on tho proparty of

S2G16NWei68 52GtSNW**81 SIXMILE LAKE 010 l I J L CUWF.Y on tho proparty of AKAX ot -jL Sturgeon Luke Aren, Ontnrio by SHlilLO iUtLTnYiiJC:; Tirnmina, Qntario, March 26, 1970. R. T. e*lAPSHA^, P- n. O , Hrarjnhnu, ' \ tng. f Cunnultlnt) S •-.i

Transcript of on tho proparty of

S2G16NWei68 52GtSNW**81 SIXMILE LAKE 010


on tho proparty of


ot -jLSturgeon Luke Aren, Ontnrio


SHlilLO iUtLTnYiiJC:;

Tirnmina, Qntario,

March 26, 1970.

R. T. e*lAPSHA^, P-n. O , Hrarjnhnu, '\ tng. f

Cunnultlnt) S



A mogn8tametar~alactromagnetic survey hns benn completed

on the Sprucacona Group of Amax Exploration Inn. in tha Sturgeon

Lakn arcs of northuoatern Ontario. The llnncutting uaa r.ompjoted

during the period January 15 to February 10, 1970 and the geophysical

survey work wan carried nut during thi* period February 19 tn

March 5, 1970.

Tha Sprucecone Group in nituotRrl B FRUI nilnn north nf thn

MBttagaml Lake eilver-baoe metal discovery on the Abitibi HJnr;k 7

property. The object of tho survey Is to locnte minornlizntion

aimilar to the Mattogami-Abitlbi ornbnriy.


The Sprucficnne Group la R contiguoua block nf 66 unnntentnd

cloima daaignated Pn 211720 to Pa 211737 inclunivn; Pa 2117'.fi tn

Pa 211757 inclusive and Pn 211760 to i 'n 2 117B1 inclusive.

In relation to i the dnttngami ornbody on Abitibi Hl.nck No. 7

the Bprucec'jna Group in situnteri 3 milon nnrthnant on tho nouth

shore-of Sturgeon Lnke. from iUtuix Lookout, on the C.N.H., the

property is located ^6 milea east-nouthpn^t.

To ths idoat of the property hiyhi.my 599 ponies i.ii'hln

10 milea of the property. A timber rond from hicjhuny 599 provldP?

OCC8BB to the proporty. Al to^n^ti^'8ly, flout or flki-eo,uJ ppptl

aircraft from Sioux Lookout to Sturgeon LnkR mny be utili?nn.


The uriter is not nuaro of any prnvious work which hns

been carried out on tho property.

. 2 -


Mapa by tho Ontario Department of HJnf!3 have been publishedM4F rio. l i M HW rio. P- 148

on tha area. These Includo t'-np Nn.2169 tint.) r.ap Nn. C. 1^0, the

moat detailed, nt a scale of one Inch to tfhp h.ilf mlln.iHDitfcfJ^ R,e*X

Map No, P,1'*fl ihi'lcntca ruck nxpunurnB on thn ntmi pSECTOR *^tir

Sturgeon Lake in the northeast at-ctnr nnti t'"1 nxtiRmn umnt nNadrHC^ST- M6TAOrAe6flj3

of thn proparty. In thn northenst, nclagnnhrn IntruriRB,Acc^Urfl^TH"

conformably, felsic agyloriarato nnii tuff IntnrhPtJdHd with rt'yullte

and dacite f louis ant] orgillite luhirh ntrikp Hlii^htly nnuth of Piint

and dip steeply north. In the unnt nector tif thp prnpnrty nmlnnitic

riouio and pilluus ore oxpnsod i.ihlch nrp shcvm'H fru! ptr

The pillouia TBCB north,

Thu regional genloqy of thn aroo la qhoun on Fiqurot^bubo-JHACf

after the O, O, M,, and tho following iBQRncJ applinn:

1, n Mafic metavolcanic rocks ond dorlvnri schistn anrl b Metnvolcanic rocks with a nmo f"

2. a Felsic metovolcnnlc tuTTa, no/jlnmnrntR, nndITeej^gD -SC

3. a Ketaaedimentnry rocko nnd rterivRd ac

**. a Gabbroic, mRtngabbrbic and mctarlinrltir.

5. a GneiBBRB to nchlntnnn fnlnic intnmlvn b Maaalv/a felsic intrusive rocks

6. Syenitlc intruaiva ronkaC^E^PHXiicAt-

Aa uill ba IndlcotRd by thu • J enphyrilnnl survoy rF.aultt), the intfj r-^PRvx.c"^iJ^ ^Ko^ft

pretntlon of the ynnlogy in the nrun of tho 'JpmcncoriR Gr u[i un

Figure 1 la moat quontiunoblo,


The macinetomntBr onrvRy data Jn plnttrcf on R m*ip nt nAco^romuy.^i- TV* R.6R.P.1T

of ona ihch to fnur hundrntt TpRt aRcrn"pHnylni; thin repprt..


An Appendix attached to this report descrihes the survey method and

instruments utilized for the survey. The nngnntomnter aurvny plan

has bean contoured at 100 gurrma intcrvnlsi with thn oxcnntlnn nf thnt

area underlain by rcngnntie suscBptlhili tint? bntunnn 2I1U nml5o

gammos which has benn contoured nt 5H

There nrn tun nr?ms of diffnrlng i^'KjnpTin hnckqrnuml, nnn

to the east and nne tn the usnt nf nn infnrrerj fnult dHniqn:i',Rd

V &fl&T on the accompanying plnn. To thR r?;jat thR mpqnstic background

ranges from about 1UO to 3UU tj-romnn while trj thn west t.he nMtjnntic

background rangen frnm 3DD tn 500 yjmmus.

Along the north boundary nn liturgeon Lake in ti brnnrl

magnetic high, ranging from 7UI! tn 17UCJ q-imn--B, rtnslgnatRd A on

tha, plan. The IsomaQnBtics trend qenernlly nnnt-nnrtMeaBt.

Aa based on the magnetic suocoptltiilltlpn and the regionnl tjenloqy

this magnetic high la thought to represent n gnbbro or syenite


An inferred enst-northeast trending fnult zone just off

the south shore nf Sturgeon Lake, termed 1 on thR accompanyingAc BA?CD

plan, tsrminatBQ the gabbro or Byenlts mass. t\s l naed on tho feu

rock nxposurea on the nhtirn of Bturgnnn L^ke, the fault

probably Includes sheared gabhro, volcanico nml sRdlmnntB.K^CCl-iorJ^L 4-^o/jXf/

rlong the fault na interprohud Tri'm tho reiji"nol unolnyy ip pnt'th

nida-eest, north nide-uioot.De^i^MftTEO Aft-S Cvi*wo

NorthRast trending faultn doRitjn-itnd 2 end 3 nrn nhouin

crossing and possibly of f sotting thn tjp.bbrn nr syertite intruniva.c.H^f^-^

Thaae faults ore bnasrl on the chan jQ in trnndn of the toAa la apparent on thn magnetic plnn thurs la leas avldencn for

existence of fault 3 than fault 2.

- l* -CorraBponding to thn outcrop arBn on th-' shore of Sturgeon

EXvr-MofcnUttSr Laks batwaan Lines O to BE la an BBat-northPBMb trending magnetic

^NDj^it-ic high up to **DO gammas above background. rtnilmJUc f louis nnd pi Hou

CurcRop lava, showing east-west ahunring, form the outcrop end apparently

account* for the magnetic high.,

The aaat outcrop area in thB vicinity of Linn MM. , nnA,

the shore of Sturgeon Lake corresponds t.n n nnrl^s of generally

BBst-uBst striking local magnetic hlyhs nnd Im-i*. Thn mntfjn/ibbrn

corretiponda closely to a magnBtic hlrjh lucatptl on Linn 1DHC,

Stcition 2BN. The nnomaly la only snvnral hiindrnd fRRt Itmtj tretitlinq

east-uaat. The argillite nnd falnic ngijln'-inrntf nricl tuTf

are in areas of generally lower marjrmtlc aiincnptibillty.Po(Z.Tiori

Tha major part of thf? land pnrtlo'- nf tho B

Group axhibits tuo distinctly dirfnront ar*?n!3 (jf mngnRtic nusr:Bp-tA*l4rfJgTIC

tibility. To the uaat the nia^jnutic hackijrnund rongBO From nb ut

300 to 5DO gemnaa with vary few magnotii: tilghn nntJ o poorly tlofinnd

eaat-UBst trend of the iBomaynatics. Tt) the nnst thn magnetic-- tO fei f

background ranges frnm about 100 to li'[] qonmao find the efi3t-unntBX

trend of the isomagnBtics la uell dofinrul dy mngnntic highs.

These diffaring nagnntic chnrncteriBticn account fnr thn northeast

trending fault, dogiynated Tnult U, which crosses the propwrty.t^SiCy/^M^Og e.

Uost and east of the fault the nrenn nre URsignntBd L) und HL AT^c. A/, \Jt tn ff\ L

reapectivaly on the nccnmpanying plan. l.ntRrnl ant! vertlnnJ.

movement is poatulatud for thn fault with thn nnat block (nrnn C)uiisrsr Sux-K (/XPLCI^ B)

moving north and up with rsopect tn the i.mwt block (area U),

CompoBita movement, in tha order of aovarol thouBiind feet


- 5 -

Area B is characterized by a low magnetic intensity and

a general lack of prominent magnetic gradient suggesting thereby

the presence of a uniform rock type, possibly massive nndesitlc

or dacitic flown atriking about euot-wcnt.

Within area C ore two sub-nro^n tn the north am) tn Urn

south uiiiich exhibit a well defined oant-urot trend by a serins orftfcjEAS AI^ 2Soo

magnetic highs and lows. The anomalous prnnn firn loss than 25t'0CofcRCi.ATiN)(T-

feet long and average a feu hundred feet uldn. Correlating the]?cckl (T/^PoSoR^*

magnetic characteristics with the rock exposures on the shore nf

Sturgeon Lake suggests thtit the area in underlnin by an Bsneroblntjf?

of rhyolltic pyroclastics end flouis interbedded uith oome fine^ ^fQ-ALC*/ ^A*r-v*0g

grained eedimenta uhich Btrike rjenerctlly cnst-uiest.


The olectromagriBtic survey dattj in plottnd ?it n nt:oTo

of one inch to four hundn-d fe-:t on the acrprnponylng planOescR.i^g9 ii^ -nte

survey method and Crone JEM unit la tloscrihoij in the Appendix tnC^l^AJM-^p'V-rz, "Jt " ifituUCI^

this report. Seven conductoro deaignntBd "r" tn "x" inclusiveTH&f (W& PgScR.*ft^P A.S Po

have been located by tho survey. Thnae are du'.cribed no follnua:


Thia one line anor-aly on Line 12iil is of vary wf?nk Intensity

but may be a valid bedrock conductor.

CINDUCTOR "a"looATT^c? Fj*a.-rrf BAS^S L HJ&

This conductor in locntec! r^orth of tho bnsa linn cronsing^Hfro^f J^JCLUXiV^ ) 2oofT^S

Linea ****E to 5GE inclusive for a length of nvnr 1200 fa^t.Acao r^rwipS, s*rt?s"v^'^*T Aftp

a multiple conductor aoma 200 fuot uiido, striking about unnt-went

- 6 -

la chown on ths plan, this affect may be council by 8 variable depthTo. k^ PRtf^j^Nic/ :tNJp\cA.rF

of ovarburdin. The ratios of high to low frequnncy indicateCopOOe.rio.ry CloO&R.gP Q/ M *R.^ f*fA^ So ^f&CC o f2

gBnerally good conductivity covered by n.nre thnn 5H Tent of OVPT-8*Roe*i. "TR^Ke Ate: Vbo*k ITAOi CACHES oF A^PlP TO T-*ytf. burden. There ara poor indication* of a dip to the north.

Conductor "B" pornllelfi and nlrrost coinciden with southVM^TOR. ^^^(t^a. to^E iKk sTvjn.c^O \J\v.Z- T^f

edge of on inferrari major ohanr zona in Gturyaun Loke. Ttm mnoo^oocrtia. A^ces K ^BOMT- -^Hao ^

intensity of the cnnductor axR3 is nbnut i* '.JO gnrnmna

CONDUCTOn "t""OPFoff thn southThie one Una conductor creasing Line

of i Bhore of Sturgeon Lake la rf ueok intensity uilthin UIR lnf*?rrfid

~TH^ APP^^-JTo^efl^M^j OP THE: Sturgeon Lake oheer znna. The apparont mnnknces of thn cnnductor

may be due to deep overburden.


North of the base linn this conductor nroaooa LinenFt* R. A-

to 1QOE, striking nsnt-ueat, for u length of 16IHJ feet. Hatioa nfCr-CXiC' C-0^ OOcTI^ *iy- f*-**^ it-tf S" UfS

high to low frequency indicate gr. od conductivity. Profilp nnnpen~*s ftf -r

indicate an overburden thicknRsa of 75 feet nr tjroatrr uith

esaentially a vertical dip.-n5R.rni^*cr^ AT A,

The west end of the conductor tnrminotRn at o prominent

northeust trending fnult Inferred from thR mngnRtc'mRtnr Burvny.Co^pOoTO**- MrJ^uJV i ^ x:Nn-e:^sitv

Magnetic faatjres along ths conrJuctor rnnging in intensity fromAifP^A*. Tt* Bfc Cfe-vscpr By

36** to ov!?r 600 gammas epptmr td 'n1 crosscut by thn conductorCPKiOucToft. KElPR.es i'trS A rAOU-r:

BXBB suggesting thot the conductor rcprnnentn n fnult.


Thin conductor, crossing Linnrj 10'*E nnd 10BF. mey bs

- 7 -**JP s M Ape or

the extension of Conductor Hu". Tha Intensity and ahnpa nf tha

profiles indicate conductivity characteristics .'ilmilar to ConUuntor



South of tho base line, crossing Lines 8*4^ to 9fil, forC-o^CXiCrt*. STtUklSS

a dlatanca of 1200 feet this conductor strikes enst-uiost. IT weak

to moderata strongth t^la cunductur IP cuuerKtJ by Bpproxl^ot'?ly"mtT f^^^Tl^ 'rtTErOl!^ ^U>^i^

75 feet of overburden. Tho 'naghBtlc Intensity ninny tho rOR.DeC.or l^a

axes la of the ortlor tif 13 r )

CL'NDUCTDR "x"CoirV.iCa?i.

This one linn conductor on Line 60F. coincides closnly tot^oo r^tfr Loio^-. Oup^&ufcDC'J ij"

the centre of a magnntic llnHfir 15HO f* et Inng. Ovarburdnn Is

Indicated to be at lannt 5f1 fn*.'t (fripfi rind thn n'.ndiictlvl ty InTD "TVs: J?iP

weak according to thn dip nnglo

, The maynBtlc llnaor atrlken nnrthii-snt nnd In terminatedNoKTIWSs-r TRe^PCoH- FAOLT P^5TUW

to tha wast by a prominent northwest truntllnij fnult puatulntetl

from the rnagnntometor survey.

CONCLUSIDNS————————— blS-DA^T f^K&^'A^ t**-*- KSe^&

At least threo distinct firuas riT rock nnnsmblagi? r.ppnrntnd

by faulting H. o indlcntnd by the ToaijnatnmntRr nurvBy and rngiunslS-ntt^^ty^ t-Ajte A rAwu.yooiroR.vv

geology. To tha north belom Stur;jetin Luke n fairly uniform "Tg

high la poatulateri tn reprcnant gnbhro nr synnltR. The south edgeBoyrJ^e^ 4X A MATDiLjrAsr-WoCTHfVr Jrxrlc

of this intrusive is bounded by ri major I'ont-nnrthnout atriklrigrctr- byjipWj ALoO^TW/f Soortf SHo*i.

shear zone, aevrral hundred feet wide, nlontj thw noiith shnrR nffRoiiAfrue SMCA.Z. 3o^cr pbe^s A B

Sturgeon Lake. This probable sheor zone forr-n n brnnrJ boundnryTo TH-/5" A*O HJ-rf Aiwo f^&qet

betuenn tha gobhro or syenite to the north nnd probably mns

-To TUlc Seurtt SHUfcl^ A&xJT andasitic and dacltlc rocks to thn south striking about sast-uest.

APPEAR T* The maoalvB volcanics In turn nppnnr t.n '-e tnrmlnatnd

to the BBot by a prominent northonst tipnrllnij fnult approxlmntnly WJopecrX. JEM r oP +H'* pWucr 15

through tha cantre of tho jiropsrty. Tn'tt nT tti5i Tgult in

postulated tho presence of rhyolitir. pyroclastics tirtd flou'pC^HicAf SrJUr*? W^A*. Z*6.

intnrbBdded sadlments uKich ntriko nunr rn-'t-uiRHt.tooAr^o ot\j ruz

Df several conductors lonotRfJ on thp property thrme~TO BF- TH/ Mojr

"s", "u", "v", and "x" appnnr to he thn mint siynlficnnt. In eachSvKjev &Y eN/^ee^fl/?^ AT ^ijSXJ

case, houisver, tha conductors ara hurind tiy nwfrhurc'on nt 1p;mtCoiODOcr^^. "IA.;^ "V, A -OO

50 feat deep and parhnps much nroatcr. Cornluctnrn "u , "v",

"x" ore locatBd within ths^ rock iinsrmblnyo inr.luMlng rhyullLin'Zjf&iroe.'i-rsi. ^urMoo^-ri -fH^s^ coMDa

pyroclasticB and flouo, and uodl""Bnts. M thmitjh thi nn cotnlur. torn

should ultimately IIB investiyntad by diamond drilling It isttgcA\lsZ o 1- TH& f os. iltL^. **J iPtf"

difficult to BSHign priorities tTscHuaB of the

deep ovarburdsn on tho property and tha lock nf i]R"lo.)tcol dnla,

nECI-IMMENDATIONSA Dfi.ii.L- Trtisfsn^rt** tr~ /*,

Qafora proceeding with B drill investigation it IB, thera-

fore, racommsnded that tha property ba i]o;".)otiic.illy surveyed in

detail, Ths geological survey may indicate the riBod fur qennrnlFX .

or local coveraga of the propRrty hy ri vnrt.inii Innp BlnctrnnngnRtlc

aurvBy, prior to drilling.

It la axpBcted thnt the ijnolnqiniil aurvRy uculd nut oxcar.'d

a cost of ^2500.

RBspnctfully fjMJCLU lil

J'^-cori, Ontario, R. J, nrwiiRhpu, P,

March 26, 1970. Consulting Smilogiat.

^:: "J,0^

1-60 I, Ronald J. Bradahnu, roqldinij nt f* 00 HouinrtJ Straat,

' CoOJUVTirtfc ^oLOCfl^T* ^rW OPTX.^M~~ 3 t POntario, a consulting gublogiot ulth officB nt 25 f'lno Htrrnt

V& uet.4By c^tri South, Tlwmlnn, Dntnrlo, do hereby certlFy

I attandvd Uueon'a Unlvnrslty, Hinjnton, Pntnrio, nnti grnriiint"fJOJTH AkAO H*fJoJ(Lf 6.A. P^R*2 /fs) ^^OLo^i^ftf, ScJ/T-oce-^ 1^ IfJTB.ulth en Honours 13. A. de',TBn In nnolrglcnl ^rlpncun in VJ5IK

; AI Bm a Fellou of the (ionlorjicnl Aannclntion of Cannda, n

OF T~4^ ^lA.j/^Ojft'O^yJSTi-njr^ ^^ iwi^iiJGf A**O ^^t-ALLV^^Tof the Canadian InntitutB nf Mininy nnri f'etnllunjy nnd n

.of tha Association nf f'rofnBiilrnnl f-nglr.nnra rf the Prowincn nf cwor/xR^io. , Ontnrio.


I hnva no intwrent sitMnr dirnctlv IT indirectly in thn Bhnrnu nr3f^ S^C.UR.'T7^5 OP^ A^Atf ^/"BBcuritlas of Amox Explorotlnn Inc.


Timmins, Ontario,

MarDh 26, 1970.

H. J. BrndBtinw, P.

C j insultiny o



AA Sharpe H.P.-1 fluxgntn 'nntjnatnwptnr wn^ used In

ixagnotic aurvay, Thia Inntrun-ont nniinuni'j thn uorticnlF -t-H^. ^AgTH'f f^t^N^nc. f^i^Lf / /O *f^*v^A/. tfAS

of tho earth's rangnntln field In nnmi.'nn. tinno ntn'.ir;nn Tt:r

tarmining tho mngnntir. diurnnl vnrlntirnn wnrr pntnhlinhtui TH^'*U'A3 & J&& Jj*f AT (oo F**r / /ors^vAis W/AJf A T~PJP^ thn wnin base line Rt 1UO font lntnrvnl 1 ; unlna M tripod m-

^cnVrxe> M-F -i-icx^ Fi.wyUr AT^" fAA *r w^ Ttxv^en?^ . Ai^/oer iicintrax h.F.-1-HJO flnx;intR m/CinDtimHtRr, ' nyimtlc rrnijl Ajcarr) AT -.TO poor !NTEtujFlULy AU^CT THE CR^i* lidCSS oov^^RE Trtf taken at 5f. foot IntnrvalB, olnnci tbn nrfin 1) lin n uhnrn t'm f-RADl^^T-l^ ^Refvr-^'^'^^A^ ^oti Q-A1 '^A^ i l^i loo fj?eT OT Qradiant la groatar thnn 20fl ^nrrfrinn in 1".') Fnn*.ftET^Di rJ^i v^&^T-AlCciO ^"r" to^ Foot"readings were token nt H'D font

ELECTnCHAGNCTIC\Kj rwii Sofvwif^ {s c^mf R.ii6C? d? f

The Cruna JLK unit u:iei1 in fiiii survey i in cuwprlnml ofco. u/M.rr CJHK.M fcoTrt -TiAOsrAtf" A.^0 fcjEcf^ OM A

two aimilnr coil unitn uhic" both trunnmit nnrj rucnivo on n o F Iftoci od * go Kt. "r-we pgofERry ^^ CoR^py^Q r^ of 1{JQQ or 'iflU Kz . Tho prnpRrty uns onrv^vnft M^plnyinq ttiR "nh--nt-

Jy^r^/^ ooiTH A co i L- yg:P**B-A-r*dr5 o/^ -2.00 F"ise"7~T back" ayntew with a coil i unparutlun :jf i'ii'J Ti'nt.

T^) -m, t -jy?g et- 5vW2YT*\B ^eioLrA^^^c^CH/^ is AIn t' in typo of Biirvny th-i rpnultr^'t rnt*Jlny in n

fA^^r-,^ bfc^RC^ AoD Aw AMoA^AJ.y li USuDJ-vy A KjUuu- mvnt in dsgreus nnd an snunuly is ununliy n rnHultnnt rB :Mjln;j

graottr than plua or minus thren cmjronD. Inltlnlly thw r.urwov C^ODocTtO Oil/^r- Trt^. f//^^/ fS-p^QxviH'Ocy O^rf ^^ t^ |5 conductod uoinq tho ^igh f f rsquoncy i.nlt uhlrh Is

Any anomoloua cunditinns i arn nheckorl liy t.hf? Irju frnijuency p'j' Of e^esr t^Tt0^1^'^ "^^^ c-4tAn*c*'eWT*cs Or co^i^xru/'rv A thaiaby determining, thn cnnr.ictnrinticn i;f conijijr:tivl ty ;is -'{nt 1

T'Sbr^ T^e I^Arto w^A *CVH- -H) UXA) P^KiS^P^cX P-^^irX,^ A ^ATio from the ratio of ' iyh tn lou frntiuuncy ro.vJinys, ^ rntlti nf unityIS Tfft iP^Ai- Co^DJCTt^ /^L-T/yoU^-// OTHgA, PE*m,xtfC".S f+VSTQg ia tha idtiel conductor nlthnucjh uthor fpnturn" ntmt be cnntildnrstl. TW^ ABrt./rXTC' T-fcA^/^rr-ArOO Kec-ev^cr o^ JSoTrw c.0i^ a. Ur'M^^itt The ability to trnnamlt end recelvn on h fi c')lls RlimSn.itni th:ttK.^e tevt-ni^fr Ffe/v^ j^^/toP^^CaiL o^i6NrAt**4 ou^t^c^uAt. 7-j rror rBBuItlng fro" iwpropor coll nrlBi'tntii.'n nvnr irrnqulnr tRrrnln.



Phono: 274-3704

Since this method was developed 10 years ago hy Duncan Crone it lias heroine one of the mosi extensively used ground EM methods in Canada and the United States In this period (he J KM h;is been the basic grour .M equipment that in conjunction with other exploration methods has discovered over 110,000,000 tons of ore.


accurate dip and conduc tivity analysis

deptli penetration in the order of 150'

simple, reliable instru mental ion and operation

can he used with the Crone method or as a vei (ieal loop unit

This is a two man operation each carrying a unit capable of transmitting and receiving. They are spaced 200' or 300' apart and travel along the same line. Doth transmit and receive, the two dip angles thus obtained are then added together. If (he resultant is "O" no conductors arc present, otherwise a pattern is obtained dependant on the depth, dip and strike of the conductor.

•Canadian Patent #631,506 end U.S. #309,911

Example of a JEM traverse over a dipping conductor located in Denbigh, Ontario.

^)li^, y i


1) Standard Unit2) High Frequency Unit

— Massive Sulphide Exploration— Disseminated Sulphide Exploration

480/1800 CPS 1800/3000 CI'S






— Dip angle from inclinometer r*. V'a 0

— Audio through crystal earphones

— Per man each transceiver unit — 15 Ib.Shipping weight including 2 spare batteries — 55 Ib.

— non-conductive overburden l" wide null at 300' non-conductive overburden 15 0 wide null at 500'

— Normal 12 volt -- TW-2 Murgcss; 732 Kvcready. M-!)19 Mallory Hi Power IP volt — 3 of G volt F'lBP Burgess and Adaptor BATTFHY LIFK — 2 weeks to l montli RECKIVKM — 1.4 volt mercury KM l H — life l year

PRICE S2.000.00 including method rights RENTAL S110.00 per month

-IS:;'Type of Survey™





A M para t* form l* required (or each lyp* ci currcy

Chief Line Cutter or Contractor—Jll^:________________________________Norn* Address

26 Pine Street Bnuth, Timmins, CntnrioParty Chief A* Grotton *Noih* Address

Consultant Shield Garjphynica Limited, 26 Pine Street linut'i. Tlmmlnn, t'nt^rioMama Address

COVERING DATES Line Cutting January 15 - February 1u, 197D _____________

Field Geology or Geophysics omce Harch 12 -

February 19 - Mnrch 5. 19711

26, 1970

INSTRUMENT DATA Make, Model and Type Crona 3EH unit

Scale Constant or Sensitivity ______________________ Or provide copy of instrument data from Manufacturer1-* brochure.

TotalNumber of Stations Within Claim Group 2610 Nnmr.* r of Miles of Line cut Within Clnim 57.06


•' :i " .',


Pa 21172Q to 211737 inclusive

Geological Survey. .Days per Claim

Geophysical Survey-/—-i— Days per Claim


DATE 26, 1970

PB 21171.0 to 211757 inclu-ive

Pa 21176U to 2117rJ9 incluaiva


rnTAi. 66

H. J. BradshawSpecial provision credits do not apply to Radiometric Surveys.

^:-.. -



Typo of Survey.____________HAGNETCJHETEMA separate lorn U required lor each typ* of cunrey

Chief Line Cutter or fin,.,..,.- ^ Cybulekl, 26 Fine StfHut liruth, Tjr^ln.% OntarioNome Address

Party Chief R. Drapar, 26 Pina Gtreot Sputh, Timmins, Untnrio__________Nome Address

Consultant Shield GeophyalcB Limited, 26 Pine Btroct !3n.ith, Timmins, t'nName Address

COVERING DATES Line Cutting January 15 - Februnry 1U, 197(1--—--———-

P. ,. r . r u - February 19 - March 5, 197U r icld Ueology or Oeophysics —————————loffice March 12 - March 26, 197(1

INSTRUMENT DATA M,V,, M^i .^ Typ, Sclntrex M. F. -1-100 fluxgnt.n mngnntanRter

Scale Constant or Sensitivity * or 5, O r provide copy of instrument data from Manufacturer'-s brochure.

Total Number of Stations Within Claim Group ——2p9D Nnmk^r of Miles of Line cut Within Claim Group———*

,l'-.'l•:\ . A Y*.* : , -

ASSESSMENT WORK CREDITS REQUESTED Geological Survey______-Days per Claim: ::':-, . .,,.-.,, 1 ., f i ' - , ;-w.. 1,0

' ' i-f' " ' Geophysical Survey- ' ''


pa 211720 tp 2 11 *7?7 inrluaivB——i——.———.--—-—.——.

P, 2117Ln ^ ?11757 innluaivB——^————....-...—.—,

Pa ?ii7fin tn 2117B9 incluoiys_____ ——^————.


PATE Harch 26. 1970R. J. Dradohau

Special provision credits do not apply to Rndiometric Surveys.

Claim Mo.


Pa 211720 f-0211721 6021172*, h!)211723 SI!

; 21 1724 W211723 fi'~211726 S:;211727 60211726 SD211729 6fJ211730 GO211731 6"211732 fi"211733 60211731* Si'211735 B"211736 fin211737 On

P* 2117liO 6U2117^1 W211742 fi"211743 BH 21174U . Gil21 1745 f'O211746 6tJ211747 fit)211746 W211749 fi')211750 fiH211731 fi"211752 fi"211753 fi"211754 fin-21 1753 J fi'1211756 &H211757 fiO

Pa 211760 [J!!2117ft1 f (J211762 ft[ ,211763 r,M211764 . f,u211765 6i,211766 211767211766 fi"211769 W

211770 #211771211772211773 211771* 211773211776211777211778211779211780 2117S1211782211783 211781* 211783211786211787211788211789

2 -

60 fat) 60 fyQGOGOf.O 60GOGO GO 60 6D GOfin60 60 GO GO 60






Scale: l" s smites -4


t: JJ


,-j jv-

T', a l


•44.il' l /u.•HI* . .j -*i J: 144245 ,.,**23I 24421* ,*.

r^w 21* 2IM33 •|*.lS*ttf;'*isrz9*)" '-


i i l IV ' l '4 \^*^^ ' ' -' 'l j j l j f 213*** '2t3**O V2I343* (/f343B | 2(9*37 . l J J4.O3* ' 74*OOO j 7**QOt I?4*CI7 l /74*fi.3 f— — -J -}- — — _r"* 1*1 J'' I P* "T**~———T~*i———"tVJ———/^P*"——— ~ P*./"^ J *V7 i"Vs- 'i i '2272S7" 2272*3

l kr"! v V^" ~^r-i*r--fe--7p,-—J24*040 . 743*** J 24*004 Pu O, ' l . . , 7 jT. , XT l ' ' t ' .

2'4-*5 '21431* 214*93 '2140* 2W2* ' ;- -

.--J-- --——t.



SCALE: l inch = 4 0 chains

•A' i V- , ' /—^^ItX^wwwj) |744^*7^ , ______ ^"~\^ ' J4*C34 74*04. IP*.

II"" l" l

' ' !itjaa*,-.! -*f?^ ' 24*OZ2 ' Z4to?3 24*03* [2^^! \T^~~4ii

!' j I2CTO73 J225OC2 '2Z9O6I ' 229O5o'z29O:! ^908522*074 S turgeon ' ' __ j..l f~ — —l — — — — -* . — — ——— — — -j — -~ — . J?- " '*~- l ""- -l l p" IP*.

22*307 J *,,r^lMT 3* '2.173*. ' 211737 2l l 73i ' 2.'. s* l Z i. 7^7 ! tll'77S l 2H77*.1 l


•f l""-


TP-L —— J-|p* IP*

-k. l

•^•-^^——— ~1 ***Mb fm. . i~*^

l p*. Ip* l p*.'24(00* l 24*OO* l 243*04 ,

*l 1227254^*272333 J ' 22*41* J

••- /P*. 'P*. **- 'P*- l P*t-

27232, , 227230 l l•^2II7/*-!,

2290- 8 | IMV24 1211723 , 2" -34 l 21.7*0.21 *

-O ' 2II7SO"'

l Pa l Pa. IPO IP* ID, P.- l Pa.

i l l l l l ' :Z29083.Z29C7*. 229O7I l 229O6* I229O39 l 2?9O3S : :29O*7


l 2'..82 (2"T83(

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!P. l Pa iTa. P. .p*. l Pa. ' Pa.ill l229O82t2Z9O77| 229O7O j 229O65 ' 229O58 ' 2Z9OS3 , 2-9 .i^-'T'* i** i"*" '"- i"" '^ i'* '"" r*"i i*'-29O*. '22907*' 229O69 1 229O*B Z29O57 122,03* ( 22*3.3 22*3.2 j 22*3C3 ;Z2*3OO.

IJ9SI3 j i2*3ca /J22*30^^

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"X l 1.7 - TP. J2il S3 2)174.

l PA


w : 227230 . ^^x. 'A-' ' ' - : A\ ' ' '2233**;i7*3**7?2l3** -'MSOT*.j 22*3**^, 22*3*3 j 22^3** 22*3*7 L^Z**J••":u'W ' pi~ "~^~ ~ rv* ~^'"tpT ~ '"-p*\ ~T~~ ~ —*~ —~~^'~~ — —r- — ~ —^"Srf*|

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2*1/4* 21. .31 . 2"7S9 J 2'i748 ' 2' i r S T I2ll7*f ,;i.7e

r27l 2n.-Jz

P* j P* j P* (P* JP*

J. 741 I 2""47 '. J:-TSI 1 2'-"-O I 2'i

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'PA. 'p*.

21723*'—— j."' . ' l \~* . l " jj 72401 ' I ar2JB; |22*36X-12*39* 1229338 1229^37 122*33* 122*371 122*372 '22*373 rf"

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4 /^UABITIBI/^—o

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P* ' P*

l 2 "I ' 2. -3 .

IP*'•*-i:x J.

1 **,* y **** ' p* IP* |p* 'p*l :. -ily-

J2J9Z3* i 232SI

M ''/' x^-

l (.P* j P* ) IP* 1^/99.. ^

POWER - and PAPER i ^lCO. LTD.e^-" "ro-

l j i.J*tf j'V xf———"^ i il^iU l ;j5ii* ' I23SIS . 2233XK-VO^V-J^U^-J.'!.'—*— f ^^J^flL. __ —'__ __ !- — -l __ ——~?r~,p*" '\^* ''A ff^r' j /** 'p* i** 'P. IP*ivy? s,;-.! y ; ; . . i ,

l f\. '-~~^ f^^i^iT j 2^331* ' j;iji* l ;;j4jo rrssji i^3

yRe. CLS MS8I9



V—-i*?SNf~i ~ . '-r?1*, -j - t


56 55' 53' 52*, 51

"sr*'ll"*^7 rl| o* pv ~**|

"i7*/—j-?*? r*s .LL: l5" rr"T'^37*1 l ;;;r-;9 i r


AREA CODE— /f 16- 365-6913


Dfc'PARTMONT OK MINHi; AND NOR! HI-HN AF TAIUSMiiiicr, i Ann 1 ; (•'lAticii

Febi-uary Itfth. 1971.

Mr. \}.A. Buchan, Mining Recorder, Court House, Sioux Lookout, Ontario.

He: Mining Claims PA. 211720 et al,Sixmile Lake Area._FileJ|o...2^1^7..

Dear Sir:

The Geophysical (Magnetometer and Klectromapnetic) assessment work credits an shown on the attached list have been approved as of the date above. Please inform the recorded holder and so indicate.1 on your records.

Yours very truly,

Fred W. Mn t the? v; R, Supervisor, Projects Section.

c,c. Aroax Exploration Inc., 1302 ~ ? Kin?, St., East, Toronto l, Ontario.


c.c* Mr. H.L. King,Resident Geologist, HOiJ Hobertson St., Kenora, Ontario.


Recorder Holder

Township or Area



Anax Exploration Incorporated


PUP 2.157

Type of Survey and number of Assessment Days Credits per claim

GEOPHYSICAL Airborned GroundQc]

Magnetometer ...............W?.................days


Radiometric .......................................days

t.- ', - "GEOCHEMICAL........................................days*- ; ' ' SECTION 84 (14)......................................days'A j-.' •••••'

Jv. ' ' Special Provision! X j Man days |_j


'j l Credits have been reduced because of partial coverage of claims.

|J Oedits have been reduced because of i; , Corrections to work oates and figures of

, applicant.

NO CREDITS have been allowed for the " following mining claims as they were not sufficiently covered by the survey:

Mining Claims

PA. 211720 to 37 Inclusive

2117AO to 57 Inclusive

211?60 to 69 Inclusive

Tht Mining Rtcorder may reduce the sbovt credits if necextry in order thjl tht total number of tpprovtd tfsessment days recorded on etch claim does not exceed the iiaximum allowed ts follows: Geophysical - 80; Geological - 40; GeocHemictl - 40;




