Open cloze

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Open cloze exercise

Transcript of Open cloze

Read the following passages carefully and then fill in the blanks with one correct or best answer

Read the following passages carefully and then fill in the blanks with one correct or best answer.

People of the olden days seldom had feet problems. This may be .the fact that their shoes were more comfortable. They ___2___ made from animal skin which .___3___ harm the feet. Foot sores became ___4___ common with the discovery of wooden ___5___ cloth shoes. No account was taken ___6___ . anatomy of the right or ___7___ foot in the making of wooden ___8___. They were made clumsily or hastily. ___9___ .this, shoes caused more harm ___10___ good. Friction between the feet and the inner lining of the shoes created painful corns and bunions which sometimes .. deformed feet.

Many of us are still or are indifferent to the need to preserve rare species. Some people argue that species have ___1___ dying out since life began. "So ___2___ should we worry about them now ?" ___3___ ask. They calmly believe that others ___4___ .. their place. What these people ___5___ not realize is that it will ___6___ millions of years before ___7___ species is evolved to replace those ___8___ are rapidly losing. These species are ___9___ national heritage. We should not let ___10___ die. They should be preserved for our decendants.

The cobra is not swift in attacking as one is led to believe. It first erects the hood and ___1___ flattens the neck. A characteristic marking, ___2___ like a pair of spectacles, appears ___3___ the neck. As the cobra raises ___4___ hood, it also sways from side ___5___ side in a slow rhythmic manner. ___6___ several seconds or minutes of this, ___7___ strikes by darting its head forward ___8___ downwards and the fangs sink into ___9___ flesh of the victim. The teeth ___10___ on to the prey until it dies of the venom. The venom can kill in a few minutes.


Sepakraga is one of the traditional games of Malaysia. It uses an open ball made ___1___ rattan strips, plaited together. It can ___2___ played by five or ten players. ___3___ the game, the players stand in ___4___ circle at equal distances from one ___5___. One of the players begins ___6___ game by kicking the ball to another ___7___ member. The aim of the game ___8___ not to allow the ball ___9___ fall to the ground. Usually, ___10___ is a record keeper to keep count of the number of kicks made before this happens. Sepakraga is popular in Negeri Sembilan.


Birth rate and death rate are two important factors which influence the change in world population. Today, the world population is increasing ___1___ an alarming rate. This is because ___2___ the decline in the death rate ___3___ to recent advances of modern medicine ___4___ the availability of improved health services.

___5___ rapid growth of world population poses ___6___ problem because mankind may soon outgrow ___7___ world's food supply. One may argue ___8___ modern technological advances and scientific research ___9___ help increase food production as well ___10___ prevent starvation. But can this increase in food production keep up with the increase in population ?

Our teeth are among the most important tools we have. Without them, we wouldn't be able ___1___ break up the food we eat. ___2___ faces would be far less attractive ___3___ they are. Communicating with others would ___4___ a problem simply because we would ___5___ be able to form words properly. ___6___ people think that it is natural ___7___ our teeth to decay and fall ___8___ at middle age. This is false ___9___ our teeth is designed to last ___10___ lifetime. It is due to neglect and eating the wrong foods that dental problems occur.