Once upon a time... a computer - An E-book written by seven nations

1 once upon a time a computer... an e-book written by seven nations


Have you ever imagined how our lives would have looked like without computers? More precisely without laptops or notebooks?

Transcript of Once upon a time... a computer - An E-book written by seven nations


onceupon a timea computer...

an e-bookwritten by seven nations


What would our lives have looked like without computers?


The Internet-connected notebook is probably the most spectacular mean of production ever invented by man, after the wheel and steam power. Anyone who has an idea can spread it throughout the entire world, can seek and find investors for their start-up or have a potential audience of millions of people. Accessing information is amazingly easy now, compared with those times when, stuck in a library, one had to go through tens of dusty books looking for disparate data. Thanks to the portable computer people were freed from their offices and could work and communicate from anywhere, anytime, no longer tied to their desks.

At the same time, the Internet-connected notebook is the most revolutionary cultural product since the introduction of the printing press more than 500 years ago: it creates communities, moves the world, shortens geographical distances tremendously, and is a catalyst of thought and ideas. Yet the road to the sufficiently good notebook that anyone can afford was a long and difficult one.

Twenty five years ago, Toshiba started a revolution in the high-tech industry: for the first time, the computer was very easy to carry everywhere, just like a briefcase. Thus Toshiba made history in 1985, when it launched the first mass-market notebook in the world, named T1100. It was a real technological marvel setting unprecedented records: it weighed only four kilos, was reasonably sized and had the most powerful CPU of the time.

The moment was all the more remarkable, considering it had not been that many years since Bill Gates had said a time would come when there would be “a computer on every desk and in every home”, which seemed like a fantasy to most people. To celebrate twenty-five years since the introduction of the T1100, Toshiba came up with a novel and interesting idea, perfectly in sync with how people communicate in the digital environment: publish the first regional e-book written on Facebook. This is a first: average people from seven countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, were invited to talk about their first experience with a computer. Without knowing each other, people from the seven countries gathered on Facebook and shared their stories. It was a wonderful collective adventure.

As a result of the novel invitation by Toshiba, hundreds of touching stories were collected: the authors of this e-book – which includes a selection of the most interesting stories, skilfully and humorously recounted the fascinating moments when they first touched the keyboard, the magical moment of discovering the digital universe, their hardware and software adventures. These stories – fresh and honest, together make up an enjoyable book about the beginnings of computing in this part of the world.

Therefore you can read a novel book, which talks honestly and naturally about passion, the quest for performance and the extraordinary adventure of the digital civilisation on the cusp of the 20th and 21st centuries. A civilisation that would not have been possible or would have taken a different road, maybe, if some scientists had not strived to build the first portable computer for average people twenty-five years ago.

Happy reading!

Have you ever imagined how our lives would have looked like without computers? More precisely without laptops or notebooks?

Using only the information crafted by journalists in their offices and distributed only by newspapers, by TV or radio and only after a certain schedule?

What if we could have only communicated by phone, letters or postcards (which took days to arrive at their destination)?




Angel IvanovАнгел Иванов

Когато опитах да си спомня първия път, в който изобщо докоснах компютър, пред очите ми изплува клавиатурата на

„Правец` 82”. Това се случи през далечната, все още аналогова за България, 1985 година. Бях на 6 години, в първи клас и присъствах на първия в живота ми урок по информатика.

За мой късмет училището разполагаше с доста прилична за времето си компютърна зала, в която доста свободомислеща учителка ни разрешаваше да разглобяваме и прехвърляме контролери, памети и флопита, щом се налагаше да „подкараме” някой по-претенциозен софтуер от рода на “Take” или “Jukebox”.

Много добре си спомням характерното „изпискване” при включването на „Правец”-а (който не е нищо друго освен откраднат Apple 2). Учителката ни обясняваше как компютрите управляват големи машини, решават сложни задачи, движат роботи, а аз гледах черните копчета (с малко червено, жълто и сиво) и се опитвах да си представя как точно този телевизор, сложен върху пишеща машина, ги прави всички тези неща.

Тогава написах и първата си програма на „Бейсик”. Беше някакъв елементарен цикъл с „GOTO 20”. Писането беше мъчение, корекциите – кошмар, но бях толкова омагьосан от цялата работа, че седях с часове само и само да махна ужасното „Syntax error!”.

Сега осъзнавам, че съм имал невероятния късмет да се запозная с компютрите по може би най-правилния възможен начин и това определи в голяма степен моето бъдеще.

B When I tried envisioning the very first time I came across a computer, in my mind sprung up the memory of the keyboard of “Pravetz

‘82”. This happened far back in 1985, a very analogous year for Bulgaria. I was aged 6 and in first grade at school and present for the first time in my life at a lesson in information technology.

It was my luck that back then, the school had at its disposal quite a good computer hall in which a very modern thinking teacher, who, when it came to “bringing life” to some more pretentious software of the “Take” or “Jukebox” kind, allowed us to dissemble and transfer controllers, RAM and floppy disks.

I can very well remember the peculiar “beeping” noise that the “Pravetz” produced when being turned on (the Pravetz is nothing more than a stolen Apple 2). The teacher explained to us, how computers control big machines, solve complex problems and make robots produce movements, while I at that time stared at the black switches (with a bit of red, yellow and grey on them) and tried to envision how this TV screen placed on top of a typewriter is able to produce all that. It is then that I wrote my first program in “Basic”. It was some sort of rudimentary cycle with “GOTO 20”. To write was some sort of hell, to make corrections – a nightmare, but I was so enchanted by all this that I sat for hours in attempts to carry out the simple task of deleting the awful “Syntax error!”

I now come to realize, that I had faced the incredible luck of getting acquainted with computers in the most correct of ways and this to a great extent determined my future.



Anna V. GrigorovaАнна Григорова

Беше месец октомври, 1989 година, и 8 ”Д” клас за първи път щеше да има час по Информатика в КАБИНЕТА ПО

ИНФОРМАТИКА! Другарят С. беше преценил, че вече сме достатъчно надеждни да ВИДИМ на живо компютрите, за които дотогава само ни беше говорил. И така, бяхме се строили по двама пред заключената врата на кабинета, когато учителят ни дойде и започна да ни повтаря за пореден път това, което ни беше казвал многократно в часовете досега: „ Не се бутайте! Стойте мирни и много внимателно, бавно влизайте вътре! Компютрите са МНОГО СКЪПИ!!! ВНИМАТЕЛНО казах!” И ние толкова внимавахме, че чак дишането си контролирахме… Имаше 16 компютъра за целия клас, затова трябваше – внимателно! – да седнем по двама пред един компютър.

„Първо се включва монитора, после компютъра – продължи учителят ни. Нали помните?” Помнех, ама друг път. Не мислех за нищо друго, освен как по-бързо да започна да „работя” на компютър. На истински компютър.

А тези в кабинета по информатика бяха истински. Но не бяха включени. Учителят ни вървеше напред-назад из кабинета и говореше ли, говореше, като на всяко второ изречение се спираше и казваше с по-висок тон: „Не пипайте НИЩО!”

След около четвърт час обикаляне и говорене, той започна да включва МНОГО ВНИМАТЕЛНО един по един компютрите в целия кабинет, като се обръщаше към седящите пред включени вече компютри и им повтаряше да не пипат нищо. Целият клас само седеше и гледаше към компютрите пред себе си и ми се струваше, че тези компютри са най-недостижимото нещо на света…

След като включи всички компютри, учителят ни продължи да обикаля из кабинета и да говори нещо за някакви нули и единици. Никой не го слушаше, всички гледахме мониторите като хипнотизирани. Другарят С. реши, че 10 минути втренчено гледане на мониторите ни стигат и попита дали помним как се изключват компютрите. Никой не го слушаше, затова и никой не отговори. Тогава той се усмихна и каза: „Изключват се по обратния път на включването! Хайде сега ВНИМАТЕЛНО изключете компютрите!” Тъй като нямаше по компютър за всеки, се разделихме – един ученик изключи монитора, а друг – компютъра. На мен се падна монитора.

Докато ги изключвахме, учителят ни каза с пълен със задоволство глас: „Имате късмет да работите с най-новите компютри в целия окръг! Това е „Правец 16”! А моят е даже 32!!!”И така, от първата ми среща с компютър останах със спомена, че имам късмет.

BIt was the month of October of 1989, and 8

“d” school grade was going to have for the very first time a lesson in Information Technology in

the CLASSROOM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY! Comrade S., our teacher, had come to the conclusion that we are reliable enough to be allowed to REALLY SEE the computers about which he had until now only talked to us about. And so, we were all lined up in front of the locked door of the classroom, when the teacher approached and began repeating what he had told us time and again during the previous lessons: “Do not push each other. Stay calm and very carefully and slowly enter inside! The computers are EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! BE CAREFUL I said!”

And we were indeed so careful, that we even tried controlling our breathing… 16 computers were lined up and intended for the entire class. This is why we had to -“Carefully!” – sit in twos in front of each computer.

“First turn on the screen, then the computer”, continued saying our teacher. “You remember that, don’t you?”

I would be lying if I said I did. My thoughts were directed toward how to faster begin “working” on a computer. On a real computer. And the ones in the classroom for Information Technology were really real ones. Our teacher paced back and forth around the classroom and went on talking. At every second sentence he paused and then said more loudly, “DO NOT touch anything!”

After pacing and talking for about quarter of an hour, he began VERY CAREFULLY switching on one by one all computers in the classroom, and while switching each one, he turned toward the people sitting in front of it and repeated to them that they should not touch anything. The entire class only sat in front of and stared at the computers, and I came to thinking that these computers are the most unreachable thing in the world…

After turning on all computers, our teacher continued pacing around the classroom and telling us about some nulls and units. Nobody was listening to him, since we were all staring hypnotized at the computer screens. Comrade S. decided that 10 minutes of staring at the screens is enough and so asked us whether we remembered how to turn off the computers. Nobody was listening to him, so nobody granted him with an answer. It is then that he smiled and said, “You turn them off the way round from turning them on! Come on, now VERY CAREFULLY turn off the computers!” Since there were not enough computers for each of us, we divided our roles – one student turned off the screen, and the other – the computer. My role was to turn off the screen. While we were turning them off, our teacher told us pompously, “You are lucky to be able to work with the most up to date computers in the entire region! This is “Pravetz 16”! Mine is even 32!!!”And so, from my very first encounter with the computer, I remain with the memory that I am lucky.



Boryana VladovaБоряна Владова

Никога няма да забравя една история с първия ми служебен лаптоп. Бях в командировка в Индонезия. Преди да

замина нямах почти никакво време да се запозная със страната (това трябва да прозвучи като оправдание). Историята е следната – след ужасно дълъг и уморителен ден в офиса, към 11 вечерта се прибрах в апартамента си, отворих лаптопа и започнах да си пиша с приятелите в скайп, а после съм заспала с лаптопа на дивана. По някое време се събуждам с ужасно виене на свят, решавам че просто ми прилошава и се връщам да си легна пак. Гледам един от приятелите ми все още е онлайн и решавам, че трябва да му се оплача за това как най-вероятно съм лепнала някакъв местен вирус. Той от своя страна, доста по-запознат с условията в съответната държава ме пита дали ми се клати полилея, аз (неразбиращо) му казвам, че полилея ми не е висящ и няма как да се клати. Съответно бях изпратена на терасата да проверя дали навън се случва нещо. Излизам мърмореща, че ми е зле, а той иска да му разказвам за двора... странно, като за 2 часа през нощта, има страшно много хора. Връщам се и му го пиша, а неговия отговор беше – излизай навън, има заметресение! Тук вече много се стреснах, грабнах си лаптопа и тръгнах да слизам по стълбите. Апартамента ми беше на 30 етаж, някъде към 15-ти вече нямах сили, а лаптопа ми тежеше ужасно много. Доста трудно се добрах до двора, а гледката отвън никога няма да забравя – хора по пижами, по без пижами, който с каквото е спал, носещи одеала, бутилки с вода, храна, фенерчета, все такива полезни неща и сред тях аз, носеща лаптоп. Но на мен си ми беше ценен, пък и все пак нали той ми помогна да разбера, че има земетресение.

BI will never forget one event that happened

with my first laptop at work. I was on a business trip to Indonesia. Before I went on that trip,

I was very busy and did not have enough time to get enough information about the country that I was going to (this could sound like an excuse). So the story is, after a long and exhausting day at the office, around 11 pm I got back to my apartment, turned on the laptop and started chatting with my friends but I was so tired that eventually I had fallen asleep on the couch holding the laptop. At some point, I woke up feeling terribly dizzy, I decided that I was just feeling sick and got back to bed. At that moment I saw that one of my friends was still online and decided to tell him that I had probably got infected with some local exotic virus. But then he seemed to be more aware than me about the situation in that country as he immediately asked me if the chandelier was moving. I did not understand why he was asking that and told him that my chandelier was fixed and could not be moving any way. So he told me to go on the terrace to see if everything was fine outside. I went out grumbling and, strange it seemed to see so many people outside at 2 am at night. Then I came back inside and told him that indeed not everything was normal outside as there were too many people and then he replied “leave the building immediately, there is an earthquake!” I was so scared at once; I grabbed my laptop and ran down the stairs. My apartment was on the 30th floor, so when I reached half the way I was feeling exhausted and the laptop was so heavy. It was hard to get to ground level and I will never forget what I saw when I went outside the building – there were people wearing pajamas in the streets and some even without pajamas, everybody was wearing what they were wearing at night to sleep with… The people were carrying blankets, bottles with water, food, torches and other things of pure necessity and between those people there was me holding my laptop. But to me this was one of the most precious things that I owned and actually the one that helped me realize that there was an earthquake.



Tzvetelina LilovaЦветелина Лилова

Малко ме е срам, ама като за първа среща си беше супер - той млад, ама красив и голяяяяям - казваше се Правец 08. Тогава

не знаех за агент 007, иначе щях веднага да кажа, че е супер агент! А аз ли – аз, невинна ученичка в 7 клас /1982г./. ...Беше любов от пръв поглед – за мен! На него му трябваше повече време да загрее за какво става въпрос и “Таз пък сега какво иска от мене”. Обичахме се цяла година. После той нещо реши, че е по-влюбен и почна много да гори - от любов де. Аз пък реших, че вече не ми е толкова интересен и залитнах по други.... И така до сега – влюбвам се, разлюбвам ги, те горят, обаче не се отказвам – на принципа “Гори – обичам те!”

BI am a bit ashamed but for a first meeting it

was not bad at all – it was young but beautiful and very big – its name was Pravetc 08. At

that time I did not know about agent 007, otherwise I would immediately claim it was a super agent. At that time I was an innocent schoolgirl in 7th grade (1982) and it was love at first sight – at least for me! It took the computer more time to realize what it was all about and answer the question “What did this girl want from me?” We were in love in each other for a whole year. Then the machine was falling for me even more so it almost started burning. I decided that I was no longer interested in it and changed it a new one. And the story keeps repeating – I fall in love, then fall out of love, they burn but I don`t give up. And the basic principle is – if you love, you burn.


Delyan IlievДелян Илиев

На 13 години. Влюбен фатално в една руса богиня, мисля, че беше на 20 и нещо, англичанка. Все седеше пред един

Макинтош в компютърния лаб. Аз не бях сядал пред компютър през живота си.

Всеки ден по два пъти се качвах до горе, за да я погледам. Тя сядаше винаги на един и същи компютър, седеше по много, все пишеше ли, пишеше... Аз се скатавах между две лавици книги, взимах Великият Гетсби на английски и се правех, че я чета. След няколко дни, минали в подобни трикове, стана нещо като чудо. Чудо, защото дълго след това още не вярвах, че ми се е случило.

Беше един от редките случаи, в които за минута се бях отплеснал от богинята и бях зачел едно ужасно дълго изречение на произволната страница, на която бях отворил книгата. Беше нещо за някаква поетическа метафора. И изведнъж – You seem to really like that book. Вдигам глава и тя е там, до мен, с ухание на френски парфюм и тревога. След няколко разменени в транс изречения, се оказвам на нейния Макинтош, за да й помогна за нещо. Аз! Аз, който не бях сядал през компютър в живота си. Но, разбира се, веднага се съгласих.

Чудото беше всъщност, че успях да оправя проблема й. Не си спомням вече как. Не си спомням дори какъв и беше. Но си спомням, че тогава се влюбих в Макинтош. Може би малко компенсаторно – след няколко дни русата богиня си замина и аз почнах всеки ден да сядам пред „нейния” Макинтош и да пиша произволни неща. А следващата Коледа дядо Мраз ми донесе и на мен.

BI was 13 years old. Desperately in love with

a blonde goddess, maybe she was around twenty, she was English. She used to sit for a

long time in front of a Mac in the computer lab. I had not sat in front of a computer ever before in my life.

Twice a day I went upstairs just to look at her for some time. She always sat at the same computer and was writing for a very long time… I found a cozy place somewhere in between the bookshelves, I took “The Great Gatsby” and was pretending that I was reading the book just to steal some time to admire her. After several days doing the same trick, something like a miracle happened. I call it a miracle just because for some time after that I could not believe that it actually happened to me.

It was one of those unusual situations when I did not look at my goddess for a couple of minutes and was reading to an awfully long sentence in a random page of the book that I had turned to. And suddenly a voice came into my ear: “You seem to really like that book.” I rose my head and there she was, standing just beside me with the smell of a French perfume. A couple of sentences later, I actually cannot remember them, I found myself sitting at her computer helping her to solve some kind of problem with it. Yes, you did read it right – it was me helping her, me, who had never before touched a computer. But of course, I could not decline her request.

The miracle itself was that I managed to solve her problem. I cannot remember how this happened. I cannot even remember what the problem was. But what I can remember for sure is that in that very moment I fell in love with Macintosh. Maybe as compensation – few days ago the blonde goddess disappeared and I started to go and sit every day in front of “her” Mac and to write random things. And for next Christmas I was lucky and got one of my own.



Detelin LuchevДетелин Лучев

Компютърен шум по МенделсонЗа моето Х-поколение компютрите

и лаптопите не бяха даденост като за Y-поколението, нито детски играчки като Z-поколението. Хуманитарното ми образование тогава пък изключваше и мисълта, че едно PC може да направи нещо повече от химикалка или пишеща машина…

Втората половина на 90-те години, България, криза, сватба, подаръци – 800 долара, решение – капиталовложение – компютър… И май още в началото се получи любовен триъгълник! Можеше всичко – не жената, а компютърът – 366 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 6,4 HD, VC, SC, 15”. Беше като да си купиш самолет, но не защото беше супер-машина за времето си, а защото усещането беше като да влезеш за първи път в пилотска кабина и да трябва да излетиш. А какво е първото, което усещаш, като запалиш двигателите? ШУМЪТ! Аз помня шума… По шума можеше да кажеш какво „работи” компютърът… Копчето прещраква – запали! Дискът „стърже” добре – зарежда! Охлаждането „превключва” на по-високи обороти – ще „излита”… Пистата остава зад теб и си в един ДРУГ свят! В един момент се появява „вой” – включило се е вентилаторчето на видеокартата. Заради почистването на това вентилаторче пък проникнах за първи път в кутията…

Онова първо докосване до компютъра промени живота ми – пред изследванията на виртуални общности, дигитализация, онлайн библиотеки, магистратура…

Днес компютрите текат през ръцете ни… И у нас вкъщи всеки си има лаптоп. Имаме и един „ничий”, който се „оттича”. И друг – още кашониран. Имаме и настолен компютър за по-сериозни задачи… Но в една от стаите все още стои онова мое старо “сватбено” PC. Пускам го отвреме-навреме, за да чуя шума на момента, когато за първи път включих компютър. И всеки път ми звучи като Менделсоновия марш, изсвирен от самолетни двигатели… Компютърен шум по Менделсон!

Копчето прещраква – запали отново! Заслушвам се…

B Computer noise according to Mendelssohn

For my generation, the X-generation, PCs and portable computers were neither something normal as for the Y-generation, nor a child’s game as for the Z-generation. With my education in humanitarian studies, it was impossible believing that a PC can do more than what a pen or a typewriter can do.

It was the second half of the 1990s – Bulgaria, crisis, wedding, gifts – USD 800, solution – investment – computer…I think that from the very beginning I was entangled in a love triangle. The computer, not my wife, could do everything – 366 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 6,4 HD, VC, SC, 15”. It was like buying a jet. But not because it was some sort of a unique machine for its time, but because the feeling was as if you enter for the first time the pilot cabin and you have to take off. And what is the first thing you hear when you ignite the engines? THE NOISE! I remember the noise…By the noise you can tell what the computer “is working” on… The switch is clicking – it is turned on! The disk is “scratching” well – it is loading! The cooling “switches” to higher RPM – it is “taking off”… The runway remains behind; you have entered a NEW world! At one point appears a “howling” – the video card cooling fan is on. Due to the cleaning of this very cooling fan, I entered for the first time in the computer case…

That first touch of the computer changed my life – through investigations of the virtual communities, digitalization, online libraries, MA…

Nowadays computers flow through our hands…At home we each have a portable computer. We also have one which is in “nobody’s possession” and is “left aside”. And another one – still sleeping in its cardboard box. We also have a PC for when we have to deal with more serious tasks…But in one of the rooms still in its place remains the old “wedding” PC. I turn it on from time to time, in order to hear the noise and remember the moment I turned on a computer for the first time. And every time the noise sounds as the Mendelssohn’s Wedding March, played by airplane engines…Computer noise according to Mendelssohn!

The switch clicks – it has ignited again! I listen…



Georgi GeshevГеорги Гешев

Това е една среща, която ще помня през целия си живот! Беше далечната 1988 година. През цялата лятна ваканция

обикаляхме по улиците и вършихме глупости. Аз и още 5-6 хлапака като мен на 7-8 годишна възраст. Докато един ден случайно не се натъкнахме на “златна мина” в пионерския дом (учреждение, което вече не съществува по обясними причини) бяха отворили компютърен клуб и вътре имаше машини, които ни подлудяваха – това беше култовият ПРАВЕЦ 8. Имаше около 10 компютъра, всички гледахме в мониторите като обезумели, играехме игри като” Саботаж”, “Щасливеца” и други подобни ....Беше като магия, гледахме зелено-черния монитор и цъкахме като точни швейцарски часовници. Играехме на смени по 10 минути понеже навалицата беше толкова голяма, че почти избухваха безредици. Спомням си ясно първата вечер след тази среща; първо имаше лек пердах вкъщи, понеже не се бях прибирал цял ден и после цяла нощ щастливо безсъние, мечти и молитви към Дядо Мраз за подобен подарък за идващата след няколко месеца нова година. Естествено че получих нещо различно от тогавашната ми мечта. Незабравимо е !

BThis is a meeting that I am going to remember

for the rest of my life. It was 1988. During the summer holiday we were playing in the streets

and doing silly childish things. I and a few mates my age were hanging out together during the whole summer. Until suddenly one day we popped into a “gold mine” into the “pionerski dom” – something like the boy scout club (an institution that was politically defined by the socialist regime and which no longer exists). They had opened a computer club and in there we saw machines that were driving us crazy – Pravetc 8. There were about 10 computers; we were all staring at their monitors as if we were hypnotized. We spent many hours playing games like Sabotage, The Happy Man or others … It was like a magic, we were staring at the green-black monitor and we played in 10-minutes long shifts because the place was overcrowded and if we did not limit the time for each player, fights could occur … I remember my first night after a whole day at the computer club – first the murmuring of my parents as I hot not come back home all day and after that a whole night of dreaming about Santa Claus bringing me a computer at home for the coming Christmas. Of course, I did not get a computer for Christmas. But living with that dream is unforgettable!


Ivan SitnikovThe first time that I saw a computer was

when I was in first grade at school. My mother was sometimes taking me with her to her

office and while she was not very busy, she allowed me to sit at her computer. I remember I was playing Alladin, Minesweper and Pinball. I remember quite well how I was always happy to sit at her chair, waving my feet in the air and play those exciting games, which were “special” – that was how I called them. Other days I was just watching my mother while she was working on the computer and it was always very interesting to observe that – I felt it was some kind of a special ritual. I always was impatient for the moment to come that she would say: “Do you want to come with me in the office today?” I knew that I would have a great time. I can recall an interesting event that happened at that time. One day mum had opened a Word document for me and I, inspired by some movie, had written “Computer, give me access to the secret files”, of course, with a few spelling mistakes. In a way, I had managed to save the file. On the day after, my mother had seen it on the desktop, she came back home smiling and told everybody about the achievement of her “little hacker”, as she called me that day.

EПървата ми среща с компютър беше когато бях в първи клас, тоест в далечната за мен вече 1998 година. Мама понякога ме

взимаше със себе си в офиса си и когато нямаше много работа аз сядах на нейния компютър. Играех на Alladin, Minesweeper и... Pinball. Помня много ясно как винаги бях много щастлив да се настаня на нейния стол, да размахам доволно крачета и да играя на „специалните игри”, както ги наричах. Друг път пък наблюдавах как мама работи на компютъра и винаги ми беше много интересно, чувствах се като част от някакъв специален ритуал. Винаги не зависимо от настроението ми с нетърпение очаквах моментът, в който чувах заветното „Искаш ли днес да доидеш с мен в офиса?” , защото знаех че ще си прекарам добре. Дори помня една интересна случка. Веднъж (когато бях вече втори клас) мама ми беше отворила някакъв Word документ и аз, вдъхновен от някой филм, бях написал ”Компютър, дай ми достъп до секретните файлове.” (разбира се имаше известни правописни грешки), но по някакъв начин дори бях успял да си запаметя файла. На следващия ден мама го беше видяла на Desktop-а, прибра се много засмяна и разказа на цялото семейство за подвига на „малкото си хакерче” както ме нарече тогава.



Gergana GeorgievaГергана Георгиева

Нямам първа история с компютър. Имам много първи истории. Постепенно откривах нещо ново, което компютърът може да

прави. Или по-точно аз да правя с компютър. Първият път беше Правец. В училище. Не помня годината. Вече можем да я причислим към онова „Имало едно време …”. Задачата ни беше да направим малка програмка, която да включва някакво движение на екрана. Съучениците ми правеха корабчета, на които флагчетата на мачтите се движеха. Аз измислих историческа карта с пътя на Левски, на която постепенно се показваха отделните места, които е посетил. Не обичам тривиалните неща.

После се срещнах челно с компютъра и трябваше да наваксвам бързо – да си направя имейл, да се регистрирам за курсовете в университета през мрежата… Годината беше 1997. Оттогава електронната ми поща е една и съща – единственият ми постоянен адрес. Първият наистина МОЙ компютър си взех през 2001 г., може би… Беше на старо, с малък чернобял екран и нямаше дори CD устройство. Но ми служи вярно пет години без нито един ремонт през това време. Когато дойде време да се разделя с него, ми трябваха няколко дни да се реша. Трудно ми е да се разделям с нещата, с които съм прекарала толкова много време, има толкова спомени, толкова моменти, вложил си нещо в тях.

Сега съм с два лаптопа. Единият ми служи вкъщи, а другият е за навън. Благодарна съм им заради това, че ме следват навсякъде в пътуванията ми през последните години. Малкият е съвсем нова придобивка. С него мога да работя на сто процента, където и да съм. И двата, между другото, са Тошиба. Затова се реших и да напиша тази история.

BThere is no such thing as first computer

story. I have many such first stories. I gradually uncovered newer and newer things that the

computer is capable of doing. Or to be more precise – what I am capable of doing with the computer. My first time was a Pravetz. At school. I cannot recall the year. Let us say that it was “Once upon a time”…Our task was to create a small program, which to include some movement on the monitor. My schoolmates were creating ships, the flags on the fore-masts of which were moving. I came up with a historic map with the passages Levski made, on which the separates locations which he passed through gradually appeared. I am not fond of trivial things.

Then I came face to face with the computer and I had to get updated fast – to create my e-mail, to register for the university courses via the internet…The year was 1997. Since then my e-mail has remained the same – my only constant address. I had my first very OWN computer in 2001, maybe…It was second hand, with a small black and white screen and did not even have a CD devise. But it was loyal to me for 5 years and not for once did it need any repair.

When the time came for us to part, I needed several days in order to make the decision. It is hard for me to part with things I have spent with so much time, because we have our memories, the many shared moments, the created bond between us.

At present, I have two portable computers. One is intended for at home, the other I carry around. I am grateful to them, that for the last several years they have followed me around in my travels. The small one is a very new acquisition. With it I can work at full speed wherever I am. By the way, both are of the Toshiba brand. This is why I also decided to write this story.



Gergana GrigorovaБеше мрачен септемврийски ден,

валеше из ведро и някак си зимата напомняше за себе си. Още от сутринта аз

знаех, че животът ми ще се промени от този ден. Все пак бях информирана, че през този ден ще срещна своя лаптоп. С много мъка и отброяване на минутите аз дочаках да стане 1 часа на обяд и да потегля към летище София, където на втори терминал щях да срещна НЕГО! Спрях на паркинга на Втори терминал и тогава ме обзе още по-голяма треска, не знаех какво правя и най-комичното не знаех накъде вървя. И така докато се лутах в паркинга излязох от неговия авариен изход! И точно тук осъзнах, че десетгодишното очакване на моя лаптоп не е свършило и ще има още препятствия докато го почувствам в ръката си. Прекосих строителната площадка до летището и влязох през парадния вход на втори терминал толкова тържествено, че и Наполеон би ми стиснал ръката, макар да бях в кал до коленете. И така зачаках пристигането на полета на моята приятелка, която летеше от Америка и беше там на бригада. Полета естествено имаше закъснение и пак си казах защо при мен нещата по Default са зададени да стават трудно. Трябваше да събирам парите за лаптопа дълго времe, трябваше да го чакам месеци наред, да газя в кал и накрая да чакам, което май ми се видя най-трудното досега. Чакането премина нормално, разхождах се из залата и оглеждах хората около мен. Най-накрая застанах до разплаканите родители и го видях. Той беше затаил дъх в ръцете на моята приятелка, тя ми го подаде. И тогава аз го взех и го стиснах толкова здраво сякаш някой беше зад гърба ми готов да ми го вземе. Когато останахме насаме в колата аз го погледнах, прокарах пръсти по капака му и разбрах, чe това е моя приятел, моя изповедник, моята утеха. И така е до днес, той не ме е оставил все още макар че понякога усещам, че е изморен. Май му дотежава товара, който струпвам всеки ден върху него, но той не се е предал и аз не се предавам. Той е член на семейството не мога да го оставя и сега дори пак ми помага да напиша това.

BIt was a misty and cold September day,

pouring rain and winter was just around the corner. Early in the morning on that day, I

knew that my life would change on that day. After all, I was informed that on that day, I would receive my first laptop. Counting the minutes, I waited until it became 1 pm and then I left for the airport, Terminal 2 where I was supposed to meet my laptop. I parked my car at the underground parking lot and then I got confused – I did not know which way to go. While I was looking for a way out and into the terminal, I reached the emergency exit. It was then that I realized that 10 years were not enough and I was going to wait for my laptop even longer. I went through the construction site that was next to the terminal and then entered the building through the main entrance in such a proud manner that even Napoleon would shake my hand, even though I was muddy up to the knees. So I stood inside the arrivals hall waiting for my friend to arrive from the USA. But then I was disappointed to hear that the flight was delayed and started wondering why things with me should always happen the hard way. I had to save money for so long, I had to wait for months until my friend returned, to walk in mud and now wait for a delayed flight, which was the most torturing of all past experiences. I waited, walked around the hall, looking at people around me. Then finally I stood beside my friend’s parents who were crying with excitement and then I saw it - my laptop. It had cuddled silently in my friend’s hands. I took it and hugged it so strong as if somebody was standing behind by back trying to steal it from me. When I took it to my car, I looked at it, put my hands on it and knew that this device will be my best friend, my confessor and my consolation. It has been next to me ever since that day, although it may feel a bit tired at times. It may feel too burdened from all the information that I store in it every day but has not betrayed me. My laptop has turned into a member of my family, i cannot leave it behind as it always helps me – even now, it helps me to tell you this story.



Hristo SpasovХристо Спасов

1985, SofiaWe were running around the corridors of

the Mathematics High School in Sofia. We were wearing uniforms. The door of the new computer cabinet was just opened and the whole classed gathered trying to peek inside. And inside it was packed with schoolchildren staring at some yellow TV sets. We could not see anything. At that moment the bell rang and the crowd of other children disappeared. I entered the room and approached the yellow box. And then I saw it. Green screen, yellow plastic typewriter and a cassette player attached. The keyboard was slick black with white letters. It did not resemble at all my grandfather’s typewriter. I looked at it a bit more carefully trying to find the slot where the paper was supposed to be put. “What it that?”, a classmate of mine asked while looking at it. What was that? It was magical. It even had a particular smell that I could not define. Something was blinking in the upper left corner of the screen in front of me. We were looking at it with expectation and held our breath. The teacher came and the class began. One boy from an upper class had stayed in the room and sat to me. He took a cassette out of his pocket and put it into the small cassette recorder. He turned it on. I heard a strange noise and some kind of buzz. He wrote something on the keyboard and then the buzz stopped. “Wait 3 minutes and do not touch anything”, he said. I hated him at that moment. Not to touch anything? I wanted to touch it so much. I had no idea what was happening. “Please, tell me what you wrote, what is this?” I felt that I was about to burst from curiosity. And then the green screen was lightened. A picture appeared and under the picture a text that said: “I-up, J-left, L-right, K-down” and a blinking note “PRESS ANY KEY TO START”.

That was the beginning of my computer era.

E1985, СофияТичахме из коридорите на СМГ.

Облеклото ни бе строго - само костюми. Вратата на нов кабинет се открехна и целия клас се скупчихме да надзърнем. Вътре беше пълно с ученици, струпани над някакви жълти телевизори. Не се виждаше нищо. В този момент звънецът удари и тълпата от “големи” с неохота се разотиде. Влезнах. Пристъпих към жълтата кутия. И тогава го видях. Зелен екран, патешко-жълта пластмасова “пишеща машина” и закачен касетофон. Черната клавиатура с бели букви бе лъскава. Прекрасна. Нямаше нищо общо с пишещата машина на дядо ми. Огледах дали няма цепка да се слага хартия – не видях такава. “Какво е пък това” - каза една съученичка, докато с отегчение разглеждаше. Какво ли? Изглеждаше магическо. Миришеше на нещо, но не можех да го определя. Някакво правоъгълниче мигаше в горния ляв ъгъл на екрана пред мен. Гледахме със затаен дъх и очакване. Започна часът. Един от “големите” обаче се бе скрил сред нас и се намести до мен. “Гледай сега” ми каза. Извади касетка от джоба си и я постави в малкото касетофонче. Включи го. Чу се странен звук, жужене. Написа нещо на клавиатурата и в този момент жуженето заглъхна. “Чакай 3 минути и не пипай” ми каза “баткото”. Намразих го моментално. Аз да не пипам? Аз исках да пипна и то веднага. Не знаех какво се случва. “Кажи ми, кажи ми, какво написа, какво е това?” Любопитството ми щеше да експлодира, но чаках. И тогава зеленият екран светна. Появи се картинка и надпис “I-up, J-left, L-right, K-down” и мигащ надпис “PRESS ANY KEY TO START”.

Така започна моята компютърна ера.



Ilian DimitrovИлиан Димитров

Беше отдавна. Прохладен пролетен ден из мрачните улици на столичния дискомфорт. Майка ми отново ме водеше

на тренировки насилствено. Аз естествено не пропусках да изразя количеството на презрението ми към въпросния спорт и съответно фрапантната ненавист към треньора.

Естествено след обикновения училищен ден, в градския транспорт разговорите бяха от типа на “Само това ли научи днес?” и “Само да се прибeрем в нас …”, подкрепени от кимане с глава в ритъм с люлеещата се глава на кученцето, залепено на таблото на шофьора на прословутата линия 72. Идва спирката на която трябва да слизам, но майка ми ме дръпва и аз сядам отново.

В този момент усетих, че нещо ще се случи … или е разбрала за счупения прозорец на втория етаж заради прекалено фалцовото ми центриране, или ще ходим на гости на баба …

Страх. Мълчание. Задълбочено наблюдаване на мургавите хора в рейса, подкрепено с обмисляне на дилемата, дали ако се измие ще стане бял.

Изведнъж отляво ме сръчка лакетят на майка ми и с кимане ми посочи вратата на рейса. Непозната спирка … нещо наистина страшно … слизайки от рейса се престраших и с леко изплашен, но стараeйки се, прикриващ ме тон попитах : “Къде … къде отиваме ?!”

Отговорът беше : “Отиваме да купим компютър!”.В този момент си показах всички млечни зъби. Не

знам дали беше заради радостта от “компютура” или просто заради факта, че белите ми не са разкрити.

Прибрахме се в нас и един чичко “хакер” дойде да ми го “инсталира”. След като върза кабелите, мама го покани да пият кафе в кухнята, а аз веднага трябваше да го разуча. Нямаше играчка, която да не е разглобена на съставните й части. Дори Волтрон беше станал на 174 части. Естествено пробвах и лесния начин. Седнах, играх си нещо с мишката, но … скука … к’ви са тия неща … веднага взех отвертката и се заврях зад бюрото. Признаци на запътващ се към стаята хомо сапиенс нямаше, за това ми остана надеждата да го разглобя и да разгледам преди да дойде някой. Развих едно винтче, второ ви… ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Мощно пищене разкъсва звука на варящо се турско кафе и майка ми с трясък отваря вратата. Нямаше как да знам, че пипайки отзад не трябва да пипам и радиатора. Така имах две радости наведнъж … Компютърът ми и първият път, в който ме хвана ток

BIt was a long time ago. It was a cool

spring day along the murky streets of Sofia discomfort. My mother again, against my will,

was taking me to practice. I of course, did not on my behalf deprive her of expressing my discontent toward the respective sport and the strong disdain I carried in my heart for the trainer.

As usual, after the ordinary school day, the talks that could be heard in the public transport were of the sort – “Is that all you learned today?”or “When we get home you will see…”. These talks were supported by head shakes in harmony with the shakes of the head of the dog, stuck on the panel next to the driver of the notorious bus line number 72. We approached the bus stop at which I had to get off the bus, but my mother tugged at my sleeve and I sat down on the seat again.

I felt that something was to happen at this very moment…she had either learned of the broken window on the second storey due to my not so centered kick, or we were to go visit my grandmother…

Fear. Silence. In depth observation of the people on the bus with darker skin supported by the consideration whether their skin is to become fairer if they took a bath.

I was suddenly again tugged at the sleeve by my mother who nodded toward the bus door. An unknown bus stop…something truly frightening…when getting off the bus I summoned my courage and with just a bit of shaking voice, which I tried to hide, I asked: “Where…where are we going?”

The answer was: “We are on our way to buy a computer”.

At this moment a wide smile appeared on my face. I did not know whether this was because I

was happy about the “computer”, or because my mischief had not been uncovered.

We went home and a “hacker” guy came to “install” it. When he connected the cables, my mom invited him in the kitchen for coffee, while I immediately sat down to get to examine the computer. Not a single thing remained assembled. Even Voltron had turned into 174 parts. Of course, I tried things the easy way. I sat down, played with the mouse, but…it was boring…what is this…So I immediately took a screw driver and stuck myself behind the desk. There were no indicators that a homo sapiens was approaching the room, so I hoped I will manage to dissemble it and examine it before someone appears in the room. I loosened one bolt, then a second bol…?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

A powerful buzz dismembered the noise of boiling coffee and my mother stormed into the room. I had no idea that when I touch the back side I should not touch the radiator. So, I was happy about two things …I had my own computer and it was the first time in which an electric shock hit me



Yoana Vladimirova1993 година, 486 DX ROM 4MB. Quite

modern for its time.The computer was a birthday gift for my 16

years old brother. I was 12 by that time and the youngest in the family. He was the A-grader, who had to be rewarded for his excellent scores … I was … The idea behind the entire initiative was him to learn to work on a computer, because “this is the future”.

Because of this my mother had cleaned up half of our room, where to put The Computer. My vague memory is that it was heavy, because my father was carrying it half-bended. And my mother was quickly moving ahead of him, opening doors with bold moves and watching him not to trip somewhere, keep repeating “Carefully here”

It was a big brag time in front of my friends, because back at home we have “486”, which spoke nothing to me, but I was so competent telling about it – “it has so much RAM, which is a memory, works under DOS and there is a game with a cat”

We asked a neighbor, who graduated in mathematics, to switch it on and to explain a thing and two to my clever brother. In the beginning there was a big fight who to sit in front of the computer.

Then we quickly lost interest – I was able only to switch it on, there was a series of meaning nothing rows and at the end the screen was black and in the top left corner there was C:/_. My brother said ot to touch it and when he was not around, it was all I can do – to switch it on.

Later my brother laid his hands on some huge diskettes with games – he was playing a chopper and I was on Alley Cat till dawn. Years later I realize that with this computer neither my brother nor I became cleverer. My father was angry that we only play on it. I do not know what he was expecting us to do on our age. Later a beeping modem appeared. My brother and the math guru the neighbor were looking in the small monitor and claimed they entered in Internet.

Today the computer is on the attic, dismantled in many pieces, because my brother had to look what is inside … and never mounted it again.

E1993 година, 486 DX ROM 4MB. Доста модерен за времето си.

Компютърът беше подарък за 16-годишният ми брат ми. Аз бях на 12 и бях най-малкото в семейството, но пък той беше отличникът, който трябваше подобаващо да бъде възнаграден за оценки...те си... Идеята на цялото занятие беше да се научи да работи на компютър, защото “това е бъдещето”.

По този повод майка ми беше разчистила половината детска стая, за да бъде положен компютърът. По бегъл спомен, трябва доста да е тежал, след като баща ми го носеше с патешка походка. А майка ми пред него с бързи движения отваряше вратите, като следеше баща ми да не се спъне и повтаряше “Внимавай тука!”.

Голяма фукане падаше пред приятелите ми, че вкъщи има „486”, което от своя страна нищо не ми говореше, но пък разказвах за него компетентно – „има еди-колко си рам, което е памет, работи под DOS и има игра с котка.”

Повикахме някакъв съсед, който беше с висше математическо образование, за да го пусне и да обясни туй-онуй на умния ми брат. В началото с брат ми доста се биехме, кой да седне на компа.

После бързо загубих интерес - можех единствено да го пусна, изписваше се върволица от непонятни редове и накрая монитора оставаше черен, а в горният ляв ъгъл пишеше C:/_. Брат ми категорично беше забранил да го докосвам, така че успявах да го пусна само когато го нямаше – и до там.

По-късно брат ми се сдоби с няколко огромни дискети с игри - той играеше на един вертолет, а аз играех Alley Cat до припадък. Години по-късно осъзнавам, че с този компютър нито аз, нито брат ми бяхме станали по-умни. Баща ми се ядосваше, че само играем на него. Не знам какво друго е очаквал да правим с него на тези години.

По-късно се появи писукащ модем. Брат ми и въпросният съсед се дзвериха в малкия монитор и твърдяха, че са влезли в интернет...

Днес компютърът стои на тавана – разглобен и разпарчетосан, защото брат ми трябваше да види задължително какво има в него... не го сглоби повече.



Yovo BuchkovMy memories are brining me back to the far

1991, when I was 12 years old. Unknown how and from where I grew the desire to click on

computer buttons. My parents are in shock. I am on the carpet, screaming and crying – I want computer literacy classes … I want to go.

When I could not break the parents’ barrier, I addressed my elder sister rushing into her room and complaining. After some crying in her shoulder (read as – Her hears went dead from my screams) I went to bed. Did not fall to sleep. Not for a long time. I was thinking and thinking for computers.

And then the Day came. An ordinary late autumn Tuesday that brought me joy. The teacher in computer literacy classes was a school mate of my sister. I was a joy. I was a miracle.

Yes, I am small, but I was admitted. I wanted to give a hug to the world, or to a tree at least. Two days later is the first lesson. Two sleepless nights and there is THURSDAY. I always remember this day with capital letters. I am dressed in my brand new shirt and here I am standing in front of the computer hall like a tree in the garden.

Only the teacher came that day and said he has no key, so the lesson is cancelled. I wanted to die. No. I did not want to die, but I definitely did not want to live. And more sleepless nights till the next THURSDAY when I touched the dreamed buttons.

The teacher gave us a short program 10 cls / 20 print “some text” / 30 goto 10 / Run/ We had to put the text in the middle of the screen or on blinking row. My text of course was “I WANT A GAME” And the teacher rewarded me with one, some chopper I remember.

And like that for 19 years now.The only difference is that I am putting the games for

me. As a reward again. For being a good person or for helping an old lady to cross the street.

On other hand I now know why that THURSDAY was in capital letters. Because it was the first in the row of Big Disappointments. And when I have kids I want to be able to prevent them from their THURSDAY at least until they are 18.

EСпоменът ме връща към далечната 1991, в която година аз съм 12 годишен. Неясно от къде и защо се породи

желанието ми да щракам по компютърни бутони... Родителите ми са в шок... А аз се тръшкам и рева - искам на курс по компютърна грамотност... да ходя. Като не пробих при родителското тяло - се втурнах в стаята на сестра ми да и се жалвам. Поревах и на рамото /разбирай - проглуших и ушите с моите щения/ и си легнах. Не заспах. И не заспивах още дълго. Все за “компютъри” си мислех. И тогава дойде този ден. Нищо неподозиращия късно-есеннен вторник ми донесе неочаквана радост... А именно - преподавателя на курса по компютърна грамотност е ученик и то в класа на сестра ми. Що за радост бе?!?... Що за чудо?!?... Макар и малък бях допуснат до обучение. Идваше ми да прегърна света. Или поне някоя от ръцете му /разбирай дърво/ След два дни ми е първия час. Още две нощи безсъние и дойде Четвъртък. /Незнайно защо, винаги съм си спомнял за този ден като Четвъртък с главно Ч/ Обличам си аз най новата риза и се насаждам пред компютърната зала, като фикус в директорска стая. За късмет - този ден дойде само учителя, който каза че нямал ключ за залата днес и урока се отменя. Умираше ми се. Не. Не че ми се умираше... но и определено не ми се живееше. Отново безсънни нощи и следващия четвъртък докоснах така жадуваните бутони. Учителя ни преподаде кратка програма на basic - 10 cls / 20 print “текст някакъв” / 30 goto 10 / Run / - Целта и е да изпише текста в кавичките на целия екран или на мигащ ред в средата в зависимост от позиционирането /последния ред/. Моят текст разбира се гордо заявяваше - “Искам игра”.... И учителя за поощрение /справих се пръв с програмта/ ми пусна такава /нещо с хиликоптерче беше/. И така вече 19 години. С тази разлика, че сега сам си ги пускам игрите... пак за поощрение. За това, че съм добър човек или за това, че съм помогнал на старица да пресече булеварда. Или пък защото ... От друга страна вече знам защо онзи Четвъртък винаги съм го спомнял с главно Ч. Това бе първото от редица други Големи Житейски Разочарования. И като проимам деца дано успея да ги предпазвам от техния “Четвъртък” поне докато не станат на 18.



Julia malketovaЮлия Малкетова

I am approaching my 50s. An age to respect, but not that much yet. An age to spell conservatism and settled down. So it was. I

was against all those new technologies. I believed they are the Enemy to the world, because they kept us from communicating in live with other humans and the nature.

But a baby is born.And in the master bedroom there was no place for the

computer, the crib was there. They gave the computer to me. There he was, the bastard, in my room, collecting dust. But I learned to communicate with it.

And there was a miracle.I became friends with hundreds of people, re-uniting with

old ones I lost track of, discovered traces of an uncle who died ages ago. For some reasons I was chained at home. And again him, the bastard, was there. He was my mentor, friend, confessor, I cannot live without him anymore!

EНаближавам вече ,май ,50-те! Възраст достопочетенна и не все още преклонна. Предполагаща улегналост и

консерватизъм.Така си и беше.Бях против всички тези нови технологии.Смятах ги за враг №1 на човечеството, защото ни пречеха да общуваме на...живо със себеподобните си и с природата. Но... роди се човече! И в стаятa на родителите, там където беше компютъра,сложиха детско креватче. А компютъра дадоха на мен. Стоеше нагло натрапникът и събираше прах.Ядосах се! И... взех ,че се научих да общувам с него. И ,о, чудо! Сдобих се със стотици нови приятели, свързах се със стари, чиито дири бях загубила, открих следи за мой загинал дядо...

Случи се така ,че по здравословни причини, бях ,,вързана” да седя вкъщи. И пак той- Натрапникът беше насреща.Беше мой съветник, приятел, изповедник, скукоразбивач.

Вече не мога без него!


Julia ZolotarevaЮлия Золотарева

The three age spans of…the computer We first met when we were teenagers. I

was under the attack of hormones; he was attacked by –DOS and Windows. We both had no clear idea as to what future we want and maybe this is why our relationship did not grow. I myself, just like most teenagers, paid attention only to his entertaining side, while he on the other hand wanted to offer me something more. In the end, with a bit of disappointment we parted with the belief that someday things will twist around.

Our second date took place ten years later. I was more mature now, he – more powerful and capable of internet access. It was then that I realized that we were ready to jump into a serious relationship. To start with, I think he showed me how to find new friends, then he taught me how to live in Bulgaria, but be able to work abroad. Thanks to him I got a wonderful job, which brings me pleasure and now I cannot imagine my life without a computer.

Our third date remains to come. I suppose that his becoming younger will be opposed to my growing older. I rely on the fact that in order for me to be capable of maintaining the same tempo and defying the laws of nature, he will become faster. I consider that in order for me to be able to go with him everywhere, he will become lighter and more compact. I really hope that after some time he will be present in each and every home, in order for me to be able to connect to the people I love at every moment and from every location around the world.

EТрите възрасти на… компютъраЗа първи път се срещнахме по време,

когато и двамата бяхме в пубертета. В мен бушуваха хормони, в него – DOS и Windows. И двамата не знаехме какво бъдеще искаме и може би затова връзката ни не се задълбочи. Аз, като повечето тинейджъри, обърнах внимание само на веселата му страна, а той искаше да ми предложи нещо повече. Накрая, с леко разочарование, се разделихме с надеждата, че някой ден нещата ще се променят.

Втората ни среща се състоя десет години по-късно. Аз вече бях по-улегнала, той – по-мощен и с достъп до Интернет. И тогава разбрах, че двамата сме готови за сериозна връзка. Първо, той ми показа как да си намеря нови приятели, след което ме научи как да живея в България, а да работя в чужбина. Благодарение на него, аз се сдобих с чудесна работа, която ми доставя удоволствие и вече не мога да си представя живота без компютър.

Третата ни среща все още предстои. Предполагам, че неговото подмладяване ще е правопропорционално на моето остаряване. Разчитам, че за да поддържам същото темпо напук на природните закони, той ще стане по-бърз. Смятам, че за да мога да съм с него навсякъде, той ще стане по-компактен и лек. И искрено се надявам, че след време той ще присъства в абсолютно всяка къща, за да мога да се свързвам с хората, които обичам, по всяко време от всяка точка на света.



Kiril ChristovFirst Pravets

I have no idea why the screen of Pravets was bi-color. Green and black. It was only green

and the black was on the spots where green was missing. I remember Carateca and Loadrunner. I saw it in the Palace of Kids, where they have took us to see how other play. We were just watching. My cousin got his hands on one and we played together, but those big diskettes were only smuggled and were in short supply. You run with diskettes between friends and just when you start to play, something goes wrong. Remember, the computers did not have hard drive by that time. Diskettes sucked, the transfer rate was something like 1 MB per day. The price of this rate was running between neighbors. I begged my parents to buy me Pravetrs, they did not want to.

First 286Oh My God, 16 colors. The display of my microwave

today has more. It had a hard drive, but not enough for a game. There was no battery for BIOS and it was like communicating with Alzheimer person. On each turn on you tell him who he is, where he came from, how RAM he has, what screen he has, what hard disk. I know you do not believe, but it still works.

First LaptopToshiba with BW screen. By that time no one saw

portable computer. We found it on the attic of a friend. It was not functional for a long time, somebody dropped it. We sold it on the market for good money. Not enough for a new computer. In fact the money were enough to play one day video games.

First InternetOh God, I have a computer and a cable is hanging from

it. Is there internet? How to enter? From where? What is browser?

First Tablet No data recorded yet

EПърви ПравецНе знам защо водеха монитора на 8

битовия правец двуцветен. Зелено и черно. Да, бе, да! Беше си само със зелено, а черното се получаваше там, където има липса на зелено. От него помня Лоудрънъра и Каратеката. Видях го в Двореца ...на пионерчетата, където ни заведоха да погледаме как, по-силните деца играят. Останалите само зяпахме. По онова време и братовчед ми се сдоби и тамън бяха тръгнали тия големите дискети, но игрите бяха кът като контрабандна стока. Търчиш с дискети напред назад между приятели и разбира се тамън да заиграеш, нещо се прецаква. Помните, че тогава компютрите нямаха хард диск. С дискетите беше неприятно, а трансферът беше по малко от 1 мегабайт на ден. Цената на тази връзка бе търчене от Лозенец до Младост. Молих се на нашите да ми купят Правец - не искаха.

Първи 286О, господи - 16 цвята. Днес дисплеят на

микровълновата ми има повече. Имаше си хард диск, но той беше недостатъчен за нито една игра. Нямаше батерия на BIOS-а и беше все едно комуникираш с човек болен от Алцхаймер.На всяко включване трябваше да му кажеш, кой е, от къде е, колко рам има, какъв му е монитора, какъв му е хард диска. Не знам дали ви се вярва, но е още жив.

Първи лаптопТошиба с чернобял дисплей. По онова време никой

не беше виждал преносим компютър.Намерихме го на тавана на един приятел. Не работеше отдавна, някой го бе изпускал. Продадохме на пазара за добри пари. Не ни стигна за нов компютър. Всъщност стигна за 1 ден пари за видеоигри в базара на НДК.

Първи интернетБоже, имам компютър, от него виси кабел. Има

ли интернет? Как да вляза? А откъде? Какво е браузър?

Първи таблет(не е налична информация Киро да пипал таблет

досега)(не е налична информация Киро да пипал таблет




Marian StoyanovМариан Стоянов

My first encounter with a computer was when I was 11 years old, which means 13 years ago back in 1997, when my brother brought at

home his first computer and connected it to the internet. With my childish mind at that time, I felt as if I had put on a sweater with an extra sleeve, as if I was standing at a special strategic place where the computer was the main point or a crossroads of complicated information, people, events, places, ideas, communications and images.

Covered in mystery and cigarette smoke until then, the meaning of the computer was turning into a friendly figure to me, always ready to offer you a helping hand and a shoulder to step on and then look the world through a new window, to see how people have fun, go shopping, learn, communicate like in a movie, like the good period of Tarantino. It was an exciting experience in two levels – it was then that I discovered that everyday life sometimes had the unusual feature to be predictable, boring and annoying as a ghost made of bed linen who kicks you from time to time.

At that time my childish mind was eager to discover new parallel worlds like entwined mazes in my feet and exactly then as the perfect alibi my first meeting with a computer happened; so the computer turned into the main institution defining my free time and an ashtray for my ever burning curiosity towards everything that was going on in the world around me. When the Olympic champions are at the highest step hearing the national anthem of their home country, it is in that exact sacred moment that they feel THE WORLD IS AT THEIR FEET.

So this was exactly what I felt the first time that I touched a computer – I welt connected to a whole new planet, as small as a ball that children would play with and I could play with this ball, leaving all the rest behind. Today, several personal computers later, this machine is like a crossroads to me, like a guarding angel and a favorite loyal pet – all in one. The computer to me is simply the freedom to be connected…

EПървият ми досег с компютър беше на единайсет годишна възраст, тоест преди тринайсет години през далечната 1997г.,

когато брат ми донесе вкъщи първия си компютър и го прикачи към интернет. С тогавашното ми детско възприятие се почувстах така, сякаш съм облякъл нещо с един ръкав повече от другите – все едно съм застанал на особено стратегическо място, където компютърът е опорната точка или кръстопът на непонятна информация, хора, събития, места, идеи, комуникация и образи.

Обвито в мистика и цигарен дим дотогава, предназначението на компютъра се превърна за мен в нещо като приятелска фигура, винаги готова да ти подложи услужливите си рамене, за да стъпиш, да се повдигнеш на пръсти и да надникнеш през ново прозорче на действителността, за да видиш през него как хората се забавляват, пазаруват, учат, комуникират като на филмова лента, като Тарантино от добрия си период. Беше си вид приключение на две нива – още тогава установих, че ежедневието понякога има чудното свойство да бъде предсказуемо, скучно и досадно като импровизиран чаршафен призрак, който от време на време те рита в кокалчетата.

Тогава детското ми въображение беше жадно до открива нови паралелни светове като преплитащи се лабиринти в краката ми и точно тогава като перфектно алиби се появи първата ми среща с компютъра, за са се превърне той в генерална институция на свободното ми време и пепелник за неугасващото ми любопитство към всичко, което се случва по света. Когато олимпийските шампиони са на най-високото стъпало на стълбичката и чуят химна на страната си, точно в този сакрален момент те чувстват че СВЕТЪТ Е В КРАКАТА ИМ.

Точно това изпитах при първата ми среща с компютър – почувствах се свързан с една нова малка планета като детска топка, с която само аз мога да си играя, останалите да си намерят друго забавление. Днес, няколко лични компютъра по-късно, тази машина за мен е като гара разпределителна, ангел хранител и верен домашен любимец в едно. Компютърът за мен е просто свободата да си свързан…



Nikol RusНикол Рус

Of course I remember my first laptop. It was Toshiba. I learned easily – nice brand, but with memory less than a flash, suited perfectly

though. And the screen was matt, no blinks no pain in the eyes. I wrote so many novels on it, poems, stories. But it went old and I started visiting a friend each month for some repairs. At the end he was asking me “Do you bring Granny Toshiba again?”

I decided to get a new one, but the damn money are never enough. And a miracle – my employer paid in advance summer vacation bonus. Just enough money for a new laptop. The old one went to my grandchildren to play with.

My three years old sibling Jivko sits in front of it, clicks something with the mouse and says:

- Granny, I do not want that laptop! There are no movies with trains on in. Give it to my elder brother to learn on it. (and sits on the bigger one)

I am concerned for his eyes and without being noticed I switch off the monitor:

- Jivko, something went wrong!, I am lying him.- Granny, you don’t understand. It is nothing wrong.

Look now – you press this button and when the light is on, you click with the mouse here and it is done. Now, write for me “MOVIES WITH TRAINS” here because I am small and I do not know the letters!

The next morning I wake up at 5 terrified – Jivko is not in the bed. I am rushing to my son to tell him and I almost tripped on him – he switched on the computer, opened some coloring program, printed something and was coloring a picture with his crayons. I was just looking speechless. Because I did not know how to use a printer.

EПомня, как да не помня първия ми лаптоп. Точно Toshiba беше. Лесно се научих – много хубава марка, нищо че беше

с памет по-малка от обикновена флашка, но на мен ми вършеше идеална работа. И мониторът му беше един такъв матов, нито ми блестеше, нито ме боляха очите. Що романи написах на него… що стихове и разкази… Но и той, като всяка вещ се амортизира, та почнах всеки месец да навестявам едно майсторче, дето накрая само като ме видеше, питаше: – Пак ли ми носиш баба Тошиба?

Няма как, реших да си купя нов, но пустите парички все не стигат. И, о, чудо, моят работодател ми плати предварително лятната ми отпуска, като прибави още половин заплата – подарък, както бе по закон в страната, в която работех. И парите от подаръка точно за нов лаптоп. Старият – на внучето ми за играчка.

Седна тригодишното ми внуче Живко пред лаптопа, щрака по клавиатурата, мърда нервно мишката и след малко ми вика:

- Бабо, тоя лаптоп не го искам! На него няма клипчета с влакчета. Дай го на батко да се учи на него. И си сяда пред големия компютър (който също е Toshiba).

Обаче аз като баба, нали съм загрижена за тригодишните му очички и незабелязано се пресягам и загасям компютъра.

- Живче, компютърът се повреди, моето момче! – лъжа го аз, а то ме погледна изпитателно и съвсем уверено и сериозно ми отговаря:

- Абе, бабо, ти нищо не разбираш! Не се е повредил! Виж сега: Натискаш първо това копче и като светне екранът с мишката натискаш тук и после тук, и готово!... А сега ми напиши „КЛИПЧЕТА С ВЛАКЧЕТА” защото още не знам буквичките и не мога да пиша!

На другата заран се събуждам в 5 часа и изтръпнах от ужас – Живко го нямаше в леглото му. Тичам да кажа на сина и снахата и за малко да прегазя Живко, който си е пуснал компютъра, отворил си е някаква програма с картинки за оцветяване, принтирал си една и тъкмо я поемаше от принтера, за да си я оцвети с вече разпилените по масата фулмастри и пастели. А аз, аз само го гледах втрещена, защото… все още не знаех как да използвам принтер…



Orlin ChochovОрлин Чочов

A year ago I my kids found in the garage a strange device that looked like a typing machine, but not quite and some 5 kg weight. “What is this,

dad?” they asked. “Kids, this is my first laptop” I said and they exploded in laughs, especially when I told them that the hard drive was 20MB and it worked with something like 3.5 inch diskettes. How can you tell the generation which first words are “torrent” and “Skype” instead of “hide and seek”; that complains from the “Cripples Windows Mobile” and wants 16 giga SD card for a birthday present, so how can you tell them about the joy I felt when I opened my very first Amstrad Laptop computer ALT-286 (second hand in 1994 from a French I knew”), for the silent awe when I was dusting it and opening it. (here is a picture of one http://www.amstradcg.nl/ealt386s.html )

The road I went from 1989 after Pravets and my first desktop driven by 5.25 inch floppy disk to the Amstrad. It was like replacing the grandfathers plow with VW Beatle. And how many translations I did on that and how proud I was with my 3M and Sony diskettes collection. How I begged and prayed to run Windows 3 on it.

It now stays as Stonehenge among the toys of my daughter and unfortunately cannot run again. The years in the garage damaged its durable parts, made in USA.

He played his part, enlightened me in many mysteries, I grew old in cyber with it and I am very grateful to him. I changed couple of his brothers and I am always fascinated by the comfort to put your friend on your knees and to see the compilation of your favorite songs, pictures, eternal movies … but above all an instrument to make money with. Who helped me never to forget the most romantic first computer years, the exotic of randomly selected knowledge, the expectance of dial-up signal and thousands of bits of useful life experience that makes you feel forever young.

EПреди около година децата ми изровиха от гаража уред, приличащ на пишеща машина, но не съвсем, тежащ

около 4-5 кг. “Какво ще да е това, тате?”, запитаха. “Деца, това е първият ми лаптоп!” Прихнаха да се смеят...особено когато им казах, че паметта на твърдия му диск е 20 МБ и че работи с непознатите им 3.5-инчови флопи-дискети...Иди обяснявай на поколението, което първо научава думи като “торент” и “Скайп” наместо “жмичка” и “зуко”, което се жалва от “куция Windows Mobile” и иска SD-карта с памет “16 гига” за рождения си ден, за да играе в мрежа през смартфон, за опиянението, което изпитах при отварянето на Amstrad Laptop computer ALT-286 (купен “на старо” през 1994 г. от познат французин), за благоговението, с което го забърсвах от прах и го разтварях (ето снимка на “антиката”: http://www.amstradcg.nl/ealt386s.html )Пътят, който бях изминал от 1989 г. след ПРАВЕЦ 16 и първият ми настолен компютър, който се задвижваше с операционна дискета 5,25 инча, до придобивката на Amstrad-a, беше все едно бях заменил ралото на прадядо си с малък “Фолксваген” сапунерка!!! И колко преводи се направиха върху него, и колко се гордеех с колекцията си от вносни дискети 3M и Sony, и как се мъчех да му вкарам някакъв праисторически “Windows 3”, но нямаше за Хасан баница и това си е. Сега стои като своеобразен Стоунхендж сред играчките на дъщеря ми и за жалост не може да се стартира - годините, прекарани сред влагата в гаража са похабили здравите му, изцяло Made in USA части...Нищо! Той изигра ролята си, посвети ме в много тайнства, чрез него изживях своето детство на компютърен юзър – макар и да бях в крехка Христова възраст и съм му много благодарен. От тогава смених няколко негови “братовчеда” и съм завинаги в плен на несравнимото удобство да положиш в скута си верния си другар, “прозореца към света”, сборника си от най-вълнуващи песни, алманаха от сълзливи фотоси и вечни филми и най-вече инструмента за прехрана, който също ми помага никога да не забравя романтиката на първите си компютърни години, екзотиката на събираните “randomly” знания, трепетното очакване на dial-up сигнала и още хиляди късчета полезен жизнен опит, който те кара да се чувстваш вечно млад...



Stefka VenchevaСтефка Венчева

When you are 16 the world is awfully big. Incompatible with the town you live in, the neighboring city, the capital. Because in the

classes and with the maps you see that you are just a small black dot in the heart of the Balkans. To see what happens with your friends overseas you have to wait a month for the letter to cross borders and continents. And then another month to have an answer that will reflect the life month back.

The fastest way to communicate was the phone, but he had a mind of his own. The habit to shout in the speaker must have came from then.

Now when you are 16 you have a chance to skype, to put links and posts on FB and to reach China in a second. I did not have had that chance when I was 16.

Our teacher was slightly elder then us and did magic with the yellow box with freaking black screen and white rows on it. I remember we learned programming. “Learned” is a strong expression, he simply made us to put down in our notebooks endless rows of commands that the humble yellow box to follow.

We have named the computer “the beetle”. It was very slow and loved not to work. Not much could be done on it. According to our teacher, it was good for mathematics. It did not look interesting for us then.

How it sounds now to the 16 year olds that start Windows and have so many possibilities to do magic with their computers. The first meeting with the beetle was nothing special. I was terrified, because I did not understand anything. I simply typed the rows from my notebook and nothing more. I was not aware that this yellow box will take me places I have never been before.

I secretly envy today’s 16 year olds. Because they do not realize that the computers will grow old faster then them. Because that pre-historic Pravets is dusting somewhere, but he is the Bulgarian Adam that opened everything for what we have today.

EКогато си на 16 светът изглежда адски голям. Несъизмерим нито с градчето, в което живееш, нито със съседния по-голям

град, нито дори със столицата. Защото в часовете по география и благодарение на картите виждаш, че си само една малка черна точица, запокитена в сърцето на Балканите. За да научиш какво става с твоите приятели в другия край на света, трябваше да чакаш поне месец, докато писмото, облепено с пощенски марки, премине граници и континенти, за да достигне до своя адресат. А после трябваше да мине поне още месец, за да получиш отговор, който също отразява живота поне месец назад. Най-бързият начин за комуникация бе телефонът, но той също бе вироглав и нямаше нищо общо с днешните мобилки. Пращеше като луд, а навикът да се крещи в слушалката изглежда е останал от тогава. Но на 16 сега, имаш шанс вече да си скайпиш, да слагаш линкове и постинги на фейсбук страницата си и да стигаш до Китай за секунди. Аз нямах този шанс на 16. Защото единственият компютър „Правец 8” се мъдреше в кабинета по физика и информатика в малкото ни школо. Преподавателят ни беше малко по-голям на възраст от нас и правеше някакви магии с жълтата кутия, която имаше зловещ черен екран и по него се щураха бели редчета. Спомням си, че учехме програмиране. „Учехме” е доста силно казано, той ни караше да записваме нескончаеми редове със заповеди, които кротката жълта кутия трябваше да изпълнява. На Фортран и Бейсик. Бяхме кръстили компютъра „костенурката”. Беше страшно бавен и обичаше да зацикля. На него не можеше да се прави почти нищо. Според учителя ни, бил много полезен за решаване на задачи. Но това тогава не изглеждаше интересно почти за никого. Как ли звучи това сега за 16 годишните, които стартират с Уиндоус, а освен това имат толкова много възможности сами да правят магии с компютъра? Честно казано първата среща с „костенурката” не беше нещо особено. Изпитвах ужас, защото не разбирах нищо. Набирах записаните в тетрадката редчета и нищо повече. Тогава не бях наясно, че същата тази кутия ще ме отведе там, където никога кракът ми няма да стъпи. И сега тайничко завиждам на днешните 16- годишни. Не за друго, а защото още не осъзнават, че компютрите ще остареят много по-бързо от тях, защото онзи архаичен „Правец” сигурно прашасва някъде по тавана на моето някогашно школо, а всъщност е българският Адам, който отключи всички ни за това, което имаме днес.



Todor KapitanovТодор Капитанов

The modern high-tech generation can bravely add to the great phrase that besides first love, unforgettable remains your first computer

as well (especially true for John Atanasoff). Some even compare the emotion thy felt in these two first dates – the first love date and thie first time they say their computer. It was the same with me. My first meeting with a computer was as exciting as every first meeting or date. Not only the excitement but I also felt great tension because I was not that technologically skillful at that time and had not touched other computers before. The computer, on the other hand, was not tense at all – it was still off and we could not communicate at this stage. As a real man, in the first moment I looked at the device very carefully in order to get a better idea of it. I liked it and what I liked most was the sparkle in the monitor. I sat in front of it and, after a short search, I found the On/Off button and I pressed it. The machine seemed to like this as it started to make sound and emit light – things that I had not seen it do before. So, we broke the ice between us and all began as a joke. With time passing by, things between us were getting more and more serious and I began storing my personal information in it and it was storing it very securely, until after some time I started to have some software and hardware troubles. I was reluctant and the computer was no longer giving me the chance to communicate naturally. So I abandoned it for a new one. Luckily, as in most cases, the first love is not the only one, so my first computer was not my last one. It is not irreplaceable as well but it remains unique. I will never forget it! After some time, I had become more technically skillful and with my next computers I was doing better and they were also becoming more user friendly to me. The last one even changed my habits as it had built-in webcam, so I started to keep my room tidier. It all ended up so that the computer could live without me but I could not live without it. In the end, I would like to share that despite the comparison made between love and the symbol of information technologies, I am absolutely aware that I am not breaking the Ten Commandments by wishing for the computer of my friend. Things would be different though if I steal it.

EСъвременното high-tech поколение смело може да добави към великата фраза, че освен първата любов, незабравим

остава и първият ти компютър (особено важи за Джон Атанасов). Някои дори сравняват емоцията си при двете първи срещи – тази с любовта и тази с компютъра. С мен също се получи така. Първата ми среща с компютъра беше както всяка друга първа среща – вълнуваща! Освен вълнение, в мен имаше и голямо напрежение, защото още не бях съзрял технологично и нямах опит с други компютри дотогава. В компютъра нямаше напрежение – още не беше включен и просто нямаше как между нас да протече ток на този етап. Като един истински мъж, първоначално огледах подробно устройствата от горе до долу, за да събера впечатления. Хареса ми, а най-много ме привлече блясъкът, който имаше в монитора. Настаних се пред него и след кратко търсене намерих on/off точката и я натиснах. Явно това се хареса на машината, защото от нея започнаха да струят светлини и звуци, които не бях виждал и чувал преди. Така разчупихме обстановката и всичко започна буквално като на игра. С времето нещата помежду ни се задълбочиха и започнах да доверявам много лична информация, която отсрещната страна много умело съхраняваше, но за жалост по- късно започна да ми прави какви ли не софтуерни и хардуерни номера. Не исках, а и копмютърът вече не ми даваше възможност да общуваме нормално и естествено изоставих машината заради по-нова. За радост, както в повечето случаи, първата любов не е единствената, така и първият компютър не е последен. Не е и незаманеим, но остава уникален. Никога няма да го забравя! След известно време придобих техническа грамотност и със следващите ми компютри се справях все по- добре, а в интерес на истината и те започнаха да се държат по-user friendly с мен. Последният даже ми промени и навиците, зашото има вградена уеб камера и така започнах да си подреждам стаята. В крайна сметка ме пречупиха и сега нещата стоят така: не компютърът не може без мен, а аз не мога без компютъра. Накрая искам да споделя, че въпреки направеното по-горе сравнение между любовта и символа на информационните технологии съм наясно, че не нарушвам Божите заповеди, ако пожелая да имам, или ползвам компютъра на ближния си. Обаче по друг начин стоят нещата, ако го открадна.



Tzvetelina TzvetkovaЦветелина Цветкова

I will tell you the story of the first laptop of my parents and the emotions it gave to our entire family.

My parents live abroad for quite some time and we miss each other a lot. Two years ago my father came back for holidays and he was certain that it is about time to have a laptop. He chose a nice looking Toshiba, a mouse and a patchy colorful bag. A strange summer storm started as we walked out the store. It was raining cats and dogs. In the middle of the winter. My father was holding the laptop as a baby. Both with my mom they have not been working with computers and the fun was huge.

They did not know how to turn it on.I wrote instructions on paper. As for a small child.

Mom was giving me instructions over the phone what to install. First she wanted Skype to talk with the siblings and some games for my father. In the beginning we were at the phone several times a day and they were so happy to see me on the camera.

And constantly asked questions how to install things, I had to explain what a window is. They were fighting who to sit first in the morning to go through the mail and to read news. They call the laptop funny names and clean it every day. My mom even as Facebook profile now.

This is how the small Toshiba brought joy and happiness in our house. We celebrate together, we show new clothes, we have dinner together, exchange recipes with mom and we do not miss each other that much anymore.

EАз ще ви разкажа за първия лаптоп на моите родители и емоциите, които донесе на цялото ни семейство. Родителите

ми живеят в чужбина от доста години и много си липсваме. Преди две години, точно по това време баща ми се прибра за празниците и беше категоричен, че е крайно време да си купят лаптоп. Избра си много симпатична Тошиба, купи му чантичка и шарена мишка. На излизане от магазина се разрази странна лятна буря посред зима. Валеше като из ведро, а той си стискаше лаптопа като бебе и го пазеше от дъжда. И двамата с майка ми не бяха работили никога на компютър и веселбата беше голяма. Не знаеше дори как се включва. Написах му инструкциите като на малко дете. Майка ми даваше инструкции по телефона какво да му инсталираме. На първо място скайп, за да си говори с децата и игри да има за баща ми. В началото се чувахме по няколко пъти на ден и всеки път много се радваха като ни виждаха на камерата. И непрекъснато задаваха въпроси как да инсталират някакви неща, и трябваше да им обяснявам какво е прозорец и сайт. Караха се кой да седне пръв сутрин да си провери пощата и да чете новини. Наричат лаптопа с галени имена и го почистват старателно всеки ден. Майка ми вече има и профил във фейсбук. И така, симпатичната Тошиба донесе много радост в нашето семейство. Така изкарваме празниците заедно, показваме си дрехи, вечеряме си заедно, с майка ми си разменяме рецепти и вече не си липсваме толкова много.



Violeta KostadinovaВиолета Костадинова

My first computer encounter took place far back in 1990.

We were having a lesson in Information Technology, which was being conducted by our Mathematics teacher (who had especially been to a course in computer literacy).

I still remember how much time we spent waiting in the corridor before entering our lesson, since the door…of the information technology classroom was locked with three padlocks…With the very entering of the room was immediately heard the shout of the teacher: DO NOT TOUCH THE COMPUTERS!!!

Pravetz 8 M – green and black screen, processor - 6502/1Mhz + Z80/4Mhz, RAM - 64, ROM -12, operational system - DOS – I SAID NOT TO TOUCH!!!

At that time the mouse was still simply a rodent. In 1998, I decided to pass a course – on 17 “Lavele”

street was located a computer hall and for the sum of BGN 40 I was able to touch a computer, to “drive” the mouse over the entire raft, to have an account opened in yahoo.com, to write a short essay in Word and make calculations in Excel.

After that, things turned around in such way, that I began working for an internet provider – the server had no screen and I can still recall the instructions of the boss – “When they begin calling and complaining they have no internet access, you rummage in this hole (a place in the PC case, where once the spot had been occupied by a switch) with the pen and the computer restarts. Most probably the internet connection will be restored. If they continue calling and saying they do not have internet access, you then call me and I will come and we will see what we can do.”

The overall IRC was occupied by some 30 users with wacky nicknames. Half of whom emigrants who told the stories of their life abroad.

Things changed after that, the optics developed, the speed and capabilities increased, and from there on it is all history.

EПървата ми среща с компютъра беше през далечната 1990 г.

Имахме информатика – преподаваше ни я учителката по математика (специално ходила на курс по компютърна грамотност). Още помня висенето в коридора преди да влезем в час, тъй като вратата на кабинета по информатика беше заключена с три катинара.

С влизането в кабинета се чуваше крясък от госпожата: НЕ ПИПАЙ КОМПЮТРИТЕ !!!

Правец 8 М – зелено-черен екран, процесор - 6502/1Mhz + Z80/4Mhz, RAM - 64, ROM -12, операционна система - DOS – НЕ ПИПАЙ КАЗАХ!!!

По това време мишката беше все още само гризач.

През 1998 г. реших да изкарам курс – имаше на “Лавеле”17 една компютърна зала и срещу 40 лева можех да пипна компютър, да “покарам” мишката из целия плот, да ми открият поща в yahoo.com, да напиша кратко есе в word и да посмятам в excel.

После нещата се развиха така, че започнах работа при доставчик на интернет – сървърът нямаше монитор, още помня инструкциите на шефа – “като почнат да звънят и да се оплакват, че нямат нет, бъркаш в тая дупка / място в кутията на PC-то, където някога е имало копче/ с химикалката и компютъра се рестартира, най-вероятно нета ще тръгне, ако продължават да звънят че нямат нет, ми пусни смс да дойда да го мислим”.

В целия IRC имаше 30-тина юзъра със странни никове, половината бяха емигранти и разказваха за живота отвъд.

После нещата се промениха, дръпнаха оптиките, скоростта и възможностите се увеличиха, останалото го знаете.



Zornitsa KitanovaЗорница Китанова

Looking at it in that way, it was more presence in one and the same room than meeting. That happened at school – in my

“Information technology” classes. We were about to do something with the computer after one year explanations how exactly it functions! First – we started with writing and copying thoroughly all ….. commands in our notebooks. After that – we started writing the same commands on the computer. And wow – miracle!!! The computer painted a TRIANGLE! Well, that is all…..

Another story is my diploma work in 1998-99. I than decide that will be far easer for me to write it directly on a computer. In that way my problem with the handwriting, inserting or deleting paragraphs from the text is resolved. What an easy thing to do – find a computer?!?

For little time and little money. My father had some friends of his that has friends, etc. The first three hours of writing were more than tiring. But every time you write something, it is tiring. The better part was the printing!

Who could know that that computer had outdated printing software so that they could not print it at all? And no one wants to convert it to MS Word. Or was not able to… Eventually, one schoolboy from 10th grade did it for a few minutes.

And I did not give up at all from future relations with the computer – unlike my astrological sign, which was Scorpio.

When I already had my own computer, I always have to share it with someone. First with my sister. Then I and my husband were sharing it. And now... Now my older daughter (5 years old) is fighting for her time at the computer. And the little one (1 year old) knows how to turn it off and always chooses the least appropriate moment to do it. And I – I keep dreaming of my OWN computer.

EТака погледнато не беше среща, а по-скоро присъствие в една и съща стая! В училище - час по информатика. След цяла

година обяснения как точно функционира, най-после щяхме да правим нещо с компютър! След старателно преписване на програмата с... командите в тетрадките. После - пишем командите на компютъра. И оооооо, чудо!!! Компютърът нарисува ТРИЪГЪЛНИК! Е, това е всичко...

Друга е историята с дипломната ми работа. 1998-99г. Решавам, че безкрайно по-лесно би било да пиша направо на компютър. Така проблемът ми с краснописа и вмъкването и зачеркването на цели пасажи от текста, е решен. Ама лесно ли се намира компютър?!? За малко време и малко пари. Баща ми намери едни приятели, които имаха приятели... и т.н. Първите три часа писане бяха, накратко казано, изпотяващи. Но, така е с всяко писане, все пак!!! По-хубавата част беше с отпечатването! :)))

Кой да знае, че този компютър е с някаква стара програма и не могат да го отпечатат никъде. И никой не иска да го прехвърли на MS Word. Или не може... Накрая един десетокласник го направи за броени минути.

А пък аз не се отказах от бъдещи взаимоотношения с компютъра - противно на зодията ми (Скорпион).

Когато вече имах собствен компютър, все трябваше да го деля с някого. Първо със сестра ми. После, със съпруга ми се надлъгвахме. А сега... Сега голямата ми дъщеря

(на 5 г.) се бори за равноправие по отношение времето, прекарано на компютъра. А малката (на 1 г.) знае откъде се изключва и винаги избира най-неподходящия момент.

А аз - аз все още си мечтая за МОЯ си компютър!!!





Prvo računalo nabavili smo još davne 1995.. Kupili smo ga preko oglasnika i sjećam se da je suprug rekao: “Ne znam što je to,

al teško je, mora valjat’.” :D Ne mogu se sjetiti što smo zapravo radili s njim kad nismo imali internet, znam samo da smo se naigrali Tetrisa za cijeli život. :D Nakon tog “prvog”, ja postala ovisna o računalima, a suprug i dalje vrijednost pojedinoga komada tehnike mjeri i po težini :D. I gotovo da je u pravu. :/

Anica Jezerinac


Anica Jezerinac

Prvi susret s kompjutorom bilo kakve vrste – sa samim pojmom računala – povezujem s prvom ljubavi. Naime, davne 80 i neke (da ne

ispadnem stara), još kao osnovnoškolarka, zavoljela sam kompjutore samo zato jer je on volio kompjutore; dolazila sam poslije škole kod njega igrati igrice i praviti se da me zanima... iako ga... ništa nisam razumjela. Puno godina kasnije, kao studenti i jako dobri frendovi, radili smo neke programe zajedno prisjećajući se naših prvih zaljubljenih pogleda i guranja na stolcu, svađanja oko džojstika.

Lana Gacesa


Lana Gaćeša

Hm, bilo je to davne 1995. kod starije prijateljice; imala sam pet i privlačilo me to sto je ona izvodila mišem – na nečem nalik

televizoru nastajale su šare, crte, slova, boje i zanimljive stvari, nagovorila sam je da mi pokaže kako se to radi i napisala svoje ime u paintu, jedini susret s kompjutorom dok nisam dobila svoj vlastiti kada sam se vratila u Vukovar.

Tatjana Gere


Tatjana Gere

Moj prvi susret s laptopom bio je otprilike kao sada susret mog tate i običnog računala. Gledala sam u tu čudnu “kutiju”, nisam smjela

ništa pipnuti, nisam znala kako reagira. Bratić, koji se uvijek volio šaliti, rekao mi je da mu se približim i da na slici pronađem dvije razlike; približila sam se jako blizu, zabuljila, kada je nešta vrisnulo i pokazalo se neko čudovište na ekranu. Eto mog prvog susreta, neopipljivog i strašnog! Od tada sam naučila sve o toj “kutiji”, iako je nikada nisam imala prilike imati u svom vlasništvu.

Mirela Petrovic

We got our first computer back in 1995. We bought it through classifieds and I remember that my husband said, “I don’t know what it is, but

it is heavy, it has to be good.” :D I can’t remember what we actually did with it before the Internet, I only know that we played a lifetime of Tetris. :D After this “first” computer, I became addicted to computers, while my husband still values individual pieces of technology according to their weight :D. And he is almost right. :/


My first encounter with a computer of any kind - the very concept of computer, I associate with first love. In fact, back in the 80s, as a

schoolgirl I fell in love with computers just because he liked computers; I used to go to his house after school to play video games and pretend I was interested... Although I… I never understood anything. Many years later, as college students and very good friends, we cooperated on some shows remembering our first shy looks and pushing chairs, arguing about the joystick.


Erm... It was back in 1995, I was five and at my older friend’s and it was interesting to me to see the things she did with her mouse – on

something that looked like a TV set we could see lines, letters, colours and many interesting things. I persuaded her to show me how it works and I wrote my name in Paint. This was the only encounter I had with a computer until I got my own when I returned to Vukovar.


My first encounter with a laptop was something like my father meeting an ordinary computer. I stared at this strange “box”, I was afraid to touch

anything, I didn’t know how it would react. A cousin of mine, who always liked to joke, told me to get closer and to find two differences in a picture. So I approached very close and stared at it when something screamed and a monster showed up on the screen. So this was my first encounter, intangible and scary! Since then I learned all about the “box”, although I never had the opportunity to own one.


Mirela Petrović


Davne ‘95. godine stigao je u kutiji s ogromnim 15“ monitorom moderne sivo-bež boje. Imao je 4 jako zanimljive igre

– 3 s kartama i mine. :-D Svađa oko Solitairea bila je neizbježna. Tajna je da sam znala satima sjediti pred njim, klikati connecting… i čekati. Nadala sam se da će se čarobni prozor interneta nekako sam otvoriti. Naime, nismo imali modem... :P

Marta PribanicBack in ‘95 it came in a box with a huge 15”

monitor in a modern gray and beige colour. It had four very interesting games – 3 card games

and the minesweeper.:-D Fighting about Solitaire was inevitable. The secret is that I used to sit for hours in front of it, clicking “connecting ...” and waiting. I was hoping that the magical window of the Internet will open somehow. You see, we had no modem ... :P


Ajooooj....... Bila sam peti razred i jedna prijateljica je imala računalo, svi smo mislili da je onaj tko ima “kompjutor” najpametniji! Otišao

moj brat u Frankfurt i kupio mi računalo. Oooooooo, a tko mi je sad ravan, sad sam i ja jedna od najpametnijih. Trčim u školu i govorim svima. Cijelo društvo se okupilo kod mene da gledamo u bijelu kutiju.... A svi prijatelji gledaju kako sam ja pametna dok palim “komp”, otvaram neku igricu, mučim se s mišem koji mi baš i ne leži.... Al’ nije bitno, ja sam pametna...

Renata Vukoja Oooohhh....... I was in the fifth grade and a

friend had a computer – we all thought the one with a computer was the smartest! My brother

went to Frankfurt and bought me a computer. No one compared to me, I was finally one of the smartest. I ran to school and told everyone. Everyone gathered at my house to watch the white box.... And all of my friends watched me being smart while I was starting my computer, opening a game, having troubles using the mouse.... But none of that mattered – I was smart...


Marta Pribanić

Renata Vukoja

Čarobna kutija, konačno stigla u moj dom… Rad s mišem, to je bila nemoguća misija jer sam sve željela na brzinu da mi se otvori, a

s njime ipak treba biti nježan. Svako sam slovo tipkala polako, kao da ne postoji opcija brisanja. Gledala u slovo i polako ga stisnula, pogled odmah bacila na monitor, koji je bio ogroman.... i tako dok test nije bio napisan. Za riječ TOSHIBA trebalo mi je jako dugo.... A da ne spominjem brisanje nepotrebnih “programa” – rezultat toga je bilo to da se moj monitor odmah zaplavio. Znate sigurno što sam napravila... Obrisala sam mu osnovu bez koje ne može radit’... Eto, tako se moje računalo nije po pravom ni smjestilo u moju sobu, a već je imalo svoj prvi posjet servisu.

Lidija TutnjicThe magical box finally arrived to my home...

Working with the mouse was mission impossible because I wanted everything to open fast, while

you need to be gentle with it. I typed each letter very slowly, as if there was no delete option. I looked at the button pushing it slowly down and immediately looked at the huge monitor. And so on until the text was written. It took me a long time to write TOSHIBA.... Not to mention deleting “unnecessary” programs - and the result of that was that my monitor immediately turned blue. You probably know what I did next... I deleted the basics without which it couldn’t work... That is how my computer didn’t even settle in my room and it already had its first encounter with the service.


Lidija Tutnjić


Zvao se Commodore šezdeset četiri. S crvenim džojstikom. Ne znam točno kada, uglavnom prije rata, upoznali smo se kod

susjede. Ona ga je znala pokrenuti, ono utipkati nešto “c dvotočka…” Tata joj je znao sve o kompjutorima. Poslije je i meni pokazala. Zajedno smo provodili prijepodne kad su starci bili na poslu. Mislim da je nekad bio puno svjetliji, ali je požutio od duhanskog dima. Nije mu baš bio velik monitor. Bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo, ali puklo je kod Dinamite dana. Nismo se mogle dogovoriti tko kada igra.

Nikolina Azenic KrsticIt was called the Commodore 64. It had

a red joystick. I don’t know exactly when, but definitely before the war, we met at my

neighbour’s. She knew how to start it, typing something like “c colon...” Her dad knew everything there was to know about computers. Afterwards she showed me everything. We spent mornings together while my parents were at work. I think it was much lighter, but it turned yellow from cigarette smoke. It didn’t have a big monitor. It was nice while it lasted, but it broke with Dynamite Dan. We couldn’t agree on who played when.


Sedmi razred osnovne škole, 1. sat informatike. Ja i 17 dečkića. Sjedam i tupo buljim u monitor. Iza leđa, nimalo diskretno,

jedan govori: “Što ona tu radi? Sigurno ne zna ni gdje se pali.” Grohotan smijeh odbije se od zidove učionice. Vruće. Crvenilo oblijeva. Al’ uspio curetak nekako pogodit’ gumb za paljenje. Opa, pa ona zna i tipkat... Plašljivo sam se upoznala s tom čudnovatom kutijom, a na kraju i prešišala dečkiće... hi-hi

Ana Topic My 7th grade of elementary school and my

first IT lesson. Me and 17 boys. I sat down and blankly stared at the monitor. Behind my back

one of the boys said, “What is this? She probably doesn’t even know where to start the computer.” Their loud laughter was bouncing off the classroom walls. It was hot and I started blushing. However, the girl somehow managed to strike the power switch. Wow, so she can type... I shyly got acquainted with the strange box, and finally outdid the boys... hi-hi


Božić 1984. par sati prije polnoćke. “Tata, je l’ mogu sad?” “Možeš...” Tako je počelo, s uključivanjem u struju, petljanjem oko TV-a

i traženjem prave frekvencije. Iznenada se na ekranu pojavila slika koja je dolazila iz malene smiješne kutijice s gumenim tipkama i svim duginom bojama – bio je to ZX Spectrum. Ni danas ne znam kako je brat prenio taj “stroj” preko granica od Njemačke do mene. No, skriti ga u auto vjerojatno nije bilo preteško. Prvih nekoliko dana nedostajao je kazetofon za učitavanje igrica pa sam satima utipkavao programe koje bih pokrenuo, a oni bi nestali gašenjem kompjutora. Znao sam tog Božića da sam zauvijek “zakvačen” za kompjutore, koji će mi kasnije biti posao i egzistencija. No, tada nisam znao da će zakvačen uskoro biti i cijeli svijet....

Zvonimir MikasekChristmas 1984, a couple of hours before

the Midnight Mass. “Dad, can I do it now?” “Yes, you can...” That’s how it started, with plugging

in, tampering around the TV and searching for the right frequency. Suddenly, an image appeared on the screen and it came from a funny little box with rubber keys and all the colours of the rainbow - it was the ZX Spectrum. Even today I don’t know how my brother carried this “machine” across the Germany border. However, hiding it in the car probably wasn’t too difficult. For the first few days the cassette player to load the game was missing so I spent hours uploading different programs which would disappear whenever I would shut down the computer. I realized that Christmas that I had gotten ‘’hooked’’ on computers which became crucial for my job and livelihood. But I knew little then that soon the whole world would be hooked on computers...


Nikolina Azenić Krstić

Ana Topić

Zvonimir Mikašek


Čaj se već ohladio, a iz kuhinje je dopirao miris pečenih jaja. Mama je dijelila sa mnom uzbuđenje zbog kompjutora koji su mi dan

prije kupili: ustali smo u cik zore. Vani je još bio mrak i svijetli me je monitor pekao za oči. Prstima drhtavim od ushita utipkao sam tri riječi, stavio iza njih kričavu crvenu podlogu, a zatim ih uvećao koliko sam mogao: MAMA, VOLIM TE.

Adnan Mekic The tea had already gotten cold, and the

smell of scrambled eggs was coming from the kitchen. My mum and I shared the excitement

of the computer my parents had gotten me the day before: we got up at dawn. It was still dark outside and the bright monitor burned my eyes. My fingers trembling with elation typed three words, I put behind them a screaming red background, and then I increased them as much as I could: MUM, I LOVE YOU.


Adnan Mekić

Rodio sam se uz računalo. Oko kuće su uvijek bili kabeli, kazetofoni, kazete u kutijama cipela, televizija stara koliko i moja familija,

pa to sve spojit’, odspojit’ i slično. Ručak i večera uz komodorca. Onda je došla neka generička 486-ica, koja je koštala kao tri naše kuće. Stari uzeo na kredit. Par dana kasnije, stara u buntu ode spavat’ na kauč. Onda on dođe do nje. Ona opsuje Corel Draw, pa se nećkaju, pa se pomire. Internet. Devedeset sedma. Naučilo se čitati, pisati, prvi razred osnovne položen. Netscape, na Win95, pokoj nek im bude. O Googleu ni’ko ništa. Yahoo je još bio u povojima. Biti više ode dvije minute na vezi značilo je astronomski račun. A takvi su uvijek i dolazili. Onda e-mail. Lotus Notes. “Connect”. Pet minuta muke. Vii-trrr-tršššš. Danas je to samo epitaf onom starome modemu i onoj gomili kabela u malom kutu naše stare kuće.

I was born with a computer. Around the house there were always cables, tape recorders, cassettes in shoe boxes, a TV set as old as my

family, it all needed to be connected, disconnected and the like. We had lunch and dinner with the Commodore. Then a generic 486 arrived and it cost as much as three of our houses. My father took a loan to buy it. A few days later, my mother angrily went to sleep on the couch. Then he came up to her. She was cursing Corel Draw, then they were reluctant, and then reconciled. The Internet. 1998. I learned to read, write, passed my first grade. Netscape, on Win95, rest in peace. No Google in sight. Yahoo was still a baby. Being over two minutes online meant astronomical bills. And they always were astronomical. Then e-mail arrived. Lotus Notes. “Connect”. Five minutes of effort. Vii-trrr-trssshhhhhhh. Today this is just an epitaph to the old modem and that maze of cables in a small corner of our old house.


Moj prvi komp bio je ZX Spectrum i nije imao ništa osim komandne linije. Bio je prištekan na TV i morao sam kucati kod da bi

on išta radio. Imao sam par knjiga o Basicu, a omiljeni su mi bili programi koji su iscrtavali različite crte i krivulje po ekranu. Sve je bilo super dok jednog dana nije pregorio ispravljač. A moja prva Toshiba stiga je s Amazona, bio je to prvi model s 17’’ displayom. Kupio sam dva komada. Tada takvih još nije bilo kod nas. Ventilator je malo glasan, ali još uvijek radi!

Bernard VukasMy first computer was ZX Spectrum and it

had nothing except the command line. It was connected to the TV and I had to enter a code

number in order to start it. I had a couple of books on BASIC and my favourite programs were the ones in which I could draw different lines and curves on the screen. Everything was great until one day the charger burned out. My first Toshiba arrived from Amazon, it was the first model with a 17’’ display. I bought two units. You couldn’t buy those computers in Croatia. The fan is a bit noisy, but it still works!


Bernard Vukas

Nikola Kalinic Kalinic Nikola Kalinić Kalinić


Ime mi je Satelit. Danas slavim 2. rodendan. Otkad znam za sebe, znam pisati. Mogu i pričati i pjevati, ali to ovisi o raspoloženju moje

vlasnice. Nekad se naljuti na mene, ali se uglavnom dobro slažemo. Kad sam je vidio prvi put oduševila se mojim okom, tj. kamerom. Nisam slutio da ćemo se družiti skoro svaki dan. Ponekad sam sam u uredu s drugim kompićima, a volim ići i kod nje doma. Super je što imam torbu u kojoj mogu putovati.

Vesna Stublija Jovovic My name is Satellite. Today I celebrate my

second birthday. I could write from the day I was born. I can also talk and sing, but it all depends

on the mood of my owner. Sometimes she gets angry with me, but generally we get along well. When we met for the first time, she was thrilled with my eye, or the camera. Not in my wildest dreams had I imagined we would hang out almost every day. Sometimes I’m in the office with my other buddies, and I like spending time at her place as well. It’s great I have a bag in which I can travel.


Prije 3 godine kupio sam Toshibin laptop, radio je savršeno dok se za mjesec dana nije pokvario, odnio sam ga na Toshibin servis,

gdje su se začudili što sam došao jer ja sam bio prvi koji je na garanciju donio laptop u 10 godina (to puno govori o kvaliteti Toshibe); naime, laptop je imao malu tvorničku grešku i u znak isprike darovali su mi puno bolji i skuplji Toshiba A210-19J Satellite! Jos uvijek radi besprijekorno!!!

Ivan Rohacek Three years ago I bought a Toshiba laptop. It

worked perfectly until it broke after a month. I took it to Toshiba service where they were surprised

to see me because I was the first who did that in 10 years (which says a lot about Toshiba quality). Namely, the laptop had a small factory malfunction and as an apology I was given a much better and more expensive Toshiba Satellite A210-19J! It still performs perfectly!


Ha ha..kupila sam napokon prvo računalo i napokon je došlo doma... u iščekivanju sam čekala da sve spojim i isprobam. Kako je bilo

jako kasno, ipak sam morala to ostaviti za ujutro... u međuvremenu sam se posvađala s bratom. I tako se ja ujutro budim i cijela puna poleta krećem za svoj radni stol da isprobam svoj kompić... kad ono nema miša...? Pretražim cijelu sobu pitajući se zašto uopće tražim jer sam prilično svjesna da je miš bio sinoć na stolu, ali nisam tila dovodit u pitanje svoju pamet još. Nakon duge i teške potrage... nazove me moj brat i pita me kako radi kompi? Slatko se smijući jer je on odnio miš sa sobom na posao kako bi mi se osvetio za svađu... :)

Kristina Glaurdic Ha-ha... I finally bought my first computer,

and it finally arrived home. I waited in anticipation to connect and try everything out. Since it was

really late I had to leave everything until the morning. In the meantime I had a fight with my brother. So there’s me, waking up in the morning, enthusiastically going to my desk to try out my new computer... but where’s the mouse? I searched the entire room asking myself why I was doing that since I was pretty sure that I ha left the mouse on the desk the night before. But I wasn’t ready to question my sanity quite yet... After a long and difficult quest my brother called me and asked how it worked. He was laughing because he had taken the mouse with him to work in order to get back at me for the argument... :)


Vesna Stublija Jovović

Ivan Rohaček

Kristina Glaurdić


Neću pisati o onome prvom, prvom susretu s računalom koji je bio nespretan baš poput prvoga koraka, nego o ovoj ljepotici na

mome stolu. Dobro, znam, računalo, kompjutor, laptop, prijenosnik... sve je to muškog roda, ali za mene je moj komp ONA! Ženstvena i prekrasna u svojoj zagasito-crvenoj boji... mojoj najdražoj! Sva elegantna i zavodljiva, moja prijateljica uz prvu jutarnju kavu. Podijelila sam s njom svaku svoju fotku, pjesmu, status, poveznicu, frenda... A kada se samo sjetim koliko sam bila tužna kada sam je od muža dobila na poklon! Nadala sam se crvenoj kožnoj torbi! Dobro, da... kajem se! ONA je ipak najbolji poklon ikad!

Ines Grabovac I won’t write about my very first encounter

with a computer that was awkward just like the first step, but about this beautiful girl on my

desk. Ok, I know – computer, laptop, notebook... these are all masculine gender nouns, but to me my computer is a SHE! Feminine and beautiful in its dark red colour... my favourite! Elegant and seductive, my friend accompanies me for my first cup of coffee in the morning. I shared my every photo, song, status, link, friend... with her. And to think I was sad when I got her from my husband as a gift! I was hoping for a red leather bag! Ok, yes... I’m sorry! SHE is still the best gift ever!


Ines Grabovac

Daleke ‘98. godine dogodio se moj prvi susret s kompjutorom Pentium III! Bila je to najjača mašina u selu, a bome i šire! E, kad se

sjetim gužve u sobi, samo da vide taj moćni stroj koji je mogao gotovo sve – od igranja igrica, gledanja filmova, interneta (doduše ne adsl-a, ali i modemski je bio kao munja u ono vrijeme).... I što da vam kažem, osim da citiram narodnu poslovnicu: “Prva ljubav nikad se ne zaboravlja!”

Branimir Runje Back in distant 1998, my first encounter

with a Pentium III computer occurred! It was the most powerful machine in the village and

beyond! Eh, when I remember the crowd in my room waiting to see the mighty machine that was able to do almost everything from playing games, watching movies, surfing (however, not through an ADSL modem, but I was like lightning at the time with the help of a basic modem connection).... What can I say except quote this famous saying: “You never forget your first love!”


Branimir Runje

“Moje prvo računalo” Susret moga sina i računala je od prvog dana bio vrlo pozitivan. Naravno, htio ga je potezati, lupati po njemu,

baš je volio piti vodu iznad njega i proliti po njemu... Nakon nekog vremena krenuo je gledati crtiće na njemu uz moju pomoć, naravno. Zatim je sam to sve naučio obavljati. Naučio je poći na internet, naći igricu koju želi (naravno bila je memorirana na ikonici stranica s igricama za dječicu) i uskoro mu je laptop postao najdraža igračka. Toliko draga da bi nakon gledanja crtića i igranja jednostavno zaspao uz nju. :D

Marina Rudinovic “My first computer” My son’s encounters

with computers were very positive from the first day. Of course, he liked pulling on it, banging

it, drinking water above it spilling it... After a while, he started watching cartoons on it, with my help, of course. Then he learned to do all of that by himself. He learned how to go online, find a game he wanted (of course, there was a link on the icon of pages with games for little children) and soon my laptop became his favourite toy. He liked it so much that after watching cartoons and playing he would just sleep with it. :D


Marina Rudinović


Moja prva Toshiba… ljetos smo imale susret i bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled, nadale smo se da ćemo se uskoro opet sresti, ovaj

put zauvijek… u dobrim i u lošim snimkama… u tužnim i sretnim trenucima. Čak i kad baterija ode pa-pa u ključnom trenutku, ali… ali… Toshibin tim imao je druge planove… i razdvojio nas. Otišla si... u neke druge sretne ruke... ipak, danas nam je opet svanulo, imamo novu nadu za susret. Do skorog viđenja, Camileo Toshibice, voljet ću te, maziti i paziti. :)

Lidija Leona Shashek My first Toshiba... we met this summer and

it was love at first sight . We hoped we will meet again soon, this time forever... in good and bad

pictures, sad and happy moments, even when the battery goes out at a crucial moment, but... Toshiba team had different plans and divided us... You left into someone else’s lucky hands. However, today there is a new chance of meeting again. See you soon, Camileo Toshiba, I will love you, cuddle you and watch over you. :)


Prvi susret s računalom?! Čekajte, treba mi novo računalo da “izguglam” godinu. Bilo je to...., mislim, ´89. ili ´90. godine. Sestrična,

iz fine familije, dobila je Commodore 64! Ajme, kad se sjetim onog veselja, kad bi ga krenula ukopčavat’ i razmatati sve one kabele! Nisam mogla dočekati da se maknu ona brza slova, meni nerazumljiva, na ekranu i da krenem s igrom! Helikopter! Samo ideš lijevo-desno, spustiš se, pokupiš vojnike i vratiš ih u bazu. Ludilo! :P Mogla sam tako unedogled. A onda sam jednoga lijepog dana, upoznala ugodnog dečka. Imao je svoj kompjutor, s WINDOWSIMA! I dao mi je da igram pasijans... I postao je moj muž... I još uvijek živimo sretno zajedno, svaki sa svojim računalom. :)

Romana Jakopec My first encounter with a computer?! Wait, I

need a new computer to “google” the year. I think it was... ‘89 or ‘90. A cousin of mine, from a fine

family, got a Commodore 64! Oh, I remember the joy when we would plug it in and lay out all those cables! I couldn’t wait for those quick, and rather incomprehensible, letters to go away so I could start playing! A helicopter! Just go to the left and right, go down, pick up soldiers and return them to the base. It was crazy :P I could do that forever. And then, one fine day, I met a nice guy. He had his own computer, with WINDOWS OS! And he let me play solitaire... And he became my husband. We still live happily together, each with our own computer. :)


Lidija Leona Shashek

Romana Jakopec

Moje prvo računalo, samo kad se sjetim… Kada sam krenula u srednju školu, moji su odlučili kupiti računalo, prvi put. Sestra je bila

još malena i bio joj je dovoljan Paint; roditelji se nisu odvajali od Solitairea, a ja sam glumila pametnu curu jer sam pohađala informatiku. Mislila sam da nakon 2 sata već znam sve pa sam uspješno obrisala antivirus, a drugi nisam postavila kako treba pa sam obrisala neke bitne programe i na kraju pokupila virus. Tada sam željela da moje računalo ozdravi pa sam umjesto virusa obrisala neki dodatak Windowsima i tako računalu umjesto ozdravljenju donijela smrt. Jednostavno se ugasio, ali nije mu mir dugo potrajao jer je već drugi dan stigao pravi doktor i popravio sve.

Anita Bacurin, ex Drvodelic My first computer, let me remember. When I

started going to high school, my parents decided to buy a computer for the first time. My sister

was still very young and Paint was all she needed, while my parents couldn’t get away from Solitaire. I pretended to be a smart girl, because I attended IT at school. I thought that after 2 hours I already knew everything, so I successfully erased the antivirus program and I didn’t set a new one properly, so I erased some important applications and eventually picked up a virus. I wanted my computer to get better, so instead of the virus, I erased a Windows application and so brought death to my computer instead of healing. It simply shut down, but piece and quiet didn’t last long, because next day a real doctor came and fixed everything.


Anita Baćurin ex Drvodelić


Moj prvi susret s računalom bio je nevjerojatan, ali računalo me nije iznenadilo svojim softwareom, nego svojom veličinom.

Dok je moj susjed imao najnoviji Windows 98, ja sam još muke trpio s Windows 95. :( Tada sam mislio da ja to nikada neću imati: u dvije godine promijenio sam 2 računala, ali su oba bila stara, bijela i, da se tako izrazim, “debela” – bljak. Ali onda, nakon nekog vremena (jedno 3 godine ), dobio sam novo računalo. (kompjutor :D), a moj prijatelj je još uvijek imao stari, tako sam se uspeo od debeloga starog do predivnoga novog računala, ali i dalje volim gadgete, teblete i sl.. Zato baš mislim da bi’ meni trebali dati Toshiba Folio 100. Molim vas, jer ako ga ne dobijem, razbit ću računalo, a onda će susjed opet biti na vrhu. :DD

Ivan Drzaic My first encounter with computers was

incredible, although the computer didn’t surprise my with its software, but with its size.

My neighbour had the latest Windows 98 while I was still having trouble with Windows 95 :(. Back then I thought I’d never have something like that because in two years I had 2 computers that were old, white, and so to speak, “fat” -- yuck! But then, after a while, (about 3 years ) I got a new computer. My friend still had the old one. That was the way I had to go from the large old beautiful computer to the new one. However, I still love gadgets, tablets etc. and that’s why I think you should give Toshiba 100 folio to me. Please, because if I don’t get it, I’ll break my computer, and then the neighbour will be ahead of me again :DD


Ivan Držaić

Moj prvi susret zbio se prije par mjeseci. Sutra ću napuniti 51 godinu i da, do prije par mjeseci nisam ni razmišljala o laptopu i

kompjutoru, ma koliko to drugima bilo čudno. Mislila sam da je to nepotrebna stvar, sve dok me jedan dan kći nije iznenadila. Laptop Toshiba koji sam ja njoj kupila odlučila je dati meni kad me vidjela da se preko maloga mobilnog ekrana svaki dan spajam na internet i provjeravam koje su mi nove nagradne igre počele. No upravljanje laptopom i mobilnim telefonom nije mi bilo nimalo slično. Ništa mi nije bilo jasno. Još uvijek se navikavam na veliki zaslon, bezbroj tipki i mali kvadrat, osjetljiv na dodir. No svaki dan se trudim i polako, ali sigurno napredujem.

Branka Kulas My first encounter happened a few months

ago. Tomorrow I will be 51 and, until a few months ago, I never thought about a laptop or

a computer no matter how odd that seamed to others. I thought it was unnecessary until one day my daughter surprised me. She decided to give me the Toshiba laptop I had bought for her when she saw me connecting to the Internet through a small mobile screen every day to check what new sweepstakes are open. But managing laptop and a mobile phone wasn’t at all similar. Nothing was clear to me. I’m still try to get accustomed to the big screen, a myriad of buttons and the small touchpad. But I try every day and I am slowly, but surely, making progress.


Branka Kulaš

C64 8-bitni “debeljko”… dizanje u 6:30 h, roditelji na posao u 7:10 h, pojedem griz, 7:30 derem se s parkinga frendu u zgradu prek’

puta da dođe ODMAAAAH, dolazi, igra počinje u 8 h... IKARI WARIORS… dva igrača must have, transformator pred zapaljenje, oči ispale k’o sarme, joystick u teškom karambolu, jaja i pomfirt s kečapom u pauzi, šrafciger za štelanje glave tik uz kazić, za ne dao bog da zašteka... Ak’ netko zove, zaboravi – nema me doma… u školu stižemo 5 do 2, a u glavi zešća livada....

Damir Terzic C64 8-bit fat guy... getting up at 6.30, parents

go to work at 7.10, I eat my grits. At 7.30 I’m at a parking lot, yelling to my friend in the building

across the street to come RIIIIGHTTT AWAAAAAAYYY, the game begins at 8 am... IKARI WARRIORS: two players, a must-have, before the ignition transformer, the eyes swollen up like cabbage rolls, the joystick seriously damaged, a break for eggs and french fries with ketchup, a screwdriver to fix the head next to the cassette player, just in case... If someone calls, say I’m not home. We get to school 5 to 2, and in our heads emptiness...


Damjan Terzić




Η πρώτη φορά που ήρθα σε επαφή με υπολογιστή ήταν πριν 8 χρόνια όταν μπήκα στην σχολή μου, όπου είχα εργαστηριακό

μάθημα εφαρμογης Η/Υ. Εγώ δεν είχα ιδέα από υπολογιστές, για καλή μου τύχη όμως δίπλα μου καθόταν ένας συμφοιτητής μου που ήταν άριστος στην χρήση Η/Υ. Με βοήθησε αρκετά ώστε να ξεπεράσω τον φόβο μου διότι είχαμε μια πολύ αυστηρή καθηγήτρια που δεν μπορούσε να διανοηθεί ότι υπήρχε άνθρωπος που να μην ξέρει από που ανοίγει ένας υπολογιστής. Στην συνέχεια απέκτησα το δικό μου PC και τους είμαι τρομερά ευγνώμων γιατί ήταν η αιτία και η αφορμή να περάσω όλα τα σχετικά μαθήματα με άριστους βαθμούς..Στην συνέχεια μετά από τρία χρόνια ο υπολογιστής μου χάλασε και έπρεπε να επισκευαστεί γιατί είχα να ολοκληρώσω την πτυχιακή. Τέλος αφού πήρα το πτυχίο μου ο μεγάλος μου αδελφός μου έκανε δώρο ένα laptop,το οποίο μου τον θυμίζει διαρκώς επειδή βρίσκομαι αρκετά χιλιόμετρα μακρυά από την οικογένεια και για αυτόν τον λόγο νιώθω ότι το laptop μου είναι ένα κομμάτι από την οικογένεια μου και το αγαπώ και το φροντίζω πολύ, είναι η παρέα μου και είμαι ιδιαίτερα δεμένη για όλους τους παραπάνω λόγους!!!!!!!!!

Anastasia KoumouraThe first time I came into contact with a

computer was 8 years ago when I entered University, where I had a class of PC usage.

Personally, I had no idea of computers but on my luck I sat next to a classmate of mine who was excellent in the use of computers. He helped enough to get over my fear because I had a very strict teacher who could not imagine that there was a person who did know how to turn on a computer. Then, I acquired my own PC and I am extremely grateful that it was the cause and occasion to pass on all courses with excellent grades. After three years the computer I broke down and had to be repaired because I had to finish the thesis. Finally after I got my degree my big brother gifted me a laptop, which reminds me of him constantly because I am many miles away from the family. For this reason I feel that my laptop is a piece of my family and I love and care much about it, it is my company and I am very attached to it for all the above reasons !!!!!!!!!


Η πρώτη μου επαφή με υπολογιστή ήταν στα 13 μου , όταν ο πατέρας μου έφερε έναν Intel-κάτι σπίτι στα 333MhZ και με Windows

98 τα θρυλικά Windows με τις άπειρες μπλε οθόνες σφαλμάτων….!

Οι πρώτες μου συναναστροφές με αυτό το (περίεργο για μένα τότε) μηχάνημα ήταν τραγικές (λόγω έλλειψης γνώσεων , ηλικίας και υπανάπτυξης του ίντερνετ εκείνη την εποχή).

Θυμάμαι μια φορά χαρακτηριστικά , είχα κάνει μια απότομη κίνηση με το ποντίκι και είχα μεταφέρει την μπάρα της «Έναρξης» στο δεξί μέρος της οθόνης (κάθετα)! Αυτό ήταν! Φοβήθηκα , τον έκλεισα από το ρεύμα (παρακαλώ!) και έφυγα στο δωμάτιο μου κλαίγοντας νομίζοντας ότι είχα προξενήσει ανεπανόρθωτη ζημιά!

Αργότερα , πολύ αργότερα , όταν πια εξοικειώθηκα, ο ίδιος υπολογιστής ήταν και αυτός που έμαθα να κάνω format … Έβλεπα να το κάνουν άλλοι και έλεγα δεν μπορεί να είναι δύσκολο θα μάθω κι εγώ! Και μάλιστα ήθελα και multi-boot! Μετά από κάμποσες προσπάθειες και επανεγκαταστάσεις των Windows είχα γίνει expert! Βέβαια μου πήρε όλες μου τις Χριστουγεννιάτικες διακοπές και 1 καμμένο σκληρό!

Ίσως όλα αυτά να ήταν και οι λόγοι που τώρα ασχολούμαι επαγγελματικά με τους Η/Υ και σπουδάζω και Πληροφορική!

George Sotiriou My first contact with a computer was when

I was 13 when my father brought an Intel-something home to 333MhZ Windows 98 with

the legendary Windows on the infinite blue screen errors ....!

My first encounters with this (strange to me then) machine was terrible (for lack of knowledge of age and under-development of the internet that time).

I remember that one time I made a quick move with the mouse and carried the “Start” bar on the right side of the screen (vertically)! That’s it! I was scared, unplugged it and went to my room crying thinking I had caused irreparable damage!

Later, much later (once I became familiar with it) the same computer was the one that I learned to format ... I could see others doing it and I said to myself that it can be difficult to know too! And even like multi-boot! After quite a few attempts and reinstalling Windows I had become expert! Of course it took me all my Christmas holidays and 1 destroyed hard disk!

Maybe all the above reasons made me deal professionally with PCs now and studying Informatics as well!



Μια φόρα και ένα καιρό ζούσε μια κοπέλα πάνω σ’ένα παγωμένο βουνό. Μακριά από γνωστούς και φίλους. Έπαιρνε τηλέφωνα

να μιλήσει με την πατρίδα της αλλά η άκαρδες εταιρίες την έκοβαν στη μέση της λέξης! Έτσι όταν ήρθε πια καλοκαίρι, έλιωσαν τα χιόνια και έκλεισαν οι σχολές, ξεκίνησε το μακρύ ταξίδι στον κόσμο της αναζήτησης. Eίχε αποφασίσει ότι ήθελε laptop για να μπορεί να πηγαινοφέρνει και να μπορεί εύκολα να επικοινωνεί με όλον τον κόσμο. Αλλά και πάλι οι επιλογές. Ώσπου μια μέρα που είχε βγει μπρος πάλι προς αναζήτηση της γυάλισε ένα satellite. Αυτό είναι αναφώνησε! Τελικά το απέκτησε και είναι από τότε δύο καλοί φίλοι. Έχει περάσει και τι δεν έχει περάσει το καημένο αλλά ακόμα αντέχει. Έφυγε από τα κρύα γύρισε στη ζέστη και περιμένει στωικά την ώρα που θα αποσυρθεί σε μια γωνία και θα αναλάβει μόνο την ευθύνη του ebook reader.Μέχρι τότε θα με βοηθάει να παίρνω μέρος σε διαγωνισμούς.

Vivi SeretiOnce upon a time there was a girl who

lived in a frozen mountain. Away from friends and mates. She called to her homeland, but

the heartless telecom companies cut her speech in the middle of the word! So when it came to longer summer, the snow melted and University Courses stopped, the long journey into the world of search began. She had decided she wanted a laptop to be able to carry with and easily keep in touch with the world. Again the options were plenty. Until that day she saw a Satellite. “This is it” she exclaimed! She eventually acquired it and since then they are two good friends. The poor laptop has passed through difficult situations but it is still resisting! It left the cold and returned to warmer climate and is waited patiently for the time to withdraw into a corner and take only the responsibility of ebook reader. Until then it helps me participate in competitions.





Sotiris TourtounisMY 1ST CONTACT WITH A PC WAS




Τέλη του δημοτικού τέλη του 90 περίπου, ξεκινάνε μαθήματα για υπολογιστές στο σχολειό, ζητώ από την μάνα μου να συμμετέχω

και μου απαντάει “μια τρέλα της εποχής είναι σιγά μην πιάσουν οι υπολογιστές”. Επόμενη χρονιά γυμνάσιο. Δισκέτα εκκίνησης δεδομένη. Πρώτη στην τάξη στο dos. Ένα χρόνο μετά. Windows 3.1 Πειράζω το μέγεθος των περιγραμμάτων στα παράθυρα και καταλήγω με όλη την ασπρόμαυρη οθόνη να είναι μόνο το περίγραμμα. Άντε να κάνεις τότε φορμάτ.

Katerina KepenekouLate 90’s, the computers courses are

starting at school. I asked my mother’s permission to take part and she said “

computers are a little madness of the era and it will not last long”. Next year high school. Startup disk given. Best student of the class in dos. One year after. Windows 3.1 I tease the size of the outlines on the windows and CAME with the black screen being the outline. Not easy to format then.



Ο πρώτος μου υπολογιστής μου ήρθε πριν 5 χρόνια… Ήμουν στο χωριό Φεβρουάριος και περίμενα τον πατερά μου να τον φέρει από

την πόλη μιας και είναι 1 ώρα μακριά… Ενώ περίμενα με παίρνει Τηλ και μου λέει πως θα αργήσει λίγο παραπάνω επειδή χιόνιζε και ο δρόμος ήταν κλειστός..Για να μην πολυλογώ μετά από 3 ώρες έφτασε σπίτι με τον υπολογιστή. Μόλις πάω να ανοίξω το κουτί του έπεσε το ρεύμα λογά του χιονιού… Αφού έστησα κανονικά μέσα στο σκοτάδι τον υπολογιστή μετά από 4 ώρες επανήλθε το ρεύμα και τότε ήμουν έτοιμος να πατήσω το κουμπί εκκίνησης των windows xp! μετά από 5 χρόνια από αυτόν σας γραφώ και τώρα έχει πλέον windows 7 – αθάνατος!

Stathis TsanakasMy first computer came 5 years ago ... I

was in my village in February, expecting my father to bring him from the city as it is 1 hour

away ... while waiting, he called me saying it will take a little longer because it was snowing and the roads were closed .. In a few words, after 3 hours he came home with the computer. When I opened the box, we didn’t have electricity as a result of snow ... After setting up normally in the dark the computer( after 4 hours), we had electricity again and then I was ready to press the start button in windows xp! After 5 years with it, I now write you in windows 7 - Immortal!


Μου άρεσαν πάντα τα ηλεκτρονικά. Θυμάμαι που περνούσαμε ώρες ατελείωτες με την οικογένεια μου μπροστά στη

τηλεόραση και παίζαμε όλοι μαζί. Πάντα από μικρός ήθελα να έχω το καλύτερο ηλεκτρονικό στην αγορά. Θυμάμαι είχα πάει γυμνάσιο τότε και όταν επέστρεψα από το σχολειό με περίμενε μια εκπληξη,ενας ωραίος γρήγορος για την εποχή του επιτραπέζιος υπολογιστής για τα γενέθλια μου μαζί με σύνδεση ιντερνέτ(56Κ) και ένα ροζ τηλέφωνο(τώρα γιατί μου είχαν πάρει ροζ δεν κατάλαβα αλλά λένε ήταν το πιο φθηνό και βιαζόταν).Θυμάμαι το είχα ανοίξει δεν θυμάμαι τον λόγο και μου είχε πέσει κατά λάθος μια βίζα όπως την έβαζα πάνω στην μητρική, πού να το ήξερα ο καημένος? Τελικά ήλθε ο τεχνικός πάλι και μου την άλλαξε αλλά εγώ δεν έπαψα να πειραματίζομαι.Αλλαξα τεχνικό γιατί δεν συμφέρω και μου το έκανε format ένας θείος φίλου μου. Άρχισα να μαθαίνω και είχαν σπάσει τα νευρά μου να καλώ τον τεχνικό συνεχεία και να αποχωρίζομαι τον υπολογιστή μου και είπα να τον φτιάξω μονός μου. Στο τέλος τα είχα καταφέρει, είχα βαλει τα Windows 98se και αργοτερα είχα καταλάβει ότι ο τεχνικός μου άλλαζε εξαρτήματα με άλλα χωρίς λόγο!!!!!! Αργότερα με κόπο ειχα μάθει να κάνω δικές μου σελίδες, προγραμματάκια, παιχνίδια και σιγά έφτασα σε αυτό που είμαι, δηλαδή το παιδί για όλες τις δουλειές στα ηλεκτρονικά για την οικογένεια μου και όχι μόνο. Οτιδήποτε ηλεκτρονικό θέλουν να αγοράσουν φίλοι,οικογένεια,παρέες με παίρνουν τηλέφωνο για να ρωτήσουν την γνώμη μου ή ακόμη και να τους στήσω εγώ ή διορθώσω τον υπολογιστή τους. Επίσης σπουδάζω προγραμματιστής, δουλεύω κατά καιρούς ως τεχνικός και ακόμη αρέσει να ασχολούμαι που και που με καινούργια πράγματα.Και κάτι τελευταιο,δυστυχως δεν μου έχει φύγει η μανία με τα gadgetakia γιαυτο και διαβάζω techblog καθημερινά:).

Marios BasileiouΙ always liked electronics. I remember

we spent endless hours with my family in front of the TV and play together. Ever since

childhood I wanted to have the best electronics. I went to high school and once I returned from school a surprise came across, a nice (fast for that time) PC for my birthday along with Internet connection (56K) and a Pink phone (now why I was getting pink I did not understand but my parents said it was the most inexpensive and they were on a harry!). I do not remember why but a visa fell in it by mistake and burned the motherboard (Poor me!). The technician finally came again and changed it but I did not stop experimenting. I changed technician because I couldn’t afford it and a friend’s uncle made the format. I started to learn since I was angry when I had to call technical support and miss my computer for a while. Finally I managed to put the Windows 98se and later I understood that the technician changed the parts with worst ones for no reason !!!!!! Painfully I had also learned to make my own pages, scripts, games and became the first technical aid for my family and others .If they want to buy something, they ask my opinion first or even ask me to set up or fix their own computer. I am also studying Informatics, working occasionally as a technician and still like to deal with new things. And one last thing, unfortunately I have not overcome my lust for gadgets. This is why I read techblog every day:).



Λοιπόν η επαφή μου με τον πρώτο υπολογιστή είναι αμυδρά αποτυπωμένη στο μυαλό μου.

ήμουν 6-7 χρόνων και είχαμε έναν amstrad με κάτι τεράστιες δισκέτες και οθόνη πράσινη…χωρίς χρώματα! το λειτουργικό θαρρώ πως ήταν DOS ..το μόνο που κάναμε εγώ κη αδερφή μου είναι να παίζουμε ένα παιχνίδι που ήταν φορτωμένο στην δισκέτα..τύπου pac-man ….ήταν μεγάλη η ευτυχία μας τότε.Ακόμα τον έχουμε στην αποθήκη καθαρά για συναισθηματική αξία κ να θυμόμαστε εμείς κ τα παιδιά μας από που ξεκίνησε όλος αυτός ο τεχνολογικός μαραθώνιος…για να φτάσουμε να κάνουμε τα πάντα με ένα laptop.

Giorgos PeppasI hardly remember my contact with the first

computer.I was 6-7 years old and had an amstrad

with huge disks and green screen ... no colors! Operating system was-I guess- DOS .. my sister and I were playing a game that was loaded on the disk .. type pac-man .... It was a great happiness for us then . We still have it i purely for sentimental value, just for us and our children to remember how all this technology marathon started… until having everything done with a laptop…


Χμμμ η ιστορία μου…Ήτανε καλοκαίρι… χαχαχα όχι ας

ξεκινήσουμε αλλιώς!Το 1996 όπου και ήμουν 7 χρόνων μου πήραν οι

γονείς μου τον πρώτο μου Desktop pc!Εκεί ξεκίνησαν όλα! Μπήκε μέσα μου αυτό λοιπόν το

«μικρόβιο»!!Σε αυτό το σημείο θα ήθελα να αναφέρω ότι είχα και

την μεγάλη υποστήριξη του θείου μου (Νεκτάριος στο όνομα!), όπου ήταν και είναι ένας μάστερ στα PC!

Τα πράγματα όμως να πω σε αυτό το σημείο δεν ήταν και τόσο απλά! Γκρέμιζα κάθε μέρα τα Windows, χάλαγα καθημερινά το PC για τον μοναδικό και απλό λόγο ότι πειραματιζόμουν και δοκίμαζα νέα πράγματα…(όλα τότε τα τράβηξε ο Νεκτάριος )

Αυτό με έφερε στην ηλικία των 8-9 χρόνων όπου και κατάφερα να λύσω και να δέσω το pc μου! Από τότε δεν σταμάτησα πουθενά… κάθε μέρα με τράβαγε και περισσότερο να συνεχίσω να ασχολούμαι με τους Η/Υ!!

Στην ηλικία που βρίσκομαι τώρα κατάλαβα ότι έπρεπε να γίνουν κάποια πράγματα ώστε να μάθω στην πορεία κάποια άλλα και κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο να με κάνουν και εμένα εξίσου «καλό» στην δουλειά μου και σε αυτό που αγαπώ τόσο (κάνοντας το και επάγγελμα αυτήν την στιγμή) τα PC!!

Nikolas KyriakouHmmm ... my storyIt was summer ... hahaha no, let’s start

another way!In 1996, when I was 7 years old, my parents got me

my first Desktop pc!There it all began! It got inside me this ‘bug’!At this point I would like to mention that I had the

great support of my uncle (Nectarios is his name!), who was and still is a PC master!

But things to say at this point were not so simple! I destroyed Windows everyday and damaged the PC for the sole and simple reason of experimenting and trying new things ... (poor Nektarios was suffering all these)

That brought me at age of 8-9 years where I managed to set from the beginning my pc! Since then I did not stop anywhere ... every day I wanted to work more on my PC!

Now I realized some things were made to happen to learn along the way and make me as ‘good’ in my work which I love so much(I am doing this job right now ), Computing!!


Το 1984, σε νησί των Κυκλάδων, υπήρχαν δύο τρελοί: εγώ (8 ετών) κ ο πατέρας μου. Είχαμε ένα Spectrum (λαστιχένιο πληκτρολόγιο)! Γράφαμε

προγράμματα, παίζαμε. Έκτοτε έχω δουλέψει με κάθε γενιά υπολογιστών και είμαι πολύ ευγνώμων!

Maria SpiliotopoulouIn 1984, in an island of the Cyclades, there

were two crazy: Me (8 years old) and my father. We had a Spectrum (rubber keyboard)!

We wrote programs and played. Since then I have worked with each generation of computers and I am very grateful.



Στα 25 μου , σ’ ένα χωριό, με 1 παιδί……….

Εγκλωβισμένη , στο ανήσυχο μυαλό μου….

Πολλά ήθελα να κάνω...… τίποτα δεν μπορούσα.......Τότε ήταν που έπεσε , σαν κομήτης φλεγόμενος στα

χέρια μου ένας υπολογιστής !!!Πρωτόγονος για τα σημερινά δεδομένα………Ο

καλός φίλος, με πολύ μεράκι , προσπάθησε να μου μάθει τη γλώσσα του…….. τη BASSICK { ? }………..κι άνοιξε για μένα ένας άλλος κόσμος…!

Υπέροχος !Δημιουργικός…!Κι ύστερα ήρθαν τα….Access …..κ.λ.π., μέχρι το

Ίντερνετ, οι υπολογιστές που περνούσαν απ’ τα χέρια μου, ξεκλείδωναν για μένα αμπάρια εφτασφράγιστα, γνώσης κι επαφής…………….

Μέχρι να μου χαρίσουν το Ιντερνετ!Το κορυφαίο δώρο της τεχνολογίας……….!Μπορεί τώρα να με λένε εξαρτημένη……… μετά από

19 χρόνια προσωπικής κι όχι επαγγελματικής χρήσης υπολογιστή, αλλά για μένα είναι μια εξάρτηση επιλογής, που μ’ έβγαλε από την προσωπική μου απομόνωση, που ήταν το καλύτερο εργαλείο για την πνευματική ανάπτυξη των 4 παιδιών μου, που μ’ έκανε ν’ αναπτύξω δημιουργικές ικανότητες κρυμμένες….{ επαγγελματικές δραστηριότητες, συγγραφικές ικανότητες κ.α.πλ. }καθημερινή εξυπηρέτηση από το χώρο μου και το πιο όμορφο……… μια μεγάλη παγκόσμια σχέση….!!!!!!

Ο υπολογιστής ήταν δώρο ζωής για μένα….

Katerina Theochari25 years old, in a village, with 1 child ... Cramped, uncomfortable in my mind ....Many wanted to do ... ... ... nothing could .

That’s when it fell in my hands, flaming like a comet, a computer!Primitive for today ... ... ... A good friend with great taste, tried to teach me the language ... ... .. the BASSICK {? } ... ... ... .. And I entered another world ...!Wonderful!Creative ...!And then came the .... Access ... .. etc, until the Internet, computers went from my hands, unlock secrets, knowledge and contacts for me Until I discovered the Internet!The ultimate gift of technology ... ... ....!They say I am addicted now ... ... ... after 19 years of personal, not professional, computer use, for me it is an outfit of choice, which took me from my isolation and was the best tool for developing the minds of my 4 children, made me find hidden creative skills .... {professional activities, literary skills k.a.pl. }It has been a daily service in my house and the most beautiful ... ... ... a major global relationship ... .!!!!!!The computer was a gift of life for me ....


Ήταν περίπου 8 χρόνια πριν. Ήμουν 6-7 χρονών. Τότε καλά καλά δεν ήξερα τι σημαίνει υπολογιστής!!! Ξαφνικά μια μέρα πήγαμε να

κοιτάξουμε για υπολογιστή για τον μεγάλο μου αδερφό. Και πάλι δεν έδωσα σημασία. Απλά δεν καταλάβαινα την σημασία του πράγματος. Μην με ρωτήσετε γιατί θα σας γελάσω… Ύστερα από μερικές μέρες έφτασε και ο υπολογιστής σπίτι. Ο αδερφός μου που ήξερε τον συνέδεσε. Τον ανοίξαμε εγκαταστήσαμε τους drivers και τα σχετικά, αλλά παρόλα αυτά δεν μου κινούσε τίποτα το ενδιαφέρον. Ύστερα από 1-2 μέρες με άφησαν και εμένα να κάτσω να τον κοιτάξω, να τον μάθω. Θυμάμαι με τι ενδιαφέρον πήγαινα στον «Τοπικό Δίσκο» και άνοιγα έναν- έναν τους φακέλους. Έτσι χωρίς κάποιο σκοπό. Μετά από λίγο καιρό άρχισαν να έρχονται και τα πρώτα παιχνίδια, με κορυφαίο το Worms World Party. Μετά από μερικά χρόνια που βάλαμε και ίντερνετ έγινα και εγώ «φυσιολογικό παιδί». Καθόμουν με τις ώρες και έπαιζα, έψαχνα, και γενικώς ανακάλυπτα. Αυτός ο υπολογιστής υπηρέτησε 6 ολόκληρα χρόνια και ακόμα δουλεύει αλλά οι ανάγκες της εποχής μας προστάζουν για αλλαγή. Αν θυμάμαι καλά είχε CPU Intel Celeron 2.4GHz και RAM 1 ή 2GB. Ωραίες εποχές….

Alkis KordasIt was about 8 years ago. I was 6-7 years

old. I did not know what the computer was! Suddenly one day we went to look for a

computer for my big brother. Again it did not matter. I just did not understand the importance of the thing. Do not ask me why because you will laugh ... After a few days, the computer came home. My brother, who knew, connected it. We turned it on, installed the drivers and the related staff, but nevertheless I do not find anything interesting. After 1-2 days, they let me look at it and learn it. I remember that I was interested in “Local Disk” and opening folders one to one. Just like that, without a purpose. After a while, the first games began. The leading one was the Worms World Party. After a few years, we had internet connection and I became a “normal kid”. I sat for hours playing, looking, and generally discovering. This computer is 6 years old and still working but the needs of our time are asking for a change. If I remember correctly, it has CPU Intel Celeron 2.4GHz and RAM 1 or 2GB. Beautiful times ....



Στην αποθήκη του σπιτιού μου, μέσα σε ένα ασυνήθιστα μεγάλο κουτί είναι καλά φυλαγμένες οι αναμνήσεις μιας εποχής, στην οποία θα

έκανα το πρώτο βήμα στην μετέπειτα επαγγελματική μου σταδιοδρομία, στον χώρο της πληροφορικής.

«Έναρξη».Απόγευμα του 1996. Έχω βάλει τα καλά μου και μαζί

με τους γονείς μου και την αδερφή μου, περιμένουμε την παράδοση του πρώτου μας υπολογιστή. Ακόμα θυμάμαι το πόσο αγωνιούσα να ολοκληρωθεί η ατελείωτη συζήτηση των γονιών μου, με τον τεχνικό, για να δω τον υπολογιστή, συνδεδεμένο και τοποθετημένο πάνω στο γραφείο.

Τα χαρακτηριστικά του για ‘μενα τότε δεν έπαιζαν ιδιαίτερο ρόλο, αφού δεν μπορούσα καλά-καλά να καταλάβω όλες αυτές τις περίεργες λέξεις που αράδιαζε ο τεχνικός. Μου αρκεί που όταν έφυγε, πήγα μπροστά στον υπολογιστή, πάτησα το κουμπί της τροφοδοσίας και σαν ταινία επιστημονικής φαντασίας, τα φωτάκια που ήταν πάνω στον κατά παραγγελία πύργο άναψαν, τα εξαρτήματα του άρχισαν να συνεργάζονται βγάζοντας παράξενους ήχους, και στη οθόνη εμφανίστηκε ένα γαλαζοπράσινο φόντο. Windows 95.

Η αρχή. Κάθε του πρόγραμμα και μια ανάμνηση, κάθε μου «σφάλμα» και ένα μάθημα, κάθε του ήχος και ένα ταξίδι στο παρελθόν.

Έτσι, τα σχολικά χρόνια πέρασαν… Windows 95+, Windows ’98, Windows 2000 και ήρθαν τα φοιτητικά, με νέα προγράμματα, εργασίες και περισσότερες απαιτήσεις. Ήξερα πως δεν θα ήμασταν συνοδοιπόροι στο ταξίδι στη χώρα της πληροφορίας για πολύ ακόμα.

Σήμερα άνοιξα το κουτί στην αποθήκη και μέσα βρήκα μια απόδειξη…motherboard Intel Triton VTech 512 Cache, Simm 16MB, κάρτα γραφικών VGA Diamond 2MB, σκληρός δίσκος 1,6GB, Toshiba CD-Rom, Κάρτα ήχου Soundblaster, modem-fax supra express, οθόνη Eizo 15’ CRT, ηχεία Wavemaster 60Watt και εκτυπωτής Epson stylus color 500. Αυτός ήταν ο πρώτος μου υπολογιστής.

Απόγευμα του 2004. Τέλος διαδρομής.«Τώρα μπορείτε να σβήσετε τον υπολογιστή σας με


Vasiliki PsaropoulouIn the warehouse of my house, in an

unusually large box are closely guarded memories of an era in which I made the first

step in my future professional career in the IT area.Start.Afternoon 1996. I was with my parents and my sister,

clad in nice clothes and waiting for the delivery of our first computer. I still remember how anxious I was during the endless debate of my parents with the technical support stuff and until seeing the computer, plugged in and placed on his desk.

The features were not important to e, because I could barely understand all those strange words that the technician said. When he left, I went in front of the computer, pressed the power button as a science fiction movie, the lights were on the tower were lit in order, the parts began to work pulling strange sounds, and in the screen appeared a blue-green background . Windows 95.

The beginning. Each program a memory, each of my “mistakes” a lesson, every sound a trip to the past.

So the school years passed ... Windows 95, Windows ‘98, Windows 2000 and then came the University years with new programs, assignments and more demands. I knew that we would not be companions on the trip to the country of information for much longer.

Today I opened the box inside the store and found a receipt ... motherboard Intel Triton VTech 512 Cache, Simm 16MB, graphics card VGA Diamond 2MB, HDD 1,6 GB, Toshiba CD-Rom, Sound Card Soundblaster, modem-fax supra express, screen Eizo 15 ‘CRT, Wavemaster 60Watt speakers and printer Epson stylus color 500. This was my first computer.

Afternoon 2004. End of the road.“Now you can turn off your computer safely.


Ο πρώτος μου υπολογιστής δημιουργήθηκε πριν από 5 χρονάκια. Από τότε είχα πάθος με αυτούς και έτσι έφτιαξα ένα μόνος μου. Οικονομικά

δεν είχα πολλά περιθώρια αλλά αγόρασα ότι πίστευα καλύτερο στην δυνατή τιμή (διπύρηνος επεξεργαστής!!!) .Όπως φάνηκε δεν ήταν αρκετά καλός συνδιασμός των κομματιών, γιατί στα 2 χρονάκια... μου έβγαζε μπόλικα προβλήματα. Όμως τον αγαπούσα, γιατί ήταν δημιούργημά μου. Αρχικά με Windows, έπειτα είπα να καινοτομήσω δοκιμάζοντας linux. Πιγκουίνο!

Mpampis TheodorisMy first computer was created 5 years ago.

Since then I had a passion for them and so I made one by myself. I didn’t have much money

but I bought what I thought to be in the best possible price (dual core processor!). It seemed it was not a good combination of components, because in 2 years ... Lots of problems started. But I loved him because he was my own creations. Originally Windows, then I innovated with linux. Penguins!



Θυμάμαι τον πρώτο μου υπολογιστή ....... ZX Spectrum 128k , με τα κουμπιά τύπου γομολάστιχα ! Για να φορτώσει ένα παιχνίδι, από κασέτα βέβαια, περιμέναμε με τις ώρες.

Όσο πιο πολύπλοκο τόσο περισσότερες ώρες στην αναμονή ! Αξέχαστες στιγμές!!!

Gregory ApostolakisI remember my first computer ....... ZX

Spectrum 128k, with buttons type eraser! To load a game from tape, of course, we waited

for hours. The more complicated the more hours to wait! Unforgettable moments!


Το πρώτο computer που πήραμε ήταν πριν καμία δεκάρια χρόνια δεν ήταν όμως το πρώτο προσωπικό μου pc, λόγο ότι έπρεπε

να το μοιράζομαι με την οικογένεια μου. Μερικά χρόνια αργότερα που τέλειωσα με το σχολειό και αποφάσισα να πάω στο πανεπιστήμιο αγόρασα το πρώτο laptop. Ήταν δυνατό μηχάνημα και είναι ακόμα, αν εξαιρέσει κάνεις ότι είναι 6-7 χρόνων και με τα τόσα πειράματα που του έχω κάνει! Όπως εκείνα στο να μάθω πως γίνεται ένα format, ή ακόμα και στο να μάθω κάποια προγράμματα που χρειάστηκαν στην σχόλη και περαιτέρω στην μου καριέρα στο μέλλον.

Irene TzaikoThe first computer we got was about ten

years ago but it was not my first personal pc, because I had to share it with my family.

Some years later, when school ended, and decided to go to university, I bought my first laptop. It was a powerful machine and still is, despite being 6-7 years old and gone through many experiments! As those to learn how to do a format, or even to learn some programs required from University and further for my career in the future.


Ο πρώτος μου υπολογιστής ήταν ένα laptop TOSHIBA που πήρα στην τρίτη Λυκείου το 2000. Πολλά λεφτά για εκείνη

την εποχή... Δεν τα υπολόγιζα μία όμως! Τον έσουρνα μαζί μου στις διακοπές και πουλούσα μούρη σε τέτοιο βαθμό που καταντούσε κουραστικό ακόμα και για μια ψωνάρα σαν εμένα! Καλοκαίρι στο Μύτικα, Ιόνιο πέλαος να σκάει ο τζίτζικας ακόμα και το βράδυ, κι εγώ με σορτς και το laptop on my lap, να καίει το πόδι η μηχανή να τσουρουφλίζει σου λέω, αλλά εγώ εκεί στη σάουνα για να παίρνει μάτι ο Γιώργος...

Τώρα που όλοι έχουν φορητούς, εγώ το γύρισα σε σταθερό. Απ’αυτόν γράφω την ιστορία. Το λαπτοπάκι κλάταρε αλλά το κράτησα έτσι για να λέω... Για λίγο χρησιμοποιούσα την καρδιά του για σκληρό. Αλλά τώρα πια ούτε αυτό λέει. Γύρω στα 19MB για να θυμίζουν 19αρικες καρδιές...

Sofia-Maria GiannouliMy first computer was a TOSHIBA laptop

I got during last year in school in 2000. It was very expensive that time ... I didn’t care though!

I had it with me even on vacation and I was having such a snob attitude that it ended up being boring even me! Summer in Mytika, Ionian sea, very hot, me in shorts with the laptop on my lap. The machine was burning but I was keeping it because I wanted George to flirt with me .. .

Now everybody has a laptop, so I decided to have a PC. I write the story from it. My first laptop is tired but I still keep it ... For a while I used its heart as hard disk. I do not do this now. Around 19MB to remind 19 years old hearts ...



Ο πρώτος μου υπολογιστής ήταν ένα παλιοκούτι που μου έφερε ο μπαμπάς απο το εξωτερικό. Ήμουν μόλις 13 και ο αδερφός

μου 12 ετών. Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε τί συνέβη.. Εγώ δεν ήξερα τίποτα για το κουτί αυτό ενώ ο αδερφός μου το έψαξε μέχρι και στην τελευταία βίδα...κυριολεκτικά. Μετά απο 10 ημέρες είχε μείνει μόνο ένα σπαραλιασμένο κουτί.. Τον επόμενο υπολογιστή, τον αγόρασα μερικά χρόνια μετά, όταν κατάφερα να μάθω να τον κλειδώνω!

Eleni NikoletopoulouMy first computer was inside an almost

damaged box my dad brought from abroad. I was only 13 and my brother 12 years old. You

can imagine what happened .. I did not know anything about this box and my brother looked up to the last screw ... literally. After 10 days he had left only a totally damaged box .. I bought the next computer a few years later when I managed to know how to lock it!


Το 2004 αποφάσισα να πάρω τον πρώτο μου υπολογιστή. Ξεκίνησα λοιπόν και πήγα στον Πειραιά σε ένα κατάστημα όπου είχα βρει

το μοντέλο που ήθελα. Το αγόρασα και ξεκίνησα για πίσω. Αποφάσισα για γρήγορα να πάρω τη νέα εθνική οδό όπου ξεκίναγε από το ΣΕΦ. Το πακέτο του υπολογιστή το είχα στα πόδια του συνοδηγού και όλα τα χαρτιά (αποδείξεις, εγγύηση) επάνω στο κάθισμα του συνοδηγού. Ήταν Ιούλης πριν τους ολυμπιακούς. Καθώς έπαιρνα τη στροφή από το ΣΕΦ να μπω στη Λεωφόρο Κηφισίας ο αέρας πήρε τα χαρτιά έξω από το αμάξι. μόλις μπόρεσα έκανα δεξιά και βγήκα έξω. Γύρισα τρέχοντας αλλά δεν βρήκα τίποτα. Μάλλον είχαν πέσει όλα κάτω από τη γέφυρα. Γυρνώντας προς το αμάξι έβγαλα τα κλειδιά από την τσέπη και αυτά μου ξέφυγαν και έπεσαν σε ένα φρεάτιο. Αμέσως προσπάθησα να τα βγάλω αλλά έπρεπε να βγάλω το κάλυμμα. Εκείνη την ώρα που προσπαθούσα πέρασε ένα περιπολικό και σταμάτησε. Φυσικά και με ρώτησαν τι κάνω εκεί και εξήγησα τι είχε συμβεί. Γεμάτοι κατανόηση και γέλιο από το πάθημα με βοήθησαν να βγάλω το κάλυμμα να πάρω τα κλειδιά και να φύγω. Μετά από πολύ ώρα ψάξιμο κάτω από τη γέφυρα βρήκα και τα χαρτιά.

Stelios SkourlisIn 2004 I decided to get my first computer.

So I went to Piraeus in a store where I found the model I wanted. I bought it and started

going back. I decided to get the new highway which started from the SEF to save time. I had the package of computer at the feet of passenger and all paperwork (receipts, warranty) on the front passenger seat. It was July before the Olympics. As I took the turn from SEF to Kifisias Avenue, the wind took the papers out of the car. I pulled over left and went out. I came running, but I found nothing. I guess they had all fallen under the bridge. Returning to the car I took the keys from my pocket and it escaped and fell into a small well. Immediately I tried to take off but had to take off the lid. During the time trying, a police car came across and stopped. Of course they asked me what I did there and I explained what had happened. Filled with laughter and compassion, they helped take off the lid to get the keys and leave. After searching a long time under the bridge, I also found the papers.


πριν 14 νομίζω χρόνια παίζαμε πακμαν στο amiga..χαλούσαμε όλο το χαρτζιλίκι περνώντας όλο το πρωί του Σαββάτου σε

κάποια μαγαζιά με τέτοιους υπολογιστές..ούτε λόγος για ίντερνετ..τουλάχιστον εγώ δεν θυμάμαι ακόμη ίντερνετ καφέ.ποιος να το φανταζόταν ότι όλοι πλέον θα χουν ένα υπολογιστή σπίτι τους, και θα παίρνουν μέρος σε ευφάνταστους διαγωνισμούς σε κάποιο facebook,για να κερδίσουν ακόμη καλύτερους και χρησιμότερους!

Dimitris Vlachos14 years ago I played in pakman amiga

.. spoiled all the pocket money by passing around Saturday morning at some shops with

such computers .. no need for internet .. at least I do not remember even Internet cafes. No one could imagine that everyone will now have a home computer, and will take part in imaginative competitions through facebook, to gain even better and useful computers!



Πρέπει να ήμουν περίπου 8 χρονών, όταν ανακουφισμένη

ανακάλυψα πως δε θα χρειαζόταν πια να θυμάμαι την προπαίδεια απέξω!Στα χέρια

μου βρέθηκε ένα θαυματουργό κομπιουτεράκι (ναι, από αυτά που χρησιμοποιούσε

κάποτε ο μπακάλης της γειτονιάς και που τώρα έχουν αντικατασταθεί από τις

ταμιακές μηχανές), που ως δια μαγείας σου απαντούσε αμέσως πως 5 επί 5

κάνει 25 και 7 επί 9, 63! Αυτός ήταν καιο πρώτος μου προσωπικός υπολογιστής! Κι έδινε τη

λύση σε όλα όσα ήθελα καιέπρεπε να ξέρω..Μεγαλώνοντας όμως, το αποτέλεσμα

και μόνο δεν αρκούσε, το 5 επί5 κάνει 25 δεν ήταν πλέον αρκετό.....ήταν ανάγκη να

ξέρω το γιατί, γιατί 5 επί5 να κάνει 25 και όχι 33 κι αν όλα όσα ήξερα και πίστευα

ήταν αληθινά! Έτσιγεννήθηκε η ανάγκη μου για ένα προσωπικό

ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή, τον οποίο καιαπέκτησα στα 14 μου...

Heracleia KaryotiI must have been about 8 years old when

I discovered relieved that it would take longer to remember the multiplication table by heart!

I found a miracle calculator (yes, those usingonce the neighborhood grocer and now replaced by

cash machines), which like magic would give you answer immediately that 5 on 5 made 25 and 7 to 9, 63! This was my first PC! And give the solution to everything I should know .. but growing up, the result alone is not enough, the 5-on 5 25 was not doing enough now ..... it was necessary to know why 5 on 5 make 25 not 33 and if everything I knew and thought was real! And so I needed a personal computer, which I bought at the age of 14 ...


Το 1ο μου laptop το πήρα το 2008 με την έναρξη του μεταπτυχιακού! Πρόκειται για ένα toshiba satellite A300-1EI! Έχω κλείσει 24ωρα

ολόκληρα δουλεύοντας σε αυτό, για να ολοκληρώσω εργασίες και projects. Έπαιρνε “φωτιά” το κακόμοιρο, αλλά υπέμ...ενε με σθένος! Του πήρα και βάση cooler για να μη μου παραπονιέται βέβαια! Με έχει συντροφεύσει σε μαθήματα, σε διαλέξεις, σε ταξίδια, σε συνέδρια, σε εκθέσεις, σε εκδηλώσεις. Με έχει ψυαγωγήσει, με έχει ενημερώσει, με έχει νανουρήσει! Και ελπίζω να συνεχίσει να το κάνει για καιρό ακόμα! Απόλυτα λειτουργικό, αξιόπιστο και κομψό!Έχουμε γίνει σιαμαίοι από την 1η ημέρα γνωριμίας μας και ίσως μόνο ένα toshiba folio να μπορεί να μπει ανάμεσά μας... αλλά δε θα μας χωρίσει!Τώρα είμαστε επιφορτισμένοι με το dissertation! Αν αντέχει αυτό αντέχω κι εγώ! Πάμε γερά toshiba μου, λατρεία μου, φορτισμένη μπαταρία μου!

Smaragda PapadopoulouThe first laptop I got in 2008 with the start

of the Masters Degree! It is a toshiba satellite A300-1EI! I have closed 24-hour working on it,

to accomplish tasks and projects. The poor one tooked “fire”, but stands ... vigorously! I got it a cooler for not complaining to me of course! It has been a companion to courses, lectures, on trips to conferences, exhibitions, events. It has entertained me, informed me, said lullabies to me! And hopefully it will continue doing so later! Fully functional, reliable and stylish! We have been Siamese twins from the first days of our meeting and maybe just a toshiba folio can come between us ... but it will not separate us! Now we are entrusted with the dissertation! If it can bear, I can bear this too! Let’s go on my Toshiba, my love, my charged battery!



Το πρώτο μου λάπτοπ το απέκτησα πριν 4 χρόνια. Τον Νοέμβρη του 2006 είχα μόλις τελειώσει τις σπουδές μου και ετοιμαζόμουν να

φύγω για ένα εξάμηνο εθελοντικής εργασίας στο Ταλίν. Δώρο ορκωμοσίας και εργαλείο επικοινωνίας με την πατρίδα.

Έδωσα... στο λάπτοπ το όνομα ενός κοριτσιού που γνώρισα στο Ταλίν γιατί είχαν την ίδια προσωπικότητα - συνήθως συνεπείς και φιλικές αλλά κάποιες φορές ανέβαζαν θερμοκρασία και διέκοπταν κάθε επικοινωνία χωρίς προειδοποίηση. Ευτυχώς αυτές οι στιγμές διαρκούσαν λίγο. Η Αλυόνα στο Ταλίν χρησιμοποιήθηκε από εμένα και τους 4 συγκάτοικούς μου. Βαριά χρήση η κοινόχρηστη, αλλά η Αλυόνα ήταν σκληρή και είχε υπομονή. Το λάπτοπ μου, όχι το κορίτσι που είχε το ίδιο όνομα. Τελικά αποδείχθηκε πως δεν έμοιαζαν τόσο πολύ.

Georgios AmpatzidisI got the first laptop 4 years ago. In

November 2006 I just finished my studies and was getting ready to leave for a semester

volunteering in Tallinn. It was a gift for my diploma and a tool of communication with the homeland.

I named the ... laptop in the name of a girl I met in Tallinn because it had the same personality - usually consistent and friendly but sometimes heating up and interrupt all communication without notice. Luckily these moments lasted a little. The Alyona laptop at Tallinn was used by me and 4 my roommate. Heavy the use of the shared item, but Alyona was tough and had patience. I mean the laptop, not the girl who had the same name. It turned out that these two didn’t have so many characteristics in common.


δεν ειχα...αλλα πολύ θυμάμαι ένα τέλειο λάπτοπ του θειου μου (σήμερα μεγάλη μπακατέλα) αλλα στην εποχή του έκαιγε

πολλές καρδιές!

Diagoras Marios VougasI did not have my own ... but I strongly

remember a perfect laptop my uncle (which is old junk today) which was a real heartbreaker


σε έναν TOSHIBA έχω γράψει και αποθηκεύσει ΟΛΑ τα κείμενά μου..απο το 2004, οπότε και τον αγόρασα (αθάνατος, δεν

παθαίνει τίποτε, έχει ταξιδέψει παντού μαζί μου..) είναι ο πιό πιστός μου συνεργάτης..

Despoina AlefragiIn a TOSHIBA I have wrote and saved

all my texts .. since 2004, when I bought it (immortal, it gets nothing and has traveled

everywhere with me ..) it is my most faithful partner ..EG




Lilah TurgemanI’m writing to you from my first laptop!This laptop proves to me every time I see it

that a person is responsible for what happens in his life. And that if I want something, I just have to keep pursuing my goals. This laptop was my first big purchase, and after it came my gorgeous car :)

All these things were purchased after hard work, when I understood what I want to do in life and what a God-given gift I have with kids, and decided to make private tutoring a career :)

In addition, I am in a transatlantic relationship, and use it to talk to my loved one

And so, my laptop accompanies me on all the important steps in life :)


Michael Mor YosefI remember my first laptop, well it wasn’t

really a laptop, but a typewriter, one that comes in a small suitcase that you can go

anywhere with, without electricity, without battery, without a router, without wi-fi and without hassle. Simply insert a few pages, light a cigarette and feel as Hemingway-like as possible. Until today I can recall the fun noise of the typewriter’s keys hitting the paper, the unique font, the shifts from right to left, the manual return of the carriage, the rolling in of paper, and a great need for a Delete key that would erase typing errors… those were the days.


Ariel AriavMy first laptop came from Korea, weighed

almost as much as I did, had a display suitable for the weak sighted. According to the

operating instructions it was totally resistant to damage, dropping, premature ejaculations, and morning coffee. Its keys were suitable for really fat people, and it even allowed wireless surfing. All these technological wonders couldn’t prevent its internal heating up, which was even faster than the Greenhouse Effect. I had to place it on bricks taken from a pizza oven so it wouldn’t burn the surface on which it was placed. However, there was something original and exciting about it, and until now it’s exhibited in the retro corner of the living room cupboard.



Vivit Haroush Ben ShoushanI enlisted in the army ten years ago, and on

my first day at the base I already got to know my first close friend (a heavy black laptop). A

short acquaintance with him led to countless sleepless nights. I fell deeply in love with him – I almost took him home weekends and holidays… I showed no mercy towards him, turning out yet another work, another letter, poor thing..

After two years of army service I parted from him with hugs and kisses, and left him a number to call – he probably hasn’t found the right time… I hope it’ll be soon.


Eliana Leshinsky LevyMy first laptop was purchased due to the

pregnancy foolishness I am suffering from now. This is my first pregnancy, and right from

the start I drove my husband crazy to let me sit at our home computer, play and surf Facebook. Unfortunately, he also likes to play, so I had no chance to get the PC, but the pregnancy hormones didn’t stop acting wild and crazy, until my husband couldn’t take it any longer and bought me a laptop in pink, my favorite color. He wrote on the present: I love you to death, especially when you drive me to it :) We immortalized the moment in a photo studio, and here it is for you to judge. These words were written from my pink laptop, with lots of love.


Ziv BirerMy first laptop was a wreck. I got it in a

really bizarre way. A beggar in Seoul, Korea gave it to me in gratitude for the last coins I

had which I gave him. He simply rummaged around in a large green plastic bag that he had and gave it to me. Everything in it was written in Korean. It was shocking green in color with bits of vegetables stuck to it. But it helped me pass the time on my flight to Israel. Finally, a Korean tourist who saw me working on it at the beach recognized it because of the color. Incredibly, it was his son who had thrown it away…. Who said there aren’t any surprises in the world….



Hananit Jacobson Ben-JacobI saw the ceiling above me intermittentlyThrough balloons of every color,I remembered that it wasn’t just an ordinary

dayAnd the clock already showed six fifteen.From dreams which were already beginning to fade away,My awakening memory brought enlightenment,I was born today and it’s time to celebrateBut where is everybody, what’s going on here?Walking on a cold floor to the corridor,The rooms are dark, maybe they’re still asleep,Another door to open, move the curtainA big light shines on me and everybody laughs!The warmth of love floods me with a relieved sighThey didn’t forget and their love warms meI laugh a happy laughThey remembered it’s my birthday todayOn the table a cake, sweets and presentsPresents from him and all the kids,Peeling the wrappings gentlyHere’s a doll, a book and a ball that immediately disappears.And one last present remainsCarefully wrapped, from him to me aloneI gently remove the wrappingIt’s my first laptop, I swear!!What a big hug he receives thereAnd the kids all around us in a circle of hugs,Everyone is now looking at it admiringlyAnd I slowly open it, all excited. The picture on the “desktop” is of usThe golden fields of the valley behind us in brown and gold,What a wonderful dream for me, for him, for all of usWhat a dream…What a pity we have to wake up from it now.



Vered Mendelsohn I was so excited by my first laptop That I couldn’t close my eyes and sleepI simply fell in love with him at first sight

He was cool, easygoing and portableIt’s true that sometimes he got slightly heated upBut all in all he was calm and stunningThat’s why I told him in a Word or two, without any hesitationAll my innermost secretsWe had a really nice relationshipI even drank coffee with him every morningWe spent lots of hours togetherHe was by all accounts friendlyBut life is dynamic and with timePeople and also computers changeSo another great love story endedBetween me and my tiny laptop, 7 inches of wisdom, modesty and love

Dear Toshiba,I always felt that my laptop was like an open (and

sometimes closed) bookSo I weaved letters, embroidered words and sewed

him a public suit(I published him), inlaid with rhymes from the heart.Right hand side with a Hebrew tab, left hand side with

an English tabIt was challenging – interesting – funny – and

experiential – with a rosy smile - Vered


Michal BalaliThe truth is that until now I don’t have a

laptop I can call mine…. Bought for me and serving me…

I remember that the first laptop I used was bought by my father many years ago.

Until my late brother was killed (my brother, Ziv Balali, was killed in the second Lebanon War while on reserve duty), he used it for his university studies, chatting on the internet etc…

After my brother was killed we donated some of his stuff to the needy, including his cloths, books he liked to read, etc.

We kept the laptop at home… but we don’t use it.My father bought a new laptop and he uses it.I, however, didn’t by myself a laptop. Our desktop PC

is outside my room and my mother also enjoys it.I’ll be very happy to win a new laptop so I can say –

this is mine.I earned it fairly and I’ll enjoy it.





. . -


Maya NaorI got my first laptop a year ago. My dad

bought a new computer and bequeathed me his 7 year old wreck. An old laptop, which with

the help of all kinds of “add-ons” from e-bay managed to run Explorer and Office. We lived in peace and harmony, slept in the same room, I introduced him to my friends, and it seemed we were going to spend a long time together. And then it happened. My nephew, whose name is Ben, came to visit. Seemingly, a reason for rejoicing. He’s one of the cutest kids around (see attached photo – totally objective).

The cute 3 year old was really keen to find pictures of animals on Google. This doesn’t seem to be a problem; he sits on my lap and I show him pictures.

* Mishap no. 1 My army mobile phone rings* Mishap no. 2 I take the call* Mishap no. 3 “Ben honey, I’m just going out to talk on the phone,

don’t touch anything, I’ll be right back and I’ll show you a picture of a ladybird”

“All right” says Ben* Mishap no. 4 I believe him

Findings:Three minutes of my three year old nephew with a

six year old laptop results in the laptop permanently and irreparably missing five keys.

Including the Enter key (!)And two permanent white lines on the display


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* .

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". -". **


. (!).


Tal AlfassaShe gave me the eye in the shop. She

really tried to pick me up, and what enchanted me was that she didn’t talk, she just looked at

me, and her body language did the talking. There were so many girls but she had something else. She was mobile, in the positive sense of the word.

We left the shop together, hand in hand, I stroked her, I wrapped her with love and she remained silent.

When we got home she started making sounds, words. She was relaxed, calm, charming and amazing,

A generous 15.6 inch wideA bit on the heavy side but full of beauty and light of

character.We spent many hours together, went to cafés, to visit

friends and family, and she also came with me to work meetings

When I was bored she was always there for me, always bright, attentive and supportive

Post no.2

Hi Toshiba,You are invited to enter my heart, to open the drawers

of my soul and read:A. The moving, loving notes which bring hearts

togetherB. The surprising story “Portable, a love story” by Tal

AlfassaMore to follow on the new tablet…..

She gave me the eye in the shop. She really tried to pick me up, and what enchanted me was that she didn’t talk, she just looked, and her body language did the talking. She had something else. She was mobile, in the positive sense of the word. We left the shop together, and walked hand in hand down lovers’ lane. She simply enchanted me. When we got home she lit up my soul and enchanted me with her appearance – tall and with a slim figure, 15.6 inch, dark and pretty, and with her inner beauty - deep-thinking, generous and attentive, a true friend, with a beautiful character. We spent many hours together, went to cafés, to visit friends and family, and sometimes she even accompanied me to work meetings. When I was bored she was always there for me, bright, attentive and supportive


- -




Tal AlfassaYes. I fell in love with a plastic girl!!!I felt the taste of love, I touched her heart, I

listened to the sounds of her soul and smelled the smell of happiness.

But with time, and routine, we began to have problems.

The cord connecting the hearts began to weaken.She didn’t turn on as quickly as before,Sometimes she lost her horse power (sorry, mouse

power),Sometimes she didn’t want to connect, just be on her

own, quietly.Sometimes she became really heated and mad at

me, for no apparent reason.And her eyes were shut most of the time, and didn’t

shine permanently as before.So I went to ask for support and she went for

psychological counseling (in the lab)We both believed we could overcome the storms in

the virtual sea, and once again fish for love programs on the web.

But hard as we tried to overcome the storms in the virtual sea – we couldn’t do it.

She closed windows, was sad, slow and heavy.And I, who was patient and enduring, broke down

and lost heart…So we decided to part as friends, and remain in

friendly contact.Bye, Portable, see you, my no. 1 PCNo matter what guarantee!!I’ll always remember you, my first love; you were the

love of my youth

Yes, Toshiba… this was the love of my youth, my first love….

And all the first things, as you know, we keep and cherish forever

In the drawers of our heart and soulThanks a lot - Tal


Meirav Shavit Ben PoratMy first laptop was….. an old typewriter…

afterwards a desktop PC, and then a really cute laptop, and instead of a stuck-up bag I

bought for it a red bag with a huge zip!!! which ran the whole length of the bag.

I used it to make all my early presentations as an independent in 2002. I called it Johnny, it really suited it.

And so Johnny and I crisscrossed Ramat Hahayal and other areas, and had some victories together, until he started getting tired, heating up, and became a heating element for the winter :)



... ,




Yonny KellermanIf my first laptop was a Toshiba, I probably

would have had a good chance of winning, although I have no doubt that the judging

of this competition is totally objective. But it isn’t. (The laptop, I mean).

I bought my first laptop, whose name I won’t mention, for my something-first birthday. For years I had put off buying one, using various excuses. I told myself that I didn’t really need it, or that it’s too large, or too expensive, or too heavy, or it doesn’t match the color of my shirt. But when the small laptops arrived, those which fit in the back pocket of your pants (if you wear extra-extra large, that is), I ran out of excuses.

And so I found myself last summer in Ireland, on a really sunny day, sitting on the quay in a small town called Cobh, whose claim to fame is that it was the final port of call of the Titanic, before it sailed away with Leo and Kate to its fateful rendezvous with the iceberg. It was then known as Queenstown, after Queen Victoria, but when the Irish Free State was founded it reverted to its original Gaelic name, a name which until today no one knows exactly how to pronounce.

So on the quayside of Cobh, on a sunny summer day in Ireland (I mention this again, since according to the statistics the whole of Ireland has on average just three point five such days each summer), I found myself sitting with my fair lady in a café called Antonio’s (Ireland, no?), licking an American ice-cream (Ireland, bro!), connected (free of charge!!) to the café’s Wi-Fi network and talking (free of charge again!!) on Skype to my son, who was at that moment in sunny Costa Rica (which, incidentally, is sunny the whole summer).

And then, for the first time, I said to myself “Welcome to the third millennium, man”.


Tamara GribovskyI may be a bit older, a grandmother already,

and almost 60 years old. But I discovered my first laptop (yes, for me it was a discovery)

when we bought it as a present for my son, which wasn’t long ago. I don’t know much about it, but thank god I learned to perform some simple actions, like opening and closing it, reading books and getting into Facebook. To do this I took about 100 lessons, which is more than I had learning to drive :).

Of course in the end my son gave it to me, because he realized it was a waste of time, that there was no way I would let him use it. So if you see on one of the benches a granny with a laptop, remember me, because we were also once young and pretty, and in Facebook you can of course put a photo of a fashion model and chat up a gorgeous 35 year old lad. It’s a great invention, the laptop :)



Eyal KorenA few years ago my girlfriend (who later

became my wife) and I lived in a small basement apartment (hereinafter Hobbit House). Since there

was no space for a desktop PC, let alone space for a desk or for two adults, we had to make do without a computer until I got a present: my first laptop. It was a real wreck: a scratched and battered computer, with missing keys, which shut down immediately when you pulled the plug out of the socket, and you had to wait 10 minutes after turning it on until you could start working, and the crowning glory – 2 dark stripes (unlit) along the display, which meant you had to work with small windows which you had to move in order to see certain details.

This silly computer lasted a whole year with us, before returning its soul to its Creator – an event which led eventually to the decision to move to an apartment which could actively contain two adults and a desktop PC (and a desk). It seems that this decision also led to a marked improvement in our relationship (I’d like to see you living in a 20 sq.m. basement without killing each other), so that because of my first laptop (or, to be precise, because of its demise), my wife and I are together today.

A few years have passed since then, and now we are the proud owners of a desktop PC and a laptop, but both of them are already growing old and will soon follow in the footsteps of the first laptop. I hope that through you we’ll be able to renew our ageing family.


Benny Schwartz (the original Hebrew version was rhyming)

I carved my first laptop with patience and painfrom two magnificent granite slabs and a wolf’s skinIt was a magnificent creation, the first of its kind

and uniqueA shining marble display, with some gravel as a keyboardAnd then came this guy Moses, white of beard with a mad glint in his eyesHe took my laptop, yelled “forbidden” and smashed it in two.My second laptop was less heavy, when I picked it upIt was something oblong and black, and I fell for it immediatelyIt only displayed text, Windows hadn’t been invented yetAnd when you pressed the space bar it made flamingo soundsBut the plastic lump didn’t last long, it suddenly diedA winter has passed and even a “Khamsim”, and it’s still gathering dustMy third laptop was already an improvement, made of plasticNever mind that it was slow and heated up till it seemed like gumThe display is large and colorful, many bulbs and a promising lookAnd after a few years, I understood, was amazed and saw the lightI need a tablet PC, something small, powerful and black




Orpazula Andres MartinezMy first laptop was love at first sight. When

I saw it sitting on my brother’s desk, I knew it would be mine. And that’s how it turned out,

and the laptop returned my love and didn’t have a single fault. Day after day, hour after hour, we’d spend together, at night we’d sleet together. He was the only friend I knew who wouldn’t betray me, who would adapt himself to my moods and help me with everything. He always knew everything. He never played with my emotions, and was always by my side even at the most difficult moments. We weren’t ashamed of each other, all my friends knew him, and he always returned my love, unconditional love. Even during our first fight I didn’t leave him alone.

He had a strange form of courtship. He would always wait on my desk and blink at me. It was a kind of magic that always worked, and I always came to him. We were together until the wee hours and spent days and nights together. During holidays and vacations we cooked meals together, and in the evening I’d cook his favorite food for him. It was a really dreamlike love story, until one day we had to part. I thought this relationship would last longer, that it was true love, but in the end he betrayed me and went back to my brother. I felt broken, and I can’t ever trust another laptop which tries to hypnotize me, but I knew that each one is special and give the others a chance too.


Michael PletinskyAbout 4 years ago I was working as a

freelance designer, developing a website and an image for an Israeli entrepreneur setting up

a company in Vietnam. At each of the meetings, held in his bourgeois house in a pastoral village in the center of the country, I would arrive in a scratched and falling apart Fiat Uno, with a shabby notebook in my hand to write down his comments. And he was sitting in his slippers with his shiny laptop, pitying me. At our fifth meeting he got up, went to the cupboard and took out a laptop case. Out of the case he took out a slim and absolutely sexy Toshiba Portégé and gave it to me. “Listen”, he said in a kind of businessman’s arrogance, “I don’t like to see you coming here with your notebook. Here, have a laptop”.

I was as excited as a 4 year old child going to the amusement park, but this was over very quickly, when I found that the keyboard language was Vietnamese, and all the keys were corroded. The computer was so old that the Windows it was equipped with moved slower than a Ferris wheel.

I told him “thanks”, returned the toy to the case and opened my notebook again. Because, as they say in Russian, the only place you get free cheese is in a mousetrap.

By the way, my girlfriend recently bought herself a new Protégé, and it’s one of the most amazing computers around.

Pity it’s not mine.





Noam ZadokWhen I was young I was a wild kid. I loved to

fool around with friends and found myself arrested many times (I won’t elaborate). One day when I

began a rather long period of house arrest, I was going crazy with boredom. There were no interesting films on TV, every day the same stupid films. Come on, man, you have to do something different. Anyway, I sat down at the computer (a desktop PC) and started surfing the web. I was looking for something to do, and I found a site called “Web Sites” if I remember correctly.

Anyhow, I started building sites and suddenly I had surfers writing to me and asking me to add things to the site. I can’t really define it, but it interested me and I kept on building sites and improving them even after the house arrest ended.

I simply began putting my friends off and spending more time at home with the computer. With time I began to read instruction manuals for HTML, PHP etc… On my 16th birthday (if my memory serves me right) my mom saw that the computer helps me and keeps me away from crime and from the neighborhood. You can say what you like, but for me it was a big achievement, a whole year without any police complaint against me. My mom and dad together decided to give me a present that would be more useful to me in the subject I was interested in, which was an Acer laptop. We joined Bezeq internet, made a commitment for three years, and by adding something like 70 shekels a month we received the laptop. For me it was a dream come true. It was like knowing that someone respects your opinion and supports the step you have taken, while your friends think you’ve become some kind of geek or something because you’re sitting on the computer all day.

In any case, and to sum up, I think a computer is a proper occupation. It broadens your horizons, and I personally recommend every house to have a computer, regardless of sector, denomination, or what you grew up on. Crime today is big, and prevention is better than cure. I recommend giving every child the opportunity to have a computer connected to the internet at home and to try and make him spend as much time as possible at the computer, not to limit him to an hour a day like they used to do to us in the past. The computer is the thin line that separates crime from reality. Don’t wait until your child reaches the situation I was in in order to stop him doing stupid things. Simply give him a computer, and with the internet he’ll find something to do. There are lots of things to do there.

Today, whenever I see my former childhood friends and where they are now and where I am, I thank the judge who gave me the house arrest, in which I opened my mind and discovered the computer. All my childhood friends are junkies, some of them in prison and some of them sitting around all day smoking grass and hash, while I, Noam, whom you all laughed at, saying hahaha you’ve become a computer geek, you’re not coming down and you don’t care about anything, I have managed thank god to avoid all this rubbish.

That’s why I recommend to you not to try any funny business; it’s very easy to get into it and sometimes impossible to get out.

May we all have a good and blessed Shabbat




a cer -


Bracha MalikAs a mother to a large family, I conduct a

symphony of sounds: washing, ironing, piles of dishes and children’s shouts of joy. And above

all, in a second-voice vocal harmony, I run a shop inside my own house. So I find myself changing hats all the time, from a mother, to a wife-spouse, to a maid, cook and cleaner, to a stylish, meticulous career woman, a senior manager.

A computer – who had time even to think about it? If there was a respite, I used it to fold piles of laundry. And so the years passed until my youngest son was born. A sweet child, blue eyed golden haired, the little one who made up a “Minyan”. So sensitive, gentle and small, a special child. Down syndrome.

He suffers from a severe immune problem, and so every virus and germ in the area settled in his lungs. We were hospitalized together for a long period in an isolation room. During that time my husband was “a single mother” and I was “Florence Nightingale”.

After a month I felt that I could lose my sanity. I hardly had anyone to talk to, and then …. It came! A medium-sized box, a complete surprise – a gift laptop.

I immediately felt connected again, involved. Friends around me listening, supporting, in times of trouble.

That’s how a love story startedMy husband claims that I’m addicted.


Yoni NetzerThe story took place in 2000, when

laptops weren’t very common. I was passing through the neighborhood of Me’a She’arim in

Jerusalem when I saw a used laptop in a shop window. How much is it? I asked the salesman. 1500 NIS was the answer. Too much, I said, and walked on.

A week later I was in the same street again. I was sure that the laptop would have been sold, but to my surprise it was still there.

I entered the shop. What about it? Hasn’t been sold yet, said the salesman. How much are you willing to pay for it? Forget it, you won’t agree. Tell me, tell me, says the salesman, and I insist, forget it, you won’t agree.

After a few exchanges I said the amount – 300 NIS. Fine, give me 300, it’s a deal. I ran like crazy to get the money, so he wouldn’t

change his mind by mistake. The laptop was by Texas Instruments, for those who know it, and I used it for several years. In the end I sold it for 600 NIS.









Hila BerrebiI named my first laptop “Lenny”, mainly

because it was a Lenovo (highly original, I know). I loved Lenny very much and he repaid

me with lots of love (or, in his language – likes). Every time I came home he woke up from his sleep mode at a light touch and blinked at me happily.

We used to spend hours together in the yard, on the lawn, connecting together to the neighbors’ router, and having a great time. In moments of sadness he tried to cheer me up and opened lots and lots of YouTube windows with crazy stand-up pieces by “Assi and Guri” until my laughter made me forget what had made me sad. When I was in a nostalgic mood, he brought up direct viewing of “The lion king” or other animation classics which I had really loved when I still had my milk teeth…

If I really felt like going to trance party until dawn but was stuck at home because of stormy weather (unlikely) or a matriculation exam the next day, Lenny opened his music player and played all the songs I really loved to hear at parties.

When I had a problem with a word I didn’t know in my English homework, he immediately opened the “Morfix” dictionary and solved it with a click of the mouse. If, say, I had a history exam, and at the last moment became hysterical because I realized I had tons of material to learn, he immediately opened up “Wikipedia” with all the subjects I had to learn for the test..

And when I felt lonely, despite Lenny’s electrifying presence, he connected me to Facebook and I corresponded with friends until the early hours. Sometimes I had a creative mood, and I played the guitar for him, accompanied by my little sister’s singing, and he in turn shot and published the song on YouTube.

In short, Lenny was a real friend. I of course guarded him as if he was my baby boy, but time moves on, and Lenny grew old and wouldn’t start any more. I tried to save his life by taking him to a doctor specializing in such cases, who was the computer technician, but Lenny died at a ripe old age after serving me faithfully. I’ve had many laptops since, in an attempt to find a suitable replacement for Lenny whom I had loved so much, but none of them can compare to Lenny.






Vlad LeshinskyThere are some things from which

everything starts. When you are a child, and all you care about is Transformers, to see one

of these in your house and also to own it is an experience you remember your whole life. In 1994, for my 14th birthday, I got a present from relatives in the USA – a laptop, one of the first ever produced, called Zenith. It had a 640 kb memory and a 30 Mb hard disk :) During the last half year before immigrating to Israel my whole class used to visit me at home on a regular basis to play cards or chess against the laptop. I also had a Sinclair 128 on which I learned Basic in my youth, and loaded games from cassettes… it was great



Nir Ben YonaThe idea was to get my mother to enter

the computer world. I searched for a laptop that would suit the needs of someone who has

never used a computer before, and wanted very much to be independent in everything to do with surfing the web and receiving e-mail, without having to ask her kids. After some research and searching for a laptop that would fit her needs, I bought for her a Toshiba Satellite A300.

Today, she is not only deep into this subject, she had become a computer instructor for all her friends. When I saw that, I bought another laptop of the same model, this time for an elderly uncle. For him too it was the first time, and he’s already working independently on his Toshiba, and he’s totally happy.




Rotem AlimaMy first laptop (actually the only laptop I

ever had). My boyfriend and I worked in a small town in Australia, saving every cent for the big

trip. One day there was a sale in the local computer store. My boyfriend hastened happily to the store and called me from there: “Honey, honey, you won’t believe it, they’re having a sale, a $4,000 laptop costs only $2,000. I want to buy it”.

At first I said “No!!!!” but he persisted: “You don’t understand, it’s great, it’s only $2,000”

He wanted it so badly, so that with a heavy heart I said “OK, so buy it, we’ll just work harder”

He came home a s happy as a kid on his birthday. Our first laptop!! He entered his password and didn’t leave it for a second….

Until…Until I saw the receipt. He’d paid $2,250 for it. I was so

mad!!!! Not about the extra $250, if he had told me about it on the phone he’d have had to try harder to convince me, but I would have relented (eventually).

I was so angry that I made him take it back to the store. Luckily they refunded our money….

After a while we started travelling, and he was really upset, he kept remembering the great laptop in the shop.

When Boxing Day came, I decided it was time to buy the kid a laptop. We bought a one-day pass and travelled around Melbourne to find a reasonably priced laptop (we were travelling by then, and very stingy).

After a few hours of a really dreadful searching we came to a shop that offered a $2,500 laptop for $1,000. He was really excited by it, and asked my opinion, and I was already past caring and I said “pick whatever you like”.

I was so impatient that the salesman said to him: “I don’t have to understand Hebrew to know that she told you to do what you like”.

So we bought Zvika, our gorgeous laptop, and even though today it’s two years since we purchased it, it still operates faithfully, and even runs AVID, which helps me a lot with my cinema studies.











Era prin 1997, eram student, era epoca în care nu auzisem de USB, în care laptop-ul era un accesoriu „de fiţe”, în care ne lăudam care

are dial-up-ul mai rapid. Cu mari eforturi financiare mi-am cumpărat un laptop.

Setea de informaţie m-a făcut să vreau să navighez şi eu, ca tot omul, pe Web. Sistemul avea Windows 95 şi nu prea accepta orice în materie de software. Singura metodă să bag date în laptop era prin dischete .Procedura a fost următoarea:

1. Am descărcat kitul de Internet Explorer pe un calculator de la facultate.

2. Am tăiat fişierul cu un progrămel care făcea felii din fişiere .exe şi de alt tip.

3. Am comprimat fiecare bucată în parte.4. Am pus cîte o bucată pe cîte o dischetă. Aveam o

sacoşică plină cu vreo 12 dischete.5. Am început să introduc pachetele în micul laptop,

cu cîte o dischetă pe rînd. „Cîr, cîr...” şi laptop-ul îmi cerea de fiecare dată următoarea dischetă.

6. Procesul s-a întrerupt de vreo 3 ori, deoarece era discheta proastă sau fişierul corupt. Înapoi la pasul 4, folosind alte dischete.

7. A durat o săptămână, dar am asamblat fişierul. Am dat dublu click pe acel .exe.

Aici se încheie povestea, pentru că laptopaşul mi-a afişat un dezamăgitor mesaj: „Sistemul tău nu îndeplineşte cerinţele minime pentru a instala Internet Explorer”. A urmat acelaşi proces, săptămîna următoare, pentru a instala Netscape Navigator pe micul şi primul meu laptop. Am plîns de fericire la final.

George Hari PopescuIt was 1997, I was a student in a time when

we hadn’t heard about USB, when the laptop was a trendy accessory, and we bragged

about who got the fastest dial-up connection. I bought myself a laptop with great financial efforts.

The thirst of information made me want to navigate on the Web like the others did. The system had Windows 95 installed and didn’t really accept any software. The only method for putting data into the laptop was via floppy disks. The procedure went as follows:

1. I downloaded the Internet Explorer kit on a faculty computer.

2. I cut the file with a program that sliced files such as .exe and others.

3. I compressed each slice.4. I put each slice on a floppy disk. I had a bag with a

dozen of floppy disks in it.5. I started to put the packages into the small laptop,

using a floppy disk at a time. The laptop squawked and asked for the next floppy disk.

6. The process stopped about 3 times because the floppy disk was bad or the file corrupt. Back to step 4, using other floppy disks.

7. A week later the file was assembled. I double clicked that .exe.

End of story, given that my little laptop displayed a disappointing message: “Your system does not meet the minimum requirements to install Internet Explorer”. During the next week, I followed the same process in order to install Netscape Navigator on my first little laptop. I cried with happiness in the end.


In 2005 mi-am cumparat primul laptop de la un prieten care locuieste la Paris. Laptopul avea deja o vechime de 6 ani. Primul lui

posesor este acum Episcop, pe atunci era student la Roma. Inaintea mea a mai avut doi posesori, aparatul “plimbandu-se prin Italia si Franta”. Ajuns in RO la mine, am avut ghinionul dupa o vreme sa se strice. A picat hardul. Gaseai greu un hdd compatibil, dar nu m-am lasat. Chestia funny e ca eu mi l-am pus pe aparat, desi trebuia sa-l desfac bine de tot. Dupa ce l-am reparat, dupa o vreme l-am vandut unui prieten care si-a facut licenta cu el, apoi aparatul a circulat ceva vreme prin tara trecand prin mainile mai mulor studenti teologi care se pregateau de licenta. Unii dintre ei sunt azi preoti.

Raimondo MarioI bought my first laptop in 2005 from a

friend who lives in Paris. The laptop was already 6 years old. His first owner is now a

Bishop; he was a student in Rome at that time. It had two other owners before me in Italy and France. Once arrived in Romania, the laptop unfortunately broke down after a while. The hard drive failed. Rarely could one find a compatible HDD, but I did not give up. The funny thing is that I put it on my device, even if I should have thoroughly taken it apart. After I’ve fixed it, I kept it for a while and then sold it to a friend who used it for typing his graduation thesis, and then the device was owned by several students in theology who prepared themselves for bachelor’s degree, in different areas of the country. Some of them have become priests.



Primul meu computer mi l-a cumparat tata, dupa multe rugaminti, în 1998.

Primul “shut down” a fost motiv de cearta. Dupa click-ul pe buton, Windows 95 imi spunea “It is now safe to turn off your computer”, iar eu am luat-o ca pe o imperiozitate, asa ca strigam la tata ca TREBUIE inchis cat mai repede, altfel se strica. Stiti, pe vremea mea, computerele se porneau si opreau de la buton, nu facea Windows totul.

Aveam un HDD de 4 GB, iar acum am stick-uri cu capacitate de stocare mai mare. Cu toate astea, ma fascinau pozele de pe Internet, asa ca salvam o gramada pe hard, intr-un folder care se afla pe Desktop. La prima reinstalare a sistemului de operare, am pierdut tot ce salvasem. Am suferit mult.

Denisa BargauMy father bought my first computer in

1998, after many prayers from my part. The first “shut down” was a reason for

quarrel. Once the button clicked, Windows 95 told me “It is now safe to turn off your computer”, and I took it as a must; therefore, I used to yell at my father that it HAD to be turned off as soon as possible, or else it would be broken. You know, when I was young computers were turned on and off from the button as Windows couldn’t do everything.

I had a 4 GB HDD, and now I have sticks with a bigger storage capacity than that. Nevertheless, the pictures on the Internet fascinated me, so I used to save a lot of them on the hard drive, in a folder on the Desktop. When I reinstalled the operating system for the first time, I lost everything I had saved. I suffered a lot.


Primul calculator mi l-am cumparat singura din primele salarii. Avusesem o deceptie in dragoste si asta m-a facut sa ma hotarasc sa il

cumpar pentru a mai pierde vremea :) Se pare ca a avut mare efect si de atunci nu am mai

suferit niciodata nici o deceptie:) Acum i-a ramas mamei acasa, are o foaie pe care

sunt trasate numai desene , tastele , ce face fiecare buton :)) cum sa il stinga, cum sa il aprinda. Incet incet a invatat singura sa il foloseasca, insa pastreaza foaia pe care i-am scris indiciile pretioase.

Gradinaru Ana-MariaI bought my first computer from my first

salary. I had suffered a love disappointment and I decided to buy it in order to waste my

time. :) It seems that it was very effective since I’ve never

suffered any disappointments again. :) It’s at my mom’s house right now; she has instructions

on a piece of paper, drawings, the keys, the function of every button :)) how to turn it on and off. She has slowly learned to use it herself, but she still keeps the paper on which I wrote her the precious indications.


Acum 20 de ani coboram in demisolul unei casute din ICPE, unde era instalat un terminal, ca sa ma joc Space Invaders. Eu ma asteptam

la un bunker in care sa fie un tun... si nu prea imi dadeam seama pe unde urma sa traga pentru ca nu iesea nici o teava prin acoperis.

Un coleg al tatalui meu a dat drumul la sistem, cu ecran verde inchis pe care scrisul, grafica erau ambele verde aprins. Jocul era foarte distractiv, extraterestii verzi care tot coborau, tunul verde, cazematele verzi, obuzele verzi, tastele care erau identice cu cele de la masina de scris si mergeau greu. Nu conta, jocul era captivant pentru mine la varsta de 4-5 ani.

Si trageam in draci pe acolo, prin cazemata era cel mai sigur pentru ca nu puteau ajunge la mine bombele extraterestilor. Asta a fost primul meu contact cu IT-ul si s-a prins bine pentru ca am ajuns sa lucrez in domeniu.

Alexandru Stefan Ghetaru20 years ago, I climbed down to the semi-

basement of an ICPE house to play Space Invaders on an installed terminal. I was

expecting a bunker and cannon... and I couldn’t realize where it was supposed to be fired off as I couldn’t see any pipe coming out of the roof.

One of my father’s colleagues turned the system on. It had a dark green screen and the writing and graphics were bright green. The game was very funny, there were green aliens climbing down constantly, the green cannon, the green bunker, the green shells, the keys that were identical to those of a typewriter and very hard to use. It didn’t matter, the game was captivating for me as a 4-5 year old boy.

I continued to shoot around through the bunker, which was the safest place, since the aliens’ bombs could not reach me there. That was my first contact with the IT and it came in useful, given that I ended up working in this field.



Prima experienta cu un PC am avut-o in 1996. Era meci de Liga Campionilor la tv, Steaua - Borusia Dortmund. Tata a venit cu

PC-ul acasa, un Pentium 100. Ideea e ca in seara aia n-am avut loc de tata la calculator. Cand m-am trezit a doua zi el era tot in fata calculatorului. Se jucase Solitaire toata noaptea. De fapt, Solitaire s-a jucat si nu s-a plictisit pana cand a ales sa plece in alta lume :(. Dar, prin chestii de genul asta, nu-l voi uita niciodata

Gabriel BonciuMy first experience with a PC was in 1996.

A Champions League game, Steaua- Borussia Dortmund, was on TV. My father came home

with the PC, a Pentium 100. The idea is that I couldn’t get near the computer that evening. When I woke up the next day, my father was still at the computer. He had been playing Solitaire all night long. Actually, he used to play Solitaire very often and didn’t get bored until he chose to leave for the other world. :( I’ll never forget him though, thanks to stuff like that.


Imi aduc aminte ca experimentam avantajele folosirii unui calculator prin 2001, pe vremea aceea neavand in posesie un PC

personal, dar fericita ca prietenul meu avea si ma lasase sa imi redactez lucrarea de licenta. Asa ca acel calculator a devenit prin “alianta” si PC-ul meu, insa problema ulterioara a devenit suparatoare pentru el deoarece devenise “gelos” pe timpul petrecut efectiv pe calculator.Se simtea deja pe locul 2 in topul preocuparilor noastre comune, fiindca de cate ori ne intalneam eu eram mult prea preocupata sa descopar internetul, chatul si alte chestii incredibile pentru mine, la acea vreme.

Problema s-a rezolvat intre timp: ne-am casatorit, ne-am luat 2 calculatoare si acum fiecare e cu cate unul in proprietate..Mai ramane monotonia, fiindca nu avem timp sa mai si vorbim....Noroc cu calculatorul, ca ne mai scriem pe mess ...:))

Muresan GabrielaI remember experimenting with the

advantages of using a computer in 2001. I didn’t have one of my own at that time, but I

was happy that my boyfriend did, and he let me type my graduation thesis on it. Therefore, that computer became mine too, but the problem we had later became annoying for him, as he was jealous on the time I was spending on the computer. He already felt like he was not on top of our common preoccupations anymore, since every time we met, my attention went to discovering the Internet, the chat and other incredible stuff for me at that time.

In the meantime, the problem was solved: we got married, we bought 2 computers and now each one of us has one... The only problem left is monotony, because we don’t have time to talk… We’re lucky to have computers, at least we can write to each other on messenger once in a while... :))


Primul calculator pe care l-am folosit a fost al unchiului meu, apoi a urmat cadoul de la parinti un 586, mergea pe Windows 3.11

si buton de turbo. Jocuri erau pe dischete. Ne jucam joculete cu masini, vikingi si cu avioane. Am facut primul upgrade la 126mb ram ,un cd-rom si windows 95 si cand am ajuns acasa toata familia se uita la el si parca asteptam sa faca popcorn deoarece nu aveam nici un cd sa incercam noua achizitie. Schimburile cu cd-uri pline cu jocuri, muzica si filme erau la ordinea zilei.

Cand a aparut internetul a fost uimitor, ne chinuiam sa ne conectam dupa ora 22.00 pt ca era mai ieftin si cand prindeam si noi conexiune incepea mama sa vorbeasca la telefon si ne inchidea conexiunea. Imi

amintesc ca ii venea vecinului de langa de plata pentru internetul pe care il foloseam eu din cauza legaturilor telefonice foarte vechi. Au urmat un inca doua update-uri de PC de tip desktop.

Adrian MariusThe first computer that I used was my

uncle’s, and then my parents gifted me a 586, with Windows 3.11 and turbo button. The

games were stored on floppy disks. We used to play games with cars, Vikings and planes. My first upgrade was to 126 MB of RAM, a CD-ROM and Windows 95. When I got home, my whole family looked at it as if they were expecting it to make popcorn, since we didn’t have any CDs to try if it was working. Later on, we used to trade CDs with games, music and movies all the time.

When the Internet came out, it was amazing. We tried to connect after 22:00 pm because it was cheaper, and when we were connected, my mom started talking on the phone and the connection was over. I remember that my neighbor had to pay for the Internet I was using because of the very old phone connections. Soon after, I had two more updates for desktop computers.



Se spune ca prima dragoste nu se uita niciodata...la fel as putea spune despre primul meu calculator: nu il voi uita niciodata. Initial nu

stiam nici cum se deschide, apoi am inceput sa joc carti pe el, si am jucat, si am jucat pana intr-o zi cand am vazut ca mai face ceva: poti scrie pe el. Si mai si canta daca vrei. Si am ascultat muzica, am tot ascultat pana intr-alta zi cand am vazut ca pot vedea si filme...Ia uite cate poate face un calculator!!! am exclamat eu entuziasmata... Mama zice: face si curat la tine in camera??? NU? Atunci nu e bun! Nu am mai stat sa o contrazic si am stiut de atunci ca nu voi mai putea sta fara unul prin preajma...Addicted? Probabil. Dar e o adictie ce imi place, de care am nevoie, pe care acum o transmit si copilei mele...Sa mai spun ca nu avea nici 2 ani si imi arata iconita cu desene animate de pe ecran si spunea: mami, da chic aici (a se citi cum am scris). CHIC.

Mari BurThey say that you never forget your first

love... I could say the same about my first computer: I’ll never forget it. At first, I didn’t

even know how to turn it on, then I started playing cards on it, and I kept playing until one day, when I discovered there was something else I could do: I could write. I could also listen to music if I wanted to. So, I kept listening to music until some other day, when I realized I could also watch movies... There are so many things a computer can do!!! I uttered with delight... My mom said: does it clean your room too??? IT DOESN’T? It’s no good then! I did not contradict her but I knew that I couldn’t live without a computer anymore... Addicted? Maybe. But it’s an addiction that I like, that I need, and now my little girl has it too... I should add that she hadn’t turned 2 yet when she used to point to me the icon for cartoons on the screen and to say: kic here, mommy (read exactly as I wrote it). KIC.


Toamna tarziu, in 1984, taica-miu a adus acasa o jucarie noua. Aveam 8 ani si nu stiam ce era “aia”. Era un Commodore64, cu floppy-

disk de 5.25″ si cu doua joystick-uri.Am aflat repede si ca taica-miu luase jucaria in primul

rand pentru el. Ne-a pus in vedere ca avem acces la comp numai cu el acasa, insa cat timp nu era la scoala, era calare pe el.

Imi placeau jocurile, aveam destule, asa ca ajunsesem expert in aranjarea cablurilor si a set-ului exact cum le lasase, fix cu o jumate de ora inainte sa vina acasa, suficient cat sa se raceasca alimentatorul.

Veneam de la scoala si direct la jocuri, cu fratei-meu sau singur. Fireste, ne certam cand vroiam sa jucam in single player, ca putea numai unul. Imi aduc aminte de gemstone warrior, altfel am numai flash-uri cu imagini. Personajul sarind peste gauri mai mici sau mai mari in punte, de astea.

Dar cel mai tare a fost cand tata a venit acasa cu niste reviste in care erau jocuri scrise in cod masina. Pagini intregi scrise marunt. Serii de cate 5 litere. A fost fun sa le dictez numai pana am facut prima pauza, dupa aproximativ 7 ore de “recitat”. Era deja tarziu asa ca am hotarat sa continuam a doua zi, de dimineata, ca eram curiosi cum e jocul, nevoie mare.

Florin Rosu In the late fall of 1984, my father brought

home a new toy. I was 8 years old and didn’t know what “that” was. It was a Commodore64,

with a 5.25″ floppy disk and two joysticks.I found out soon that my father had bought the toy

mainly for himself. He specifically told us that we could have access to the computer only when he was there, but when he was not at school he used it all the time.

I liked games; I had plenty of them. So I had become an expert in arranging the cables and the set exactly as he had left them, half an hour before he got home, which was enough for the feeder to cool.

The first thing I did when I came back from school was to play those games, alone or with my brother. When we used the single player, we often got into fights because only one of us could play. I remember the gemstone warrior, otherwise I get only flashes. The player jumped over wholes of different sizes, stuff like that.

The funniest thing was when my father came home with some magazines where there were games written in machine script. Many pages full of 5 letter series written small. It was funny to dictate them until the first break we took after 7 hours of “reciting”. It was already late so we decided to continue the following morning, given that we were very curious about the game.



19 95 4 8 6 3.1 Sa nu credeti ca sunt numerele la loto! Este anul in care mi-am facut cadou primul PC,un 486 cu Windows 3.1. E

mult de atunci dar amintirea primelor clip in fata ecranului este vie si prospata.Mi-am luat si o imprimanta cu ace.Gata, scapasem de zgomotul masinii de scris si de rola de carbon.Stateam cu dictionarul englez-roman langa mine sa pot traduce tot ce scria mic in dreptul iconuri-lor viu colorate,iar cateodata neavand rabdare sa traduc, pur si simplu incercam sa vad ce se intampla. Eram fascinata, uitam sa mananc, ma culcam tarziu si ma certam cu copiii mei in privinta intrarii la rand in fata noii jucarii.Anii au trecut si acum 3 ani mi-am facut cadou primul laptop, dar cearta cu privire la statul in fata calculatorului a ramas aceeasi. Stau si ma intreb ce se va intampla daca voi caştiga un Tablet Multimedia Folio 100 si tot eu imi raspund ca, la cat este de mic si de scump, va fi bijuteria mea si nu va avea nimeni acces la el.

Tintaru Smaranda Anca19 95 4 8 6 3.1 These are not lottery

numbers! It’s the year when I gifted myself with my first PC, a 486 with Windows 3.1. It

happened a long time ago, but the memory of the first moments spent in front of the screen is still fresh. I also got myself a needle printer. No more typewriter noise and carbon roller. I used to have the English-Romanian dictionary within reach, in order to be able to translate the small writing near the colorful icons, and sometimes I didn’t have the patience to translate it and I simply tried to see what happened. I was fascinated, I would skip meals and go to bed late at night and argue with my kids about who was going to use the new toy next. Years have passed and 3 years ago I bought myself my first laptop, and the argues about sitting in front of the computer are the same. I wonder what would happen if I won a Tablet Multimedia Folio 100, and I think the answer is that it would be my jewel and nobody would have access to it, since it is so small and expensive.


Am avut primul calculator cam pe clasa a 6a, nu am folosit niciodata pana atunci unul si eram asa entuziasmata cand a intrat tati cu

el in casa... Era second-hand, dar asta era ultimul lucru care a contat. Persoana de la care a fost cumparat era profesionist in calculatoare si imi amintesc cum a venit sa ne explice cateva lucruri esentiale despre ele. Eram atat de captata, incat atunci cand a plecat am vrut sa il opresc si nu imi aminteam cum a spus sa o fac. De la buton nu am vrut sa il sting, fiindca am retinut ca nu era indicat, asa ca am umblat noaptea prin vecini dupa cineva care sa stie sa imi stinga calculatorul corect:)) Cred ca nici noaptea urmatoare nu am dormit de atata entuziasm si emotie copilareasca:aveam si eu calculator! Si bucuria asta marunta nu mi-a mai putut fi luata! Va multumesc.

Onea AdrianaI got my first computer in the 6th grade

or so, I had never used one before and I was so excited when daddy brought it... It was

second-hand, but it didn’t matter at all. The person who had owned it was an IT specialist and I remember him coming to explain us some essential things about it. I was so captivated that when I wanted to turn it off after he had left, I couldn’t remember how to do it. I didn’t want to use the button because I remembered that it was not indicated to do so, therefore I tried to find some neighbors who could turn off my computer correctly that night. :)) I believe I couldn’t sleep the following night either because of all the excitement and childish emotions I had: I finally owned a computer! And nobody could take those moments of small joy away from me! Thank you.


Povestea mea este urmatoarea: Eram la bunici in vacanta de vara. Parintii mei se certau des, asa ca mama mi-a cumparat un PC ca sa

ma intorc acasa si sa stau alaturi de ea! :)

Igna AlinMy story is as follows: I was at my

grandparents’ home during the summer vacation. My parents used to argue a lot, so

my mom bought me a PC so that I would go back home and stay with her! :)



Se facea ca nu stiam sa fac absolut nimic pe calculator. Pe atunci, prin 2000 singura intalnire cu dansul era la facultate, unde

aveam laborator de info. Pana in ziua in care,( si tin minte care 16 dec 2002) mi-au cumparat ai mei un calculator! Minune mare veselie, eu ma gandeam ca wordul il am la degetul cel mic( nu stiu de unde pana unde ideea, cand eu nu eram in stare nici sa gasesc o pagina pe google) si avand de facut un referat in germana, m-am apucat de scris, cu un deget, seara si am terminat dimineata( nu de alta dar erau multe pagini si eu nu puteam tasta numai cu aratatorul). Si dimineata, dupa ce scrisesem vreo 6 pagini, am apasat din greseala ctrl z.....habar nu aveam atunci de save, sau undo sau altele, deci toata munca mea se dusese pe apta sambetei si eu stateam si ma uitam ca mata in calendar nestiind de unde sa scot referatul!!

Cris Ellada I didn’t know how to use a computer at all.

At that time, in 2000, I could only see one at the faculty during the Informatics Lab. Until the

day when (I remember it was December 16, 2002) my parents bought me a computer! I was so happy, I thought I had Word at my fingertip (I don’t know how that could have crossed my mind given that I couldn’t even google a page). I had to write an essay in German so I was up all night typing the text with one finger (there were several pages and I could only type with my forefinger). In the morning, after I had typed almost 6 pages, I accidentally typed ctrl z... I didn’t know about save, undo or others, so my whole work went down the drain and I sat there helpless, not knowing where to find my essay!!


Se intampla prin `94. Tatal meu fiind la un curs langa Bucuresti, a intrat intr-o librarie, in cautarea de carti despre muzica. Trecand pe

langa raftul cu carti de informatica a agatat cam tot ce-a prins. De buna seama, informatia din cartile respective era deja perimata, insa pentru mine, aceasta a fost prima incursiune in lumea PC. Eram plecat de acasa si stateam la internat. In fiecare luna imi cumparam doar jumatate din bonurile de masa, iar restul banilor ii schimbam in dolari sau marci. Dupa aproape 2 ani, la inceputul clasei a XII-a, aveam 300 de dolari. M-am prezentat în fata parintilor cu mica mea comoara si le-am comunicat ca imi doresc un calculator. Cei care au copii isi cam imagineaza ce au simtit ai mei cand le-am spus de unde am banii. Nu le-a fost usor să completeze pana la 1000, dar mi-au marturisit mai tarziu ca a meritat efortul. Asa am ajuns sa am un 5x86 - aproape pentium :)).

Catalin DavidIt was in ̀ 94. My father was attending a class

near Bucharest, and he went to a bookstore searching for some books about music. He

bought about everything from the shelf with books on informatics. Certainly, the information in those books was already old, but for me it was my first meeting with the PC world. I was away from home and lived in a boarding school. Every month I bought just half of the meal tickets, and exchanged the rest of the money into dollars or marks. Almost 2 years later, at the beginning of the 12th grade, I had 300 dollars. I went to see my parents with my little treasure and told them that I wanted a computer. Those of you who have children can imagine what my parents felt when I told them where I got the money from. It wasn’t easy for them to come up with the rest of the money up to 1000, but they later confessed that it was worth it. That’s how I got a 5x86 - almost Pentium :)).



Primul calculator l-am primit la varsta de 9 ani de la unchiul meu. Era un pentium 1 de care el se descotorosise si bineinteles a facut

si o fapta buna, si mi la oferit mie. Bineinteles ca romanul fiind inventiv, dupa 5 - 6 luni incercam sa-l copiez pe nea “Titi” care era informaticianul zonei. Orice eroare imi aparea pe calculator eu incercam sa o repar, demontand hardul si sursa si montandu-le inapoi. Toate functionau pana intr-o zii, cand dupa mai multe demontari si montari ale componentelor, nu mai afisa nimic pe display. Pornea dar nu afisa Dupa mai mult timp de analiza si gandire am gasit in spatele calculatorului un buton pe care scria: 115V/225V.Vazand acel buton mi-am zis: Oare nu din cauza asta nu merge? Cu calculatorul pornit am mutat butonul cu ajutorul unei surubelnite, de pe 225V pe 115V. In acel moment soc! Sursa a scos un suntet asurzitor ca a unui foc de arma si a scos un fum negricios. In acel mment am constatat ca am “reparat” calculatorul de tot. Multumesc.

Pop Vasile BogdanI got my first computer from my uncle,

when I was 9. He didn’t need his Pentium 1 anymore, so he did a good deed and offered it

to me. And since Romanians are inventive, 5 or 6 months later I began imitating uncle “Titi”, the IT specialist in the neighborhood. I tried to fix any error that appeared on my computer by taking the hard drive and the power supply to pieces and putting them back together. They all worked fine after several such operations until one day, when there was nothing on the display anymore. I could turn it on but there was no display. I thought a lot about what might have happened and I found on the backside of the computer a button that said: 115V/225V. When I saw that button, I asked myself: is this the cause? I switched the button from 225V to 115V with a screwdriver while the computer was still on. And guess what! The power supply cracked loudly like a gun going off and sooty smoke came out of it. I realized then that I had “fixed” the computer for good. Thank you.


Primul meu contact cu un calculator a fost la vârsta de 11 ani, la cea dintâi oră de informatică. Observând că bizarul aparat poseda ecran, mintea

mea de copil şi-a închipuit că o să putem viziona filme sau desene animate. Am realizat că mă inşel când l-am studiat mai îndeaproape: avea prea multe butoane ca să se asemene cu un televizor, o telecomandă neobişnuită numită şoricel şi o cutie din care răsăreau multe fire în care mi se împleticeau picioarele. Când calculatorul a prins viaţă, pe chipul meu nu s-a aşternut nicio cută de uimire, ci doar o expresie plină de dezamăgire la vederea acelor rânduri neinteligibile despre Ms Dos Prompt, taste functionale, directoare.

Degetele mele micuţe s-au înfiorat la atingerea tastelor care pur şi simplu nu se lăsau îmblânzite. În afară de tasta « Enter » care mi se părea cea mai prietenoasă, oricare alta încercată fără aprobarea profesoarei, mă pedepsea să rămân blocată pe aceeaşi pagină. Din dorinţa de a trece mai departe, citeam si reciteam indicaţiile de pe ecran până când o stare de enervare depăşea marginile răbdării mele. Prin urmare, refuzam să mai privesc monstruosul aparat care nu vroia să asculte, în ciuda tuturor eforturilor profesoarei de a-mi ilustra importanţa lui pentru viitor.

Începand cu a doua oră, profesoara, văzând ca în ochii noştri nu tresare niciun licăr de interes, a schimbat tactica. Pentru ca să nu ne mai vadă plimbând plictisiţi sageţica mouse-ului pe ecran şi să ne împiedice să apasam tastele cu iritare, ne-a oferit « stimulente »: jocurile. Dacă pe parcursul orei executam toate sarcinile date, aveam acces la jocul preferat preţ de 10 min. Datorită joculeţului preferat -Mario, « monstrul » a început să prindă culoare, sa nu-mi mai inspire repulsie, ba chiar a devenit dorinţa mea principală în materie de cadou.

Hirdau Alexandra I had my first contact with a computer when

I was 11, during the first informatics class. The bizarre machine had a screen, so I figured in

my childish mind that we would be able to watch movies or cartoons. I realized that I was wrong when I studied it more closely: it had too many buttons to resemble a TV set, an unusual remote control named mouse and a box with many wires getting tangled on my feet. When the computer came to life, I was not amazed but disappointed after having seen those unintelligible lines about Ms Dos Prompt, functional keys, and directories.

My little fingers shivered when touching the literally undomesticated keys. Apart from “Enter”, which seemed the most friendly, any other key that I tried without my teacher’s approval seemed to punish me and left me stuck on the same page. I wanted to move on, I used to read the indications on the screen again and again, until I became annoyed and out of patience. Thus, I refused to look at the monstrous machine that wouldn’t listen, in spite of all the efforts of the teacher to reveal its importance for the future.

Starting with the second class, the teacher changed the tactic after having noticed that there was no trace of interest in our eyes. She wanted to prevent us from being annoyed when we moved the mouse cursor on the screen, or from being irritated when we pushed the keys, so she offered us some “stimuli”: games. If we fulfilled all our tasks during the class, we had access to our favorite game for 10 minutes. It was because of my favorite game - Mario, that the “monster” started to become interesting. It was not repugnant anymore and furthermore, it became my biggest wish for a gift.



Era o retea de vreo 10-12 pc-uri cu procesor 286 cu monitoare monocrom. “Puteti deschide acum calculatoarele” a zis profa, dupa ce a

asteptat sa porneasca serverul. Eram pentru prima data in viata la o distanta mai mica de un metru de un monitor. Unitatea de sub el avea butonul de on/off in partea dreapta si se pornea prin culisarea acestuia spre sus.

Nerabdarea de a scrie ceva m-a impins sa dau comenzi pe care batranul DOS nu le recunostea; profa ma enerva ca vorbea mult, dar cine o asculta? De frustrare am inceput sa scriu cuvinte rele la adresa ei apoi Enter, dar DOS-ul imi tot afisa iar si iar mesajul de “bad command or file name” . Mi se pare cat se poate de normal.

“Voi trece pe la fiecare sa vad ce ati facut…” a zis la un moment dat profa’. Am inghetat… monitorul meu era plin de mesaje la adresa ei. Am incercat sa le sterg dar nu mergea nimic. Disperarea ca voi fi prins crestea cu fiecare centimetru cu care era mai aproape de mine. Mainile imi transpirau, pupilele mi se marisera; cautam cu disperare o solutie salvatoare. Pana la mine mai avea doar un pas. Mi-am dat seama ca eram depasit de situatie si am lasat privirea in jos infrant… si atunci am vazut mirificul buton salvator de on/off…

“Din greseala”, a fost explicatia mea la nemultumirea profei ca n-aveam nici o dovada a ce-am facut eu toata ora… dar eu stiam cel mai bine.

mihoc stefan There was a network of about 10 or 12

PCs with a 286 processor and monochrome monitors. “You can now turn on your

computers,” the teacher said, after having waited for the server to be turned on. I found myself for the first time within a meter distance from a monitor. The central unit had the on/off button on the right side and it was turned on by pushing this button upwards.

The impatience to write made me command things that the old DOS couldn’t recognize; the teacher annoyed me because she was talking too much, but who listened? I was frustrated and started to write bad words about her and then hit Enter, but the DOS kept displaying the “bad command or file name” message. That seems to be normal.

“I’ll check on you to see what you have done…” the teacher said at some point. I freezed… my monitor was full of messages about her. I tried to erase them but nothing worked. As she got closer, I was more and more afraid that she would catch me. My palms sweated, my pupils were dilated; I was desperately trying to find a way out. She was just a step away. I realized that there was nothing I could do and I looked down in shame… it was then that I saw the savior on/off button…

“By mistake”, I replied at her discontent that I had no proof of what I had been doing during the entire class… but I knew better.


Decembrie 1998 ora 6 dimineata, cel mai fericit om din cartier tocmai de trezea. Era o dimineata urata, geroasa fara pic de zapada,

dar eu eram fericit, mergeam sa-mi cumpar calculator dupa un an intreg de facut economii.

Magazinul de calculatoare era de fapt o magazie imensa, fara geamuri, ce mirosea puternic a dezinfectant si fum de tigara, dar ce conta, aliniate frumos pe rafturi erau zeci de calculatoare care ma asteptau.

M-am uitat la preturi si da, aveam suficienti bani sa-mi cumpăr cel mai ieftin sistem…

Drumul spre casa nu mi-l amintesc, parca nici n-a fost, m-am trezit asezand superbul monitor color pe masa, a urmat in scurt timp unitatea centrala si tastatura. Am scotocit dupa dischetele cu sistemul de operare si le-am asezat in ordine, de la 1 la 11. Afara incepuse sa ningă usor , fulgii mari coborau in goana si se asezau lin pe pervazul geamului meu, parca ningea cu floricele. Eram cu adevarat fericit, mi-am facut un pic de curaj si am apasat butonul ON/OFF, un zumzet usor se porni dinspre mult doritul meu calculator. Am pregatit prima discheta am introdus-o in unitate si am inceput sa tastez: „ cd A: „ . Si astfel a început totul.

Chirita Bogdan In December 1998, at 6 o’clock in the

morning, the happiest man in the neighborhood had just woken up. It was an ugly morning, frosty

without any snow, but I was happy. I was going to buy myself a computer after one year of saving money for it.

The computers store was actually a huge, windowless stock building, which strongly smelled like disinfectant and cigarette smoke, but it didn’t matter at all. Dozens of computers beautifully lined up on the shelves were there for me.

I looked at the prices and yes, I did have enough money to buy the cheapest system…

I don’t remember the way back home at all; the next thing I know, I put my beautiful monitor on the desk, then the central unit and the keyboard. I looked for the operating system floppy disks, and I put them in order, from 1 to 11. It started to snow outside; the big snowflakes came down in a hurry and lay quietly on my window case, as if it was snowing with little flowers. I was really happy, I summoned up my spirits and pushed the ON/OFF button. A murmur came from my beloved computer. I prepared the first floppy disk, put it inside the central unit and started to type: “cd A:”. And thus it all began.



Prima mea zi de serviciu a fost una tare plina. ”Oficiu de calcul” se numea biroul la care fusesem angajata.

Angajarea nu presupunea experienta anterioara ci doar anumite calitati verificate prin teste psihologice asa ca nu stiam nimic din ceea ce ma asteapta.

Urma sa fiu operator masini de calcul. La Oficiul fortelor de munca de unde primisem postul functionarul m-a intrebat:

- Ce vrei sa fii, operator masini de calcul sau operator chimist?

- Dar eu nu stiu ce inseamna nici una nici alta!- Pentru prima bati la masina, la a doua miroase urat.- Atunci…bat la masina.Da, aveam sa stau pe un scaun in fata unei masini

dotata cu tastatura care transpunea ceea ce tastam eu pe un suport de memorie externa, banda de hartie sau cartela, in forma codificata, sub forma de perforatii.

Erau vreo trei masini si noi eram doua fete si un baiat. In mijlocul salii trona o masinarie mai mare si mai dragutza ca ale noastre. I se spunea calculator si era un Cellatron. Dintre toate partile lui functionale ma fascina panoul de comanda unde licareau intr-un dans vesel leduri de mai multe culori. Operatorul de calculator era nevoit cateodata sa paraseasca incaperea si atunci imi lasa ca sarcina sa urmaresc led-urile si daca se aprindeau cumva trei rosii deodata trebuia sa-l chem.. Mi se parea o responsabilitate atat de mare incat imi fixam de la locul meu ochii pe panou incercand sa clipesc cat mai rar. De la un timp imi jucau… led-urile in cap, sa spun asa, de atata incordare. Eram usurata cand venea colegul meu si responsabilitateaa uriasa imi era luata de pe umeri.

Iurkiewicz ElenaI had a very full first day at work. I had been

hired in an office called ”Computing office”.The hiring did not require previous

experience, only certain qualities verified by means of psychological tests, so I didn’t know what to expect.

I was supposed to be a computing operator. At the Job center where I had got the job, the clerk asked me:

- What do you want to be, a computing operator or a chemist operator?

- I don’t know anything about either of them!- In the first case you type, in the second case it

stinks.- Then… I’ll type.Indeed, I had to sit in front of a machine with a

keyboard, which transferred what I was typing on an external memory support, paper strap or coded punch card.

We were two girls and a boy on three such machines. In the middle of the room, there was a bigger and even nicer machine. They called it a computer and it was a Cellatron. What fascinated me most of all its functional parts, was the switch panel with its colorful flickering LEDs. Every now and then, the operator had to leave the room and charged me with watching the LEDs. I had to call him if three red LEDs ever happened to turn on at the same time… It seemed such a big responsibility that I used to stare at the panel almost without blinking. I was so tense that all those LEDs started dancing in my head after a while, if I may say so. I was relieved when my colleague came back and the huge responsibility was no longer mine.


Prima mea intalnire cu un PC? Cu multi ani in urma. Cu foarte multi. Primul calculator pe care l-am avut a fost un Sinclair. De fapt era

un Spectrum facut de Sinclair, dar noi asa-i spuneam. Probabil ca multi dintre cititorii tai nu stiu ce e un Sinclair, asa ca, pe scurt, o sa explic despre ce era vorba: “tastatura” pe care o vedeti in imagine, era in sine un PC, care se lega la un TV, iar prin intermediul unui casetofon sau magnetofon, jucai diverse jocuri, care pentru acea vreme, aratau excelent. Da, jocurile erau inregistrate pe casete sau benzi de magnetofon.

Primul meu programel a fost facut pentru un coleg de camera, student la medicina, care trebuia sa prezinte cum circula sangele in vene. Iar vena era reprezentata de doua linii paralele, in timp ce sangele era format din multe litere care se miscau intre cele doua linii, dar cu o viteza destul de mare incat sa nu realizezi ca alea erau litere. N-arata rau deloc, dar era „rudimentar”.

Sorin GrumazescuMy first meeting with a PC? It was years

ago. Many years ago. My first computer was a Sinclair. Actually, it was a Spectrum made by

Sinclair, but we called it that way. Many of your readers probably don’t even know what a Sinclair is, so I’ll explain it briefly: “the keyboard” in this image was a PC itself. When you connected it to a TV set, you could play many great looking games for that time, via a tape recorder or a magnetic tape recorder. In fact, the games were recorded on tapes or magnetic tapes.

I made my first little program for a roommate, a student in medicine, who had to illustrate the blood running though the veins. The vein was represented by two parallel lines, while the blood was made of many letters moving within the space between the two lines, in such a great speed that one couldn’t tell that those were letters. It looked nice, but it was “rudimentary”.



Prima mea intalnire cu un calculator a avut loc in laboratorul de informatica al scolii, pe cand eram in clasa a sasea. Calculatoarele de

acolo rulau MS-DOS dar ce imi placea cu adevarat la ele erau, desigur, jocurile: Mario si Prince of Persia. Dupa cateva saptamani, respectiv ore de informatica, deja stiam unde gasesc jocurile si le accesam cu toate ca stiam ca urmeaza cearta din partea profesorului. Domnul professor, un om roscat si mustacios, care trata foarte serios materia pe care o preda, vroia sa facem tot felul de chestii in MS-DOS, sa invatam scheme logice, ce e cu sistemul binar si algoritmi, lucruri pe care le gaseam foarte plictisitoare pe atunci.

Primul meu calculator a venit multi ani mai tarziu – cumparat de parinti – cu internet prin dial-up, dupa 8 seara ca era mai ieftin, desigur. Eram mereu foarte speriata sa nu cumva sa-l stric. Nu o data mi s-a intamplat sa imi dea vreo eroare si eu sa ma dau peste cap si sa plang in hohote ca si cum ar fi fost sfarsitul lumii. In afara de asta, imi era teama ca atunci cand introduceam CD-ul in CD-Rom sa nu iasa de acolo invartindu-se la o viteza foarte mare si sa ma raneasca.

Simona TomaMy first meeting with a computer was during

the Informatics Lab, when I was in the sixth grade. They had MS-DOS computers there,

but what I really liked about them were obviously the games: Mario and Prince of Persia. After several weeks, or informatics classes, I already knew where to find the games and I accessed them even if I was aware of the teacher’s disagreement. My teacher, a redhead mustached man, was very serious about his teaching line and wanted us to do many things in MS-DOS, to learn logical schemes, the binary system and algorithms, and we found them very boring at that time.

I got my first computer many years later – bought by my parents – it had dial-up internet after 8 pm when it was cheaper, of course. I was always very afraid not to break it. I burst into a passion of tears every time I got an error, as if the world had come to an end. Besides, when I introduced a CD into the CD-ROM, I was afraid it would come out spinning very fast and hurt me.


La 3 luni dupa ce m-am nascut, in Romania a izbucnit Revolutia.

La 7 ani butonam pentru prima oara un calculator. Asta e motivul pentru care nu ma consider copilul Revolutiei, ci copilul Evolutiei. Nu stiam mare lucru, dar ma fascinau mult butoanele si jocurile tip tetris pentru ca erau foarte colorate. Si noaptea visam curcubee. Verisoara mea era deja as. Voiam si eu sa fiu as, dar nu aveam cu ce.

Pe la 8 ani mama m-a dat la niste cursuri care se tineau la scoala. In fiecare sambata si duminica aveam cate 2 ore de deliciu tehnologic. Parca faptul ca aveam acele cursuri mai indulcea situatia.

Dupa vreo 2 ani, la cursurile de calculatoare a venit un profesor tanar cu care jucam mortal kombat si tot felul de nebunii, care ne lasa sa stam chiar mai mult de 2 ore, sa scriem si sa folosim calculatoarele cum voiam.

Prima mea dragoste a fost calculatorul, iar a doua a fost profesorul. Avea 25 de ani, eu aveam 10-11 si era dragoste la prima vedere… sau mai bine zis la primul curs. Nu mai asteptam weekendul pentru calculator.

lexis3 months after I was born, the Revolution

burst out in Romania.When I was 7, I started using a computer.

That’s the reason why I don’t consider myself to be the child of Revolution, but the child of Evolution. I didn’t know much, but I was fascinated by buttons and tetris games, because they were very colorful. I used to dream about rainbows at night. My cousin was already an expert. I wanted to be an expert too, but I didn’t have a computer.

When I was 8, my mother took me to some classes at school. Every Saturday and Sunday, I had 2 classes of technological delight. The fact that I was there seemed to sweeten the situation.

2 years later, a young teacher came and we used to play Mortal Kombat with him and all kinds of crazy stuff. He would let us stay even more that 2 hours, write and use the computers our own way.

My first love was the computer, and my second was the teacher. He was 25 years old, I was 10 or 11 and it was love at first sight… or, better said, at first class. I was looking forward to the weekends and the computer classes.



Eram în clasa a doua şi îmi doream foarte mult un câine. Într-o zi, mama a venit acasă cu o cutie mare în care mi-a spus că are pentru

mine un prieten nou care nu cere mâncare şi nici nu trebuie scos la plimbare. Era pe vremea când credeam că o baghetă magică mi-ar garanta un delfin în cada de la baie.

A fost de ajuns să apese un buton ca noul meu 486 porneasca. Mă simţeam ca un ucenic vrăjitor iar toţi colegii mei se adunau după ore la mine să vada minunea.

Ligia KesisianI was in the second grade and I wanted very

much to have a dog. One day, my mother came home with a big box and told me she had a new

friend for me who didn’t ask for food or to be walked. At that time, I was convinced that a magic wand would guarantee a dolphin in my bathtub.

It was enough to press a button for my new 486 to be turned on. I felt like a wizard’s apprentice and all my colleagues came by after classes to see the miracle.


In una din serile se sambata, am iesit cu prietenul meu in oras. Era dupa seara de Craciun, iar El, stiindu-ma mare iubitoare de

cozonaci ma intreaba daca vreau sa gust si din cei facuti de mama lui. Prima mea intalnire cu cutia magica a fost asta, poate din acest motiv inca mai are farmec dupa multi ani Craciunul cu El. O cutie magica din care am auzit colinde exact asa cum mi le doream, pe care eu le puteam auzi doar daca primeau ai mei colindatorii in casa sau daca aveam noroc si le prindeam la televizor sau radio…..dar sa ma bucur de ele la 2 noaptea mi s- a parut fascinant…si parca prietenul meu avea cea mai grozava casa doar datorita acelui calculator: muzica, apoi am descoperit jocurile in doi, apoi referatele facute mai cu usurinta, filmele acasa….da, clar casa era mai primitoare daca exista cutiuta gri.

Pedeapsa de la parinti pentru ca am intarziat, nu, nu mi-o amintesc…dar imi stiam urmatoare dorinta de Craciun.

DanaOne Saturday night I went out with my

boyfriend. It was the day after Christmas and He knew how much I loved sweet breads, so he

asked me if I wanted to try the ones baked by his mother. That was my first meeting with the magic box, and maybe this is the reason why Christmas with Him is still great. A magic box from which I heard the Christmas carols I wanted. I could listen to carols only if my parents let the carol singers in, or if I was lucky to see them on TV or hear them on the radio… that’s why it was fascinating to enjoy them at 2 o’clock in the night… and it looked like my boyfriend had the greatest home because of that computer: the music, the games for 2 we discovered later, the essays made so easily, the movies at home… yes, clearly the house was more cheerful with the little grey box in it.

I don’t remember how my parents punished me for being late… but I do remember that I knew exactly what my wish was for the next Christmas.





Kako pripadam onim ljudima koji svemu daju ime – jer, ipak, svaki predmet pre ili kasnije pokaže svoju ličnost – moj prvi

računar se zvao Nićifor. Bio je to novogodišnji poklon samom sebi (jer, takvi su najbolji) koji je, prema okvirnim specifikacijama od tuđih iskustava i preporuka koje su se motale po glavi, iz lokalnog računarskog dućana izašao nekoliko sati pre Nove godine. Kako sam žurio na posao (rad za Novu godinu značio je dodatni honorar), te pošto sam uganuo nogu nekoliko dana ranije, uspeo sam ispustiti jadnog Nićifora niz stepenice, ali, osim što mu je kuler odmah počeo konvergirati ka traktoru, većih posledica nije bilo. Svašta je taj računar preživeo: forumašku, IRC-ersku, te blogersku mi fazu, eru Majspejsa i početak epohe Fejsbuka… Više linuks distribucija (i, na kraju, potpuno odustajanje od linuksa) i maltretiranje sa softverskim modemom… Nosio sam ga po Srbiji sa svakom selidbom. U jednom periodu, živeo sam u nekakvom vikend naselju, u prilično velikoj kući do koje je struja stizala kilometrima nadzemnog (i prilično labavog) kabla. Nekoliko dana od “Wow, vidi, napon je toliko slab da ni televizor ne mogu da uključim a komp još radi”, Nićifor se ritualno samospalio, prvi put. Sa novom matičnom i novim procesorom, pošli smo dalje. U nekom drugom vikend naselju, u kući koja je, ovoga puta, i po vokaciji bila vikendica, malo nakon “Wow, vidi, napon je toliko slab da ni televizor ne mogu da uključim a komp još radi”, Nićifor je ritualno spržio svoj monitor. Zamenila ga je neka uboga petnaestica koju mi je koleginica ustupila, privremeno. To “privremeno” traje i danas.

Nićifor mi je pre nekih godinu dana priznao da je celog života želeo da bude – televizor. Tu funkciju i dalje obavlja. Miš mu ponekad ne daje znake života, ali – i tako je odveć star da bi jurio miševe.

Bojan Arsenovic


Bojan Arsenović

Since I am one of those people who give names to everything – since, after all, each thing expresses its personality sooner or later – my

first PC was called Nićifor. It was a New Year’s present for myself (since such are the best), which, in line with general specifications from other people’s experience and recommendations that my head was full of, left a local PC shop several hours before the New Year. As I was in a hurry to get to work (working on the New Year’s Eve meant additional wages), and since I sprained my ankle several days before, I managed to drop the poor Nićifor down the stairs, but except for its cooler starting to converge to a tractor immediately, there were no major consequences. That PC survived all kinds of stuff: my forum, IRC, blogger phase, the MySpace era and the launch of the Facebook age… Several Linux distributions (and eventually giving up on Linux for good) and harassment with software modem… I carried it across Serbia every time I moved. In one period, I lived in a kind of a summer houses area, in quite a large house which was supplied by electricity through a kilometers-long (and pretty loose) aboveground cable. Several days after “Wow, look, the voltage is so low that I cannot even turn a TV on, but the comp is still working”, Nićifor ritually performed self-immolation, for the first time. With a new motherboard and processor, we moved on. In some other summer houses area, not long after “Wow, look, the voltage is so low that I cannot even turn a TV on, but the comp is still working”, Nićifor ritually burned down its screen. It was replaced by some poor 15’ that a colleague lent to me, temporarily. That “temporarily” is still valid today.

About a year ago, Nićifor confessed to me that all its life it wanted to be – a TV set. It still performs that function. Its mouse sometimes shows no signs of life, but – it is too old to chase mice anyway.



Počeo sam u Matrixu. Monohromatski, crno-zeleni, displej. Nije bilo tu mnogo šta da se radi, a i to što je bilo uglavnom se odrađivalo

šrafcigerom. Štelovanje glave na kasetofonu, kako bi se bilo šta i moglo igrati, a onda rastavljanje džojstika kako bi se na Decathlon-u postizali bolji rezultati. Kasnije je došao monitor u boji pa je igranje Tetrisa dobilo nekog smisla, disk jedinica nažalost nikada nije stigla.

Moj drugi prvi računar je bio moj prvi PC. Pentium. Drugog dana sam obrisao drajvere kako bi napravio mesta za Warcraft II na majušnom hard disku. Potpuni krah i moj prvi blue screen of death. Dosta godina kasnije plaćen sam za pisanje drajvera određenih eksternih uređaja. Ironija, zar ne?

Moj treći prvi računar, prvi u kategoriji laptopova, imao je atipičan sistem hlađenja. Popio je nekoliko kafa, mineralnih voda, lepljivi sok od kajsije, čak i pivo jednom kako bi obuzdao radnu temperaturu. Ponekad bi mu čak to i pomoglo. Neke pametne stvari je ovaj računar pomogao da odradim, ali sam mu najzahvalniji na društvu u predugim autobuskim i aerodromskim satima.

Moj najnoviji prvi računar je u stvari naš prvi računar. Ima mede, zeke i kornjače nacrtane. Ima on-off dugme. Ne traži nikakve drajvere i prostim klikom bilo gde na tastaturi pušta multimedijalne sadržaje na monohromatskom, sivo-crnom, ekranu. Kompatibilan je sa većinom drugih gumenih igračaka.

Dejan Vukmirovic


Dejan Vukmirović

I started in Matrix. Monochromatic, black and green display. There was nothing much to do, and even when there was, a screwdriver was

enough to finish the job. A tape recorder head calibration to be able to play, and then dissembling of a joystick to achieve better results at Decathlon. Later came a colour screen so playing of Tetris became meaningful, a disc unit, unfortunately, never came.

My second first computer was my first PC. Pentium. On the second day I deleted drivers to make room for Warcraft II on a tiny hard disc. Total crash and my first blue screen of death. Many years later, I am paid to design drivers for specific external devices, Irony, isn’t it?

My third first computer, the first one in the laptop category, had an atypical cooling system. On several occasions it drank coffee, mineral water, sticky apricot juice, once even beer, to tame its working temperature. Sometimes it even helped. This computer helped me finish some smart things, but I am most grateful for keeping me company in too long bus and airport hours.

My latest first computer is actually our first computer. It has teddy bears, bunnies and turtles drawn. It has an on-off button. It does not require any drivers and by a simple click anywhere on a keyboard, it plays multimedia contents on a monochromatic, grey and black screen. It is compatible with most of other rubber toys.


Sećam se, beše to davno... Pre čitavu deceniju, u kuću je stiglo novo čudo tehnologije. Strano, ogromno, mnogo veće

od čuvene Sege - mege. Odjednom sam sa džojstika morala da pređem na miš, tastaturu, što je za moj dečji mozak bilo neshvatljivo.

Majka i ja smo ga posmatrale, onako, s daljine. A tata je već odavno pohađao kurseve: “Vidite ovo veliko dugme? E tu se pali.”, ma znate već o čemu govorim!

Tata je iskoristio svoje znanje da se pravi važan, te je laički tvrdio: “Šta god mu uradite, ne možete ga pokvariti!” A ja, klinka, imala sam prva kompjuter među drugarima i pokazivala sam im svoju novu igračku. Hvalila se kako “smem ući u tatin kompjuter” i kliktala na My Computer, a onda svom brzinom na iks u strahu da nešto ne pokvarim.

Eeee, kad se samo setim čuvenih “256 igara”. Izbrisale su mi Segu vrlo brzo iz sećanja.

Sada je sve mnogo drugačije, tata je ostao na “Vidite ovo veliko dugme? E tu se pali.” znanju, a ja poznajem svoj računar kao dlan, dok moj prvi, omiljeni komp i dalje služi moju majku.

Anja Turanski


Anja Turanski

I remember, it was a long time ago… A whole decade ago, when a new technological miracle came into the house. Foreign, huge,

much bigger than famous Sega - mega. I suddenly had to switch from a joystick to a mouse, keyboard, which was incomprehensible for me as a child.

My mother and I observed it from a distance. While father started taking courses long before: “You see this big button? Well, this is where you turn it on.”, you know what I’m talking about!

My dad used all his knowledge to boast around, and claimed as a laic: “Whatever you do to it, you cannot break it down!” And I, a little girl, was the first who had a computer among friends and showed it to them like a new toy. I bragged around how “I am allowed to enter dad’s computer” and clicked on My Computer, and then quickly to an ‘x’, fearing I might break something down.

Eh, when I remember famous “256 games”. They erased Sega from my memory very quickly.

Everything is much different now, my dad remained at the “You see this big button? Well, this is where you turn it on.” level, but I know my computer as the back of my palm, while the first, favourite comp still services my mother.



Da li napisati istinu o svom prvom kontaktu sa racunarom ili ne?Dilema koja me proganja nekoliko dana unazad.Ipak napisati istinu.

Malo smeha nije na odmet.Dogodilo se to pre desetak godina.Privatizacija,strana firma, savremena oprema,

kompjuteri, obuke, a ja kao srednja generacija u svemu tome.Ludilo.Pisem svaku rec na obuci za kompjutere.Konacno stize i moj kompjuter,montira se u kancelariji,ja zbunjena ali i srecna necu morati da idem u druge kancelarije i molim kolege da vezbam malo.Odlaze kolege koje su montirale kompjuter i dale oskudno objasnjenje.Nastupam ja, sva vazna i izlazim na internet.Odjednom cudo!Preko citavog ekrana silna neka golotinja.

Sva u soku, jer sam samo kliknula na internet eksplorer,pokusavam da promenim program.Ma nece ni da cuje.Slika se ukocila a u hodniku se cuje gala.Sta ako neko udje?Panika raste,ja sva u haosu nemogu da se setim kako da ga iskljucim.Konacno posle par minuta se prizovem pameti i iskljucim komjuter.

Ustanem ,izadjem u hodnik,krenem da se umijem jer sam imala utisak da gubim svest,kad u hodniku cujem:VIRUS,svima se na ekranima pojavila ista slika.

Mislim da mojoj sreci nije bilo kraja.Ipak nisam ja pogresila.Citavog dana sam se smejala svom prvom pokusaju da izadjem na internet.

Kompjuter je sada moja svakodnevnica i velika ljubav.Kada bi mi neko uskratio to zadovoljsyvo bila bih izuzetno nesrecna.Najcesce prepirke u mojoj kuci su oko kompjutera.Ko ce pre da ga zaposedne.

Marica Momirovic


Marica Momirović

Should the truth about the first contact with computer be told or not? A dilemma which haunted me for several days. It should, after all.

A little laugh cannot hurt. It happened some ten years ago. Privatisation, a foreign company, modern equipment,

computers, training courses, and I in my middle age in all that. Madness. I write down every word in a computer course. My computer finally arrives, it is installed in my office, I am confused and happy, I no longer have to go to other offices and ask colleagues to practice a little. Colleagues who installed the computer and gave an obscure explanation leave. It is my moment and I connect to the Internet full of self-esteem. All of a sudden, a strange thing happens! Nude pictures all over the screen.

In a state of shock, since I just clicked on the Internet Explorer, I try to change the program. Not a chance. The screen froze and a noise is heard in the corridor. What if someone comes in? Panic is overwhelming, I am a mess and cannot remember how to shut it off. Finally, after a few minutes, I pull myself together and turn off the computer.

I get up, go out to the corridor and start to wash my face since I feel as if I would faint, when I hear in the corridor: VIRUS, everyone got the same image on the screen.

I think that I am the happiest person in the world. It was not my mistake after all. All day long I laugh about my first attempt to connect to the Internet.

Computer is part of my everyday routine today and my great love. If someone deprived me of that pleasure, I would be extremely unhappy. Quarrels at my home are most often computer-related. Who will get to it first.



ON NEMA vremena da traži bademantil, samo sa peškirom obavijenim oko tela, cvokoćući od zime, žuri uz stepenice do

garderobe, mokrim rukama pretura po džepovima svoje jakne. Račun se od vlage izgužvao. Cvokoće zubima dok ukucava broj, ali ipak uspeva da umiri glas. “Halo”, govori. “Zašto ne mogu da se konektujem?”

Izgledalo je da njegovi roditelji misle da je sasvim u redu što im sin živi u svetu snova. Zašto tražiti realnost kada moderna civilizacija zagovara relativnost? Nije želeo da se druži sa vršnjacima. Nije želeo čak ni devojku da ima. Želeo je nešto drugo. Svoju drugu polovinu, tako veliku da prekriva pola neba.

Dečakova soba se lepo uklapala. Pomislili bi da je on samo jedan deo inventara, detalj koji je činio da soba izgleda besprekorno. Zavese i prekrivač kupljeni su u Minhenu, mesec dana pre nego što je dobio svoj prvi računar. To je izum najljudskiji od svih, mislio je. Kako je moguće da me tako dobro poznaješ? Poznaješ moje najdublje strahove i maštarije. Rekao sam ti ono što nikome nisam. Izgleda tako stvarno. Kada zatvroim oči, vidim tvoje lice. Kada vidim tvoje ime, srce mi kuca brže. Osećam tvoje usne kada se oblizujem. Kada ne mogu da ti čitam misli, uznemirenost se rascveta kao morska sasa. Da li je ovo nova vrsta ljubavi? Nikad licem u lice, da li je dovoljno? Da li se računa ili sam budala? Nikada se nismo upoznali.

Osetio je kako mu se mišići grče, da bi se zatim naglo opustili. “U toku su radovi radi unapređenja naših usluga”, čulo se sa druge strane žice. Prekinuo je vezu đavolski zadovoljan i otrčao da se obuče.

Nikola Jovic


Nikola Jović

HE DOES NOT have time to look for a bathrobe, only with a towel wrapped around his body, shivering with cold, he hurries up the

stairs to the wardrobe closet, ruffling through pockets of his jacket with wet hands. A receipt is crumbled because of moist. With his teeth chattering, he dials a number, but manages to calm his voice down. “Hallo,” he says. “Why can’t I connect?”

It seemed that his parents thought it was quite all right that their son lived in the world of dreams. Why insist on reality when the modern civilisation advocates relativity? He did not want to hang around with his peers. He even did not want to have a girlfriend. He wanted something else. His other half, so big that it covered a half of the sky.

The boy’s room fitted nicely. One would think that he was only part of the inventory, a detail which made the room look perfect. Curtains and a bed cover were bought in Munich, one month before he got his first computer. It is the most human invention of all, he thought. How is it possible that you know me so well? You know my deepest fears and fantasies. I told you what I did not tell anyone else. It looks so real. When I close my eyes, I see your face. When I see your name, my heart beats faster. I feel your lips when I lick my lips with my tongue. When I cannot read your mind, anxiety blooms like a sea anemone. Is this a new kind of love? Never face-to-face, is it enough? Does it count or am I a fool? We have never met.

He felt his muscles cramp and then suddenly relax. “Work on improving our service is in progress,” said the voice on the other side. He hung up devilishly satisfied and ran off to get dressed.



Bilo je to nekada davno, baš kao što počinje većina priča. Dan kada sam prvi put pritisnuo veliko belo dugme mog prvog računara. Lako

i sa sigurnošću, kao da to nije ništa, ne sluteći kakve sve tajne krije. Ekran je blicnuo i začulo se tiho zujanje, sa strahopoštovanjem sam gledao kako se pokreće sistem da bih zatim po prvi put ugledao zelenu površinu koja je vladala desktopom. Bio sam oduševljen ali to je bio samo početak. Kako su dani prolazili sve sam više vremena hteo da provedem u istraživanju, mogućnosti je bilo previše. Nabavljao sam programe, počeo da se zanimam obradom slika, pomagao mi je oko škole, a kasnije sam uveo i internet. Što sam ga više izučavao sve se više puteva otvaralo predamnom. Net mi je omogućio da komuniciram i sa drugim ljudima, imao sam sve i video sve a nigde nisam išao. Postao je moj najbolji prijatelj ali...i moj najveći neprijatelj. Shvatio sam da me je zarobio. Svo slobodno vreme sedeo sam u sobi pored njega, trajalo je to mesecima dok nisam shvatio. Znanje je bilo dragoceno ali morao sam da presečem. Iskoristio sam jednu mudru stvar koju sam pročitao baš tu, sedeći ispred njega. Umerenost je najveća vrlina.

Stvari su se promenile od tad, prošlo je dosta vremena ali to nikada neću zaboraviti. Plan za osvetu već dugo nosim u sebi. Doći će i taj dan kada ću ga nositi uvek sa sobom gde god krenem, zarobiću ga baš kao što je on nekada mene. Možda to neće biti moj prvi kompjuter ali...osveta će biti slatka....

Srecko Jarcevic


Srećko Jarčević

Just like most stories begin, it was a long time ago. The day when I pressed a big white button of my first computer for the first time. Easily and

leisurely, as if it was nothing, not having a clue about all the secrets it hid. The screen flashed and slight buzzing was heard; I watched in awe how the system was beginning to function and then for the first time saw the green area which covered the desktop. I was thrilled, but that was just the beginning. As days went by, I wanted to spend more and more time in browsing, there were too many opportunities. I obtained programmes, got interested in image editing, it helped me with school, and later I got the Internet. The more I studied it, the more roads opened in front of me. The Web enabled me to communicate with other people, I had it all and saw it all without going anywhere. It became my best friend, but… my worst enemy as well. I realised that it captured me. I kept sitting in the room next to it during my leisure time, it took months before I realised. Knowledge was invaluable, but I had to stop. I used one wise thing I read right there, sitting in front of it. Being moderate is the greatest virtue.

Things have changed since then, a lot of time has passed, but I will never forget it. I have carried a revenge plan inside me for long. A day will come when I will carry it with me wherever I go, I will capture it just like it captured me once. Perhaps it will not be my first computer, but… the revenge will be sweet....


Moje prvo iskustvo sa računarimaBilo je to jednog sasvim običnog kišnog

oktobarskog prepodneva osamdeset i neke godine već prošlog veka. Na srednjoškolskoj praksi, ne sluteći ništa, ušao sam u računarski centar jedne od tada moćnih banaka. I šta sam zatekao?

Za ogromnim računarskim pultom, sedela je stasita riđokosa lepotica, u belom mantilu, iz kojeg su samo uspele da pobegnu vrtoglavo duge preplanule noge. I poput dirigenta, vešto je upravljala simfonijom krhkih diskova ,koji su mi ličili na velike čokoladne torte. Mislim da je prošlo par minuta, koliko mi je trebalo da rukom vratim vilicu u njeno prvobitno ležište. I još par da dođem sebi.

Od tada su računari moja druga ljubav. Čak i profesionalna orjentacija! Svakog dana su sve kompaktniji i sve moćniji! Zavodljivi su poput žena. Moćan hardver koji neminovno prati i na trenutke problematičan softver. No bez njih se ne može!

No,nikada više nisam sreo lepoticu koja me je inspirisala na ovu ljubav. Utehu, poput pijanca, utapam u informatičkim vodama. Kao sada!

Nenad Peric


Nenad Perić

My first computer experience It was an ordinary rainy October afternoon

in the ‘80s of the now last century. Not knowing what was expecting me at the secondary school internship, I entered the IT centre of one of the then strong banks. And what did I find there?

At a huge computer desk, there was a good-looking red-haired beauty in a white uniform, from which only head-spinning long tanned legs managed to escape. Like a conductor, she skillfully managed a symphony of fragile discs, which lloked to me like big chocolate cakes. I think that several minutes went by before I managed to close my mouth. And several more to pull myself together.

Since then, computers have been my second love. Even my professional orientation! They get more compact and powerful each day! They are as seductive as women. Powerful hardware with occasionally problem-causing software. But, you cannot do without it!

Alas, I have never met the beauty who inspired me to this love again. Like a drunkard, I find consolation in IT waters. Just like now!



Graju vidno raspoloženih đaka profesorka utišava otključavajući kabinet namenjen za informatiku, obično najmiliji kabinet svima,

jer je tu dvočasovna predavanja većina doživljavala kao produženi veliki odmor. Na spojenim školskim klupama već umorno i lenjo dremaju “fosilizovani” Pentium računari. Polako zauzimamo svoje pozicije. Profesorka uključuje svoj računar a izraz lica joj poprima oblik kao da se duh sprema da iskoči iz monitora. Sramežljivo i tiho se obraća mom drugaru i meni:

- Možete li vas dvojica časkom nešto ovde da pogledate? – Naravno da smo mogli. To je bio jedan od retkih časova gde je profesor imao priliku više da nauči od svojih učenika, pošto su tada školske dnevnike na časove informatike pod miškom pretežno nosili ljudi koji su završili neki kraći kurs računara.

Problem je bio jednostavan. Profesor sa prethodnog predavanja zaboravio je da izvuče floppy disketu i monitor je samo prikazao poruku da to treba učiniti kako bi operativni sistem bio “podignut”. Ali kao za svakog početnika, poput naše profesorke, to je bila jasna poruka da je računar pred eksplozijom i da bi pritisak pogrešnog tastera bio koban.

- Uh, profesorka, biće da je u pitanju neki virus… – Reče moj drugar, a ja pomalo iznenađen njegovom dovitljivošću, sa odobrenjem klimam glavom.

- Trebaće nam malo vremena dok uđemo u sistem i pokušamo da ga lociramo.

Verovatno se pitate čemu sve to. Pa nagrada za otklanjanje problema bila je najviša ocena u dnevniku. I dok je profesorka šetala kabinetom i ostalim učenicima vešto prenosila svoje znanje iz knjige pred sobom, nas dvojica smo malo “šetali” biosom, povremeno pokazivali negodovanje zabrinutim mrštenjem i klimanjem glavom, ukazujući time na kompleksnost problema. Kada se đački odmor već mogao namirisati, lagano smo izvukli disketu i restartovali raćunar.

- Profesorka, problem je rešen!- Svaka čast momci! Kako se beše zovete? Sada bi

valjalo i da vas nagradim kao što sam i obećala…Eto, par godina nakon svega, rado se setim nekih

srednjožkolskih doživljaja, a najmiliji su mi iz kabineta informatike, gde sam često imao priliku profesorima biti profesor.

Nebojsa Stajic


Nebojša Stajić

A professor quiets down pupils who are definitely in a good mood by unlocking the IT classroom, a favourite of all, since two-class

lectures there were for most an extended version of a break from regular classes. Tiredly and lazily, “fossilised” Pentiums already nap at school desks put together. We slowly take our positions. The professor turns on her computer and the expression on her face looks as if something was preparing to jump out of the screen. Shyly and quietly, she approaches my friend and me:

- Could the two of you check something here for a minute? – Of course we could. It was one of few classes where a professor had an opportunity to learn something from pupils, since at that time school grade books for IT classes were usually carried by people who completed some short computer course.

The problem was simple. A professor from the previous class forgot to take out a floppy disc and the screen showed a message that it should be done in order to initiate the operating system. But as for any beginner, it was a clear message for our professor that the computer was about to explode and that pressing a wrong button would be fatal.

- Oh, professor, it seems like a virus… – said my fiend, and I, somewhat surprised by his wittiness, nodded in approval.

- It will take some time to get in the system and try to locate it.

You probably wonder what all that was necessary. Well, the reward for eliminating the problem was the highest grade in the grade book. So, while the professor was walking around the classroom and skillfully transferring her knowledge from a book in front of her to other pupils, the two of us “walked” through bios a bit, occasionally expressed disapproval by concerned frowning and nodding, showing how complex the problem was. When the class end was near, we gently pulled out the disc and restarted the computer.

- The problem is solved, professor!- Well done, boys! What are your names again? I should

reward you now as I promised …Several years after it all, I fondly remember some

secondary school events, most favourite ones being from the IT classroom, where I often had an opportunity to be a professor to professors.



Beše to davne ’98. kad sam krenuo u osnovnu školu. Prvi kompjuter u selu, o tome se i danas priča. Kompjuter je bio

svetske klase imao je HDD od čitavih 6 gb I procesor od neverovatnih 333Mhz. Ovu moćnu mašinu je pokretao izvanredni Windows 98.

On me je naučio strpljenju, istrajnosti i upornosti, ali posle deset godina divne sluzbe i preterane zloupotrebe mog strpljenja, nisam mogao da uradim bilo šta sto se u to vreme od njega očekivalo.

Iako je ovaj kompjuter još uvek živ i zdrav, stigao je njegov naslednik, koji je u sivo-crnim bojama, tako lep, tako moćan, tako savršen i tako svemoćan. Zbog moje radoznalosti i eksperimentalnih faza više vremena sam trošio na instalacijama windowsa nego na učenju školskih predmeta, dok se jednog dana nije došao anđeo spasitelj koji me je uputio na Linux Ubuntu.

Od tog trenutka ja više ne trošim vreme na instalaciju windowsa na svom vernom kompjuteru, nego i na druge stvari koje se događaju malo dalje od kompjutera.

Iako je ovaj novi kompjuter imao nesreću da mene služi, uz mnogobrojna rasklapanja i sklapanja do najsitnijih delića. On me i dalje služi i pomaže mi u svakoj mogućoj i nemogućoj situaciji ja ga i dalje zlostavljam. Dok on tako skroman uopste ne jede, ne pije, ne place… samo trazi malo struje I normalnog korisnika sto ja zasigurno nisam!!!

Možda za mene i nije ovako sofisticirana, nežna i divna mašina, jer to nije kliker, a još nisam čuo da je neko pokvario ovo kotrljajuce šudo kojim smo trošili naše vreme sa prijateljima, kako mi tako i naši roditelji

Zoran Gigic


Zoran Gigić

It was back in 1998 when I enrolled to the primary school. The first computer in the village, something still talked about even today. The

computer was of a world class, it had a HDD of as much as 6 gb and a processor of amazing 333Mhz. This powerful machine was supported by extraordinary Windows 98.

It taught me to be patient, persistent and insistent, but after ten years of beautiful service and excessive misuse of my patience, I could not do anything that was expected from it at that time.

Although this computer is still alive and kicking, its successor arrived, in grey and black colour, so beautiful, so powerful, so perfect, and so almighty. Due to my curiosity and experimental phases, I spent more time installing Windows than studying for school, until one day an angel came to rescue and direct me to Linux Ubuntu.

From that moment on, I have not wasted time on installing Windows on my loyal computer, but spent it on other things happening away from the computer.

Although this new computer was unfortunate enough to serve me, with numerous disassembly and assembly sessions to its tiniest parts, it still serves and helps me in every possible and impossible situation, and I still misuse it. While it is so modest that it does not eat, drink, cry… all it asks is some electric power and a normal user, which I definitely am not!!!

Perhaps such a sophisticated, gentle and beautiful machine is not for me after all, since it is not a marble, and I have not heard that anyone broke down this rolling miracle that we, just like our parents, and our friends spent time with.


Vreli letnji dan. On i ja sami u sobi. Dugo sam ga želela i čekala. Sad je moj. Nije mi mnogo trebalo da nađem dugme na koje se

pali. On radi to polako i postepeno.Nikud ne žuri. Pritisnem ga malo jače. Nemam

tremu.Zgrabim stolicu i smesti...mo se. Vrhovi mojih prstiju

klize po njemu.On ispusta tihe zvuke, vibrira, treperi. Zadajem

komandu, on sluša. Prati moj ritam, po mojoj je meri.I znam da je baš zbog njega sve postalo dostupno,

na dohvat ruke. Jer u pitanju je – moj prvi kompjuter.

Aleksandra Andjelic


Aleksandra Andjelić

A hot summer day. It and I alone in a room. I wished and waited for it for so long. It is mine now. It did not take me long to find a turn-on

button. It does it slowly and gradually.It is in no hurry. I press a little harder. Feel no fear. I grab a chair and… we accommodate ourselves. My

fingertips slide across it. It releases quiet sounds, vibrates, flickers. I give a

command, it listens. Follows my rhythm, it is tailored me. And I know that because of it everything has become

accessible, at an arm’s length. Because it is - my first computer.



1989. je. Imao sam 11 godina.I bio sam zaljubljen u Stašu. Moji idoli su bili Švarcineger, Stalone, Brus Li, Dragan Piksi Stojković,

Vlade Divac i Bane iz kraja. Bilo je to vreme kada su raspusti trajali beskrajno dugo, a opet nedovoljno. Leta su bila topla i romatična na način prelaska iz detinjstva u svet odraslih, kako sam ja to tada mislio. Nosile su se starke, ili kopije tzv. “šangajke”. Video klubovi su bili glavno mesto okupljanja. Slušala se muzika, za koju se kasnije ispostavilo da je bila nešto najbolje što je ex-yu scena stvorila.

Između svih tih stvari postojao je jedan centralni predmet želja, želja svih nas. Ne, nije to bio BMX bicikl, niti VHS rekorder, niti kožna lopta za fudbal. To je bilo nešto drugo. Ultimativni objekt želja, više generacija. Koje smo se ujedinije u svojoj borbi. U borbi protiv svojih roditelja, a ako treba i celog sveta.

U borbi za Sveti Gral beskonačne zabave. U borbi za Komodora, među manjim brojem ljudi poznatog kao Commodor 64. Prvi presonalni računar. Najbolji računar na svetu ikada. I dan danas od eksperata čujem da je Commodor 64 ipak bio najbolji (mislim da činjenica što je većini to bio prvi pc ne utiče na to

I moj prvi računar).Dobivši svoj toliko očekivani komodor postao sam

zvezda kraja. Svi su dolazi kod mene da igaramo igrice. Postao sam cenjen u društvu a da to nisam očekivao. Satima, i satima smo bili u stanju da zurimo u ekran igarajući igrice. Toliko da smo dobijali žuljeve na rukama i upale mišića ruku.

Roditeljima smo objašnjavali da je to dobra insvesticija i da i “učimo”, samo se oni eto baš tada kada mi učimo ne zateknu tu. Dok nam donose kolače i hranu.

Ja sam postao najpopularniji klinac u kraju. I to bi bilo to…

P.S.I da, zaboravio sam da kažem. Smuvao sam se sa


Marko Stojanovic


Marko Stojanović

In 1989, I was eleven and in love with Staša. My idols were Swartzeneger, Stallone, Bruce Lee, Dragan Piksi Stojković, Vlade Divac and

Bane from the hood. It was the time when school holidays were endless and yet not long enough. Summers were warm and romantic in a way of passing from childhood to the world of adults, as I thought. All Star sports shoes, or their copies, the so-called Shanghais, were worn. Video clubs were the main meeting points. Everyone listened to the music, which later turned out to be the best music created by the ex-Yu scene.

Among all those things, there was one central object of desire we all longed for. No, it was not a BMX bicycle, or a VHS recorder, or a leather football. It was something else. The ultimate object of desire of several generations. Which united in their fight. In the fight against parents, and the whole world, if necessary.

In the fight for the Holy Grail of endless fun. In the fight for Commodore, known by a few as Commodore 64. The first professional computer. The best computer in the world ever. Even today I hear experts say that Commodore 64 was the best after all (I think that the fact it was the first PC for many does not affect the fact that it was my first computer as well).

Having got the long-awaited Commodore, I became the star in the hood. Everyone came to my home to play games. I became appreciated among friends even though I did not expect it. We spent hours and hours staring at the screen and playing games. We even used to get blisters on our hands and sore muscles in arms.

We explained to our parents that it was a good investment and that we were “learning”, but that they were not there when we did it. When bringing cookies and food.

I became the most popular kid in the hood. And that would be it…

P.S.Oh, yes, I forgot. I hooked up with Staša



Novinarstvom se bavim već petnaest godina.

Prvih hiljadu tekstova otkucala sam na pisaćoj mašini. Zatim je u moj poslovni život ušao on. Hladno muževan. Odlučan. Pouzdan.

Računar “Pentijum II”.Kakav tehnološki napredak!Grčevi u mojim šakama nestali su preko noći:

pritiskanje mekih tipki predstavljalo je pravo uživanje. Nestali su i bolovi u leđima: rvanje sa starom mašinom, nad kojom sam se ceo dan grbila, postalo je prošlost. Kičma pravo, podlaktice naslonjene na sto: to je do danas ostao moj radni položaj.

Zanimljivo je da mi je računar poboljšao i izgled. Pre tehničkog napretka, u dugim dežurstvima, bila sam prinuđena da zaspim na tvrdim hrpama skupštinskih izveštaja. Mastilo sa odštampanih stranica otiskivalo se na lice, kvarilo šminku i loše uticalo na ten. Meko tipkanje sada me brzo uspava, a tastatura je izvanredan, anatomski oblikovan jastuk za višečasovnu dremku. Ispostavilo se da su tragovi koje tipke ostavljaju na obrazima i odlično sredstvo protiv bora! Imam četrdeset, a ne vidi se!

Ako i uspem da otežale kapke tokom kucanja držim otvorene – zvuk modema koji se povezuje na internet uspava me za desetak sekundi. Sve moje kolege već su priključile svoje računare na kablovski internet, ali ja se držim svog starog dobrog uspavljivača.

Monitor – to je izvanredna tabla za lepljive papiriće, na kojima su ispisani telefoni sagovornika, političara, kolega, prijatelja… Na kućište računara odlažem torbu, kesu sa pecivom, namirnice kupljene na obližnjoj pijaci. Na njega spuštam i stopala, u cipelama i bez njih – vene na nogama povremeno treba prokrviti!

Kabl miša više puta sam iskoristila za odbijanje udvarača iz sportske redakcije.

Posao kojim se bavim više ne mogu da zamislim bez svog računara. Star je i umoran, sve češće moram da ga restartujem… Ukoliko imate viška novih, slobodno mi pošaljite jedan. Da nastavim uspešnu karijeru!

Ana Tomasevic


Ana Tomašević

I have been in journalism for fifteen years now.

I typed the first one thousand articles on a typewriter. Then it entered my business life. Coldly masculine. Determined. Reliable.

“Pentium II”.What a technological advancement!Cramps in my hands disappeared over night:

pressing soft buttons was a real pleasure. Pain in the back was gone: wrestling with the old typewriter that I was bent over all day long became the past. Straight back, forearms on the desk: it has remained my working position until the present day.

It is interesting to note that computer improved my looks as well. Before the technological revolution, in long shift hours, I was forced to fall asleep on hard piles of parliamentary reports. The ink from pages pressed against my face, spoiled makeup and had a negative effect on skin. Soft typing now puts me to sleep quickly, and a keyboard is an excellent, ergonomic pillow for a several-hour long nap. It has turned out that marks which buttons leave on cheeks are excellent against wrinkles! I am forty and it does not show!

Even if I manage to keep my heavy eyelids open during typing - the sound of an Internet modem puts me to sleep in about ten seconds. All my colleagues have already connected their computers to the cable Internet, but I stick to my good old sleep-maker.

Screen – it is an excellent board for post-it-notes, with phones of interviewees, politicians, colleagues, friends… I put my hand bag, a bag with bakery products, groceries bought at a nearby open market on the computer case. I rest my feet on it, in shoes and without them – veins need faster circulation occasionally!

I have used a mouse cable on several occasions to chase away colleagues from the sports desk who courted me.

I cannot imagine my job without my computer anymore. It is old and tired, I have to restart is increasingly often… If you have some extra new ones, feel free to send one. So that I can continue with my successful career!



Brat je razbijao Super Marija. Kakvo je to dete bilo! Reč engleskog ne zna! Ide već dve godine na engleski i dalje je na nivou

“I’m Zero.”, ne zanimaju ga crtani filmovi, ne zanimaju ga knjige, sedi za TV-om i maltretira džojstik. Jedan po jedan crkavaju, a on iz prve stiže do kraja Super Marija. Kako ko dođe, niko ne gleda u moju knjižicu sa svim peticama niti moje diplome sa takmičenja. Važno je da mali nepismeni snajperista može da dođe do kraja glupog Super Marija. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Počela sam i tajno da ga igram, krišom, neću da učim, čak me ni knjige (mene, štrebera) ne zanimaju! Hoću i ja da dođem do kraja.... I meni to pođe za rukom jednom, dok on to trš-bum-tras i gotov je tri puta za isti vremenski period! O gospođo Bože!

I onda je mama jednog popodneva šapnula da će čika Milan popodne doneti kompjuter i da će on biti u MOJOJ sobi. Heeej! Deco! Ja imam kompjuter! (hmmm, mali termit mu neće ni prići)

Posle dva meseca mali termit koji nije bio u planu da se šunja po mojoj sobi je prvi put oborio sistem na našem dragom Pentiumu 2. Nisam sigurna da li sam tada bila više besna nego kada je dolazio do kraja Super Marija.

Prošle godine je termit osvojio prvu nagradu na takmičenju iz informatike. Prvu nagradu u Srbiji. Nije dobio računar, dobio je letovanje na koje ga na kraju nisu poslali. Kakva laž! Ovog oktobra je krenuo na fakultet. Ima najstariju verziju toshibinog laptopa, a zla sestra bi mu rado poklonila neki noviji model.

Svetlana Slijepcevic


Svetlana Slijepčević

My brother was unbeatable in Super Mario. What a child he was! He does not know a word of English! He has been taking English

classes for two years now and he is still at the level of “I’m Zero.”, he is not interested in cartoons, he is not interested in books, he sits in front of a TV and harasses a joystick. They break down one after another, and he reaches the end of Super Mario in an instant. Whoever comes, they do not look at my grade book with all fives, or my diplomas from competitions. What is important is that the little illiterate sniper-shooter can complete the stupid Super Mario. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I started playing it, secretly, I did not want to study, even books did not interest me (me, a geek)! I wanted to complete the game as well... I managed to do it once, but he did that shoot-boom-splash and completed it three times in the same period! Oh, Goddess!

And then one afternoon mom whispered to me that uncle-Milan would bring a computer and that it would be installed in MY room. Heeey! Kids! I have a computer! (Hmmm, the little termite will not even get close to it)

Two months later, the little termite who was not planned to sneak around mu room, crashed down the system at our dear Pentium 2 for the first time. I am not sure whether I was angrier then or when he completed Super Mario.

Last year, the termite won the first prize at an IT contest. The first prize in Serbia. He did not get a computer, he got a summer holiday to which they did not send him in the end. What a lie! He enrolled to the faculty this October. He has the oldest version of Toshiba laptop, and the evil sister would gladly present him with a more recent model.


Bio sam tada niži nego sada, ali su mi vizije bile dalekosežnije. I optimizam veći. Mislio sam da sve može. Tako mi je rekao

tata. I on je bio ponosan. Pored automobila i televizora, još jedan Japanac u kući! Bio sam “faca” u mom kraju, a zbog njega su mi se izvinjavali i oni dečaci koji su me tukli, samo da bi im dozvolio da provozaju koji krug formulu...Zbog njega me je zavolela i Milica, a i ja sam ga voleo zbog toga. Odavno je umro, a njegova uramljena fotografija će me uvek podsećati na njega. Sada je negde na nebu, sa mojim vizijama i optimizmom. A ja sam sve veći i nemoćniji da dohvatim ono što sam nekad imao.

Danijel Radevic


Danijel Radević

I was much shorter then, but my visions were reaching much further. And my optimism was higher. I thought it could do anything. That

is what my dad told me. And he was proud. In addition to a car and a TV set, another Japanese in the house! I was No. 1 in my hood, and because of it even kids who used to beat me apologised, only to let them ride a few circles of Formula... because of it, Milica fell in love with me, and I loved it for that. It died a long time ago, and its framed photo will always remind me of it. It is now in the sky somewhere, with my visions and optimism. And I am getting taller and less able to reach what I used to have.



Prvo je došao on. Pentium III. Glava (monitor), tipična muška, velika, kockasta. Bio je bučan, ne baš toliko pametan i često

je padao. Autentični muškarac, primetile bi zajedljivo neke razočarane dame. Jedan procesor, malo memorije, sposobnost rasute pažnje poprilično ograničena. Ono što je radio, radio je dobro, ali ambiciozniji projekti su ga oduvek smarali. Znao je da uobliči moje misli, hvala mu.

Posle je došla Ona. Graciozna, kompaktna, nekako zaokružena. Lap top. Dual- Core. Zmija. 3 GB memorije. Ona je bila sve ono što on nije. Na njoj su promene bile jednostavno nemoguće. Njeno modeliranje nikako nije bilo izvodljivo. Kakva je-takva je. Prava mačkica. Nema promene karaktera niti temperamenta, dok je on bio prava mečka. Lenja, trapava, ali uporna i konstantna. Mogao si da mu menjaš sve delove, nije se bunio. Restart leči sve.

Ona je bila mobilna za sve prilike. Za pokret u bilo koji cafe je bila uvek raspoložena. On nije. Njegov radijus je bio poput staze slonova, ulenjeni muški: kuća-pos’o-kladionica-fudbal-TV-krevet. Parkiran pored stola nikad nije pružao bilo koji vid inicijative. On za TO ne služi. Ona obožavaaa da se šepuri po tržnim centrima, da mi daje na značaju na neki misteriozan način, potpuno drugačiji od njegovog. Mora da je u pitanju neki ozbiljan posao, misle znatiželjnici dok ja mazim Njene dirke. Novac koji sam uzimao na projektima su bili prezentirani klijentima upravo na Njoj. Ne propušta priliku da to, u njihovim porodičnim razmiricama, ovlaš i napomene. Njega to ne zanima, On zna da sam pola toga na Njemu odradio, bitno je da je novac u kući, zar ne? Ne mešam se previše. Držim im odvojena napajanja i nadam se najboljem.

Iz takvog braka šta može nastati? Tablet, pogađate... Nežan, mali, monolitan, samo za

zabavu... Kao dete kome samo ponosni vlasnici znaju namenu.

Čisto zadovoljstvo.

Vladimir Mirosavljevic


Vladimir Mirosavljević

He was the first to come. Pentium III. Head (screen), typically male, large, square. He was noisy, not so bright and crashed often.

An authentic male, as some disappointed ladies would remark ¬¬¬¬¬¬bitterly. One processor, small memory, ability of dispersed attention quite limited. What he did, he did well, but he always considered more ambitious projects tedious. He knew how to shape my thoughts, thank him for that.

And then came She. Gracious, compact, somehow rounded. Laptop. Dual- Core. Snake. 3 GB memory. She was everything he was not. Changes on her were simply impossible. Her modeling was not manageable at all. She was what she was. A real kitten. No change of character or temper, while he was a real bear. Lazy, clumsy, but persistent and constant. You could change all components, he did not mind. Restart cures everything.

She was mobile for all occasions. Always in a mood to go to any café. He was not. His radius was like a path of elephants, lazy male style: home-work-betting house-football-TV-bed. Parked below the desk, he never showed any form of initiative. He does not serve for THAT. She looooves to prance around in shopping malls, to add to my significance in some mysterious way, completely different than his. It has to be some serious work, say curious passers-by to themselves while I stroke Her buttons. Projects that I earned money from were presented on Her. She does not miss an opportunity to mention it, seemingly casually, in their family disputes. He is not interested in it, He knows that I finished a half of it on Him, what’s important is that money is in the house, right? I do not interfere much. I recharge them on separate points and hope for the best?

Tablet, you guess... Gentle, small, monolithic, just for fun... Like a child whose proud owners are the only ones who know the purpose.

Sheer pleasure.



Ispražnjena olovka prestade da piše. Al’ pre nego da izdahne, uspeva da progovori sa mnom.

„Preklinjem te! Neka moja reč bude zadnja. Baš si me namučila, žvakala, da su mi tvoji zubi poznati do u detalj... Pretrpela sam ugrize i izdržala smrad tvog zadaha. Dopala mi se mekoća jezika kada si ubrizgala inspiraciju kroz moj cilindar. Preplavila si me zadovoljstvom! Molim te, prepusti mi zadnju reč. Ne brini, pročitaćeš! Pozajmi mi ruku još jednom. Uvek su mi se sviđale tvoje priče, tvoj humor. Poznajem ti dušu. Nisam te odala. Uzdizala sam se na nivo beleški, ratovala sa tvojim brisanjem, spavala na stolovima, plakala sa tobom, bila verna, al’ moram da te napustim. Pod pretpostavkom kakvu prave ljudska bića, kada prestane rad srca i krv više ne struji, mozak umire. Kod nas nije tako! Nekada smo se zvali stylet, pero. Ostavljali smo otiske na kamenu, vosku, papirusu... Došlo neko srećno i mistično vreme u kome smo imali više života. Crpli smo snagu. Vodeno kristalnu cevčicu smo unapredili u uložak sa mastilom. Praktično, ali hladno. Dovoljan je pokret da se prazno telo zameni drugim. Reinkarnacija. Sada, jedna arterija postane beskorisna... i evo nas u zaboravu plavetnila. Da l’ je moguće imati krv bez srca? Draga, volela si da pišeš sa mnom. Sećaj me se! Ko zna, možda će istraživači ponovo... Rešenje sa ponovnim punjenjem i nije baš najsrećnija okolnost, ni moderno vreme neće žvrljotinu pretvoriti u lepu reč“.

Nisam zainteresovana da čujem. Bilo me je baš briga. Suviše je to naporno za moju usijanu glavu. U samoodbrani, zagrizala sam telo olovke koja se pod pritiskom zuba raspala. Ljutito i besno, bacila sam je pravo u korpu za otpatke, bez imalo griže savesti. I ne pogledavši sirotu olovku, izmasirah prste ukočene ruke.

„Ipak“, progunđah, „moraću da kupim računar“! Iz korpe se začu tihi krik: „Poooošaljiiiii ove reči“...

Zorica Sentic


Zorica Sentić

An empty pen stopped writing. But before it died, it managed to talk to me.

“I am begging you! Let my word be the last. You really tortured me, bit me, I know your teeth in detail… I endured the bites and your bad breath. I liked the softness of the language when you injected inspiration through my cylinder. You filled me with pleasure! Please, let me have the final word. Don’t worry, you will read it! Lend me your hand one more time. I have always liked your stories, your sense of humour. I know your soul. I have not betrayed you. I have risen to the level of notes, fought against your erasing, slept on desks, cried with you, have been loyal to you, but I have to leave you. Under the assumption made by human beings, once the heart stops and blood does not circulate anymore, the brain dies. It is not like that with us! We used to be called stylets. We left traces in stone, wax, papyrus... A happy and mystical time came when we had more life. We drew energy. We advanced from a watery crystal tube into an ink container. Practical, but cold. One move was enough to replace an empty body with another. Reincarnation. Now, one artery becomes useless... and here we are in the blue oblivion. Is it possible to have blood without a heart? Sweetie, you liked to write using me. Remember me! Who knows, perhaps researchers will again... A solution with refill is not the best possible circumstance, and modern times will not turn a scribble into a beautiful world.”

I am not interested in hearing this. I do not care. It is too demanding for my boiling head. In self-defense, I bit the body of the pen, which fell apart under the pressure of the teeth. Angrily and furiously, I threw it right to a waste bin, with no remorse at all. Without even looking at the poor pen, I massaged fingers of the stiff hand.

“After all,” I grumbled, “I will have to buy a computer!”

A silent cry was heard from the bin: “Seeeeend these words”…



Otac se nakašlja da pročisti grlo, pogleda majku, mene i brata, uparađene kao za svadbu, pa poče uzbuđenim glasom:

„Danas je veliki dan – dan kada prvi kompjuter ulazi u našu porodicu. Želeo sam da se okupimo i to proslavimo kako dolikuje, jer ćemo ovaj trenutak zauvek pamtiti!“

Da je bilo po njegovom, pored radnog stola na kome je stajao nov-novcijat PC AT 286 našla bi se i srpska zastava, a preko tastature svečana vrpca koju bi sad presekao. No, majka nije delila njegov osećaj za veličanstvenost ovog trenutka pa je, nakon višečasovnih većanja prethodnih dana, pristala samo na svečana odela, šampanjac i porodičnu fotografiju sa „prinovom“.

Zauzeli smo poze: otac tako da mu kompjuter bude sleva, do srca, majka s druge strane, a brat i ja u radnoj fotelji.

„Ptičica!“ reče, fotografišući nas iz ruke. „A sada da nazdravimo!“Pampur je izleteo uz prasak, brat i ja smo vrisnuli,

otac je oduševljeno poljubio majku i zatim nam svima natočio. Kucnuli smo se za naš PC.

„Da si nam živ, zdrav i dugovečan!“, požele mu i teatralnim pokretom ga uključi.

Brat i ja zapljeskasmo, on jednom rukom zagrli majku, a drugu nežno položi na kućište monitora.

„Ovako sam se osećao još samo dva puta, kada ste se vas dvoje rodili“, priznade sa suzom radosnicom u oku.

Zapanjena tom izjavom, majka uzviknu: „Bože, za koga sam se ja udala!“, istrgnu se i odjuri u kuhinju.

Otac samo začuđeno slegnu ramenima. Nije pošao za njom, kao što je uvek činio kad bi se naljutila na njega. Mesto toga, seo je za tastaturu i počeo da nam demonstrira mogućnosti PC-ja, dok smo ga mi opčinjeno pratili.

Majka uporno tvrdi da smo tog dana postali kompjuterski zavisnici. Ali nas troje samo začuđeno sležemo ramenima, zaneti svako nad svojim, sada već dalekim potomkom tog PC-ja.

Snezana Radojicic


Snežana Radojičić

The father coughed to clear his throat, looked at the mother, me and my brother, dressed as if for a parade, and started

excitedly: “Today is a great day – the day when the first

computer enters our family. I wanted us to get together and celebrate it appropriately, since we will remember this moment forever!”

Had it been upon his scenario, next to the desk where the brand new PC AT 286 stood, there would have been the national flag of Serbia, and across the keyboard a ceremonial ribbon he would have cut. But, the mother did not share his feeling of the magnificence of the moment, and after hours-long debates in previous days, agreed only to ceremonial clothes, champagne and a family photo with the “newcomer”.

We took our positions: the father in a way to have the computer on his left, next to his heart, the mother on the opposite side, and my brother and I in an armchair.

“Cheeese!” said he, taking a photo from his hand. “And now let’s make a toast!“The cork popped out with a bang, my brother and I

screamed, the father kissed the mother enthusiastically, and then poured to us all. We raised glasses tor our new PC.

“May you have a happy, healthy and long life!“ wished he and switched it on with a theatrical gesture.

The brother and I clapped our hands, he hug the mother with one hand and lay the other gently on the computer case.

“I felt like this only twice in my life, when the two of you were born,” confessed he with a tear of joy in his eye.

Stunned by his words, the mother exclaimed: “Oh, my God, some husband I have!“ wriggled out of his arms and stormed off to the kitchen.

The father only shrugged his shoulders in wonder. He did not go after her, as he always did when she was angry with him. Instead, he sat in front of the keyboard and started demonstrating abilities of the PC, while we listened to him as if enchanted.

The mother keeps insisting that we became computer addicts that day. But, the three of us only shrug our shoulders in wonder, each of us carried away in front of our, now far descendants of that PC.



Dan kad smo prvi kompjuter uneli u kuću, beležim kao svoj drugi rođendan a deda svake godine prekadi kolač u crkvi i bude opšte

slavlje u selu. Moji su se ukućani tom sokoćalu obradovali više nego da im se dete rodilo, jer „za dete treba i pelene i trista čuda, a računar gde ga brate spustiš, on tu stoji mirno i gleda svoja posla.“

Samo je baba, kategorički bila u opoziciji. U odbranu svog stava pozvala se na kosmički zakon štednje- „to čudo kad je „upaljeno” troši struju ko kalorifer, šta će nam „ugašeno“ u kući da skuplja prašinu, Dete (ja) ima da popusti u školi, a i mali je za te komputere, još nije ni vojsku odslužio“. No i baba je uskoro,nadglasana demokratskim putem, pod pritiskom „javnog mnenja“ bila prinuđena da se povuče u tihi bojkot tehnoloških inovacija. A kompjuter je već bio zauzeo svoje mesto, ne samo u kući već i u srcima nas ostalih. Kao zdravo i radoznalo čeljade, odmah sam hteo da zavirim iza mehanizma koji ga pokreće, da prespojim žice, plavu i crvenu, odvrnem šraf i gledam šta će da se desi. Pozvao sam i komšiju, Miloša, njemu je ćale doktor, pa reko’ možda se i on pomalo razume u te „operacione“ sisteme… Miloš se hvalio kako ume da obriše čak i recycle been, da kuca s obe ruke u wordu i obara sistem brže nego pvo stelt u buđanovcima. Ne sećam se pojedinosti, okastim 13 smo rasklopili kućište, a na kraju je bilo i viška delova.A pade mi sad na pamet da je Milošev otac bio ginekolog, a ne hirurg, zato nam valjda ni ova „otvorena operacija“ na računaru nije uspela. Eto, to je moj kompjuter. Nekad nisam ni znao da ga ugasim, a sada studiram informatiku, i sklapam, a da nema viška delova.

Nikola dukic


Nikola Đukić

I celebrate the day when we brought the first computer home as my second birthday and my grandpa goes to church to have the

bread blessed and organises a celebration for the whole village. My family members were happier because of that chatter-box than if a baby had been born, since “you need diapers and all kinds of things for a baby, while a computer, wherever you put it, it stands still and minds its own business”.

Only my grandma was categorically against it. To defend her position, she used the cosmic law of saving – “that thing spends electric power as if it were a heater when it is on, why do we need it off, to collect dust in the house, the Child (I) will perform worse in school and he is too small for those computers, he hasn’t even served the army yet”. Nevertheless, even the grandma, outvoted in a democratic manner, under the pressure of the “public opinion”, was soon forced to withdraw to a quiet boycott of technological innovation. And the computer already assumed its position, not only in the house but the in the hearts of the rest of us. As a healthy and curious child, I instantly wanted to peek behind the mechanism which made it work, recombine wires, blues and red ones, unscrew a screw and see what would happen. I invited a neighbour, Miloš, his dad is a medical doctor, and I thought perhaps he knew something about those “operating” systems… Miloš boasted that he could even delete the whole Recycle Bin, type with both hands in Word and shoot down the system faster than the air defence did with the Stealth in Budjanovci. I don’t remember details, we used a torx screwdriver No. 13 to disassemble the case, and in the end we had some extra parts. It has now occurred to me that Miloš’s father was a gynecologist, not a surgeon, perhaps that is why this “open surgery” of ours on the computer failed. And that is my computer. Once I did not even know how to turn it off, while now I study IT science and assemble, without any extra parts.



Nešto što se zove “Klub mikroračunarske tehnike”, zvuči tako soc-realistički. U novosadskoj srednjoj elektrotehničkoj školi,

sredinom bezbrižnih osamdesetih, u jednom takvom klubu, podgrevale su se tinejdžerske pasije prema računarima. U dvadesetak „kvadrata“, sa leve strane domaći Galeb, Velebit i Galaksija, sa desne obično neko donese Spectrum. Između navedene „tehnike“, tiska se barem tuce opčinjenih srednjoškolaca. Utorkom i četvrtkom. Čeka se red, kucka se BASIC, učitava se software sa kasetofona, prepričavaju „podvizi“ i hardverska obećanja rođaka gastarbajtera.

Tih godina u Novom Sadu se na „SPENSU“ redovno održava i „Fofites“ – IT event, današnjim rečnikom rečeno. Veći prostor, puno više ljudi, atmosfera „klupska“. Opet gomila domaćih računara: LOLA 8A, beočinski HOBY ZR 84, TIM 011… i čudo – Apple II u providnom kućištu.

Mnogi su ove šanse iskoristili za svoj prvi neposredni kontakt sa računarima i početak snova koji su danas java. Moj tadašnji san bio je memorijski modul za moj ZX81, koji je RAM povećavao sa 1K na 16K. Nekako je bio zalutao u vitrine Kluba. Profesor Blažo Mirčevski, koji je tada vodio Klub, imao je dovoljno poverenja da ga meni, nepoznatom klincu, pozajmi „na reč“ na višemesečno korišćenje. To je mojim programerskim pokušajima praktično dalo „neograničen“ prostor i enegiju.

Ova priča je sa jedne strane moj mikro omaž svim tim ljudima koji su tih godina organizovavli sejanje digitalnih snova po Novom Sadu. Sa druge strane, otvoreno, to je potraga za sličnim ljudima danas. Ti današnji ljudi mogu pomoći u ostvarenju današnjih snova u primeni tablet računara u mHealthu. Na takvom projektu radim sa nekoliko klinaca iz osamdesetih.

Nismo prestali da sanjamo.

Stevan Majstorovic


Stevan Majstorović

Something called the “Microcomputer Technology Club” has a socialist-realistic sound to it. In the Secondary Electrical Engineering

School in Novi Sad, in the middle of the carefree 1980s, teenager passion for computers was nurtured in one such club. In some twenty square metres, on the left domestic Galeb, Velebit and Galaksija, on the right usually someone brings a Spectrum. At least a dozen enchanted secondary school pupils squeeze between the above “technology”. On Tuesdays and Thursdays. Waiting in a queue, typing in BASIC, downloading software from a tape recorder, retelling “ventures” and hardware promises of cousins from abroad.

In those years, the “Fofites” – an IT event, to use the modern language, was regularly organised at the “SPENS“ in Novi Sad. More space, much more people, a “club” atmosphere. Again a heap of domestic computers: LOLA 8A, HOBY ZR 84 from Beočin, TIM 011… and a miracle - Apple II in a transparent case.

Many took these opportunities for their first direct contact with computers and the beginning of dreams which are the reality today. My dream at the time was a memory module for my ZX81, which expanded RAM from 1K to 16K. It somehow ended in the Club’s show cases. Professor Blažo Mirčevski, who managed the Club at the time, trusted me, an unknown kid, enough to lend it to me “upon my word” for several-month use. It practically gave “unlimited” space and energy to my programming trials.

On one hand, this story is my micro homage to all those people who organised seeding of digital dreams across Novi Sad in those years. On the other, honestly, it is a search for similar people today. These people today can help achieve today’s dreams in the application of tablets in mHealth. I am working on such a project with several kids from the 1980s.

We have not stopped dreaming.



Ja sam jedan od onih korisnika koji su laptop uvek želeli i uvek se plašili da ga imaju. Skorije putovanje nateralo me je da promenim

stav. Naime, od sredine oktobra 2010te proveo sam mesec dana u Indiji kao fotograf i saradnik jedne dobrotvorne organizacije. Kod kuće je dobar mobilni telefon i profi fotoaparat sasvim lepo pokrivao moje potrebe, ali mesec dana bez kompjutera da pogledam i sredim slike bilo je nemoguće.

Prvo, kad uporedite strah da na laptop nešto prospete sa realnom mogućnošću da vam ga neko ukrade ili da se u putu ošteti, nekako oba straha izblede. Drugo i možda važnije – nemate više glavobolju oko izbora: jedino Tošiba, sad samo koja, jer TO-šiba. Uzeo sam model Satellite C650 ako ikog zanima – i sada na njemu ovo kucam.

Baš pre tri dana sam se vratio i evo spremam neki seminarski da završim studije srpskog jezika, književnosti i opšte lingvistike. Za mesec dana moja Tošiba preživela je truckanje po dvadesetak sela u oblasti Uttar Pradesh u severoistočnoj Indiji, prebrodila jedan dan monsunske kiše u Delhiju za koju ni ja ne znam kako se nisam udavio, iskašljala količinu prašine koju samo Indijski vozovi niže klase mogu da ponude, sažvakala preko hiljadu fotografija, uhvatila i najslabiji internet signal i vratila se sa mnom kući.

Ispostavilo se da do sada garancija no-matter-what još uvek nije potrebna, ali shavatam da nije ponuđena uludo. Za mene, ovo je računar koji je zamenio sve ostale.

Imam mnogo prijatelja i poznanika među blogerima, programerima, softverašima i hardverašima koje zovem kad mi treba pomoć oko računara ili kad imam problema sa nesanisom. Uvek kažem: ja samo želim da budem korisnik, što mi ne naprave nešto gde ne moram da se cimam? Sa Tošibom mogu da kažem da sam našao takav tim i uz njega ostajem.

Milan Petrovic


Milan Petrović

I am one of those users who always wanted a laptop and were always afraid of having it. A recent trip forced me to change

that attitude. Namely, since mid-October 2010, I spent a month in India as a photographer and associate of an organisation. A good mobile phone and a professional camera nicely covered my needs at home, but one month without computer to see and arrange photos was impossible.

Firstly, when you compare the fear of spilling something on a laptop with a real possibility of having it stolen or damaged, somehow both those fears fade away. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, you do not get a headache regarding choice: only Toshiba, the only question is which one, because it functions seamlessly . I took a Satellite C650, in case anyone is interested – and I am typing this on it.

I came back three days ago and now I am preparing a seminar paper for completing the studies of Serbian language, literature and general linguistics. During one month, my Toshiba survived road holes across some twenty villages in Uttar Pradesh, Northeast India, overcame one day of monsoon rain in Delhi, for which even I do not know how I managed not to drown, coughed a pile of dust that only lower-class Indian trains could offer, chewed in more than one thousand photos, caught even the weakest Internet signal and returned home with me.

It has turned out that the No Matter What guarantee has not been required so far, but I understand that it is not offered in vain. For me, this is the computer which has replaced all others.

I have many friends and acquaintances among bloggers, programmers, software and hardware designers, whom I call when I need help with the computer or when I suffer from insomnia. I always say: I just want to be a user, why don’t they make something hassle-free? I can say that with Toshiba I have found such a team and will stay with it.



Beše to nekad davno, početkom 80-ih godina prošlog veka, u vreme pre Interneta (baš davno, zar ne?) i pre pojave disketa

(da, nekad su se i one koristile). Bilo je to nešto veliko i kabasto, pre nalik na Frikomov sandučar za sladoled nego na primerak sofisticirane tehnologije, ali na njemu se tih godina učilo programiranje na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu.

Pomalo je ličio na dinosaurusa (što je donekle i bio) – u ogromnom „telu“ krilo se svega 64K memorije(!). Danas u 64K stane malo bogatiji e-mail potpis, ali to su bila neka druga vremena…

Ne sećam se koliki je „poliglota“ bio, ali znam da je razumeo Fortran („inženjerski“ programski jezik, danas zastupljen otprilike koliko i latinski u svakodnevnom govoru). Priča se da su neki modeli razumeli i BASIC, Cobol, Forth, ALGOL i još neke jezike, ali ja nisam mogao to da proverim, jer za dijalog je potrebno dvoje, a on ni moj Fortran nije baš najbolje razumeo… ;)

Nije, naravno, imao zvučnike, mikrofon, ni kameru, ni USB priključke… Ajd’ što ni miša nije imao, al’ nije imao ni monitor. Nikakav. Naravno, nameće se sasvim logično pitanje „Pa kako se programirao, kako su se unosile linije koda, kad ni monitora nije bilo?!?“. Na logično pitanje sleduje logičan odgovor – unosile su se preko bušenih kartica! Svaka kartica – jedna linija koda. :)

Te kartice su generisale i jedinstveno iskustvo za koje su uskraćene mnoge kasnije generacije programera: programiraš satima, paziš na svaku tačku i zarez, razmak, sintaksu… i kreneš da ubaciš kartice u računar tačno definisanim redosledom, kad (AAAAARRGGHHHH!!!) – iz nebitno kog razloga, sve kartice završe na podu… :( A sad zamislite tu radost i zadovoljstvo kad ih treba sakupiti, pa ih ponovo složiti i poređati… Ne možete? Ja mogu. ;)

Beše to IBM 1130, među nama, studentima, poznatiji kao „IBM pola dvanajs“. :)

Predrag Milicevic


Predrag Milićević

It was a long time ago, in the early 1980s, before the Internet (really long time ago, wasn’t it?) and before floppy discs emerged (yes,

they were used once). It was something big and bulky, more like a Frikom ice cream fridge than an example of sophisticated technology, but programming was taught on it at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in those years.

It slightly resembled a dinosaur (which it partly was) – only 64K of memory hidden in the gigantic “body”(!). Today, 64K is enough for something more than a regular e-mail signature, but those were other times…

I do not remember what a “polyglot” it was, but I know it understood Fortran (“engineering” programme language, present today as much as Latin in everyday communication). They say that some models also understood BASIC, Cobol, Forth, ALGOL and some other languages, but I could not check it, since it takes two for a dialogue, while it could not understand even my Fortran very well… ;)

Of course, it did not have speakers, microphone, camera, USB plug-ins… It had no screen, not to mention a mouse. None at all. Naturally, a logical question follows: “How was it programmed, how were code lines entered if there was no screen?!?“. A logical question requires a logical answer – they were entered via punch cards! One card – one code line. :)

Those cards also generated a unique experience that many subsequent generations of programme designers are deprived of: you programme for hours, watch every dot and comma, space, syntax… you start putting cards in the computer in a strictly predefined order, and then (AAAAARRGGHHHH!!!) – no matter what the reason, all cards end up on the floor… :(Imagine the joy and pleasure when you have to collect and put them in order again… You cannot? I can. ;)

It was IBM 1130, commonly known among us, students, as “IBM half past eleven“. :)



Uvek sam isla u korak sa vremenom,a sa njim i korak dalje. On je za mene imao dusu,posle napornih dana i napornih noci

njemu sam se vracala. Cutao je,ali u njemu sam pronalazila osmeh. Delila sam ga sa drugom,nije se ljutio. U besu sam ga udarala,a on je to cutke trpeo. Nikad me nije izneverio i uvek je dobro funkcionisao. Drzao je jedan deo svog zivota u mojim rukama,cvrsto,ne pustajuci ga. Dozvoljavao mi je da se setim proslosti koja je sadrzana u osmehu mojih voljenih. Sa njim sa uvek putovala po svetu,danas Pariz,sutra Njujork,prekosutra Indija. Naucio me je mnogim novim stvarima,prosirio moje vidika,moja ogranicena shvatanja. Dopustao mi je da se cujem sa drugim ljudima, ne razmisljajuci vise o njemu. Uvek je imao veliki prag tolerancije. Trpeo je moje promene raspolozenja,moje PMS sindrome,moju tugu i moje suze. Mogla sam mu zvocati 24 sata dnevno,njemu to ne bi bilo dosadno. Mogla sam mu o svemu pricati i uvek mu biti zanimljiva. A nije ni on mogao biti bez mene,uvek sam ga drzala u saci,ja sam ona koja je drzala dugme koje ga pali. Ja sam ona koja ga je odrzavala u zivotu,davala mu elektricitet da nastavi dalje. Stario je polako,poceo da kaslje,da se gusi. Ni strucni tim mu nije mogao pomoci,bolovao je od onog najgoreg,najavili su mu sigurnu smrt. Gledala sam danima kako gubi secanje,kako sve vise gubi svoje motorne funkcije. I onda bez najave,nista vise ga nije moglo povratiti.Ravna linija.Bol.

Savrseni muskarac??? Ne,ovako je umro moj prvi Toshiba laptop. Iako sam ga sad zamenila drugim,prva ljubav zaborava nema.

Maja Ilic


Maja Ilić

I had always kept pace with trends, and with him I even went one step further. For me, he had soul, I went back to him after hard days

and nights. He kept silent, but I found a smile in him. I hit him in anger, but he endured without a word. He never let me down and always functioned well. He held part of his life in my hands, tightly, not letting go. He let me remember the past kept in smiles of my loved ones. I always travelled around the world with him, Paris one day, New York the other, then India. He taught me many new things, broadened my horizons, my limited perception. He let me talk to other people, not thinking much about him. He was always more than tolerant. He put up with my mood swings, my PMS syndromes, my sadness and my tears. I could nag him 24 hours a day, he would not be bored. I could talk to him about everything and always be interesting. And he could not do without me either, I always had a grip, I was the one who pressed the turn-on button. I was the one who kept him alive, gave him electricity to move on. He aged slowly, started to cough, to choke. Even a team of experts could not help him, he suffered from the worst, they announced certain death. For days, I watched him lose memory, gradually lose its vital functions. And then, without an announcement, nothing could bring him back. Straight line. Pain.

The perfect man??? No, this is how my first Toshiba laptop died. Although I replaced him with another, first love never dies.



Jel sigurno?Ma naravno da je nov… Sve ima…Mislim nemaš punjač ali baterija traje koliko

hoćeš, a i punjač možeš da nabavis gde hoćeš… Evo daću ti ja moj…

Ma ok, ali ne kontam kako nema nikakvih oštećenja, a ispalo sa kamiona?

U bre druže, gde baš od svih prostodušnih Srbalja da naletim na tebe tako sumnjičavog… Idem ja da utopim ovo sokoćalo, a ti vidi da odeš u radnju pa da daš bubreg za isti ovakav komad još bez CD-a…

E, čekaj nemoj da se ljutiš… nije da neću da kupim, i nije da ti ne verujem… nego, bre druže kako da ti dam 1000 maraka, a da nisam čuo ni kako zuji, a kamoli kako radi…

Aman čoveče, pa šta hoćeš da ti ja prezentaciju organizujem ovde, hoće gospodin i hostese da mu dovedem… Rekao sam ti već da se ispraznila baterija jer je neki mudrac kao ti čačkao po njemu satima, premišljajući se oće-neće, pa na kraju otišao kad je čuo da nema garancije… Pa nisam ti ja zvanični distibuter bratac… Idi ti lepo na Spens pa kupi u radnji… ili kod Mlađe po mekanog… al’ spremi još jedno dva soma i još par stoja za instalaciju…

I naravno da sam podlegao ubedljivosti samostalnog trgovačkog putnika tehničkom robom sumnjivog porekla… Mora čovek da ima mobilno sokoćalo, zar ne?

Posle toga je bilo “Drino, jeb…“, pa po punjač mora u Beograd, pa boot sektor mora da se sredi… pa tri instalacije, pa brdo drjavera od kojih ni jedan ne radi kako treba, a odgovarajući su… ili baš i nisu…

No posle su došle promene… ili možda i nisu… Nema više robe ispale iz kamiona…

Valjda su ovi novi modeli mnogo osetljiviji na padove… ili možda i nisu… :)

Radovan Zorica


Radovan Zorica

Are you sure?Of course it is new… It has everything…I mean, you do not have a charger, but the

battery lasts for as long as you like, and you can buy a charger wherever you want… Here, I will give you mine…

OK, but I don’t understand how it is not damaged if it fell off a truck?

Oh, man, out of all plain hearted Serbs, why have I bumped into you who are so full of suspicion… I’ll go to sell this chatter-box, and you should go to a store and give a kidney for a piece the same like this one, but without a CD…

Hey, wait, don’t be mad… It’s not that I do not want to buy it, and I’m not saying that I don’t believe you… Man, how can I give you DEM1000 when I haven’t even heard it buzz, let alone work…

For Gods sake, man, what do you want, a presentation organised here, mister wants me to bring hostesses as well… I have told you that the battery is empty since some wise guy like you messed with it for hours, not being able to decide whether he wanted it or not, and then left when he heard it had no warranty… Well, dude, I am not an official distributor… Why don’t you go to the Spens and buy it in a store … or to Mlađa to get a soft one… but prepare two more grands and a couple of hundreds for installation…

And of course I gave in faced with the persuasiveness of the salesman with technical goods of suspicious origin… One has to have a mobile chatter-box, right?

It was followed by “F*, Drina…”, you have to go to Belgrade to get a charger, the boot sector has to be fixed… then three installations, and a heap of drivers none of which functions as it should, even though they are compatible… or they are not exactly…

But, then change came… or perhaps it did not… There are no more goods fell off a truck…

I guess these new models are much more sensitive to falls… or perhaps they are not… :)



Bila je negde 2002 godina, godina kada je Pentium 2 Postao popularan u Srbiji i najbolji računar koji se mogao naći. Cena nimalo mala

za nas džep, ali želja za mašinom koja moze da pruži razna psihička zadovoljstva i igranje tadašnjih jeftinih igrica je bila PREVELIKA. Uspeo sam nekako na “recku” da ga nabavim, uz redovna novčana odvajanja iz dzepa, 100din na svake dve nedelje, što je u ono vreme bilo kao današnjih 1000-2000dinara. Stigao je kući, još uvek pamtim taj čuveni miris nove tehnike, veoma specifičan, da ga i danas poneki put osetim u radnjama računara, koji me odmah vraća u prošlost. Stoji na radnom stolu alli ne umem da mu priđem, nisam imao pojma kako se koristi, i kako funkcioniše, jedino sam kapirao da veliko dugme na kućištu služi za uključivanje, ali sigurno ne i za isključivanje, ipak to nije televizor, iako tako izgleda na prvi pogled.

Pozvao sam prijatelje koji su tada vec koristili računar, usledila je jedno-ipo satna lekcija o računaru, od toga kako se uključuje, čemu služi, kako se koristi i kako se isključuje. Ceo proces objašnjavanja snimao sam na kasetefonu kako bih to “komplikovano” gradivo mogao da zapamtim za u buduće. Čak i danas kada pustim kasetu, smejem se šta se sve nalazi na njoj- menjanje ikonica, menjanje strelice, pravljenje foldera, kucanje u Wordu i tome slično. Tada su igrice bile preokupacija, igranje soliter karata, GTA 2, fifa 98 i slušanje muzike sa piratskih CD-a. Internet je u to vreme bio obična spora stvar koja je zauzimala telefonsku liniju, uz čuveni šušteći zvuk kada se digne slušalica, a danas, stvar koja menja svet informacija, pa čak i života. Druženje s prvim računarom trajalo je nekih godinu ipo - 2, a onda je od jedared utihnuo, prošlo je neko duže vreme, dok nisam nabavio novi i bolji, ali i on bi posle 2 godine utihnuo zbog neke falinke. Danas kada se bolje razumem i u korišćenje računara i u kvalitiet računara, koristim laptop, dovoljno dobar i opremljen da izdrži razne tehničke udarce.

Damjan Andelkovic


Damjan Anđelković

It was 2002, I think, when Pentium 2 became popular in Serbia and was the best computer you could find. The price was not at

all low for our pocket, but a wish to have the machine which could provide various psychological pleasures and playing of the then cheap games was TOO BIG. I somehow managed to get it “on a tab”, with regular repayments, RSD100 every other week, which was like RSD1000 to RSD2000 today. It arrived home, I still remember that famous smell of new technology, so specific that even today I sense it in computer stores, which instantly brings me back to the past. It stands on the desk, but I don’t not know how to approach it, I had no idea how to use it and how it functioned, I only figured out that a big button on the case served to turn it on, but definitely not to turn it off, It was not a TV set, after all, although it looked like one at the first glance.

I invited friends who were already using a computer, an hour and a half computer lesson followed, ranging from how to turn it on, to what its purpose was, to how to use it, to how to turn it off. I recorded the whole explanation process on a tape recorder, so that I could remember that “complicated” learning material in the future. Even today, when I play the cassette, I laugh at all the stuff it contains – changing icons, changing arrow, creating folders, typing in Word, etc. Games ruled at the time, playing Solitaire, GTA 2, FIFA 98, and listening to the music on pirate CDs. At that time, the Internet was a common slow thing which occupied a phone line, with the famous hissing sound after picking up a receiver, while today it changes the world of information and even life. Socialising with the first computer lasted for about a year and a half or two, and it suddenly fell silent, some time passed until I got a new and better one, but it also went mute after two years due to some error. Today, when I know more about computer use and quality, I use a laptop, good and equipped enough to endure various forms of technical impact.



Moj otac se vratio sa puta iz Nemačke. Sa sobom je kao i uvek nosio brdo poklona. Kao i svako dete obradovao sam se čokoladama

koje je doneo, i dok sam jednu gutao tražeći naj novije automobile marke burago po njegovom koferu, pogled mi je ...pao na ogromnu kutiju na kojoj je pisalo „COMMODORE 64“. “a šta je to” pitao sam očekujuci novu Hi Tech igračku, “to je kompjuter” . „Kompjuter!“ Bio sam zbunjen. “A sta je to kompjuter?”…

Sutradan je kod nas došao komšija, iskusni “kompjuteraš” da objasni mom ocu kako da priključi novo čudo tehnike, kako da učita programe koji mu trebaju, i naravno, kako da men i sestri pusti igrice. Sećam se da sam sve to razjapljenih očiju gledao iz prikrajka praveći se da su mi novi Burago automobili interesantniji od tog kompjutera za koji nikada ranije nisam čuo. U ostalom, kome treba kompjuter u trenutku kada je na tepihu naše dnevne sobe naj noviji model burago BMW-a uz škripu guma za dlaku izbegao ozbiljan udes.

Nekoliko meseci kasnije otac je odustao od „napornog“ rada za računarom, sestra nije pokazivala veliko interesovanje i novo čudo tehnike postalo je zaista moja naj novija Hi Tech igračka. Dugo sam vrteo magnetne trake, učitavao turbo 250, i uz neobjašnjive zvuke koji su dolazili sa zvučnika našeg Tv-a dok su se učitavale igre, nameštao trake na određeni broj kako bi krenuo sa učitavanjem sledeće jer mi je predhodna dosadila, ili sam je „obrnuo“, a onda sam se jednog dana zapitao kako ovo radi, i kako može da uradi nešto što ja želim…. i evo me sada, zauvek osuđen. Dečija radoznalost i moja prva programerska reč koju sam naučio „print“, odštampali su mi budućnost i zauvek osudili da budem ono što jesam.

Miroslav Mitic


Miroslav Mitić

My father came back from a trip to Germany. He always brought a pile of presents with him. As any other child, I was happy because of

chocolates he brought, and while eating one and looking for the latest Burago toy cars in his suitcase, I spotted… a huge box with “COMMODORE 64” written on it. “And what is it?” I asked, expecting a new high-tech toy, “It is a computer”. A computer!“ I was confused. “And what is a computer?”…

The following day a neighbour who knew a lot about computers came to explain to my father how to plug this technological miracle in, how to load programmes he needed, and, of course, how to start games for me and my sister. I remember watching it all from aside with my eyes wide open, while pretending that the new Burago cars were more interesting than that computer I had never heard about. Anyway, who needs a computer when the latest Burago BMW model was that close to a serious accident with a screech of its tyres on the carpet in our living room.

Several months later, the father gave up “hard” work on the computer, the sister showed no great interest and the new technological miracle really became my latest high-tech toy. I played tapes for long, loaded turbo 250, and with inexplicable sounds coming from the speakers of our TV set while games were being loaded, played tapes up to a specific moment so that I could start loading the next one because I got bored with the old one, or I turned the other side, and then one day I started wondering how it all worked, and how it could do something I wanted… and here I am now, condemned forever. A child’s curiosity and my first programming word I learnt, “print“, printed out my future and condemned me forever to be what I am.





Prenosni računalnik, kaj je že to?Potem ko je moj stari stacionarni prijatelj

že vidno izgubljal svoje moči, ko je nenehno opozarjal nase z raznimi obvestili in namigi in ko se je njegov reakcijski čas neusmiljeno povečeval, sem se odločila za pogumno potezo. Mojega stacionarca - ki je obkrožen s tiskalnikom, tipkovnico, miško, zvočniki in še čim več let kraljeval na svoji posebni mizici - naj bi nonšalantno zamenjal prenosnik!

Navdušenja ob prvem stiku s svojim novim osebnim računalnikom ni bilo mogoče skriti. Nekako si nisem mogla predstavljati, kako lahko ta zgoščena naprava deluje tako dobro kot moj stari, zdaj že upehani stacionarec. Naivno sem spraševala mojstra, če je res ‘vse tam notri’ in če bo ta naprava takisto delovala kot moj prejšnji računalnik. Še danes se spomnim, kako fino se mi je zdelo, da lahko svoj računalnik uporabljam kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Da imam lahko na svojem prenosniku samo svoje dokumente, fotografije, zapiske in svojo glasbo.

Od zdaj naprej dojemanje časa in prostora (kar se tiče računalniške uporabe seveda) ne bo več isto, sem si takrat mislila. Glede na to, da je bilo pri stacionarcih v navadi, da si ga je delilo več ljudi, mi recimo od zdaj naprej nikoli več ne bo treba čakati, kdaj bo računalnik prost. Dodano vrednost pa je dobil tudi prostor. Če so bili stacionarni računalniki postavljeni na točno določeno mesto in so tam navadno ostali do svojih zadnjih delovnih minut, je zdaj mogoče računalnik odnesti praktično kamorkoli. Neverjetno!

Sicer pa se navdušenje nad mojim prenosnim računalnikom, tako kot je značilno za vsako začetniško evforijo, počasi zmanjšuje. Ampak ne v smisli njegove funkcionalnosti. Zdaj moj že precej ‘v letih’ prenosnik peša v zmogljivosti, spominu in hitrosti, njegova vizualna podoba pa je že precej démodé. Mislim, da bo kmalu napočil čas za novo pogumno potezo.

Nina Cijan


Nina Cijan

Laptop, what’s that?After my old PC has visibly started to lose

its power and was continually calling attention with various warning messages and after its reaction time was getting longer and longer I decided to make a brave move. I decided to change my old PC, armed with keyboard, mouse and stereo system with a new laptop!

I couldn’t hide my enthusiasm at the first experience with my laptop. I still couldn’t believe that this small, compact machine works as well as my good old PC. I naively asked the computer seller if he is sure that “there is everything that needs to be inside the laptop” and if “he is sure that this machine will work as good as the old one”. I still remember how great it seemed to me that I could use my computer anytime and anywhere. I thought it was great to have on my laptop all my documents, photos, notes and music. “From now on the sense of time and place would never be the same,” I thought that time. I remember that when we still had the old PC it was normal that the entire family used it and many times I had to wait my turn for using it. Another advantage of the laptop was its mobility. If before you had to use the computer only in one place you could now use your laptop almost everywhere. Amazing! My initial enthusiasm on the laptop is slowly fading away as is usual for all novelties but I’m still enthusiastic about its functionality. Many years have passed and my “new” laptop gets older every year, its memory, speed and visual appearance has become pretty démodé. I think the time has come for a new brave decision!


Moji prvi stiki z računalnikom še spadajo v čas, ko ga res nisem znal uporabljati za kaj drugega, kot za igrice in zapravljanje prostega

časa na njem. V tem času sem zamenjal kar nekaj računalnikov, a tega še vedno skrbno hranim na podstrešju in tu pa tam ga še celo prižgem in nanj za spomin zaigram kakšno igrico.

Bostjan Podgrajsek


Boštjan Podgrajšek

My first experience with a computer goes back to the time when I was able to use it only for playing games and to spend my free time

on it. Until today I have changed a lot of computers but I still keep my first computer in the basement and from time to time I still switch it on and play computer games to remember the good old times.



Nekaj za na pot…Ne morem se točno odločiti, kaj je pravilno.

Pa se mi zdi, da pravzaprav ne igra velike vloge. Nekaterim se zdi nenormalno čudno to, da na potovanjih pišem blog. To, da po najbolj zakotnih ulicah iščem “cyber caffee-je” in tolčem po tipkovnici, itak brez šumnikov, včasih celo brez nam poznane abecede. Ampak tako je. That is I, Mic, in to je pač del mene. Rad delim vse kar imam …

‘’Dragi Mic!Težko začenjam tole pismo. Čutim in preprosto

vem, da zame ni prostora več v tvojih vselej daleč tja v prihodnost hlastajočih mislih. Nisi isti. Ne na boljše, ne na slabše. Le spremenil si se. Jaz ostajam v trenutku. Ne, resno mislim. Obstal sem točno tam, kjer sva zadnjič se spogledala. Skozi mozaik nekaj tisoč, takrat še ne milijon ali milijardo, drobnih barvnih pikic si zaključil najino poznanstvo.

In jezen sem, priznam. Ne zdi se mi pošteno, da sem vedno oprostil ti tiste vse oguljene in grobe torbe, vroče mize in prostore, vonj po nečem sladkem na konicah tvojih prstov. Ni prav, da me sodiš po številkah in pustiš.

Vem, da ne verjameš, a še vedno se prav živo spomnim, kaj najprej si naredil, ko povabil si me k sebi v novo domovanje. Odprl si škatlo, sicer grobo, a pustiva to, nato pa … ne, nisi me pogledal z vseh zornih kotov, pretipal ali brez pozdrava izkoristil. Povohal si me. Včasih, ko bil si še majhen, si temu rekel “vonj po Nemčiji”. Se spomniš? Povohal si me! Ne upam si trditi, a zdi se mi, da bil sem tvoja prva last. Samo tvoj. In vem, da si me cenil in imel me rad.

Danes slišim, da pot te vodi daleč naokoli. Nimaš miru. In takšnih trenutkov, kot sva doživela jih midva, je menda vedno manj. Razumem te. Ne samo to. Prav imaš! In ne zameri mi, ker želel sem ti vzbuditi slabo vest. Včasih je napad najboljša obramba. Mi pač smo. Preprosto tu zato, da vam polepšamo, olajšamo in posladkamo trenutke na tisti poti, ki jo izberete sami. Mi pač smo …

Prepričan sem, da tole sporočilo se blešči na nečem novem, brezhibnem in modernem. Sam ne sežem temu do kolen. Pa vendar vem, da sva skupaj začela tole pot. Vem, da si mi hvaležen, za mojo potrpežljivost in vem, da so trenutki, ko se spomniš name. Hvala ti.

Tvoj v 1.0″

Mic Melansek


Mic Melanšek

Something to take with you on the road… I cannot decide what the right thing is. And

I don’t think it really matters. Some people think it’s strange to write blog on a travel, because you have to look for cyber cafes and bumping onto the old keyboard, loosing your mind because of the bad internet connection. But that’s how it goes. This is me, Mic and that’s who I am. I love to share my stories…

“Dear Mic!It’s hard to start to write this letter. I feel and I know

there’s no room for me in your modern thoughts. You are not the same anymore – not even better or worse. You have just changed and I’m staying in this moment. I’m serious – I stuck here, where we’ve met for the first time. And through all of the time I realize you finished with our friendship.

I confess – I am mad. I don’t think it’s fair that I have always forgive you for all of your old laptop bags, hot tables and rooms, smell after something sweet at the end of your fingers. It’s not to let me down because of some numbers.

I know that you don’t believe, but I remember what you did, after you brought me into your home. You opened the box and didn’t even look at me. You just smelled me. When you were a little boy, you called it smells like Germany. Do you remember? You smelled me! I think I was your first laptop, only yours. And I know you appreciated me and you loved me.

I can hear it right now how you are walking your own way. And you are not peaceful. There is less and less of the moments we spent together. I understand you and you’re right. Don’t blame mi because I wanted that you feel bad – sometimes the attack is the most effective defense. We are here for us to make your moments on the way. We just are…

I’m sure this message is shining on you new, modern laptop. And I’m not even close to this. But I know that we were together on our journey. I know you are thankful for all my patience and I also believe that you are still thinking of me. Thank you.

Your v1.0″



Moj sosed je eden prvih v našem mestu imel prenosni računalnik, takrat je bilo to približno tako, kot če bi si danes lastil

najdražjega Ferrarija. Takrat sem bila stara deset let in cel teden doma sama s teto. Očitno sem se mu zasmilila, saj je rekel, da mi, dokler je v službi, posodi svoj laptop. In jaz sem seveda zagrabi...la priložnost. Najprej sem eno uro igrala igrice, nato sem se lotila pregledovati, kaj se nahaja v tistih luštnih rumenih mapah, ki jih celo lahko po želji poimenuješ. Takrat se mi je to zdelo res neverjetno. Nato pa sem v nekaterih mapah našla datoteke, ki se niso dale odpreti. Sedaj vem, da so to datoteke, ki so nujno potrebne za

delovanje sistema. Mislila sem, da bom sosedu naredila uslugo s tem, če malo ‘počistim’ te datoteke. Napaka-ko sem končala, se skoraj nobenega programa ni dalo več odpreti. Računalnik sem vrnila in se delala, da ne vem za nič. Drugi dan je sosed prišel k meni in rekel, da to ni nič hudega, da pa mu bom morala pomagati pri nakupu novega računalnika. Namreč ni mi želel naravnost povedati, da sem računalnik uničila. Danes s svojim laptopom ravnam veliko bolj previdno! :)

Kaja Rakuscek


Kaja Rakušček

My neighbor was the first who had a computer in our neighborhood, which at that time was like having the newest model of

Ferrari. I was ten years old then and one week I stayed home alone with my aunt. Obviously my neighbor felt sorry for me and he offered to lend me his laptop until he was at work. I accepted of course with no hesitation. Once I got the laptop I first spend a couple of hours playing computer games. All of the sudden I noticed those cute yellow maps! I first began examine their content and found out that you can rename them as you wish. I was amazed! Suddenly I found maps that I couldn’t open, now I know that those maps were necessary for the system operations, but then I thought that I would do a favour to my neighbor if I “clean” those maps but I was obviously wrong! When I finished I couldn’t open none of the programs! I returned the laptop to my neighbor and pretend nothing happened. The next day he came to visit me and said that there is nothing wrong and that the only thing I had to do was help him choose another laptop, which was just a kind way to say that I destroyed the old one. Today I’m far more carefully with my computer than I was then!:)


Moja prva izkušnja s prenosnim računalnikom je potekala nekako takole.

Očetu sem že kar nekaj časa težil, da si želim prenosni računalnik, ker ga bom nujno rabil, ko bom šel na faks. Ko sem ga v decembru le prepričal, sem mu obljubil, da bom pretekel mali Ljubljanskem maraton. Računalnik mi je kupil, obljube pa še nisem izpolnil, ker vsako leto prestavljam na naslednjo leto. Ko sem ga dobil, sem bil tako nervozen, da sem strgal škatlo. Najprej sem naložil Visto, ki sem jo dobil zraven v paketu, potem pa še ostale programe za pravilno delovanje računalnika. Z njim sem bil zelo zadovoljen, vendar se mi je Vista že čez 3 mesece sesula. Zato sem po priporočilu prijateljev naložil Xp, ki pa nikoli ne zamoči. Sedaj imam računalnik že okoli 3 leta in upam, da mi bo zdržal ter delal še enkrat toliko, kot do sedaj.

P.s: Če bo moja zgodba objavljena v e-knjigi, obljubim da bom izpolnil obljubo, ki sem jo dal očetu :)

Robert cehic Zeko


Robert Čehić Zeko

My first experience with a laptop went something like that:

I was convincing my father for a long time that I will need a laptop when I will go to the university. In December I finally succeed and he bought me a brand new laptop but I also had to promise him that I will run Ljubljana Marathon. When I got the laptop I was so nervous that I tore in two the box that contained the computer. First I uploaded Vista and all the other software I needed for working with my computer. I was very satisfied with my laptop but after three months Vista collapsed. My friends gave me the advice to upload the operating system XP instead of Vista because they never let you down. I followed their advice and now it’s been more than three years that my computer works perfectly and I hope it will work for many years more.

As regarding the promise I gave to my father – I haven’t run the Ljubljana Marathon yet and every year I postpone it to next year

p.s.I promise that if my story will be published in Toshiba

E-book I will keep my promise and finally run the marathon!



Moja zgodba se prične na dan, ko sem kupil moj prvi prenosni računalnik. Seveda sem bil zelo navdušen, zato sem hitro odprl paket in

pogledal to čudo tehnike. Moje prvo vprašanje je bilo, »kako so lahko tisto staro veliko »kišto« tako zelo minimizirali in to z zaslonom skupaj vgradili v prečudovito oblikovano ohišje?«. Ker sem velik navdušenec tehnologije, sem bil neizmerno srečen, verjetno veliko bolj kot otrok, ko za božič odpre darilo :) Vse sem si lepo postavil po mizi, računalnik je bil čisto zraven mene, na levi je bila škatla in na desni vsi ostali bonbončki, ki spadajo zraven. In tako je bil čas za prvi zagon tega čudesa. Seveda ni bilo časa, da se baterija napolni, pritisnil sem gumbek za vklop in takoj so se prikazale res prečudovite barve tehnologije, ki so kar žarele vame. Za trenutek sem obstal, zamišljen, kako lep je svet. Zunaj je snežilo, notri je bilo toplo, jaz pa tam sam s svojim novim računalnikom. In tukaj se začne, računalnik, okno v svet, v svet tehnologije, v kateri še danes zelo uživam! ;)

Matej Novak


Matej Novak

My story begins on the day when I bought my first laptop. I was very thrilled and I couldn’t wait to open the package with the laptop inside.

I started at this miracle of technology and asked myself »How did they manage to get that big box with hardware, display and everything else in this small, beautiful casing?« As I’m a big fan of technology I was happy as a kid that got his Christmas present! I put everything on the table – right in front of me I put the computer, on the left the box and on the right all the other devices. Finally the time for the first turn on came. I pushed the button »turn on« and immediately all the beautiful colours of the display light up the whole room. Outside it was snowing and I was at home in my worm room with my brand new computer. For a minute I stopped and thought how beautiful the world was. There and then began my story with computers, which opened for me the door to the world of technology.


Hm, glede na to, da je od moje prve izkušnje že 11 let, sem moral prav pomisliti in zdaj, ko se spomnim, ugotavljam, da je to bilo

v kakšnem 4. razredu OŠ. Prvič smo šli v računalniško učilnico. Misteriozna soba z 20 računalniki. Na njih je tekel takrat najnovejši (danes prazgodovinski) Windows 98, na nekaterih še Windows 95. Vem, da mi na začetku še ni bilo najbolj jasno, kaj početi z računalnikom, razen tega, da sem vedel, da lahko z njim igraš igrice in pišeš v Word.

Vse sem delal tako počasi, da se v živo spomnim teh trenutkov, ko vidim kakšnega starejšega, ki ni vajen računalnika. Na tipkovnico sem pisal z dvema prstoma in iskal tipke. Bilo je prav hecno, ker zdaj tipkam že skoraj na ‘slepo’. Steve Jobs bi rekel, da je bilo magično. Verjemite, da je za takšnega majhnega smrkavca bilo in še zdaj je, ko sem že velik smrkavec.

Jan Ferme


Jan Ferme

Hmm, regarding that eleven years have passed since I had my first laptop experience I had to think a little to remember what happened.

I was in the fourth grade of primary school when we had our first computer lessons. We went to the mysterious computer class that had twenty brand new PC’s. The computer had then the newest software Windows 98, which is today already prehistoric. I remember that at that time I didn’t know what all it is possible to do with a computer, besides playing computer games or write in Word.

I remember that I worked extremely slowly on the computer and now when I see some older people that are not used to use a computer it reminds me of me at my beginnings. I typed with two fingers and it took me a lot of time to find the letter I wanted on the keyboard. It is funny to remember this today that I can write almost with my eyes closed. Steve Jobs would say it was magical and believe me for a small boy it really was and it still is today that I am already a big boy



Moj prvi računalnik Prvega ne pozabiš nikoli, pravijo. No, pri meni

to ne drži popolnoma. Prvega dejanskega stika z napravo, ki postopoma spreminja svet, se ne spominjam. Se pa spominjam s kakšnim entuziazmom sem se kot otrok zanimal za delovanje tega čuda. Zanimala me je notranjost, drobovje, ne pa sama uporabna vrednost. Vsake toliko sem zvedavo kukal skozi špranje, namenjene prezračevanju, ter poskušal ujeti vsaj trenutek te nepredstavljive čarovnije.

Nekaj let zatem pa sem začel uporabljati svoj prvi prenosni računalnik. To je bilo še večje čudo, kajti v tistem času preklopiti iz ogromne škatle s še večjim prikazovalnikom slike na dve, takrat malo večji platnici, je bilo zame nekaj nepojmljivega . Vse v enem: drobovje, zaslon, miška in tipkovnica. Uporaba pisarniškega pripomočka kjerkoli v stanovanju, oziroma še bolje, kjerkoli na svetu… Ob tej misli si ostal odprtih ust.

In tako je počasi teklo leto uporabe. S pomočjo interneta in brezžičnega omrežja je kultna prenosna naprava še toliko bolj žarela in zasenčila prej popularne osebne računalnike ali PC-je. Po letu in pol pa sem, zaradi napredovanja tehnike, prvega zamenjal z drugim - tanjšim, lepšim, zmogljivejšim prenosnikom. Oba sta merila 15.4 palcev, kar je bilo nekoliko manj kot takratni zasloni osebnih računalnikov, a sem se navidezne majhnosti kaj hitro privadil.

Ni trajalo dolgo, ko se je v svetu pojavila še ena sprememba. Mini prenosni računalniki ali NetBooki. Spominjam se leta 2008. Na blogerskem kongresu v Cankarjevem domu sem prvič uzrl enega izmed “novih”. Izkazalo se je, da v dobi interneta naprave, ki bi na veliko preračunavale, niso več potrebne. Kar potrebujemo danes, je naprava, ki nas v čim krajšem času pripelje v internet. V čudoviti svet izmenjavanja informacij prek različnih medijev. Tako so se veliki okorni prenosni računalniki prelevili v 10.1 ali 9.7 palčne napravice, namenjene pisanju, brskanju po spletu in ohranjanju stikov s prijatelji.

Kdo bi si leta 2005, ko sem sam imel osebni računalnik s podobnimi lastnostmi kot jih ima danes moj NetBook, mislil, da prihaja tako velika sprememba v tako kratkem času. In to le zaradi spleta. Novega medija, ki ga lahko ustvarja prav vsak. Mobilnost komunikacijskih naprav je zato dandanes še toliko bolj pomembna. Brezžični dostop do svetovnega spleta nas čaka za vsakim vogalom. Če pa smo še bolj zahtevni, se nam ponuja tudi mobilni internet, ki je prisoten praktično povsod, kadarkoli.

Tehnološki razvoj je s pomočjo interneta res dobil svetlobno hitrost. Vedno več podjetij odkriva nove tržne niše interneta, ki bi se jih dalo izkoristiti za prodajo novih, manjših, hitrejših in mobilnejših računalnikov.

Letos se je tako začela doba tabličnih računalnikov. Saj ne, da bi bili le-ti posebna novost na trgu. Ne. Je pa res, da so v nekaj letih postali veliko tanjši, boljši in večinoma na dotik občutljivejši. Brezžično, prek WiFi-ja ali mobilnega omrežja, nas popeljejo v svet informacij kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Omogočajo branje knjig in časnikov. Omogočajo ogled YouTube posnetkov, brskanje po svetovnem spletu in še marsikaj drugega. Vedno več in več. Toliko, da se na koncu niti ne zavedamo, da je minilo manj kot desetletje od začetka revolucije računalniške mobilnosti.

Matej Novak


Anže Frantar

My first computer They say you never forget your first. Well, for me

this is not true. I don’t remember my first experience with a computer but I do remember how enthusiastically I admired this wonder as a kid and asked myself how it manages to work so perfectly. I was more curious about the inside of the computer than of its functionality. Once a while, I looked through the rift that were meant to ventilate the hardware and tried to capture a bit of the magic that was taking place inside.

A few years later I got my first laptop. For me this was even a bigger wonder since I switched from a huge computer case and even bigger monitor to a machine that was almost as thin as a cover of a book. And what is more this thin thing have got all in one: hardware, monitor, keyboard and mouse and you were able to use it wherever at home or better wherever in the world…It was really amazing!

The first year of my usage of laptop passed. With internet and wireless network this cult machine became even cooler and outshined the old PC’s. After a year and a half I changed my first laptop with a new one due to new developing capacities. The second was even thinner, more powerful and more stylish than the first one. Both of them had 15,4-inch display, which was less than displays of PC’s but I soon got used to it.

It didn’t take long for another change to happen. Along came mini laptops, the so called NetBooks. I remember it was in 2008. I went to a blogger conference in Cankarjev dom in Ljublajna when I first saw one of them. It turned out that in the era of internet you don’t need big machines that can do big operations but you need machines that can connect you to the internet in the fastest way possible, a machine that can take you to the incredible world of exchange of exchange of information. The big clumsy machines transformed into 10,1 or 9,7- inch machines designed for write, surf on the internet and keep in touch with friends.

Who would think that in 2005, when I still had my personal computer with similar attributes that today has my notebook, such a big change will occur and that it would all happen because of internet, the medium that everyone can create and transform. The mobility of communication devices has become more important than ever before. Wireless access to the World Wide Web is now found at every corner and if you are more pretentious you can use your mobile internet which is accessible anywhere, anytime.

With the help of internet the technological development reached a speed of light. More and more companies are discovering incredible marketing opportunities with internet that are selling newer, smaller, faster and more mobile computers and computer technology. This year was marked with tablet computers, not that they weren’t available before, but now they become thinner, more powerful and with the touch screen option. Through wireless connection, WiFi or mobile connection it is now possible to enter the world of information anywhere and anytime. You can read books or newspapers, watch videos from Youtube or surf on the internet and many other things. The possibilities expand every day so much that we don’t even realize that we came so far in less than ten years since the beginning of the revolution of mobility.



Moj prvi računalnik sem delila s sestro. Igre so bile glavna postaja, mogoče še kakšen programček. Ko sem dobila svojega, so

moje življenje postale igrice, filmi, office-ovi programi, programiranje. Pogrešam svoj PC. Danes uporabljam Toshibin laptop in obujam spomine. Zabavam se z montažo video posnetkov, v prvi vrsti pa se ukvarjam s simulacijskimi programi, ki jih potrebujem za faks.

Petra Lucija Mahnic


Petra Lucija Mahnič

I shared my first computer with my sister. We mostly played computer games on it and tried some other program too. When I got my

own computer it became the center of my life! I spend most of my time playing computer games, watching films and programming new softwer. Today I spend most of my time on my Toshiba laptop and I like to remember those times. I now spend a lot of time with programes for video production and simulation programes which I need for my University.


Mojo prvo spoznanje z računalnikom ni bilo nič kaj prijetno, saj se bil kratko malo primoran soočiti se z njim zaradi službene dolžnosti.

Spomnim se, da sem prve osnove spoznaval na tečaju, ki mi je bil takrat velika “nočna mora”. Zdaj, nekaj let kasneje, pa moram reči, da je kar sopotnik mojega vsakdanjega življenja in ni več bav bav.

Simon Rak


Simon Rak

My first laptop experience wasn’t pleasant at all. I was forced to confront with the computer due to my job duty. I remember that

I get to know the basics of computer usage at a course that was a real nightmare for me. Now that many years have passed I have to say that my computer became a fellow passenger of my everyday life and I’m not afraid of it anymore.


Prvič sem se z računalnikom soočila v osnovni šoli in ga popolnoma navdušena zahtevala tudi doma in tako mi je mami

zagotovila rabljenega (mislim, da je bil nekdanji bratrančev). Rada sem ga uporabljala za risanje, pisanje, gledanje filmov, poslušanje glasbe ipd. Toda, ker je tehnologija napredovala, se potrebovala še internet, ki sem ga kmalu tudi dobila. Tu pa so se pojavile prve težave, kajti nepravilna uporaba interneta privede do številnih nevšečnosti. Tako se je moj računalnik, kot posledica kopičenja številnih virusov, hitro sesul. Takrat sem bila skoraj ob živce in sem se odločila, da internet ne bom več uporabljala za nepomembne stvari. Uredila sem si najboljšo zaščito za računalnik in na koncu prišla do ugotovitve, da tudi to ne pomaga. Računalnik ima svojo življenjsko dobo in tako že razmišljam o nakupu novega – tretjega računalnika zapovrstjo, ki bo moje darilo sami sebi za popotnico v svet odraslosti :)

Mojca Strgar


Mojca Strgar

Ok, here it is my story… I first saw a computer when I was in the primary school. I was totally enraptured with it and I wanted to

have one also at home. My mum brought home the one that my cousin used before. I was enthusiastic and I used it for everything – writing, drawing, listening to music, watching movies… Gradually the technology evolved and so did my needs. Soon I wanted to have internet and here did the first troubles began. I soon realized that an incorrect use of internet can cause many troubles and soon my computer after many fights against numerous viruses broke down. I couldn’t believe what happened. I decided never to use internet again for meaningless things and I set up the highest security defense on my computer. And what did I figure out? That also this doesn’t help. I discovered that computers, like humans, have a life time and that after a certain period they simply stop working. So I begin to think to buy a new one- the third in my life, which will be a gift for me to enter the world of adulthood :)



Moj prvi spomin na računalnik sega v drugi razred osnovne šole. Takrat sem se vpisala v računalniški krožek in tako sem po eno uro

na teden preživela v šoli za računalnikom. Ne spominjam dobro, kaj vse smo se učili, zagotovo pa vem, da mi je bilo najljubše risati v slikarju:)

Ana Lukezic


Ana Lukežič

My first memories of computer arise from the second grade of primary school. I enrolled into a computer club and so I begin to spend

my first hours on a computer. I don’t remember what all did I learned but for sure I remember that my favorite program was Painter.:)


Na hitro, na kratko. Načeloma se službeno vse preveč srečujem z računalnikom. Je kar muka. A ko ima hudič mlade, jih ima preveč.

Tako sem bil tudi jaz primoran v nakup prenosnika. Naključje in trezna glava sta mi velevala naj se odločim za Toshibino Satellitko. Stari ejga, garancije dve leti, pa še No matter what guarantee... Jah, sm bil kar nasmejan. No ja, rabil sem kar nekaj časa, da sem se z njo postavil na noge, ampak danes je ne zamenjam za nič. Šla je z mano čez precejšnji del Evrope (jap, tud tja gor na sever, na Norveško). Upam, da bo še dolgo sledila mojemu tempu. Res je, da sem pristaš preživljanja prostega časa zunaj, na prostem, ne glede na vreme, ampak slikice je pa treba nekako tud ostalim pokazat. Guess who is there to help me? Of course, My Toshiba Satellite! Uživajte, grem nazaj na laptop..... ;)

Gregor Korosec


Gregor Korošec

Briefly … Fundamentally I spend too much time on computers because of my work duty, so I avoided spending my free time on

computers. But at a certain point I was forced to spend time on my computer also at home and I had to buy a laptop. My common sense suggested me to buy Toshiba Satellite…Guarantee for two years and No Matter What stuff… I was immediately convinced! At first I needed some time to get used to it but now I wouldn’t change it for another computer! My Satellite was my companion on many trips I took across Europe (also for the cold nord) but it survived and for now it was able to keep up with my life style! I still like to spend my free time outside, on the fresh air but you have to show were you spent your free time, right? Guess who is there to help me? Of course, My Toshiba Satellite! Ok, now I have to go I have many other things to do on my laptop!:)


Prvič sem sedla za računalnik v prvem ali drugem razredu osnovne šole. Bila sem na obisku pri sosedih, ki so ravno dobili novega.

Glavna atrakcija so bile seveda igrice, tako da so v tistem času najbolj prav prišle smerne tipke:) Obiski pri sosedih so bili tako dokaj pogosti, dokler nismo čez kako leto tudi mi kupili računalnik.

Mateja Zoratti


Mateja Zoratti

I first used a computer when I was in the second grade of primary school. I was just visiting my neighbors that got a brand new

computer. The main attractions were video games, of course. At that time I remember that I was able to use only the keys up, down, left and right!:) From that day on my visits to the neighbors were very frequent…until I haven’t received my own computer.



Ko smo doma kupili prvi računalnik, sem imela 4 leta in si sploh nisem znala predstavljati, kaj ta čudne zvoke spuščajoča škatla pomeni.

Ogledovala sem si jo z vseh strani in šele takrat, ko je brat odprl igrico Prehistoric, ugotovila, da bo to tudi nekaj zame :)

Jana Juvan


Jana Juvan

When we got our first computer at home I was four years old. I looked at strange machine that made strange sounds and I

couldn’t imagine what was or what was it for. I examined the machine from all sides but I still didn’t understand its functionality. It was only when my brother began playing the video game Prehistoric that I figured out that there was also something for me.:)


Ne spomnim se točno, kdaj sem prvič uporabila računalnik. Vem, da je bilo v prvih letih osnovne šole in da sem bila navdušena

nad risanjem v slikarju ter igranjem igric. Sprva pasjanse, kasneje pa zajčka, ki je pobiral zlatnike :) Računalnik sem redno uporabljala, vendar ne veliko, saj je pri nas služil v pomembnejše namene. Ko pa smo začeli uporabljati internet, no, takrat se je začelo pravo navdušenje. Zdelo se mi je osupljivo, kaj vse lahko počneš na svetovnem spletu. Sedaj sem lastnica svojega prenosnega računalnika, saj sem ga potrebovala za študij. Igric že dolgo ne igram več, internet pa še vedno redno uporabljam. Računalnik pa je moj zvesti spremljevalec, čeprav prihaja v leta, ko ga bo treba nadomestiti s kakšnim novim primerkom. In priznam, da me po toliko letih uporabe, skrivaj še vedno navdušuje dejstvo, kako nam uporaba računalnika vsakodnevno olajša življenje.

Valerija Simoncic


Valerija Simončič

I don’t remember when exactly I first used a computer. I remember though that it was in my first years of primary school. I was filled

with enthusiasm for using Painter and playing computer games - first solitaire and later a game with a funny bunny that was collecting golden coins :) I used the computer as frequently as I could but since its purpose was not being used to play games I had to wait for my turn. One day we got Internet and then my real enthusiasm began. I was amazed with all the things you could do and discover by using internet. Now I have my own laptop because I needed it for the University. I don’t play computer games anymore but I still use internet. The computer has been my faithful companion for many years and the time will soon come when I will have to buy a new one. I have to admit that after all these years that I’ve been using the computer I’m still amazed with how a computer can facilitate your everyday life.



Uporabnik Toshiba Tecre - prenosnega računalnika, sem že več kot štiri leta. Kljub temu, da sem Apple “FanBoy”, kot me ponavadi

označujejo drugi, me je ta prenosnik povsem presenetil.Namreč, do sedaj z njim še nisem imel nevšečnosti.

Ravno nasprotno. Kljub temu, da ga poganjajo Windowsi XP, mi zadeva deluje in deluje. Sicer pa se mu malce poznajo leta, vendar računalniških igric itak ne igram na prenosniku (v bistvu jih sploh ne igram!), tako da povsem zadovoljuje moje potrebe.

Računalnik sicer na prvi pogled ni tako “lep”, kot so “jabolka”, vendar se je izkazal za precej trpežnega, predvsem pa je prestal že veliko padcev, da o tem, da je sodelavec sedel na njem, niti ne omenjam. Zadeva deluje in deluje. Če se mi je na začetku zdel preveč robusten in manj ugleden, sem kasneje ugotovil, da so to njegove prednosti. Tudi temperature ga ne uničijo - čez noč je ostal v avtu in temperature so padle pod -20 stopinj. ToŠiba in DeLuje :)

Ali bo moj naslednji računalnik z Windowsi zopet Toshiba? Hm, vprašanje na katerega sicer ne poznam odgovora, vendar če dobim to, zgoraj omenjeno tablico, potem se bo pridružila “jabolčnim” igračam.

Roni Kodris


Roni Kodris

I’m a user of Toshiba Tecre laptop for over 4 years. Despite being an Apple ‘FanBoy’, as I’ve been nicknamed because I love apple

toys, I was pleasantly surprised by Toshiba. I haven’t had any problems with it yet. Quite the opposite. Despite being run by Windows XP, the stuff keeps working. True enough, it shows its age, but I don’t play computer games on the laptop (actually, I don’t really play computer games at all), which means it’s more than enough for my needs. It might not be as beautiful as the apples, but it’s proved itself to be very resilient. It’s survived a lot of falls, not to mention my colleague sitting on it. It just keeps working. At first I found it too robust and not prestigious enough but I soon found out its advantages. The temperatures don’t destroy it, either. It stayed in the car overnight when the temperatures dropped bellow 20 degrees Celsius. ToŠiba (ThisHurtles) and works :). Will my next Windows computer be Toshiba? Hm, I cannot answer the question just yet but if I do receive the above mentioned tablet, it will join my apple toy collection.


Moja prva izkušnja z računalnikom sega v 3. razred osnovne šole. Bil sem eden prvih sploh, ki so “premogli” tedaj še “zavidanja”

vreden PC 286. Računalnik, na katerem so bile, kakor pri vsakem mulcu, najpogosteje v ospredju igrice, je odigral pomembno vlogo tudi pri ustvarjanju šolskega časopisa. V času rokopisnih in v najboljšem primeru izdelkov pisalnega stroja, je bilo izdajati računalniško oblikovano glasilo velik dosežek, še posebej za otroško udejstvovanje. V spominu mi je ostalo pripravljanje koledarja, kar je v prastarem urejevalniku besedil Wordstar brez vsakršnih opcij tabel in podobnih sodobnih orodij pomenilo tipkanje vsakega datuma posebej; z drugimi besedami - za celo popoldne dela. Seveda pa ima vsaka medalja dve plati in tudi v tej zgodbi izključno pritoževanje ni na mestu oz. je upravičeno le, v kolikor kritiziramo pogojenost vzpona v “socialnem omrežju” s človekovo tehnično “opremljenostjo”. PC 286 me je namreč “povzdignil” v položaj glavnega urednika famoznega časopisa, kar je, roko na srce, delo dobro. Rosnim letom navkljub pa je morda še bolje delo dejstvo, da so se pred ‘mašino’ med drugim prav rade zadrževale tudi vse prijetne sošolke in sosede oz. se igrale z mano, medtem ko je očka v zgornjih prostorih poteč se pretipkaval kakšen skrajno pomemben prispevek za glasilo Hay.

Safet sleper


Safet Šleper

My first computer experience was in the third year of primary school. I was one of the first who could afford a PC 286, then worth of

envy. As with every boy, computer games were at the forefront most of the time but the computer played a vital role at creating our school newspaper, as well. In the time of handwriting and, at best, typing machines, publishing a computer designed paper was an accomplishment, especially for children. I remember preparing a calendar. In the ancient editing program Wordstar it was all about typing in one date at a time with no help of modern options and tables; to rephrase, a whole afternoon of work. Of course, there are two sides to every story. I shouldn’t complain, unless I’d want to complain about rising on the social ladder because of my technical advantages alone. With the help of the PC 286, I was promoted to the chief editor of the famous newspaper, which, to be honest, felt good. Although I was young, what perhaps felt even better was that the machine attracted nice school girls and neighbours. They would play with me while my dad would type in some incredibly important article for the magazine Hay.



Moja prva izkušnja z računalnikom? Minilo je že preveč let, da bi se lahko

spomnila, kje in kdaj sem prvič opazila to čudno škatlo, ki je v meni zelo kmalu prebudila radovednost. Ta stroj, ki je brnel in spuščal čudne zvoke, me je že od nekdaj fasciniral. Predstavljal je nekaj novega, neznanega in želela sem se naučiti kaj to je, kako to deluje.

V osnovni šoli smo pri urah tehnične vzgoje spoznavali Slikarja, v računalniški učilnici pa smo preživeli tudi ogromno ur matematike. Mogoče je to nekoliko absurdno, a vendar je bila prav učiteljica matematike tista, ki je v našo osnovno šolo vpeljala računalniški tečaj, ki sem ga z veseljem obiskovala. Doma sem mamici z navdušenjem in zanimanjem razlagala, kako se v šoli učimo uporabljati najrazličnejše računalniške programe in vedela je, da si res želim to ogromno belo škatlo, čeprav te želje nisem nikdar povedala na glas. In prišel je tisti dan.

Bila sem še v nižjih razredih osnovne šole in bližali so se novoletni prazniki. Sicer sem vedela, da me bo pod jelko čakalo darilo, čeprav nisem pričakovala, da bom prav takrat dobila svoj prvi računalnik. Bilo je tako nepričakovano in v določenem trenutku skoraj neverjetno, saj sem si to predstavljala kot nek izjemno dragocen predmet, ki si ga ne more vsakdo privoščiti. Od te svoje prve bele škatle do danes zamenjala že precej računalnikov, ki so bili zagotovo bistveno lepši in zmogljivejši. Moj mali črni prenosnik, ki me danes zvesto spremlja čisto povsod sicer ni primerljiv s tem prvim računalnikom. Vendarle lahko z gotovostjo trdim, da čar darila, ki sem ga dobila v otroštvu, ne bo večno živel v mojem spominu.

Vanja zizmond


Vanja Žižmond

What was my first computer experience? Too many years have passed to remember where and when it was that I first noticed this

strange box that very quickly awoke my curiosity. This humming, strange-sound-emitting machine has always fascinated me. It represented a novelty, the unknown and I wished to learn what it was and how it worked. In primary school we got to know graphic programs as a part of our technical education classes. We also spent a lot of time in the computer classroom during our mathematics lectures. It might sound a bit strange but it was our mathematics teacher who started out a computer class at our school in which I gladly participated. At home, I would explain about the use of various computer programs we learnt at school to my mummy with enthusiasm and interest. She knew I really wanted to have the big white box without me ever expressing the wish.

And the day came. I was still in the first years of my elementary education.

The holiday season was about to begin. I knew there would be a present waiting for me under the Christmas tree but I didn’t suspect it would be when I’d get my first computer. It was so unexpected, at the time almost unbelievable. I did, after all, imagine it as an incredibly valuable item that not just anybody could afford. True enough, I’ve owned many computers since; which looked better and were more powerful than my first white box. My little black laptop, which is keeping me company anywhere I go nowadays, cannot be compared with this first computer. However I can claim with certainty that the magic of the childhood gift will never be forgotten.



Bilo je nekega zimskega dne, ko sem s svojo mamo obiskal osnovno šolo, kjer je poučevala. V nekakšnem kabinetu, kjer je

rekla, naj jo počakam nekaj minut, je zraven okna stala pisalna miza. Na njej je bila televizorju podobna škatla, ki je prikazovala mirujočo sliko. Mama mi je povedala, da je to njihov službeni računalnik in da se ga seveda ne smem dotikati. Kot vsak pravi otrok, pa se skušnjavi seveda nisem mogel upreti, zato sem takoj, ko je zapustila kabinet, stekel k pisalni mizi. Ko sem si pisarniški stol nastavil na pravo višino, se vsedel, in ko so moje noge veselo bingljale, sem pogledal na ekran. Zame je bil kot prepovedan sadež, kot magična škatla, iz katere lahko povlečeš zajca, miško in še katero čudovito reč. Čeprav do takrat računalnika še nisem uporabljal, kaj šele si ga lastil, sem približno vedel, čemu kaj služi. Bela tipkovnica in bela miška sta prav klicali po uporabi. Svojo majhno roko sem položil na miško in jo nekoliko premaknil. Wooow, sem sam pri sebi vzkliknil. Že samo premikanje ‘kurzorja’ po ekranu je bilo zame, za tako majhnega otroka, ki se je z računalnikom srečal prvič, zares magično. Magija se je nadaljevala, ko sem ugotovil, da lahko s klikom na ikono, le to odprem. Nekako sem uspel pognati tudi beležnico. Poskusil sem pritisniti na naključno tipko in črka se je nemudoma prikazala na ekranu. Nikakor si nisem znal predstavljati, kako lahko računalnik to uspe v tako kratkem času. Nato sem pritisnil še nekaj drugih tipk in črke so po ekranu kar poskakovale. Glede na to, da sem bil leto pred vpisom v osnovno šolo, sem že nekoliko poznal abecedo. Zadal sem si nalogo, da bom napisal preprosto poved. Nepoznavanje tipk na tipkovnici je botrovalo temu, da povedi nisem napisal pravočasno. Zakaj pravočasno? Zato, ker je vmes v kabinet vstopila mama, ki me je zagledala, kako poln entuziazma tipkam. Sprva me je malo začudeno pogledala, nato pa seveda okregala, saj sem uporabljal njihov službeni računalnik, kar mi ni dovolila. Ko je stopila bližje in ko je pogledala na ekran, pa je njen jezen obraz dobil rahel nasmešek. Na ekranu je namreč pisalo: “lksdkl j klsdjfklj skdjf ... Za božič bi rad računal”.

Gregor Harih


Gregor Harih

It was on a winter day when I visited my mother at a primary school where she worked as a teacher. There was a desk by the window

of the office where I was told to wait for her for a few minutes. On it, there was a television-like box... that showed a still picture. My mother had told me it was their business computer and I was not to touch it. Being a true child I could not, of course, resist the temptation. As soon as my mother left the office I ran to the desk. I adjusted the sit to my height and checked what was on the screen, my legs merrily dangling off the chair. In my eyes, it was like the forbidden fruit, a magic box out of which one could pull a rabbit, a mouse, and possibly other wonderful things. Although I had never used a computer before, let alone own it, I knew approximately what things were for. Its white keyboard and mouse just pleaded to be used. I put my tiny hand on the mouse and moved it slightly. ‘Wooow’, I exclaimed. The movement of the cursor across the screen alone was truly magical to me, a small child that sat behind a computer for the first time. The magic continued when I figured out I could open an icon with a single click. I somehow managed to get inside the notes programme. I tried pressing a random key and a letter suddenly appeared on the screen. I could not imagine how the computer could have done it in such a short time. I pressed a few other keys and letters started pouncing on the screen. I already knew the alphabet partly, since I only needed to be a year older to get to the primary school. My ambition was to write a simple sentence and I only failed to do it on time because I did not know the sequence of letters on the keyboard. Why on time? Because my mother walked into the office and saw me enthusiastically typing away. At first, she just gave me a puzzled look. Then she told me off for using their work computer, which she specifically told me not to do. When she came closer, however, she saw the screen and smiled. There it was, on the screen, :lksdkl j klsdjfklj skdjf ... I want a computer for Chr’



Tale bo pa težka. Napisat kakšno o prvih začetkih uporabe računalnika. Kako bi to sploh definirali?

Če bi temu rekli prvi stik z ‘mašino’, ki vneto procesira 0 in 1, da na koncu vrne nek pametni, po algoritmu predviden rezultat, potem segajo prvi začetki še v čase Jugoslavije, v čase, ko sem bil še pionirski BASIC (danes je ravno 23. obletnica). Temu primerno sem izkušnje s tipkanjem nekih ukazov, da sem dobil željen rezultat belih števk in cifer na črnem ozadju-opa, ja, črnem-kot še sedaj lahko obujam spomine ob obisku Davčnega urada (in gledanju na zaslone davčnih svetovalk), v Pionirskem domu. V skupini šestih nadebudnih fantičev in mentorja Benota, ki je, kakšno naključje, čez nekaj let na osnovni šoli učil fiziko (pa eno leto tudi tehniko). In sem torej imel mali privilegij, da me je poznal že od nekaj let prej, kar pa tudi ni bilo slabo. Očitno sem se mu dobro zapisal v spominu malih možganov, sedaj učitelja/tovariša, in z malo manj truda uspešno opravljal fizikalne preskuse in teste.

A pravo učenje se je ravno v tistem času začelo. Mislim da z rabljenim PC 286 in mučnim osvajanjem nove računalniške logike urejanja besedil: Veliko bolje mi je šla od rok Pasjansa, pa še kakšna igrica. S prihodom ta pravih Besed pa je tudi življenje postalo malo lažje, a na drugi strani z več obveznostmi, saj so tudi učitelji začeli spoznavati možnosti novih programov in posledično nalaganja izdelave domačih nalog v digitalni obliki, tudi s kakšnim dodatnim oblikovanjem. To pa je po letih uporabe raznih programov postalo stalnica.

Peter Medved


Peter Medved

This will be difficult, to write about the first use of computer. How could it even be defined?

If we call it the first contact with a machine that eagerly processes 0 and 1 to get in the end to some intelligent, algorithmically anticipated result, then it goes back to, if I’m not suffering from sclerosis, the time of Yugoslav corpses, the time when I was a pioneer BASIC (today just happens to be its 23. anniversary). It was in the home of the pioneers where I got experience in typing in commands to get the wished result in the form of white numbers on black screen – hah, yes, black. I can still live through those memories when I visit Tax administration offices and see the screens of the counselors. In the building belonging to the young pioneers I studied in the company of 6 curious boys and our mentor Beno. Coincidentally, he later started teaching physics at an elementary school (and a year later a technical course, as well.) Therefore it was a small privilege to know him from before, which was not a bad thing because he obviously kept me in good memory. Now my teacher/comrade, he enabled me to pass physics tests and quizzes with a bit less effort. But the real studying had just begun at the time. It was on an old PC 286 with its torturous new computer logic of text editing. I was much better at playing Solitaire and other games. When the first Words came out life became a bit easier. On the other hand, though, there were more responsibilities. The teachers, as well, begun to understand new computer capabilities and consequently the home works were to be done in a digital form, with possible extra editing. All this has now, after years of computer use, become an everyday thing.


Še danes dobro pomnim čas,ko računalnik končno prišel je v hišo med nas.Vsi domači smo se ga zelo močno razveselili

in nato za njim veliko prostega časa zabili.Omogoča nam igrice, spletni klepet in morda še kakšen dober smešen film za ogled.Popolnoma nas je z internetom zasvojil,zato pazi tudi ti, da te preveč močno v svoje virtualne kremplje ne dobi!

Mateja Novak


Mateja Novak

Even today I can well remember the day,When in our midst a computer finally came.All the family rejoiced

at the new time misused. It enabled gaming and chat and a funny movie check.It caused internet addiction.Therefore you should careful be,To avoid its virtual web conviction.



Ime mi je Toshi in sem last moje B. Najina zgodba se je začela pred natanko petimi leti, ko sem mojo B. videval iz izložbe.

Kakšen teden se je sprehajala mimo naše trgovine in si ogledovala mene in moje brate, čeprav sem že takrat slutil, da sem ji najbolj pri srcu prav jaz. Nato je končno vstopila in s prstom pokazala name. Ne bom lagal, bil sem izredno vesel in ponosen nase, čeprav vi mislite, da mi čustev ne premoremo. In ne da v trgovini ne bi bil srečen, ravno nasprotno, kljub temu pa sem vedel, da se bo med mano in mojo B. spletla neka posebna vez. Mogoče, ker sem bil njen prvi, čisto njen, za te pa pravijo, da jih ne pozabiš nikoli. Skratka, nekaj izkušenj s primerki moje vrste je že imela, v osnovni šoli na primer, in torej ni bila popolna začetnica, a mi je zaupala, da je še nikoli nihče ni spremljal na skoraj vsakem koraku. To jo je popolnoma fasciniralo. Vedno je zavidala tistim, ki so se postavljali z mojimi brati. Zanimivo jo je bilo opazovati, mojo B., kako je dan za dnem odkrivala moje male in velike skrivnosti. Z njo zdaj hodim na sestanke, včasih me povabi na kavico s prijateljicami, skupaj gledava filme, največkrat pa skupaj poslušava glasbo. Zdaj me že popolnoma obvladuje in čeprav se moj čas izteka, pa ne da ne morem več stati na nogah, enostavno se staram hitreje kot ona, sem vesel, saj sem jo prav jaz naučil vseh modrosti, ki ji bodo prišle prav tudi pri naslednjem izbrancu. :)

Alja Pusnik


Alja Pušnik

My name is Toshi and I’m a property of my B. Out story started exactly five years ago, when I would see my B from out of the

showcase. She would walk past our shop for about a week to observe me and my brothers, although I suspected even then that I was her favourite. One day she finally entered and pointed her finger at me. I will be honest about it, I was really happy and proud of myself, although you think we are not capable of processing emotion. It’s not that I would not be happy in the store, quite the oposite, but I knew there was a special bond about to be created between my B and myself. Maybe it was because I was her first, just for her. You know the way they say you never forget the first one. Anyway, she did have some experience with my kind, from primary school, for example. She wasn’t a complete beginner but she let me know nobody ever accompanied her anywhere she went. She was fascinated by it. She’s always been jealous of those who bragged about my brothers. It was interesting to observe how my B kept discovering my small and big secrets day by day. Now, I accompany her to the meetings, sometimes she invites me for a coffee with friends, we watch films together, most often, however, we listen to music. She knows all there is to know about me now. However, my time is coming. I cannot stand on my feet any more, I age faster than she does. But I’m glad it was me who’s taught her all of the wisdoms that will come in handy when she finds someone new.

B has told me it is all true :)


Hmmm, začelo se je tako, da sem prišel k stricu in mu razložil problem In sicer, da rabim en prenosni računalnik, ki naj bo kakovosten,

eleganten, uporaben in seveda za ugodno ceno. Potem me je prijazno povabil v dnevno sobo, kjer mi je rekel naj se usedem na kavč. Takrat mi ni bilo nič jasno. No, kmalu se je začelo. Vzel je TV daljinec in prižgal zelo staro televizijo. In njegov komentar je bil: Poglej, star je 2x toliko kot si ti in dela brez napake od začetka. Seveda mi ni bilo jasno, kaj mi hoče s tem povedati, nakar reče naj pogledam znamko televizorja. In na njem je pisalo TOSHIBA. In seveda sem se takoj navdušil za to znamko. Naslednji dan sem šel k trgovcu in malo povprašal glede cen in karakteristik računalnika. Še trgovec mi je priporočal TOSHIBO. In res, ni me bilo treba dolgo prepričevati. Kupil sem ga! Do danes sem menjal že 3 prenosne računalnike, vsi so bili Toshibini. In z nobenim do zdaj nisem imel kakršnih koli problemov, sploh ne vem, če TOSHIBA rabi servis? Jaz njihovega v 7 letih nisem potreboval!

Simon Petek


Simon Petek

Hmmmm. It all started by me visiting my uncle and explaining my problem to him. I needed a laptop. It should be of quality,

elegant, useful and, of course, at a good price. He then invited me to his living room and asked me to sit on the sofa. I had no idea what he meant by it. So it all started, he took a remote control in his hands and turned on an incredibly old television. He commented: ‘Take a look. It’s twice as old as you are and it’s been working flawlessly since the day I’ve bought it.’ What was his point? He continued, ‘Check the brand’. I saw ‘TOSHIBA’ written on it. Needless to say, I got excited about the brand straight away. I went to a dealer the next day to ask about prices and characteristics. The shop assistant, as well, recommended TOSHIBA. He didn’t need a lot of time to persuade me. I bought it! I’ve owned three laptops in my life, all of them by TOSHIBA. I’ve never had any problems with any of them. Does TOSHIBA need a service centre at all? I didn’t need it in 7 years.



Za računalnike me je, ko sem bila še majhna deklica, navdušil moj tata. Takrat je domov prinesel neko staro škatlo, ki je seveda imela

še črno beli ekran, na njej pa sva “skupaj” premagovala nasprotnike v igrici Prince of Persia. Seveda sem jaz bol navijala, saj sem sama znala rešiti le prvi nivo, v drugem pa so se pojavili okostnjaki, ki so se mi zdeli preveč strašni in si nikoli nisem upala nadaljevati. Vseeno nama je s skupnimi močmi uspelo priti do zadnjega nivoja in rešiti ujeto princeso! :)

Dokaj zgodaj, ko se druge prijateljice sploh še niso ubadale z računalniki, pa sva s tatom odkrivala tudi eno od prvih igric, ki se ni igrala s tipkovnico, ampak kar z miško! To je bil napredek! Skupaj sva reševala uganke Goblinsa - zanimivega možiclja, ki sva ga pošiljala gor in dol po ekranu, da je pobiral predmete in si z njimi pomagal pri različnih nalogah.

Skozi leta je moje navdušenje nad računalniki iz igrice v igrico raslo, vse do takrat, ko je prišel še internet! Waw! Pogovori na IRCu, pošiljanje e-pošte oddaljeni prijateljem, iskanje mp3 glasbe, vse to je bilo še toliko bolj super. Toliko, da sem se celo vpisala na tehniško gimnazijo in se srečala še z zapletenim programiranjem. No, žal to ni tako enostavno, kot se nekaterim mogoče zdi, tako da študija nisem nadaljevala na FRI. Vseeno pa se tudi pri vpisu na faks nisem mogla povsem ločiti od računalnikov in sem tako na ekonomiji izbrala smer poslovna informatika.

Še danes je najljubša tema, ki jo obdelujeva s tatom, ko pridem iz Ljubljane, prav informatika. Vedno si imava kakšne zanimivosti za povedat, mama pa se zraven jezi, ker že spet ne ve o katerem novem čudu se sploh pogovarjava :)

Maja Pipan


Maja Pipan

I’ve got the enthusiasm for computers from my dad when I was a little girl. He brought home an old box with, of course, a white and

black screen. We used it ‘together’ to beat opponents in the Prince of Persia game. All I did, really, was cheer. I was only able to complete the first level because skeletons appeared in the second one and I was too terrified of them to continue. But we did manage to get to the final level together and save the captured princess! :) Early on, when the rest of my friends didn’t really care about computers yet, my dad and I discovered one of the first games played not with the help of a keyboard but with a mouse. What a progress! We did Goblin quizzes together – an interesting creature that we sent up and down the screen to pick up items and use them to fulfill different tasks...

With years my interest in computers grew from game to game till one day I was introduced to Internet! Wow! Chats on IRC, e-mailing to distant friends, mp3 downloads. It was so cool I decided to continue my studies at a technical high school where I was acquainted with complex programming. It proved to be way more difficult than some people assume it to be therefore I did not continue my studies in that direction. However, I could not distance myself from computers at the faculty, either. I chose the studies of business informatics. Indeed, till this day, my and my dad’s favorite subject of conversation is informatics. We always have something to discuss. My mum doesn’t like it too much since she cannot understand what we’re talking about. :)



For instance, in May, the Canadian Department of Agriculture seized and quarantined for four weeks a “mouse” mailed by Microsoft. It wasn’t a joke at all – since the computer mouse had been invented only two years ago, the Canadian authorities believed that the mouse was a dangerous rodent imported from the US, instead of a new computer device.

And since we’re talking about Microsoft, in September 1985 the company released commercially the first version of Excel, the spreadsheet application that nowadays no businessperson can do without. In November, Microsoft shipped Windows 0.1, a new operating system that extends the features of the MS-DOS.

Twenty-five years ago, the public demand for technology was on the rise, so BBC and a group of American television investors had a brilliant idea: a TV channel specialized in science documentaries. Discovery Channel was launched, the same channel that nowadays keeps us glued to the set with shows like MythBusters or Storm Chasers.Also on Discovery we were shown pictures of the sunken Titanic, discovered the same year, more than seven decades after its shipwreck.

Did you know that before 1985 there weren’t any internet addresses ending in dot.com? Domain Name System (DNS) was introduced that year and Symbolics.com became the first registered dot.com domain, thus starting the gold rush of the new economy.

On the storage device market there was also a new exceptional product: Philips and Sony developed the Compact Disk Read Only Memory - CD-ROM, able to store different file types.In the Soviet Union, Alexey Pazhitnov wrote the code for Tetris, arguably the most successful hit in the computer games industry. At that time, Pazhitnov gained almost nothing from the game, since Tetris was considered people’s property. Only a few years after, he managed to leave the country for US.Along with Tetris, a new star was born in the USSR: the young leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who attempted to liberalize the communist system and ended by triggering its fall all over Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

In Japan, Nintendo launched the NES game console, that played host to one of the most successful games, Super Mario Brothers. NES became the best-selling console game system of its time.

These are some of the important moments of an exceptional year for technology. Toshiba contributed with its own technological landmarks that heralded the high-tech revolution: the company introduced Japan’s first transceiver device for HDTV systems, developed 1-megabit CMOS DRAM and superconducting MRI systems.

But the world’s first laptop personal computer was to mark the future evolution of personal and computing mobility. At a time when the concept of personal computing was still living the pioneering stages, Toshiba was the first manufacturer to offer a mass-market laptop computer, the T1100, pioneering the new era of mobile computing innovation that continues today.

The T1100 was introduced in 1985, featuring a top of the line (for that era) Intel 80C88 processor running at 4.77 MHz, a 720-kilobyte 3.5-inch floppy disk drive (the first in a mass-marketed PC) for storage and a 512-kilobyte random access memory. The operating system was the MS-DOS 2.11, which meant that the system’s compatibility with third-party IBM PC software was considered mandatory for business acceptance. In spite of the very early age of computers, the T1100 ran of internal rechargeable batteries, had an LCD screen and a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive.

The mobile aspect wasn’t overlooked for the forefather of modern laptops: the Toshiba T1100 measured 31cm wide, 30cm deep and 6.6cm high, weighing 4 kilos. One of the most impressive features of the laptop was its clear, legible, black-and-white display (9.1 x 4.7 inches) with a resolution of 640x200 pixels. The laptop also ofered connectivity features with the optional 14.4kbps modem.

From that point forward, Toshiba went on to introduce a series of innovations that dramatically rose expectations on what was possible in portable computing in terms of display, battery, optical drives, small form factor hard disk drives, performance and communications.

And so it was once upon a time...

1985 was a truly exceptional year...


glossaryAntivirus - This is software used to protect computers, notebooks, and cell phones from malicious internet (including e-mail) transmitted malware. Malware is malicious software applications normally designed to be intrusive or damaging. Computer viruses, Trojan horses and worms are typical types of malware.

Bit - The smallest unit of data in computing. Abbreviated as lowercase “b”. It can be prefixed with a “K” (for kilo- 1,024 bits, or 2 to the 10th power) or “M” (for mega- 1,048,576 bits, or 1,024 x 1,024). Data transfer speeds are generally defined as kilo bits per second (kbps).

Bluetooth - Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range (10 - 100 meters) cable replacement technology that allows users to make wireless and instant connections between devices, such as notebooks, mobile phones, printers, videocam, mice headsets and keyboards, as well as connect to the Internet. You can check e-mail and access the Internet on your laptop via your mobile phone or share data with friends.

Byte - A byte is 8 bits. Abbreviated as uppercase “B”. A group of eight bits of computer information, representing a unit of data such as a number or letter, or a unit of computer memory equal to that needed to store a single character.

Cache - A temporary storage area for instructions and data that the computer uses regularly. Generally speaking, the larger the cache, the faster the computer’s performance.

Central processing unit (CPU) - Also know as the “processor”. CPU is the the “brain” of your notebook. It processes everything from very simple to complex functions. Laptop CPUs have advanced power-saving features and produce less heat than desktop processors. There is a wide range of CPUs designed for laptops available from Intel (such as Intel Core i3/i5/i7), AMD etc.

ConfigFree - A software that simplifies wired and wireless connectivity. The wireless radar screen provides a detailed overview of all available Bluetooth and Wi-Fi access points for quick capture, storage and switching among networks.

Configuration - A list of the contents of a computer system. The information includes details about the processor type and speed, the amount of system memory, the amount of video memory, the capacity of hard drive storage, the size of the monitor, and which operating system is installed.

Docking Station - Temporarily turns a notebook computer into a desktop computer by connecting it to a full-size screen, mouse, keyboard, printer and other options made available by expansion slots.

Ethernet - A wire-based network technology. The 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connection provides speeds up to 100Mbps (Megabits per second), while Gigabit Ethernet can reach a faster 1000Mbps.

Fingerprint Reader - Built-in biometric reader to enjoy added security and convenience by replacing passwords with the swipe of a finger.

Firewall - A software component used to stop outside access on computers, laptops or mobile phones over the internet. The firewall will evaluate arriving data that connect to the computers, laptops or cell phones, and if it doesn’t meet the settings allocated to it, the data connection will be halted.

Graphics adapter - The GPU (Graphics Processor Unit), or graphics adapter, delivers visuals to the screen. Integrated adapters provide basic graphics, while dedicated adapters can be used for gaming and multimedia use.

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) - A digital interface using a single cable for transmitting audio and video together. Former types of A/V connections require separate cables for audio and video data. It is supported by most new notebooks, HD TV sets, DVD and Blu-ray players, cable boxes, and game consoles.


High-Definition (HD) - A general term for the latest high-quality digital media content. It refers to the increased resolution of HD content, which displays at a vertical screen resolution of 1080 pixels for a sharper image.

L1 and L2 - L1 is level one of cache memory which is usually built into the microprocessor chip itself. L2 is level two of cache memory which is on a separate chip that can be accessed more quickly than the larger “main” memory.

Motherboard - A large piece of printed circuit board that attaches to the inside of your notebook. Motherboards feature attachments for different computer devices: processors, hard drives, CD and DVD drives, add-on cards, and USB ports. You can think of the motherboard as a hub, a central station through which all information must pass.

Netbook - Laptops that are light-weight, economical, energy-efficient and especially suited for wireless communication and Internet access. The most devices range in size are between 9 and 11 inches (280 mm) and weigh between 0.9 - 1.4 kg. Netbooks are mostly sold with light-weight operating systems such Windows 7 Starter edition.

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) - An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is a manufacturing company developing standardized products or modules, which are then incorporated into end products using the reseller’s brand name. When a customer purchases an OEM product often only a limited number of changes are made to the product, for example limited to branding or labeling.

Plug and Play - A feature of computer hardware and software components that allows them to be easily connected to or installed on the computer, typically without any technical assistance.

Post Office Protocol (POP) - An e-mail retrieval method that allows you to download local copies of your e-mail from the mail server to your computer.

Power Management - Software features to disable hardware that is idle for maximizing battery life.

RAM (Random-Access Memory) - Every time you open a program, it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM. This is because reading data from the RAM is much easier and faster than reading data from the hard drive. RAM is made up of small memory chips that form a memory module. These modules may be installed in the RAM slots, accessible from the bottom of the laptop for ease of upgrading.

Trojan - A computer program that is hidden in a useful software application and actually used to gain access to your computer. It then performs malicious actions such as displaying messages or erasing files. Trojans may be found in a hacked legitimate program or in free software.

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) - Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a secure storage chip for unique Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) key pairs and credentials. In other words, it is the ideal “safety box” where keys of encrypted data can be kept.

USB 2.0 (Universal Serial Bus 2.0) - A technology that allows peripherals (printers, scanners, mice and sound cards) to connect to your system. USB 2.0 ports improve data transfer rate over the original USB. USB devices can be plugged and unplugged while the system is on.

WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) - Describes the way a mobile user can connect to a local area network (LAN) through a wireless (radio) connection. In 2002 and 2003, WLAN products supporting a newer standard called 802.11g emerged on the market. 802.11g attempts to combine the best of both 802.11a and 802.11b and supports bandwidth up to 54 Mbps.