Operational department of hospitality industry.

Bigyaan Pokharel Operational Department

Transcript of Operational department of hospitality industry.

Bigyaan Pokharel

Operational Department


Productivity norms in hospitality industry

Developing and Using Staffing Guide

Flexibility Manning

Important Of Flexible Manning

Breakeven Point

Using breakeven point formulas



Productivity norms in hospitality


Productivity is a ration between input and

output at a given quality level.

It can be calculated for specific shift , for

individual job, department or for the property

as a whole.

In hospitality industry there are many possible

input and output unit which may be used for

productivity management process .

o For a specific hotel and its specific

department the most meaningful once need to

agreed upon beforehand

o Input unit can be measured in terms of

worked hours(per day, per week ,per month )


Productivity strategy

Expansive productivity

Increase the quantity or quality of product and

service while holding the some level or with a

decrease or insignificant increase in cost.

Contractive strategy

Decrease cost while holding same level or with

insignificant decrease or increase of quality or

quantity of product and service.

Developing and Using Staffing Guide

Demand Forecast

Supply Forecast

Gap Analysis

Strategy Identification

Demand Forecast

Human Resource Demand Forecasting depends

on several factors, some of which are given


Employment trends;

Replacement needs;


Absenteeism; and

Expansion and growth.

Supply Forecast

supply of human resource depends on some

factors mentioned below.

Supply and demand of jobs.

literacy rate of nation.

rate of population

industry and expected growth rate and levels

technological development.

compensation system based on education,

experience, skill and age.

Gap Analysis

Developing a skill gap analysis typically involves

defining the skills and knowledge required to

complete a task and then comparing a person’s

current level to that requirement.

After identifying the gap between the two,

training professionals work with personnel to

create a plan to remedy the situation.

According to the American Society for Training

and Development, the underlying causes of skills

gaps typically include changing jobs and lack of

education and training.

Determining the required skill levels usually

includes defining the job responsibilities when

companies introduce new technologies or

Strategy Identification

Organizations around the globe develop strategic


They carefully create a vision of their future and

the strategies needed to get there.

But many fail to realize their vision and fail to

deliver the expected strategic results.


A key element in the process is the engagement of

all levels of staff throughout the organization. Staff

engagement generates additional input and helps

build their commitment to the end plan. It is essential

to involve employees in the planning of strategy and

direction for the organization.


Strategic Planning processes are successful when

a bottom up and top down communication approach

is taken. It starts off with a communication to all levels

of employees informing them that a Strategic

Planning process will be undertaken.

Project Management

Once the strategic plan is together, there are

two critical elements related to project

management. One is to identify the projects that

are required to ensure success in the execution

of each strategy.


Some strategic plans include strategies to

develop a new product or deliver a new service or

re-structure a department, etc. They put teams of

individuals together to work on these major

initiatives and give them investment money to

ensure success.

Flexibility Manning

Flexibility is examined in order to develop

strategies, theoretical and applicable, in the field

of Function Based Manning (FBM), for achieving

optimized manning, which is not the same as

reduced manning, with a healthy crew.

This is a complex concept in many aspects.

Based on research on working life and work

organizations conducted by social scientists, two

aspects of flexibility are examined; functional

flexibility including job enrichment and

competence training, and working time flexibility.

Does flexibility only serve the interests of the



Do workers also benefit from flexibility?

By combining these two aspects of flexibility,

A win-win situation benefiting both employers and

employees can be achieved.

Important Of Flexible Manning

Flexible working practices have apparently

helped manufacturing industry make productivity

improvements over and above the service sector.

These manning practices may offer opportunities

for the hotel industry to improve its own

productivity and at the same time counter the

industry's reputation for providing poor conditions

of employment.

Business can operate around the clock all year.

Situation benefiting both employers and

employees can be achieved.

Example Of Flexibility Manning

The hotel has 136 rooms. If one housekeeper can

clean up 30 minutes per room, with 8 hours of

working, than one housekeeper can clean up 16

rooms. Therefore 136 rooms are divided into 16,

than the hotel will need 9 room attendant


In the public area, let’s say there are three floors,

than at least the hotel needs a minimum of 3

persons of public area. And it needs 1 person to

handle as order taker and 1 person laundry. And it

will need 2 supervisors. So, the total it will need

minimum 15 people.

Breakeven Point

Breakeven Point refer to revenue needed to cover company’s total amount of fixed and variable expenses during specific period of time.

As long as the business operation’s total fixed costs, and the variable costs and selling price for each item can be determined, the breakeven point of profitability can be calculated.

Breakeven analysis is a powerful analytical tool that hotels managers can use for any item or service that they sell, not just guestrooms.

The formulas can also be used to determine how a change in expenses or selling price will increase or decrease the number of units that must be sold in order to achieve profitability.

Using breakeven point formula

Here is an example to how to use the breakeven

analysis formulas.

Let’s assume that the RITZ Hotel has 900

guestrooms. The total fixed costs for the hotel on

any given night are $22,350.00. The variable

costs per guestroom are $9.54, broken down as


Conclusion Productivity is a ration between input and output at a

given quality level.

Developing and using staffing guide are Demand

Forecast, Supply Forecast, Gap Analysis, Strategy


Breakeven analysis is a powerful analytical tool

that hotels managers can use for any item or

service that they sell, not just guestrooms.









