OptionTradingWorkbook (1)

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Transcript of OptionTradingWorkbook (1)

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    Version 2.1


    This spreadsheet is provided free of charge for you to use to further your education in options trading.

    The formulas used were taken from two great books on option trading

    Option Volatility and Pricing by Sheldon atenberg

    !inancial "odels using #$cel by Simon %enninga

    &ou can read more about these books from the www.OptionTradingTips.com website

    'f you have any suggestions for this workbook or even have a bug to report( please feel free to email

    me at admin)optiontradingtips.com

    To stay up to date with changes to this workbook and other modifications to the website( please feel free

    to subscribe*

    ' have written all the formulas in Visual %asic using modules and are freely disclosed( so you may e$amine

    the logic( edit and change the calculations as you like.


    &ou will need to have "acros enabled for the calculations to work.!ollow the steps below to enable "acros*

    Excel 97 - 2003

    +o to Tools,Options

    -lick on the Security tab

    +o to "acro Security

    -hange the setting to "edium

    -lose and reopen the workbook. 't will ask you if you want to enable "acros( click &es

    Excel 2007

    !irst( make sure that you can see the eveloper tab

    'f there is no eveloper tab( click on the Office icon to the top left of the application

    and choose #$cel Options( which is located at the bottom right of the popup.

    ow click on Popular at the top left. -heck the bo$ titled /Show developer tab in the ribbon/.

    ow( click on the eveloper tab.

    -lick on "acro Security.

    Select /isable all macros with notification/ and press ok.

    -lose and reopen spreadsheet.

    ow you should see a Security 0arning appear in the toolbar

    that reads /"acros have been disabled/. -lick on the options button.

    Select /#nable this content/ and press ok.

    Release Updates11,,3 4 !i$ed a bug on the OptionStrategies tab. The greeks for Stock positions were previously displaying as Put op

    23,5, 4 !i$ed a bug that failed to calculate the theoretical change in P67 for stocks in the strategies tab.

    28,8, 4 !i$ed a small calculation bug for the Option Theta( which now has a near perfect accuracy.

    1,1, 4 9dded support for ividend &ield( which can be used as a workaround to price options on futures

    by making the ividend &ield the same as the 'nterest :ate.

    BasicThe worksheet labelled %asic is a simple option pricer.

    &ou simply enter the option details into the yellow shaded areas and

    the output values will be displayed underneath in the blue shaded cells.

    OptionPageOptionPage is a worksheet that allows you to price a string of calls and puts for the same e$piration

    date. 9gain( you enter the option details into the yellow cells and the output values are in the blue



  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    shaded cells.

    &ou can calculate the market implied volatility for each option by simply typing in the market price of

    the option in the column labelled /"arket Price/ and the volatility implied by the option;s market value

    will show in the column /'mplied Volatility/.

    -olumn;s 9 and 7 are where you can change the strike prices used for the calculations. Or you can

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)



  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    Underlying Price 6500 The current base price of the instrument, eg, the closing price of Microsft Stock

    Exercise Price 6500 The price at which the underlying instrument will be exchanged. Also called Strike Price

    Todays !ate "/#$/%0#&

    Expiry !ate "/%'/%0#& The Date which the contract expires

    (istorical )olatil ity #5* The istorical !olatility of the asset"s returns

    +is, -ree +ate 0.00* The current risk free interest rate i.e. your return on cash held in the bank

    !iidened ield 0.00* The Annuali#ed Di$idend %rowth &ate of the Stock

    !TE ears1 0.0%

    Call Option Put Option

    Theoretical Price 2)34UE 2)34UE

    !elta 2)34UE 2)34UE The amount that the theoretical price will change if the market mo$es up'down ( point

    amma 2)34UE 2)34UE The amount that the Delta will change if the market mo$es up'down ( point

    Theta 2)34UE 2)34UE The amount that the theoretical price will change when ( day passes.

    )ega 2)34UE 2)34UE The amount that the theoretical price will change if the $olatility of the asset mo$es up'd

    +ho 2)34UE 2)34UE The amount that the theoretical price will change if interest rates mo$e up'down by ( pe

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    entage point

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    67550.00 Underlying Price )** +ellow cells are for user input

    #089ar8#& Todays !ate )** lue cells are the calculated outputs

    #&.00* (istorical )olatility This worksheet allows you to price multiple

    %'89ar8#& Expiry !ate with the same nderlying Price. &emembe

    0.00* +is, -ree +ate you like by using the formulas pro$ided.

    0.00* !iidend ield#' DT-

    0.05 DT- in +ears

    Call Options

    Theoretical 9ar,et mplied ;ption ree,s

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    strikes for calls and puts for the same -xpiry

    , you can customise your own workbook any way

    Put Options

    Theoreti9ar,et mplied ;ption ree,s

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    67550 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    675$0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    676"0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    676'0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    67'#0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    67'50 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    Current Position $elta elatie to Un"erlyin Price Chanes

    Underlying Price

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    67&'0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    675#0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    67550 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    675$0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    676"0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    676'0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    67'#0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    67'50 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 0.00 0.00

    Current Position ho elatie to Un"erlyin Price Chanes

    Underlying Price

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

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    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2)34UE

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0 676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50












    P&L at Expiration

    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0









    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0 676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50









    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0









    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0 676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50









    67"50 67"$0 67&"0 67&'0 675#0 67550 675$0









  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50

    676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50

    676"0 676'0 67'#0 67'50

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    "#PL"ED V$L%T"L"T

    Lo' (e)tral *ih


    %uy aked Puts Sell the Sell aked -alls

    %ear Vertical Spreads* =nderlying %ear Vertical Spreads*

    %uy 9T" -all,Sell 'T" -all %uy OT" -all,Sell 9T" -all

    %uy 9T" Put,Sell OT" Put %uy OT" >'T"? -all >Put? Time Spread

    Sell OT" >'T"? -all >Put? %utterflies %uy 'T" >OT"? -all >Put? %utterflies

    %uy 'T" >OT"? -all >Put? Time Spreads Sell OT" >'T"? -all >Put? Time Spreads


    %ackspreads o othing :atio Vertical Spreads

    %uy Straddles,Strangles Sell Straddles,Strangles

    Sell 9T" -all Or Put %utterflies %uy 9T" -all Or Put %utterflies

    %uy 9T" -all Or Put Time Spreads Sell 9T" -all Or Put Time Spreads


    %uy aked -alls %uy the Sell aked Puts

    %ull Vertical Spreads =nderlying %ull Vertical Spreads

    %uy 9T" -all,Sell OT" -all %uy 'T" -all,Sell 9T" -all

    %uy 9T" Put,Sell 'T" Put %uy OT" Put,Sell 9T" Put

    Sell 'T" >OT"? -all >Put? %utterflies %uy OT" >'T"? -all >Put? %utterflies

    %uy OT" >'T"? -all >Put? Time Spreads Sell 'T" >OT"? -all >Put? Time Spreads


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    #00 Underlying Price

    #00 Exercise Price

    %689ar8#& Todays !ate

    %5.00* (istorical )olatility

    222 Expiry !ate

    0* +is, -ree +ate

    0* !iidend ield60 DT-

    0.#6 DT- in +ears

    '5 =0 =5 $0 $5 #00 #05 ##0 ##5

    $0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    #00 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    ##0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    3@ 8 8@ A A@ 1 1@ 11 11@ 12 12@






    Gamma .s nerl1in Price


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    #%0 #%5

    2)34UE 2)34UE

    2)34UE 2)34UE

    2)34UE 2)34UE

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    #00 Underlying Price

    #00 Exercise Price

    %689ar8#& Todays !ate

    %5.00* (istorical )olatility

    222 Expiry !ate

    0* +is, -ree +ate

    0* !iidend ield60 DT-

    0.#6 DT- in +ears

    '5 =0 =5 $0 $5 #00 #05 ##0 ##5

    $0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    #00 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    ##0 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    3@ 8 8@ A A@ 1 1@ 11 11@ 12 12@






    Vea .s nerl1in Price


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    #%0 #%5

    2)34UE 2)34UE

    2)34UE 2)34UE

    2)34UE 2)34UE

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    #00 Underlying Price

    #00 Exercise Price

    %689ar8#& Todays !ate

    %5.00* (istorical )olatility

    222 Expiry !ate

    0* +is, -ree +ate

    0* !iidend ield60 DT-

    0.#6 DT- in +ears

    #00 $0 =0 '0 60 50 &0 "0 %0

    #00 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    #00 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    #00 $0 =0 '0 60 50 &0 "0 %0 #0 #








    all Theta

    #00 $0 =0 '0 60 50 &0 "








    all $ption Price

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    !TE Theta Theo * !i@@

    #00 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    $$ 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    $= 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    $6 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE$5 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    $& 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    #0 # $% 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    == 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    =6 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    =5 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    0 %0 #0 #

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    5% 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

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    " 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

  • 8/12/2019 OptionTradingWorkbook (1)


    % 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE

    # 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE 2)34UE