Opportunities for the non-academic sector. Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Kamila Partyka European Commission DG for Education and Culture Dublin, 3 February 2015 Opportunities for the non-academic sector

Transcript of Opportunities for the non-academic sector. Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Kamila PartykaEuropean CommissionDG for Education and Culture

Dublin, 3 February 2015

Opportunities for the non-academic sector

Ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital in order to generate new skills, knowledge

and innovation

Budget 2014-2020: over € 6 billion €745 million in 2015 for all calls together

MSCA Objective

Bottom-up approachIncludes all domains of research and innovation

OpennessStrong accent on participation of industry, SMEs and non-academia overall

MobilityA global scope with trans-national mobility required and often cross-sector mobility as a key component

FlexibilityLevel of involvement is proportional to the participant's needs

Key Advantages

Researcher training, influences the future direction of research

Full funding for ANY* research OR innovation

projects Researchers come from and go to the world

Dedicated schemes to link business & research

MSCA can fund


& meet

YOUR needs

Work with research talents

and leading centres

Funding for PhDs, fellowships, and short stays by researchers

*Except nuclear energy covered by EURATOM

Start getting involved

Develop medium- to long-term

collaborations around a common strategy

Host secondments

Provide specific training modules

Recruit one or more researchers during their entire fellowship

Build around a common project

Gain and transfer knowledge/expertise through staff exchange

Take part in shaping the training of researchers you would like to hire

Choose your level of involvement

Focus on core business & short- to

medium-term research agenda

Individual Fellowships - IF

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange - RISE

COFUND regional, national, and international programmes

European Researchers' Night - NIGHT

Innovative Training Networks - ITN

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Experienced Researchers (ER)

At least four years of research experience and / or A doctoral








Early-stage Researchers (ESR)

Less than four years of research experience and No doctoral degree

Who do you want to host/recruit?


IEIOs Industry

Business and non-academia


Other socio-

economic actors


Broad definition:

Any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector


Public or private HEI awarding academic degrees

Public or private non-profit research organisations

International European interest organisations

Non-profit researchinstitutes

Participant organisations

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

Strengthen the interaction between academic and non-academic organisations, and between Europe and third countries, through research and innovation staff exchanges

International and inter-sector transfer of knowledge and sharing of ideas and of R&I culture

Common research and innovation project

Highly skilled research and innovation staff move for 1-12 months

Budget: € 80 million in 2015

RISE – Eligibility Conditions

At least 3 independent participants in 3 different countries

At least 2 participants from 2 different MS/AC

If all in MS/AC: at least 1 academic and 1 non-academic

In practice, 2 possible minimum settings:


MS/AC 2 TC+ +


Academic Non-Academic


MS/AC 2+ + MS/AC 3

RISE – Financial Dimension

Research, networking, training costs

1800 €

Management and indirect costs

700 €

Top-up allowance

2000 €



Academic1026 → 438

Non Academic437 → 187



14 participations from IE submitted

8 were successful

Success rate for IE:57%

Success rate:


Non-academic organisations make up around 30% of those successful - over 100 of these participants are SMEs

Submissions to RISE call deadline 24 April 2014

Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training

European Training

Networks (ETN)


Doctorates (EJD)

European Industrial

Doctorates (EID)

Train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers

Trigger cooperation and exchange of best practice among participants

Enhance researchers' employability and provide them with new career perspectives

Triple 'i' dimension of mobility and particular focus on innovation skills

Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Flexibility in choice of partners BUT non-academic exposure required







Country 1

Country 2

Country 3



Minimum 3 partners from 3 MS or AC

Duration of projects: up to 4 years

European Training

Networks (ETN)

European Industrial

Doctorates (EID)

Minimum 2 partners from 2 MS or AC and from differing sectors

Inter-sectoral partnerships for doctoral training

Minimum 50% of research time in non-academic sector


Country 1

Country 2

AcademicJoint supervision

Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Separate selection panel

Presentation on EID experience by GSK Spain at 2014 MSCA Italian EU Presidency Conference:http://www.msca2014.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Pomar.pdf

Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Minimum 3 partners from 3 MS or AC

Collaboration between academic organisations entitled to award doctoral degrees

Country 1

Country 3



Separate selection panel


Country 2

Opportunities for non-academic sector to contribute to training and research


Doctorates (EJD)

Joint admission and supervision

ITN – Financial Dimension

Research, networking, training costs

1800 €

Management and indirect costs

1200 €

Living allowance*

3110 €

Mobility allowance 600 €

Family allowance 500 €

* The living allowance base rate is multiplied by Country Correction


ALL MSCA projects that fund PhD or postdoctoral positions advertise their vacancies on the European Researcher Mobility Portal EURAXESS


To find a PhD or postdoctoral vacancy


151 participations from IE submitted

19 were successful

Success rate:12.6%

Success rate (eligible):


Over 40% of the beneficiaries and partners will be from the non-academic sector, including over 600 companies

ETN EID EJD9,4% 18,8% 15,4%

Success rate (evaluated proposals)

Submissions to ITN call deadline 09 April 2014

Global Fellowships(2-3 years)

European Fellowships(1-2 years)

Reintegration Panel

Career Restart Panel



Enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers

Individual Fellowships (IF)

Provide opportunities to acquire new knowledge, work on research projects in a European context or outside Europe

Catalyse significant development in their careers in both sectors Optional 3-6 month secondments anywhere in Europe to

increase fellowship impact, especially on non-academic sector Budget: €215 million in 2015 (Global Fellowships: €27 million)

Research, networking, training costs

800 €

Management and indirect costs

500 €

Living allowance*

4650 €

Mobility allowance 600 €

Family allowance 500 €

*The living allowance base rate is multiplied by Country Correction


IF – Financial Dimension

COFUND Promote international, intersectoral and interdicisplinary

research training, as well as transnational and cross-sector mobility of researchers at all stages of their career by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes

Doctoral Programmes


Fellowship Programmes


Mono-beneficiary: organisation funding or managing doctoral or post-doctoral programmes

Leverage funding and combat fragmentation (possible synergies with ESIF)

Spread MSCA best practices Budget: €80 million in 2015 (Doctoral Programmes: €30 million)

COFUND – Financial Dimension

Management costs

325 €

Living allowance Early-stage researchers

1855 €

Living allowance Experienced researchers

2625 €

ITN Closed on 13/01/2015 EUR 370 million

I F 12/03/2015 – 10/09/2015 EUR 215 million

RISE 6/01/2015 – 28/04/2015 EUR 80 million

COFUND 14/04/2015 – 1/10/2015 EUR 80 million

MSCA 2015 Calls

The European Commission organised web-streamed training in early 2014 which is still valid for the 2015 calls

Policy and objectives

Implementation modalities

How to submit a proposal

Questions and answers

Recorded and viewable via the link:



Web training session


The IPR Helpdesk can help youfor IPR-related issues in H2020

Aims to provide feedback within a few days

Regular events around Europe (subscribe for news alerts)

MSCA approach very similar to rest of H2020 + access rights for researchers

IPR aspects of Grant Agreements are explained in non-legal terms in Annotated Grant Agreements:


Useful Links to help youWhere to get more information?

MSCA website: ec.europa.eu/msca

Horizon 2020 website: ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020

How to apply for MSCA?

Participant Portal: ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal


[email protected]

This presentation represents solely the views of its author and cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the official position of the Commission