Opening Day in The House To understand the leadership and organization of Congress.

Opening Day in The House To understand the leadership and organization of Congress

Transcript of Opening Day in The House To understand the leadership and organization of Congress.

Opening Day in The House

To understand the leadership and organization of Congress

Opening Day in the House

When the House First meets for the new term, none of the members are sworn in, there are no rules, and there is no organization

The clerk of the House of the preceding term presides, and chairs the 1st session

House Tour

Choosing a Speaker

The majority party’s caucus has chosen the Speaker of the House before the first session begins

- the election on the floor is a mere formality

- Speaker of the House is both the elected presiding officer of the House, and the

acknowledged leader of the majority party




Speaker of the House John Boehner R-OH


Speaker’s Duties

To preside and keep order

Names the members of all select and conference committees

Signs all bills and resolutions passed by the House

Speaker’s Role

Can vote, only to cause or break a tie

-Can debate any matter on floor, but must appoint a Speaker pro tempore

The Speaker Takes Charge

Once sworn in, the Speaker will in turn swear the other members in

The Democrats will then take their seats to the right of the center

The Republicans to the left

The House then adopts rules that will govern the term, and members are selected to fill the 22 permanent committees

Opening Day in the Senate

The Senate is a Continuous Body, it has been organized since 1789

Hence, they do not have the organizational problems of the HouseThey simply wait for the House to notify them that they are readyOnce this is done, they notify the President that they are ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make

State of the Union


State of the Union

Within a few weeks, the President will deliver the State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress

The Senate


The Head of the Senate

The Vice-President sits as the head of the Senate

He has presiding powers

Can only vote to break a tie

Cannot take the floor to debate

President Pro Tempore

However, the VP is usually busy, so the Senate elects a member to serve in his absence

This person is usually a leading member of the majority party (but not always)

Senator Patrick LehayD-Vermont

Floor Leaders

The floor leaders are legislative strategists that try to carry out the decision of their party’s caucuses and steer floor actions to their party’s beliefs

They are assisted by party whips that check with party members and advise them of support

Committee Chairmen

The bulk of work is done in committee

Thus, a committee chairman holds a strategic post

When not meet

Which bills to address

Whether to hold public hearings

Whether to call witnesses

House Committees

List of House Committees

Senate Chain of Command

List of Senate Committees

Seniority Rule

Custom provides that the most important posts will be held by senior party members

What do you think? Some say that this ignores ability, and discourages younger members…