Operating Systems Lab Sylla

12150L35P OPERATING SYSTEMS and NETWORKING LAB (Implement the following on LINUX platform. Use C for high level language implementation) 1. Shell programming - comman s!nta" - write simple functions - #asic tests $. Shell programming - loops - patterns - e"pansions - su#stitutions %. &ri te programs using the following s!stem calls of UNIX operating s!stem' for e"ec getpi e"it wait close stat openir reai r *. &ri te programs using the I+, s!stem calls of UNIX operating s!stem (open rea write etc) . &rite C programs to simulate UNIX commans lie ls grep etc. . Implemen t some memor! management schemes NETWORKING: 1. Sim ula tio n of / 0 + 0/0 . $. &r ite a pro gra m tha t ta es a #in ar! fil e as input an perf orms #it stuf fi ng an C0C Computation. %. Simulati on of S liin g-&in ow pro tocol. *. 2eve lop a Cl ient 3 S erve r appl icati on for chat. . 2ev elo p a Cli ent tha t conta cts a giv en 2NS Serv er to resol ve a giv en host name. . &rite a Cli ent to o wnloa a file fr om a 455 Server.


read it good

Transcript of Operating Systems Lab Sylla


12150L35P OPERATING SYSTEMS and NETWORKING LAB(Implement the following on LINUX platform. Use C for high level language implementation)

1. Shell programming

- command syntax

- write simple functions

- basic tests

2. Shell programming

- loops

- patterns

- expansions

- substitutions

3. Write programs using the following system calls of UNIX operating system:

fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir, readdir

4. Write programs using the I/O system calls of UNIX operating system (open, read,

write, etc)

5. Write C programs to simulate UNIX commands like ls, grep, etc.

6. Implement some memory management schemes


1. Simulation of ARP / RARP.

2. Write a program that takes a binary file as input and performs bit stuffing and CRC Computation.

3. Simulation of Sliding-Window protocol.

4. Develop a Client Server application for chat.

5. Develop a Client that contacts a given DNS Server to resolve a given host name.

6. Write a Client to download a file from a HTTP Server.

Ex.No:1AIM:To Study the basic commands in Linux.


1. Task: To display system date and time.

Syntax: Date

Explanation: This command displays the current date and time on the screen.

2. Task: To display current month.

Syntax: Date +%m

Explanation: This command displays the current month on the screen.

3. Task : To display the name of the current month.

Syntax: Date +%h

Explanation: This command displays name of the current month on the screen.

4. Task: To display current system date.

Syntax: Date +%d

Explanation: This command displays the current system date on the screen.

5. Task: To display current year.

Syntax: Date +%y

Explanation: This command displays the current year on the screen.

6. Task: To display current system time.

Syntax: Date +%H

Explanation: This command displays the current system time on the screen.

7. Task: To display current system time in minutes.

Syntax: Date +%m

Explanation: This command displays the current system time in minutes on the screen.

8. Task: To display current system time in seconds.

Syntax: Date +%s

Explanation: This command displays the current system time in seconds on the screen.

9.Task: To display the calendar of current month.

Syntax: cal

Explanation: This command displays the current month calender on the screen.

10. Task: To display user defined message.

Syntax: echo message

Explanation: This command displays the message.

11. Task: This command displays the list of files in the current working directory.


$ls l Lists the files in the long format

$ls t Lists in the order of last modification time

$ls d Lists directory instead of contents

$ls -u Lists in order of last access time

12. Calender Command:

This command is used to display the calendar of the year or the particular month of calendar year.

Syntax :



13. Present Working Directory Command :

To print the complete path of the current working directory.

Syntax : $pwd

14.MKDIR Command :

To create or make a new directory in a current directory .

Syntax : $mkdir

15.CD Command :

To change or move the directory to the mentioned directory .

Syntax : $cd symbol is redirectory we use cat command.


To display the content of file mentioned we use CAT command without > operator.

Syntax :

$cat >

$ cat >> it is avoid overwriting.

Options : -

-n content of file with numbers included with blank lines.

Syntax :

$cat n


To sort the contents in alphabetical order in reverse order.

Syntax :


Option : $ sort r


To copy the contents from source to destination file . so that both contents are same.

Syntax :



22.MOVE Command :

To completely move the contents from source file to destination file and to remove the source file.

Syntax :

$ mv

23.REMOVE Command :

To permanently remove the file we use this command .

Syntax :


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24.WORD Command :

To list the content count of no of lines , words, characters .

Syntax :


Options :

-c to display no of characters.

-l to display only the lines.

-w to display the no of words.

25. 1.ESC a Command :

This command is used to move the edit mode and start to append after the current character.

Syntax : a


This command is also used to append the file , but this command append at the end of current line.

Syntax : A

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3.ESC i Command :

This command is used to insert the text before the current cursor position.

Syntax : i

4.ESC I Command :

This command is used to insert at the beginning of the current line.

Syntax : I

5.ESC o Command :

This command is insert a blank line below the current line & allow insertion of contents.

Syntax : o

6.ESC O Command :

This command is used to insert a blank line above & allow insertion of contents.

Syntax : O

7.ESC r Command :

This command is to replace the particular character with the given characters.

Syntax : rx Where x is the new character.

8.ESC R Command :

This command is used to replace the particular text with a given text.

Syntax : R text

9. s Command :

This command replaces a single character with a group of character .

Syntax : s

10. S Command :

This command is used to replace a current line with group of characters. Syntax : S


1. h :

This command is used to move to the previous character typed. It is used to move to left of the text . It can also used to move character by character (or) a number of characters.

Syntax : h to move one character to left.

nh tomove n character to left.

2. l :

This command is used to move to the right of the cursor (ie) to the next character. It can also be used to move the cursor for a number of character.

Syntax : l single character to right.

nl - n characters to right.

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3. j :

This command is used to move down a single line or a number of lines.

Syntax :

j single down movement.

nj n times down movement.

4. k :

This command is used to move up a single line or a number of lines.

Syntax :

k single line above.

nk n lines above.


This command will move the cursor to the starting of next lines or a group of lines mentioned.

Syntax :

enter n enter.

6. + Command :

This command is used to move to the beginning of the next line.

Syntax :

+ n+

7. - Command :

This command is used to move to the beginning of the previous line.

Syntax :

- n-

8. 0 :

This command will bring the cursor to the beginning of the same current line.

Syntax :


9. $ :

This command will bring the cursor to the end of the current line.

Syntax :


10. ^ :

This command is used to move to first character of first lines.

Syntax :


11. b Command :

This command is used to move back to the previous word (or) a number of words.

Syntax :

b nb

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12. e Command :

This command is used to move towards and replace the cursor at last character of the word (or) no of words.

Syntax :

e ne13. w Command :

This command is used to move forward by a single word or a group of words.

Syntax :

w nw


1. x Command :

To delete a character to right of current cursor positions , this command is used.

Syntax :

x nx

2. X Command :

To delete a character to left of current cursor positions , this command is used.

Syntax :

X nX

3. dw Command :

This command is to delete a single word or number of words to right of current cursor position.

Syntax :

dw ndw

4.db Command :

This command is to delete a single word to the left of the current cursor position.

Syntax :

db ndb

5. dd Command :

This command is used to delete the current line (or) a number of line below the current line.

Syntax :

dd ndd

6. d$ Command :

This command is used to delete the text from current cursor position to last character of current line.

Syntax : d$


1. w Command :

To save the given text present in the file.

Syntax : : w

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2. q! Command :

To quit the given text without saving.

Syntax : :q!

3. wq Command :

This command quits the vi editor after saving the text in the mentioned file.

Syntax : :wq

4. x Command :

This command is same as wq command it saves and quit.

Syntax : :x

5. q Command :

This command would quit the window but it would ask for again to save the file.

Syntax : : q


Thus the basic command in Linux has been executed successfully.


To write a shell program to concatenate two strings.

Algorithm: Step1: Enter into the vi editor and go to the insert mode for entering the code

Step2: Read the first string.

Step3: Read the second string

Step4: Concatenate the two strings

Step5: Enter into the escape mode for the execution of the result and verify the output


echo enter the first string

read str1

echo enter the second string

read str2

echo the concatenated string is $str1$str2

Sample I/P: Enter first string: Hello

Enter first string: World

Sample O/P: The concatenated string is HelloWorld

Result: Thus the shell program to concatenate two strings is executed and output is verified successfully. Ex. No. : 2b COMPARISON OF TWO STRINGS Aim: To write a shell program to compare the two strings.

Algorithm: Step1: Enter into the vi editor and go to the insert mode for entering the code

Step2: Read the first string.

Step3: Read the second string

Step4: Compare the two strings using the if loop

Step5: If the condition satisfies then print that two strings are equal else print two

strings are not equal.

Step6: Enter into the escape mode for the execution of the result and verify the output

Program: echo enter the first string

read str1

echo enter the second string

read str2

if [ $str1 = $str2 ]


echo strings are equal


echo strings are unequal


Sample I/P:1 Enter first string: hai

Enter second string: hai

Sample O/P:1 The two strings are equal

Sample I/P:2 Enter first string: hai

Enter second string: cse

Sample O/P:2 The two strings are not equal

Result: Thus the shell program to compare the two strings is executed and output is verified successfully. Ex.No:2c MAXIMUM OF THREE NUMBERS


To write a shell program to find greatest of three numbers.


Step1: Declare the three variables.

Step2: Check if A is greater than B and C.

Step3: If so print A is greater.

Step4: Else check if B is greater than C.

Step5: If so print B is greater.

Step6: Else print C is greater.


echo "enter A"

read a

echo "enter B"

read b

echo "enter C"

read c

if [ $a -gt $b -a $a -gt $c ]


echo "A is greater"

elif [ $b -gt $a -a $b -gt $c ]


echo "B is greater"


echo "C is greater"


Sample I/P:

Enter A:23

Enter B:45

Enter C:67

Sample O/P:

C is greater


Thus the shell program to find the maximum of three numbers is executed and output is verified successfully. Ex.No:2d FIBONACCI SERIES


To write a shell program to generate fibonacci series.

Algorithm :

Step 1 : Initialise a to 0 and b to 1.

Step 2 : Print the values of 'a' and 'b'.

Step 3 : Add the values of 'a' and 'b'. Store the added value in variable 'c'.

Step 4 : Print the value of 'c'.

Step 5 : Initialise 'a' to 'b' and 'b' to 'c'.

Step 6 : Repeat the steps 3,4,5 till the value of 'a' is less than 10.

Program :

echo enter the number

read n




while [ $i le $n ]


t=`expr $a + $b`

echo $t



i=`expr $i + 1`


Sample I/P :

Enter the no: 5

Sample O/P:








Thus the shell program to find the Fibonacci series is executed and output is verified successfully. Ex.No:2e ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS USING CASE


To write a shell program to perform the arithmetic operations using case

Algorithm :

Step 1 : Read the input variables and assign the value

Step 2 : Print the various arithmetic operations which we are going to perform

Step 3 : Using the case operator assign the various functions for the arithmetic


Step 4 : Check the values for all the corresponding operations.

Step 5 : Print the result and stop the execution.


Program :

echo 1.Addition

echo 2.Subraction

echo 3.Multiplication

echo 4.Division

echo enter your choice

read a

echo enter the value of b

read b

echo enter the value of c

read c

echo b is $b c is $c

case $a in

1)d=`expr $b + $c`

echo the sum is $d


2)d=`expr $b - $c`

echo the difference is $d


3)d=`expr $b \* $c`

echo the product is $d


4)d=`expr $b / $c`

echo the quotient is $d



Sample I/P :




4. Division

Enter your choice:1

Enter the value of b:3

Enter the value of c:4

b is 3 c is 4

the sum is 7

Sample O/P:

b is 3 c is 4

the sum is 7


Thus the shell program to perform arithmetic operations using case is executed and output is verified successfully.


AIM:To write a C program to implement fork, exec, getpid, exit and wait system calls.

ALGORITHM:1. Usingforksystem call, create a new process.

2. Assign the processs id in the variable pid.3. If pid is equal to1,then report an error and ter minate using theexitsystem call.

4. If pid is equal to 0, it is a child process. Print the processs id using thegetpidsystem call.

5. Otherwise, it is the parent process. Print the ids of both child and parent process.6. Using execlp system call, the present working directory is displayed.7. Status of the processes is displayed using wait system call.8. Terminate the program using theexitsystem call.PROGRAM:[it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ vi gfsystemcall.c





int pid,status; pid=fork();if(pid==-1)


perror("Error fork()");


else if(pid==0)


printf("I am the child process\n");

printf("Process id of the child is=%d\n", getpid()); execlp("pwd","pwd",NULL);




printf("I am the parent process\n");printf("Process id of parent=%d\n Process id of child =%d\n",getpid(),pid);


printf("Child Returned %d\n",status);





"gfsystemcall.c" 28L, 438C written [it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ cc gfsystemcall.c [it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ ./a.out

I am the child process

Process id of the child is=29980 I am the parent process

Process id of parent=29979 Process id of child =29980 /home/it08b034

Child Returned 0


Thus the C program for implementing fork, exec, getpid, exit and wait system calls was executed successfully.



To write a C program using opendir, readdir and closedir system calls.


1.Open the current directory using opendir system call.2.If the directory is not opened report an error message.3.Otherwise display the contents of the directory using readdir system call.4.Close the opened directory using closedir system call.PROGRAM:

[it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ vi gfsystemcall.c





DIR *dir;

struct dirent *entry; if((dir=opendir("/"))==NULL)

perror("Error during Opendir() error");



puts("contents of the current directory"); while((entry=readdir(dir))!=NULL)





"gfsystemcall.c" [New] 17L, 281C written [it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ cc gfsystemcall.c [it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ ./a.out

contents of the current directory root

.bash_historysys opt misc


initrd home dev mnt etc media tmp proc


lib sbin

.autofsck srv

bin tftpboot var

usr boot

lost+found selinux


Thus the C program for implementing opendir, readdir and closedir system calls was executed successfully.



To write a C program for copying a file into another using I/O system call.


1.Get the name of the source and destination file from the command line. 2.Open the source file inread-onlymode using the open system call. If the file could not be open, print an error message.

3.Create the destination file using creat system call. If the file could not be open, print an error message. 4. Read from the source file using the read system call and store the content in the buffer.5. From the buffer write to the destination file using the write system call.

PROGRAM:[it08b034@linuxlab ~]$ vi iosys.c


int main(int argc,char *argv[])


int fd1,fd2,n; char buf[512]; if(argc!=3)


printf("Error in the number of argument"); exit(1);

