Ontario Simmental Advocate Fall 2014

Advocate 1


Ontario Simmental Advocate www.ontariosimmentalassociation.com The Advocate is the official publication of the Ontario Simmental Association. The emphasis of the magazine is to keep Ontario Simmental breeders informed about past and up-coming events; provide a resource for marketing and advertising; and, to support Simmental youth programs. We also highlight local and international news items that impact cow-calf operators and the beef industries as a whole. Areas of interest include: animal health; beef trade and market issues; the latest research initiatives; and, consumer attitudes toward beef.

Transcript of Ontario Simmental Advocate Fall 2014

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ADVOCATE The  official  publica on  of  the  Ontario  Simmental  Associa on  

Published  show  results,  sale  results,  events,  announcements,  etc.  will  only  be  listed  in  the  Advocate  if  delivered  to  the  graphic  designer  in  wri ng  or  email.  Simmental  related  photographs  you  wish  to  share  are  also  encouraged.


B&W  1⁄4  Page  $75  

B&W  1⁄2  Page  $110  

B&W  Full  Page  $175  

Color  Full  Page  $300

Color  Inside  Covers  $325  

Color  Back  Cover  $375  

Yearly  Card  Ad  $75


Receive  10%  discount  on  regular  rates  with  excep on  to  the  cards  ads.


Consists  of  2  issues

*Must  be  a  paid  OSA  member  to  adver se

1  year  |  Membership  $30  

3  year  |  Membership  $85

*Prices  may  change  according  to  prin ng  costs.


All  adver sing,  copy,  and  photographs  must  be  submi ed  by  the  following  dates

ISSUE1  February  |  DUE:  Dec  31st  

ISSUE2  September|  DUE:July31st

Cover  Picture

Taken  by Taika  von  Königslöw

Marywood  Simmentals Palmerston  On

If  you  have  a  cover  shot  for  the  advocate  please  send  it  to  

[email protected]

From  the  Editor

The  Advocate  is  the  official  publica on  of  the  Ontario  Simmental  Associa on.  The  emphasis  of  the  magazine  is  to  keep  Ontario  Simmental  breeders  informed  about  past  and  up-coming  events;  provide  a  resource  for  marke ng  and  adver sing;  and,  to  support  Simmental  youth  programs.  We  also  highlight  local  and  interna onal  news  items  that  impact  cow-calf  operators  and  the  beef  industries  as  a  whole.  Areas  of  interest  include:  animal  health;  beef  trade  and  market  issues;  the  latest  research  ini a ves;  and,  consumer  a tudes  toward  beef.

For  more  Informa on Josh  Wooddisse Ontario  Simmental  Member  Services  Manager www.ontariosimmentalassocia on.com

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Tina  Hiddink President T  613-399-3239 [email protected] Dave  Milliner Vice-President C  519-375-0122 [email protected] Dan  O’Brien Past-President C  613-761-2403 dan.obrien@sympa co.ca

John  Pearson Director 905-349-3415 j.kpearson@sympa co.ca Billy  Elmhirst Director C  705-761-0896 [email protected] Glenn  Wo en East  Central  Director C  705-878-1713 [email protected]

Carla  Nolan Director T  905-607-2204 [email protected] Dan  Munroe Director T  905.722.9658 branzak@sympa co.ca Dennis  Ellio Director T  519-345-2785 dellio @bmross.net

OSA  Board  of  Directors  -  2014

Grace  Oesch Secretary T  519-656-2199 gravandale@ne lash.net Debbie  Ellio Treasurer T  519-345-2785 dje@djfarmsca le.com Josh  Wooddisse Member  Services  Manager C  519  362-5373 [email protected]

OSA  Staff  -  2014

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November  29,  2014 Marywood  Simmental  Sale Carson’s  Sales  Arena  Listowel Profit  Making  Herd  Bulls  with  Simmental  &  Commercial  Females more  informa on  at  www.marywood.ca

December  8  -  14,  2014 IRCC  Christmas  Internet  Sale Bid  online  at  www.liveauc onstv.com  More  info  at  www.indianriverca lecompany.com

December  31,  2014 Deadline  for  OSA  Futurity  nomina ons  to  Debbie  Ellio

December  31,  2014 Deadline  for  RAWF  Judge  nomina ons  to  Debbie  Ellio

December  31,  2014 Deadline  for  2015  OSA  membership  paid

July  30  -  Aug  2,  2015 Canadian  Simmental  Conven on  2015

Upcoming  Events


January  7,  2015 Grey  Bruce  Farmers'  Week-  Beef  Day Program  featuring  -  Canadian  Ca le  &  Beef  Industry:  The  Big  Picture,  Aaron  Goertzen,  Economist,  BMO  Capital  Markets  and  Feeding  For  Tomorrow,  Jason  Calhoun,  Owner/Manager,  Calhoun  Ca le  Co.,  Swalwell,  Alberta


January  24,  2015 Beef  Symposium  and  FarmSmart  Conference Rozanski  Hall,  University  of  Guelph 9am  -  4:30pm Program  featuring  livestock  keynote  speaker,  Don  Schiefelbein,  Minnesota


February  17,  2015 Ca lemen's  College Sponsored  by  Zoe s  Animal  Health Interna onal  Plaza  Hotel,  655  Dixon  Road,  Toronto No  registra on  required  for  this  event. Stay  tuned  for  more  details

 February  18-19,  2015 Beef  Farmers  of  Ontario  Annual  General  Mee ng Interna onal  Plaza  Hotel,  655  Dixon  Road,  Toronto Stay  tuned  for  more  details.

February  28,  2015 Bar  5  Farms  online  Bull  &  Female  Spring  Produc on  Sale Online

March  14,  2015 4th  Annual  Vente  de  taureaux  Synergie  Bull  Sale Ste.  Sophie  de  Levrard,  PQ

March  21,  2015 Ferme  Gagnon  Annual  Bull  Sale Cheneville,  PQ

March  7  2015 OSA  annual  general  mee ng Best  Western  /  Peterborough  Ph  705.742.3454 If  you  are  planning  on  a ending  and  would  like  to  stay  for  dinner  please  contact  Debbie  Ellio  before  February  2l,  2Ol5.  

July  30  -  Aug  2,  2015 Canadian  Simmental  Conven on  2015 Lindsay,  ON


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President’s  Message  –  Tina  Hiddink

What  a  summer  this  has  been!

The  weather  in  most  areas  in  Ontario  this  summer  were  cool  and  wet.  Forage  yields  were  good  with  higher  numbers  of  bales  being  wrapped  to  get  haying  season  over.  So  it  has  been    a  pleasure  to  enjoy  the  beau ful  fall  weather  we  have  experienced.    We  also  agree  that  stocker  and  produc on  sales  have  exceeded  our  expecta ons.  The    2014  ca le  markets  are  strong,  repor ng  record  prices  weekly.      Our  summer  shows  and  the  Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair  (RAWF)  are  now  behind  us.  It  was  definitely  a  memorable   me  if  not  as  a  par cipant,  definitely  as  a  spectator.  

The  OSA  hosted  the  2014  Na onal  Show  at  the  RAWF  with  128  Simmentals  shown  by  49  Exhibitors.  The  judge  for  the  Simmental  Show  was  Kyle  Lewis  from  Spruce  Gove,  Alberta.      The  championship  winners  were:  

x� Grand  Champion  Bull:  MFS  Junior  3A  exhibited  by  Spud  Isle  Farms

x� Grand  Champion  Female:  RPCCBlk  Wild  Fire  exhibited  by  River  Point  Ca le  Co.

x� Grand  Champion  Fullblood  Female:  Elmtree  Ms  Zander  2B  exhibited  by  Elm  Tree  Farms

x� Premier  Breeder  and  Premier  Exhibitor:  Indian  River  Ca le  Co.

We  congratulate  all  the  winners  and  thank  all  the  exhibitors  for  making  this  a  memorable  event.  Each  exhibitor  was  given  a  show  jacket  sponsored  by  New  Holland,  CSA,  Simmental  Country  and  YCS  and  we  also  thank  the  banner  sponsors  for  the  2014  Simmental  Na onal  Show,  OSA  Bright  Lights  Futurity  Show  and  a  very  successful  YCS  Show  and  Compe on.  

The  Wine  and  Cheese  recep on  was  Sponsored  by  the  Ontario  Simm-Belles  and  we  sincerely  thank  Carla  Nolan  for  organizing  this  very  successful  event.    We  all  know  there  are  other  volunteers  in  the  background  and  again  we  thank  them  for  their   me  and  dedica on.  We  couldn’t  have  done  it  without  you.

At  the  2014  OSA  –  AGM  we  listened  to  our  membership  and  we  hired  Josh  Wooddisse  as  our  OSA  Members  Services  Manager  in  September.  He  has  been  busy  promo ng  our  Simmental  breed  by  a ending  ca le  events,  upda ng  our  web  page,  upda ng  the  Advocate.  We  encourage  you  to  contact  him  if  you  need  promo onal  material  to  distribute  at  ca le  and  stocker  sales.  He  can  also  assist  you  with  your  promo onal  and  adver sing  needs.  You  can  contact  him  at  [email protected]  or  call  at  1-519-362-5373.

The  Manitoba  Simmental  Associa on  hosted  a  very  successful  CSA  –  AGM  and  Na onal  Junior  Show  at  the  Elkhorn  Resort  in  July  2014.  There  were  seven  OSA  members  that  were  able  to  a end.  Sophie  Wo on  from  Li le  Bri an,  Ontario  was  elected  President  of  the  Na onal  YCS.  We  congratulate  her  on  this  posi on  and  we  also  want  to  take  this  opportunity  to  thank  her  for  comple ng  the  du es  of  the  2014  Ontario  Ambassador  and  her  assistance  at  the  RAWF.  

The  Ontario  Simmental  Associa on  has  been  chosen  to  host  the  2015  CSA  Conference  (AGM)  and  Na onal  YCS  Show.  Planning  is  now  underway  and  the  event  will  take  place  in  Lindsay,  Ontario  from  July  30  to  August  2,  2015.  To  host  this  event  we  need  volunteers  and  sponsors.  Please  contact  Josh  Wooddisse,  OSA  Member  Services  Manager  or  any  OSA  Director.  

We  also  congratulate  Sophie  and  Mariah  Wo on  who  received  the  Dr.  Allan  Dixon  Scholarship    from  the  Friends  of  Canadian  Simmental  Founda on.  A  presenta on  was  made  at  the  Simmental  Na onal  Show  by  Bruce  Holmquist,  General  Manager  and  David  Milliner,  CSA  Director.  

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We  can  not  stress  enough  that  the  CSA  and  OSA  want  to  encourage  and  look  forward  to  two  way  communica on  with  our  membership  to  answer  ques ons,  concerns    or  comments.    We  all  agree  it  is  a  good   me  to  be  in  the  beef  business.    It  is  definitely  a  great   me  to  be  in  the  Simmental  beef  business.  

The  events/deadlines  to  keep  in  mind  are:

1.  OSA  Futurity  nomina ons  to  Debbie  Ellio  by  December  31,  2014

2.  RAWF  Judge  nomina ons  to  Debbie  Ellio  by  December  31,  2014

3.  2015  OSA  membership  paid  by  December  31,  2014

4.  OSA  –  AGM  on  March  7,  2015  at  the  Best  Western  in  Peterborough

5.  2015  CSA  Conference  and  Na onal  YCS  Show  in  Lindsay  from  July  30  to  August  2,  2015.

Tina  Hiddink

There  was  a  great  turnout  at  the  Simmental  Na onal  Show  at  the  Royal  Winter  Fair.    Everyone  showed  extremely  well.    Congratula ons  to  the  winners.    We  took  pictures  of  the  show,  they  are  available  on  the  OSA  website,  www.ontariosimmentalassocia on.com.

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Opinion  Piece

A  discussion  about  parasite  control  in  your  herd Taika  von  Königslöw,  MSc  and  2015  DVM  Candidate

Most  producers  will  agree  that  parasite  control  is  necessary  in  their  herd.  The  most  obvious  reasons  are  the  reduced  weight  gain  seen  in  ca le  with  significant  parasite  loads  and  clinical  illness  seen  in  calves.  However,  there  are  other  measurable  benefits  to  controlling  parasites  such  as  improved  feed  efficiency,  fer lity,  and  health  that  I  will  discuss  in  this  ar cle.  

To  begin,  let’s  go  back  to  the  basics.  What  do  I  mean  by  parasites?  I’m  not  going  to  go  through  the  extensive  list  of  parasites  in  Ontario  in  this  ar cle.  Instead,  I’ll  generalize  by  talking  about  internal  parasites  (such  as  those  causing  scours)  and  external  parasites  (such  as  lice).  Both  types  of  parasites  can  have  a  measurable  effect  on  your  ca le.  When  parasites  are  around  in  high  numbers  the  effects  are  visible  and  obvious.  For  example,  calves  with  clinical  coccidiosis  (an  internal  parasite)  will  have  varying  degrees  of  scours  and  poor  weight  gain.  Cows  covered  in  lice  will  divert  energy  away  from  feeding  and  growth  into  scratching.  Weight  loss  is  easy  to  measure,  but  heavy  parasite  infesta ons  can  also  have  a  nega ve  impact  on  harder  to  see  traits  such  as  carcass  composi on1  with  reduced  muscling  and  fat  that  will  cost  you  when  you  send  your  ca le  to  market.  

What  are  the  benefits  of  a  parasite  control  program?  Weight  gain  is  the  easiest  measurable  benefit  to  parasite  control.  Ca le  that  are  dewormed  typically  have  improved  average  daily  gains,  feed  conversion,  and  carcass  quality  1.  Improved  reproduc ve  performance,  associated  with  increased  body  weight,  has  also  been  linked  to  parasite  control  in  beef  ca le.  In  replacement  heifers,  it  is  linked  to  a  reduc on  in  the   me  it  takes  for  them  to  reach  their  breeding  weight  1.  In  cows,  it  is  also  associated  with  increased  body  weight,  increased  concep on  rate,  increased  milk  produc on,  reduced  calf  mortality,  reduced  calving  to  breeding  intervals,  and  improved  life me  produc on  1,2.  There  is  also  a  link  to  decreased  suscep bility  to  other  diseases  1,  likely  in  part  due  to  the  be er  body  condi on  and  reduced  stress  in  ca le  that  are  not  itchy  and  uncomfortable  with  internal  and/or  external  parasites.  A  benefit  I  haven’t  discussed  yet  is  the  reduc on  in  the   me  and  money  spent  trea ng  severely  affected  animals,  not  to  men on  the  reduc on  in  number  of  animals  lost  to  severe  clinical  illness.  To  summarize,  a  parasite  control  program  will  allow  your  ca le  to  be er  turn  feed  into  growth,  produc on  and  health.  This  will  save  you   me,  money,  and  earn  you  more  when  you  go  to  sell  your  ca le.

The  big  ques on  is  who  do  I  treat,  with  what,  when  and  how  o en?  This  is  tricky  to  answer  in  Ontario  since  every  producer  will  have  somewhat  different  facili es,  management  rou nes  and  prac ces,  stocking  density,  pastures,  calving  seasons,  and  more.  To  make  it  even  more  complicated,  there  are  also  a  number  of  different  products  on  the  market  and  each  one  will  have  different  parasite  coverage  and  meat  withdrawal   mes.  Your  best  op on  is  to  work  with  your  local  veterinarian  to  determine  the  best  combina on  of  products  and  treatment  schedule  for  your  farm.

1)                                2)

1)  Example  of  gastrointes nal  parasite  transmission;  2)  Example  of  internal  and  external  parasites  of  ca le Both  images  obtained  from  theca lesite.com,  ar cles  1159

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Advocate 9

I  am  now  going  to  talk  a  bit  about  drug  resistance  in  internal  parasites  and  how  you  can  prevent  this  in  your  herd.  I  want  to  bring  up  the  topic  because  there  has  been  a  rise  in  the  number  of  reported  cases  of  drug  resistant  internal  parasites.  3  How  does  this  happen?  By  trea ng  every  animal  every   me  you  kill  most  of  the  internal  parasites  carried  in  your  animals,  but  a  small  number  of  hardy,  drug-resistant  parasites  can  remain  and  mul ply.  What  could  this  mean  for  your  herd?  The  drug  resistant  parasites  won’t  be  killed  when  you  treat  your  ca le  and  they  will  be  the  ones  that  mul ply  and  get  deposited  in  your  pastures  for  other  animals  to  pick  up.  Any  of  the  weak  or  suscep ble  parasites  that  are  picked  up  will  be  killed  when  you  next  treat  your  ca le  with  dewormer.  Over   me  the  drug  resistant  parasites  will  take  over  and  become  the  main  parasite  found  in  your  ca le.  At  low  burdens,  these  parasites  won’t  have  a  large  effect  on  growth  or  produc on,  but  once  they  get  to  a  high  enough  number  you  will  start  to  see  sick  ca le  that  don’t  recover  a er  treatment  with  your  regular  dewormer.  

What  can  you  do  to  prevent  this  on  your  farm?  You  can  treat  animals  selec vely  and  monitor  your  herd’s  internal  parasite  load.  How?  You  can  perform  a  drench  check.  This  is  a  test  of  to  see  how  well  your  dewormer  is  working  in  your  herd.  It  works  like  this:  1)  Treat  your  ca le  with  your  pour  on  dewormer  as  planned;  2)  Wait  2  weeks,  then  take  fresh  manure  samples  from  at  least  10  cows;  3)  Submit  these  samples  to  your  veterinarian  and  have  them  pool  the  samples  to  perform  a  fecal  egg  count.  3    The  result  of  the  test  should  show  that  your  ca le  have  no  parasite  eggs  in  their  manure  at  that   me.  If  there  are  a  substan al  number  of  eggs  then  you  can  make  a  plan  with  your  veterinarian  to  inves gate  the  reason.  This  may  result  in  the  recommenda on  to  use  a  different  drug  class  (e.g.  switch  from  ivermec n  to  fenbendazole)  at  next  treatment.  Taking  manure  samples  can  be  as  easy  as  flipping  a  clean  sandwich  bag  inside  out  over  your  hand  and  grabbing  a  small  handful  of  fresh  manure  or  having  your  veterinarian  take  samples  for  you.  Talk  to  your  veterinarian  to  create  a  sampling  plan  and  schedule  that  will  work  on  your  farm.

Feed  is  expensive;  make  sure  your  animals  are  pu ng  all  of  their  energy  into  growth  this  winter.  Every  cow  calf  opera on  is  a  bit  different;  work  with  your  veterinarian  to  design  the  best  and  most  prac cal  parasite  control  program  for  you.  It  pays  to  feed  your  ca le,  not  their  parasites.

References: 1. J.A.  Hawkins.  (1993).  Economic  benefits  of  parasite  control  in  ca le.  Veterinary  Parasitology.  46:  159  –  173. 2. B.D.  Perry  and  T.F.  Randolph.  (1999).  Improving  the  assessment  of  the  economic  impact  of  parasi c  diseases  and  of  their  control  in  produc on  animals.   Veterinary  Parasitology.  84:  145  –  168. 3. A.  Peregrine.  (2014).  VETM*4460  Food  animal  medicine  and  surgery  lecture  notes.  Guelph,  ON:  University  of  Guelph.

Case  example:  A  cow-calf  opera on  in  Southwestern  Ontario  has  an  April/May  calving  season  and  wants  to  use  an  Ivermec n  pour-on  product.  When  should  they  use  the  product?

Table  1:  When  to  apply  pour-on  Ivermec n  for  best  effect  3

   **  Only  if  these  animals  were  not  treated  the  previous  fall ***  Calves  born  in  Feb/March  should  be  treated  in  July  if  dams  were  not  treated  the  previous  fall

What  parasites  does  the  product  cover?

• Gastrointes nal  roundworms,  eye  worms,  mites,  lungworms,  lice,  ca le  grubs,  and  hornflies.

Cows Spring  turnout  on  pasture** Fall  when  they  come  off  pasture  (indoors)

Calves July*** Fall  when  they  come  off  pasture  (indoors)

Replacement  heifers 3  weeks  a er  spring  turnout  on  pasture

Fall  when  they  come  off  pasture  (indoors)

Bulls Spring  turnout  on  pasture** Fall  when  they  come  off  pasture  (indoors)

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Advocate 10

Calving   me  is  just  around  the  corner When  to  help  and  when  to  call  the  vet?

For  those  of  us  that  calf  in  the  winter  months  there  is  an  added  stress  of  ca le  having  reduced  movement  due  to  increased  stocking  density  with  the  cold  weather,  which  can  lead  to  calving  problems.    Knowing  when  and  how  to  help  is  an  important  part  of  responsible  calving  management.

Calving  losses  are  o en  due  to  calving  problems  that  can  be  treated  on  the  farm  during  the  early  stages  of  calving  by  keeping  a  close  eye  on  the  cow,  and  a  closer  eye  on  first   me  calvers.      The  trick  is  to  help  with  calving  is  to  take  no ce  when  something  is  abnormal.    So  what  is  normal?    

There  are  three  stages  of  calving:    

Stage  1:    Four  to  24  hours  before  calving  the  cervix  begins  to  dilate.    Animals  may  appear  in  discomfort,  or  isolate  themselves  from   the  rest  of  the  herd.    O en  the  tail  will  rise,  switch  back  and  forth  with  mucous  discharge  from  the  vulva.    

Stage  2:    Is  when  the  calf  arrives.    Typically  this  takes  2  to  4  hours  and  is  where  the  water  bag  and  calf  come  through  the  pelvic  canal.    

Stage  3:    Final  stage  where  the  placenta  or  a erbirth  is  shed;  this  typically  takes  place  eight  to  12  hours  post  birth.  

Signs  to  look  for  when  something  is  not  normal  or  the  cow  or  heifer  is  having  problems:

• The  cow  ac vely  strains  for  40  minutes  with  no  progress

• 90  minutes  have  passed  since  the  water  bag  first  appeared

• The  legs  emerge  with  the  surface  of  the  hooves  poin ng  up

• Only  the  head,  tail  or  one  hoof  emerges

• An  uncalved  cow  is  mothering  another  calf

• A  cow  has  demonstrated  greater  than  5-6  hours  of  anxiety

Upon  signs  of  difficulty  it  is  important  to  get  a  closer  look  to  plan  out  the  next  step(s).    Assistance  by  pulling  the  calf  should  only  be  done  when  there  are  two  front  legs  and  a  nose  or  two  hind  legs  and  the  tail  can  be  guided  into  the  birth  canal.    If  the  calf  is  out  of  posi on,  work  between  contrac ons  to  move  the  calf  back  to  provide  space  to  align  the  legs  and  head  correctly  ensuring  to  cover  the  teeth  and  hoofs  with  your  hands  to  reduce  injury  to  the  birth  canal.        If  the  posi on  is  too  difficult  to  correct  in  20  minutes,  or  two  strong  people  cannot  pull  the  calf  you  should  call  your  veterinarian  or  an  experienced  ca le  producer.  

Figure  1.  An  anterior  presenta on.   Figure  2.  A  posterior  presenta on. Figure  3  Two  front  legs  presented   Figure  4    Twin  calves  entering                      with  head  back  between  legs.                the  birth  canal.

Images  obtained  from  Oklahoma  State  University  E-1006  by  Animal  Science  Department  Oklahoma  Cooperative  Extension  Service

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One  of  the  most  common  problems  with  calving  is  an  oversize  calf;  a  large  calf  or  the  pelvis  is  too  small.    A  common  cause  of  an  oversized  calf  is  improper  sire  selec on  for  the  cow  being  bred  leading  to  miss  matched  gene cs.    To  iden fy  if  a  calf  is  too  large  for  natural  birth  measure  the  following:

• If  the  front  feet  fill  the  pelvis  and  you  can’t  get  your  hand  beside  them.

• If  with  gentle  pulling  you  cannot  get  the  head  and  feet  into  the  pelvis  at  the  same  time;  two  people  using  body   weight  only  (e.g.  250  lbs).

• If  the  heifer/cow  has  been  actively  straining  for  30-40  minutes  and  hasn’t  been  able  to  push  the  head  and  feet   (or  the  tail  head  if  coming  backwards)  into  the  bony  part  of  the  birth  canal.

Other  complica ons  that  could  require  a  caesarean  sec on  are:

• Incomplete  opening  of  so   ssues  of  the  birth  canal

• Twisted  uterus

• Misshapen  pelvis

• Fetal  monster

The  post-calving  stage  has  a  couple  common  complica ons  to  keep  your  eye  on  as  well:    prolapsed  uterus  and  retained  placenta.    If  you  find  the  cow  has  a  prolapsed  uterus,  restrain  the  animal  away  from  the  rest  of  the  herd  in  a  posi on  to  minimize  damage  the  uterus.    If  there  is  a  delay  in  veterinary  arrival,  cover  the  uterus  with  a  wet  towel  or  blanket  for  protec on  and  from  cold  and  keep  moist.      For  a  retained  placenta,  the  placenta  or  a erbirth  will  typically  come  away  by  24  hours  post  calving;  there  is  minimal  concern  unless  the  cow  is  running  a  fever  and  “off  feed”.    A  call  to  your  vet  may  recommend  daily  an -bio c  injec ons  if  the  placenta  doesn’t  fall  away  a er  24  hours  and  a  visit  if  there  is  no  response  in  three  days.

The  most  common  outcomes  of  calving  problems  are:  weak  calf  due  to  lack  of  oxygen  from  a  prolonged  calving  process,    nerve  damage,  fractured  legs  from  excessive  pulling  due  to  improper  placement  of  calving  chains  or  twine,    or  death.    These  are  all  situa ons  that  we  don’t  like  to  see  and  cost  money  and   me  to  our  opera ons.    These  complica ons  can  be  minimized  with  strong  breeding  selec ons  and  a  good  calving  season  plan.

Before  calving  what  should  you  do?

Make  sure  you  have  a  plan  when  calving  starts  that  you  are  ready  with  the  first  cow/heifer  starts  to  bag  up.    Your  plan  should  include  an  area  or  pen  that  is  clean  and  dry  to  isolate  the  animal  if  there  is  a  calving  problem.    It’s  a  good  idea  to  have  on  hand  disposable  sleeves,  lubricant  (such  are  non-detergent  soap  and  warm  water),  calving  chains  with  handles,  calving  jack,  an bio cs,  flashlight,  paper  towel,  a  pail,  and  a  list  of  contact  phone  number  so  everyone  know  who  to  call  if  something  is  going  wrong.

With  this  in  mind  we  wish  you  all  the  best  with  your  upcoming  calving  season!

by  Josh  Wooddisse

This  guide  is  adapted  from  Oklahoma  State  University  E-1006  by  Animal  Science  Department  Oklahoma  Cooperative  Extension  Service

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CHAMPION  JUNIOR  HEIFER  CALF Bouchard  Livestock  Interna onal      Crossfield,  AB

RESERVE  CHAMPION  JUNIOR  HEIFER  CALF Hallridge  Simmentals  Dr.  Evere  and  Marylon  Hall      Owen  Sound,  ON

CHAMPION  SENIOR  HEIFER  CALF Prospect  Hill  Simmentals  Andrew  Schuller  and  Family      Granton,  ON

RESERVE  CHAMPION  SENIOR  HEIFER  CALF Leahy  Stock  Farms  Bernard  and  Lise  Leahy  and  Family      Lakefield,  ON

JUNIOR  CHAMPION  FEMALE Waydamar  Simmentals   Dave  and  Gayle  Milliner      Dundalk,  ON

RESERVE  JUNIOR  CHAMPION  FEMALE Donovandale  Farms  Gerald,  Keitha  Donovan  and  Family    Ashton,  ON

SENIOR  CHAMPION  FEMALE Rockridge  Simmentals  Terry  Lewis  &  Family  Russell,  in  memory  of  Florence  Lewis

RESERVE  SENIOR  CHAMPION  FEMALE V5  Simmentals  In  Memory  of  Bennie  Vance      Kanata,  ON

GRAND  CHAMPION  FEMALE Bar  5  Stock  Farms  Ron  and  Carla  Nolan      Markdale,  ON

RESERVE  GRAND  CHAMPION  FEMALE Flo-Lar  Farms  In  memory  of  Larry  Behnke

BULL  CALF  CHAMPION Robson  Acres  The  Robson  Family      Millbrook,  ON

RESERVE  CHAMPION  BULL  CALF Wild  Oak  Farms  Hank  &  Tina  Hiddink  Bloomfield,  ON

JUNIOR  CHAMPION  BULL Mcrobdon  Simmentals  Bob  &  Donna  McFarlane    Mount  Forest,  ON

RESERVE  JUNIOR  CHAMPION  BULL Des ny  Simmentals   Todd  and  Karen  Campbell    Meaford,  ON

SENIOR  CHAMPION  BULL Marywood  Simmentals   JoshWooddisse  &  Taika  von  Konigslow

RESERVE  SENIOR  CHAMPION  BULL Canadian  Simmental  Country    

GRAND  CHAMPION  BULL Burns  Simmentals  Sterling  and  Mona  Burns      Perth,  ON

RESERVE  GRAND  CHAMPION  BULL Indian  River  Ca le  Company   Billy  &  Juanita  Elmhirst  Indian  River,  ON

PROGENY  OF  DAM Alliance  Simmentals  Farms   Mike  McCart      North  Gower,  ON

BREEDERS  HERD O awa  Valley  Simmental  Club

GET  OF  SIRE Poplar  Simmentals   Kevin  Howa      Auburn.  ON


PREMIER  EXHIBITOR   Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair  

PREMIER  BREEDER Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair


CHAMPION  BULL Wild  Oak  Farms      Hank,  Tina  and  Brandon  Hiddink      Bloomfield,  ON

RESERVE  CHAMPION  BULL Simmental  Country

CHAMPION  HEIFER Gravandale  Simmentals       Ivan  &  Grace  Oesch  Wellesley,  ON

RESERVE  CHAMPION  HEIFER Black  River  Farms       Dan  and  Janet  Munro      Su on,  ON


2014  CHAMPION  BULL Beef  Improvement  Organiza on,   Guelph,  ON.

2014  RESERVE  CHAMPION  BULL O’Brien  Farms  Dan  O’Brien         Winchester,  ON

2014  CHAMPION  FEMALE Maple  Key  Farms  Stan  &  Sharron  Conquergood  Port  Elgin,  ON

2014  RESERVE  CHAMPION  FEMALE Tom  Henderson  Custom  Meat  Cu ng  Chesterville,  ON



Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair,  Toronto Saturday,  November  8,  2014

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Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair,  Toronto Saturday,  November  8,  2014

x� Bar  5  for  the  coffee  and  refreshments  the  morning  before  the  show

x� Judge:  Kyle  Lewis  Spruce  Grove,  AB

x� Ringmen:  Evere  Hall  Owen  Sound,  ON  &  Darryl  Snider  Viking,  AB

x� Ontario  Simm-Belles  for  Hos ng  the  Wine  and  Cheese  Social  

x� Bruce  Holmquist,  Margo  Cartwright,  and  all  the  other  great  volunteers

x� Show  Partners:  Canadian  Simmental  Associa on,  Canadian  Simmental  Country,  New  Holland  Agriculture,  Young  Canadian  Simmental  Associa on  for  providing  us  Na onal  Show  Jackets  for  the  show.

Show  Partners


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Advocate 14

Champion  Jr  Female  Calf River  Point  Ca le  Co.  Glencoe,  ON RPCC  Red  Bu erscotch  244B

Reserve  Champion  Jr  Female  Calf   Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON IRCC  Bombshell  418B

Champion  Sr  Female  Calf Greyledge  Simmentals  Cookshire,  QC Greyledge  Behave  Yourself

Reserve  Champion  Sr  Female  Calf Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON IRCCBallerina406B

Junior  Champion  Female Keystone  Livestock,  Jetstream  Livestock  -  East  Garafraxa,  ON Jetstream  Amaze  25A

Junior  Reserve  Champion  Female Barlee  Farms  Shawville,  QC Barlee  Abbey  Road

Senior  Champion  Female River  Point  Ca le  Co.  Glencoe,  ON RPCC  Blk  Wild  Fire  206W

Senior  Reserve  Champion  Female Maple  Key  Farm  Port  Elgin,  ON Maple  Key  Flirt

Grand  Champion  Female River  Point  Ca le  Co.  Glencoe,  ON RPCC  Blk  Wild  Fire  206W

Reserve  Grand  Champion  Female Keystone  Livestock,  Jetstream  Livestock  -  East  Garafraxa,  ON Jetstream  Amaze  25A

Champion  Bull  Calf Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON IRCC  The  Bomb  403B

Reserve  Champion  Bull  Calf Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON IRCCBoomshakalaka434B

Junior  Champion  Bull Spud  Island  Farms  Cornwall,  PE MFS  Junior  3A

Reserve  Junior  Champion  Bull Carissa  Cabral  Erin,  ON Des ny  Blackbelt

Senior  Champion  Bull Todd  &  Karen  Campbell  Meaford,  ON Des ny  Brawler

Reserve  Senior  Champion  Bull Donovandale  Farms  Ashton,  ON Donovandale  Pol  Pres ge

Grand  Champion  Bull Spud  Island  Farms  Cornwall,  PE MFS  Junior  3A

Reserve  Grand  Champion  Bull Todd  &  Karen  Campbell  Meaford,  ON Des ny  Brawler

Breeder's  Herd Des ny  Simmentals  Meaford,  ON

Get  of  Sire River  Point  Ca le  Co.  Glencoe,  ON

Progeny  of  Dam Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON

Premier  Breeder  Award Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON

Premier  Exhibitor  Award Indian  River  Ca le  Co.  Indian  River,  ON

Grand  Champion  Female Reserve  Grand  Champion  Female

Grand  Champion  Bull

Reserve  Grand  Champion  Bull



Royal  Agricultural  Winter  Fair,  Toronto Saturday,  November  8,  2014

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 Brittany  Barkley 14661  Dafoe  Road   Ingleside K0C  1M0 [email protected]

Hi  Tech  Farms  Larry  &  Rhonda  Barkley 14661  Dafoe  Road   Ingleside K0C  1M0 [email protected]

Wyecrest  Farm  Rick  &  Cindy  Batty 7260  Highway  12  N.  R.R.  #1 Brooklin L1M  1Y2 [email protected]

Farm  Bischof  Diane  &  Claire  Bischof 88  rue  St.-Andrew's   Baie  d'Urfe H9X  2V1 [email protected]

Bouchard  Livestock  Int'l.  Brian  Bouchard Box  1409   Crossfield T0M  0S0 [email protected]

Burns  Simmentals  Sterling  Burns 1842  County  Rd  #10  R.R.  #1 Perth K7H  3C3 [email protected]

Kingfield  Farm  Charles  Burns 1314  King  Vaughan  Road   Maple L6A  2A5 [email protected]

Destiny  Simmentals  Todd  &  Karen  Campbell R.R.  2   Meaford N4L  1W6 [email protected]

Landwolf  Farm  Wolfgang  &  Lis  Cholch 842  Port  Elmsley  Road  R.R.  #5 Perth K7H  3C7 [email protected]

Arkacy  Simmentals  Russel  K.  Code 7232B  Franktown  Road   Richmond K0A  2Z0

Maple  Key  Stan  Conquergood R.R.  #1  4239    Hwy  21 Port  Elgin N0H  2C5 [email protected]

River  Point  Cattle  Company  Reed  &  Jane  Crawford 22950  Taits  Road  R.R.  4 Glencoe N0L  1M0 [email protected]

Dobbie  Simmentals  Jeff  &  April  Dobbie R.R.  4  816  C  Rd  21 Spencerville K0E  1X0 [email protected]

Donovandale  Farms  Gerald  &  Keitha  Donovan 529  Glenashton  Road  R.R.  #3 Ashton K0A  1B0 [email protected]

 Kaylea  Donovan 529  Glenashton  Road  RR3 Ashton K0A  1B0 [email protected]

 Peter  &  Carolyn  Doris 2612  County  Rd  2   Otonabee-South  Monashan K9J  6X8 [email protected]

DJ  Farms  Dennis  &  Debbie  Elliott R.R.  2  7062  Line  26   Staffa N0K  1Y0 [email protected]

Indian  River  Cattle  Co.  Bill  &  Juanita  Elmhirst R.R.  1   Indian  River K0L  2B0 [email protected]

Enright  Cattle  Company  Darold  &  Kara  Enright 326  Hunt  Rd  R.R.  2 Tweed K0K  3J0 [email protected]

Crimson  Tide  Fleckvieh  Judy  &  Larry  Eurig 311371  Hwy  6N  RR  #3 Mount  Forest N0G  2L0 [email protected]

Ferme  Gagnon    Farm  Yves  &  Diane  Gagnon 426,  Route  315   Cheneville J0V  1E0 [email protected]

 Vaughn  &  Cindy  Gibbons 1787  Stevensville  Rd.   Stevensville L0S  1S0 [email protected]

M  J  Farms  Simmentals  Miles  &  Bonnie  Glasman Box  1179   Russell R0J  1W0 [email protected]

Mountain  Road  Simmentals  Ernie  &  Agnes  Hagerman Box  73  440  Mountain  Road Tamworth K0K  3G0

Ontario  Simmental  Members  2014

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Ontario  Simmental  Members  2014

Hallridge  Simmentals  Everett  &  Marylon  Hall R.R.  3   Owensound N4K  5N5 [email protected]

Otter  Creek  Farm  Jack  Hansen 101  Scoble  Townline  Road   Neebing P7L  0C2 [email protected]

Donovandale  Simmentals  Keitha  Harris-Donovan 529  Glenashton  Road   Ashton K0A  1B0 [email protected]

Wild  Oak  Farms  Hank  &  Tina  Hiddink P.O.  Box  250  R.R.  1,  631  Wilkes  Road Bloomfield K0K  1G0 [email protected]

North  Star  Genetics  Tom  &  MIke  Thomas  Howard 473  Chester  Avenue   Newmarket L3Y  6S7 [email protected]

Maple  Hill  Farm  Allen  Hurley R.R.  #3   Echo  Bay P0S  1C0

Ridge-View  Farm  Don  &  Doris  Imrie  Imrie Maple  Ridge  Road  12675  Mapleridge  Road Winchester K0C  2K0 [email protected]

Kern  Simmentals  Erich  &  Doris  Kern R.R.  1  262422-18th  Normanby Hanover N4N  3B8 [email protected]

Kerr  Farms  Art  &  Marilyn  Kerr  481  Frank  Green  Road Westport K0G  1X0 [email protected]

Fairview  Simmentals  Glen  &  Shari  Kerry 85  Scugog  Line  6   Port  Perry L9L  1B2 [email protected]

3  Generations  Simmentals  Anna  Mae  Lacroix 2519  Country  Road  29  Box  66 Pakenham K0A  2X0

David  Lyons R.R.  #1   Harriston N0G  1Z0

Knollbrook  Farms  James  B.  Masters 142239  County  Road  5   East  Garafraxa L9W  7K8 [email protected]

Rosemead  Farm  Ivan  &  Kathy  Matthews 3724  Trim  Road   Navan K4B  1H8 [email protected]

Alliance  Simmentals  Michael  McCart P.O.  Box  542   North  Gower K0A  2T0

McEldon  Acres  Victoria  McEldon 686  Carveth  Dr.   Millbrook [email protected]

McRobdon  Simmentals  Bob  &  Donna  McFarlane R.R.  #6  9548  Wellington  Road  6 Mount  Forest N0G  2L0 [email protected]

Black  Gold  Cattle  Co.  Shawn  &  Erin  McIntosh 41329  Morris  Road  R.R.  #4 Brussels N0G  1H0 [email protected]

 Ron  &  Dianne  McKay 286  Townsend  St.  Box  514 Clinton N0M  1L0 [email protected]

Silver  Springs  Simmentals  James  &  Joan  McKinlay R.R.  1   Ravenna N0H  2E0 [email protected]

Waydamar  Simmentals  David  &  Gayle  Milliner R.R.  1  225641  Southgate  Road  22   Dundalk N0C  1B0 [email protected]

Ronda  Brae  Farm  Ron  &  Donna  Morano R.R.  2  25989  Foxmead  road Coldwater L0K  1E0 [email protected]

Ferme  Terra  Nossa  Christoph  &  Berta  Mueller 2678  Boyd  Settlement  Road   Huntington J0S  1H0

Black  River  Farms  Dan  Munro 301  Catering  Road  R.R.  #1 Sulton L0E  1R0 [email protected]

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Ontario  Simmental  Members  2014

Cedar  Creek  Simmentals  Pat  &  Janal,  Steve  &  Lava  Murray 750  Robinson  Road   Peterborough K9J  6X2 [email protected]

Bar  5  Simmentals  Ron  &  Carla  Nolan 636077  Holland  Euphrasia  Townline   Markdale NOCIHO [email protected]

Norwood  Family  Farm  Charles  &  Geraldine  Norwood 573-10  Little  Crosby  Lake  Road  R.R.  #1 Westport K0G  1X0 [email protected]

O'Brien  Farms  Dan  O'Brien 13214  County  Rd  13   Winchester K0C  2K0 [email protected]

Triple  Rose  Simmental  Jean  O'Connor 7232  Franktown  Rd.   Richmond K0A  2Z0 [email protected]

 Jack  &  Craig  Oattes 138  Oattes  Road  RR#3   Cobden K0J  1K0 [email protected]

Gravandale  Simmentals  Ivan  &  Grace  Oesch R.R.  2  1201  Lichty  Road Wellesley N0B  2T0 [email protected]

Academy  Hill  Livestock  John  &  Kathy  Pearson Box  157  108  Charlotte  St. Grafton K0K  2G0 [email protected]

Evergreen  Odds  Norm  Plume 1003  Scott  Rd  RR  #1 Cardinal K0E  1E0 [email protected]

Delta  RHO  Farms  Julius  &  Donna  Rauscher R.R.  4  4593  Brookfield  Road Welland L3B  5N7 [email protected]

Jarvis  Simmental  Farms  Fred  &  Nicolaus  Reicheld R.R.  #3  1076  Haldimand  Road  55 Jarvis N0A  1J0

Robson  Acres  Laura  Robson 1679  Zion  Line  R.R.  1 Millbrook L0A  1G0 [email protected]

Prospect  Hill  Simmentals  Andrew  &  Family  Schuller 8464  Revere  Drive  R.R.  #3 Granton N0M  1V0 [email protected]

 Michael  Stewart Box  85   Newbury N0L  1Z0

R  &  L  Stewart  and  Sons  Ron  &  Linda  &  Sons  Stewart R.R.  #2  23401  Big  Bend  Rd Newbury N0L  1Z0 [email protected]

Sullivan  Simmentals  John  &  Linda  Sullivan 232  Highway  105  Box  69 Kazabazua J0X  1X0 [email protected]

Sully's  Farm  Claire  Sullivan 475  Ennis  Road   Ennismore K0L  1T0 [email protected]

Brandlee  Simmentals  Brad  &  Tracy  Turpin 482  Cooke  Road  R.R.  1 Stirling K0K  3E0 [email protected]

V5  Simmentals  Mrs.  Barb  Vance 1920  Marchurst  Road   Kanata K2K  1X7

Home  Grown  Simmentals  Catherine  Walsh 3267  Murton  Road   Harrowsmith K0H  1V0 [email protected]

Jet  Stream  Livestock  Shane  &  Joanne  Handley  Williams 071455  10th  Line   East  Garafraxa L9W  7A1 [email protected]

Marywood  Simmentals  Josh  &  Taika  Wooddisse 8491  Line  14  RR#1 Palmerston N0G  2P0 [email protected]

Elm  Tree  Farms  Glenn  &  Pamela  Wotten R.R.  1  1761  Little  Britain  Rd Little  Britain K0M  2C0 [email protected]

Car-Laur  Simmentals  Carl  &  Laurie  Wright R.R.  1   Hanover N4N  3B8 [email protected]

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Ontario  Simmental  Members  2014

Forever  Young  Simmentals  Bill  &  Nancy  Young R.R.  3  3250  Hwy  21 Tiverton N0G  2T0 [email protected]

Become  a  OSA  Member The  OSA   •          Puts  on  the  Royal  Winter  Fair  Show,  supports  the  youth  shows. •          Promotes  the  Simmental  breed  by  Ads  (Simmental  Country,  Ontario  beef,  Ontario  feeders) •          A ends  the  Ontario  beef,  Ontario  feeders  AGM  &  trade  shows •            Any  4H  member  showing  a  Simmental  gets  a  Simmental  gi  for  comple ng  the  club

Benefits  of  being  a  OSA  Member •          Receive  the  Advocate •          Your  Farm  will  be  put  in  the  OSA  Directory  that  will  be  put  out  next  year  for  the  CSA  AGM    *OSA  membership  cost  $30  for  a  year  and  $85  for  3years

For  more  Informa on Josh  Wooddisse  -  Ontario  Simmental  Member  Services  Manager

www.ontariosimmentalassocia on.com  or  [email protected]

The  Dr.  Dixon  Memorial  Scholarships   The  Dr.  Dixon  Memorial  Scholarships  valued  at  $1,000  each  were  awarded  to  Mariah  Wo en  of  Kitchener,  Ontario,  Sophie  Wo en  of  Li le  Britain,  Ontario  and  Andie  Hadway  of  Didsbury,  AB. Mariah  Wo en  is  obtaining  her  BSc  in  Pharmacy  at  the  University  of  Waterloo.    Mariah  is  very  involved  in  4H,  has  been  an  ambassador  for  the  Lindsay  Exhibi on  as  well  as  assis ng  with  maintaining  the  herd  health  and  breeding  for  her  family’s  farm  Elm  Tree  Farms. Sophie  Wo en  is  in  her  3rd  year  at  the  University  of  Guelph  studying  Communica ons.  She  is  currently  the  President  of  the  Na onal  Board  for  the  Young  Canadian  Simmental  Associa on.    Sophie  also  finds   me  to  be  involved  in  4H,  and  is  ac vely  involved  in  her  family’s  farming  opera on  Elm  Tree  Farms.

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Carp  Fair  -  "Best  Li le  Fair  in  Canada"

Show  Resaults  for  the  Fullbloos  Simmental  Show Sunday,  September  28th,  2014

For  over  150  years  Carp  Fair  showcases  everything  from  Agricultural  Exhibits,  to  Live  Musical  Performances.

1.  Bull  calf,  born  on  or  a er  January  1,  2014 Donovandale  Farms  Ashton,  ON

2.  Female,  calf  born  on  or  a er  January  1,  2014 Elm  Tree  Farms  Li le  Britain,  ON

3.  Heifer,  born  January  1,  2013  to  February  28,  2013   Cassidy  Pinkham  Metcalfe,  ON

4.  Female,  born  January  1,  2012  to  December  31,  2012 Alliance  Simmental  Farms  North  Gower,  ON

5.  Female,  born  prior  to  January  1,  2012 Donovandale  Farms  Ashton,  ON

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