On What Was Rome Founded?

On what was Rome founded? The Early Development of Rome!

Transcript of On What Was Rome Founded?

On what was Rome founded?

On what was Rome founded?The Early Development of Rome!



Founding of RomeRoman mythology uses the myth of Romulus and Remus to explain the founding of Rome.What was the myth about?

Romulus and RemusAccording to Roman Mythology, the twin brothers who were raised by wolves and founded Rome.

Founding of RomeWe actually dont know who the first Roman king was.We do know that the first Romans were Latins (people who invaded Italy).

LatinsPeople from the ancient country of Latium, an area in what is now the country of Italy.

Who were the first Romans?

Who were the first Romans?

The Latins!

Founding of RomeAround 700 B.C.E., the village that would become Rome was built in Italy on the Palatine.The Palatine is one of seven hills that Rome was built on.

PalatineOne of the seven hills in ancient Rome.

When and where was Rome founded?

When and where was Rome founded?On the Palatine in the current city of Rome in Italy, by the Latins, around 700 B.C.E.

Roman culture was influenced by the Etruscans and the Greeks.

What cultures influenced Rome?

What cultures influenced Rome?

The Etruscans and the Greeks.

Etruscan SportsThe Romans adopted two sports from the Etruscans.The first was slave fighting during funerals. They fought to the death, and then the winner was also killed.This developed into Roman Gladiators.

GladiatorA person trained to fight another person to the death for public entertainment.

Etruscan SportsThe second was chariot racing. Often, a chariot was overturned and the driver trampled by the horses or dragged under the wheels.

What were two sports that the Romans adopted from the Etruscans?

What were two sports that the Romans adopted from the Etruscans?

Gladiator Fights and Chariot Races

citizen:A member of a democracy, who has certain rights and responsibilties.

legionA unit of 300,000-600,000 men in the ancient Roman army.

desertTo abandon a person or organization in a disloyal way.

freemanA person who has all of their political and personal rights.

villaA large country house during Roman times that was an estate that had a farm, as well as buildings surrounding a courtyard.

doomDeath, destruction, or some other terrible fate.

Etruscan EngineeringFrom the Etruscans, the Romans borrowed the arch.

Etruscan Engineering

Etruscan EngineeringThe Romans also borrowed the cuniculus, a long underground trench used to irrigate land, carry water to cities, and drain swamps.

CuniculusAn irrigation system invented by the Etruscans.

Greek ArchitectureThe Romans used Greek designs to build their public buildings.The Romans made concrete to make larger buildings than the Greeks.

Greek ArchitectureParthenon in Greece

Pantheon in Rome

ParthenonA former temple, on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena.

PantheonA domed circular temple in Rome for all of the Roman gods, built between 120-124 C.E. by Hadrian, used as a church.

Greek ArchitectureThe Romans used concrete to build huge stadiums.Ex: The Colosseum, where gladiators fought.

Colosseum/ColiseumA large theater or stadium where the Romans watched Gladiater fights.

Greek ArchitectureThey also built the Circus Maximus from concrete, where people could watch chariot races.

Circus MaximusAn Ancient Roman chariot racing stadium that could hold 200,000 people.

What were the engineering architectural features that the Romans borrowed from the Etruscans and the Greeks?

They used the Etruscan arch and cuniculus. They used the Greek designs for public buildings; for example the Pantheon, the Colosseum/Coliseum, and the Circus Maximus. What were the engineering architectural features that the Romans borrowed from the Etruscans and the Greeks?

Greek WritingThe Greek alphabet was adopted and changed by the Etruscans.The Romans borrowed and changed the Etruscan alphabet.

Greek WritingRomans (like the Greeks):Wrote in all capital lettersCarved inscriptions in walls and columns for all to see.Roman writers were inspired by Greek poetry and myths.Roman poet Virgil wrote about the Trojan War .

How did the Greek alphabet and writing influence the Romans?

How did the Greek alphabet and writing influence the Romans?They used the Etruscan alphabet, which was adopted from the Greeks, they wrote in all capital letters, and carved instructions on public buildings. Roman writers, like Virgil, were influenced by Greek Mythology.

Greek ArtGreek pottery was valued for its usefulness and beauty.They were used for storing food, water, and wine.Black figures were painted on showing gods and heroes, or daily lives.

Greek ArtGreek


Greek ArtMonuments were built in the Greek style.Greek art was used as models for Roman art.The influence was so great that historians call it Greco-Roman Art (lumping it together).

Greek ArtHowever, while the Greeks showed the perfect human or godRome created a more realistic style (allowed for faults).

What was the biggest difference between Greek and Roman art?

What was the biggest difference between Greek and Roman art?The Greeks created artwork representing the perfect human or god. But the Romans created artwork that showed human flaws and imperfections.

Greek MythologyThe Romans used Etruscan religious ritualsBut Greek mythology was the most influential.The Greeks worshipped several gods and goddess that governed every part of Greek life.

Greek MythologyWhen the Romans came into contact with other religions, they blended the other gods with their own.The Romans adopted many of the Greek gods, but with Roman names.However the Greeks were more interested in telling stories about the gods. The Romans were more concerned with performing exactly the right ritual.

Which cultures religion influenced Rome the most?

Which cultures religion influenced Rome the most?The Greek religion. Most of the gods were either adapted to Roman gods or adopted by the Romans.

Exit TicketWhat were the engineering architectural features that the Romans borrowed from the Etruscans and the Greeks?How did the Greek alphabet and writing influence the Romans?What was the biggest difference between Greek and Roman art?Which cultures religion influenced Rome the most?