ON Tim WAY TO PBKIitha required only hdf ni Imiirn work for re-pairs Thn expedition hall supplies of...

THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 26 1900 4t 1 I = ON Tim WAY TO PBKIi Thrilling Story of Admiral Seymours Expedition FOUGHT ALL THE WAY BACK Allies Almost in Despair When They Took the Arsenal Cull llrjrh Irklii nnd Hen ue Ihe Jllnli Ion Ilirlnc I Ihe Ilritruttlon of the Hall road mil tlm 1iiU of finppllnFlert- Allnrki hv llotrrs and ihln e Htm- l r The diilurr ur the tlilKu Anrnal rrnvlUcnllal l rnl for Ihe AlllrtllruvI- llntv struck nt hln In the llnlrurtlni- of Hie ir Suppllrs lu Cil ItrCi Illi lnilnr- Ixmi it Slalt IlirfiiiMidMl nf TIIK Hri- Tllvr l July I Xpwark clroppw- nehur ihii liar nn May 27 there wns mil ptis other ftiir ln ilit rx Ihn 1rinih rrul ei 1 Kiilr uiiiiiu Iiii ueti lily French icunbont innm In On Miiy i- thi aiiiirilKfiirllilriiil iiln WWH Aduitral Kempff iu i iirirtiirhi f r Hun i apt Mvrs rud pan of eiinrd n- lIho Ureirun In add lion tilhiiKumtlnf IhoNcw- Mfk tindur Lapt Hal ThrM wcnMhe IIIHII wlii to Iokiu vilh Hioleirntliiti Kimrdiol- ovcral ntlivr nations on a train that fur nlihcd liy llm lonriinmiit lifter the re- fiuc t nf thn Ientioin for tfiinrds Cnpt- McCnllu nenl to Iekln tvith liU men tnox Naval i nilit tlniirtnuy f tlu Niwark Tliiy tin mnrnlni Haturdav June nn ihc In imln but one that come down from Iokm MIPII Hi KOI b k to Tientsin- Ihey hciird that morn limn twenty forilcn WAr sMp veroaivhnrcdITTakii hit A hundred of the Newarks bliiijiirkeu were lauded then and broii hi up H Tieiiisin They wern Iho- flr l fm pittnern In th rity OtliTsollowed very quickly parlliitlarly lluislnns and Hritlsh anti In a few daiH there wa II considerable fore here The tiririeaiS had roiim up with tour dxy upilles iududinu wiiter from their shlu- Tin1 wern Iccuplod iibfiiil tho liiin prliulpallr In nlclu itro tn in hut time there had r ni n nn illt4trhaiiPO in TiimUIn und hern- itemed to no v r Kreat prospect that any wciild ocoir The new thai rarni town from PcUIn mew morn nnd morn Mirl iii mid then vats talk nionc the ooimnaiulirn in TlentMn of Hndiru up further cuirii objected nnd first lofusnd ti futmsli a train On thn after neon of Junntin pagncainnfromMr roiieer Ilvidi MacMotmlil the American and BriiUli Ministers in Iekln saylnir tint the Mtuatlon th rowasti iwt rcrloiMiindatklnK for more snird There wn n meetlnc of ConsuH and commander In at which milter wa dUcuwMl So inn opposition to fendliicfurlliortrnops develored rarticularly on the part of the llu lans and French MCAIU RETTLRS IT mentlnc wn held at theJKrench consulate the French Consul blne the dean of the consular body Several times In the ooure of the dl cuslon tho French und llustan Consuls left the meetlnc for prlvato conferncn At last rapt McCalln settled thin matter nnnounflnc with conaiderablo ctnptmila that ho wa golne tc Iekln My Mlnltor Is In dancer he said Mkaforhfln Iam f lof- Thn British were Nlmllarly minded It was about J oclock when Oapt Jelllcoe d- Reymoura chief of Staff nmdo lkn l to thn lIt to prepare landing paring Tho was prompt and the parties came In on morning tide The Oilnesohud llnnlly con- sented that reiMiforcimetits nliould he rnut to Tekln and tlm traIns ready with UlUn de la In Toncku Cupt McCalln marched hU men tothestai n In Tientsin and found no train there llsforn one could be made ready u train came In from the llrlllnh aboard Ilace wa inacto In tills train for the Americans Admiral Soymour and Capt McliilluoxiiecUM 10 1ekln without nny trouble and thoueht that two days would b a lone time for them to be on Ihejroad Admiral Seymour hail private car arid llicre was a ear for bneffneo There was no accommodation for tho Ameri- can oTlor MI they were crowded into thU- ba ca e car This decisive action on the port of tho Ameri- cans and British had dirtrrmlticd the alto Tho Germans iud Husuliini landed parties at Toneku and the others sent detach- ment from the eunriU thev had already rstabl- lshed at Tientsin Tho Ilrltish train left Tien- tMn nt 931 In the mornIng It was deslciinted afterward as train No I There were llritbli- allormen and marineii and 112 American sailor men on It Two other trains skirted that day one known as train No 2 with moro thn Austrlans aid Italians and Japanese Train No 3 brought the rot of the British and On th next nay tutu HusMais anti French Marled out in n train bythcmvlves known afterward nt train No 4 Tlm totil llriti h 015 Americans Ill Italian 40 Amtrlans 25 Freiieh 101 tiennans 450 Russians 112 und JupnnivM El the had three opoundej rnuuloloiders three Mailnvs and thrvo Nordeiiteldts Thu Ameri- cans had the 3Inch Held gun momma Newark anti a Colt autoruatlo Tho Husslans had n Hold gun and thin Italians a machine iriin The li r mans had two nvuhinoRiins and on a truck nhead of the enslne or their first train the Ilrlt- l h had mounted a 6poundir Hotchlilsn quick flrlnc Title The first stitlon nn the road north of Is 1letMnc Then comes Yanctsun and tli n Lora That Is Ihtve nru tho principal Haliimi there are several llttln stoppln places of no particular Importancp On tile first day Junj1- C everything went all richt with time pxtxd- ltloiup ns far ns I fa There was only ine placo whnro the track had been destroyed anti tha required only hdf ni Imiirn work for re- pairs Thn expedition hall supplies of the smaller materials niiulred for repair audi ns- rolu and nut lkei and llshplits Mr Curry the chit oncmxT of the railroad was with the fIrst train and be had somo of tin staff lthtini and a few cjolie Mot of the actual work nl track repilrlnc was done hv aailormen the llrillli toman nud Amerl- caiiH oiintrJiutlns prmcliially WIP I von It callus to drivlni H lke theooilles did ihu work they wero o much bin ndent nt It than tlio- Jtckics ACnKKMKNT OF THE AILIIUS lola was rpidiMl n tlm afternoon nf June 10 It WUH an Important place en- rlne could All thiiiuller stations Uii to that point had lx n looted and burmd The station l fa had boiii wrecked ntl ho tracks badly turn up It wa in top Iberc for ili liielii and to repair tutu o that tho iiiin mind b i ulmiii if U wi4- dslred Trui M nod i iiuuht uiiuitii No I here Tin next inoriiintf June II No 4 with Ihe ru iun ami lr m Ii mime along mornlm turilim on livmid Lofa Ta n conference nil tho command nu c thor of the different nut inallll to disu i ihe ulna lion attn hunts tlii iiiilhv wan publiulicd by Arrfrrcrnl MAI mule At A irrrlluc nt oTr In tmimnil ul Hi tiKin nl gin TuU nitiumlmti at IMP rlhilm MIH ll lunr I I lii I has Mine lufliiMnrrMrAt I niuirrd lu Vftp ui liiliur mil IK nt- f sir oil innfii lni u nlijrriv- i a tomra nirtliji b railway I 11 I li her Splcnilld art Wh11 oil MIb r 1 < ill I nit I ali I I i CIlne lit and ur I fIe II ti II thA- I I t- t b and J t from Taku answer th It i1 I with I to let grunt I l a j I lIrlti h- and Germans force lit TIn ln- I 1 J I I J I I rail- road I l rI I If il lOt rpd H I j I Cur I AdmIral lj I tiI4IIi4 I toU It rat 1ltrrbln I ua 1 Via iii lli a nil I Iii I I Iii Iii lv d Ill rri I hi mi ri tIe Mtlr SIll its I Pip ri ii ItO 4 I t Iii rio I APT The wipe 1 ionzku otlieri to- go the was lint thi the b i kr Uuent the Lii het duct ti lug uIpuI toil TIm t t here oylIuU1 I Iii tIt case enu- uiruao a 1 nu us ru are iv < < < < > > < > < + < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > < < < > < > ° with Ptklo and the ftty clout trr tlo and out luUlontl InlecnUi In that city t l To aul the Chlnm riotrrnmcot to leitoie and ordtr Hill nf Chins wearranemniUErMl- ollowi Th em lilt nmlonsllty b lre l l the romm nc- ltlicifnr it Thsl Any Instruction I to that train b lent to Mm He Kill be In rai- communlrstlon with the offlffrj romraandlne the In train ami will M oner confer with them ifi Trwt wo Mop Mr Sue nUht ai s msy be alli rlrktK vntrles be no ti- nu the h rr ilth unl i p lnl clrcui spine demand oIlier arrantfemcnlii nil tosii fiiirlc of t pKMfil around the trains i u tin sinie plan nUlil but only N mat teal rrqiilrcd In control m v mrnti of n r o n rrcn Thai man aUwil beyond thl line ot unle ficor- ptnlil bY ot n i eil out by sn of tin vrrlcr be rnpjiiMble for his mtfiy lt w Ifnir ns ws ifo en a plriifl at UU n o iltce nritli eJ by cnmpoied Iroi- r fh nailnn In turn according la the number beginning nnil rin tliereareininlol Item a TbtlaiyMriu vl tlznalt be airanfel belner trains a ThiMvlicii wilrrlnt plairli ruclifJ M lucre rr nKemenH iUi wliojlullfint ue It bo made t the commindtrot each train If atone and If all tc littler by tim la consullallon wills C pt Jelllcoe m- Flac Captain 1 Tlinl simple system of biiRlecalli be ron Milfred by in oncer if arn ntllnnAllty thIs rorenour and when aireeil up be adopted tot present Also teim whittle of enclnes for trains to whit net arm about to dj- s ThAI Hi wxleilnit of engines be arranKd rnnimanillni hue train whrneftr requlre- ibyihcenclneitrUfr or any other wotk to be dun aluul mr inln- HKIMIIIIXn TIIK IIAIMIOA- hllii n pair nl lnia wer complutoil on morilic nf Julia II and soon after noon tin on Worklne parties wer mi iiliend liul C omb a son of Ad mlral iiliinlof Nov wns lOft In pimmmml of u ctMrl of tliriy IlriiMh blue io prittvt ill place and line He- ynnd the iriik was iniirh torn a slow 1rom Tientsin nrti mad waa double trnnx and It lund bcn- Mm i iitoi rnlliwlairth HrirUh to let tick for train ami thn riuht for down enoieli It wu the dnirn trirk that hnd uuiTed tiu tho llnser smut heIr friend Halls had boei torn up ami- In luted out of all pos nf u flh plates unit been letnoved entirely smut nunS sl had l e si cirrled avvnv- IjilHHdamnen WAHdnnntn the roldbi tl Itself which Wet inndo and ballnited with rock At Ixifa till water tower had been Anti lh eriKlii wer out of water Ainerl lull liluelnckelH r tnw a over well nnd lit down a bucket with A whip th block fastened to top of the tripod Ihe well wn sonm i Ntanoi from tho track so a biickfl lln wise formed and tliienclie wns by hand lImo tank hId 40il gallon naspot lllldln 1 minute Hy the lime II wai HriMicd Slump enulne of No i train loud com alum arid tlm whole process wjs ro I iited- Vhlli one train was coins ahead from and slowly the engine of one of the nllier wns sent bnck Io Tl ntsn for If returned with more rnll rnad niiiterini mind then a regular tram was rlirced It was a of No 1 trnln hilt it the coca In which tlio troop travelled BOXKBH AITtAl- lIlyn oclock In tho aften onof Jun P tho track lout Inn aim it three pull s beyond Iifa Tin iro wero hard nt worU when went Irons tht DlckcVs that hind hen thrown out that HIP comimc Tho work was nt thl tirnn conic dlitanci tins tram seemed ho Box ITH were trying to cut It off Th y wero com on bth side nf the line mid thor was onic cavalry with them prudently well In the rear Tim Hnxers- niro hold nnd came trniKht town to tho ittnrk They werea mixed and hail no sort if military tormatlun lieu wa thilr color Mini had It nil over tlienisilvs It wan ureat on tlnir cunt and hats und a had boon thom plctalU There Were n few iiiiom thei hut for tlm most part they carried only Ions word and roil ia ei n hlts anil lmndl This Is the first tlm th troops nf si many nltlonnllties upon to fitful buether airalnst enemy Orders ulvin In toncun al t osnme tlmo Mid tho natural result was conf u lon Tlm men were cnttred obnul lh train nnd II wns a lit tie difficult to Ret them Into theIr proper places mid sonm- vn stood voice shouted Man the train Every Jackio who understood Eiiirllah answered mil that made matters all the worse becaus It as not In train that the men on where could tight It did ml lake lone to them th re however and were formed Into six nnd advanced to meet thn oxers who by this limo pretty close The Hoten were iy to Jos kowtowluc nlnu of fantastic motion wvr- nir their hrandlshlna thilr und spare The thins wn ver when the nen got Into ncilon and Ihn lloxir were drIven ofT Iav nn who had not rfWted themselves suHlclently lii llou 0 lxpntne Our hnd not a- nnn hit Camp was mAd rlahl where they tero Pickets thrown out WO yards ac- orpine to the c neral plan and ion beyond them Time men lu the rains or In open as they preferred Most f them took June Ihe 13th wns not a very vonlfuldiy It wa In hnrd work bulld- ns No attempt wns mndii to secure level or It was not even to keep the track strafKht that vas was that lie two rolls down so that the Jiuld past over wlthniit belnir wr That nonnt every other steelier In place mils half Pikeii n li plsies The cu- omary plan wn to ninone rail nhead for n few recnrdlns f how It went KOOIIC- is it bad tbi diired and then lay the other on parnlli with n nl ejrulntinn dlslnno Som nur moon who hid een In Mln the Stilus sild thn tho track reminded tlum of time snnkn- irNspsof tho Moros They kept nt Iho work In Iho on till to 1 inif- nnp the next Important slatloi Infn here everythIng belonnlnit to them rnllrad lied ien d fir turn tip antI carriel away rimre afternoon wa srent repairing nd sSdtnC and all hands camped for tho ilvht MORK OnSTlClRS AHIR- RIp to this time there had Let no doubt In the fttins to Iekln till right rh dlfflcultlo had proved to be far greater haul ben hIlt iisiirmnunlnbio Thn command wns In grunt health arid spirit and supplies worn plen Iful Itc lds wrv open them morn could broucht liP Tientsin A supply train was bctwen Tientsin and and It had no trouble It simply would require mere time than lund been the start Beyond InneFane the roost wns badly broken ip rapt Mcfalln was In chiming of II train iriSh of piihlns on llm line while the other trains at repair iwnnsarv nt station The sidings hind to Hi train i ulllnifl ri about iriilln took along Currr and the Mher roll moi vlnnevpraiiythlnir was wnnted If tin r uc t- vns undo to him It would ln If It cr that of hI nien to do what wis ri- mlrel The damncnto the t nek Ijtric Iwn d n hit n shori bfor tin cot there nnd II nnturnllv efmd hat 1iero would li mor rniibio Inters T m rat r tank It le hi there wn a well trout which the iiulne wild It watered Bynnd hire no placi whop watT could be had Iptllll- Th pn hd nn IK one LnneFurc on lh afternoon of lime I nod thin other tribe cot a little rtlstnmn nut tnwn There Hindu for nlcht Sniiih of ill ItrliUh criliitr Aurora with lint nfllcer mil fertvfonr mn left marl tt tn inn nl lnncrmie nod nnrt dotting to llm lint nn ibo mnrilni 11 ill inisiriictlnn train went t had di nno Mliiii Boxers rni dwn nh train with rush limit WT driven off ulth n Ins of fifteen and no toenaIl on the tldpol the niXInl ATTACK AOAINV tint b vond LnneFanif there rn n Inrce- irhnrd wIth a th firldeo t Thn niisiruettuii Hull not l vonil hi vlllitfe anti hi other irin return I to iiifFanc wher- oi wi deiMed to a tues Ciinl let olla n not out wllh his cnnntriictlo train tliiHllum Annul Id o clnrk Ilion lieanl avid tlmushl- l v c llp with tiiec n- truitlon trout kIn n t the m rs art arcd in fnn nl thennnrerieenfI- n yllntr They were raixHv dtT with rd nslon d heir coOts red inlt t ad red I amis on tluir- iat nnd inrrid brleit l niiiir Thcr was rcculnr foinntion limit thef kept nlklnd of a nd ailmd on the run calm wn nonin mnfiHnn nbnut Ih- enlnln Cttlnc radvo th nttnrk w ffiriic lnnnruane nnd tidal nut nf mfr nilileii io cv Hntn- em lioniil in man tliirnli alan and 111 liitl li r k T men Ixveil Cntr- illnilii nnd ft l lier with Naval adi- Viiiritiov Ttd n fen nmn tnt to lucid of mime riln McraPn tiktnc hi or rlyrn i i of Rogers By mi ill i i mild ii tuned out nf till Iran mil a llniirmiHlili Boxers were nmntt on hem tomo of the Ilrltish turj brought up pram In ran ThlldThlln TIol Oil II the rnlor oltI or tulrh train M haTe force hi whenever soon and Ian lust hrneser th train cacti nationality for nil om err own ondurt and iurthTbt preetnC rAilway Ihst h a each 11 Curry end with a urn by the truIn4 starid lIt tll I fit r In Hplki unit I a St tofu for UI ero ahoad or th t hug town o hlch hit turndud Into nIt lIon c lied the clIIon pro hut rOllnd Ihp tturoiili a lot UtlU ord Ann t IIlrlO II loro lIt the Tuesday lIt 11 trohm rod and and t n l IIr track thl wre not deemed and lit con tipu ln Iln mipuui tnn limo in IIInlll wit 10 tmlr told lIrr1 h I r thin hundhen Ill Itn In lit I I IJIfI or Ill Thin lIne lit 0 mitt oIwdln lIn In In her 1II1Innd I nml lit 7 thug Insure tam what a eunuch situ i a the tel rent who iIhI outer Ii the tOt the hue chow the umru olin I Itch I itt J uselct S Iso tip nnl hi t Iii Ii ii- I Ii I noun hue I lie ti red huh rip uurhtus time tine furtluur cuima rulci son nit cry the vat cimo sara wore with a the lIsa pt were io4In time ant n rim yard at- tempted the tatilly the I bert of anti itioms t thou t Plntt Iatd time intention pill tipi ho mit en that mail lie g rapt id In V itt his Fiung had time nrt likely atusihon con t ruirt ton t lit cii in woe lieu iOu raahmt head I mohl ii tit ii I I roil till l V t a Ill kit his 1 mn it a lieu tIm st iOu lure lu ti from i O Iinhi tuihur I nreiuu rut lsll I log on elm t lien nut ins time ml pooch mar < t hue otC the d a < < < > < > < < < > > > < < < > > Maxim inn nnd after thnt It Will oon oVal Uoxer came clnr to tho nnd ersl of were killed that way One mill officer drove a Boxer Woxers Kot beyond the Hinlii of thn lead train When time mink n a wns detailed 102 dead and them III ditch ticsr track The nlllw lost no one Tb working wllh lr titlon on nun id heard thin fltlnc and thai n was on They wore Plot attacked theni lvcH tins tieoile In trains ns time IJoxcr appeared must hnvn been ciiwil- flffd by from Inter en- porlonresof to be a ciiDt ni r Iho runners amnru In reiinln nut nf rniiiiM smut bin nway wllh r uiimnl- In safety Tlm wn mndn r ierlcnn Mill rinti eel hut Amerlcnns were untlT Cadet Inunlc It lnptM iid Hint ntnltier tlm Americnim nor s hail taken heir rllle with on tlm belief lInt th y would e no lloviT lienth- lliixir dd cvmi the Aumrhnns wiro not tint urprl ed but dlseiisted anti ail iimtiniy IhlnitH about thnms lvp but ihj llttl- Jniiine without wnlnc any tilt a wen Into bru i pupae thai irak anti boaan to club with whir to Inckn llm Boxers If it came toa flcht After this wih Ixly lint llumrlne wn ni nut lion trnln to rconnoltrp thin tck This pri- wern cnrrv thir own sim plies rn thnt Ihn nnrch via In heavy order Mo n- Joliiioti trot Ixtweil llvo nnd Ix mile up tin rncU nnd wa ntlorked i n force nf Boxer them olf without klltlne about twentyflvn of thru Hi found thin track Ill londlied for tint time attacked Ths wn morn serious nnl ho cent baric n Admiral The construe tlnn train bad mule repair cart way t when Ihn Mn lor hnd untie limit wn r M liiir nn nnm t whore the pindr hav- Iven tiniililiil down Thl was flr t Ihlnv that mnjresleil to tlm Admlal ihnl It ml7lil bi po liln to Ikn Tlm lInt cultie wori ennrnionsyir 3t r than lund Iwei It wn from In which the track was ilesi roved that Ihe CM had oini at least nf thpniilrnllroailcoolie- nmciiif them who lund helped m the work o- ldoitruetlnn Thnt nlirhi tnniis lIe wnrktin to IniuKnnK nnd lImo fnui trains cnnipod timer wits after thl t nnliiaiexlrniir- dlinrv effort nt Anliirnn th rnllromi If povIMn Fnin Anlliu n fnro d march micht which IlkltiPOuUbo nueh d thin men prviti Hmr mnnlli1 nn Imiks Water ilm and dlfll nit pr loin Titer wen no fa lit PS at Antnir tar i nifin o Hi would bnv- nrobenlinndnnd for nd Hmr wa no hop thnueh liy lh rnllrnad The BIH tilt train cot from Tmnlln this nfler- nnnn and reported that llox r hind n epn near road below Infi This wa thr nlen In the r iir whleli It Woe nere iry to hold noon nil hanrd Tin work nlinut tilonnt had unri on very well en June 13 but there wa still n rpt neal to 0 the trains strivd nt inrFantr Till sid hall b MI rennlr d u lclnntly- loiimbleCant Mi alia io took up n puhr con lrucllon tint whIch wn i ut ah nil to contlmi Im wrrknn tnrird Antlnt tolini wlti xty mirlnes went on nheid o is advniirn trurird- Fornclni were mild ill to scour Iho sure undnf country f r whatever otipplUa could to Imd- TKllUtntD WOHK OP A MACIIIXK HfV That tnnrnlnc tIm Italian hd the outpost- dHy nhad of the sintlnn Tlmv those on the truck nnr th onhard hv the wlmrien Boxer had rinm tho day before About n nuartcr pnt tu mine nf thin In shntitinu that haul Imn nt lacked by lh BOXT who killed five or th m at their station There lund been nine men nt the poI lloxers wr hard sifter four who got away There wi r brtvi n sir even Ihe IVixn thou were 1lrUrd In heir ti inl nd cnre oiine s with bis yellow J Inn liltlnresh line hnnelm npr his I earl T mv outrun In an opi n Irrecnlnr and mndi n ilirmn ru h down boli of the tracl ln Im tonal part thy armed with od word nml ii i cirrcd nld film look Thorn were som clpciils hunt with cliarntiTl oath lion or lack of fnlti tip Iloter Joss rc- inslned fur lilnwd away lmrmle slv The hnd ncpiplixl ilm remains of tIm dalton bulidlnc ad hail inoimt d on Hm n guilt This cun controlled the of thin track As limo Boxers down fr run In range of thl run nnd incited away their yellow pertltoaie of Invulnerablllv not prvliiif niraliKt linr nn Maxim T ev- rnnm to within nf the f time train unite nf time ninrhlrm cun iroiu that thn line of Ilritishern stationed there were clvlm tlmm Many of tho BOTHIS worn mona hove nnt morn 10 year old hut hey wor dnlntr- nhat tho Chlnesn Armv raven humid dono II to thinS time and rlrirelnir It couldnt- is lone before MICI n fearful fire ns they were ettlnc but they kowtowed and Kept up their eesiiflnlnthiis o s to the last Im wn who lund four r lye bulols thr ugh the top of thin evidently caucht th cun rmi- i1 WAil hiiwln n to Hi The burlnl- Mirty up more than n hundred rf thorn found nnioiii the weapons n llintlnck b miring tlm laakerit l ii NVnr nno- if tlm Hiiliin slitrlis flvu dnd lloxrs were found Atir Ill ntvls the frielnc parties wont tit anti tm work of rodutrlbutlnit trnn pnr woe iindertakti Inder new nr TiC nent Iho ltu inii and muck train and J rir i nud Itnliiri another lie Hi itU frnm tin1 Kllyinlnn time r took the third nnd fourth whleh very long train was ulven to thi nst nf tho trill th Amvrirnns mind till Austrian ofTtooK mows woi r About 530 that evenliirf a handcar worked iy four rooms cnme frnm lnln with word rin dumb that IX Boxer WITH that Twill Ni with tho nnd lntion is wns ready on the nine nnd It wns sent down nt onto to mp of Colnmbs llttln tonic lime r pnforcp- iiints round that th Boxers luau IMVII beiitcn- fl with n lo nf nmre ri laindnl but ilrt Hmu they lund HUiw liil In vound- nu two of our men They had benn vlii rifle the most art had lint two mall Inn men Hwor Hint ir r c Mines Both Im men woutuled vnre- ll by miiilli1 Irom Oil in thcMi uns i olmnli- ind a planted nu th Iilli nil time slntlii and to It lllllo owed Imir Tlie llnxcrs ni ftiiid- lefrre Its tire Tlm rfOnlorninMit nrrlvpil to hurry the retreat hut when It wait nvcr the train retuniii to IjiiicrainI- hcTn two earn wen dituched multi sent o ofa to help tOt in mso of urthcr trniiili On luti 11 point riml Ion train pnnilmiPd- rnrkin tnwnnl Antinu Tho ntlmrs rr- niincd at LnncFant liiiihlnu th wirl it anti i ut i rrtii engIne which hail IKNII sent down to Infn- hu before d- Im math place a bolnc badly irokcn dMliltn il th roriiiniiiil- ntlon wllh IIMiii wa n irlnu IIIIIM attention remcily- kt tho lImo word mil harts from tim ontlructinu train ut village this Idn of Antln llm track wa ruined tlm dug uii ll h plate and splkiM- arriid off anti rail I ond repair tlilniu iniil have hail n lot of men vorkerl like benvrrs to d troy Ibm track M- Ihorouchly OH Ihey did I hey appliances fnr ticiidlni rail and lion nil no pvldrncp lentd It cniid more likely lint till ie n hnd dnuo it ly main if number lu Hit ultiliinnii an urlccr htatlon- UHrd ul I if a cunm In l unliinL nn n- inmliir and wotcd that thne lar e bodies if llnxers had IISMI MM II mnvllii about moor ho station and that nn att r was oxi ected- li went bath witli the I Uiii i and llnllan- sn oiiropiii1iits I ut Hi was tint Had Admiral nud lit other cnni- iiamllnj eil iliil HIP llr t hung in ihi w i i rtiviir briiU IxUiw M- Innl Via Mit tn tit nslniriiiil train to HUM IM k i a it McCalU tvi will tl train i IIP not miii rM uiil nt ir t Ihat wa III lor hi but when t K4ita lan and haril unw trout oa ho nzrtvd with Scyninui II haul not 41 cUeti uu nf i to Iekln und hnuiht that thin would nonly Irhiy them more nnd iipi tp tho ol mnre tiuird uluiB till lino alter It md hivn roiuure- dSIlIIIM III NIO Hlllllir- Aliou 4 ocliil nu the mnmlm nf poiisruellnn Irnln l bmk Inward liMitcIn to hi briMk l nv nfa Ilm- itiiis waited at I it In IhonllerII- HIII tho train ram ba k nell lopnrtid tlm ti badly hrukoii in i nriair wllh iiaterinl nt Admlnd iiivtiie- dn to down and pxamtno thn lust for hlnt er bit loft I jiiiLKutit ciiliMli In trimi v- liMvltiu No and II ther The nhii trum- ra ih n nt I INI thl tium Dm i niiatiil- i ulllcpi wlti tin1 nf alia ibo wu with tlm r i llr hud hud ti ciiii- Llen and decldnl that iPrlhor nduiu o tlm inilrnail wa im 0 iill 1hit dllll- ulile of riiKilrltt th Uii Worm rnsit- nr ilmlr rwntinM wore no faciiitic olitalnltu wiiter for tho 11111110 line Kiiliu aiid cliili nf nbiuliiiiii valor ur Hi tronis at was very rknnlitlnn ot orr inli n nrrp wn nur nf the nml numiunltlKi tier linrt Tlm ihlVronti- roi timid tirti i nut Irnni Tlrmln with dlf- nnt Th Ainprlonn i hnd ut tliirc hiJ l n ii with IwnMi sltio 11 ind onif l th fniTCM r rr ruiniliL Adinlral Sevnvmr rpnilri d tn Ids irnln on d truck Iwlow I durmir iho nlnht of Juno I madn snips rif The next irnln got to till on eilio juit north f Vaiigituumaiion ta flu A hi IT who hUll a train knw tight just lilt well r tog r truck IIhlId of engIne snai on thiir cut A FtlJIIH head of 11 r I elm tfo d tim liaR tiiint 01111110 retort I meat IhrOlidl Piiare Box It 10 nimile timir tumnit rio toning I the 0 get ting I t I 011 hun II tit linn Mil lor or1lna pi I r1I l1 I tin drd of ltJ 111 anti th nfl Rt rnll roof Ih timni or kll1a head Pistol I tim 1 1 mmii 4 I EII lout lent for lit I hint In nil d oolllt 111 I hut Ill low 1 isp is I ti ltd Imo f pp I hi time toro nil 11 S ill Ill n- It d1 I Jill lit nil I 2 0 II t I II fur I mint t rote t IIi r Inn lilt c a ah herd tilt lisa so- t luau I lie flue the I W ii t Ft V hit C Of S lInt 1dm I the In ian I t- I tug I t rt t C tIme v lime plCcciiiY fistutMaJor Ioiunotm rali t rime toiniuuil iitcms Ii mug trim r hit los thin hi not iii a ha tel tel t t lie tim ii imu get hue in wa hil f III rout itit t liii let 2 COOt tiltS pilca i ho the tchnng tram sent thin untied atiut hut a cv lump Tim tim isndnid and cia I t liP wet coitus Isdol flu ne lit t inn tim t trout vfl V lien ii aid usa lit I grotu mimI I I t ion t his I anltinisu oil a hit wee- p I I tout sittutck smug s Iii I tIlls tIm I I luau n rim id cur stud wit ititma i itt itt rt mzslva hon tIme w ii- I I lit t Ibm mini Tim t ai 0 rut imrr ami S i hint remui mitt g Inuiomd iota mutt ml t hisit lilt In lied him S Is nil a t ly idmo hun hut I ii I ust S acts i0tuim tilt c I lit 4 sic liii no all him got t tic cilia 5ii lmt lit tug slim Fm I I atuc I 1 dim i s Si ii multi I itt alt I t men ayamnd- I I lie I fit hii irt up Its iiol kin lint isbn Ohm sip Ill v attn ultutcu I I ms I ito rim it mint t lieu The j < < > < > < < > < > > > > > < < > I lion wan destroyed the brldiro broken wd I track was nil tone even Iho roadbed hovl t boon carried away that Is had be n taken otT and lh dirt rmbiuikm thrown down Trains 2 mind 3 had Htopp- ttl IumKiin till nkht of Juno IU A me- SIIKO WHit Bent Ui them now io coino down No 1 and the train at Lola was ulso to bo III rendlnp4 ID come hack This was Thu iraln from Ixifu readied llm Vaiwtsr- BrlilBu on iilternooti of If and tho from liinuliuii cnmn In evening nftlcpr of tlio two trulns from Laimlanir- eportwl thai had been oarl that afternoon by a nl least 5 iO nmon whom WPM Imi erlai troops I lift was a law body of Iloxei- cmim n usual flrt him of atlatk chnrt on both flanks anti hi front nt llm min thin Tluro won lliisslan Brltl In two trains They foniie In line IUTOSS Ihe hoiid of tlm flr t anti vnucMil In skirmish order to meet Tlm Boxers were settled nulckly Milnd thorn was n stronu of lun- iruSlmns Mohammedan troops from Hiintlnir 1nrk outli of Iekln wer- iirnmd tuba nnd delivered tint When iho nttark hind repulsed tie nlllod troops becaii to return heir train hut the milled and tlm attack Thn Jonunn about mind look n In advance of tilt other hich thorn lire on thn Chlnon Tutu N nvu couldnt stand talllntf Ire an ran lenvlnu iirm nnd hanimrs on with their dead Von ortci lint morn than 400 of HIP Ch1no o hnd biei- Ulllod Thocnsiuiltle of thu allies wern seven killed nnd fpnyclcht wounded Hnnm n hit linen r d Io time Mohom- inednn and showed Iho Army was taking part In time wiling DECISION TO IlETflEAT- Boforo the train camo In from iJingFnnit- lm ponstructlon begun trying to re broken bridge that kept out o No morn work xvn afle- fapt Von I HUOIII inado hU report amid sill tho train stayed weri Far list on tlm trip It ralimi that night All the rnM of wa dear uually Iln On tlm mourning 10 there wa a confereuco lug ofTlcer Tho situation was discussed all Ii It was doomed highly probabh that tlm line between Vnngtsun was broken but HIT wa a po open a fair a Ynn t un In that cno It ought iK il lo to Hippllnn un from TmnUlt and go on toward rime o- lfommimloitlon of eourx cut tlm expedition off front all knowledge o what below YaiiKlxun ManY Boxer had been soon and several camps Nlolis trooti Thorn wn no XWi wa doing in view of nil Iheso clrcurn- taiiv It wa decided to abandon thin trains nnd attempt to return to Tientsin marching clown iho river Tho Herman beet omit reconnoltrlnp thin river whllo limo Will matter ami ihey hnd captured four Junk t bojiiw Tlmw lioen occupied bv some Boxer who Imd been watch rill the The Onnans killed the llnxers nnd brought the toward time lirldgo Tlm lunks were apportioned to the nntlnnalltlo on thai had boon u od In aligning the trains nnd thn wounded were ahntrd hem burled and then preparations wero made for time inarih It tins not io Io take some nr th supplies still remaining In tlm train imd the iruus to l bv hand It wu deddoil to miTch along Hut left bank bo- rnUM that noemoil to bo freer of Boxer titan tho oIlmen Tlm troop cro d the river by time brldgo rime Annrlcan hud tie advance with thflr Colt niitomntlc 1lnch mm Time HrlliMi were nnxt with two r nnd then cainu the French with somo- tiiirhlno Kin ittnrnx MAIICII TO TIENTSIN- Thn start wn inadp nt about 3 oclock In iho nftoriixiu of tnth hilt Immediate dilulll worn met which ciUe l nuch work anti ling delay Thn sift ctirrnt nt Iiho sail forumd camIlle bar bilow fist piers of brldgw and ever iunk In lu turn went nfiind It to lot thin Junks drift down with thin current The wern steered l v moans of tong polo handled by 111111 on board how nud stern lines were al o tihorii and wherever thev bo night come sat to haid on them i sn- ail Mime silloriion were ditidlod to holp Half ih oool in Hm expedition ran awaY tin night after the were Tlm French hint started from Tientsin with tilt fnolios nud thin kont of them until tM night whtn most of them got awn This mail All th tiiiro work for the sallormen- Sonm of tho had lieen put on one of thin funks and when It went the Centur- ions was thrown overboard to Ikhton tho junk mill got tier off HIP liar Millo at YariLMMin efforts had been made to lIt on frlendl with hill head men nf in order to purclmso some sup ilios lull tho had tint oven h railroad men with thu expedition who now tho and tho language no- rniiipllMi nnthlng Tlmrn wern seven of men and throo other civilians of whom nn ofllcer closo to In Wiling the A pestilent fellow wont up hnd rome spread ihn most absurd and exaggerated nnd untruth ful renortM about what hat happened Ing of tIm fnol the tlm ad innrn throughout time march back from Yanc- Isnn alwa i by lint h this ntllor said that they wont alwnv s oa t nwolutelv us one which In such a tlmo WWI of HIP ulinost Camp was iliad for the night of Juno 10 nbout two anil u hair mile below Ynngtsun- liridgo so Iltllo progress having been inaclei iiu oiif the jimkw Tho march rtu resumed early on thn moraine of Juno n nit not early enough to stilt Americans flint throughout the return tlm Amor- cims wore always ntady to go earlier iho morning tunis any cf olherc It Meme- do lake oihor to make their lion fnr tho day lime WitS chosen in- i Ixnd of time river The bunks are WIll built with n mud loven nnd ncro s this bend ran i road built well nhnve thin level of Ill country Ilii n natural protection ami wa ea The Junks wore fnst to limo on the bond lnldo time lines No men yore across the river lieeainei there was anticipation of attack from that direction river hitik on the oIlier side il if II thousnnd ynrd nasa canal wllh rather deep wnter The rhlneo know lx tpr than to IP caught by thn European between mil river would Imvo lx on If hey had attempted to attack from that DiiricttnEHeiiTiinMAncM It was Komoihing otter 0 oclock morn ng limn yi when thin first Borer were seen riicy wero coming up from M villain down river time column lull hail thn- iliich Held gun up and after It bocn- irel a few HineH the of llm Boxers After thit nearly all iho way nn iontpsied Time next llvoly rlllo fire from mud walls The Unit marines camo on HIP loft of the and llnnked ChltmM out nf their post Ion It WON done without delaying the junks dilch hind to travel men nnrcliecl Bolow this village tho Holers mOle iho upon ncnln TIme American fleld cun ngnn Into action stud French nine up wllh iinn Held plows tho lint h n Thi thin Boxer gut up- o within coo yard befnrn they went driven TT Tltov nf exo lent ovor nlTonlod bv tho great number of mil mud wall nnd It wa dlflleult to see tlmm loll onoiich in Imvo the firing accurate Be won ihroo and fmir miles were covered Ilils- iiornliig rail from YnntM ur n Tientsin n llrtlnless than olchtooii miles lust t Im river vlnl nbout so miifh lint till route along ink I mnriMliaii fmnrlno n broad nlalu n a floor not n intural elevntlnn of nil shim far a time eyn rah Itisnil n vnllnw clay which sup inrt In ordinary soawns fair crops nf nd grnv Horn and tlmro are of trr M- in1 Imslins Kvory where are villages of mud iut nnd all over tlm vast brown lotlng thin wlmin with yellow imniii nri grivps thivo chlnoo rcvore wellroundol henna of cacti covering llm- nptoa to pach fHinlly from thn- iiuoninurilof iloMi eiti for tIll mallot balmy rlngol around by a iiNWiill That I sort of onimtrv Hm pxpniitlnn was now iui lrg Thn run on the too of llm ground In stout nf In u rViArtillo chnniml a n iloront Ivor imiiii iii Jin imnlfK havnlxvu y loviv nnl many cnnnl eltlmr mkn water rom It or inii Ii network nf ltm Interlneo ihwo mril nail from every ichIHlorirlvaln inlpniop run uv nit iiictx nf Um lii vdunl fnnimrx walls imollnio four foot or allure high seimrnto of illrforptit firnllloK Ji I difficult mintn to trnvorse In tho fnie of an who iikHliohlnd covor avoiding n fight In nd who uses powder and most lorn r wn nno- iivantngn It offorel In thin harn ivl liii monte at nlcht II innhln to fceloot n plncn nln aly forllflol with nil wall KO that a detail r ontrliw c iull proloct tlmtn nil and give op- nrtunlty for vest iiiiMsK niusn CUT A CANNON Tlio aftcrnooii of Juno m saw Uist the h ni0- rt of work as the morning n continual light orn vlllagn to with Itt Boxers rarely In the whero n aood shot i hind at them It grow to bo tli habit to tlx- ivctiet on approaching vlllnco iro by ritln firs and n n by charging Wherever the charge could nt hum It was ulwnvN nmdo and when vr thin Amorlcnrw and Drillh set their nor lurid ran forward the Chinese boiled tin Filipinos have done MI many lime IM our men Thl afternoon lIt hlnrso brought out n wtxiundfT and ftpil solid kent well ronwiled Ivhind mud walls ill a Iho mokelojs it never timid located It did no actual damage but It n hiri lng In the extreme Io bo polled nt intmually by a gun that could not wen or 5S55BS apppptj the ilrdorH 1111111 HUll the roost JUIIII 17 ho mUi smmluuit Ih lenllnll who fore nC ill lit lid IlInllll hut Houlla fh to fnll nero I uiissutin hat hol In that TiLln wnuuith hI nlll to and It 1111 Ih TIIII III Ill fIr d11 nl 11 dltu pam rln tI the loU Ira 1r lit Oil sold alit I Olllr rrpura ClIT red lIt mitt I this 111111 t side tl Intuit Ih wit till dlth B pta IPI II n roiiiime t ohm gnumtpnj Cnlle ttowii In Iltlo Ih whir river It A hind rnetn rIO tiP untItled tim 1 tine I I wait senIor titum t tutu I hat mIt I tuck I mmci I him a- er itusi renewed t ii got t lit t hst fIeld Iron Ii t I tim t hit 0151 t lie I weal har of kOmt 4 wh my I lie I luau Time were ad nit 0 tiNt mi Iii miaeu t I Ii 4 ted ttmu iummtontn puce t I it groutrud Sam I I iou himu guarded hit limit from uTc alto I I tmti inch i ii iii A men t lie hut uromig lit 5 lie ii nil ss I Its lax tin I hair t hum I I c t hi I wemmtfl y love eon t tie hut p0 lit lIme iii t mite nit I tim raimgli to the htimi t tin I tin hum open suiimil t hue hilt wit wait hit hu t tm hum for shot way Its > < ¬ ¬ > > < ¬ > > > > < > = located U not the fort of warfare ono In the expedition heel l een led to exryi from the little gun had bovn brought front yth u mule or two to haul It It was easy tutu riilne familiar with thin ccnii try to keep It constuullv out of of constantly In action airaln1 them That sort of dons more dnniiN to list nerves than several Rims firing In Hi- oM n anti actually hitting llooldo r Cllnpm ha- u blaok i i Ador Hi result that win of them win Sonic inert which wern evidently of recent for WITO Theso a ball nbo- un Inch nud n halt in dlnnialer n ol Amirican suitors n kg hy being list b uii- nf i Illno ball lit me trout as mucii a hv could m order t- hu buiid ammunition lisa uppl wo nnd tiled tlulr b n to muKo tics lire of tile mo was lIst of conuluiil uuu udmlrlui um- liiint from ihii other otlUvre It N not usiu- to Imvo KIKM tint umonic nullornK1 lund Vi boon iw Jiiuc stole uiuore with rifle Im wantH to ihool at not only hj but also at everything arid Juck a iinavliuitloi- JLST lillLUlAl Kli THAT WAB AU ciiiuu this afternoon to a bend lu river when there was a on both ldci tort wan a hot Urn Irons both sides anti bocnmo to Mind n lorcn avrura t clear out vlllagu there This wits Hon by ilm though tho lucid limit column lor more than nu houi- Jiibl beyond them thero wait another vlllag lhlno e had riitrwl d At column very heavy tiring hound In the wai nt until It wiu nearly a quarter ol n long and preparation were duirut Time that few bulltt item icmlng their way and supposed that at Sue other of icon got ting time most of tho tire the ItrltMi hear fow from a flr thought tho Americans muit be getting I- IJuU IIH the nt lack was to bogus a noo UJIIIK mid said thorn was rlllo tire nt nil tint only mid boatliiif bamboo Mirks At huMs cliurgp wipe nud with bayonet Axed the lino ran Hirnugh the Not a China mini was bill there went heaps heapH of exploited llncrackcrs nce tho fhlnoe botore- AlrucMt eight miles was iiado this day Ii spite oi constant fighting There wnsn a of nu hour It all when html lots worn runt about hondA ot men It was Icarlull hot under u tiialnudrd nun and there was no water exri that of tin river Out the Junks they to boll enough for Hm sick the hion who wero man hlng and lighting lurid to drink Idho btrnlcht or go was no to and bodlu 01 hlmiiiii killed In thn fighting along till track began to conic river hut that be htlnod nnd met worn beginning to that the ltuatlnl was critical The coiistajit light- Ing wn Inenatlng Hidr wounded and the uuiuhur of iiitn to be In the anti looked out for was mounting at nn alarm Inz rate wait thin indomitable will anti the stout heart McCalK wore of value The young nflkers with hint wero by am they proiui ainoiiK the men a confidence thai wILe of greatp to mill the rest or tho column limo llrltlsh arid tho flermuni nod la amt were like tho Americans The noversaydlu eliinent was to bn clearlv that nlirht was made In a flute place In a lug bend of Ihn river between two vlllagen nlghtu wern always bitter men had not Ixen to their blankets and iitilUr d greatly Ihis night both thn villages worn n set on tIre that for outs tIme meu comfortably warmed by ties burning villages CONTISfOUS nrjHTINO It wns half 7 on time morning of Juno II when tho column was ready to march Op- CoMtlnn dovelotMl and It pvldont that It was to be another slay of miisiniit fleMlliir 11 was decided to ocCUr both Kinks of thai river end thin tactical form lion of tlm ndvtuiic was therefore changed Americans stud held thin left and thin Ocrmani and the right Hu slnns and others formed thin rear guard lookcd smut for tutu junks Owing to continuous lighting Hm junks worn now able to bun llm men could fund tobn taken tn keep thorn out of use range of fire About tuniC reel h a biwly of mu or morn cavalry wa upon to tho left worn conIc and and first thought was thnt they were Cossacks sent nut from to Tho ItiissLins Improvised n flag anti Isolated It on n gun but the cavalry ap It wax that went apparently reconnoitring It was a hard hope of relief One of British wn brought and thin to take themselves off to n respectful dIctation but remilned tlio left hank all and losing no opportunity to tiara s foreigners They up n eon ftint rlllo fire nt long ran o which was very accurate Soon after first appearance of time cav- alry on Hi left n wile owned from that direction with two guns n anti a npnunder Tho small wi thought to time saute one thit had been- so bothersome the day before but tlm blade powder the first diliu e haul finish It Hm of Hi gun at- UUCP and tlm Brltlh Opoimders rhavnl It away very ijuloklr Several times during time day the gun reopened from different and each lime wa nulrkly compelled to shift One reads po ninny limps In nccountu of fighting that of the wits con leittcl when nothing of the kind has happened- t twins dimciiH to thin Idea In n way lint wIlt be accepted and appreciated Inuous grows monotonous to tlm- eader n It did to thins men who ilwivp Tlrntsln anti oven village meant a igbt Ilirn a of half a rolls telwnen times villngei occupied iy tie uncut who till iho hind behind time river for their communication with rionds or member of Between vlllnnos there was hnrolr nay rest for the mrn wd men becnu n time time fhlmso from rlllagr to villiigp Most of them nro armed with that are Ighted up to iyi mttres and throw their a few hundred mctrcb extru for good nca uro- lIIINWK rEOlLAHS WITH TIIKTOXEIlfl On thl morning of Juno 21 it became evident rrv that tlm regular were acting with the Bourns The sword and fixaru- lnchM with kowtows and irrnufloctlons Iroppcd out and rifle firm took It r four villages had been passed when ho column camo to P tsniur half way from InngtMin to IVitkung was occu n large force of and hoy loathe n stubborn fight P- Xielhnt cover and inflicted many losses on thin olumn After nearly nn plow wn was n halt nit Tin Chlnerp frvernl field guns vhirh us l well killing a few of s and wounding siteral more McCnlln rot near enough to wo nno of the gun and ho stir hnd ppvernl oIlier liil bolow lilt ni tht column camn to a village which maid Hm light of th wholo ex- ledltlon It lucId liy nbout snuo rhlnosn- ogular with artillery amid cavalry run were and our non were unable to locntn them Tho rllln fire iin pxtremolv accurate anti Iho allies suffered Tho flghtlne becrnil hero nViout 1 clock and continued steadily pest Tlm nlll were to dislodge hltieso nod worn cnmpolloj to ninkn vhoro wrro During the lighting links won drawn up under a out of wnv nr much as lblobut still Site bullets nth about them nnd occasionally nnn wits hit nit forluimtelv none wns- iruck Our gun had away nil IIP tlm1 mOt hoe lied unnbln to dIction nf tlm Cblnoo Tho lw ori MI tinich trouble on thin previous days opt nt work throughout thn emit Ion Our Increased I rumen louMy CAIT MCAIIA wofNniii Tim lumen Worm jui about worn out by the strain Th v had been en half rations Inco onvliig time trnln nt Ynngtsyn nnd oen drinking river water nr water token from lU or Jam Sims vlllocn the nl IKHSCIL nnd ilm iToit beginning In tell mm Some tmrl of llm force were n little ottor off than others Tim Oerrnans rind Inn having u Junk for themevo had n ble to iarrv moro tItan ant of the tlmrs xciiit the lromh nnd theIr tuck toil vcmmmd got accoiiiumdiHou A little Hneral water liiul Iwisi unveil for ihn and ninrlm had their great nilwhich hclnod iliein at night There ad bixn in pffnrt to get rKnlo at Yangtsun- ut only Imcn found One of these wai Ivon to Admiral sitter he had rid n for nmut five miles Im turned It over ns n- aek pony and walked the rest of tIn way apt mnd It nil on foot until The hack of ponies made thu work f ilm tiifl very column being more than n mile It n in lighting H IHW IVltiiang that inorican sunvrod must llrrp Curit IKnlln wn Im In Ihrpo had bullet lliroiigh the lmh of the loft IP iMfore but that did not lnconvi nleni Im nftimnnn wa tilt by fragments no truclt hi lift another lolt aim n third The wound n a timid one for It bothered him nntly lu but hum tluck to It and woiilit- m ride cum of men catching for him the British Captain got a bullet through left lung this rindn n very rlnus wound In the lighting after leaving sllvmig ndol Tau lg The over vet ground tTc d numerous mud mill built up nbovo the surrounding I wait any I I I and I for the him t that OiiiO gitu4u 1 whIch I luti wit Ii it tiiitl bolts mItmul of scrap Thmema thiiri5m tirvui taken tOOk they the I lost I I alit I tlrinm I t heir I lit lump llt 1 lit cuubJm ct Its ii sots lit puce time I hit two tim tim wilt muse utile him r and iso men list amid thin managed but w t bit et ti ii i orchid this alps 1 thia sit rut mutt aaivatmei and inuichi tart 1isu the seems the cia time the lit bus I him t butt It Ioaa happen mpq it cliii on convi emit mxoimabhr wrm doing it Ihr leiho lit tlned with viiingca tie the carr etansl b hineso time timers for it t I hun alit ious tIii woe 7 I hit t ito thin fell lmeup I been I lit I hit J I Isle it Itt rsttieti lang was tIlt lImps hot icr polite I if t ii him fast I S > uc us limit ectmmmt juice this t hit a eliot titter I tin t hIde him rut ii huh ltl huts it null ii walk use hit isis mi flag tim oil titturiiiitc cut I wa lilt wit hi Iretty welt country 5 > > ¬ ¬ ° The French had come up Hw line with taken I IIIVII K advancing by nwliM titers was cot understand the com ti end of thou American line next to thin roncli and wbonovrr time CRitIC to lirln lie would have to run ui tn thin nearest r romli- tnnn get out on thou ban abend of their line end motion to them ill t stop Till always tonic lime and to OXIKXO liim olf grea deal OAtWXTRV OK OUST TALSMI utile titter It become to BO itcro- o road which by n heavy flro vhci- Im Wile telllim It that this wa time first time had seen ircn drop Hoforot ha It Ixoii only i Hint win lilt but timer wore ninny ca ualllo In crossing road The inen had items th American went worn out and Copt had ordered Tnusslg to with semite of lila own men and takw those vh had Ixun on tlio run upon with hi I f In 1111 111 In action and naturally IIK- vn out few of sue h exertion- V hen sent I ho inenuf diliiohmon to relieve thin others they first tried to ivl RuIn In action t dl In Iron well to do with the sun About this time a runall body of ennui out In the open on thin the nun turned on good effect hlle thli wee on Tangier went on ahead with fiCtion or twenty men rover of a road Thi a tent such html to to the other fide to keep under cover tin crossing was oxt osed llero Tint was lilt and several of his men mint It sputa Including an old boVns mete who wait dl lxtrnordlnnrlly rood man mi good man Tausslg was across after wntchln all hU ho hit In Thin shock knocked him flat he could not tin Ho managed villas a till to crawl and roll off tlm rood arid down under ills own omit hnd till gono on und ap- parently did not know that ho wn hurt a officer cum along with some and to him hand They carried out to one where the cover wo and lUm down with some other wounded nets and two dead Hi stayed there until tho junk came alone wa carried on tin Improvised mretcher The junk wee full already them win no more room hut fount hun a place on tot of name store and there with no examination of thin wound for thirty hours That such n IK tame Idea of the condition to which tin expedition had brought There was e on thin tilde f and Tau U surgeon finally did get around o him lie what ad- Vour le In broken That wo time flr wait not until after he hail been bark In Tlentslr for sonic time that Pr Kennedy of the York1 town Taupslgn jrnvo n examination and clearly extent of time which In M snverc that douni of Tmissls beIng able to continue In the Tho home wai shattered below time huh and only n small of It remained Kennedy Kent him down to Tonakii where the lint established n and ns soon in possible he will be removed to tim naval hos at Yokohama COLUMNS MTVATIOX flUTICAt Thin opposition on June Jt made some of the moon and even some of the oflleern bexln to think that never be nblo to eel bnck to unless relief canto from below hud so few supplies the were In no condition to nn Intrenched and wall for help but service rations lund In the hut it was nut of question to think nf sending a de- tachment to hack for more ansi anyway this trains hind been seen to ln ou fire after were abandoned Ac untruth Revmour hud burled two boxs of per sonal but It U very doubtful now If he ever seeg them to be to dislodge time Chlnesn front the which was their It was decided to camp for th night and n new effort hintno fire ceased about sundown thin prospect of a comparatively quiet hI worms several tied up to bank At first they seemed to bo hut when wore examined a lot of women were found concealed below decks were were to be by torture or horrible about of thorn jumped overboard The men Jumped m and succeeded In flv one of these over and was drowned lust before they come to theso junks Ucut Fair the flee MW n man walk down Into the river from the opposite aide with two little children onn each hand He waded well out Into thin stream and held both children under until worm drowned he turned and ran up the bank ru as he could so That night hope wee about exhausted had In number and fighting ability from TItus column Wee now approaching the north pins of the native div and was within ranee guns It haul been able In make and ren halt been blocked entirely amen 8 In thin afternoon At A of corn tie re t an l then try a nIght march startlnir at I oclock In the morning to try to force their to the next day They hal had no word from Tientsin days since June 13 nd not even sure that they wouM bn safe If they could there officers have that thins did not to sot another night Capt Iron heart would a mlt situation WM grave The hart been so very heavy and the number of woun ol and sick so great that pro rre under thus most favorable circumstances was most dlfllcult LOSS or TUB OVNS Fortune did the column nnn more turn that afternoon however In giving them new Junks There was morn room for the wound was trans nortation for some of cuns that were wear Inc out the men who were dragging Ml- Ibewi except thin lighter machine guns aol one were put nboarl funks In ready for the start The doid had been tisually where that foil Thus column raovej on time I on the morning of June 23 and for a mite no ro lsU- nrco wai met It altno tb an to sneni a If they mlcht set thnuiBh It was first tnlln they liar for three without light It The Chinese hart left the t ltlons they had rfefendnJ so stubbornly nil the after- noon before and the natural that hey hal suffered mich oitmltliw that thaw were not wlllloe to endure moro nBhtlne time was tint of long life Thin H wnrc In column of fours oni murclilne as as tlm Junks couM travel That were In column was evidence even to thin men of II nio t state of affair for any well directed HUH would Mid any the Junks t uld have hoots wink nl Chltm mnHe good RUM practIce Another quarter of n mile was mnde In anti then films were seen m both batik tho river ahead A further on th ml- ranee guard oanin to a village mid when within nm yard of It a heavy fire wai opened from U- ilnd of some of thn tlm olilr is they fired marines under llalor carom with the Aiuerlcatih In limit idvanco guard and they fixed cud harirnd The Oiliii e ran but thev left a tOW if their number whrf uniform Allowed hem in be wildljrs and riot Uoxerw got iff with no lo About this tram word came uu from the junks lint the nnn th piin uliikltiir The Admiral fenl Mr Fair bark to see what could to ilniip but by time time bo could cet there o nuch water was in the that could done anti slit went down with tuoi of thin tufl on board Two Maxim Kims were paved me on wheel and thus other at rlnoil itun Sonii- imnuinltlnn wa nl o not nut oavlett loss us It turned out wnt lilankuM- i e rs rnicht hleh Imi eniblej their men who had then sleep fairly well on time cold flIghts In cnmp- AT Till AK3ENAL on the had the Time toni were rmhut and in getting tIle Ftstthi to eASe fIring when ltcmiinetliim to cmtp again iaitsir this eita aismi him thsen is tiP icr hunt tire tue guI I tiroiU hi t hit imuthi tint mOm summit him a balm mite utn lute other wee drag oicr and every once iii a whuila It wit of tutu thou tO I I id I lie ut hems it lou were thurotighi time vIllage It wi hut atlas St the of them but 011114 not beam thud aflCfl was under cross but It was of hmic man apt McCsihImi extra- ordinarily immcn was ito tvmms amid hIlt asked give and and ito lit iVuJ5 bean his dIdnt know what had lflaiO it When thou naked imntl Ibm cuirguon hit knew o the serlotimincas if list wound It nav time Time When it hecamue evident they were not going wits night the hen tiuev saw thuss men they frightened apparotmUy WA ae eta the then time The 0 clock mantling omecrum It was ciaeim1mi to take a lit were get Vet wit lie the cony time do wins fact thai time iunve time cut I It lit tints nit this whet cx ticdit Ion timo iihites ciseereui The ilrlitsh Vms I tel t lie tic Itm for tlis 01mm nine tamiinmiet thin Ittltisli Vmnm itlil dimigging hhmc t mitt amId groat emuit a i lund to < > > ¬ ¬ < < llelow Shim village thsrn wa ion for About 4 oclock the column c ine opposite n lug walled enclosure on ttj- itlier the river with many It The Americans who wero In the lead and tint who Imppenid to lx next I hem at time time had con Chinese who to oldlsrs of thin Vlrorov- rame over the wall on the river front anti walked niiirii- nn fifty yard wide timer and thev f ilv Admiral Interpreter aninorml hall The two to ln w time foreigners were anti where they wore irolrir Mr Campbell replied for the that thev were Bolnir in ln and had no troubln with anybody but lloxers The column wan im wns gvlne on The Adunril- concludetl that two men were soldiers and thirst there would to no Untilik He started on and the two men urely buick to Dm wall and lumped over iln firm was opene am aims ulonif the wall whirls etr l for along th river Tlemeii nh hind been Admiral Jumped down at once inside and ibm fight wa on The river there runs approximately south and serves to protect the east wall Thn walls sire of brick feet help cm north and nail outward and touch oo the south and west or Bides utile tWO hiS town him hum hank Ihie liver was hot hiiiiad across rum Admiral mmii lii Iluirti hsuip to cornau ssimmng Juiet then and Mr mmmmn hell thin lit alt thu Ida nil led tog on 51st stall and to tue talk wlthu the pat along the north Wall of enclosure whsimls to of the great lidku arsmnal nortimioxit rormier whore It tmittiu to tlma the > < < To the we t of the nriirnil there was n v C- of huts und on thiS side of the river w the column WHS tliero WITH clusters f i stud two trenches Jlctw n 10 trw i L the VllliiCP to thin west of It there w n i The Americans anil lerimms in tin at mice swum th bend MI- on Ui o t amJ under rover f i hnd corner of the recital otxlo tire All foict gut to cover in i i and replied to UK in- as Tie wa IMJIIII I u brine not more lion hundred i JuiikH had comm n at bind in th liver Hit i wai subjected to u heavy tire I vt men went l Time v next nt the bend It nut K at unri iind Tho much nluun- In the bnwn and d lire n best tl- Tlm Trcncli bnvp doOms so lew pluriij ii here thai this inns especially nuiii val li- THK ItACi OAlWSTIV TAK After hulf uu hour of hut fUtliliiui im no- pcrceptlbli locult Mnjor JohtiH n i it j nnd marliii the i T and went biiclt Hm river under r nearly linlt a mile Thvn he a nnd uroxMd lit nimu down IM Kl the at the vhorito i Or comiictlne with arsenal The u n tonic of the Milieu was chcerlnu nil the tr u mum list huts could yell and l u their cult At enrnpr r iial the o hnd mounted a rtpniu KT- KIIII which this Major timk in Ilimk bj th on time AH soups ur lu thin lie Ciillinl on his miii tor nn xir p r- and ncrosi the cau eway they wim wn a whoop swarinoit uviir tlm ami in i had that expounder turned un ili Ina Ililnrce- Vhllo this was iroli on the American d- cornir mind W TI rt hlCB tlu wish U leans win but tny got into u tight laiv that Curt nid n v a- reat relief to Ilmiin n s they did Th Irrmurc did mind were an tool and stendy a if purnile Two lxioundors ihu the nnd worm hun on tin Clilnm ansi uitir t- WHH mil n tlnii until th cleared and thnr r n ii1 o- tho llKhtlnc Two iletailuiiiin w font the and not In nil u KM- Aftir that to work u li ir whole Tl with wn about u around and It cnclo d wvernl uroui s t I ln s Thire were also two vu with rrcd and bmldlnuK and r t- lendld cover for time Chine si who hid tlnj and shot n good of our nun It now nearly ft mid the Yen hind There wn rr newly wounded IM corrd for nnd u w t to take a rest Only r ii n had cro sed ID It hud t- iKfiurred on to hold th hInt N r with expedition In Inrt n thing about It wn known nnl i way that thrro was such im ur but ihern wa no ldn of lln Ma or The brunt of thn In taklne it uu 1- 4by thin li iormnns anti Amriru it was hero that the cxecutIvt ofllcer of I he 1 m lluchholt KI 14 wound which In dud won iifiT vri- Th Chlmito BarrlMin hind immt nd ut lea t Wo About 11 while thin men went IH busy about their camp imctlnriLi o eat makIng time r isi n them a lire fri in behind ar i il ruin wann lart Prom nf them v- numbnriri nt linst fjioo nrd Including cnvn v They bnd field guns nnd llrnl shrnpnil 1 wins orwned on limo arsenal t i of position near thn muni city nf Tii were wut iicriws the unlll nlmut h i n t- In afternoon when time Chlnext cigar wb- dnW Then It wiw decided to u arsenal with wholn fore end make no at- tempt to to further MCAMAH WIT It woe whl the flehllnc at Us hot t In that an In Iriint occurred r- charact of Cant McCtilla He wa an lag and down on toj of well completely exposed to ln icr iho IliltiMv Mi psvi g nnt time sllchtcst It onlv etirvur c Inc hl men t harder norl fluid tellliu then o- be careful of their mini mud mOunt they AM ho walked hv a BrItIsh who wax iwlrir a rlllo tin tar Ii oked nt thai Captain and said HoniH to pin you re sallliiB pretty cli e to th wind sir You Imvo to do It my muff In some waters answerea time and went on wnlkl K- Thoremalnrier of thn frrco then crosel to the arsenal and the sick unmet wounded were carried out of the jinks Inldc the wall ntrnt thin mlddio if the there woe aioil T smaller w nil of mud which surrounded n uro p of four rrctantrulnr building which were selected a Quarters fur time wounded and si rherrt wee a f bulidlnc In one corner f this enclosure which wee occupied Seymour win a mound of earth which ws used ns a signal station Uu south mdo across from Interior wall wa another of sheds which appar- ently had been used by thin Chlne o on borrnriis the foiitheast corner was an closure with several Tl H was the armory In thin northwest corns was nn old Th Tp were mesa nil nrnninl tim Innlde of the nmln wali Jint to h of the nrncnnl enclosure was the house wl Ii hind been used by the commandant f I ho arsenal U was always called Oovcrnors house by our men lietwin the harrncka and armory on rue and the on thorn rrr two large IrrrRular wnmt crow with reeds liewe n them Ihero vis t little cluster of huts liullt nf n 1 The worn over from Junks timid ktorcd In the Mirds M h wnjrided It nt feislblo to cupy the win In wall brcnu It wnntd n- o men to voids nf lenc- no a small camp wan mnde mul w I the wait and tlm n was made outside thin train wall Thcr rro gates In time walt around the an r Tries wore guarded by detacliments nf Inc h- and Drltlsli with Dumnrolles in om- mand WIn ursiTiONH IN rrrNTy roixn- CxamlnntJun nf the Fhowed nn mouthing amount of war nintcriiil rin l ui d- Seven cnns had token nn time il n- tlio buildings moro than sixty more wet f rhey were moist mndirn luwii i of all the smaller medium T e were n n nnd field KIH 4 and 4 7liuh rlte tumid fine tti KM- ierii Mnnnliclier rll n nnd girt literally tho thousand Theic vec i s nnd oilier nivoiitrcn ints fur p tumid for ciivnlrymen nnd there wiri lnc full to top with nminumiii n til sorts Tlcre wero millions nf r small snot nnd moro fur tin in k than could be Invenloried nfllixrsof HP i i- lat time extent of llnlr rapture nod 0 il- l en taken so iaslly had ii i f of Hin when i firs attacked Cramp It would Kli gone by without It If linn dad n to lint now thev I to- thoueht of trlvlnff II There m nl t twenty topic of rico In the hoTMnl nnd a woe du which would ui il i v- nf water that wns at Intior Hur t from river which tin men had b d Tliny uiuld inniint UIIIK mi Hu P a wall and bn In position to wlihxttnd- lezi In I I found a niiiiiiintn outll fr n n wjll nnulirH Inluihue in ut said II wi- iKiivldenlul that liio rhlinse had H d their down the river Hut thin rhin M wore not yet rradv In el hiivo their A1 I clock thnt nleht nt v n- HeHiuid lilffKiiiiM from toward Tieii ir i it lalfpatt A thus inirijire i1v i flIng tobo they attiukpi IiKI- I llficr cover nf n tr i hlmw hail ln lrfi the muni wall ioon as It crew light enouch to il I t n nt our IIHII thi vif- heie went snon cicero nut thin MI ro of kllllric tlicm n 1 but they In i Hales of tln Niariim Arnllen were all cnucht nf the f the allies day were thrlr wik- nnin nncntriviienl M fon tutu ern finally ir- Ihelr own uiinsnn i s- iroatly to Then II wa wall und to mount nori7- hlneNO tfiins for Its tlefewe j ii over a cohid omiUdown isimi lismn t I hum I tire u it hiti I of t lie i j html it I i l was jUst a gut ii iSh loge him Vul lIt still hug t it eaiisowit tiC t I ft eniutzilii imnmi I amiiuii ii ii it I 0 imps newt o ii t i ito mitnemmih sit ahau ii t muiidiOtl I mini lit I iii were sat ova t a its tutu writ tim hIt rt S I him I he a 0 t Ito newmm I tit fight mig I z from fires getting wit hieni t lit a lIst rat oil ugh t was ii s him APT was thIs sittumek mir a a nfl at I C Put lemri I o make a Pr ib 1 hi tdmnlai tim tItta one thin nor > to nat mio is wit c tu- Ida 2tm onl tic opt sirtitcir gut beau bight puts a vas 0 ii I ut t 4 na a thucu seers I hut a moat pint mu ii nti psiolest lag I ted et is s t Ito t Itt dmtt airs i Ii mimI I uirmt him grout iii I iuct t rug iitt mint jglu I C V gut it lmgmt log wham txpr a tile Must t 3 wa cool luiisnj tOil i hihmmusc thin amuai t h thinir mtti ill ci I lie oust Ire > < > > < > < < > < > ¬ > ¬ < > < > < > > > > in HIP enorinoiii of unnll arm w- Him In the armory use nf tim jiwt what they wn- Iliemsejviv Tho mire r with Mniinllchir k- lh wlih IniM Tli i who had be ti nrmol wllh Dm I v fiiis rIfle threw away their cuns and w lvos urn much moro effective but auto much to et out or orcer Thn Austrian Mnnnllcheri and Mau ers wrro rvii unit so wern the Italian n i In fact found ju t wm l Just a If ho wero making re jil iiluii i ItlKPAKATIONS KOIl IIRFEM K When It came to prepnrations f r titers wns Just n a I doti wn i de of tii over which Malor Jolmon hail fhv t th rtrst nntri Into ar ei wee don bv tli lermntis nlici e OIK n for Ihn expedition bad b n MI erf had not H supply of cuu Mew cauwwuy thin luri I attention to monntlnc iruns mi tin n Shim went wall fnrlni toward tln oi i where swarms of hinters ami I iutir could bn Mwn nil th time ten Mini BUlis were mounted In the MHIII were half n dozen sixpound with n- metre rifle nl each earner enli I east wall n 7 mm was mimmcd will metre rifles lielwcen lhin f- Kiallered ulom On the north wall comma mounted llilr own sincli llfid u- imu macliiiiM Lim with uxli and on t nhef ride of them There was titus minI itimmsilil tsi I 51 cart ri un hum oral i S I w hInt ft is t nil I It I a ii real I iii rig I hut limeS tots I Ito t hue C fl i it gun at oyciy curumer xd several Isa e < < > < > <

Transcript of ON Tim WAY TO PBKIitha required only hdf ni Imiirn work for re-pairs Thn expedition hall supplies of...

Page 1: ON Tim WAY TO PBKIitha required only hdf ni Imiirn work for re-pairs Thn expedition hall supplies of the smaller materials niiulred for repair audi ns-rolu and nut lkei and llshplits



Thrilling Story of AdmiralSeymours Expedition


Allies Almost in Despair When

They Took the Arsenal

Cull llrjrh Irklii nnd Hen ue Ihe Jllnli

Ion Ilirlnc I Ihe Ilritruttlon of the Hall

road mil tlm 1iiU of finppllnFlert-

Allnrki hv llotrrs and ihln e Htm-

l r The diilurr ur the tlilKu Anrnal

rrnvlUcnllal l rnl for Ihe AlllrtllruvI-

llntv struck nt hln In the llnlrurtlni-

of Hie ir Suppllrs

lu Cil ItrCi Illi lnilnr-

Ixmi it Slalt IlirfiiiMidMl nf TIIK Hri-

Tllvr l July I Xpwark clroppw-

nehur ihii liar nn May 27 there wns mil

ptis other ftiir ln ilit rx Ihn 1rinih rrul ei

1 Kiilr uiiiiiu Iiii ueti lilyFrench icunbont innm In On Miiy i-

thi aiiiirilKfiirllilriiil iiln WWH

Aduitral Kempff iu i iirirtiirhi f r Huni apt Mvrs rud pan of eiinrd n-

lIho Ureirun In add lion tilhiiKumtlnf IhoNcw-Mfk tindur Lapt Hal ThrM wcnMhe IIIHII wlii

to Iokiu vilh Hioleirntliiti Kimrdiol-ovcral ntlivr nations on a train that fur

nlihcd liy llm lonriinmiit lifter the re-

fiuc t nf thn Ientioin for tfiinrds Cnpt-

McCnllu nenl to Iekln tvith liU men tnox

Naval i nilit tlniirtnuy f tlu NiwarkTliiy tin mnrnlni HaturdavJune nn ihc In imln but one that come downfrom Iokm MIPII Hi KOI b k to Tientsin-Ihey hciird that morn limn twenty forilcn WAr

sMp veroaivhnrcdITTakii hit A hundredof the Newarks bliiijiirkeu were lauded thenand broii hi up H Tieiiisin They wern Iho-

flr l fm pittnern In th rity OtliTsollowed veryquickly parlliitlarly lluislnns and Hritlsh antiIn a few daiH there wa II considerable forehere The tiririeaiS had roiim up with tourdxy upilles iududinu wiiter from their shlu-

Tin1 wern Iccuplod iibfiiil tho liiin prliulpallrIn nlclu itro tn in hut time there hadr ni n nn illt4trhaiiPO in TiimUIn und hern-

itemed to no v r Kreat prospect that anywciild ocoir

The new thai rarni town from PcUIn mewmorn nnd morn Mirl iii mid then vats talknionc the ooimnaiulirn in TlentMn of Hndiruup further cuirii objected nnd

first lofusnd ti futmsli a train On thn afterneon of Junntin pagncainnfromMr roiieer

Ilvidi MacMotmlil the American andBriiUli Ministers in Iekln saylnir tint theMtuatlon th rowasti iwt rcrloiMiindatklnK formore snird There wn n meetlnc of ConsuHand commander In at whichmilter wa dUcuwMl So inn opposition tofendliicfurlliortrnops develored rarticularlyon the part of the llu lans and French


mentlnc wn held at theJKrench consulatethe French Consul blne the dean of theconsular body Several times In the ooure ofthe dl cuslon tho French und llustan Consulsleft the meetlnc for prlvato conferncn Atlast rapt McCalln settled thin matternnnounflnc with conaiderablo ctnptmila that howa golne tc Iekln

My Mlnltor Is In dancer he saidMkaforhfln Iam f lof-

Thn British were Nlmllarly minded It wasabout J oclock when Oapt Jelllcoe d-

Reymoura chief of Staff nmdo lkn l

to thn lIt to prepare landing paring Thowas prompt and the parties came In on

morning tide The Oilnesohud llnnlly con-

sented that reiMiforcimetits nliould he rnut toTekln and tlm traIns ready with UlUn dela In Toncku Cupt McCalln marched hU mentothestai n In Tientsin and found no trainthere llsforn one could be made ready u traincame In from the llrlllnh aboardIlace wa inacto In tills train for the AmericansAdmiral Soymour and Capt McliilluoxiiecUM

10 1ekln without nny trouble andthoueht that two days would b a lone time forthem to be on Ihejroad Admiral Seymour hail

private car arid llicre was a ear for bneffneoThere was no accommodation for tho Ameri-can oTlor MI they were crowded into thU-

ba ca e carThis decisive action on the port of tho Ameri-

cans and British had dirtrrmlticd thealto Tho Germans iud Husuliini landed

parties at Toneku and the others sent detach-ment from the eunriU thev had already rstabl-lshed at Tientsin Tho Ilrltish train left Tien-

tMn nt 931 In the mornIng It was deslciintedafterward as train No I There were llritbli-allormen and marineii and 112 American sailor

men on It Two other trains skirted that dayone known as train No 2 with moro

thn Austrlans aid Italians and JapaneseTrain No 3 brought the rot of the British and

On th next nay tutu HusMaisanti French Marled out in n train bythcmvlvesknown afterward nt train No 4 Tlm totil

llriti h 015 Americans Ill Italian40 Amtrlans 25 Freiieh 101 tiennans 450

Russians 112 und JupnnivM El thehad three opoundej rnuuloloiders threeMailnvs and thrvo Nordeiiteldts Thu Ameri-

cans had the 3Inch Held gun momma Newarkanti a Colt autoruatlo Tho Husslans had n Holdgun and thin Italians a machine iriin The li rmans had two nvuhinoRiins and on a trucknhead of the enslne or their first train the Ilrlt-l h had mounted a 6poundir Hotchlilsn quickflrlnc Title

The first stitlon nn the road north ofIs 1letMnc Then comes Yanctsun and tli nLora That Is Ihtve nru tho principal Haliimithere are several llttln stoppln places of noparticular Importancp On tile first day Junj1-

C everything went all richt with time pxtxd-ltloiup ns far ns I fa There was only ineplaco whnro the track had been destroyed antitha required only hdf ni Imiirn work for re-

pairs Thn expedition hall supplies of thesmaller materials niiulred for repair audi ns-

rolu and nut lkei and llshplits MrCurry the chit oncmxT of the railroad waswith the fIrst train and be had somo of tin

staff lthtini and a few cjolie Mot ofthe actual work nl track repilrlnc was done hv

aailormen the llrillli toman nud Amerl-caiiH oiintrJiutlns prmcliially WIP I von Itcallus to drivlni H lke theooilles did ihu workthey wero o much bin ndent nt It than tlio-


lola was rpidiMl n tlm afternoon nf June10 It WUH an Important place en-

rlne could All thiiiuller stationsUii to that point had lx n looted and burmdThe station l fa had boiii wrecked ntl hotracks badly turn up It wa in topIberc for ili liielii and to repair tutu othat tho iiiin mind b i ulmiii if U wi4-

dslred Trui M nod i iiuuht uiiuitii No I

here Tin next inoriiintf June II No 4 withIhe ru iun ami lr m Ii mime alongmornlm turilim on livmid LofaTa n conference nil tho command nu c thorof the different nut inallll to disu i ihe ulnalion attn hunts tlii iiiilhv wan publiulicd by

Arrfrrcrnl MAI mule At A irrrlluc nt oTr Intmimnil ul Hi tiKin nl gin TuU nitiumlmti atIMP rlhilm MIH ll lunr I

I lii I has Mine lufliiMnrrMrAt I niuirrd luVftp ui liiliur mil IK nt-

f sir oil innfii lni u nlijrriv-i a tomra nirtliji b railway



I li

her Splcnilld art


MIb r1< ill I nit







and ur


fIe IIti II thA-








from Taku



i1 I


to let grunt


l a



lIrlti h-





TIn ln-


1 J




I rail-

road Il




illOt rpd



j ICur

I AdmIral

lj I tiI4IIi4 I


It rat1ltrrbln I ua


Via iii lli a nil

I Iii


I Iii Iii lv

dIll rri

I hi mi ri tIe

Mtlr SIll


I Pip

ri ii ItO









1 ionzku

otlieri to-




lint thi



kr Uuent theLii

het ductti lug

uIpuI toil

TIm tt here


I Iii

tIt caseenu-uiruao a 1 nu us ru

are iv























< <





with Ptklo and the ftty clout trr tloand out luUlontl InlecnUi In that city t l To aulthe Chlnm riotrrnmcot to leitoie and ordtrHill nf Chins

wearranemniUErMl-ollowi Them lilt nmlonsllty b lre l l the romm nc-

ltlicifnr it Thsl Any Instruction I

to that train b lent to Mm He Kill be In rai-

communlrstlon with the offlffrj romraandlne theIn train ami will M oner confer with them

ifi Trwt wo Mop Mr Sue nUht ais msy be alli rlrktK vntrles be no ti-

nu the h rr ilth unl i p lnl clrcuispine demand oIlier arrantfemcnlii nil

tosii fiiirlc of

t pKMfil around the trains i u tin sinie plan

nUlil but only N mat teal rrqiilrcd In controlm v mrnti of n r o n rrcn Thai man

aUwil beyond thl line ot unle ficor-ptnlil bY ot n i eil out by sn of tinvrrlcr be rnpjiiMble for hismtfiy

lt w Ifnir ns ws ifo en a plriifl atUU n o iltce nritli eJ by cnmpoied Iroi-

r fh nailnn In turn according la the numberbeginning nnil rin tliereareininlol Item

a TbtlaiyMriu vl tlznalt be airanfel belnertrains

a ThiMvlicii wilrrlnt plairli ruclifJ M lucre

rr nKemenH iUi wliojlullfint ue It bo made t

the commindtrot each train If atone and If all tc

littler by tim la consullallon wills C pt Jelllcoe m-

Flac Captain1 Tlinl simple system of biiRlecalli be ron

Milfred by in oncer if arn ntllnnAllty thIs rorenourand when aireeil up be adopted tot presentAlso teim whittle of enclnes for trains towhit net arm about to dj-

s ThAI Hi wxleilnit of engines be arranKdrnnimanillni hue train whrneftr requlre-

ibyihcenclneitrUfr or any other wotk to be dun


hllii n pair nl lnia wer complutoil on

morilic nf Julia II and soon after noon tinon Worklne parties wer

mi iiliend liul C omb a son of Ad

mlral iiliinlof Nov wns lOft Inpimmmml of u ctMrl of tliriy IlriiMh blue

io prittvt ill place and line He-

ynnd the iriik was iniirh torna slow 1rom Tientsin nrti

mad waa double trnnx and It lund bcn-Mm i iitoi rnlliwlairth HrirUh to

let tick for train ami thn riuht fordown enoieli It wu the dnirn trirkthat hnd uuiTed tiu tho llnser smut

heIr friend Halls had boei torn up ami-In luted out of all pos nf uflh plates unit been letnoved entirely smut

nunS sl had l e si cirrled avvnv-IjilHHdamnen WAHdnnntn the roldbi tl Itselfwhich Wet inndo and ballnited with rock

At Ixifa till water tower had beenAnti lh eriKlii wer out of water Ainerllull liluelnckelH r tnw a overwell nnd lit down a bucket with A whip thblock fastened to top of the tripod Ihewell wn sonm i Ntanoi from tho track so abiickfl lln wise formed and tliienclie wns

by hand lImo tank hId 40il gallonnaspot lllldln 1 minute Hy the lime

II wai HriMicd Slump enulne of No i train loudcom alum arid tlm whole process wjs roI iited-

Vhlli one train was coins ahead fromand slowly the engine of oneof the nllier wns sent bnck Io Tl ntsn for

If returned with more rnllrnad niiiterini mind then a regulartram was rlirced It was a ofNo 1 trnln hilt it the coca In whichtlio troop travelled

BOXKBH AITtAl-lIlyn oclock In tho aften onof Jun P tho

track lout Inn aim it threepull s beyond Iifa Tin iro wero hard nt worUwhen went Irons tht DlckcVs that hind

hen thrown out that HIP comimcTho work was nt thl tirnn conic dlitanci

tins tram seemed ho BoxITH were trying to cut It off Th y wero com

on bth side nf the linemid thor was onic cavalry with themprudently well In the rear Tim Hnxers-niro hold nnd came trniKht town to thoittnrk They werea mixed and hail no sortif military tormatlun lieu wa thilr colorMini had It nil over tlienisilvs It wan ureat

on tlnir cunt and hats und a had boonthom plctalU There Were n few

iiiiom thei hut for tlm most part theycarried only Ions word and roilia ei n hlts anil lmndl

This Is the first tlm th troops nf s i manynltlonnllties upon to fitfulbuether airalnst enemy Orders

ulvin In toncun al t osnme tlmoMid tho natural result was conf u lon Tlm menwere cnttred obnul lh train nnd II wns a littie difficult to Ret them Into theIr proper places

mid sonm-v n stood voice shouted Man the trainEvery Jackio who understood Eiiirllah answeredmil that made matters all the worse becaus It

as not In train that the menon where could tight It did

ml lake lone to them th re however andwere formed Into six nnd

advanced to meet thn oxers who by this limopretty close The Hoten were

iy to Jos kowtowlucnlnu of fantastic motion wvr-nir their hrandlshlna thilr

und spare The thins wn ver when thenen got Into ncilon and Ihn lloxir weredrIven ofT Iav nn who had not

rfWted themselves suHlclently lii llou0 lxpntne Our hnd not a-

nnn hit Camp was mAd rlahl where theytero Pickets thrown out WO yards ac-orpine to the c neral plan and ion

beyond them Time men lu therains or In open as they preferred Most

f them tookJune Ihe 13th wns not a very

vonlfuldiy It wa In hnrd work bulld-ns No attempt wns mndii to secure

level or It was not evento keep the track strafKht that

vas was that lie two rollsdown so that the

Jiuld past over wlthniit belnir wr Thatnonnt every other steelier In place mils half

Pikeii n li plsies The cu-omary plan wn to ninone rail nhead for n few

recnrdlns f how It went KOOIIC-is it bad tbi diired

and then lay the other on parnlli with n nlejrulntinn dlslnno Som nur moon who hid

een In Mln the Stilus sild thn thotrack reminded tlum of time snnkn-

irNspsof tho Moros They kept nt Iho workIn Iho on till to 1 inif-

nnp the next Important slatloi Infnhere everythIng belonnlnit to them rnllrad liedien d fir turn tip antI carriel awayrimre afternoon wa srent repairing

nd sSdtnC and all hands camped for thoilvht

MORK OnSTlClRS AHIR-RIp to this time there had Let no doubt In the

fttins to Iekln till rightrh dlfflcultlo had proved to be far greater

haul ben hIltiisiirmnunlnbio Thn command wns In

grunt health arid spirit and supplies worn plenIful Itc lds wrv open them

morn could broucht liP Tientsin A

supply train was bctwen Tientsin andand It had no trouble It simply

would require mere time than lund beenthe start

Beyond InneFane the roost wns badly brokenip rapt Mcfalln was In chiming of

II train iriSh of piihlns onllm line while the other trains at

repair iwnnsarv ntstation The sidings hind to

Hi train i ulllnifl ri aboutiriilln took along Currr and the Mher roll

moivlnnevpraiiythlnir was wnnted If tin r uc t-

vns undo to him It would ln If Itcr that of hI nien to do what wis ri-

mlrel The damncnto the t nek IjtricIwn d n hit n shori bfor tin

cot there nnd II nnturnllv efmdhat 1iero would li mor rniibioInters T m rat r tank Itle hi there wn a well trout which the

iiulne wild It watered Bynndhire no placi whop watT could be had

Iptllll-Th pn hd nn IKone LnneFurc on lh afternoon of lime I

nod thin other tribe cot a little rtlstnmn nuttnwn There Hindu for nlcht

Sniiih of ill ItrliUh criliitr Aurora withlint nfllcer mil fertvfonr mn leftmarl tt tn inn nl lnncrmie nod

nnrt dotting to llm lint nn ibo mnrilni11 ill inisiriictlnn train went

t had di nno Mliiii Boxersrni dwn nh train with

rush limit WT driven off ulth n Ins of fifteenand no toenaIl on the tldpol the


tint b vond LnneFanif there rn n Inrce-irhnrd wIth a th firldeo t Thn

niisiruettuii Hull not l vonil hi vlllitfe antihi other irin return I to iiifFanc wher-

oi wi deiMed to a tues Ciinllet olla n not out wllh his cnnntriictlo traintliiHllum Annul Id o clnrk Ilion

lieanl avid tlmushl-l v c llp with tiiec n-

truitlon trout kIn n t them rs art arcd in fnn nl thennnrerieenfI-n yllntr They were

raixHv dtT with r d nslon dheir coOts red inlt t ad red I amis on tluir-iat nnd inrrid brleit l niiiir Thcr was

rcculnr foinntion limit thef kept nlklnd of and ailmd on the run

calm wn nonin mnfiHnn nbnut Ih-enlnln Cttlnc radvo th nttnrk w

ffiriic lnnnruane nnd tidal nutnf mfr nilileii io cv Hntn-

em lioniil in man tliirnli alan and111 liitl li r k T men Ixveil Cntr-

illnilii nnd ft l lier with Naval adi-Viiiritiov Ttd n fen nmn tnt to lucid of mime

riln McraPn tiktnc hi orrlyrn i i of Rogers Bymi ill i i mild ii tuned out nf till Iranmil a llniirmiHlili Boxers were nmntt onhem tomo of the Ilrltish turj brought up

pram In

ranThlldThlln TIol Oil II

the rnlor oltI or tulrh trainM



whenever soonand


hrneser th train cacti nationalityfor


om err ownondurt and

iurthTbt preetnC rAilway Ihst ha each

11 Curryend






truIn4 staridlIt


I fitr


Hplki unit







ahoad or th t

hug towno hlch


turndud IntonIt

lIon c liedthe clIIon

prohut rOllnd Ihp

tturoiili a lotUtlU ord

Annt IIlrlO

II loro







andt nl


thl wre notdeemed




ln Iln mipuui tnnlimo in IIInlll

wit 10 tmlr told lIrr1 h I


thin hundhen

IllItn In



IJIfIor Ill


lIne lit





Inher 1II1Innd




thug Insure

tam what

a eunuchsitu




who iIhI

outer Ii thetOt



the umru


I Itch I itt

J uselct S Isotip nnl


t IiiIi ii-

I Ii



I lie

ti redhuh

rip uurhtus time tine

furtluurcuima rulci son




vat cimo



with a



were io4In time


n rim






I bert

of anti itioms t


t Plntt



tipiho mit

en that

mail lieg rapt id In V itt


Fiung had timenrt likely


con t ruirt ton

t lit cii in woelieu


headI mohl ii tit ii I

I roil

till l


ta Ill kit

his 1 mn ita lieu tIm st iOu lure lu ti

from i O Iinhi tuihur

I nreiuu rut lsll I logon


t liennut

ins time ml



t hue











< <









Maxim inn nnd after thnt It Will oon oValUoxer came clnr to tho nnd

ersl of were killed that way One millofficer drove a Boxer

Woxers Kot beyond the Hinliiof thn lead train When timemink n a wns detailed

102 dead and them IIIditch ticsr track The nlllw lost no one

Tb working wllh lr titlonon nun id heard thin fltlnc and thai nwas on They wore Plot attacked theni lvcH

tins tieoile In trainsns time IJoxcr appeared must hnvn been ciiwil-flffd by from Inter en-

porlonresof to be a ciiDt ni rIho runners amnru In reiinlnnut nf rniiiiM smut bin nway wllh r uiimnl-In safety Tlm wn mndn r

ierlcnn Mill rintieel hut Amerlcnns were untlT Cadet InunlcIt lnptM iid Hint ntnltier tlm Americnim nor

s hail taken heir rllle withon tlm

belief lInt th y would e no lloviT lienth-lliixir d d cvmi the Aumrhnns wiro not tinturprl ed but dlseiisted anti ail

iimtiniy IhlnitH about thnms lvp but ihj llttl-

Jniiine without wnlnc any tilt a wenInto bru i pupae thai irak anti boaan toclub with whir to Inckn llm Boxers If it cametoa flcht

After this wih Ixly lintllumrlne wn ni nutlion trnln to rconnoltrp thin tck This pri-wern cnrrv thir own simplies rn thnt Ihn nnrch

via In heavy order Mo n-

Joliiioti trot Ixtweil llvo nnd Ix mileup tin rncU nnd wa ntlorked i

n force nf Boxer them olf withoutklltlne about twentyflvn of thru Hi

found thin track Illlondlied for tint time attacked Ths wnmorn serious nnl ho cent baric n

Admiral The construetlnn train bad mule repair cart way t whenIhn Mn lor hnd untie limit wn r M liiir nn

nnm t whore the pindr hav-

Iven tiniililiil down Thl was flr t Ihlnvthat mnjresleil to tlm Admlal ihnl It ml7lilbi po liln to Ikn Tlm lIntcultie wori ennrnionsyir 3t r than lund Iwei

It wn fromIn which the track was ilesi roved that IheCM had oini at least nf thpniilrnllroailcoolie-nmciiif them who lund helped m the work o-

ldoitruetlnn Thnt nlirhi tnniis lIe wnrktinto IniuKnnK nnd lImo fnui

trains cnnipod timerwits after thl t nnliiaiexlrniir-

dlinrv effort n t Anliirnn th rnllromiIf povIMn Fnin Anlliu n fnro d march micht

which IlkltiPOuUbo nueh d thinmen prviti Hmr mnnlli1 nn ImiksWater ilm and dlfll nit prloin Titer wen no fa lit PS at Antnir tar

i nifin o Hi would bnv-nrobenlinndnnd for nd Hmr wa no hop

thnueh liy lh rnllrnad The BIHtilt train cot from Tmnlln this nfler-nnnn and reported that llox r hind n epnnear road below Infi This wa thr nlen

In the r iir whleli It Woenere iry to hold noon nil hanrd Tin worknlinut tilonnt had unri onvery well en June 13 but there wa still n rptneal to 0

the trains strivd nt inrFantrTill sid hall b MI rennlr d u lclnntly-loiimbleCant Mi alia io took up n puhrcon lrucllon tint whIch wn i ut ah nil tocontlmi Im wrrknn tnrird Antlnt

tolini wlti xty mirlnes went onnheid o is advniirn trurird-Fornclni were mild ill to scour Ihosure undnf country f r whatever otipplUacould to Imd-

TKllUtntD WOHK OP A MACIIIXK HfVThat tnnrnlnc tIm Italian hd the outpost-

dHy nhad of the sintlnn Tlmvthose on the truck nnr th onhard hvthe wlmrien Boxer had rinm tho daybefore About n nuartcr pnt tu mine nf thin

In shntitinu that haul Imn ntlacked by lh BOXT who killed five orth m at their station There lund beennine men nt the poI lloxers wrhard sifter four who got awayThere wi r brtvi n sir even

Ihe IVixn thou were 1lrUrd Inheir ti inl nd cnre oiine s with bis

yellow J Inn liltlnresh line hnnelmnpr his I earl T mv outrun In an opi n Irrecnlnrand mndi n ilirmn ru h down

boli of the tracl ln Im tonal part thyarmed with od word nml ii i

cirrcd nld film look Thornwere som clpciils hunt with cliarntiTl oathlion or lack of fnlti tip Iloter Joss rc-

inslned fur lilnwd away lmrmle slvThe hnd ncpiplixl ilm remains of tIm

dalton bulidlnc ad hail inoimt d on Hm nguilt This cun controlled the of

thin track As limo Boxers down frrun In range of thl run nnd incitedaway their yellow pertltoaie of Invulnerablllvnot prvliiif niraliKt linr nn Maxim T ev-

rnnm to within nf the ftime train unite nf time ninrhlrm cuniroiu that thn line of Ilritishern stationedthere were clvlm tlmm

Many of tho BOTHIS worn mona hove nnt morn10 year old hut hey wor dnlntr-

nhat tho Chlnesn Armv raven humid dono II tothinS time and rlrirelnir It couldnt-is lone before MICI n fearful fire ns they wereettlnc but they kowtowed and Kept up their

eesiiflnlnthiiso s to the last Im wn who lund fourr lye bulols thr ugh the top of thin

evidently caucht th cun rmi-

i1 WAil hiiwln n to Hi The burlnl-Mirty up more than n hundred rf thorn

found nnioiii the weapons n llintlnckb miring tlm laakerit l ii NVnr nno-

if tlm Hiiliin slitrlis flvu dnd lloxrswere found

Atir Ill ntvls the frielnc parties wonttit anti tm work of rodutrlbutlnit trnn pnr

woe iindertakti Inder new nrTiC nent Iho ltu inii and muck

train and J rir i nud Itnliiri anotherlie Hi itU frnm tin1 Kllyinlnn timer took the third nnd fourth whlehvery long train was ulven to thi nst nf tho

trill th Amvrirnns mind till AustrianofTtooK mows woi r

About 530 that evenliirf a handcar workediy four rooms cnme frnm lnln with wordrin dumb that IX Boxer WITH

that Twill Ni with thonnd lntion is wns ready on the

nine nnd It wns sent down nt onto to mpof Colnmbs llttln tonic lime r pnforcp-

iiints round that th Boxers luau IMVII beiitcn-fl with n lo nf nmre ri laindnl but

ilrt Hmu they lund HUiw liil In vound-nu two of our men They had benn

vlii rifle the most art had lint twomall Inn men Hwor Hintir r c Mines Both Im men woutuled vnre-ll by miiilli1 Irom Oil in thcMi uns i olmnli-

ind a planted nu th Iilli niltime slntlii and to It lllllo owed

Imir Tlie llnxcrs ni ftiiid-lefrre Its tire Tlm rfOnlorninMit nrrlvpil

to hurry the retreat hut when It waitnvcr the train retuniii to IjiiicrainI-

hcTn two earn wen dituched multi sento ofa to help tOt in mso of

urthcr trniiiliOn luti 11 point riml Ion train pnnilmiPd-

rnrkin tnwnnl Antinu Tho ntlmrs rr-niincd at LnncFant liiiihlnu th wirl

it anti i ut i rrtiiengIne which hail IKNII sent down to Infn-

hu before d-

Im math place a bolnc badlyirokcn dMliltn il th roriiiniiiil-ntlon wllh IIMiii wa n irlnu IIIIIM

attention remcily-kt tho lImo word mil harts from timontlructinu train ut village thisIdn of Antln llm track wa ruined tlm

dug uii ll h plate and splkiM-arriid off anti rail I ond repair

tlilniu iniil have hail n lot of menvorkerl like benvrrs to d troy Ibm track M-Ihorouchly OH Ihey did I hey

appliances fnr ticiidlni rail and lionnil no pvldrncp

lentd It cniid more likely lint tillie n hnd dnuo it ly mainif number

lu Hit ultiliinnii an urlccr htatlon-UHrd ul I ifa cunm In l unliinL nn n-

inmliir and wotcd that thne lar e bodiesif llnxers had IISMI MM II mnvllii about moorho station and that nn att r was oxi ected-li went bath witli the I Uiii i and llnllan-

sn oiiropiii1iits I ut Hi was tintHad Admiral nud lit other cnni-iiamllnj eil iliil HIP llr t hungin ihi w i i rtiviir briiU IxUiw M-

Innl Via Mit tn tit nslniriiiil train toHUM IM k i a it McCalU tvi will tl train

i IIP not miii rM uiil nt ir tIhat wa III lor hi but when

t K4ita lan and haril unw troutoa ho nzrtvd with Scyninui II haul not41 cUeti uu nf i to Iekln und

hnuiht that thin would nonly Irhiy themmore nnd iipi tp tho

ol mnre tiuird uluiB till lino alter Itmd hivn roiuure-

dSIlIIIM III NIO Hlllllir-Aliou 4 ocliil nu the mnmlm nf

poiisruellnn Irnln l bmk InwardliMitcIn to hi briMk l nv nfa Ilm-itiiis waited at I it In IhonllerII-HIII tho train ram ba k nell lopnrtid tlm

ti badly hrukoii in i nriair wllhiiaterinl nt Admlnd iiivtiie-dn to down and pxamtno thn lust for hlnt er

bit loft I jiiiLKutit ciiliMli In trimi v-

liMvltiu No and II ther The nhii trum-ra ih n nt I INI thl tium Dm i niiatiil-i ulllcpi wlti tin1 nf alia

ibo wu with tlm r i llr hud hud ti ciiii-

Llen and decldnl that iPrlhor nduiu otlm inilrnail wa im 0 iill 1hit dllll-

ulile of riiKilrltt th Uii Worm rnsit-nr ilmlr rwntinM wore no faciiitic

olitalnltu wiiter for tho 11111110

line Kiiliu aiid cliili nf nbiuliiiiii valorur Hi tronis at was very

rknnlitlnn ot orr inli nnrrp wn nur nf the nml

numiunltlKi tier linrt Tlm ihlVronti-roi timid tirti i nut Irnni Tlrmln with dlf-nnt Th Ainprlonn i hnd

ut tliirc hiJ l n ii withIwnMi sltio 11 ind onif l th fniTCM

r rr ruiniliLAdinlral Sevnvmr rpnilri d tn Ids irnln on

d truck Iwlow I durmir iho nlnht of JunoI madn snips rif The next

irnln got to till oneilio juit north f Vaiigituumaiion ta

flu A


IT whohUll a

trainknw tight


lilt well

r tog

rtruck IIhlId of engIne snai on thiir



head of 11r



tfo d tim

liaR tiiint01111110 retort


meat IhrOlidl

Piiare Box

I t10


tumnit rio

toning I the

0 get tingI


011 hun II

tit linnMil lor



I r1I l1

I tindrd of



nfl Rtrnll



timni or






1 1 mmii

4 I

EII lout


for lit





111I hut


1 isp


I ti ltd

Imof pp

I hitime toro


S ill Ill


It d1


Jill lit

nilI 2

0 II



fur I

mintt rote t

IIi r





ah herdtilt



t luau I lie



W ii t Ft V hit C

Of S lInt 1dmI

theIn ian I t-

I tug I t rt t C




plCcciiiYfistutMaJor Ioiunotm

rali t rime

toiniuuiliitcms Ii mug trim r






a ha tel tel t t lie tim ii imu


hue in



fIII rout itit

t liiilet 2 COOt tiltS pilca i ho

the tchnng





a cvlump


isndnid and


I t liP

wetcoitus Isdol

flu ne litt inn


t trout vfl V lien iiaid usa



grotu mimI

I I t ion t his

I anltinisuoil a



II tout

sittutck smug s Iii I tIlls


I I luau

n rim idcur studwit

ititma i

itt itt rtmzslva hon

tImew ii-

I I lit t


miniTimt ai 0 rut imrr ami

S i hint

remui mitt g Inuiomd iota mutt ml

t hisit lilt In



S Is nil a t ly

idmo hun hut



Iust S acts

i0tuim tilt

c I lit4

sic liiino all him

got t tic

cilia 5iilmt lit

tug slim Fm


atuc I 1 dim

i sSi ii multi I


I t men

ayamnd-I I lieI fit hii irt up Its

iiol kin lint isbnOhm

sip Ill vattn ultutcu I I ms

I itorim

it mint t lieu




< >















I lion wan destroyed the brldiro broken wdI track was nil tone even Iho roadbed hovlt boon carried away that Is

had be n taken otT and lh dirt rmbiuikmthrown down Trains 2 mind 3 had Htopp-

ttl IumKiin till nkht of Juno IU A me-

SIIKO WHit Bent Ui them now io coino downNo 1 and the train at Lola was ulsoto bo III rendlnp4 ID come hack This was

Thu iraln from Ixifu readied llm Vaiwtsr-BrlilBu on iilternooti of If and thofrom liinuliuii cnmn In evening

nftlcpr of tlio two trulns from Laimlanir-eportwl thai had been oarlthat afternoon by a nl least 5 iO nmonwhom WPM Imi erlai troops I liftwas a law body of Iloxei-cmim n usual flrt him of atlatk chnrt

on both flanks anti hi front nt llm minthin Tluro won lliisslan Brltl

In two trains They foniieIn line IUTOSS Ihe hoiid of tlm flr t antivnucMil In skirmish order to meetTlm Boxers were settled nulcklyMilnd thorn was n stronu of lun-iruSlmns Mohammedan troops fromHiintlnir 1nrk outli of Iekln wer-iirnmd tuba nnd delivered

tint When iho nttark hindrepulsed tie nlllod troops becaii to returnheir train hut the milled andtlm attack Thn Jonunn aboutmind look n In advance of tilt other

hich thorn lire on thn ChlnonTutu N nvu couldnt stand talllntf Ire anran lenvlnu iirm nnd hanimrs onwith their dead Von ortcilint morn than 400 of HIP Ch1no o hnd biei-Ulllod Thocnsiuiltle of thu allies wern sevenkilled nnd fpnyclcht wounded Hnnm n

hit linen r d Io time Mohom-inednn and showed IhoArmy was taking part In time wiling

DECISION TO IlETflEAT-Boforo the train camo In from iJingFnnit-

lm ponstructlon begun trying to rebroken bridge that kept out o

No morn work xvn afle-fapt Von I HUOIII inado hU report amid

sill tho train stayed weriFar list on tlm trip It ralimithat night All the rnM ofwa dear uually Iln On tlm mourning

10 there wa a confereucolug ofTlcer Tho situation was discussedall Ii It was doomed highly probabhthat tlm line between Vnngtsunwas broken but HIT wa a po

open a fair a Ynn t un In that cno It oughtiK il lo to Hippllnn un from TmnUlt

and go on toward rime o-

lfommimloitlon of eourxcut tlm expedition off front all knowledge owhat below YaiiKlxun ManYBoxer had been soon and several campsNlolis trooti Thorn wn noXWi wa doing in view of nil Iheso clrcurn-taiiv It wa decided to abandon

thin trains nnd attempt to return to Tientsinmarching clown iho river

Tho Herman beet omit reconnoltrlnpthin river whllo limo Will

matter ami ihey hnd captured four Junkt bojiiw Tlmw lioen

occupied bv some Boxer who Imd been watchrill the The Onnans killed thellnxers nnd brought the toward time

lirldgo Tlm lunks were apportioned to thenntlnnalltlo on thai

had boon u od In aligning the trains nnd thnwounded were ahntrd hemburled and then preparations wero made fortime inarih It tins not io Io take somenr th supplies still remaining In tlm trainimd the iruus to l bv hand Itwu deddoil to miTch along Hut left bank bo-

rnUM that noemoil to bo freer of Boxer titantho oIlmen Tlm troop cro d the river bytime brldgo rime Annrlcan hud tie advancewith thflr Colt niitomntlc 1lnchmm Time HrlliMi were nnxt with two

r nnd then cainu the French with somo-tiiirhlno Kin

ittnrnx MAIICII TO TIENTSIN-Thn start wn inadp nt about 3 oclock In

iho nftoriixiu of tnth hilt Immediatedilulll worn met which ciUe l nuch workanti ling delay Thn sift ctirrnt ntIiho sail forumd camIlle bar bilow fist piersof brldgw and ever iunk In lu turn wentnfiind It to lot thin Junksdrift down with thin current The wernsteered l v moans of tong polo handled by111111 on board how nud stern lines wereal o tihorii and wherever thev bonight come sat to haid on them i sn-

ail Mime silloriion were ditidlod to holpHalf ih oool in Hm expedition ran awaYtin night after the wereTlm French hint started from Tientsin withtilt fnolios nud thin kont of them untiltM night whtn most of them got awn Thismail All th tiiiro work for the sallormen-Sonm of tho had lieen put on one of thinfunks and when It went the Centur-ions was thrown overboard toIkhton tho junk mill got tier off HIP liar

Millo at YariLMMin efforts had been madeto lIt on frlendl with hill head mennf in order to purclmso some supilios lull tho had tint ovenh railroad men with thu expedition whonow tho and tho language no-

rniiipllMi nnthlng Tlmrn wern seven ofmen and throo other civilians of

whom nn ofllcer closo toIn Wiling the A pestilent fellow

wont up hnd rome spreadihn most absurd and exaggerated nnd untruthful renortM about what hat happenedIng of tIm fnol the tlm adinnrn throughout time march back from Yanc-Isnn alwa i by lint h thisntllor said that they wont alwnv s o a tnwolutelv us one which In such a tlmo WWIof HIP ulinost

Camp was iliad for the night of Juno 10

nbout two anil u hair mile below Ynngtsun-liridgo so Iltllo progress having been inacleiiiu oiif the jimkw Tho march

rtu resumed early on thn moraine of Juno nnit not early enough to stilt Americans

flint throughout the return tlm Amor-cims wore always ntady to go earlier iho

morning tunis any cf olherc It Meme-do lake oihor to make theirlion fnr tho day lime WitS chosen in-

i Ixnd of time river The bunks are WIll builtwith n mud loven nnd ncro s this bend ran

i road built well nhnve thin level of Ill countryIlii n natural protection ami wa ea

The Junks wore fnst to limoon the bond lnldo time lines No men

yore across the river lieeainei there wasanticipation of attack from that direction

river hitik on the oIlier sideil if II thousnnd ynrd nasa canal wllh rather

deep wnter The rhlneo know lx tpr than toIP caught by thn European between

mil river would Imvo lx on Ifhey had attempted to attack from that

DiiricttnEHeiiTiinMAncMIt was Komoihing otter 0 oclock morn

ng limn yi when thin first Borer were seenriicy wero coming up from M villain down river

time column lull hail thn-iliich Held gun up and after It bocn-irel a few HineH the of llm Boxers

After thit nearly all iho waynn iontpsied Time next

llvoly rlllo fire from mud walls TheUnit marines camo on HIP loft of the

and llnnked ChltmM out nf their postIon It WON done without delaying the junks

dilch hind to travel mennnrcliecl Bolow this village tho Holers mOle

iho upon ncnln TIme American fleld cunngnn Into action stud Frenchnine up wllh iinn Held plows tho lint h

n Thi thin Boxer gut up-o within coo yard befnrn they went drivenTT Tltov nf exo lentovor nlTonlod bv tho great number ofmil mud wall nnd It wa dlflleult to see tlmm

loll onoiich in Imvo the firing accurate Bewon ihroo and fmir miles were covered Ilils-iiornliig rail from YnntM ur n Tientsin

n llrtlnless than olchtooii miles lust t Im rivervlnl nbout so miifh lint till route alongink I mnriMliaii

fmnrlno n broad nlalu n a floor not nintural elevntlnn of nil shim far a time eynrah Itisnil n vnllnw clay which supinrt In ordinary soawns fair crops nfnd grnv Horn and tlmro are of trr M-in1 Imslins Kvory where are villages of mudiut nnd all over tlm vast brownlotlng thin wlmin with yellowimniii nri grivps thivo chlnoo rcvore

wellroundol henna of cacti covering llm-

nptoa to pach fHinlly from thn-iiuoninurilof iloMieiti for tIll mallot balmy rlngol around by aiiNWiill That I sort of onimtrv

Hm pxpniitlnn was now iui lrg Thnrun on the too of llm ground Instout nf In u rViArtillo chnniml a n iloront

Ivor imiiii iii Jin imnlfK havnlxvuy loviv nnl many cnnnl eltlmr mkn waterrom It or inii Ii network nfltm Interlneo ihwo mril nail from everyichIHlorirlvaln inlpniop run uv nit

iiictx nf Um lii vdunl fnnimrx wallsimollnio four foot or allure high seimrnto

of illrforptit firnllloK Ji I difficultmintn to trnvorse In tho fnie of an who

iikHliohlnd covor avoiding n fight Innd who uses powder and most

lorn r wn nno-iivantngn It offorel In thin harn ivlliii monte at nlcht II

innhln to fceloot n plncn nln aly forllflol withnil wall KO that a detailr ontrliw c iull proloct tlmtn nil and give op-

nrtunlty for vestiiiiMsK niusn CUT A CANNON

Tlio aftcrnooii of Juno m saw Uist the h ni0-rt of work as the morning n continual lightorn vlllagn to with Itt Boxers rarely

In the whero n aood shoti hind at them It grow to bo tli habit to tlx-ivctiet on approaching vlllncoiro by ritln firs andn n by charging Wherever the charge could

nt hum It was ulwnvN nmdo and whenvr thin Amorlcnrw and Drillh set theirnor lurid ran forward the Chinese boiled

tin Filipinos have done MI many lime IM

our menThl afternoon lIt hlnrso brought out n

wtxiundfT and ftpil solidkent well ronwiled Ivhind mud walls

ill a Iho mokelojs it never timidlocated It did no actual damage but It

n hiri lng In the extreme Io bo polled ntintmually by a gun that could not wen or

5S55BS apppptj

theilrdorH 1111111 HUll the



homUi smmluuit Ih lenllnll who

fore nC



IlInllll hut






uiissutin hathol


thatTiLln wnuuith hI nlll to and It



Ill fIr

d11 nl 11



rln tI









I Olllr rrpura

ClIT red


I this 111111













roiiiime t ohm gnumtpnj Cnlle

ttowii In IltloIh






tim 1 tineI I

wait senIor




I hat mIt I tuck

I mmci

I him



itusi renewed


ii gott lit

t hst fIeld

Iron Ii t

I tim t hit

0151t lie I weal har



4 wh


I lieI luau

Time were


nit 0


mi Iii





4 ted ttmu

iummtontn puce


I it groutrud Sam

I I iou





from uTc altoI

I tmti inchi ii iii A men

t lie

huturomig lit 5 lie

ii nilss I Its lax tin

I hair t hum


Ic t hi

I wemmtfl ylove


t tiehut

p0 lit lImeiii t mite nit I

tim raimgli

to thehtimi

t tinI tin

hum opensuiimil t hue


wit wait






shotway Its
















located U not the fort of warfareono In the expedition heel l een led to exryifrom the little gun hadbovn brought frontyth u mule or two to haul It It was easytutu riilne familiar with thin ccniitry to keep It constuullv out of of

constantly In action airaln1them That sort of dons more dnniiNto list nerves than several Rims firing In Hi-

oM n anti actually hittingllooldo r Cllnpm ha-

u blaok i i Ador Hi result that winof them win Sonic inertwhich wern evidently of recent forWITO Theso a ball nbo-un Inch nud n halt in dlnnialer n olAmirican suitors n kg hy being list b uii-

nf i Illno ball lit metrout as mucii a hv could m order t-

hu buiid ammunition lisa uppl wo

nnd tiled tlulr b n to muKo ticslire of tile mo

was lIst of conuluiil uuu udmlrlui um-liiint from ihii other otlUvre It N not usiu-to Imvo KIKM tint umonic nullornK1

lund Vi boon iw Jiiuc stole uiuore withrifle Im wantH to ihool at not onlyhj but also at everything

arid Juck a iinavliuitloi-JLST lillLUlAl Kli THAT WAB AU

ciiiuu this afternoon to a bend luriver when there was a on both ldcitort wan a hot Urn Irons both sides antibocnmo to Mind n lorcn avrura tclear out vlllagu there This wits Honby ilm though tho

lucid limit column lor more than nu houi-Jiibl beyond them thero wait another vlllag

lhlno e had riitrwl d Atcolumn very heavy tiringhound In the waint until It wiu nearly a quarter ol nlong and preparation were duirutTime that few bullttitem icmlng their way and supposed that

at Sue other of icon gotting time most of tho tire the ItrltMi hear

fow from a flrthought tho Americans muit be getting I-

IJuU IIH the nt lack was to bogus anoo UJIIIK mid said thorn wasrlllo tire nt nil tint only midboatliiif bamboo Mirks At huMscliurgp wipe nud with bayonet Axedthe lino ran Hirnugh the Not a Chinamini was bill there went heapsheapH of exploited llncrackcrsnce tho fhlnoe botore-

AlrucMt eight miles was iiado this day Ii

spite oi constant fighting There wnsna of nu hour It all when html

lots worn runt about hondA otmen It was Icarlull hot under utiialnudrd nun and there was no water exrithat of tin river Out the Junks theyto boll enough for Hm sickthe hion who wero man hlng and lighting luridto drink Idho btrnlcht or gowas no to and bodlu01 hlmiiiii killed In thn fighting alongtill track began to conic river hutthat be htlnod nnd metworn beginning to that the ltuatlnlwas critical The coiistajit light-Ing wn Inenatlng Hidr wounded and theuuiuhur of iiitn to be In the antilooked out for was mounting at nn alarmInz rate wait thin indomitablewill anti the stout heart McCalK woreof value The young nflkerswith hint wero by amthey proiui ainoiiK the men a confidence thaiwILe of greatp to mill the restor tho column limo llrltlsh arid tho flermuninod la amt were like tho AmericansThe noversaydlu eliinent wasto bn clearlv

that nlirht was made In a flute place Ina lug bend of Ihn river between two vlllagen

nlghtu wern always bitter menhad not Ixen to their blankets and

iitilUr d greatly Ihis night both thnvillages worn n set on tIre that forouts tIme meu comfortably warmed byties burning villages

CONTISfOUS nrjHTINOIt wns half 7 on time morning of Juno

II when tho column was ready to march Op-

CoMtlnn dovelotMl and Itpvldont that It was to be another slay

of miisiniit fleMlliir 11 was decided to ocCUrboth Kinks of thai river end thin tactical formlion of tlm ndvtuiic was therefore changed

Americans stud held thin left andthin Ocrmani and the rightHu slnns and others formed thin rear guard

lookcd smut for tutu junks Owing tocontinuous lighting Hm junks worn now ableto bun llm men could

fund tobn taken tn keepthorn out of use range of fire About tuniC reelh a biwly of mu or morn cavalry wa upon totho left worn conIc and and

first thought was thnt they were Cossackssent nut from toTho ItiissLins Improvised n flag anti Isolated Iton n gun but the cavalry ap

It wax that wentapparently reconnoitring It was a hard

hope of relief One of Britishwn brought and thin

to take themselves off to n respectfuldIctation but remilnedtlio left hank all and losing no opportunityto tiara s foreigners They up n eonftint rlllo fire nt long ran o which was veryaccurate

Soon after first appearance of time cav-alry on Hi left n wile ownedfrom that direction with two gunsn anti a npnunder Tho smallwi thought to time saute one thit had been-so bothersome the day before but tlm

blade powder the first diliu e haulfinish It Hm of Hi gun at-UUCP and tlm Brltlh Opoimders rhavnl It awayvery ijuloklr Several times during time daythe gun reopened from different

and each lime wa nulrkly compelledto shift

One reads po ninny limps In nccountu offighting that of the wits conleittcl when nothing of the kind has happened-

t twins dimciiH to thin Idea In n waylint wIlt be accepted and appreciatedInuous grows monotonous to tlm-eader n It did to thins men who

ilwivp Tlrntsln anti oven village meant aigbt Ilirn a of half a rollstelwnen times villngei occupiediy tie uncut who till iho hind behind

time river for their communication withrionds or member of Between

vlllnnos there was hnrolr nay rest for themrn wd men becnu n time time fhlmso

from rlllagr to villiigp Most ofthem nro armed with that areIghted up to iyi mttres and throw their

a few hundred mctrcb extru for goodnca uro-

lIIINWK rEOlLAHS WITH TIIKTOXEIlflOn thl morning of Juno 21 it became evident

rrv that tlm regular wereacting with the Bourns The sword and fixaru-

lnchM with kowtows and irrnufloctlonsIroppcd out and rifle firm took It

r four villages had been passed whenho column camo to P tsniur half way fromInngtMin to IVitkung was occu

n large force of andhoy loathe n stubborn fight P-Xielhnt cover and inflicted many losses on thinolumn After nearly nn

plow wn was n haltnit Tin Chlnerp frvernl field guns

vhirh us l well killing a few of sand wounding siteral more McCnllnrot near enough to wo nno of the gun and ho

stir hnd ppvernl oIlierliil bolow lilt ni tht column camn to avillage which maid Hm light of th wholo ex-

ledltlon It lucId liy nbout snuo rhlnosn-ogular with artillery amid cavalry

run were and ournon were unable to locntn them Tho rllln fireiin pxtremolv accurate anti Iho allies suffered

Tho flghtlne becrnil hero nViout 1clock and continued steadily pest

Tlm nlll were to dislodgehltieso nod worn cnmpolloj to ninkn

vhoro wrro During the lightinglinks won drawn up under a out of

wnv nr much as lblobut still Site bulletsnth about them nnd occasionally nnn wits hit

nit forluimtelv none wns-iruck Our gun had away nilIIP tlm1 mOt hoe lied unnbln to dIction

nf tlm Cblnoo Tholw ori MI tinich trouble on thin previous days

opt nt work throughout thnemit Ion Our Increased I rumenlouMy

CAIT MCAIIA wofNniiiTim lumen Worm jui about worn out by the

strain Th v had been en half rationsInco onvliig time trnln nt Ynngtsyn nnd

oen drinking river water nr water token fromlU or Jam Sims vlllocn the

nl IKHSCIL nnd ilm iToit beginning In tellmm Some tmrl of llm force were n little

ottor off than others Tim Oerrnans rindInn having u Junk for themevo had nble to iarrv moro tItan ant of the

tlmrs xciiit the lromh nnd theIr tuck toilvcmmmd got accoiiiumdiHou A littleHneral water liiul Iwisi unveil for ihn and

ninrlm had their greatnilwhich hclnod iliein at night Theread bixn in pffnrt to get rKnlo at Yangtsun-ut only Imcn found One of these waiIvon to Admiral sitter he had rid

n for nmut five miles Im turned It over ns n-

aek pony and walked the rest of tIn wayapt mnd It nil on foot until

The hack of ponies made thu workf ilm tiifl very column being

more than n mileIt n in lighting H IHW IVltiiang that

inorican sunvrod must llrrp CuritIKnlln wn Im In Ihrpo had

bullet lliroiigh the lmh of the loftIP iMfore but that did not lnconvi nleni

Im nftimnnn wa tilt by fragmentsno truclt hi lift another

lolt aim n third Thewound n a timid one for It bothered himnntly lu but hum tluck to It and woiilit-

m ride cum of mencatching for him the British

Captain got a bullet through left lungthis rindn n very

rlnus wound In the lighting after leavingsllvmig ndol Tau lg Theover vet ground tTc d numerous mud

mill built up nbovo the surrounding

I wait anyI

II andI for


himt that

OiiiO gitu4u 1 whIch I luti wit Ii it tiiitlbolts mItmul of scrap Thmema thiiri5m

tirvui takentOOk they

theI lostI I alitI tlrinmI t heir

I litlump llt 1 lit

cuubJm ct

Its ii

sots litpuce


I hittwo

tim timwilt

muse utile


r and






wt bit et

ti ii

i orchid


alps 1




aaivatmei and inuichi tart







I him

t butt It Ioaa happen mpq it cliii onconvi



wrm doing it Ihr leiho lit tlned with viiingca





b hineso

time timers for it

t I hun


ious tIii



I hit t ito


lmeupI beenI lit Ihit J

I Isle it Itt rsttieti




hot icr

polite I if t ii him


S > uc us

limitectmmmt juice

thist hit

a eliot titterI tin t

hIde him

rut iihuh ltl huts itnull ii

walk usehit isis


flag timoil titturiiiitc cut I

wa liltwit hi

Iretty weltcountry 5






The French had come up Hw line withtaken

I IIIVII Kadvancing by nwliM titers was cot

understand the com ti

end of thou American line next to thin roncliand wbonovrr time CRitIC to lirlnlie would have to run ui tn thin nearest r romli-tnnn get out on thou banabend of their line end motion to them ill tstop Till always tonic lime and

to OXIKXO liim olf grea deal


utile titter It become to BO itcro-o road which by n heavy flro vhci-Im Wile telllim It that this watime first time had seen ircn drop HoforothaIt Ixoii only i Hint win liltbut timer wore ninny ca ualllo In crossingroad The inen had items thAmerican went worn out and Copt

had ordered Tnusslg towith semite of lila own men and takw those vh

had Ixun on tlio run upon with hiI f In 1111 111

In action and naturally IIK-

vn out few of sue h exertion-V hen sent I ho inenuf diliiohmon

to relieve thin others they first tried to ivlRuIn In action t dl In Iron

well to do with the sunAbout this time a runall body of ennuiout In the open on thin the nunturned on good effect hlle thliwee on Tangier went on ahead with fiCtionor twenty men rover of a road Thi

a tent such html toto the other fide to keep under cover tincrossing was oxt osed llero Tint

was lilt and several of his men mint It sputaIncluding an old boVns mete who wait

dl lxtrnordlnnrlly rood man migood man

Tausslg was across after wntchlnall hU ho hit In

Thin shock knocked him flathe could not tin Ho managed villas a tillto crawl and roll off tlm rood arid down under

ills own omit hnd till gono on und ap-parently did not know that ho wn hurta officer cum along with some

and to himhand They carried out to one wherethe cover wo and lUm down withsome other wounded nets and two dead Histayed there until tho junk came alone

wa carried on tin Improvisedmretcher The junk wee full alreadythem win no more room hut founthun a place on tot of name store and there

with no examination of thin wound for thirtyhours That such n IK

tame Idea of the condition to which tinexpedition had brought There was e

on thin tilde f and Tau U

surgeon finally did get around o him liewhat ad-

Vour le In broken That wo time flr

wait not until after he hail been bark In Tlentslrfor sonic time that Pr Kennedy of the York1town Taupslgn jrnvo n

examination and clearlyextent of time which In M snverc

that douni of Tmissls beIngable to continue In the Tho home wai

shattered below time huh andonly n small of It remained KennedyKent him down to Tonakii where thelint established n and ns soon inpossible he will be removed to tim naval hos


Thin opposition on June Jt made someof the moon and even some of the oflleern bexlnto think that never be nblo to eelbnck to unless relief canto from below

hud so few supplies the were Inno condition to nn Intrenchedand wall for help but servicerations lund In the hut it wasnut of question to think nf sending a de-tachment to hack for more ansianyway this trains hind been seen to ln ou fire

after were abandoned Acuntruth Revmour hud burled two boxs of personal but It U very doubtful nowIf he ever seeg them

to be to dislodge time Chlnesn frontthe which was their Itwas decided to camp for th night andn new effort hintnofire ceased about sundown thinprospect of a comparatively quiet

hI worms severaltied up to bank At first they

seemed to bo hut when woreexamined a lot of women were found concealedbelow deckswere

were to be by torture orhorrible about of thorn jumpedoverboard The men Jumped mand succeeded In flv one of these

over and was drowned lustbefore they come to theso junks Ucut Fairthe flee MW n man walkdown Into the river from the opposite aidewith two little children onn eachhand He waded well out Into thin streamand held both children under until wormdrowned he turned and ran up the bankru as he could so

That night hope wee about exhaustedhad In number and fighting

ability from TItus columnWee now approaching the north pins of thenative div and was withinranee guns It haul been able In make

andren halt been blocked entirely amen 8In thin afternoon At A of corn

tie re t an l then try a nIght march startlnir atI oclock In the morning to try to force their

to the next day Theyhal had no word from Tientsin days

since June 13 nd not even sure thatthey wouM bn safe If they could there

officers have that thins did notto sot another night Capt

Iron heart would a mlt situationWM grave The hart been sovery heavy and the number of woun ol andsick so great that pro rre under thus mostfavorable circumstances was most dlfllcult

LOSS or TUB OVNSFortune did the column nnn

more turn that afternoon however Ingiving them new Junks There was mornroom for the wound was transnortation for some of cuns that were wearInc out the men who were dragging Ml-Ibewi except thin lighter machine guns aol one

were put nboarl funks Inready for the start The doid

had been tisually where that foilThus column raovej on time I on themorning of June 23 and for a mite no ro lsU-

nrco wai met It altno t b an to sneni a Ifthey mlcht set thnuiBh It was first tnllnthey liar for three without light

It The Chinese hart left the t ltlonsthey had rfefendnJ so stubbornly nil the after-noon before and the natural thathey hal suffered mich oitmltliw that thawwere not wlllloe to endure moro nBhtlnetime was tint of long life Thin H wnrc

In column of fours oni murclilne asas tlm Junks couM travel That were

In column was evidence even to thin men ofII nio t state of affair for any welldirected HUH wouldMid any the Junks t uld have hoots wink

n l Chltm mnHe good RUM practIceAnother quarter of n mile was mnde In

anti then films were seen m both batiktho river ahead A further on th ml-

ranee guard oanin to a village mid when withinnm yard of It a heavy fire wai opened from U-

ilnd of some of thn tlm olilr

is they fired marines under llalorcarom with the Aiuerlcatih In limit

idvanco guard and they fixed cudharirnd The Oiliii e ran but thev left a tOWif their number whrf uniform Allowedhem in be wildljrs and riot Uoxerw gotiff with no lo

About this tram word came uu from the junkslint the nnn th piin uliikltiir TheAdmiral fenl Mr Fair bark to see what couldto ilniip but by time time bo could cet there o

nuch water was in the that coulddone anti slit went down with tuoi of thin

tufl on board Two Maxim Kims were pavedme on wheel and thus other at rlnoil itun Sonii-imnuinltlnn wa nl o not nut

oavlett loss us It turned out wnt lilankuM-i e rs rnichthleh Imi eniblej their men who had thensleep fairly well on time cold flIghts In cnmp-


on thehad

the Time toni were rmhut

andin getting tIle Ftstthi to

eASe fIring whenltcmiinetliim to cmtp again iaitsir this


aismi him thsen

is tiP

icr hunt tire tue guI I tiroiU hi t hit imuthi tint



a balmmite


lute otherwee drag

oicr and every once iii a whuila It witof tutu thou tO I I id I lie ut hems it louwere thurotighi time vIllage It wi

hutatlas St


of them but 011114 not beam thud aflCfl




It was of hmic man apt McCsihImiextra-


immcn was ito tvmmsamid

hIltasked give





hisdIdnt know what had lflaiO it When thou

nakedimntl Ibm cuirguon

hit knew o the serlotimincas if list wound It




When it hecamue evident they were notgoing



hen tiuev saw thuss men theyfrightened apparotmUy


ae eta




0 clock

mantling omecrum It was ciaeim1mi to take a lit









fact thaitime


cut I It lit

tints nit this whet cx ticdit Ion timo iihites ciseereuiThe ilrlitsh


I tel t lie tic


for tlis 01mm ninetamiinmiet thin Ittltisli Vmnm itlil dimigging hhmc

t mittamId groat emuit a i lund









llelow Shim village thsrn wa ionfor About 4 oclock the columnc ine opposite n lug walled enclosure on ttj-itlier the river with many

It The Americans who wero In the leadand tint who Imppenid to lx nextI hem at time time had con Chinesewho to oldlsrs of thin Vlrorov-rame over the wall on the river front anti walked

niiirii-nn fifty yard wide timer and thev f ilv

Admiral Interpreter aninormlhall The two to ln wtime foreigners were anti where they wore irolrirMr Campbell replied for the that thevwere Bolnir in ln and had no troubln withanybody but lloxers The column wan im

wns gvlne on The Adunril-concludetl that two men weresoldiers and thirst there would to no UntilikHe started on and the two menurely buick to Dm wall and lumped over iln

firm was opene am aimsulonif the wall whirls etr l foralong th river Tlemeii nh hind been

Admiral Jumped down at once inside andibm fight wa on

The river there runs approximately

south and serves to protect the east wall Thnwalls sire of brick feet help cmnorth and nail outward and touchoo the south and west or Bides



town him hum hank Ihie liver was hothiiiiad across rum Admiral mmii lii Iluirti hsuip

to cornau ssimmng Juiet then and Mr mmmmn

hell thin litalt



nil led

tog on 51st stall and to tue talk wlthuthe

patalong the north Wall of enclosure whsimlsto of the great lidku arsmnal

nortimioxit rormier whore It tmittiu to tlma





To the we t of the nriirnil there was n v C-

of huts und on thiS side of the river w

the column WHS tliero WITH clusters f i

stud two trenches Jlctw n 10 trw i L

the VllliiCP to thin west of It there w n i

The Americans anil lerimms in tinat mice swum th bend MI-on Ui o t amJ under rover f i

hnd corner of the recital otxlotire All foict gut to cover in i i

and replied to UK in-

as Tie wa IMJIIII I u

brine not more lion hundred i

JuiikH had comm n atbind in th liver Hit i

wai subjected to u heavy tire I vtmen went l Time v

next nt the bend It nut K

at unri iind Tho much nluun-In the bnwn and d lire n best tl-

Tlm Trcncli bnvp doOms so lew pluriij iihere thai this inns especially nuiii val li-

THK ItACi OAlWSTIV TAKAfter hulf uu hour of hut fUtliliiui im no-

pcrceptlbli locult Mnjor JohtiH n i it jnnd marliii the i T

and went biiclt Hm river under rnearly linlt a mile Thvn he a

nnd uroxMd lit nimu down IM Klthe at the vhorito i Or

comiictlne with arsenal The u ntonic of the Milieu was chcerlnu nil the tr u

mum list huts could yell and l utheir cult At enrnpr r

iial the o hnd mounted a rtpniu KT-

KIIII which this Major timk in Ilimk bj thon time AH soups ur lu

thin lie Ciillinl on his miii tor nn xir p r-

and ncrosi the cau eway they wim wn awhoop swarinoit uviir tlm ami in i

had that expounder turned un iliIna Ililnrce-

Vhllo this was iroli on the American d-

cornir mind W TI rt hlCB tlu wish Uleans win but tny got into utight laiv that Curt nid n v a-

reat relief to Ilmiin n sthey did Th Irrmurc didmind were an tool and stendy a if

purnile Two lxioundors ihuthe nnd worm hun

on tin Clilnm ansi uitir t-

WHH mil n tlnii until thcleared and thnr r n ii1 o-

tho llKhtlnc Two iletailuiiiin w

font the and not In nil u KM-Aftir that to work u li irwhole Tl with wn about uaround and It cnclo d wvernl uroui s t I

ln s Thire were also two vuwith rrcd and bmldlnuK and r t-

lendld cover for time Chine si who hid tlnjand shot n good of our nun

It now nearly ft mid theYen hind There wn rrnewly wounded IM corrd for nnd u w t

to take a rest Only r ii nhad cro sed ID It hud t-

iKfiurred on to hold th hInt N rwith expedition In Inrt nthing about It wn known nnl i

way that thrro was such im urbut ihern wa no ldn of lln Ma orThe brunt of thn In taklne it uu 1-4by thin li iormnns anti Amriru itwas hero that the cxecutIvt ofllcer of I he 1 m

lluchholt KI 14

wound which In dud won iifiT vri-Th Chlmito BarrlMin hind immt nd utlea t Wo

About 11 while thin men went IHbusy about their camp imctlnriLi oeat makIng time r isi nthem a lire fri in behind ar i ilruin wann lart Prom nf them v-

numbnriri nt linst fjioo nrd Including cnvn v

They bnd field guns nnd llrnl shrnpnil 1

wins orwned on limo arsenal t i

of position near thn muni city nf Tiiwere wut iicriws

the unlll nlmut h i n t-

In afternoon when time Chlnext cigar wb-dnW Then It wiw decided to uarsenal with wholn fore end make no at-tempt to to further

MCAMAH WITIt woe whl the flehllnc at Us hot t In

that an In Iriint occurred r-

charact of Cant McCtilla He wa anlag and down on toj ofwell completely exposed to ln icr

iho IliltiMv Mi psvi gnnt time sllchtcst It onlv etirvur cInc hl men t harder norl fluid tellliu then o-

be careful of their mini mudmOunt they AM ho walked hv aBrItIsh who wax iwlrir a rlllo tin tarIi oked nt thai Captain and said

HoniH to pin you re sallliiB pretty cli e toth wind sir

You Imvo to do It my muff In some watersanswerea time and went on wnlkl K-

Thoremalnrier of thn frrco then crosel tothe arsenal and the sick unmet wounded werecarried out of the jinks Inldc the wall ntrntthin mlddio if the there woe aioil Tsmaller w nil of mud which surrounded n uro pof four rrctantrulnr building which wereselected a Quarters fur time wounded and sirherrt wee a f bulidlnc In one corner fthis enclosure which wee occupiedSeymour wina mound of earth which w sused ns a signal station Uusouth mdo across from Interiorwall wa another of sheds which appar-ently had been used by thin Chlne o on borrnriis

the foiitheast corner was anclosure with several Tl Hwas the armory In thin northwest cornswas nn old Th Tp were mesa nil nrnninltim Innlde of the nmln wali Jint to hof the nrncnnl enclosure was the house wl Iihind been used by the commandant fI ho arsenal U was always calledOovcrnors house by our men lietwinthe harrncka and armory on rueand the on thorn rrrtwo large IrrrRular wnmt crowwith reeds liewe n them Ihero vis tlittle cluster of huts liullt nf n 1

The worn over fromJunks timid ktorcd In the Mirds M h

wnjrided It n t feislblo tocupy the win In wall brcnu It wnntd n-

o men to voids nf lenc-no a small camp wan mnde mul w I

the wait and tlm nwas made outside thin train wall Thcr rro

gates In time walt around the an rTries wore guarded by detacliments nf Inc h-

and Drltlsli with Dumnrolles in om-mand

WIn ursiTiONH IN rrrNTy roixn-CxamlnntJun nf the Fhowed nn

mouthing amount of war nintcriiil rin l ui d-

Seven cnns had token nn time il n-

tlio buildings moro than sixty more wet frhey were moist mndirn luwii i

of all the smaller medium T ewere n n nnd field KIH4 and 4 7liuh rlte tumid fine tti KM-

ierii Mnnnliclier rll n nnd girtliterally tho thousand Theic vec i s

nnd oilier nivoiitrcn ints fur ptumid for ciivnlrymen nnd there wirilnc full to top with nminumiii n tilsorts Tlcre wero millions nf rsmall snot nnd moro fur tin in kthan could be Invenloriednfllixrsof HP i i-lat time extent of llnlr rapture nod 0 il-

l en taken so iaslly had ii i fof Hin when i

firs attacked Cramp It would Kligone by without It If linn dad nto lint now thev I to-

thoueht of trlvlnff II There m nl ttwenty topic of rico In the hoTMnlnnd a woe du which would ui il i v-

nf water that wns at Intior Hur tfrom river which tin men had b d

Tliny uiuld inniint UIIIK mi Hu P awall and bn In position to wlihxttnd-lezi In I I

found a niiiiiiintn outll fr n nwjll nnulirH Inluihue

in ut said II wi-iKiivldenlul that liio rhlinse had H dtheir down the river

Hut thin rhin M wore not yet rradv In elhiivo their A1 I

clock thnt nleht nt v n-

HeHiuid lilffKiiiiM from toward Tieii ir i itlalfpatt A thus inirijire i1v iflIng tobo they attiukpi IiKI-

I llficr cover nf n tr i

hlmw hail ln lrfi the muni wallioon as It crew light enouch to il I t n

nt our IIHII thi vif-heie went snon cicero nut thin MIro of kllllric tlicm n 1 but they In iHales of tln Niariim Arnllen

were all cnucht nf thef the allies day were thrlr wik-

nnin nncntriviienlM fon tutu ern finally ir-Ihelr own uiinsnn i s-

iroatly to Then II wawall und to mount nori7-

hlneNO tfiins for Its tlefewe

j iiover a cohid omiUdown isimi lismn


I hum I tire u

ithiti I of t lie i

j html it

I i l

was jUst


gut ii

iSh loge him

Vul lIt

stillhug t it

eaiisowit tiCt


ft eniutzilii imnmi I amiiuii ii ii it I 0 imps newt o

ii t

i itomitnemmih sit

ahauii t

muiidiOtl I



I iii were sat

ova t


its tutu writtim

hIt rt S I him

I he a0

t Ito newmm


titfight mig I


fires getting

wit hieni t lit


lIst rat oilugh t was ii




thIs sittumek mir a


nflat I C Put lemri I o

make a Pr ib 1

hi tdmnlai




thin nor


tonat mio

iswit c


Ida 2tm

onl tic


sirtitcir gut


bightputs a

vas 0 iiI



na athucu seers

I hut a moat pint mu

ii ntipsiolest lag

I ted etis


t Ito

t Itt dmtt airs iIi mimI

I uirmt

himgrout iii

I iuct t rug

iittmint jglu I C


gut it

lmgmt log wham txpra

tile Must t 3

wa cool luiisnj tOil i


thin amuai t

h thinir mtti illci I lie oust Ire
























in HIP enorinoiii of unnll arm w-Him In the armory use nf tim

jiwt what they wn-Iliemsejviv Tho mire r

with Mniinllchir k-

lh wlih IniM Tli iwho had be ti nrmol wllh Dm I v fiiisrIfle threw away their cuns andw lvos urnmuch moro effective but auto muchto et out or orcer Thn AustrianMnnnllcheri and Mau ers wrro rvii

unit so wern the Italian n iIn fact found ju t wm l

Just a If ho wero making re jil iiluii i


When It came to prepnrations f rtiters wns Just n a I

doti wn i de of tiiover which Malor Jolmon hail fhv t

th rtrst nntri Into ar eiwee don bv tli lermntis nlici e OIK nfor Ihn expedition bad b n MI erfhad not H supply of cuuMew cauwwuy thin luri I

attention to monntlnc iruns mi tin nShim went wall fnrlni toward tln oi i

where swarms of hinters ami I iutircould bn Mwn nil th time ten MiniBUlis were mounted In the MHIIIwere half n dozen sixpound with n-

metre rifle nl each earner enli I

east wall n 7 mm was mimmcd willmetre rifles lielwcen lhin f-Kiallered ulom On the north wallcomma mounted llilr own sincli llfid u-

imu macliiiiM Lim with uxli andon t nhef ride of them There was titus

minI itimmsilil tsiI 51

cart riun hum oral iS I

w hInt ft

is tnil I It I



realI iii rig I hut limeS tots

I Ito

t hueC fl



gun at oyciy curumer xd several Isa e





