ON FIELD .AMD TRACK- TIDBITS FOR FIGHTING MEN "Young Mowatt," the Chicago feath- erweight, haa flunked out of Ins ten- round bout with "Kid" Broad, which was to have taken place at New Or leans tonight .and "Kid" Hermann, another Chicago lighter, lias been sub- stituted. An effort is being male by George McDonald, the tight promoter, of Chel- sea. Mass.. to arrange a limited round bout between Jack Munroe. the Butte ex-miner, and Sand) Ferguson, tbe Boston lighter. If the match is clinch- ed the men will engage in a ten round bout at the next show of McDonald's club. Jack Hoot, tlie Chicago light heavy weight, -who has not fought since last July, is at Pueblo, where be will be matched in a few days to field Jim Flynn of that city. They wiU box n 20-round bout and Koot is to receive $600 for bis services. Billy Rotchford, the Chicago feather- weight, and Billy Murphy, tlie erratic Australian fighter, who hn= been fight- ing long enough to be retired on a pen- sion, have been signed to meet in a jo-round bout at Kaneaa City during the latter part of ngzt month. 'Andrew Token, the English bantam- weight, who was defeated by Harry Forbes in Detroit some months ago, is willing to come to this country again snd take another crack at Forbes. He WIH take the Chicago boy on for 3f> or 25 rounds at 116 to US pounds halm any club that will hang up a fnrse tnd will make a side bet of ft ' \u25a0 One tlaaaa the Englishman will in- on.;» four-ounce gloves are to be used. Thl*er Sweeney, the pride of Man- crbester. H.i« receive-' an offer tn go to t hksgo to meet .Tack O'Keefe, the Isght Si eight. Bweeney has wired an ac- ceptance and now awaits transporta- tion. The date set by the club is some- where in October. The bout is to be cf six roun ls at catch weigh ts. O.ester Goodwin, the featherweight, boxer of Boston, and Harry Forbes have been matched to meet in a 12- --round bout before a club in Boston. They will clash at 120 pounds. Whitman Is Weak. WHITMAN COLLEGE, Oct. 23.? Looking at things in the light furnish- ed by Saturday's game with the Spo- kane High school, every one around liere stems to think that Whitman'a chances of winning the game against the state university next week in Seat- tle are very slim. Whitman showed up with fine speed, in fact, she was speedier than was expected, but the team is very light. For tins reason It is feared she will stand a poor show when up against a heavy college line. Tlie best team in the field averaged not more than a little over 140 pounds to tlie man. ami it more than doubtful if Whitman Can muster a heavier team to send to Seattle on Thursday, This great disadvantage in weight will off- set much of the great speed which Whitman undoubtedly hns this year. The loss of Biattnin. fullback, who will not be able to play for a month on account of a broken hand received in the game with the High school, will place another stumbling block in lite way of victory. The line is the weak point in Whitman's team, although Ferringer nnd Rudd are good iiien at the tackle positions-. Brainard will be at quarter in the Seattle game, and this will greatly strengthen the team. It is also thought that Wiley Lasater, who was 'varsity man last year, will be back ngnin in a day or two. He will strengthen the line. Brown, the raptain of the team, will not play this year, because of former injuries. Brainard will act as field captain. More confidence is felt by the men on the team than by the football kmnvalls (?) about the little college. The players themselves aeem to think thai they stand s good chance of winning, and are determined to put up a strong game. "I notice that the wealthy people who pay that money is a source of constant trouble nnd worry to them do not try lo relieve themselves ? which they could readily do," remarked the Web- foot philoeoph er. DAVENPORT TEAM AND BLAIRS There will certainly he something do- ing at Kataloriutn park this afternoon according lo Coach Strong of the Blair fpOtbatl team. At 4 o'clock the inrin- bera will take their laat practice in order to familiarize themselves with the grounds before they meet tlieir husky opponents tomorrow at 3 o'clock. "I believe'the team is now in good enough shape to go after almost any team in these parts," is the way Coach Strong expressed himself this morn- ing. "The boys still lack the practice which results from match games, but lor practically green players tliey are a bunch that's hard to bent." 'Die team which is to line up against the Hlaira tomorrow is composed of some very husky young men who have organized themselves into whet they call an athletic club team. Pert of the squad nre from the Davenport High School, although the most of them are ex-High school players. The lineup will probably he as fol- lows, though several other recent ad- ditions to the team may he tried out: Howell, 1. c; Oelilers, ('alter. 1. t.; Haines. Zimmerman, 1. g.: Glindeman, center; Berland, r. p.: Jatro, (captain), Cook, r. t.; Sheppard, Sett, r. e.j Hammerlnnd, n,.; George, 1. h.; John- son, f.; Prather, r. h. Fast Quarter-Miler In Drake's Back Field CHESTER MAIN. NEW ORLEANS, 1.a.. Oct. 23.?Af- ter a series annoying delays arising from the failure of various fighters to live up to tlieir contracts the Southern Athletic club lias Anally succeeded in completing arrangements for holding its opening boxing show tonight. "Kid" Broad and Tommy Mowatt uf Chicago were originally scheduled to furnish the windup, but the latter failed tO abide by his agreement and a post- ponement of tho exhibition was made necessary. "Kid" Hermann of Chica- go has been substituted for Mowatt and will meet Broad in the principal event tonight. The articles call for a i 10-round go at 128 pounds, weigh in at [3 o'clock. Considerable interest is man- ifested in tin event and a good crowd is expected to be on hand to see the little fighters battle. DES MOINES, la., CM. 23.?Chester Main, left half of Drake university eleven, has never met his equal as a quarter miler, except in the oon-j ferenee meet at Chicago, H is equal ly fast and heady on the gridiron and plays a hard and strong defense, He learned the game nt Elks Point, S. D., and came out late in the season of '01 in response to an emergency call for players. He is 24 yeara old, weighs 168, and is five feet 10 1-2 mc hes tall. High Plays Lewiston. The High school football team left this morning for Lewiston, Idaho, where this afternoon a game is to be played. The hoys have had enough ma tehee lately so they are how at tlieir best. The team will line up as follows: H. Davis, (enter: Mtahewe, rig.it guard; Samuels, light tackle: Schmidt, right end; Kelly, left guard; Brown, left tackle; Scott, left end; Coolidga, quarter; Gregory, right half; like, hit half; Dehuff, fullback. TODRNEY AT BOWLING ALLEYS Just one more chance after tonight Will be given the bowlers of the Goeut" d'Alene club to make the team which is to represent those alleys and meet all comers. Tonight another live men will be selected a* the high ones. The bowling should develop some of tlie largest scores thus far had during the tournament. A special effort is duo to be made tonight. The bowling game is one that has taken the city by storm. When Hie Coeur d'Alene allays were first talked of there were those who told Dutch Jake to "look a little out, yet," but lie replied "nix on the scare for me," and now that the alleys are completed, the good judgment of Jake is remark- ed. Those alleys work steadily 24 hours per day. On the Big Tracks. Chicago Worth Park. One mile?Nellie Bawn won, Blue Mint second, Fingal third, Tune, 1:41 3-5. Six furlongs?Tokalon won. William Wright second, Trojan third. Time, 1:12 3-5. Mile and 100 yards-Byways wen. Dr. Stephens second, English Lad thud, 'l ime, 1:4o 3-5, Seven furlongs Golden Rule won. Dollie Hayman second, Callant third, Time. 1:203-5, Mile nnd one-fourth?Tancred won, Dotie S. second, Antole third. Time. 1:58, Six furlongs, selling -Rummer woii, Henry McDaniel second, Stemwinder third. Time, 1:12 an. New York Brighton Beach. NEW YORK, Oct, 23.?Brighton Beach summary: Five and a half furlongs Dimple won. Qraceland second, Niskayuns .thiid. Time, 1:081-5, Steeplechase, about two miles, hand- icap?Charavcjn won, Gascar second. Manilian third, Time. 4:41. One mile and a sixteenth, selling- Ernest Parham won, Namtor second, Ethics third. Time. 1:47 4-5. Six furlongs?Winged Foot handicap ?Hello won. Juvenal Maxim second. Sweet Gretchen third. Time, 1:14 l-.». Mile and a quarter, handicap?Mabel Richardson won. Cuaganawaga second, Lady Potentate third. Time. 2:06. Five and a half furlongs -Blytheness won.. Clear the Arena second, Rob Roy third. Time, 1:08. Herman to Box Broads. Races at Walla Walla. Mack Mack won the free for ill ! trot, purse 1600, in three straight heats, Time, 2:10. Briny K. took second and the Commonwealth third. In the 3-year-old pace Hallie Hinges took the race in 2:20 1-2. Economizer second, Teddy third. Four and one-half furlongs?Junot first, Dixie second, Scorcher third. Time. :57 12. Merchants' handicap, five-eighths of a mile?Elder fust. Dora li. second, Modder third. Time. 1:02 1-2. Five and one half furlongs?Dud Wade first. Black Cloud second, King Croix third. Time, 1:113*1. Stoval Returns. .lesse Stovall is again on the coast. lie started west Immediately after he finished the season with Cleveland. TAXATION IS REDUCED ON MINING PROPERTY WALLACE, Idaho, O. t. 23,_The| Standard Mining company haa paid Into the treesurj of the county $6250 in full payment 01 its taxes for the Jim 10(12. The Standard waa among the other big local mining comp 11 -. barring one or two exceptions, 1 refused the pay taxes last year, owing to alleged high valuations lixed b) the assessor. The new board of count)' esonroiasionei? compromised with the big mining companies, by reducing the Strike on Amador. IRON MOUNTAIN, Mont, Oct, 2.;. 'All the mi in tv in the Amador have struck. Not a man i* working. Tliej reason for tbil action ia said to ba on account, of tiu- (ood tha company baa hern giving tha awn. Another rumor fat tin- strike is that the foreman, Wal- teis. waa to be displaced bj a new man, to srbicfc tin nn v objected. 1 valuation of the mines involved, which necessarily reduced the amount of their taxes correspondingly, Under the val- uation made by Assessor Miner the Standard's taxes for H»n2 were .*I7,(KNI, which makes the reduction $11,250, The same rate of reduction on the com- promise plan applied to the Hunker Hill & Sullivan, the Mammoth, The Hunter, the Frisco, the Morning, the Empire-tSate and the Tiger-Poormaa companies. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 2.'1. The di- rectors of the Louisiana Purchase ex- position are in receipt ot a letter from Commissioner Cridler stating that Bul- garia is disposed to tale part in the exposition, and that he expects to visit Sofia soon and personally see Prince Ferdinand in regard to the matter. Should Bulgaria accept the invitation it will be the first time she has been represented by an exhibit m an} inter- national exposition held in America, To Aid Missions. CHATTANOOGA, Term., Oct, 23.- One of the largest missionary conven- tions ever he'd in this section "ill be the annual meeting of the managers of the Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of Ihe Methodist Kpi-copal church which will be held in Chattanooga be- ginning next Wednesday and contin- uing six days. Mission workers from every part of the country will be pres- ent and a number of well known mis- sionaries returned from foreign iields will also take part. The program is not yd completed in all its (leiails, but the plans have nd- Vanced far enough to show that the j gathering will be one of extraordinary interest, Among tin- many noted wo- men who will speak are Mis. Clinton 11. Fteke of New York, Mrs. .lane Ban croft Robinson of Detroit, Mrs. W. C, lb iron of Cincinnati, Mrs. Joseph F. Berry of Chicago, Mis. Joseph Spencer of Kansas City, and Mis. Levi Gilbert of Cincinnati, In responae to Inquiriea as to new manufactories being exempt from tax- ation lor the Inst few years in ease they come here. Corporation Counsel Judaon has delivered an opinion to ihe effect that there la nn legal wa) to pro- vide exemption. THE SPOKANE PRESS r** FRIDAY, OCTOBER 33, 1003. 412 to 420 Riverside Aye. Saturday special values HERE ARE CERTAIN SAVINGS for the economic- ally inclined. This store opens up many broad avenues of substantial savings. Read the below ad- vertised items carefully and see the very good reasons why you should trade here tomorrow. The Biggest Hal Bargain ... FOR LADIES AND MISSES OE THE YEAR ... Another one of our lucKy buys. We have been fortunate in buying a manufacturer s entire sample line of ladies' and Misses' ready-to-wear and pattern hats so low that enables us to make you a price for your choice never before heard of. They are just 149 hats in the lot. Values are from $3.00 AQ r to $7.00. On sale Saturday only . . . None laid aside or exchanged. See Window Display. SPECIAL SALE Of CORSETS. W. B. CORSETS. The celebrated no sets give the "'car ers easy, graceful figures, and help them to hold themselves erect, but they do it without requiring tight lacing. Saturday we'll clean up hundreds of samples ami broken lines, also many special numbers secured lor this sale in up to date models, all at prices that will save you money. $1.00 Corsets. 65c W. 11. Erect Form Corsets, Short Hip?Made of good quality ooutil, in drab, white and black; a tegular $1.00 kind. Sale m\f%r pi ice Ifs/V $1.25 Corsets. 78c W. li. Erect Form Corsets?Short bill only; black, drab and white; regu- lar 11.25 values. Sale 78C $1.75 Corsets $1.28 W. B. Erect form Corsets?Medium style; pink, blue, white, drab and black; all sizes; $1.75 value. QO Sale juice «Pl.atO Shoe Snaps for Saturday Our shoe department is always alive to the wants of the people and for Saturday will offer some exceptionally fine values. $2.00 Corsets $1.43 W. li. Erect Form Corsets Long hip, in white, block and gray; all sizes; regular $2.00 quality, tffl A Q for »Pl.*lo $2.50 Corsets $1.95 W. B. Erect Form, Fine ( until Cor- eet?Long hip for full figure*, in black and drab, Sale tfjl f\/Z price «P»" ? J In addition to a complete lino of \V. B. Corsets. Aye carry in stock some excellent models in R, & (J. and War- ner's rust proof corsets and girdles; all sold ut money saving prices. Corsets lit ted. Girls' Shoes . . $1.29 Rack No.l- On this rack you will find a gn at assortment of girls' shoes, in heavy kid, box and kangaroo cull, with extra solid sole leathet soles and counters; double toes ami silk sewed; in either lace er button. They sell regularly up to 11.78, and come in sizes from 11 12 to 2. Our Saturday's pricdj per pair, C| OQ is Girls' shoes, same style as above, sizes 8 1-2 OQf to 11 ? Boys' Shoes . . $1.29 Hack No. 2 contains shoes for the boys?the King of the Kicker* ? \u25a0who tries the soul of bis parent a as well aa the sole of his slioch. These ahoea are made to stand extra hard service, anil we do not think that YOU will he tho least bit disappointed in them it you try a pair for your boy; sizes 1 to 81-3. They sell regularly at $1.75. but Of) our Saturday price, per pair, is vi«si / Boys' shoes, same styles as above, size 8 to 13 1-2, 93c. ? Mens Shoes . . . $2.35 . . Rack No. :t -This is tlie rack that plcoaei the men, for on it Can tn- found slues made of vici kid, bos calf and velour calf, with heavy welted soles, extension edge and reinforced backstay, You can not afford to puss t*is excellent opportunity by to secure a regular sinn or (BJO shoe dining ibis great Saturday special sale (hn off it, per pair, \P*C»I/»J 1 ou are sure to get OLD WHISKIES and WINES at DURKINS PHONE MAIN 731. FREE DELIVERY. Port, per linlf gallon 7So-(l Sherry, per half gallon 7Sc-$l Angelica, per half gallon 7So MUSCatel, per half sallon 750 White Tort, per half gallon 7So Claret, per half gallon SOo SSlnfandel, per half gallon 650 lin ut Baturne, per half gallon gi Whiskies, 10c a Drink. Wines, 60 a Glass. DURftIN S Wholesale and Retail, Mill and Sprague. irvlng's Apricot Brandy Aged in Bond. Pints, 75c Quarts, . . . $1.25 $3.50 per Gallon Taking the lead Imitation does not build a reputation for any product, that's tho reason' why our beer Is taking ths lead. SCHADE BEER Is not exactly like nny other boor, but ii little the best becauaa It 1h made from absolutely pure American products aud brewed by men having quality uppermoat In their minds, SCHADE BREWING CO. Cor Front and Sheridan. 'Phone Main 415. THE 8R00K... Cor. Front and Mill. For burns snd scslda a sure cure Medical Lake Salts ...DROP 1N... IF IT S GOOD We have it. FINEST WINE ROOMS IN THE CITY. "NUF SED" John Oondron, President. INDIAN HEAD BRAND Dissolve a tablespoonful in a pint ol water, saturate s cloth and apply to the burn. Retail 2, r >c, 60c and $100. For salt by all druggists. Manufactured only by the Mcdicu! Lake Suits Mfg. Co., Bpokauo, Wash Are never sold in bulk. Wm. Xeutz, Treasurer. Telephone Main ..roc Warwick Co. 530 Blverside Avenue, Spokane, Wash. drill Boom. Bampl. Booms. TEETH We Will Buy Full $5 00 Set 5000 Little Joe-Black Hawk 6000 Capital Mining Company 3000 New Jersey Will Sell 5000 Tom Thumb 3000 Mountain Lion The A. P. Wright Co. (Incorporated,) 403-404 Rookery. Main 20H9. Bllver tilling ..Ms Teeth extracted absolutely with- out pain BOe Bosmless gold crown. 22k........ SS Ail work Knarnntoed from 16 to as yeara. Lady always In attendance. Lowest prlees; best work. Satisfac- tion auaianteod or 110 pay. NEW YORK DENTAL CO. irOKAHE, W4SB. .114% Riverside. Tel. Main 1044 DB. F. 8. BYRNE, Roomi 19-2(1 Holland liiock Tit Riverside Avenue Hours 10 n. hi lo IS, 1 :;:» In r, illi Dr. Mavsn White. Manages. NOTICE TO COM i X -. - VOK3. Tiie boards of puulic « will reeelvc bhls for 10.mm different build- ings everywhere. You call not rend ull the local papers, Wo cun. We keep you posted. gPOKAMK PRBgg CLIPPINa HU- RRAU bon 174b. Bpukune W»->-




"Young Mowatt," the Chicago feath-erweight, haa flunked out of Ins ten-

round bout with "Kid" Broad, whichwas to have taken place at New Orleans tonight .and "Kid" Hermann,another Chicago lighter, lias been sub-stituted.

An effort is being male by GeorgeMcDonald, the tight promoter, of Chel-sea. Mass.. to arrange a limited roundbout between Jack Munroe. the Butteex-miner, and Sand) Ferguson, tbe

Boston lighter. If the match is clinch-ed the men will engage in a ten roundbout at the next show of McDonald'sclub.

Jack Hoot, tlie Chicago light heavyweight, -who has not fought since lastJuly, is at Pueblo, where be will bematched in a few days to field JimFlynn of that city. They wiU box n20-round bout and Koot is to receive$600 for bis services.

Billy Rotchford, the Chicago feather-weight, and Billy Murphy, tlie erraticAustralian fighter, who hn= been fight-ing long enough to be retired on a pen-sion, have been signed to meet in ajo-round bout at Kaneaa City duringthe latter part of ngzt month.

'Andrew Token, the English bantam-weight, who was defeated by HarryForbes in Detroit some months ago,

is willing to come to this country

again snd take another crack at Forbes.He WIH take the Chicago boy on for3f> or 25 rounds at 116 to US poundshalm any club that will hang up a

fnrse tnd will make a side bet offt ' \u25a0

One tlaaaa the Englishman will in-on.;» four-ounce gloves are to be


Thl*er Sweeney, the pride of Man-crbester. H.i« receive-' an offer tn go tot hksgo to meet .Tack O'Keefe, theIsght Si eight. Bweeney has wired an ac-ceptance and now awaits transporta-tion. The date set by the club is some-where in October. The bout is to becf six roun ls at catch weigh ts.

O.ester Goodwin, the featherweight,boxer of Boston, and Harry Forbeshave been matched to meet in a 12---round bout before a club in Boston.They will clash at 120 pounds.

Whitman Is Weak.WHITMAN COLLEGE, Oct. 23.?

Looking at things in the light furnish-ed by Saturday's game with the Spo-kane High school, every one aroundliere stems to think that Whitman'achances of winning the game againstthe state university next week in Seat-

tle are very slim. Whitman showedup with fine speed, in fact, she wasspeedier than was expected, but theteam is very light. For tins reasonIt is feared she will stand a poor showwhen up against a heavy college line.Tlie best team in the field averagednot more than a little over 140 poundsto tlie man. ami it more than doubtfulif Whitman Can muster a heavier team

to send to Seattle on Thursday, Thisgreat disadvantage in weight will off-set much of the great speed whichWhitman undoubtedly hns this year.The loss of Biattnin. fullback, who willnot be able to play for a month onaccount of a broken hand received inthe game with the High school, willplace another stumbling block in liteway of victory. The line is the weakpoint in Whitman's team, althoughFerringer nnd Rudd are good iiien atthe tackle positions-. Brainard will beat quarter in the Seattle game, andthis will greatly strengthen the team.It is also thought that Wiley Lasater,who was 'varsity man last year, willbe back ngnin in a day or two. Hewill strengthen the line. Brown, theraptain of the team, will not playthis year, because of former injuries.Brainard will act as field captain. Moreconfidence is felt by the men on theteam than by the football kmnvalls(?) about the little college. The playersthemselves aeem to think thai theystand s good chance of winning, andare determined to put up a stronggame.

"Inotice that the wealthy people whopay that money is a source of constanttrouble nnd worry to them do not trylo relieve themselves ? which theycould readily do," remarked the Web-foot philoeoph er.


BLAIRSThere will certainly he something do-

ing at Kataloriutn park this afternoonaccording lo Coach Strong of the BlairfpOtbatl team. At 4 o'clock the inrin-

bera will take their laat practice inorder to familiarize themselves withthe grounds before they meet tlieirhusky opponents tomorrow at 3 o'clock.

"I believe'the team is now in goodenough shape to go after almost anyteam in these parts," is the way CoachStrong expressed himself this morn-ing. "The boys still lack the practicewhich results from match games, butlor practically green players tliey area bunch that's hard to bent."

'Die team which is to line up againstthe Hlaira tomorrow is composed ofsome very husky young men who haveorganized themselves into whet theycall an athletic club team. Pert ofthe squad nre from the Davenport HighSchool, although the most of themare ex-High school players.

The lineup will probably he as fol-lows, though several other recent ad-ditions to the team may he tried out:

Howell, 1. c; Oelilers, ('alter. 1. t.;Haines. Zimmerman, 1. g.: Glindeman,center; Berland, r. p.: Jatro, (captain),Cook, r. t.; Sheppard, Sett, r. e.jHammerlnnd, n,.; George, 1. h.; John-son, f.; Prather, r. h.

Fast Quarter-MilerIn Drake's Back Field


NEW ORLEANS, 1.a.. Oct. 23.?Af-ter a series o£ annoying delays arisingfrom the failure of various fighters tolive up to tlieir contracts the SouthernAthletic club lias Anally succeeded incompleting arrangements for holdingits opening boxing show tonight. "Kid"Broad and Tommy Mowatt uf Chicagowere originally scheduled to furnishthe windup, but the latter failed tOabide by his agreement and a post-ponement of tho exhibition was madenecessary. "Kid" Hermann of Chica-go has been substituted for Mowattand will meet Broad in the principalevent tonight. The articles call for a

i 10-round go at 128 pounds, weigh in at[3 o'clock. Considerable interest is man-

ifested in tin event and a good crowdis expected to be on hand to see thelittle fighters battle.

DES MOINES, la., CM. 23.?ChesterMain, left half of Drake universityeleven, has never met his equal asa quarter miler, except in the oon-jferenee meet at Chicago, H is equally fast and heady on the gridironand plays a hard and strong defense,He learned the game nt Elks Point,S. D., and came out late in the seasonof '01 in response to an emergencycall for players. He is 24 yeara old,weighs 168, and is five feet 10 1-2 mc hestall.

High Plays Lewiston.

The High school football team leftthis morning for Lewiston, Idaho,

where this afternoon a game is to beplayed. The hoys have had enoughma tehee lately so they are how attlieir best. The team will line up asfollows:

H. Davis, (enter: Mtahewe, rig.itguard; Samuels, light tackle: Schmidt,right end; Kelly, left guard; Brown,left tackle; Scott, left end; Coolidga,quarter; Gregory, right half; like, hithalf; Dehuff, fullback.


ALLEYSJust one more chance after tonight

Will be given the bowlers of the Goeut"d'Alene club to make the team whichis to represent those alleys and meetall comers. Tonight another live menwill be selected a* the high ones. Thebowling should develop some of tlielargest scores thus far had during thetournament. A special effort is duo tobe made tonight.

The bowling game is one that hastaken the city by storm. When HieCoeur d'Alene allays were first talkedof there were those who told DutchJake to "look a little out, yet," butlie replied "nix on the scare for me,"and now that the alleys are completed,the good judgment of Jake is remark-ed. Those alleys work steadily 24 hoursper day.

On the Big Tracks.

Chicago Worth Park.

One mile?Nellie Bawn won, BlueMint second, Fingal third, Tune,1:41 3-5.

Six furlongs?Tokalon won. WilliamWright second, Trojan third. Time,1:12 3-5.

Mile and 100 yards-Byways wen.Dr. Stephens second, English Lad thud,

'l ime, 1:4o 3-5,Seven furlongs Golden Rule won.

Dollie Hayman second, Callant third,Time. 1:203-5,

Mile nnd one-fourth?Tancred won,

Dotie S. second, Antole third. Time.1:58,

Six furlongs, selling -Rummer woii,Henry McDaniel second, Stemwinderthird. Time, 1:12 an.

New York Brighton Beach.

NEW YORK, Oct, 23.?BrightonBeach summary:

Five and a half furlongs Dimplewon. Qraceland second, Niskayuns.thiid. Time, 1:081-5,

Steeplechase, about two miles, hand-icap?Charavcjn won, Gascar second.Manilian third, Time. 4:41.

One mile and a sixteenth, selling-Ernest Parham won, Namtor second,Ethics third. Time. 1:47 4-5.

Six furlongs?Winged Foot handicap?Hello won. Juvenal Maxim second.Sweet Gretchen third. Time, 1:14 l-.».

Mile and a quarter, handicap?MabelRichardson won. Cuaganawaga second,Lady Potentate third. Time. 2:06.

Five and a half furlongs -Blythenesswon.. Clear the Arena second, RobRoy third. Time, 1:08.

Herman to Box Broads.

Races at Walla Walla.Mack Mack won the free for ill

! trot, purse 1600, in three straight heats,

Time, 2:10. Briny K. took second andthe Commonwealth third.

In the 3-year-old pace Hallie Hingestook the race in 2:20 1-2. Economizersecond, Teddy third.

Four and one-half furlongs?Junotfirst, Dixie second, Scorcher third.Time. :57 12.

Merchants' handicap, five-eighths ofa mile?Elder fust. Dora li. second,Modder third. Time. 1:02 1-2.

Five and one half furlongs?DudWade first. Black Cloud second, King

Croix third. Time, 1:113*1.

Stoval Returns.

.lesse Stovall is again on the coast.lie started west Immediately after hefinished the season with Cleveland.


WALLACE, Idaho, O. t. 23,_The|Standard Mining company haa paidInto the treesurj of the county $6250in full payment 01 its taxes for theJim 10(12. The Standard waa amongthe other big local mining comp 11 -.

barring one or two exceptions, 1refused the pay taxes last year, owingto alleged high valuations lixed b)the assessor. The new board of count)'esonroiasionei? compromised with thebig mining companies, by reducing the

Strike on Amador.IRON MOUNTAIN, Mont, Oct, 2.;.

'All the mi in tv in the Amador havestruck. Not a man i* working. Tliejreason for tbil action ia said to ba onaccount, of tiu- (ood tha company baahern giving tha awn. Another rumorfat tin- strike is that the foreman, Wal-teis. waa to be displaced bj a newman, to srbicfc tin nn v objected. 1

valuation of the mines involved, whichnecessarily reduced the amount of theirtaxes correspondingly, Under the val-uation made by Assessor Miner theStandard's taxes for H»n2 were .*I7,(KNI,

which makes the reduction $11,250, Thesame rate of reduction on the com-promise plan applied to the HunkerHill & Sullivan, the Mammoth, TheHunter, the Frisco, the Morning, theEmpire-tSate and the Tiger-Poormaacompanies.

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 2.'1. The di-rectors of the Louisiana Purchase ex-position are in receipt ot a letter fromCommissioner Cridler stating that Bul-garia is disposed to tale part in theexposition, and that he expects to visitSofia soon and personally see PrinceFerdinand in regard to the matter.Should Bulgaria accept the invitationit will be the first time she has beenrepresented by an exhibit m an} inter-national exposition held in America,

To Aid Missions.

CHATTANOOGA, Term., Oct, 23.-One of the largest missionary conven-tions ever he'd in this section "ill bethe annual meeting of the managersof the Woman's Home Missionary So-ciety of Ihe Methodist Kpi-copal churchwhich will be held in Chattanooga be-ginning next Wednesday and contin-uing six days. Mission workers fromevery part of the country will be pres-ent and a number of well known mis-sionaries returned from foreign iieldswill also take part.

The program is not yd completed in

all its (leiails, but the plans have nd-Vanced far enough to show that the jgathering will be one of extraordinaryinterest, Among tin- many noted wo-men who will speak are Mis. Clinton

11. Fteke of New York, Mrs. .lane Bancroft Robinson of Detroit, Mrs. W. C,

lb iron of Cincinnati, Mrs. Joseph F.Berry of Chicago, Mis. Joseph Spencerof Kansas City, and Mis. Levi Gilbertof Cincinnati,

In responae to Inquiriea as to newmanufactories being exempt from tax-ation lor the Inst few years in easethey come here. Corporation CounselJudaon has delivered an opinion to iheeffect that there la nn legal wa) to pro-vide exemption.


412 to 420 Riverside Aye.

Saturday special valuesHERE ARE CERTAIN SAVINGS for the economic-ally inclined. This store opens up many broadavenues of substantial savings. Read the below ad-vertised items carefully and see the very good reasonswhy you should trade here tomorrow.

The Biggest Hal Bargain... FOR LADIES AND MISSES OE THE YEAR ...

Another one of our lucKy buys. We have beenfortunate in buying a manufacturer s entire sampleline of ladies' and Misses' ready-to-wear and patternhats so low that enables us to make you a price foryour choice never before heard of. They are just 149hats in the lot. Values are from $3.00 AQrto $7.00. On sale Saturday only

. . .

None laid aside or exchanged. See Window Display.


The celebrated no sets give the "'car ers easy, graceful figures, and help them to hold themselves erect, butthey do it without requiring tight lacing. Saturday we'll clean up hundreds of samples ami broken lines, alsomany special numbers secured lor this sale in up to date models, all at prices that will save you money.

$1.00 Corsets. 65cW. 11. Erect Form Corsets, Short

Hip?Made of good quality ooutil, in

drab, white and black; a tegular $1.00kind. Sale m\f%rpi ice Ifs/V

$1.25 Corsets. 78cW. li. Erect Form Corsets?Short

bill only; black, drab and white; regu-

lar 11.25 values. Sale 78C

$1.75 Corsets $1.28W. B. Erect form Corsets?Medium

style; pink, blue, white, drab andblack; all sizes; $1.75 value. QOSale juice «Pl.atO

Shoe Snaps for SaturdayOur shoe department is always alive to the

wants of the people and for Saturday will offer

some exceptionally fine values.

$2.00 Corsets $1.43W. li. Erect Form Corsets Long

hip, in white, block and gray; all sizes;regular $2.00 quality, tffl A Qfor »Pl.*lo

$2.50 Corsets$1.95

W. B. Erect Form, Fine ( until Cor-

eet?Long hip for full figure*, in blackand drab, Sale tfjl f\/Zprice «P»"

? J

In addition to a complete lino of\V. B. Corsets. Aye carry in stock some

excellent models in R, & (J. and War-

ner's rust proof corsets and girdles;

all sold ut money saving prices. Corsetslitted.

Girls' Shoes . . $1.29Rack No.l- On this rack you will find a gn at assortment of girls'

shoes, in heavy kid, box and kangaroo cull, with extra solid sole leathetsoles and counters; double toes ami silk sewed; in either lace er

button. They sell regularly up to 11.78, and come in sizes from

11 12 to 2. Our Saturday's pricdj per pair, C| OQis

Girls' shoes, same style as above, sizes 8 1-2 OQfto 11 ?

Boys' Shoes . . $1.29Hack No. 2 contains shoes for the boys?the King of the Kicker*?

\u25a0who tries the soul of bis parent a as well aa the sole of his slioch. Theseahoea are made to stand extra hard service, anil we do not think thatYOU will he tho least bit disappointed in them it you try a pair foryour boy; sizes 1 to 81-3. They sell regularly at $1.75. but Of)our Saturday price, per pair, is vi«si /

Boys' shoes, same styles as above, size 8 to13 1-2, 93c.

? Mens Shoes . . . $2.35. .

Rack No. :t -This is tlie rack that plcoaei the men, for on it Cantn- found slues made of vici kid, bos calf and velour calf, withheavy welted soles, extension edge and reinforced backstay, You cannot afford to puss t*is excellent opportunity by to secure a regularsinn or (BJO shoe dining ibis great Saturday special sale (hn offit, per pair, \P*C»I/»J

1 ou are sure to get


and WINES at

DURKINSPHONE MAIN 731. FREE DELIVERY.Port, per linlf gallon 7So-(lSherry, per half gallon 7Sc-$lAngelica, per half gallon 7SoMUSCatel, per half sallon 750White Tort, per half gallon 7SoClaret, per half gallon SOoSSlnfandel, per half gallon 650lin ut Baturne, per half gallon giWhiskies, 10c a Drink. Wines, 60 a Glass.

DURftIN SWholesale and Retail, Mill and Sprague.

irvlng'sApricot Brandy

Aged in Bond.

Pints, 75cQuarts, . . . $1.25

$3.50 per Gallon

Taking the leadImitation does not build a reputation for any product, that's tho

reason' why our beer Is taking ths lead.


Is not exactly like nny other boor, but ii little the best becauaa It

1h made from absolutely pure American products aud brewed by

men having quality uppermoat In their minds,

SCHADE BREWING CO.Cor Front and Sheridan. 'Phone Main 415.


Cor. Frontand Mill.

For burns snd scslda a sure cure i«

MedicalLake Salts

...DROP 1N...

IF IT S GOODWe have it.



John Oondron, President.

INDIAN HEAD BRANDDissolve a tablespoonful in a pint ol

water, saturate s cloth and apply to

the burn.

Retail 2,r >c, 60c and $100. For salt

by all druggists.

Manufactured only by the Mcdicu!Lake Suits Mfg. Co., Bpokauo, Wash

Are never sold in bulk.

Wm. Xeutz, Treasurer.

Telephone Main

..rocWarwick Co.

530 Blverside Avenue, Spokane, Wash.

drill Boom. Bampl. Booms.

TEETHWe Will BuyFull $5 00 Set

5000 Little Joe-Black Hawk6000 Capital Mining Company

3000 New Jersey

Will Sell5000 Tom Thumb3000 Mountain Lion

The A. P. Wright Co.(Incorporated,)

403-404 Rookery. Main 20H9.

Bllver tilling ..MsTeeth extracted absolutely with-

out pain BOeBosmless gold crown. 22k........ SS

Ail work Knarnntoed from 16 to asyeara. Lady always In attendance.Lowest prlees; best work. Satisfac-tion auaianteod or 110 pay.


.114% Riverside. Tel. Main 1044

DB. F. 8. BYRNE,Roomi 19-2(1 Holland liiock

Tit Riverside AvenueHours 10 n. hi lo IS, 1 :;:» In r, illi

Dr. Mavsn White. Manages.

NOTICE TO COM i X -. - VOK3.Tiie boards of puulic « will

reeelvc bhls for 10.mm different build-ings everywhere. You call not rendull the local papers, Wo cun. Wekeep you posted.gPOKAMK PRBgg CLIPPINa HU-

RRAUbon 174b. Bpukune W»->-