Once the chieftain of the Crow Feathers, a Kurgan tribe...

Once the chieftain of the Crow Feathers, a Kurgan tribe dedicated for generations to the worship of Onogal, Ader was gifted with a vision of a powerful destiny that lay far to the east and south. Taking guidance from the tribe’s seer, Ader set off to fulfil this destiny, allowing only the mightiest of the tribe’s warriors at his side. It would be years of wandering and fighting before he attained the first talisman, gifting him with inhuman strength, agility and endurance, yet doubt in his dedication to Onogal had crept into his heart for Ader had witnessed no sign of any of the Plague Lord’s blessings. His first act upon taking the talisman was to slay the surviving warriors from his bodyguard. Ader returned to the tribe to single-handedly butcher them all, deliberately leaving the seer until last, to expose how weak their patron was. From then, Ader chose to worship at the altar of the Skull King. In following the road of the Skull-taker, Ader heaped head upon head at the Throne of Arkhar, and Arkhar welcomed him. Ader now quested hard for tokens of power, massacring whoever stood in his path. Decaying swarms of undead, tribes of Kurgan including those dedicated to Arkhar, all would fall. Beasts born of Chaos, from ungor scavengers to those as powerful as a Chaos Dragon, all fell by his hand. To his side came those who sought to idolise and adore him and from those he found worthy to continue with him, he left alive. Still he was not satisfied. Long after the mortal body ceased to look truly human, Ader still had not accomplished his dream; to become that which he was destined to be. Arkhar was pleased with all Ader’s sacrifices, or as pleased as the Blood God ever was. He sent a second vision to his disciple, a prophecy Ader must perform to become great. Upon awakening Ader bade his followers build a cairn on that spot, dedicated to the Blood God, and that every ten years they and their acolytes must return to that place and leave all the skulls they had taken as tribute. Ader dismissed them then to go their separate ways and strode south alone. He passed through a breach in the Great Bastion and to a castle-fort deep in the heart of Cathay. Here, over the space of a single night, he slew every soldier, man, woman and child in its confines as a sacrifice to Arkhar, piling skulls in the courtyard until it was a matted carpet of severed heads. In daubing obscene sigils, symbols and signs on the walls and befouling the shrine, Ader left a message to whomever came to before the ruin. To this day, over a thousand years hence, that place, now overgrown, is still eerie by day and horrifying at night, haunted by the terrible screams of those whose throats were slit. Folk from around warn their children ‘behave, lest Ader come and take your head for his fire.’ This act wrought a great change upon the mortal. His flesh burnt away, his armour seared into the bone, talons burst forth and extended from his hands, his muscles doubled, then trebled in size, all traces of humanity sloughed away and what were firstly screams of delight became roars of ecstasy as man became daemon and daemon became lord. He ascended the earthly realms and found a seat in the Brass Citadel, a seat of never-ending fighting and carnage. In bestowing reward Arkhar demands total obedience and that once each decade Ader return to collect the skulls at the shrine. During these periods in the mortal world, Ader seeks out foes to challenge to single combat, be they scaled lizardman, stout dwarf, decadent elf, foolish man or some other twisted monstrosity. All fall beneath Ader’s blades.

Transcript of Once the chieftain of the Crow Feathers, a Kurgan tribe...

Once the chieftain of the Crow Feathers, a Kurgan tribe dedicated for generations to the worship of Onogal, Ader was gifted with a vision of a powerful destiny that lay far to the east and south. Taking guidance from the tribe’s seer, Ader set off to fulfil this destiny, allowing only the mightiest of the tribe’s warriors at his side. It would be years of wandering and fighting before he attained the first talisman, gifting him with inhuman strength, agility and endurance, yet doubt in his dedication to Onogal had crept into his heart for Ader had witnessed no sign of any of the Plague Lord’s blessings. His first act upon taking the talisman was to slay the surviving warriors from his bodyguard. Ader returned to the tribe to single-handedly butcher them all, deliberately leaving the seer until last, to expose how weak their patron was. From then, Ader chose to worship at the altar of the Skull King. In following the road of the Skull-taker, Ader heaped head upon head at the Throne of Arkhar, and Arkhar welcomed him. Ader now quested hard for tokens of power, massacring whoever stood in his path. Decaying swarms of undead, tribes of Kurgan including those dedicated to Arkhar, all would fall. Beasts born of Chaos, from ungor scavengers to those as powerful as a Chaos Dragon, all fell by his hand. To his side came those who sought to idolise and adore him and from those he found worthy to continue with him, he left alive. Still he was not satisfied. Long after the mortal body ceased to look truly human, Ader still had not accomplished his dream; to become that which he was destined to be. Arkhar was pleased with all Ader’s sacrifices, or as pleased as the Blood God ever was. He sent a second vision to his disciple, a prophecy Ader must perform to become great. Upon awakening Ader bade his followers build a cairn on that spot, dedicated to the Blood God, and that every ten years they and their acolytes must return to that place and leave all the skulls they had taken as tribute. Ader dismissed them then to go their separate ways and strode south alone. He passed through a breach in the Great Bastion and to a castle-fort deep in the heart of Cathay. Here, over the space of a single night, he slew every soldier, man, woman and child in its confines as a sacrifice to Arkhar, piling skulls in the courtyard until it was a matted carpet of severed heads. In daubing obscene sigils, symbols and signs on the walls and befouling the shrine, Ader left a message to whomever came to before the ruin. To this day, over a thousand years hence, that place, now overgrown, is still eerie by day and horrifying at night, haunted by the terrible screams of those whose throats were slit. Folk from around warn their children ‘behave, lest Ader come and take your head for his fire.’ This act wrought a great change upon the mortal. His flesh burnt away, his armour seared into the bone, talons burst forth and extended from his hands, his muscles doubled, then trebled in size, all traces of humanity sloughed away and what were firstly screams of delight became roars of ecstasy as man became daemon and daemon became lord. He ascended the earthly realms and found a seat in the Brass Citadel, a seat of never-ending fighting and carnage. In bestowing reward Arkhar demands total obedience and that once each decade Ader return to collect the skulls at the shrine. During these periods in the mortal world, Ader seeks out foes to challenge to single combat, be they scaled lizardman, stout dwarf, decadent elf, foolish man or some other twisted monstrosity. All fall beneath Ader’s blades.

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May be HireMay be HireMay be HireMay be HireChaos objectof Arkhar.

Rating: Rating: Rating: Rating: Ader+165 points. ProfileProfileProfileProfile

Weapons/ArmWeapons/ArmWeapons/ArmWeapons/ArmArkhar is aDamnation. Armour and Chaotica (seBurning suphas the follRabbit’s Foot SKILLSSKILLSSKILLSSKILLS The DaemonStrongman, BFrenzy. SPECIAL RULSPECIAL RULSPECIAL RULSPECIAL RULLeader:Leader:Leader:Leader: Any Prince may utests. As a poPrince will awarband he j

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der, Daemon Prince of Arkha from a Kurgan tribe devoted to Onogal, Ader turned his back to follow the har. To demonstrate his fealty, he devastated his own tribe and raised an ted to the Blood God, only to eventually dismiss them so as to prove his n his own. By wiping out a heavily armed Cathayan fort single-handedly ranted daemonhood and ensured his name lives on in dread myth.

0 gold crowns and D6 campaign ire, +50 gold crowns and +D3 oints upkeep cost. His original s not have to pay the upkeep cost.

d:d:d:d: All warbands with the Scion of ive may hire Ader, Daemon Prince

increases the warband’s rating by


7 8 3 5 5 2 5 3 8

our:our:our:our: Ader, Daemon Prince of rmed with the Broadsword of He wears the Chaos Dragon Scale Ghartok’s Skull and has the Liber e Chaos Artefacts, Border Town plement page 37). In addition, he owing equipment: Lucky Charm, , War Horn

Prince has the following skills: attle Tongue, Resilient, Step Aside,

ESESESES Warrior within 6“ of the Daemon se his Leadership when taking Ld

werful Scion of Chaos, the Daemon utomatically be the leader of any oins.

ar:ar:ar:ar: Ader has the Mark of Arkhar as the Marauders of Chaos warband. bject to frenzy and spells targeting roll of 4+.

poison:poison:poison:poison: Ader is immune to all

psychology:psychology:psychology:psychology: Ader is immune to and automatically passes all sts. This includes all Rout tests his quired to take.

The Daemon Prince is a eature that causes fear.

Daemonic aura:Daemonic aura:Daemonic aura:Daemonic aura: The Daemon Prince has a natural armour save of 5+. This save is negated by magic weapons and spells. The daemons’ attacks are considered as magical.

Flying:Flying:Flying:Flying: Ader triples his Movement when running and ignores terrain when moving.

Chosen Servant of Chaos:Chosen Servant of Chaos:Chosen Servant of Chaos:Chosen Servant of Chaos: When taken out of action the Daemon Prince will not automatically drop the Chaos Artefacts. Instead roll for Serious Injuries immediately. If the Prince dies, place markers for the artefacts.