Order of Worship SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE November 3, …...Lake Street United Methodist Church 337...

Order of Worship All Saints Sunday November 3, 2019 8:30 and 10:00 am Our service is broadcast live on radio 92.1 FM and live streamed on our Facebook page. Nursery care for infants through kindergarten is available. TFWS Hymns are from The Faith We Sing(black) hymnal. Prayer concerns may be registered on the beige prayer card and given to the worship leader after announcements. Musicians: Edna Sahs, organist; Jennifer Lohmann, pianist GATHERING ENTER IN SILENCE Along the sides of the sanctuary are tables arrayed with candles. If you wish to light a candle in memory of a loved one who has died, you are invited to do so in the silence before the service. PRELUDE 8:30 Praise the One Who Breaks the DarknessAnna Laura Page 10:00 Out of TimeLiz Story * OPENING PRAYER Book of Common Prayer Almighty God, who has knit together your people in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son, Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who love you; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. * OPENING HYMN # 711 For All the SaintsA CELEBRATION OF LIFE CHILDRENS MOMENT MEDITATION A Celebration of Life?Pastor Jerry SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE As we read the names of those of our church family who have died in the past year and light candles in each persons honor, we invite those whose lives been touched by that person to stand in silent testimony to that life. THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORDS PRAYER Traditional text Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliv- er us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. PRAYER RESPONSE TFWS # 2074 Shout to the LordShout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing Power and majesty, praise to the King. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of his name. I sing for joy at the work of your hands, Forever Ill love you, forever Ill stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in you. SPECIAL MUSIC Hold on to the RockPepper Choplin Chancel Choir SCRIPTURE LESSON John 11:17-27 Gods word for all Gods people. Thanks be to God. MEDITATION The Resurrection and the Life THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION * HYMN TFWS # 2283 For All the SaintsHearing Devices are available in the Narthex (north entrance). Please ask an usher for assistance.

Transcript of Order of Worship SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE November 3, …...Lake Street United Methodist Church 337...

Order of Worship

All Saints Sunday November 3, 2019 8:30 and 10:00 am

Our service is broadcast live on radio 92.1 FM and live streamed on our Facebook page. Nursery care for infants through kindergarten is available.

TFWS Hymns are from “The Faith We Sing” (black) hymnal. Prayer concerns may be registered on the beige prayer card and given to the worship leader after announcements.

Musicians: Edna Sahs, organist; Jennifer Lohmann, pianist


ENTER IN SILENCE Along the sides of the sanctuary are tables arrayed with candles.

If you wish to light a candle in memory of a loved one who has died, you are invited to do so in the silence before the service.

PRELUDE 8:30 “Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness” – Anna Laura Page

10:00 “Out of Time” – Liz Story

* OPENING PRAYER – Book of Common Prayer

Almighty God, who has knit together your people in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son, Christ our Lord:

Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living,

that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who love you;

through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

* OPENING HYMN # 711 “For All the Saints”



As we read the names of those of our church family who have died in the past year and light candles in each person’s honor, we invite those whose lives been touched by

that person to stand in silent testimony to that life.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliv-er us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

PRAYER RESPONSE TFWS # 2074 “Shout to the Lord” Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing Power and majesty, praise to the King. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of his name. I sing for joy at the work of your hands, Forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in you. SPECIAL MUSIC “Hold on to the Rock” – Pepper Choplin

Chancel Choir

SCRIPTURE LESSON John 11:17-27 God’s word for all God’s people. Thanks be to God. MEDITATION “The Resurrection and the Life ”


* HYMN TFWS # 2283 “For All the Saints”

Hearing Devices are available in the Narthex (north entrance). Please ask an usher for assistance.


PRESENTATION OF OUR GIFTS AND REGISTRATION OF ATTENDANCE Please complete the Connect Card insert found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate.

OFFERTORY 8:30 “Angeles” – Enya and Nicky Ryan

10:00 “Longing” – George Winston

*PRESENTING OUR GIFTS # 587 “Bless Thou the Gifts” Bless thou the gifts our hands have brought; Bless thou the work our hearts have planned. Ours is the faith, the will, the thought; The rest, O God, is in thy hand. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION

Lord God, the candles around us remind us of your most precious gifts. You have been generous, and we give these gifts in deep and humble gratitude. Amen.

* HYMN TFWS # 2282 “I’ll Fly Away” * BENEDICTION POSTLUDE 8:30 Postlude on “Thaxted” – Gordon Young

10:00 “Celtic Sunrise” – Jan Mulder

*Stand either in body or in spirit.

Words and music reprinted with permission — CCLI License # 2276678 Videos are shown with permission — CVLI License # 503864098

Refreshments are served in the Fellowship Hall following the service.

“Christ-followers living God’s love”

November 3, 2019

Located at the Corner of Lake St and Fourth Av 337 Lake Street, Suite A — Eau Claire WI 54703

Phone: 715-832-6603; Fax: 715-832-9500 Web Site Address: www.lakestreetumc.org

Office hours: 9:00 am—4:30 pm || Mon thru Fri Pastor: Jerry Morris

“A Celebration of Life/The Resurrection and the Life” John 11:17-27

All Saints Memorial Sunday, 2019





— N






Lake Street United Methodist Church 337 Lake Street, Suite A, Eau Claire WI 54703 Telephone: 715-832-6603; Fax: 715-832-9500 Web Site: www.lakestreetumc.org

Wednesday, November 6th

9:00a Hour of Prayer (Fireside Library)

10:00a UMW Executive Comm (Room 202)

12:00p UMW Planning Comm (Room 202)

4:30p Practical Religion Class: “Where Did

Our Bible Come From?” with

Pastor Jerry (Room 202)

5:30p Wednesday at the Lake Supper

(Fellowship Hall)

6:00p Bell Choir Rehearsal

7:00p Chancel Choir Rehearsal

8:00p Men’s Ensemble Rehearsal

Thursday, November 7th

7:30a MAP (Men at Prayer) Fireside Library)

9:00a Quilters (Room 101A)

9:30a AT-IT Team (Conference Room)

10:00a Dementia Class by Lisa Wells

(Room 202)

4:30p Bolton House Support (Lounge)

Saturday, November 9th

4:30p Fellowship Hall In Use

Sunday, November 10th — 8:30 and 10:00 am

Sermon: “Jesus Meets a Blind Man”

Text: John 5:1-15

This Week at the Lake Sunday, November 3rd — All Saints Sunday

8:30a Worship with Communion

Nursery Available

Adult Studies

Radio Ministry (92.1 FM)

Live Stream on Facebook

9:15a Confirmation

9:30a Fellowship and Scrip

10:00a Worship with Communion

Nursery Available || Sunday School

Live Stream on Facebook

11:00a Praise Band Rehearsal

4:00p Hispanic Ministry Worship (Chapel)

Moms on the Run (Fellowship Hall)

6:00p Lakeshore Troop 3514 (Room 202)

Monday, November 4th

3:00p Staff Parish (Conference Room)

6:15p Pack 128 (Rooms 101/102/103/

202/203/Third Floor)

Tuesday, November 5th

11:00a Calendar Staff (Conference Room)

Noon Bulletin Information Deadline

5:30p Fellowship Hall In Use (EC Boys Choir)

Fireside Library In Use

(EC Male Chorus Board)

6:00p Lake Street Foundation Board

(Conference Room)

IM Church Core Team (Room 202)

7:00p Fellowship Hall In Use

(EC Male Chorus)

We’re glad you’re with us today. Our goal here at Lake Street is to welcome all people in Christ’s love, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race, ability, or anything else that divides people.

Worship Aids

Bulletins are available from ushers at both entrances. The readings and prayers are printed there, but will also be projected on screens. Large print bulletins and pictorial bulletins for non-readers are also available.

Hearing devices tied to the sound system are available at the Lake Street door. Just ask an usher for help.

Children and Families

Parents are welcome to keep their children with them in worship. Don’t worry about the wiggles. At the back of the sanctuary are rockers reserved for parents of small children. For more privacy, the service is also being streamed in the library—out the side door and up the ramp. And during every service our Preschool Area is available for children up to age 5, where they can learn about God through play and ac-tivity.

A “Children’s Moment” is offered in worship, and all ages are welcome to come up. In the 10:00 service, many children will leave after the Children’s Moment for Sunday School (5th grade and younger). If you are a first time guest and would like your children to go to Sunday School, please take them down your-self the first time so the teachers can get all information necessary for your child’s safety.

Connect Card

The yellow insert in the bulletin is a way for our members to sign in, and there is also a place where you may leave contact information, if you like, so that we may welcome you more than once.

Coffee Fellowship

You are invited to a coffee fellowship after worship in the Fellowship Hall, by the parking lot doors.


We usually serve Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We use grape juice and gluten-free bread, to include everyone, and all who are seeking God, of any age, are welcome at Christ’s table.

A Welcome to Our Guests

Phone Correction for Pastor Jerry

We have found an error in our church directory, in

the entry for Jerry and Rebecca Morris. Apparently

Rebecca’s phone number was put down as the

cell number for both of us. (We had wondered

why Rebecca kept getting those calls on week-

ends to let me know that someone was in the hos-

pital.) We are able to update the online directory,

so if you are using that directory on your phone or

tablet or computer the number is now correct, but

if you are using the print directory, please change

the last two digits of my phone number from –91

to –03. — Pastor Jerry

Online Giving

Interested in our option for giving

that allows you to set up for auto-

matic donations using your check-

ing account or credit/debit card?

V i s i t O n l i n e G i v i n g a t

www.lakestreetumc.org/give. Use

the QR code shown here wit your

phone which will take you directly

to the giving page.

The Scrip Program

Christmas Gifts

$50 Prepaid VISA cards for your

Family and Friends — no hassle in

what merchant to choose.

— Buy Scrip and Support LSUMC

Praying for all Lake Street members and friends

during the year! This week please pray for: Jeff,

Melissa and Jalen Pascal, Beatie Peterson, Chris,

Nicole, Haydn and Mason Peterson, Connie and

William Peterson, Dennis and Linda Peterson,

Evelyn Peterson. Mark and Deb Peterson, Pat

Peterson, Ben and Tracy Pettis, Jeff and Susan


LakeCare at Lake Street

One of the ways that Lake Street Methodist has

tried to live out its value of inclusion has been to

remember those who can no longer attend

worship and activities in person. Our radio

broadcast and Facebook streaming provide the

worship service, and our LakeCare Visitation

program has provided them with one-on-one

contact and Home Communion.

Things have changed with LakeCare, though.

At its peak, we had 40-50 recipients and 30 or so

visitors, but time and demographics move on.

We currently have just over ten recipients and

about the same number of visitors. Is that really

all we have? Are we missing some people who

would appreciate regular visits? Are we missing

some others who have been looking for a way to

live their faith in compassion with seniors?

If you, or someone you know, fits into either

of these categories, please let us know. You may

suggest names in person or by phone to either

Pastor Jerry or Bill Schildt. In the meantime,

though, we are look for others ways to connect

with seniors.

2020 Upper Room Disciplines Devotionals

Available In Office

For those who have been inquiring, they have

arrived! Pick up your copy in the office. Due to

combined order, no shipping costs this year.

Makes a great Christmas gift —only $11.00 each.


. . . will meet Thursday, November 14th at 3:30

pm in Fellowship Hall. Thanks to everyone who

turned up and stayed to do double duty. You are


Community of Worship

Saints of God, welcome to worship! We thank you

for good memories of loved ones who lived in faith

and died in your arms. We welcome God to nourish

us for our life of discipleship.

Radio Ministry

Gifts contributed to our radio worship ministry were

given by Nancy Espie.

Worship Leaders: ● Rev. Jerry Morris; ● Minister

of Music: David Fehr; ● Organist: Edna Sahs;

● Pianist: Jennifer Lohmann; ● Song Leaders:

(8:30a) Kirsten Gierhart; (10:00a) Kathy Gierhart;

● Liturgists: (8:30a) Craig Heabler; (10:00a) Bev

Maser; ● Communion Stewards: Deb Bejin and

Carol Mooney; ● Tech Crew: Logan Wallace, Aaron

Athas, Greg Wallace; Worship Design: Pat

Peterson; ● Nursery: Carley Van Beek.

All Saints Memorial Service Today

Today we will observe All Saints Day with a

memorial service honoring those for whom we

grieve. We will read the names of those of our

congregation who have died in the past year and

light candles in their memory, but also have an

opportunity for all to light candles for friends and

family whose memory they wish to honor.

Old-Fashioned Gratitude: Thanksgiving Eve

November 27th — 2:00 pm

This year our Thanksgiving Eve service is especially

for our seniors. All are welcome, of course, but our

elders are most likely to remember the worship

style: the full liturgical Communion service, served

in the pews, and hymns that just don’t work with

bongo drums and tambourines. We will start the

service at 2:00 pm, and even after a post-service

fellowship, everyone should be able to get home

before dark.

Community of Inclusive Welcome

Prayer Ministries

Our e-mail prayer chain is one way our faith

community continues to grow in its capacity care

for one another. Sign-up on the yellow Connect

Card insert.

Welcome From Digital Shooters

Everyone is welcome to come to the next meeting of

the Lake Street Digital Shooters on Wednesday,

November 13th at 6:30 pm. We will enjoy the

photos of Barb Nelson taken on a trip on the river

Seine in France. She and Peter visited Giverny

which is the estate just north of Parish where the

impressionist painter Claude Monet lived from 1883

thru 1926. The color of those gardens inspired the

painter but also the photographer. Come see some

of that beauty in Barbara’s photography.

Kitchen Cleaning

It has been some time since the Lake Street kitchen

received a deep cleaning. It is time!!! Mark your

calendars for Thursday, November 14th from 10:00

am until Noon. Come join us! So we can spiff it

back up.

Community of Spiritual Formation

Wednesday at the Lake Continues

4:30p Practical Divinity Classes

5:30p Meal

5:30p Youth Group (3rd Wednesdays)

6:00p Handbells Rehearsal

7:00p Chancel Choir

8:00p Men’s Ensemble


Thru Nov. 20th. “Where Our Bible Came From” —

Jerry Morris (Room 202)

Most of the arguments and schisms of the

Christian church have at some point been

fought on biblical grounds, as differing sides

claim different key passages of scripture and

different methods of interpreting. Christians all

appeal to the authority of this book, but where

did that authority come from? Who were the

human authors, or does that even matter? Who

decided which books got in?

On Wednesday nights thru November 20th at

4:30 pm, Pastor Jerry is leading a class

touching on these issues, laying out some of the

historical background of the writing and editing

and compiling of this book we claim as

scripture. And in all of that, where does the

notion of “divine inspiration” fit in? We will

meet in Room 202.

Dinner Meal:

→ November 6th — Homemade Beef Stew,

Fresh Bread Sticks, Seven Layer Salad,

Homemade Desserts

→ November 13th — Mystery Meal

→ November 20th — Baked Turkey and all

the Trimmings, Stuffing, Potatoes, Gravy,

Vegetable, Cranberries and Homemade


Community of Compassionate Outreach

Bazaar Success

Thanks to our Lake Street family for all the hard

work and support that went into making this

years All-Church Bazaar a success. We will

show a profit of almost $6,800 that will be used

to support UMW Missions and the work of Lake

Street. Because of YOU, Mission IS possible.

Planning for 2020. Several sales booths

have retiring leaders this year and the search

has started for Bazaar Chair for 2021. Please

consider speaking the Chris Draxler or Winnie

Doxsie about opportunities to help continue the

Bazaar and all the good works it supports.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Did you know that one unit of blood could save

up to three lives? The need is great so please

consider donating Whole Blood or Power Reds

here at —

Lake Street United Methodist Church

Tuesday, December 3rd

12:00 pm—6:00 pm

To set up an appointment, please call

Linda Keepers — 715-834-5744

Walk-ins are always welcomed.

The need is constant, the gratification is instant!

ARCW Wish for November: Canned Vegetables

Consider supporting our local AIDS Resource

Center of Wisconsin Food Pantry during the

month of November by donating canned

vegetables. Your efforts will help feed local

clients of the resource center affected by HIV/

AIDS. Place your item in the ARCW Food Pantry

box located near the entrance to Fellowship

Hall. Your continued support are appreciated.

Welcome to Lake Street United Methodist ChurchWe’re glad you’re here to worship with us today!

Members and guests: please complete the “Connect Card” to help us stayconnected and share ministry together. Please place the “Connect Card”in the offering place. Thank you!

Date: Sunday, November 3, 2019 � 8:30 am � 10:00 am

Your Name ________________________________________________

Please list anyone with you today ________________________________


[ ] I am / we are [ ] guest(s); [ ] member(s); [ ] My / Our home church is ________________________________[ ] I am / We are seeking a church home and would like to receive

information. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

(contact information)

[ ] I would like to be part of the e-mail prayer chain.

E-mail ___________________________________________________(your e-mail will not be shared beyond our ministry)

[ ] My / our contact information changed. (Please update below.)

Address __________________________________________________

Primary Phone ______________________________________________

Requests for Prayer

These requests will go to our staff and to our email prayer chain, all ofwhom are committed to pray and to maintain confidentiality. If you requestprayer for another person, to respect their privacy, we ask that you include thelast name only if you have that person’s permission.

Please pray for _______________________________________________________________________________________________


– more opportunities on reverse side


We welcome you to this solemn gathering of worship. As you enter today, we invite you to a time of remembrance. If you would like to light a candle in memory of one whom you miss, you may do so at one of the tables on the sides of the sanctuary. As you take your seat, we ask that maintain a reverent silence, as others light candles and pray.

Remembering Our Church’s Saints

These of our congregation have died since last year’s memorial Sunday. Family members and friends are welcome to stand in honor of the person named.

Corinne Donahue mother of Jacquie Johnson Marge Riste mother of Cindy Moores Earl Reppert father of Cindy Volkman Everett Blakeley, Jr. husband of Marty Fisher-Blakeley,

father of Matt Allen Staves husband of Susie Juanita Bessire mother of Jackie Kruse Rachel Morley Irving (Bill) Nelson husband of Ruth Marcella Hennig mother of Bonnie Hennig-Piper, sister

of Colleen Bates Delbert Thomas father of Linda Mueller Eleanor Bushendorf

Janet Kiebler mother of Linda Peterson

The Communion of Saints, Fra Angelica