One fab day

One Fab D a y

Transcript of One fab day

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Fab Day

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Fab Day

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Fab Day


Fab DayI have chosen to introduce to you “One Fab Day” because, first of all, it

is beautiful and creative. My first impression was exciting, I wanted to look over it more. Plus it is very easy to use and understand the blog; everything is well-organized so you can find what you need easily.You can find anything you could possibly think about when planning a wedding: the flowers, the music, the decor, the place, the dress, makeup and hair. Even further; the blog helps you find and choose the best supplier ? It is a great way to find inspiration and ideas and the way that the website is organized helps a lot.

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Fab Day

This website has been created by two Irish women who were about to get married or engaged. So they started to do some research and one thing lead to another and they soon created this blog about Irish weddings. Now they have monetized their blog with about 3 employees. It is now the first blog about weddings in Ireland. They are actually proposing all the things relative to weddings in Ireland. However, they do not go in person to the weddings, they just talk to the bride and the groom about their wedding, their story and try to understand their wedding and post a blog about them. The pictures are mostly taken by a professional photographer that they ask for. At the end of each article about real wedding we can find the name and website of the suppliers. I think it is a good idea to communicate about this because if someone is looking for something very specific or wants to have the same kind of thing for their wedding it becomes really easy to find it. Plus it is a smart way to share their own experience and give feedback for the other wedding planners.

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Fab DayFurthermore one of the most important things, in my opinion, is that the site is proposing DIY : Do It Yourself. I think it is great because the wedding planner, the bride or anyone involved in the wedding process can fully commit or save money by doing something on their own. For example you can make small things like table numbers or other things that need more attention and time such as a photo booth backdrop. Also there is q part of the blog talking about the general wedding theme; providing you with advice about the colors, the thing you might need for this particular theme and giving you so many great ideas about it.

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Fab Day

But to keep it practical, and keeping in mind that a wedding is not just about selling dreams and then realizing that you can’t afford that kind of wedding, there is lots of advice about the budget and how to make a good wedding without spending a lot of money.For me it’s a very complete blog, very practical and it does its part by making it easier to plan a wedding by giving a lot of ideas and inspirations. A bride could find anything she needs and even things she did not think about.