Open Closed Principle kata

SOLID The Open/Closed Principle Dependency Inversion Paul Blundell @Blundell_apps


Talk and Kata on using the Open Closed principal of SOLID as well as Dependency Inversion to complete the Bowling Kata

Transcript of Open Closed Principle kata

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The Open/Closed PrincipleDependency Inversion


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Five basic principles of object-orientated programming.

“The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time”

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Five basic principles of object-orientated programming.

“The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time”

Single Responsibility Principle

Open / Closed Principle

Liskov’s Substitution

Interface Segregation

Dependency Inversion


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Five basic principles of object-orientated programming.

“The principles when applied together intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time”

Single Responsibility Principle

Open / Closed Principle

Liskov’s Substitution

Interface Segregation

Dependency Inversion


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Open / Closed Principle



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Open / Closed Principle

“Software entities (classes, modules, methods etc) should be open for extension but closed for modification”

That is such an entity can allow its behaviour to be changed without altering its source code.


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Open Closed Principle

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Open Closed Principle

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Dependency Inversion

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The aim of the OCP kata is to use the Open Closed Principle to design a maintainable and extensible code base.

Think about:

- How to compose functionality out of existing objects

- How to avoid reworking existing code

OCP Kata

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Write the first failing test

Then write a factory that returns an object or a composed object that makes the test pass.


- the factory should be limited to creating and linking objects

- no conditionals allowed in the factory

OCP Kata

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public void scoreZeroForGutterGame() {

// First test



public void scoreTwentyForAllOnesGame() {

// Second test


// Continue

Bowling OCP Kata

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Write the next failing test

Can you make this test pass by just changing the factory and object composite?

Yes - Great do it!

No - Refactor until you can

The refactoring should be the system to a state where it’s possible to implement the next test just by changing the composite of objects that is returned by the factory. Do not implement new functionality when refactoring the current test must still fail.

OCP Kata

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OCP Kata

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Matteo Vaccari

- invented the OCP Kata


David Nicolette

- created the OCP jigsaw diagram

Uncle Bob

- Creator of the original bowling Kata


Kevin Rutherford

- guided me in the art of Kata’s


Jonas Gauffin

- for the meme

