oregonnews.uoregon.eduOregon City, January 12, 1894. MONEY. Al our local banks similar conditions...

Oregon City, January 12, 1894. MONEY. Al our local banks similar conditions prevail at In the great banks of New York city. There the deposits exceed the legal requirements 180,000,000, and the aggregate doposlts of the clearing' house banks are over hal f a billion dol- lars. A year ago the excess over lottal requirements was only $7,000,000. The owners of cash do not invest but only pile it up for safe keeping In the banks, ' which, in turn, will not lend it (or fear the depositors might call for it. d securities form an exception, such as the $0,620,000 4 per cent, bonds of the Cherokee tribe, to run five years, bought by the Astors at a premium of nearly 2 por cent. The stringent financial conditions we experience here, exist, with hardly an exception, In every big or little city of the country. There is so little money in circulation because every one who has any Is hoarding it. lie will, with an exception now and then al vory high interest, noither lend it nor wi',1 lie in- vest it in business, because he is afraid there will be a great "slump" in values. Whenever the lost confidence has been restored, whether a further decline in values takes place or not, business will gradually resume its wonted activity. It is a "living faith" in the integrity and reasonableness of the American people that is needed. New York city, the financial center of the country, has almost autocratic power oror the varied business interi'sta of 05,0 00,000 people. Such a condilion is dangerous. When the clouds ol financial distrust disappear in tlio far East, we may patient ly yet confidently look for the breaking of a new day of prosperity in even tho farthest West. Abiding faith in ourselves and the coun- try will hasten the dsy break of a new era of prosperity. Frogress, as reform, commences at home, with the individual. Brethren (as preachers say) we, each of us, can speed the coming of more auspicious days by cheerfulness, by faith in Mother Earth, in ourselves and in the country, by sobriety, by industry and by care- fully pushing our own business, whether it be storekeeping, farming, sawmllling, or what not. fcacli can be a committee of one on new business. Croaking and growling does no good, but only retards the reawakening of the many varied in- dustries that shall give employment to the hundreds of thousands of idle men that seek for work and bread. A SAFE BANKING SYSTEM. The following bill for a permanent national banking system is proposed by the framer of the petition for the im- provement and settlement of the arid and swamp lands belonging to the pub- lic domain. The reader can perceive lit once that if adopted the government be- - comes security for all deposits and as it has the power to establish a uniform rate of interest throughout the nation, Its provisions as a protector of the credit of both the individual and bank are about as well, nigh perfect as could be asked. It does not interfere with the rights of the individual to loan his money outside of the bank at any rule he can procure while at the aame time it gives absolute safety to the depositors and puts an end to the danger of panjrs as long as the government exists, ft also releases the people from paying in- terest on the bonds and circulation as at present, but leaves the convertibility of the bonds into currency optional with the banks and establishes equity between the borrower and louder. It looks as if it was the the truo pathway to a banking system that will forever protest the people from danger of Iobscs, and such conditions as the county is at present suffering undor from lack of confidence in tho stability of our present system A UII.L rOH TIIK KSTAIIl.tSIIMKNT Or A SAFB AND I'KBMANENT NATIONAL RANKING SYSTEM. Be it enactod by the senate and house ol representatives In congress assembled at Washington, 1). C. : Sec. 1. That whenever thero shall be deposited by any banking corporation in the United Mates with the U. treasuter at Washington, I). C, tho sum of dollars in tho United States securities or other satisfactory collateral, the U. 8. treasurer nnty issuo to Baid banking corporation an equal amount of U. S. treasury notes of full legul tender valuo, winch sliull be used as a circulating medium and bank ing capital tor said (tanking corporations but all U. 8. securities so deposited shall no longer bear interest to said bunking corporations Sec. 'i. All banks organized under this act shall become finan cial agents of the United Stales and be authorized to receive deposits subject to tne protection ol tho credit of the general government, and all de- positors shall be protected to the lull value of their deposit and paid the same upon demand. Sec. 3. All capital belonging to the banl.8 and all loans negotiated by the same shall be held subject to the dis- position of the general government in all cases where by defalcation or from any cause whatever depisitors might sutler loss, and shall be holdun to the full extent of these liabilities in return for the protection afforded to the de positors by the general government Sec 4. The general government bIiiiII haye the power to establish a rate of in- terest upon all laws made by these banks which shall be uniform in all parts of the nation. Sec. 6. Satisfactory collateral shall consist of all forms of I'. S. securities as well as of gold, silver or legal tender currency and such other securities as congress may determine, but all state securities shall have preference in with foeeign securities. See. 6 The books and tinunneial de- partment of all banks organized under this act shall always( te subject to go- vernment authority, and violations of the charter by official in any form shall constitute a valid cause for theclosiug of the bank and the lorfeiture of its charters; and offenders shall be sub- ject to the penalties of all criminals against U . h. authority as well as lira authority of the several state i in which the banks may be located. Bbadstrert'i reports of the uiieni ployed how fewer idle men In the Southern cities than in any other part of the country . In 20 cities of Mary- land, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alal imi, L iuisiana. Arkan- - other lection ii leu burdened nnm.lnje deslilnte, Tim Salem Slaleimim Issued a well edited, finely Illustrated, New Year's edition. Tiir 8th, the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans won by General An drew Jackson, was a Demncradu Holi day. Lkt the granger take courage. IScef on foot Is rising In price on account of scarcity of ninrkctaMe steers. That also means a stiffening in the price of mutton. fiiK 74 railway companies that be came bankrupt in lBO.'l, embraced out-six- th of the entire railroad system of the country, representing nearly $98(1, 000,000 of bonds and $031,000,000 of stock in eluding oceans and oceans of water. The Statemnnn of the 5th says that "they have Just found out Ex-Uo- Uork over in eastern Oregon, at Hcpp- - ner, whore he was detected in a repe- tition of the nameless act for which ho was fired out of Unity church at Salom." IIkiiinnino with the act of March 2, 1801, and up to October 1, 18110, the re publican party passed through congress 2(1 bills making changes in, or "tinker ing" with, the tariir. No taritT bill litis been passed by the democrats since the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. Givr the American people half a chance and they can beat the world. Mr. Beaumont, a Yorkshire expert, warns the textile trade of Great Britain that tho American goods shown at the Chicago World's Fair embodied a "more formidable source of disaster to British trade in woven materials with the Amur lean continent than injurious tariffs." Nkitiiku tho panic nor tho fear of a reduction of the tariff has had much ef feet on tho cotton mills Jof the country. All have been running most of the time. Thero isn't a cotton mill in the United states lliat uiiln t earn at least six per cent, during the year on the capitul in- vested. The cotton mills of the South have for the most part dono consider ably better than that, some earning as much as 10 per cent. The Hawaiian matter lias narrowed itself down to an unpleasant predica- ment. The thick-lippe- dusky queen has finally accepted tiie conditions of the government of the United States under which she was deprived through Min ister Stevens machinations, hut Presi- dent Dole's provisional govorninant de- clares that sho shall not resume the throne of her fathers except she cap. tures it by force of arms. Now Mrs. Likiknulanl can sit down in the gloam- ing and wait till the cows come home. The totnl number of business fail- ures, according to Itrmhlreet't agency, throughout the United States is 1j,,00 for 1801), an increase of uioro than 50 per cent, over the year before, while the total liubili'ies are 402,400,000, an increase of nearly 400 per cent, over the year before. The commercial death rate throughout the country has jumped from 1 in 100 in 1802 to l in 100 in the paBt year. Tlvntctals include not more than 240 b(.;it compelled to suspend, witli an aggregate of about $80,000,000 liabilities nnd assets folly 25 per cent. In cxcesB of that Bum. Bunk clearings at cities reporting throughout the United States for the past 12 months aggregate approximately $5:1,420,001 ,000, about Yl)'t per cent, less than in 1802, 4,'g per cent, less than in 1801 and II per cent, less than in 1800. SPECIAL CIRCUIT COURT TERM. Circuit Court Convened in Adjourned Term on Saturday, the 6th. T. B. Iltinkins, T.M.Long, John Wil kinson nnd C. Hoberg appeared to sorve as jurors. The special venire ol jurymen returned by the shuriirwas: T. S. Lawrence, Sol Walker. W. T. Whitlock, J. W. Kelly, Max Sculpius, r. a. loeiiieman, u. u. uoso, w. A Hedges. Court adjourned until Monday, the 8th. It, L. Sabin, Gurrcttson Woodruff Pratt Co., Moicr& Frank Co, and J. M. Lawrence vs II. L. Schiller, Wil-lia- Barlow and Henry Will. Thos. F Kyan, assignee of II. L. Schiller, restrained from taking possess- ion of tho goods in Burton Store until further order of this court, hut rem tins in cliargo as receiver. W. M. Haiipach vs Paul liaiipach, ex- ecutor of Teresa Haupach, deceased. ram uaupacti, l.tggie l.uir. ami Cnthci-in- n Gush, default nf defendants mid judgment for plaintiff. I'ortlaml 1 rust Co vs Kcuben m I h . The object of tho suit was to oust Smith li oin possession and ownership ol Hie lot facing the river bunk back of Mr. Flanagan's saloon, but Smith produce d as proof of his property rights the testi- mony of W. H. Moss, who slated that he had sold the lot to Smith 42 years, ago for some lumber. The jury after a few minutes retirement found for Smi'h. The company has made motion for now trial. Court adjourned till next Tiler, day . James Crookshunks vs . II and Olive AdiiniH, continued for the term. 1. M. Miller vs .Man- - K. llarlowet id this suit having been appealed to su- premo couit, the appellant is to pay valuo of use and occupancy of the real property in litigation perilling such ap- peal, i. e. that part which he has in possession . Darthulia Sconce vs T. II.. W. S. mi l Bobt Sconce, Jennie Smith, Klmer, FMith and Mabel llardesty; decreed thut defendants convey to Darthulia II. hconce the Be '4 of ne1 of sec 10, t ft s, r 1 e ; 40 ss. D. M. Osborne Co. vs II. and Mniy Imel ; dufuult and judgment. K. K. Stewart vs J. J. and V. II. Herman; default and judgment. It is well known, says tho Ctiea Herald, that sea water has a most bene- ficial effect upon the appearance of horses, imparling a satin gloss to their coats, a brightness to the eye and a generally refreshed appearance. It is no unusual thing at Cape May and vari- ous other seaside resorts to see osilrrs giving the animals in their chaige their sea plunge as regularly as the most systematic bather on the beach. Some ers summering in Kumpe send their stables to the sen-sho- for a fortnight, simply for the pur- pose of giving their thoroughbreds this course of tonic treatment. NOW TRY THIS. It lillftwt you li.alilr,! nl will nrflr tin ? I"l. I' y" hTC t U(h, IV.I.I, or n; tmiitilr With Throat. 4'it or l.nns Pr. Ktltx'. V w lh.rn.f-r- rr Cmi.iniiptioll, ('ouih. ihI CoM hi Knannitrrfl to Mirf, or n,..n,- - will - pai.l btrk. MilTrrrrn liura U UripM fonml It Jim th. IIihik n, ntnlor It. DM ImiI lM,iy aiol ftfrfrct Try niilt at our riM. and Imrn for yonnMlfJiii4 biiw 1,1,1 i thins It I". Trial bout trn. at ln. A. Ilnlins'a Urug Store, lritii .lw Air. ami al.i.i. A LEADER. lino ita flrvt tfitn.liHMiiin. ,:i,.trt n,tt..n ua na Texas, 42,0C men are out ol "Wr ' vraur t.or. umii ,.. ii i. , clily la lb,- Uwt pr. nli,-- t.,nl, . nti.l work, fto other lection ol the country ""iii-e,N.iiui- nit .kiodi i .m,n. it lLOWi up io Well No Othpr :ti'ii !!!! '"' or Intoiinot. it i. an Ih. par, .jin,, ir.n .iimu, m.u ii A.nlu:. lli.l 1 J 1. . p. nr 1LIm.v. ti - .ii L ii . . , mvutirtmtiio wkf iii.io ul uauipe, una DO . " " ........... r... ...wwnr., in. ... .. '"'. CUB.t,lo..( dri.r M.lun fnm th. I anil Wlirt lllfl .'J-M- . MtltrtK, ttanutn with M. k b.tl or rill h. rpfan led. Clr, n., j, r... 11 hj li--.. A. Il.rlint COUNTY COURT. Jury Lint Selected J udtfPH and Clerks of Flection Appointed. The Four Road Supervisors pointed, It is ordered by the c ) urt that the fo- llowing named cltitens be drawn from the of the county to serve as jurors for the year 1804: NAME. OCCUPATION. O It ltlnearson, farmer.. II I' Bestow, carpenter. . . Arthur (Jlilf, bricklayer. . John Jennings, fanner .. Charles Caliir, carpenter. Miln Oard, farmer ... . C A Holstrom, dinner . II Straight, Hr, farmer... J T Appcrson, capitalist. Christ Knther, fanner... W W Irvin, farmer W S farmer J I Dozier, Chas Moehnke, farmer.. . .Beaver Creek K W ilornshuh, Christ Fischer, John Shannon, .... Kerry Bnckner, " Win Boring, farmer , . 10 Uichey, farmer David Robeson, farmer O W Kistner, farmer. , II limns, farmer J Cocklerease, . J It Duncan, farmer II 15 Chase, " Fred Logg, " II II Wheeler, lumberman Win Knight, farmer ... . J Zrek, blacksmith W L S ack, carpenter .... J A Cox, nurseryman A A 1 ctrter, plasterer VV M Shanks, farmer (i Whipple, farmer CW Annstrong, farmer... James Wilson, farmer.... i II Webster, K F Capps. farmi r Wm Johnson, farmer W A Deardoir, " J A Talbert, John Ouflney, " bred Oage, Chas Ba y, " J T Mclntyre, farmer Joseph Hedges, carpenter . . .. . . .. . . . . A n l.awton, DB Martin, E Midlom, Max Telford, loom fixer K II Bnrghart, fanner Henry II J W Douglas, Charles tieiser, A Buckman, John it iteMiiizer, tanner II M Looney, W J Currin, Harvey Gibson, farmer .... j w Douglas Joe Walton Kly Tom Duffy J L Swalfbrd Joe Harrington r M Taylor C W Fredericks, blacksmith f o Hitcrott, farmer K U iiohull John Pulmateor N P CS Porter Hans I'atihen G W R Kirchner J M Tracy S It Toon E Newkirk II Kleiusmith J T Grace K Harrington Henry Jewell R L It in no Charles Cone A II Wing J W Smith E Graves Or Cutting Chas Holinan II Thinner R Dickey A B Klise T L Dibble II S Win Miller John Dennisun A Lichtweis John Gordon JF Perdeu J K Jack F M Snnison A B Murquam Mart Kobbins G W ilentley WS Kent I'llKCIXCT. Abernethy .Barlow farmer. farmer. Cascades ...C'herryville Damascus Troge, Breidhaupt, Epperson, Kagle Armstrong Itamsby .Garlield .George Harding Highland Molalla .IT. Molalla Murqiiuin JW Klliott John Wise Milwuukie TJ Geary, teacher JG lionnett, mechanic John Wetzler, Sr, farmer T It A Sell wood Oscar Wesscnger RS McLaughlin Fred Iterkomeier, carpenter. JF Rislev, farmer J A Wilson Ulover K Hilton Needy JK Miller WL Thompson .... GA Kinder Dan'l Kaufman II Johnson TJOglo McArthur .....New Kro Aug Brewer Kims Cahill, lumberman John Rief, A .1 Thompson Oswego T Chuck, laborer Al Lewelling, larmer JR G W l'rosser, capitalist Wm Dyer, farmer Win llallinan G R Shipley It L Pollock, cleric I II Worthington, farmer F L Minlio. clerk ..Abernethy . ' . J Trembiith, Sr, liquor d'lr Or City No 1 i i tioiinun, surveyor K It Churinan, druggist ... It D Wilson, merchant G W Jin) Ian, laborer .1 Drescher, hotel keeper. . F. I) Kelly, merchant O Lovejoy, merchant I W Baldorf, woodman.... JW Aldredge, merchant... Ben Juggar, capitalist K J McKitlrick, merchant.. John Baxter, carpenter .... Max Sculpius, mechanic . . Biisch, merchant.... K.d Shsw, N O Wulden. capitalist. .. .Or City No 2 SS Walker, painter K P Rands, Sr, farmer W II Cooke, liveryman F F White, contractor V S Grt'euniun, drayman . . K M Huwell, carpenter CO Albright, butcher Win MiMire. laborer J W Taylor, farmer Sam Marrs, laborer .las iikinson, laborer OC Ha's-iK-k- , r TS l.nw rente, carpenter. .. (j R II Miller, carpenter ... T W Sullivan, surveyor II N Kdmiston, carpenter.. J (i Porter, wool sorter A l' Totl.l, Nela Mi t'linnoll uu Stt-i- Wm So ut T M It D Alemnilt-- r lli-nr- Ikhii ih Scnit I mtf r Ira IM W I. I'nrnett J II IMilMiia A C Miarp II Merhutf I. Toedtenit'ii'r J L ftr Larie i I'ue Graliain Jnh Milcv Re-A- p body .On-go- City .. Tull, farmer dinner " lurnier j I Bonny .Canyon Creek . .Canity .Clackamas Cunemuh farmer Creek Hover L. .Milk Creek Frank David farmer Hayes Frank miller furiiu--r llaker Kruse .rit-asan- t Hill Sievera .Sotla Sprinn . Spriim water Tualatin I'nion Win Stone Viola W. II. Maitoon .. (ieorge Anklns, mechanic. Whmi Or City J Humphrey, fisherman.. . Tlios Armstrong, farmer . . Supt (iilMon allowed $70 for quarter for district reports. Iteport of Judson Howull on list of delinquent taxes approved ami ordered Unit clerk Issue a warrant for collection of taxes each of the years 1HH7, IHhS, 1880, 1 800. Ordered that allowance to J W Doorus lor care unci keeping of Jesse Allen he Increased id $7 per mouth Hum Decem- ber 1, JHHX Iteport of W II Smith, supervisor r d 2, approved and expense account al- lowed as follows: Labor flOIMO, ma- terials $4 03, supervision $8, total $121.7.1. Keport approved of l S Ftitcruft 011 improvement of Oregon City and 'Ap pcrson road and expense account ol $84 411. Petition granted of F J McFarlaud to retail liquors in Oswego (or six nionliis. Iteport approved of SlierifT C W Ga- ming on the delinquent taxes of lHUl, and ordered that couuly clerk issue war- rant for the collection of tho delinquent tuxes on mortgages for the year 18UI, us appears in his delinquent, list for that year on pages 1 to 18, both inclusive, of the book untitled "Assessment Hull, I8UJ. Clackamas County." Iteport approved of A W Cooke, sup- ervisor r (I 1, and expense account al- lowed as follows: Labor $2U4.lt:i, ma- terials $184.14, supervision $8, total $3!H1.17. It is ordered thut the appointment of road supervisors for the several rouil districts of the county lor the year com mencing February 1st, 1804, bo made us lonows: r or roan district i 1, a ease tor eiiiiin; tor lumimrn , IMH xtublm, polluting the K I' for G l'rosser. Carter; HtaH Hm ft.t.jitf troughs, npon following persons ure hereby infectious fruit uud election of (lie lungs a mistake the precincts hereinafter named to serve for the term nf two years, commencing with date and closing January 1st, 180U. (The judge named in each precinct is the chairman thereof: Aber.iethy Judges, O It Ilinearson, I A Holstrom, II Gregory; clerks, (. tarry with r rganis Ilamiton.KCHackeU causes diseas., con iinntin-Dtui- uro, ii o i nil, f i mAit 'i K M Bracket I j clerks. O U Balrow, W W Irvin neaver i .lagg.r. .,.,.M., ,, . ti Moehnke, John Shannon ; clerks, E Ilornshuh, J B Bueson. Boring Judges, Kdgar Richey, It N Bradley. Wm Dcen ; clerks, M Armiseg-ger- , SK Card. Canvon Creek Judges, Chas Hub- bard, Wm Bouncy. I Gorbutt; clerks, F M Robeson, G W Kistner. Cascades Judges, II B Cluoe, Her- man I'.iunR, N DColomnn; clerks, T J Jonsrud, II McGugin. Caiibv Judges, Win Knight, A A Porter, A W Riggs ; clerks, J 11 While, BL Mack. Clackamas Judges, Geo II Webster. John Talbert, John Landers; clerks, W II Dedman, Sum llolcomb. Cherrvville Judges, C C Batv, Win Welsh, Fred Reichel ; clerks, I) V Par- ker, J C Long. Cunemuh Judges, I 8 Law-ton- , I) II Martin, K Bingmnn ; clerks, II C Stev- ens, Wm A Hedges. Damascus Judges, E II Burgharilt, Win Denboer, F C Bates ; clerks. J It Morton, A Bohna. Eagle Creek Judges, Jus J- - Gibson, II J Hofl'mnsson. C N Fassoi ; clerks, John N Vnncuren, Isaac Gordon. Ely JndgeB, J N Harrington, M M McGeelian, George V Kly ; Jas L Swad'ord, William Savage. Garfield Judges, J W Palmateer, .1 J Davis, W II II Wade; clorks, C S Por- ter, P E Linn. George Judges, Hans Paulsen. Huns Johnson, Fenl Rath ; clerks, John C .Schmidt, Adolph Harding Judges, J M Tracy. G C Armstrong, J H Brown; clerks, Fred Gerber, John Spraguo. Highland Judges, IIonry.JeW.pll, Win Bnckner, M K Kandoll ; clerks, G Kleinsmith, RoscoeGurd. Lower Molalla Judges, J II Joiner, A 11 Wing, J II Duly; clems, ti G Wright, J K Gribble. Upper Molulla Judges, H S Ramsby, Chas llolman, John Dibble; clerks, Reuben Wright. Sam Engle. Mill Creek Judges, J Trullinger, John Dennison, John Gard; F Nelson, Darnall. Murquam Judges, J W Elliott, JW Doores, M Kobbins; clerks, ,A B ouain, C Engle. Milwuukie Judges, R S McLaughlin, Henry Hoeslev, Henry Heissen; clerk t, T J Gary, I F Rislev. Needy Judges, George A Kiuiier. Ed Hilton, George Owings; clerks, B F Smith, Alex Ciimpau. New Judges, Enos Cahill. Au- gust Bremer, E L Mattock; clerks, Geo Brown, John Rief. Oswego Judges, Albert Walling, R L Pollock, L M Davidson ; clerks, C Kruse, Henry Guns. Oregon City No. 1 Judges, TF Ryan, A E Willoughby, E L Shaw; J W O'Connoll, David Caulleld. Oregon City No. 2 Judges, J W Noble, S Walker, T S Lawrence; clerks, W B Wiggins, E M Howell. Pleasant Hill Judges, Win Scolt, Nelson McConnell, W F S'oung; clerks. Georgo Seely, A W Phillip. Sievers Judges, R A Ten Eycko. Henry Von Helms, John B Iimbry; cieras, a Ascnoii, r s reuk. Soda Springs Judges, G lileakney, Scott Carter, J M Brown; clerks, Henry Thomas, A V Davis. - j Spring water Judges, Henrv Dubon, John Reed, John Lewellon; clerks, M J Snider, A Lucey. Tualatin Judges, John Kruse, Sr. Fred Koellemeier, T L Turner; clerks, Chas Wagner, AC Sharp. Union Judges, W L White, Jacob Miley, A Yergan; clerks, Stein-bach- , A Graham. lola Judges. Win Stone, A D Craine. O W Cutting; clerks, W II Mat-too- M Johnson. West Oregon City Judges, Josephus Tompkins, (ieorge Askins, A Magone; clerks, I 1) Taylor, Johnathau Hum-pre- Ordered that per diem allowed to the road supervisors shall be $2 w hen actu ally employed in the duties of their office as supervisors, and they shall not be allowed any mileage r traveling but in lieu thereof they shall be paid $1 per day. Report approved of E P Carter, suiter- - visor r d No 4, and expense account allowed us follows: Labor $100 81, ma- - terials $28. !iq, supervision $12, total $14180. j Report approved of G l'rosser,! supervisor r d No ft, ami exjiense ac- count allowed as follows: Labor$l 10.00, materials $4 8ft, supervision $8, total $ir. 73. It is ordered the boundaries of! ull the several Voting precincts in the cuiinly of Clackamas, excepting Alier- - t,..tl.o V..U- l.'r I l.u I':,., v.. O ........... n i.,n, viikimi V'llt .O. HI IJ unmiiii jiirriiu 's, iuni m am rOllr.il H t lie nn dy thin nt llie Jiimiiiry tf. in f in lS'.l.' Il is fnrtlier iinltTpit tlntt nil purl f Abor-ni-tli- prfi'inct nn lurttofnre ostnliliHlifil wliit li in now ini'linli',1 within the e o( t'ily, lie Abfrnetliv tint met anil aililoil to i City No. 2 ami that utliertviiie than the ciiuntriti hfrt-i- urilt-rci- l the hoiimiaries Baiil AhernetliT, New Kra, Oreisnn City No. 2 Tualatin pni-in,tH- , nliul n ami the name ax estahlihrd lay lliia t at .lie January term there ol in the year ' And It in further onlerid that the matter of adiiiatiti,; the boun daries nf New Kra and Tualatin preeinots lie laid over till the Ft bruarjr ' term, 1S!M, of court. Ordered thai an adjourned term of, lliia n urt be held on Monday, January ' lo. 1S!M, comniencini at 10 o'clock a. in. Mile and et diem enn'y m , niissloners: $18 m. C Buir, 80; It Sc.lt, IIII.I.S ALLOWED, Surveyor H Hinjili B C Irwin A Co, records Sunt II 8 Gibson Co Clerk Morton, Hheriir Gaining Slierilf Gaining, j iiiscel J llonull, delinquent lax list , . JC Gains el si, jury list Coroner Iloluiiiu et al Suite vs M I itili. j .list 5 Sliilo vs T Giinnsii. j 5 .... Slum ,'H A. In j ills! o . State vs Ada Sehidler, j ilisl I I . Sliile vs A Hunter j :l ..... W II Y ling, piupi-ruee- t I' J Iti'liiiuN, puiiiHir seel CnriiiKK, priming G drought. in. road ueet Portland Hospital, panpi-- r . F II Diiiignii et al, jury list It uel. jury list O C Iron Works, com hcci ... Dan Parker, j p, conrth .... Assessor Bradley stationery J C Bradley et Patrick Harris, pauper aect St Vincent Ib'spital, pauper ucet State vs Mary Kiser, insane .... Dunning & Champion, pauper ac ,iie A Co, road sect W) Kl (A Oil 211 70 l.'ll 07 H i ) ; 10 The Consumptive Jerslet. Tim rapid and steady spread tuber- culosis among tho Jersey cuttle is de- serving public notice. Die slaughter the infected animals does not appear 'o make uny impression on the progress the disease, which retains hold upon the herd spite the discarding many and the introduction new re- cruits. This is doubtless due to the fact, presumably ignored, that this dU- - l contagious, ami that the infection uoose; ios, vy 11 o, No whii The e matter discharged pointed judges clerks is collected. It is this lirst clerks. Wiedorhold. G clorks, limits ri'tiiain Kulfffiriiw, ireqiientiy made mat the discus i not communicable by breathing the air transpired by diseased animals. If there is one tiling mire tain thai another regard to this disorder it is t mt, when the hnus , or the throat, the expired air may ea-ii- y V it that the and Hum Nick Mar- - Era Win each that court tint from khhI ami thin $14. fees dUt ilil sect vey to i llier animals. Thus the onlv ell'ective means ol protection not only to destroy the sick animals but to put Jui.ges. rraiiK ., ,,. J b J S J J ir untitle and r u 'lily disinfect the i: i.-- .i... .Til. i iMiiiiioi(N. r.veu uiu iietos, u utistiireo need this disinfection. Thut rhis disease exists mostly Jersey herds goes to show thut it isconi miinicatcd by heredity to a large extent lliat It may inliereteu is denied some experts, but facts not bear out this negative belief. O lite the contrary for it has been known that one bull a family which tuborculosis had pre vuiled almost invariably has had the large majority his progeny to bao-o- diseased, and this way the disease has been brought into fresh places. wide distribution the Jerseys by pu. chase and sale is one the noteworthy tacts in tins regard. . r. iunr. l'rovide yourself with a bottle Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and s i have tho means at hand contending success fully with a sudden cold. As an emer geucy medicine, it has no equal, and leading physicians everywhere recon: mend SPECIMEN CASKS. 8. II. Clliroril, Now Mussel, Wis., Irntililed with Nciirulh'iu KhciiniutlKtii, Ktnnin disnnlereil. Liver ulleeted tu u ulurinliiK degree, uipetite awuy, and tetriniy reoiu-e- Rirengtii. jure lintlles nf Kleelric Hitters cured hlln. Kiiward Sheiihurd, llurrlshiirK, III., had a run nliiK on nf eight yeura' atauiltns 1'ncd three bnttlen nl Electric lltlters and seven boxes nl kten'ii Arntea tulve, mid sniinii well, jnttn tspeuiter, t atuwnii, Iind live luntu fever sores on Ick, siiiil lie Ineuruhle. hnltle Kleetrie and Arnica Snlve rured hiin entirely. Sold at U. A. llardlns'i llrtigSture Tho persistent cough which usually follows attack of the grip can permanently cured by taking Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. W. McGulie McKay, Ohio, suys: "La grippe le with a severe cough. After using several inherent medicines without re lief, tried Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy which ell'ccted a Permanent cure. have also found it to without pipinl for children, when troubled colds or croup. bottles for sale by Harding, druggist. HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITCTUNC PILKd known y moiiturt li v M)rjpiruUcn, mtuuiH) Itutiiuf He a BLIND. or tHOTUUDINO P1L8 YIKLI AT ONt'KTO no on cjiu v n'c c ocucnv 7 8 II H 11 b ti. whl'-- loti directly on parti ffecied. tuuiurs, luinius, oneoiing a permaneutoure. Price Drtificlit mail. l)r. BoMOko,Pnlladlplt)a.Pft. Charman V DrugifUts DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL Wo (tu run tee one of these pi Hi at a dote, ptodut'e better remlli in the of Headache, Conttveiieim, Bour Stomach, Breath Dleil-nca- s, hint itireoto Ave of any other make, do It without uriplnit tokening. Their wonderful at' t ton nm it ci von a beniir. Bo. a Drugtfiata or mail, lioaauko Med. Pl.ila,, Charman & PruggiRU DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP F0R C0UCHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In r.iUinf fimil r of children, my only rem-cd- y lor Coutlha. Colda id Croup woa oniou . It iijint a ell(K.'tivetrt-da- r aa ft was forty aic. mv ftrndchildrpn Ounn'i Oiion Byrup nhi''h it alretdv prepared ileMut to the tiU. at bo a bottle. Charman A Co, Druggists 1331 HE CULTIVATOR J894 Country Gentleman INK IlKST TIIK A(i IH ll liiA WKIKLIHS. 1'KV.lTKli TO 1:: 7 It H II 7 7 II 2 is he ill is sn dm or fw Ptv Dr. 1 l farm Crjpj and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit Growing, Live Stock and Dairying While it inclnili-- all minor drpurlmenta o. Knral rent", na (lie rnllllr lard, Ktito moloyj-- . tint niitntM 4rar7, Ki'pllea, Kami cjuelii'ti an. Flrt-alil- llcaillnir, IKmirMie a aiinimary nf New, ul Wevk. Ita M tKKKr KrpuKTa ara iiiiu.nulijr and much attention la paid to l'ro.wla nl CroM. aa throwina light tipim one ol niont iionoriaiit of tiieiiona H'Aa r lay to Stll. It la Mar-al- llluatrated. RKt'KNT ENLAKiiKMKNT, eontdiua more rea matt'r than The mibseription Price la K.W rier year, we i,rT,-- a SI'KflAL RKDtTriON In our ritii KATK..S a iatu. Tw ) SubSCrlptioni. In remltlanee $4 Six Subscriptions, " ) 10 Ten Subscriptions, ' i 15 Srs.mti I'liiir.. Farr. AAtreaa LUTHER TUCKER L SON, Publishers. .VII.MIIy. V. OH OH III (HI l:l 2t II) 411 :io (17 HO M III) ID) 18 01 A) in) 14 1ft IK) 00 114 00 15 is) 70 of of of its in of of of .o 4, W of too cm in are th ,, rees W W W n( of th 0' ,h th i...:i in th be do of in of in Tu of of of for it. was anil his was his wim wit' nesu nun Miru Ills kK Hue hla leg- his was One Hit- ters ono bnx nn be A. of mo be wi O. A. warm. Thli form uud Dttorou miiwyw boo. Co, that will cure Bad and and nnd fe'l like ho. Co. nine ayru yar Now take and mora Hold uiinu AND OF L :m 00 M 20 00 00 CO 40 (M fell aim uuusu A Co., lo Inlf mien and and w.-r- ami the lha the Ihe the all uniI H'r anil by evr but vi one N'. r HAIR DEATH mum tutttmlty feiHutr oint fnrrrrr tlratrny uhec tinmtlile hnii; whether uptim thr httinl,Jttt'f, nrmt or tifi'k, without ttitvuUmition or injury tu the MMt it, tirntr kin. It mhn fur II (ly yr tli ufvrt ftiiiintl-- nf ft.rMmna tVIUmi, l.y iivl-l.l- i IMV llllfm'M iHIIII'IIIV MIM1 III' ' rill kII Hint iilr NH'i'iulNi that 1 llvt.il. DuriiiK hi- - irlvniu imirikv .if tt ff It :hm Hiiiuiiu iiu itohiliiy himI nrlMncrHft- of Knropu h( itri'iM'ilitril IliU rrclit. I iur, ftl lv mull, kifirvly hi rurrrnfion-ttnif- ctoijlttenthtt. Hull- - Atfi'iiti fur .tiitcrirtt. The Skoafcum Root Hair Grower Co , J li'.t. It, 7.utli KIMi 4viiic,Nh' York. 1 v y StIF.UIFF'S XoTICK OK K.U.K I F.XIXTTIOX. IS TIIK I'lllCI'ir l.'lll'lll' UK 1 If K STATE (IF Dresiin, fur iliu Canty of Mrs. M. II. WsIIhc. Ilnliillir. l v. W. K. Wolln, Stats cr (luiciins. I Couuly ol K'Mlce l hcreliy i(lvi-i- i Mini by rlrtuixif sn ex. rcilllnn liannl nut nl I lit-- lr. ll It court til the Ntatu ni lor in einiiity ol oil" the Mh ilnv nl lii-- i tmilier, Una, in milt l Mia. M. It. W.illa. u was plillnlilt anil W. K. W,. una (loinin.iiiilliiit me, In the tiaiaii nl the mule oMm-Kon- . Unit nut H me DiTMHini nruiioriv or iit.ri.iiiiiint or ,r .r. Ilelent eonli! not he ruiiiio. thou nut nf rout tir,.o. ut aula ilffiiiiilunl, tn res l.o mini millleient lo.iitiNiy the UciiiuihIm or until lailsitieiit. unit riiKta iiiiw iii'itiiuiI ol iiuil uIko lie emia in nan into HUliutli M:i e. Now.t u.ro lore, til In mirji iloi.rei.. unit lioinir mi. Him- - in nun iierwiuui iiriiiiTiy iiihuiiKiy tiienaina, I 'lid. nil Iliu Until liuv "I llm onilxT. lsil.l. ilnlv levy iiikiii. ami ivlh. mi Sniiinlny the LTlli day nl rfiiuiiury, inn,, hi inu iniiir III lun i'llli-- a. lll.nl inn uuy. al ilimr nl the In auiit nllcr lor li-- al pulille aiietlnn. and ell to the filxhoat ami Ih'hi blilder, nr cash In IihiiiI, all nl die rlitlit, title and liili-n-- t the sairl ilelemlniit hail mi the lil.li day nf July, istn, In and tn the liilhitviiiK real irnrly. Ciiinim i nt the northwest corner nf miuinc-- i iiiiuner nl i;, lo.vnuliln 4 until, raiiifv a van! nl W. M.i riiiinltia theneu eat su riula; thein-- aniuh "u nidn; west W r.xl; llica c north in IhiIiiiiIiii;. eonliUiitnif ;IA aerifa; in t ihckiiiuhm enllniv, IJrcK'UI. Oateil thin uh day nl Iieeeiiilu-r- . A. I. IKIitl. 0. V. tlAMINH. HIierllTuf C'liii ktiioiiH t'uiuily, Uregon. OltlUNAXCK NO AKKllOM CI I V IM1KM Oltl'AIN AM KOI. LOWS v That the inliiry nf Ilia ain-e- t ahall tie nl the rale of two ilullura per al.iy fur the nine aeinnii. iniiinyiiiun alien wnrit, anil on any work uliereonly one man In iieeeaHnry he la ludnaiii h work himaelf. The above onllttaiiee will come nn for aiK'iunl reaillna ami hiuie at a rhhIiiI nieellnit of i ne city eoiiiieii tu iw lielil Jiniuaty ill, IMH, al 7:tkl o'eliM-- p. in. Onlerel imiiltaheil lay the city council at a invelliiK h fit January A, InH I.. I I'DltTKR, IttH'orUerof Uregoa CUy, Or. OUDI.N'AXCE NO OltKllON t'lTV DOKS ORDAIN AH FOU.OWS: lax of II v. inllU on eaeli ilollnrof real ami wronal iroKTly lie anil la lierehy levied on nil xaiil prnpuity within tlie eorpornte llmlia ol tha eilyof I'itv mi the HHesainent ol wis as relumed by the alnte buanl ul eqinilixa-tlou- . The ulHive ontluiinee will eome up lor second nnd uiaaiue nl a sim-ln- l luenlluj; of I he eity eoiinill tu be held January ill, IKU. a 7:30 o'eloi-- p. in. Orilerwl iiiibllalu-- by tho city coituell at a lield Janeary 5, lK'.M. h. t,. PORTKK, Reeonler of (liegon City, Or. TO CONSUMPTIVES The tinileraluned having been restored to henlth by simple nienua, after iiutl'ering for nevernl yenra u lth a severe Iiiiik all'eetioti, and that ilrend dlaenae fa auxloiiK to make known to hla fellow Miiterem the means of cure. To Unite who dealre it, he will cheer- fully send (free of chaw) a copy of the prescrip- tion used, which they will llml a sure cure for Collauiiiptlini, AHtliiim, (tHtarrli, llriinehi. tla and all throat anit Iiiiik AlHladtea. lie liopea all suttVrers will try Ills remedy, as It la tiivnlinible. Those dcHiriiiK the prescription, n h nil will cost them unllilint. ami mav nrove a blest ing, will please address, Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup A Never Kalliim Remedy, for all THROAT AND LTJNCr AFFECXTI0N3, Suitable (or Old or Youut. PRP!D BY THE H0LDBN DRU3 Co., Stockton, Oal. SOLD nV ALL DBUOOI8TS, For Sale by Geo. A. Harding FREE MEDICINE! Golden Opportunity For Suffer I nar Humanity. 'hyaiclana Give Tlielr to tits People. DO YOU SUFFER? ptaininir your trouble, and we will aeml you j'rt of Chwrtf a pull coi!Uk or xpecutliy iircpitrwi rem hi ft it mi it Hi to your rnie. WK WAST VUt K ItKCUAl MKNOATION. UC PUM PttQZ th wmtaovrnvatrd (I ifaf fit Unll uUnt o both nrxen. OurtnHtme!iUi for all (I insane uimI ileforraitief! nre MiNlcrn and Scfentittc, acquirnt by many years pxprirnce, which enablM m to tlimmnti-- a Cure, Do not tleHpair. N. we nave ine only poHinre cure lor Rpilepht (FITS) and Catarrh, Heff rencei given, l'ermaneiitiy locatptl. (Old Mtablislied.) Or. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AND SURGI CAL INSTITUTE, I) Market .St., fun Kranelseo, ln yMrSfflis COPYRIGHTS. Vr CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a iromrit answer and an honest opinion, write to IIIINN .V I'd., who haie had nnarlTflflT T.r.' experience la the patent buatneaa, Commnnlca-tton- s strictly confidential. A Handbook ol In- formation eoneernirja Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and sctentlno books sent free. ratents taken through Munn at Co. reeelTe special notloe In the Helrntlfle Ameriran, and thus are brouaht wtdelr berore the mihllc with. out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, lasuea weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the laiveat circulation of any aclentioe work tn tae. world. 03 a year. Sample copies sent free. Bulldina Kdltlon. monthlr. t2Ju a Tear. Hinla eoplea, J5 cents. Krery number eontalna beau- tiful pletee. In oolora, and photonraphs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the lateat designs and secure oontracta. Address MUNN i CO, NKW YORK, 361 BuoaDWAT. Salary aad expenses paid weekly from Btet-g- e Paninaaaatpoaltloa. I Experience wnecessary. TmlUTmTf I adesntsefatebeajiiners. Liberal sdrXV I eomtnlsalon to local par. afL time aeenta. Largest laTLr giewera of clean. Xr Com- - I brdT.r-l-.i- .fl XA. I 'rjK - fortbcotrh&rd, tiotk. jr lw ud tmrdft. tb trait l&dmtiT 1 m I Ttfcij 1 Oood cbavae for 1 frt&vmfmnt. Outfit and full Pr- - II V .tiailMi fr . BROWN UKOH CO.. nor-I- l Jlerjmta, Fertlivad. Or. Thii ,WUM iJ j tnlUblo. Nmh thi ptvpsw. 14J JM E. E. BURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE . CHEMICAL O LABORATORY EitaMI'hrd In Colorado. Bameln be mall er txprtM wi!; receive prompt and CATefol atuouoa. Sold I SilrerBalHon 'JXW&lVl nip;nia Tabuloi euro bilioiim-Kipani- . Tihule : for tour stomswh. ArWrWrrVyVWWWVIrfW iBALDH EADS if l the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Does It at the ends? Has it a g lifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed or brushed ? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scslp Itch ? Is It dry or In condition ? If these are some of symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. J, SkookumRoot Hair Grower? It whatyos smL luprotloiHInBlinotsaaoeldant.tatlhaijiatillof 'rltnlltls raaaareh. Kuowlxlia of Hie dlwaiuof tua hair and acalp lad to IhadlwuT. ajT of bow to treat tEatn. "Skooltuiit oontaini nittnr m tutraii nor m i. 1 1 U sot a Dya, but d.lnhtfully ooolluf and rafraahlns Tonic. By aiimulatlna th folllclea, (I lopt alltnt kalr. mm omi grw aairmlailj "d . . , .i . aoo i irora irnv.,iua th tua &aoauaa It dtutruis parwilia tlUWl, Ul pranald, on rrmlpl ot price. Orewar, par Will. 1 tut Soap, toe, THE SKOOKUfl ROOT GROWER CO., C ST Hatk VMh Avenna, new . x. j SIIEKIFF'S NOTICK FOKKCLOS UHE SALE. I N TIIE IMltCl'IT l1iniT OK STATK 01 a Oreyoii, fur the eoiinly nl Uiickninna, Juiiii'H lliiinphrey, I'lnlntlll, vs. J, J. Fowler, M. M. Knwler, Juo. II f'ltriu.llMN N K t'orlollis. T. M. Mi'liniiiel. and liuls Klcischner. - Hoi lllrsi-h- Kamiiel tiiimiii ami Murk K. Mayer, pnrtuera under the Unit name ol ' Klcischner, .Mayer Co., lictVmlnnta. Statk or Oineunsj, Cuiinly ol Clue kiimas.l ' Ir Kmp aha acaiP ctaaa, OkM Soao. UM S5.0Q. om, OF TIIK Notice Is hereby itiveu Hint by vlituo of an i hiiii iiniL-- ! naie in.iivii uu, .., c rcu 11 rinirl ol the stale ol oreaoii uir tn conn tv nl t:iackainaa. ocarina- Ohio the van nay i llcecmlier, lbiia, in a suit wherein J nines Hum ithrcv w mm itliilntltraod J. J. el al (abovt tiMincli ivt.ni defendant, uommuitillnir me. In the name o the stale of Oregon, that out nf the rt.ul k.imIm ln.l,iii(l,.t. llf.Nirlt,e,l. to realize a sum siiilleleut to snllsly the demands nl said do- - cree. rJin.l.i, ono james iiutiipiirry, ulaiiitiir. loaelher Willi lulerest on the siime since said decree was entered at 10 per cent, pel milium, and Mil ' due T. H. . Daniel, with iuteresl as nforcsnld, and a fiirtlu-- l sum of tltluiuilidiie lo Kleisehn.r, Mnyer A Co., wltli III wr cent. Iuteresl per annum since decree was entered, ami iiiso tue costs ot auu this sale. Now, therefore, in obedience to such decree, I will, on the mil day ol January, IhiU, at the hour ol one o'clock p. in. ol said ilny, at tl." front door ol the courthouse in sitiu county, oner lor snie m puouc aiielion, and sell to the blithest and best bidder, for cash in IihiiiI. all the riitht, title and Interest the sulci dcleiidnuta had In an to the ili'ScrllMMl rpal nrolHTtv. Situated III the county ol ChickiimiiH. state ol OreKon, and particularly bounded and described us loiinws, limit: lIcKluuiiiKatapoint 14 aiuHU lnOeluiiiia west ul the ii Hurler section comer between see- - tlmia i; am! ill. runtiinv tlicuce wesl ir and Iklti0 chains to the ol said section ill; thence ninth 4 and thence east l.i ami tW IUO chains: thence south ii' west 8 and 7.l0ehniua. thence east 12 and chains; thence ninth II nnd 'J.1I1O chains, tn the place ol ItAtriimliiL'. conttilniuir 14 acres: belnu a Iran- - tloiiai purl of se'ilnn III ol township two south, rnnite one east ot n iiiiiineiie ineriuiiiu. lijiteal this '.sun uay ul ttetreinner, a. it. miu. C. W. (lANONtl, .ShcrllTof Clackamas County, Oregon. ADMIXISTKATIIIX'S KALE. VOTICK li 1IKKKHY ,1VKN THAT Hi VIII-i- i me of an order ol the Hon. County Court ol Clnckmina countv, Oreiton. the nnderslned hat been licensed lo sell lots : and 4 of block ii, Mi- lwuukie, Ore., nt privnle side. Therefore from and after the 21st day nf January. Ism, I will otter al ttriviitclHrtle nnd sell to the hisThestiind best bidder all the rtxht. title and iuteresl nf Jacob I. Miller, al the time ot his death, in the above described real cstutn. Terms of sale one-hul- l cash, balance on ninrtnane at 8 per Iuteresl cent, per annum for one year. Duted, nvcviiiuer "at, MAKIKTTA PRATT, ,1 estate alnresald. D. C.1C D.LATounKTTK.altysfor administratrix SIIEItlFF'S NOTICE OF SALE UN DER EXECUTION. N THK IMltt'lllT COURT OK TIIE 8TATK OF Oregon, (or tliu County ol Mnltiiinnali. M. II. LiK'lliiiK, I'lalutiir.i vs. What heated defendant Krank llecrs, Dvfi'iicluul. ) StATK op OIlF.nnN, County ol l.'lackiiinas.l " Notice Is glvnti tlntt by vlrtui'of an exe- cution Issued out of the circuit rntirtoltli stale or Orrijon lor the comity ol rlacknmns, bcarina date lli IKtli (lay ol Hecernbvr, IMCI, in a mill v herein M. II. LnclliiiK was plaliitltl'aiid Krank livers was dcfenilanl, eoniinandmit me, in the mine of the suite ol Oreiton. that out ol the real estate herelnalter described and heretofore In this case, to realize a sum siillli-ien- l to sntisfy the of said decree, to wil: flml, and a fnrtlier sum of ll.7aost8 now accrued, and also the conn ol and attending this sale. Now. therefore, In obedience to auoh execution. I did heretofore duly levy upon, under attach- ment In this case, anil will, on the 27111 day of January, 1'H. at the hour (if 11 o'clock a. m. ol said day, at the front door of the courthouse in said county, otter for sale at public auction, ami sell tn Hie hly best and best bidder, lor cash in hand, all nl l ho rlidit. title and interest the said defendant had at lime of attachment in and to the followinK described real property, U .wit: The in rthivesi quarter of the northeast (iuirler of section twenty-liv- in township one south, rnnire three enst nf Willamette meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated una ."Jtn (lay ot Decern uer. a . n. intra. f. W. OA MONO, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. vTStITTB IS 1IKRK1IY OIVEN THAT I WILL i.i sell at nubile auction on my place, two miles south ol orcitnn City, Oregon, on Saturday, --"th, lwl.one Jersey heifer, three years old, the nrnoertv nl Mrs K. L. Newton, for a claim owing to me of 8JII. according to Title II, Chap ter 4), of the lieuerui Laws ot Oregon Dated, January 4, mi. spilt your ry imuirvff deceased, dumiinds W. B. STAFFORD. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL i' sell at nubile auction on the farm of John Mvers. 2 miles south of Orcaon Cltv.on Snlurday. the 27th day ol January, WM, at the hour or 1 o'clock P. M., the following personal properly, according to the provisions or Tltie II. Chapter 55, of the General Laws of Oregon, the sams he- lm the property of Wm. Huse. and held by me on a claim oi r--u : une sorrel mare s years otii, one bay horse e years old. J. tv 111 r.r..s ORDINAXCK NO ... . ARROuN riTY DOES ORDAIN A1 FOLLOWS Kec. 1. That the wilarv of the city recorder of () recon Cltv hIihII bo and the name Is herehv nxed at it per mown, ami ne tnnu ie entitled rctaiii the fines pftid into the reeonler court for the mi r none of imylutr mieh fees as a Justice the penre woiiiii receive in line cafes. Sec. 2. The xalury of the chief of uulice of ra city nhall he and the same U hereby fixed at $.r per month, ana ucii ices a comtaoie would receive In like case?, provided they are paid by the defendant. All ordinances nnd parts or ordinances in con fllct herewith are hereby renealed. The above ordinance will come up for second readinir and naaue at a xmehil meetimr ul the city conned to b held January lit, 1M4, at 7::) o'clm-- p. m. Ordered utitdihed by the city council at a ineellntf he'd January 9, 14 I.. i.. ri ik i r.K, Keeorder of Oretcon City, Or. SHEUIFFS NOTICK OF HAIR Adinliibtratrlx I'M) Kit KXKIX'TION. IN THK CIKCITIT COimr OF THE STATK OF Ort'K'tii, lor the t ounty of ClHckHinHH. T.iinrt)!luc Kudy, Exerutrlx of Abell Kudv, OercHtti'd, IMstiiHitr, vh f John Omuer, lH leiilmit; J Win. VtuiKlin, AilinfitlstPHlor or K."(t-0- JiinifH Oill .r, riiilutiif, Vf. Jnhn K. OinctT. I'rtvi.1 Offli-er- . nu1 'll.n.na.li.1. b.l L.U...lei a.f llu.l noanny. Kowler SALF Eiicty, Itt'fen'luii.e.. J fTTF OF (HtKOoN. I Count) u Clm krimas i "B WHERFAS. BY A rF.KT.UN 1E REE OK mnl nnlt-- r of rn, in the dm' n ik) ve fOttilHil Mill. MKned out of (lu 4ore pn liiltHl emirt. now In my IihikIn, iH'Hrine ilnle th' IJili tin v of lrc'inrr. I MM, foniiimii'linf me, W iIhvh Irmu ttie iitiif ni vnui exi ciihou tint' orlt-- r or to imtn Hit Milt o IhihI in tlti rtt ri.H-.- l tli- - mini t i"74 ilolhirsi mnl one hitti-tr- t fl ilnlUrs nttornry . and the .rU mid di!iun-nien- i ni mid mt. and a c ru- in d rol. And further, liy tt exprution nnd or.ltr of lt- - fn the iupnd thoe ntitled Mint fomrA out nf (tie almve cntitleil cmirt now in my hinidn dutf ttit 12ih dar of her, IsH 1, iitniuiMinliiiir ni. in 6t dnvit fritm thr dtUofHid txcrittion onlt-ro- f ' , tn nutki-frn- the itule of tin- - lund hert infler the turn of 7 0 dnllam and the costs nnd din m r4em4-.1- t of the Ut-- t ntenttont-- ra-- to with afrninnt iot. Now. thfrt'furf.iii of Mid two or tain extculiiui and onleif artlf alive tw- forth. I have levied upon the r de rit-d rtal e lute: ThrinHith half of lha Kvelva ti. ttH er a portion of the h. I. ; No J'.tran Janipti onictT and hvi-ly- ii (ttlner. hi , hy patent dated April jsth. Jft.v.1, rrantini part of itcctiitna 2U. ?. and :l of townhiD 4 iouth. of ratiff t eaat of W illumeite metiitian in ( litckamaj ronulv. . Amoqut of tani and rmviyed by aaid mortgage derreei- - Deintr im acre. And will, on Satn'diiy. the huh dty of Feb ni- si ry. ir-4- , al 1 o'rktrk P. M. of raid i.ht. at the front diMtr of the rourtii.Hie in iwtd ronntT. offer e at miMic auction, and aril to the h.phe-- 4 and bet btdiler for r!h in hand, all of the right, title and interet the aa'd John Officer. hvi at the time of eXertitiar the mort enre fn or to the forefoing real eatate t w. uanuSi;, Sheriff of Co Oreiton. rate-- I thn Januarr lzth, 14. Job Printing at the Courier Office. !. II. II. W. K. THROUGH TICKETS TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. Eastern Cities. 3sc DAYS TO HICAGQ Hours Hours Quickest to Chi- cago and the East. Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. MINK Kl.l.KKV ANliKRSON ecelvera. For mteH urnl ironeral inloriniitlon enll on or Hildrefs, W II. IIUULBURT, Asst. lien. las,.Aa,nl 'Jo4 H uBliiniiton St., cor. Tliiril. I'OUTLAND OKKO'ON. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THIS SOUTIIEKN PACmu 10. Trains Leave I'orlluiid liailj. 'U'l'-- fTToTilT U.15 CM. 7:ltr. u. 10:15 a.m. it::tl a.m. M. Lv Ar Oregon Hun a... ,rl Ar l.v I 7:1!) a. l.v r. t ubovo trulns stop ul all stulions from lo inclusive, shed. Is Hiirrlsbiirg, Juiictign Clly, Irving, e ull slutioiia IrUiu Itosehiug toAsu.uiid inclusive. ifli.a. J:5Ut the CLARK. OI.IVKR Express I'urtlaiid Clly Portland Albany Tungi-iu- ilulsey, ROSEHUltU MAIL DAILY. 1'orllund Oregon City Roseburg CARS ON ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLAS- SLEEPING CARS Atluchcd to all Through U' eat Side Division, Between l'(IKTi.AM) I till VA MAIl.THAIN SUNQAV.? 7:811A.M. l.v T'ortiiimi Ar I', w, 12:15 T. M. Ar Corvnllis Lv 1:00 P.M. At and Corvalils conn,.,. of Huilroud. n.'.tu.i x;.nr.H DINING OGDEN Trains. I.LIS. Albany Oregon I'ucitlo Iralna KXHRKSB TRAIN ( KXCKI-- SPNPA V. I 1:401. M. I.V Portland Ar ') A V, P. M. Ar McMliinvllle Lv UirnAlnr. THROUGH TICKETS TO Al.r. FOISTS IN TIIK EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND Et.'ROI'K ho obtained at the lowest I.. I. MOOIiK, Agent, Oiiuon R. KOEHLKR. E. P. ROGERS, Manager. tn (. 1 il P Anen Portland, Or Oregon Pacific Ppi'road Company K. W. HAIUiKV, Kkoeivfr. RIVER DIVISION, C!uiMUty,i HlininlMita: WM. M. IIOAO" "THKKKSISrKlSM 7:UU Iho and and 5::!fi with DAILY 7.25 Can rates from This rit. Ooi) Rntib CaH. It. J. Yuiiiix Tldn Company removes the HkIiI to viirv from tlili citnl.andrciiiiiiiUiicemnHy refjuire, without notice. Leave Portland, Sunday, Wednettdiiy and Friday 0 a. ni. Leara Corral tin, Monday, and Friday, 8 ft. m. Leavn Salem, north, TtMBday, Thiunday ami Sutnr dny, 0 a. in. OCKAN KTKAMKR SAII.INOH 8. 8. WILLAMETTK VAhl.KV. l.eaved Kan FrandMCo, Nov. nth, and heave Yaiiiinu, N.fv. 9lh, llMh and Wtii, Fur freight and imsseiiaer rates unulr to an agent or puner of this Company, or II. tj. Oaf go he ml aifeuf, Salmon street dock. Portland. . K. SlirLCAliy.tien'l. Sunt.. CT.WAKhLAW T. F.AP. A. I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and wascured sound and well with two and a half bottles of Other blood medicines had failed P;'tx.;,J to ma any good. Will C. Ueaty, '. S.C. I was troubled from chlldhrxl with ana? aTBten eaa) of Tetter, and three bottle t. J cured me permanently. naxo. a nBn, Hua-ill- s, L T. , flnr book oo Blood and Skin Disease mailed Bwu-- i brwuiu Cv Ua. Your Stomach DistressesYou afUr eating a hearty meaL and tha reenit la a chronic caw of Indices jtlon. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, 7:(iUA.ii AUaata, Llynpepeia, or a bilioas attack. RIPANS TABULE8 Prwsaote nieeatiea. Recwlatr th fm arb. Lleer aad Rewele, Partry Ike Hlewd. audare a Peaillre Care for .easus-allee, -- .lea Heaaarke, Hll leaeaeaa, and all other blaeasea ansioc rn,BD a disordered eoodltk'a or ike Lt.nr ana Strmiark. Ther aft aently yet promptlT aad perfect die itloa fallows their use. Ripens TaMiles take the flare of aa Katlrw SteaUcia t kru, and aarnik kcytftar Sou tv draeviser asX ke auli. Price, . - Te CoBorm. THE IIPARS CHEMICAL CO. Bawwee at, slew f eek. 5 14tli do

Transcript of oregonnews.uoregon.eduOregon City, January 12, 1894. MONEY. Al our local banks similar conditions...

Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.eduOregon City, January 12, 1894. MONEY. Al our local banks similar conditions prevail at In the great banks of New York city. There the deposits exceed the legal

Oregon City, January 12, 1894.


Al our local banks similar conditionsprevail at In the great banks of NewYork city. There the deposits exceed

the legal requirements 180,000,000, andthe aggregate doposlts of the clearing'

house banks are over hal f a billion dol-

lars. A year ago the excess over lottal

requirements was only $7,000,000. Theowners of cash do not invest but only

pile it up for safe keeping In the banks,' which, in turn, will not lend it (or fear

the depositors might call for it. d

securities form an exception, suchas the $0,620,000 4 per cent, bonds of

the Cherokee tribe, to run five years,bought by the Astors at a premium ofnearly 2 por cent.

The stringent financial conditions weexperience here, exist, with hardlyan exception, In every big or little cityof the country. There is so little moneyin circulation because every one whohas any Is hoarding it. lie will, withan exception now and then al vory highinterest, noither lend it nor wi',1 lie in-

vest it in business, because he is afraidthere will be a great "slump" in values.Whenever the lost confidence has beenrestored, whether a further decline invalues takes place or not, business willgradually resume its wonted activity.It is a "living faith" in the integrityand reasonableness of the Americanpeople that is needed.

New York city, the financial center ofthe country, has almost autocraticpower oror the varied business interi'staof 05,0 00,000 people. Such a condilionis dangerous. When the clouds olfinancial distrust disappear in tlio farEast, we may patient ly yet confidentlylook for the breaking of a new day ofprosperity in even tho farthest West.Abiding faith in ourselves and the coun-

try will hasten the dsy break of a newera of prosperity.

Frogress, as reform, commences athome, with the individual. Brethren(as preachers say) we, each of us, canspeed the coming of more auspiciousdays by cheerfulness, by faith in MotherEarth, in ourselves and in the country,by sobriety, by industry and by care-

fully pushing our own business, whetherit be storekeeping, farming, sawmllling,or what not. fcacli can be a committeeof one on new business. Croaking andgrowling does no good, but only retardsthe reawakening of the many varied in-

dustries that shall give employment tothe hundreds of thousands of idle menthat seek for work and bread.


The following bill for a permanentnational banking system is proposed bythe framer of the petition for the im-

provement and settlement of the aridand swamp lands belonging to the pub-

lic domain. The reader can perceive litonce that if adopted the government be- -

comes security for all deposits and as ithas the power to establish a uniformrate of interest throughout the nation,Its provisions as a protector of the creditof both the individual and bank areabout as well, nigh perfect as could beasked. It does not interfere with therights of the individual to loan hismoney outside of the bank at any rulehe can procure while at the aame time itgives absolute safety to the depositorsand puts an end to the danger of panjrsas long as the government exists, ftalso releases the people from paying in-

terest on the bonds and circulation asat present, but leaves the convertibilityof the bonds into currency optionalwith the banks and establishes equitybetween the borrower and louder. Itlooks as if it was the the truo pathwayto a banking system that will foreverprotest the people from danger of Iobscs,and such conditions as the county is atpresent suffering undor from lack ofconfidence in tho stability of our presentsystemA UII.L rOH TIIK KSTAIIl.tSIIMKNT Or A SAFB



Be it enactod by the senate and houseol representatives In congress assembledat Washington, 1). C. :

Sec. 1. That whenever thero shall bedeposited by any banking corporationin the United Mates with the U.treasuter at Washington, I). C, thosum of dollars in tho UnitedStates securities or other satisfactorycollateral, the U. 8. treasurer nntyissuo to Baid banking corporation anequal amount of U. S. treasury notes offull legul tender valuo, winch sliull beused as a circulating medium and banking capital tor said (tanking corporationsbut all U. 8. securities so depositedshall no longer bear interest to saidbunking corporations

Sec. 'i. All banks organized underthis act shall become financial agents of the United Stales and beauthorized to receive deposits subject totne protection ol tho credit of thegeneral government, and all de-

positors shall be protected to the lullvalue of their deposit and paid thesame upon demand.

Sec. 3. All capital belonging to thebanl.8 and all loans negotiated by thesame shall be held subject to the dis-position of the general government inall cases where by defalcation or fromany cause whatever depisitors mightsutler loss, and shall be holdun to thefull extent of these liabilities in returnfor the protection afforded to the depositors by the general government

Sec 4. The general government bIiiiIIhaye the power to establish a rate of in-

terest upon all laws made by thesebanks which shall be uniform in allparts of the nation.

Sec. 6. Satisfactory collateral shallconsist of all forms of I'. S. securitiesas well as of gold, silver or legal tendercurrency and such other securities ascongress may determine, but all statesecurities shall have preference in

with foeeign securities.See. 6 The books and tinunneial de-

partment of all banks organized underthis act shall always( te subject to go-vernment authority, and violations of thecharter by official in any form shallconstitute a valid cause for theclosiugof the bank and the lorfeiture of itscharters; and offenders shall be sub-ject to the penalties of all criminalsagainst U . h. authority as well as liraauthority of the several state i in whichthe banks may be located.

Bbadstrert'i reports of the uiieniployed how fewer idle men In theSouthern cities than in any other partof the country . In 20 cities of Mary-land, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia,Tennessee, Alal imi, L iuisiana. Arkan- -

other lection ii leu burdenednnm.lnje deslilnte,

Tim Salem Slaleimim Issued a well

edited, finely Illustrated, New

Year's edition.

Tiir 8th, the anniversary of the battleof New Orleans won by General An

drew Jackson, was a Demncradu Holi


Lkt the granger take courage. IScef

on foot Is rising In price on account of

scarcity of ninrkctaMe steers. That also

means a stiffening in the price of


fiiK 74 railway companies that became bankrupt in lBO.'l, embraced out-six- th

of the entire railroad system of thecountry, representing nearly $98(1, 000,000of bonds and $031,000,000 of stock in

eluding oceans and oceans of water.

The Statemnnn of the 5th says that"they have Just found out Ex-Uo-

Uork over in eastern Oregon, at Hcpp- -

ner, whore he was detected in a repe-

tition of the nameless act for which howas fired out of Unity church at Salom."

IIkiiinnino with the act of March 2,

1801, and up to October 1, 18110, the republican party passed through congress2(1 bills making changes in, or "tinkering" with, the tariir. No taritT bill litis

been passed by the democrats since theinauguration of Abraham Lincoln.

Givr the American people half a

chance and they can beat the world.Mr. Beaumont, a Yorkshire expert,warns the textile trade of Great Britainthat tho American goods shown at theChicago World's Fair embodied a "moreformidable source of disaster to Britishtrade in woven materials with the Amurlean continent than injurious tariffs."

Nkitiiku tho panic nor tho fear of areduction of the tariff has had much effeet on tho cotton mills Jof the country.All have been running most of the time.Thero isn't a cotton mill in the Unitedstates lliat uiiln t earn at least six percent, during the year on the capitul in-

vested. The cotton mills of the Southhave for the most part dono considerably better than that, some earning asmuch as 10 per cent.

The Hawaiian matter lias narroweditself down to an unpleasant predica-ment. The thick-lippe- dusky queenhas finally accepted tiie conditions of thegovernment of the United States underwhich she was deprived through Minister Stevens machinations, hut Presi-

dent Dole's provisional govorninant de-

clares that sho shall not resume thethrone of her fathers except she cap.tures it by force of arms. Now Mrs.Likiknulanl can sit down in the gloam-ing and wait till the cows come home.

The totnl number of business fail-

ures, according to Itrmhlreet't agency,throughout the United States is 1j,,00for 1801), an increase of uioro than 50

per cent, over the year before, whilethe total liubili'ies are 402,400,000, anincrease of nearly 400 per cent, overthe year before. The commercial deathrate throughout the country has jumpedfrom 1 in 100 in 1802 to l in 100 in thepaBt year. Tlvntctals include not morethan 240 b(.;it compelled to suspend,witli an aggregate of about $80,000,000liabilities nnd assets folly 25 per cent.In cxcesB of that Bum. Bunk clearingsat cities reporting throughout the UnitedStates for the past 12 months aggregateapproximately $5:1,420,001 ,000, about Yl)'tper cent, less than in 1802, 4,'g percent, less than in 1801 and II per cent,less than in 1800.


Circuit Court Convened in AdjournedTerm on Saturday, the 6th.

T. B. Iltinkins, T.M.Long, John Wilkinson nnd C. Hoberg appeared tosorve as jurors. The special venire oljurymen returned by the shuriirwas:T. S. Lawrence, Sol Walker. W. T.Whitlock, J. W. Kelly, Max Sculpius,r. a. loeiiieman, u. u. uoso, w. AHedges. Court adjourned until Monday,the 8th.

It, L. Sabin, Gurrcttson WoodruffPratt Co., Moicr& Frank Co, and J. M.Lawrence vs II. L. Schiller, Wil-lia-

Barlow and Henry Will.Thos. F Kyan, assignee of II. L.Schiller, restrained from taking possess-ion of tho goods in Burton Store untilfurther order of this court, hut rem tinsin cliargo as receiver.

W. M. Haiipach vs Paul liaiipach, ex-

ecutor of Teresa Haupach, deceased.ram uaupacti, l.tggie l.uir. ami Cnthci-in- n

Gush, default nf defendants midjudgment for plaintiff.

I'ortlaml 1 rust Co vs Kcuben m I h .

The object of tho suit was to oust Smithli oin possession and ownership ol Hielot facing the river bunk back of Mr.Flanagan's saloon, but Smith produce das proof of his property rights the testi-mony of W. H. Moss, who slated that hehad sold the lot to Smith 42 years, agofor some lumber. The jury after a fewminutes retirement found for Smi'h.The company has made motion for nowtrial. Court adjourned till next Tiler,day .

James Crookshunks vs . II andOlive AdiiniH, continued for the term.

1. M. Miller vs .Man- - K. llarlowet idthis suit having been appealed to su-premo couit, the appellant is to payvaluo of use and occupancy of the realproperty in litigation perilling such ap-peal, i. e. that part which he has inpossession .

Darthulia Sconce vs T. II.. W. S. mi l

Bobt Sconce, Jennie Smith, Klmer,FMith and Mabel llardesty; decreedthut defendants convey to Darthulia II.hconce the Be '4 of ne1 of sec 10, t ft s,r 1 e ; 40 ss.

D. M. Osborne Co. vs II. and MniyImel ; dufuult and judgment.

K. K. Stewart vs J. J. and V. II.Herman; default and judgment.

It is well known, says tho CtieaHerald, that sea water has a most bene-ficial effect upon the appearance ofhorses, imparling a satin gloss to theircoats, a brightness to the eye and agenerally refreshed appearance. It isno unusual thing at Cape May and vari-ous other seaside resorts to see osilrrsgiving the animals in their chaigetheir sea plunge as regularly asthe most systematic bather on thebeach. Some ers summeringin Kumpe send their stables to the sen-sho-

for a fortnight, simply for the pur-pose of giving their thoroughbreds thiscourse of tonic treatment.

NOW TRY THIS.It lillftwt you li.alilr,! nl will nrflr tin ?I"l. I' y" hTC t U(h, IV.I.I, or n; tmiitilr With

Throat. 4'it or l.nns Pr. Ktltx'. V w lh.rn.f-r-rr Cmi.iniiptioll, ('ouih. ihI CoM hi Knannitrrfl toMirf, or n,..n,- - will - pai.l btrk. MilTrrrrn

liura U UripM fonml It Jim th. IIihik n, ntnlor It.DM ImiI lM,iy aiol ftfrfrct Try niiltat our riM. and Imrn for yonnMlfJiii4 biiw 1,1,1 ithins It I". Trial bout trn. at ln. A. Ilnlins'aUrug Store, lritii .lw Air. ami al.i.i.

A LEADER.lino ita flrvt tfitn.liHMiiin. ,:i,.trt n,tt..n

ua na Texas, 42,0C men are out ol "Wr ' vraur t.or. umii ,.. ii i., clily la lb,- Uwt pr. nli,-- t.,nl, . nti.lwork, fto other lection ol the country ""iii-e,N.iiui- nit .kiodi i .m,n. it

lLOWi up io Well No Othpr :ti'ii !!!! '"' or Intoiinot. it i. an Ih.par, .jin,, ir.n .iimu, m.u iiA.nlu:. lli.l 1 J 1. .p. nr 1LIm.v. ti - .ii L ii . . ,mvutirtmtiio wkf iii.io ul uauipe, una DO . " " ........... r... ...wwnr., in.... .. '"'. CUB.t,lo..( dri.r M.lun fnm th.

I anilWlirt lllfl .'J-M- . MtltrtK, ttanutn with M. k b.tl or

rill h. rpfan led. Clr, n., j, r...11 hj li--.. A. Il.rlint


Jury Lint Selected J udtfPH andClerks of Flection Appointed.

The Four Road Supervisorspointed,

It is ordered by the c ) urt that the fo-

llowing named cltitens be drawn from

the of the county to serve as jurorsfor the year 1804:NAME. OCCUPATION.

O It ltlnearson, farmer..II I' Bestow, carpenter. . .

Arthur (Jlilf, bricklayer. .

John Jennings, fanner ..Charles Caliir, carpenter.Miln Oard, farmer ... .

C A Holstrom, dinner .

II Straight, Hr, farmer...J T Appcrson, capitalist.Christ Knther, fanner...W W Irvin, farmerW S farmerJ I Dozier,Chas Moehnke, farmer.. . .Beaver CreekK W ilornshuh,Christ Fischer,John Shannon, ....Kerry Bnckner, "Win Boring, farmer , .

10 Uichey, farmerDavid Robeson, farmerO W Kistner, farmer. ,

II limns, farmerJ Cocklerease, .

J It Duncan, farmerII 15 Chase, "Fred Logg, "II II Wheeler, lumbermanWin Knight, farmer ... .J Zrek, blacksmithW L S ack, carpenter ....J A Cox, nurserymanA A 1 ctrter, plastererVV M Shanks, farmer(i Whipple, farmerC W Annstrong, farmer...James Wilson, farmer....i II Webster,

K F Capps. farmi rWm Johnson, farmerW A Deardoir, "J A Talbert,John Ouflney, "bred Oage,Chas Ba y, "J T Mclntyre, farmerJoseph Hedges, carpenter



. . .


. .





A n l.awton,D B Martin,E Midlom,Max Telford, loom fixerK II Bnrghart, fannerHenryIIJ W Douglas,Charles tieiser,A Buckman,Johnit iteMiiizer, tannerII M Looney,W J Currin,Harvey Gibson, farmer ....j w DouglasJoe Walton KlyTom DuffyJ L SwalfbrdJoe Harringtonr M TaylorC W Fredericks, blacksmithf o Hitcrott, farmerK U iiohullJohn PulmateorN PC S PorterHans I'atihenGW R KirchnerJ M TracyS It ToonE NewkirkII KleiusmithJ T GraceK HarringtonHenry JewellR L It in noCharles ConeA II WingJ W SmithE GravesOr CuttingChas HolinanII ThinnerR DickeyA B KliseT L DibbleII SWin MillerJohn DennisunA LichtweisJohn GordonJ F PerdeuJ K JackF M SnnisonA B MurquamMart KobbinsG W ilentleyW S Kent









Epperson, Kagle







.IT. Molalla


J W KlliottJohn Wise MilwuukieT J Geary, teacherJ G lionnett, mechanicJohn Wetzler, Sr, farmerT It A Sell woodOscar WesscngerR S McLaughlinFred Iterkomeier, carpenter.J F Rislev, farmerJ A Wilson

UloverK Hilton NeedyJK MillerW L Thompson ....G A KinderDan'l KaufmanII JohnsonTJOglo

McArthur .....New KroAug BrewerKims Cahill, lumbermanJohn Rief,A .1 Thompson OswegoT Chuck, laborerAl Lewelling, larmerJ RG W l'rosser, capitalistWm Dyer, farmerWin llallinanG R ShipleyIt L Pollock, clericI II Worthington, farmerF L Minlio. clerk





J Trembiith, Sr, liquor d'lr Or City No 1

i i tioiinun, surveyorK It Churinan, druggist ...It D Wilson, merchantG W Jin) Ian, laborer.1 Drescher, hotel keeper. .

F. I) Kelly, merchantO Lovejoy, merchantI W Baldorf, woodman....J W Aldredge, merchant...Ben Juggar, capitalistK J McKitlrick, merchant..John Baxter, carpenter ....Max Sculpius, mechanic . .

Biisch, merchant....K.d Shsw,N O Wulden. capitalist. . . .Or City No 2S S Walker, painterK P Rands, Sr, farmerW II Cooke, liverymanF F White, contractorV S Grt'euniun, drayman . .

K M Huwell, carpenterCO Albright, butcherWin MiMire. laborerJ W Taylor, farmerSam Marrs, laborer.las iikinson, laborerO C Ha's-iK-k- , rT S l.nw rente, carpenter. . .

(j R II Miller, carpenter ...T W Sullivan, surveyorII N Kdmiston, carpenter..J (i Porter, wool sorterA l' Totl.l,Nela Mi t'linnollu u Stt-i-

Wm So utT M

It D Alemnilt-- r

lli-nr- Ikhii ihScnit I mtf rIra IMW I. I'nrnettJII IMilMiiaA C MiarpII MerhutfI. Toedtenit'ii'rJ L

ftr Larie iI'ue GraliainJnh Milcv

Re-A- p


.On-go- City..




j I


.Canyon Creek

. .Canity






.Milk Creek









.rit-asan- t Hill

Sievera.Sotla Sprinn

. Spriim water



Win Stone ViolaW. II. Maitoon ..(ieorge Anklns, mechanic. Whmi Or CityJ Humphrey, fisherman.. .

Tlios Armstrong, farmer . .

Supt (iilMon allowed $70 for quarterfor district reports.

Iteport of Judson Howull on list ofdelinquent taxes approved ami orderedUnit clerk Issue a warrant for collectionof taxes each of the years 1HH7, IHhS,1880, 1 800.

Ordered that allowance to J W Dooruslor care unci keeping of Jesse Allen heIncreased id $7 per mouth Hum Decem-ber 1, JHHX

Iteport of W II Smith, supervisor r d2, approved and expense account al-

lowed as follows: Labor flOIMO, ma-

terials $4 03, supervision $8, total$121.7.1.

Keport approved of l S Ftitcruft 011

improvement of Oregon City and 'Appcrson road and expense account

ol $84 411.

Petition granted of F J McFarlaud toretail liquors in Oswego (or six nionliis.

Iteport approved of SlierifT C W Ga-

ming on the delinquent taxes of lHUl,

and ordered that couuly clerk issue war-

rant for the collection of tho delinquenttuxes on mortgages for the year 18UI, usappears in his delinquent, list for thatyear on pages 1 to 18, both inclusive, of

the book untitled "Assessment Hull,I8UJ. Clackamas County."

Iteport approved of A W Cooke, sup-ervisor r (I 1, and expense account al-

lowed as follows: Labor $2U4.lt:i, ma-

terials $184.14, supervision $8, total$3!H1.17.

It is ordered thut the appointment ofroad supervisors for the several rouildistricts of the county lor the year commencing February 1st, 1804, bo made uslonows: r or roan district i 1, a ease

tor eiiiiin; tor lumimrn , IMH xtublm, polluting theK I' for G l'rosser.Carter; HtaH Hm ft.t.jitf troughs, npon

following persons ure hereby infectious fruituud election of (lie lungs a mistake

the precincts hereinafter named to servefor the term nf two years, commencingwith date and closing January 1st,180U. (The judge named in eachprecinct is the chairman thereof:

Aber.iethy Judges, O It Ilinearson,I A Holstrom, II Gregory; clerks, (. tarry with r rganis

Ilamiton.KCHackeU causes diseas., coniinntin-Dtui- uro, ii o i nil, f i mAit 'i

K M Bracket I j clerks. O U Balrow, W

W Irvinneaver i .lagg.r. .,.,.M., ,, .

ti Moehnke, John Shannon ; clerks, EIlornshuh, J B Bueson.

Boring Judges, Kdgar Richey, It N

Bradley. Wm Dcen ; clerks, M Armiseg-ger- ,

S K Card.Canvon Creek Judges, Chas Hub-

bard, Wm Bouncy. I Gorbutt; clerks, FM Robeson, G W Kistner.

Cascades Judges, II B Cluoe, Her-

man I'.iunR, N DColomnn; clerks, T JJonsrud, II McGugin.

Caiibv Judges, Win Knight, A A

Porter, A W Riggs ; clerks, J 11 While,B L Mack.

Clackamas Judges, Geo II Webster.John Talbert, John Landers; clerks, WII Dedman, Sum llolcomb.

Cherrvville Judges, C C Batv, WinWelsh, Fred Reichel ; clerks, I) V Par-ker, J C Long.

Cunemuh Judges, I 8 Law-ton- , I) II

Martin, K Bingmnn ; clerks, II C Stev-ens, Wm A Hedges.

Damascus Judges, E II Burgharilt,Win Denboer, F C Bates ; clerks. J It

Morton, A Bohna.Eagle Creek Judges, Jus J- - Gibson,

II J Hofl'mnsson. C N Fassoi ; clerks,John N Vnncuren, Isaac Gordon.

Ely JndgeB, J N Harrington, M M

McGeelian, George V Kly ; Jas LSwad'ord, William Savage.

Garfield Judges, J W Palmateer, .1 JDavis, W II II Wade; clorks, C S Por-ter, P E Linn.

George Judges, Hans Paulsen. HunsJohnson, Fenl Rath ; clerks, John C.Schmidt, Adolph

Harding Judges, J M Tracy. G CArmstrong, J H Brown; clerks, FredGerber, John Spraguo.

Highland Judges, IIonry.JeW.pll, WinBnckner, M K Kandoll ; clerks, GKleinsmith, RoscoeGurd.

Lower Molalla Judges, J II Joiner,A 11 Wing, J II Duly; clems, ti GWright, J K Gribble.

Upper Molulla Judges, H S Ramsby,Chas llolman, John Dibble; clerks,Reuben Wright. Sam Engle.

Mill Creek Judges, J Trullinger,John Dennison, John Gard; F Nelson,

Darnall.Murquam Judges, J W Elliott, JW

Doores, M Kobbins; clerks, ,A Bouain, C Engle.

Milwuukie Judges, R S McLaughlin,Henry Hoeslev, Henry Heissen; clerk t,T J Gary, I F Rislev.

Needy Judges, George A Kiuiier. EdHilton, George Owings; clerks, B FSmith, Alex Ciimpau.

New Judges, Enos Cahill. Au-

gust Bremer, E L Mattock; clerks, GeoBrown, John Rief.

Oswego Judges, Albert Walling, RL Pollock, L M Davidson ; clerks, CKruse, Henry Guns.

Oregon City No. 1 Judges, TF Ryan,A E Willoughby, E L Shaw; JW O'Connoll, David Caulleld.

Oregon City No. 2 Judges, J WNoble, S Walker, T S Lawrence;clerks, W B Wiggins, E M Howell.

Pleasant Hill Judges, Win Scolt,Nelson McConnell, W F S'oung; clerks.Georgo Seely, A W Phillip.

Sievers Judges, R A Ten Eycko.Henry Von Helms, John B Iimbry;cieras, a Ascnoii, r s reuk.

Soda Springs Judges, G lileakney,Scott Carter, J M Brown; clerks, HenryThomas, A V Davis. - j

Spring water Judges, Henrv Dubon,John Reed, John Lewellon; clerks, M JSnider, A Lucey.

Tualatin Judges, John Kruse, Sr.Fred Koellemeier, T L Turner; clerks,Chas Wagner, A C Sharp.

Union Judges, W L White, JacobMiley, A Yergan; clerks, Stein-bach- ,

A Graham.lola Judges. Win Stone, A D

Craine. O W Cutting; clerks, W II Mat-too-

M Johnson.West Oregon City Judges, Josephus

Tompkins, (ieorge Askins, A Magone;clerks, I 1) Taylor, Johnathau Hum-pre-

Ordered that per diem allowed to theroad supervisors shall be $2 w hen actually employed in the duties of theiroffice as supervisors, and they shall notbe allowed any mileage r traveling

but in lieu thereof they shall bepaid $1 per day.

Report approved of E P Carter, suiter- -

visor r d No 4, and expense accountallowed us follows: Labor $100 81, ma- -

terials $28. !iq, supervision $12, total$14180. j

Report approved of G l'rosser,!supervisor r d No ft, ami exjiense ac-count allowed as follows: Labor$l 10.00,materials $4 8ft, supervision $8, total$ir. 73.

It is ordered the boundaries of!ull the several Voting precincts in thecuiinly of Clackamas, excepting Alier- -

t,..tl.o V..U- l.'r I l.u I':,., v.. O........... n i.,n, viikimi V'llt .O. HI IJ

unmiiii jiirriiu 's, iuni m am rOllr.il H

t lie nn dy thin ntllie Jiimiiiry tf. in f in lS'.l.' Il isfnrtlier iinltTpit tlntt nil purl f Abor-ni-tli-

prfi'inct nn lurttofnre ostnliliHlifilwliit li in now ini'linli',1 within the e

o( t'ily, lieAbfrnetliv tint met

anil aililoil to i City No. 2ami that utliertviiie than the

ciiuntriti hfrt-i- urilt-rci- l the hoiimiariesBaiil AhernetliT, New Kra, Oreisnn

City No. 2 Tualatin pni-in,tH-, nliul

n ami the name ax estahlihrdlay lliia t at .lie January term thereol in the year

' And It in further onlerid thatthe matter of adiiiatiti,; the boundaries nf New Kra and Tualatinpreeinots lie laid over till the Ft bruarjr '

term, 1S!M, of court.Ordered thai an adjourned term of,

lliia n urt be held on Monday, January '

lo. 1S!M, comniencini at 10 o'clock a. in.Mile and et diem enn'y m ,

niissloners:$18 m.

C Buir, 80; It Sc.lt,


Surveyor H HinjiliB C Irwin A Co, recordsSunt II 8 GibsonCo Clerk Morton,Hheriir GainingSlierilf Gaining, j iiiscelJ llonull, delinquent lax list , .J C Gains el si, jury listCoroner Iloluiiiu et alSuite vs M I itili. j .list 5Sliilo vs T Giinnsii. j 5 ....Slum ,'H A. In j ills! o .

State vs Ada Sehidler, j ilisl I I .

Sliile vs A Hunter j :l .....W II Y ling, piupi-ruee- t

I' J Iti'liiiuN, puiiiHir seelCnriiiKK, primingG drought. in. road ueetPortland Hospital, panpi-- r


F II Diiiignii et al, jury listIt uel. jury listO C Iron Works, com hcci ...Dan Parker, j p, conrth ....Assessor Bradley

stationeryJ C Bradley etPatrick Harris, pauper aectSt Vincent Ib'spital, pauper ucetState vs Mary Kiser, insane ....Dunning & Champion, pauper ac,iie A Co, road sect


Kl (AOil

211 70l.'ll 07

H i




The Consumptive Jerslet.Tim rapid and steady spread tuber-

culosis among tho Jersey cuttle is de-

serving public notice. Die slaughterthe infected animals does not appear

'o make uny impression on the progressthe disease, which retains hold

upon the herd spite the discardingmany and the introduction new re-

cruits. This is doubtless due to thefact, presumably ignored, that this dU- -

l contagious, ami that the infectionuoose; ios, vy 11 o,

No whiiThe e matter discharged

pointed judges clerks is collected. It is









ireqiientiy made mat the discus inot communicable by breathing the airtranspired by diseased animals. Ifthere is one tiling mire tain thaianother regard to this disorder it ist mt, when the hnus , orthe throat, the expired air may ea-ii- y


itthat the and Hum









from khhI








vey to i llier animals. Thus the onlvell'ective means ol protection not onlyto destroy the sick animals but to put

Jui.ges. rraiiK ., ,,.








untitle and r u 'lily disinfect thei: i.-- .i... .Til. i

iMiiiiioi(N. r.veu uiu iietos, u utistiireoneed this disinfection.

Thut rhis disease exists mostlyJersey herds goes to show thut it isconimiinicatcd by heredity to a large extentlliat It may inliereteu is deniedsome experts, but facts not bear outthis negative belief. O lite the contraryfor it has been known that one bull afamily which tuborculosis had prevuiled almost invariably has had thelarge majority his progeny to bao-o-

diseased, and this way the diseasehas been brought into fresh places.wide distribution the Jerseys by pu.chase and sale is one the noteworthytacts in tins regard. . r. iunr.

l'rovide yourself with a bottleAyer's Cherry Pectoral, and s i have thomeans at hand contending successfully with a sudden cold. As an emergeucy medicine, it has no equal, andleading physicians everywhere recon:mend

SPECIMEN CASKS.8. II. Clliroril, Now Mussel, Wis., Irntililed

with Nciirulh'iu KhciiniutlKtii, Ktnnindisnnlereil. Liver ulleeted tu u

ulurinliiK degree, uipetite awuy, andtetriniy reoiu-e- Rirengtii. jurelintlles nf Kleelric Hitters cured hlln.

Kiiward Sheiihurd, llurrlshiirK, III., had a runnliiK on nf eight yeura' atauiltns1'ncd three bnttlen nl Electric lltlters and sevenboxes nl kten'ii Arntea tulve, midsniinii well, jnttn tspeuiter, t atuwnii,Iind live luntu fever sores on Ick,siiiil lie Ineuruhle. hnltle Kleetrie

and Arnica Snlve ruredhiin entirely. Sold at U. A. llardlns'i llrtigSture

Tho persistent cough which usuallyfollows attack of the grip canpermanently cured by taking ChamberIain's Cough Remedy. W. McGulie

McKay, Ohio, suys: "La grippe lewith a severe cough. After using

several inherent medicines without relief, tried Chamberlain's Cough Kemedywhich ell'ccted a Permanent cure.have also found it to withoutpipinl for children, when troubledcolds or croup. bottles for saleby Harding, druggist.



ITCTUNC PILKd known y moiiturtli v M)rjpiruUcn, mtuuiH) Itutiiuf


YIKLI AT ONt'KTOno on cjiu v n'c c ocucnv








whl'-- loti directly on parti ffecied.tuuiurs, luinius, oneoiing

a permaneutoure. Price Drtificlitmail. l)r. BoMOko,Pnlladlplt)a.Pft.

Charman V DrugifUts





RESULTS ARE WHAT TELLWo (tu run tee one of these pi Hi at a dote,ptodut'e better remlli in the of Headache,Conttveiieim, Bour Stomach, Breath Dleil-nca- s,

hint itireoto Ave of any other make, do Itwithout uriplnit tokening. Their wonderfulat' t ton nm it ci von a beniir. Bo. aDrugtfiata or mail, lioaauko Med. Pl.ila,,

Charman & PruggiRU






GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE.In r.iUinf fimil r of children, my only rem-cd- y

lor Coutlha. Colda id Croup woa oniou .It iijint a ell(K.'tivetrt-da- r aa ft was fortyaic. mv ftrndchildrpn Ounn'iOiion Byrup nhi''h it alretdv preparedileMut to the tiU. at bo a bottle.

Charman A Co, Druggists


Country GentlemanINK IlKST TIIK

A(i IH ll liiA WKIKLIHS.1'KV.lTKli TO




















farm Crjpj and Processes,Horticulture and Fruit Growing,

Live Stock and DairyingWhile it inclnili-- all minor drpurlmenta o.Knral rent", na (lie rnllllr lard, Ktitomoloyj-- . tint niitntM 4rar7,

Ki'pllea, Kami cjuelii'ti an.Flrt-alil- llcaillnir, IKmirMie

a aiinimary nf New, ul Wevk. ItaM tKKKr KrpuKTa ara iiiiu.nulijr andmuch attention la paid to l'ro.wla nlCroM. aa throwina light tipim one ol niontiionoriaiit of tiieiiona H'Aa r lay

to Stll. It la Mar-al- llluatrated.RKt'KNT ENLAKiiKMKNT, eontdiua more rea

matt'r than The mibseriptionPrice la K.W rier year, we i,rT,-- a SI'KflALRKDtTriON In our

ritii KATK..S a iatu.Tw ) SubSCrlptioni. In remltlanee $4Six Subscriptions, " ) 10

Ten Subscriptions, ' i 15

Srs.mti I'liiir.. Farr. AAtreaa






411 :io(17



18 01



1ft IK)

00114 0015 is)




of itsin of

of of

.o4, W




th ,,











in th









wasanil his

was his wimwit'

nesu nun

Miru Ills kK

Hue hla leg-

hiswas One Hit-

ters ono bnx

nn be



O. A.

warm. Thli form uud

Dttorou miiwywboo.


that willcure

Bad andand

nndfe'l like ho.



Now takeand mora

Hold uiinu
















loInlf mien



ami the lha

the Ihethe

all uniIH'r anil by





tutttmlty feiHutr oint fnrrrrr tlratrny uhectinmtlile hnii; whether uptim thr httinl,Jttt'f,nrmt or tifi'k, without ttitvuUmition or injurytu the MMt it, tirntr kin. It mhn fur II (lyyr tli ufvrt ftiiiintl-- nf ft.rMmnatVIUmi, l.y iivl-l.l- i

IMV llllfm'M iHIIII'IIIV MIM1 III' ' rillkII Hint iilr NH'i'iulNi that 1

llvt.il. DuriiiK hi- - irlvniu imirikv .if tt ff It:hm Hiiiuiiu iiu itohiliiy himI nrlMncrHft- ofKnropu h( itri'iM'ilitril IliU rrclit. I iur,ftl lv mull, kifirvly hi rurrrnfion-ttnif-

ctoijlttenthtt. Hull- - Atfi'iiti fur .tiitcrirtt.

The Skoafcum Root Hair Grower Co , J

li'.t. It, 7.utli KIMi 4viiic,Nh' York.

1 v y


F.XIXTTIOX.IS TIIK I'lllCI'ir l.'lll'lll' UK 1 If K STATE (IF

Dresiin, fur iliu Canty ofMrs. M. II. WsIIhc. Ilnliillir. l

v.W. K. Wolln,

Stats cr (luiciins. I

Couuly olK'Mlce l hcreliy i(lvi-i- i Mini by rlrtuixif sn ex.

rcilllnn liannl nut nl I lit- - lr. ll It court til theNtatu ni lor in einiiity ol

oil" the Mh ilnv nl lii-- i tmilier, Una, inmilt l Mia. M. It. W.illa. u was plillnliltanil W. K. W,. una (loinin.iiiilliiitme, In the tiaiaii nl the mule oMm-Kon- . Unit nutH me DiTMHini nruiioriv or iit.ri.iiiiiint or ,r .r.

Ilelent eonli! not he ruiiiio. thou nut nf rout tir,.o.ut aula ilffiiiiilunl, tn res l.o mini millleient

lo.iitiNiy the UciiiuihIm or until lailsitieiit.unit riiKta iiiiw iii'itiiuiI ol iiuil uIko

lie emia in nan into HUliutli M:i e. Now.t u.rolore, til In mirji iloi.rei.. unit lioinir mi.Him-- in nun iierwiuui iiriiiiTiy iiihuiiKiy tiienaina,I 'lid. nil Iliu Until liuv "I llm onilxT. lsil.l. ilnlvlevy iiikiii. ami ivlh. mi Sniiinlny the LTlli day nlrfiiuiiury, inn,, hi inu iniiir III lun i'llli-- a. lll.nlinn uuy. al ilimr nl the In

auiit nllcr lor li-- al pulille aiietlnn. andell to the filxhoat ami Ih'hi blilder, nr cash In

IihiiiI, all nl die rlitlit, title and liili-n-- t the sairlilelemlniit hail mi the lil.li day nf July, istn, Inand tn the liilhitviiiK real irnrly.

Ciiinim i nt the northwest corner nfmiuinc-- i iiiiuner nl i;, lo.vnuliln 4until, raiiifv a van! nl W. M.i riiiinltia theneu eatsu riula; thein-- aniuh "u nidn; west W

r.xl; llica c north in IhiIiiiiIiii;. eonliUiitnif ;IA

aerifa; in t ihckiiiuhm enllniv, IJrcK'UI.Oateil thin uh day nl Iieeeiiilu-r- . A. I. IKIitl.

0. V. tlAMINH.HIierllTuf C'liii ktiioiiH t'uiuily, Uregon.

OltlUNAXCK NOAKKllOM CI I V IM1KM Oltl'AIN AM KOI. LOWSv That the inliiry nf Ilia ain-e- t

ahall tie nl the rale of two ilullura per al.iy fur thenine aeinnii. iniiinyiiiun alien wnrit, anil on anywork uliereonly one man In iieeeaHnry he la

ludnaiii h work himaelf.The above onllttaiiee will come nn for aiK'iunl

reaillna ami hiuie at a rhhIiiI nieellnit ofi ne city eoiiiieii tu iw lielil Jiniuaty ill, IMH,al 7:tkl o'eliM-- p. in.

Onlerel imiiltaheil lay the city council at ainvelliiK h fit January A, InH

I.. I I'DltTKR,IttH'orUerof Uregoa CUy, Or.


OltKllON t'lTV DOKS ORDAIN AH FOU.OWS:lax of II v. inllU on eaeli ilollnrof real

ami wronal iroKTly lie anil la lierehy leviedon nil xaiil prnpuity within tlie eorpornte llmliaol tha eilyof I'itv mi the HHesainent ol

wis as relumed by the alnte buanl ul eqinilixa-tlou- .

The ulHive ontluiinee will eome up lor secondnnd uiaaiue nl a sim-ln- l luenlluj; of I he

eity eoiinill tu be held January ill, IKU. a 7:30o'eloi-- p. in.

Orilerwl iiiibllalu-- by tho city coituell at alield Janeary 5, lK'.M.

h. t,. PORTKK,Reeonler of (liegon City, Or.

TO CONSUMPTIVESThe tinileraluned having been restored to

henlth by simple nienua, after iiutl'ering fornevernl yenra u lth a severe Iiiiik all'eetioti, andthat ilrend dlaenae fa auxloiiK tomake known to hla fellow Miiterem the meansof cure. To Unite who dealre it, he will cheer-fully send (free of chaw) a copy of the prescrip-tion used, which they will llml a sure cure forCollauiiiptlini, AHtliiim, (tHtarrli, llriinehi.tla and all throat anit Iiiiik AlHladtea. lieliopea all suttVrers will try Ills remedy, as It latiivnlinible. Those dcHiriiiK the prescription,n h nil will cost them unllilint. ami mav nrove ablest ing, will please address,

Holden's Ethereal Cough SyrupA Never Kalliim Remedy, for all


Suitable (or Old or Youut.PRP!D BY


For Sale by Geo. A. Harding


Golden Opportunity For SufferI nar Humanity.

'hyaiclana Give Tlielr to tits People.

DO YOU SUFFER? ptaininir your trouble,and we will aeml you j'rt of Chwrtf a pullcoi!Uk or xpecutliy iircpitrwi rem hi ft it mi it Hito your rnie. WK WAST VUt K ItKCUAlMKNOATION.UC PUM PttQZ th wmtaovrnvatrd (I ifaffit Unll uUnt o both nrxen. OurtnHtme!iUifor all (I insane uimI ileforraitief! nre MiNlcrn andScfentittc, acquirnt by many years pxprirnce,which enablM m to tlimmnti-- a Cure, Do nottleHpair.

N. we nave ine only poHinre cure lorRpilepht (FITS) and Catarrh, Heff renceigiven, l'ermaneiitiy locatptl. (Old Mtablislied.)


I) Market .St., fun Kranelseo, ln


CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT? For airomrit answer and an honest opinion, write toIIIINN .V I'd., who haie had nnarlTflflT T.r.'

experience la the patent buatneaa, Commnnlca-tton- sstrictly confidential. A Handbook ol In-

formation eoneernirja Patents and bow to ob-tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan-ical and sctentlno books sent free.

ratents taken through Munn at Co. reeelTespecial notloe In the Helrntlfle Ameriran, andthus are brouaht wtdelr berore the mihllc with.out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper,lasuea weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far thelaiveat circulation of any aclentioe work tn tae.world. 03 a year. Sample copies sent free.

Bulldina Kdltlon. monthlr. t2Ju a Tear. Hinlaeoplea, J5 cents. Krery number eontalna beau-tiful pletee. In oolora, and photonraphs of newhouses, with plana, enabling builders to show thelateat designs and secure oontracta. Address


Salary aad expenses paid weekly from Btet-g- e

Paninaaaatpoaltloa. IExperience wnecessary. TmlUTmTf Iadesntsefatebeajiiners. Liberal sdrXV Ieomtnlsalon to local par. afLtime aeenta. Largest laTLrgiewera of clean. Xr Com- - IbrdT.r-l-.i- .fl XA. I'rjK - fortbcotrh&rd,tiotk. jr lw ud tmrdft.

tb trait l&dmtiT 1 m ITtfcij 1 Oood cbavae for 1

frt&vmfmnt. Outfit and full Pr-- IIV .tiailMi fr . BROWN UKOH CO.. nor-I- l

Jlerjmta, Fertlivad. Or. Thii ,WUM iJ jtnlUblo. Nmh thi ptvpsw. 14J JM


O LABORATORYEitaMI'hrd In Colorado. Bameln be mall er

txprtM wi!; receive prompt and CATefol atuouoa.Sold I SilrerBalHon 'JXW&lVl

nip;nia Tabuloi euro bilioiim-Kipani- .

Tihule : for tour stomswh.


iBALDH EADS ifl the condition of yours? Is your hair dry,

harsh, brittle? Does It at the ends? Has it a glifeless appearance? Does It fall out when combed orbrushed ? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scslp Itch ?Is It dry or In condition ? If these are some of

symptoms be warned in time or you will become bald. J,

SkookumRoot Hair Grower?It whatyos smL luprotloiHInBlinotsaaoeldant.tatlhaijiatillof 'rltnlltlsraaaareh. Kuowlxlia of Hie dlwaiuof tua hair and acalp lad to IhadlwuT. ajT

of bow to treat tEatn. "Skooltuiit oontaini nittnr m tutraii nor m i. 1 1

U sot a Dya, but d.lnhtfully ooolluf and rafraahlns Tonic. By aiimulatlnath folllclea, (I lopt alltnt kalr. mm omi grw aairmlailj"d . . , .i .aoo i irora irnv.,iua

th tua &aoauaa It dtutruis parwilia tlUWl, Ul

pranald, on rrmlpl ot price. Orewar, par Will. 1 tut Soap, toe,

THE SKOOKUfl ROOT GROWER CO.,C ST Hatk VMh Avenna, new . x. j


UHE SALE.I N TIIE IMltCl'IT l1iniT OK STATK 01a Oreyoii, fur the eoiinly nl Uiickninna,Juiiii'H lliiinphrey, I'lnlntlll,

vs.J, J. Fowler, M. M. Knwler, Juo. II

f'ltriu.llMN N K t'orlollis. T. M.

Mi'liniiiel. and liuls Klcischner. -

Hoi lllrsi-h- Kamiiel tiiimiii amiMurk K. Mayer, pnrtuera underthe Unit name ol ' Klcischner,.Mayer Co., lictVmlnnta.

Statk or Oineunsj,Cuiinly ol Clue kiimas.l '

Ir Kmp aha acaiP ctaaa,OkM Soao.

UM S5.0Q.




Notice Is hereby itiveu Hint by vlituo of ani hiiii iiniL-- ! naie in.iivii uu, ..,

c rcu 11 rinirl ol the stale ol oreaoii uir tn conntv nl t:iackainaa. ocarina- Ohio the van nay i

llcecmlier, lbiia, in a suit wherein J nines Humithrcv w mm itliilntltraod J. J. el al (abovttiMincli ivt.ni defendant, uommuitillnir me. In

the name o the stale of Oregon, that out nf thert.ul k.imIm ln.l,iii(l,.t. llf.Nirlt,e,l. to realize asum siiilleleut to snllsly the demands nl said do- -

cree. rJin.l.i, ono james iiutiipiirry,ulaiiitiir. loaelher Willi lulerest on the siimesince said decree was entered at 10 per cent, pelmilium, and Mil ' due T. H. .

Daniel, with iuteresl as nforcsnld, and a fiirtlu-- l

sum of tltluiuilidiie lo Kleisehn.r, Mnyer A Co.,wltli III wr cent. Iuteresl per annum since decreewas entered, ami iiiso tue costs ot auuthis sale. Now, therefore, in obedience to suchdecree, I will, on the mil day ol January, IhiU,at the hour ol one o'clock p. in. ol saidilny, at tl." front door ol the courthousein sitiu county, oner lor snie m puoucaiielion, and sell to the blithest and bestbidder, for cash in IihiiiI. all the riitht, title andInterest the sulci dcleiidnuta had In an to the

ili'ScrllMMl rpal nrolHTtv. SituatedIII the county ol ChickiimiiH. state ol OreKon, andparticularly bounded and described us loiinws,limit: lIcKluuiiiKatapoint 14 aiuHU lnOeluiiiiawest ul the ii Hurler section comer between see- -

tlmia i; am! ill. runtiinv tlicuce wesl ir andIklti0 chains to the ol said section ill;

thence ninth 4 and thence east l.iami tW IUO chains: thence south ii' west 8 and7.l0ehniua. thence east 12 and chains;thence ninth II nnd 'J.1I1O chains, tn the place olItAtriimliiL'. conttilniuir 14 acres: belnu a Iran- -

tloiiai purl of se'ilnn III ol township two south,rnnite one east ot n iiiiiineiie ineriuiiiu.

lijiteal this '.sun uay ul ttetreinner, a. it. miu.C. W. (lANONtl,

.ShcrllTof Clackamas County, Oregon.


me of an order ol the Hon. County Court olClnckmina countv, Oreiton. the nnderslned hatbeen licensed lo sell lots : and 4 of block ii, Mi-lwuukie, Ore., nt privnle side. Therefore from andafter the 21st day nf January. Ism, I will otter alttriviitclHrtle nnd sell to the hisThestiind best bidderall the rtxht. title and iuteresl nf Jacob I. Miller,

al the time ot his death, in the abovedescribed real cstutn. Terms of sale one-hul- l

cash, balance on ninrtnane at 8 per Iutereslcent, per annum for one year.

Duted, nvcviiiuer "at,MAKIKTTA PRATT,

,1 estate alnresald.D. C.1C D.LATounKTTK.altysfor administratrix


DER EXECUTION.N THK IMltt'lllT COURT OK TIIE 8TATK OFOregon, (or tliu County ol Mnltiiinnali.

M. II. LiK'lliiiK, I'lalutiir.ivs.




Krank llecrs, Dvfi'iicluul. )StATK op OIlF.nnN,County ol l.'lackiiinas.l "

Notice Is glvnti tlntt by vlrtui'of an exe-

cution Issued out of the circuit rntirtoltli staleor Orrijon lor the comity ol rlacknmns, bcarinadate lli IKtli (lay ol Hecernbvr, IMCI, in a millv herein M. II. LnclliiiK was plaliitltl'aiid Kranklivers was dcfenilanl, eoniinandmit me, in themine of the suite ol Oreiton. that out ol the real

estate herelnalter described and heretoforeIn this case, to realize a sum siillli-ien- l to

sntisfy the of said decree, to wil: flml,and a fnrtlier sum of ll.7aost8 now accrued,and also the conn ol and attending this sale.Now. therefore, In obedience to auoh execution.I did heretofore duly levy upon, under attach-ment In this case, anil will, on the 27111 day ofJanuary, 1'H. at the hour (if 11 o'clock a. m. olsaid day, at the front door of the courthouse insaid county, otter for sale at public auction, amisell tn Hie hly best and best bidder, lor cash inhand, all nl l ho rlidit. title and interest the saiddefendant had at lime of attachment in andto the followinK described real property, U .wit:The in rthivesi quarter of the northeast (iuirlerof section twenty-liv- in township one south,rnnire three enst nf Willamette meridian, inClackamas county, Oregon.

Dated una ."Jtn (lay ot Decern uer. a . n. intra.f. W. OA MONO,

Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.

vTStITTB IS 1IKRK1IY OIVEN THAT I WILLi.i sell at nubile auction on my place, two milessouth ol orcitnn City, Oregon, on Saturday,

--"th, lwl.one Jersey heifer, three years old,the nrnoertv nl Mrs K. L. Newton, for a claimowing to me of 8JII. according to Title II, Chapter 4), of the lieuerui Laws ot Oregon

Dated, January 4, mi.








VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILLi' sell at nubile auction on the farm of JohnMvers. 2 miles south of Orcaon Cltv.on Snlurday.the 27th day ol January, WM, at the hour or 1

o'clock P. M., the following personal properly,according to the provisions or Tltie II. Chapter55, of the General Laws of Oregon, the sams he-

lm the property of Wm. Huse. and held by meon a claim oi r--u : une sorrel mare s years otii,one bay horse e years old. J. tv 111 r.r..s


ARROuN riTY DOES ORDAIN A1 FOLLOWSKec. 1. That the wilarv of the city recorder of

() recon Cltv hIihII bo and the name Is herehvnxed at it per mown, ami ne tnnu ie entitled

rctaiii the fines pftid into the reeonler courtfor the mi r none of imylutr mieh fees as a Justice

the penre woiiiii receive in line cafes.Sec. 2. The xalury of the chief of uulice of ra

city nhall he and the same U hereby fixed at $.r

per month, ana ucii ices a comtaoie wouldreceive In like case?, provided they are paid bythe defendant.

All ordinances nnd parts or ordinances in confllct herewith are hereby renealed.

The above ordinance will come up for secondreadinir and naaue at a xmehil meetimr ul thecity conned to b held January lit, 1M4, at 7::)o'clm-- p. m.

Ordered utitdihed by the city council at aineellntf he'd January 9, 14

I.. i.. ri ik i r.K,Keeorder of Oretcon City, Or.





IN THK CIKCITIT COimr OF THE STATK OFOrt'K'tii, lor the t ounty of ClHckHinHH.

T.iinrt)!luc Kudy, Exerutrlx of AbellKudv, OercHtti'd, IMstiiHitr,

vh fJohn Omuer, lH leiilmit; J

Win. VtuiKlin, AilinfitlstPHlor or K."(t-0-

JiinifH Oill .r, riiilutiif,Vf.

Jnhn K. OinctT. I'rtvi.1 Offli-er- . nu1'll.n.na.li.1. b.l L.U...lei a.f llu.l




Eiicty, Itt'fen'luii.e.. J


Count) u Clm krimas i "B

WHERFAS. BY A rF.KT.UN 1E REE OKmnl nnlt-- r of rn, in the dm'

n ik) ve fOttilHil Mill. MKned out of (lu 4ore pnliiltHl emirt. now In my IihikIn, iH'Hrine ilnle th'IJili tin v of lrc'inrr. I MM, foniiimii'linf me, W

iIhvh Irmu ttie iitiif ni vnui exi ciihou tint' orlt-- r

or to imtn Hit Milt o IhihI intlti rtt ri.H-.- l tli- - mini t i"74 ilolhirsi

mnl one hitti-tr- t fl ilnlUrs nttornry . and the.rU mid di!iun-nien- i ni mid mt. and a c ru-

in d rol. And further, liy tt exprutionnnd or.ltr of lt- - fn the iupnd thoe ntitledMint fomrA out nf (tie almve cntitleil cmirt now inmy hinidn dutf ttit 12ih dar ofher, IsH 1, iitniuiMinliiiir ni. in 6t dnvit fritm thrdtUofHid txcrittion onlt-ro- f ' , tn nutki-frn-

the itule of tin- - lund hert inflerthe turn of 7 0 dnllam and the costs nnd dinm r4em4-.1- t of the Ut-- t ntenttont-- ra-- to

with afrninnt iot.Now. thfrt'furf.iii of Mid two or

tain extculiiui and onleif artlf alive tw-

forth. I have levied upon the r derit-d rtal e lute: ThrinHith half of lha Kvelva

ti. ttH er a portion of the h. I. ; No J'.tranJanipti onictT and hvi-ly- ii (ttlner. hi, hy patent dated April jsth. Jft.v.1, rrantini

part of itcctiitna 2U. ?. and :l of townhiD 4iouth. of ratiff t eaat of W illumeite metiitian in( litckamaj ronulv. . Amoqut of tani

and rmviyed by aaid mortgage derreei- -

Deintr im acre.And will, on Satn'diiy. the huh dty of Feb ni-

si ry. ir-4- , al 1 o'rktrk P. M. of raid i.ht. at thefront diMtr of the rourtii.Hie in iwtd ronntT. offer

e at miMic auction, and aril to the h.phe-- 4

and bet btdiler for r!h in hand, all of theright, title and interet the aa'd JohnOfficer. hvi at the time of eXertitiar the mortenre fn or to the forefoing real eatate

t w. uanuSi;,Sheriff of Co Oreiton.

rate-- I thn Januarr lzth, 14.

Job Printing at theCourier Office.

!. II. II.W.





Salt Lake, DenverOmaha, Kansas City,

Chicago, St. Louis.

Eastern Cities.





Quickest to Chi-

cago and the East.

Quicker to Omahaand Kansas City.




For mteH urnl ironeral inloriniitlon enllon or Hildrefs,W II. IIUULBURT, Asst. lien. las,.Aa,nl

'Jo4 H uBliiniiton St., cor. Tliiril.I'OUTLAND OKKO'ON.


The Shasta RouteOF THIS

SOUTIIEKN PACmu 10.Trains Leave I'orlluiid liailj.

'U'l'-- fTToTilT

U.15 CM.7:ltr. u.10:15 a.m.

it::tl a.m.M.





Arl.v I 7:1!) a.l.v r. t

ubovo trulns stop ul all stulions fromlo inclusive, shed. Is

Hiirrlsbiirg, Juiictign Clly, Irving, e

ull slutioiia IrUiu Itosehiug toAsu.uiidinclusive.






Portland Albany Tungi-iu-ilulsey,


1'orllundOregon City




Atluchcd to all ThroughU' eat Side Division,

Between l'(IKTi.AM) I till VAMAIl.THAIN SUNQAV.?

7:811A.M. l.v T'ortiiimi Ar I', w,12:15 T. M. Ar Corvnllis Lv 1:00 P.M.

At and Corvalils conn,.,.of Huilroud.






AlbanyOregon I'ucitlo Iralna


1:401. M. I.V Portland Ar ') A V,

P. M. Ar McMliinvllle Lv UirnAlnr.


EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND Et.'ROI'Kho obtained at the lowest

I.. I. MOOIiK, Agent, OiiuonR. KOEHLKR. E. P. ROGERS,

Manager. tn (. 1 il P AnenPortland, Or

Oregon Pacific Ppi'road Company

K. W. HAIUiKV, Kkoeivfr.

RIVER DIVISION,C!uiMUty,i HlininlMita:










Can rates from


rit. Ooi) RntibCaH. It. J. Yuiiiix

Tldn Company removes the HkIiI to viirv from tlilicitnl.andrciiiiiiiUiicemnHy refjuire, without notice.

Leave Portland, Sunday, Wednettdiiy and Friday0 a. ni.

Leara Corral tin, Monday, and Friday,8 ft. m.

Leavn Salem, north, TtMBday, Thiunday ami Sutnrdny, 0 a. in.


l.eaved Kan FrandMCo, Nov. nth, andheave Yaiiiinu, N.fv. 9lh, llMh and Wtii,

Fur freight and imsseiiaer rates unulr to anagent or puner of this Company, or II. tj. Oafgo he ml aifeuf, Salmon street dock. Portland.

. K. SlirLCAliy.tien'l. Sunt..CT.WAKhLAW T. F.AP. A.

I had a malignant breaking out on my legbelow the knee, and wascured sound and wellwith two and a half bottles ofOther blood medicines had failed P;'tx.;,Jto ma any good. Will C. Ueaty,

'. S.C.

I was troubled from chlldhrxl with ana?aTBten eaa) of Tetter, and three bottle t.

J cured me permanently.naxo. a nBn,

Hua-ill- s, L T., flnr book oo Blood and Skin Disease mailed

Bwu-- i brwuiu Cv Ua.

Your StomachDistressesYou

afUreating a hearty meaL and thareenit la a chronic caw of Indices

jtlon. Sour Stomach, Heartburn,



Llynpepeia, or a bilioas attack.

RIPANS TABULE8Prwsaote nieeatiea. Recwlatr thfmarb. Lleer aad Rewele, PartryIke Hlewd. audare a Peaillre Care for.easus-allee, --.lea Heaaarke, Hllleaeaeaa, and all other blaeasea ansioc

rn,BD a disordered eoodltk'a or ike Lt.nr anaStrmiark. Ther aft aently yet promptlT aadperfect die itloa fallows their use.

Ripens TaMiles take the flare of aa KatlrwSteaUcia t kru, and aarnik kcytftar

Sou tv draeviser asX keauli.

Price, . - Te CoBorm.

THE IIPARS CHEMICAL CO.Bawwee at, slew feek.


