One Of The Sexist Man Alive - Chef Vikas Khanna

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Transcript of One Of The Sexist Man Alive - Chef Vikas Khanna

  • 7/31/2019 One Of The Sexist Man Alive - Chef Vikas Khanna


    FusionChef Interview

    All Indians who have followed Master Chef Indiawould agree Chef Vikas Khanna to be charmingwithout doubt. Named as one of the sexiest menalive by international magazines, Chef Khannais much-admired for creating delicious dishescombining distinct Indian traditional techniques

    and revolutionising the global culinary scene inthe West. His restaurant Junoon situated in NewYork is acclaimed as a culinary temple whichserves sophisticated Indian cuisines. This MichelinStarred Indian chef, restaurateur, food writer,flmmaker and humanitarian had hosted dinner at

    the White House for President Barack Obamaand the First Lady Michelle Obama in 2011. Inconversation with Dipti. P, learn more about thisfascinating man and his new book Flavors First.

    FL:From a young Amritsar chap to an eagerstudent in the USA and now a renownedcelebrity, how has the journey been so ar?Chef Vikas:I think its very important to make

    journeys, fnd destinations but very important tobe rooted. I think that celebrity status is alsoa responsibility to express the truth about yourtrips.

    FL: Tell us something about your new bookthe Flavors First.Chef Vikas:The book Flavors First celebratesmy lie in 2 worlds, India and America. A placethat is my spiritual home and another is my stageto represent my country. As I live in the West, Iveadapted to a lot o new techniques and havebecome aspired by new ingredients and continueto learn more to expand my kitchens and pantries.This book celebrates that expansion o my kitchensand its always about Flavors First.

    FL:How was the experience o judging and

    working with the amateur cooks at MasterChe India?Chef Vikas: Its been a great move in mylie. I thank god every day or giving me thisopportunity to connect to my soul. I think thatI learnt more rom the cooks at the show than Itaught them. I am so proud o them.

    FL:Tell us something about your experiencewith Che Gordon Ramsay.

    Chef Vikas: I have known Che Gordon ormany years and have weve worked together manytimes. He is a super talented and a down-to-earthman. He loves ood, and those who respect them.

    Rest is all TV.

    FL:How are your oundations SAVIK andCooking or Lie doing? How did you comeup with them? Give our readers a brie onthem.Chef Vikas: SAKIV is my oundation inwhich we raise unds or organizations that needawareness, donation and services even duringemergencies. We have hosted several events atmany places in the world and are very proud thatwe can use ood to bring people together andconnect or a higher cause.

    FL:It is now well known that you werehighly infuenced by your grandmas cooking.Share with us a ew cherished memories othe times spent with her.

    Chef Vikas:She is an angel as she not onlytaught me about tadkas and curries, she taughtme about the power o ood. She taught me thata civilization is based on the belies o sharing.She taught me that comort, care and unity aremost important ingredients that a kitchen candeliver.

    FL:Che, give us a glimpse o your relishedood memory i you have any.

    Chef Vikas: I grew up in Amriis everything or us. Going out toeveryday made some people assumthat I worked there (Gurudwara, sho

    markets) as a child.

    FL:Apart rom being a successare a sculptor and a lm-maker. Gpeek into this side o your persoChef Vikas:I have a natural giI can carve anything,create gods anI apply these gits very much presentation. I love to make docuor my series on Holy Kitchens. Ton combining oods and gods in ev

    just released one on Islam called They are created to educate childrcultures and ood.

    FL:What are you up to next? Fuprojects etc.Chef Vikas: To write moredeeper meanings. Create more interto generate bonding o varied peoaith relationships.

    FL:What you would advise the emerging breed o aspiring chesglobe?Chef Vikas: Follow your hyoursel with ood. Its important towork, both experience-wise and sp

    56 |June 2012


    June 2012 |

    One of the Sexiest Men Alive Keeps the Flavors First!One of the Sexiest Men Alive Keeps the Flavors First!