Online audio and video

Video: auto tune the news


5th session for MA students at City University

Transcript of Online audio and video

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Video: auto tune the news

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Paul BradshawCity University, London Publisher, Online Journalism BlogFounder, Help Me

Different medium,Different rules – part 2(Audio and video)

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3 things

Listening to and watchingHow do I..?Regulation, ethics

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“The Telegraph is reviewing several areas, including the need for "tactical hiring" within multimedia … “The three biggest challenges for us editorially in the next year will be multimedia, multi-device tablets and smart phones and social media.”

Ed Roussel,


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“At a time when other categories of advertising dollars are shrinking, video ads are booming. News sites are adding more video inventory to keep pace with the demands of advertisers, and benefiting from the higher cost-per-thousands, or C.P.M.’s, that ads on those videos command.”


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Audio and video online

Different devices/use: iPods & computersDifferent production demands: irregular?

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Audio types

PodcastsMicropodcasting (Audioboo)Audio slideshows

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Audio online

Debate (event?)Banter (set up and score, Q&A) Interview(s)Monologue/reflectionPotpourri ... Commercial

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5 audio tips (speed)

Background noise – good & badIntroduction: set the time & spaceDon’t script – do prepareShow don’t tell. Brief & direct subject End: reiterate, thank, link

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Editing (depth)

Record ‘room sound’ for editingRecord wild track for track 2Use sound to change scene/breatheFades: up and outStitch together beginning-middle-end

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Audio tools

Audioboo, phone’s micExternal mic, spoffleDigital dictaphone, ZoomGarageBand, Audacity, Audition

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Online, there is often no need for the reporter as an intermediary, as a user will have already read the story. “Video clips now tend to get more traffic overall than long-form news programmes on iPlayer”. Traditional, longer-form news video “is not – for now anyway – proving that compelling for news consumers online.”

Steve Herr mann, BBC, quoted in Alfred Hermida:

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Video: Charlie Brooker - how to report the news

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41 hours in an elevator

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Video types

Speed vs depth:Raw videoMoving pictures (‘Daily Prophet’)Vodcasts & video bloggingEdited narrative

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Rocketboom Luke Films Ze Frank Tower Ira Glass on storytelling

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5 video tips (speed)

Shoot for soundComposition (rule of thirds)Don’t stop filmingShow don’t tell. Brief & direct subject Practise talking to camera as a friend

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5 video editing tips (depth)

Keep it simple (no fancy transitions)Let the interview breatheDon’t cut on movementVariety of shots – wide, tight, mediumShoot for sequences

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Key ingredients

Great subjectsColour of voice, sound, imageTension: question, conflictReflection/resolution

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Video tools – kit & software

Mobile phone, Flip/Kodak Zi8External mic, spoffleiMovie (also on iPhone), Windows MovieMaker, Premiere, FinalCut, AvidSkype + screencasting software

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Video tools - online

Encoding.comJayCut – online editingYouTube – editing, captions & notesViddler – taggingStroome, Masher – collaborate

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41 years stuck in an elevator

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Ethics and law

Regulation – Ofcom, PCC?Permissions and copyrightPrivacyTaste and decency

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