Oracle Primavera FAQs

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  • 8/13/2019 Oracle Primavera FAQs


    Oracle Primavera FAQs

    We have provided answers to a lot of commonquestions in the sections below - just click on thequestion to see the answer - but if you can't findyour specific question listed then please call us

    and we'll be happy to help. If we can't give you ananswer immediately we'll usually be able toprovide one within 24 hours.


    What is Primavera, exactly?

    Primavera is not just a single product, but is now abrand name covering a suite of products focusedexclusively on helping project-intensive businessesmanage their entire project portfolio lifecycle,including projects of all sizes. It is estimated thatprojects totalling more than US$6 trillion in valuehave been managed with Primavera products.Companies turn to Primavera project portfoliomanagement solutions to help them make betterportfolio management decisions, evaluate the risksand rewards associated with projects, anddetermine whether there are sufficient resourceswith the right skills to accomplish the work. Thesebest-in-class solutions provide the projectexecution and control capabilities needed tosuccessfully deliver projects on time, within budgetand with the intended quality and design.

    Portfolio and Programme Management

    What is Portfolio Management?

    Portfolio management is a term used by projectmanagement professionals to describe methodsfor analyzing and collectively managing a group ofcurrent or proposed projects based on numerouskey characteristics. The fundamental objective is todetermine the optimal mix and sequencing ofproposed projects to best achieve theorganisation's overall goals - typically expressed interms of hard economic measures, businessstrategy goals, or technical strategy goals - whilehonouring constraints imposed by management orexternal real-world factors.

    Typical attributes of projects being analyzedinclude each project's total expected cost,consumption of scarce resources (human orotherwise), expected timeline and schedule ofinvestment, the expected nature, magnitude andtiming of benefits to be realised, and relationship orinter-dependencies with other projects in theportfolio.

    What is Programme Management?

    According to the Project Management Institute "aprogramme is a group of related projects managed

    in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits andcontrol not available from managing them

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    individually. Programmes may include elements ofrelated work outside of the scope of the discreteprojects in the programme... Some projects withina programme can deliver useful incrementalbenefits to the organisation before the programmeitself has completed."

    Bearing this in mind it can be seen that programmemananagement necessarily operates at a levelabove individual projects and is focused oncoordinating and prioritising of resources acrossprojects, managing links between the projects andminimising the overall costs and risks of theprogramme.

    Which Primavera products offer this functionality?

    Both P6 PPM and P6 EPPM provide the ability togroup projects together into "portfolios", but this issimply a mechanism for simplifying access tospecific groups of projects. In either product a

    portfolio can be defined to contain projects within aspecific programme, and reports can be producedfor the portfolio/programme as a whole.

    There are some basic portfolio analysis functionsin P6 EPPM, with dashboard reports that can beconfigured to display and compare key projectdata, but for a comprehensive portfoliomanagement solution that you should considerPrimavera Portfolio Management. This product(formerly ProSight, acquired by Primavera Inc. in2006) can operate standalone, but comes with adirect interface to P6 EPPM that allows exchangeof data in both directions.

    Project Management

    Is Primavera P6 the same as Oracle Projects?

    No. Oracle Projects is part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. There is a prebuilt integrationpackage available that synchronises key databetween P6 and Oracle Projects - the relevantOracle white paper ishere.

    Integrating Oracle Projects with Primavera P6provides a comprehensive Enterprise ProjectPortfolio Management solution and performs thefollowing features:

    Brings together complex scheduling and industry-specific PPM processes with project financial management,skills and inventory management, and other enterprise solutions

    Provides end-to-end visibility and control for improved decision making, coordination, and collaboration Provides consolidated view of enterprise and project portfolio for an accurate, up-to-date view of project,

    resources, and financial performance Creates coherent and complete solution for Enterprise PPM with ERP, database, middleware, and analytics What's the difference between P3E, P5 and P6?

    They are basically different versions of the sameproduct. When the replacement for P3 was firstreleased it was known as Primavera ProjectPlanner Enterprise, which was soon shortened toP3E. There was a v3.5 and a v4.0 of this product,before the name changed to P5 and then P6 in linewith the version number. When Oracle acquired
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    Primavera Inc. in 2008 "P6" became a brand namerather than a product version and so the nextversion (although sometimes referred to as P7)was officially named P6 v7. The latest productshave followed normal Oracle practice in being"releases" rather than "versions", and were calledP6 R8.0 through R8.2.

    What's the difference between P6 and Primavera Contractor?

    Primavera Contractor is Primavera's entry levelproject management product, designed to allowcontractors to exchange planning data with clientsusing P6 EPPM or PPM for their projectmanagement. It offers a similar level offunctionality to Microsoft Project but can generatethe .xer files typically required for bid submissionson major engineering and construction projects.More information on Primavera Contractor isavailablehere.

    What are the differences between P6 EPPM and P6 PPM?

    The most obvious difference is the architecture. P6PPM is a traditional client/server Windowsapplication that runs on a PC (physical or virtual)and stores its data in a relational database (Oracleor SQL Server). P6 EPPM is a 3 tier webapplication whose client runs in a web browser.The middle tier runs on a web application server(WebLogic or WebSphere) and communicates withthe database. Since R8.1 all administrative tasksare managed via the web interface, although aWindows "optional client" is also available to allow

    users without web access to work with thesoftware. In R8.2 this desktop client is identical forboth PPM and EPPM, but when connected to anEPPM database none of the administrativefunctions are available.

    There are also major differences between thereporting capabilities of the two versions. P6 PPMcontinues to run the traditional reports found inearlier versions of the product, while P6 EPPMalso uses Oracle's BI Publisher to create webbased reports that are viewed via dashboards inthe browser. It also provides connectivity to otherreporting tools - see the Reporting and BusinessIntelligence section below for more on this.

    The final major difference is connectivity. P6EPPM ships with a Java API that allows thedevelopment of custom interfaces to otherproducts, and a Web Services interface layered ontop of the API. The product is also designed tointegrate with Oracle's Business ProcessManagement toolset. In contrast, P6 PPM onlyoffers the SDK, a desktop interface that exposesthe underlying database as an ODBC data source.

    Can you configure P6 PPM as a multiuser system?

    Although the most common use for P6 PPM is as a

    "standalone" installation (see below) on a laptop orsingle PC, it is perfectly possible to configure it sothat multiple networked PCs access a single server
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    based database. If you do not require the webbased dashboards and integration capabilities ofP6 EPPM this may well be your most suitableconfiguration.

    Which project management product is right for me?

    There is no easy answer to this, as a lot dependson your current IT landscape and precisely howyou wish to make use of your planning tool. If youwish to integrate P6 seamlessly with otherapplications then it is likely that PPM will not beable to deliver what you require due to thewithdrawal of the API in R8.1. We will happilyadvise on the pros and cons of deploying eitherversion in your environment.

    What is a "standalone" copy of P6?

    This typically refers to a copy of P6 where the

    database and client application are running on thesame machine - often a laptop. Prior to theacquisition of Primavera Inc. by Oracle, this was astandard option in the installer which performed ahands-off installation of a database server(originally Borland Interbase, then SQL ServerExpress) on to the machine in question as part ofthe process. With the release of P6 v7 thedatabase was changed to Oracle XE and then atP6 R8.0 the standalone option was withdrawn. Itnow exists again - when you purchase P6 R8.1PPM, you are able to select a standaloneinstallation that uses Oracle XE as the back end.

    The advantage of this type of installation is that

    you do not have to have previously installed adatabase on the machine, as one is provided freeof charge. There are restrictions associated withOracle XE though - it is limited to 4GB of data, willonly use up to 1GB of any available memory, andwill only execute on 1 CPU core. If any of theseare likely to cause problems you should use a fullcopy of Oracle or SQL Server to store your data.Note that P6 R8.1 will not work with SQL ServerExpress unless you are upgrading an existingstandalone system based on an earlier version ofP6.

    Can I still purchase P3 and/or SureTrak?

    Unfortunately not - they were withdrawn from saleat the end of 2010. The nearest equivalents fromthe current product range are Contractor or P6PPM.

    Business Intelligence and Reporting

    What reports come with Primavera P6?

    Primavera P6 PPM ships with a library of textreports which can be scheduled to run as a batch.You can also develop custom reports and print out

    graphics such as Gantt Charts or resourcehistograms from the appropriate view.

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    While Primavera P6 EPPM still allows you to runtraditional batch reports, it also offers an additionallibrary of reports designed to operate within OracleBI Publisher via a Restricted Usage Licence (RUL)for BI Publisher. These can be triggered ondemand from within the web client or scheduled torun periodically, with their results available for view

    within the web client. If you want to make anychanges to these reports then you will have toupgrade to a Full Usage Licence (FUL) of BIPublisher.

    What is the Primavera Reporting Database?

    There is a large amount of data displayed withinP6 that is calculated on the fly and not stored inthe project management database (PPMDB orEPPMDB). As a result Oracle introduced theconcept of a reporting database external to theproject management database. This is optimisedfor reporting purposes and contains fields storingcalculated values. In versions prior to R8.1 thecreation and updating of the reporting databaserequired an administrator to set up severaladditional databases and configure standalonescripts to carry out the ETL (extract, transform,load) operations. From P6 EPPM R8.1 thereporting database schema forms part of thestandard EPPMDB database, and the scheduledpublishing of data is administered from within theproduct.

    Once the publishing of data to the reportingdatabase has been configured, any externalreporting tool (e.g. PCF's QEI ManagementReporting or Crystal Reports) can be used toextract data from it.

    What is Primavera Analytics?

    Primavera Analytics is an add-on product forPrimavera P6 EPPM which consists of a starschema data warehouse and a set of prebuiltreports and queries that run within OracleBusiness Intelligence products. The datawarehouse is fed from the EPPM reportingdatabase and can be also connected to other BIapplications.

    Risk Analysis

    What's the difference between Primavera Risk Analysis and PertMaster?

    They are both the same product. PertMaster wasacquired by Primavera Inc. in 2006 and is now soldas Primavera Risk Analysis.

    Implementation, Interfacing and Integration

    Can P6 be interfaced to an ERP system?

    There are prebuilt integrations available for SAP

    and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. In addition, wehave carried out integrations with IFS and Infor

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    ERP LN, and would be happy to discuss individualrequirements.

    Can P6 be interfaced to an Asset Management system?

    This is a fairly common requirement and although

    we are not aware of any prebuilt integrations, wehave experience of integration with MAXIMO andother asset management systems.

    I need to develop a bespoke interface to P6 - what options do I have?

    If you are using P6 PPM then you are limited tousing the SDK, which exposes a proportion of thedata within the project management database(including calculated fields) as an ODBC DataSource. You can then write code in anyenvironment that supports communication viaODBC to exchange data with P6. The SDK is alsoavailable for EPPM systems.

    More complex integrations are possible using theAPI. This is a set of Java classes that expose thebusiness logic and objects and makes themavailable for inclusion in any Java application. Asof R8.1 the API is only available for EPPMsystems.

    It is also possible to make use of theWebServicesinterface to P6; this is layered on top ofthe API and provides interoperability with any otherapplications that make use of Web Services. Forexample, the Oracle Business ProcessManagement suite can be used in combinationwith event-driven messages from P6 to develop

    standard business processes for project approval,initiation and update.

    What professional services can PCF offer?

    In addition to the supply of the product range, wealso offer a wide range of professional services toensure that your Primavera implementation goessmoothly and that you rapidly gain real businessbenefits. For more information on our services,please lookhere.

    Product Licencing, Upgrading and Support

    How does Oracle's product licencing compare to Primavera's original scheme?

    Primavera operated a technical solution tolicencing, whereas Oracle operates a commercialsolution.

    Primavera had either Named or Concurrent users,whereas Oracle only has "Application Users" (seebelow).

    Primavera issued a licence code (linked to theSerial Number of a particular copy of the software)that controlled the number and type of licencesallocated to each module within the product. Bycontrast Oracle issues a CSI Number associated

    with a particular installation of their software. Thepermitted number of users is governed solely by
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    the number of licences purchased - there isnothing technically in place to prevent anycompany from deploying more licences than theyhave purchased. However the Oracle Licence andServices Agreement (OLSA) includes a clausestating that the client accepts that Oracle has aright to visit the client's site(s) at any time to audit

    licence usage, and that the client agrees to pay thelicence costs associated with any unpurchaseddeployed copies found, plus penalty charges andbackdated support fees.

    What is an "application user"?

    The Oracle licencing model is actually fairly simple.The Oracle Licence and Services Agreement(OLSA) states:

    "Application User: is defined as an individualauthorized by you to use the applicable licencedapplication programs which are installed on a

    single server or on multiple servers regardless ofwhether the individual is actively using the

    programs at any given time."

    which is a drawn out way of saying you have alicence for a user to use the application regardlessof environment.

    In practical terms this has the followingconsequences:

    A single licence permits a user to use a copy of the software on multiple machines (for example a server and alaptop) provided that the various copies are not accessed by that user at the same time. If the laptop is also usedby a different user to the server then this requires two licences.

    Use of any component within a licenced application counts as full use of that application, so for example an

    environment where two people only accessed P6 EPPM via the Web while another only used the desktopOptional Client would require three EPPM licences. This differs from the old Primavera scheme where individualmodules/components were licenced separately

    You cannot make use of generic users like "user1" or "planner", since a login has to correspond to a realindividual.

    How do I upgrade from older versions of Primavera software?

    Depending on the date of purchase of the originallicences and whether the product is in support, itmay be possible to upgrade to the latest version ofthe product. This is a very complex area and wewill need to ensure that we understand preciselywhat products you already own before we can offeradvice. Pleasecontact our specialist licence

    migration teamwho will be pleased to assist youto identify the most cost-effective route.

    How is product support provided?

    Support for all Primavera products is handled byOracle Support. When you purchase Primaverayou will be assigned a Customer Support Identifier(CSI Number) which is your key to unlock thesupport resources available to you. These includea web portal giving you access to the PrimaveraKnowledge Base, the ability to log ServiceRequests and notification of any relevant patchesor critical updates. In addition, Oracle host

    Primavera-related blogs and forums.

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    Why should I buy from PCF?

    PCF is an authorised Oracle partner specialised inthe Primavera P6 suite of products. We've been in

    the software business since 1982, primarily as adeveloper of our own project managementreporting tools. Since Primavera first released P3in 1994 we've been integrating their software withother systems, and we became a technologypartner in 2004. In 2010 we took things a stepfurther and became a reseller. Our sales teameach have more than 10 years' experience sellingand implementing Primavera solutions and will beable to offer you expert guidance and advice as tothe combination of products that's right for you.

    How can you be cheaper than Oracle?

    Unless you are proposing to place an extremelylarge order, Oracle will quote you the full UK listprice. As an authorised partner we are given amargin by Oracle on all Primavera products thatwe sell; as an efficient company with lowoverheads we can share that margin with ourcustomers.

    How do we order from you?

    If you know your specific requirements you cansend them through to us by telephone, fax oremail. If you are not sure which products you

    require then please call our sales team and we'llbe happy to assist. In all cases we will thengenerate a formal quotation and email it to you.We can normally turn requests for quotationsround within an hour.

    If you are happy with the quotation then we willrequire a company Purchase Order from you toinitiate the ordering process, which will be formallyacknowledged. We may run a credit check on youat this stage.

    You will then receive an email from Oraclecontaining a link to the Oracle Licence andServices Agreement (OLSA) for your purchase.You must sign this electronically to accept the

    terms of the licence, and until this takes placeOracle will not accept the order. Once the OLSAhas been signed then the product is usuallyavailable for delivery within 3 to 5 days.

    How is Primavera software delivered?

    Once your order has been processed you willreceive notification of your CSI number and a linkto the Oracle e-delivery site, from where you candownload all your purchased products. In this wayyou will typically have access to your softwarewithin 24 hours.

    If you chose to order the physical media for yourproduct as well then the Media Kit (the box of CDs)is shipped by courier and normally arrives within 3

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    to 5 working days from you being notified of theCSI Number.

    Do you accept credit cards?

    Not at the moment.

    What are your normal terms of business?

    In return for the discount that we can generallyoffer, we expect invoices to be settled strictly within30 calendar days of date of invoice. If you do notthink you will be able to comply with this policythen please notify us prior to placing any order asnon-compliance may jeopardise your ability to dobusiness with us in the future.

    We are not based in the UK, can we still purchase Primavera products from PCF?

    Providing you are within Oracle's EMEA region(Europe, Middle East and Africa) we can deal withyou. If you know your specific requirements youcan send them through to us by telephone, fax oremail. If you are not sure which products yourequire then please contact our sales team andwe'll be happy to assist you. We will run a creditcheck on you at this stage and agree paymentterms.

    We will then generate a formal quotation and emailit to you. If you are happy with the quotation thenwe will require a company Purchase Order fromyou to initiate the ordering process, which will beformally acknowledged.

    You will then receive an email from Oraclecontaining a link to the Oracle Licence andServices Agreement (OLSA) for your purchase.You must accept this electronically to accept theterms of the licence, and until this takes placeOracle will not accept any order from PCF. Oncethe OLSA has been accepted and the orderprocessed then the product is usually available fordelivery within 3 to 5 working days.

    If your country is not on the approved Oracle listthat allows for the electronic OLSA to be sent out,we have to follow a different ordering route whichcan take up to ten days before any OLSA isnotified to you, and then once accepted it can takeanother 10 days before the software is sent fordelivery. Currently if countries are not on theapproved list then companies should allow for atleast 4 to 6 weeks before they can expect softwareto be delivered.

    From a scheduling perspective which program is better to purchase

    Primavera EPPM or Primavera PPM. I need to purchase the software but

    want to purchase the best option.


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    As of version 8, Primavera P6 now is sold in 2 flavours: Primavera P6 Professional Project

    Management (P6 PPM)andPrimavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (P6

    EPPM). These are separate products in the Oracle world but in truth they used to be one

    product under the Primavera P6 banner.

    What is Primavera P6 Professional Project Management?

    Primavera P6 Professional Project

    Management is the Primavera Windows-based project planning tool most of you are familiar

    with. P6 PPM is a tool to build, schedule and track complex project schedules.

    Architecturally, it consists of a the Project Management client that installs on a windows pc

    and connects to a database in the backend. A Microsoft SQL or Oracle database is supported.

    One of the biggest selling points of P6 PPM is that the software can handle project

    schedules of up to 100,000 activities. (BTW: dont ever build a schedule THAT big.its

    not good for your health).

    Primavera PPM is fast becoming the standard project management tool that is used across

    many industries such as Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Power Generation as well as Engineering

    and Construction.

    Primavera P6 PPM Key Points

    Runs on Windows-only

    Database Microsoft SQL or Oracle

    Latest Version 8.2

    Most Popular / StableVersion 7.x

    App Administration Performed in the app (Windows-client)

    You May Not Have


    In version 8.x, thePPM interface is completely overhauledallowing

    much more customization and easy of use.

    Is Primavera P6 PPM a standalone tool or an enterprise

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    Well, it can be both and is often used in either way. Many small contractors will purchase a

    single-license of P6 PPM and install the software and the database on a single pc, making it a

    standalone install. But P6 PPM can also be implemented for a large organization, where the

    database is installed on a shared server and many users access the data from their own pcs

    where PPM is installed.

    What is Methodology Management?

    Methodology Management (MM) is a tool to management project templates or, p6-speak,

    methodologies. It included in P6 PPM in versions 7 and earlier, but is no longer included in

    P6 PPM version 8. The MM tool looked exactly like P6 PPM but it was used only to build

    templates which meant some functionality was scaled back. In version 8, there is now a true

    project template but only in P6 EPPM version 8, not PPM.

    What is Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio


    Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio

    Management is an Enterprise portfolio and project management tool. P6 EPPM is a

    combination of what used to be called myPrimavera (or P6 Web) as well as P6 PPM. So it is

    really 2 tools that provide 2 ways to access the Primavera databasea Web-based tool and

    the familiar Windows-based tool.

    P6 EPPM brings a whole new set of features and functionality that sets it apart from plain-old

    PPM. For example, the Web-side of EPPM is very rich in graphs, charts, pivot tables anddashboards. It adds a new way of seeing P6 data in a rich graphical sense. Also, there is a

    big focus on Portfolio Management, which allows you to manage groups of projects together

    in a portfolio, and to manage that data, be it cost, schedule or resource-focused. Better risk

    management functions were added in version 8 as well as better reporting capabilities. But

    all in the web-tool of EPPM. My personal opinion is that it is a very advanced and

    sophisticated web-base pm tool.

    So what about the windows-tool of EPPM?

    Well, in EPPM, you still have pretty much the same Primavera P6 windows tool as P6 PPM,

    but with a bit scaled back functionality, mostly on the administrative side. For example, all
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    admin functions need to be done in the Web-tooladding users, creating EPS, managing

    global activity codesall of it happens in the web now.

    Should you ditch the windows client for the web client?

    Well, not yet. If you are planning large projects (2000-3000 activities), stick with thewindows tool if youve got EPPM. It handles lots of data faster and better.

    Who is EPPM for?

    Primavera P6 EPPM is truly geared for a medium to large sized organization. Its enhanced

    features make it an excellent tool for companies managing a few to many projects.

    Primavera P6 EPPM Key Points

    Runs on Windows or any web-browser

    Database Microsoft SQL or Oracle

    Latest Version 8.2

    Most Popular / Stable


    App Administration Performed in the Web-app (P6 Web)

    You May Not Have


    P6 EPPM has both a Windows-client and a Web-tool which allows a

    very rich user experience.

    You May Not Have


    P6 EPPM also has an iPhone app called Primavera P6 Teammember.

    With it you can status activities from your iPhone

    What about Gary? What should he buy?

    From a scheduling perspective, PPM and EPPM do the same thing. They schedule projects

    in exactly the same manner.

    From a cost perspective, they actually are priced very similarly.

    But from a functionality perspective, if you have one or two projects to schedule and workfor a small to mid size company, Primavera P6 PPM is for you. It will allow you to send

    your schedules to companies you work with. It is straightforward to use and has a world-

    class scheduling engine.

    If you are in the market to purchase an Enterprise project management tool or you and your

    team are currently managing 5 or more projects, P6 EPPM is definitely a solution to explore.

    Have your say

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    by TheP6Pro

    There is a lot of confusion in the market place about the two products from Oracle called Primavera

    P6. What is the difference between P6 Professional and P6 EPPM (Enterprise Portfolio Project

    Management)? Its important to clearly understand what these two Primavera P6 applications are in

    order to select the appropriate Ten Six training class to support your P6 software implementation.

    Primavera P6 Professional

    Primavera P6 Professional is a Windows client project scheduling application that is installed on a

    users workstation. Much like any other Windows application, it is run from an executable file that

    resides on the workstation machine.

    P6 Professional can be used as a standalone application accessing a locally installed database such

    as Oracle XE or Microsoft SQL Server Express. It can also access a central database and be used as

    a multi-user system when data needs to be shared with others.

    P6 Professional is typically used in such industries as, Engineering, Construction, Aerospace,

    Defense, Utilities, Oil and Gas. P6 Professional is the preferred tool for power users such as

    schedulers and project managers in industries where detailed, fast, accurate scheduling and critical

    path method are vital elements for project planning, execution and success.

    If your P6 application interface looks like either of the following images, then you should choose the

    Primavera P6 Professional training class from Ten Six.

    Primavera P6 Professional R8.2 click image to enlarge

    Primavera P6 Professional R7.0 (or earlier version) click image to enlarge
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    Please note: if you are initially accessing the above interfaces via a Web browser, you are likley using

    a Citrix deployment of P6 Professional. The P6 Professional training class would therefore still apply.

    Primavera P6 EPPM (Enterprise Portfolio Project Management)

    Primavera P6 EPPM is a Web Browser-based enterprise-wide project management system that is

    focused on servicing a wide range of roles from executives to team members. P6 EPPM is based

    upon the P6 Professional system, and indeed shares a database with that system. However, the

    EPPM tool is much more focused around the enterprise as a whole, offering such additional

    capabilities as team member updating tools, timesheets (also usable with P6 Professional), and

    integrated reporting with Oracles Business Intelligence Publisher and P6 Analytics.

    P6 EPPM is typically used in such industries as information technology, research and development,

    science, retail or any industry or organization where widespread collaboration and geographical

    distribution are a factor in project portfolio management.

    If your Primavera P6 application interface looks like the following image, then you should choose the

    Primavera P6 EPPM training class from Ten Six.

    Primavera P6 EPPM R8.2 (Web Based) click image to enlarge

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    While both Primavera P6 Professional and Primavera P6 EPPM are capable of supporting an

    enterprise-wide deployment for the purposes of collaboration and project portfolio management, P6

    Professional tends to be favored by power users because of its stability, responsiveness and ability to

    support standalone use.

    On the other hand, P6 EPPM is generally favored for deployments where a wide range of project

    stakeholders are interested in accessing project portfolio data due to its unique Dashboard and

    Portfolio data tabs that present summary project data and interactive capabilities for a matrix


    Because this system is Web-based, it is also favored by IT departments for its easier distribution to

    geographically remote locations including international access. If the user has internet access, they

    can interact with Primavera P6 EPPM.