Organic derivatives of antimony. By W. G. Christiansen. American chemical society monograph series....

CHEhUSTRY AND INDUSTRY 88 1 Allg. 21,1016 REVIEWS ORoANIC DERIVATIVES OF ANTLJIOXY. By \v. G. CHRISTUNSEX. Ainerican Clieiuicnl Socicty Monograpli Scries. Pp. 230. NCW Pork : Tho Clicmical Cntnlog Co., Jnc., 19%. Tb stated nini of thc scrics of nionogrnplis isumd under tlic ngis of tlic Anicricnn Chcniicnl Society, to wvliich this rolunic is tlic latcst ndtlition, is two- fold. Thc prcscntntion of tlic clioscii topic in nn iiitclligible aiid rcnclnblc form to tlic incspcrt, nncl tlic proniotioii of rcsenrch iii tlic subject corcrcd by thc monograph, by furiiisliiiig n \vcll-tligcstcd siirrcy. Tho prcscnt volunic is writtcn by n well-kiioivii Aincrican workcr in tlic field of nrsciiicnls nncl niiti- monials. Thc first linlf of tlic book is dcrotccl to a gcncrnl discussion, introducctl by n liistoriciil outliiic of tlic subject, of tlic gcncrnl iiietliotls of prcpnrcition and constitution of tlic niaiii bulk of organic antimony compounds ~vlictlicr tlic nntimony bc dhvctly linkcd to carbon or virr osygcn or sulpliur to carbon. Thc wcontl portion dcnls with a dctnilcd dcscriptioii of tlic coinpoiiiids, tlic final clinptcr bcing dcvotccl to nictliods of cstimntion of antiinony. Tliis division of tlic subject is n \vclcoiiic fcnturc of tlic roluriic arid is i.cndercd possiblc by tlic compnrntirclg small ficltl of niitinioiiy compounds. Aiiothcr nttrnctivc fcntuir iq the inclusion of two chnptcis on aiitiiiioiiyl dcrimtivcs, cstcrs of nntimoniorrs ncids, HO.Sb:O, the most iriiportniit niembcr of which is tnrtnr- ciiictic. Indccd tlicir oniissioii in any conipivhcnsivcr tmntisc ivns 1111 tliinknblc, for, altliougli little is ktioivr, of tlic ruccliaiiisin of tlicrnpcutic nctioii of niitinioiiy coiiipouiids, i t sccnis iiot unliltcly from tlic work of Yocgtliii niid his nssociutcs on tlic motlc of nctioii of niscnicnls that tlic lncclinnisni hem is similar, bcing tluc to the clicniicnl rcnctivity of thc nnsccnt trivnlcnt organic aiitinioiiy osido iii thc cnsc of thc C-Sb compounds nncl of niitiiiionious osidc in tlic cnsc of thc C-0-Sb compounds. Bctwccn thc two Sialvcs of tlic book is sniidwichcd a chnptcr by C. C. Shnttuck, NU., on Aiitiiiioiiinls ns ‘l‘licrnpcutic Agcnts.” This is well donc and ninply justifies its inclusion. Oiic would, lio\vcrcr, Iiaw likcd to linrc sccii morc stress Inid upon tho tletcrminntion of tlic cliciiiothcrnpcutic indcs, C/T, tlic ratio of tlic minimum curntivc dosc to tlic iiinsiiiiiini tolcrntcd dosc, as this indcs, introduccd by Elirlicli, is the fuiitlniiieiitnl standby of the wor1;cr in cliciiiotlicrapy. Uctwccn this chnptcr lllltl tlrc 1vst of tlic book tl1crc is (I lnclc of co-orclinntion ; rcndcrs nrc a t a loss to I;iio\v wliicli niitiiiiony conipoiinds Iinvc liitlicrto gained tlic grcntcst nicnsurc of tlicrnpcutic succcss. Thus tlicrc is no iiiciition of tlic trcidc iiniiics, stibciiyl or stibncctin, niirl sulplioforin, substnnccs wliich linrc gniiicd a ccrtnin notoricty ns rcputctl specifics in ccrtniii discnscs. ‘l‘lic stntciiiciit nlso, appnrcntly on tho basis of pn tcnt spccificntioiis, tlint nrsciio- stibiiio compounds, ArAs=SbAr, posscss iiinrkccl trj~miocirlnl nctivity, iiccds sonic qunlificntioii. Aitliough 110 clnitii is ~iindc tlint tlic trcntlc iy exhaustive, in a siibjcct so compnrativcly rcstrictcd ns tho orgniiic compounds of ailtiuiony, it sliould iiot la diflicult to inclutlc cvcrytliing. Tlicrc ~IW 110 notnblc oniissioiis, but oiic curious lnpso is tlic Pricc $3.0. abscncc of nny niention of Norgnn and Alickletli- wnitk prcpnratioii of tribcnzylstibinedichloridc and oxidc (Proc. Chcm. Soc., 1912, GS). Of misprints tlicrc arc fcw, but they am iiurnntcrial to tlie general scnsc. A coninion error in many publicntions nnd found in this oiic is Uacycr 205 instcntl of Bnycr 205. Of niivlcntliiig errors which should bc corrcctcd in futiirc cclitioiis tlicrc arc two ; oiic is tlic rcprcsci!t- ation of tlic N1I group of tlic glyoxnlinc nucleus in glyosaliiic niitiinonyl tartmtc as Iinviiig acquired tlic ncitlic liytlrogcri cinring salt fornintion, wlicrcns it is i.cll known that tlic NH group of glyosalino is ncitlic and that it is tlic Imic doubly bound tcrting nitrogen atotii which tnltcs on tlic nmnioniuin form. The sccond is tlic rupmscntntioti of thc prccipitatc fornicd wlirn tniiiiic ncid nnd tartar-emetic arc iiiiscd and wliicli Iiappcns to correspond to thc forniuln Cl,€I,(SbO)O, ns n dcfinitc compound of niitirnoiiioiis nciti nntl at-tlignllic ncid. Fischcr and Prcudcnbcrg’s work on tlic csnniinntion aiid synthcciis of tnnnins hns long rulctl out siicli n siniplc sup- position. Rcvicwctl ns a wliolc tlic book is nttrnctivc niid tlic coiitcnts bear cridencc of iniicli cnrcful tliouglit nnd labour. It will tnkc its placc as ttic stniitlarrl tmntisc on organic ntitinioiiy conipoiinds, niitl sliould prove uscful to thc professor in want of ‘* stutlcnt escr- ciscs,” stiniiilnting to t1io.w in wnrcli of fields for tho application of clectroiiic thcorics, nncl invnluablc to tho nclvnnccd rcscarcli worker wlictlicr in tlic cloniain of piirc clicniistry or engaged in clicmo- t hcrnpcut icn 1 in\-estign t ion HAROLI) Kna TIIE Pm-sxc-aL Cire~is~nr- OF IGKEOUS lioclc Foam- TIOS. -- Ocnrrnl Discussion licld by tlic Farndny Society, tho Gcologicnl Socicty, and thc Jlincml- ogicnl Society, October, 1024. Pp. 415-501. London : Fnrcitliiy Society, 19%. Pricc (is. (id. Tho gciicral discussioii on thc pliysicnl chemistry of igncous rock fornintioii held by tlic tlirce nlovc- iiicntioiicd socictics, has now bccn publislicd in sel~nratc form Unlikc sonic syiiiposin, it rcprcscats a rcnl step forivnrtl in our laiowletlgc of thc subject undcr discussion, nntl tlic claim of pctrology to rniik ns tlic natural-history Imiicli of physicnl clicmistry was tliorouglily justified. Sir J. S. J’lctt opcncd tlic discussion with nu illriiiiiiintiiig account of tIic early rcsrurclics on tlic pliysicnl cliciiiistry of igneous rocks froiii thosc of Sir Jnnics linll nntl Crcgory Wntt, tlirougli tlic iiiincrnl syntlicscs of tlic mid-iiiiictt~ciitli cciitury, to Foiiqub and Ldvy, JIorozcwicz, Doelter, and Vogt. Hc also gnvc IL gciicrnl dcscriptioii of tlic niorlcrn rcscarclics of tlic Gcophysiciil Lnborntory a t \\%sIiing- ton. Dr. C. JV, ‘l’yrrcll followed with a rcvicw of rcccnt work on tlic din’crcntintion nnd origin of igncous rocks with spcciol nttcntion to crystnllisntion- clilTcrciitintioii and tlic rcnction-principle, ns espoundcrl by Dr. N. I,. Bowvcn niid his nssocintcs of tho Gcopliysicnl Lnborntory, niid ns cscniplificd by tlic work of ~iiniiy Coiitbiciitnl hircstigutors. Tho iicst pnpcr wns by Yrofcssor 1’. Niggli, of Ziirich, wvlio tlcnlt with liouiogciicous cqniihria in

Transcript of Organic derivatives of antimony. By W. G. Christiansen. American chemical society monograph series....

CHEhUSTRY AND INDUSTRY 88 1 Allg. 21,1016


ORoANIC DERIVATIVES OF ANTLJIOXY. By \v. G. CHRISTUNSEX. Ainerican Clieiuicnl Socicty Monograpli Scries. Pp. 230. NCW Pork : Tho Clicmical Cntnlog Co., Jnc., 19%.

Tb stated nini of thc scrics of nionogrnplis isumd under tlic ngis of tlic Anicricnn Chcniicnl Society, to wvliich this rolunic is tlic latcst ndtlition, is two- fold. Thc prcscntntion of tlic clioscii topic in nn iiitclligible aiid rcnclnblc form to tlic incspcrt, nncl tlic proniotioii of rcsenrch iii tlic subject corcrcd by thc monograph, by furiiisliiiig n \vcll-tligcstcd siirrcy.

Tho prcscnt volunic is writtcn by n well-kiioivii Aincrican workcr in tlic field of nrsciiicnls nncl niiti- monials. Thc first linlf of tlic book is dcrotccl to a gcncrnl discussion, introducctl by n liistoriciil outliiic of tlic subject, of tlic gcncrnl iiietliotls of prcpnrcition and constitution of tlic niaiii bulk of organic antimony compounds ~vlictlicr tlic nntimony bc dhvctly linkcd to carbon or virr osygcn or sulpliur to carbon. Thc wcontl portion dcnls with a dctnilcd dcscriptioii of tlic coinpoiiiids, tlic final clinptcr bcing dcvotccl to nictliods of cstimntion of antiinony. Tliis division of tlic subject is n \vclcoiiic fcnturc of tlic roluriic arid is i.cndercd possiblc by tlic compnrntirclg small ficltl of niitinioiiy compounds. Aiiothcr nttrnctivc fcntuir iq the inclusion of two chnptcis on aiitiiiioiiyl dcrimtivcs, cstcrs of nntimoniorrs ncids, HO.Sb:O, the most iriiportniit niembcr of which is tnrtnr- ciiictic. Indccd tlicir oniissioii in any conipivhcnsivcr tmntisc ivns 1111 tliinknblc, for, altliougli little is ktioivr, of tlic ruccliaiiisin of tlicrnpcutic nctioii of niitinioiiy coiiipouiids, i t sccnis iiot unliltcly from tlic work of Yocgtliii niid his nssociutcs on tlic motlc of nctioii of niscnicnls that tlic lncclinnisni hem is similar, bcing tluc to the clicniicnl rcnctivity of thc nnsccnt trivnlcnt organic aiitinioiiy osido iii thc cnsc of thc C-Sb compounds nncl of niitiiiionious osidc in tlic cnsc of thc C-0-Sb compounds. Bctwccn thc two Sialvcs of tlic book is sniidwichcd a chnptcr by C. C. Shnttuck, N U . , on “ Aiitiiiioiiinls ns ‘l‘licrnpcutic Agcnts.” This is well donc and ninply justifies its inclusion. Oiic would, lio\vcrcr, Iiaw likcd to linrc sccii morc stress Inid upon tho tletcrminntion of tlic cliciiiothcrnpcutic indcs, C/T, tlic ratio of tlic minimum curntivc dosc to tlic iiinsiiiiiini tolcrntcd dosc, as this indcs, introduccd by Elirlicli, is the fuiitlniiieiitnl standby of the wor1;cr in cliciiiotlicrapy. Uctwccn this chnptcr lllltl tlrc 1vst of tlic book tl1crc is (I lnclc of co-orclinntion ; rcndcrs nrc a t a loss to I;iio\v wliicli niitiiiiony conipoiinds Iinvc liitlicrto gained tlic grcntcst nicnsurc of tlicrnpcutic succcss. Thus tlicrc is no iiiciition of tlic trcidc iiniiics, stibciiyl or stibncctin, niirl sulplioforin, substnnccs wliich linrc gniiicd a ccrtnin notoricty ns rcputctl specifics in ccrtniii discnscs. ‘l‘lic stntciiiciit nlso, appnrcntly on tho basis of pn tcnt spccificntioiis, tlint nrsciio- stibiiio compounds, ArAs=SbAr, posscss iiinrkccl trj~miocirlnl nctivity, iiccds sonic qunlificntioii.

Aitliough 110 clnitii is ~i indc tlint tlic trcntlc iy exhaustive, in a siibjcct so compnrativcly rcstrictcd ns tho orgniiic compounds of ailtiuiony, it sliould iiot l a diflicult to inclutlc cvcrytliing. Tlicrc ~ I W 110 notnblc oniissioiis, but oiic curious lnpso is tlic

Pricc $3.0.

abscncc of nny niention of Norgnn and Alickletli- wnitk prcpnratioii of tribcnzylstibinedichloridc and oxidc (Proc. Chcm. Soc., 1912, GS). Of misprints tlicrc arc fcw, but they am iiurnntcrial to tlie general scnsc. A coninion error in many publicntions nnd found in this oiic is Uacycr 205 instcntl of Bnycr 205. Of niivlcntliiig errors which should bc corrcctcd in futiirc cclitioiis tlicrc arc two ; oiic is tlic rcprcsci!t- ation of tlic N1I group of tlic glyoxnlinc nucleus in glyosaliiic niitiinonyl tartmtc as Iinviiig acquired tlic ncitlic liytlrogcri cinring salt fornintion, wlicrcns i t is i.cll known that tlic NH group of glyosalino is ncitlic and that it is tlic Imic doubly bound tcrting nitrogen atotii which tnltcs on tlic nmnioniuin form. The sccond is tlic rupmscntntioti of thc prccipitatc fornicd wlirn tniiiiic ncid nnd tartar-emetic arc iiiiscd and wliicli Iiappcns to correspond to thc forniuln Cl,€I,(SbO)O, ns n dcfinitc compound of niitirnoiiioiis nciti nnt l at-tlignllic ncid. Fischcr and Prcudcnbcrg’s work on tlic csnniinntion aiid synthcciis of tnnnins hns long rulctl out siicli n siniplc sup- position.

Rcvicwctl ns a wliolc tlic book is nttrnctivc niid tlic coiitcnts bear cridencc of iniicli cnrcful tliouglit nnd labour. It will tnkc its placc as ttic stniitlarrl tmntisc on organic ntitinioiiy conipoiinds, niitl sliould prove uscful to thc professor in want of ‘* stutlcnt escr- ciscs,” stiniiilnting to t1io.w in wnrcli of fields for tho application of clectroiiic thcorics, nncl invnluablc to tho nclvnnccd rcscarcli worker wlictlicr in tlic cloniain of piirc clicniistry or engaged in clicmo- t hcrnpcut icn 1 in\-estign t ion


TIIE Pm-sxc-aL C i r e ~ i s ~ n r - OF IGKEOUS lioclc Foam- TIOS. - - Ocnrrnl Discussion licld by tlic Farndny Society, tho Gcologicnl Socicty, and thc Jlincml- ogicnl Society, October, 1024. Pp. 415-501. London : Fnrcitliiy Society, 19%. Pricc (is. (id.

Tho gciicral discussioii on thc pliysicnl chemistry of igncous rock fornintioii held by tlic tlirce nlovc- iiicntioiicd socictics, has now bccn publislicd in sel~nratc form Unlikc sonic syiiiposin, i t rcprcscats a rcnl step forivnrtl in our laiowletlgc of thc subject undcr discussion, nntl tlic claim of pctrology to rniik ns tlic natural-history Imiicli of physicnl clicmistry was tliorouglily justified.

Sir J. S. J’lctt opcncd tlic discussion with nu illriiiiiiintiiig account of tIic early rcsrurclics on tlic pliysicnl cliciiiistry of igneous rocks froiii thosc of Sir Jnnics l inl l nntl Crcgory Wntt, tlirougli tlic iiiincrnl syntlicscs of tlic mid-iiiiictt~ciitli cciitury, to Foiiqub and Ldvy, JIorozcwicz, Doelter, and Vogt. Hc also gnvc IL gciicrnl dcscriptioii of tlic niorlcrn rcscarclics of tlic Gcophysiciil Lnborntory a t \\%sIiing- ton. Dr. C. JV, ‘l’yrrcll followed with a rcvicw of rcccnt work on tlic din’crcntintion nnd origin of igncous rocks with spcciol nttcntion to crystnllisntion- clilTcrciitintioii and tlic rcnction-principle, ns espoundcrl by Dr. N. I,. Bowvcn niid his nssocintcs of tho Gcopliysicnl Lnborntory, niid ns cscniplificd by tlic work of ~iiniiy Coiitbiciitnl hircstigutors.

Tho iicst pnpcr wns by Yrofcssor 1’. Niggli, of Ziirich, wvlio tlcnlt with liouiogciicous cqniihria in