Opportunity launch invitation

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Transcript of Opportunity launch invitation


Hi, my name is Ray Main and I want to share a short message with you.


As I am sure you have noticed, especially if you have been trying to market whatever opportunity you have, on Face Book, that just posting and posting your links doesn't work too well.


Sure you may get a lead, here and there, but, for the most part, your posts are hidden in the background of all the other posts. People have a tendency to just look past them.


Most of you have been in the industry for a while, and have already burned your warm market, by prospecting the way your uplines have told you is the only way to do it, as internet marketers. Been there done that.


So you think that you are left with only one option which is to spam your links everywhere you can, in the hopes that somebody, anybody, will join you in whatever you are promoting.


You could, if you have the money, pay for ads here and there, pay someone to send emails to their list with your opportunity, etc., but, although some have limited success this way, the fact of the matter is, you got into this industry to make money, not spend it!


Also, there is this. Most of the companies out there may have a generic capture page, for you to advertise to folks, to get them into your opportunity.


Trouble is, even though they may or may not, join your company, if something happened and you left that company, you would lose all those leads. You would have to start over every time.


And, that is not even talking about affiliate offers, CPA offers, etc.


This is a huge problem in the internet marketing industry.


If you figure out how to build a huge list, then you have to pay a lot of money to an autoresponder company, so that you can communicate with that list.


There is a better way!!!!!


I am willing to "give" you a system, that will train you how to market, and present yourself correctly online, that, once you learn how, have leads coming to you, from the internet, every single day. This is yours for life.

You can also, give it away to others, to help you build your list.


We have capture pages for every company out there. If, by chance, we don't have one that you want to use, I will train you how to make your own, again, for free. You won't believe how easy it is!!


It's not just capture pages either. You won't believe the amount of recording trainings that you will find in our back office. They are placed so that there is no danger of you getting information overload either, if you follow the order, you are supposed to. There are also, almost daily live webinars, that you will have access to, to get your questions answered, in addition to more training. In addition to that you will have me to help you every step of the way.


The leads that come in your back office are yours, and yours alone. I nor anyone else can contact them or bother them. They are yours forever, to market whatever you want.


You have already seen, probably 100's of times, people telling you the money is in the list.


Here is your chance to build that list for free.


It's up to you, whether you take advantage of it or not.


Go to http://www.coachraymain.com and put in your information to get this FREE system.


If you want to get in touch with me, all of my contact information will be in your back office.


Again, this is Ray Main, wishing you all the best, and looking forward to getting to know you and work with you in your business.