One-Liners [Week Four]

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Transcript of One-Liners [Week Four]

  • 8/7/2019 One-Liners [Week Four]


    Ben Broughton One-Liners [email protected]


    The Newsjack App

    MAN: (POSH, SOUTHERN ACCENT) Thailands PM holds British

    citizenship, as he was born in Newcastle, Ive always struggled

    to understand him on the belief I dont speak Thai, now I realise

    its because of his ghastly Geordie accent.

    WOMAN: I think William Hague saying that Colonel Gaddafi must go, is

    proof that the Conservatives are willing to selloff whatever they


    WOMAN: Im really fed up with Vodaphone, firstly they avoid paying tax,

    then they shut down their lines in Egypt th en this week

    thousands lost their service in London, it really makes me


    MAN: Liverpudlians are becoming irate because of the massive cuts

    their councils introducing, I think they should take their own

    advice and (SCOUSE ACCENT) calm down, calm down.

    WOMAN: The feud between Jamie Oliver and Sarah Palin over

    Americans eating healthier is evolving into a succulent, slow

    roasted beef. Although, she wouldnt admit to the evolution.

  • 8/7/2019 One-Liners [Week Four]


    Ben Broughton One-Liners [email protected]


    MAN: Transport Secretary; Mister Hammond wants to raise the speed

    limit to eighty, I smell a rat, or should I say a hamster.

    WOMAN: I saw that Fair-trade sales are up forty per cent, its good to

    know that even in these times of economic problems the public

    are still guilt ridden out of their cash.

    WOMAN: Thirty-two billion pounds for H-S-two is fine by me, its still

    cheaper than the current price of a train ticket.

    MAN: (SOUTHERN ACCENT) High speed rail network? Personally I

    think getting out of the north at two -hundred and fifty mi les per

    hour still isnt fast enough.

    MAN: I missed last weeks Top Gear, so I didnt see the expensive car

    loving, enemy of Greenpeace, large bumbling idiot with out

    dated political views interview John Prescott.

    WOMAN: The last Britons have left Libya along with under the constant

    threat of violence, for Malta and its constant threat of sun-

    stroke and alcohol poisoning.

    MAN: Health Lottery? We already have that, its called the NHS and

    they raffle off beds and safe medical procedures to a lucky few.

  • 8/7/2019 One-Liners [Week Four]


    Ben Broughton One-Liners [email protected]


    MAN: I took no notice of the product placement on This Morning,

    although seeing Phillip Schofield reminded me to buy some

    Just For Men.

    YOUTH: When I heard Joanna Lumley say the youth of today have slack

    morals, I was so enraged I went out and stole this phone to

    express my rage.

    MAN: I dont see the BA worker convicted of plotting to blow up an

    aircraft as a terrorist, I see him as yet another disgruntled BA


    MAN: I heard Milibands squeezed middle speech; personally I think

    hes talking out of his trampled bottom.
