Operational Plan 2015/2016 - Mid-Coast Council...Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Develop quarterly Building Contractors...

STATUS - C Completed I - Incomplete P Progressing N Not yet programmed to commence W Withdrawn Page 1 of 38 Operational Plan 2015/2016 Second Quarter Review Frontline Services Cultural Services Aboriginal Cultural Engagement - Initiatives Key Initiatives Target Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Partner with other agencies to develop a program of workshops to support local research of Aboriginal family history P Initial discussions have been held with Social & Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator (Bringing Them Home) Biripi ACMC; PACE Coordinator (Youth); Marrangbah Aged Care Activities Officer (Elders). Resources have been sourced from Aboriginal Affairs. Undertake stakeholder consultation and develop a framework for a Manning Valley Reconciliation Action Plan P Initial discussions have been undertaken with the Manning Aboriginal Community Working Party (MACWP) and a sub committee set up on behalf of MACWP. A workshop has been held with Council’s Leadership Team. Cultural Services Aboriginal Cultural Engagement - Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1) 90% 50 NA Number of items requiring action 2 0 Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

Transcript of Operational Plan 2015/2016 - Mid-Coast Council...Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Develop quarterly Building Contractors...

Page 1: Operational Plan 2015/2016 - Mid-Coast Council...Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Develop quarterly Building Contractors Newsletter I Newsletter developed in Q1. A review during Q2 led to a decision that

STATUS - C – Completed I - Incomplete P – Progressing N – Not yet programmed to commence W – Withdrawn Page 1 of 38

Operational Plan 2015/2016 Second Quarter Review

Frontline Services

Cultural Services – Aboriginal Cultural Engagement - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Partner with other agencies to develop a program of workshops to support local research of Aboriginal family history

P Initial discussions have been held with Social & Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator (Bringing Them Home) – Biripi ACMC; PACE Coordinator (Youth); Marrangbah Aged Care Activities Officer (Elders). Resources have been sourced from Aboriginal Affairs.

Undertake stakeholder consultation and develop a framework for a Manning Valley Reconciliation Action Plan

P Initial discussions have been undertaken with the Manning Aboriginal Community Working Party (MACWP) and a sub committee set up on behalf of MACWP. A workshop has been held with Council’s Leadership Team.

Cultural Services – Aboriginal Cultural Engagement - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 50 NA

Number of items requiring action 2 0

Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

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STATUS - C – Completed I - Incomplete P – Progressing N – Not yet programmed to commence W – Withdrawn Page 2 of 38

Meet external funding specifications and reporting requirements

100% 100 100

Partner in four major events of significance to the Aboriginal community

100% 1 1 Recognise event in Taree, December 2015

Deliver two Aboriginal Family history workshops

100% 0 0

Regulatory Services - Building and Development Services - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop quarterly Building Contractors Newsletter

I Newsletter developed in Q1. A review during Q2 led to a decision that further development was required before distribution. Distribution now scheduled for Q3.

Review reporting systems to monitor application workflows

C Review of reporting systems completed. Now awaiting scheduling of implementation which is dependent on upcoming Technology projects.

Develop a framework for the electronic lodgement of Development Applications

I Scope and schedule expanded to include review of processes and electronic lodgement for not only DAs but also CCs, CDCs, SCs and other applications. Completion of expanded project due Q1 2016-17.

Develop electronic inspection reporting system

I First batch of forms reviewed and developed into electronic smart forms ready for use. Second batch of forms reviewed and draft smart forms being finalised. Tablet training for building surveyors scheduled for 12 January 2016 when testing will commence.

Develop electronic assessment document

P Draft documents developed and under further review.

Develop a Safer Pool Strategy P Information gathering due for completion January 2016. On schedule for completion in Q3.

Review the Development Application lodgement package


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Regulatory Services - Building and Development Services - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 95 95

Number of items requiring action 342 294 Provide determinations on complete Complying Development Applications within 10 days where notification is not required1

100% 100 100

Provide determinations on complete Complying Development Applications within 20 days where notification is required1

100% 0 - Notification no longer required for CDCs as at 28 October 2015. No CDCs requiring notification were received for Q2 prior to this change in the legislation.

Provide determinations on complete1 Development Applications within 40 days where submissions are not received and referral is not required to external agencies

90% 95 85 Streamlining of assessment process to be undertaken in Q3.

Provide determinations on complete1 Development Applications within 60 days where submissions are not received and referral is required to external agencies

80% 100 80

Make requests for further information:


within 25 days of lodgement; and/or

87 66 Request for further information completed in mean time of 23 days. Only two requests were not made within 25 days.

Review of preliminary assessment process to be undertaken in Q3.

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within 10 days from receipt of advice from external agencies requesting further information

- -

Provide determinations on complete subdivision certificates applications within 21 days

90% 67 76 Improvements to the process continue with 83% of applications determined in under 6 days.

Carry out initial inspection on Building Certificate applications within seven days

100% 100 100

Provide determinations on Building Certificate applications within five days of satisfactory inspection

100% 100 100

Carry out initial inspection on Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate applications within seven days

100% 71 100

Provide determinations on Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate applications within five days of satisfactory inspection

100% 100 100

Provide determinations on complete2 Construction Certificate Applications within 14 days

90% 92 95

Process Dwelling Entitlement Certificate Applications within 10 business days

90% 90 69 A total of 16 applications were processed – the mean processing time was 10 days.

Minor KPI variation only with most applications completed within target therefore no action required.

Provide determinations on Review of Environmental Factors (REF) within 14 days

100% 100 67 A total of 3 applications were determined. Only one was over the 14-day determination time – this was due to a processing error which has been rectified.

No action required.

Complete internal development referrals within 15 days

100% 77 100

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1. A complete application is one where all information necessary to facilitate assessment has been provided and no further details are required

2. A complete construction certificate is one where all information necessary to facilitate assessment has been provided, no further details are required and an operative development consent is in place

Governance – Community and Customer Engagement - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Review and improve the key forms used by customers


Develop a social media strategy to enhance utilisation of social media channels for informing and referring

I This strategy will be finalised by end of January 2016.

Develop a framework for proactive engagement prior to, and during Council exhibition periods

C Checklist, templates and flow chart completed.

Improve our customer service response to real estate agents and funeral directors acting on behalf of clients

C We have introduced changes to our processing that do not require physical attendance at our counter for customers acting on behalf of their clients. We will continue to progress other changes as part of the service review underway in this department.

Evaluate and review the service centre knowledge management system platform for effectiveness


Governance – Community and Customer Engagement - Key Performance Indicators

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Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 91 88 The factors that have contributed to this KPI have been addressed as part of the service review underway in customer service centre.

New process in place for management of correspondence in customer service team.

Number of items requiring action 158 72 Complete transactions at first point of contact

80% 73 74

Answer incoming telephone calls within 30 seconds

80% 40 39 The customer service centre is the subject of a significant service review to determine the most efficient and effective ways to meet customer need and the most useful ways to measure and improve our service levels.

Hold eight training events and capacity building activities with community based organisations

100% 3 3

Executive – Economic - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Implement the activities described in the Economic Development Strategy 2015-2016


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Regulatory Services – Environmental Health & Compliance - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Review the Compliance Policy and Guidelines

I Draft complete and final review underway.

Develop guidelines and an approval process for the transportation of liquid waste

I Guidelines and approval process to be included in Local Approvals Policy which is currently being developed.

Develop a plan for the upgrade of the Companion Animals Pound in line with amended legislation

P Draft plan and report developed.

Review processes for managing use of public car parks


Develop an Asbestos Waste Management Plan

W Draft Asbestos Policy being prepared which includes waste management provisions.

Regulatory Services – Environmental Health & Compliance - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 92 71 Staff shortages during Q2 due to vacant position and unplanned absence of senior team member.

Review processes for dealing with correspondence to ensure KPI met during staffing shortfalls.

Number of items requiring action 121 115

Conduct at least 150 days of parking patrols annually to ensure

100% - - Measured annually – 33 days of parking patrols undertaken so far this year – behind

Focus on parking will increase in Q3 and Q4

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turnover and accessibility of public parking


Inspect all food premises annually 100% - - Measured annually – 50 inspections undertaken in Q2 – on track to reach target by end of year.

Inspect regulated premises including tattooists, beauticians, commercial cooling towers and caravan parks annually

100% - - Scheduled for Q3 and Q4.

Undertake a minimum of 20 annual Environmental Audits of industrial premises

100% 100 - Completed Q1

Provide determinations on complete On Site Sewerage Management Applications within 40 days

90% 78 100

Inspect 100 existing on-site sewerage management systems annually

100% - - Measured annually – scheduled for Q3 and Q4

Complete internal development referrals within 15 days

100% 69 53 Process for review

Complete all on-site sewerage management pre-purchase reports within 28 days

100% 100 100

Planning & Environmental Services – Environmental Services - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Undertake sand tracing survey at Old Bar Beach following the winter storm season

I Sampling completed in September following winter storms. Consultant was unable to complete the analysis until December which has delayed this project. Draft report is now due late January.

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Establish a sand transport monitoring program to assess the effectiveness of maintenance dredging within the Farquhar Inlet

C Monitoring program was established though we are now expanding this to include Old Bar Beach to monitor the dune profile and to also determine the effectiveness of any coastal protection works, such the sand traps anticipated to be installed in January.

Undertake stage one works for the Endeavour Place boating facility upgrade

C Tidy up Taree in partnership with Council completed the refurbishment of the Endeavour Place toilets on 23 December 2015. They were reopened to the public on 24 December. This concludes stage one of the upgrade for Endeavour Place. Subsequent stages will see the resurfacing of the Endeavour Place car park, extension of the boat ramp as well as additional footpaths providing access between the foreshore, toilet block and Bicentennial Park.

Undertake maintenance dredging of the Harrington Backchannel in partnership with the Farquhar Inlet Management Group (FIMG) to improve navigation

I This project experienced delays due to the need to investigate all options for sale or stockpiling of the dredged sand prior to having the consultant finalise the environmental impact assessment. Following consultation with Crown Lands the most viable option has been determined to be placement of the sand on the existing islands within the Backchannel. The environmental assessment is now expected to be completed in February with works to occur in March, subject to provision of a licence from Crown Lands.

Undertake stage one works for the Bohnock boating facility upgrade

P Q2 saw the engagement of the consultant to undertake the survey and design. Concept plans were received in late December for the extension and formalisation of the parking area and will be reviewed by staff and RMS in January prior to proceeding with detailed design. This project is on track for completion in Q3.

Install stormwater quality improvement infrastructure in Browns Creek in partnership with Friends of Browns Creek

P A Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) that was proposed to be installed in Q2 has been delayed due to modifications that were required to the design to improve drainage. The project is anticipated to be completed in Q3.

Install effluent treatment systems on dairy farms on the Manning River floodplain in partnership with the Dairy Advancement Group (DAGs)

P Two dairy effluent management projects are currently being delivered in partnership with the MNC Dairy Advancement Group (DAGs). One dairy farm is located at Harrington and will involve the construction of an above ground effluent treatment pond – one of the first of its kind to be constructed in NSW. The second farm is located at Johns River and will involve the desludging of an existing effluent treatment pond and the installation of additional pond stirrers. Effluent Management Plans for both projects are currently in development to guide the works which are planned to be implemented in Q3.

Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

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Undertake one kilometre of riverbank restoration on priority sites identified in the Manning Riverbank Management Study

P Riverbank restoration project (1.1km) on the Manning River at Pelican Bay, Mitchell's Island completed in December 2015. Second riverbank restoration project (700m) to be undertaken on a property at Harrington is planned to commence in January 2016, weather permitting.

Undertake a strategic assessment of acid sulfate soil areas to identify priority areas for remediation

P Water Research Laboratory (UNSW) was engaged in Q1 to prepare an ASS remediation action plan. The data gathering and field collection program was completed during Q2 with draft report expected in Q3. This project is on track for completion in Q4.

Conduct an investigation into the processes affecting the dynamics of the two Manning River entrances to determine the affect (if any) on coastal erosion

P Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL - NSW Public Works) have completed their assessment of over 100 documents relating to the study area and prepared a draft report in early January. Review of the report is expected to occur during January by staff before commencing discussions with key government agencies, in particular the NSW Office Environment and Heritage, regarding the underlying processes and possible actions that could be undertaken. The partnership with MHL is expected to continue to help us meet the requirements of the NSW Coastal Reforms which are currently in draft form but expected to be in force by mid 2016.

Planning & Environmental Services – Environmental Services - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 95 98

Number of items requiring action 47 60

Prepare Review of Environmental Factors within 30 business days

100% 100 100 Q1 – 3 REFs

Q2 – 4 REFs

Provide environmental assessment of Development Applications within 15 business days

100% 100 100 Q1 – 8 referrals

Q2 - 5 referrals

Monitor acidity (pH) levels at Big Swamp every six weeks

100% 100 100 Q1 – 1 by staff then 1 by WRL (UNSW)

Q2 – 2 sampling rounds by WRL (UNSW)

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Undertake water quality testing (turbidity, Chlorophyll A and pH) in the lower Manning River estuary six times annually to inform the State of the Manning Report Card

100% 0 100 Q1 – Not due to commence until Q2

Q2 - Water quality monitoring program commenced in November with 2 sampling events undertaken

Inspect 360 properties for noxious weeds annually

100% 100 100 Inspections per quarter.

Q1 - 121

Q2 - 127

Infrastructure Services - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Review and improve road response ratings

I This will be finalised in line with the full implementation of Council’s electronic roads maintenance management system in Q3.

Implement an electronic roads maintenance management system for field staff


Evaluate and review the maintenance procedures for all key road maintenance activities


Implement identified components of capital works project management framework following audit


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Infrastructure Services - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 93 97

Number of items requiring action 112 154 Respond to high priority road, bridge and drainage defects within industry standard timeframes

100% 100 100

Conduct formal monthly inspections along all Regional Roads

100% 100 100

Initiate resident meetings to discuss planned infrastructure projects

100% N/A N/A

Planning & Environmental Services – Landuse Planning - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Review infrastructure contribution (Section 94) plans

I Due to delays from the consultant completion is now expected in Q4, as advised at Q1. Internal workshops to determine work schedules as well as costing of proposed infrastructure and prioritisation of the proposed works were completed in December. The written document (draft plan) was received from the consultant in late December. Review of the plan and schedules is planned for January and February with a final draft anticipated to be reported to Council in March for exhibition

Complete the planning proposal to enable rural residential development in

P The Gateway Determination from NSW Planning and Environment outlined an expected completion date of September 2016. The applicant commissioned studies in Q2 which were a requirement from the Gateway Determination. These studies are yet to be completed and will

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exchange for the developers constructing the realignment of Old Soldiers Road, Rainbow Flat

require agreement from government agencies prior to the rezoning being able to be exhibited. A concept road design for the realignment of Old Soldiers Road is also being prepared by the applicant and will determine the viability of the proposed location and identify construction constraints which may need to be overcome to achieve this project. Completion in Q4 is still possible at this stage.

Develop a local strategy to identify growth opportunities in the Manning Valley

P Research continued on identifying existing landuses throughout the landscape however consultation was delayed so as not to conflict with the proposed roads SRV and summer holiday period, with this now expected to be undertaken in late February. The proposed consultation will focus on identifying opportunities with the community that can be achieved through changing zoning and development controls that will lead to greater housing choice as well as increased agricultural and business opportunities, while minimising land use conflict. The local strategy is expected to be completed in Q4.

Complete stage one rezoning for the Northern Gateway, Cundletown

P The Gateway Determination from NSW Planning and Environment outlined an expected completion date of August 2016. Work is underway to exhibit the planning proposal in February with a report to Council in April seeking adoption anticipated. The LEP amendment is expected to be completed by June 2016.

Review Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010 to include recommendations from the residential and employment zone review

P The LEP amendment is currently with NSW Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination which is anticipated for February/March. Exhibition is likely to be in April with a report to Council for adoption in May/June. Completion in Q4 is still expected.

Planning & Environmental Services – Landuse Planning - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 100

Number of items requiring action 43 20 Provide heritage assessment of Development Applications within 10 business days

90% 100 100 Q1 – 4 referrals

Q2 – 3 referrals

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Report Planning Proposals to Council within three months

90% n/a n/a Q1 – no planning proposal reports

Q2 – no planning proposal reports

Undertake quarterly town centre inspections to facilitate vibrant spaces activities

100% 100 100 Inspections of Taree, Wingham, Old Bar and Harrington CBDs undertaken:

Q1 - 20 July and 25 Aug 2015 Q2 - 6, 15 & 27 October and 7, 8 and 17

December 2015

Property & Procurement – Leisure Facilities – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Replace the MALC indoor swimming pool liner

C Project completed in late October.

Upgrade the MALC male toilets/change rooms

P Project scoping has commenced

Property & Procurement – Leisure Facilities – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Number of facility memberships at the MALC

>1,100 1,005 977 The opening of another 24/7 access gym in the area has affected memberships.

Intensive advertising campaign has been launched. Reciprocal rights offered with Great Lakes in a bid to increase membership.

Number of visitations (including casual visitors) at the MALC

>165,000 37,817 49,945

Number of visitations (including >6,000 0 7542

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casual visitors) at the Wingham Pool Hold quarterly contract review meetings with YMCA

100% 100 100

Cultural Services – Library Services – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop local partnerships to enhance the scope of online historical images collection

I Consultation on collection themes has been undertaken with Strategic Heritage Advisory Committee. In principle partnership has been established with Manning Valley Historical Society towards an MOU early in 2016.

Implement interactive content including book reviews and community features on Library website

P Evaluation of software options is under way.

Scope partnership opportunities with tertiary providers to engage with the growing numbers of online/external students

P Initial planning has been completed. NBN connection and PC upgrades in 2016 will enhance opportunities in 2016 followed by marketing of library services to external students.

Cultural Services – Library Services – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 100

Number of items requiring action 17 18 Average visits per resident per annum

5.0 6.3 5.9

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Average items borrowed per resident per annum

6.9 7.8 8.7

Average loans per item 3.8 4.5 5.3

Amount of collection less than five years old

51% 49 64 Significantly improved result reflects recent use of enhanced collection management processes through software tools.

Number of attendees at library programs

5,000 2501 1437

Deliver eight pop-up library at significant community events/locations

100% 1 2

Cultural Services – Manning Entertainment Centre – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop a strategy to attract philanthropic support for projects

P On track as per project plan milestones. Examples from other theatres researched. Application for Deductible Gift status to be submitted in February.

Upgrade Green Room/dressing rooms

P Concept plans prepared.

Identify and deliver new interactive program opportunities utilising the National Broadband Network

P Positive discussions have been undertaken with potential partners. Actual program delivery at MEC will depend on NBN connection date.

Deliver a program of workshops to build local performing arts, technical and performance capacity

P Presentation made to local school principals forum regarding workshop program; facilitated Australian Chamber Orchestra workshops to be delivered to a local primary school in 2016; supported skills delivery in fly tower and audio to local youth in conjunction with Taree Arts Council production of Mary Poppins.

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Cultural Services – Manning Entertainment Centre – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 100

Number of items requiring action 13 4

Generate profit on a majority of entrepreneurial shows

70% 57 75

Increase visitation over the previous three-year average

5% Measured annually. Q2 result 50.3% increase on previous 3 year average. YTD=24.5% increase

Online bookings as a percentage of all sales

40% 60 71 YTD = 66%

Increase annual kiosk profit 5% Measured annually.

Cultural Services – Manning Regional Art Gallery – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop online catalogue of Greater Taree Art Collection

I Project deferred pending collection valuation; highlights of GTCC collection to be exhibited in January/February 2016.

Establish partnerships with tourism operators to promote cultural tourism

P Art Gallery included in new Manning Valley tourism brochure.

Establish a wi-fi hot spot to enhance gallery user experience

P Awaiting final date for NBN connectivity.

Deliver a program of niche market art fairs

P Program under review.

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Cultural Services – Manning Regional Art Gallery – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 33 0 All items have been addressed and completed in TRIM. However the TRIM sign-off was initially omitted.

Training plan in place.

Number of items requiring action 3 4 Increase visitation over the previous three year average

5% Measured annually.

Deliver exhibitions and public programs aimed at engaging with Arts NSW target groups including Aboriginal, multicultural, youth

20% 2 1

Fill places at art workshops 80% 84 100 Stars and stripes school workshops were well attended with 100 students participating.

Increase annual Gallery shop profit 5% Measured annually. Income $8.6k year to date on target for annual result.

Property & Procurement – Parks & Reserves – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop and implement enhanced maintenance programs for parks and reserves assets

C A modified program has been implemented since October. A greater emphasis has been placed on staff to identify maintenance issues and have them programmed into their respective runs. This work will be typically carried out when seasonal conditions allow the completion of routine works before the programmed completion time.

Develop an open space improvements works program incorporating outcomes of the


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STATUS - C – Completed I - Incomplete P – Progressing N – Not yet programmed to commence W – Withdrawn Page 19 of 38

Open Space Improvement Plan consultation

Property & Procurement – Parks & Reserves – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 92 72 Items were left unaddressed with a staff member who was un planned leave. All have now been actioned.

Review all correspondence addressed to staff on unplanned leave and/or have all items forwarded to another staff member.

Number of items requiring action 40 50 Undertake 27 cycles of the sports field mowing program

100% 100 100

Undertake 12 cycles of 3 urban broadscale mowing programs

100% 100 100

Undertake 42 cycles of 2 horticultural maintenance programs

100% 100 100

Undertake 5 cycles of the weed spray program in parks

100% 100 80 Weather interruptions to program.

Undertake 7 cycles of the boat ramp cleaning program

100% 100 100

Undertake 4 cycles of playground safety inspections

100% 100 100

Undertake 4 cycles of water safety sign inspections

100% 100 100

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Manage the public amenities cleaning contract through monthly inspections

100% 100 100

Property & Procurement – Taree Regional Airport – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Implement Aviation Business Park sub brand

C Branding on all marketing material. Launched with Federal member in September.

Secure sales for 75% of Aviation Business Park lots


Scope viability of Stage 2 of the Aviation Business Park

P Preliminary site meeting and investigations has been completed.

Property & Procurement – Taree Regional Airport – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Comply with airport operational regulations (CASA, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Air Services Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Federal Police)

100% 100 100

Record aircraft takeoff and landing movements

100% 100 100

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Governance – Tourism – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop an events and festivals strategy


Develop conference packages for marketing

P Due to be distributed in January 2016

Implement pop up Visitor information sites at key locations

P Visitor Services in NSW being reviewed. Report was due to be released Q2 2015. Implementation will be in line with report from State Government due Q3

Implement Destination Management Plan initiatives including focus on recreation vehicles


Governance – Tourism – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 54 98

Number of items requiring action 50 51 Increase engagement (shares and likes) Tourism social media to 3,000

100% NA NA

Increase accommodation bookings via Manning Valley website

5% NA NA The new Manning Valley website launched Dec 2015. Bookings are now by referral directly to the accommodation providers. Will be able to monitor referrals.

Provide Partner updates monthly 100% 100 100

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from February to November Deliver three education sessions for tourism operators annually

100% NA NA

Conduct two Manning Valley tourism campaigns annually

100% 1 1 MV Campaign runs December 2015 – July 2016

Regulatory Services – Waste Management – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Review bulk waste collection program with a focus on reducing the large volume of unsorted waste being deposited into landfill

C Audit of 2015 bulk waste kerbside collection completed. Service options still under review.

Implement program to identify and address unauthorised collection services

C Software to identify unauthorised services implemented. Program now ongoing. To date, one third of all properties have been audited.

Develop and implement illegal dumping strategy

C Strategy now being implemented by Environmental Health & Compliance team.

Prepare a relocation strategy for the resource recovery area of the Bucketts Way Landfill

P Strategy completed as planned. Has already move on to implementation – development application has been approved and a grant application has been submitted to the Environmental Trust to fund implementation.

Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

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Regulatory Services – Waste Management – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 95

Number of items requiring action 48 62 Pick up household waste on the day collection is due

100% 100 100

Empty overflowing public place litter bins within 24 hours of notification

100% 100 100

Undertake weekly landfill compliance audits

100% 100 100

Cultural Services – Youth Engagement – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Establish a formal communication exchange with local high schools to ensure engagement in organised activities

I Relationship has been established with 2 out of the 6 local high schools and communication channels identified following appointment of new Youth Engagement Officer. Relationships with remaining schools to be finalised in February 2016.

Develop a digital media strategy for youth engagement


Deliver a Youth Week program P Successful application made for Youth Week funding. Initial planning for the week has begun.

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Develop and deliver a program of intergenerational activities to build connections between youth and seniors groups

P Initial community connections have been made and some concepts explored.

Cultural Services – Youth Engagement – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% NA NA

Number of items requiring action 0 0 Meet external funding specifications and reporting requirements

100% 100 100

Deliver 12 youth activities and events

100% 1 1 New Youth Engagement Officer commenced in 2015 resulting in an orientation period – program of events will escalate in 2016.

Deliver 50 youth relevant media posts in social media, print and website

100% 40 41

Facilitate 20 youth network meetings including MYSST and MYAT

100% 3 4 Partnered with Hunter New England Health to deliver ‘Domestic Violence & Child Abuse: Developing Good Practice Responses’ training for sector.

New Youth Engagement Officer commenced in 2015 resulting in an orientation period – program of events will escalate in 2016.

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Support Services

Asset Planning – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Implement bridge asset inspection regime in partnership with Infrastructure Services including process, documentation and reporting requirements

C Inspection template agreed, bridges identified, trial to be conducted Q3 & 4 to determine capacity of IS within existing resources. Data to be provided to AP progressively throughout trial.

Prepare a Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan

P Commenced data collection (existing infrastructure / missing links) by locality.

Complete the Lower Manning River Flood Study Review in partnership with the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee


Draft flood study received, currently under review by Technical Sub Committee, to be presented to Floodplain Management Advisory Committee early Q3 to consider recommending (to Council) public exhibition.

Review and improve public car park asset inspection regime in conjunction with Infrastructure Services including process, documentation and reporting requirements

P Existing information sourced and consolidated. Awaiting commencement of Asset Officer (new position) to progress review in Q3.

Implement stormwater drainage asset inspection regime in partnership with Infrastructure Services including process, documentation and reporting requirements

P Awaiting Asset Officer (new position) to verify existing inventory and develop inspection template in consultation with IS in Q3. Trial inspections planned to commence Q4.

Implement the Project P Q2 Audit deliverables achieved, including draft Policy, draft Procedure and templates for:

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Management Audit action plan Project Control, Project Management Plan, Risk Management, Quality, Communications, Design Statement, and Variations.

Asset Planning – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 97 99

Number of items requiring action 290 257 Issue draft 4-year Capital Works Program and draft year one Project Briefs by February

100% 10 50 4-Yr Capital Works Program under development. Preparation of Project Briefs to commence in the new year.

Complete externally contracted capital works within contracted value including approved variations

100% N/A 100 Wallanbah Road Stage 3 (practical completion)

Complete investigation and concept design of projects for annual capital works prior to commencement of the year in which they are funded for delivery, allowing for ‘adopted budget’ variances

80% 15 20 Current priority of effort towards finalising FY15/16 project design. Concurrent review and confirmation of FY16/17 project scope of works.

Q3/4 will see increased focus on FY16/17 projects.

Complete funding agreement reports by prescribed dates (including Roads to Recovery, Road and Maritime Services monthly expenditure, state and federal grants)

100% 100 100 Completed as required.

Respond to development referrals within 15 business days

100% 100 92 4 out of 49 referrals with maximum delay of 3 days. Staff leave and proposal complexity had

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an impact. Undertake development engineering inspections within two business days of notification

100% 100 100 Completed as required.

Finalise and issue Project Briefs for capital works projects within one month of the budget being approved

90% 100 N/A All Project Briefs for FY15/16 issued Q1.

Finance – Finance & Rates – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop a Financial Management Framework to create a single point of reference

C Framework completed - content to be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Review the debt recovery process

C Revised and new process implemented utilising increased follow up services of third party recovery agent.

Issue Section 603 certificates electronically


Review policy for preparation of the Long Term Financial Plan


Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

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Finance – Finance & Rates – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 100

Number of items requiring action 186 136 Issue Section 603 certificates within 5 business days of request

100% 100 100

Minimise level of outstanding rates and annual charges

<7.5% 6.7 5.9

Maintain weighted average return on term deposit investments that exceeds the Bank Bill Swap Rates

100% 100 100

Maintain liquidity by ensuring a minimum of $7 million is available in 90 days or less investments

100% 100 100

Pay supplier invoices by the invoice due date

100% 75 65 The current manual system requires that invoices are received between 5 - 10 days in advance of due date, depending on the level of authorisation required. While we know that this does not always occur, we are unable to determine how many of those with delayed payment, were received in less than the required time for processing and how many suffered delay due to the manual authorisation process.

We are currently seeking quotes to implement an eProcurement system, that will significantly improve our capability to meet the KPI.

Develop payment plans with landholders who have outstanding rates

80% 84.8


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Governance – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Standardise venue and outdoor hire agreements forms and process

C Electronic form introduced that covers four venues.

Implement new record keeping procedure for cemeteries administration

P Assessment of software for online bookings and management of records undertaken. Project has been impacted by the service review of Customer Service but completion anticipated early Q4.

Implement asset planning records management framework


Implement communications strategy for capital works project management framework


Governance – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 98 92

Number of items requiring action 199 134 Hold three Internal Audit Committee meetings annually

100% 1 1

Respond to liability claims within five business days

100% 100 100

Process Government Information 100% 100 100

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Public Access (GIPA) formal applications within 20 business days Enter surface mail into Council’s records management system by close of the second business day

100% 100 100

Enter all Corporate email received by 4pm into Council’s records management system on the same day

100% 100 100

Organisational Development – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Develop an employee wellbeing program

I Project delayed due to staff absence. Rescheduled for completion in Q3

Review team meeting arrangements to determine effectiveness

C Surveys conducted and findings discussed with relevant stakeholders for consideration and implementation at a team level. Development of support resources will be considered in Q3 based on team feedback.

Scope integrated human resource information system (HRIS) options

P Project team formed, roadmap framework developed and mapping of current state commenced.

Undertake an audit of the work health and safety management system

P Quotes obtained, assessed and supplier determined. Audit scheduled for February 2016

Implement payroll work order coding to enable direct coding of salaries and wages to projects

W Quote obtained, but cost was prohibitive. This project is now being considered as a component of the HRIS scoping project outlined above.

Implement organisational P Draft Capacity Building Strategy being refined for consultation in Q3.

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capacity building programs including succession planning; talent management; and emerging leaders

Develop and implement an employment-based training strategy incorporating traineeships, apprenticeships and internships


Organisational Development – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 99 95

Number of items requiring action 135 90 Complete and lodge pay runs within prescribed timeframes

100% 100 100

Deliver Monthly Details Reports to Finance within one business day of payroll processing to enable payroll upload to the finance system

100% 100 100

Resolve grievances at the local level

90% 0 0 0 grievances handled in Q2.

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Property & Procurement – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Undertake a review of inventory control

C The introduction of the new finance module has facilitated the introduction of minimum and maximum stock levels.

Prepare a management plan for future expansion of Dawson River Cemetery

P Plan to be finalised Q3.

Minimise stock on hand through lower item costs and higher order frequency including identification and removal of obsolete and slow moving stock

P Stock information is currently being collated and reviewed.

Work collaboratively with ‘Tidy Towns Taree’ to deliver new amenities in Endeavour Park

C Project was expedited by Tidy Towns Taree. Project completed December 2015.

Property & Procurement – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 98 100

Number of items requiring action 88 55

Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)

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Maintain inventory accuracy + or -2% -1.3 0.6 The Variance for QI was based on the final physical Inventory count vs theoretical, the Q2 Figure represents the variance between Average cost and Purchase cost, Q4 stock will provide a much more relevant comparison

Major area of concern is externally stored materials including bridge timbers, these are planned to be brought into secure storage by end of Feb 2016

Ensure inventory turnover of five times a year

100% 4.2 4.3 Slight improvement from Q1 Monitor and reduce stock levels ensuring the desired turn over rate is achieved

Goods and services sourced via an established contract

90% of annual

expenditure on contract

92 86 Slight reduction from Q1 No action required.

Review leases three months prior to expiry

100% 100 100

Plant utilisation rate >75% 77 78 Complete Trades works in accordance with service level agreement

>95% 98 97

Technology – Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Implement Disaster Recovery site at Depot

P System design and testing complete. Awaiting implementation of NBN connections to finalise.

Review Council’s internet connections to take advantage of the NBN

C System design complete. Connections to be implemented as NBN connections are made available.

Expand the range of online C All property certificates are now available online vie ePathway system.

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certificate requests

Complete eProcurement implementation project plan

P Open tender currently under way with contract to be awarded in Q3.

Upgrade Standard Operating Environment to take advantage of new Office technologies

P Implementation completed for Administration Building. Currently implementing at remote sites.

Technology – Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Correspondence answered within 14 days (DP 35.1)

90% 100 100

Number of items requiring action 13 19 Maintain availability of computer applications to support delivery of services to Council’s internal and external customers

99% 99 99

Update property and mapping data including property details, constraints and zoning information within three business days of notification

90% 95 98

Maintain accuracy of property and mapping data with minimal variation between Council and state government planning data

<2% 1.2 1.2

Acknowledge and prioritise helpdesk requests within one hour

100% 85 95 Continued focus on help desk as seen improvements across all areas.

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of receipt Resolve helpdesk jobs in accordance with the internal service level agreement:

- High Priority within four business hours

90% 95 96

- Medium Priority within eight business hours

85% 82 85

- Low Priority within five business days

80% 78 81

Resolve and close all helpdesk jobs within 30 business days

100% 95 95

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Corporate - Initiatives

Key Initiatives Target

Status Comment (explanation to status) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Work collaboratively with landowners to prepare a planning proposal to rezone land for a transport interchange north of Cundletown

P Planning reports are currently being prepared by Coastplan and various subcontractors. Delays are expected due to the need for additional environmental studies.

Prepare a cultural precinct concept plan

P Community consultation held in November to guide the establishment of priorities. EOI to be prepared based on community feedback and operational requirements.

Revise Manning Valley Community Plan


Corporate - Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators Standard % Achieved Comment Action plan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Finance Management Budget versus actual variation per quarter

<10% 100 100

“Unqualified” annual financial audit achieved

100% N/A 100%

Debt service ratio (indicator of borrowing capacity – adopted position of Council)

Strong <10%

Satisfactory <20%

9.50 9.56

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Unrestricted current ratio (indicator of ability to meet short term financial obligations - position adopted of Council)

Favourable 1.5 – 2.5%

1.25 1.25

Customer Service Correspondence answered within 10 business days

90% 95 94

Human Resource Management (standard relates to industry average/range or benchmarks) Management to staff ratio 4 - 9% 6 - Measured annually

Voluntary turnover rate 4 - 9% 7 - Measured annually

New starter turnover rate <9% 0 - Measured annually

Unplanned absence rate (overall) <4% 2.7

Lost time injury frequency rate (the number of lost-time injuries relative to the total number of hours worked)

<18 0 20.1

Lost time injury severity rate (the average amount of time lost at work due to work related injuries)

<13 8.5 4.5

Annual employee performance assessments completed within two months of the end of financial year (measured Quarter 1 annually)

90% 75 - Measured annually

Council Business

Council business papers published by the Friday of the week before the meeting

100% 100 100

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Quarterly operational plan status report prepared and presented to Council within one month of the end of the quarter

100% 100 100

Progress towards the Delivery Program reported to Council within one month at the end of Quarters 2 and 4.

100% NA 100

Council Resolutions commenced within five business days

100% 98 100 There were 39 resolutions actioned for the quarter.

Advisory Committees

Draft committee minutes published on website within 10 business days

100% 75 69 13 meetings were held:

9 minutes were published within required time

1 minutes were published after required time

3 minutes remain outstanding

Minutes published in early Q3.

Internal Communication

Conduct three All Staff Briefing sessions

100% NA 2 Two sessions held in the quarter.

Staff survey conducted annually 100% - - - Measured annually. Staff survey conducted in June of each year.

Staff Report 11 - Attachment (1)