Oracle Database Concepts

ORACLE CONCEPTS Oracle Database Concepts



Transcript of Oracle Database Concepts

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You are not an actual DBA, but a Support Analyst

The Server where the issue occurs is most often not

known to you.

The problem is reported by someone who has poor

technical skills or none whatsoever.

The problem is often new or unfamiliar.

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Jump into conclusions or solutions.

Blindly apply solutions taken from the internet.

Go for trial and error – this is a source of confusion.

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Define the problem and the circumstances under

which it has occurred.

Gather relevant information about the error.

Document yourself.

Determine the cause of the problem.

Determine the solution(s) for the problem.

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If you don’t understand what the actual problem is,

more than likely you cannot find a solution.

The person reporting the issue may not have the

appropriate skills and may confuse you if you don’t

go into the details with him. Contact him

(phone/mail) and make sure you understand the

situation and the circumstances under which it has


The situation must “make sense”. If there are

contradicting facts, you are not on the right track.

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Don’t hesitate to take your time and read about the

error and the database feature that generates the


If possible, run several quick tests to understand

what the feature is about or to familiarize yourself

with the syntax.

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Just like a detective, you have to gather the facts

about the problem. Gather all relevant information:

– Alert log.

– Trace and incident files.

– OS logs.

– Clusterware logs.

– Application logs.

– Generate additional trace files if the problem is

reproducible or occurring regularly.

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It is perfectly allowed to benefit from the experience

of others.

The Oracle Support Site: MOS should help you both

improve your knowledge and determine potential

causes for your issue.

Additional information sources (Google search) are

very useful, as long as they are not a source for trial

and error attempts.

Make sure every information you collect is properly

justified. Don’t rely on “out of the blue” solutions.

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CAUSE DETERMINATION This is the most critical step of the analysis.

It is a combination of technical skills, sound logical reasoning

and experience.

The proper understanding of the situation, a proper knowledge

on the feature plus the forensics should always help you pin

point the cause with accuracy.

This step should always materialize in a clear statement and its


– The 1031 error was issued because the OS user was not

part of the DBA group.

– The 4030 error was issued because the data segment for

the oracle user was set too small (200MB).

– The 7445 error was caused by bug XXXX and note YYYY

from MOS confirmed this, as we have identical


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Once the cause is determined, finding the solution is

relatively easy.

Several examples:

– Improper or invalid settings should be corrected

based on documentation or on the current load.

– Bugs are corrected by installing the fix or by

implementing the workaround.

– Crashed services are restarted.

– Space problems are solved by adding more

space or cleaning up the data.

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Memory and Processes

What is a Process? – A process is an instance of a program running in Unix memory.

– Edit: #include<stdio.h>

int main(void)


printf("\n Hello World\n");

// Wait 200000 cycles

for(i=0; i<200000; i++);

return 0;


– Compile, execute, then check the process existence:

$ gcc -Wall hello_world.c -o hello_world

$ ./hello_world

– $ ps -aef | grep hello_world

oracle 1234 1222 pts/0 00:00:13 ./hello_world

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Process Identifiers: PID, UID, GID

A process has (among others), the following identifiers: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD

root 3 2 0 Nov19 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/0]

root 6 2 0 Nov19 ? 00:00:00 [migration/0]

root 7 2 0 Nov19 ? 00:00:01 [watchdog/0]

root 8 2 0 Nov19 ? 00:00:00 [migration/1]

root 10 2 0 Nov19 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/1]

– Process identifier (PID): Each process has a unique identifier

associated with it known as process ID. This ID remains unique

across the system.

– Parent process identifier (PPID): parent process identifier, the PID of

the process that started the current process.

In Linux every process has a parent process. There is a process known as

'init' that is the very first process that Unix kernel creates after system boots

up. All the process there-on are children of this process either directly or

indirectly. The init process has special privileges in the sense that it cannot

be killed. The only time it terminates is when the Linux system is shut down.

The init process always has process ID 1 associated with it.

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Real vs Effective User. Who am I?

User and group Identifiers (UID and GID)

The category of identifiers associated with a process is the user and group

identifiers. The user and group ID can further be classified into

– Real user ID and real group ID

These identifiers give information about the user and group to which a

process belongs. Any process inherits these identifiers from its parent


– Effective user ID, effective group ID and supplementary group ID

Usually the effective user ID is same as real user ID but in case its

different then it means that process is running with different privileges

then what it has by default (ie inherited from its parent). This is the

case of the oracle process.

– Check the permissions of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle

executable and note the setuid (suid), setgid (sgid) bits are set.

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Real vs Effective User. Who am I?

The distinction between a real and an effective user id is made because you may

have the need to temporarily take another user's to perform operations for which the

real user has no privileges. If you only had one user id, then there would be no way of

changing back to your original user id afterwards.

So, the real user id is who you really are (the one who owns the process), and the

effective user id is what the operating system looks at to make a decision whether or

not you are allowed to do something.

When you log in, the login shell sets both the real and effective user id to the same

value (your real user id) as supplied by the password file (/etc/passwd).

Now, it also happens that you execute a setuid program, and besides running as

another user (e.g. root) the setuid program is also supposed to do something on your

behalf. How does this work?

After executing the setuid program, it will have your real id (since you're the process

owner) and the effective user id of the file owner (for example oracle) since setuid is


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Zombie and Orphan Processes Suppose there are two processes. One is parent process while the other is child process.

There can be two scenarios we can imagine of a process being lost:

The parent dies or gets killed before the child.

The child process becomes the orphan process (as it has lost its parent). In Linux,

the init process comes to the rescue of the orphan processes and adopts them. This

means after a child has lost its parent, the init process becomes its new parent


The child dies and parent does not perform wait() immediately.

Whenever the child is terminated, the termination status of the child is available to the

parent through the wait() family of calls. So, the kernel does waits for parent to

retrieve the termination status of the child before its completely wipes out the child

process. Now, In a case where parent is not able to immediately perform the wait() (in

order to fetch the termination status), the terminated child process becomes zombie

process. A zombie process is one that is waiting for its parent to fetch its termination

status. Although the kernel releases all the resources that the zombie process

was holding before it got killed, some information like its termination status, its

process ID etc are still stored by the kernel. Once the parent performs the wait()

operation, kernel clears off this information too.

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Memory Layout of a Process A process can be defined into following segments :


Stack contains all the data that is local to a function like variables, pointers etc. Each

function has its own stack. Stack memory is dynamic in the sense that it grows with

each function being called.


Heap segment contains memory that is dynamically requested by the programs for

their usage.


All the global and static members become part of this segment.


All the program instructions, hard-coded strings, constant values are a part of this

memory area.

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Process Anatomy

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Machine Memory Management

Rough definition

– What hardware and OSes do allow a program to manage its data independent of what other running programs are doing

Generally implemented using a “virtual memory” model

– Each process (instance of a running program) believes it is accessing a contiguous chunk of memory

– OS and CPU hide the fact that the real memory referenced is actually fragmented and/or swapped out to disk

– Ideal OS design packs as many processes into memory as possible while caching files too

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Generic MM Model Basic View

This shows that a virtual

memory address may actually

reference some different

address of RAM (primary

storage) or block on disk (swap

area or secondary storage).

Pieces of a virtual memory

address space may be

redirected to swap if the process

grows larger than the amount of

memory on the machine or if the

machine itself is under memory

pressure and a lot of other

processes have more immediate

need to access their pieces of


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Generic Memory Management Model More Detail The OS maintains page

tables for each process

that map the process

virtual address to a

physical address. The

page size determines how

many page tables entries

are needed for each

process and the size of

each entry. Mapping

happens quite a bit so

much of the OS code tries

to leverage CPU

capabilities via it’s memory

management unit (MMU).

A good OS will make sure

frequently accessed

process memory and

filesystem files reside in

memory as much as

theoretically possible

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Generic Model

Each process has a virtual memory address space

OS maps virtual memory addresses to physical ones via page tables

32-bit processors can only natively support virtual memory addressing from 0 to 2^32 (4GB) while 64-bit processors can, of course, address much more

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Large Page Support

Conserves kernel memory by shrinking the size of

process page tables

Each PTE maps to a larger chunk of physical memory

or swap

– Instead of 4K each, 1MB or larger for example


– A process asking for just 1 byte of private memory

gets exclusive access to the 1MB page

– Swap bigger pages to / from memory

Some advanced OS allow variable/multiple page sizes

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Conserving Physical Memory Usage

If two processes are executing the same program, then

share memory occupied by read-only portions of the

compiled program code

– Page table entries point to same physical address

Copy on write: share read-write sections of a program

until a process changes that page

Allow shared libraries for common code referenced by

different programs

Allow developers to create and use shared memory

across processes for their programs (e.g. the Oracle


Only keep subset of the process page tables in

memory if needed or allow large page support

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Conserving Physical Memory Usage

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Oracle SGA

Contains any data structures whose contents are

shared across Oracle processes to achieve better


Memory is allocated at instance startup and

released at shutdown

Concurrent read / write access is coordinated via

locking mechanisms and protocols (e.g. latches)

– Those structures also reside in the SGA

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Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

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The Relationships Among Segments, Extents, and Data Blocks

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The Relationships Among Segments, Extents, and Data Blocks

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Data Block Format

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Row Piece Format

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Oracle Database Concepts

Use DBMS_ROWID to obtain information about ROWIDs from PL/SQL programs and SQL statements. You can find the data block number, the object number, and other ROWID components without writing code to interpret the base-64 character external ROWID.

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Common and Variable Header

– The header contains general block information, such as the block address and the type of segment (for example, data or index).

Table Directory

– This portion of the data block contains information about the table having rows in this block.

Row Directory

– This portion of the data block contains information about the actual rows in the block (including addresses for each row piece in the row data area).

Data Block Format

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Free Space

– Free space is allocated for insertion of new rows and for

updates to rows that require additional space (for

example, when a trailing null is updated to a nonnull


Row Data

– This portion of the data block contains table or index

data. Rows can span blocks.

– Migration/Chaining – when do these occur?

Parameter that determines the block size. When is this

parameter set? Can it be changed? What if I need to

create segments with another block size?

Data Block Format

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Free space can be managed automatically or manually.

Free space can be managed automatically inside database


– The in-segment free/used space is tracked using bitmaps, as

opposed to free lists.

Automatic segment-space management offers the following benefits:

– Ease of use

– Better space utilization, especially for the objects with highly

varying row sizes

– Better run-time adjustment to variations in concurrent access

– Better multi-instance behavior in terms of performance/space


Free Space Management

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The row is too large for the left block, so the database chains the row by placing the first row

piece in the left block and the second row piece in the right block.

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Oracle Database Concepts

The left block contains a row that is updated so that the row is now too large for the block. The

database moves the entire row to the right block and leaves a pointer to the migrated row in the

left block. What is the impact of chaining and migration? How can this situation be solved?

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Oracle Database


An extent is a logical unit of database storage space

allocation made up of a number of contiguous data


One or more extents in turn make up a segment.

When the existing space in a segment is completely

used, Oracle allocates a new extent for the segment.

Overview of Extents

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Oracle Database


A segment is a set of extents that contains all the data

for a specific logical storage structure within a


Types of segments: examples.

Oracle creates this data segment when you create the

object with the CREATE statement.



Overview of Segments

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Oracle Database Concepts

Segment types:

– Table Segments (Partitioned Table Segments)

– Index Segments (Partitioned Index Segments)

– LOB Segments (Partitioned LOB Segments)

– LOB Index

– Temporary Segments

– Undo Segments

Overview of Segments

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Oracle Database Concepts

The high water mark (HWM) is the point in a segment

beyond which data blocks are unformatted and have

never been used.

Manual segment space management (MSSM )

– Uses free lists to manage segment space.

– Blocks are preformatted in groups.

– FTS reads all blocks below HWM

Automatic Segment Space Management

– Uses bitmaps instead of free lists to manage

segment space.

– Less concurrency

Segment Space and the High Water Mark

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Oracle Database Concepts

Segment Space and the High Water Mark

At table creation, the HWM is at the

beginning of the segment on the left.

Because no data has been inserted yet, all

blocks in the segment are unformatted and

never used.

When a transaction inserts rows into the

segment. The database must allocate a group

of blocks to hold the rows. The allocated blocks

fall below the HWM. The database formats a

bitmap block in this group to hold the metadata,

but does not preformat the remaining blocks in

the group.

The low high water mark (low HWM) marks the

point below which all blocks are known to be

formatted because they either contain data or

formerly contained data.

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Segment Space and the High Water Mark

The database chooses a block between the HWM and low HWM and writes to it. The

database could have just as easily chosen any other block between the HWM and low

HWM, or any block below the low HWM that had available space. The blocks to either

side of the newly filled block are unformatted.

The low HWM is important in a full table scan.. For this reason, the database reads the

bitmap block to obtain the location of the low HWM. The database reads all blocks up to

the low HWM because they are known to be formatted, and then carefully reads only the

formatted blocks between the low HWM and the HWM.

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Data Dictionary Parameters and Views

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Oracle Database Concepts

Use the dictionary views to determine the size of the SH

schema objects.

Use the dictionary views to determine the total size of

the example schemas on a per schema basis.

Use the dictionary views to determine the available free


Use the dictionary views to check the undo space usage.



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Oracle Database



Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, Redo Logs and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

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Oracle Database Concepts

The database control file is a small binary file necessary

for the database to start and operate successfully.

A control file is updated continuously by Oracle during

database use, so all the copies must be available for

writing whenever the database is open.

The controlfile locations are specified by the

CONTROL_FILES parameter.

If one copy of the CF copies becomes unavailable, the

database shuts down (how?).

Overview of Control Files

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Oracle Database Concepts

Among other things, a control file contains information such as:

– database name

– timestamp of database creation

– names and locations of associated datafiles and redo log files

– tablespace information

– datafile offline ranges

– log history

– archived log information

– backup set and backup piece information

– backup datafile and redo log information

– datafile copy information

– current log sequence number

– checkpoint information

Overview of Control Files

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Multiplex the controlfile on multiple disks (recommended copies: 3).

Even when the underlying storage is provided with redundancy (Ex: ASM High Redundancy) and thus ensuring a good level of hardware failure protection, the Controlfiles Should still be logically multiplexed. Why?

Backup the controlfile, especially after a structural change in the database. Name structural changes that would have a significant impact on the CF content. Name two methods of backup for the controlfile.

Recreate the CF when lost using the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

Recommendations regarding Control Files Management

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Data Dictionary Parameters and Views

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Oracle Database Concepts

The most crucial structure for recovery operations is the redo log, which consists of two or more preallocated files that store all changes made to the database as they occur.

Redo log files are filled with redo records. A redo record, also called a redo entry, is made up of a group of change vectors, each of which is a description of a change made to a single block in the database.

Redo entries record data that you can use to reconstruct all changes made to the database, including the undo segments. Therefore, the redo log also protects rollback data. When you recover the database using redo data, the database reads the change vectors in the redo records and applies the changes to the relevant blocks.

Redo records are buffered in a circular fashion in the redo log buffer of the SGA.

Overview of Redo Logs

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Oracle Database Concepts

Redo records are written to one of the redo log files by the Log Writer (LGWR) database background process.

Redo records are written into the log files when:

– A transaction commits.

– When the redo log buffer fills.

– Every 3 seconds.

The redo log files are written in circular


Each log switch generates a new LOG SEQUENCE NUMBER, used to uniquely identify the archive logs.

Question: Specify what is the impact on the database when a log switch cannot be performed. Name possible causes.

Overview of Redo Logs

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Oracle Database Concepts

A log file can have the following statuses:

– UNUSED: never written to (new).

– CURRENT: currently in use.

– ACTIVE: active, but not current. Needed in case of crash recovery.

– INACTIVE: no longer needed for crash recovery.

– CLEARING: recreated following a ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE. Once completed -> UNUSED.

Question: An ACTIVE redo log cannot be reused. How is this status cleared into INACTIVE?

Overview of Redo Logs

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Oracle Database Concepts

Multiplexing is implemented by creating groups of redo log files. A group consists of a redo log file and its multiplexed copies.

The copies should be located on different storage devices.

Even when the underlying storage is provided with redundancy (Ex: ASM High Redundancy) and thus ensuring a good level of hardware failure protection, the Redo Logs Should still be logically multiplexed. Why?

Multiplexing the Redo Logs

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The loss of the log file data can be catastrophic if recovery is required.

Whenever LGWR cannot write to a member of a group, the database marks that member as INVALID and writes an error message to the LGWR trace file and to the database alert log to indicate the problem with the inaccessible files.

Responding to Redo Log Failure

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Oracle Database Concepts

Responding to Redo Log Failure

Scenario Reaction

LGWR can successfully write to at

least one member in a group

Writing proceeds as normal. LGWR

writes to the available members of a

group and ignores the unavailable


LGWR cannot access the next group at

a log switch because the group must

be archived

Database operation temporarily halts

until the group becomes available or

until the group is archived.

All members of the next group are

inaccessible to LGWR at a log switch

because of media failure

Oracle Database returns an error, and

the database instance shuts down.

Media Recovery probably required.

All members of a group suddenly

become inaccessible to LGWR while it

is writing to them.

Oracle Database returns an error and

the database instance immediately

shuts down. Media Recovery required

in case of hardware failure.

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Oracle Database Concepts

All group file members should have the same size.

It is recommended that all log file have equal size.

The log switches should occur with a frequency of 3-5/hour.

Multiple sets of redo logs can be employed in case of non-standard load.

The redo log file size can be set using the V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY.OPTIMAL_LOGFILE_SIZE column. Requires setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter.

It is generally recommended to have 3-5 log file groups. Exceptions to this rule of thumb tend to be rather rare.

Log file block size is 512. It can be specified at log file group creation in case of too much redo wastage.

Planning the size of the redo log files

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Log switch:




Managing the Redo Logs

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Data Dictionary Views

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Oracle Database Concepts

The archive logs are the collection of filled groups of redo log files after being saved to one or more offline destinations.

Includes the redo entries and the unique log sequence number of the identical member of the redo log group.

When in ARCHIVELOG mode, the background process ARCn automates the archiving operations, if the database runs in AUTOMATIC archive log mode.

Purpose of the archive logs:

– Recover a database

– Update a standby database

– Get information about the history of a database using the

LogMiner utility

The Archive Logs

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Archiving Parameters and Views

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Datafiles and Tablespaces

Oracle Database Concepts

Question: Can an object span multiple tablespaces? When?

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Oracle Database


A tablespace is a database storage unit that groups related logical

structures together. The database data files are stored in tablespaces.

Using tablespaces allows you to:

– Separate user data from data dictionary data to reduce I/O


– Separate data of one application from the data of another to prevent

multiple applications from being affected if a tablespace must be

taken offline.

– Store the data files of different tablespaces on different disk drives to

reduce I/O contention.

– Take individual tablespaces offline while others remain online,

providing better overall availability.

– Optimizing tablespace use by reserving a tablespace for a particular

type of database use, such as high update activity, read-only activity,

or temporary segment storage.

– Back up individual tablespaces.


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Oracle Database Concepts

Locally Managed Tablespaces

Bigfile Tablespaces

Compressed Tablespaces

Encrypted Tablespaces

Temporary Tablespaces

Multiple Temporary Tablespaces: Using Tablespace Groups

Types of Tablespaces

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Oracle Database Concepts

Locally managed tablespaces track all extent information in the tablespace

itself by using bitmaps, resulting in the following benefits:

Fast, concurrent space operations. Space allocations and deallocations

modify locally managed resources (bitmaps stored in header files).

Enhanced performance

Readable standby databases are allowed, because locally managed

temporary tablespaces do not generate any undo or redo (Active Data


Space allocation is simplified, because when the AUTOALLOCATE clause

is specified, the database automatically selects the appropriate extent size.

User reliance on the data dictionary is reduced, because the necessary

information is stored in file headers and bitmap blocks.

Coalescing free extents is unnecessary for locally managed tablespaces.

Locally managed tablespaces

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Oracle Database Concepts

A bigfile tablespace is a tablespace with a single, but potentially very large (up

to 4G blocks vs 4M blocks for a small file tablespace) data file. Traditional

smallfile tablespaces, in contrast, can contain multiple data files, but the files

cannot be as large. The benefits of bigfile tablespaces are the following:

Bigfile tablespaces can significantly enhance the storage capacity of an

Oracle Database.

Bigfile tablespaces can reduce the number of data files needed for a

database and reduce the amount of SGA space required for data file

information and the size of the control file.

Bigfile tablespaces simplify database management by providing data file

transparency. SQL syntax for the ALTER TABLESPACE statement lets you

perform operations on tablespaces, rather than the underlying individual

data files.

Bigfile tablespaces

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Oracle Database Concepts

A temporary tablespace contains transient data that persists only for the

duration of the session.

– Intermediate sort results

– Temporary tables and temporary indexes

– Temporary LOBs

– Temporary B-trees

Each database has a default temporary tablespace. Why?

Can be grouped in Temporary Tablespace Groups.

Temporary tablespaces

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Oracle Database Concepts

You can create tablespaces with block sizes different from the standard

database block size, which is specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization

parameter. This feature lets you transport tablespaces with unlike block sizes

between databases.

Use the BLOCKSIZE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE command.

A memory area with block size corresponding to te block size of the

tablespace must have been defined beforehand (use the

DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE parameters).

Tablespaces with non Standard Block Size

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Oracle Database Concepts

A tablespace can be:

Read Write

Read Only


Name specific situations when the tablespaces should be in the above

situations or when it would be recommended to have them in such a


Tablespace Status

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Oracle Database Concepts

Tablespace Operations:

Increase the size of the datafiles/tablespaces

Adding more datafiles

Question: when it is recommended to add datafiles over increase the size of

the existing?

Change its status: Read Only/Offline/Read Write/Online

Shrink the size of the datafiles/tablespaces.

Rename the tablespace.

Drop the tablespace.

Altering and Maintaing Tablespaces

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Parameters and Views

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Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database assigns each data file two associated file numbers,

an absolute file number and a relative file number, that are used to

uniquely identify it.

Tablespaces and Datafiles

Type of File Number Description


Uniquely identifies a data file in the database. This file number can be

used in many SQL statements that reference data files in place of

using the file name. The absolute file number can be found in the

FILE# column of the V$DATAFILE or V$TEMPFILE view, or in the




Uniquely identifies a data file within a tablespace. For small and

medium size databases, relative file numbers usually have the same

value as the absolute file number. However, when the number of data

files in a database exceeds a threshold (typically 1023), the relative

file number differs from the absolute file number. In a bigfile

tablespace, the relative file number is always 1024 (4096 on OS/390


Page 76: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Operating systems impose a limit on the number of files a process can open

simultaneously. More data files cannot be created when the operating

system limit of open files is reached. Where is this limitation set?

Operating systems impose limits on the number and size of data files.

You cannot exceed the number of data files specified by the DB_FILES

initialization parameter.


statements, the MAXDATAFILES parameter specifies an initial size of the

data file portion of the control file. However, if you attempt to add a new file

whose number is greater than MAXDATAFILES, but less than or equal to

DB_FILES, the control file will expand automatically so that the data files

section can accommodate more files.

Smallfile tablespaces are limited to 4M blocks while bigfile tablespaces to

4G blocks.

Data Files Limitations

Page 77: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts



Rename/Relocate – MOVE/RENAME


Data Files Management

Page 78: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle-managed files eliminate the need for you, the

DBA, to directly manage the operating system files

comprising an Oracle database.

You specify operations in terms of database objects

rather than filenames.

Oracle internally uses standard file system interfaces to

create and delete files as needed for the following

database structures:

– Tablespaces

– Redo log files

– Control files

Oracle-Managed Files

Page 79: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts










Data File Views

Page 80: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Generate the Controlfile in Text format (BACKUP


Generate a copy of the controlfile on the File System in

the folder:


Multiplex and Drop the Control File.

Simulate the loss of a Control File. Perform a full

analysis of the situation. Fix the problem.

Recreate the redo log groups making sure they are

multiplexed with 2 members/group.

Simulate the loss of a group member . Perform a full

analysis of the situation. Fix the problem.


Page 81: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Switch the database archivelog mode on and off.


Simulate a log switch hang and solve it.

Create a locally managed, ASSM tablespace.

Create a bigfile tablespace.

Create a temporary tablespace group and assign it as default

temporary tablespace.

Write a query to determine the free space (absolute and %)

for each of the existing tablespaces.

Drop all the created tablespaces.


Page 82: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Move a datafile from ASM to the file system and reverse.


Page 83: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 84: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A transaction is a logical unit of work that contains one

or more SQL statements.

A transaction is an atomic unit. The effects of all the SQL

statements in a transaction can be either all committed

(applied to the database) or all rolled back (undone

from the database).

A transaction begins with the first executable SQL


A transaction ends when it is committed or rolled back,

either explicitly with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement

or implicitly when a DDL statement is issued.

Introduction to Transactions

Page 85: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

All Oracle transactions obey the basic properties of a

database transaction, known as ACID properties. ACID

is an acronym for the following:

– Atomicity: All tasks of a transaction are performed or

none of them are. There are no partial transactions.

– Consistency: The transaction takes the database

from one consistent state to another consistent


– Isolation: The effect of a transaction is not visible to

other transactions until the transaction is committed.

– Durability: Changes made by committed

transactions are permanent.

Introduction to Transactions

Page 86: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A system change number (SCN) is a logical, internal time stamp used by Oracle Database. SCNs

order events that occur within the database, which is necessary to satisfy the ACID properties of a

transaction. Oracle Database uses SCNs to mark the SCN before which all changes are known to

be on disk so that recovery avoids applying unnecessary redo. The database also uses SCNs to

mark the point at which no redo exists for a set of data so that recovery can stop.

SCNs occur in a monotonically increasing sequence. Oracle Database can use an SCN like a

clock because an observed SCN indicates a logical point in time, and repeated observations

return equal or greater values. If one event has a lower SCN than another event, then it occurred

at an earlier time in the database. Several events may share the same SCN, which means that

they occurred at the same time in the database.

Every transaction has an SCN. For example, if a transaction updates a row, then the database

records the SCN at which this update occurred. Other modifications in this transaction have the

same SCN. When a transaction commits, the database records an SCN for this commit.

Oracle Database increments SCNs in the system global area (SGA). When a transaction modifies

data, the database writes a new SCN to the undo data segment assigned to the transaction. The

log writer process then writes the commit record of the transaction immediately to the online redo

log. The commit record has the unique SCN of the transaction. Oracle Database also uses SCNs

as part of its instance recovery and media recovery mechanisms.

System Change Number (SCN)

Page 87: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A Banking Transaction

Page 88: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A transaction in Oracle begins when the first executable SQL statement is encountered.

A transaction ends when any of the following occurs:

– a user issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement without a SAVEPOINT clause.

– a user runs a DDL statement such as CREATE, DROP, RENAME, or ALTER. If the current transaction contains any DML statements, Oracle first commits the transaction, and then runs and commits the DDL statement as a new, single statement transaction.

– a user disconnects from Oracle. The current transaction is committed.

– a user process terminates abnormally. The current transaction is rolled back.

After one transaction ends, the next executable SQL statement automatically starts the following transaction.

Overview of Transaction Management

Page 89: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Committing a transaction means making permanent the changes

performed by the SQL statements within the transaction.

Before a transaction that modifies data is committed, the following

has occurred:

– Oracle has generated undo information. The undo information

contains the old data values changed by the SQL statements

of the transaction.

– Oracle has generated redo log entries in the redo log buffer of

the SGA. The redo log record contains the change to the data

block and the change to the rollback block. These changes

may go to disk before a transaction is committed.

– The changes have been made to the database buffers of the

SGA. These changes may go to disk before a transaction is


Commit Transactions

Page 90: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


When a transaction is committed, the following occurs:

– The internal transaction table for the associated undo

tablespace records that the transaction has committed, and

the corresponding unique system change number (SCN) of

the transaction is assigned and recorded in the table.

– The log writer process (LGWR) writes redo log entries in the

SGA’s redo log buffers to the redo log file. It also writes the

transaction’s SCN to the redo log file. This atomic event

constitutes the commit of the transaction.

– Oracle releases locks held on rows and tables.

– Oracle marks the transaction complete.

Commit Transactions

Page 91: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Rolling back means undoing any changes to data that have been

performed by SQL statements within an uncommitted transaction.

Oracle uses undo tablespaces (or rollback segments) to store old


In rolling back an entire transaction, without referencing any

savepoints, the following occurs:

– Oracle undoes all changes made by all the SQL statements in

the transaction by using the corresponding undo tablespace.

– Oracle releases all the transaction’s locks of data.

– The transaction ends.

Rollback of Transactions

Page 92: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


You can declare intermediate markers called savepoints

within the context of a transaction.

Savepoints divide a long transaction into smaller parts.

Using savepoints, you can arbitrarily mark your work at

any point within a long transaction.

You then have the option later of rolling back work

performed before the current point in the transaction but

after a declared savepoint within the transaction.

Savepoints In Transactions

Page 93: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


When a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, the

following occurs:

– Oracle rolls back only the statements run after the


– Oracle preserves the specified savepoint, but all

savepoints that were established after the specified

one are lost.

– Oracle releases all table and row locks acquired

since that savepoint but retains all data locks

acquired previous to the savepoint.

Savepoints In Transactions

Page 94: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A distributed transaction is a transaction that includes one or more statements that update data on two or more distinct nodes of a distributed database.

A two-phase commit mechanism guarantees that all database servers participating in a distributed transaction either all commit or all undo the statements in the transaction.

The Oracle two-phase commit mechanism is completely transparent to users who issue distributed transactions.

A COMMIT statement denoting the end of a transaction automatically triggers the two-phase commit mechanism to commit the transaction.

The Two-Phase Commit Mechanism

Page 95: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

An autonomous transaction is an independent transaction that can be called

from another transaction, which is the main transaction. You can suspend

the calling transaction, perform SQL operations and commit or undo them in

the autonomous transaction, and then resum

Autonomous transactions have the following characteristics:

– The autonomous transaction does not see uncommitted changes

made by the main transaction and does not share locks or resources

with the main transaction.

– Changes in an autonomous transaction are visible to other

transactions upon commit of the autonomous transactions. Thus,

users can access the updated information without having to wait for

the main transaction to commit.

– Autonomous transactions can start other autonomous transactions.

There are no limits, other than resource limits, on how many levels of

autonomous transactions can be called.

Give an example of autonomous transaction.

Autonomous Transactions

Page 96: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Write a trigger that would perform, as an autonomous transaction,

the backup of overwritten values in case of an UPDATE.



Page 97: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 98: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A schema is a collection of logical structures of data, or

schema objects.

A schema is owned by a database user and has the

same name as that user. Each user owns a single


Schema objects are logical data storage structures.

Schema objects do not have a one-to-one

correspondence to physical files on disk that store their


Introduction to Schema Objects

Page 99: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Schema Objects, Tablespaces, and Datafiles

Page 100: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Tables are the basic unit of data storage in an Oracle database.

Data is stored in rows and columns.

Table data is not structured (heap).

Overview of Tables

Page 101: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

When you create a table, Oracle automatically allocates

a data segment in a tablespace to hold the table’s future


A table’s data segment (or cluster data segment, when

dealing with a clustered table) is created in either the

table owner’s default tablespace or in a tablespace

specifically named in the CREATE TABLE statement.

How Table Data Is Stored

Page 102: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle can create temporary tables to hold session-private data that exists only for the duration of a transaction or session.

For transaction-specific temporary tables, data exists for the duration of the transaction.

For session-specific temporary tables, data exists for the duration of the session.

Data in a temporary table is private to the session. Each session can only see and modify its own data.

Indexes created on temporary tables are also temporary, and the data in the index has the same session or transaction scope as the data in the temporary table.

Temporary Tables

Page 103: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

External tables access data in external sources as if it

were in a table in the database.

An external table does not describe any data that is

stored in the database, nor does it describe how data is

stored in the external source.

Instead, it describes how the external table layer needs

to present the data to the server. It is the responsibility of

the access driver and the external table layer to do the

necessary transformations required on the data in the

datafile so that it matches the external table definition.

External tables are read only; therefore, no DML

operations are possible, and no index can be created on


External Tables

Page 104: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The main use for external tables is to use them as a row

source for loading data into an actual table in the


After you create an external table, you can then use a


SELECT statement, using the external table as the

source of the SELECT clause.

When you access the external table through a SQL

statement, the fields of the external table can be used

just like any other field in a regular table.

Data Loading with External Tables

Page 105: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A view is a tailored presentation of the data contained in

one or more tables or other views.

A view takes the output of a query and treats it as a


Therefore, a view can be thought of as a stored query or

a virtual table.

You can use views in most places where a table can be


Overview of Views

Page 106: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

An Example of a View

Page 107: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Provide an additional level of table security by restricting access to a predetermined set of rows or columns of a table

Hide data complexity

Simplify statements for the user

Present the data in a different perspective from that of the base table

Isolate applications from changes in definitions of base tables

Express a query that cannot be expressed without using a view

Save complex queries

How Views are Used

Page 108: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Materialized views are schema objects that can be used

to summarize, compute, replicate, and distribute data.

They are suitable in various computing environments

such as data warehousing, decision support, and

distributed or mobile computing.

Overview of Materialized Views

Page 109: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Materialized views characteristics.

– They consume storage space.

– They must be refreshed when the data in their

master tables changes.

– They improve the performance of SQL execution

when they are used for query rewrites.

– Their existence is transparent to SQL applications

and users.

– Can be partitioned.

Overview of Materialized Views

Page 110: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The sequence generator provides a sequential series of numbers.

The sequence generator is especially useful in multi-user

environments for generating unique sequential numbers without the

overhead of disk I/O or transaction locking.

Sequence numbers are Oracle integers of up to 38 digits defined in

the database.

A sequence definition indicates general information, such as the


– The name of the sequence

– Whether the sequence ascends or descends

– The interval between numbers

– Whether Oracle should cache sets of generated sequence

numbers in memory

Overview of Sequence Generator

Page 111: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A synonym is an alias for any table, view, materialized view,

sequence, procedure, function, package, type, Java class schema

object, user-defined object type, or another synonym.

Because a synonym is simply an alias, it requires no storage other

than its definition in the data dictionary.

Synonyms are often used for security and convenience. For

example, they can do the following:

– Mask the name and owner of an object

– Provide location transparency for remote objects of a

distributed database

– Simplify SQL statements for database users

– Enable restricted access similar to specialized views when

exercising fine-grained access control

Overview of Synonyms

Page 112: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Indexes are optional structures associated with tables

and clusters.

You can create indexes on one or more columns of a

table to speed SQL statement execution on that table.

An index provides a faster access path to table data.

Indexes are the primary means of reducing disk I/O

when properly used.

Overview of Indexes

Page 113: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle provides several indexing schemes, which

provide complementary performance functionality:

– B-tree indexes

– B-tree cluster indexes

– Hash cluster indexes

– Reverse key indexes

– Bitmap indexes

– Bitmap join indexes

Overview of Indexes

Page 114: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Internal Structure of a B-tree Index

Page 115: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


An index-organized table has a storage organization that

is a variant of a primary B-tree.

Unlike an ordinary (heap-organized) table whose data is

stored as an unordered collection (heap), data for an

index-organized table is stored in a B-tree index

structure in a primary key sorted manner.

Overview of Index-Organized Tables

Page 116: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Structure of a Regular Table Compared with an Index-Organized Table

Page 117: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A database link is a connection between two physical

database servers that allows a client to access them as

one logical database.

A database link is a pointer that defines a one-way

communication path from an Oracle Database server to

another database server.

Database links are either private or public. If they are

private, then only the user who created the link has

access; if they are public, then all database users have


Overview of Database Links

Page 118: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Overview of Database Links

Type of Link Description

Connected user link

Users connect as themselves, which means that they must have an

account on the remote database with the same user name and password

as their account on the local database.

Fixed user link

Users connect using the user name and password referenced in the link.

For example, if Jane uses a fixed user link that connects to the hq

database with the user name and password scott/password, then she

connects as scott, Jane has all the privileges in hq granted to scott directly,

and all the default roles that scott has been granted in the hq database.

Current user link

A user connects as a global user. A local user can connect as a global user

in the context of a stored procedure, without storing the global user's

password in a link definition. For example, Jane can access a procedure

that Scott wrote, accessing Scott's account and Scott's schema on the hq


Page 119: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Clusters are an optional method of storing table data.

A cluster is a group of tables that share the same data

blocks because they share common columns and are

often used together.

Because clusters store related rows of different tables

together in the same data blocks, properly used clusters

offers these benefits:

– Disk I/O is reduced for joins of clustered tables.

– Access time improves for joins of clustered tables.

Overview of Clusters

Page 120: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Managing Tablespace Alerts

Managing Resumable Space Allocation

Reclaiming Unused Space

Understanding Space Usage of Data Types

Displaying Information About Space Usage for Schema


Capacity Planning for Database Objects

Managing Space for Schema Objects

Page 121: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Proactive help in managing disk space for tablespaces

by alerting you when available space is running low.

Two alert thresholds are defined by default: warning and


Can be defined for relative (%) or absolute(KB) values.

Implemented using GUI (OEM) or CLI


Managing Space for Schema Objects Managing Tablespace Alerts

Page 122: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Example: BEGIN



warning_operator => DBMS_SERVER_ALERT.OPERATOR_LE,

warning_value => '10240',

critical_operator => DBMS_SERVER_ALERT.OPERATOR_LE,

critical_value => '2048', o

bservation_period => 1,

consecutive_occurrences => 1,

instance_name => NULL,


object_name => 'USERS');


Managing Space for Schema Objects Managing Tablespace Alerts

Page 123: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A means for suspending, and later resuming, the execution of large

database operations in the event of space allocation failures.

Therefore, you can take corrective action instead of the Oracle

Database server returning an error to the user. After the error

condition is corrected, the suspended operation automatically


A resumable statement is suspended when one of the following

conditions occur :

– Out of space condition

– Maximum extents reached condition

– Space quota exceeded condition.

The error is reported in the alert log.

Resumable Space Allocation

Page 124: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A means for suspending, and later resuming, the execution of large

database operations in the event of space allocation failures.

Therefore, you can take corrective action instead of the Oracle

Database server returning an error to the user. After the error

condition is corrected, the suspended operation automatically


A resumable statement is suspended when one of the following

conditions occur :

– Out of space condition

– Maximum extents reached condition

– Space quota exceeded condition.

Resumable Space Allocation

Page 125: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Resumable operations:

– Queries: when running out of temporary space for sort/hash

join operations.


– Utilities: SQL*Loader, export/import, expdp/impdp

– DDL.

Resumable Space Allocation

Page 126: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Resumable space allocation is only possible when statements are

executed within a session that has resumable mode enabled.



executed in the session.

– RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT initialization parameter is set to a

non-zero value for the session.

RSA is disabled

– by default.

– if previously enabled and ALTER SESSION DISABLE

RESUMABLE is executed.

– When RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT is set to 0.

Enabling and Disabling Resumable Space Allocation.

Page 127: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts





– V$SESSION_WAIT, EVENT column displays: “statement

suspended, wait error to be cleared“

PLSQL Interface:

– DBMS_RESUMABLE, can be used to automatically manage

RSA situations.

Resumable Space Allocation

Page 128: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Segment Advisor identifies segments that have space available

for reclamation. It performs its analysis by examining usage and

growth statistics in the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), and

by sampling the data in the segment.

The Automatic Segment Advisor examines database statistics,

samples segment data, and then selects the following objects to


– Tablespaces that have exceeded a critical or warning space


– Segments that have the most activity

– Segments that have the highest growth rate

The Segment Advisor can be run from GUI (OEM) or CLI

It can be run manually or automatically.

Reclaiming Unused Space Segment Advisor

Page 129: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Used to reclaim fragmented free space below the high water mark.

Main benefits:

– Compaction of data leads to better cache utilization, which in turn leads to

better online transaction processing (OLTP) performance.

– The compacted data requires fewer blocks to be scanned in full table scans,

which in turns leads to better decision support system (DSS) performance.

– Examples/elaborate.

Available space in segment can be determined using Segment Advisor or


In shrink operations the database compacts the segment, adjusts the high water

mark, and releases the reclaimed space.



– can be performed only on segments in locally managed tablespaces with

automatic segment space management (ASSM).


Reclaiming Unused Space Shrinking Database Segments Online

Page 130: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The database frees the unused space at the unused (high water mark) end

of the database segment and makes the space available for other segments

in the tablespace.

Available space in segment can be determined using



Reclaiming Unused Space Deallocating Unused Space

Page 131: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Reclaiming Unused Space Displaying Information About Space Usage for

Schema Objects Package and Procedure/Function Description


Returns information about unused

space in an object (table, index, or



Returns information about free data

blocks in an object (table, index, or

cluster) whose segment free space is

managed by free lists (segment space

management is MANUAL).


Returns information about free data

blocks in an object (table, index, or

cluster) whose segment space

management is AUTO.

Page 132: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts




Reclaiming Unused Space Schema Objects Space Usage Data Dictionary


Page 133: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Use the DBMS_SPACE package:

– Estimate the space usage of a table:

CREATE_TABLE_COST procedure estimate the

space use cost of creating a table.

– Estimate the space usage of an index:

CREATE_INDEX_COST procedure estimate the

space use cost of creating an index on an existing


– Object Growth Trends:

OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND function produces a

table of one or more rows, where each row

describes the space use of the object at a specific


Capacity Planning for Database Objects

Page 134: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Set an alert to generate a warning when the USERS

tablespace has 25% of free space left and a critical alert when

has 10% of free space.

Create a scenario Resumable Space Allocation. Use quota on

a tablespace to restrict the space and generate table data to

fill in this quota. Analyze the situation and fix the issue.

Delete 1000 records in the largest table in the SH schema.

Estimate the available space below the HWM. Shrink the

segment to recover the available space.

Use DBMS_SPACE to estimate the size of a table of choice,

of an index on that table and determine the growth pattern.


Page 135: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 136: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

One of the most important parts of an Oracle database is its data dictionary, which is a read-only set of tables that provides information about the database.

A data dictionary contains:

– The definitions of all schema objects in the database (tables, views, indexes, clusters, synonyms, sequences, procedures, functions, packages, triggers, and so on)

– How much space has been allocated for, and is currently used by, the schema objects

– Default values for columns

– Integrity constraint information

– The names of Oracle users

– Privileges and roles each user has been granted

– Auditing information, such as who has accessed or updated various schema objects

– Other general database information

Introduction to the Data Dictionary

Page 137: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The data dictionary is structured in tables and views, just

like other database data.

All the data dictionary tables and views for a given

database are stored in that database’s SYSTEM


Introduction to the Data Dictionary

Page 138: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The data dictionary consists of the following:

– Base Tables

The underlying tables that store information

about the associated database.

Only Oracle should write to and read these


Users rarely access them directly because they

are normalized, and most of the data is stored in

a cryptic format.

Structure of the Data Dictionary

Page 139: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The data dictionary consists of the following:

– User-Accessible Views

The views that summarize and display the

information stored in the base tables of the data


These views decode the base table data into

useful information, such as user or table names,

using joins and WHERE clauses to simplify the


Most users are given access to the views rather

than the base tables.

Structure of the Data Dictionary

Page 140: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Oracle user SYS owns all base tables and user-

accessible views of the data dictionary.

No Oracle user should ever alter (UPDATE, DELETE, or

INSERT) any rows or schema objects contained in the

SYS schema, because such activity can compromise

data integrity.

The security administrator must keep strict control of this

central account.

SYS, Owner of the Data Dictionary

Page 141: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Dynamic performance tables are not true tables, and they should not be accessed by most users.

Database administrators can query and create views on the tables and grant access to those views to other users.

These views are sometimes called fixed views because they cannot be altered or removed by the database administrator.

SYS owns the dynamic performance tables; their names all begin with V_$.

Views are created on these tables, and then public synonyms are created for the views.

The synonym names begin with V$.

Dynamic Performance Tables

Page 142: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Dynamic Performance Tables

Prefix User Access Contents Notes

DBA_ Database

administrators All objects

Some DBA_ views have

additional columns containing

information useful to the


ALL_ All users

Objects to

which user

has privileges

Includes objects owned by user.

These views obey the current

set of enabled roles.

USER_ All users


owned by


Views with the prefix USER_

usually exclude the column

OWNER. This column is implied

in the USER_ views to be the

user issuing the query.

Page 143: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Use the DICTIONARY view to determine the dictionary views

related to database files.

Determine the number of dictionary views that exist for each

category (DBA, ALL, USER,V$,OTHERS).

Determine the SID and the process ID of the currently logged



Page 144: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 145: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Memory Structures

Page 146: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A system global area (SGA) is a group of shared

memory structures that contain data and control

information for one Oracle database instance.

An SGA and Oracle processes constitute an Oracle


Oracle automatically allocates memory for an SGA when

you start an instance, and the operating system reclaims

the memory when you shut down the instance.

Overview of the System Global Area

Page 147: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database manages memory based on the settings of memory-related

initialization parameters. The basic options for memory management are as


Automatic memory management (AMM): You specify the target size for the

database instance memory. The instance automatically tunes to the target

memory size, redistributing memory as needed between the SGA and the

instance PGA.

Automatic shared memory management(ASMM): This management mode

is partially automated. You set a target size for the SGA and then have the

option of setting an aggregate target size for the PGA or managing PGA

work areas individually.

Manual memory management: Instead of setting the total memory size, you

set many initialization parameters to manage components of the SGA and

instance PGA individually.

Oracle Database Memory Management

Page 148: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Test: Specify the

parameters to use for

each of the

configurations on the


Oracle Database Memory Management

Page 149: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Automatic Memory Management

Page 150: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The simplest way to manage instance memory is to allow the Oracle

Database instance to automatically manage and tune it for you. To

do so (on most platforms), you set only a target memory size

initialization parameter (MEMORY_TARGET) and optionally a

maximum memory size initialization parameter

(MEMORY_MAX_TARGET). The total memory that the instance

uses remains relatively constant, based on the value of

MEMORY_TARGET, and the instance automatically distributes

memory between the system global area (SGA) and the instance

program global area (instance PGA). As memory requirements

change, the instance dynamically redistributes memory between the

SGA and instance PGA.

When automatic memory management is not enabled, you must

size both the SGA and instance PGA manually.

Automatic Memory Management

Page 151: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Because the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter is dynamic,

you can change MEMORY_TARGET at any time without restarting the

database. MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, which is not dynamic, serves as

an upper limit so that you cannot accidentally set MEMORY_TARGET

too high, and so that enough memory is set aside for the database

instance in case you do want to increase total instance memory in the

future. Because certain SGA components either cannot easily shrink or

must remain at a minimum size, the instance also prevents you from

setting MEMORY_TARGET too low.

With MEMORY_TARGET set, the SGA_TARGET setting becomes the

minimum size of the SGA and the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET

setting becomes the minimum size of the instance PGA. By setting both

of these to zero as shown, there are no minimums, and the SGA and

instance PGA can grow as needed as long as their sum is less than or

equal to the MEMORY_TARGET setting. The sizing of SQL work areas

remains automatic.

Automatic Memory Management

Page 152: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Automatic Shared Memory Management simplifies SGA memory

management. You specify the total amount of SGA memory

available to an instance using the SGA_TARGET initialization

parameter and Oracle Database automatically distributes this

memory among the various SGA components to ensure the most

effective memory utilization.

When automatic shared memory management is enabled, the sizes

of the different SGA components are flexible and can adapt to the

needs of a workload without requiring any additional configuration.

The database automatically distributes the available memory among

the various components as required, allowing the system to

maximize the use of all available SGA memory.

Automatic Shared Memory Management

Page 153: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

If you are using a server parameter file (SPFILE), the database

remembers the sizes of the automatically tuned SGA components

across instance shutdowns. As a result, the database instance does

not need to learn the characteristics of the workload again each time

the instance is started. The instance can begin with information from

the previous instance and continue evaluating workload where it left

off at the last shutdown.

The current size of each component can be found using the


Automatic Shared Memory Management

Page 154: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The SGA comprises several memory components, which are pools

of memory used to satisfy a particular class of memory allocation

requests. Examples of memory components include the shared pool

(used to allocate memory for SQL and PL/SQL execution), the java

pool (used for java objects and other java execution memory), and

the buffer cache (used for caching disk blocks). All SGA

components allocate and deallocate space in units of granules.

Oracle Database tracks SGA memory use in internal numbers of

granules for each SGA component.

The memory for dynamic components in the SGA is allocated in the

unit of granules. The granule size is determined by the amount of

SGA memory requested when the instance starts. Specifically, the

granule size is based on the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE

initialization parameter.

Components and Granules in the SGA

Page 155: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Components and Granules in the SGA

SGA Memory Amount Granule Size

Less than or equal to 1 GB 4 MB

Greater than 1 GB and less than or equal to 8 GB 16 MB

Greater than 8 GB and less than or equal to 16 GB 32 MB

Greater than 16 GB and less than or equal to 32 GB 64 MB

Greater than 32 GB and less than or equal to 64 GB 128 MB

Greater than 64 GB and less than or equal to 128 GB 256 MB

Greater than 128 GB 512 MB

Query the V$SGAINFO view to see the granule size that is being used

by an instance.

If you specify a size for a component that is not a multiple of granule

size, Oracle Database rounds the specified size up to the nearest

multiple. For example, if the granule size is 4 MB and you specify

DB_CACHE_SIZE as 10 MB, the database actually allocates 12 MB.

Page 156: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

There is no initialization parameter that in itself enables

manual shared memory management. You effectively

enable manual shared memory management by

disabling both automatic memory management and

automatic shared memory management.

To enable manual shared memory management:

– Set the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter

to 0.

– Set the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 0.

– You must then set values for the various SGA


Manual Shared Memory Management

Page 157: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

There is no initialization parameter that in itself enables

manual shared memory management. You effectively

enable manual shared memory management by

disabling both automatic memory management and

automatic shared memory management.

To enable manual shared memory management:

– Set the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter

to 0.

– Set the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 0.

– You must then set values for the various SGA


Manual Shared Memory Management

Page 158: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The database buffer cache, also called the buffer cache, is the memory area that stores copies of data blocks read from data files. A buffer is a main memory address in which the buffer manager temporarily caches a currently or recently used data block. All users concurrently connected to a database instance share access to the buffer cache.

Oracle Database uses the buffer cache to achieve the following goals:

– Optimize physical I/O: The database updates data blocks in the cache and stores metadata about the changes in the redo log buffer. After a COMMIT, the database writes the redo buffers to the online redo log but does not immediately write data blocks to the data files. Instead, database writer (DBW) performs lazy writes in the background.

– Keep frequently accessed blocks in the buffer cache and write infrequently accessed blocks to disk

SGA Memory Structures Database Buffer Cache

Page 159: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The buffer cache initialization parameters determine the size of the buffer cache component of the SGA. You use them to specify the sizes of caches for the various block sizes used by the database. These initialization parameters are all dynamic.

Oracle Database supports multiple block sizes in a database. If you create tablespaces with non-standard block sizes, you must configure non-standard block size buffers to accommodate these tablespaces. The standard block size is used for the SYSTEM tablespace. You specify the standard block size by setting the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE. Legitimate values are from 2K to 32K.

The sizes and numbers of non-standard block size buffers are specified by

the following parameters:






Buffer Cache Initialization Parameters

Page 160: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Multiple Buffer Pools

You can configure the database buffer cache with separate buffer pools that

either keep data in the buffer cache or make the buffers available for new data

immediately after using the data blocks. Particular schema objects (tables,

clusters, indexes, and partitions) can then be assigned to the appropriate buffer

pool to control the way their data blocks age out of the cache.

– The KEEP buffer pool retains the schema object's data blocks in memory.

– The RECYCLE buffer pool eliminates data blocks from memory as soon

as they are no longer needed.

– The DEFAULT buffer pool contains data blocks from schema objects that

are not assigned to any buffer pool, as well as schema objects that are

explicitly assigned to the DEFAULT pool.

– The initialization parameters that configure the KEEP and RECYCLE

buffer pools are DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE and


Buffer Cache Initialization Parameters

Page 161: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SGA Memory Structures Shared Pool

Page 162: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The shared pool caches various types of program data. For example, the shared pool

stores parsed SQL, PL/SQL code, system parameters, and data dictionary


The shared pool is divided into several subcomponents:

– Library Cache: The library cache is a shared pool memory structure that

stores executable SQL and PL/SQL code. This cache contains the shared

SQL and PL/SQL areas and control structures such as locks and library cache


– Data Dictionary Cache: The data dictionary is a collection of database tables

and views containing reference information about the database, its structures,

and its users. Oracle Database accesses the data dictionary frequently during

SQL statement parsing.

– Server Result Cache: The server result cache is a memory pool within the

shared pool. Unlike the buffer pools, the server result cache holds result sets

and not data blocks. The server result cache contains the SQL query result

cache and PL/SQL function result cache, which share the same infrastructure.

– Reserved Pool: The reserved pool is a memory area in the shared pool that

Oracle Database can use to allocate large contiguous chunks of memory.

SGA Memory Structures Shared Pool

Page 163: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The large pool is an optional memory area intended for memory

allocations that are larger than is appropriate for the shared pool.

The large pool can provide large memory allocations for the


– UGA for the shared server and the Oracle XA interface (used

where transactions interact with multiple databases)

– Message buffers used in the parallel execution of statements

– Buffers for Recovery Manager (RMAN) I/O slaves

SGA Memory Structures Large Pool

Page 164: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is a

dynamic parameter that lets you specify or adjust the

size of the shared pool component of the SGA.

The LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is a

dynamic parameter that lets you specify or adjust the

size of the large pool component of the SGA.

The JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is a

dynamic parameter that lets you specify or adjust the

size of the java pool component of the SGA.

The STREAMS_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is a

dynamic parameter that lets you specify or adjust the

size of the Streams Pool component of the SGA.

SGA Memory Structures Sizing Parameters

Page 165: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE initialization

parameter is a dynamic parameter that enables you to

specify the maximum size of the result cache component

of the SGA.

The result cache takes its memory from the shared pool,

so if you increase the maximum result cache size,

consider also increasing the shared pool size.

SGA Memory Structures Sizing Parameters

Page 166: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SGA Memory Structures Redo Log Buffer

Page 167: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SGA Memory Structures Redo Log Buffer

The redo log buffer is a circular buffer in the SGA that stores redo entries

describing changes made to the database. A redo record is a data structure that

contains the information necessary to reconstruct, or redo, changes made to the

database by DML or DDL operations. Database recovery applies redo entries to

data files to reconstruct lost changes.

The database processes copy redo entries from the user memory space to the

redo log buffer in the SGA. The redo entries take up continuous, sequential

space in the buffer. The background process log writer process (LGWR) writes

the redo log buffer to the active online redo log group on disk.

LGWR writes redo sequentially to disk while DBW performs scattered writes of

data blocks to disk. Scattered writes tend to be much slower than sequential

writes. Because LGWR enable users to avoid waiting for DBW to complete its

slow writes, the database delivers better performance.

The LOG_BUFFER initialization parameter specifies the amount of memory that

Oracle Database uses when buffering redo entries. Unlike other SGA

components, the redo log buffer and fixed SGA buffer do not divide memory into


Page 168: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A program global area (PGA) is a memory region that

contains data and control information for a server


It is a non-shared memory created by Oracle when a

server process is started.

Access to it is exclusive to that server process and is

read and written only by Oracle code acting on behalf of


The total PGA memory allocated by each server process

attached to an Oracle instance is also referred to as the

aggregated PGA memory allocated by the instance.

Overview of the Program Global Areas

Page 169: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A private SQL area holds information about a parsed SQL statement and other session-

specific information for processing. When a server process executes SQL or PL/SQL

code, the process uses the private SQL area to store bind variable values, query

execution state information, and query execution work areas.

A private SQL area is divided into the following areas:

– The run-time area: This area contains query execution state information. For

example, the run-time area tracks the number of rows retrieved so far in a full

table scan.

– The persistent area: This area contains bind variable values. A bind variable

value is supplied to a SQL statement at run time when the statement is


Content of the PGA

Page 170: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SQL Work Areas: A work area is a private allocation of PGA memory used for

memory-intensive operations. For example, a sort operator uses the sort area

to sort a set of rows. Similarly, a hash join operator uses a hash area to build

a hash table from its left input, whereas a bitmap merge uses the bitmap

merge area to merge data retrieved from scans of multiple bitmap indexes.

Content of the PGA

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Oracle Database Concepts















Memory Management Dictionary Views

Page 172: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Check the granule size of your database.

Verify if the current size of the memory components are

multiples of the granule size.

Verify the sizes of the dynamically sized components.

Switch the AMM into ASMM and into MSMM.

Verify the sizes of the dynamically sized components.

Switch back.


Page 173: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 174: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A process is a mechanism in an operating system that can run a

series of steps. The process execution architecture depends on the

operating system. For example, on Windows an Oracle background

process is a thread of execution within a process. On Linux and

UNIX, an Oracle process is either an operating system process or a

thread within an operating system process.

Processes run code modules. All connected Oracle Database users

must run the following modules to access a database instance:

– Application or Oracle Database utility: A database user runs a

database application, such as a precompiler program or a

database tool such as SQL*Plus, that issues SQL statements

to a database.

– Oracle database code: Each user has Oracle database code

executing on his or her behalf that interprets and processes

the application's SQL statements.

What is a Process?

Page 175: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A database instance contains or interacts with the following types of processes:

A client process runs the application or Oracle tool code.

An Oracle process is a unit of execution that runs the Oracle database

code. In the multithreaded architecture, an Oracle process can be an

operating system process or a thread within an operating system process.

Oracle processes include the following subtypes:

– A background process starts with the database instance and perform

maintenance tasks such as performing instance recovery, cleaning up

processes, writing redo buffers to disk, and so on.

– A server process performs work based on a client request: these

processes parse SQL queries, place them in the shared pool, create

and execute a query plan for each query, and read buffers from the

database buffer cache or from disk.

– A slave process performs additional tasks for a background or server


Types of processes

Page 176: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

An Oracle Instance

Page 177: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

When a user runs an application program (such as a Pro*C

program) or an Oracle tool (such as Enterprise Manager or

SQL*Plus), Oracle creates a user process to run the user’s


Connection and session are closely related to user process but are

very different in meaning.

– A connection is a communication pathway between a user

process and an Oracle instance. A communication pathway is

established using available inter-process communication

mechanisms (on a computer that runs both the user process

and Oracle) or network software (when different computers run

the database application and Oracle, and communicate

through a network)

– A session is a specific connection of a user to an Oracle

instance through a user process.

Overview of ClientProcesses

Page 178: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle creates server processes to handle the requests of

user processes connected to the instance.

Server processes created on behalf of each user’s application

can perform one or more of the following:

– Parse and run SQL statements issued through the

application, including creating and executing the query

plan (see "Stages of SQL Processing")

– Execute PL/SQL code

– Read data blocks from data files into the database buffer

cache (the DBW background process has the task of

writing modified blocks back to disk)

– Return results in such a way that the application can

process the information

Overview of Oracle Processes

Page 179: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Background processes are additional processes used by a

multiprocess Oracle database. The background processes perform

maintenance tasks required to operate the database and to

maximize performance for multiple users.

Each background process has a separate task, but works with the

other processes. For example, the LGWR process writes data from

the redo log buffer to the online redo log. When a filled redo log file

is ready to be archived, LGWR signals another process to archive

the redo log file.

Oracle Database creates background processes automatically when

a database instance starts. An instance can have many background

processes, not all of which always exist in every database


Name several background processes.

Background Processes

Page 180: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Background Processes

Page 181: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Shared server architecture eliminates the need for a dedicated

server process for each connection.

A dispatcher directs multiple incoming network session requests to a

pool of shared server processes.

An idle shared server process from a shared pool of server

processes picks up a request from a common queue, which means

a small number of shared servers can perform the same amount of

processing as many dedicated servers.

A number of different processes are needed in a shared server


– A network listener process that connects the user processes to

dispatchers or dedicated servers

– One or more dispatcher processes

– One or more shared server processes

Shared Server Architecture

Page 182: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Shared Server Configuration and Processes

Page 183: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

In this configuration, a user process runs the database application on one computer, and a server process runs the associated Oracle database server on another computer.

Dedicated Server Configuration

Page 184: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Slave processes are background processes that perform work on

behalf of other processes.

– I/O Slave Processes: I/O slave processes (Innn) simulate

asynchronous I/O for systems and devices that do not support


– Parallel Execution (PX) Server Processes: In parallel

execution or parallel processing, multiple processes work

together simultaneously to run a single SQL statement. By

dividing the work among multiple processes, Oracle Database

can run the statement more quickly. For example, four

processes handle four different quarters in a year instead of

one process handling all four quarters by itself.

Slave Processes

Page 185: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Sometimes it is necessary to terminate current user sessions. For

example, an outstanding blocker holding everyone in hang.

You terminate a current session using the SQL statement ALTER


A session marked to be terminated is indicated in V$SESSION with

a status of KILLED and a server that is something other than


An active session , when terminated, receives the ORA-00028: your

session has been killed

For an inactive session , ORA-00028 message is not returned

immediately. The message is not returned until the user

subsequently attempts to use the terminated session.

Terminating a Session

Page 186: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts




Data Dictionary Views related to Processes

Page 187: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

List all the background processes.

Create a sqlplus session and get its session SID and

SERIAL#, as well as the OS process PID.

Terminate the sqlplus session using the ALTER SYSTEM


Check the session/proces status in the V$ views as well as in

the SGA. Elaborate/Questions.

Completely clean up the remains of the session.


Page 188: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 189: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Client/Server Architecture

Page 190: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Multi-tier Architecture Environment

Page 191: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Multi-tier Architecture Environment

Clients: A client initiates a request for an operation to be

performed on the database server. The client can be a

Web browser or other end-user program. In a multitier

architecture, the client connects to the database server

through one or more application servers.

Application Servers: An application server provides

access to the data for the client. It serves as an interface

between the client and one or more database servers,

and hosts the applications.

Database Servers: A database server provides the data

requested by an application server on behalf of a client.

The database performs the query processing.

Page 192: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Net Services enables a network session from an application

to a database instance and a database instance to another

database instance.

Oracle Net Services uses the communication protocols or

application programmatic interfaces (APIs) supported by a wide

range of networks to provide a distributed database and distributed

processing for Oracle.

– A communication protocol is a set of rules that determine how

applications access the network and how data is subdivided

into packets for transmission across the network.

– An API is a set of subroutines that provide, in the case of

networks, a means to establish remote process-to-process

communication through a communication protocol.

Overview of Oracle Net Services

Page 193: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

After a network session is established, Oracle Net Services acts as a data courier for the client application and the database server.

It is responsible for establishing and maintaining the connection between the client application and database server, as well as exchanging messages between them.

Oracle Net Services is able to perform these jobs because it is located on each computer in the network.

Oracle Net Services provides location transparency, centralized configuration and management, and quick out-of-the-box installation and configuration.

Overview of Oracle Net Services

Page 194: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Oracle Net Listener (the listener) is a server-side process that listens for incoming client connection requests and manages traffic to the database. When a database instance starts, and at various times during its life, the instance contacts a listener and establishes a communication pathway to this instance.

Service registration enables the listener to determine whether a database service and its service handlers are available. A service handler is a dedicated server process or dispatcher that acts as a connection point to a database. During registration, the LREG(12c)/PMON (previous to 12c) process provides the listener with the instance name, database service names, and the type and addresses of service handlers. This information enables the listener to start a service handler when a client request arrives.

The Oracle Net Listener

Page 195: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Oracle Net Listener

Page 196: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Oracle Net Listener

The basic steps by which a client

establishes a connection through a

listener are:

1. A client process or another

database requests a connection.

2. The listener selects an appropriate

service handler to service the

client request and forwards the

request to the handler.

3. The client process connects

directly to the service handler. The

listener is no longer involved in

the communication.

Page 197: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Service Names • A service name is a logical representation of a

service used for client connections. When a client

connects to a listener, it requests a connection to

a service. When a database instance starts, it

registers itself with a listener as providing one or

more services by name. Thus, the listener acts as

a mediator between the client and instances and

routes the connection request to the right place.

• A single service, as known by a listener, can

identify one or more database instances. Also, a

single database instance can register one or

more services with a listener. Clients connecting

to a service need not specify which instance they


• The services enable the same database to be

identified differently by different clients. A

database administrator can limit or reserve

system resources, permitting better resource

allocation to clients requesting one of these


Page 198: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Service Registration

• In Oracle Net, service registration is a feature by which the LREG process dynamically

registers instance information with a listener. This information enables the listener to

forward client connection requests to the appropriate service handler. LREG provides

the listener with information about the following:

• Names of the database services provided by the database

• Name of the database instance associated with the services and its current and

maximum load

• Service handlers (dispatchers and dedicated servers) available for the instance,

including their type, protocol addresses, and current and maximum load

• Service registration is dynamic and does not require configuration in the listener.ora

file. Dynamic registration reduces administrative overhead for multiple databases or


• The initialization parameter SERVICE_NAMES lists the services an instance belongs

to. On startup, each instance registers with the listeners of other instances belonging to

the same services. During database operations, the instances of each service pass

information about CPU use and current connection counts to all listeners in the same

services. This communication enables dynamic load balancing and connection failover.

Page 199: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Manual Service Registration

• To manually register a database with a listener:



• Run:


• If not specified as a connect descriptor, the LOCAL_LISTENER

and REMOTE_LISTENER must point to valid entries in the

tnsnames.ora file of the database.

Page 200: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Network Configuration Files

File Usage

tnsnames.ora Client file, this file contains network service names mapped to connect


sqlnet.ora Used in both database and client configuration, may include:

• Client domain to append to unqualified service names or network

service names

• Order of naming methods the client should use when resolving a name

• Logging and tracing features to use

• Route of connections

• External naming parameters

• Oracle security parameters

• Database access control parameters

listener.ora Database server file, this is the configuration file for the listener and may

include the following:

• Protocol addresses it is accepting connection requests on

• Database and nondatabase services it is listening for

• Control parameters used by the listener

Page 201: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Configure the Local Naming Method

• The tnsnames.ora file is a configuration file that contains network

service names mapped to connect descriptors for the local naming

method, or net service names mapped to listener protocol addresses.

• A net service name is an alias mapped to a database network

address contained in a connect descriptor. A connect descriptor

contains the location of the listener through a protocol address and the

service name of the database to which to connect. Clients and

database servers (that are clients of other database servers) use the

net service name when making a connection with an application.

• By default, the tnsnames.ora file is located in the

ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

Page 202: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Configure the Local Naming Method

• Example of tnsnames.ora file entry:

test1 =









Explain this connect descriptor.

Page 203: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Configure the Listener

Oracle Net Listener is a separate process that runs on the database

server. It receives incoming client connection requests and manages

the traffic of these requests to the database server.






Explain the listener configuration.

Page 204: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Configure the Listener

Static listener registration:
















Page 205: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Network troubleshooting

Potential tests

Client Side:

• Check the location of the tnsnames.ora file. Verify the value of

TNS_ADMIN environment variable.

• Verify the tnsnames.ora file content.

• Check the listener availability using the tnsping utility.

• Check if the listener host is responding to ping.

• Generate Oracle Network Trace files.

• Generate OS Network Trace files (Wireshark).

Page 206: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Network troubleshooting

Potential tests

Server Side:

• Check if the listener is up and running using either srvctl or lsnrctl

• srvctl status listener –l listener_name

• lsnrctl status

• Check the services registered with the listener using the lsnrctl


• lsnrctl status

• lsnrctl services

• Check the configuration files:

• listener.ora and sqlnet.ora for the listener

• sqlnet.ora for the database

Page 207: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Network troubleshooting

Potential tests

Server Side:

• Check the environment variables that are set in the OS user profile

that starts the listener/database or in the Oracle Cluster Registry, if


• Enable Database tracing (sqlnet.ora of the database).

• Enable Listener tracing (sqlnet.ora of the listener).

• Enable OS Tracing (Wireshark)

Page 208: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Tracing Parameters:


trace_level_client = 16

trace_file_client = cli

trace_directory_client = <some directory available to the oracle user>



trace_level_server = 16

trace_file_server = svr

trace_directory_server = <some directory available to the oracle user>


Page 209: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Where is the location of the client sqlnet files? Explain.

Create a new listener using static configuration and use it to

stop and start the database

Enable client/server tracing. Create a new database session

and analyze the trace files.

Try to connect using

sqlplus sys/test@invalid_entry

Fix the situation so that this connection eventually succeeds.


Page 210: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 211: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Data Pump technology enables very high-speed

movement of data and metadata from one database to


This technology is the basis for Oracle's data movement

utilities, Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import.

Data Pump enables you to specify whether a job should

move a subset of the data and metadata.

This is done using data filters and metadata filters, which

are implemented through Export and Import parameters.

Overview of Data Pump Export and Import

Page 212: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SQL*Loader loads data from external files into tables of

an Oracle database.

It has a powerful data parsing engine that puts little

limitation on the format of the data in the datafile.

A typical SQL*Loader session takes as input a control

file, which controls the behavior of SQL*Loader, and one

or more datafiles.

The output of SQL*Loader is an Oracle database (where

the data is loaded), a log file, a bad file, and potentially, a

discard file.

Overview of SQL*Loader

Page 213: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The external tables feature is a complement to existing

SQL*Loader functionality.

It lets you access data in external sources as if it were in

a table in the database.

Neither data manipulation language (DML) operations

nor index creation are allowed on an external table.

To use the external tables feature, you must have some

knowledge of the file format and record format of the

datafiles on your platform.

Overview of External Tables

Page 214: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle LogMiner enables you to query redo log files

through a SQL interface.

All changes made to user data or to the database

dictionary are recorded in the Oracle redo log files.

Therefore, redo log files contain all the necessary

information to perform recovery operations.

LogMiner functionality is available through a command-

line interface or through the Oracle LogMiner Viewer

graphical user interface (GUI).

The LogMiner Viewer is a part of Oracle Enterprise


Overview of LogMiner

Page 215: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

DBVERIFY is an external command-line utility that

performs a physical data structure integrity check.

It can be used on offline or online databases, as well on

backup files.

You use DBVERIFY primarily when you need to ensure

that a backup database (or datafile) is valid before it is

restored or as a diagnostic aid when you have

encountered data corruption problems.

Because DBVERIFY can be run against an offline

database, integrity checks are significantly faster.

Overview of DBVERIFY

Page 216: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

DBNEWID is a database utility that can change the internal, unique database identifier (DBID) and the database name (DBNAME) for an operational database.

Therefore, you can manually create a copy of a database and give it a new DBNAME and DBID by re-creating the control file, and you can register a seed database and a manually copied database together in the same RMAN repository.

The DBNEWID utility lets you change any of the following:

– Only the DBID of a database

– Only the DBNAME of a database

– Both the DBNAME and DBID of a database

Overview of DBNEWID

Page 217: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Create an external table using the oracle datapump driver.

Run dbverify to check the consistency of a datafile.

Create an export of the SH schema.


Page 218: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Architecture

– Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments

– Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files

– Transaction Management

– Schema Objects

– The Data Dictionary

– Memory Architecture

– Process Architecture

– Application and Networking Architecture

– Oracle Utilities

– Oracle Database Instance

Page 219: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A database instance is a set of memory structures that

manage database files.

The instance manages its associated data and serves the

users of the database.

When an instance is started, Oracle Database allocates a

memory area called the system global area (SGA) and starts

the background processes.

Oracle System Identifier (SID) is a unique name for an Oracle

database instance on a specific host. On UNIX and Linux,

Oracle Database uses the SID and Oracle home values to

create a key to shared memory. Also, Oracle Database uses

the SID by default to locate the initialization parameter file,

which locates relevant files such as the database control files.

Oracle Database Instance

Page 220: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The three steps to starting an Oracle database and

making it available for system wide use are:

– Start an instance.

– Mount the database.

– Open the database.

A database administrator can perform these steps using

the SQL*Plus STARTUP statement, Enterprise Manager

or the srvctl utility.

Overview of Instance and Database Startup

Page 221: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Overview of Instance and Database Startup

Page 222: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

When Oracle starts an instance, it reads the server

parameter file (SPFILE) or initialization parameter file to

determine the values of initialization parameters.

Then, it allocates an SGA, which is a shared area of

memory used for database information, and creates

background processes.

At this point, no database is associated with these

memory structures and processes.

How an Instance is Started

Page 223: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The instance mounts a database to associate the

database with that instance.

To mount the database, the instance finds the database

control files and opens them.

Oracle then reads the control files to get the names of

the database’s datafiles and redo log files.

At this point, the database is still closed and is

accessible only to the database administrator.

The database administrator can keep the database

closed while completing specific maintenance

operations. However, the database is not yet available

for normal operations.

How a Database is Mounted

Page 224: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Opening a mounted database makes it available for

normal database operations.

Any valid user can connect to an open database and

access its information.

When you open the database, Oracle opens the online

datafiles and redo log files.

What Happens When You Open a Database

Page 225: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The three steps to shutting down a database and its

associated instance are:

– Close the database.

– Unmount the database.

– Shut down the instance.

A database administrator can perform these steps using

SQL*Plus, Enterprise Manager or srvctl utility.

Oracle automatically performs all three steps whenever

an instance is shut down.

Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown

Page 226: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown

Page 227: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown Shutdown Modes


Permits new user

connections No No No No

Waits until current

sessions end No No No Yes

Waits until current

transactions end No No Yes Yes

Performs a

checkpoint and

closes open files

No Yes Yes Yes

Page 228: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

When you close a database, Oracle writes all database data and recovery data in the SGA to the datafiles and redo log files, respectively. Next, Oracle closes all online datafiles and redo log files. At this point, the database is closed and inaccessible for normal operations. The control files remain open after a database is closed but still mounted.

After the database is closed, Oracle unmounts the database to disassociate it from the instance. At this point, the instance remains in the memory of your computer. After a database is unmounted, Oracle closes the control files of the database.

When you shut down an instance, the SGA is removed from memory and the background processes are terminated.

Overview of Database and Instance Shutdown

Page 229: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A checkpoint is a crucial mechanism in consistent database shutdowns, instance recovery, and Oracle Database operation generally. The term checkpoint has the following related meanings:

– A data structure that indicates the checkpoint position, which is the SCN in the redo stream where instance recovery must begin

– The checkpoint position is determined by the oldest dirty buffer in the database buffer cache. The checkpoint position acts as a pointer to the redo stream and is stored in the control file and in each data file header.

– The writing of modified database buffers in the database buffer cache to disk

Overview of Checkpoints

Page 230: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database uses checkpoints to achieve the following goals:

– Reduce the time required for recovery in case of an instance or media failure

– Ensure that the database regularly writes dirty buffers in the buffer cache to disk

– Ensure that the database writes all committed data to disk during a consistent shutdown

Overview of Checkpoints

Page 231: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The checkpoint process (CKPT) is responsible for writing checkpoints to the data file headers and control file.

Thread checkpoints: The database writes to disk all buffers modified by redo in a specific thread before a certain target. The set of thread checkpoints on all instances in a database is a database checkpoint. Thread checkpoints occur in the following situations:

– Consistent database shutdown


– Online redo log switch


When Oracle Database Initiates Checkpoints

Page 232: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Tablespace and data file checkpoints: The database writes to disk all buffers modified by redo before a specific target. A tablespace checkpoint is a set of data file checkpoints, one for each data file in the tablespace. These checkpoints occur, among others, when making a tablespace read-only or taking it offline normal, shrinking a data file, or executing ALTER TABLESPACE BEGIN BACKUP.

Incremental checkpoints: An incremental checkpoint is a type of thread checkpoint partly intended to avoid writing large numbers of blocks at online redo log switches. DBW checks at least every three seconds to determine whether it has work to do. When DBW writes dirty buffers, it advances the checkpoint position, causing CKPT to write the checkpoint position to the control file, but not to the data file headers.

When Oracle Database Initiates Checkpoints

Page 233: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Instance recovery is the process of applying records in the online redo log to data files to reconstruct changes made after the most recent checkpoint. Instance recovery occurs automatically when an administrator attempts to open a database that was previously shut down inconsistently.

Instance recovery ensures that the database is in a consistent state after an instance failure. The files of a database can be left in an inconsistent state because of how Oracle Database manages database changes.

When a transaction is committed, log writer process (LGWR) writes both the remaining redo entries in memory and the transaction SCN to the online redo log. However, the database writer (DBW) process writes modified data blocks to the data files whenever it is most efficient. For this reason, uncommitted changes may temporarily exist in the data files while committed changes do not yet exist in the data files.

Overview of Instance Recovery

Page 234: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

If an instance of an open database fails, either because of a SHUTDOWN ABORT statement or abnormal termination, then the following situations can result:

– Data blocks committed by a transaction are not written to the data files and appear only in the online redo log. These changes must be reapplied to the data files.

– The data files contains changes that had not been committed when the instance failed. These changes must be rolled back to ensure transactional consistency.

The SMON background process performs instance recovery, applying online redo automatically. No user intervention is required.

Overview of Instance Recovery

Page 235: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts




Useful Views

Page 236: Oracle Database Concepts

Use the dictionary views to determine the state of the database.

Run: alter system set


scope=spfile; Make sure to replace the $ORACLE_SID with your

actual instance name.


Restart. Explain.

Make a large update on the SH.SALES table. Check the status of

the transaction in v$transaction. Identify the SQL in V$SQL.

Shutdown abort the database.

Startup and verify the recovery in the alert log and in the

v$fast_start* views.


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 237: Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 238: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 239: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Undo When a

transaction is

executing, it

generates undo.

Each transaction

is allocated to an

undo where the


required to revert

to the previous

image is written.

Page 240: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Undo The mechanism used by Oracle to rollback is as below:

Each block header that is modified by a transaction holds the

information regarding the transaction and the undo segment that has

been employed by the transaction, for example:

Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc

0x01 0x0009.019.0000392b 0x00800c73.014d.2b --U- 10 fsc


The XID is uniquely identifying a transaction and is made of 3 fields:

1. undo segment number (0009)

2. transaction table slot number (019)

3. sequence number specific to transaction table slot (0000392b)

Page 241: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Undo Each undo segment holds a "transaction table", in which the metadata

of the transaction is written, which is the place in the undo where the

actual transaction change is to be found, together with the SCN (and

the corresponding timestamp) and the transaction status (committed

or active). The transaction table is part of the undo segment header

and, as such, has a relatively small size. Each time a new transaction

is getting a record in this table, the sequence that is specific to this

particular record/slot is increased by 1. This means that each XID of a

transaction is unique for the lifetime of a database.

Donc, le Uba (undo block address) permet de trouver le undo

segment et le XID de trouver le record (slot) de la transaction table ou

réside l'adresse ou on trouve les informations undo de la transaction.

Page 242: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Undo

Consequently, the

UBA Uba (undo

block address)

allows the


mechanims to find

the undo segment

and the XID to find

the record (slot) of

the transaction table

where is the

address (pointer) to

the undo segment

where the

transaction actual

undo data is found.

Page 243: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Undo

As such, this triple redirection: data block -> undo header -> undo

transaction table -> undo data, allows Oracle to find the information

required for the process named read consistency, which means rebuilding

a previous block v

As indicated, number of slots of the transaction table are limited. Under the

pressure of new transactions, the data regarding older transactions would

be overwritten. In order to retain this information for the duration specified

by undo_retention, Oracle writes the older images of the transaction table in

the same undo segment. There is no metadata regarding the undo

transaction table. Equally, this information is not indexed. As such, to

recreate the older images of the transaction tables, Oracle must recreate

the previous versions of the undo header simply by retreiving all the

previous images of the transaction tables until it finds the transaction it is

looking for. If this information is buried under a large number of

transactions, this can mean a long time and significant resources.

Page 244: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Delayed Commit Cleanout Oracle makes lazy cleanouts, which means that a transaction T1 can change a block

data, but it doesn’t necessarily return to do what we call a “cleanout” – it does not

revisit all the blocks to mark the transaction as committed. The following session

reading the block would perform this job instead. A second transaction that would run

a DML on the same records as T1 would check the transaction table of the undo and,

if it finds it overwritten, it would not go further to check the undo data – it needs just to

overwrite this data and has no interest in building previous images of the block.

A transaction T2 that runs a SELECT, might require additional data, because if its

starting SCN S2 is inferior to the SCN of T1 (S1), it has recreate the image of the

block that existed at the time of S2. If it does not, then it would still have to mark

transaction T1 as committed in the data block, so that the forthcoming transaction

would not have to go through the same process.

Not all transactions leave behind this kind of non committed data. They appear when

the number of blocks touched by a transaction is very large, when the blocks are

already flushed on disk and are no longer present in the buffer cache or if the block is

already cleaned out by another transaction.

Page 245: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The ANSI/ISO SQL standard (SQL92) defines four levels of transaction isolation with differing degrees of impact on transaction processing throughput.

These isolation levels are defined in terms of three phenomena that must be prevented between concurrently executing transactions.

The three preventable phenomena are:

– Dirty reads: A transaction reads data that has been written by another transaction that has not been committed yet.

– Nonrepeatable (fuzzy) reads: A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data.

– Phantom reads (or phantoms): A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.

Preventable Phenomena and Transaction Isolation Levels

Page 246: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

SQL92 defines four levels of isolation in terms of the phenomena a transaction running at a particular isolation level is permitted to experience.

Oracle offers the read committed and serializable isolation levels, as well as a read-only mode that is not part of SQL92. Read committed is the default.

Preventable Phenomena and Transaction Isolation Levels

Page 247: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle automatically provides read consistency to a

query so that all the data that the query sees comes from

a single point in time (statement-level read consistency).

Oracle can also provide read consistency to all of the

queries in a transaction (transaction-level read


Oracle uses the information maintained in its rollback

segments to provide these consistent views.

The rollback segments contain the old values of data

that have been changed by uncommitted or recently

committed transactions.

Multiversion Concurrency Control

Page 248: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Transactions and Read Consistency

Page 249: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Isolation Levels

Page 250: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle gives the application developer a choice of two transaction isolation levels with different characteristics.

Both the read committed and serializable isolation levels provide a high degree of consistency and concurrency.

Comparison of Read Committed and Serializable Isolation

Page 251: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle provides data concurrency and integrity between

transactions using its locking mechanisms.

Because the locking mechanisms of Oracle are tied closely to

transaction control, application designers need only define

transactions properly, and Oracle automatically manages locking.

Oracle locking is fully automatic and requires no user action.

Implicit locking occurs for all SQL statements so that database users

never need to lock any resource explicitly.

Oracle’s default locking mechanisms lock data at the lowest level of

restrictiveness to guarantee data integrity while allowing the highest

degree of data concurrency.

Transactions and Data Concurrency

Page 252: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle uses two modes of locking in a multi-user database:

– Exclusive lock mode prevents the associates resource from being shared. This lock mode is obtained to modify data. The first transaction to lock a resource exclusively is the only transaction that can alter the resource until the exclusive lock is released.

– Share lock mode allows the associated resource to be shared, depending on the operations involved. Multiple users reading data can share the data, holding share locks to prevent concurrent access by a writer (who needs an exclusive lock). Several transactions can acquire share locks on the same resource.

Modes of Locking

Page 253: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle automatically uses different types of locks to control concurrent access to data and to prevent destructive interaction between users.

Oracle automatically locks a resource on behalf of a transaction to prevent other transactions from doing something also requiring exclusive access to the same resource.

The lock is released automatically when some event occurs so that the transaction no longer requires the resource.

Throughout its operation, Oracle automatically acquires different types of locks at different levels of restrictiveness depending on the resource being locked and the operation being performed.

Types of Locks

Page 254: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle locks fall into one of three general categories.

Types of Locks

Page 255: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle always performs locking automatically to ensure data concurrency, data integrity, and statement-level read consistency.

However, you can override the Oracle default locking mechanisms. Overriding the default locking is useful in situations such as these:

– Applications require transaction-level read consistency or repeatable reads.

– Applications require that a transaction have exclusive access to a resource so that the transaction does not have to wait for other transactions to complete.

Explicit (Manual) Data Locking

Page 256: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A deadlock is a situation in which two or more users are waiting for data locked by each other. Deadlocks prevent some transactions from continuing to work.

Oracle Database automatically detects deadlocks and resolves them by rolling back one statement involved in the deadlock, releasing one set of the conflicting row locks. The database returns a corresponding message to the transaction that undergoes statement-level rollback. The statement rolled back belongs to the transaction that detects the deadlock. Usually, the signalled transaction should be rolled back explicitly, but it can retry the rolled-back statement after waiting.


Page 257: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Flashback Query lets you view and repair

historical data.

You can perform queries on the database as of a certain

wall clock time or user-specified system change number


Flashback Query uses Oracle's multi-version read-

consistency capabilities to restore data by applying undo

as needed.

Using Flashback Query, you can query the database as

it existed in the past, as long as it remains in the undo


Overview of Oracle Flashback Query

Page 258: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts





Views related to locking mechanisms

Page 259: Oracle Database Concepts

Generate a deadlock on a table of choice. Note the error being

issued. Look into the alert log for the generated trace file and

analyze it.

In 2 different sessions, update the same records of a table. Use the

V$ views to analyze the situation.

Manually terminate the locking session.


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 260: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 261: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is a GUI tool for installing Oracle software.

It automates all installation tasks, performs comprehensive prerequisite checks (such as operating system version, software patches, and capacity), installs selected software components, and performs all post-install configuration.

The Enterprise Manager Database Management Console is automatically configured to let you to get started with database administrative tasks without any manual configuration.

The Enterprise Manager Database Console provides all essential functionality for managing a single database, including alert notification, job scheduling, and software management.

Installing Oracle and Getting Started

Page 262: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The Database Creation Assistant (DBCA) is a GUI tool

for database creation.

It lets you create all possible configurations of the

database, be it a standalone database, a Real

Application Cluster database, or a standby database.

During the database creation process, the DBCA guides

you in setting up an automated disk-based backup and

registering the database with a LDAP server, if available.

A database created using the DBCA is fully setup and

ready to use in all respects.

Simplified Database Creation

Page 263: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

With the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA), you can upgrade any database configuration, including RAC and standby, just by answering a few simple questions.

It automatically checks that adequate resources are available, ensures adherence to the best practices – such as backing up the database before beginning the upgrade process, replacing the obsolete and deprecate initialization parameters, and so on – and, verifies the successful completion of the operation.

The upgrade process is restartable, allowing it to automatically resume from the point of interruption.

You can also get a time estimation of how long the upgrade process is likely to take.


Page 264: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database has a sophisticated self-management

infrastructure that allows the database to learn about

itself and use this information to adapt to workload

variations or to automatically remedy any potential


The self-management infrastructure includes the


– Automatic Workload Repository

– Automatic Maintenance Tasks

– Server-Generated Alerts

– Advisor Framework

Intelligent Infrastructure

Page 265: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) is a built-in repository in every Oracle Database.

At regular intervals, the Oracle Database makes a snapshot of all its vital statistics and workload information and stores them in AWR.

By default, the snapshots are made every 60 minutes, but you can change this frequency.

The snapshots are stored in the AWR for a certain period of time (seven days by default) after which they are automatically purged.

The captured data allows both system level and user level analysis to be performed, again reducing the requirement to repeat the workload in order to diagnose problems.

Automatic Workload Repository

Page 266: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

By analyzing the information stored in AWR, the

database can identify the need to perform routine

maintenance tasks, such as optimizer statistics refresh.

The automated maintenance tasks infrastructure enables

the Oracle Database to automatically perform such


It uses the Scheduler to run such tasks in a pre-defined

"maintenance window".

Automatic Maintenance Tasks

Page 267: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


For problems that cannot be resolved automatically and require

administrators to be notified, such as running out of space, the

Oracle Database provides server-generated alerts.

The Oracle Database can monitor itself and send out alerts to notify

you of any problem in an efficient and timely manner.

Monitoring activities take place as the database performs its regular


This ensures that the database is aware of problems the moment

they arise.

The alerts produced by the Oracle Database not only notify the

problem, they also provide recommendations on how the reported

problem can be resolved.

This ensures quick problem resolution and helps prevent potential


Server-Generated Alerts

Page 268: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle Database includes a number of advisors for different

sub-systems in the database to automatically determine how the

operation of the corresponding subcomponents could be further


– The SQL Tuning Advisor and the SQL Access Advisor provide

recommendations for running SQL statements faster.

– Memory advisors help size the various memory components

without resorting to trial-and-error techniques.

– The Segment Advisor handles space-related issues, such as

recommending wasted-space reclamation and analyzing

growth trends, while the

– Undo Advisor guides you in sizing the undo tablespace


Advisor Framework

Page 269: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) lets the

Oracle Database diagnose its own performance and

determine how identified problems could be resolved.

ADDM runs automatically after each AWR statistics

capture, making the performance diagnostic data readily


ADDM examines data captured in AWR and performs

analysis to determine the major issues on the system on

a proactive basis.

In many cases, it recommends solutions and quantifies

expected benefits.

Performance Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Page 270: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


ADDM identifies those areas of the system that are

consuming the most time.

ADDM drills down to identify the root cause of problems,

rather than just the symptoms, and reports the impact

that the problem is having on the system overall.

If a recommendation is made, it reports the benefits that

can be expected in terms of time.

The use of time throughout allows the impact of several

problems or recommendations to be compared.

Performance Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Page 271: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle Database completely automates the SQL

tuning process.

ADDM identifies SQL statements consuming unusually

high system resources and therefore causing

performance problems.

Top SQL statements in terms of CPU and shared

memory consumption are automatically captured in


The identification of high load SQL statements happens

automatically in the Oracle Database and requires no


Application and SQL Tuning

Page 272: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


After identifying the top resource-consuming SQL

statements, the Oracle Database can automatically

analyze them and recommend solutions using the

Automatic Tuning Optimizer.

Automatic SQL Tuning is exposed with an advisor, called

the SQL Tuning Advisor.

The SQL Tuning Advisor takes one or more SQL

statements as input and produces well-tuned plans along

with tuning advice.

You do not need to do anything other than invoke the

SQL Tuning Advisor.

Application and SQL Tuning

Page 273: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The System Global Area (SGA) is a shared memory

region that contains data and control information for one

Oracle instance.

Automatic Shared Memory management automates the

management of SGA used by an Oracle Database


The Oracle Database then automatically distributes the

available memory among various components as


Oracle provides dynamic memory management that

allows for resizing of the Oracle shared memory

components dynamically.

Memory Management

Page 274: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle provides the following advisors to help size the memory

allocation for optimal database performance.

– The Shared Pool Advisor determines the optimal shared pool

size by tracking its use by the library cache.

– The Buffer Cache Advisor determines the optimal size of the

buffer cache.

– The Java Pool Advisor provides information about library

cache memory used for Java and predicts how changes in the

size of the Java pool can affect the parse rate.

– The Streams Pool Advisor determines the optimal size of the

Streams pool.

– The Program Global Area (PGA) Advisor tunes PGA memory

allocated to individual server processes.

Memory Management

Page 275: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Automatic undo management eliminates the complexities of managing rollback segments and lets you exert control over how long undo is retained before being overwritten.

– Oracle strongly recommends that you use undo tablespace to manage undo rather than rollback segments.

With Oracle-managed files, you do not need to directly manage the files comprising an Oracle database.

– Oracle uses standard file system interfaces to create and delete files as needed.

– This automates the routine task of creation and deletion of database files.

Space Management

Page 276: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle allows for managing free space within a table with

bitmaps, as well as traditional dictionary based space


The bitmapped implementation eliminates much space-

related tuning of tables, while providing improved

performance during peak loads.

Oracle provides automatic extension of data files, so the

files can grow automatically based on the amount of data

in the files.

– Database administrators do not need to manually

track and reorganize the space usage in all the

database files.

Space Management

Page 277: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Database introduces a non-intrusive and timely

check for space utilization monitoring.

It automatically monitors space utilization during normal

space allocation and de-allocation operations and alerts

you if the free space availability falls below the pre-

defined thresholds.

Space monitoring functionality is set up out of box,

causes no performance impact, and is uniformly

available across all tablespace types.

Because the monitoring is performed at the same time

as space is allocated and freed up in the database, this

guarantees immediate availability of space usage

information whenever you need it.

Space Management

Page 278: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle Database can predict the size of a given

table based on its structure and estimated number of


– This is a powerful "what if" tool that allows

estimation of the size of an object before it is

created or rebuilt.

The growth trend report takes you to the next step of

capacity planning – planning for growth.

– The Oracle Database tracks historical space

utilization in the AWR and uses this information to

predict the future resource requirements.

Space Management

Page 279: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle Database provides in-place reorganization of data for

optimal space utilization by shrinking it.

– Shrinking of a segment makes unused space available to other

segments in the tablespace and may improve the performance

of queries and DML operations.

– The segment shrink functionality both compacts the space

used in a segment and then de-allocates it from the segment.

– The deallocated space is returned to the tablespace and is

available to other objects in the tablespace.

– Sparsely populated tables may cause a performance problem

for full table scans. By performing shrink, data in the table is

compacted and the high water mark of the segment is pushed

down. This makes full table scans read less blocks run faster.

Space Management

Page 280: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Enterprise Manager has several powerful configuration management facilities that help detect configuration changes and differences and enforce best practice configuration parameter settings.

These capabilities also encompass the underlying hosts and operating systems.

Enterprise Manager continuously monitors the configuration of all Oracle systems for such things as best practice parameter settings, security set-up, storage and file space conditions, and recommended feature usage.

Non-conforming systems are automatically flagged with a detailed explanation of the specific-system configuration issue.

Configurations Management

Page 281: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Database Resource Manager provides the ability to

prioritize work within the Oracle system.

You can specify the maximum number of concurrently

active sessions for each consumer group.

When this limit is reached, the Database Resource

Manager queues all subsequent requests and runs them

only after existing active sessions complete.

Workload Management

Page 282: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Services represent groups of applications with common

attributes, service level thresholds, and priorities.

Application functions can be divided into workloads

identified by services.

A service can span one or more instances of an Oracle

database or multiple databases in a global cluster, and a

single instance can support multiple services.

Workload Management

Page 283: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Automatic Storage Management is a vertical integration of both the

file system and the volume manager built specifically for Oracle

database files.

It extends the concept of stripe and mirror everything (SAME) to

optimize performance, while removing the need for manual I/O

tuning (distributing the datafile layout to avoid hotspots).

Automatic Storage Management helps manage a dynamic database

environment by letting you grow the database size without shutting

down the database to adjust the storage allocation.

Automatic Storage Management also enables low cost modular

storage to deliver higher performance and greater availability by

supporting mirroring as well as striping.

Automatic Storage Management

Page 284: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Database includes a full-featured job scheduler.

You can schedule one-time jobs or repeating jobs at a

designated day, date, and time, or upon the occurrence

of a designated event.

The Scheduler provides comprehensive job logging in

Enterprise Manager and in a variety of views available

from SQL*Plus.

The Scheduler is integrated with the Database Resource


Job Scheduler

Page 285: Oracle Database Concepts

Generate an AWR report.

Change the snapshot intervals of the AWR to 30 minutes.

Change the retention of AWRs to 2 weeks.

(use the dbms_workload_repository package for this purpose).


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 286: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 287: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

A backup is a copy of data.

A backup is a safeguard against unexpected data loss

and application errors.

Backups are divided into physical backups and logical


– Physical backups are copies of physical database


– Logical backups contain logical data (for example,

tables and stored procedures) extracted with an

Oracle utility and stored in a binary file. You can use

logical backups to supplement physical backups.

Introduction to Backup

Page 288: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

There are two ways to perform Oracle backup and


– Recovery Manager (RMAN) is an Oracle utility that

can back up, restore, and recover database files. It

is a feature of the Oracle database server and does

not require separate installation.

– You can also use operating system commands for

backups and SQL*Plus for recovery.

– This method, also called user-managed backup and

recovery, is fully supported by Oracle, although use

of RMAN is highly recommended because it is more

robust and greatly simplifies administration.

Introduction to Backup

Page 289: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

To restore a physical backup of a datafile or control file is

to reconstruct it and make it available to the Oracle

database server.

To recover a restored datafile is to update it by applying

archived redo logs and online redo logs, that is, records

of changes made to the database after the backup was


After the necessary files are restored, media recovery

must be initiated by the user.

– Media recovery involves various operations to

restore, roll forward, and roll back a backup of

database files.

Introduction to Recovery

Page 290: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Media Recovery

Page 291: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

Basic Recovery Steps: Rolling Forward and Rolling Back

Page 292: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database Concepts

The flash recovery area is an Oracle-managed directory, file system,

or Automatic Storage Management disk group that provides a

centralized disk location for backup and recovery files.

Oracle creates archived logs in the flash recovery area.

RMAN can store its backups in the flash recovery area, and it uses it

when restoring files during media recovery.

The flash recovery area also acts as a disk cache for tape.

Oracle recovery components interact with the flash recovery area

ensuring that the database is completely recoverable using files in

flash recovery area.

All files necessary to recover the database following a media failure

are part of flash recovery area.

Flash Recovery Area

Page 293: Oracle Database Concepts

Check the RMAN settings (show all) and change them to meet your

backup purposes.

Use RMAN to create a database backup.

Verify the RMAN backup.


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 294: Oracle Database Concepts


Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Data Compression

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 295: Oracle Database Concepts

Index compression

Table compression

– Basic


RMAN backup compression*

SecureFile (LOB) compression*

Data Pump export compression*

Data Guard redo transport


Hybrid Columnar compression*

Compression by release(< 12c)




Oracle11gR1 Oracle11gR2

* Advanced Compression Option

* Exadata / ZFS / Pillar storage only

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 296: Oracle Database Concepts

Table / Partition Compression

Oracle Segment Compression






* Advanced Compression Option

* Exadata / ZFS / Pillar storage only




Oracle Database Concepts

Page 297: Oracle Database Concepts

Table Compression


– Only for operations type DIRECT PATH Insert

(SQL*Loader direct, CTAS, Parallel INSERT, INSERT +

hint APPEND ...)


– Available for DML (Compression triggered when the block

is full)

– Compression still done for Migrated rows(and not for


Compression Unit: Database Block


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 298: Oracle Database Concepts

Table Compression

Concept similar to standard compression algorythms(LZ)

– Distinct values are stored in a « dictionary » (named as well« symbols table»)

– The column data values are replaced by a pointer to the dictionary value.

Compression is done at block level.

– The block values are autonomous (no outside reference).

The concept relies on deduplication (referencing a local block value).


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 299: Oracle Database Concepts

Table Compression

While the compression takes plance

– Only the transaction that triggers the compression is affected (CPU + Redo)

– Compression is made in batch mode, which minimizes

the overall impact.

After the compression:

– Better SELECT performances because:

Less IO.

There is no need to decompress the data at read time. The

data is stored in more compact mode in the buffer cache.

Each node’s data is autonomous.

Performance Impact

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 300: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Segment Compression

Index compression uses “de-duplication” technique

You decide which columns should be de-duplicated.

The de-duplication mechanism is only applied to a

specified leading subset of columns for every single index


The de-duplication is maintained in real time all the time.

Index is compressed at the database block level

Index Compression

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 301: Oracle Database Concepts

Compression index

Hypothesys :

– Index on 3 columns (col1, col2, col3)

– The key has 3 values(col1, col2, col3)

– Prefix = (col1, col2) : repeating values

– Suffix = (col3) : discriminating values

Inside of a « leaf block »

– Sample values: (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,2,7), (1,3,5), (1,3,4), (1,4,4)

– The values (1,2), (1,3) can be compressed (only 1 occurrence is saved in the block)


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 302: Oracle Database Concepts

Index Compression




Value <n>

– Number of columns to compress

– Default for unique index = # columns – 1

– Default for non unique Index = # columns in index

ANALYZE INDEX ... VALIDATE STRUCTURE can be used to determine the columns to compress.

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 303: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Segment Compression

Secure files (LOB) compression - ACO

– LONG & LOB need to be converted to SecureFile

Other type of compression

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 304: Oracle Database Concepts

Benefits of OLTP Table Compression

Reduce storage space for table data

Improve Overall performance

Reduce Storage Space Consumption by a factor of 2x to 4x

• Initial Growth Rate

• Initial Compression Rate

• Growth Rate after Compression

? Co



Oracle Database Concepts

Page 305: Oracle Database Concepts

declare v_blkcnt_cmp pls_integer; v_blkcnt_uncmp pls_integer; v_row_cmp pls_integer; v_row_uncmp pls_integer; v_cmp_ratio number; v_comptype_str varchar2(60); begin dbms_compression.get_compression_ratio( scratchtbsname => upper('TC'), -- * ownname => 'SCOTT', tabname => upper('OBJ'), partname => NULL, comptype => dbms_compression.COMP_FOR_OLTP, blkcnt_cmp => v_blkcnt_cmp, blkcnt_uncmp => v_blkcnt_uncmp, row_cmp => v_row_cmp, row_uncmp => v_row_uncmp, cmp_ratio => v_cmp_ratio, comptype_str => v_comptype_str);


'Estimated Compression Ratio:



'Blocks used by compressed sample:



'Blocks used by uncompressed sample:




Estimated Compression Ratio: 3

Blocks used by compressed sample: 670


Blocks used by uncompressed sample: 2060

Estimate the Compression Ratio Procesure dbms_compression.get_compression_ratio

The procedure is overloaded for all compressible objects

Oracle Database Concepts

Page 306: Oracle Database Concepts

Compression Dictionary views: DBA_TABLES / DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS





TABLE_NAME COMPRESS COMPRESS_FOR ----------- -------- ------------ T1 DISABLED



Oracle Database Concepts

Page 307: Oracle Database Concepts

Verify a table for compression potential.

Check the current size of a table.

Compress the table.

Verify again the size of the table and compare with the results that

have been obtained in #1.


Oracle Database Concepts

Page 308: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Data Compression

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 309: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A data warehouse is a relational database that is designed for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing.

It usually contains historical data derived from transaction data, but it can include data from other sources.

It separates analysis workload from transaction workload and enables an organization to consolidate data from several sources.

In addition to a relational database, a data warehouse environment includes

– an extraction, transportation, transformation, and loading (ETL) solution

– an online analytical processing (OLAP) engine

– client analysis tools

– other applications that manage the process of gathering data and delivering it to business users.

Introduction to Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

Page 310: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Architecture of a Data Warehouse

Page 311: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Architecture of a Data Warehouse (with Staging Area)

Page 312: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Architecture of a Data Warehouse (with Staging Area and Data Marts)

Page 313: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The process of extracting data from source systems and bringing it into the data warehouse is commonly called ETL, which stands for extraction, transformation, and loading.

What happens during the ETL process?

– During extraction, the desired data is identified and extracted from many different sources, including database systems and applications.

– After extracting data, it has to be physically transported to the target system or an intermediate system for further processing. Depending on the chosen way of transportation, some transformations can be done during this process, too.

– Then the data is loaded.

Overview of Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)

Page 314: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Transportable tablespaces are the fastest way for

moving large volumes of data between two Oracle


You can transport tablespaces between different

computer architectures and operating systems.

The most common applications of transportable

tablespaces in data warehouses are in moving data from

a staging database to a data warehouse, or in moving

data from a data warehouse to a data mart.

Transportable Tablespaces

Page 315: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


External tables enable the pipelining of the loading

phase with the transformation phase.

The transformation process can be merged with the

loading process without any interruption of the data


It is no longer necessary to stage the data inside the

database for further processing inside the database,

such as comparison or transformation.

External Tables

Page 316: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


To reduce disk use and memory use (specifically, the

buffer cache), you can store tables and partitioned tables

in a compressed format inside the database.

This often leads to a better scale-up for read-only


Table compression can also speed up query execution.

There is, however, a slight cost in CPU overhead.

Table compression should be used with highly redundant

data, such as tables with many foreign keys. You should

avoid compressing tables with much update or other

DML activity.

Table Compression

Page 317: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Summaries are special kinds of aggregate views that improve query

execution times by pre-calculating expensive joins and aggregation

operations prior to execution and storing the results in a table in the


The summaries or aggregates on data warehouses are created in

Oracle using a schema object called a materialized view.

Materialized views can perform a number of roles, such as

improving query performance or providing replicated data.

The end user queries the tables and views at the detail data level.

The query rewrite mechanism in the Oracle database server

automatically rewrites the SQL query to use the summary tables.

Overview of Materialized Views for Data Warehouses

Page 318: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Bitmap indexes are widely used in data warehousing


For Data Warehouses, bitmap indexing provides:

– Reduced response time for large classes of ad hoc


– Reduced storage requirements compared to other

indexing techniques

– Dramatic performance gains even on hardware with

a relatively small number of CPUs or a small

amount of memory

– Efficient maintenance during parallel DML and loads

Overview of Bitmap Indexes in Data Warehousing

Page 319: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


When Oracle runs SQL statements in parallel, multiple

processes work together simultaneously to run a single

SQL statement.

By dividing the work necessary to run a statement

among multiple processes, Oracle can run the statement

more quickly than if only a single process ran it.

This is called parallel execution or parallel processing.

Parallel execution dramatically reduces response time

for data-intensive operations on large databases typically

associated with decision support systems (DSS) and

data warehouses.

Overview of Parallel Execution

Page 320: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Serial Full Table Scans

Page 321: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Parallel Full Table Scans

Page 322: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle has introduced many SQL operations for

performing analytic operations in the database.

These operations include:

– ranking

– moving averages

– cumulative sums

– ratio-to-reports

– period-over-period comparisons.

Overview of Analytic SQL

Page 323: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Aggregation is a fundamental part of data warehousing.

To improve aggregation performance in your warehouse, Oracle provides extensions to the GROUP BY clause to make querying and reporting easier and faster.

Some of these extensions enable you to:

– Aggregate at increasing levels of aggregation, from the most detailed up to a grand total

– Calculate all possible combinations of aggregations with a single statement

– Generate the information needed in cross-tabulation reports with a single query

SQL for Aggregation

Page 324: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle has advanced SQL analytical processing capabilities using a

family of analytic SQL functions.

These analytic functions enable you to calculate:

– Rankings and percentiles

– Moving window calculations

– Lag/lead analysis

– First/last analysis

– Linear regression statistics

To enhance performance, analytic functions can be parallelized:

– multiple processes can simultaneously run all of these


These capabilities make calculations easier and more efficient,

thereby enhancing database performance, scalability, and simplicity.

SQL for Analysis

Page 325: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle’s MODEL clause brings a new level of power and

flexibility to SQL calculations.

With the MODEL clause, you can create a

multidimensional array from query results and then apply

formulas to this array to calculate new values.

The formulas can range from basic arithmetic to

simultaneous equations using recursion.

For some applications, the MODEL clause can replace

PC-based spreadsheets.

Models in SQL leverage Oracle’s strengths in scalability,

manageability, collaboration, and security.

SQL for Modeling

Page 326: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle OLAP provides the query performance and calculation capability previously found only in multidimensional databases to Oracle’s relational platform.

Unlike other combinations of OLAP and RDBMS technology, Oracle OLAP is not a multidimensional database using bridges to move data from the relational data store to a multidimensional data store.

Instead, it is truly an OLAP-enabled relational database.

As a result, Oracle provides the benefits of a multidimensional database along with the scalability, accessibility, security, manageability, and high availability of the Oracle database.

Overview of OLAP Capabilities

Page 327: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Data Mining (ODM) embeds data mining within

the Oracle Database.

The data never leaves the database — the data, data

preparation, model building, and model scoring results

all remain in the database.

By eliminating the need for extracting data into

specialized tools and then importing the results back into

the database, you can save significant amounts of time.

By having the data and the data model in the same

location (an Oracle database), there is no need to export

the model as code.

Overview of Data Mining

Page 328: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Data Mining supports the following algorithms:

– For classification, Naive Bayes, Adaptive Bayes

Networks, and Support Vector Machines (SVM)

– For regression, Support Vector Machines

– For clustering, k-means and O-Cluster

– For feature extraction, Non-Negative Matrix

Factorization (NMF)

– For sequence matching and annotation, BLAST

Overview of Data Mining

Page 329: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 330: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Fast-Start Fault Recovery

– Reduces the time required for cache recovery and makes the recovery bounded and predictable.

– Limits the number of dirty buffers and the number of redo records generated between the most recent redo record and the last checkpoint.

– With fast-start fault recovery, the Oracle database is opened for access by applications without having to wait for the undo, or rollback, phase to be completed.

Real Application Clusters

– Real Application Clusters (RAC) databases are inherently high availability systems.

– The clusters that are typical of RAC environments can provide continuous service for both planned and unplanned outages.

Oracle Solutions to System Failures

Page 331: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Backup and Recovery Features for HA

– Recovery Manager (RMAN) is Oracle’s utility to manage the

backup and recovery of the database. It determines the most

efficient method of running the requested backup, restore, or

recovery operation.

– Flashback Database lets you quickly recover an Oracle

database to a previous time to correct problems caused by

logical data corruptions or user errors.

– Flashback Query lets you view data at a point-in-time in the


– Backup information can be stored in an independent flash

recovery area. This increases the resilience of the information,

and allows easy querying of backup information.

Oracle Solutions for Data Failures

Page 332: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Backup and Recovery Features for HA

– When performing a point in time recovery, you can

query the database without terminating recovery.

– With Oracle’s block-level media recovery, if only a

single block is damaged, then only that block needs

to be recovered. The rest of the file, and thus the

table containing the block, remains online and


– LogMiner lets a DBA find and correct unwanted

changes. LogMiner provides SQL statements

needed to undo the erroneous operation

Oracle Solutions for Data Failures

Page 333: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



– Partitioning addresses key issues in supporting very

large tables and indexes by letting you decompose

them into smaller and more manageable pieces

called partitions.

– DDL statements can access and manipulate

individuals partitions rather than entire tables or


– Partitioning is entirely transparent to applications.

Oracle Solutions for Data Failures

Page 334: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Transparent Application Failover

– Transparent Application Failover enables an application user to automatically reconnect to a database if the connection fails.

– Active transactions roll back, but the new database connection, made by way of a different node, is identical to the original.

– With Transparent Application Failover, a client notices no loss of connection as long as there is one instance left serving the application.

– This works best with Real Application Clusters (RAC): If one node dies, then you can quickly reconnect to another node in the cluster.

Oracle Solutions for Data Failures

Page 335: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Data Guard

– Oracle Data Guard maintains up to nine standby databases,

each of which is a real-time copy of the production database,

to protect against all threats - corruptions, data failures, human

errors, and disasters.

– If a failure occurs on the production (primary) database, then

you can fail over to one of the standby databases to become

the new primary database.

– In addition, planned downtime for maintenance can be

reduced, because you can quickly and easily move (switch

over) production processing from the current primary database

to a standby database, and then back again.

Oracle Solutions for Disasters

Page 336: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Data Guard (Physical Standby Database)

– A physical standby database is physically identical

to the primary database.

– While the primary database is open and active, a

physical standby database is either performing

recovery (by applying logs), or open for reporting


– A physical standby database can be queried read

only when not performing recovery while the

production database continues to ship redo data to

the physical standby site.

Oracle Solutions for Disasters

Page 337: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Data Guard (Logical Standby Database)

– A logical standby database takes standard Oracle

archived redo logs, transforms the redo records they

contain into SQL transactions, and then applies

them to an open standby database.

– The database tables can have different indexes and

physical characteristics from their primary database

peers, but must maintain logical consistency from

an application access perspective, to fulfill their role

as a standby data source.

Oracle Solutions for Disasters

Page 338: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Flashback Features

– Flashback Database lets you quickly bring your database to a prior point in time by undoing all the changes that have taken place since that time. This operation is fast, because you do not need to restore the backups. This in turn results in much less downtime following data corruption or human error.

– Flashback Table lets you quickly recover a table to a point in time in the past without restoring a backup.

– Flashback Drop provides a way to restore accidentally dropped tables.

Oracle Solutions for Human Errors

Page 339: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Flashback Features

– Flashback Query lets you view data at a point-in-time in the

past. This can be used to view and reconstruct lost data that

was deleted or changed by accident. Developers can use this

feature to build self-service error correction into their

applications, empowering end-users to undo and correct their


– Flashback Version Query uses undo data stored in the

database to view the changes to one or more rows along with

all the metadata of the changes.

– Flashback Transaction Query lets you examine changes to the

database at the transaction level. As a result, you can

diagnose problems, perform analysis, and audit transactions.

Oracle Solutions for Human Errors

Page 340: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle provides a high degree of self-management - automating routine DBA tasks and reducing complexity of space, memory, and resource administration. These include the following:

– Automatic undo management–database administrators do not need to plan or tune the number and sizes of rollback segments or consider how to strategically assign transactions to a particular rollback segment.

– Dynamic memory management to resize the Oracle shared memory components dynamically. Oracle also provides advisories to help administrators size the memory allocation for optimal database performance.

– Oracle-managed files to automatically create and delete files as needed

– Free space management within a table with bitmaps.

– Data Guard for hardware and operating system maintenance

System Maintenance

Page 341: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Database administrators can perform a variety of online operations

to table definitions, including online reorganization of heap-

organized tables.

This online architecture provides the following capabilities:

– Any physical attribute of the table can be changed online.

– Many logical attributes can also be changed.

– Online creation and rebuilding of secondary indexes on index-

organized tables (IOTs).

– Indexes can be created online and analyzed at the same time.

– Fix the physical guess component of logical rowids stored in

secondary indexes on IOTs. This allows online repair of invalid

physical guesses

Data Maintenance

Page 342: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 343: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Partitioning addresses key issues in supporting very

large tables and indexes by letting you decompose them

into smaller and more manageable pieces called


Each partition of a table or index must have the same

logical attributes, such as column names, datatypes, and

constraints, but each partition can have separate

physical attributes such as pctfree, pctused, and


OLTP systems often benefit from improvements in

manageability and availability, while data warehousing

systems benefit from performance and manageability.

Introduction to Partitioning

Page 344: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Partitioned Tables

Page 345: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Partitioning Methods

Page 346: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Partitioning Methods

Page 347: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Local Partitioned Indexes

Page 348: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Global Partitioned Indexes

Page 349: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Global Non-partitioned Indexes

Page 350: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 351: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Database includes datatypes to handle all the types of rich

Internet content such as:

– relational data

– object-relational data


– Text

– Audio

– Video

– Image

– spatial

These datatypes appear as native types in the database.

They can all be queried using SQL. A single SQL statement can

include data belonging to any or all of these datatypes.

Introduction to Content Management

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Oracle Database


Oracle XML DB treats XML as a native datatype in the


Oracle XML DB is not a separate server.

The XML data model encompasses both unstructured

content and structured data.

Applications can use standard SQL and XML operators

to generate complex XML documents from SQL queries

and to store XML documents.

Oracle XML DB provides a native XMLType, support for

XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, DOM, and so on. The data-

oriented access is typically more query-intensive.

Overview of XML in Oracle

Page 353: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The large object (LOB) datatypes BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and BFILE enable you to store and manipulate large blocks of unstructured data (such as text, graphic images, video clips, and sound waveforms) in binary or character format.

They provide efficient, random, piece-wise access to the data.

With the growth of the internet and content-rich applications, it has become imperative that databases support a datatype that fulfills the following:

– Can store unstructured data

– Is optimized for large amounts of such data

– Provides a uniform way of accessing large unstructured data within the database or outside

Overview of LOBs

Page 354: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Text indexes any document or textual content to add fast, accurate retrieval of information to:

– internet content management applications

– e-Business catalogs

– news services

– job postings

Oracle Text allows text searches to be combined with regular database searches in a single SQL statement.

It can find documents based on their textual content, metadata, or attributes.

It can index content stored in file systems, databases, or on the Web.

Overview of Oracle Text

Page 355: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Ultra Search is built on the Oracle database server and

Oracle Text technology that provides uniform search-and-locate

capabilities over multiple repositories:

– Oracle databases

– other ODBC compliant databases

– IMAP mail servers

– HTML documents served up by a Web server

– files on disk

– and more

Ultra Search uses a ‘crawler’ to index documents; the documents

stay in their own repositories, and the crawled information is used to

build an index that stays within your firewall in a designated Oracle


Overview of Oracle Ultra Search

Page 356: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle interMedia is a feature that enables Oracle Database to store, manage, and retrieve images, audio, and video data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information.

interMedia manages media content by providing the following:

– Storage and retrieval of media data in the database to synchronize the media data with the associated business data

– Support for popular image, audio, and video formats

– Extraction of format and application metadata into XML documents

– Full object and relational interfaces to interMedia services

– Access through traditional and Web interfaces Querying using associated relational data, extracted metadata, and media content with optional specialized indexing

– Image processing, such as thumbnail generation

– Delivery through RealNetworks and Windows Media Streaming Servers

Overview of Oracle InterMedia

Page 357: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Spatial is designed to make spatial data management easier and more natural to users of location-enabled applications and geographic information system (GIS) applications.

When spatial data is stored in an Oracle database, it can be easily manipulated, retrieved, and related to all other data stored in the database.

Spatial consists of the following:

– A schema (MDSYS) that prescribes the storage, syntax, and semantics of supported geometric data types

– A spatial indexing mechanism

– Operators, functions, and procedures for performing area-of-interest queries, spatial join queries, and other spatial analysis operations

– Functions and procedures for utility and tuning operations

– Topology data model for working with data about nodes, edges, and faces in a topology.

Overview of Oracle Spatial

Page 358: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 359: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Installation options

User Authentication

User Authorization


Access Control


Database Security

Page 360: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


As much as possible, install the latest software release.

Oracle software vulnerabilities and fixes

– Always be uptodate with the latest PSU. Latest PSU you can find in document: Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database (Doc ID 756671.1)

Installation and Configuration

Page 361: Oracle Database Concepts

Installation and Configuration

Installation options:

– 11.1 and before: Install just the options required by the database.

– 11.2 use chopt to enable/disable options

– 12c use chopt to enable/disable options (reduced number of options compared to 11.2)

Run orachk

– Once the installation and database configuration is complete, run orachk to verify possible issues with the installation. ORAchk - Health Checks for the Oracle Stack (Doc ID 1268927.2)

Oracle Database


Page 362: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


OS groups (Separation of Duties at OS level):

– Standard: oinstall, dba, oper

– Grid: asmadmin, asmdba,asmoper

– 12c new: backupdba,dgdba,kmdba

Have separate administrators for the SYS* privileges:

– SYSDBA This privilege provides full control over all database objects in the database.

– SYSOPER This privilege provides delegated administration of database startup, shutdown, initialization file management, database open, database mount, and database backup and recovery.

– SYSBACKUP (12c new)This privilege provides delegated administration of database backup and recovery capabilities using Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) and/or SQL*Plus.

– SYSDG (12c new) This privilege provides delegated administration of database offsite fail-over with the Oracle Data Guard (DG) using the DG Broker or DG Manager command line interface (dgmgrl).

Installation and Configuration

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Oracle Database


SYSKM (12c new) This privilege provides key management (KM) and delegated administration of Oracle Wallets (encryption keystores) used by Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

SYSASM (11g new) This privilege provides for separation of duty in the administration of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) installation and Automated Storage Management (ASM) instance. With this privilege one can separate the administration of GI and ASM (storage) from accounts that have the SYSDBA privilege. This privilege is not associated to an account in the standard Oracle database instance and is only applicable in an Oracle ASM instance. Oracle ASM is a special database used for managing disk storage that is shared across multiple, standard Oracle databases.

Installation and Configuration

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Oracle Database


Database Configuration:

– Run DBCA in Custom mode to choose suitable DB options

– Database template are time saving, easy editing, easy sharing. By creating a template containing your database settings, you can easily create a duplicate database without specifying the same options at each installation. Administrators mistakes are minimized if using templates.

– Do not install sample schemas

Installation and Configuration

Page 365: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Database Configuration:

– Run DBCA in Custom mode to choose suitable DB options

– Database template are time saving, easy editing, easy sharing. By creating a template containing your database settings, you can easily create a duplicate database without specifying the same options at each installation. Administrators mistakes are minimized if using templates.

– Do not install sample schemas

Installation and Configuration

Page 366: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Verify the default/system schema accounts. All should


OEM is used, DBSNMP and SYSMAN should also be


Change default passwords, especially for power users


Verify users with default username and passwords in


User Authentication

Page 367: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Enforce password rules using profiles:

– Password expiration/renewal policy using






– Improper password usage should be restricted using:


– Password complexity with PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION

Templates for password verification functions provided by Oracle

12c - verify_function_11g, ora12c_verify_function,


Template located in


User Authentication

Page 368: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Enforce password rules using profiles:

– Password expiration/renewal policy using






– Improper password usage should be restricted using:


– Password complexity with PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION

Templates for password verification functions provided by Oracle

12c - verify_function_11g, ora12c_verify_function,


Template located in


User Authentication

Page 369: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Secure Password Store.

Storing database password credentials in a client-side Oracle wallet eliminates

the need to embed usernames and passwords in application code, batch jobs,

or scripts. This reduces the risk of exposing passwords in the clear in scripts

and application code, and simplifies maintenance because you need not change

your code each time usernames and passwords change. In addition, not having

to change application code also makes it easier to enforce password

management policies for these user accounts.

Main features:

– Username and passwords are no longer exposed at OS level.

– User credentials are stored securely in Oracle wallets.

– Very useful for scripts/tasks/jobs that run at OS level.

Best practices:

– Being an Oracle client feature, the Secure Password Store should never

be configured using a database sqlnet.ora file, given such a configuration

can lead to authentication errors for critical background processes.

User Authentication

Page 370: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Strong Authentication

Kerberos is a trusted third-party authentication system that relies on

shared secrets. It presumes that the third party is secure, and

provides single sign-on capabilities, centralized password storage,

database link authentication, and enhanced PC security. It does this

through a Kerberos authentication server.

RADIUS is a client/server security protocol widely used to enable

remote authentication and access. Oracle Database uses this

industry standard in a client/server network environment.

The SSL has a dual nature, being used for both authentication and

encryption . The authentication part is always accompanied by

encryption, while the encryption can be used without authentication.

For this reason, the SSL authentication incurs a certain performance


User Authentication

Page 371: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Enterprise User Security

Enable administrators to address administrative and security

challenges for a large number of enterprise database users.

Enterprise users are those users that are defined in a directory.

Their identity remains constant throughout the enterprise. Enterprise

User Security relies on Oracle Identity Management infrastructure,

which in turn uses an LDAP-compliant directory service to centrally

store and manage users.

User Authentication

Page 372: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Separation of duty:

– privileges


12c)/SYSDG(+12c) should be granted to different persons.

Only certain predefined administrative users or users who have been

added to the password file may connect with these privileges

– If using Database Vault, the DBA should be a different person than

the DV Admin. The DV account manager should be yet another


– If using TDE in 12c, the Key Manager (SYSKM) should not be the

same person as the DBA.

– It would be recommended to have at least two database

administrators/database DBAs responsibilities must be shared

– Each administrator should use a separate account. The accounts

should never be shared, especially the DBA accounts.

User Authorization

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Oracle Database


Practice the principle of least privileged:

– Grant only necessary privileges only. Main focus is


SYSTEM and OBJECT privileges granted

directly to users.

Who is allowed to use the SYS* accounts

Who has *ANY* privileges

Who has *CATALOG* privileges

Do not grant *ALL* object privileges

Who is allowed to CREATE/MODIFY/DROP

database objects

Review other powerful privileges

User Authorization

Page 374: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database




As much as possible, System and Object Privileges should be granted to

roles only.

Avoid using simple roles, if possible, as these are too easy to activate. Use

password protected roles or, even better, secure application roles.

The non-privileged users should have just the CREATE SESSION privilege.

All other privilege should be available through roles only, preferable via

secure application roles.

Restrict the data dictionary access to database administrators only. Nobody

else should be granted the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege.

Create privilege captures to find excessively granted privileges (12c, DV

feature). Revoke excessively granted privileges.

You grant privileges to users so they can accomplish tasks required for their

jobs. You should grant a privilege only to a user who requires that privilege

to accomplish the necessary work. Excessive granting of unnecessary

privileges can compromise security

User Authorization

Page 375: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


No custom user should have SYSTEM or SYSAUX as default tablespaces.

Parameters related to user authorization:

– O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY (parameter restricting the

dictionary access) should always be set on FALSE.

– UTL_FILE_DIR: should not be set.

UTL_FILE_DIR lets you specify one or more directories that Oracle

should use for PL/SQL file I/O. Oracle directories should be used


User Authorization

Page 376: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) allows the creation of security

policies to control the access at the row and column level. These security

policies are enforced by the database rather than an application, which

means that use of a different application will not bypass the security policy.

Oracle adds dynamically and transparently a WHERE clause( predicate ) to

a SQL statement that is executed against the object (table, view or

synonym) to which a VPD policy was applied. The predicate (WHERE

clause) is returned by a custom function which implements the security

policy. It is your responsability to write correctly this function so that it will

return the expected predicates in various scenarios.

Access Control

Page 377: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


– VPD allows to create policies that can be applied in order to:

Restrict row access

Restrict column access

Obfuscate the column values using NULLs.

– Application contexts can be employed to enhance the VPD functions flexibility

and improve the overall sessions performance.

– The VPD policies can be:

Dynamic - runs the policy function each time a user accesses the Virtual

Private Database-protected database objects.

Context Sensitive/Shared Context Sensitive - Context-sensitive policies

are designed for situations in which different predicates must apply

depending on which user is executing the query. The shared type can be

shared between multiple objects

Static/Shared Static - nforces the same predicate for all users in the

instance. Oracle Database stores static policy predicates in SGA, so

policy functions do not rerun for each query. This results in faster

performance. The shared type can be shared between multiple objects.

– The VPD policies can be applied on tables, views or synonyms.

– The privilege EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY can be used to circumvent the VPD


Access Control

Page 378: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Database Vault enables organizations to

transparently increase security without making changes

to their application code. Oracle Database Vault provides

real time preventive controls by restricting access to

application data from highly privileged users. Oracle

Database Vault helps organizations address regulatory

compliance, industrial espionage and insider threats

while at the same time enabling the flexibility to deploy IT

systems in a cost effective manner through consolidation

and or off shoring.

Database Vault

Page 379: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Main features:

– Restricts access to application data from highly

privileged users.

– Can be integrated with the application code or it can

be implemented as a transparent security layer.

– It can be used to implement the separation of duty


– Patching is done without disabling the DV setup.

– Very low impact on database performance.

– It can be easy integrated with many Oracle

[Security] Features: EUS, TDE, OLS, Data Guard

Database Vault

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Oracle Database


Allows the creation of the following objects that help implement the security policies:

– Realms: are used to protect database objects. It is a zone of protection for

specific database objects.

– Rule Sets: use rule sets to group a set of rules together.

– Rules: The rules are criteria that are used to determine whether a user can

perform specific actions (DDL/connect/access objects and so on).

– Command Rules: You can create command rules to protect DDL and DML

statements. Oracle Database Vault provides a set of default command rules.

– Factors: A factor is a named variable or attribute, such as a user location,

database IP address, or session user, that Oracle Database Vault can


– Secure Application Roles: In Oracle Database Vault, one can create a secure

application role that can be enabled with an Oracle Database Vault rule set.

Regular Oracle Database secure application roles are enabled by custom

PL/SQL procedures. You use secure application roles to prevent users from

accessing data from outside an application. This forces users to work within

the framework of the application privileges that have been granted to the role.

Database Vault

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Oracle Database


Best practices:

– Create specific realms for each group of objects that requires

protection from power users.

– Disallow access to DDL using rule sets and command rules.

– Do not allow the users to logon to the database from outside

the application, using custom tools such as sqlplus or TOAD.

– Disallow database access outside business hours using rule

sets and command rules.

– Integrate the secure application roles into the application

security, so that even users logging using the application do

not have more privileges than granted through these roles.

– Audit all DV management and changes.

Database Vault

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Oracle Database


Oracle Data Redaction enables you to mask (redact) data that is returned

from queries issued by applications.

Main features:

– Introduced in and higher releases.

– 5 types of data redaction:

Full: redact all of the contents of the column data

Partial: redact a portion of the column data.

RegExp: use regular expressions to look for patterns of data to


Random: use random generated values.

None: use for testing purposes.

– The data is redacted transparently, at runtime.

– No changes performed in the actual data, not even in memory.

– The privilege EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY can be used to

circumvent the Data Redaction policies.

– DDLs that would workaround the DR policies (CTAS) would fail with


Data Redaction

Page 383: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Do not use Data Encryption in place of Access Control! It

might appear as a good method to restrict privileged

user access to sensitive information, but this method is

more expensive from the implementation and

performance perspective and weaker when it comes to

the actual security.

Data Encryption

Page 384: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


To protect the data from being stolen and meet

regulatory standards, the solution is Transparent Data

Encryption. Oracle Database uses authentication,

authorization, and auditing mechanisms to secure data

in the database, but not in the operating system data

files where data is stored. To protect these data files,

Oracle Database provides Transparent Data Encryption

(TDE). TDE encrypts sensitive data stored in data files.

To prevent unauthorized decryption, TDE stores the

encryption keys in a security module external to the

database, called a keystore. The keystore can be a local

file (wallet) or can be a remote application, also known

as Hardware Security Module, provided by a third party

or by Oracle through Oracle Key Vault.

Transparent Data Encryption

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Oracle Database


Main features:

– It is transparent to the end user: the data is not

encrypted when queried by a user who has the

proper privileges to access the data.

– Data is decrypted only in memory. Any disk related

operation that requires disk access (sorts requiring

temporary tablespace, undo segments, redo logs or

archive logs) also implies encrypting this data.

– It can be enabled at column or tablespace level.

– TDE is seamlessly integrated with the Database

Kernel and it offers the best performance possible.

– Requires ASO license.

Transparent Data Encryption

Page 386: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Main features:

– It is transparent to the end user: the data is not

encrypted when queried by a user who has the

proper privileges to access the data.

– Data is decrypted only in memory. Any disk related

operation that requires disk access (sorts requiring

temporary tablespace, undo segments, redo logs or

archive logs) also implies encrypting this data.

– It can be enabled at column or tablespace level.

– TDE is seamlessly integrated with the Database

Kernel and it offers the best performance possible.

– Requires ASO license.

Transparent Data Encryption

Page 387: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Best practices:

– Encrypt just the data that requires protection. This is important from at least

two perspectives: it simplifies the administration and reduces the performance

impact of TDE.

– If using local wallets, make sure the wallet password is known only by the TDE

administrator or that the auto login wallet is created with auto_login_local.

– Determining the precise location of the wallet can be a challenge in a complex

environment. Make sure to understand the available options before setting up

customized wallet directories (See Note: 1240824.1)

– Oracle recommends using the Oracle Key Vault to manage the master

encryption keys of the TDE.

– Use the Hardware Acceleration for Tablespace Encryption.

– Implement the Separation of Duties. The TDE administrator should not be the

same person as the Database Administrator. Please note that in 12c have

been introduced new privileges for TDE Administration: ADMINISTER KEY


– Combine TDE with Database Vault to maximize the data protection, restricting

both SQL data access and OS data access in the dame time.

Transparent Data Encryption

Page 388: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Performance impact:

– TDE has a significant performance impact on the Oracle

Database, especially for tablespace encryption (see Note


– To alleviate this performance impact, it is recommended to use

the Hardware Acceleration for Tablespace Encryption (See

Note 1365021.1).

– Column encryption restricts specific operations.

– Column encryption does not work well with third party HSM,

because each table access requires a HSM roundtrip in order

to decrypt the table encryption key. This restriction does not

apply to tablespace encryption. As well, this restriction does

not apply to OKV, because after the first OKV access, the OKV

is stored in obfuscated format in the instance SGA.

– Thorough testing is needed before implementing TDE in


Transparent Data Encryption

Page 389: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The listener should be started from the Grid Home and not the RDBMS Home

(separation of duties).

Do not use a listener password. Remote listener administration is disabled when the

password is not set. Listener protected password is obsolete.

Prevent online administration of the listener:


Make sure the first protocol in the list of protocols on which the listener is enabled is

either IPC or TCPS, to disable the remote administration by unsecured users.

Set INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT to limit the amount of time allowed for a

connection to be created.

Set up COST restrictions so that only verified instances are allowed to register to the



– SECURE_CONTROL_listener_name = TCPS,IPC

– SECURE_PROTOCOL_listener_name = TCPS,IPC

– SECURE_REGISTER_listener_name = TCPS,IPC

Network configuration/encryption Listener configuration:

Page 390: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Best practices:

– Enforce the usage of strong password verifiers, by setting




– Restrict access to the database using (sqlnet settings):


TCP.EXCLUDED_NODES = {list of IP addresses}

TCP.INVITED_NODES = {list of IP addresses}

– Restrict unauthorized access to database through the database parameters:

SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS limit the amount of failed




service attacks


database release and options.

Network configuration/encryption Databaseconfiguration:

Page 391: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Native Encryption

Main features:

– Symmetric encryption; the same key is used both for

encryption and decryption of the same data.

– Oracle provides the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),

DES, 3DES, and RC4 symmetric cryptosystems for protecting

the confidentiality of Oracle Net Services traffic.

– Oracle uses the Diffie-Hellman key negotiation algorithm to

perform secure key distribution for both encryption and data


Performance impact:

– reduced. There are no known issues when employing this

encryption method. However, some CPU overhead is to be


Network encryption

Page 392: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Main features:

– industry standard protocol designed for securing network connections.

– SSL uses RSA public key cryptography in conjunction with symmetric key

cryptography to provide authentication, encryption, and data integrity.

– Relies on Public Key Cryptography mechanism.

– PKI Certificates are stored in local wallets or third party Hardware Security


– It is a very secure encryption mechanism, especially if using a Trusted

Certification Authority.


– Relatively difficult to setup: each client requires its specific configuration.

– Implies additional costs if using a Trusted Certification Authority.

– Multi-threaded clients currently cannot use SSL.

Performance impact:

– Significant. It is slower than the Native Encryption and a relatively important

CPU overhead can be expected.

Network encryption

Page 393: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Auditing is the ability to track changes that users make in the

database. Starting the 12c release, you can use unified auditing to

centralize all audit records in one place.

Can be configured for successful or failed activities.

Can be configured for different users.

It can be standard (until 11gR2) or unified (from 12c).

Sysdba connect, startup and shutdown are always audited.

Standard audit can be stored in the database(aud$, fga_log$), OS

files or XML files.

Standard audit can be redirected to the SYSLOG OS audit trail, local

or remote.

Database auditing (standard and unified)

Page 394: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Starting release 12c, it is recommended to use unified auditing.

Set up the audit strategy. It is important to audit everything that is required by the

company policies and, in the same time, to avoid overwhelming the audit trail with

unnecessary audit data.

Regularly archive the audit entries and purge the audit trail (use

DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT to setup the purge policy).

Remember that in standard auditing, mandatory audit entries for SYS users are sent

into the AUDIT_FILE_DEST directory. Create the appropriate policy to verify and

purge these files.

Protect the audit trail (AUD$ and FGA_LOG$) when using standard auditing.

Audit the SYSDBA operations by setting the AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=TRUE

Set the audit parameter AUDIT_TRAIL (DB_EXTENDED=recommended value).

If using standard audit, it is recommended to move the audit tables (AUD$ and

FGA_LOG$). to a dedicated tablespace using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.

When the audit trail is to be protected from DBA tampering and unified auditing is not

an option, use SYSLOG auditing. Note this type of audit is limited as compared to

DB/XML auditing. Alternative: AUDIT VAULT

Other types of audit: Fine Grained Audit/Custom/Log Miner (Audit Vault).

Database auditing (standard and unified)

Page 395: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Performance impact:

Significant. Of course, the overall impact depends on the amount of

audit that is generated. This is why it is recommended to audit only

what is necessary, following a well balanced plan.

It is recommended to move the audit trail to a dedicated tablespace

when using standard auditing.

Database auditing (standard and unified)

Page 396: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Authentication means verifying the identity of someone (a user, device, or other entity) who wants to use data, resources, or applications.

To validate the identity of database users and prevent unauthorized use of a database user name, you can authenticate using any combination of the following methods:

– Authentication by the Operating System

– Authentication by the Network

– Authentication by the Oracle Database

– Multi-tier Authentication and Authorization

– Authentication by the Secure Socket Layer Protocol

– Authentication of Database Administrators

Overview of Authentication Methods

Page 397: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Authorization primarily includes two processes:

– Permitting only certain users to access, process, or

alter data

– Applying varying limitations on users’ access or

actions. The limitations placed on (or removed from)

users can apply to objects, such as schemas,

tables, or rows; or to resources, such as time (CPU,

connect, or idle times).

Overview of Authorization

Page 398: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


You can set limits on the amount of various system

resources available to each user as part of a user’s

security domain.

By doing so, you can prevent the uncontrolled

consumption of valuable system resources such as CPU


Manage a user’s resource limits and password

management preferences with his or her profile - a

named set of resource limits that you can assign to that


The security administrator can enable or disable the

enforcement of profile resource limits universally.

User Resource Limits and Profiles

Page 399: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A privilege is a right to run a particular type of SQL

statement or to access another user’s object.

Grant privileges to users so that they can accomplish

tasks required for their job.

Grant privileges only to users who absolutely require

them. Excessive granting of unnecessary privileges can

compromise security.

A user can receive a privilege in two different ways:

– You can grant privileges to users explicitly.

– You can grant privileges to a role (a named group of

privileges), and then grant the role to one or more


Introduction to Privileges

Page 400: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Managing and controlling privileges is made easier by using roles,

which are named groups of related privileges that you grant, as a

group, to users or other roles.

Roles ease the administration of end-user system and schema

object privileges.

Introduction to Roles

Page 401: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle provides secure application roles, which are roles

that can only be enabled by authorized PL/SQL


This mechanism restricts the enabling of such roles to

the invoking application.

Package identity is used to determine whether privileges

are sufficient to enable the roles.

Before enabling the role, the application can perform

authentication and customized authorization, such as

checking whether the user has connected through a


Secure Application Roles

Page 402: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Fine-grained access control lets you use functions to implement

security policies and to associate those security policies with tables,

views, or synonyms.

The database server automatically enforces your security policies,

no matter how the data is accessed

You can:

– Use different policies for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and


– Use security policies only where you need them (for example,

on salary information).

– Use more than one policy for each table, including building on

top of base policies in packaged applications.

– Distinguish policies between different applications, by using

policy groups.

Fine-Grained Access Control

Page 403: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Application context helps you apply fine-grained access

control because you can associate your function-based

security policies with applications.

Each application has its own application-specific context,

which users cannot arbitrarily change (for example,

through SQL*Plus).

Context attributes are accessible to the functions

implementing your security policies.

Application contexts thus permit flexible, parameter-

based access control using attributes of interest to an


Application Context

Page 404: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Fine-grained auditing allows the monitoring of data

access based on content.

Fine-grained auditing policy is based on simple user-

defined SQL predicates on table objects as conditions

for selective auditing.

Fine-grained auditing can be implemented in user

applications using the DBMS_FGA package or by using

database triggers.

Fine-Grained Auditing

Page 405: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Auditing is the monitoring and recording of selected user

database actions.

Security policies can cause auditing when specified

elements in an Oracle database are accessed or altered,

including content.

Auditing is generally used to:

– Enable future accountability for current actions

taken in a particular schema, table, or row, or

affecting specific content.

– Investigate suspicious activity.

– Monitor and gather data about specific database


Overview of Database Auditing

Page 406: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Auditing is the monitoring and recording of selected user

database actions.

Security policies can cause auditing when specified

elements in an Oracle database are accessed or altered,

including content.

Auditing is generally used to:

– Enable future accountability for current actions

taken in a particular schema, table, or row, or

affecting specific content.

– Investigate suspicious activity.

– Monitor and gather data about specific database


Overview of Database Auditing

Page 407: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Types of Auditing

Page 408: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 409: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


It is important that data adhere to a predefined set of

rules, as determined by the database administrator or

application developer.

Introduction to Data Integrity

Page 410: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A null rule is a rule defined on a single column that allows or

disallows inserts or updates of rows containing a null (the absence

of a value) in that column.

A unique value rule defined on a column (or set of columns) allows

the insert or update of a row only if it contains a unique value in that

column (or set of columns).

A primary key value rule defined on a key (a column or set of

columns) specifies that each row in the table can be uniquely

identified by the values in the key.

A referential integrity rule is a rule defined on a key (a column or set

of columns) in one table that guarantees that the values in that key

match the values in a key in a related table (the referenced value).

Types of Data Integrity

Page 411: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


An integrity constraint is a declarative method of defining

a rule for a column of a table. Oracle supports the

following integrity constraints:

– NOT NULL constraints for the rules associated with

nulls in a column

– UNIQUE key constraints for the rule associated with

unique column values

– PRIMARY KEY constraints for the rule associated

with primary identification values

– FOREIGN KEY constraints for the rules associated

with referential integrity

– CHECK constraints for complex integrity rules

How Oracle Enforces Data Integrity

Page 412: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle uses integrity constraints to prevent invalid data

entry into the base tables of the database.

You can define integrity constraints to enforce the

business rules you want to associate with the information

in a database.

If any of the results of a DML statement execution violate

an integrity constraint, then Oracle rolls back the

statement and returns an error.

The integrity constraints implemented in Oracle fully

comply with ANSI X3.135-1989 and ISO 9075-1989


Overview of Integrity Constraints

Page 413: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Not Null Integrity Constraints

Page 414: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Unique Key Constraints

Page 415: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Primary Key Constraints

Page 416: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Referential Integrity Constraints

Page 417: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Features

– Data Concurrency and Consistency

– Manageability

– Backup and Recovery

– Business Intelligence

– High Availability

– Partitioned Tables and Indexes

– Content Management

– Database Security

– Data Integrity

– Triggers

Page 418: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Triggers are procedures stored in PL/SQL or Java that run (fire)

implicitly whenever a table or view is modified or when some user

actions or database system actions occur.

You can write triggers that fire whenever one of the following

operations occurs:

– DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) on a particular

table or view, issued by any user

– DDL statements (CREATE or ALTER primarily) issued either

by a particular schema/user or by any schema/user in the


– Database events, such as logon/logoff, errors, or

startup/shutdown, also issued either by a particular

schema/user or by any schema/user in the database

Introduction to Triggers

Page 419: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Trigger Example

Page 420: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A row trigger is fired each time the table is affected by the triggering statement.

A statement trigger is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement, regardless of the number of rows in the table that the triggering statement affects, even if no rows are affected.

BEFORE triggers run the trigger action before the triggering statement is run.

AFTER triggers run the trigger action after the triggering statement is run.

INSTEAD OF triggers provide a transparent way of modifying views that cannot be modified directly through DML statements. These triggers are called INSTEAD OF triggers because, unlike other types of triggers, Oracle fires the trigger instead of executing the triggering statement.

You can use triggers to publish information about database events to subscribers.

Types of Triggers

Page 421: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle runs a trigger internally using the same steps

used for procedure execution.

The only subtle difference is that a user has the right to

fire a trigger if he or she has the privilege to run the

triggering statement.

Other than this, triggers are validated and run the same

way as stored procedures.

Trigger Execution

Page 422: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 423: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 424: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Distributed SQL enables applications and users to simultaneously access or modify the data in several databases as easily as they access or modify a single database.

An Oracle distributed database system can be transparent to users, making it appear as though it is a single Oracle database.

Oracle uses database links to enable users on one database to access objects in a remote database.

An Oracle distributed database system lets application developers and administrators hide the physical location of database objects from applications and users.

Federated Access

Page 425: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle ensures the integrity of data in a distributed transaction using the two-phase commit mechanism.

– In the prepare phase, the initiating node in the transaction tasks the other participating nodes to promise to commit or undo the transaction.

– During the commit phase, the initiating node asks all participating nodes to commit the transaction. If this outcome is not possible, then all nodes undo.

The two-phase commit mechanism is completely transparent, requiring no complex programming or other special operations to provide distributed transaction control.

SQL and COMMIT Transparency

Page 426: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Replication is the maintenance of database objects in

two or more databases.

It provides a solution to the scalability, availability, and

performance issues facing many companies.

For loose application coupling, Oracle offers Oracle

Streams Advanced Queuing, which is built on top of the

flexible Oracle Streams infrastructure.

Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing provides a unified

framework for processing events.

Information Sharing

Page 427: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Streams enables the propagation and

management of data, transactions, and events in a data

stream either within a database, or from one database to


The stream routes published information to subscribed


Oracle Streams satisfies the information sharing

requirements for a variety of usage scenarios.

Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing provides the

database-integrated message queuing and event

management capabilities.

Oracle Streams

Page 428: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Streams is an information sharing technology that

automatically determines what information is relevant

and shares that information with those who need it.

This active sharing of information includes capturing and

managing events in the database including DML and

DDL changes and propagating those events to other

databases and applications.

Data changes can be applied directly to the replica

database or can call a user-defined procedure to perform

alternative work at the destination database.

Replication with Oracle Streams

Page 429: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Streams Configuration

Page 430: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Streams is fully inter-operational with materialized

views, or snapshots, which can be used to maintain

updatable or read-only, point-in-time copies of data.

They can be defined to contain a full copy of a table or a

defined subset of the rows in the master table that satisfy

a value-based selection criterion.

Because materialized views do not require a dedicated

connection, they are ideal for disconnected computing.

Materialized Views

Page 431: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle provides two solutions for integrating the Oracle

database server with non-Oracle databases--Generic

Connectivity and Transparent Gateways.

These solutions enable Oracle clients to access non-

Oracle data stores.

They translate third party SQL dialects, data dictionaries,

and datatypes into Oracle formats, thus making the non-

Oracle data store appear as a remote Oracle database.

These technologies enable companies to integrate

seamlessly the different systems and provide a

consolidated view of the company as a whole.

Integrating Non-Oracle Systems

Page 432: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Generic Connectivity is a generic solution that uses an

ODBC or OLEDB driver to access any ODBC or OLEDB

compliant non-Oracle system.

It provides data access to many data stores for which

Oracle does not have a gateway solution.

This enables transparent connectivity using industry

standards, such as ODBC and OLEDB.

Generic connectivity makes it possible to access low-end

data stores, such as Foxpro, Access, dBase, and non-

relational targets like Excel.

Generic Connectivity

Page 433: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle Transparent Gateways are tailored solutions, specifically coded for the non-Oracle system.

They provide an optimized solution, with more functionality and better performance than Generic Connectivity.

Generic Connectivity relies on industry standards, whereas Oracle Transparent Gateways accesses the non-Oracle systems using their native interface.

The Transparent Gateways are also end-to-end certified.

Oracle has Transparent Gateways to many sources, including Sybase, DB2, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Oracle Transparent Gateways

Page 434: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 435: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


SQL is a database access, nonprocedural language.

Users describe in SQL what they want done, and the SQL language compiler automatically generates a procedure to navigate the database and perform the desired task.

Oracle SQL includes many extensions to the ANSI/ISO standard SQL language, and Oracle tools and applications provide additional statements.

The Oracle tools SQL*Plus and Oracle Enterprise Manager let you run any ANSI/ISO standard SQL statement against an Oracle database, as well as additional statements or functions that are available for those tools.

Overview of SQL

Page 436: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle automatically notices when applications send

similar SQL statements to the database.

The SQL area used to process the first occurrence of the

statement is shared—that is, used for processing

subsequent occurrences of that same statement.

Therefore, only one shared SQL area exists for a unique


Because shared SQL areas are shared memory areas,

any Oracle process can use a shared SQL area.

The sharing of SQL areas reduces memory use on the

database server, thereby increasing system throughput.

Shared SQL

Page 437: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Stages in Processing a SQL Statement

Page 438: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


All SQL statements use the optimizer, a part of Oracle

that determines the most efficient means of accessing

the specified data.

The procedure Oracle uses to run a statement can

greatly affect how quickly the statement runs.

The optimizer considers many factors among alternative

access paths.

The combination of the steps Oracle uses to run a

statement is called an execution plan.

An execution plan includes an access method for each

table that the statement accesses and an ordering of the

tables (the join order).

Overview of the Optimizer

Page 439: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


PL/SQL is Oracle’s procedural language extension to SQL.

It provides a server-side, stored procedural language that is easy-to-

use, seamless with SQL, robust, portable, and secure.

PL/SQL enables you to mix SQL statements with procedural


With PL/SQL, you can define and run PL/SQL program units such

as procedures, functions, and packages.

An anonymous block is a PL/SQL block that appears in your

application and is not named or stored in the database.

A stored procedure is a PL/SQL block that Oracle stores in the

database and can be called by name from an application.

Overview of PL/SQL

Page 440: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The PL/SQL Engine and the Oracle Database Server

Page 441: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Stored Procedures

Page 442: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Stored Package

Page 443: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle furnishes enterprise application developers with

an end-to-end Java solution for creating, deploying, and

managing Java applications.

The total solution consists of client-side and server-side

programmatic interfaces, tools to support Java

development, and a Java Virtual Machine integrated with

the Oracle database server.

All these products are compatible with Java standards.

Oracle’s Java Application Strategy

Page 444: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


In addition to the Oracle JVM, the Java programming environment consists of the following:

– Java stored procedures as the Java equivalent and companion for PL/SQL. Java stored procedures are tightly integrated with PL/SQL. You can call a Java stored procedure from a PL/SQL package; you can call PL/SQL procedures from a Java stored procedure.

– SQL data can be accessed through the JDBC programming interface.

– Tools and scripts used in assisting in development, class loading, and class management.

Oracle’s Java Application Strategy

Page 445: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


A Java stored procedure is a program you write in Java

to run in the server, exactly as a PL/SQL stored


You invoke it directly with products like SQL*Plus, or

indirectly with a trigger. You can access it from any

Oracle Net client—OCI, precompiler, or JDBC.

In addition, you can use Java to develop powerful

programs independently of PL/SQL.

Oracle provides a fully-compliant implementation of the

Java programming language and JVM.

Java Stored Procedures

Page 446: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Java database connectivity (JDBC) is an application

programming interface (API) for Java developers to

access SQL data.

It is available on client and server, so you can deploy the

same code in either place.

Oracle’s JDBC allows access to objects and collection

types defined in the database from Java programs

through dynamic SQL.


Page 447: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


SQLJ allows developers to use object datatypes in Java


Developers can use JPublisher to map Oracle object and

collection types into Java classes to be used in the


SQLJ provides access to server objects using SQL

statements embedded in the Java code.

SQLJ provides compile-time type checking of object

types and collections in the SQL statements.

The syntax is based on an ANSI standard (SQLJ



Page 448: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Java Publisher (JPublisher) is a utility, written entirely in

Java, that generates Java classes to represent the

following user-defined database entities in your Java


– SQL object types

– Object reference types ("REF types")

– SQL collection types (VARRAY types or nested

table types)

– PL/SQL packages

JPublisher lets you to specify and customize the

mapping of these entities to Java classes in a strongly

typed paradigm.


Page 449: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


JMS provides a standard-based API to enable

asynchronous exchange of business events within the

enterprise, as well as with customers and partners.

JMS facilitates reliable communication between loosely

coupled components in a distributed environment,

significantly simplifying the effort required for enterprise


The combination of Java technology with enterprise

messaging enables development of portable


Java Messaging Service

Page 450: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 451: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is an application programming

interface (API) that lets you create applications that use the native

procedures or function calls of a third-generation language to access

an Oracle database server and control all phases of SQL statement


OCI lets you manipulate data and schemas in an Oracle database

using a host programming language, such as C.

It provides a library of standard database access and retrieval

functions in the form of a dynamic runtime library (OCI library) that

can be linked in an application at runtime.

This eliminates the need to embed SQL or PL/SQL within 3GL


Overview of Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Page 452: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


OCI provides the following:

– Improved performance and scalability through the use of system memory and network connectivity.

– Consistent interfaces for dynamic session and transaction management in a two-tier client/server or multitier environment.

– N-tiered authentication.

– Comprehensive support for application development using Oracle objects.

– Access to external databases.

– Applications that can service an increasing number of users and requests without additional hardware investments.

Overview of Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Page 453: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) is a C++ API that

lets you use the object-oriented features, native classes,

and methods of the C++ programing language to access

the Oracle database.

The OCCI interface is modeled on the JDBC interface

and, like the JDBC interface, is easy to use.

OCCI is built on top of OCI and provides the power and

performance of OCI using an object-oriented paradigm.

OCCI provides a simpler, object-oriented interface to the

functionality of OCI.

Overview of Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI)

Page 454: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


An Oracle precompiler is a programming tool that lets you embed

SQL statements in a high-level source program.

The precompiler accepts the host program as input, translates the

embedded SQL statements into standard Oracle run-time library

calls, and generates a source program that you can compile, link,

and run in the usual way.

The Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler lets you embed SQL statements

in a C or C++ source file.

Pro*C/C++ reads the source file as input and outputs a C or C++

source file that replaces the embedded SQL statements with Oracle

runtime library calls, and is then compiled by the C or C++ compiler.

Overview of Pro*C/C++ Precompiler

Page 455: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle offers a variety of data access methods from

COM-based programming languages, such as Visual

Basic and Active Server Pages.

These include Oracle Objects for OLE (OO40) and the

Oracle Provider for OLE DB. The latter can be used with

Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).

Server-side programming to COM Automation servers,

such as Microsoft Office, is available through the COM

Automation Feature.

Overview of Microsoft Programming Languages

Page 456: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Traditional ODBC access is available through Oracle's

ODBC Driver. C/C++ applications can also use the

Oracle Call Interface (OCI).

Oracle also provides optimum .NET data access support

through the Oracle Data Provider for .NET, allowing

.NET to access advanced Oracle features.

Oracle also support OLE DB .NET and ODBC .NET.

Overview of Microsoft Programming Languages

Page 457: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


The Pro*COBOL Precompiler is a programming tool that

lets you embed SQL statements in a host COBOL


Pro*COBOL reads the source file as input and outputs a

COBOL source file that replaces the embedded SQL

statements with Oracle runtime library calls, and is then

compiled by the COBOL compiler.

The Oracle Pro*FORTRAN Precompiler lets you embed

SQL in a host FORTRAN program.

Pro*FORTRAN is not supported on Windows.

Overview of Legacy Languages

Page 458: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 459: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


CHAR Datatype

– The CHAR datatype stores fixed-length character strings.

– When you create a table with a CHAR column, you must specify a string length (in bytes or characters) between 1 and 2000 bytes for the CHAR column width.

– Oracle compares CHAR values using blank-padded comparison semantics.

VARCHAR2 Datatype

– The VARCHAR2 datatype stores variable-length character strings.

– When you create a table with a VARCHAR2 column, you specify a maximum string length (in bytes or characters) between 1 and 4000 bytes for the VARCHAR2 column.

– For each row, Oracle stores each value in the column as a variable-length field unless a value exceeds the column’s maximum length, in which case Oracle returns an error.

– Using VARCHAR2 saves on space used by the table.

Native Datatypes

Page 460: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 Datatypes

– NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 are Unicode datatypes that store Unicode character data.

– The character set of NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 datatypes can only be either AL16UTF16 or UTF8 and is specified at database creation time as the national character set.

– AL16UTF16 and UTF8 are both Unicode encoding.

– The NCHAR datatype stores fixed-length character strings that correspond to the national character set.

– The NVARCHAR2 datatype stores variable length character strings.

LOB Character Datatypes

– The LOB datatypes for character data are CLOB and NCLOB.

– They can store up to 8 terabytes of character data (CLOB) or national character set data (NCLOB).

Native Datatypes

Page 461: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


NUMBER Datatype

– The NUMBER datatype stores fixed and floating-point numbers.

– Numbers of virtually any magnitude can be stored and are guaranteed portable among different systems operating Oracle, up to 38 digits of precision.

DATE Datatype

– The DATE datatype stores point-in-time values (dates and times) in a table.

– The DATE datatype stores the year, the month, the day, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (after midnight).

– Oracle can store dates in the Julian era, ranging from January 1, 4712 BCE through December 31, 4712 CE (Common Era, or 'AD').

– Date data is stored in fixed-length fields of seven bytes each, corresponding to century, year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

Native Datatypes

Page 462: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


BLOB Datatype

– The BLOB datatype stores unstructured binary data in the

database. BLOBs can store up to 8 terabytes of binary data.

BFILE Datatype

– The BFILE datatype stores unstructured binary data in

operating-system files outside the database.

– A BFILE column or attribute stores a file locator that points to

an external file containing the data.

– BFILEs can store up to 8 terabytes of data.

– BFILEs are read only; you cannot modify them.

– They support only random (not sequential) reads, and they do

not participate in transactions.

Native Datatypes

Page 463: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


ROWID and UROWID Datatypes

– Oracle uses a ROWID datatype to store the address (rowid) of every row in the database.

Physical rowids store the addresses of rows in ordinary tables (excluding index-organized tables), clustered tables, table partitions and subpartitions, indexes, and index partitions and subpartitions.

Logical rowids store the addresses of rows in index-organized tables.

– A single datatype called the universal rowid, or UROWID, supports both logical and physical rowids, as well as rowids of foreign tables such as non-Oracle tables accessed through a gateway.

Native Datatypes

Page 464: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


SQL statements that create tables and clusters can also

use ANSI datatypes and datatypes from IBM’s products

SQL/DS and DB2.

Oracle recognizes the ANSI or IBM datatype name that

differs from the Oracle datatype name, records it as the

name of the datatype of the column, and then stores the

column’s data in an Oracle datatype based on the


Overview of ANSI, DB2, and SQL/DS Datatypes

Page 465: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


XMLType can be used like any other user-defined type.

XMLType can be used as the datatype of columns in

tables and views.

Variables of XMLType can be used in PL/SQL stored

procedures as parameters, return values, and so on.

You can also use XMLType in PL/SQL, SQL and Java,

and through JDBC and OCI.

XMLType Datatype

Page 466: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database



Oracle Database Application Development – Information Integration

– SQL, PL/SQL, and Java

– Overview of Application Development Languages

– Native Datatypes

– Object Datatypes and Object Views

Page 467: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Oracle object technology is a layer of abstraction built on

Oracle's relational technology.

New object types can be created from any built-in

database types or any previously created object types,

object references, and collection types.

Metadata for user-defined types is stored in a schema

available to SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and other published


Object datatypes make it easier to work with complex

data, such as images, audio, and video.

Introduction to Object Datatypes

Page 468: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


An object type differs from native SQL datatypes in that it is user-defined, and it specifies both the underlying persistent data (attributes) and the related behaviors (methods).

Object types are abstractions of the real-world entities.

Object types store structured business data in its natural form and allow applications to retrieve it that way.

Object types and related object-oriented features, such as variable-length arrays and nested tables, provide higher-level ways to organize and access data in the database.

Introduction to Object Datatypes

Page 469: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Underneath the object layer, data is still stored in

columns and tables, but you can work with the data in

terms of the real-world entities--customers and purchase

orders, for example--that make the data meaningful.

Instead of thinking in terms of columns and tables when

you query the database, you can simply select a


Introduction to Object Datatypes

Page 470: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Just as a view is a virtual table, an object view is a

virtual object table.

Oracle provides object views as an extension of the

basic relational view mechanism.

By using object views, you can create virtual object

tables from data—of either built-in or user-defined

types—stored in the columns of relational or object

tables in the database.

Object views provide the ability to offer specialized or

restricted access to the data and objects in a database.

Introduction to Object Views

Page 471: Oracle Database Concepts

Oracle Database


Object views allow the use of relational data in object-

oriented applications. They let users:

– Try object-oriented programming techniques without

converting existing tables

– Convert data gradually and transparently from

relational tables to object-relational tables

– Use legacy RDBMS data with existing object-

oriented applications

Introduction to Object Views