Organizing you Chapter for Success

Organizing you Chapter for Success How to exploit strengths and eliminate weaknesses of your local chapter LT Dan Hammer, DC, USN, 2010-11 District 11 Trustee Mike Pappas, District 6 Trustee


Organizing you Chapter for Success. How to exploit strengths and eliminate weaknesses of your local chapter. LT Dan Hammer, DC, USN, 2010-11 District 11 Trustee Mike Pappas, District 6 Trustee. "Change is the only constant."
 - Heraclitus How is the world changing?. Where are we going. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Organizing you Chapter for Success

  • Organizing you Chapter for SuccessHow to exploit strengths and eliminate weaknesses of your local chapter

    LT Dan Hammer, DC, USN, 2010-11 District 11 TrusteeMike Pappas, District 6 Trustee

  • "Change is the only constant."-Heraclitus

    How is the world changing?

  • Where are we goingLeading vs. Managing changeKotters 8-Step process for Leading ChangeCase examples at chapter level

    Small group breakouts to begin evaluation of your own chapter using models discussed



  • Leading vs. Managing Change

  • Leading ChangeEstablishing a sense of urgencyCreating a guiding coalitionDeveloping a change visionCommunicating the vision for change

  • Leading ChangeEmpowering broad-based actionGenerate short-term winsNever let upIncorporate change into your culture

  • Step 1: Create a Sense of UrgencyTrue vs. False Urgency

    How to battle complacency

  • Step 2: Creating the Guiding CoalitionThe Four Qualities of an Effective Guiding Coalition1. Position Power2. Expertise3. Credibility4. Leadership

  • Step 3: Developing a Change VisionCharacteristics of effective visions:ImaginableDesirableFeasibleFocusedFlexibleCommunicable

  • Step 4:Communicating the VisionTo ensure as many people as possible understand your vision, you must make the vision SimpleVividRepeatableInvitational

  • Step 5: Empowering Broad-Based ActionRemoving as many barriers (structural and managerial) as possible and allowing people to do their best work

  • Step 6: Generating Short-term WinsCreating visible, unambiguous success as soon as possible

  • Step 7: Dont Let Up!Consolidate gains and produce more change

  • Step 8: Make it Stick!Anchoring new approaches in the culture for sustained change

  • Ohio State: A model for changeChapter had no real leadership structureInitiatives and resources were not utilized to fulfill a visionA few individuals did all of the workNo urgency!!

  • Focusing our effortsStep one Defined the vision to be the best ASDA chapter in the countrySimpleFlexibleFocusedRepeatable

  • How to get thereCreated a formal leadership structureDefined positions, procedures, and their responsibilitiesExecutive council (elected)Committee chairs (appointed)Committee members (appointed)Each EC member was responsible for 3-4 committee chairsInitially each leader was selectively recruited

  • Ohio State: Creating UrgencyDefined why the chapters success matteredCited real life issues facing students todayEarned the student bodys trustASDA is the expert on issues facing students and the dental professionSustained urgency through effective communication

  • Starting SmallOutlined short, mid, and long term goalsEach initiative was intended to create membership valueFocused on building a sustainable model one initiative at timeSustainability!!!Enhanced events we did wellEliminated those that did not serve the chapters visionAdded events one at a time

  • Facilitating SuccessWorked with school administrationCultivated IdeasCollaboration

  • CommunicationEvery member must be aware of ASDAs activitiesDocumentationWrite ups following events disclosing details for planning and executionSpread the wordOne on one interactionsTell your friendsClass announcements

    *Leaders were chosen based onKnowledgeLeadership abilitiesHow other students/members would view them in this role

    *Effective communications: Email updates, Lunch and learns, Created a newsletter, Website, Facebook

    *Added events one at a time: Brought in new committee chairs/members as needed for these new rolesPut efforts towards events that involved many members

    *Working with school defined goals and what help they could provide, explained why it was important that we succeed and kept the communication lines open. Cultivated ideas meetings provided open forum for any member to bring ideas, expected to devise plan (costs, number of people, supplies), committed resources to approved ideasCollaboration other student organizations*Awareness social media, e-newsletter, print newsletter, banners around schoolDocumentation provides historical perspective*