Ordering in a Restaurant

ORDERING IN A RESTAURANT - DIALOGUES Waiter: Good afternoon, how can I help you today? Customer: I'd like a table for one, please. Waiter: Right this way. Here you are. Customer: Thank you. Can I have a menu? Waiter: Here you are. My name's John and I'm your waiter today. Would you like to hear today's specials? Customer: Certainly. Waiter: Well, our today's starter is chowder soup and today's main course is salmon and chips. Customer: Salmon and chips? Is the fish fresh? Waiter: Yes it is. It came straight from our own fishing vessels. Customer:Alright, I'd like the Salmon and chips. Waiter: Would you like to have the starter soup? Customer: Actually, I would like to have something else. Waiter: Why don't you try our salad? Most customers order our fresh green salad. Customer:Okay, I want to have the fresh green salad. Waiter: Very good. Would you like something to drink? Customer: Oh, I'd like a pineapple juice, please. Waiter: OK. So that's a green salad, Salmon and chips and pineapple juice. Customer:Yes, that's right. Waiter: Here is your food. Thank you and enjoy your lunch.


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Transcript of Ordering in a Restaurant

Page 1: Ordering in a Restaurant


Waiter: Good afternoon, how can I help you today?

Customer: I'd like a table for one, please.

Waiter: Right this way. Here you are.

Customer: Thank you. Can I have a menu?

Waiter: Here you are. My name's John and I'm your waiter today. Would you like to hear today's specials?

Customer: Certainly.

Waiter: Well, our today's starter is chowder soup and today's main course is salmon and chips.

Customer: Salmon and chips? Is the fish fresh?

Waiter: Yes it is. It came straight from our own fishing vessels.

Customer:Alright, I'd like the Salmon and chips.

Waiter: Would you like to have the starter soup?

Customer: Actually, I would like to have something else.

Waiter: Why don't you try our salad? Most customers order our fresh green salad.

Customer:Okay, I want to have the fresh green salad.

Waiter: Very good. Would you like something to drink?

Customer: Oh, I'd like a pineapple juice, please.

Waiter: OK. So that's a green salad, Salmon and chips and pineapple juice.

Customer:Yes, that's right.

Waiter: Here is your food. Thank you and enjoy your lunch.

Customer:Thank you.

Waiter: Welcome to Steak and Fish Restaurant. Here are your menus. Today's special is Roasted Steak. I'll be back to take your order in a minute.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

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Customer: I'd like a grilled salmon and a potato salad, please.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer: Just water, please.

Waiter: OK. So that's one grilled salmon, one potato salad and water, Is that right?

Customer: Yes. that's right

Waiter: Okay, I'll take your menus and Ill be back with your food.

Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter: How was everything?

Customer: Delicious, thanks.

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

Customer: No, just the bill please.

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Making Arrangements in English

Clinic: Hello,Patient: I’d like to make an appointment for a check-up.Clinic: Have you been here before?Patient: No, I haven’t.Clinic: We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o’clock.Patient: I’m sorry, I work on Friday’s. Do you have any appointments available on Monday or Wednesdays?Clinic: Our first Monday appointment would be October 22nd at 9 in the morning. Could you make that?Patient: Yes, that would be fine.Clinic: What is your name?Patient: Luci Garcia.Clinic: What is your phone number?Patient: 764-2110.Clinic: Is that the 206 area code?Patient: Yes, that’s right.Clinic: What is your date of birth?Patient: 10/13/63.Clinic: How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you have health insurance or medical coupons?Patient: No, I don’t. Can you tell me what the charge would be for this visit?Clinic: We charge by sliding scale. You will need to bring your last 2 pay-stubs, an ID, and a 10$ deposit. Please come 1/2 hour before the time of your appointment to fill out a medical history.Patient: OK. I will do that.Clinic: OK. I’ve noted that on the schedule. We will see you on Monday, October 22nd at 9 for a physical check-up. Plan on spending about 1 hour at the clinic.Patient: Thank you. Good-bye.Clinic: Good-bye.

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Making Arrangements

Travel Agent: Hello, Happy Holidays Travel Agency, Nadine speaking. How may I help you?Caller: Hi. My name is José Galdos. I’d like to book a flight to Ecuador.Travel Agent: Sure. I can help you with that. Did you have a particular date in mind?Caller: Yes. I need to travel on September 3rd and return on October 7th or 8th. I actually have a flight in mind that I checked on the Internet. I didn’t want to book it online because the all the prices were in American dollars.Travel Agent: Oh, okay. Well, I’d be pleased to help you. Would you like me to check some flights for you?Caller: Yes. That would be great. Travel Agent: Could I have your name again? Sorry.Caller: José Galdos. That’s J-o-s-e G-a-l-d-o-sTravel Agent: Thanks. Do you mind if I call you José?Caller: Not at all. Travel Agent: Okay, José. And how many seats do you need?Caller: There are two of us – two adults.Travel Agent: And you said you wanted to travel on September 3rd and return on October 7th or 8th?Caller: That’s right.Travel Agent: Would you prefer a non-stop flight? Caller: It doesn’t really matter. I have a friend in Miami, so if there is a stopover in Miami, that would be fine. Travel Agent: Okay, let me check what’s available. Would you mind holding for a moment?Caller: Sure. No problem. Travel Agent: Okay. I’ll be right back.(music)Travel Agent: Hi, José. I’ve found two flights leaving for Ecuador on September 3rd and returning on October 8th. One is a direct flight that is more expensive. The other is a cheaper flight with stopovers in New York and Mexico City. The direct flight leaves at 10:30 a.m. and arrives in Quitos at 5:30 p.m. It’s

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$1, 249.73 with taxes and surcharges. The other flight leaves at 6:30 a.m. and arrives in New York at 8:00 a.m. Then there is a connecting flight from La Guardia airport at 3:10 p.m., which arrives in Mexico City at 8:15 p.m. From Mexico City, you would catch another connecting flight leaving at 10:45 p.m. and arriving in Quitos at 1:00 a.m. So there is a total travel time of about 18 hours. But the cost of that flight is $843.60. Caller: Oh, wow – that’s quite a difference. Travel Agent: Yes it is. So it really depends on how quickly you want to get to Quitos. Caller: Yes. Well, 18 hours is a long time. I don’t think my friend will want to sit that long. So I think we’ll go with the direct flight. Could you book that for me?Travel Agent: Certainly. Can I have the name of the other passenger?Caller: Her name is Tina Lopez. Travel Agent: Is that L-o-p-e-z? Caller: Yes, that’s right.Travel Agent: And do you have any seating preferences? Caller: Yes, we would like to sit near the front of the plane if possible. Travel Agent: Sure. It looks like that won’t be a problem. And will you be needing travel insurance?Caller: No, I don’t think so. Travel Agent: Okay. And how will you be paying for that?Caller: By credit card.Travel Agent: And the card is in your name?Caller: Yes, it is.Travel Agent: Could I have the number and expiry date please?Caller: Yes. It’s Visa: 123-4567-4444-988. The expiry date is eleven, 2013.Travel Agent: Okay, well if you could just send me an email message, José, just to confirm that you want me to book the flight, I will do that for you. Caller: Sure. What’s your email address?Travel Agent: It’s Nadine@HappyHolidays (all one word) .com.Caller: Okay. I’ll send it to you right away.Travel Agent: Great. And once I have the flight booked, I’ll send you the

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tickets electronically. Okay? Caller: Sure. That would be fine.Travel Agent: Thank you for choosing Happy Holidays, José. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Caller: Thank you. Bye.Travel Agent: Bye.

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TelephoningReceptionist: Good Afternoon, Abernathy and Jones, how may I help you?

Ms. Zellinger: Yes, I would like to speak to Joseph Abernathy, please.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, Mr. Abernathy is out of the office at the moment.

Ms. Zellinger: Do you know when to expect him?Receptionist: I should be back about 3:00. Would you like to leave a message?

Ms. Zellinger: Yes. My name is Belinda Zellinger.

Receptionist: Is that Z-E-L-I-N-G-E-R?

Ms. Zellinger: It's with two L's.

Receptionist: Okay, and may I tell him what this is in regards to?

Ms. Zellinger: Well, it's a rather personal matter...

Receptionist: That's okay. How can he reach you, Ms. Zellinger?

Ms. Zellinger: At 555-4857.

Receptionist: 555-4857. Fine. I will give him the message as soon as he returns.

Ms: Zellinger: Thank you very much.

Receptionist: You are welcome. Goodbye.

Telephone English

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A:Good afternoon, Fowler's, may I help you?

B:Extension 237 please.

A:I'm sorry, the line's busy, will you hold?

B:Yes, I'll hold...............

A:I'm putting you through.

C:Marketing, Harry Webb speaking.

B:Could I speak to Maurice Caine please?

C:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting at the moment.

B:Do you know when he'll be back?

C:He should be back around four. Can I take a message?

B:Yes, please ask him to call David Jones on 629 3478

C:629 3478, right?

B:That's right.

C:OK, I'll see he gets your message