On the Cost of Fault-Tolerant Consensus When There are no Faults Idit Keidar & Sergio Rajsbaum...

On the Cost of Fault- Tolerant Consensus When There are no Faults Idit Keidar & Sergio Rajsbaum Appears in SIGACT News; MIT Tech. Report
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Transcript of On the Cost of Fault-Tolerant Consensus When There are no Faults Idit Keidar & Sergio Rajsbaum...

On the Cost of Fault-Tolerant Consensus

When There are no Faults

Idit Keidar & Sergio RajsbaumAppears in SIGACT News; MIT Tech. Report


Every process has input, outputs decision

Agreement: two correct processes that decide, decide the same

Validity: decision is input of one process

Termination: eventually all correct processes decide

Binary consensus - values 0 and 1


• Processes communicate by message passing

• Processes fail by crashing– t<n potential failures of n>1 processes

• Messages not lost among correct processes

• Models: – Asynchronous– Synchronous– Partial Synchrony

Asynchronous Model

• Unbounded message delay, processor speed

• Consensus impossible even for t=1 [FLP85]– Reason: can never tell faulty process from slow



Synchronous Model

• Constant message delay, processor speed

• Algorithm runs in synchronous rounds:

– send messages to any number of processes, – wait fixed time to receive messages, – do local processing (possibly decide, halt)

• If process i fails in a round, then any subset of the messages i sends in this round can be lost

Synchronous Consensus

• Solvable

• Consider a run with f failures (f<t)

• Processes can decide in f+1 rounds [LF82,DRS90] (early-deciding)– 1 round with no failures

Partial Synchrony [DLS88]

• There is a global stabilization time GST – until GST system asynchronous– after GST system is synchronous– GST is not known

• Realistic: practical networks are not really asynchronous

• Many variants and similar models, e.g., unreliable failure detectors [CT96]

Consensus with Partial Synchrony

• Consensus solvable with < n/2 failures– Eventually correct processes won’t be suspected

• Running time unbounded– by [FLP85] – because models can be asynchronous for

unbounded time

In a Practical System

Can we say more than:

“consensus will be solved eventually”?

Our Approach

• Look at well-behaved runs– no failures– messages arrive within known time – most common in practice

• Known algorithms decide in 2 rounds of communication in well-behaved runs– 2 time when maximum delay is – Paxos [Lam98]; atomic commit [KD98]; failure detectors

[Sch97,MR97]; atomic broadcast [KD96];...

Why are there no 1-Round Algorithms?

• We will show a lower bound of 2 communication rounds

• Follows from similar bound on Uniform Consensus in synchronous model

Uniform Consensus

• Uniform agreement: every two processes that decide, decide the same– Recall: with consensus, only correct processes

have to agree

• Synchronous lower bound of f+2 rounds [CBS00] – as opposed to f+1 for consensus

From Consensus to Uniform Consensus

• In partial synchrony model, any algorithm A for consensus solves uniform consensus [Gue95, Gue98]

• Assume by contradiction that A does not solve uniform consensus– in some run, p,q decide differently, p fails– p may be non-faulty, and may wake up after q


Deriving the Lower Bound

• We will now show a synchronous 2 round lower bound for uniform consensus in runs with no failures

• Implies 2 round lower bound for well-behaved executions in partial synchrony model

• Any algorithm for consensus solves uniform consensus (previous slide)


Theorem: Uniform Consensus Failure-Free Lower Bound

• Assume n>2 and t>1

• Then there is a failure-free run in which not all processes decide after one round

Deterministic Algorithms

• Run determined by initial values and adversary actions– failures, message loss

• (Global) state = list of values in processes’ local states (data structures)


• States x, x’ are similar, x~x’, if they look the same to all but at most one correct process

• E.g., set of initial states of consensus algorithm

• Intuition: in connected states there cannot be different decisions

000 001 111011~ ~ ~


• Classical coloring: valency, potencial decisions state can lead to [FLP85]

• Our coloring:

val(x) = decision of correct processes in failure-free extension of x (0 or 1)

Theorem Proof

• Assume, by contradiction, in failure-free runs from x, x’, all decide in 1 round


differ only in state of some correct j

~…~~ ~ ~…~ ~

Consider a colored graph of initial states:

0…0 1...1

By validity, val=0

By validity, val=1

Illustrating the Contradiction


A contradiction to uniform agreement!

val(x)=0, so x leads to decision 0

in one failure-free roundlook the same to process 2

look the same to process 3

x x’

differ only in state of process j=1


x x’


look the same to process 3

The General Lower Bound

f+2 rounds in runs with f failures

States (Configurations)

• (Global) state = list of values in processes’ local states (data structures)

• Given a fixed deterministic algorithm, state of run can be denoted as:

x . E1. E2. E3

x state, Ei environment (adversary) actions

To Prove Lower Bounds

• Sufficient to look at subset of runs, (limited adversary)– called a system

• Simplifies proof

Considered Environment Actions

• (i, [k]) - i fails, – messages to processes {1,…,k} lost (if sent)– [0] empty set - no loss– applicable if i non-failed and < t failures

• (0, [0]) - no failures – always applicable

• At most one process fails in one round– its messages lost by prefix of processes

Layering [MR98]

• Layering L = set of environment actions– L(X) = {x.E | x X, E L applicable to x}– L0(X) = X– Lk(X) = L(Lk-1(X))

• Define system using layers – X0 set of initial states

– System: Lk(X0) X0




• How to color non-decided states?

• Classical coloring: valency, potencial decisions state can lead to [FLP85]

• Our coloring:

val(x) = decision of correct processes in failure-free extension of x (0 or 1)

Proof Strategy

• Uniform Lemma: from connected set, under some conditions, 2 more rounds needed for uniform consensus (recall: 1 for consensus)

• Connectivity Lemma: for f<t+1, Lf(X0) connected– feature of model– also implies consensus f+1 lower bound– can be proven for all Li(X0) in other models,

e.g., mobile failure model [MR98,SW89]

Uniform Lemma

• If– X connected x,x’X, s.t. val(x)= 0, val(x’)=1– In all states in X exist at least 3 non-failed

processes and 2 can fail

• Then yX s.t. in y.(0,[0]) not all decide

1-round failure-free extension of y

Uniform Lemma: Proof

• Assume, by contradiction, in failure-free extensions of y, y’, all decide after 1 round

• 2 cases: j either failed or non-failed

y’yx x’......

• X connected, val(x)= 0, val(x’)=1

differ only in state of some correct j

Illustrating the Contradiction Case 1: j is correct

y y’

y.(0,[0]) y’.(0,[0])


y y’

Xy.(1,[2]) y’.(1,[2])


y.(1,[2]).(3,[3]) y.(1,[2]).(3,[3])

A contradiction to uniform agreement!

val(y)=0, so y leads to decision 0

in one failure-free round

look the same to process 2

look the same to process 3

Corollary: Failure-Free Case

• n >2, t >1, f =0

• X0 = {initial failure-free states} connected

x’,xX0 s.t. val(x)=0, val(x’)=1 (validity)

• By Uniform Lemma, from some initial state need 2 rounds to decide

Connectivity Lemma: Lf(X0) Connected for f<t+1

• Proof by induction, base immediate

• For state x, L(x) connected (next slide)

• Let x~x’X, – x, x’ differ in state of i only, i can fail– x.(i, [n]) = x’.(i, [n])

x ~ x’

L(x) L(x’)

x.(i, [n]) ~ x’.(i, [n])

L(x) is Connected





x.(0,[0]) ~ x.(2,[0]) ~ x.(2,[1]) ~ x.(2,[3])

x.(0,[0]) ~ x.(3,[0]) ~ x.(3,[1]) ~ x.(3,[2])







Theorem: f+2 Lower Bound

• Assume n>t, and f < t-1

• Lf(X0) - final states of runs with f failures

– connected

– in any state in Lf(X0) exist at least 3 non-failed processes and 2 can fail

• Take z, z’X0 s.t. val(z) val(z’),

– let x, x’ be failure-free extensions of z, z’: x=z.(i,[0])f Lf(X0)

Why a New Proof Technique?

Classical Technique: Bivalency

• Bivalent state = state that can lead to different decisions [FLP85]– defined w.r.t. system [MR98]– 1-valent state always leads to decision 1– 0-valent state always leads to decision 0

• Used for, e.g.,– asynchronous consensus impossibility[FLP85] – consensus f+1 lower bound [AT99,MR98]

Bivalency-Based Proofs

• Show that initial bivalent state exists

• Show by induction that adversary can keep system in bivalent state

• No decision is possible in a bivalent state

Bivalency-Based Proofs: Base

• If j fails, x and x’ lead to same decision– Impossible for x to be 1-valent and for x’ to be 0-valent

• Validity implies: initial bivalent state exists

00..0 0..01 11..101..1~ …~... ~…~...x x’~

1-valent 0-valentdiffer in stateof one process j

Bivalency Doesn’t Work

• Bivalency proofs use validity only to show that initial bivalent state exists

• Proofs work if validity is replaced by:

Weak Validity: initial bivalent state (w.r.t. system) exists– consensus f+1 lower bound proofs still work– we show that uniform consensus f+2 round

lower bound does not hold

Counter Example to Weak Validity

Round 1: send m1 to all

if (got m1 from all) then return 1 fi

Round 2: send m2 to all

if (#m1 = #m2) then v=0 else v=1 fi

return Uniform-Consensus(v)

Decides 1 in one round in failure-free runs

Decides 0 with one “clean” failure in Round 1


• f+2 lower bound for uniform consensus– synchronous, crash failure model– 1 more round than consensus

• New proof technique (new coloring) – because bivalency does not work

• Implies lower bound of f+2 communication rounds for synchronous runs in partial synchrony model (for f < t-1)

On an Optimistic Note

• Consensus requires 2 rounds in partial synchrony model because of false suspicions

• 1-round algorithms work correctly while there are no false suspicions– group communication: Horus, Amoeba, ...

• Optimistic approach:– use 1-round algorithm– reconcile conflicts in case of false suspicions