Oral presentation


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Transcript of Oral presentation

Page 1: Oral presentation

Non verbal Communication

Effective presenters recognize that communication is both intellectual and emotional.

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Some basic techniques to maintain attention:

Convey "controlled enthusiasm."

Posture, tone; don't lean.

Your audience will mirror your attitude - radiate confidence without preaching.

Don't confuse enthusiasm with loudness.

Where appropriate, candidly discuss pros and cons; explain advantages first; present risks or challenges.

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Are You Distracting the Audience and Drawing Attention away from your Message?

When we want the audience to focus on what we have to say rather than on us, it is important to think about anything that might detract from our message. This can be a sensitive issue since some of these factors are personal or "part of who we are."

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Physical Mannerisms:

Speakers who pace, pound the podium, jingle change in their pockets, or do other things can focus attention on themselves rather than the subject; sometimes this can be done for affect, but more often it is inadvertent and distracting.

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Use Body Language Effectively:

Relaxed gestures, eye contact; don't play with a pen or pointer.

Don't block visual aids.

Avoid standing transfixed before your audience.

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Use Visual Aids to Enhance the Message:

Use overhead transparencies in your presentation.

Use visuals to reinforce and clarify, not overwhelm.

Keep visual aids uncluttered; use titles to guide the audience.

If you use tapes or disks, make sure the equipment is compatible.

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A picture is worth a thousand words.

Use pictures instead of bullet points and your message retention should increase.

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Live with the fear.

A situation commonly known as "bricking it".

The fear never goes away.

Learn how to harness it, just like an athlete has to.

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Clean your shoes.

You will be on display. Your audience will be looking at how well you are turned out.

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The eyes have it.

Maintain good eye contact with the audience.

Spread your attention around the room.

Consistent eye contact enhances the importance of the message

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Don't lock your knees.

Unlock your knees and act as if you were about to catch a ball. It will relax you and make it all flow much more smoothly.

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Do not memorize your presentation

Type the outline of your presentation on one sheet of paper.

Use brief notes, written on one page, if possible.

Use of palm cards.

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Practice an Effective Delivery Style

Look for ways to help your audience easily follow your ideas: Demarcate the beginning and end of each point and segment of your presentation.

Announce each main topic as you come to it.

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Allow a slight pause between different sections of the presentation.Speak slowly, vigorously, and enthusiastically. Avoid jokes - always disastrous unless you are a natural expert.   Make the presentation interesting by changing your delivery style in speed and pitch of voice

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Rehearse your presentation

Be sure to time your presentation so that it does not exceed the time limit

Keep your presentation as short as possible.

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If possible, become familiar with the room where you will give the presentation so that you will have some sense about how loudly you should talk and how people will be seated.

Try not to provide the audience handout material before you begin. Be sure the material is coordinated with your presentation.

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“… I can do anything ; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.”

Wilma Rudolph