Online Press Release Submission



ABnewswire is a online press release submission company. With their advanced tools and distribution resources, your press release will reach all those media resources, both online and offline that specifically deals with news and events related to your industry. For more info visit

Transcript of Online Press Release Submission

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A Newswire Service with a Difference

If you are looking for the best online press release submission site, then AB Newswire is the one for you. Every business regardless of their size or industry can gain greater visibility and exposure among their targeted audience by using this newswire service. They make use of the best online press release techniques to help clients build brands and of course, reputation.

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Are you getting the right kind of publicity for your business?

While publicity is good for any kind of business, getting the right kind of publicity is important and that’s what AB Newswire excels in. Others make use of the internet for online press release submission but AB Newswire goes beyond the web and makes use of every available resource which can help in getting your news across your target market.

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Offline Resources Targeted by the Service

AB Newswire helps your news get the widest coverage with their reach outside the usual online press release submission resources. Your releases will appear on conventional print media outlets like newspapers, journals, trade magazines and other such invaluable outlets which media persons look at for the latest developments in your industry.

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Traditional News Resources Hold Great Potential

Journals, magazines and newspapers still continue to have a loyal following and a market of their own despite the exponential growth of online news websites and blogs. AB Newswire, the online business marketing service makes sure your news is available on every single offline media outlet relevant to your niche.

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Your News Can Reach Markets You Never Knew Existed

AB Newswire is an online news release distribution service but they are aware of the potential reach of mediums like television. TV enjoys around 75 percent of overall market share in the US with different niche channels broadcasting news and events round-the-clock. AB Newswire takes your news to places which other online business marketing services don’t.

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Radio Remains Relevant Despite the Rapid Online Media Development

Radio has remarkably sustained itself through all the innovations and advancements in media technology. Radio stations have mushroomed all over, with terrestrial radio, internet radio, satellite radio and HD radio among others broadcasting a mind-boggling range of programs which could include your niche. AB Newswire optimally targets this medium to maximize your reach.

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Boosting Your Chances with Blogs

AB Newswire online news release distribution service helps your business build a powerful brand image by tapping the potential of blogs to reach your targeted audience. They post your press releases across 150 highly specific blogs with every release and makes sure your news is read by the maximum number of readers.

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Going Beyond the Frontiers with Social Media

AB Newswire, the popular online press release submission service gets you the best exposure on the highly relevant platform today - social media. You can access 150 Twitter accounts and get over 250,000 Twitter followers. You can also access 150 Facebook accounts and get 200,000 plus FB ‘likes’.

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Precise Targeting is What They Excel In

You can be sure your news won’t get deleted as spam when you release your PR through AB Newswire. The professional online press release submission services are experts at targeting the audience precisely interested in your news.