Organize a Cafe Numerique City: Rules - Before you start

Organize a CafE NumErique City Rules - Before you start Café Numérique, sprl RueDuWeb - Rue Emile Francqui 1/4 B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert Belgium [email protected]


Our mission is to promote new technologies and innovation to the largest number possible in an informal atmosphere. We do events about new technologies in a wide range of fields: Art, health, entertainment, business, etc. All our events are free and open to anyone. The real value in a Café Numérique is about quality debates, online or offline interactions, reaching out new people in an informal atmosphere. In very short: “Learn, Network, Enjoy”.

Transcript of Organize a Cafe Numerique City: Rules - Before you start

Page 1: Organize a Cafe Numerique City: Rules - Before you start

Organize a CafE NumErique CityRules - Before you start

Café Numérique, sprl

RueDuWeb - Rue Emile Francqui 1/4 B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert Belgium

[email protected]

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CafE NumErique

Our mission is to promote new technologies and innovation to the largest number possible in an informal


We do events about new technologies in a wide range of fields: Art, health, entertainment, business, etc.

All our events are free and open to anyone.

The real value in a Café Numérique is about quality debates, online or offline interactions, reaching out new

people in an informal atmosphere.

In very short: “Learn, Network, Enjoy”.

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CafE NumErique Central

Café Numérique Central’s missions are various, among them:

• standardize the values of Café Numérique

• coordinate uses and practices between chapters

• assure brand coherence

• expand the Café Numérique brand

The Café Numérique Central is the management team composed of Jeremy Corman, Samuel Piroton, Gaetan

Dhont and Christophe Gillard. Café Numérique Central is a constituted company, the SPRL Café Numérique.

Chris Gaetan Jeremy Sam

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CafE NumErique City

Café Numérique City, or Chapter, is the extension of the Café Numérique’s mission in a City.

Café Numérique is the global support which enables local community leaders to organize events about technology

and innovation, accessible to anyone, in an atmosphere arousing knowledge exchanges and networking.

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CafE NumErique City LICENCE

Brand positioning: “Tech events between the bar and the conference”

Value proposition: Learn, Enjoy, Network

Access to the Café Numérique City’s license is free and open to everyone under the following conditions:

• The organization team’s application is approved by Café Numérique Central

• You must be a team of minimum 2 people, ideally 4 people.

• Organize a minimum of 8 events per year

• Commit to respect the following 3 pilars and 9 golden rules in application (next slides)

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Pilar 1 - Theme: Technology and innovation


Access (& promotion)

Pilar 2 - Free and open to everyone



Pilar 3 - Promote exchanges between participants / speakers / internet users


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Pilar 1 -Theme: Technology and innovation

• Logo and corporate identity

• Name of the chapter and itemization of it (social networks)

• Protect users and participants data


Pilar 2 - Free and open to everyone

• Respect specific conditions of local and global sponsorship

• Use of social networks

• Use of website and Eventbrite


Pilar 3 - Promote exchanges between participants / speakers / internet users

• Length: Introduction (max 4 minutes) / speakers (max 20 minutes)

• Q & A / live tweets

• Wifi available to public / social media wall


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3 Pilars / 9 golden rules: story

Based on global trends, the 3 pilars (Content / Promotion / Animation) are the key elements which support the success of

conferences and “social mixer events”. More info [FRENCH]

9 golden rules support our value proposition in order to:

• help organization teams with the best practices tested hundreds of times

• keep the originial aspects of the basic concept while progressing with time (cf. interview Vincent & Zoltan [FRENCH])

The value withdrawn from organizing a Café Numérique:

• play a key role in the development of a tech community in your city

• join a passionate and growing network

• meet amazing people

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Café Numérique, sprl

RueDuWeb - Rue Emile Francqui 1/4 B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert

[email protected]

TVA BE 0509.992.247 RPM Nivelles