Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY....

Vol. 22 Oral A RA [ . . . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, i930 , Silver Cup To Soon Resume Development Word has been/~received here that. most satisfactory progress is being made with the refin-mcing and re-of ganizati(m of the Silver Ct, p Mining Co, and that there is every reason to believe that in a very short time the mine will lie reopened, and that ~ crew of fifteen or twenty men will be Imt to work in No. 3 and No. 4 tunnels to drive them ahead for another five hundred feet or more, and to develop a big t,mnage of ()re so that when the metal prices get back to normal again the mill ecan be started up .and kept rmming at full capacity. What ha,~ been accomplished in the past with the nflll is a. matter of record a{al the future of the phmt Is mere detail. It is known what the mill can do, and it in known just what the treatment for the ore of the Silver Cup requires. HAZELTON GIRL WON PRIZE Ethel Tomlinson in Essay Contest Under direeti0n Prince Rupert Presbytery Roy. T. H. Wright received word last week that Miss Ethel Tomlinson was the fortmmte winner of the first prize in an essay competition carried out by the missionary committee of the Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church in Canada. Announcement of the contest and choice of subjects for essays was giv- en- o~lt:-l~st,falL ;..There:,were ~fll~o.,sub.~. jects and the cbmt~etifiou ~;as open to both high and public schools. The subject written on by Miss Tomllnson was "The place of woman in Home Missions" and she won in the high school class. The prize entitles her to the choice of books to.the value of $5.00 from the United .Church Pub.- lishing Honse, Toronto. The judges for the competition were L. T. Davis. M. A., principal Oceaa Falls high school, E, A. Goddard, vice ln'lncipal Ocean Falls public school; A. North. manager of the Bank of Commerce. and Rev, 1L C. Scott. B. A.. chaplain on the Thomas Crd~h.v. llev. Win. Deans of Ocean Palls w:'ote iu very complimentary terms of the essay seni by the Hazeltou student. RECEPTION F(~I~ NEWLY wEDs Last' S'~turday night a receptiqn for Hm bri,le aml groom. Mr. and Mrs. f'arl PouIs,),~ was held .at the home of the b1'hle's lmrenrs. ,~r. and ,Mrs. O. Johnson. folhnving the arrival of the east bonnd trflill. Nearlyeveryone in New liar;olios w~;s l)resoat and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Th'e. best wishes of tile community is ex- tended.to the bride nnd groom, both of whom are well and very fliw)rably known. TO IMPROYE TELKWA HOTEL k,~ soon ns the weat~her will perfiflt the Telkwa Hotel will be Imt in the hallds of earpeaters and when they get through the,plaee will look like a new Imlli|lng." Th(~ exterior of the -building iv to be'recovered and it will he lmlnted. For the past two or thre'e. yearg Mr. and M~s. Slavln have been • devoting all their attenthm to the in: terior of the he(el and;have made 'it one of the nicest"liiaces ai0ng tile line] to stop at. . ' ¢- / I ,, Someone with a car hit one,of J. H. Willan's cows ldst Week.' ~The. CoW sassed away soon .tter~am: NeW SChedule Unpopular in InteriOr Towns The new schedule on .the raihvay to come into effect on or about the 18th of May is going to be a very unpolml-. ar one flw all the interior country, at least/east of New Hazelton. When thee'daily trains ai'e Imt on again on, the above date the pfissenger trnin go. ing west will be three hours earlier, or will leave New Hqzelton at about ten minutes to five in the morning and the east bonnd trains will be an hour and a half later, or will be in New Hazel- ton at(rand uine o'clock in the evening The change in the time talfle flint has been iil effect 'and has been giving pretty general satisfacHon for'several years past, was ln'tde, it ih understood to meet tlle demands of some of the Prince Rupert people that latssengers from the trains for the Imats be com- pelled to ,~tay i ntheir town some hours hmger than in the trust. Als0 that the tourists be compelled to stay there a hmger time. That nmy be alright for a couple ofcurl6 shops in Rupert and 1)erhaps for the beer parh)rs, but it is a long way fron~ being of any benefit to the towns of the interior. Another bad feature is that under the new schedule the best half of the scenery will have been passed before any of the tourists are.awake iii the meriting The scenery of the Bulkley and "the upper p'trt of the Skeena is one of the chief attractions of the trip over, the norlhern route. To n)iss the best of it will pl]t' the railwa3 compan3 ill the ~ctass-:of" .-.~'flntay".=~-~['d.verti~er~/,"-- Tlie people of the coast city might do sOmething on their own to attract the Du m Mine "" ClOsed Until a Rise in Metals Last Saturday night tile Duthie mine was closed down and all the era- British Pacific Industries Are Now Prepared Whih~ the. north hats been receiving ntnv:" the htst few weeks of mines in Idbyees arrived in Smithers. Only the district closing down and the ira- (me man is left bn the property. The ll~.t.di:l!e futm'e prospects were look- mill was closed down the week before ling about as (lull as possible, word is and it was hoped that the mine ~ould'[ reccNed, according to reports/that 1)y be kept' going f6,. development i pur-[thc middle of March one of the 1nest poses. At the present time there iv promineht.directors of British & I'ac- hardly a miner, working in" the Bulk- lfic hidustries will be i nCa,mda, and ley Valley territory. The low pric0 ia the Telkwa district to look after of silver and lea}l and zinc is general- ly given, d~ the reaso.n of suspending operations. While the shut down iS not a .good thing for the business of. the district, the suspension of work is only temporary. It is the general be: lief that by summer ,time the whole mining business will once more be up to full production. Mines in the north are by no means .the only ones being: closed. The curtailing of pro- ducti(m is. general. PRINCE RUPERT NEWS LETTER [tourists and keel) them there--not tagainst tlieir wishes. The Conven, time and money, and plenty more, in ience of the interior people, who are the same strain. ,And this time Old [worth much nmre to Prince .Rupert Man Public Opinion won out. The /th.an their tourist traffic, was not con-I resbluti°n was rescqnded, and Aid. Collart and $500 will-stay in Prince' sidered when the change in time table Rupert. was nmde. I I , ~j, ii, u dine~ • this is "reaa, Prince Q U I C K NEWS fishing fleets will again be faring forth, for the annual ciose sea- son ends with the last day of Feb, Quick: Iruary. Since nfld-November the boats k son was born to Mr. and MrS. lhav e been tied up. The SUSl)ension" Meehmi of Quick. 'of fishing, a wise and necessar.v men- W. J. King fell on the ice and was i sure, emIflmslses the ports dependence lm(lly shaken up. ion this great industry. The business Jos. Clarkson is under the doctor's community iniss the daily sale of hall- oa.re. ~' . lfiut. There is' just ~ that mueh::.less " ; !!ll'!(!~l('lile ;;;;i::;;:i:';i':;;c;; I~:lllot ;i;!i;~ii~i:iviill!i t~re still low, Isoniething that is substantial here and E, C, Barger is using his truck to now! • . haO tsonie outl.~'tng grain, shipments. " Last Sunday's warm winds reinoved It may be thought a trifle early for practically all the snow, Outside the the Taku stampede, but a movement timber it ts all bear and the roads are north is already in evidence on the getting thin for sleighing. As usual a Skagway bound boats, ~his has bison lot of hauling is still to be done. Ice a tough winter in Vancouver and' So- is one of the nmin things to get in. attle, and anyone who can raise the Bob Lockhart was oi:er to Meadow- price, of,a fare is only toowilling to brook last week, to get" some crushing take a,,try at fortune in the new rain- done. ing fields of northern British Cohunb. is,: 'Taku has all the ehr marks of be- Mrs. Hogan nmther of Mrs. H. C. lng a good-camp. " Wriuch. fell last .Weilaesday evening as she was crnssiilg from tile Doet6r's house to lier.: own . residence. 'Upon exaininathm it was found that her hip had been broken. It was set,~n Sat: nrday e~enlng and ~vhile she Js doing as well/as can be expected, it" will be. soh)e t llne before 'she' will be able to resmne her reg}iiar duties in her owp home' '' ~, ' /The ~'o'nlan's Anx~ltary :of..the' Haz:' elton' Hospital Wlli nieet On, ~uesday Of next 'w.eek at Mrs. iTurnimlrs :at 8.30 p.m. :,', ' ,, :, ",2.,.',..,',! The city council, last week, passed a resolntion to send Alderman Collart to Ottawa on Peace River outlet busi~ ness expeses not to exceed $500. All voted for.. it except Mayor Orme, and Alderman Brown and P~illsbury. The item was published. Then public op- inion took a .hand. The ~apers were swamped with .protest's.. A waste" of the iatercsts of tlmt COmlm]]y. It is un(lelstood, thut he will ~ave suffici- ca|: fluids at his command to carry through ihe plans of'the,- comlmny. British & ",Pacific Industries is the comp.'my which has been deMing for the Telkwa and the Copper Rivdr coal fields. Their phms call for develop- ment of natural resources on a scale mmly tiines' h(rger than anything ever attempted in tile north before. The coal deposits will form 0nly the foun- (lafion of the enterprises which will include tile extraction of the many valm,.ble articles of commerce contain- ed in the coal. The plans also call for the-construction of a railway from Telkwa to Copper City, connecting at both ends with the Canadian National 'raihvay. Thus there is a silver lin- ing to the cloud that has been gather- ing on the horizon, "A COUPLE OF LUNITICSP Very Successful Play put on at Round Lake by the Local Talenf . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ~.;;,?~ ~ ~,..~- ...... . ] . . . . . . . . -.~ The, entertainment pnt on at the Round Lake commnnity hhll last week was one of the most successflfl affairs that has been witnessed in tha~ hall. The play was "A pair of lunitics" and all local amateurs Were engaged. It was a surprise l~o all what talent was to be found iu the Romul Lake dist- rict. There was a good crowd present including~a large contingent frmn Tel- kwa and these Visitors are loud in the pr~ise given the perfornmnce. Tile proceeds were fo rthe hall fund. The Round Lake connaunity hall is now most COmlflete. All the interior lias been finished. The buihling itself is a most creditable one and when the lo- eati,m on the shore of beautiful Round .' •. ,.. ;! \ i ............. No. 34 Pole Business In Good Shape Many Working Olof .Hanson arrived in Smithers on Saturday night last to consult with his chief officials. He has been in the south for several .weeks and secured some good orders for cedar poles anil piling. The pole business is getting l)ack to normal and will be good in the local district all summer. There is also quite a demand for cedar fence posts and some big orders will be. shipped out from along the Skeena. At_ the lwesent time the Hanson Timber & Lumber Co. is shipping a great many poles from the Cedarvale :rod the Nash sidings. The Cedarvale s'ding is getting pretty well cleane(l up. k few cars are also being picked up tit other points alon gthe Skeena. The cmnpany is looking, forward to !in early breakup and early water to get a good spring drive from the camps ahmg the upper Skeena and the Kis- piox rivers. The company has many hundreds of thousands of feet of poles " on the bani~s of th~ rivers ready to drive, and the earlier they get water the earlier they can get the poles on the nmrket. The closing of the high level bridge has'~been a great handicap ~o the tim- ber interests of this district. Many. thousands of poles could be hauled to Ne wHazelton for shipment were the bridge open. As it is those poles are hauled to the river and driven down to Cedarvale or Nash at a much great. 'er cost'and it also, takes so much long- oil, to. get ~them. on.,the.~aim:- : :.,: ........... :,-~. DV~F'S RXNS WON, BONSPEm ~ Finals Played in Smithers on Friday night for ellen's Big Prize The big bonspeil put on-by the cur- lers at Smithers came to a close last Friday night so far as the lnain event for tim /~. C., Ol~on $~0 ~r~':c ":::t~ corn cerned. Win, Duff's rinl} won from EI)y's rink' by a score of 7-14. The contest was witnessed by a good many fans and at times there'wns consider- able excitement. The rinks were:-- WnL I)nff, Gee. Wall, Ford. ,]'as. Gra- lm lit, Ed. El)y, li'. McDonnell J. Wallace / ? and Don Moffatt. Roy MeDonell was L~ke is considered, no one in that dis- not al)le to be present for the fina! " .;: tHct ;.need'~'he~itate: to ., ii showy off to v'isl [ghnle .abel; asThe.: fs"~dgard'dd'.~i~;~!P~etf?:........ :~!~ ltors what is one of the districts big/fair c~u.ler, his team was:at "a disad- ' ] assets. ' ' /vantage. The consolation prize was :'~ -. , • " to beplayed for this week. .!/ many friends in Rupert learn flint his sojourn do@n south is benefitting his health. An anti-knock movement is under ~'vay 'ifi Prince Rupert, Loyal Rupert- ires have lifted np their voices against the all too foolish and futile tend- ency to discredit the home town, and other have aided and abetted their efforts by writing "pieces", Parh- doxical, indeed, to flad people :who dress well, who look well norlshed own cars. their holnos, and who in- -'---- dulge in frequent holiday trips, pious- Prince Rupert's pet enterprise---the ly complaining of'hard times. As a road to Terraee~-is~, ..,, :~.. not , somnole4t.. .... matter, !~ fact, ~Prince Rapert ~has' yet- This week, a survey,camp was started to.kaou: th6 real mb~ning :of ~d~pres- at Galloway ,Rapids, the site of a Siolt. bridge to span the rapids will be re- " i ' . located; and a survey run via Prud- 'Jack Edwards, sbn-in-law of.R.E. b0mme Ldke t0 Wm'k . Canal, and ~llen, di~riet forester, blew/int6 .toWn" from there, .over a i0W divide, down a few daYs;~.~go lookin~ "'brisk ~ ~fi~ to Skeena City on the river, in'osperous, after' an absence of five ~ ' .- ' ' ,: " , ' ':,,: . :i. lYears: ~,acl~ iS still;in 'the insurance ; Alex Prudhomme Who Wanted to: be lfi~'e,~ and: dlnce~ i~e last S~W: i~alii :'iS:- mayor and did .n0t neg6tiate'the'.grade J ia'nd~ he has' t~avelled. :ove'r~ consider. is thinking/things ovdr in the/ceie, labie :0fN@:d. 5,:5^_,'._ ,._~.~ . : ' " . , < 'i , :',; , , ~tp. ~au=r~ua. ne lS,(lrum- brated ,state of ' Califo~ntW,:',~t~ ;~,~,, .... " i.,;,~;~.~. ,,..,.A ___'.._. : , LOCAL COUPLE MARRIED A wedding in which New Hazelton people were much interested was per- formed in Prince Rupert in the Luth- ern Church by Roy. W. T. Hanson. when ~Irs. Martha Ingleborg Halver- son," elder daughter of Mr. hnd Mrs. Olof Johnson, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Carl Gustaf Poulson, both of New Hazelton. The ceremony was witnessed by Emil Nelson of New Haz'eltbn and John Bergman of Prince Rupert, 'uncles of the bride.'. The happy" couple 're-" turned to New Hazelton :Jn ~ Saturday .... :~'/i; :,,', NEWSUPERIN.TENDANT " ';,:? * ~.r.f ' .Oscar T. Landry .of the superinten. ~. :i"~*!i dent's office in Vhn~0uver has "been :.!'~. ~( '::; a ' ' - , . .. ,.. : 1 ,,,. < ' , a-, ppointed to succeed ~ohn T. Dove ~s'.. ~,' superintendant: -of ~e:~'nor~ern,' id|dt :, ',: ,'!': i~':':~ i

Transcript of Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY....

Page 1: Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, i930 , Silver Cup To Soon Resume Development Word has been/~received here

Vol. 22

Oral A R A [ . .


, Silver Cup To Soon Resume

Development Word has been/~received here that.

most sa t is factory progress is being made with the refin-mcing and r e - o f ganizat i(m of the Silver Ct, p Mining Co, and that there is every reason to believe tha t in a very shor t t ime the mine will lie reopened, and tha t ~ crew of fifteen or twenty men will be Imt to work in No. 3 and No. 4 tunnels to dr ive them ahead for another f ive hundred feet or more, and to develop a big t ,mnage of ()re so tha t when the metal prices get back to normal again the mill ecan be s tar ted up .and kept rmming a t full capacity. W h a t ha,~ been accomplished in the pas t with the nflll is a. ma t te r of record a{al the fu ture of the phmt Is mere detai l . I t is known what the mill can do, and i t in known just what the t rea tment for the ore of the Silver Cup requires.


Ethel Tomlinson in Essay Contest Under direeti0n Prince Ruper t

Presbyte ry

Roy. T. H. Wright received word last week tha t Miss Ethel Tomlinson was the for tmmte winner of the f i r s t prize in an essay competit ion car r ied out by the missionary committee of the Pr ince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church in Canada.

Announcement of the contest and choice of subjects for essays was giv- en- o~lt:-l~st,falL ;..There:,were ~fll~o.,sub.~. jects and t h e cbmt~etifiou ~;as open to both high and public schools. The subject wr i t t en on by Miss Tomllnson was "The p l ace of woman in Home Missions" and she won in the high school class. The prize enti t les her to the choice of books to . the value of $5.00 from the United .Church Pub.- l ishing Honse, Toronto. The judges for the competition were L. T. Davis. M. A., pr incipal Oceaa Fa l l s high school, E, A. Goddard, vice ln'lncipal Ocean Fa l l s public school; A. North. manager of the B a n k of Commerce. and Rev, 1L C. Scott. B. A.. chaplain on the Thomas Crd~h.v. llev. Win. Deans of Ocean Palls w:'ote iu very complimentary terms of the essay seni by the Hazeltou student.


Last ' S'~turday night a recept iqn for Hm bri,le aml groom. Mr. and Mrs. f 'a r l PouIs,),~ was held .at the home of the b1'hle's lmrenrs. ,~r. and ,Mrs. O . Johnson. folhnving the a r r iva l of the east bonnd trflill. N e a r l y e v e r y o n e in New l iar ;ol ios w~;s l)resoat and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Th'e. best wishes of tile community is ex- tended. to the bride nnd groom, both of whom are w e l l and very fliw)rably k n o w n .


k,~ soon ns the weat~her will perfif l t the Telkwa Hotel will be Imt in the hallds of earpeaters and when they get through the ,p laee will look l ike a new Imlli|lng." Th(~ exter ior of the

-bui lding iv to be ' recovered and i t wil l he lmlnted. Fo r the past two or thre'e. yea rg Mr. and M~s. Slavln have been

• devoting a l l their a t tenthm to the in: ter ior of the he(el a n d ; h a v e made ' i t one of the nicest"liiaces ai0ng tile line] to stop at. . ' ¢ -

/ I ,,

Someone with a car h i t one,of J. H. Wil lan 's cows ldst Week.' ~The. CoW sassed away soon .tter~am:

NeW SChedule Unpopular in InteriOr Towns

The new schedule on .the ra ihvay to come into effect on or about the 18th of May is going to be a very unpolml-. a r one flw all the inter ior country, a t

l e a s t / e a s t of New Hazelton. When thee 'dai ly t ra ins ai 'e Imt on again on, the above da te the pfissenger trnin go. ing west wi l l be three hours earl ier , or will leave New Hqzelton at about ten minutes to five in the morning and the east bonnd t ra ins will be an hour and a half later , or will be in New Hazel- ton at(rand uine o'clock in the evening The change in the t ime talfle flint has been iil effect 'and has been giving pre t ty general sat isfacHon f o r ' s e v e r a l yea r s past, was ln'tde, i t ih understood to meet tlle demands of some of the Prince Rupert people that latssengers from the t ra ins for the Imats be com- pelled to ,~tay i n thei r town some hours hmger than in the trust. Als0 tha t the tourists be compelled to s tay there a hmger time. Tha t nmy be a l r igh t for a couple o f c u r l 6 shops in Ruper t and 1)erhaps for the beer parh)rs, but i t is a long way fron~ being o f any benefit to the towns of the interior. Another bad fea ture is t ha t under the new schedule the best ha l f of the scenery will have been passed before any of the tour is ts a r e . a w a k e iii the merit ing The scenery of the Bulkley and "the upper p ' t r t of the Skeena is one of the chief a t t rac t ions of the t r ip over, the nor lhern route. To n)iss the best of i t wil l pl]t' the railwa3 compan3 ill the

~ctass-:of" .-.~'flntay".=~-~['d.verti~er~/," -- T l i e people of the coast c i t y might do sOmething on the i r own to a t t r a c t the

Du m Mine " "

ClOsed Until a Rise in Metals

Last Sa turday night tile Duthie mine was closed down and a l l the era-

British Pacific Industries Are

Now Prepared Whih~ the. north hats been receiving

ntnv:" the htst f e w weeks of mines in Idbyees a r r i ve d in Smithers. Only the distr ict closing down and the ira- (me man is left bn the property. The ll~.t.di:l!e futm'e prospects were look- mill was closed down the week before l ing about a s (lull as possible, word is and it was hoped tha t t he mine ~ould'[ reccNed, according to r e p o r t s / t h a t 1)y be kept ' going f6,. development i pu r - [ t hc middle of March one of the 1nest poses. At t he present t ime there iv promineht .d i rec tors of Brit ish & I 'ac- ha rd ly a miner, working in" the Bulk- lfic h idus t r ies will be i nCa,mda, and ley Valley terr i tory. The low pric0 ia the Telkwa district to look af te r of s i lver and lea}l and zinc is general- ly given, d~ the reaso.n o f suspending operations. While the shut down iS not a .good thing for the business of. the district , the suspension of work i s only temporary. I t is the general be: l ief that by summer ,time the w h o l e mining business will once more be up to full production. Mines in the north a re by no means . the only ones being: closed. The cur ta i l ing of pro- ducti(m is. general .


[ tour is t s and keel) them the r e - -no t tagains t t l ieir wishes. T h e Conven, t ime and money, and plenty more, in ience of the in ter ior people, who a re the same strain. ,And this t ime Old

[worth much nmre to Pr ince .Ruper t Man Public Opinion won out. The /th.an their touris t t raff ic, w a s not con-I resblut i°n was rescqnded, and Aid.

Collart and $500 w i l l - s t a y in Prince ' sidered when the change in t ime table Rupert . was nmde. I

I , ~j, ii, u dine ~ • this is "reaa, P r ince

Q U I C K NEWS fishing fleets wil l aga in be fa r ing forth, for the annual ciose sea- son ends with the las t day of Feb ,

Quick: Iruary. Since nfld-November the boats k son was born to Mr. and MrS. lhav e been tied up. The SUSl)ension"

Meehmi of Quick. 'o f fishing, a wise and necessar.v men- W. J. King fell on the ice a n d was i sure, emIflmslses the ports dependence

lm(lly shaken up. ion this great industry. The business Jos. Clarkson is under the doc to r ' s community iniss the dai ly sale of hall-

oa.re. ~ ' . lfiut. T h e r e is' jus t ~ tha t mueh: : . less

" ; !!ll '!(!~l('lile ; ; ; ; i : : ; ; : i : ' ; i ' : ; ; c ; ; I ~:lllot ; i ; ! i ; ~ i i ~ i : i v i i l l ! i

t~re stil l low, Isoniething that is substant ia l here and E, C, B a r g e r is using his t ruck to now! • .

haO tsonie outl.~'tng grain, shipments. " Last Sunday's warm winds reinoved I t may be thought a t r i f le ear ly for

prac t ica l ly al l the snow, Outs ide the the Taku stampede, but a movement t imber i t ts all bear and the roads are north is a l ready in evidence on the get t ing thin for sleighing. As usual a Skagway bound boats, ~ h i s has bison lot of haul ing is st i l l to be done. Ice a tough winter in Vancouver and' So- is one of the nmin things to get in. attle, and anyone who can ra ise the

Bob Lockhar t was oi:er to Meadow- price, o f , a fare is only t o o w i l l i n g to brook last week, to get" some crushing take a , , t ry at for tune in the new rain- done. ing fields of northern Bri t ish Cohunb.

is,: 'Taku has a l l the ehr m a r k s of be- Mrs. Hogan nmther of Mrs. H. C. lng a good-camp. "

Wriuch. fell last .Weilaesday evening as she was crnssiilg from tile Doet6r 's house to lier.: own . residence. ' U p o n exaininathm i t was found tha t her hip had been broken. I t was se t ,~n Sat: n r d a y e~enlng and ~vhile she Js do ing as we l l / a s can be expected, it" w i l l be. soh)e t llne before 'she' wil l be able to resmne her reg}iiar dut ies in her owp home' ' ' ~, '

/The ~'o'nlan's Anx~ltary :of..the' Haz: ' elton' Hospi ta l W l l i nieet O n , ~uesday Of n e x t 'w.eek a t Mrs . iT urn imlrs :at 8.30 p.m. :,', ' ,, :, ",2.,.',..,',!

The city council, las t week, passed a resolntion to send Alderman Collart to Ot tawa on Peace River out le t busi~ ness expeses not to exceed $500. Al l voted for.. i t e x c e p t Mayor Orme, and A l d e r m a n Brown and P~illsbury. The i tem was published. Then publ ic op- inion took a .hand. The ~apers were s w a m p e d with .protest's.. A waste" of

the ia tercsts of tlmt COmlm]]y. I t is un(lelstood, thut he will ~ave suffici- ca|: fluids at his command to car ry through ihe plans of'the,- comlmny.

Bri t ish & ",Pacific Industr ies is the comp.'my which has been deMing for the Telkwa and the Copper Rivdr coal fields. Their phms call for develop- ment of na tura l resources on a scale mmly tiines' h(rger than anything ever a t tempted in tile north before. The coal deposits will form 0nly the foun- (lafion of the enterprises which will include tile extract ion of the many valm,.ble ar t icles of commerce contain- ed in the coal. The plans also call for the-cons t ruc t ion of a ra i lway from Telkwa to Copper City, connecting a t both ends with the Canadian National 'raihvay. Thus there is a silver lin- ing to t h e cloud that has been gather- ing on the horizon,


Very Successful Play put on at Round Lake by the Local

Talenf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ; ; , ? ~ ~ ~ , . . ~ - . . . . . . . ] . . . . . . . . - .~

The, enter ta inment pnt on a t the Round Lake commnnity hhll last week was one of the most successflfl a f fa i rs tha t has been witnessed in tha~ hall. The p lay was "A pair of lunitics" and all local amateurs Were engaged. I t was a surprise l~o all what talent was to be found iu the Romul Lake dist- rict. There was a good crowd present including~a large contingent frmn Tel- kwa and these Visitors are loud in the pr~ise given the perfornmnce. Tile proceeds were fo rthe hall fund. The Round Lake connaunity hall is now most COmlflete. All the interior lias been finished. The buihling itself is a most creditable one and when the lo- eati,m on the shore of beautiful Round

.' • . ,.. ;!



. . . . . . . . . . . . . No . 34

Pole Business In Good Shape

Many Working Olof .Hanson a r r ived in Smi thers on

Sa turday night las t to consult with his chief officials. He has been in the south for several .weeks and secured some good orders for cedar poles anil piling. The pole business is gett ing l)ack to normal and will be good in the local dis t r ic t a l l summer. There is also quite a d e m a n d for cedar fence posts and some big orders will be . shipped out f r o m along the Skeena.

At_ the lwesent t ime the Hanson Timber & Lumber Co. is shipping a g rea t many poles from the Cedarvale :rod the Nash sidings. The Cedarvale s 'd ing is get t ing pre t ty well cleane(l u p . k few cars a re also being picked up tit other points alon gthe Skeena. The cmnpany is looking, fo rward to !in ear ly breakup and ear ly water to get a good spring dr ive from the camps ahmg the upper Skeena and t h e Kis- piox rivers. The company has many hundreds of thousands o f feet of poles " on the bani~s of th~ r ivers ready to drive, and the ear l ier they get wate r the ear l ie r they can get the poles on the nmrket.

The closing of the high level bridge has'~been a great handicap ~o the t im- ber interests of this dis tr ict . Many. thousands of poles could be hauled to Ne wHazel ton for shipment were the bridge open. As i t is those poles a re hauled to the r iver and dr iven down to Cedarvale or Nash a t a much great . 'er cos t ' and i t also, takes so much long- oil, to. get ~them. on. , the .~aim:- : :.,: ........... :,-~.


Finals Played in Smithers on F r i d a y night for e l l e n ' s Big Prize

The big bonspeil put on-by the cur- lers a t Smithers came to a close last F r i d a y night so f a r as the lnain event for tim /~. C., Ol~on $~0 ~r~':c ":::t~ corn cerned. Win, Duff ' s rinl} won from EI)y's r ink ' by a score of 7-14. The contest was witnessed by a good many fans and at t imes the re 'wns consider- able excitement. The r inks w e r e : - - WnL I)nff, Gee. Wall , Ford. ,]'as. Gra- lm lit,

Ed. El)y, li'. McDonnell J. Wal lace



and Don Moffatt . Roy MeDonell was L~ke is considered, no one in that dis- not al)le to be present for the fina! " .;: tHct ;. need'~'he~itate: to ., ii showy off to v'isl [ghnle .abel; asThe.: fs"~dgard'dd'.~i~;~ !P~etf?: .. . . . . . . :~!~ l tors what is one of the distr icts b i g / f a i r c~u.ler, h is team w a s : a t "a d i sad- ' ] assets. ' • ' /vantage. The consolation pr ize was :'~

- . , • " to b e p l a y e d for this week. .!/

many friends in Rupert learn flint his sojourn do@n south is benefitting his health.

An anti-knock movement is under ~'vay 'ifi Prince Rupert, Loyal Rupert- ires have l if ted np their voices agains t the a l l too foolish and fut i le tend- ency to discredi t the home town, and other have aided and abetted their efforts by wri t ing "pieces", Parh- doxical, indeed, to f lad people :who dress well, who look well norlshed own cars. their holnos, and who in-

- ' ---- dulge in frequent holiday t r ips , pious- Prince Rupert ' s pet enterprise--- the ly complaining o f ' h a r d times. As a

road to Terraee~-is~, ..,, :~.. n o t , somnole4t.. .... mat te r , !~ fact, ~Prince R a p e r t ~has' yet- This week, a survey,camp w a s s ta r t ed t o . k a o u : th6 real mb~ning :of ~ d~pres- a t Galloway ,Rap ids , t h e s i te of a Siolt. bridge to span the rap ids wi l l b e re- " i ' • . located; and a survey run v ia Prud- ' Jack E d w a r d s , sbn-in-law o f . R . E . b0mme Ldke t0 Wm'k . Canal, and ~llen, d i~r iet forester, blew/int6 .toWn" from there, .over a i0W d i v i d e , down a few daYs;~.~go lookin~ "'brisk ~ ~fi~ to Skeena City on the river, in'osperous, after' a n absence of five ~ ' .- ' ' , : " , ' ' : , , : . : i . lYears: ~,acl~ iS st i l l ; in 'the insurance ; Alex Prudhomme W h o Wanted to: be lfi~'e,~ and: dlnce~ i~e l a s t S~W: i~alii :'iS:- mayor and did .n0t neg6tiate'the'.grade J ia'nd~ he has' t~avelled. :ove'r ~ consider. is t h i n k i n g / t h i n g s o v d r in t h e / c e i e , labie :0 fN@:d. 5,:5^_,'._ , ._~.~ . :

' " . , < ' i , : ' , ; , , ~ t p . ~ a u = r ~ u a . n e l S , ( l r u m - b r a t e d , s t a t e o f ' C a l i f o ~ n t W , : ' , ~ t ~ ; ~ , ~ , , . . . . " i . , ; ,~;~.~. , , . . , . A ___'. ._. : ,


A wedding in which N e w Hazelton people were much interested was per- formed in Pr ince Ruper t in the Luth- ern Church by Roy. W. T. Hanson. when ~Irs. Mar tha Ingleborg Halver- son," elder daughter of Mr. hnd Mrs. Olof Johnson, was united in the holy bonds of mat r imony to Carl Gustaf Poulson, both of New Hazelton. The ceremony was witnessed by Emil Nelson of New Haz'eltbn and John Bergman of Pr ince Rupert, 'uncles of the b r i d e . ' . T h e happy" couple 're-" turned to New Hazel ton :Jn ~ Sa turday . . . . :~'/i;

: , , ' , N E W S U P E R I N . T E N D A N T " ';,:? * ~.r.f

' .Oscar T. Landry .of the superinten. ~. :i"~*!i d e n t ' s o f f ice in Vhn~0uver has "been :.!'~. ~( '::; a ' ' - , . .. , . . : 1 , , , . < ' , a - ,

ppointed to succeed ~ohn T. Dove ~ s ' . . ~,' superintendant: -of ~ e : ~ ' n o r ~ e r n , ' id|dt :, ',: ,'!': i~':':~ i

Page 2: Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, i930 , Silver Cup To Soon Resume Development Word has been/~received here

' " x |

~'h '~, O~IN'EC'A hERALD,: ~ D N E S D A ~ , FEBRUARY 26, I~S0



: '. • r:'. ' . . ' , .;' . i ."

: ....... . . . . . . . . ' Canadian ll13t y""0r- ' : B ~ T ^ x ~ r ~ o r r D w ~ v t ~ r ~ * " : ~brose M c E v o y . , There are 750 mi~-. Fast S vi ,.. er ce J . A l l a n R u t h e r f o r d I ~ '. , :' ' : . . . . , |,tr,!!~-i~gs.~:/2 :, ~ .

Benson Bros" • _ 2 i-i i; i i i :ii!i i , i i ii!iii[!il i!i ii i i'ilil i !i G o o d D r i v e r s :! . !"

C o m f o r t a b l e C a r s !: . . . . . . es t ies pa l ace a n d this p t i l i l ege i s a~ - - . .' , ,~ ' ' ' . -. A l w a y s o n ; t h e J o b , " " ' / ea l f ee t of Cedar Poles and Pi l ing. ] . . . . . . . " [mf,~in.~ g .ass hits .t,, .be used to see

] ~ l a l ~ t ~ t r ~ / L r ~ 4 - ~ t ~ [ P r o v i d e d anyone unable t o a t t end |a l le t l or oy n e a r l y e v e r y Canadta l l I - - .. - • ~ ' " I . . . . IWllfil; [Ile~- COlllllill . . . . ( I h e n t h e r e i s a ,

Phone Haze l ton x x ~ k , i t l , y . I . I I U I ~ U I ~ [ the Auct ion, in person may submi t a tourist.. One of the r e m a r k a b l e p iec- lehecke t l~oa~dL i ( S q ~ e r {,,, s . . . . ~,,~ I Omineca Hote l , 2 long 2 shor t T * e ~ t sea led t e a d e r to be o p e n e d a t the' h o u r l es on "dis ,) l - , ' ' : -~" . tw..; . . . , : ._ . . . . . . . ~'; : ' ' , , ' . " • ..:, .', r . ' .ee. .,

" B u i l d B C " to r ia Dis t r i c t F o r e s t e r p , , ,~ '~o :~ ; , , " ! , , , . _ .,...~" 2: ~ . . ' . i ' . " . Bilfle, powdei. Imff. soaii d i sh . "a tomlz - : • " ' , , • , - - . , ~ -=,.v" .-. JLU~ UOlt UOUSe IS ellClOSC(! oea ino n

. . . . . . . . F o r d C a r s B.ert'c.°r Range r S. G: Cooper, Terraee.4t siderMling and Is in a glafis ease, w l th o h e . o p e n so t h a t the v is i tors ]~ay er and lamp..These are t ie les should" be seen by:*

. . . . . . . . . . - nil.'," who visi t tim Archives" to view ,,,: . . . . . . . view t h e . m a n y m a r r e l s of the .house. ill6 'tri,:imi't:es wh'.'eh :n'e. c o ' s t a i n e d and Parts - . . . . .

• 6 ,~ I t is 8 fee t l o l l g a B * d 5 feet h i g h . P e o p - therehl : a r e especiaUy in te res ted . . . . . . le o f Canada

: . . . . . in the" dol l house beeal~se When i t wa.,

T IMBER' S~J~E: X1~'245 presen ted to Queen M' t ry a f ew of the , e ~ - ~ x ~ , ".',-:-' , . , - ~ . , ~ : x . . . . . . . . .... • - . . . . . . . . accessories ' l ind been made a t r i f l e toi) R E T U R . ~ E D TO W.R]TER

-" hirge fo r aecommod. l t ton 'in the hou,:~ ' . . . . . . : ~.., G e n e r a l G a r a g e R e p a i r s T l , . . . e ii-ill be 0ffered ~or ' s a l e -by - • . ..... : Publ ic Auet ioa a t the office: of the al ld ill the neig~iborhr~od of s ix ty a r t - O t t n w i f (,~pee;~!]: .to,q~.~ H,: , : 'Md)--

da t e to give e re ryone t ime t o get [ by experienced m e n F o r e s t Rauge r , Ter race , B. C. a t 2 p. ieles were sent to the Dominion At. Postm:~.;~er..~ it. th t~ap~r:~yhmtteh- 12.- m. on tile 20th / d a y of March, 19301 chives a t Ott~twa. In Ot tawa th'ey a r e '0.q0 eff 'eeq o f Onnad:~ ree.~iv.e,upwards

a l e t te r here. The pr izes a re for the Lieenee x12245, s i tua ted in the enclosed in a e a s e . a n d behind the ease af 1.000 requests b a e h - d a y l f 0 r senders . the best l e t te r s on Pac i f i c Milk as . K i t sumg. t l lum Valley, to cut '101,29~ ' , . . . . . . . a food for infants . Thousands of ~ l ineal fee t of c e d a r poles and piling, a re p ic tures of the doll house, of mai l t ha t they be a l lowed to i'e- e , i , , o , .a e raise,, o. ti.s 2 x t ~ y n ' c e ' e L - - - e , , r o , . i , , e , , "myone unable to a t t end , I t is a nv~sterpieee of m i a a t u r e trie~'e it f rom the post. g o o d milk and we wish to h e a r | t im Auct ion ill. p e r s o n - n l a y submit v l 'eal ism filial includes bed rooms , lmfll h i ,qbOllt-htllf the cases an oppor- f . rom the i r mothers . . . , ~ ~ sealed t ende r to be opened a t the hour rooms, wi th hot Illld co ld r l l l l l l i l lg h m i t y to em'reet addresses is sot~ght,

~.~. x,ri $25 Cash: VV m g U r e m l n - " _ of Auct ion and t r ea ted as one bid. / 2nd.--$10 Cash. Two (2) yea r s will. b e L al lowed for water , nurser ies , garage', l ib ra ry , . 'din- lu the other. .!l ' lJf , 1)eople. on second 3rd. to 10th p r i zes - - f l ' e e g i f t s " ~ ' r emova l of th is t imber , ing room and k i tchen fu rn i shed and .*hcmgh|.. decide t h e l e t t r wonld be bet-

of Pac i f ic Milk. | P a r t i c u l a r s of Chief Fores ter , .Vie-, decora ted ill mos t~per fec t taste . There ter unsoh t . A,...ess-- to .. istrtct orester. i,ert ' I ~ g e S h 0 ' or I h m g e r S. G. Cooper, Terrace, ~ are 30 rooms and over 1500 letiiling ApDlic'ants, Kowever. a re doomed to

r m ' a c ~ : c M i l k : C a r a n d w r o o m s C, " . . . . . " ' a t t i s t s a u t h o r s and e r a f t smen t hlvis,,, d i s a p x , o i n t m e n t f o r w h e n a le t te r goes . . . . B C ~ = > ~ ed t ime and e:n'e on the e0untless in t o a ,,,nil 1,ox or P0st off ice the send Smithers " ' " - - t t ' easures eontt, ined. In the s loping er lo::es his r igh ts in it. I t au toma t -

328 Drake S t , Vancouver ~ * * ~ ~ . . . . roof of the house 3,800. t iny old- 1)el=" h,nlly becomes the p r o p e r t y of the

~ ~ , .~. abole s la tes were used which had been Imrson to whom i t is addressed . ' I* '= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ " . ~ : : " : ' : q u a r l ' i e d in ~ ' o r t h Cornw't l l . The Requests for the r e tu rn ' of ma i l have

Canadian Pacific Railway .~ .~mn~,n S A L E xm4~ ~ hu9se is perfeet-'i'n* every deta i l , ' The e0m6 s 0 " n h m ~ r o U s ' t h h t " * h e 'Depftfy e leva tors a r e i n runn ing order , Hmre Postlnaster-Gener,~l ff~, ft. Gaboury ,

R f~ /'~r~om÷ ~ . . . . k , ~ '1 her~ Will be o f fe red for sa le l)y is 61ectrleity and the p iano mid ~ew- has ismled a Warntn~, to postmaster;q

• a - m a s t e r l , i e e e and on ueeomit of th~ dlreetioiik: : ' O n : n o ":aliP~tehfion,' :how- t iny pa r t s , which only a f a i r y e,ml~l e.i~ei ' m:,gen~, e ah : ' i t - be : del ' ivered' back'

. . g'rtllltlPl!ly' costpiallo.more t h a l l . a l l o r d i l l a r y ,] to the w r i t e ~ , ~ . . to a n y other , person.".i*,

' h ! the l i b r a r y a r e 200 'minia t -a i ,61 ' Dodgifig t h e " C o l ~ s ' S 6 ~ui~lfly d i d U , . Volume,q of which 170 au tho r s con-[ t i le tw i s t e r ~fi0ve t h a t i t pa6setl out:

• ; ' t r ibutedl In he K ings :bedroom is '.port:- [ i n t o the everglade~ before pol ice of-~ r a i t of P r incess Mari" pa in led br Xm-[flcials r e a l i z e d w h a t h a d h a p p e n e d "

" ' g om December 25 • • , ' . . . . 4t.

to flnal return limit, March31st . . , ' w f l a t K W-l t~k ~l~Pa- - t : . 'h t ~ r a l ~i~ : ~ l y . . . " " "

. . . . . Press of B. C, can0tter R . R , C . B A M F O R D ~ . . . . ~ U ~ E U s~mv: x m 4 ~ ' - =

~ " ~ ~. m i _ - - , _ _ __ ~ .~ '~.here :will be Offered. . for sa le ,liy l ~ * ] ~ . ] [~I ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ P u b l i c Auction ' . a t the o f f i c e of the

- ~ | ~ i ~ l | 1 ' ~ ~ ~ I, ores t I tanger , ~erraee, , B. C . a t 2 P ~ ' : ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ M. on the 20th. d a y of March 1930, The re a re f i f ty- f lve r egu la r weeldy newslml)er,~ ~. in';Brffl~h'.~361- _ ~ the L i cen t e xi-b247, Sl tuafed tu t.he q:hey a re lmbl ished in a wklely sca t tered f i e ld -wi th popu-_

~ K t t s u m g a l l u m V a l l e y t o , c u t 14,625 ul,,~tion,~ v :wy ing : f rom 300 o f 400 fb communi t i e s ' o f 1,000: S i ~ : H 1 i O f f i c e - O v e r the D r u g S tore 3~ lineal feet ot cedar poles and piling. _ " teen w,~el:li:,.~ 'are l ) n l f l i s h e d ill emnmunit ies of 1,000 alld less. f l f- o t e • ,.,,'one ;,.a ie to .tie,,,

C. W. Dawson, ~.Prop. ~ S M I T H E R S , g . C . the Auc t ion in persdn may. subndt, a m'e teen pul~lished in etmnnunit ies o'f.:l,(}00 to 2.000, scrol l are"jmb- ---- ~ ,~ealed t ende r to be opened a t the nour l'Islmd in communi t ies betweep 3,000 and 4.000 and f ive in cmn- - v ' ~ Hours ~ a. m. t o 6 p . m Even-

HEADQIJARTERS FOR TOURISTS ~ ings by appo,ntmet~t. . ~. of Auct ion and t r ea t ed ~,s one 1 ) ; ( I . . . . . • "~' - -, ,-:. . mun i t i e s of 4,000 to 5,00.0. Fou r a re pi~bltshed ln . e6mnmni t i e s of . . . . One (1) yea r wi l l be , a l lowed ' for m ' ' x .' ~ remov.t l of this timbe:;. . . . . . , : . over 5,000 alld np to 1 0 , 0 0 0 . , . . , . . . t~'AND -COMMERCIAL ,~ ",.

" r a m ' ~l~i~!iU!~[lll~/tiii~Iltil~llll!~i!iii~i!llll~ll$~tttll~l~!)~iill'.~',l~ P a r t i e u l a r s of Chiel~ Fo: 'c:dcr. Vic- These weekl ies ~!l)peal to 145,000, of Br i t i sh Collm~bia's.popula-, t o r i a ; Dis t / ' ic t ~7orester, P~:ince J',Ul)- ".tion. The news i n ' these ne~vspapers is most ly a l l local , ,because

• err.; or . Ranger S... G. CooDer,,~.l 'o.rl ' ! tco t h a t is w l m t i 'nterests the readers, and the adve r t i s emen t s for the • ~ ~ n . c .

,. :,~ . . . . . mo~t p a r t tel l 3yhat ,morehants . a re doing. locnl ly . : ', . . . . . . . : _ . , T h e e g u n t r r ed i tor knpws the ;people he serves ;, th0y, a re f a rm-

' • ~ - - t ' ~ " ~"~:, ~. . . , ers. luml)ermen, miners , f ishermen, prospectors , ]a l )ore rs ' a l l . , .I t is.

T h e - azelton..l:lOspital.:::::: : : : ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . ~ m m ~ . a S A ~ E X,.2o~," : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . estt,,,~te,,, mat..tl, e . . . . . . ,~,'e,'a~.~ ,,,,.m tam,h . , s,,en,,s.$'.',O00 ,,very year. . . . . o ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . : . . . . fp, r, thlng~ ,wl~i.eh 0~q .llot~ necessarY to ra.lse, qrol}s,~ The to ta l sum

There w i l l . b e , o f f e r ed for sa le by .. ~ ' , l~li~[BElg S A L E , X I ~ 5 0 : .,,,', ~f .... ; . which 15 sl~eB.t,in l lhe U! l t t ed ,~ ta tes by farnmrs for those th ings Public Auqtion a t ' , , the office of tl~( • . - Fo re s t Ran '~sr , Ter'r~me, B. C. a t 2 P. There, wi l l be offe'i:ed for ~sale.,,by : ,.,,, L: .~yith.*~y!d~h' to l ive..well,; .is the*:,aPlmlling stun of t h i r t een bil l ion

. (lollm'~ Stn 'enty-two:pe~ eclat., o f a l l attt(u~obllcs ~old go to lmople l~I. on the 20 th . "day Of Mal~dh, ~t|)30~ P u b l i c Auct ion : a t " t i~e office 0f:Ahe, ' l iv ing in towna,and, communlties:0fi.le,~s.,than, 5,000:populati0n,, .. the Licence.: .~x12252,-.si tuated in t l lg Foi 'ekt I t a h g e r , T b r r a ~ ' * B : C . ' ~ . ~ p '" ~ . . . . K l t s u m g a l l u m Valley, t0. . .cut 138,64~ M : on t he ' 20th. d a y o f ~Ma'rch; 1930, Using the=~ame proport i0nat .e fl~ure,~' to; .ef i t imate the bu~:ing, l ineal fee t of cedai ' poles and p i l ing . , t he :L ieenee" X12250, s i tua ted • in t h e ::,v L t :,B0~;et?: P.f. B~it ish ,Columbia Served by the weekly n e w s p a p e r s , o f , : ' P rov ided anyone unable to ' i t t t end Kltsumgallum..~ Vahey, L :'to' ~ut' '96,300 ' he Auction' ' in person m a y " s u b m l t : l l~eM fee t o f ,~eda r 1Lo, l e s l ahd piling. : i t.h.e,p.ro~hwe.,and, we have somthlng l i l le 70,000 au tomobi les pur- sealed tender to be opened a t the h o u r I,.'Pi:0~'i(~ed anyon6 t ihhbIe ' to ' a t t e n d chased by res iden ts of the provinco in . towns; and~.commt.mities o f

. I bf Auct i6n ai~d , t rea ted ~ris b n e bid. tn~'A~m~lbn ~ in ~ers6K 'md~, §fi'l~nit.:~a ': . . . . . . less than 5.000,,,m~d.~6,000,000 s p e n t every year by these rura l . Three (3) y e a r s wi l l be a l lowed for s e a l e d , t d a d e r , t o be 'openedt a't:~th~rho'ur . :

the r emova l of. this t i m b e r . . ' ' of Auc t ion a ~ d treatt,~d as on~ ~ld. : :.~,, ~ : ' / : ' f~milles.,for~tl~,ings which: n re no0 necessary to ra ise crops~ ...... , '" I ..... ;' " ' " " Pa r$ ic t i l a r$ ! .o f ..Ohi~£'. F.0~ester, LVic- ' ~',wo (2) year~, ~:lll. b.e d~lowed o~: I f one is enel ined to t h i n k ' t h a t only a few people, and an- i~ -

h '? ' , " : ' ' ; ' " . " . . . . . . . . ' $ , .~ s ignif icar . t fe~.~ . t that , l ive in eount ry eommunl t ies . se rved by the r r -- t o r i a ; D i s t r i c t For,ester, P r ince Rup- ~ e r emova l of th is t imbe r . . . . . . xPart teulars of C h i ~ i~ '~ ~ ef t or R a n g e r ' S, G/~Cooper, Te r r ace . -' " " ' o ~ s t e r , ~ic-" :weelf lyqmwsi~apers lt, t* hi'in s tudy these , f igu res .o r : consu l t tlie l a s t

B,.:~..':.~;,, : "::.':.:? :,,'7.~..: .. , 4 t . t o r l a ; D i s t r i c t ' F o r h s t e r , " P r i ~ e e , RhD. eensus s ta t i s t ices : . , '~ ," , , ' . . . . . . . ~ . . r~ ' . ' . ' ,p. t, I , ~ , , . ' , . : , , . . . . : i , , ; , (:.. ' , ~i,' " : , e r t ; or Ranger S. G,.iCooper~.Terra~e, - .¢ , :~: , , ; =

B . C . .. 4t.: . . . . . . Ciflivtlie :~B°4i?d." 9:*: Heiilth'--Ntght' ' . . . . . . C l . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . atmn": B e t . w e '

' . , ,, , ~ ~ ,,rl , , , ,,,,::,: I " : ' " ' ' , . K u r , & l a n o , , l n o U s w l a t ,:,:., , , ~i m ~ . , ~ ~ -,..~,~1 ~ . . . . .

By March ~.. . . P . ~

, First If

March 1st. is set as the closing"

Fac to r i e s a t A b b o t s f o r d and L a d n e r

• ~ - - - _ :__ -

i Ptttict R@crt'= i A R E A I . / , G O . O D . H O T E L i

P r i n c e R u p e r t l i

~ H" R : t e : : : i : : ~ T e E : : a : : ; i g e r i

Omineca i

H a z e l t o n - B,~$!C.

. . . . . . ., ."J

'l~he Haze l ton :Hosp i t a l j tssues,flc~-', kets for a~y.lil~er'iod t t t ~ l . 5 0 : p c r rJ0nth "hi Kdv.,an,ce.. ' Tlais r.ate, i n , , c ludes :eff i~ .=. .eg~su!tatto~; me.di-. clnes,, as" we l l ' as~ Ilil. .costs .while

in~ ~,the,;hospl ,t~L:: ~ l cke t s ! a re .fib- t; t a l n a b l e : J n .Haz i t0n ' at.'_,th~, d r u g : s to re .or, ~by,;matl, from, ' t he medi- cal.. mtperl~te~.~.l~t :~,,~l!e, hbspt ta l

¢ .' t | ; . ~ A t ~ m ~ a ~ b R Jdtl'Us~T' X SmbtX~.~ '3 • " I: ~'~I" FLW"'q''i B ' ;~A":.) .qf ' . ' , "C,

[ P.O, Box 948

The OmllX~ca~

, .7

Page 3: Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, i930 , Silver Cup To Soon Resume Development Word has been/~received here

) \

' ,+ :+ 2 " " " ,



:!.il ~:,+ ~. GEO. LITTLE Terraee, B.C. t


• )

~ Lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . '.$18.00 per M Shiplap • 22.50 " Sized L u m b e r • " ' . . . . 22.50 " Finished Material . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00-to- 65.00 " Shin~les. ' ' .from $2.50 to $5.00 per M

Prices subjec t to .change without notice

Orders filled a t short .n0tice. • "" Mill runn ing continuously .

Prices of Moulding, etc. , on application . :.

~ ! . Steamship and Train Service Sailings from Prince Rupert for Vancouver Vic- toria, Seattle and intermediate points , , each " Thursday 10.00 p. m.

For Anyox and S tewar t , Wednesday 4.U0 p.m. . ! . ? , • ~. . ' ." ~ . : . , ~ - ~ L ~ ~ ~ .... For Nor th and South Queen Charlot te Islands

For tn igh t ly .

~PASS~Gr~ TRAINS LEAVE TERR~ B . ~ Eas tbound- -Monday , W e d n e s d a y and Sa tu rday , 3.08 p. m ++

Wes tbound- -Sunday , Tuesday, Thursday , 11.52 a. m. + f

eFor Atlantic Stearmhip Sailings or tmther information apply to any Canadian Naiio,al Agent o t

R. F. M e N a u g h t o n . D i s t r i c t P a s s e n g e r Agen t , P r i n e e R u v e r t , B.C.

WINTER TONICS + Wampole ' s E x t r a c t Cod Liver Oil Nys l ' s Creophos Na-Dru-Co. E x t r a c t Cod Liver Oil ' ~' Boots E x t r a c t of Mal t and Cod Liver Oil ~,

• N y a l ' s S t reng then ing Tonic.

Victrolas and Victor Records

- + . m

................................ : . ":+5L~.=:'+~.:.+7+--::===.-7-':-; - - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . ,

@ +

• " ~ ' " ' " , 3 , + ~ ; " ~ f , . : " ~ ~.~+ " : . -

Terrace Notes

Mr= and Mrs'- C. R}':Gflbert leave Thursday ,for Vancouver where they will spend a shor t hol iday wi th thei r son and wife, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Gil- bert. W h i l e the re t h e y will meet the Misses Porte~s o f San Jose California, ' s is ters of M r s . Gilbert . They are leaving on an extended tour of Europe

A reception committee of the board of t r ade met t h e t r a in from the coast on Sa turday to. welcome Dr: J . T . Mandy who was the speaker a t the board of t rade .meet ing .on Sa turday evening.

Miss Rose Deacon left Sunday for Pr ince Ruper t where she wil l spend a few days wi th her niece, Mrs. Jas. Farquhr , .before g o i n g South on Thursday. '

1-{ev. F a t h e r Leray of S tewar t ar- r ived on Wednesday and spent the week-end among his parishoners, con- ducting service in the Roman Cathol- ic 'Church on Sunday mornoing. He left Monday fo r Pacific, re turning to the coast the following day.

Mrs. Ross. Thompson returned f rom Prince Rupert on Saturday morning,

The Conservative • Association will hold a meeting on. Wednesday even- ing Feb. 26th:

Dr. and Mrs. Brummit t who leave on Monday next for Smithers a r e be- ing tendered many farewells, includ- ing dinners, their week-end hosts be- ing Mr. and Mrs. S. .Anderson Mr. and A. Holmwood, l~Ir. and Mrs. C. R. Gil- bert.

Misses Gwyer and Munro were din- nor hostesses t e a number of fr iends on Sunday evenimg last. .,

The Convention o f the Associated Boards of~ Trade. of Central B. C. wil l be held in the Blue Room of the Can- ad ian Legion Ha l l on Tuesday, March l l t h . 'A good ga the r ing of delegates from placds between McBride and


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(Condensed) .• - . . . .

Y e a r Endin~ D e c e m b e r :3 l s t , +1.929

.New Business I s sued $ 85,236,85&00 :- :=. Business in Force - 592,370,122.00

Assets = = 118,923,990.02 , .......... Liabilities - - 114,585,711.37

Income - . - - 28,098,058.00 .:, .Gross Surp lus E a r n e d 5,753,797.30

toPolicyholders 10,440,324.00

.~PP~o ~ i ~ . Unass igned Prof i ts a n d . . Contingency Reserve 4,338,278.65

Of the 75 Million Dollars paid to policyholders •and their beneficiaries since the Company was first founded in 1892, over 48 Mill ion w e n t to living policyholders, whi le 27 Million went to beneficiaries as death claims.

Win. Grant's Agency HAZELTON, B. C.

- . ~ m l l i l

1-+ e H K A D O g I = I C E - W I N N I P E ~

o u r S e f f T h e l i f e . l i k e t o n a l r e p r o d u e t l o n o f t h e N e w K o l s t e r ] R a d i o b r i n g s i n v o i c e a n d i n s t r m e n t e x a e t l y


+ ¢

Victor Records formerly 75c now 65c I

The Terrace Drug Store [

T I.nd Mrs Brun mitt ERRACE . ==_ • ' ~ ~ - , . . . , . . + .

Te~z~=:aii.~otbOaoZ:(: will meet in the] Mrs. r.L'hos..MeOubbin, Pacific, came . . . . e I - F r i d a y evening at [Thursday .and spmlt a few days the

S p. m. when l u the r p l a n s , for the [guest o f Conon and Mrs. Marsh. 1930 fa i r wil l be discnssed. . + _ . _ . _ .

• ", - - - - . Rex. and ~lrs. A l l e n were hosts to + " a number of members of the C ' G I T Dr. and 3h.s. Brummlt t were ghosts " • • •

of honor at a fa~:ewell 'bridge i / a r ty a t ou. ~:uesday evening to ce!ebrate Ag- nes, Olson's bir thday. / the home of Mr. and Mrs. E . ,T . Ken-

hey <)n Tuc~d'ty evening. The prizes for highest score were won by Mrs. Grieg andtI . L. McKenney. Following the ref rcs lunents ,n social hour was

• spent. D r . . B r u l n m t t t delighted the .company with se re ra l plan osolos.

The new org~m purchased by the meml)ers of the Ladies Guild to be used in Knox United Church arri~:ed on F r i d a y .and was instal led for Sun. (biy service.

Mrs. J., B. A,,xar re turaed lmme on NN ~dnt, 'day af te r spending several days ,t pat ient ill the Prince Raper [ IIosl)ital. • , ' -

Mrs. John Raven re turned on?Wed- nesday from Priuce Ru!~ert where she was r eee ivh |g ' t r ea tmen t for' an in jur- ed' k n e e r e c e i v e d f r o m a r e c e n t f a l l •

Mr.- iuld Mrs. T. E. +Brooks left

Tht|rsday for Prince Rupert •'where

they will Spend a short holiday.

A. htrge + congregation attended the

service in Knox united Church on

sunday evening when"Rev. H. Allen

spoke on+ theB.' C.liquoi traffic.

Statistics given proved nmst interest. ing to those present.

Gee. A, Woodland, Prince Rupert+

was~ +~ week-end visitor in town,

M. Dalquist of Cedarvale arrived'el

~l'lmrsda~: aad is spending/a+ few days in town. • . . ..+, ::

B, ~hannon of Usk was aniong thel week-end visitors.'• : +

The ..,regular meetin~ ne 'th~ 1v . . . . . . . .

Stewar t is expected.

Constantine Ju laka of Terrace employed in Li t t le & Pohle's pole camp was caugi~t by a dead t ree he was fall ing. I t had been lodged and as i t crashed down the man was knocked down with it. He was taken to the Hazelton Hospi ta l where i t was found that his back had been injured, three ribs were broken and he also suffered internal injuries• The re- ports from the hospital are tha t heis doing very Well.


A very p leasant evening was spent on F r i d a y when Scout Master Kirk- aldy, assisted by A. Carr, and twenty boy scouts met in the G. W. V. A. hal l to commerate the b i r thday of Lord Boden-Powell. .After games and stunts ~:ere enjoyed al l sat down to a .sumptuous b a n q u e t . Plans were discussed for "a dance to be held on St. Pa t r icks night to raise funds f6r equipment etc,


The musical held in the schooL~ous e on. Tuesday eyening fo r the benif i t of the P. T. A . was at tended by a record

'as p r o d u e e d b y t h e amtisto H e a r i t o n c e a n d y o u I n s t a n t l y r e e o g = n i z e i t s s u p e r i o r i t y . I n a d d i t i o n t o t r u e r t o n e , t h e N e w K o l s t e r +has S e l e c t o r T u n e r , (an e x e l n s . I r e f e a t u r e ) D y n a m i c S p e a k e r a n d e v e r y m o d e r n n d v a n c e m e n t o f a l l - e l e c t r i c r a d i o . L e t u s d e m . o n s t / . a t e . +

C. W. Dawson - Hazelton SMITIER5 GARAGE & KECTRIC

• N E W •


• " +,, :.r +\ !'ii , . MORE THAN EVER... A FINE SET ., ', ,

Pla'no Solo--Dorothy Head. gave a cordial welcome to Dr. Mangy, ~ .

Piano So lo- -Ber tha Moore. ~ " af te rwards t u r n i n g the :xneet tng o v e r : ' !::i::'~i Piano So lo - -Mary , Smith. to the chairman, T t Turne r Sr. ~+!+ ,+i. i¢i Piano S o l o - - J a n t t Young. Dr. ' Mandy gave a most interest ing ' ~?:+

crowd. Every avai lable seat was tak- Piano" D u e t - - J a n e t Young and and informative, address i n the course .'~+~ en. The pupils from the youngest El l iot Head. of which +he out l ined the. posi t ion ' .~f • np paying t r ibute to thei r teacher, mining and'+prospecting,ln,_the.~north ,.>

western mining d i s t r . ~,Hei,~?:sp0ke .,~i,~.~-:~ ,~Ilss ..F~'ench."+ l~ev; "Robinson, 'occup- DR~,M ,ANDY WAS SPEAKER '. most hopefully:': of t h e future",and:.as: i.:i~:i~i~ji(:::': "~'~ led t h e , Chair ~and shor t -addresses , . ' - ,~ ___ . were g iven , by Roy . Allml and .Mr . I At Board of Trade Meeting in Terrace sured ~hiS,: he~irers "' t h a t ' thor ' :De~r t~ /!//:!~,+.~ Micheal ,ass is tant .principal.,+ Tim+ , pr0. i .::-~Has, g r e a t hope for. the F u t u r e " wment of + imines,would,, .help.;.. ~ ,+[h'eW'/:~., .+,'~:"';~!!!£:~i{~+.~.,~.:+

I .... ; . . . . . ' ': ~' ~ ' ~' - ' ' • .... .ay to promote the endeavours of th~ ?.~::~;~ grain wffs. as follows.- , ,, , ,, ~..< .... , ..... . ................. + .................. , •.~..+.+ ~.,.,.,,~+.,~ ~,~.. ~'.~:,

I Piano S~lo-~- l~arJorle Kennev.~ ,.,,+ . +.. :. ' - - . ~ prospectors and miners. ~ , : ~+,~ ~'.,;:~:'"; '~' '-'....+~.:+'!~' . . . . . . . 7 ~ + " r "~ , .~'~ ,~::, :,:+,:(.'~' m~ vet"o'o--='-'ma .='rigt+e - Dr. J. T. Mangy was a welcome ' .... ' ............. ' .... ":' >."

.+ : +7-'~', ~'L

+ ,

Page 4: Oral A . . RA · 2018. 1. 10. · Vol. 22 [ Oral A . . RA . NEW HAZELTON, B. C., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, i930 , Silver Cup To Soon Resume Development Word has been/~received here

.aL ~ ~:


• . . . . :

':i "


Steamship and Train Service Sailings fro& Prince Rupert, for Vancourver, Vie= torla, Seattle and intermediate points each Thurgday 10.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart, each Wednesday 4.00 p. m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fort, nightly.

Passenger Trains Leave New Ha~.elton:

Eastbound--Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7. 20 p.m.

Westbound-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 7.51 a.m.

For Atlantic steamship sailings or further information apply to any Canadian National Agen R. F. McNaughton. District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C.


A complete stock of

Drugs • Druggists Sundries Candy , Toilet Goods Stationery

Kodaks and Films Prescr ipt ions careful ly dispensed by three regis te red pharmacists .

~.~ We pay postage on mail orders when orders are accompanied by sufficient cash, otherwise sent C. O. D., parcel post. "

ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store

Prince Rupert, B.C. ,

Your New Suit of Clothes To look your best and to do your best you should be well dressed. Our business is to suoplv the clot.hen. We give you quality in goods, quality in fit and the latest in style.

The Only Exclusive Men's Store in the Interior

Short Stories i . . . . . :1o21,,0 02_e . . . . t , Next Monday morning school will s t a r t at 9 o'cclock instead of 9.30. I t is another evidence of the approach of sl)ring,

John Smith sprained his wr ls t this week while slelghriding.

Win. S. Sherr iffs wil l go down ta I ' r ince Ruper t in the morning on a bushmss trip. .,.

L ]toy Smith of F o u r t h ~abin on the Yukon Telegraph line, has been tt pa- t ient in the hospital for a few days. I te will probably be out shortly.

The Fel ix bridge club met a t the home of Mrs. Win. Gow on Tuesday night and the prizes were won by Mrs.

New Hazelton hal l where there will be refreshments and dancing, One dol lar covers the sleigh drive, dance and supper, Seventy-five cents for those not par t ic ipat ing hn .the sleigh drive.

Mr. S t o y n o f f of Dorreen went to Rochester on Monday las t accompani- ed by Mrs. Stoynoff and Marjorie. ~Ir . .Stoynoff fel l trod in jured his back while a t work on the section.

The Ladies Aid of the I-Iazelton United church held an interest ing ses- sion last week a t the parsonage. The next r egu la r meeting will be held at Mrs. John Ne~.yick's on Thursday, the 0th of March.

Athol Russell of New I tazel ton is a pat ient in the hospital for a few days as the result of colliding with a fence while seighriding.


There will be .offered for sale a t h~blic Auction a t 2 P. M. on the 20th.

day of March, 1930, in the office' of the. Fores t Rsnger, Terrace, B. O., the Licence x12248, to cut 476,820 lineal f e e t : o f cedar poles a n d piling on an area adjoining the east boundaries of, Lots 1413 and 1418, Kitsumgallmn Valley near ~errace, Range 5,. Co'lst Land District .

Three (3) years will be alhiwed for removal of timber.

"Provided anyone ramble to a t tend the auction in person may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of auction and t reated as one bid."

F u r t h r par t iculars of the Chief. Fore.~ter, Victoria, B.. C. or Dis t r ic t Forrester , Prince Rupert, B . C . 10-4t. I


Zas. Turnl)ull and M r s . Sargent. On TIMBER SALE X122,19 Tuesday next the clnh will meet atl[. • , - - _ . .

Mrs: Winsby's. ~ There will be offel'ed for sale at /Pub l i c Auction, a t "2 P. M. on the 20th.

' , . . . . . . . Iday. of March, 1930, in the office of This F r iday ' s I)rogram t~eo, z~m) [the Fores t Ran~,er,~ a t ~Ierrace,' the

of the Hazelton, Social Club includes a License x12249, to cut 436,635 lineal sleigh drive, s tar t ing fron| fl|e Omin- feet of cedar poles and piling on 'l eea Hotel at 8 p. m. and ending a t the tort of Lot 1418 and adjoining Crown

land in the Kitsmngal lmn Valley near Terrace, Range 5, Coast Land Distr ic t

Three (~ ) . yea r s will be allowed fo~: emowd of t i m b e r . "

. . . . T h e ice lmrvest is now occupying, the attention of several 1)eople.

E C D A W S O N , . , - . • . ~ l n l e Mr. and Mrs. .Ton. Braden • were visi t ing in town )[l'. and AIrs. G. Smlthers . . . . . B . C • D. Parent entertained a t bridge in

• their honor. Mr. B r a d e n is connect- - - - - - - - - - - -- -: - :_-_~l~'~&~.-- _ - - . - - - _ - ^ -: - _ :-_ ::_. '~

FORTIFY YOURSELF A t t h i s s e a s o n people c a t c h co ld or ~et sick in s p i t e o f

t h e m s e l v e s . W e h a v e a c o m p l e t e s t o c k o f m e d i c i n e s t h a t wi l l c h e c k c o l d s q u i c k l y ; a l so s p r i n g m e d i c i n e s a n d t o r d c s .

P r e s c r i p t i o n s f i l l ed c a r e f u l l y a n d p r u m p t l y .

The Up-to-Date Drug Store HAZELTON, B. C.

e(l with the Dominion Construction. Ca of Mbniroal an'd recently ccompleted his work on the Pa rai lway. I-Ie will next be employe don n contract in New Brunswick. Mr. and Airs. Braden left last week for Burns L~ke nod the Lake country for n short visit before returning t o the east.

Mrs. J. Rulda returned' f r o m the

I-htzeltou Hospital last Mond,y after- n o o i l . O n T u e s d a y . n l o r n i u g her moth- 0 l ' . h I P s , P ; n ' k s o f ~ ' a n h l l n o . a c ( ' o n l -

!mnied by her daughter, bliss May l'~zrk:..t. ~rrived t5 sl)end some thne with Mr. ;ind ~[l'S. Itnldn.

----'--7 S:lnlllol Meyer retm'ned te Smithers

,n Snnday last af ter an. ubsence of six weeks Iluri~!g ,whic hthne he has been. hobnol,bing with the big guns of the raihvoy employees, Saul is chairmal~ of the Merger Cnn~atttoe' .for the Big Four aud he admii 's~{hat ' the Job gives bhn considerable work, but i t IS it kiqd of.work tha t appeals to .him, even "nloreso than 'sitt ing on an engine.

On. Thursday evening of h in t -week Mrs: Wiusby enter tained a t bridge a t her home in Hazeiton. There were four talfles and the prizes were 'won .by Mrs, Sharpe and, Mrs. Wood.

Dr, 'L. 'W. Kerglfi o:f Pr ince Ruper t ' , ) : " ' ' ; l " s len t the 'weeR end. a t the: , Itaz'dlt0n • Hospi tal in 'consult~itidn Wi th Dr,' :L. B, ~vrinch and : I ) r . .~Kl rk i )a t r l ck 0K.h'

British Columbia Coast Steamship Service

To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway, Feb. ~, 22 To Vancouver, Victoria,.Seattle, February 12. 2f " S. S. Princess Mary for Butedale, F~st Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Swanson Bay, Campbell River, Vancou- ver every Friday at 10 a. m. Round Trip Excursion Tickets, Prince Rupert "to Vancouver and Victoria, $40.00.. /

AGENCY FQR ALL OOBAN. 8.TEAMSHIP LINES Full informatl~n from W. C. Oreaar a, cor. lmru Avenue and Fourth Street ~ prince Rupert i

Mlstress---"Whose was t ha t .ma:n's By means of a new.:10cal an aesthet-

e oleo I h?ard, i n th 2 kltb: ~ .;h:: ' / n; ': i s lnuy. ' l ls ,en : i n i, to radio M a i d - - Oh(~n..--- y : ' - - .. ': J " " , ergoing a.:'surglcal operat ion: Mts t~es .~ ,What is his ,name, IS0me, lio~e~e~; fit i ' '" ' . . . . ' : . , . ',,.' : , . , . ,, , * , i I, , ~., ' " , 'my'~{lemund,chlor:

" M a i ~ l ~ ' ~ E r ' I th ink i ts ' !Erl)crt, " m Io fo rmi : i :.;:". :,:: ,: : :,/'i:i','i:i ,/ /i"(:..

"Provided anyone unable to at tend the auction iu person nmy submit tender to be opened a t the hour of auction and t rea ted~as clio bid."

Fu the r par t iculars of the Chief Fores ter , -Vic tor ia , B. C., or District, Forester , Prince Rupert , .B, C. 1 0 4 t

¢~, •


There will 'be offered for sale a t Public Auction at '2 p. m. on the 20th of March, 1930, in the office of the Fores t Banger, ~Ie~h~ce, B. C., the License X1225J. to cut 157,635 lineal feet of cedar poles and piling on a p o t lion of Lot 1419 and the W.½ of Lot 1422, Kitsumgal lum Valley ne.tr Ter- race, Range , Coast La , t l District .

Three (3) years will be allowed for the removal of timber.

auction and t rea ted as one bid. ~ a r t he r par t icnlars of the Chief

Forester , Victoria. B. C. or Distr ic t 'Fo~'ester.at Prince Rupert, B. C. 10-21

Smith & Carlson (.losed their 1)ole

Ou-,p in t:le Kl~l:it~x la~:t wool,. '.l'hey have finished st) fllr as the5' a re (.on, corned. .What t imber is left on ilielf; t imber sale has. been. Subl0t to n couple 'of the men' wh0"had: becu work-

I : GENERAL - . . . . . . . . . MERCHANT

A complete line of

Groceries. Hardware Dry Goods Flour and F e e d Fresh Fruit

'Fresh Vegetables Fresh Meat

u ~ m u r ' z a z m a _- _ _ ~ ._-

l W.J. Larkw0rt y NEW tiAZELTON

J Joe Ham Cafe I s t : ow o p e n . Two doors f r o m t h e U , i ~ e d C h u r c h in

[tazelton M e a l s a t a l l h o u r s u p to

m i d n i g h t . J o e H a m a g o o d cook .

E v e r y t h i n g i s n e w a n d wi l l a l w a y s be c l e a n .

U ) 0 4 1 1 . 0 4 1 l i d t H~LU4 b l m . O ~ b O ~ t i ~.Emlbl ~ l m ~ ~ O.INB~ ~ D O g m ~ l ) ~

A Restaurant L

In connection with the

South Hazelton Hotel

Is now open and doing business. A good cook is in charge. Try a meal.

l a g , f o r them: I t " ' i s , understood tha t Sm'ith & Carlson w i l l go ba(.k t o their farlln in the Kisplox.

. During the past week .two Indian youngsters . .of .Hazelton were taken to the. hospital with fractures. A boy" )v~ith a br0keff ~irm and a gir l w R h .a

Meals at all Hours i

r " - ~

' I f better milk was pro. duced you would find it.in on/at/J St.Charles cans

N o w h e r e i s b e t t e r m i l k o b t a i n e d t h a n i n o u r o w n f e r t i l e F r a s e r V a l ! e y . P u r e , r i c h a n d c r e a m y , S t . C h a r l e s M i l k i s a

" M a d e i n BRITISH C O L U M B I A .

p r o d u c t o f w h i c h w e a l l m a y b e p r o u d .

• itREm

szc. .z Boo~ ~ l w , . ~ to The': _ - - . J ~ l l

• B C 2


• Last week 'Angus Beaten uhderwem: broken leg., Both,:were accidents tha t an operation; the resul t of having.'hi.~ mppened 'whil~ sl~ighriding, foot frozen. I t was found t h a t he on-.

'G01f/~r"-r,!f~,~ou~,laugh,:at me again,'.



l y :had to loose I a. P a r t of some of his ,toe's. ,~gds '~aS':'~.el.y :for~ni|te a~ ~ lie was f o r : f a r c e weeks :with()ut an~ .~ nl~d!cill attentien/~0~,anyflli,g!,tliiit' if 'it. "