
e Giſt of Divine Knowledge Enlightenment Workshop


The gift to divine knowledge

Transcript of Optimal

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The Gift of Divine


Enlightenment Workshop

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Most people have felt optimal comfort only in short moments

through their life. Even most experts in mental health do not have a standard in what lasting

optimal comfort is! Because most do not have deep experience in

this themselves.

What if we can feel and be in optimal comfort all the time?

In one beautiful way, this is possible.

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Most of all humans have not asked fundamental questions

about who they are and how their reality is really functioning.

Most humans believe they are their thoughts and feelings and base who they are on the experiences of the past. This source of knowledge is

very limited, compared to who they really are. When you learn to

ask questions from a state of higher consciousness through intellect, the door to real wisdom, inner peace

and freedom opens.

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When you discover who you are through deep investigation of your

mind, thoughts and feelings, you discover your divine power and true nature.

Then it is no doubt - only truth.

This has nothing to do with faith or religion; it has to do with deep

understanding, the experience of how reality works and how to live in

synchronicity with the laws operating in this universe. This wonderful truth is the same for everyone and we can show you the door so you can see the truth of who you really are yourself.

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From limited to unlimited!

You live by known and unknown limited rules in your life. We can call

it belief systems. It comes from the unconscious mind, ancestors,

DNA and genes, parents, memories, experiences and what you have been told.

When you discover your false identity, all your

limited beliefs change to unlimited beliefs in your life.

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You can learn to supermeditate in 60 seconds!

Then stress turns OFF and your immune system turns ON.

Some people call this instant healing. To come in contact with the part of mind that controls the immune system is one of the great

secrets of master healers around the world. People come to our workshops

to get deep healing and to get the real truth about who they are.

Because that is the optimal transformation in life.

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You are already free!

Inner peace and happiness is your true nature. And it can be nice to

know how to really KNOW and BE that. That is what we

call Divine Knowledge.

When you understand who you are, you do not have to meditate or do

techniques to find freedom. But you can do special techniques to find out

that you are already free.

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From unique understanding, you will see that you are not

your thoughts or feelings!

You are not even your body or the voice in your head. The real you is

the one who witness all these things. Deep understanding of the

functioning of your mind, intellect and ego will transform your life

and free your mind. We can show you how you can free yourself.

No one can do it for you or give the highest form of love to you except...


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How can you become your biggest dreams?

You don’t have control over your life the way you think. You don’t

know what you are going to think or feel 5 minutes from now.

What happens when you can learn to let go of this control?

Then you collapse waves in the field of all potentials and real beautiful

transformation just happens by itself in your life. Without stress!

With inner peace and vitality playing together.

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The pure essence found in the teachings in our workshops

is too good to be true.

Through divine knowledge on how your mind is functioning, you will

discover a supreme system that will give you total freedom and inner peace. This understanding goes

beyond religion, mental therapies or spiritual methods and opens to see

all things in a broader context. This truth is universal and equally

true for all human beings when they discover and experience it. The truth works in the same way for everyone.

It sets you free!

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You are welcome to join our workshops and retreats for the experience of unique systems for total freedom!

If you look at the feedback on our website, it is so

overwhelmingly positive that some people do not believe

it is true until they themselves have attended a workshop

or a retreat.

You are welcome...
