ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST. characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction...


Transcript of ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST. characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction...

Page 1: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.


Page 2: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence. -Anxiety is an unpleasurable affect with both physiological and psychological symptoms

*physiological symptoms include rapid shallow breathing, increased heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, and trembling.

*Psychological and emotional symptoms include feelings of dread, impending doom, powerlessness, apprehensive self-absorption, and a sense of doubt

Anxiety Disorders: Panic Attack. The sudden onset of intense fear, terror, apprehension and a sense of

impending doom lasting from several minutes to several hours. Agoraphobia. Anxiety related to going places where one would feel vulnerable in the

face of a panic attack or anxiety symptoms. Specific Phobia. A high degree of anxiety related to exposure to a specific stimulus.

The anxiety is continual, exaggerated and often leads to avoidance. Social Phobia. A high degree of anxiety related to exposure to social situations.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder consists of unwanted, persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and /or repetitive behaviors(compulsions).

Anxiety Disorders

Page 3: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-major feature of this class of disorders is a significant impairment of cognition or memory that represents a marked deterioration from a previous level of functioning. Delirium is a condition in which changes in cognition,

including a disturbance in consciousness, occur over a relatively short period of time. 

Dementia is a condition consisting of several cognitive impairments including significant memory deficit.

Amnestic Disorder refers to a memory impairment unaccompanied by other cognitive

Cognitive Disorders

Page 4: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-characterized by a disturbance in the once cohesive and unified functions of identity, memory, consciousness, and/or perception of the environment. Four types of Dissociative Disorders:. Dissociative Amnesia is a pervasive loss of memory of significant personal

information. Dissociative Fugue is a sudden, unplanned excursion away from ones

planned itinerary accompanied by either memory loss; or confusion about, loss of, or assumption of a new identity.

Dissociative Identity Disorder was formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder. It is evidenced by two or more separate personalities or identities that control a persons consciousness at different times, with each being amnesic of the other/s.

Depersonalization Disorder is evidenced by the sense of being separated from ones cognition's or body without an accompanying breakdown in reality testing.

Dissociative Disorders

Page 5: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-Depression is extremely common, affecting up to twenty percent of the population at some point during their life span. It is relatively treatable with up to eighty percent of those treated reporting significant improvement.

Criteria for a Major Depressive Episode include: 1. Depressed Mood such as feeling sad, empty, or tearful. 2. Lack of interest in or deriving pleasure from most activities. 3. Weight loss or gain of over 5% of body weight. 4. Insomnia or hypersomnia. 5. Agitation or psychomotor retardation. 6. Lack of energy. 7. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt. 8. Difficulty in concentration and/or decision making. 9. Thoughts, plans or attempts of suicide or preoccupation

with death.

Mood Disorders

Page 6: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

Criteria for a Manic Episode include: A. Seven days or more of uncharacteristically elevated,

irritable, grandiose or expansive mood. B. Along with A, three or more other symptoms (see below)

are present to a significant degree. Symptoms include: 1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity. 2. Decreased need for sleep. 3. Excessive talking. 4. Flight of ideas. 5. Distractibility. 6. Psychomotor agitation or increased goal directed

activity. 7. Hedonistic and risk taking behavior.

Page 7: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

D. The episode is severe, including danger to oneself or others, psychotic symptoms, or significant deterioration in social behavior.

E. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition or a substance.

Included in the Mood Disorders are: • Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by two

weeks or more of depressed mood or loss of interest plus at least four additional symptoms.

• Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by one or more Manic or Mixed Episodes accompanied by a Major Depressive Episode.

• Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by one or more Major Depressive Episodes accompanied by a Manic Episode.

Page 8: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

- usually appears during the teens or early adulthood, and while the exact causes are unclear, there seems to be a connection with major life transitions that are potentially stressful (graduating from college, getting married, having a first child).

- There is also some evidence for a genetic predisposition; if a family member has suffered from panic disorder, you have an increased risk of suffering from it yourself, especially during a time in your life that is particularly stressful.

Panic Disorder

Page 9: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-A panic attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming fear that comes without warning and without any obvious reason. It is far more intense than the feeling of being 'stressed out' that most people experience. Symptoms of a panic attack include:

• racing heartbeat • difficulty breathing, feeling as though you 'can't get

enough air' • terror that is almost paralyzing • dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea • trembling, sweating, shaking • choking, chest pains • hot flashes, or sudden chills • tingling in fingers or toes ('pins and needles') • fear that you're going to go crazy or are about to die

Panic Attacks

Page 10: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-used to identify individuals with consistent and long lasting patterns of deviation from societal norms which remain inflexible in spite of distress and maladaptation.

• Paranoid Personality Disorder is evidenced by pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others.

• Schizoid Personality Disorder is evidenced by social isolation and emotional constriction.

• Schizotypal Personality Disorder is evidenced by social unease, eccentric behavior patterns and cognitive and/or perceptual experiences that cannot be consentually validated.

• Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by self centeredness, attention seeking, grandiosity and a lack of empathy.

• Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is characterized by the continued need to maintain control, order, neatness, cleanliness, and/or perfectionism.

Personality Disorders

Page 11: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-characterized by hallucinations, delusions, personality disorganization, loss of ego boundaries and/or the inability to meet the ordinary demands of life.

• Schizophrenia People with schizophrenia may have perceptions of reality that are strikingly

different from the reality seen and shared by others around them. They sometimes hear voices, talk to themselves, or respond to imaginary fears.

• Schizophreniform Disorder Schizophreniform disorder is marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized

speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence), grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms

• Schizoaffective Disorder A person with schizoaffective disorder experiences some symptoms of

schizophrenia as well as symptoms of a mood disorder, such as depression or mania.

• Delusional Disorder • Brief Psychotic Disorder • Shared Psychotic Disorder • Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition • Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Page 12: ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST.  characterized by high levels of anxiety and a negative reaction to anxiety's influence.  -Anxiety is an unpleasurable.

-those conditions that are suggestive of a physical disorder but upon examination cannot be accounted for by a medical disorder, a substance or other mental disorder.

-presented in general medical settings as the patients presume them to be of somatic origin.

-symptoms must cause significant impairment or distress. • Somatization Disorder was formerly called hysteria. Primarily affecting women,

it generally has its onset in adolescence or early adulthood and lasts for years. Its symptoms usually include a combination of pain, pseudoneurological, digestive and sexual complaints.

• Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder is a milder form of Somatization Disorder lasting at least six months.

• Conversion Disorder is characterized by unexplained sensory motor deficits which are judged to be psychogenic.

• Pain Disorder is diagnosed when the primary symptom is pain and psychological factors are presumed to be important in the etiology, maintenance or exacerbation of the condition.

• Hypochondriasis is the fear illness in the absence thereof or exaggeration of symptoms or bodily sensations into serious illness.

• Body Dysmorphic Disorder refers to a preoccupation with a presumed or exaggerated physical defect.

Somatoform Disorders