary.

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  • Orientation, Lab Safety, Measurement, and Processes Vocabulary
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  • Determining: * patterns in the data (e.g. increases, decreases, fluctuations). * inconsistencies in the data (e.g. extreme highs and lows). What does the data show? 1. Analyze (Data Analysis)
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  • When analyzing data in my marble experiment, I determined that in trial 3, the marble rolled substantially faster than the other trials. I recalculated to see that I made an error. Im glad I did! Now my results are more accurate. 1. Analyze (Data Analysis) Example
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  • After analyzing data, an investigator determines if his/her hypothesis was supported with the data. S/he then writes a statement and supports it with data. 2. Conclusion
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  • My conclusion is that the steeper the slope, the faster the marble will roll. My hypothesis (if the slope of a hill is increased, the speed of my marble will increase because there is more potential energy to be converted to kinetic energy) was supported.(include actual data). 2. Conclusion Example
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  • An unchanged group that is used to detect hidden variables (unanticipated causes). An investigator uses this to compare results. 3. Control Group(Control)
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  • When testing how the amount of salt affects the boiling time of water, the investigator will have one trial, or control group, that s/he will have a pot with NO salt to compare the results to. 3. Control Group (Control) Example
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  • Any factor that stays the same in an experiment. 4. Controlled Variable (Constant)
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  • When testing how the amount of salt affects the boiling time of water, the pot, the amount of water, the amount of heat, are all controlled variables or constants because they stay the same. 4. Controlled Variable (Constant) Example
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  • Facts or figures to be processed; evidence, records, statistics, etc. from which conclusions can be inferred 5. Data
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  • When calculating the speed of a marble down a slope, you must record the following data: The time (start/finish) and the distance traveled. 5. Data example
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  • A drawing/image showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something (or some process). 6. Diagram
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  • 6. Diagram Example When trying to understand the phases of the moon, it was nice to have a diagram showing each phase, the amount of sunlight reflected, and the name of each phase so I could picture it in my mind.
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  • 7. Experiment A scientific process to make a discovery, test a hypothesis or demonstrate an event.
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  • 7. Experiment Example In trying to determine why my tomato plants keep dying, I decided to experiment with the type of soil I planted them in. I hypothesized that sand was perhaps the least fertile soil, so my experiment will help in understanding.
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  • A tentative explanation that can be tested and is based on observation and/or scientific knowledge gained from research. 8. Hypothesis
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  • If the amount of fertilizer given to a plant is increased, then the growth of the plant will increase because fertilizer provides plants with the nutrients it needs. 8. Hypothesis Example
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  • INFERENCES use observations to draw conclusions about a given situation. They can change as more observations are gathered. 9. Inference
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  • I observe that when I place 2 drops of iodine on baking powder, it changes to a deep purple color. My inference is a chemical reaction occurred (it IS a chemical change). 9. Inference Example
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  • 10. Investigation A study, examination, or research of a topic.
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  • Currently, fox news is reporting that police are investigating a crime scene in the area to determine what happened. 10. Investigation Example
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  • A number (including a unit) defining a quantity of something. 11. Measurement
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  • A student needed to know how much string to cut in order to perform her experiment, so she had to accurately measure 20 centimeters with a ruler. 11. Measurement Example
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  • The factor in an experiment that is changed by the Test Variable. 12. Outcome Variable (Dependent Variable or Responding Variable)
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  • When testing how the amount of salt affects the boiling time of water, the amount of salt affects the time it takes the water to boil. The time the water takes to boil is the outcome variable. 12. Outcome Variable (Dependent Variable or Responding Variable) Example
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  • A prediction forecasts the outcome of an experiment, but does not include an explanation. 13 Prediction
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  • I predict that fertilizer will help plants grow taller over time; I think they will do very well in the sunlight. 13 Prediction -Example
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  • Repetition occurs when the ORIGINAL investigator repeats an investigation. The same results must be obtained for the original results to be reliable. 14. Repetition (of an experiment)
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  • When calculating the speed of a marble down a slope, one investigator must repeat multiple trials and collect similar, if not same, results. 14. Repetition (of an experiment) Example
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  • Replication occurs when other scientists use similar methods to conduct a similar investigation and obtain similar results. 15. Replication (of an experiment)
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  • When calculating the speed of a marble down a slope, the same results must be replicated by ALL investigators for the results to be reliable. 15. Replication (of an experiment) example
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  • 16. Scientific law A statement describing something. It is based on continual testing and it is implied that the same conditions are always constant. Laws tell us what happens (descriptions; can be math).
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  • 16. Scientific Law Explanation Newtons third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; there is no explanation why, it is simply stated and you can kick a ball with forward movement from your foot, yet the ball will move the opposite of that motion.
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  • 17. Scientific Model A representation of an object or system.
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  • 17. Scientific Model Example A globe is a model of planet earth.
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  • 18. Scientific Problem When an observation is made that goes against an accepted scientific idea, theory, or law.
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  • 18. Scientific Problem Example It was once thought the world was flat. Once evidence started collecting showing otherwise, people began questioning and a scientific problem began!
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  • 19. Scientific Theory An explanation of a natural or physical phenomenon based on proven MULTIPLE hypotheses and verified MULTIPLE times by independent researchers. Often include laws in order to prove points. Theories examine what happens and tell us how and why it happens (explanations).
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  • 19. Scientific Theory Example The Big Bang Theory explains how the universe arrived at its present state (expansion). It includes an abundance of data in order to explain how and why the universe is expanding.
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  • What one has described using senses or measurement instruments. Systematic Observations are those made to ensure validity of an experiment (Primarily Quantitative Observations). 20. Observation/Systematic Observation
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  • When I dropped a small amount of iodine on to baking powder, I observed that it turned purple. 20. Observation/Systematic Observation example
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  • The factor in an experiment that the investigator chooses to change or monitor intentionally. 21. Test Variable (Independent Variable or Manipulating Variable)
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  • When testing how the amount of salt affects the boiling time of water, the investigator is intentionally changing the amount of salt in the water; Amount of salt is the test variable. 21. Test Variable (Independent Variable or Manipulating Variable) Example
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  • A testable experiment is one that can actually be investigated. *There is enough knowledge and technology in order to perform a test. 22. Testable (scientifically testable) (Testability)
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  • Whenever you create a hypothesis, it must be testable and you must be able to analyze it with current technology. 22. Testable (scientifically testable) (Testability) Example
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  • During an experiment, each time you perform a test, it is called a trial. Scientific investigations should both have repeated trials and be replicable 23. Trials
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  • When calculating the speed of a marble down a slope, an investigator must perform more than one trial in order to have reliable results. 23. Trials Example
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  • The quality of being correct or true 24. Valid (Validity)
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  • An experiment is only valid if it has been established that there is only ONE test variable. 24. Valid (Validity) Example
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  • TESTABILITY, ACCURACY, VALIDITY, and RELIABILITY Whats the Difference, and why are they important?
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  • Testable (Testability) * Can the hypothesis be supported or falsified through experimentation? *Does current science provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and technology to perform the experiment? *Do you, as a seventh/eighth grade student, have the necessary knowledge, skills, and technology to perform the experiment? *Can the hypothesis be supported or falsified through research of the existing body of science?
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  • Accurate (Accuracy) *Are measurements taken correctly? *Are materials and equipment utilized correctly? *Is equipment functioning properly? *Is correct procedure followed?
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  • Valid (Validity) * Are steps taken to keep all variables constant (constants) except the one being manipulated (the independent variable)? *Is a control utilized to detect hidden variables (unanticipated causes)? *Are hidden variables detected that could change the observed response (the dependent variable)?
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  • Reliable (Reliability) *Can the experiment be repeated multiple times with the same results? *Is the experiment replicable by other scientists with the same resulting outcome?