OPSB Charter School Performance Framework

Charter School Performance Framework Orleans Parish School Board June 2014 Prepared by the Charter School Office, Orleans Parish School Board in partnership with the National Association of Charter School Authorizers



Transcript of OPSB Charter School Performance Framework

Charter School Performance Framework

Orleans Parish School Board

June 2014

Prepared by the Charter School Office, Orleans Parish School Board in partnership with the National Association of Charter School Authorizers

The Orleans Parish School Board Performance Framework is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-ShareAlike license.

This document was produced in part from work created and shared by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license at www.qualitycharters.org. Copyright ©2014 National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) A Creative Commons license permits noncommercial re-use of content when proper attribution is provided. This means you are free to copy, display and distribute this work, or include content from the application in derivative works, under the following conditions: Attribution You must clearly attribute the work to the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, and provide a link back to the publication at www.qualitycharters.org and www.opsb.us/charter-schools/ . Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposes, including but not limited to any type of work for hire, without explicit prior permission from NACSA and OPSB. Share Alike If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. For the full legal code of this Creative Commons license, please visit www.creativecommons.org. If you have any questions about citing or reusing NACSA or OPSB content, please contact us.

June 2014

Orleans Parish School Board Charter School Office 3520 General DeGaulle Drive Suite 5055 New Orleans, LA 70114 Kathleen Padian, Deputy Superintendent Colleston Morgan Jr., Director of Performance & Accountability

National Association of Charter School Authorizers 105 W. Adams Street Suite 3500 Chicago, IL 60603-6253

3 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


About the Orleans Parish School Board Performance Framework

The Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB), with its charter school leaders, and in collaboration with the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), developed the comprehensive Performance Framework to ensure that each and every school is serving students with a high-quality public education. The Performance Framework sets the academic, organizational, and fiscal standards by which OPSB students will be evaluated, informing both the Orleans Parish School Board and individual school officials about school performance and sustainability.

By utilizing the Performance Framework throughout each charter school’s life cycle, OPSB officials will expand the rigorous standards and metrics by which each and every public charter school is evaluated. This will enable OPSB officials to take multiple factors into account when evaluating public charter schools across the district.

Section I: Academic Performance

4 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


Section I. Academic Performance

The Academic Performance Framework includes measures that allow OPSB to evaluate charter school academic performance. This section includes indicators, measures and metrics for student academic proficiency; student academic growth; performance of major student subgroups; and optional, additional mission-specific measures.

This section answers the evaluative question: Is the academic program a success? A charter school that meets the standards in this area is implementing its academic program effectively, and student learning—the central purpose of every school—is taking place.

For each measure, a school receives one of four ratings: “Exceeds Standard”, “Meets Standard”, “Does Not Meet Standard”, or “Falls Far Below Standard”.

NOTE: Schools in the top 5 percent of all schools statewide serving the same grade levels, based on School Performance Score (SPS), will be evaluated only using Indicator 1 and, if applicable, Indicator 2.

NOTE 2: Schools that experience a change to the student body composition of more than 40% from the prior school year (October 1st MFP student counts) due to

• Identification as a turnaround school (as defined in BESE Bulletin 111, §1105),

• conducting a full takeover (merger) of a school otherwise meeting the definition of a turnaround school,

• a school reconfiguration (as defined in BESE Bulletin 111, §3303), or

• the initial growth plan for a newly-opened charter school (as outlined in the school’s charter application materials or Operating Agreement)

will be evaluated using only Indicator 1 and, if applicable, Indicator 2. Transitional evaluation standards for eligible schools will be established per Board-adopted amendment to the school’s operating agreement.

NOTE 3: Criteria from standards 1 & 2 (optional) are the Critical Indicators for this framework, and will be used to assess annual reviews and in the evaluation process.

Indicators and Measures:

1. State and Federal Accountability System

a. Louisiana’s Accountability System

2. Optional School-Specific Academic Goals

a. Academic Goals

3. Subgroup Performance

a. Student Growth

b. State Examination Comparison

4. Math & Reading Goals

a. State Examination Comparison

Section I: Academic Performance

5 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


1a. Is the school meeting acceptable standards according to Louisiana’s accountability system (Letter Grades & SPS)?

Exceeds Standard School received a letter grade of A.

Meets Standard • School received a letter grade of B, or • School received a letter grade of C and has an

SPS at or above the midpoint of the C range (77).

Does Not Meet Standard • School received a letter grade of C and has an

SPS below the midpoint of the C range (77), or • School received a letter grade of D.

Falls Far Below Standard School received a letter grade of F.

Section I: Academic Performance

6 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


2a. Did the school meet its school-specific academic goals? Note: Specific metric(s) and target(s) must be developed and agreed upon by the charter school and the authorizer.

Exceeds Standard: The school exceeded its school-specific academic goal(s).

Meets Standard: The school met its school-specific academic goal(s).

Does Not Meet Standard: The school did not meet its school-specific academic goal(s).

Falls Far Below Standard: The school fell far below its school-specific academic goal(s).

Section I: Academic Performance

7 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


Applies to all schools that meet State reporting thresholds for enrollment of students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL), English-Language Learners (ELL), students with disabilities (SPED), or minority students.

3a. Are students in demographic subgroups exceeding individual student growth expectations? Note: The OPSB Academic Performance Framework will include a measure of student growth, aligned to the state’s Value-Added Model (VAM). The Louisiana Department of Education has indicated that VAM data will not be published for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years due to the state’s transition to new assessments. Targets for this measure will be established once this data is again available.

Exceeds Standard: TBD

Meets Standard: TBD

Does Not Meet Standard: TBD

Falls Far Below Standard: TBD

3b. Are students in demographic subgroups performing well on state examinations in math and reading compared to subgroup performance statewide? Note: Each eligible subgroup is evaluated separately for reading and math.

Exceeds Standard: School subgroup proficiency rate met or exceeded the 90th percentile of statewide subgroup performance.

Meets Standard: School subgroup proficiency rate was between the 50th and 89th percentiles of statewide subgroup performance.

Does Not Meet Standard: School subgroup proficiency rate was between the 20th and 49th percentiles of statewide subgroup performance.

Falls Far Below Standard: School subgroup proficiency rate fell below the 20th percentile of statewide subgroup performance.

Section I: Academic Performance

8 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


4a. Are students performing well on state examinations in English Language Arts and Math in comparison to other schools in the city?

Exceeds Standard: School average proficiency rate is in the top 10 percent of citywide performance for schools serving the same grade levels.

Meets Standard: School average proficiency rate met or exceeded the citywide average for schools serving the same grades, but falls below the 90th percentile of citywide performance.

Does Not Meet Standard: School average proficiency rate fell below the citywide average for schools serving the same grades, but is above the 20th percentile of citywide performance.

Falls Far Below Standard: School average proficiency rate fell below the 20th percentile of citywide performance for schools serving the same grades.

Section II: Financial Performance

9 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

Section II

Section II: Financial Performance

The Financial Performance Framework is an accountability tool that provides the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) with data necessary to assess the financial health and viability of charter schools in its portfolio on an ongoing basis and for the purposes of an annual review. The framework summarizes a charter school’s current financial health while taking into account the school’s financial trends over a period of three years. The measures are designed to be complementary. No single measure gives a full picture of the financial situation of a school. Taken together, however, the measures provide a comprehensive assessment of the school’s financial health and viability based on a school’s historic trends, near-term financial situation, and future viability.

Within each annual reporting period, the Financial Performance Framework provides for an initial review and a follow-up assessment that together produce two ratings: a Preliminary Rating and a Final Rating. The Preliminary Rating indicates whether the school has met the standard for financial viability based on OPSB’s initial review of financial information, which, for an annual review, will be drawn from the school’s audited financials. The Final Rating documents OPSB’s revised assessment based on more current financial information and/or more detailed examination of the school’s financial position, as needed.

Preliminary Ratings

The Preliminary Rating is either Meets Standard or Pending Dialogue.

Meets Standard: The Meets Standard rating means that the information contained in the financials under review indicates that the school is meeting or exceeding the target for the standard in question.

Pending Dialogue: The Pending Dialogue rating means that the school is not meeting the target based on the financials under review. A school that misses the standard on any one measure may or may not be at financial risk. It may be in immediate distress, financially trending negatively, both, or neither.

There are two types of additional information that OPSB may need before assigning a Final Rating.

The first is more current information. When conducting a year-end evaluation of a school’s financials, OPSB will be reviewing audit numbers that are typically several months old by the time the audit has been finalized. OPSB’s further analysis will often include review of current, unaudited financials.

The second is more detailed information about the school’s financial position to assess the reasons behind the failure to meet the standard. For example, a school might make a strategic long-term financial decision that results in it missing a standard in the near term. OPSB’s follow-up will consider the more current and more detailed information to determine whether the Preliminary Rating is still applicable and the degree to which it is, in fact, an indication of financial risk or distress.

Section II: Financial Performance

10 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

Section II

Final Ratings

The Final Rating is either Meets Standard, Does Not Meet Standard, or Falls Far Below Standard.

Meets Standard: A Meets rating indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record. Either the school has already met the standard based on the financials under review, the previous financial concerns that produced a preliminary Pending rating have been adequately remedied based on more current financial data, or the previous concerns have been adequately addressed based on additional information such that OPSB concludes that performance against the standard indicates sound financial viability.

Does Not Meet Standard: A Does Not Meet rating indicates that upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted. A Does Not Meet rating means that even based on more current financial information, the school is not currently meeting the standard, or concerns previously identified, although not currently manifested, have been of a depth or duration that warrants continued attention.

Falls Far Below Standard: A Falls Far Below rating indicates that upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary. The school’s rating will be based on both the most recent audited financials and more current unaudited financials. OPSB will also consider any relevant context for the school’s financial position that informs the causes of the school’s substantial shortcomings for the area in question. Appropriate monitoring and/or intervention will be determined, in part, by how the rating on the standard in question fits within the school’s overall performance on the framework.

Indicators and Measures:

1. Near Term Measures

a. Current Ratio

b. Unrestricted Days Cash

c. Enrollment Variance

d. Default

2. Sustainability Measures

a. Total Margin

b. Debt to Asset Ratio

c. Cash Flow

d. Debt Service Coverage Ratio

e. Unrestricted Net Asset Percentage

Section II: Financial Performance

11 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


1a. Current Ratio: Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard • Current Ratio is greater than or equal to 1.1, or • Current Ratio is between 1.0 and 1.1 and

one-year trend is positive (current year ratio is higher than last year’s)

Note: For schools in their first or second year of operation, the current ratio must be greater than or equal to 1.1.

Pending Dialogue • Current Ratio is between 1.0 and 1.1 and

one-year trend is negative, or • Current Ratio is less than or equal to 1.0

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

1b. Unrestricted Days Cash: Unrestricted Cash divided by ([Total Expenses minus Depreciation Expenses] divided by 365)

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard • 60 Days Cash, or • Between 30 and 60 Days Cash and

one-year trend is positive Note: Schools in their first or second year of operation must have a minimum of 30 Days Cash.

Pending Dialogue • Days Cash is between 30 and 60 days and

one-year trend is negative, or • Days Cash is below 30 days

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

Section II: Financial Performance

12 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

1c. Enrollment Variance: Actual Enrollment on February 1 divided by Enrollment Projection in Charter School Board-Approved Budget

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard Enrollment Variance equals or exceeds 95% in the most recent year

Pending Dialogue Enrollment Variance is below 95% in the most recent year

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

1d. Default

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard School is not in default of loan covenant(s) and/or is not delinquent with debt service

Pending Dialogue School is in default of loan covenant(s) and/or is delinquent with debt service

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

Section II: Financial Performance

13 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


2a. Total Margin: Net Income divided by Total Revenue Aggregated Total Margin: Total Three-Year Net Income divided by Total Three-Year Revenues

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard • Aggregated Three-Year Total Margin is positive

and the most recent year Total Margin is positive, or

• Aggregated Three-Year Total Margin is greater than -1.5%, the trend is positive for the last two years and the most recent year Total Margin is positive

Note: For schools in their first or second year of operation, the cumulative Total Margin must be positive.

Pending Dialogue • Aggregated Three-Year Total Margin is greater

than -1.5%, but trend does not meet standard, or

• Aggregated Three-Year Total Margin is less than or equal to -1.5%, or

• The most recent year Total Margin is less than -10%

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

2b. Debt to Asset Ratio: Total Liabilities divided by Total Assets

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard Debt to Asset Ratio is less than 0.90

Pending Dialogue Debt to Asset Ratio is greater than or equal to 0.90

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

Section II: Financial Performance

14 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

2c. Cash Flow: Multi-Year Cash Flow = (Year 3 Total Cash) minus (Year 1 Total Cash); One-Year Cash Flow = (Year 2 Total Cash) minus (Year 1 Total Cash)

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard • Multi-Year Cumulative Cash Flow is positive and

Cash Flow is positive each year, or • Multi-Year and most recent year Cash Flows are

positive Note 1: Schools that have a capital expenditure valued at $150,000 or more creating a negative cash flow can be offset by having net assets equaling or exceeding 300% of that cost. Note 2: Schools in their first or second year of operation must have positive Cash Flow.

Pending Dialogue • Multi-Year Cumulative Cash Flow is positive,

but trend does not meet standard, or • Multi-Year Cumulative Cash Flow is negative

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

2d. Debt Service Coverage Ratio: (Net Income + Depreciation + Interest Expense) divided by (Annual Principal, Interest, and Lease Payments)

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard Debt Service Coverage Ratio is equal to or exceeds 1.1

Pending Dialogue Debt Service Coverage Ratio is less than 1.1

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

Section II: Financial Performance

15 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

2e. Unrestricted Net Asset Percentage: Unrestricted Net Assets divided by Total Expenses

Preliminary Rating

Meets Standard • Unrestricted Net Asset Percentage is greater

than or equal to 25%, or • For schools in their initial charter term,

demonstrated commitment to having an Unrestricted Net Asset Percentage that is greater than or equal to 25% by the end of their initial charter term

Pending Dialogue Unrestricted Net Asset Percentage is less than 25%

Final Rating (Following Additional Analysis)

Meets Standard Indicates sound financial viability based on the overall financial record.

Does Not Meet Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB concludes that there is financial risk such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention may be warranted.

Falls Far Below Standard Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, OPSB identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

16 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

Section III: Organizational Performance

The purpose of the Organizational Performance Framework is to communicate to the charter school and public the compliance-related standards that all charter schools authorized by the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) must meet. The Organizational Framework lists the standards that the charter school is already required to meet through state and federal law, rules, regulations, or the charter contract.

NACSA’s Principles and Standards states that “A Quality Authorizer implements an accountability system that effectively streamlines federal, state, and local…compliance requirements while protecting schools’ legally entitled autonomy and minimizing schools’ administrative and reporting burdens” (p.17).

For each measure a school receives one of three ratings.

Meets Standard: The school materially meets the expectations outlined.

Does Not Meet Standard: The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard: The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Indicators and Measures:

1. Education Program

a. Charter Terms

b. Compliance with Education Requirements

c. Students with Disabilities Rights

d. English Language Learner Rights

2. Financial Management and Oversight

a. Financial Reporting and Compliance Requirements

b. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

3. Governance and Reporting

a. Governance Requirements

b. Accountability of Management

c. Reporting Requirements

4. Students, Parents, and Employees

a. Rights of Students

b. Attendance

c. Student Population Stability

d. Information from Parents and Guardians

e. Teacher and Staff Credentials

f. Employee Rights

g. Background Checks

5. School Environment

a. Facilities and Transportation

b. Health and Safety

c. Information Handling

6. Additional Obligations

a. All Other Obligations

Section III: Organizational Performance

17 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


1a. Is the school implementing the material terms of the education program as defined in the current charter contract?

Meets Standard The school implemented the material terms of the education program in all material respects, and the education program in operation reflects the material terms as defined in the charter contract, or the school has gained approval for a charter modification to the material terms.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

1b. Is the school complying with applicable education requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter agreement relating to education requirements, including but not limited to: • Instructional days or minutes requirements • Graduation and promotion requirements • Content standards, including Common Core • State assessments • Implementation of mandated programming as a

result of state or federal funding

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

18 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

1c. Is the school protecting the rights of students with disabilities?

Meets Standard Consistent with the school’s status and responsibilities as either a Local Education Agency (LEA) or school in a district LEA, the school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract (including but not limited to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, La. R.S. 17:1941, et seq., Bulletin 1706, §§300 & 500, Bulletin 1508, OPSB Policy A126, and Charter Agreement §4, et seq.) relating to the treatment of students with identified disabilities and those suspected of having a disability, including but not limited to: • Identification and referral • Equitable access and opportunity to enroll • Appropriate development and implementation of

Individualized Education Plans and Section 504 plans

• Operational compliance, including provision of services in the least restrictive environment and appropriate inclusion in the school’s academic program, assessments, and extracurricular activities Discipline, including due process protections, manifestation determinations, and behavioral intervention plans

• Access to the school’s facility and program to students in a lawful manner and consistent with students’ IEPs or Section 504 plans

• Appropriate use of all available, applicable funding

• Seclusion and physical restraint of students with exceptionalities, La. R.S. 17:416.21

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

1d. Is the school protecting the rights of English Language Learner (ELL) students?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract (including but not limited to Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA] as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act, U.S. Department of Education authorities, and Bulletin 111) relating to requirements regarding English Language Learners (ELLs), including but not limited to: • Equitable access and opportunity to enroll • Required policies related to the service of ELL

students • Compliance with native-language communication

requirements • Proper steps for identification of students in

need of ELL services • Appropriate and equitable delivery of services to

identified students • Appropriate accommodations on assessments • Exiting of students from ELL services • Ongoing monitoring of exited students

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

19 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


2a. Is the school meeting financial reporting and compliance requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to financial reporting and compliance requirements (e.g., submits reports on-time or within a reasonably grace period), including but not limited to: • An unqualified audit opinion • Complete and on-time submission of financial

reports, including annual budget, revised budgets (if applicable), periodic financial reports as required by the authorizer, and any reporting requirements if the board contracts with an Education Service Provider (ESP), La. R.S. 17:25(A)(2) and 17:92;; OPSB Policy A127; Charter Agreement §6.4

• On-time submission and completion of the annual independent audit and corrective action plans, if applicable, OPSB Policies A126, A127; Charter Agreement §

• All reporting requirements related to the use of public funds, Bulletin 1929

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

2b. Is the school following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to financial management and oversight expectations (including but not limited to Charter Agreement, §§,, 10.2, 11.1.3) as evidenced by an annual independent audit, including but not limited to: • An audit devoid of significant findings and

conditions, material weaknesses, or significant internal control weakness

• An audit that does not include a going concern disclosure in the notes or an explanatory paragraph within the audit report

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

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3a. Is the school complying with governance requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to governance by its board, including but not limited to: • Board policies, including those related to

oversight of an Education Service Provider (ESP), if applicable,La. R.S. 17:3991;

• Board bylaws, La. R.S. 17:3991(B)(10; Charter Agreement §1.2.7

• Open meetings law, La. R.S. 42:11, et seq.; Charter Agreement §§1.2.4, 6.2.1

• Maintenance of public records, La. R.S. 44:1, et seq.; Charter Agreement §1.2.4

• Public Bid Law, La. R.S. 17:3996(B)(19); Charter Agreement §1.2.4

• Code of ethics, including conflicts of interest, La. R.S. 42:1101, et seq.

• Board composition and/or membership rules, La. R.S. 17:3991(A)(1)(c)

• Compensation for attendance at meetings, La. R.S. 17:3991(A)(1)(b); Bulletin 126, §2107; Charter Agreement §1.1.6

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

3b. Is the school holding management accountable?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to oversight of school management, including but not limited to: • (For Education Service Providers [ESPs])

maintaining authority over management, holding it accountable for performance as agreed under a written performance agreement, and requiring annual financial reports of the ESP, Charter Agreement, §1.2, et seq.

• (For Others) oversight of management that includes holding it accountable for performance expectations that may or may not be agreed to under a written performance agreement, Charter Agreement, §1.2, et seq.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

21 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

3c. Is the school complying with reporting requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to relevant reporting requirements to the OPSB, Louisiana Department of Education, and/or federal authorities, including but not limited to: • Accountability tracking, La. R.S. 17:3991;

Charter Agreement §§6.1.3, 6.3, et seq.

• Attendance and enrollment reporting, La. R.S. 17:232, 17:3996(B)(5); Charter Agreement §§

6.1.4, 6.1.5 • Compliance and oversight; 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3);

Charter Agreement §6.1, et seq. • Additional notification required by the

authorizer, Charter Agreement §10.5.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

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22 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


4a. Is the school protecting the rights of all students?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to the rights of students, including but not limited to: • Policies and practices related to admissions,

lottery, waiting lists, fair and open recruitment, and enrollment (including rights to enroll or maintain enrollment), La. R.S. 3991(C); OPSB Policy A126

• The collection and protection of student information (that could be used in discriminatory ways or otherwise contrary to law), FERPA, 20 U.S.C. 1232(g)

• Due process protections, privacy, civil rights, and student liberties requirements, including First Amendment protections and the Establishment Clause restrictions prohibiting public schools from engaging in religious instruction, La. Const., Art. I, §§ 7, 8; U.S. Const. Amend. I, IV, V, XIV; Title IX, 20 U.S.C. sections 1681, et seq.

• Conduct of discipline (discipline hearings and suspension and expulsion policies and practices); La. R.S. 17:223, et seq.; 34 CFR §300.530-37; OPSB Policy A126

• Note: Proper handling of discipline processes for students with disabilities is addressed more specifically in Section 1c.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

4b. Is the school meeting attendance goals?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to attendance goals.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

23 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

4c. Is the school achieving stability in its student population over time?

Meets Standard The student stability rate (percent of students enrolled in non-terminal grades at the school on October 1 that remain enrolled at the same school on the following October 1) is equal to or above 75%. Note that OPSB will follow up with schools that do not meet standard on this measure to determine whether student stability rates below 75% reflect issues at the school or can be explained by natural student mobility.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

4d. Is the school giving and receiving information from parents & guardians of students?

Meets Standard The school has formal processes in place to both communicate with and receive information from parents and guardians, in accordance with federal Title funding provisions, as applicable.

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

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24 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

4e. Is the school meeting teacher and other staff credentialing requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to state certification requirements (including but not limited to La. R.S. 3991(C)(6) and Charter Agreement §§9.2, 9.3).

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

4f. Is the school respecting employee rights?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to employment considerations (including but not limited to the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, employment contracts, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and La. R.S. 3991(E)(4)).

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

25 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

4g. Is the school completing required background checks?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract (including but not limited to La. R.S. 15.587.1) relating to background checks of all applicable individuals (including staff and members of the charter community, where applicable).

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

26 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


5a. Is the school complying with facilities and transportation requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to the school facilities, grounds, and transportation, including but not limited to: • Americans with Disabilities Act • Viable certificate of occupancy or other required

building use authorization • Fire inspections and related records, La. R.S.

17:81(S) • Documentation of requisite insurance coverage,

Charter Agreement §8 Student transportation, Charter Agreement §§3.3, 5.2

• See also, OPSB Policy E500

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

5b. Is the school complying with health and safety requirements?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to safety and the provision of health-related services, including but not limited to: • Appropriate nursing services and dispensing of

pharmaceuticals, La. R.S. 3996(A) • Food service requirements. • School crisis management and response plans,

La. R.S. 17:416.16 • Other district services, if applicable

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Section III: Organizational Performance

27 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework

5c. Is the school maintaining and handling information appropriately?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to the maintaining and handling of information, including but not limited to: • Maintaining the security of and providing access

to student records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and other applicable authorities

• Accessing documents maintained by the school under the Louisiana’s Public Records Act and other applicable authorities, La. R.S. 44:1; Charter Agreement §1.2.4

• Transferring of student records, La. R.S. 17:112 • Proper and secure maintenance of testing

materials, Bulletin 118, Ch. 3

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

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28 Orleans Parish School Board: Charter School Performance Framework


6a. Is the school complying with all other obligations?

Meets Standard The school materially complies with all other legal, statutory, regulatory, or contractual requirements contained in its charter contract that are not otherwise explicitly stated herein, including but not limited to requirements from the following sources: • Participation in OneApp, if applicable, OPSB

Policy A126; Charter Agreement §3.2.5 • Revisions to federal or state laws, state

regulations, or OPSB policy, Charter Agreement §15.7.1

• Intervention requirements by the authorizer, Charter Agreement 10.6

• Requirements by other entities to which the charter school is accountable (e.g., BESE), Charter Agreement §15.7, et seq.

• Court orders and consent decrees, if applicable

Does Not Meet Standard The school has failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material, but the board has instituted remedies that have resulted in compliance or prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.

Falls Far Below Standard The school failed to implement the program in the manner described above; the failure(s) were material and significant to the viability of the school, or regardless of the severity of the failure(s), the board has not instituted remedies that have resulted in prompt and sufficient movement toward compliance to the satisfaction of the authorizer.