Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA

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Transcript of Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA

  • 8/9/2019 Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA


    Rediana Murti Novia

    X-A / 22

  • 8/9/2019 Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA


  • 8/9/2019 Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA


    1.1 Flat MirrorThe nature of images that are produced by flat mirrors

    can be summarized as follows :

    * The images are upright (same as the objects)

    * The images have the same size as the objects

    * The distance of the objects to the mirror is equal to

    the images to the mirrors

    * Reflected images are virtual images

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    The characteristic of concave

    mirror are if the parallel rays hitthe surface of the mirror, the

    reflected rays would converge

    at a point. This is also called the

    focal point (f).The normal line on every

    point on a concave mirror is

    called the center of curvature of

    a mirror (R).The relation between focal

    length and center of curvature

    can be written as :

    f = R

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    i) Rays that come in parallel

    with the main axis arereflected through a focal


    ii) Rays that come through a

    focal point are reflectedparallel with the main axis

    iii) Rays that come through

    the curvature of mirror are

    reflected back through thatcurvature

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    Convex mirrors are curved mirrors that reflect the raysthat come to mirrors outward and seems to come from the

    focal point. The parallel rays that come to the convex mirror

    are reflected divergently.

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    i) The rays that come parallel

    to the main axis are

    diverged. The reflected rays

    seem to come from the focal


    ii) The rays that are come

    toward the focal point are

    reflected in parallel with the

    main axis

    iii) The rays that are comethrough the curvature are

    reflected back through the


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    By applying the properties of a concave and convex mirror,the image of an object can be drawn easily. There is a

    relationship between an objects position and its image,

    which are formed. The relation can be written as :

    1 1 1

    s s f + =

    NB :NB :

    s : the distance of an object to the

    mirror (cm)

    s : the distance of an image to the

    mirror (cm)

    f : the focal length (cm)

    R : center of curvature (cm)

    1 1 2

    s s R+ =

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    The size of an image that is formed by a mirror can looklarger or smaller than its object. Therefore, we define

    linier magnification as a ratio of image and object size.

    The linier magnification can be expressed as the following

    equation :NB :NB :

    M : the linier magnification

    s : the distance of an object to

    the mirror (cm)

    s : the distance of an image to

    the mirror (cm)

    h : object size (cm)

    h : image size (cm)

    M= =s

    s h


    M =s



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    s (+) Object in front of mirrorss (-) Object behind of mirror

    s (+) Image in front of mirror

    s (-)

    Image behind of mirrorf (-) Concave mirror

    f (+) Convex mirror

    M > 1 Magnified

    M < 1 Diminished

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    Concave Mirrors

    Object position Image Orientation Image Size TypeofImage

    Larger than 2f Inverted Diminished (smaller) Real

    On 2f point Inverted Same size Real

    Between f and 2f Inverted Magnified (larger) RealLess outside f Inverted Infinity Real

    Less inside f Upright Infinity Virtual

    Between f and 2f Upright Magnified (larger) Virtual

    Convex Mirror

    Object position Image Orientation Image Size TypeofImage

    Any position Upright Diminished (smaller) Virtual

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    To draw the image that happen in 2 faced set of mirror,direction of rays are took from an objectto the firstmirror, then reflected to the other mirror so can be drawnthe last image from the second mirror. The followingequation :

    Where :

    d = distance between mirror 1 and mirror 2

    s1 = distance of first image to the first mirror

    s2 = distance the second object to the second mirror

    Mtot = Total magnification

    M1 = Magnification of the first mirror

    M2 = Magnification of the second mirror

    d = s1 + s2 Mtot = M1 x M2

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  • 8/9/2019 Optical Geometrics dial 22-XA


    Lenses are transparent mediums where one or bothsides are curved mirrors.

    The curved surface of the lens causes the light that falls

    on the surface of the lens to refract in different directions.

    As a result, when light leaves the lens, it gathers in onespot or spreads in different directions. This is depend on

    the curvature of the curvature of the surface of the lens.

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    The physical

    characteristics of convex lens

    are that they are thickest at

    the center of their lens and

    their edges are thinner than

    at their center.

    Kinds ofConvex Lens

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    i) The incident rays that areparallel to the main axis of

    the lens are refracted

    through the focal point on

    the other side of the lens

    ii) The incident rays that

    come through the focal

    point are reflected parallel

    to the main axis of the

    lensiii) The incident rays that

    come through center of

    the lens is transmitted

    without refraction

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    One of the physical

    characteristic of concave lens

    are that is thinnest at the

    middle of the lens. To the

    edge, the lens thickness

    increases.The incident beams that

    are parallel to the main axis

    are reflected divergently.

    They seem to be derivedfrom the first focal point of


    Kinds ofConcave Lens

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    i) The incident beams that

    are parallel to the main

    axis are refracted

    divergently. They seem to

    be derived from the first

    focal point of the lensii) The rays that come toward

    the other focal point are

    refracted in a parallel

    fashion to the main axisiii) The incident rays that pass

    through the center of the

    lens are transmitted

    without being refracted

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    By applying the properties of a concave and convex lens, theimage of an object can be drawn easily. There is a

    relationship between an objects position and its image,

    which are formed. The relation can be written as :

    1 1 1

    s s f + =

    NB :NB :

    s : the distance of an object to the

    mirror (cm)

    s : the distance of an image to the

    mirror (cm)

    f : the focal length (cm)

    R : center of curvature (cm)

    1 1 2

    s s R+ =

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    The size of an image that is formed by a lens can look largeror smaller than its object. Therefore, we define linier

    magnification as a ratio of image and object size. The

    linier magnification can be expressed as the following

    equation :NB :NB :

    M : the linier magnification

    s : the distance of an object to

    the mirror (cm)

    s : the distance of an image to

    the mirror (cm)

    h : object size (cm)

    h : image size (cm)

    M= =s

    s h


    M =s



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    s (+) Object in front of mirrorss (-) Object behind of mirror

    s (+) Image in front of mirror

    s (-) Image behind of mirror

    f (+) Convex lens

    f (-) Concave lens

    M > 1 Magnified

    M < 1 Diminished

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    In optics, the characteristic of lens is usually expressed inoptical power quantity. The greater optical power of the lens,

    the closer position of image to the lens.

    The optical power of lens is defined as :


    where P is Optical power (dioptri/D)


    f= P (m)


    f= P (cm)

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    Convex Lens

    Object Position Image Orientation Image Size Type of Image

    Between lens andf Upright Magnified (larger) Virtual

    Betweenfand 2f Inverted Magnified (larger) Real

    Far away (s > 2f) Inverted Diminished (smaller) Real

    Concave Lens

    Object Position Image Orientation Image Size Type of Image

    Any position in front

    of lens

    Upright Diminished (smaller) Virtual

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    To draw the image that happen

    in 2 faced set of lenses,

    direction of rays are took

    from an objectto the first

    lens, then refracted to the

    other lens, so can be drawnthe last image from the

    second lens. The following

    equation :

    d = s1 + s2

    Mtot = M1 x M2

    Where :

    d = distance between mirror 1 and

    mirror 2

    s1 = distance of first image to the first


    s2 = distance the second object to the

    second mirrorMtot = Total magnification

    M1 = Magnification of the first mirror

    M2 = Magnification of the second


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    If that lenses are combined together (d= 0), so that lenses can be

    replaced with equivalent lens, by equation :

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    If the beam comes perpendicular to the surface of the water, it

    enters the water without changing the direction If the beam comes to the surface at a different angle, the

    propagation line breaks at the surface (boundary between

    water and air). The change in the propagation line at the

    boundary of two media is known as refractionBased on the above explanation, we conclude that the refraction

    occurs if :

    i) The speed of light in two media is different

    ii) The propagation line of the incidence light is not

    perpendicular to the boundary between two media

    The relation between incidence and refractive angles when a light

    beam passes through a boundary of two medium is given by

    Snells Law:

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    The relation between incidence and refractive angles when a

    light beam passes through a boundary of two medium is

    given by Snells Law:

    n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2



    Index of refraction of incident material

    sin 1Angle of incidence (degrees)

    N2 Index of refraction of refractive material

    sin 2 Angle of refraction (degrees)

    v = .fSo n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2

    n12 = = =n1






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    Apparent Elongation and Apparent Shortening

    When we look down into a pool of water from above, the poolooks less deep than it really is.

    n1 n1 h hh h

    Apparent Elongation Apparent Shortening



    cos 2

    h n1 cos 1

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    Where :

    n1 : refractive index of

    medium 1

    n2 : refractive index ofmedium 2

    n1n2 n2n1s



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    Second Focus First Focus

    s = f1..s =

    f1 = (n1/n2 n1)x R

    s =

    f2 = (n2/n2 n1)x R

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    In optics, a thin lens is a lens with a thickness (distance along theoptical axis between the two surfaces of the lens) that is negligible

    compared to the foca length l of the lens.Lenses whose thickness is

    not negligible are sometimes called thick lenses.

    The thin lens approximation ignores optical effects due to the

    thickness of lenses and simplifies ray tracing calculations. It is often

    combined with the paraxial approximation in techniques such as ray

    transfer matrix analysis.

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    The focal length of a lens in aircan be calculated from the

    lensmaker's equation:[10]

    Where :

    fis the focal length of the lens, n is the refractive index of the lensmaterial, R1 is the radius of curvature of the lens surface closest

    to the light source, R2 is the radius of curvature of the lens surface

    farthest from the light source, and d is the thickness of the lens

    (the distance along the lens axis between the two surface





    = (n1

    - 1 ) (1



    )s s nmedium R1 R2

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    Total internal reflection is an optical phenomenon thatoccurs when a ray oflight strikes a medium boundary at

    an angle larger than a particular critical angle with respect

    to the normal to the surface. If the refractive index is

    lower on the other side of the boundary, no light can passthrough and all of the light is reflected. The critical angle

    is the angle of incidence above which the total internal

    reflection occurs.

    When light crosses a boundary between materials withdifferent refractive indices, the light beam will be partially

    refracted at the boundary surface, and partially reflected.

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    However, if the angle of incidence is greater (i.e. the ray is closer to

    being parallel to the boundary) than the critical angle the angle of

    incidence at which light is refracted such that it travels along the

    boundary then the light will stop crossing the boundary altogetherand instead be totally reflected back internally. This can only occur

    where light travels from a medium with a higher [n1=higher refractive

    index] to one with a lower refractive index [n2=lower refractive index].

    For example, it will occur when passing from glass to air, but not when

    passing from air to glass.

    sin c =n2


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    = 2 + 3

    D = 1 + 4

    where :

    : angle of refractor

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    A plate of glass with

    thickness t. The direction ofthe incident beam and the

    beam leaving the material at

    the opposite surface are the

    same, but they are different

    in the propagation line. The

    propagation lines are parallel

    but one is displaced from the


    Therefore, the

    displacement of the

    propagation line of the

    refracted beam can be

    defined :

    t =d sin ( 1 - 2 )

    cos 2

    t =d sin ( 1 - 2 )

    cos 2

    For n2 >n1

    For n1 >n2