Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a...


Transcript of Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a...

Page 1: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.
Page 2: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.

Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface.

Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual machine (DVM).

Application ComponentsActivity: present a visual user interface.Services: run in the background without UI.Broadcast Receivers: receives system messages. They can

be used to react to changed conditions in the systemContent Providers: provide data to all applications. Android

contains a SQLLite DB which can serve as data provider.

Page 3: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.

Download and Install the SDKhttp://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html Download and Install Eclipse Install ADT plug-in for Eclipse Add Platforms (Version1.5 or 1.6)

Complete tutorialshttp://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/


Page 4: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.

Description Develop an application that

can turn on/off wifi connection.◦ The application checks current

status of wifi connectivity.◦ The application displays a button

and texts to allow turning on or off wifi.

◦ The application turns on or off wifi connection when the button is clicked.

Hints◦ May need android.net.wifi


Due by Wednesday, Sep. 1 (Before the class)

Page 5: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.


Enabled Disabled

If wifi is enabled. If wifi is disabled.

If “ON” button is clicked----------Set wifi enabled

Display texts Create “OFF” button

Check the wifi status.

If “OFF” button is clicked----------Set wifi disabled

Display texts Create “ON” button

Page 6: Operating system for mobile devices with a Java programming interface. Provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger, device emulator, and its own Java Virtual.

For assignment 1, you do NOT need to submit the screenshots!

TA (Grader) Office hours◦ T Th 10:30 am – 12 pm

Google group has been created.◦ Send email to [email protected] to get

invited. If you want to test your application with an

android phone, come to my office during my office hours or make an appointment.