Page 1: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective




Synopsis :-

Page 2: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and

effective user environment for Call centre activities. This application software

is based on Model view controller architecture. The Client side forms used for

display forms the view, database connections, business logics are developed

and are represented as models, while controllers are pages used to link model

with the view.

There is a product support team consisting of 3 groups. Their duty is to

attend the customer, make new problem report, solving the problems and test

the product before giving back to the customer. The manager form deals with

the Report generation and modification of customer details entered by call

agent. In the primitive two tier architecture the validations of the data are

performed in client side or at the server side. This caused the delay in data

retrieval and transmission.



During the feasibility study, the feasibility of the project – the likelihood of the

proposed system is analyzed.

The feasibility study was carried out on the overall integrated package. Three

key consideration in involved in the feasibility analysis are Operational, Technical

and Economical.

Operational Feasibility

The main objective here is to find out whether

The system will work once it is developed and installed.

There is sufficient support for the project from the management.

The current business methods are acceptable to the users.

Page 3: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

An investigation is conducted and as a result the following conclusions are


There is sufficient support form the managerial level

The current methods are done manually and take lot of time.

The persons involved in the current working system are met and

discussions are held with them to evolve a system with which they

have good participations and interest.

Technical feasibility

Technological feasibility analyses the following areas.

Technology and manpower is available are not.

Capacity to hold the data that is required to use the new system.

Provision to respond to users regardless of their number and


Provision for further expansion.

Guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security.

An investigation is conducted and as a result the following conclusions are


The necessary technology to implement the proposed system is

available in the organization.

Main hardware equipment such as computers with the required

Capacities is also available.

Hence the system is technically feasible.

Economical Feasibility

Issues to be considered in the economical feasibility are

Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs.

The solution should be cost effective.

Must be worth to pursue the project.


Manually when records are maintained it becomes very difficult to retrieve

correct details of all information . Customers who may be even 10-20 yrs old

Page 4: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

can come with a problem and it will be a daunting task to refer old records. In

most cases the product might have been outdated and staffs in charge of that

particular product might not be available though possible problems and its fix

may be already available which are known only for that old employee.

It will be a daunting task to prepare yearly, monthly and weekly reports based

on different aspects if the records are maintained manually. Since the product

might have been bought in any of the branch offices of the company having all

the data related to each and every branch in every other branch that too with

concurrent updation of data is never possible without going in for



The system is designed in such a way that the end user of the product need be aware of inner workings but to know only his duty and to operate the keyboard. Computerized records are easy to maintain and at the end of every month or whenever we need information it’s easy to view or get. In this way reports can be generated anytime and one can be sure that data when the pattern is changed the consolidated reports may not show us correct data of all administration work pertaining to the call centre. Collection details will be accurate as the related data is systematically entered.


The manpower is reduced, user easily to collect the information about

the product and also collect the operation of the product. At the time of product

installation if any problem arise easily customer contact the call centre and

rectify the installation problem through the online. This is the advantages

when details are computerized

Page 5: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

3. System Configuration

3.1 H/W System Configuration

Processor - Pentium –III

Speed - 1.1 Ghz

RAM - 256 MB(min)

Hard Disk - 20 GB

Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB

Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse

Monitor - SVGA

3.2 S/W System Configuration

OPERATING SYSTEM :Windows 2000.Technology : .NETDATABAS : SQLServer 7.1

3.3 About the Software


Java is used as front-end

tool for developing the project. To run Java there is no need to have any particular

operating system, as it is platform independent. This must have certain hardware and

software installed on your computer. The key considerations were summed up by the

Java team in the following list of buzzwords:


Page 6: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective








High Performance




The Java 2 Platform,

Enterprise Edition (J2EE), has rapidly established a new programming model for

developing distributed applications. This model is based on well-defined components

that can automatically take advantage of sophisticated platform services. These

components can be developed according to standard guidelines, combined into

applications, deployed on a variety of compatible server products, and reused for

maximum programmer productivity. This model is intended to both standardize and

simplify the kind of distributed applications required for today's networked

information economy.

J2EE Platform Benefits

With features designed to

expedite the process of developing distributed applications, the J2EE platform offers

several benefits:

Simplified architecture and development

Freedom of choice in servers, tools, and components

Integration with existing information systems

Scalability to meet demand variations

Page 7: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

Flexible security model


HTML was specifically

developed to use along with the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to encode

documents for display on the World Wide Web.

HTML is defined in the

HTML Standard, currently Version 4.0x. HTML standards are recommended by the

World Wide Web Consortium,    W3C .  W3C also oversees the standardization of

technologies related to the World Wide Web and publishes the HTTP (Hypertext

Transfer Protocol) standards. HTML is initials for Hyper Text Markup Language.

HTML is pronounced one letter at a time as if you are spelling the word HTML. It is

not pronounced as "hit mill" and it is NOT a programming language. HTML cannot

be used to write programs and it cannot control the precise layout of a web page.

Web browsers are used to

view HTML documents. Two popular web browsers are the Netscape Navigator 4.x

and the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Browsers control the layout of a web page


JavaScript enables you to embed commands in

an HTML page. JavaScript is powerful and simple. HTML

provides a good deal of flexibility to page authors, but HTML by

itself is static; after being written, HTML documents can’t interact

with the user other than by presenting hyperlinks. Scripting

languages act as the glue that binds every thing together.

JavaScript mainly provides a fairly complete set of built- in

functions and commands, enabling you to perform math

calculations, manipulates strings, play sounds, open new windows

and new URLs, and access and verify input to your web forms.

Page 8: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

JavaScript can also set the attributes, or

properties , of web page elements and other objects present in the


This way you can change the behavior of

plugs–in or other objects without having to rewrite them.

JavaScript commands

Macromedia Dreamweaver Macromedia Dreamweaver2.0 is one of the HTML Editor

It also includes DHTML effects

It is used to connect the forms to Servlets

It is used to Hyperlinks the web pages

It is used to create Templates

It is used to attach Sound files and Animation files along with our


The JavaServer Pages(JSP):

JavaServer Pages ™ technology is the Java ™ platform

technology for building applications containing dynamic Web

content such as HTML, DHTML, XHTML and XML. The

JavaServer Pages technology enables the authoring of Web pages

that create dynamic content easily but with maximum power and


Page 9: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

Advantages: Write Once, Run Anywhere ™ propertiesHigh quality tool supportReuse of components and tag librariesSeparation of dynamic and static contentSupport for scripting and actionsWeb access layer for N-tier enterprise application architecture(s)

JSP page:

A JSP page is a text-based document that describes how to process a request to create a response. The description intermixes

template data with some dynamic actions and leverages on the Java

Platform.The features in the JSP technology support a number of

different paradigms for authoring of dynamic content. JSP pages can be used in

combination with Servlets, HTTP, HTML, XML, Applets,JavaBeans

components and Enterprise JavaBeans components to implement a broad

variety of application architecture(s) or models.

Maximum performance and scalability through its unique design

with the Windows’NT multi-threaded architecture.

Central and easy-to-use the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Automatic authentication of users by the Operating System.


EJB is a standard server side component model for component

transaction monitors.It automatically takes in to account many of the

requirements of business systems-security,resourse

Page 10: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

pooling,persistence,concurrency and transasction integrity.

Overall goals

The Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture has the following goals:

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will be the standard

component architecture for building distributed object-oriented business

applications in the Java programming language. The Enterprise

JavaBeans architecture will make it possible to build distributed

applications by combining components developed using tools from

different vendors.

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will make it easy to write

applications. Application developers will not have to understand low-

level transaction and state management details, multi-threading,

connection pooling, and other complex low-level APIs.

• Enterprise JavaBeans applications will follow the “Write Once, Run Anywhere” philosophy of the Java programming language. An enterprise Bean can be developed once, and then deployed on multiple platforms without recompilation or source code modification.

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will address the

development, deployment and runtime aspects of an enterprise

application’s life cycle.

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will define the contracts

that enable tools from multiple vendors to develop and deploy

components that can inter operate at runtime.

Page 11: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will be compatible with existing

server platforms. Vendors will be able to extend their existing products to

support Enterprise JavaBeans.

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will be compatible with

other Java programming language APIs.

• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will provide

interoperability between enterprise Beans and Java 2 Platform Enterprise

Edition (J2EE) components as well as non-Java programming language


• The Enterprise JavaBeans architecture will be compatible with the

CORBA protocols.

Enterprise Bean Provider

The Enterprise Bean Provider is the producer of enterprise

beans. The system output is an ejb-jar file that contains one or more

enterprise beans. The Bean Provider is responsible for the Java classes

that implement the enterprise bean’s business methods, the definition of

the bean’s remote and home interfaces and the bean’s deployment


Page 12: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

The deployment descriptor includes the structural information of the

enterprise bean and declares all the enterprise bean’s external


Application Assembler

The Application Assembler combines enterprise beans into larger deployable application units. The input to the Application Assembler is one or more ejb-jar files produced by the Bean Provider(s). The Application Assembler outputs one or more ejb-jar files that contain the enterprise beans along with their application assembly instructions. The Application Assembler inserts the application assembly instructions into the deployment descriptors. The Application Assembler can also combine enterprise beans with

other types of application components (JSP) when composing an

application. The EJB specification describes the case in which the

application assembly step occurs before the deployment of the enterprise

beans. However, the EJB architecture does not preclude the case that

application assembly is performed after the deployment of all or some of

the enterprise beans.


The Deployer takes one or more ejb-jar files produced by a Bean

Provider or Application Assembler and deploys the enterprise beans

contained in the ejb-jar files in a specific operational environment. The

operational environment includes a specific EJB Server and Container.

The Deployer is an expert at a specific operational environment and is

responsible for the deployment of enterprise Beans.The Deployer uses

tools supplied by the EJB Container Provider to perform the deployment

tasks. The deployment process is typically two-stage:

Page 13: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

• The Deployer first generates the additional classes and interfaces

that enable the container to manage the enterprise beans at runtime.

These classes are container-specific.

• The Deployer performs the actual installation of the enterprise

beans and the additional classes and interfaces into the EJB Container.

EJB Server Provider

The EJB Server Provider is a specialist in the area of distributed

transaction management, distributed objects, and other lower-level system-level

services. A typical EJB Server Provider is an OS vendor, middleware vendor, or

database vendor. The current EJB architecture assumes that the EJB Server

Provider and the EJB Container Provider roles are the same vendor. Therefore,

it does not define any interface requirements for the EJB Server Provider.

EJB Container Provider:

The EJB Container Provider provides

• The deployment tools necessary for the deployment of enterprise


• The runtime support for the deployed enterprise bean instances.

Page 14: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

The focus of a Container Provider is on the development of a scalable, secure,

transaction-enabled container that is integrated with an EJB Server. The

Container Provider insulates the enterprise Bean from the specifics of an

underlying EJB Server by providing a simple, standard API between the

enterprise Bean and the container. This API is the Enterprise JavaBeans

component contract. The Container Provider typically provides support for

versioning the installed enterprise Bean components.The Container Provider

typically provides tools that allow the system administrator to monitor manage

the container and the Beans running in the container at runtime.

Persistence Manager Provider

The Persistence Manager interacts with the Container to receive

notifications related to the lifecycle of the managed beans. The current

EJB architecture, however, does not architect the full set of SPIs

between the Container and the Persistence Manager. These interfaces are

currently left to the Container Provider and Persistence Manager


System Administrator

Page 15: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

The System Administrator is responsible for the configuration and

administration of the enterprise’s computing and networking

infrastructure that includes the EJB Server and Container. The System

Administrator is also responsible for overseeing the wellbeing of the

deployed enterprise beans applications at runtime.

4. System Design


The normal forms are used to ensure that various types of anomalies and are

not introduced inconsistencies into the database.

Unnormalized form

An Unnormalized relation contains non-atomic values i.e. each rows may

contain multiple set of values for some of the columns these multiple values in a single

row are also called non-atomic values. There are no tables in unnormailzed form.

First Normal Form

A relation scheme is said to be in the first normal form

(1NF) if the values in the domain if each attribute of the relation are atomic. In other

words only one value is associated with each attribute and the value is not a set of values

or list of values. All the tables here are atomic.

Second Normal Form

A relation is in Second Normal Form (2NF) if it is in

the first normal form and if all nonprime attributes are fully functionally dependant on

the relation key(s). All tables satisfy the second normal form.

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4.2 Table design:

The database mainly used to store the data, all the information are

stored in to the master database.

One of the highly prudent ways of storing, retrieving, analyzing and

managing data. There are six tables used in this project. They are given


1. customer - a list of customers who have bought Fabmax


2. product – a list of products and their support personnel

3. custprod – a list of customer / product pairs

4. problems - record of reported problem

5. problog – a log of events in the life of a reported problem

6. employees – users of the system

Table name – customerField name Data type Size Constraints

Customerid Varchar 50 Primary keyCustomername Varchar 50Phone Number

Table name - productField name Data type Size Constraints

Productid Number 9 Primary keyProductname Varchar 50Productsupport Varchar 50Person Varchar 50Leaddeveloper Varchar 50Leadtester Varchar 50

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Table name – custprodField name Data type Size Constraints

Customerid Varchar 50 Foreign key Productid Varchar 50 Foreign keyDatepurchased Date / time 8

Table name – problemsField name Data type Size Constraints

Problemid Varchar 50 Primary keyDescription Varchar 50Severity Numeric 9Date reported Date / time 8Date resolved Date / time 8Customerid Varchar 50Productid Varchar 50

Table name – problogField name Data type Size Constraints

Problemid Varchar 50Timestamp Date / time 8Eventide Numeric 9Comments Varchar 50

Table name – employeesField name Data type Size Constraints

Employeeid Varchar 50Name Varchar 50

Data Flow Diagram:


Level - 0

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Level - 1

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Level -2

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Level - 3

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E-R Diagram:

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5. System Description

The actors of the product support team may be

1. Customers

2. Call centre agent

3. Product support

4. Developer

5. Quality assurance

Customers of this company may have problems in using their products and to

rectify those they would be reporting to the company and they would be assisted first

Page 23: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

by a call centre agent. If a problem is not software related then calls are routed to

sales or customer service team. Otherwise, agent verifies the customer to be a valid

purchaser of the specified product. If so, agent creates a problem report and gives

him a customer identification no. He then routes the problem to a product support

group which is meant for that product.

The product support group gives customer a call and obtains all the

information relating to the problem. If the problem is due to lack of required

hardware, failure to install the product properly then product support person helps the

customer resolve the problem to the extent possible and then closes the problem


If the problem is code-related, it may be that other customers have

encountered it and a fix already exists. If so, the fix is documented in the knowledge

base, which the product support person can search by appropriate keywords. The

patch or procedure necessary to fix the problem is sent to the customer via e-mail or

made available over the Web.

If the problem is not found in the knowledge base, it is routed to the

developer. The developer analyzes the problem and attempts to reproduce it. It may

be the product is working as designed, in which case the defect is routed back to

product support marked “not a bug”. Otherwise the developer tries to isolate the bug

and to develop a fix. After unit testing the fix, the developer routes the problem to

quality assurance. The problem report may be updated to indicate how to reproduce

the problem and where to get the code patch necessary to fix it.

The quality assurance support person for the product receives the problem

report from development and tests the fix. This is an integration test, in which the

effect of the new code established test cases, the problem is rerouted to development.

Otherwise, the fix is routed to product support, so the customer can be contacted and

supplied with new code.

At any point, system users can look up the status of the problem, and

comments to it, and route the problem to its next destination. Each routing is

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accompanied by e-mail sent to the new problem owner. That part is not developed

here and is undertaken in separate module using JMS.

process flow

To summarize, the system users and their functions are as follows

Call center agent

Verifies customer entitlement

Entries new problems

Can look up status of existing problems

Product support

Receives incoming problem reports from call center agent

Can view outstanding problems by product

Interviews customer

Page 25: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

Updates problem status

Adds comments

Routes problem to development


Receives problem reports from product support

Can view outstanding problems by product

Analyzes problem and develops fix

Adds comments to problem report

Routes problem to quality assurance

Quality assurance

Receives problem reports and fixes from development

Performs integration test

Adds comments to problem report

Routes fixed problems to product support

May route problem back to developer if tests fail.

In addition to product support team, there lies another actor who is the

manager in-charge of the entire technical support process. He has the power to

browse through the status of each and every problem. He can prepare number

of reports like

Reports based on a) problems which are solvedb) problems in progress (In support phase or development phase or testing phase)c) unsolved (Failed to get solved in development phase) d) calls made between 2 days e) product wise call report

6. System Testing And Implementation


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Software configuration includes a software requirements specification, a design specification and source code. Test configuration includes a test plan and procedure any testing tools and test cases and their expected.

User requirements test :

This is the test done at the time of requirements document URS(User Requirement Specification). In this, the requirements are tested for clarity, redundancy, feasibility and objectivity. As soon as the requirements are tested, the URS can be helpful in preparing the acceptance test plan so that the user tests the software according to the URS.

System requirement test : From the URS we produce SRD(System Requirement Document)which tests the validity of the system at the client end. As soon as the document is ready, they can make a plan for the systems test conducted by the development organization before coordinating the acceptance test.Effective testing early in the process translates directly into long-term cost saving from a reduced number of errors. The first trust for system is to see whether it produces correct outputs. The test data may be artificial or live.

The software, which has been developed, has to be tested to prove its validity. Testing is considered to be the least creative phase of the whole cycle of system design. In the real its is the phase, which helps to bring out the creativity of the other phases makes it shine. The “Port Trust Estate Management System (FHMC, CISF, LAND) using the following techniques of software testing.

1. White Box Testing By using this technique it was tested that all the individual logical paths were executed at least once, all the logical decision were tested on both there true and false sides. All the loops were tested with data in between the ranges and especially at the boundary values.

2. Black Box Testing

By using this technique, the missing functions were identified and placed in their positions. The errors in the interfaces were identified and corrected. This technique was also used to identify the initialization and termination errors and correct them.

Software Testing Strategies Any software has to be tested with pre-planned strategies. As Roger Pressmen states, the preparation for testing should start as soon as the design of system starts, to carry out the testing in an efficient manner certain amount of strategic planning has to be done. Any testing strategy must incorporate test

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planning, test case design, test execution and the resultant data collection and evaluation.

Unit Testing :

In the lines of this strategy all, the individual functions and modules were put to the test independently. By following this strategy all, the errors in coding were identified and corrupted. This method was applied in combination with the white and black box testing techniques to find the errors in each module.

Integration Testing :

Again this software testing strategy has different approach in which integration is carried out from the top level module to the bottom and the bottom up approach in which integration is carried out from the low level module to the top.

The modules are tested using the bottom up approach by introducing stumps for the top level functions.

This test used to identify the errors in the interfaces, the errors in passing the parameters between the functions and corrects them.

Validation Testing :

Validation testing is done to validate the inputs given by the user. The user inputs are checked for their correctness and range. If there are errors, the error message is given and the user is prompted again to enter the new value. If the user types some characters in the numeric field an error message and it is demonstrated in the following figure.

System Testing :

Software testing is an important element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. There are rules that can serve as testing objectives. They are

Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error.

A good test case is one that has high probability of finding an undiscovered error.A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error.

Testing Information Flow :

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Acceptance Testing :

Acceptance testing is sometimes performed with realistic data of the client to demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily. It includes database features like integrity, consistency, security and validity.

The project is tested with different types of data to verify the quality of the program. Some validation procedures used to verify are

To verify whether the data specified is a valid one.

To verify whether any inputs left unfilled.

To verify whether the amount specified is a valid amount.

Reports are not generated when the database contains null data.

Message box is prompted to verify whenever an updating is done.

After testing the system and find it successful to put the new system into operation, there are different techniques that can be used to replace an existing system with the new system.

Direct Change over In this technique, the existing system is replaced by the proposed system after ensuring that system objectives are met. This method is adopted in this project. This software is successfully demonstrated to Chennai Port Trust.




Software Configuration

Test ConfigurationExpected Result

Test Result



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Parallel run The proposed system is put into operation in parallel with the existing system for a period of 60 days to monitor the performance. The existing system becomes unoperational if the proposed system produces the expected results.

Pilot run In pilot run, the system is tested with available result of the existing system. The performance of the system is studied with the latest data.

Staged Change over In this technique the existing system becomes unoperational if all the stages are successfully implemented. The whole project is through the main menu. Through the main menu all the modules and reports are linked and called from this menu as and when required by selecting the respective bars in the main menu. When any changes or updating is made, reports are automatically updated.


The above said testing can be done virtually. In order to implement the VB .Net for Knowledge Based Decision Support System. Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from an old system to a new one.

Three aspects of implementation are:

1.Training Personnel


3.Point Implementation Review


The quality of training

received by the personnel involved with the system in various capacities helps or

hinders, and may even prevent, the successful implementation of an information

system. Both system operators and users need training.

Training System Operators:

The training ensured that they were able to handle all possible operations, both

routine and extraordinary. Training also involved run procedures, which involves

working through the sequence of activities needed to use a new system on an ongoing


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Conversion is the process of changing from an old system to a new one. There are

basically four conversion methods:

Parallel Systems-offers greatest security.

Direct Cutover- Presents the highest risk.

Pilot Approach

Phase-In method

The approach followed for implementing the system was the Pilot Approach.

The working version of the system was implemented in one regional office, so that

the employees were aware that they were piloting a new system and that changes

could be made to improve the system.

The system would be installed throughout the

organization using the phase in methods. This approach had the advantage of

providing a sound training ground before full implementation.

Post Implementation Review:

After the system is implemented and conversion is

complete, review of the system is usually conducted by users and analysts alike. It is

important to determine whether the system is working, how it has been accepted and

whether adjustments are needed. The review is also important to gather information

for the maintenance of the system.

Review Questions: - The most fundamental concern during the post implementation

review is determining whether the system has met its objective, that is analysts want to

know whether the performance level of users has improved and if the system is producing

the result intended.

7.Conclusion and Future Scope

The “Work Order Sysrem for Call Centre” has been developed to override

the problems prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported

to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardships faced by this existing system.

Moreover this system is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out

operations in a smooth and effective manner.

Page 31: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering

the data. It also provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal

knowledge is needed for the user to use this system. Thus by this all it proves it is


The main objectives of the system that have attained are

The new system is user-friendly.

The processing is very fast whereas the earlier system is too slow.

Accurate and reliable output can be produced.

Maintenance and updating of files are also made easy.

It increases the efficiency and speed of generating report.

The developed “Work Order Sysrem for Call Centre” is more Versatile,

flexible and updating can be done easily.


Now only text files containing queries can be uploaded, Instead all types files

has to be uploaded.

More advanced search engine can also be upgraded.

This application has to be dynamically linked with existing intranet




Page 32: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective

1. Abbreviations

OOPS Object Oriented Programming Concepts

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

CLR Comman Language Runtime

CTS Comman Type System

CLS Common Language Specification

ORDBMS Object Relat ional Database Management


MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language

JIT Just-In-Time

MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes


Page 33: ONLINE NOTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDERS€¦  · Web viewORGANISATION PROFILE. Synopsis . Synopsis :-The Work Order Sysrem is mainly designed to provide fast and effective


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