On the Homefront (Jun - Dec 2015)

June – December 2015 From our home missionaries Page 4 – Red Dust Ministries Bro & Sis Meijer Page 7 – Ballarat Report Bro & Sis Butcher Page 8 – Gold Coast Report Bro & Sis Caltabiano Page 10 – Ten Target Cities Launceston What a blessing and a privilege it has been to witness the growth and progress of the work of God in our nation this past year. It has been a year of change where younger ministers are transitioning to pastoral positions as retiring pastors implement their succession plans. We congratulate the new lead pastors: Br Jeff Behrendorff succeeding Br Paul Cochrane in Adelaide, Br Frank Imarisio succeeding Br Kevin Hall in Brisbane, Br Nathaniel Gration succeeding Br John Haden in Alice Springs, Br Paul Nightingale succeeding Br Dennis Jacobsen in Townsville, while Br Jason Gration took over from Br Nightingale in Cairns. This year we also saw the Pentecostals of Campbelltown officially released as an autonomous church led by Br Mounir Ayoub and Hoppers Crossing Church started a new daughter work in the northern part of Melbourne. There are also exciting prospective daughter works ahead in the new year for; Philadelphia Tabernacle (Perth), starting in Rockingham, Shellharbour church in Bundaleer NSW and the Gracepoint Church (Gold Coast) starting a preaching point in Tweed Heads. Australian Home Missions was also able to assist in providing funding for the second Torres Straits Islands Bible School Intensive on…


AHM quarterly newsletter gives you updates on the Home Mission churches of the UPCA.

Transcript of On the Homefront (Jun - Dec 2015)

June – December 2015 From our home missionaries

Page 4 – Red Dust Ministries

Bro & Sis Meijer

Page 7 – Ballarat Report Bro & Sis Butcher

Page 8 – Gold Coast Report

Bro & Sis Caltabiano

Page 10 – Ten Target Cities Launceston


What a blessing and a privilege it has been to witness the growth and progress of the work of God in our nation this past year. It has been a year of change where younger ministers are transitioning to pastoral positions as retiring pastors implement their succession plans. We congratulate the new lead pastors: Br Jeff Behrendorff succeeding Br Paul Cochrane in Adelaide, Br Frank Imarisio succeeding Br Kevin Hall in Brisbane, Br Nathaniel Gration succeeding Br John Haden in Alice Springs, Br Paul Nightingale succeeding Br Dennis Jacobsen in Townsville, while Br Jason Gration took over from Br Nightingale in Cairns.


This year we also saw the Pentecostals of Campbelltown officially released as an autonomous church led by Br Mounir Ayoub and Hoppers Crossing Church started a new daughter work in the northern part of Melbourne. There are also exciting prospective daughter works ahead in the new year for; Philadelphia Tabernacle (Perth), starting in Rockingham, Shellharbour church in Bundaleer NSW and the Gracepoint Church (Gold Coast) starting a preaching point in Tweed Heads. Australian Home Missions was also able to assist in providing funding for the second Torres Straits Islands Bible School Intensive on…

Australian Home Missions Committee


Rev. Stanley Harvey (Campsie) Secretary Treasurer

Rev. Cameron Butcher (Ballarat) Strategy Development Rev. Jonathan Downs (Canberra) Administration/Resources

Rev. Greg Hackathorn (Campsie)



Church Growth???

(…continued from page 1)

Yam Island in June of this year. There was a great attendance from the Brethren there and the leadership continues to develop. Help has also recently been provided to Br Jason Gration’s family in their move to Cairns as well as to Br Nathaniel Gration in Alice Springs.

To God be all the glory for the great works that He has done in and through the Church!


Church growth - is a term that continues to polarise churches and believers alike. Some people adhere to the belief that the growth of the Church is purely God’s responsibility and all the church has to do is to pray and preach and God will do the rest. Others endorse the idea that God has already given us the command and the salvation of the world rests wholly in the Church’s hands, without much divine intervention. Of course these can be held as extreme views and the truth is often found somewhere in the middle of these opposing views. I am certainly a believer in God’s working and empowerment by His Holy Spirit to bring souls into a saving knowledge of Him, since Jesus said; “No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day.” John 6:44. However, God has called the church to work in partnership with Him in the effort to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Great Commission was not laid upon the shoulders of angels but upon men and more specifically the Church. So what is the Great Commission? It is very simply the preaching of the Gospel to all mankind in an effort to lead them to salvation and secondly, the teaching and making of disciples or followers of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15). It is a two-pronged task of Preaching & Teaching or Evangelising & Leading.

It is simple. So the question I want propose is this; “How effective are you in structuring the life of your church to facilitate these two components of the Gospel?” This may seem like a basic question, but I want to challenge you to look at every facet of your church operations and inquire as to whether these two essentials are being addressed within each one. This is important because while every harvest field or vineyard is different, where some may produce more fruit than others, inquiry is imperative; are we doing everything that we can to ensure that our efforts, sacrifice and giving are being optimised? Some have resigned to the fact that this is as large as our local church is going to grow or that they can exceed no further than what God gives them. This is true in part but it does not negate our responsibility to use all the tools, wisdom and energy that we can muster to seeing more souls won to the Kingdom of God.

On The Homefront | 2 | June – December 2015

Besides, a lost humanity is at stake.

According to research collated by Thom Rainer in his book Simple Church, the most successful and fastest growing churches are churches who take a very simple approach to their ministries including fewer activities but not less involvement. His argument is that churches who slow down in their growth are often churches who have so many ministries and activities within the life of their community. This congestion results in the Great Commission being forgotten and becoming a secondary goal where the efforts of all the members and leaders become drawn into different directions. Instead of having a focus and goal for the Church they are busy in their individual pursuits. Perhaps this may be the problem for some.

It’s time to take a serious look at how we do things, our methods and practices, in an effort to measure their effectiveness in doing what the Church was created to do. Perhaps we may need to cull and retire some traditions and ministries. This is a difficult process for many because we are creatures of habit and ‘this is the way we’ve always done it’ mentality is not uncommon. In Luke 13:6-9 Jesus speaks of the parable of the barren fig tree and how the owner of the vineyard commands it to be cut down because it was not producing fruit. The message is certainly about the vinedresser’s intercession and willingness to strive for it’s life but I want to highlight the fact that to the Owner, there is a cut off date, a point in time when something that refuses to bear fruit has to be put away.

How much has your ministry and efforts born fruit? It may be time to retire it and try a new approach. If you could only have one or at the most two approaches or ministries, which one would you employ? The two most effective ones are Small Groups and one-on-one Bible Studies. They both incorporate the preaching and teaching aspect. Perhaps you have them already but what are you doing to equip and train your members to do them more effectively?

Let’s grow our church as a result of winning and discipling souls, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Pentecostals Of Newcastle Praise the Lord from Sunny Newcastle, NSW’s second largest city, Australia’s seventh! We have been meeting for just about a year now and have learned the strengths and potential of the wonderful saints that the Lord has gathered for His Name in this beautiful city. We have started Bible College, mid-week Bible studies taught by leading members and a Youth Group. There have been TWO baptisms over the past year, a church Fete, a car rally, a special ministry visit by Rev Trey Keissling and the Revolution Youth of NBPC staged a “Youth Invasion.” We are grateful for the warm welcome and blessings shared by our sister churches in Sydney, Northern Beaches Pentecostal Church and the Pentecostals of Sydney. We have been enriched by these churches and feel the support of the saints who have befriended us there.

We are looking forward to another year of personal growth and evangelism in a city that has a large footprint on Australian soil, yet a small witness for the life


changing Gospel of Jesus Christ – as of yet! Pray for us that we would be successful evangelists and effective in discipleship so that others may experience the transformation that only happens by the blood of Jesus Christ!

Missions Report The Mission Field has been on my mind for some years with a question….what if God asked me, would I go? If He opened the door, when and where would He send me? Bro and Sis Meijer approached me in 2014 to see if I would like to go with them and minister to people in the OUTBACK. My response to them was… yes, I would love to come, if God opens the door. In June this year, God provided a way for me to be able to go to the Outback. What a privilege to be able to go with Bro Errol Paulus as a speaker at the Rev John Henwood Memorial Rally in Nyirrpi.

The Meijers and I left Sydney for Alice Springs the morning of August the 22nd, and I was well entertained by them during our flight. They showed me photos of the people of the OUTBACK, their favorite foods cooked on open fire, and the life style of those who live in the Outback.

We arrived in Alice Springs and were greeted by Mr & Mrs Kennedy, the owners of the B&B that we stayed at. They are a very lovely couple! I was taken on a sight seeing tour by the Meijers before we left for Nyirrpi, and had a beautiful dinner and fellowship with Bro & Sis Hayden as well as the


Meijers, the Grations and Bro Paulus.

We left Alice Springs for Nyirrpi in the morning and as I looked around me all I could see was red land. The drive was long on a dry and dusty road but thank the Lord for Bro Meijer, the best driver in the desert. The OUTBACK is like another beautiful world. That evening we arrived safely in Nyirrpi at our accommodation that God provided through Bro Colin French.

The first night of the Rally was wonderful! The atmosphere is unlike any other. It is a totally different place of ministry, different people, different atmosphere and different Culture but there’s nothing that God cannot do. God is able.

My ministry in Nyirrpi, Yuendumu, and Mt Allen was a great joy and experience, especially because God ministered to the needs of people and I was able to relate to the people in a great way, such a blessing.

Thank you to Bro & Sis Meijer for their great Influence and the great lessons that I learned while ministering with them. Sis Meijer was amazing, even though she had so much pain in her arm, she still managed to minister and serve the people with a beautiful spirit.

If I was asked again…would you go back to the OUTBACK? My answer would be YES, because the people are beautiful. You just have to be there to experience it! Rev Salata Seru Vulivosa

On The Homefront | 3 | June – December 2015



Wednesday 22nd July Sis Meijer and I met up with Sis Vulivosa at Sydney airport, and flew to Alice Springs. We were welcomed by John and Mollie Kennedy at their B&B, where we stay during our times in Alice. This couple provides the accommodation as a ministry and we are indebted to them.

While in Alice, we bought supplies, and visited ICTV, the Indigenous TV station that broadcasts our teaching material all over the ‘Top End’!

That evening we had a lovely meal with Bro and Sis Haden and Sis Hannah and Bro Nathan Gration, at the Haden’s.

We also picked up the banners for the rally.

Thursday 23rd July Bro Paulus arrived in the afternoon, and after settling in we joined the saints of the Pentecostal Lighthouse for service and a timely word on the fact that our circumstances matter to Jesus!

We caught up with Bro French at church, and picked up the key for our accommodation in Nyirrpi the next evening. We caught up on who was where, in the aboriginal community, with our indigenous sisters, Andrea and Henrietta.

Friday 24th July We left for Nyirrpi, after a small adventure chasing an escaped labradoodle. The trip was safe and we arrived an hour or two before sundown.

This was the first night of the Bro Henwood Memorial Rally, and


Bro Paulus ministered on the theme of breaking down spiritual strongholds.

Sis Vulivosa ministered in song with the sweet anointing of the Lord!

Several came for prayer, and it was a good night!

Saturday 25th July We held a morning teaching meeting on the theme of ‘Being Born Again to Live a New Life’. This was a precursor for the following afternoon which was focusing on what it meant to be “An Indigenous Christian’ man or woman. There were about 12 attending.

The evening service was very well attended, and Sis Vulivosa ministered in the power of the Holy Ghost, with many seeking the Lord!

Bro French arrived that afternoon from Alice Springs, and we all enjoyed a wonderful evening of fellowship.

Sunday 26th July Sunday School for the children and for the adults!

Sis Meijer with Sis Vulivosa did an excellent job with the children, who after memorizing the bible verse, they walked off into the community wearing their ‘King’s Kid ‘ golden crowns!

Bro French taught the Adult class.

Sis Sala had her introduction to freshly killed ‘home delivered’ Kanga in the back of the church bus, as Bro Micah kindly gave a carefully wrapped piece to our sister! The wrapping did not stop the blood, and our good sister was soon ‘daubed on the


doorposts and lintel’ much to her surprise and amazement!

Later that afternoon we had a meeting discussing the sort of things that an Indigenous person forsakes as he learns Christ!

The time was breathtaking as these brethren described their before and after Christ life styles, the ongoing societal tensions within their families and within their communities. These dear souls need our deepest ongoing prayer support.

Monday 27th July Today saw the departure of our good Bro Paulus on the bush bus, with everyone getting up very early to spend some time with him before his departure.

Bro French went off to work, and we started to prepare for the sisters’ Bible study later that morning.

We set up near the basketball courts, as the ladies of the Morris family were not supposed to go

On The Homefront | 4 | June – December 2015

near the house of their dead relative. This was the ‘elephant in the room’ over the weekend, but it was better to lift up Jesus than to make comment on the power of custom.

Bro Patrick and his faithful mob turned up first, in their amazing ‘still going bus’! Saints flowed to the meeting and when we finally all moved around the windward side of the bus, we settled to a good study. We went to Emu Bore and met the Mt Allen mob after lunch.

Tuesday 28th July We were originally going to leave today but since everyone was still in Nyirrpi, and we were all pretty tired from the previous days AND Bro French had an extra week here, which meant we had accommodation, we decided to have a day in Nyirrpi following people up.

Bro French and I had a look at Bro Henwood’s old car, which is to be brought into the church grounds as a memorial.

There was no service this evening since Nyirrpi people had gone to Yuendumu ahead of the sports weekend, GMAAC money, and sorry business.

We visited Mosquito (Sis Valerie’s husband), and prayed with him and gave him some freshly cooked kangaroo.

Wednesday 29th July It was time to go to Yuendumu for service, studies and recordings!

We left Nyirrpi at 8:00am, and Bro Micah’s house seemed to be empty. We guessed that he had gone to Yuendumu for the sorry business.

Settled in, chased up Sis Alice for her translation of Acts 4, 7 and 8.

Thursday 30th July We recorded Acts chapter 6. Friday 31st July We did recordings with Bro Langdon in the morning in Yuendumu, and then visited with Pastor Singleton and his saints at Mt Allen.

His nephew was with him, and after a time, his nephew asked me for a lift back to Yuendumu.

On the way home, we had a flat tyre, which turned out to be a screwdriver, which tore up the tube and the case.

I was very glad we had Bro Singleton’s nephew with us, as he rose to the occasion to help change the wheel, which is a physically demanding venture. We were in a time crunch, waiting for a significant phone call but Mt Allan does not have phone cover. So in spite of the flat, we made the phone reception area with some twenty minutes to spare! Praise God!

Saturday 1st August The Saturday evening service at Yuendumu was one of the most wonderful services I can remember having for a very long time! Bro French had secured an ample amount of firewood for four large fires. It started with three, which were all ready but when the Mt Allen mob arrived at the north end of the basketball court, Bro French quickly built them a fire as well!

The saints and visitors all sat at a number of fires around the basketball court and when Sis Vulivosa had ministered, a woman came out literally calling out to God with no reservations and continuing for quite a while. We have some knowledge of this lady’s situation, and to see her there was heart rending!

Her cry broke through and other people began to do business with the Lord. A blind visiting elder requested prayer, which again was touching, as this man, had an almost regal bearing, He humbled himself to ask, and I am trusting Jesus for His touch! The presence of the Lord was so palpable to all the folk there that night, with many found peace in His presence.

Sunday 2nd August On Sunday morning, we had Sunday School at Mt Allen. We arrived at about 9:30am and by 11:30am we decided that if it was a ‘no show’ by 12:00pm we would go home; at 11:45am the kids started rolling in! There were 15 children, and a lovely time was had.

On The Homefront | 5 | June – December 2015

After some fellowship we returned to Yuendumu.

Bro Langdon and I gathered firewood, and he kept on commenting that the wood was of inferior quality. I noted that people could always bring their own wood if they didn’t like ours. A little later it became clear that the wood was going to be used at Sis Nola’s house, and that any left overs would be for her, and that Bro Langdon would be thought-less-of if his wood wasn’t up to snuff because it was going to be used for cooking!

Sis Vulivosa ministered without a PA as the people sat in a circle and continued to fellowship for quite a time after.

Monday 3rd August In the afternoon we all had a meeting with Sis Geraldine, Bro Jimmy and Bro Micah. We specifically talked about abusive husbands. They showed an intimate knowledge of the situation and the perpetrators.

On the topic of abused wives, a difficult situation was described, as police are unable to intervene unless the victims file a formal complaint. The likelyhood of this happening in this male dominated society is virtually nil. And so the abuse goes on unchecked!

Significantly, our pastors acknowledged the existence of several ministers of another church group who were active wife abusers, who at least were in no way welcome to speak at any level in their meetings!

Tuesday 4th August We came back from the bush, packed and cleaned the clothes and vehicle.

Wednesday 5th August We picked up the new tyres and then had coffee with Sis Vulivosa, who invited us out for lunch. After that we visited ICTV and gave them

Bro Meijer trying out the old baptistery at Emu Bore

the next three lessons for the book of Acts. We called in to say a last goodbye to the gracious Hadens and had sweet fellowship!

Thursday 6th August We flew back to the ‘big smoke’.

As a result of this visit:

- The Rev John Henwood Memorial Rally was conducted

- The saints were encouraged

- Three chapters of the book of Acts were recorded bilingually

- Two chapters of the book of Acts were submitted to ICTV

and are each currently being aired three times a week! - The people were wonderfully blessed through the ministries of Bro Paulus and Sis Vulivosa! Thank you church of Australia! Without your support these saints may be forgotten. Sis Meijer has just recovered from a very painful shoulder operation, which has meant we have not been physically ‘outback’ but very much involved in prayer for the sick, preparing grant submissions for instruments and a church building, chasing up land for the church, as well as editing DVD lessons. I just returned to the field on November 24th. Amongst other things I will be attending a CLC meeting to try and sure up land to estabilish a church building in Yuendumu. We covet your prayers.

On The Homefront | 6 | June – December 2015


Ladies Day - August We were so excited to host our National Women’s Ministries Director Sis Jena Grech; along with the ladies of Victoria in August. The church was absolutely packed to capacity and Sis Jena and all of the speakers did a marvellous job as they declared our marvellous saviour!

We had a tremendous report from the day and it was amazing to have all these wonderful sisters, friends and visitors gather together to be fed and encouraged in His Word.

Thank you Sis Jena, and to all the visiting ministry and saints – what a blessing you were to us here in Ballarat.

Ongoing Opportunities (Works) I may have mentioned in an earlier report that we have relearnt how to spell the word opportunity. We spell it W... O... R... K…

After many decades, the old floor coverings had seen better days, so with a bit of research, a working bee (or three) and some elbow grease, we have been able to replace the floor coverings with new carpet tiles.

I say ‘new’ because we were able to source great quality 2nd hand carpet tiles from a refurbished office for

one tenth of the price of our cheapest ‘supply only’ quote. It took us a lot more effort than we originally expected, especially when we had to remove some old flooring, but as you can see the results are worth it. And we are thankful to the Lord for His provision, as well as to everyone that put their shoulder to the wheel to create a beautiful place to worship.

Adelaide Visit – Nov 2015 I had a great opportunity to travel to Adelaide to minister on behalf of Home Missions just a few weeks after Sis Anna Butcher had also visited to preach at the Adelaide Ladies Retreat. Thanks to Br & Sis Behrendorff, their lovely family and the church in Adelaide. It was a blessing to us to be able to see what God

is doing in Adelaide and to join with the church as they fulfil the Lord’s great commission in South Australia, and as Br & Sis Behrendorff follow on in Br & Sis Cochrane’s shoes.

We are also blessed to continue to receive visiting ministry from our Victorian brethren and a very big thank you to our Presbyter Br Hogben for continuing to send ministry teams.

Bible School Our two bible school students have completed two subjects with flying colours and are well into their third subject. Our Lord continues to amaze us – it is incredible how a production recorded decades ago, on the other side of the world, is still powerfully ministering to the students’ daily needs and life’s circumstances in 2015.

On The Homefront | 7 | June – December 2015

Recently we welcomed a new family to the church who have recently arrived in Ballarat. Br Peter grew up and studied in China before lecturing at universities in Sydney and then Townsville at the same university I attended. It really is a small world after all! They are beautiful people and the boys are star Sunday School students.

PNG Visit Now – before I go too far – I do realise that Papua New Guinea is not technically a home missions’ field; however, you can see PNG from some of the northern islands in the Torres Strait.

Last school holidays the Havran family were able to travel to minister at two Sunday School seminars in Port Moresby and Goroka respectively. The Havrans were a great blessing to the church and the teachers there, with reports of 50 children being baptised and 80 receiving the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!

Opportunity of a lifetime to be involved in His Kingdom

Conference and Higher Ground Soon Conference will be upon us and we cannot wait. We are looking forward to seeing you all there. Next year (in May) we will be hosting the Higher Ground Conference meetings in Ballarat and we are thrilled to confirm that our Home Missions Director Br Stan Harvey will be our guest speaker. Once again – please consider this your invitation to come and join us and see what great things God is doing here in the beautiful city of Ballarat!

GOLD COAST REPORT For nearly 1 and a half years, Gracepoint has been applying to become an Incorporated Association with the Department of Fair Trading. When I first felt the call to come to come with my family and pastor the church I didn't realise how much it really took to grow a church. Preaching, teaching and bible studies, that mixed with Godly fellowship will that do? Well, I soon found out that the government and laws want to get involved as well. After our first application to be Incorporated, we were asked on four occasions to make minor changes to our constitution so we could line up

with government expectations but thanks be to God as of August this year we became Gracepoint United Pentecostal Church, trading as Gracepoint Church. Praise God!

Throughout the last six months, we thank the Lord for consistent growth. Not just in numbers but in spiritual development and maturity. We are now blessed with a full music team and they are a tremendous blessing to the worship service. We've had many great events in the last quarter (such as International Service and Lunch, AYM Special Services, Special Speakers) with a record attendance of between 80-85 people throughout 2 services.

On The Homefront | 8 | June – December 2015

Our 6 bible school students are getting prepared for ministry and are a part of God's plan to start a Daughter Work/Preaching Point on the NSW border city of Tweed Heads in January 2016. We are grateful to the many who joyfully put their hands up to help with the running of the church, those who help set up and pack up, our brothers and sisters that serve refreshments, Sunday school and Crèche teachers. In 2015 we have had some leave the church, but not the kingdom of God, to relocate to other cities/countries and are being a blessing to their new pastors else where. This has left a gap for us in Sunday school and Youth. Please keep our precious young people in your prayers. I believe our youth play a very important role in the church and while we don't have a regular youth program, we have been blessed by our youth that help in many areas of the church.

Finally, in November, Gracepoint Church united with Pastor Imarisio from the Pentecostals of Brisbane and Pastor Vasquez, from the Pentecostal Community Church in Logan, and history was made as the 3 churches worshiped together at the Brisbane assembly with guests, Bro and Sis Lugo from the USA. The event was organised by Bro and Sis Imarisio and we thank them for hosting such a wonderful event. Please keep the Gold Coast and the southeast Queensland region in your prayers. We are looking forward to a wonderful 2016, fulfilling Gods plan for the church.

On The Homefront | 9 | June – December 2015


TEN TARGET CITIES Wagga Wagga, NSW Straddling the Murrumbidgee River, (450 km south-west of Sydney) Wagga Wagga is New South Wales’ largest inland city. With a fast-growing population of over 60,000 people, Wagga Wagga is a city that continues to develop.

Settled in 1849, this beautiful city is an important agricultural, military and transport hub.

Wagga Wagga is often referred to as the Garden City of the South because of its tree-lined streets, sculpted parks and award-winning gardens.


This is a wonderful part of the world and one that we must reach for Jesus Christ!

Other Target Cities

Gladstone, QLD Mooloolaba, QLD

Toowoomba, QLD Armidale, NSW Dubbo, NSW Mildura, VIC Bunbury, WA Launceston, TAS

We are looking to churches to appeal to the workers and leaders in their assemblies to take up the challenge of going into these new areas and we are praying for individuals to take the step of faith in doing the same.

Australia Home Missions United Pentecostal Church of Australia

Director. Rev. Stanley Harvey

PO Box 12 Belmore NSW 2192

Phone. (02) 9718 8086 Fax. (02) 9718 2679 [email protected]


Australia Home Missions Purpose Statement.

VISION: Every Church in Australia involved in planting new Churches.

MISSION STATEMENT: is to inspire and equip every UPC church in Australia to win and disciple the unsaved through planting new works in unreached areas and significant population centres.

GOAL: Every existing Church to start one new Daughter Work by 2018.


Donate to the Australian Home Missions

ACC Name: Australian Home Missions UPC ACC No: 1008 7203 BSB No: 06 4170 PO Box 739 Ballarat, VIC 3353

Please ensure that any donations are submitted through your local assembly.

On The Homefront | 10 | June – December 2015