Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules

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Transcript of Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through February 15, 2014



    DIVISION 200



    C!" R#$%&(

    This eneral !chedule "rescribes minimum retention "eriods for "ublic records created and maintainedby the cities of Oregon# Retention "eriods a""ly to the record co"y of all "ublic records, regardless ofmedium or "hysical format, created or stored by the above s"ecified agencies# $lease note thee%ce"tions to this eneral !chedule listed in OAR 1&&'0(0'002) before dis"osing of records#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005 ' 1+2#1)0 (5)#.05 ' (5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0.


    A)*(!&+!# R#$%&(

    1 A$!!" +* R%%) S$#./* +* R#(#&+!%* R#$%&( Records document scheduling andreservations related to "ublic "artici"ation in and use of various city activities, events, classes, and

    meeting rooms# -ncludes schedules, logs, lists, re3uests, and similar records# ! A!O $artici"antRegistration and Attendance Records and $ar6 and Facility 7se $ermits in the $ar6s and Recreationsection for records documenting "ublic use of services or facilities for 8hich formal registrations or"ermits are re3uired# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    2 A$!!" R#%&!(, G#*#&+/ :aily, 8ee6ly, monthly, or similar re"orts other than annual re"ortsdocumenting the activities of city em"loyees# 7seful for com"iling annual re"orts, "lanning andbudgeting, monitoring 8or6 "rogress and other "ur"oses# 7sually trac6s ty"e of activity, em"loyeesand;or volunteers involved, time s"ent on activity, 8or6 com"leted, and related information in narrativeor statistical form# ! A!O rant Records in the Financial'eneral section for re"orts documentingactivities directly related to "ro

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    9inimum retention* $ermanent#

    5 C%)).*$+!%* L%(ogs document communications made or received through a variety ofelectronic devices, including but not limited to tele"hone, smart "hone, facsimile fa%, radio,com"uter'aided dis"atch, "ager, and telety"e, A@: are not other8ise s"ecified in the city generalrecords retention schedule OAR 1&& :ivision 200# ogged information may include time, date anddis"osition of communication, name of caller, number called or received, and action ta6en# ! A!O

    >orres"ondence in this section# 9inimum retention* 1 year

    & C%&(%*#*$# R#$%&( that* 1# document communications created or received by an agencyA@: 2# directly relate to an agency "rogram or agency administration A@: (# are not other8ises"ecified in the >ity eneral Records Retention !chedule OAR 1&&'200 or in OR! 1+2#1)0# Recordsmay include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicateformal a""rovals, directions for action, and information about contracts, "urchases, grants, "ersonneland "articular "roity eneral Records Retention !chedule#>ommunications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed#

    ) D#( C+/#*+&( +* N%!#(Records document "lanning, scheduling, and similar actions related to

    meetings, a""ointments, tri"s, visits, and other activities# -ncludes calendars, a""ointment boo6s, notes,tele"hone messages, diaries, and similar records, regardless of format# :e"ending on content, sometele"hone messages and similar records may merit inclusion in related "rogram or "ro

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    years after 6ey is turned in#

    1( L%"(! R#$%&(Records document lobbyist and lobbyist em"loyer activities and are used tore"ort to these activities to the Oregon overnment thics >ommission# Records may include but arenot limited to e%"enditure re"orts, registration statements, termination records, guidelines, andcorres"ondence# 9inimum retention* a Retain e%"enditure re"orts 4 years b Retain all other records5 years after last activity

    14 M+/* L(!(ists com"iled to facilitate billing, community outreach, and other functions in thecity# -nformation usually includes name of individual or grou", address, name and title of contact"erson, "hone number, comments, and similar data# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    15 M##!* R#$%&(, B%+&, C%))((%*, +* C%))!!## Records document the "roceedings ofcity boards, commissions, tas6 forces, committees, advisory councils, and other similar grou"s, asdescribed in OregonDs $ublic 9eetings a8 OR! 1+2#&10 to 1+2#)10# Records may include minutes,agendas, e%hibits, resolutions, staff re"orts, inde%es, "etitions, audio or visual recordings,corres"ondence, and related documentation# 9inimum retention* a 9inutes= e%ce"t e%ecutivesession minutes, agendas, resolutions, inde%es, and e%hibits not retained "ermanently else8here incity records "ermanently b %ecutive session minutes, retain 10 years c Audio or visual recordings

    1 year after minutes "re"ared and a""roved d Other records and e%hibits not "ertinent to minutes,retain 5 years#

    1& M##!* R#$%&(, G%#&** B%"= Records document the "roceedings of any regularlyscheduled, s"ecial, e%ecutive session, or emergency meeting of any governing body, as described inOregonDs $ublic 9eetings a8 OR! 1+2#&10 to 1+2#)10 that is under city

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    elected officials or senior administrative "ersonnel, and others# Also may include ne8s releasesannouncing routine events or actions carried out 8ithin the sco"e of e%isting city "olicies# !omereleases may merit inclusion in a""licable related record series e#g#, -ncident >ase Files, Fire-nvestigation Records, etc## 9inimum retention* a $olicy and historic ne8s releases, retain"ermanently b Routine ne8s releases, retain 2 years#

    20 N%!+&" 8./$ L% B%% Records document the notarial transactions com"leted by a notary

    "ublic em"loyed by the city# >ities may retain log boo6s by agreement 8ith the notary "ublic after theirse"aration from city em"loyment# >ities retaining notary "ublic log boo6s 8ithout notary agreementsshould consult their city attorney and;or the !ecretary of !tate, >or"oration :ivision for retentioninstruction# 9inimum retention* ) years after date of commission e%"iration#

    21 O&+*:+!%*+/ R#$%&(Records document the arrangement and administrative structure of thecity government# 9ay include charts, statements, studies, and similar records# -ncludes studies todetermine the merit and feasibility of reorganiation "lans as 8ell as other ma

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    2) 8./$+!%*( Records document the "ublished records "roduced by or for the city or any of itsde"artments or "rograms and made available to the "ublic# -ncludes ne8sletters, "am"hlets, brochures,leaflets, re"orts, studies, "ro"osals, and similar "ublished records# :oes not include "ublicationsreceived from federal, state, "rivate or other sources E these "ublications and e%tra co"ies ofcity'"roduced "ublications should be retained as needed# 9inimum retention* a ?rochures,"am"hlets, and leaflets, retain until su"erseded or obsolete b One co"y of all others, retain

    "ermanently#2. R#;.#(!( +* C%)/+*!( Records document com"laints or re3uests concerning a variety of cityres"onsibilities# -nformation often includes name, "hone number, and address of "erson ma6ing re3uestor com"laint, narration of re3uest or com"laint, name of "erson res"onding to re3uest or com"laint,dates of related activities, and other data# ! A!O 3ual m"loyment O""ortunity >om"laintRecords, and rievance and >om"laint Records in the $ersonnel Records section Bater uality>om"laint Records in the $ublic Bor6s'Bater Treatment Records section and -ncident >ase Files,8hich contain la8 enforcement com"laints in the $olice Records section# ! A!O >orres"ondence,eneral in this section for routine re3uests for information or "ublications and iability >laimsRecords in the Ris6 9anagement section# 9inimum retention* 2 years after last action#

    2+ R%.!* +*

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  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    A&%&! R#$%&(

    1 A$!!" R#%&!(, A&%&!Records document various indicators of activity associated 8ith the cityair"ort# !ubFR 10)#221# %am"les include documents sho8ing the number and ty"eof firearms, e%"losives, and incendiaries discovered during any "assenger screening "rocess, and themethod of detection of each the number of acts and attem"ted acts of "iracy the number of bombthreats received, real and simulated bombs found, and actual bombings on the air"ort as 8ell as thenumber of detentions and arrests, and the immediate dis"osition of each "erson detained or arrested#! A!O -ncident >ase Files in the $olice section for records related to actual "olice re"orts filed#9inimum retention* 2 years#

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    . N++!%*+/ F+$/!#( M+*!#*+*$# +* O#&+!%* R#%&!(Records document the maintenanceand o"eration of various ty"es of air"ort navigational e3ui"ment# %am"les include non'directionalradio beacon facilities, instrument landing system facilities, sim"lified directional facilities, distancemeasuring e3ui"ment, K/F mar6er beacons, interim standard micro8ave landing system, micro8avelanding system, and others# -ncludes meter readings and adase Files contains com"laints, summons, investigations, re"orts, attorneyDs notes, "hotogra"hs, ordersand ourt of A""eals, >ircuit >ourt, and !u"reme >ourt cases# !A!O iability >laims Records in the Ris6 9anagement section# 9inimum retention* 10 years aftercase closed, dismissed, or date of last action#

    2 C&)*+/ C+(# F/#(, A!!%&*#" Records related to the "rosecution of criminal cases by theattorneyDs office# 9ay include co"ies of citations, "olice re"orts, driving records, :7-- documents andta"e recordings, com"laints, sub"oenas, motions, ourt cases# 9inimumretention* 10 years after case closed, dismissed, or date of last action#

    ( D(.!# R#(%/.!%* R#$%&(Records document "ersonnel dis"utes resolved through mediation orarbitration instead of "ursuing action through the court system# 9ay include "leadings, investigationre"orts, dis"ositions, and related records# ! A!O the $ersonnel section# 9inimum retention* (years#

    4 L+* U(# B%+& %7 A#+/( >LUBA C+(# F/#( Records document land use decisions made by

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    the city that have been a""ealed to and revie8ed by the and 7se ?oard of A""eals# 9ay include staffre"orts, land use orders, "leadings, briefs, and related records# ! A!O and 7se /earings Recordsin the $lanning and :evelo"ment section# 9inimum retention* 10 years after final decision#

    5 L#+/ O*%*(Records document formal o"inions rendered by the attorneyDs office for variouscity de"artments or the city council and the rationale for "olicy maintaining consistency in relatedissues# -nformation usually includes date, de"artment re3uesting o"inion, and the te%t of the o"inion#

    9inimum retention* $ermanent#

    & 8./$ R#$%&( D($/%(. R#;.#(! R#$%&(Records document re3uests for disclosure of "ublicrecords and "rovides a record of city res"onses# Records may include but are not limited to re3uests fordisclosure, ty"es of records re3uested, re3uest logs, notation of transfer to another district, a""rovals,denials, co"ies of "etitions to the :istrict Attorney for revie8 of denials of disclosure, :istrict AttorneyOrders to grant or deny disclosure, corres"ondence, and related documentation# 9inimum retention*a A""roved re3uests, retain 2 years b :enied re3uests, retain 2 years after last action#

    ) T%&! C/+) N%!$#( Records document the notification given to the city of "otential suits against it#OR! (0#2)5 re3uires these to be filed 8ith the city before a "otential claimant can bring certain actionsagainst the city# -nformation includes notification stating the intent to sue, "arties involved, date, the

    reason the suit is being filed, list of "arties notified, and related information# ! A!O iability>laim Records in the Ris6 9anagement section# 9inimum retention* ( years after claim closed#

    . V$!)4=!*#(( A(((!+*$# 8&%&+) R#$%&( Records document the administration ofvictim;8itness assistance "rograms# enerally includes re"orts, activity logs, e%"ense statements,records documenting state action, and related memoranda and corres"ondence# 9inimum retention* 5years#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef#12'10'0.


    B./* R#$%&(

    1 B./* A$!!" R#$%&( Re"orts or statistical com"ilations trac6ing building activity on amonthly and annual basis# 7sed to "lan budgets and staffing, as 8ell as to monitor gro8th and chartbuilding trends# 7sually trac6s number of "ermits issued, ty"e of activity, value of "roensus#9inimum retention* a Re"orts summariing activities on an annual basis, retain "ermanently b Allother re"orts, retain 2 years#

    2 B./* B%+& %7 A#+/( R#$%&( Records of a""eals to decisions made by the city staffregarding alternate building materials or methods of construction# The board inter"rets city code and

    re3uirements# Often includes staff re"orts, a""lications to a""eal, minutes, e%hibits, and relateddocumentation and corres"ondence# 9inimum retention* a 9inutes, agendas, resolutions, inde%es,and e%hibits not retained "ermanently else8here in city records, retain "ermanently b Audio orvisual recordings, retain 1 year after minutes "re"ared and a""roved c All other records and e%hibitsnot "ertinent to minutes, retain 5 years#

    ( B./* C%# V%/+!%* R#$%&( ?uilding de"artment documentation related to violations ofbuilding, electrical, sign, heating, "lumbing, and related city codes# 9ay include notices of infractions,summons, com"laints, com"liance agreements, log boo6s, com"liance information, and related

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    verifying registration by contractors 8ith the ?oard# 7sed to ensure com"liance 8ith state re3uirementsregarding insurance, bonding, etc# before the issuance of building "ermits# -ncludes registrationnumber, name of contractor, county code, ty"e of building trade, and related information# 9inimumretention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    12 U*(+7# B./* R#$%&(Records document the demolition, boarding, or other actions related tostructures determined by the city or o8ner to be unsafe# -ncludes structures determined to be unsafe

    due to the manufacture of illegal drugs# Also documents related re"airs or actions to remedydeficiencies# 7sed for reference and litigation# 7sually includes com"laints, building ins"ectionre"orts, letters to "ro"erty o8ners, and demolition documents# 9ay also include "hotogra"hs, co"ies ofcontracts and "ayment records, and related records# 9inimum retention* 5 years after final action#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A .'1++., f# cert# ef# 11'2('+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef#)'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0.


    E)#*$" M+*+#)#*! R#$%&(

    1 A/#&! +* N%!7$+!%* R#$%&(Records document any 8ritten emergency 8arnings;notificationsissued to the city from the county, the Oregon mergency 9anagement :ivision, @ational Oceanic andAtmos"heric Agency @OAA, or the Federal mergency 9anagement Agency F9A# !ubC8G +* S!+!# +* L%$+/ G.# >SLG R#$%&(Records issuedby the Federal mergency 9anagement Agency F9A to "rovide guidance to state and localagencies on a""ro"riate elements of emergency management "rograms# These guidelines 6no8n as>$s or !s "rovide mandatory "olicies and "rocedures for federally funded emergencymanagement "rograms# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    ( D(+(!#& 8+*#(( 8/+*** +* R#$%#&" R#$%&(Records document "lans and "roceduresfor the continuity of city government in the event that a maom"onents of the recovery "lan include but are not limited to "hysical "lantre"air and restoration e3ui"ment restoration electronic data restoration including ste"s to reload data,recover data, reconnect net8or6s, and reestablish tele"hone connections essential records "rotectionand related "rocedures and needs dealing 8ith ris6 management, "ublic relations, and financial issues#! A!O mergency O"erations and 9anagement $lans in this section, and mergency and :isaster-ncident Records in the Administrative section# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    4 E)#*$" E3#&$(# R#$%&(Records document emergency training e%ercises "erformed on aregular basis by the city emergency management de"artment, as re3uired by the !tate and ocal

    Assistance and mergency 9anagement Assistance $rograms# :ocumentation usually includesstatements of "ur"ose, scenario narratives, ma

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  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    obsolete b All other records, retain ( years after annual or final e%"enditure re"ort submitted#

    14 H+:+& A*+/"(( R#$%&(Records document "otential natural and man'made haards in the city#7sed to formulate emergency "lans, evaluate e%isting "lans, and for general reference# The Federalmergency 9anagement Agency F9A re3uires documentation for federally funded mergency9anagement Assistance

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    ta6en by the city against "ro"erty o8ners delin3uent on their assessment "ayments# 9ay include"ayment schedules, title re"orts, legal o"inions, resolutions, lists of "ro"erties to be sold, recei"ts,corres"ondence, memoranda, and related documents# 9inimum retention* ( years after final "ayment,redem"tion, sale, or action#

    & B+*$&%7! B%* R#$#!( Recei"ts document "ayment of "ro"erty assessments# -nformationincludes name and address of "ro"erty o8ner, ta% ma" and lot number of assessed "ro"erty, ?ancroft

    number, total "ayment made, "rinci"al amount, interest amount, outstanding balance, and related data#9inimum retention* ( years after annual audit re"ort issued#

    ) B%* A.!%&:+!%* R#$%&(Records document the authoriation to finance city im"rovementsthrough bonded indebtedness# -ncludes authoriations, su""orting financial documents, bond ratings,sam"le co"ies of bonds issued, and related records# ! A!O >ouncil Records in theRecorder'eneral section for "rimary decision documents# 9inimum retention* ( years after final"ayment#

    . B%*( I((.# R#(!#&(Registers or similar records document all city bond issues and relatedinformation# 7seful for ensuring accurate information about the overall indebtedness of the city#-nformation often includes bond number, date "aid, "lace of "ayment, maturity date, date registered,

    and related data# 9inimum retention* ( years after annual audit re"ort issued#+ 8+ B%*( +* C%.%*( Records document "aid bonds and cou"ons issued for ca"italim"rovements financed by "ro"erty ta% levies, s"ecial assessments, and city utilities user "ayments#:ebt ty"es include general obligation, s"ecial assessment, 8ater and se8er, ta% allocation, and others#The "aid canceled or redeemed bonds and cou"ons are received from "aying agents and include bondnumber, maturity date, series number, interest "ayable date, dollar amount, sale conditions, and relatedinformation# !eries includes related information contained in official transcri"ts# 9inimum retention*( years after final "ayment#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5

    /ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2001, f# cert# ef# 2'15'01 O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef#)'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0. O!A &'200+, f# cert# ef# .'2&'0+


    F*+*$+/-B.#! R#$%&(

    1 A%!# B.#! Records document the final annual financial "lan a""roved by the city council forall city e%"enditures# -nformation may include budget message, financial summaries, revenues ande%"enditures, o"erating "rograms, debt service, "osition and 8age analysis, overhead allocations,organiation charts, "revious actual and budgeted amounts, and related data# 9inimum retention*$ermanent#

    2 B.#! C%))!!## M##!* R#$%&(! 9eeting Records, ?oard, >ommission and >ommittee

    and 9eeting Records, overning ?ody in the Administrative Records section#

    ( B.#! 8+&+!%* R#$%&(Records document the "re"aration of de"artment budget re3uests"resented to the city council# -ncludes staff re"orts, budget instructions, 8or6sheets, surveys, allotmentre"orts, s"ending "lans, contingency "lans, budget "ro"osals, financial forecasting re"orts, and similarrecords# 9inimum retention* 2 years#

    4 F*+*$+/ I)+$! A*+/"(( R#$%&(Records document the financial analysis of various city"ractices# 7seful for "lanning future budget "ro"osals# Records include re"orts, studies, 8or6sheets,and similar records# !ub

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    "ermit fees, sic6 leave use analysis, and the cityDs relationshi" 8ith various utilities# 9inimumretention* ( years#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2001, f# cert# ef# 2'15'01 !A ('2002, f# cert# ef#)'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0.


    F*+*$+/-U!/!" B//* R#$%&(

    1 U!/!" A$$%.*! C+*# R#$%&( Records document routine information changes to customeraccounts# -ncludes name, address, and similar change orders for current and final accounts# 9inimumretention* 2 years#

    2 U!/!" A/$+!%*4D($%**#$! R#$%&( A""lications com"leted by customers re3uesting ordisconnecting 8ater, se8er, "o8er, garbage, or other city "rovided services# -nformation usuallyincludes customerDs name, address, and "hone number, meter information, date, and a""rovalsignatures# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    ( U!/!" B// R#)!!+*$# S!.(?ill stubs received 8ith "ayments for 8ater, se8er, "o8er, garbage,and other city "rovided services# These document recei"t and "osting of customer "ayments#-nformation usually includes account number, name, service address, "ayment received, and recei"tdate and number# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    4 U!/!" B//* A.(!)#*! R#$%&( Records document ad

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    1 A$$%.*!( 8+"+/# R#$%&(Records document "ayment of city bills for general accounts# -ncludesre"orts, invoices, statements, vouchers, "urchase orders, "ayment authoriations, recei"t records,canceled chec6s or 8arrants, and similar records# For other accounts, see >ity -m"rovementAdministrative and Financial Records in Financial'Assessment and ?onds section for documentsrelated to assessable and non'assessable city im"rovements# ! A!O rant Records in this sectionfor records documenting e%"enditure of grant funds# 9inimum retention* ( years after annual audit

    re"ort issued#2 A$$%.*!( R#$#+/# R#$%&(= Records document revenues o8ed to the city by vendors, citiens,organiations, governments, and others to be credited to general accounts# Records also documentbilling and collection of moneys# 9ay include re"orts, recei"ts, invoices, a8ards, logs, lists,summaries, statements, and similar records# -nformation often includes, recei"t amount, date, invoicenumber, name, account number, account balance, adity -m"rovement Administrative and Financial Records in the Financial'Assessment and ?ondssection for documents related to assessable and non'assessable city im"rovements# ! A!O rantRecords in this section for records documenting recei"t of grant funds# 9inimum retention* ( yearsafter collected or deemed uncollectible#

    ( A.! R#%&!(, E3!#&*+/ Records document annual audits of the financial "osition of the cityconducted by e%ternal auditors in accordance 8ith statutory re3uirements described in OR! 2+)#405through 2+)#555# !ub/ transaction or -R: & years, destroy#

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  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    the city# -nformation often includes debit, credit, and balance amounts "er account, budget, fund, andde"artment numbers, and totals for notes receivable, interest income, amounts due from other funds,federal grants received, ban6 loans received, cash in escro8, deferred loans received, cash,encumbrances, revenue, accounts receivable, accounts "ayable, and other data# ! A!O !ubsidiaryedgers this section 9inimum retention* a year'end ledgers=, retain 10 years b All other generalledger, retain 5 years#

    1& G7! +* C%*!&.!%* R#$%&(Records document gifts and contributions to the city# 9ayinclude memorial donation records related to money to be used by the city in the name of an individual#Often contains donor and ac6no8ledgment letters, ac3uisition lists itemiing "urchases made 8ithcontributed money boo6s, art, e3ui"ment, etc#, chec6s, recei"ts, and related records# 9inimumretention* a For retention of conditional gift, contribution and donation records, see >ontracts andAgreements in the Recorder'eneral section b All other records, retain ( years#

    1) G&+*! R#$%&( Records document the a""lication, evaluation, a8arding, administration,monitoring, and status of grants in 8hich the city is the reci"ient, grantor, allocator, or administrator#rants may come from federal or state governments or foundations and other "rivate funding sources#Records may include but are not limited to a""lications including "ro

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    assessment, and "ayments made# ! A!O ?ancroft ?ond Recei"ts in the Financial'Assessment and?onds section and ien Records in the Recorder eneral section# 9inimum retention* 2 years afterdate of search#

    21 8&%#&!" D(%(!%* R#$%&(Records document dis"osition of city'o8ned non'real "ro"erty,usually through "ublic auction, com"etitive bidding, or destruction# -nformation often includes date,de"artment, descri"tion of item, value, dis"osition, reason for dis"osition, condition, and authoriation#

    ! A!O Real $ro"erty Transaction Records and rant Records in this section for documents relatedto the dis"osition of real "ro"erty# 9inimum retention* ( years after dis"osition of "ro"erty#

    22 8.&$+(* R#$%&(Records document orders, authoriations, and evidence of recei"t of the"urchase of goods and services by the city# -ncludes "urchase orders and re3uests, "urchaseauthoriations, re3uisitions, contract release orders, material and cost s"ecifications, central stores or"rinting orders, tele"hone service orders, and similar records# ! A!O rant Records in this sectionfor records documenting the e%"enditure of grant funds and >ity -m"rovement Administrative andFinancial Records and >om"etitive ?id Records in this section for related "urchasing records#9inimum retention* ( years#

    2( R#+/ 8&%#&!" T&+*(+$!%* R#$%&(= Records document ac3uisitions, dis"ositions, and

    relocations of real "ro"erty and right'of'8ays by the city for urban rene8al "roity'O8ned and in theRecorder'eneral section# 9inimum retention* 10 years after substantial com"letion as defined byOR! 12#1(5(#

    24 R##*.# S+&* R#$%&(= vidence of recei"t and administration of federal and;or staterevenue sharing funds including those from state li3uor and cigarette ta%es# 7sed to trac6 ho8 fundsare s"ent, for budgeting future funds and for other uses# 9ay include transmittals, affidavits of"ublication, "lanned and actual use re"orts, su""orting documentation used to 3ualify for revenue

    sharing funds, and related records# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    25 S*+!. A.!%&:+!%* R#$%&(= Records document the authoriation of designated em"loyeesto sign fiscal and contractual documents# 7seful as an aid for management control over e%"enditures#-nformation usually includes authoriation date, name, sam"le signature, "osition, remar6s, conditions,and related data# 9inimum retention* & years after authoriation su"erseded or e%"ired#

    2& !.(+&" L##&(,

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    a""raisal assistance, contact the !tate Archivist# 9inimum retention* Records not du"licated else8herein city records, retain ( years after trust fund closed#

    2. U*$/+)# 8&%#&!" R#%&! Records Records document annual re"orts submitted to the:e"artment of !tate ands of financial assets being held for a "erson or entity that cannot be found#!eries includes /older Re"ort, o8ner information, corres"ondence and other related documents# @ote*7nclaimed "ro"erty is not real estate, abandoned "ersonal "ro"erty, or lost and found items# 9inimum

    Retention* ( years after the "ro"erty is remitted to the :e"artment of !tate ands#

    2+ V#$/# U(+# +* E3#*(# R#$%&(Records document usage and e%"ense associated 8ithcity'o8ned vehicles# 7sed for maintenance, budgeting, and "lanning# -nformation can include vehiclenumber, ma6e and model, beginning and ending mileage, driverDs name and signature, fuel used, re"airsneeded, and other data# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    (0 V#*%& L(!(ists document vendors "roviding goods and services to the city# -nformationusually includes vendor name of "erson or com"any, address, and "hone number, name of contact"erson, as 8ell as a descri"tion of goods or services "rovided# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded orobsolete#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)

    !tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2001, f# cert# ef# 2'15'01 O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef#)'2'02 O!A 2'2005, f# cert# ef# 5'10'05 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0. O!A &'200+, f# cert# ef# .'2&'0+ O!A 1'2010, f# cert# ef# 5'2)'10 O!A ('2012, f# cert# ef# 10'2+'12


    F +* E)#*$" M#$+/ S#&$#( R#$%&(

    1 A)./+*$# L$#*(* R#$%&(Records document a""lication by the city to the Oregon /ealth:ivision for licenses to o"erate ambulances# 9ay also include records related to a""lications submittedto the city by "rivate ambulance services for o"eration in cities that have ordinances regulatingambulance services as defined in OR! .20#(00 through .20#(.0# Records often include a""lications,licenses, affidavits of com"liance, certificates of insurance, bonds, and related documents# -nformationincludes name and address of city, "erson, or com"any, and a descri"tion of the ambulance, includingma6e, year, registration number, and related data# 9inimum retention* 2 years after denial, revocationor e%"iration#

    2 A.!%)%/# D(/+" 8#&)!($ermits issued to allo8 the dis"lay of automobiles or any vehicles,8hich carry fuel inside "ublic or commercial buildings# $ermits usually include date of dis"lay ore%"iration date, location, name, address, and tele"hone number of "erson or organiation re3uesting the"ermit, conditions related to the dis"lay, comments, and other information# 9inimum retention* 2years after "ermit denied, revo6ed or e%"ired#

    ( B.&** 8#&)!($ermits issued to individuals for o"en air burning 8ithin the area serviced by the

    city fire de"artment# -nformation may include name, "hone number, address, amount and location ofburn, fire "rotection e3ui"ment and conditions re3uired, date, and signatures of "ermittee and issuingofficer# 9inimum retention* 2 years after denial, revocation, or e%"iration#

    4 C%*!&%//# S.(!+*$# I*#*!%&" +* T&+$* R#$%&( !eries documents the "ossession,storage, use and trac6ing of controlled substances "urchased by or surrendered to the de"artment,"ursuant to 21 >FR 1(04#04# Records may include but are not limited to logs inventory re"ortssign'in, sign'out sheets substance administration data and substance name, 3uantity, manufacturer,and e%"iration dates# 9inimum retention* ( years, or until su"erseded, 8hichever is longer#

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    5 E)#*$" M#$+/ I*$#*! R#$%&(Records document services "rovided by the city fire andemergency medical services de"artment to sic6 or in

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    "ro"erty damage, loss estimate, and other data# -ncludes additional re"orts if inase Files in the 9unici"al>ourt section# 9inimum retention* ( years after last action or final "ayment#

    1& H+:+&%.( M+!#&+/ E)#*$" I*$#*! R#$%&( Records document city res"onse tohaardous material emergencies# !ub

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    su""orting documentation, re"orts, e%em"tion certificate, and related documents# 9inimum retention*2 years after denial, revocation, or e%"iration of e%em"tion#

    21 Y%.! F 8#*!%* +* I*!#*!%* R#$%&( !eries documents multi'disci"linary"revention and intervention services "rovided to children 8ho have a history of or are at ris6 for settingfires# >ommunity'based services are "rovided under the guidance of the Office of !tate Fire 9arshal#! A!O Nuvenile Offender;Kictim Restitution Records in the $olice Records section# 9inimum

    retention* a 7ntil court ordered e%"unction OR! 41+A#2&2 b -f case is not e%"unged* 5 years afterlast action, or youth reaches age of ma

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    of city filing systems# Records may include but are not limited to include master file lists,organiational charts, "rogram descri"tions, and corres"ondence# ! A!O Recorder E eneralRecords section# 9inimum retention* 5 years after su"erseded or abolished#

    & F%&)( D##/%)#*! R#$%&(Records document the develo"ment of ne8 or revised forms used bya city# Records may include but are not limited to sam"le forms, drafts, revisions, form logs;listings,"ro"osals, authoriations and illustrations# ! A!O Recorder I eneral Records !ection# 9inimum

    retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    ) I*7%&)+!%* S#&$# S.($&!%* R#$%&(Records document city subscri"tions to informationservices# Records may include but are not limited to subscri"tions, invoices, and corres"ondence#9inimum retention* 2 years#

    . I*7%&)+!%* S"(!#) 8/+*** +* D##/%)#*! R#$%&(Records document the "lanning anddevelo"ment of city information systems# Although these records ty"ically document com"uteriedinformation systems, they may also document manual filing systems and microfilm systems# Therecords are used to insure that "lanned systems 8ill hel" the institution fulfill its missions, arecost'effective, conform to ado"ted information standards, and integrate 8ith e%isting institutioninformation systems# Records may vary according to the level of documentation re3uired for each

    system, but may include information technology "lans, feasibility studies, cost'benefit analyses,institution studies and surveys, information management "ro

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    telecommunications, etc# Records may include assistance re3uests, resolution records, and relateddocumentation# -nformation may include name of re3uester, date, time, location, and descri"tion of"roblem and resolution# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef#



    L&+&" R#$%&(

    1 A$$#((%* R#$%&(Records document the accession of all library ac3uisitions into the libraryDsholdings# -nformation may include author, title, "ublisher,

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    + M+(!#& S#/7 L(!(4I*#*!%( -nventories of all library holdings, including volumes and titlesadded or 8ithdra8n from the collection# 7sually arranged by shelf, sho8ing title, author, accessionnumber, "ublisher, date bought, cost, and number of co"ies# 7sed as an inventory control by library"ersonnel# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    10 O%* S!+!# L&+&" A**.+/ R#%&!(>ity co"y of a re"ort filed 8ith the Oregon !tate ibraryin satisfaction of OR! (5)#520 to monitor library "rograms# -ncludes statistics on circulation, "atrons

    served, inter'library loan transactions, childrenDs "rograms, and other subommissioners and other "ositions, if a""ointed, retain & years after se"aration c All Other "ositions,if not a""ointed, retain 1 year#

    2C!:#* A9+&(A8ards "resented by the city to honor volunteers for civic contributions# 9ayinclude a8ard nominations, a8ard certificates, "resentation or ceremony records and "hotogra"hs, listsof "ast reci"ients, and related records# !ome records in this series may have historic value# Fora""raisal assistance contact the Oregon !tate Archives# ! A!O >ouncil Records in theRecorder'eneral section# 9inimum retention* & years#

    ( L#(/+!# I((.#( R#$%&(Records monitoring federal or state legislation affecting the city# 7sedto develo" official "ositions and lobbying strategies for "ending legislation# Also used for reference#Ty"ically includes co"ies of bills, re"orts, "osition "a"ers, im"act statements, meeting notes, andrelated corres"ondence# 9inimum retention* 4 years#

    4 8&%$/+)+!%*(!tatements issued by the mayor or city manager on matters affecting the city,usually dedications, o"enings, and other ceremonial occasions# ! A!O >ouncil Records in the

    Recorder'eneral section# 9inimum retention* a $roclamations re3uested by outside grou"s ororganiations, retain 1 year b All other "roclamations, retain "ermanently#

    5S(!#& C!" R#$%&(Records of city "artici"ation in sister "rograms 8ith cities in other countries#-ncludes documentation of the selection of sister cities and the administration of "rograms# Recordsoften include minutes, agendas, corres"ondence, ceremonial agreements, "roclamations, e%change visitrecords, e%"ense statements, "hotogra"hs, and im"ortant related documents# -n some cities, non'"ublicgrou"s are res"onsible for sister city arrangements and events# 9inimum retention* a >eremonialagreements, retain "ermanently b Financial records, retain ( years#

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  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    + DUII C+(# F/#(Records related to :7-- driving under the influence of into%icants cases broughtbefore the court and agreements by defendants to enter :7-- diversion "rograms# >an include citations,com"laints, chemical analyses, diversion agreements, sentencing orders, commitment orders, licensesus"ension notices, community service referrals, alcohol "rogram referral notices, and related records#9inimum retention* 15 years after case closed or dismissed or date of last action#

    10 DUII D#&(%* 8&%&+)4C%*$!%* S.))+&" R#$%&(!ummaries documenting the number

    of convicted :7-- cases and :7-- cases diverted to court ordered medical or mental health "rograms#>an include summaries of fines, forfeitures, and fees charged to individuals in relation to conviction ordiversion# !ummary information may include total numbers of :7-- cases filed, first offenses filed,diversion "etitions a""roved and revo6ed, diversion cases convicted or dismissed, and non'com"liancecases# Other summaries may document agreement fees, conviction fees, and related information#9inimum retention* 5 years#

    11 C%# E*7%&$#)#*! C+(# F/#( !eries documents issuance and dis"ositionof cited violations of city ordinance or code# %am"les include building code violations, dogs runningat large, nuisances, and other non'traffic violations# Records may include citations to a""ear in court,com"laints, 8arrants, "olice re"orts, sub"oenas, defendant information, and other related records# !A!O ?uilding >ode Kiolation Records in ?uilding Records section# 9inimum retention* a>itations issued, retain 5 years after case closed or dismissed or date of last action b Records ofcitations not issued, retain 1 year after date of last action#

    15 8+&* C!+!%* R#$%&(Records of the issuance and dis"osition of "ar6ing citations# 9ayinclude citations, corres"ondence, and related records# -nformation may include citation number, name,vehicle license number, time of citation, violation category, and related data# 9inimum retention* (years after satisfied, dismissed or deemed uncollectible#

    1& S.)# C%.&! S!+!(!$+/ R#%&!(>ity co"ies of monthly re"orts that 8ere re3uired to be filed8ith the Oregon !tate !u"reme >ourt documenting court activity# These re"orts 8ere discontinued in

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    1++5# !tatistical information includes "ending cases carried over from "revious month, cases filed,cases tried, other terminations dismissed, transferred, bail forfeited, diversion, etc# and other data#9inimum retention* :estroy#

    1) T&+77$ C!+!%* C+(# F/#(Records of citations issued including citations generated from "hotoradar records and dis"osition of cases in court for moving violations such as hit and run and rec6lessdriving, and infractions such as s"eeding and im"ro"er signaling# 9ay include citations to a""ear in

    court, com"laints, 8arrants, driving records, "olice re"orts, sus"ension records, dis"osition sli"s,sub"oenas, and other related records# :oes not include :7-- citation records# ! A!O :7-- >aseFiles in this section and $hoto Radar Records in the $olice section# 9inimum retention* 5 years aftercase closed, dismissed or date of last action#

    1. T&+/ 8&%$##*( R#$%&(4R#(!#& %7 A$!%*(Records documenting the actions of all casesbrought before the court# Ty"es of cases may include criminal misdemeanors, including misdemeanortraffic crimes, 8ith limited "enalties other minor traffic infractions certain minor li3uor and drugviolations, "ar6ing violations and munici"al code violations such as animal and fire violations#Records may include a register of actions as described "er OR! )#020# Records usually document the"rosecution of individual cases including arraignments, motions, orders, and

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    5 8+&!$+*! R#(!&+!%* +* A!!#*+*$# R#$%&(Records document registration and attendanceof "artici"ants in various city s"onsored events, activities, and classes# Records may includeregistration forms or cards, class or activity rosters, and related documents# -nformation usuallyincludes name, dates, and times of class or activity, fee "aid, and name, address, "hone number, andsignature of "artici"ant# Further information may include "ertinent medical data, date of birth, signatureof "arent or guardian, and other data# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    & R#*!+/ +* L%+* R#$%&( Records document the rental or loan of city'o8ned facilities ore3ui"ment# %am"les include short term rental of facilities and structures as 8ell as rental or loan ofs"orts e3ui"ment, tools, gardening im"lements, and other items# Records often include a""lications,calendars, lists, recei"ts, and related documents# -nformation usually includes name, address, and "honenumber of renter or borro8er, descri"tion of facility or e3ui"ment, date and time rental or loan e%"ires,signature, and other data# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    ) S9))* 8%%/ O#&+!%* +* M+*!#*+*$# R#$%&(Records document the o"eration andmaintenance of city s8imming "ools# -nformation includes results of "ool 8ater 3uality tests describedin OAR ((('0&0'0200(, date and time of filter bac68ash, dates during 8hich the "ool 8as em"tiedand;or cleaned, and "eriods of recirculation e3ui"ment o"eration and;or malfunction and re"air# 9ayalso include records documenting ins"ection and maintenance of safety e3ui"ment# 9inimumretention* 2 years#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef#12'10'0.


    8+"&%// R#$%&(

    1 D#.$!%* A.!%&:+!%* R#$%&(Records document em"loyee a""lication and authoriation forvoluntary "ayroll deductions, direct ban6 de"osits, and related actions# $ayroll deductions are directly

    de"osited or remitted to the authoried financial institution, insurance com"any, or other agency orvendor# Records may include insurance a""lications, enrollment cards, deduction authoriations,a""roval notices, deduction terminations, and related records# 9inimum retention* ( years aftersu"erseded, terminated, or em"loyee se"arates#

    2 D#.$!%* R#(!#&(Registers or records serving the same function of documenting voluntaryand;or re3uired deductions from the gross "ay of city em"loyees# Ty"es of deductions include federalincome and social security ta%es, state ta%, 8or6ersD com"ensation, union dues, insurance, deferredcom"ensation, credit union, "ar6ing "ermit, "re'8ritten chec6s, garnishments, levies, charitablecontributions, and others# -nformation may include em"loyee name and number, "ay "eriod, socialsecurity number, total deductions, net "ay, chec6 number, and related data# 9inimum retention* aRegisters documenting state and federal ta%es, retain 5 years b Other registers, retain ( years#

    (E)/%"## T)# R#$%&(Records document hours 8or6ed, leave hours accrued, and leave hoursta6en by city em"loyees# -nformation usually includes em"loyee name and social security number,hours 8or6ed, ty"e and number of leave hours ta6en, total hours, dates, and related data# ! A!Oeave A""lications in this section# 9inimum retention* a For the retention of records documentingthe e%"enditure of grant funds, see rant Records in the Financial'eneral section b Other records,retain 4 years#

    4 F##&+/ +* S!+!# T+3 R#$%&( Records, in addition to those itemied in this section, used tore"ort the collection, distribution, de"osit, and transmittal of federal and state income ta%es as 8ell as

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    social security ta%# %am"les include the federal miscellaneous income statement 10++, re3uest forta%"ayer identification number and certificate B'+, em"loyersD 3uarterly federal ta% return +41,+41, ta% de"osit cou"on .10+, and similar federal and state com"leted forms# ! A!O Bage andTa% !tatements and Bithholding Allo8ance >ertificates in this section for related records# 9inimumretention* 5 years#

    5 G+&*()#*! R#$%&( Records document re3uests and court orders to 8ithhold 8ages from

    em"loyee earnings for garnishments, ta% levies, su""ort "ayments, and other reasons# 7sually includesoriginal 8rits of garnishment, orders to 8ithhold for the Oregon :e"artment of /uman Resources,federal or state ta% levies, reca"itulations of amounts 8ithheld, and related records# -nformation usuallyincludes em"loyee name and number, name of agency ordering garnishment, amount, name of "arty to8hom "ayment is submitted, dates, and related data# 9inimum retention* ( years after resolution#

    & L#+# A/$+!%*( A""lications or re3uests submitted by city em"loyees for sic6, vacation,com"ensatory, "ersonal business, family and medical leave, long term leave, and other leave time#-nformation usually includes em"loyee name, de"artment, date, leave dates re3uested, ty"e of leavere3uested, and related data# ! A!O m"loyee Time Records in this section# 9inimum retention* (years#

    ) L#+# B+/+*$# R#%&!(Re"orts document individual city em"loyee accrual and use of sic6,vacation, com"ensatory, "ersonal business, family and medical leave, and other leave time# -nformationusually includes em"loyee name and number, social security number, leave beginning balance, leavetime accrued, leave time used, ending balance, and related data# ! A!O m"loyee ?enefitsRecords in the $ersonnel section# 9inimum retention* a Gear'end leave balance re"orts, retain )5years after date of hire b All other re"orts, retain 4 years#

    . 8+"&%// A)*(!&+!# R#%&!(Re"orts, statistical studies, and other records designed and usedfor budget "re"aration, "ro

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    this section for related records# 9inimum retention* 5 years#

    1( =!%/* A//%9+*$# C#&!7$+!#(>ertificates document the e%em"tion status of individualcity em"loyees# Also described as B'4 forms# -nformation includes em"loyee name and address, socialsecurity number, designation of e%em"tion status, and signature# ! A!O Federal and !tate Ta%Forms in this section for related information# 9inimum retention* 5 years after su"erseded orem"loyee se"aration#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A 1'200), f# cert# ef#5'.'0) O!A ('200., f# cert# ef# 12'10'0.


    8#&(%**#/ R#$%&(

    1 A77&)+!# A$!%* R#$%&(Records document city com"liance 8ith the statutes and regulatoryre3uirements of the 7#!# 3ual m"loyment O""ortunity >ommission# 9ay include "lans, u"dates,"olicy statements, re"orts, and su""orting information# 9inimum retention* a $lans, u"dates and

    "olicy statements, retain "ermanently b Other records, retain ( years#2 B#*#7!( C%*!*.+!%* R#$%&( Records document notifications to em"loyees or de"endentsinforming them of their rights to continue insurance coverage after termination or during disability orfamily leave# >ontinuation may be under >O?RA or another "rovision# @otice is also sent to a third"arty administrator 8ho administers the e%tended coverage# The records ty"ically consist of noticessent and corres"ondence# Records may be filed 8ith the m"loyee ?enefits Records or m"loyee$ersonnel Records# ! A!O m"loyee $ayroll Records in the $ayroll section# 9inimum retention*( years after em"loyee se"aration or eligibility e%"ired#

    ( C%//#$!# B+&+** R#$%&(Records documenting negotiations bet8een the city and em"loyeere"resentatives# 9ay include contracts, re"orts, negotiation notes, letters of agreement, arbitrationfindings, cost analyses, minutes, ta"e recordings, and related records# ! A!O >ontracts andAgreements in the Recorder'eneral section# 9inimum retention* a >ontracts and minutes, retain )5years after contract e%"ires b Other records, retain & years after contract e%"ires#

    4 C%)+&+/# =%&! S!." R#$%&(Records document the analysis, study, and resolution of "aye3uity, alleged

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    Records# 9inimum retention* a -nvestigations resulting in termination, retain 10 years afterem"loyee se"aration b -nvestigations resulting in disci"linary action or e%oneration, retain ( yearsafter resolution c 7nfounded investigations, retain ( years#

    ) D&. T#(!* R#$%&(Records document the testing of current and "ros"ective em"loyees forcontrolled substances "rohibited by "olicy, "rocedure, or statute# Records may include but are notlimited to the documentation of test results, the collection "rocess, the random sam"le "rocess, and

    those documenting the decision to administer reasonable sus"icion drug testing# 9inimum retention*a $ositive test results, retain 5 years b @egative test results, retain 1 year#

    . E)/%"## B#*#7!( R#$%&(Records document an individual city em"loyeeDs benefit informationsuch as selection of insurance "lans, retirement, "ension, and disability "lans, deferred com"ensation"lans, and other benefit "rogram information# Records may include but are not limited to "lan selectionand a""lication forms, enrollment records, contribution and deduction summaries, "ersonal datarecords, authoriations, beneficiary information, year'end leave balance re"orts, notices of disability"ayments made, and related documentation# Records may be filed 8ith the m"loyee $ersonnelRecord# ! A!O the $ayroll section# 9inimum retention* a Gear'end leave balance re"orts andofficial co"y of retirement enrollment records, retain )5 years after date of hire b All Other records,retain ( years after em"loyee se"aration or eligibility e%"ired#

    + E)/%"## M#$+/ R#$%&(Records document an individual em"loyeeDs 8or6 related medicalhistory# These records are not "ersonnel records and must be 6e"t in a se"arate location from em"loyee"ersonnel records as re3uired by the Americans 8ith :isabilities Act# Records may include but are notlimited to medical e%amination records "re'em"loyment, "re'assignment, "eriodic, or e"isodic,'rays, records of significant health or disability limitations related to

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    government# m"loyees may receive a8ards for ado"ted suggestions# Records may include suggestionforms and evaluations, a8ard information, and related documentation# ! A!O m"loyeeRecognition Records in this section# 9inimum retention* a Ado"ted suggestions, retain 2 years b!uggestions not ado"ted, retain 1 year#

    1( E)/%")#*! E//!" V#&7$+!%* F%&)( I- Records document the filing of 7#!#-mmigration and @aturaliation !ervice Form -'+ form, 8hich verifies that an a""licant or em"loyee is

    eligible to 8or6 in the 7nited !tates# -nformation includes em"loyee information and verification datasuch as citienshi" or alien status and signature, and em"loyer revie8 and verification data such asdocuments, 8hich establish identity and eligibility, and em"loyerDs signature certifying that documentshave been chec6ed# 9inimum retention* ( years after date of hire or 1 year after em"loyee se"aration,8hichever is longer#

    14 E;.+/ E)/%")#*! O%&!.*!" C%)/+*! R#$%&( >ase files maintained in relation todiscrimination com"laints made against the city# Records may include com"laints, re"orts, e%hibits,8ithdra8al notices, co"ies of decisions, hearings and meetings records, and related documentation andcorres"ondence# 9inimum retention* ( years after final decision issued#

    15 E;.+/ E)/%")#*! O%&!.*!" >EEO C%)/+*$# R#$%&(Re"orts and related records

    maintained by cities 8ith 15 or more em"loyees in com"liance 8ith 7#!# 3ual m"loymentO""ortunity >ommission regulations# >ontains O'4 re"orts and all records related to the com"letionof the re"orts# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    1& E;.+/ E)/%")#*! O%&!.*!" 8%/$" D##/%)#*! R#$%&(Records document the ado"tionand administration of city "rograms to set "ersonnel "olicies and "rocedures 8ithin the sco"e of the>ivil Rights Act of 1+&4 and the 3ual m"loyment O""ortunity Act of 1+)2# 9ay containanti'discrimination committee meeting records and re"orts, 8or6"lace analyses, discriminationcom"laint "olicies and "rocedures, and related records# 9inimum retention* a $lans, u"dates, and"olicy statements, retain "ermanently b All other records, retain ( years#

    1) G+*$# +* C%)/+*! R#$%&( rievances or com"laints filed by current em"loyees,

    terminated em"loyees, a""licants, or "rivate citiens regarding em"loyment "ractices# Often relates tointer"retations and alleged violations of em"loyment contracts# Records often include com"laints,investigation records, intervie8 and hearing re"orts, arbitratorDs findings and decisions, ta"e recordingsand related records# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    1. H+:+& E3%(. R#$%&( Records document a city em"loyeeDs e%"osure to haardousconditions such as chemicals, to%ic substances, blood'borne "athogens, biological agents, bacteria,virus, fungus, radiation, noise, dust, heat, cold, vibration, re"etitive motion, or other dangerous 8or6related conditions# These records are not "ersonnel records and should be maintained in an m"loyee9edical File# Records may include but are not limited to hearing test records, radiation measurementrecords, blood test or other laboratory results, incident re"orts, first'aid records, 'rays, 8or6 stationair sam"ling re"orts, and corres"ondence# ! A!O m"loyee 9edical Records in this section#

    9inimum retention* (0 years after se"aration#

    1+ 8%!% I#*!7$+!%* R#$%&($hotogra"hs and other records used to identify city em"loyees,"rivate security "ersonnel, contract 8or6ers, and others# 9ay include "hotogra"hs ta6en for cityidentification cards, driverDs license "hotogra"hs, and information such as name, date of birth, "hysicaldescri"tion, identification number, driverDs license number, and other data# 9inimum retention* 7ntilsu"erseded or obsolete#

    20 8%(!%* D#($&!%*, C/+((7$+!%*, +* C%)#*(+!%* R#$%&( Records document thedescri"tion, classification, and com"ensation of city

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    duties and res"onsibilities of each "osition, time "ercentage brea6do8ns of tas6s, s6ills and abilitiesneeded for each "osition, and related records documenting the develo"ment, modification, orredefinition of each

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    2 C%*!%*+/ U(# R#$%&(A""lications and decisions related to re3uests for certain land uses8ithin a one that re3uire s"ecial revie8 and a""roval# 9ay include a""lications, site "lans, oningma"s, staff re"orts, administrative action re"orts, and related records# 9inimum retention* 10 yearsafter e%"iration, revocation, or discontinuance of use#

    ( D#(* +* D##/%)#*! R##9 R#$%&(Revie8s of e%terior renovations or ne8 construction8ithin "articular city ones or the entire city# 7sed to ensure integration of visual standards# 9ay

    include design revie8 board or commission records such as minutes, agendas, and e%hibits# Recordsalso may include a""lications, site "lans, staff re"orts, ma"s, revie8 and a""eal records, ta"erecordings, and related documents# Three'dimensional e%hibits such as sam"le boards of bric6, tile, andother building materials are not "ublic records# 9inimum retention* a 9inutes, agendas, resolutions,inde%es, and e%hibits not retained "ermanently else8here in city records, retain "ermanently bAudio or visual recording, retain 1 year after minutes "re"ared and a""roved c %hibits not "ertinentto minutes, retain 5 years d -f no "ermit issued, retain 1.0 days e -f "ermit issued, but structure notstarted or com"leted, retain 2 years f All other records if "ermit issued and structure com"leted,retain 2 years after substantial com"letion Las defined by OR!12#1(5(M#

    4 E*!#&&(# %*# R#$%&(Records document the creation and management of enter"rise ones bythe city or in conommission and>ommittee and 9eeting Records, overning ?ody in the Administrative Records section#

    ) H(!%&$ S!&.$!.( I*#*!%&" R#$%&(Records document the results of inventory "ro

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    and >ommittee and 9eeting Records, overning ?ody in the Administrative Records section#

    11 H%.(* A.!%&!" I*.+/ T#*+*! H(!%&" R#$%&(Files document the history of individualtenant and housing authority actions from a""lication to se"aration from the "rogram# 9ay containa""lication, landlord references, rental agreements, leases, "eriodic re'e%amination and hardshi" data,income verification, billing statements, maintenance re3uests, damage com"laints, eviction notices,grievance hearing records, and related material# 9inimum retention* 5 years after se"aration from


    12 H%.(* A.!%&!" 8&%&+) M+*+#)#*! R#$%&(Records document the activities and statusof various "rograms administered by the housing authority !ection ., etc## Records may include staffmeeting records and re"orts, 8aiting lists, maintenance records, tenant statistics, and related recordsgenerated in the administration of housing authority "rograms not s"ecified else8here in the schedule#9inimum retention* ( years after annual or final e%"enditure re"ort submitted#

    1( H%.(* A.!%&!" 8&%#&!" M+*+#)#*! R#$%&( Records document the actions of thehousing authority in managing housing not o8ned by the city# 9ay include a""lications for funding,sub'grants, insurance "olicies, contracts, and non'"rofit organiation records such as articles ofincor"oration, byla8s, budgets, minutes, agendas, and related records# 9inimum retention* & years

    after e%"iration#14 H%.(* A.!%&!" R##$!# A(((!+*$# A/$+!%*Records Re

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    a""roval orders, ma"s, and related records# 9inimum retention* a -f a""roved and city conditionsmet, retain "ermanently b -f not a""roved, retain 10 years after e%"iration or revocation#

    1+ 8/+*** C%))((%* M##!* R#$%&( ! 9eeting Records, ?oard, >ommission and>ommittee and 9eeting Records, overning ?ody in the Administrative Records section#

    20 S* R##9 R#$%&(Records document "lanning de"artment revie8 of sign construction# Oftencontains descri"tions, dra8ings, "hotogra"hs, re"orts, a""lications, and related records# ! A!O?uilding $ermits, ?uilding ?oard of A""eals Records, and ?uilding >ode Kiolation Records in the?uilding section and !treet ?anner Records in the $ublic Bor6s'Traffic ngineering section#9inimum retention* ife of the structure#

    21 S.(%* R#$%&(Records document actions on re3uests to divide one "iece of land into fouror more lots# Often includes a""lications, site locations, descri"tions of re3uests, site "lans, staffre"orts, a""eals re"orts, decision statements, ma"s, and related records# 9inimum retention* a -fa""roved and city conditions met, retain "ermanently b -f not a""roved, retain 10 years aftere%"iration or revocation c Bithdra8al re3uest letters, retain ( years d Bithdra8n a""lications,retain 1.0 days if not returned to a""licant at time of 8ithdra8al#

    22 T#)%&+&" U(# R#$%&( Records document action on "ermits for tem"orary activities in

    commercial and industrial ones such as allo8ing tem"orary "lacement of structures incidental toconstruction# Records often contain a""lications, "ermits, staff re"orts, technical notes, a""roval orders,and other documents# 9inimum retention* 5 years after "ermit e%"iration#

    2( U&+* R#*#9+/ A#*$" B%+& M##!* R#$%&(! 9eeting Records, ?oard, >ommissionand >ommittee and 9eeting Records, overning ?ody in the Administrative Records section#

    24 U&+* R#*#9+/ 8/+*( +* R#%&!($lans and re"orts mandated by OR! 45)#0.5 to "rovidedescri"tions and

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    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef#12'10'0. O!A ('2012, f# cert# ef# 10'2+'12


    8%/$# R#$%&(

    1 A$!!" R#%&!(, 8%/$#-ndividual officer, shift, and other activity re"orts usually filed on a daily,8ee6ly, monthly, or similar non'annual basis# 7seful for reference, "erformance monitoring, com"ilingannual re"orts, "lanning and budgeting, and for briefing subse3uent shifts or activities# A""lies tovarious duties such as dis"atch, confinement, investigations, and "atrol# -nformation usually includesname, shift, date, activities, and various statistical categories for trac6ing the number of arrests, "honecalls, mileage, and other indicators# ! A!O a8 nforcement Activity Re"orts in this section forannual summaries of "olice activities# 9inimum retention* 2 years#

    2 A/+&) R#$%&(Records document the licensing, use, and res"onse to security alarms in the city#icenses and "ermits usually contain name and address of holder, ty"e of alarm, location, instructionsto officers res"onding to call, names of individuals to be contacted 8hen alarm sounds, fee charged,

    and related data# Other records may include alarm res"onse re"orts and false alarm re"orts# False alarmre"orts are used to document ordinance violations concerning the number of false alarms in a given"eriod# ! A!O -ncident >ase Files in this section for records related to actual intrusions orburglaries# 9inimum retention* a Alarm licensing and "ermit records, retain ( years after e%"irationb All other records, retain 2 years#

    ( A*)+/ C%*!&%/ R#$%&(Records document "olice de"artment activities related to animal control#Often includes re"orts, logs, lists, cards, recei"ts, and related records# !ub

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    15 C&)# 8#*!%* 8&%&+) R#$%&( Records document "olice de"artment efforts to traincitiens in crime "revention# 9ay contain training and media "resentation records including lesson"lans, outlines, tests, evaluations, s"eeches, and related records# !ub

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    2( E;.)#*! I((.# R#$%&(Records document e3ui"ment issued to "olice de"artment and othercity "ersonnel# -tems include but are not limited to handcuffs, 6eys, uniforms, badges, "ersonal"rotective and fire fighting e3ui"ment, and loc6ers# 9ay include inventories, o"tional e3ui"ment lists,data sheets, and other records# -nformation often includes date, em"loyee name, number, and section,descri"tion of e3ui"ment, and related data# ! A!O Officer Bea"on Registration Records in thissection# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    24 E3.*# %& S#+/# R#$%&(, 8%/$# Records document the arrest and;or conviction of a "erson8ho "etitions and is granted by the court an order sealing or other8ise dis"osing of any related recordsaccording to OR! 1()#225 maintained by the $olice :e"artment# J7"on entry of such an order, thea""licant for "ur"oses of the la8 shall be deemed not to have been "reviously convicted, or arrested asthe case may be, and the court shall issue an order sealing the record of conviction or other officialrecords in the case, including the records of arrest 8hether or not the arrest resulted in further criminal"roceeding#J Also a""lies to records related to ards in this section#

    9inimum retention* a /omicides, retain 20 years b Felonies, retain 10 years c 9isdemeanors,retain 5 years d Retain other cards until su"erseded or obsolete#

    2) H+*.* D#+/#&(' S+/#( R#$%&(Records document "urchases of handguns from dealers# 9ayinclude du"licate register sheets mailed by the dealer to the city "olice de"artment and tri"licateregister sheets mailed by the dealer to the !tate $olice for criminal records chec6s and then for8ardedto the city "olice de"artment# -nformation includes series number, sheet number, sales "erson, date andtime, city, ma6e, serial number, caliber, name of "urchaser, date of birth, address, height, occu"ation,race, color of eyes and hair, local address if traveling, and signatures of "urchaser and sales "erson#As of 1++&, these records are retained by the !tate $olice# 9inimum retention* :estroy#

    2. I)%.*# +* A+*%*# V#$/# R#$%&(Records document vehicles im"ounded by the"olice de"artment related to accidents, abandonment, recovered stolen vehicles, vehicles used in thecommission of crimes, and other reasons# 9ay include re"orts, notifications, information cards orsheets, recei"ts, and related records# -nformation often includes the ma6e, model, year, color,identification number, tag number, and condition of the vehicle and contents, reason for im"ounding,location of im"oundment, charge if any, to8ing com"any used, release conditions, name and addressof individual to 8hom vehicle 8as released, and other data# 9inimum retention* Retain records notincluded in -ncident >ase File 2 years after dis"osition of vehicle#

    2+ I*$#*! C+(# F/#-nde%es -nde%es to incident case files used as cross'references bet8een casenumbers, names, dates, modus o"erandi, and other descri"tive information# 9inimum retention* 7ntil

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    su"erseded or obsolete#

    (0 I*$#*! C+(# F/#( >entral case files document com"laints or other actions or incidentsinvestigated by the "olice de"artment# 7sually filed by case number# Records may include investigativere"orts, finger"rint cards, arrest re"orts, su""lemental re"orts, "hotogra"hs, corres"ondence, telety"es,court orders, court dis"ositions, officer notes, laboratory re"orts, :7-- test records including chemicalanalyses also 6no8n as into%ilyer or breathalyer test records, "hysical force records, citien arrest

    certificates, 8arrants, search 8arrants and boo6ing sheets, "ro"erty;evidence re"orts, custody re"orts,and other related documents# -nformation usually includes sus"ect identification, alleged activity,location, date, validity of source information and other data# !ources include la8 enforcement andregulatory agencies and "rivate citiens# Refer to OR! 1(1#125I1(1#155 for statute of limitations#9inimum retention* a >ases involving crimes 8ith no statute of limitations, retain )5 years after caseclosed b $rotective custody files, retain until minorDs age of ma

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    (+ I*)+!# V(!%& R#$%&(Records document information about visitors to inmates confined in thecity ases involving

    crimes 8ith no statute of limitations, retain )5 years after case closed b All other cases, retain 1 yearafter statute of limitations e%"ires#

    44 L+9 E*7%&$#)#*! A$!!" R#%&!(9onthly and annual la8 enforcement or uniform crimere"orts summariing statistics on criminal activity and office o"erations# -nformation includes date,categories, totals, and related data# ! A!O Activity Re"orts, $olice in this section# 9inimumretention* a Annual re"orts and monthly re"orts for years in 8hich no annual re"ort e%ists, retain"ermanently b Other re"orts, retain 2 years#

    45 L%(! +* F%.* 8&%#&!" R#$%&( Records document city recei"t and maintenance of lost andfound or abandoned "ro"erty such as money, bicycles, automobiles, and other items not related to acrime# -ncludes recei"ts, inventory lists, destruction logs, "ro"erty re"orts, and related records# !

    A!O $ro"erty and vidence >ontrol and :is"osition Records for records documenting "ro"ertyrelated to or held as evidence to an alleged crime# ! A!O $ro"erty :is"osition Records in theFinancial'eneral section for records of the dis"osition of lost and found or abandoned "ro"erty#9inimum retention* 2 years after dis"osition#

    4& M+(, 8%/$# 9a"s and related records maintained for reference and for trac6ing various trends#%am"les include but are not limited to @eighborhood Batch $rogram ma"s, ?loc6 /ome $rogramma"s, street number location ma"s and boo6s, "ar6ing meter ma"s, and ma"s "lotting re"orted crimesin a given area# !ome ma"s may have historic value# For a""raisal assistance, contact the Oregon !tateArchives# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

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    4) M+(!#& N+)# I*#3 R#$%&(Records document information on each individual 8ho has beenfield interrogated or arrested sus"ects or accom"lices in crimes, victims, com"lainants, and 8itnesses toincidents# -nformation may include name, address, date of birth, race, se%, date and time of incident orcontact, incident number, and related data# 9inimum retention* 7ntil su"erseded or obsolete#

    4. M. S%!( $hotogra"hs and negatives of arrested individuals used for identification anda""rehension of sus"ects in criminal investigations# 9ug shots of individuals 6no8n to be dead need

    not be retained# ! A!O $hoto -dentification Records in the $ersonnel section for non'arrestidentification "hotogra"hs# 9inimum retention* a Retain homicides 20 years b Retain felonies 10years c Retain misdemeanors 5 years#

    4+ N#%&%% D(.!# R#(%/.!%* R#$%&( Records document the cityDs dis"ute resolution"rogram to handle com"laints by citiens about concerns or dis"utes 8ith neighbors or merchants#Ty"ical cases may include animal control, landlord;tenant issues, noise, harassment, "ro"erty dis"utes,and business;consumer issues# Records may include budget, activity, and statistical re"orts, mediationtraining information, evaluation and inta6e records, service referrals, resolution agreements, andfollo8'u" surveys# -nformation may include name, "hone number, and address of "erson filingcom"laint, case number, date of activity, narration of re3uest or com"laint, name and address ofoffender, action ta6en, and other data# ! A!O Ordinance Kiolation >ase Files in the 9unici"al>ourt Records section# 9inimum retention* a >ase records, retain 5 years after last action b Allother records, retain 2 years#

    50 O77$#& N%!#(@otes 8ritten by officers during the course of a shift containing information 8hichmay or may not be included in an official re"ort# 9ay "ertain to contacts, incidents, unusualcircumstances, and other sub

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    A!O $olicy and $rocedure 9anuals in the Recorder'eneral section# 9inimum retention* a >aserecords, retain 5 years after final dis"osition of case, or youth reaches age of maitation ogs, and Traffic and Other>itations in this section, and Traffic >itation >ase Files in the 9unici"al >ourt section# 9inimumretention* a $hoto radar citations issued, retain 2 years b $hoto radar citations not issued, retain (0days#

    5) 8%/"&+ R#$%&(Records document "olygra"h tests given to criminal sus"ects, "ros"ectiveem"loyees and others# -ncludes "re'e%amination records, e%amination 3uestions for individuals

    intervie8ed, statements of consent, "olygra"h analysis re"orts, e%aminerDs original test 3uestions,e%amination chart tracing re"orts, "olygra"h results charts, conclusions, intervie8ee statements, andbac6ground information# 9inimum retention* a >ase involving crimes 8ith no statute of limitations,retain )5 years after case closed b All other cases, retain 1 year after statute of limitations e%"ires#

    5. 8&%#&!" +* E#*$# C%*!&%/ +* D(%(!%* R#$%&( Records used to trac6 "ro"erty andevidence coming into "olice de"artment "ossession# :ocuments recei"t, storage, and dis"osition of"ersonal "ro"erty and "hysical evidence from defendants, victims, and others# 9ay include evidence"hotogra"hs documenting crime scenes, accidents, and other incidents# Records often include recei"tforms, evidence control sheets, "ro"erty re"orts, destruction lists, "ro"erty consignment sheets, seiedfirearm logs, homicide evidence inventories, and other documents# -nformation usually includes casenumber, tag number, date and time, "ro"erty or evidence descri"tion, storage location, release date, and

    other data# Often filed 8ith -ncident >ase Files# ! A!O ost and Found $ro"erty Records in thissection for documents related to lost and found or abandoned "ro"erty not related to or held asevidence of an alleged crime# 9inimum retention* a >ases involving crimes 8ith no statute oflimitations, retain )5 years after case closed b All other cases, retain 1 year after statute of limitationse%"ires#

    5+ 8&%#&!" R#(!&+!%* R#$%&(Records document the registration of "ro"erty for identificationin case of theft, loss, or burglary# $ro"erty includes but is not limited to bicycles, televisions, cameras,stereos, and guns# -nformation may include name, address, and "hone number of o8ner, date,descri"tion of "ro"erty, serial number, and related data# 9inimum retention* 7ntil registration ise%"ired, su"erseded, or obsolete#

    &0 R++& E;.)#*! C#&!7$+!%* +* M+*!#*+*$# R#$%&( Records document the calibrationand maintenance of radar e3ui"ment that may be useful in documenting the accuracy of the readings#Often includes original factory certification of calibration# -f tuning for6 tests reveal an inaccuracy, thee3ui"ment is removed from service for re"air and recalibration# -nformation related to maintenance andre"air may include a descri"tion of 8or6 com"leted, "arts used, date of service, e3ui"ment number,ma6e, model, and related data# 9inimum retention* 2 years after dis"osition of e3ui"ment#

    &1 T#/#!"# M#((+#( -ncoming and outgoing telety"e messages concerning a variety of sub

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    messages not 8arranting inclusion in -ncident >ase Files Lor other record seriesM (0 days#

    &2 T%9# V#$/# R#$%&(Rotation lists and related records documenting to8 truc6 re3uests andres"onses# -nformation usually includes date, name of re3uester, name of to8ing com"any called,location, and other data# Records may also include documentation of vehicles to8ed from "rivate"ro"erty at the re3uest of citiens# This information is used to "revent to8ed vehicles from beingre"orted as stolen# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    &( T&+77$ +* O!#& C!+!%* L%(ogs listing various information related to citations issued bythe "olice de"artment# 7sually includes ty"e of citation, tic6et number, name of violator, date of issue,and officerDs name# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    &4 T&+77$ +* O!#& C!+!%*( $olice de"artment co"ies of citations issued for traffic, motorvehicle, and other violations# -ncludes 7niform Traffic >itations, "ar6ing citations, and others#-nformation includes city and county, date and time, name and address, date of birth, se%, occu"ation,license number, state, year, ma6e and model of vehicle, location of violation, state or city la8 allegedviolated, conditions, name of officer issuing citation, and related data# 9inimum retention* ( years#

    &5 T&+77$ V%/+!%* =+&** R#$%&(Records document 8arnings issued for traffic violations#Often used to determine re"eat offenders and for follo8'u" investigations# -nformation usually includes

    date, time, category, name, address, "hone number, date of birth, race, se%, hair and eye color, height,8eight, !ocial !ecurity number, drivers license number, ma6e and model of vehicle, location ofviolation, violation, signatures, and related data# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    && U(# F+&) T&+*(7#& R#$%&(Records document the sale or transfer of a firearm# -nformationincludes business name and address, individual "urchasing or trading firearm, time and date oftransaction, firearm descri"tion, including serial number, caliber, form of identification "resented bythe seller;trader, and dealer and seller;trader signatures and "hone numbers# 9inimum retention* 1year#

    &) V#% S.//+*$# R#$%&*( Records document fire and crime scene activities and themonitoring of "ublic "laces as defined in OR! 1&1#015# Fire and crime scene recordings document

    individuals "resent at the scene and may be used to identify sus"ects# @ote s"ecific information not tobe collected or maintained* OR! 1.1#5)5# 9inimum retention* a Recordings used as evidence, retainuntil case reaches final dis"osition b Recordings used for internal investigations, retain untilinvestigation ends c All other recordings, retain (0 days#

    !tat# Auth#* OR! 1+2 (5)!tats# -m"lemented* OR! 1+2#005I1+2#1)0 (5)#.05I(5)#.+5/ist#* O!A 1'1++., f# cert# ef# 1')'+. O!A ('2002, f# cert# ef# )'2'02 O!A ('200., f# cert# ef#12'10'0. O!A &'200+, f# cert# ef# .'2&'0+ O!A ('2012, f# cert# ef# 10'2+'12


    8./$ =%&( E**##&* R#$%&(

    1 A#&+/ 8%!%&+( >olor and blac6 and 8hite "hotogra"hs and negatives documentingto"ogra"hical and "hysical features of the city and surrounding area# 7seful for "lanning and landmanagement "ur"oses# -nformation often includes date, location, frame se3uence numbers, and otherdescri"tive information# $hotogra"hs that are du"licates of originals held by state, county, federal, orother sources may be retained as needed# 9inimum retention* $ermanent#

    2 B I*(#$!%* R#$%&( Records related to bridge ins"ections re3uired by the 7#!# :e"artmentof Trans"ortation "er 2( >FR &50#(05# -ns"ections generally are done every t8o years# Records mayinclude re"orts "re"ared in accordance 8ith federal standards, "hotogra"hs, corres"ondence and related

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    documents# 9ay also include bridge inventory records described in 2( >FR &50#(11# 9inimumretention* 2 years after bridge removed from service#

    ( C!" B#*$)+& R#$%&( ?enchmar6s "laced by the city or the 7#!# eological !urvey to denoteelevations above sea level# Records may include boo6s, ma"s, cards, and other documents# -nformationincludes location monument number, elevation, descri"tion, and related data# 7sually filed numericallyby benchmar6 number# 9inimum retention* $ermanent#

    4 E**##&* 8&%#$! T#$*$+/ R#$%&(Records related to the "lanning, design, and constructionof various city im"rovement "ro

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    8or6, local im"rovement districts, s"ecial re3uests, and other "ur"oses# 9ay include investigativesurveys made of crime or accident scenes at the re3uest of la8 enforcement officials# 9ay also includenotes on traverses, right'of'8ay location, construction including levels, cuts, and grades, s6etchesrelated to the survey, and other information# 9inimum retention* a eneral surveys and right'of'8aylocation records, retain "ermanently b All other construction records, retain 10 years after substantialcom"letion Las defined by OR! 12#1(5(M of "roase Files in the $olice section#10 =#!/+*( C%*(#&+!%* 8/+*** R#$%&(Records document the identification, delineation andmanagement of 8etlands on city "ro"erty or right'of'8ays# 9ay include "lans, amendments, annualre"orts, consultant re"orts, and related records# Betlands conservation "lans include descri"tions,ma"s, inventories, and assessments of 8etlands, as 8ell as mitigation "lans, "olicies, s"ecifications,and monitoring "rovisions for managing 8etlands# !ee OR! 1+&). for further descri"tion# !A!O Betlands Removal and Fill $ermits in this section# 9inimum retention* $ermanent#

    11 =#!/+*( R#)%+/ +* F// 8#&)!(Records document city a""lication and recei"t of "ermitsregulating the removal or fill of material from 8etlands on city "ro"erty or right'of'8ays# $ermits areissued by the Oregon :ivision of !tate ands for u" to five years before rene8al is re3uired# -ncludesa""lications, "ermits, and related records# A""lications may include ma"s, "ro

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    Records in the Financial'eneral section# 9inimum retention* a Records re3uiring engineeringstam"s, retain 2 years after life of structure b All other records, retain 2 years#

    4 C&%(( C%**#$!%* C%*!&%/ S." R#$%&(Records document the monitoring of "otential oractual 8ater system health haards from "ollution entering 8ater "i"es from other "i"es# Records mayinclude re"orts, surveys, chec6lists, and related documents# -nformation often includes address, contact"erson, business name, date, ins"ector, ty"e of facility, descri"tion of "rotection, comments, corrections

    made, and other data# 9inimum retention* 1 year after disconnection or 10 years, 8hichever is longer#

    5 D+/" =%& R#$%&( Records document 8or6 com"leted by each city em"loyee or cre8 on a dailybasis# These may include logs, notes, or similar records# -nformation often includes "ersonnel"erforming 8or6, date and time com"leted, descri"tion of 8or6, location, e3ui"ment and materialsused, and additional "ertinent data# ! A!O various maintenance and re"air records series in thissection e#g#, ?uildings and rounds 9aintenance and Re"air Records for summaries or re"orts ofinformation often included in this record series# 9inimum retention* 1 year#

    & D#/#&" T$#!( Tic6ets issued by su""liers to verify delivery of su""lies or materials concrete,road base, gravel, to"soil, etc# -nformation usually includes date, time, amount and ty"e of su""liesreceived, and related data# 9inimum retention* 2 years#

    ) E;.)#*! M+*!#*+*$# +* R#+& R#$%&(Records document the ins"ection, maintenance,and re"air of all city'o8ned e3ui"ment not listed else8here in this schedule# %am"les include but arenot limited to mo8ers, trailers, edgers, blo8ers, generators, se8age lift "um"s, 8ater "um"s, officee3ui"ment, and furniture# Records may include summaries, re"orts, and similar records usuallycom"iled from daily 8or6 records on a monthly or 3uarterly basis# -nformation often includesdescri"tion of 8or6 com"leted, "arts and su""lies used, date of service, date, "urchase "rice, e3ui"mentnumber, ma6e, and model, and related data# ! A!O :aily Bor6 Records in this section and Bor6Orders in Administrative section# 9inimum retention* 2 years after dis"osition of e3ui"ment#

    . F// +* L#+7 D#/#&" R#$%&( Records document citien re3uests and city delivery of fillmaterial and leaves to "rivate "ro"erty# Often includes conditions, signature, address, and "hone

    number of "ro"erty o8ner, number of loads re3uested, desired dum"ing location, and relatedinformation# ! A!O !treet !urface 9aintenance Records in this section for records documentingthe removal of leaves from city streets# 9inimum retention* 2 years#

    + F.#/ R#$%&(Records document the amount of gasoline, diesel, and oil used by city'o8nedvehicles# Often includes logs, re"orts, and related documents# 9inimum retention* 2 years#

    10 H"&+*! R#$%&(Records document the location, s"ecifications, maintenance, testing, and re"airof 8ater hydrants in the city 8ater system# 9ay include lists, charts, logs, re"orts, and related records#-nformation often includes location, ma6e, descri"tion main sie, valve sie, flo8 ca"acity, etc#,maintenance and re"air narratives, dates, authoriations, and related data# 9inimum retention* aRetain location and s"ecification records until hydrant "ermanently removed from service b Retainmaintenance, test and re"air records 2 years#

    11 M+*!#*+*$# R#;.#(!4C%)/+*! R#$%&(Records document com"laints or re3uests concerninga variety of maintenance res"onsibilities carried out by the "ublic 8or6s de"artment# %am"les includebut are not limited to brushing and limbing road grading, roc6ing, sealing, "atching, and mar6ingtraffic signals and signs city'o8ned buildings and e3ui"ment streetlights high grass or 8eeds and8ater and se8er system "roblems# -nformation often includes name, "hone number, and address of"erson ma6ing re3uest;com"laint, narration of re3uest;com"laint, name of "erson res"onding tore3uest;com"laint, dates of related activities, and other data# 9inimum retention* 2 years after lastaction#

  • 8/12/2019 Oregon State Municipal Records Retention Schedules


    12 8./$ F+$/!#( I*(#$!%* R#$%&(!eries documents the cityCs ins"ection and licensing of"ublic facilities such as restaurants, mini marts, delicatessens, hos"ital and school cafeterias, daycareand long'term care food services, tourist and travelers facilities, and other food service organiations#!eries may include a""lications ins"ection re"orts listing ty"e of ins"ection, any deficiencies,ins"ection score, date and time of ins"ection, and signatures co"ies of the licenses issued and otherrelated data# 9inimum re