On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on...

TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE Washlnl!ton In reality. It Is not uncommon PUBLICATION OF THI )"'AN(5E A"'(RICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE 125 Will., St .• Lo. A ••• I", CollI. 90011. 1113-626.69341 Pr.tbtl.h,d Wnkly be..,. Fin. L .. , W .. kJ of the Yea, - Seco,," Ct ... Po ••••• ,,14 .. Lo. Al8lel •• , C.IIf. ... t "",elts a .. o. I had a among Japanese for persons m 0 s t Interesting Interview who were ostensibly Involved with Mr. Sblchlhel Yamamo- In the decision making to t . pUbll.<ber 01 the much pub- complain alterwards that they lleized book, Til_ JapIJn." did not agree with the decl- and Ih. Jew., by 1 ... lah Ben- slon, even though they had Da$lIn. Althou/fh neither of us "signed ott" In agreemenl. or Cor decision mak- IOI!, and p'efer be critical alter the facl rather than be partlclpallve and construcllve before the fact. VOL. 81 NO. 20 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1975 8'1 bIGri ptlon not. JHlr Yo .. U 8. tIP. rorel,n 'IU 15 CENTS .... entloned th" book In our ••• dlseusslon, our lengtby con- We didn't drive Into the CENTRAi CAL JACL, FRESNO BETSUIN CO.SPONSORS ,crsaUon cver luncb dwelt reasons for this sl!emlngly lnr,eJy on contrasting the Ja- ccntradlctory behavior. but It panese with Ammcans. mlllht be explainable by the rant'ed' over a number J a. pan s e consdou"ness of c( t<'Ples. but much e-f our dls- "status". " Sub"rd lnates" lend cusslon centered on Ihe ded- to defer t" "superiors". Thus. • on-makltlll pf'OCUS In varl- a lower level employee is Uke- cu.. setUn«s In the two 00- ly to agree with what he per- detles We round thai In ceives as Ihe desires or hiB many =poeu, the actual be- superlor<-then gnlmble and havl .. r of the perple involved \fTlpe .rterwards. Tn effecl. although the out- ward forms of Japanese and AmeMcan b!.havlor may seem to be different (at times), the implicit nynamlcs may be the same with the trend In b" th socieUes towards more and more peeple doing their own thing without regard for otb- ers or for cooperaUon with cthers lor Ibe common good. Fair trial fund for Wendy started may be oui\e similar althougb Tberretlcany. tbls kind of the autw.rd app,arance may sltuatlrn should not prevail in eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem- For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin- Am4!nc:an newspaper article, ciples. Ihe Jap.n... process of ob- Heretofore. dec is Ion. In ,alnlnll ""n!en.IUS was credit- American society have been ed a. Ibe bas's for group com- accepted on Ib" basis of mitmenl and """peratlon In either ""mman ac-ceptance of busin .. s and Industrial firms. the authority of recognlted Implicit in this process. lUI ex- dec'slon makers. or e-n Ibe plained by the American wrlt- ba·is of accepted decision cr, Is the nrUrn that since rules surh as "major- everyone Is Involved In the Ity fU'C u And when decisions dedslon making once ore based on prior consulta- D decision is u!>"n, IIrn. those ccnsulled should everycne is crmmltted to feel unconstrained in voicing abiding by and supporting Ibelr rplnJons and 'druthers. Ibat decision. Yet In reallly, people for Mr. Yamamoto acknwledg- reaSOn or another often Mr. Yamamoto have not or do not take ad- I'll tbJIt thl. may be true In vantage or Ibe opportunity to form, but may not hold true partIcipate, recognize no rules JAPAN DECORATES MUKAEDA FOR 3D TIME LOS ANGELES - Katsurna Mukaeda, 85. was cited (or the Iblrd Ume by the Japa- nese on Nov. 3- Ibis Itme with the Second Order 01 the Sncred Treas- ure. Previously, the Little Tokyo crunsekr rec-elved the Fourth Order In 19M and tbe ThIrd Order in 1970. Leone Nisei among the local bonorees dec 0 rat e d was Maul-born Frank M. Yone- mura. 72, owner of ABC Nurs- ery in Gardena since 1934. FRESNO. Calif. - A "Wendy Yashimura raIl' Trial Fund" has been crganlzed jointly by the Central Cailiornia J ACL District Cruncil and the Fres- no B\Uldhlsl Betsuln, It was annrunced Oct. 30. The trv. <t fund was created In the interest o( obtainIng (air play fn- Miss Yoshimura. Involvement of the Nikkel crmmunlty inlo thIs matter I. strictly based on conc-em (or p-cvidlng a fund for 8 fall' trIal, the sponsrrs said. It will be administered by represen- tatJves from the two groups and the ac«unt will be main- tained by the California First Bank, 1458 Kern St .. Fresno. Committee members for fund named were: C(,DC Gov. Judge M1k1o Uchlyama, Fowler; Dr. Izuml Taniguchl, nat'l JACL v.p. for research and services; Rlnban Nob 0 r u Tsunoda, Betsuln; Fred Hirasuna and Mike Iwa- tsubo. The rund was o"ganlzed arter discussion and apprOval 01 M,·. and Mrs. Frank Yeshi- mura c( Fresno, paTents of the accustd. It was emphaslted strict .rnlrol 01 an donations to Ihe fund to In su re Its prcper use weu'd b" malnlalncd . Wendy Yoshimura's deCense attorney James Larson of Oakla nd was inlo lmcd c( the fund and has been reou:sted to submJt nee- essmy c.>[J .. nse items for proc- eSSing by the committee. The ccmmlttee assured that every penny sent to the trust lund will be earmarked tolal- Iy und completely for trial ex- penS2S and nol one cent dis- sipated for meetings, travel or other non-trial connected ex - pense,. Concerned individuals and orgnnlzatlons wlsbing to contribute may mall tbeir contributions to any of the following addresses: JACL R,eglonal Office. 012 F St Frosno, CoBI. 03706: Fresno Bud'; dhltt Bet.uln. Kern St. no, Callf. 03700: r-r A"oahuC!d In 8urllnae Serylee, 1417 Kern St .. F'r'l no. CollI . 03706. 'Not guilty' plea entered at hearing It hod been $250.000. In Harri sburg, Pa., Martin Miller. 30, of New Vork, tel- be Core • federal grand JUry Nov. 0, HI. attorney David Ferieger a brief statement from Miller explaining his wllh the nOrlheastern Penn- sylvania farmhou 'c whpre Pa- OAKLAND _ Wendy Yoshl- ollegedly mUla plcadcd Innocent at the y . Nov. 5 hea.lngs to the charges Miller revenled he knew cC p-Mes"ng a machine llun -Joan Shimada, since Identi- and before Alame- lied as Wendy Yoshimura. In <la Cou nty Superl o Court 1. 972 and not a federal tugl- Judge Llcnel J . Wilson. who Itve althe Ume In New set Jan . 14 as the dale for her trial 10 begin. A pre-trial hearing will be held Dec. 5, at which lime her attorney, James Larson, In- San Francisco group hears defense aHorney to .sk her ball be re- SAN FRANCISCO - A s ian duced Iurther from $100,000. Americans concerned t hat ceDe gears for annual confab Pres. Sugiyama backs Wendy fair trial fund 'Exec Order 9066' exhibit at Nat'l Hq combined with Novo 19 public forum B, YO TA.KJ)[A,WA FRESNO, Calif - Tbe 28th an- rrual CellIni California J ACL D'1tr1c1 Councll convention "';11 be held In Nov. 22-23 It the Hctel HiIt"n here ",lib Jud'e Mlkl" Uchiyama of dlmlct pre- Ifdin,. ehalrman Hu,o 0,1"'8 01 Sa .... r ItImmarlud the artlvlUes. ,tarUnll with 1 no-hesl dlnn.,. Sat- urda, nl,hI and culmina Un, with banquel Sundl, wllb Avemblyman Floyd Morl of Pluaanttn as keynote speak- er. Fo"""r ml,rr and council- man of Plea .. nl<'n, the Utah- bem u.embltman w .. elec1ed to rep· .. aent the 15th District Assemblyman Floyd Mori , .. t Maffh In a special elee- t'on followlnll sudden dum of Aawmbl,man Carlo. ccmprfae the Central CaJlfor- nla Dlatrlcl Ycuth Council. Central California DI<trld II f'oovenUon II open to the c-omprfaed of nine chapte ... : pubUe. InformatJon may be Clovis. Delano, I'owler, 1'1'81- secured (rem the CeDC JACL no, Parlier, Reedley, San.er, OIIIee between 11 am.-3 pm. Selma Ind Tulare County. by calling 237-4oot1. educational groups. He was WASHINGTON _ National born on May SOJ 1939. In Mur- JACL President Shlg Sugl- ray, Utah, graauated In eco- yama ibis week hearUly en- h;o=.! dorsed and applauded the OcL nomics and poUtical science. 31 announcement in Fresno up a "Wendy Yoshl- The freahman assemblyman mura Fair Trial Fund". hopes to conc-entrate hIs ener- C e n t r a 1 California J ACL gy on revlslnll the tax struc- District Council and Ibe Fres- lure, develep state guldelJnes no Buddhist Betsuln jointly for land use plannlnll, ftsht established the rund In the In- air pollution and envlronmen- of obtaining fair play tal decay and improve the for Miss Yt'I9h1mura, who has quality of education. He be- pleaded not guilty to charges lieves a mOre equitable tax of possessing a machine gun structure must be implement- and explosives. ed to lessen the burden on Yoshimura's charges stem- property taxpayers In favor of med from alleged activities using Income and sales taxes in Berkeley before the Sym- to fund local government. blonese LlberaUon Army sur- He Ia a member of the As- faced In 1974. Sbe was Iden- slllDbly committees on educa- tied as an SLA member when lion, revenue and taxation, arre.-ted with Palricla Hearst labor relaUona and the Call- in San Francisco on Sept. 28. fornla Ccmmi!8lon for Eco- Declaring the act Ion In nomic DevelopmenL keeping wijb the purp"ses and Morl and bla wife, Irene, Ideals of the JACL, Suglya- live In Pleasanton .... Ith their rna was heartened that a plUlt five cblldren. He Is an elder of the JACL organization with In the Mormon church. man y prominent . long-ttme JACl.ers directly Involved bas FrcrIL thea cbapten, high Banquet will Include the .choal and otudanta mass INtallatJon of chapter "alabe .... LoIars and district ofllcers. CCDe Qt- I, fleers with another year re- publicly recognized that Mlq YoshImura Is entitled to all the prolecUons afforded by the Constitution. "With our incteaslng con- sclcusness of Ideological dl1- terences wilbln American so- ciety, there has been a ten- dency ' for Individuals to make juqgments and pronounc-e- ments concerning the gullt or Innccense of persons aecu,ed on the basis of the personal philosophy by the acc\lBed." Sugiyama noted. SAN FRANCISCO, Callf.- National JACL Headquarters, cur I' en t I y exhibiting the a war d - winning UExecutlve Order 9066" phctographlc dis- play prcduced by the Califor- nia Hlstcrical Society, Is open dally from 9 a. m.-5 p.m., and weekends, Saturday and Sun- day, (rem noon-5 pm. There Is no admission charge. "We seem to have fotgot- len thai a keynote of our con- cept and system of justice Is thot a person accused is pre- Persons who surned to be Innocent until lite In the camps, subject of ,,1Ier pre per exercise of due ing questicns of visitors. The process under the law. lO-day exhibit closes Nov. 22. "Wendy Ycshhnura is en- In ccnnectlon with the ex- titled to all Ihe protections af- hib't, JACL and American Ts- lorded by our Constilution Sues Fcrum (AIF) will pre- a"d Ibe laws before judgment sent three speakers at a pub- Is pass ad," Sugiyama pointed lie forum on Wednesday, out.. Nov. 19, 7:30 pm. at Christ He appreciated the conUnu- United Presbyterian Church Ing ccverage of the Yoshimu- Sutter at Laguna. to cove; ra case since her arresl in Ihe "Beyond Barbed Wire: Strug- Japanese American vernacu- Icr Unalienable Rights" lars since very little has ap- to do something mcre than p,ared In In the Wash- that recall history, pointing Ington. 0 , C. pr ....._ _ Jl:L c:ctUempoOlXl' thGughts and NCWNDC re-eleds d . rive opens Ranko vs. H.-Iton Hotel tr.-al opens •• W Dol tTulare Coun171, treu: 1.'0 Tokl- IS aoyemor =. i::::::?: C"':i Dr. Thomal SAN FRANrJSCO - Welle, Dol of San Francfl«> .... re- elec1ed to II second term as of the Northern Call- fornla-Wl'Ilern Nevad. JACL Dlstrfct Councll at III fourth qu.rterly _Irn Nov. 2. hoet- ed by San FrandlCo JACL .t JACL Re.dquarten. Membc:r chapten are be- Inll polled 1/ thq want CD ap- prlWe • d l mlc1 rr·olutJon ex- pr ... IUppert of the Cen- tr.1 Call1erni. JACL Dlatrtct Caunell and ","no Buddhl.t Betsuln fund l'Itablllh«l to usure a faIr trial for Wendy YoshImura. by the Chlcallo JACL to honor 'n .. ",o). youtll. a deserving hlsb schcol grad- Morl w •• recently uate of Japanese anc-estry ed to the new Aasembl, spe_ each year In the ChIcago area. cia I ItIhcrmmittl!e MI CaJlfor- Tbe first award was made In "la', Focd and May when Peggy Sato of Senn Economy. It will examine the H'gb wal presented a $500 Culure of the foed and url- award. tlIltural IndultrY. nothIng that The chapter announced a h-th larlle and small Icale $15,000 goal for the fund wltb farmlnll exist. In his dlltrtct interest to be uled for the In Alameda county, ann u a I Yatabe scholarehlp maldng h'l a.lf"nment rela- award. Noboru Honda and live and importanL Peny Mlyalce are co-chalr- Prft-r to hi. election to the men of the ad boc fund com- Aa.oembly, Morl laught eco- millee. nrmlC! .Ince 1985 at Chabot Dr. Yatabe, born In 1897 In College In Hayward. He seTV- San Francisco, moved to Fres- ed on th" Pleasanton City no In 1922 to set up hll den- Cauncll from 1972 and became tal pracUce and was also In- mayor In 1974. stllunental In forming the CHJCAGO-A lawltllt seeldng apprcxlmately ,1 mUllon In damages from the HUton hotel chain, charging negligence In connecUon with the murder of 18-year-old Evelynn Oku- bo flve years ago, went to ccurt In late October. Plaintiff Is Ranko Yamada, 23, who was seriruslY Injured by a razor-wielding man as she returned to her rorm at th.e Palmer Hf>use (a Hilton- cp>rated hotel) on June 16, 1970. The same man had just attacked and killed Ranko's roe-mmate, Evelynn Okubo . To date, no one has been convicted of the Okubo slay- Ing. "It's 8S much a myslery t-day as It was then." Chi- cago police William Leeney wa< que ted as saylog 'ast December. . then a strugllle. I heard hel' scream once and then it was silent." Ranko said. Evelynn Okubo, 18 cu .... ent issues facing Japa- nese Americans and ether mi- norities. The trio are Jen y Enomolo, director ot the Slate Dept. of Corrections; Charles Marson ACLU in Northern Callfernla; and Judge Earl Warren JI". , of the Sacramen- to muolcipal court. Such mi- nority problems as equ.al ac- cess t') the law. afIIrrnative ac- tion in employment, fair hous- lng, repressive Jaws .. minority rights and safeguards are to be discussed. JACL is among 20 com- munity groups werking .wl th A[F for the pre motion of rzreater understanding, Ben Takeshita. chairman of tbe JACL-AJF cOmmittee reveal- ed. "We think the ccmblnatlon cf the exhlblt and pub 11 c (orum will enable us to share with San Fran aC'i.5C'8ns our past and cur brp"5 tor Ihe [ut\lre." be added. JACL and San Francl&co f'nnsrrtium feT CQllejtes and Universities a150 brougbl Sen. Daniel K. Inouye for a publlo leclure at Lone Mountain Col- lege on Nov. 7. JACL will also spcnsor prcgrams in April 1976 al wbich time various pects of cultural pluralism will be discussed. Summing up the JACL par- ticipation In the American Is- 'ues Fcro!", Don Hayashi, J ACL Project Director said "We are pleased to work with otber commun'ty groups to think d""ply about the found- ing principles of Our naOon. JACL has Icng steed for edu- catlen and understanding and we delight in this opportunity to refleci on our history and to seriously consider issues and questions which cont inue to ""nf<tnl nCI only Japanese Americans and racial minori- ties. but the nation as a whole. u The San Francisco presen- ta , ticns of American Issues Fe: urn was made possible by a grant cf National En- dcwment. Wl--ndy YothimUla ttoCfJtVes a /"Ir I1lnl mot Nov Z "I Glide Memorial Methcdlst Churth 1<> henr atlr rney, Jam.... Lar- 'f n. ''lnel a .rrJUp IN.tntlvt'ly called the " W<ndy y" hlmUla Fair Trl.,1 Com- Iflllk'c' Lar r n laid hll I tryin, LO l"c,le perarns wilimll I<) offer emplt),ment nnd admlSJlCn Inln art ·c hool at the h'vpl Il he c.n re_Ulblish lIctt in 01(' ccmmunity. chancH of .ubotanlloJ ball "ductlon (itC law rable. Laraon ':'rid He Qiso ""'!'se\l the tmpor- t.nce 01 vislble Aal"n com- munity ccncfI'm at c(.urt pearancc. An .teerlng com- mltl"e In eonter wHiT olher wlshinll to help and or- ganize group 15 com- pO$P.,l of; n.a),mond Olumur-. . Unon Uno an4 the R.·\, . LJ"J'd. W.kt!' Fe,' informaUon and offers of assi. lance. ccnlact may be made "Ith attorney, Gan-Iek Lew and Dale MinamI 1893- 9100 I or the steering ""m- mil1.ee TUAI CONCEDES BID IN SEATTlE ELECTION SEATTLE-While some 10.000 absentee baltot. remain to be challenger Lie m TUBI vlrtuolly cenceded de- feat to Seattle Councllm.. n John Mlller after the Nov. 4 IXllls closed. F our ether incumbent coun- cilmen won handUy onr their eppcnents. The vote ",Ith 97% of the p.edncts ccunted was MIlle .. 79,177- Tual 77,142. In the Sea tle school board race, Filipino American aspir- ant Jamero I.e,t to Su- zanne Hlttman 67,035-38,767. In fact. women won the other three school board posts. Hayakawa Sen ale bid to be formal LOS ANGELES-Dr. S. l. Ha- y,kllwa here last week (No\'. 6) explained he really did not mean to announce his candi- dacy for the U.S. when he did berore a wom- en's grcup in San Diego the previous day. "What happened was I said I intend to run for tbe U.S. Senale and wculd make a for- mal announcement at the end o{ the year. That I did not regard as a fC'rmal annQunce- ment but it ,.,.,< trealed as such," Hayakawa said. A carefully plepared jY.siUon statement wculd accompany his formal announcement. Asked wby he wanted In lun. he said. "Soh1ng the prcblems of communication, IS what politios ali about. Tf elected, rll have a chance to put all my s:>m:ullic the- ories 10 W('fk at the hlghe.<t pc.'<Slble level," He I. active with the Com- American Loyalty Lea"ue, one mrnwcalth Club, JACL, Dem- of the torebearer. o( JACL. ocratlc cluba and profeulonal He was elected naUonal JA- _ .... _ .. _ ............ I!!! ................ ""'_ CL pres ident In 1934, spoke The ftrlt quarterJ,. _.Ion tor 18711 will be hOited by SaCTlmento J ACL In Febru- Iry al Ihe Sacramento Inn, lite t>f the 1976 natronal JACL convention June 21-211. Gruesome details Were de- scribed In court Nov. 6 by homicide Investlgatcr Robert Strahiman who found Miss Okubo'S bcdy In the seventh - fioor room's bathtub. Her mother wept quietly In the rear of the courl during the explicit testimony being made before a jury ot Bve men and seven women. In his auestionlng of Ranko, Hilt"n Hrtels attorney John Burke grilled hel' relZarding leading up to the at- tack and Immediately follow- Ing. A third woml\D who, with RAnko and Evelynn, was in (,bicago {cr the JACL con- venticn. dlseovered the grIsly scene as the wounded Miss Yamada was in the bathroom holding a razcr blade. Ranko said she was attempt'ng to cut hersel! free 01 the end with which Ihe attacker had bound her. However the third girl exclaimed, 'Why did you do it?', apparently believing that the scene was of a murder- suicide attempt. Miss Yamada, who was rushed to the In- lensive care unit of Herot'n Hospital, was unable to an- swel; the girl because of her Ihroat wound. JACL-NATIONAL TRAVEL PROGRAM ,,.. JACL Nat'l Hudqu,"en Communication about the Nisei before Mid- west and ElUltern audiences during WW2 and resettled with blJ family In Cblcago, contlnuJng hi. dental practice. Two Indlded In U.S. Kondo n.med NC-WN region.1 director probe at Unlv. of Masi. SAN FRIINrlSf'O--On Nov. t NIU"nll JACl, ElIecutive DI- rector David U.hlo. announc- Ih •• of Geor,. Kandt) i') the national .taff aa the Nllrthern Ca1Ilnrnl.-Welt- rn Nnad, (NC-WN) Re- lonal Dlreclor. Kondo brln.. to th n*II'nll I.IT many yuu of C[ mmunlt,. and bullne .. that will be Inval- "ahl .. JO t.he l>r,onI1alkn, .nd We crnftMnt that he will TO'. OI,anlu' on In an ulJt din" filion," U.hlo Latd KcnrJ., will till Ihe politi,," I,f Ihe NC-WN Re,lonll 01- , t r whIch hu vlc.nt until hi. hpf>( Intmenl will t.. hud,,""1 rttl .1 Lb_ Na- 110. al JACL "men In San Francisco and will wo.k with NC-WN t,/ft,;qtl *nd Ih. 2. rh ""'" I.. h IIllltlct HI. pllmary IUMU'm .. III Involve lhe cCo",dlnaUI)n of NC-WN DII ,leI Cwntll a,IIv1Un wilIL Ihe and of Ih. natlenal ofllanlUltion. Kondo, familiarly C a II e d "Korn" by hit clO"" friends, WaJ brrn and raised In the Eatt Bay area and I, a UC Berkeley gradu- ale In bu.ln .... Very artive In the civic and crmmunity affelr. of the City of Oakland, at tlJe time o{ his JACL appointment Kondo WAi Ir ... urer ond a boa-d mem- ber at Ihe "Chapter of the Year" Berkeley JACL. His communlly and cIvic Involve- Indude The Oakland- Fukuoke Sister City Society, a. a board member and President ror two term.. K<ndt) I. a member of the Oakland Advisory Commitl'" well o. hsvln« served two aa the chairman of the City M Oakland'. Museum AdvlllOty Commlllion . ervlcet Included erving on lhe Board of dl- Continued on ra ..e I Ushio Ylc.tioning thll month II. ltatementa ar. to b. ao1- dr" ... <1 to Hlyuhl, Ulhlo "dd,'d (ThO' PC learned tho U.hlc. were to vacation In Japan.) Natlonll H.adqua""ra re- po. tad I/}4 mOTt m.mbeflhlp. Wille ckrlowl«llr4 durin, the mr.n h of 0 tobu, makJn. tho 1D'111 Iot.1 28,482 Or 08 If pet. II and pub- t,( th 1974 total o( 21,727, ... tIK!:;'"t,. :,,"'" ::! !,:, st:- ,,_ .... "411 S. !<I \J ;J, .. tho ,,,,OJ ...,.."., . . BOSTON - A feder.1 grand jury Ocl. 31 charged Cleo C. Abraham, 34, a former Unlv. of M .... chuaetts professor, ond George P. Mellcan of Worcelter with stealing $2B 815 In Cederal funds. These ":'ere Ihe fult Indictments stemming Irom a nine-month Inveatlga- tlen 01 Ine/lularltles uncover- ed by then a·.lltant dean tor .. Dr. Bob Suzuki and tor which he G . nd hla famDy had been threatened a year .10. U.S. Attorney Jam.. N. Gabriel said the two men If convicted, could face up' to 10 yea" In prilOn ond $20,000 In One. each. Wblle the juron were dl.mlased, Inye.Ugatlon o( the UM.I, School of Edu- cation ha. not conclUded, Gab"el add cd. The y aro checking expenditures of two other Career OpportunlUea Program. admlnlltored by UMaaa In New Haven, Conn. and Brooklyn. Woman ROTC commander SANTA CLARA, ealU.-Rlta Tam.yo, :U, 0 Filipino Amor- Icnn psychology molor at tho Unlv . of IiDnta Clara gradu- lte_ In Juno and will be com- ml .. loned 2nd lieutenant In the Am,y She Ie tho nation'. nrat wrman comm.nder of an A, my ({OTC unit. Her Inler- In the mlilLary came nat- ",ally: lolher II 8 reUred Army rnoJor, her brother II u captain on activo duly, ond IIva AI Seuldo, adlacent to Fl. Ord. Ranko Yamada, now a law ptudenl, algO testified earlier In the w""k, sayIng she was grabbed by 8 nude man as she entered the rrcm and Ibrown to the Ocor. The attacker had already strlpp.d and bl'und lIer roommale Evelynn. Arter blndln!! Miss Yamada and covering her head. he took Evelynn Into the bathroom. "I heard her whimper ... I heard a gurgling noise and Testimrny also brought out that Ranko, unable to use the telephone b e c a use or the we unq, wrote fJ short note found in Ihe room. It asked that no ficwcrs be present at hel' tuneral ; observed. "It looks gory, but Ihere is nO p:.lin." and gave a general description of the .ssAliant. Ranke Yamada and hcr mrther. DOl'I Yamaaa of a,'c charging Ihc hot.1 with negligence In fall- lng to pro-vide adequate se- eu'lly fcr lis Attol'ney Pen y BC"ke Is "epresentlng the Yamada!', l:ontlnued on Pal" 4 Calol Ranko Yamada Ites on stletcher at Henrotin Hospital, being comforted by friend . This photo was nationally distributed by Ihe wire services day after the .tabblng July 16, 1970. Bouquets and Brickbats San Franc.isco Oct" ber 28 markcd thc hrmecc mlng of the final Na- lional JACL flight to Japan, nd o:! Steve Dol. Chalrperscn rf Ihe National JAf'L Travel CrmmiUee. Year 1975 saw the successful operation of eight charter cr g r 0 u p affinity flights to Japan. carrying sc me 1,142 JACLers and their famllics thousands o( mUes aCroSs the Pacific to the archi- pelago that is Japan. JACL with Ja- pan AirLines for th,· .. DC8 charler alrc"alts ond (or five group affinity 100 spaces On Ihe B747 Ga"den Jets. Japan Tl'llvel Bureau Internati onal a 1'1' n ... g e <I the J ACL-JTBI tnut's. There t.he usu al v Ql' iety of po ssengc l' cPl'nplal nts about aIrline (ocd, the ea..ty mom- In A lour schedules and the weolher, sold Doi, but by al;\ d IIII'( (c Ihe 1975 JACL t ouris ts nrl'lved home wenry but en- lhuslnstlc. "Overall thc Irlp was ex- ccllenl--lhc JACL and JTB (Jopon TI'Q"e! Burcau) peo- ple wcre vcry helplul both c m1ng and going," wl'ote one possenllc,' on the April flight. Olht·,·s who shared this JA- CLI!"'s IIl ghl and 0 pin Ion WI' lc In commen t.s that rang- ed (10m "(air" to "good" to "cxc(oll nt", OJ loved it An experience thllt afl'cded lhe cf my IHe," wl' etc on- Olh I' , n Iho July Ol glll fr m Sun FI an ISCO. I' We have no nnd we plnn , Cor tl \p in n yc(tr 01" two," \ 'ute ft) \Ochel', "Keep up tho Hood work ," Sucgeltlons Net all camments came back s'" inf:o however, Accord- ing t.'l 0 01, many eVQluQtion Questionnaires suggested ways to improve Ihe IIlght and t" urs. "The return (charter) flight (leaving Tokyo at 7:30 am.) was tc- co,']y In the morning 10 easily get 10 lhe All port (r('m Trkyo. " wrote one pas- senger. " It also nll'ivcd too early (4 n.m.) In SalT Fran- cisco for conncctlng flights." AnOlher en the DC8 cllnr- Ie,' penned: "Wos n liltle <ll s- appol nl ed . . . wished th ere were music ann/or movies," Anolher wrote: IiNo entrr- talnmenl 01 Any kind, 13 of bCI'edom . . . cramped' lor space." Thrse on the B747 Garden JeIS. en Ihe other bann, han ncthlng but high pl 'alse (or th e J apan All' Line " and crew (Gm'den J ets Are equ'pped wilh slereophonlc tapes and lIi ghl movies) . " The flight on Air Lines wns very l'nioynblc. The stCWi.ll desscs BIl : so nice and plcnsrmt." wrote one, Another snllstlccl 'J t\CLer wl'ole: "Cour- lesy and he, pltaUI)' were ot high quality thrnuJ: hcul. 0\11' with b C. lh the Ja- pnncs c nlrlines a nd holels . , . were 011 stlnl- "loting :md e njoyable ." Snld nnethel': "As fn.. os U, e Sf: 1 vlce!IC Pl' vldC'o by JAL. th e." weI' c. ccllent. Thp Ice (')( the nidal In "de It fl sslble r l' p.;-c pie or 1l''lodcr- nle to mokc th r. trip . wa, ' (\tl b tU fl-! ngc was hondl cct cou ld hfltclly be im- PI( ,Ved. "('he , 'cre cr- ficient nnel C Ut teous, In tnct the who)(,' trip was so wen- derful thal "'0 plan 10 go back t Japan 3"min." One who hnd cx- p.tlenCM bot.h .he DCB char- Ier and the BH7 Garden Jel made Ihe cc-mparl"r n and de- dded: "1 ,cccmmend the chnr- tHing t the Jumbo IN t(l T(lkyo." About the tours s who cpt.ed eer the tc UiS III thnl rnnged (rom " The be.t pm t (lhC' tou .. wns the cnd o. l loOur tOur and entire tlip WI'S lascina ling. wonder- ful. an<l unfol·gettabl"." JTBJ (, cn well by tbe looks. o( the evnlua\lcns tlult came bock, despite W1u,Tanled crmplainl. about. train and hOlel reS"1 vaticll!i inccrrect- Iy ('I' iI'Icof'lvenienUy made. "Fo,' tUl· 1 l.t the lour group.. .. wrote (nc. "'the 10lH· was well -elgollized and efficlelltly cun ltd cut," Anolher .. J'1'B was "Cr)' helpf,,!- pleDscd with their porsona l- izcd sC'1'vicc en arrival" M 5t Judged Ole tlmc u)es or the t ours ns "too earlY" or Jushed'·. while C' nle wished {or shOlter at eel ts in sp : ls, \Vcstcro style- nc('ommcdntlon..... wet' e jndgt"d "excdlcnt" thr mtl- \0 " \11.. ' 1V po:.: }"" by 0 le\\, One WI cle 01 length to the l'fTt.'ct th nl IIwestern neron' ... m((tati(,HS \\Iere c. and du ll , 1(' n lrn'\'elC'I' h\(Uc hc to. enl luk .. , n (C'c l nnmllu1) bnlh , unci .. Jeep .n Inl omi, s.h('ulcl ; 11 rnuge. · It " nth ( .. lh .. , Contlnuod on No t

Transcript of On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on...

Page 1: On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem-For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin Am4!nc:an newspaper article,

TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama

On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE Washlnl!ton In reality. It Is not uncommon PUBLICATION OF THI )"'AN(5E A"'(RICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE

125 Will., St .• Lo. A ••• I", CollI. 90011. 1113-626.69341

Pr.tbtl.h,d Wnkly be..,. Fin. ~"d L .. , W .. kJ of the Yea, - Seco,," Ct ... Po ••••• ,,14 .. Lo. Al8lel •• , C.IIf.

Se~ ... t "",elts a .. o. I had a among Japanese for persons m 0 s t Interesting Interview who were ostensibly Involved with Mr. Sblchlhel Yamamo- In the decision making to t . pUbll.<ber 01 the much pub- complain alterwards that they lleized book, Til_ JapIJn." did not agree with the decl­and Ih. Jew., by 1 ... lah Ben- slon, even though they had Da$lIn. Althou/fh neither of us "signed ott" In agreemenl.

or auth~lty Cor decision mak­IOI!, and p'efer t~ be critical alter the facl rather than be partlclpallve and construcllve before the fact.

VOL. 81 NO. 20 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1975 8'1bIGriptlon not. JHlr Yo .. U 8. tIP. rorel,n 'IU


.... entloned th" book In our ••• dlseusslon, our lengtby con- We didn't drive Into the CENTRAi CAL JACL, FRESNO BETSUIN CO.SPONSORS ,crsaUon cver luncb dwelt reasons for this sl!emlngly lnr,eJy on contrasting the Ja- ccntradlctory behavior. but It panese with Ammcans. mlllht be explainable by the W~ rant'ed' over a number J a. pan ~ s e consdou"ness of

c( t<'Ples. but much e-f our dls- "status". "Sub"rd lnates" lend cusslon centered on Ihe ded- to defer t" "superiors". Thus. • on-makltlll pf'OCUS In varl- a lower level employee is Uke­cu.. setUn«s In the two 00- ly to agree with what he per­detles We round thai In ceives as Ihe desires or hiB many =poeu, the actual be- superlor<-then gnlmble and havl .. r of the perple involved \fTlpe .rterwards.

Tn effecl. although the out­ward forms of Japanese and AmeMcan b!.havlor may seem to be d ifferent (at times), the implicit nynamlcs may be the same with the trend In b" th socieUes towards more and more peeple doing their own thing without regard for otb­ers or for cooperaUon with cthers lor Ibe common good.

Fair trial fund for Wendy started may be oui\e similar althougb Tberretlcany. tbls kind of the autw.rd app,arance may sltuatlrn should not prevail in eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem-

For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin­Am4!nc:an newspaper article, ciples. Ihe Jap.n... process of ob- Heretofore. dec is Ion. In ,alnlnll ""n!en.IUS was credit- American society have been ed a. Ibe bas's for group com- accepted on Ib" basis of mitmenl and """peratlon In either ""mman ac-ceptance of busin .. s and Industrial firms. the authority of recognlted Implicit in this process. lUI ex- dec'slon makers. or e-n Ibe plained by the American wrlt- ba·is of accepted decision cr, Is the nrUrn that since maldn~ rules surh as "major­everyone Is Involved In the Ity fU'Cu And when decisions dedslon making pr~ once ore based on prior consulta­D decision is a~reed u!>"n, IIrn. those ccnsulled should everycne is crmmltted to feel unconstrained in voicing abiding by and supporting Ibelr rplnJons and 'druthers. Ibat decision. Yet In reallly, people for

Mr. Yamamoto acknwledg- o~e reaSOn or another often Mr. Yamamoto acl<nowl~- have not or do not take ad­

I'll tbJIt thl. may be true In vantage or Ibe opportunity to form, but may not hold true partIcipate, recognize no rules



LOS ANGELES - Katsurna Mukaeda, 85. was cited (or the Iblrd Ume by the Japa­nese Ilc;vernmen~ on Nov. 3-Ibis Itme with the Second Order 01 the Sncred Treas­ure.

Previously, the Little Tokyo crunsekr rec-elved the Fourth Order In 19M and tbe ThIrd Order in 1970.

Leone Nisei among the local bonorees dec 0 rat e d was Maul-born Frank M. Yone­mura. 72, owner of ABC Nurs­ery in Gardena since 1934.

FRESNO. Calif. - A "Wendy Yashimura raIl' Trial Fund" has been crganlzed jointly by the Central Cailiornia J ACL District Cruncil and the Fres­no B\Uldhlsl Betsuln, It was annrunced Oct. 30.

The trv.<t fund was created In the interest o( obtainIng (air play fn- Miss Yoshimura. Involvement of the Nikkel crmmunlty inlo thIs matter I. strictly based on conc-em (or p-cvidlng a fund for 8 fall' trIal, the sponsrrs said. It will be administered by represen­tatJves from the two groups and the ac«unt will be main­tained by the California First Bank, 1458 Kern St .. Fresno.

Committee members for th~ fund named were:

C(,DC Gov. Judge M1k1o Uchlyama, Fowler; Dr. Izuml Taniguchl, nat'l JACL v.p. for research and services; Rlnban Nob 0 r u Tsunoda, Betsuln; Fred Hirasuna and Mike Iwa-

tsubo. The rund was o"ganlzed

arter discussion and apprOval 01 M,·. and Mrs. Frank Yeshi­mura c( Fresno, paTents of the accustd.

It was emphaslted strict .rnlrol 01 an donations to Ihe fund to In sure Its prcper use weu'd b" malnlalncd . Wendy Yoshimura's deCense attorney James Larson of Oakland was inlolmcd c( the fund and has been reou:sted to submJt nee­essmy c.>[J .. nse items for proc­eSSing by the committee.

The ccmmlttee assured that every penny sent to the trust lund will be earmarked tolal­Iy und completely for trial ex­penS2S and nol one cent dis­sipated for meetings, travel or other non-trial connected ex­pense, . Concerned individuals and orgnnlzatlons wlsbing to contribute may mall tbeir contributions to any of the following addresses:

JACL R,eglonal Office. 012 F St Frosno, CoBI. 03706: Fresno Bud'; dhltt Bet.uln. 1 ~40 Kern St. Pre.~ no, Callf. 03700: r-r A"oahuC!d In8urllnae Serylee, 1417 Kern St .. F'r'lno. CollI . 03706.

'Not guilty' plea

entered at hearing

It hod been $250.000. In Harrisburg, Pa., Martin

Miller. 30, of New Vork, tel­~Ined be Core • federal grand JUry Nov. 0, HI. attorney David Ferieger relena~d a brief statement from Miller explaining his Involv~ment

wllh the nOrlheastern Penn­sylvania farmhou 'c whpre Pa-

OAKLAND _ Wendy Yoshl- ~~~~n ~~rs~a;va. ollegedly mUla plcadcd Innocent at the y . Nov. 5 hea.lngs to the charges Miller revenled he knew cC p-Mes"ng a machine llun -Joan Shimada, since Identi­and expl~slves before Alame- lied as Wendy Yoshimura. In <la Cou nty Superlo,· Court 1.972 and not a federal tugl­Judge Llcnel J . Wilson. who Itve althe Ume In New Jers~y. set Jan . 14 as the dale for her trial 10 begin.

A pre-trial hearing will be held Dec. 5, at which lime her attorney, James Larson, In­

San Francisco group

hears defense aHorney t~nds to .sk her ball be re- SAN FRANCISCO - A s ian duced Iurther from $100,000. Americans concerned t hat

ceDe gears for annual confab Pres. Sugiyama backs Wendy fair trial fund

'Exec Order 9066' exhibit at Nat'l Hq

combined with Novo 19 public forum B, YO TA.KJ)[A,WA

FRESNO, Calif - Tbe 28th an­rrual CellIni California J ACL D'1tr1c1 Councll convention "';11 be held In Nov. 22-23 It the Hctel HiIt"n here ",lib Jud'e Mlkl" Uchiyama of F~w'I!'r, dlmlct .ov~mor, pre­Ifdin,. Conv~nU"n ehalrman Hu,o

0,1"'8 01 Sa .... r ItImmarlud the artlvlUes. ,tarUnll with 1

no-hesl dlnn.,. m~Unl! Sat­urda, nl,hI and culmina Un, with banquel Sundl, wllb Avemblyman Floyd Morl of Pluaanttn as keynote speak­er.

Fo"""r ml,rr and council­man of Plea .. nl<'n, the Utah­bem u.embltman w .. elec1ed to rep· .. aent the 15th District Assemblyman Floyd Mori , .. t Maffh In a special elee-t'on followlnll th~ sudden dum of Aawmbl,man Carlo. ccmprfae the Central CaJlfor-Be~. nla Dlatrlcl Ycuth Council.

Central California DI<trld II f'oovenUon II open to the c-omprfaed of nine chapte ... : pubUe. InformatJon may be Clovis. Delano, I'owler, 1'1'81- secured (rem the CeDC JACL no, Parlier, Reedley, San.er, OIIIee between 11 am.-3 pm. Selma Ind Tulare County. by calling 237-4oot1.

educational groups. He was WASHINGTON _ National born on May SOJ 1939. In Mur- JACL President Shlg Sugl­ray, Utah, graauated In eco- yama ibis week hearUly en-

~~:F~asf~:!, ~~s~ h;o=.! dorsed and applauded the OcL nomics and poUtical science. 31 announcement in Fresno

setUn~ up a "Wendy Yoshl-The freahman assemblyman mura Fair Trial Fund".

hopes to conc-entrate hIs ener- C e n t r a 1 California J ACL gy on revlslnll the tax struc- District Council and Ibe Fres­lure, develep state guldelJnes no Buddhist Betsuln jointly for land use plannlnll, ftsht established the rund In the In­air pollution and envlronmen- ~reat of obtaining fair play tal decay and improve the for Miss Yt'I9h1mura, who has quality of education. He be- pleaded not guilty to charges lieves a mOre equitable tax of possessing a machine gun structure must be implement- and explosives. ed to lessen the burden on Yoshimura's charges stem­property taxpayers In favor of med from alleged activities using Income and sales taxes in Berkeley before the Sym­to fund local government. blonese LlberaUon Army sur-

He Ia a member of the As- faced In 1974. Sbe was Iden­slllDbly committees on educa- tied as an SLA member when lion, revenue and taxation, arre.-ted with Palricla Hearst labor relaUona and the Call- in San Francisco on Sept. 28. fornla Ccmmi!8lon for Eco- Declaring the act Ion In nomic DevelopmenL keeping wijb the purp"ses and

Morl and bla wife, Irene, Ideals of the JACL, Suglya­live In Pleasanton .... Ith their rna was heartened that a plUlt five cblldren. He Is an elder of the JACL organization with In the Mormon church. man y prominent . long-ttme

JACl.ers directly Involved bas

FrcrIL thea cbapten, high Banquet will Include the

.choal and colI~,. otudanta mass INtallatJon of chapter "alabe .... LoIars and district ofllcers. CCDe Qt- I, ~ fleers with another year re-

publicly recognized that Mlq YoshImura Is entitled to all the prolecUons afforded by the

Constitution. "With our incteaslng con­

sclcusness of Ideological dl1-terences wilbln American so­ciety, there has been a ten­dency 'for Individuals to make juqgments and pronounc-e­ments concerning the gullt or Innccense of persons aecu,ed on the basis of the personal philosophy esp~used by the acc\lBed." Sugiyama noted.

SAN FRANCISCO, Callf.­National JACL Headquarters, cur I' en t I y exhibiting the a war d - winning UExecutlve Order 9066" phctographlc dis­play prcduced by the Califor­nia Hlstcrical Society, Is open dally from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and weekends, Saturday and Sun­day, (rem noon-5 pm. There Is no admission charge.

"We seem to have fotgot­len thai a keynote of our con­cept and system of justice Is thot a person accused is pre- Persons who exp~rienced surned to be Innocent until lite In the camps, subject of

~~~6~,~ g~l1%a~~n~fe c~~~t~ ~~Vi~~O~Ct~gs~c ';'~h~b~:~~ ,,1Ier pre per exercise of due ing questicns of visitors. The process under the law. lO-day exhibit closes Nov. 22.

"Wendy Ycshhnura is en- In ccnnectlon with the ex-titled to all Ihe protections af- hib't, JACL and American Ts­lorded by our Constilution Sues Fcrum (AIF) will pre­a"d Ibe laws before judgment sent three speakers at a pub­Is pass ad," Sugiyama pointed lie forum on Wednesday, out.. Nov. 19, 7:30 pm. at Christ

He appreciated the conUnu- United Presbyterian Church Ing ccverage of the Yoshimu- Sutter at Laguna. to cove; ra case since her arresl in Ihe "Beyond Barbed Wire: Strug­Japanese American vernacu- ~ling Icr Unalienable Rights" lars since very little has ap- to do something mcre than p,ared In ~rlnt In the Wash- that recall history, pointing Ington. 0 , C. pr....._ _ Jl:L c:ctUempoOlXl' thGughts and

NCWNDC re-eleds :~~~i~~~'::A"~~;tLaii.lund d. rive opens Ranko vs. H.-Iton Hotel tr.-al opens ~~~,lm~:2ns~ •• ~o~~

W Dol tTulare Coun171, treu: 1.'0 Tokl-

IS aoyemor =. i::::::?: C"':i ~:m'B~ CmCAG~The Dr. Thomal

~Z;':n~~~~"'=).C1';:::'; ~ ~Iv;~'!.~a~o~~r m~~~ SAN FRANrJSCO - Welle, Dol of San Francfl«> .... re­elec1ed to II second term as gov~rnor of the Northern Call­fornla-Wl'Ilern Nevad. JACL Dlstrfct Councll at III fourth qu.rterly _Irn Nov. 2. hoet­ed by San FrandlCo JACL .t JACL Re.dquarten.

Membc:r chapten are be­Inll polled 1/ thq want CD ap­prlWe • d lmlc1 rr·olutJon ex­pr ... ln~ IUppert of the Cen­tr.1 Call1erni. JACL Dlatrtct Caunell and ","no Buddhl.t Betsuln fund l'Itablllh«l to usure a faIr trial for Wendy YoshImura.

::~ ~~bWv' ,!~~mS~:II'«"se= by the Chlcallo JACL to honor 'n .. ",o). youtll. a deserving hlsb schcol grad-

Morl w •• recently aIlP~lnt- uate of Japanese anc-estry ed to the new Aasembl, spe_ each year In the ChIcago area. cia I ItIhcrmmittl!e MI CaJlfor- Tbe first award was made In "la', Focd and A~It'Ultural May when Peggy Sato of Senn Economy. It will examine the H'gb wal presented a $500 Culure of the foed and url- award. tlIltural IndultrY. nothIng that The chapter announced a h-th larlle and small Icale $15,000 goal for the fund wltb farmlnll exist. In his dlltrtct interest to be uled for the In .~uthem Alameda county, ann u a I Yatabe scholarehlp maldng h'l a.lf"nment rela- award. Noboru Honda and live and importanL Peny Mlyalce are co-chalr­

Prft-r to hi. election to the men of the ad boc fund com­Aa.oembly, Morl laught eco- millee. nrmlC! .Ince 1985 at Chabot Dr. Yatabe, born In 1897 In College In Hayward. He seTV- San Francisco, moved to Fres­ed on th" Pleasanton City no In 1922 to set up hll den­Cauncll from 1972 and became tal pracUce and was also In­mayor In 1974. stllunental In forming the

CHJCAGO-A lawltllt seeldng apprcxlmately ,1 mUllon In damages from the HUton hotel chain, charging negligence In connecUon with the murder of 18-year-old Evelynn Oku­bo flve years ago, went to ccurt In late October.

Plaintiff Is Ranko Yamada, 23, who was seriruslY Injured by a razor-wielding man as she returned to her rorm at th.e Palmer Hf>use (a Hilton­cp>rated hotel) on June 16, 1970. The same man had just attacked and killed Ranko's roe-mmate, Evelynn Okubo.

To date, no one has been convicted of the Okubo slay­Ing. "It's 8S much a myslery t-day as It was then." Chi­cago police ser~eant William Leeney wa< que ted as saylog 'ast December. .

then a strugllle. I heard hel' scream once and then it was silent." Ranko said.

Evelynn Okubo, 18

cu .... ent issues facing Japa­nese Americans and ether mi­norities.

The trio are Jen y Enomolo, director ot the Slate Dept. of Corrections; Charles Marson ACLU coun£~1 in Northern Callfernla; and Judge Earl Warren JI"., of the Sacramen­to muolcipal court. Such mi­nority problems as equ.al ac­cess t') the law. afIIrrnative ac­tion in employment, fair hous­lng, repressive Jaws .. minority rights and safeguards are to be discussed.

JACL is among 20 com­munity groups werking .wlth A[F for the pre motion of rzreater understanding, Ben Takeshita. chairman of tbe JACL-AJF cOmmittee reveal­ed. "We think the ccmblnatlon cf the exhlblt and pub 11 c (orum will enable us to share with San FranaC'i.5C'8ns our past and cur brp"5 tor Ihe [ut\lre." be added.

JACL and San Francl&co f'nnsrrtium feT CQllejtes and Universities a150 brougbl Sen. Daniel K. Inouye for a publlo leclure at Lone Mountain Col­lege on Nov. 7. JACL will also spcnsor prcgrams in April 1976 al wbich time various as~ pects of cultural pluralism will be discussed.

Summing up the JACL par­ticipation In the American Is­'ues Fcro!", Don Hayashi, J ACL Project Director said "We are pleased to work with otber commun'ty groups to think d""ply about the found­ing principles of Our naOon. JACL has Icng steed for edu­catlen and understanding and we delight in this opportunity to refleci on our history and to seriously consider issues and questions which continue to ""nf<tnl nCI only Japanese Americans and racial minori­ties. but the nation as a whole. u

The San Francisco presen­ta,ticns of American Issues Fe: urn was made possible by a grant cf th~ National En­dcwment.

Wl--ndy YothimUla ttoCfJtVes a /"Ir I1lnl mot Nov Z "I Glide Memorial Methcdlst Churth 1<> henr h~r atlr rney, Jam.... Lar­'f n. ''lnel or'Dnt~~tl a .rrJUp IN.tntlvt'ly called the "W<ndy y" hlmUla Fair Trl.,1 Com­Iflllk'c'

Lar r n laid hll I tryin, LO l"c,le perarns wilimll I<) offer emplt),ment nnd admlSJlCn Inln art ·chool at the IIradu.~ h'vpl Il he c.n re_Ulblish lIctt in 01(' ccmmunity. chancH of .ubotanlloJ ball "ductlon (itC law rable. Laraon ':'rid

He Qiso ""'!'se\l the tmpor­t.nce 01 vislble Aal"n com­munity ccncfI'm at c(.urt ~p­pearancc.

An jn~im .teerlng com­mltl"e In eonter wHiT olher 11"~UPS wlshinll to help and or­ganize th~ I~eal group 15 com­pO$P.,l of;

I!.tri:~~.Lej,:-ett~n.JU~~IroM'a~. n.a),mond Olumur-. . Unon Uno an4 the R.·\, . LJ"J'd. W.kt!'

Fe,' informaUon and offers of assi. lance. ccnlact may be made "Ith attorney, Gan-Iek Lew and Dale MinamI 1893-9100 I or the steering ""m­mil1.ee



SEATTLE-While some 10.000 absentee baltot. remain to be labulat~. challenger Lie m TUBI vlrtuolly cenceded de­feat to Seattle Councllm .. n John Mlller after the Nov. 4 IXllls closed.

F our ether incumbent coun­cilmen won handUy onr their eppcnents. The vote ",Ith 97% of the p.edncts ccunted was MIlle .. 79,177-Tual 77,142.

In the Sea tle school board race, Filipino American aspir­ant Pe~r Jamero I.e,t to Su­zanne Hlttman 67,035-38,767. In fact. women won the other three school board posts.

Hayakawa Sen ale

bid to be formal LOS ANGELES-Dr. S. l. Ha­y,kllwa here last week (No\'. 6) explained he really did not mean to announce his candi­dacy for the U.S. ' S~nate

when he did berore a wom­en's grcup in San Diego the previous day.

"What happened was I said I intend to run for tbe U.S. Senale and wculd make a for­mal announcement at the end o{ the year. That I did not regard as a fC'rmal annQunce­ment but it ,.,.,< trealed as such," Hayakawa said. A carefully plepared jY.siUon statement wculd accompany his formal announcement.

Asked wby he wanted In lun. he said. "Soh1ng the prcblems of communication, IS what politios i~ ali about. Tf elected, rll have a chance to put all my s:>m:ullic the­ories 10 W('fk at the hlghe.<t pc.'<Slble level,"

He I. active with the Com- American Loyalty Lea"ue, one mrnwcalth Club, JACL, Dem- of the torebearer. o( JACL. ocratlc cluba and profeulonal He was elected naUonal JA-

•_ .... _ .. _ ............ I!!! ................ ""'_ CL president In 1934, spoke

The ftrlt quarterJ,. _.Ion tor 18711 will be hOited by SaCTlmento J ACL In Febru­Iry al Ihe Sacramento Inn, lite t>f the 1976 natronal JACL convention June 21-211.

Gruesome details Were de­scribed In court Nov. 6 by homicide Investlgatcr Robert Strahiman who found Miss Okubo'S bcdy In the seventh­fioor room's bathtub. Her mother wept quietly In the rear of the courl during the explicit testimony being made before a jury ot Bve men and seven women.

In his auestionlng of Ranko, Hilt"n Hrtels attorney John Burke grilled hel' relZarding event~ leading up to the at­tack and Immediately follow­Ing. A third woml\D who, with RAnko and Evelynn, was in (,bicago {cr the JACL con­venticn. dlseovered the grIsly scene as the wounded Miss Yamada was in the bathroom holding a razcr blade. Ranko said she was attempt'ng to cut hersel! free 01 the end with which Ihe attacker had bound her. However the third girl exclaimed, 'Why did you do it?', apparently believing that the scene was of a murder­suicide attempt. Miss Yamada, who was rushed to the In­lensive care unit of Herot'n Hospital, was unable to an­swel; the girl because of her Ihroat wound.


• ,,.. JACL Nat'l Hudqu,"en


about the Nisei before Mid­west and ElUltern audiences during WW2 and resettled with blJ family In Cblcago, contlnuJng hi. dental practice.

Two Indlded In U.S.

Kondo n.med NC-WN region.1 director probe at Unlv. of Masi. SAN FRIINrlSf'O--On Nov. t NIU"nll JACl, ElIecutive DI­rector David U.hlo. announc­~ Ih •• ppclnlm~nl of Geor,. Kandt) i') the national .taff aa the Nllrthern Ca1Ilnrnl.-Welt-

rn Nnad, (NC-WN) Re­lonal Dlreclor.

• Oeo,,~ Kondo brln.. to th n*II'nll I.IT many yuu of C[ mmunlt,. and bullne .. exoerl~nce that will be Inval­"ahl .. JO t.he l>r,onI1alkn, .nd We Ir~ crnftMnt that he will

TO'. Ih~ OI,anlu' on In an ulJt din" filion," U.hlo Latd

KcnrJ., will till Ihe politi,," I,f Ihe NC-WN Re,lonll 01-, t r whIch hu b~.n vlc.nt until hi. hpf>( Intmenl H~ will t.. hud,,""1 rttl .1 Lb_ Na-110. al JACL "men In San Francisco and will wo.k with I~ NC-WN t,/ft,;qtl *nd Ih. 2. rh ""'" I.. h IIllltlct HI. pllmary IUMU'm .. III Involve lhe cCo",dlnaUI)n of NC-WN DII ,leI Cwntll a,IIv1Un wilIL

Ihe pr~"ram. and p~lIcles of Ih. natlenal ofllanlUltion.

Kondo, familiarly C a II e d "Korn" by hit clO"" friends, WaJ brrn and raised In the met'~pol'tan Eatt Bay area and I, a UC Berkeley gradu­ale In bu.ln .... admlnlstrGtI~n .

Very artive In the civic and crmmunity affelr. of the City of Oakland, at tlJe time o{ his JACL appointment Kondo WAi Ir ... urer ond a boa-d mem­ber at Ihe "Chapter of the Year" Berkeley JACL. His communlly and cIvic Involve­m~nll Indude The Oakland­Fukuoke Sister City Society, '~rvin, a. a board member and President ror two term..

K<ndt) I. a member of the Oakland Advisory Commitl'" ~ well o. hsvln« served two y~Pfl aa the chairman of the City M Oakland'. Museum AdvlllOty Commlllion. Volunl~u ervlcet Included

erving on lhe Board of dl-

Continued on ra .. e I

Ushio Ylc.tioning thll month II. ltatementa ar. to b. ao1-dr" ... <1 to Hlyuhl, Ulhlo "dd,'d (ThO' PC learned tho U.hlc. were to vacation In Japan.)

Natlonll H.adqua""ra re­po. tad I/}4 mOTt m.mbeflhlp. Wille ckrlowl«llr4 durin, the mr.n h of 0 tobu, makJn. tho 1D'111 Iot.1 28,482 Or 08 If pet.

II and pub- t,( th 1974 total o( 21,727, ... tIK!:;'"t,. ~'/::z;tO" :,,"'" ::! !,:, '~~! ' ~C~ "'t~fr:VI':':' st:-

,,_ .... "411 S. !<I \J ;J, .$'~~, .. tho ,,,,OJ r.\C~ ...,..".,. .

BOSTON - A feder.1 grand jury Ocl. 31 charged Cleo C. Abraham, 34, a former Unlv. of M .... chuaetts professor, ond George P . Mellcan of Worcelter with stealing $2B 815 In Cederal funds. These ":'ere Ihe fult Indictments stemming Irom a nine-month Inveatlga­tlen 01 Ine/lularltles uncover­ed by then a·.lltant dean tor bu ~ lnc .. Dr. Bob Suzuki and tor which he G.nd hla famDy had been threatened a year .10.

U.S. Attorney Jam.. N. Gabriel said the two men If convicted, could face up' to 10 yea" In prilOn ond $20,000 In One. each. Wblle the juron were dl.mlased, Inye.Ugatlon o( the UM.I, School of Edu­cation ha. not conclUded, Gab"el add cd. The y aro checking expenditures of two other Career OpportunlUea Program. admlnlltored by UMaaa In New Haven, Conn. and Brooklyn.

Woman ROTC commander SANTA CLARA, ealU.-Rlta Tam.yo, :U, 0 Filipino Amor­Icnn psychology molor at tho Unlv. of IiDnta Clara gradu­lte_ In Juno and will be com­ml .. loned 2nd lieutenant In the Am,y She Ie tho nation'. nrat wrman comm.nder of an A, my ({OTC unit. Her Inler­~st In the mlilLary came nat­",ally: h~r lolher II 8 reUred Army rnoJor, her brother II u captain on activo duly, ond Ih~y IIva AI Seuldo, adlacent to Fl. Ord.

Ranko Yamada, now a law ptudenl, algO testified earlier In the w""k, sayIng she was grabbed by 8 nude man as she entered the rrcm and Ibrown to the Ocor. The attacker had already strlpp.d and bl'und lIer roommale Evelynn. Arter blndln!! Miss Yamada and covering her head. he took Evelynn Into the bathroom.

"I heard her whimper ... I heard a gurgling noise and

Testimrny also brought out that Ranko, unable to use the telephone b e c a use or the we unq, wrote fJ short note found in Ihe room. It asked that no ficwcrs be present at hel' tuneral ; observed. "It looks gory, but Ihere is nO p:.lin." and gave a general descr iption of the .ssAliant.

Ranke Yamada and hcr mrther. DOl'I Yamaaa of Stc~klcn. a, 'c charging Ihc hot.1 with negligence In fall­lng to pro-vide adequate se­eu'lly fcr lis guesL ~. Attol'ney Pen y BC"ke Is "epresentlng the Yamada!',

l:ontlnued on Pal" 4

Calol Ranko Yamada Ites on stletcher at Henrotin Hospital, being comforted by friend . This photo was nationally distributed by Ihe wire services day after the .tabblng July 16, 1970.

Bouquets and Brickbats San Franc.isco

Oct" ber 28 markcd thc hrmeccmlng of the final Na­lional JACL flight to Japan, ndo:! Steve Dol. Chalrperscn rf Ihe National JAf'L Travel CrmmiUee. Year 1975 saw the successful operation of eight charter cr g r 0 u p affinity flights to Japan. carrying sc me 1,142 JACLers and their famllics thousands o( mUes aCroSs the Pacific to the archi­pelago that is Japan.

JACL c~nlracted with Ja­pan AirLines for th,· .. DC8 charler alrc"alts ond (or five group affinity 100 spaces On Ihe B747 Ga"den Jets. Japan Tl'llvel Bureau International a 1'1' n ... g e <I the J ACL-JTBI tnut's.

There \Va~ t.he usual vQl'iety of possengc l' cPl'nplal nts about aIrline (ocd, the ea..ty mom­InA lour schedules and the weolher, sold Doi, but by al;\d IIII'((c Ihe 1975 JACL tourists nrl'lved home wenry but en­lhuslnstlc.

"Overall thc Irlp was ex­ccllenl--lhc JACL and JTB (Jopon TI'Q"e! Burcau) peo­ple wcre vcry helplul both c m1ng and going," wl'ote one possenllc,' on the April flight. Olht·,·s who shared this JA­CLI!"'s IIlghl and 0 pin Ion WI' lc In comment.s that rang­ed (10m "(air" to "good" to "cxc(oll nt",

OJ loved it An experience thllt . IAnIOcontl~' afl'cded lhe I'C~ t cf my IHe," wl'etc on­Olh I' , n Iho July Ol glll fr m Sun FI an ISCO. I'We have no (.'rmphlJnt~, nnd we plnn ,Cor · ttluU' ~ r tl \p in n yc(tr 01" two," \ 'ute ft) \Ochel', "Keep up tho

Hood work,"

Sucgeltlons offer~

Net all camments came back s'" flAtt~l inf:o however, Accord­ing t.'l 0 01, many eVQluQtion Questionnaires suggested ways to improve Ihe IIlght and t" urs.

"The return (charter) flight (leaving Tokyo at 7:30 am. ) was tc- co,']y In the morning 10 easily get 10 lhe All port (r('m Trkyo." wrote one pas­senger. " It also nll'ivcd too early (4 n.m.) In SalT Fran­cisco for conncctlng flights ."

AnOlher en the DC8 cllnr­Ie,' penned: " Wos n liltle <lls­appolnled . . . wished there were music ann/or movies ,"

Anolher wrote: IiNo entrr­talnmenl 01 Any kind, 13 h ou~s of bCI'edom . . . cramped' lor space."

Thrse on the B747 Garden JeIS. en Ihe other bann, han ncthlng but high pl'alse (or the J apan All' Line" and crew (Gm'den J ets Are equ'pped wilh slereophonlc tapes and lIigh l movies) .

"The flight on J np~n Air Lines wns very l'nioynblc. The stCWi.ll desscs BIl: so nice and plcnsrmt." wrote one, Another snllstlccl 'J t\CLer wl'ole : "Cour­lesy and he , pltaUI)' were ot high quality thrnuJ:hcul. 0\11' exp~\ l icn cc.: with b C. lh the Ja­pnncsc {'mp l oyce~ n£ nlrlines a nd h ole ls . , . were 011 stlnl­"loting :md enjoyable."

Snld nnethel': " As fn.. os U,e Sf:1 vlce!IC Pl' vldC'o by JAL. th e." weI' c. ccllent. Thp p~ Ice (')( the nida l In"de It fl sslble r l' p.;-c pie or 1l''lodcr­nle Irwnn~ to mokc th r. trip. "h~ wa,' (\tl btUfl-!ngc was hondlcct cou ld hfltclly be im­PI( ,Ved. "('he pe o pl~ , 'cre cr­ficient nnel CUt teous, In tnct

the who)(,' trip was so wen­derful thal "'0 plan 10 go back t Japan 3"min."

One po. ~se nger who hnd cx­p.tlenCM bot.h .he DCB char­Ier and the BH7 Garden Jel made Ihe cc-mparl"r n and de­dded: "1 ,cccmmend the chnr­tHing t the Jumbo IN t(l T(lkyo."

About the tours Pns:,c'~I1,c:el s who cpt.ed eer

the tc UiS s~nt III Ci.~ mment:s

thnl rnnged (rom "The be.t pm t (lhC' tou .. wns the cnd o. l loOur tOur and entire tlip WI'S lascinaling. wonder­ful. an<l unfol·gettabl"."

JTBJ (, cn well by tbe looks. o( the evnlua\lcns tlult came bock, despite W1u,Tanled crmplainl. about. train and h Olel reS"1 vaticll!i inccrrect­Iy ('I' iI'Icof'lvenienUy made. "Fo,' tUl· 1 l.t the lour group.. .. wrote (nc. "'the 10lH· was well - elgollized and efficlelltly cun ltd cut," Anolher \Yrol~ :

.. J'1'B was "Cr)' helpf,,!­pleDscd with their porsonal­izcd sC'1'vicc en arrival "

M 5t Judged Ole tlmc sch~­u)es or the tours ns "too earlY" or " IC~ Jushed'·. while C' nle wished {or shOlter ~ tnys at eel ts in ~cenic sp : ls, \Vcstcro style- nc('ommcdntlon..... wet' e jndgt"d "excdlcnt" l)~ thr mtl­j(tllt~ \0 " \11..' 1 V po:.: }"" by 0


One WI c le 01 length to the l'fTt.'ct thn l IIwestern neron' ... m((tati(,HS \\Iere c . pen s ~ve and dull , 1(' n lrn'\'elC'I' h\(Uc ' f"~

hc wl~hcs to. enl ~~s h il'o\ ) luk .. , n (C'c lnnmllu1) bnlh, unci .. Jeep . n Inlomi, t h~,\' s.h('ulcl ; 11 rnuge.· It "

nth ~ iJi:j;!tC'~li o ns; ( .. lh .. ,

Contlnuod on No t hr~

Page 2: On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem-For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin Am4!nc:an newspaper article,

1S PACIFIC cm~ PubUshed weekly except lint and last weeks of the yur at 125 Weller St., Los Aneeles, CaUt 90012. Phone: (213) 626-6936, 628-3768

Family Histories - IUlln ... and -Profellional Guid.

No. 1m Shlc~ J . SUlly.ma, N.tlonal JACL President

Alfred Satnle. PC Boan! Chairman H.rry K. Honda, EdItor

~nd-.,lau postale paid It Los Angeles, c.m. Subscription rt'tes (pay. ble in advance): U.S. 57 year; Foreign $1 0 year. Note: lsl-.,less delivery available upon request, ask for rail'S.


San F rancisco I've always th o u g h t the

classic story of the human tragedy of the wartime In­carceration of 110,000 J apa­neSl' Americans Into Amer­i co n - s t y Ie d concentraUon camps has yel to be written. 375 of JACL membership dues for on..-year subscription

IhrQUlh JACL HQ, 1185 Sutter St., San Francisco, Ca 94115. WIth a great deal of respect and appreciation to ali of the

, e ... IUId oplalolUl ul'raRd b1 ~h.mnlsta, except ror JACL authors who have published _If _lie .... do not D~rt11 reflect JACL polley. their books on this subject, I ______________________ sUll believe there Is a vast

2- November 14, 1975


Fair Trial for Wendy Central California JACL District Councll and the

Fresno Buddhist 8etsuln took the bull by Its horns and put to rest a heavy question gnawing th~ minds of many JACL members and Japanese Amencans In the case of Wendy Masako Yoshimura, the 32-year­old artist accused of possessing explosives and a ma­chine gun. The question: Do we help her or not?

The two Fresno organizations have established a Wendy Yoshimura Fair Trial Fund alld Asian Amer· ican groups in San Francisco and Los Angeles are in contact to coordlnate efforts In boosting this fund, which will be used strictly for trial expenses.

Northern CaUfornia-Western Nevada JACL District Council is expected to support the fair trial fund as the unscheduled resolution presented at its quarterly . ession two Sundays ago requires review of the chap­ters, The same situation may surface with the PacifIC Southwest District Council which is meeting tbis week· end at Carson. It is probable an appeal win be made before the 1otermountain District Council at is post­'Mlanluriving weekend convention In Pocatello.

10 short. the heartEning involvement of the Central CalilomIa JACL District Council along with the per­.onal e r dorsement of National JACL President Sblg agi)'lma for the cause of justice and due p!'oc~ arE

jea&a1i tt.e way to show the JACL at its best.

• • • Asian American Capital

It was a rare evening at the City Hall Towers tbis pest week when Mayor Tom Bradley and the Asian Pacific Team of the Los Angeles Bicentennial COlD­mittee greeted some 500 people to announce their plans for tbe coming year. Other attractions also belped. The buffet of ethuic food specialties was ex· traordJnary and plentiful Beauty queens from the vartoUl eommunltles served as hostesses. Orchid leis and music of Hawaii added charm.

That representation from the Asian American com­munities and Pacific bland people (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Samoan and Hawaiian) was bolstered by penons from such areas as India. Sri Lanka (Cey· Ion), Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand truly vitalized the concept of what "Asian Americans" can mean to be.

lm1I8ct of the City Ran Towers party in the com­Ing I!fcentennial year Is expected to be as colorfuJ and ~1turaUv cnUlbtening, What we envision is for Los Aqeles -to shfne as the Asian American capital 01 the world, This can be accomplished by everyone doing their thing-as the expression goes-but to­gelbir, The JACL in the Los Angeles area can be ex­pected to be associated In this positive endeavor.

• .....,IC. ......

fe ~" '/JfJIe It. lt15 DIRECTORY ...,. ,.n .... Ole HIII ... - CPIWDC)

ltn KaI (Jlpen_ Amertcln =o"3raDdO =:rll Assocl. tlon) w., in ita hey- arawlrr Ownord d.y. Exl.tln. in virtually gur::, ~:. .. ~,~ ever, community on the Wed a:cfaJ:~ RI • • nld. Cout and Intennounuin ...... HlI/ltlllltOD Bell Ban a. "...rdlno ,.,~e there were • lIu.ble t=r h Ban Dlo,o numbeT of youn. Iuel-th_ too A=~ " : : ~:: ~=:" ... 1oc a J OI1I.nlutlon. aulsted (IDC.MPDC) them with lobe • • rranced Im- Denv., OId.n mlantJon m l t1eTJ and MrV- ,_ rollo Solt Loko City ed • a 1Od. 1 rontaet point. K .... m.... lu ... CII7

TID we hit upon a ItIS •• • "lreetorT publllhccl by the s- _t olllces DO 10D,er San PronclKo New World exlt t Other. exllt but the Ja­(Shin Sekal) wllh focua on p"nse American community the Plnama Parine Intern.- L. Innlle< Ihere. And JACL lIon.1 Ex position beln. held ch. pter. exist in m.ny ot th.t ytlr, we h.d no Ide. of the.e place. todoy, attetting Ihe ptecu. number of Jlpe- tn the return of the Nlllkel n_ American Aaaocil tlon •. community . inee Ev. cuation Our count WI' 81. When one thou,h these chapters may .nnlld ... the J apln_ popu- hav •• lIUmed the nlme of the Iition In the U B . • t Ihl t time ",ion r.ther Ihan the local WII .,o • .md 80.000 (1 810 Ctn- .rea. For uample: .Ut-72,157; 1920 Cen .... - AI .... do-Soulh_m A I . m. 4 .


resource of personal experi­ence. yet to be told.

There are many ftne books on the objective and factual circumstance. of this episode which Is part of history and also a vital aspect of the Ja­panese Amerioan experience and heritage. The subject has been the source for many In­tellectual viewpoints and In­lerpretations by legal scholars, historians, sociologists a nd others (rem the academic com­munily. Our community ha. been scmewhal quiet.

The hour is lal ...... as Ume is taking Its loll on the thou­sands of untold stories which

rravel program-Continued from Front P.re

1976 National JACL Iraveler. 10 Japan, include: "Take more money thn'! you expect tn spend" ... "Take staples as gifts : liquor, sugar, coll'ee. candy. levis . . . n "Do not carry extra or bulky bag­gage." and. "learn Japanese "

"Language 10 us remains the prime ingredient toward enjoyment of any travel to an­other land." wrote one JACL­er. Many Joined In the chorus of "know a little Japanese" . . . "study at least the useful expressions in Japanese" ... "be able to read some of the Japanese characters."

Most eratifying, said DOl, were the thanks expressed for this service provided to the JACL membership at large. "Thanks 10 all JACL Travel Committee people and others who did so well for us." wrote one grateful traveler.

Further plaudit.

In addition tn Travel Com­millee members who worked long and hard on the guide­lines for the Travel Program, Ihose who actunlly imple­mented the program should be thanked for their cooperation and suggestions for improve­ment. Chapter travel chair­persons and J ACL-authorlzed travel agents put in mucb time and e/Torl to assist JACL pas­sengers and clients, and each bos done a tremendous job to ma ke Ihe 1975 program a suc­ce •• , said Dol.

What topped it all off. bow­ever, was the following com­ment from a very saUsBed JACL passeneer:

"Those comments in the Travel Brocbure hit the naU rIght on Ihe head when it read we would learn about our cultural heritage. I felt like I 6nlUy learned what makes me a Japanese-why I react to certain situaUotl.l (the way I do) . wby I like and dis­like certain thing.. It was more than a pleasant and en­joyable trip but a highly edu­cational and enlightening trip for me."

As with any program. con­eluded Doi, the Travel Pro­gram can be Improved for the beneBt of all concerned. The Travel Committee will review all comments and suggestions and will make appropriate ad­ju. tments to make the 1976 Travel Prol'ram even better. CDetails PIe publ ished on page 3. )

2S Years Ago In the PC, Nov. 11, 1950

ore passtng on as man y of UI

do nol fully realize the value o( our rich heritage, a legacy money cannot buy and yet we ignore to claim it ~ we as­sume someone else will dis­cover and preserve it fo r us. This Is a (alse and dangerous assumpUo.n.

The heritage I am ref.rrinll to Is thot persoral famlly his­tory and experience each of us have. Your story of your par e n t s , grandpa re nts nnd perhaps even great grandpar­ents is one which must be documented. preserved, told retold many times over. For some of us. It is too lat ...... in­deed a painful regret and 8

11l'eat 10". I am reminded of the im­

portance of each of u. tn do what must be done now, at I read the obituary notice. in the local vernacular and realize the Issei and Nisei are pas<ing f"em the scene. Each takes with them a personal The Emblem to Avoid .ef!l'Ilent of thaI mosaic whIch . _ ______ _ _ _ ____ _ is part of the J apanes. Amer- --- --_._ -----

I c a ~a~;;::: ' Of that color- FROM THE FRYING PAN: Bill Hosokawa (ul. rich, courageous, and dy­namic struggle are already ir­relrievably lest. However. that fact should not deter the pres­ervaUon of countless other vignettes, hum a n dramn,

Baishaku by,Mail palhos, the successes and fail- D C I d h ures which are ail part of that enver, 0 o. an suc . conlributlon of the evolution Let's say you are a sensitive. well· These are responsibilities the Frying and devekpm ~ nt of our com- educated, well-traveled Nisei woman in Pan column declines to assume. It will muniU.s, cur identities, our as- her very early 50s, not bad looking at all, serve. rather , as a mail drop. p·ration., our dreams and but with the misfortune of having her n.. their dreams for a place in the marriage go on the rocks . If you 'd like to get in touch with Mrs. weaving of the multlcullural fabric of America. Let's say you have four adopted chil- N, write her a letter. address it to her

The Issei story musl be pre- dren of various racial backllrounds to c/ o Bill Hosokawa, 140 So. Ufham served for pcsterity. It is the care for, lively and aUrachve young· Court, Denver, Colo. 80226, and will 'oundatlon of the Nisei story sters who will need the assurance and forward it to her. Unopened. I don't yet to be tnld. The Nisei story id th t b 'd d Itt k h yth. is also an Immediate priority gu ance a can e provl E on y ·wan 0 now w 0 you are or an IDg as It too may be dlfflcult to by a man in the family . And in addition about you , at least not at this point. Tell recapture. especially the dark to all this, let's say that you don't relish her as litUe or as much about yourseif years of struggle prior to the idea of a life of single bliss leading as you wish, and she will have to take World War II and the mlsfor- into the sunset, and would like to meet it from there . tunes resulting from the in- a man with matrimony in mind. Since I won't be screening any of temment years.

For many Nisei, that epi- But for a variety of reasons you don't the correspondence, Mrs. N is taking a

• Gr .. tar Lo. An,ele.

AlA HJ ' N'T'L TA" vltr 1111 ~21~lyrn'!~j,t~ Il00''

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NISII 'LO~IST 'n 1he Hurt of li I Tclo(.,o

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I 31' E hI Sf L~ 911011

MA '-6021

• W.tson"III., Calif.

TOM NAKASI IIIALTY Acrt.tQtl Jtanc.,., _ H'~



Tom T Nalc.a .. A •• IIM 25 CllffOfd An '.01) " ... ·6.7'

• San Jose, Calif.

IDWARD T. MO~IO K A . 11 .. 110' 9.5; S a.$UWPI un Jt

8\11 246.-6606 R~ ,., -95~

• Suttle, w .. h,

Imperial Lanes 2101 22nd Aw So U\ ,'~'5 NIM! OwtWd - F,e<j T'~.tOI. "'Q'

Kinomoto Travel Serv ice f,.",,; Y kmomofo

521 Mlin 51 MJo 1·1572


0_ ~ , ....... u·., .., !~~ • .-1 ..........

'00d 0.. ... ., i..soC. . .... .,..


WMIM!m " .. ' .. .., !.. '. ~') 1'''' . •... ~ .

~:.ll:'. ';.:; '.')JNfj

• ChiCl,o, III,

SUGANO TRAVIL SI~VtC( 317 E OhIO (6061 f 9 •• ·54.". 6<42-7\93

GR 2 -4 III (E ... e s.m J

• New York City

Miyazaki Travel Agency ' ....

The 5"tl«, H,lt.-" 401 - 7th An (l12) 760-1100

sode In their lives Is like the have much of an opportunity to go calculated risk, but she's experienced mirage one experiences as one looking. So what do you do about it? enough not to }et that bother her .. drives down a lon/l endless If you are Mrs. N, which stands {or She wntes: . As I ~row older I flDd country highway. The heat Nisei and is not heT real initial. you that. the balShak.unt,n ID£thod has ~~rs ~d:Ja~O~~he ~~n~; write to the soft.hearted old fellow who ments. After all, ISn t that what the down on you as the qulet writes the Frying Pan column in the computer dating services are trying to sounds of the countryside Pacific Citizen and ask him to tell his do? .. I don' t look too matronly and force you to concentrate on readers about your problem. And if manag.e to apJ?E!ar. properly groomed. ~~~aJ~n~h!trl~mfo~n:~~h~~~ he will do that, maybe some gentleman M~ chlld~en t~lnk 1.1 s. great fun to sur· solitude all recal the mem- in somewhat the same age bracket and prlS~ theIr friends With my age. I am orles ot camp - long aeo, yearning for companionship and a remmded that my mothtr was 50 when names and faces tbat fade ready· made family to adopt will read my parents started all over from abso­away. but Images remain as about Mrs. N and drop her ~ note. And lutely nothing in 19,45 and sent me and • Wa.hincton, D.C. one realizes it is so easy tn b h d __________ _ forget. maybe after a while he will decide to my rot ers an sIsters t.O college ...

Many bave recorded the ob- come by and get acquainted. .By the way I have no raCIal preference jectiv. history-few bave dug Who knows a marriage might result m a prospecbye husband. We are a the depths of their subcon- , . . ' pretty well mIXed up group already. sclous to express the sublec- And ~o th~t IS why the !rymg .Pan What is more important is that he be ~nv"w!lli~~g~~,:I~~r:as~':f~~ column IS be!ng cast today I~< th~ bme- academically oriented, compassionate be free, to be etcbed intn the h?n~red One~tal role of balShaku· . .. I suppose we are looking for a man records of time for proud chil- nm, or mamage go-between. to adopt all of us . . . " dren yet to be born. , Well, that'~ not exactly right becl\use •• •

It has been my experience a baishakunin does a lot more than So there you have Mrs. N, Nisei wom-that the recall is like a spring simply bring two partl'es toaether. He h ts t t tibl wound so tight waiting for .. an w 0 wan 0 mee a compa e that one Inspiration to trigger undertakes other duties such as look· man. an Instant release brlngine ing Into pedigrees and evaluating. char· Perhaps. one of these days. we'll be {~~thre!:~~: o~n~rmo~fes t~ acteristics to see if the potential mar· able to report on the happy outcome yesterdays-tor the many to- ria~e partners are likely to be com· of a ~olumnist ' s somewhat hesitant ven· morrows. patible, and he even negotiates dowries ture mto the cupid business,

.. -------------------------.. ----------------------------.. FRESNO COUNTY Gr •• ting, to Our M.ny JefHMI .. frlertd.


Greetings to Our Nisei Friends ! KEMMER AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY COo I

Cusiom Welding and Manufacturing "Fertilizers"

7400 E. Manning Ave. (209) 834-3720 4635 E. Commerce Ave., (209) 233-0367

Fowler, Calif.

Greetings to Our Nisei Friends



Complete Service & Parts Facility

Fr.sno, Calif.

Greetings to Our Many Japanese Friends


One of the Area's l argest Se lection of Indoor and Outdoor Plants

Flower Shop - Cateri ng 10 Wedd ings licensed Resident ial Landscape Contractor


Consult." - W.sh,nogton Mlitten 900 - 11", Sf NW. RIT'I . 520 296.-....

MARUKYO Kimono Store

101 Weller 51

.los Angel .. (I) 628-4369




3420 W Jelferson Lns Angeles


3260 E. Ann~dale Ave. (209) 485.8440 3204 N. Van Ness 8881 Warner Huntington Beach

(209) 222-4857 ==== (7 = 14~ == 42:::-0 = 66=7) = =_ 111.010), tho "urn er (if J AA CO\Inty. line. ren.med PUmo"t t,: \:C:' a~ l iO R O't~\~'I"I!~CL set. up orpnlz tI~ w., II pproxt. ~~~~:;,~~~:c~: Ut ~: nt y. Hov. l-Mcmeln (;.kUt·1I Bid,. Fresno, Calif. mite]" .r. 0;3 ~, unt of the O U'd' lu ~l.nt41 Mar,. V. lley ~~~t~ t,\~r lu emden. Valley _ ______ ____________ _ Fresno, Calif. 1iJ ~~ : IWklcltthi ~ lIation J ""An.yo rond 5.n Lui, Obi,· No •. '-EI."·n Nlkkol 12 In Greetings to Our Nisei Friends

In') cuneot Ip,,,pae 8r.wl~y- l mptrJ.1 V. ll ty S,n. te. 0 In Houuo ) e lected to populatl/,n In J:(.UI of 890.· .ular Clly-fllxbur, Unicllv.) , H.wail ({lrrIttJrJRl ICIl,.hUuro; 21 000, by c:ompaJllOn the nurn- T.com'-PUY. IIU ~ V. II;rc oUl uf _.0 su(,C'n"c-I /IJr lClCa ) POilU: b« 0' ACL chaptn. • ')ute! O,den-WI 1ch ront o,th ~,~~~ra? f)~'I~:~lt~I:~ ~~~t~~~~ T:~ : be .rater Ih.n .... h.t II I. to- (To ~ Ccncl:Jc!t d) 'Orl h. wo. rhh IIv r .. pon.lblo tor da, It rlotl!! to 100. U.I"I the " .. WIll HI (:1 nCot bt'IrUI (tVr.,:uateO ,bov. 00070 '.ctnr, the JACL ~ __ --_---_-...;I;;,O..;M;;;O;;,;IO;;,;k;,;;.,;.1 .,;;d,:.ur;';;":;':":..,;;W;",;W;,,:2;;.,' _. __ tod.y IhDUld hne 442 ch.p-

ra JACI. wDUld r.llly h. llel tn '"Go Jor Brolce" to rdch th. number.

w' t~.1 II nol 'h~ ublcd f 'hlJ weok'. t~lumn- t .,

I 4 Up h nU:TIbeT of chlp­,~ , .. thoo,~, we Illud'! to .t W •• r. more en. m or~d

with Ihe nnd 01 the 1"0 pub. IItlllon .bout til. Jl plneae In A .... rlc. -lhl')Ulh moal of It I. In "Ihon.o.

JAA hid It Zl iial Mlhon­llnlcel (N tlon.1 o,"c., In 8.n FranrlKo .t 143ft PrJ,t 81. Ther. wife 0 JA A O,"CII In North ... n c:.Utornll, 0 In CAn­Lrel C.III fT.l. 20 In IIoolh~rn Cell/omll In the Plcln.

Otth .... Ht .nd e in the In­lennwntaln - RQtkl.. • r ••• H .... I, Ih JAA \I L Irr.nl.d by JACI. dlllrl<\ council.,

("'''DC:, ~:n= ".UJII

i~= "CWIf· DC

~.:T.'"" ~=ment4

,Un.1 In Ib ..

""MII .. a"tlCn" .h-a'I/,~f




Liberal Terml No Extra Charge.

National JACL Credit Union P,O. Box 1721.Sa.t L. ke C'ty, Utah 114110

Office: 242 S. 4th e •• t, Salt Lak. CltV T. 1.: (801) 355-8040

RememhH you ('an horrow $3 000 on you r ~lgnD ' urf: with ~ '1uall ficd credit rating.

Gr .. f/ng. to Our NII.I Frl.nd.


Service ParIs

Greetings to Our Many Japanese Friends



Concrete & Plastic Low Head, Everything for the Do-II-Yourself Home and Farm Owner WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Drip & Sprinkler Systems Sprinklers • Pipe Fillings • Design Service Automatic or Manual

1510 "I" Street (209) 638.3583 2408 Ventura (209) 268·5341

Reedley, Calif.



Growers & Packers

1045 Simpson (209) 897·2968

Kinglburg, Calif.



Fruit Packers & Shippers

Fresno, Calif.

8est Wishes to All Our Japanese Customers


Sa les

1529 Hwy 33


(209) 659-2091 Firebaus h, Calif.

Greetings to Our Many Japanese Friends

Eknoian & MacDonald Packing Coo Packe rs of E·Mac Brand T ree Fruit

V,II.,,,, ;:!,:!::r.:v° 2632 S. Elm Ave. (209) 268.5647 39400 Clarkson Dr. (209) 897-2946 10463 Del Rey Ave. (209) TW 6·0324

Selma, Calif. (ceDe)

e Fr.lno, CaUf. Kinglburg, Calif.

15130 S Western A,"' I Go;do"" OA 4-64" FA 1·212

I NISEI Ettl~~6hed

TRADING CO. Appliances - TV - Fu,nt ' u,t

348 I. 'IUT ST .. L.A. 12 MAdison 4-6601 (2. 3, 4)

~/ ( " II/ II~'j PHOTOMAR1

I?,-... - Pt..lof.~ . J 16 I . 2.d St .. Lo, A.,.t ..



318 E,ut First Street

Los Angeles, Calif

MA 6-5 681

Page 3: On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem-For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin Am4!nc:an newspaper article,

IDC convention program slated

for Nov. 28-29

OCTOBER REPORT "'.Mt£OA "\N pn 'N('t.CO November 14, 1975

n U ' h'~wri~~~~ny i ll ~AI~Y, i . l ~;~I/O IJI " I'() I-Wayne Horiuchi

Plain Speaking


Washington This column Is the second in a series of articles

on the topic of employment discrimination. U you'll recall, the last column dealt with employment dis· crimination at the middle-management/promotional level.

This week, Jet's focus on a case in point. The employmeDt discrimination case of Jobn Yoshino bere in Washington. D.C. bas gaiDed national prominence with stories in such nationally syndicated papers and trade publications as the New York Daily News. Tbe Chicago Daily News. and The Federal Times. In addi· tioD. most of the Japanese vernacular newspapers have at ODe time or another written articles about his case (PC. Ocl 17).

JACL bas takeD an interest in the complaint for several reasons. First, John is a long·time member and loyal supporter of JACL. Secondly. the issues in tbe case have a potential far·reaching ramification on Ja· panese Americans. Thirdly. employment discrimina­tJoq is a crucial issue to all JACLers because employ·

1 i MUI ' C~.;'CIA~JI ' i Ubll)~~~~~:ft~ , lP-T('rnoko , Ocon{e n l l - I<U IIIII Iku.

UQ\\' NTOWN L .A , n,· n u lund S 1000 Club Memberships

Hcadquorte:l'S acknowledged 72 renewing 1:l-lInlnt(', AI" 2~- Mhnhu, Wllll nm Y

O CI b b hi d I Ih 1 I J( IIOLL\' WOOIl 21 "t'l . h.I'!.k,~l.JOlI" ,' \Q I 00 u mean el'S p~ ur ng e 051 111 t'i~~'88~~IN~ l EItCEJ) 'In- Ft'(lIn~t~ , UWllllnm It of Oclober. The month-end lolal of "ctlv., 11 Andow, Eric SONO MA ("0 NT\" 1000ers tor 1975 \YOS 2.193 \Vhos~ nomes \,111 ;\tONTEREY 21-0dn, Frll"k K ~race Ihe annunl 1000 Club Honor Roll In In N"bu',1dn. KGY STOCKTON the Holiday Issue. Closlng date will be> No\, . 22 IJI r~~~~,!t~ ~K 14-~~~rg~;~t ' ~V£n

POCATELLO. Idaho-The In- 30. I n_Yu.~~ \;:;~~ vE ~A 10 l~~ ~ 't';~Ng"'On~ ; ;I.e, termountain JACL District FIFTY CLUD ClENTUU\, SJ\CR .\MF.NTO I Klmurfl, K Rlun K I Councll convention being host- Klmur~s.~~nzudoY~a!\tDC) Kntate.(~~~o~~~:u) IJ - Kub(l , Erlwln S wt':8T VALLEY eel by the Pocatello-Blackfoot ~ 1'1, I ·'rnk"ln. Itt'n r," :l-Shlhn, Of' SelJl chapter will be hc1d over the ___________________________________ _

Thanksgiving weckend. Nov. 28-29, child CUll' , lull:! Pl'C1ing, con - cel fi ne! nthcl '00 IlUlT1el'OU8

Among the national JACL P I IOCllntl .. dallv., nnd np"lyht~ 10 11. 1. I cofficlals scheduled to address U 5e for sla te co",pen.ollon lor ChUI>lc.. chairma n TO"'"l1 the blenniel gathering are m ... "Clicul (,'Xp t· n~Cl->. lo!'t Income, hlhi,vnmn prescnted thcm with National President Shig Su- elc. the JACL. sc .. oll of appreeln-giyama during the dinner ~rl- Wlln •. "~S Me o •• lsled SO lion. d.y night In honor ot the Is- I nsta Ilation lUi 10 bc on hund on I ... \\ hen • S.allle JACL 1000 Club sei: Helen Kawagoe, nationai their lCslln1on~' 1< reqllired. lnok IImc-olIl Oel. 5 fo .. 11$ vlC<!-president for public at- • Gard.n. Valley MCL Is Thc chopte, hold lis POPll- fOllrlh nnnlllli gol/ tOllrn<l-talrs. and national youth dl- honoring its pas I chaptel' pres- la, Monic Cnrl" fund-rai se .. mcnl, conducted In II heovy rector Gail Nishioka at the Idents 91 Ihe Nov. 22 Inslalla- Nov. ) ,II IIIl" Son Mnl,·O Bud- downpour Ihnl dleln'l dNer 32 Saturday luncheon; and na- tion dinncr ut Gung Hoy Rcs- dhist ehuI'ch with pl'oc<'Cds dClcrmlncd divOI<'Cl's, tlonal ex e cull v e director tau rani with pasl nallonal dl- gclnll toward lh~ new S.n Dr P~lr Y01hlno led the David Ushio at Ihe Saturday reclor Mas Satow and his wife Mateo JACL Conllnlltllty Ccn- Illen with 71-13-61 Ihal In-

honors aword banquet. Chiz o( San Fl'cmclsco com- te~ ·l \vu .. unnounc-A tht' chnp- g~~dn~d w!~Ul;hCbi~~~~~~n,:~~~~ Guesl speaker al the Issei Ing for a memor)'-tllled cve- <~

dinner will be Japanese Con- ning. IeI' mochitstlkl 11'111 be held ~~~n \\e;ist~ 93-IA-77. The olhol'

sui General Zenjl Motomura Founded In Januar~· . 1939 ~~n~~:tdp".i;:k l~te~r.~~io:lc!~: MEN-Rny Seko. 05-21-64; Shl. of Portland. Idaho Ll. Gov. with George Yamauchi as the I 010 .. 1. 70-12.66; Hlr'OI Akita. ,no

:::;or ~v:~~~ ~~~m:;~~at!~I~ ~~~:~r !i:E~~{~: . ~ifj~l:~~~ ~~;~l,,:~~;:~:G~<c~~~~';\" :~~t~a~= ~~ll~;~E~~:~£."D<i;l~;~UX~~i;~ pn.rticipn'e in the opening .'.onr'13 'Kdl'",A, ~'S •• kSnhll,'nnro.l1luIDrlo-IIO~-8-~.2 . tOI.2 'n'oo,elcnome ceremonies Friday ::;~:Z~~i~ .a ~~~ I\h~re~~~~~. West Los ,\n,.I., .IACL Inr 51h, n.'ko T,ubot.- t01-2~.1I3

Is culling lis lirsl I U76 Illonth- M,d In. Sok,,,,.'. III 28 R3 \Vorkshops and dis t ric t carried on: Iv t),avel Hlt.:clinu No,', 16, 2 Frank H~tL ol'I \'''~8 ·,ouJ'nc.'·

~- ..... '''~ ?

More than a half .. century of care and understanding

when its needed most. Cart· "'·C)lIin', tOllw·niClIll·. Thai's why one "bit

to Ito ,~ 11111 , ~fc·mC)rlul Park Inkes care of cvery

nee(/ dltrilll-: .1 dimellit lime.

Dc"u tiflll l'hap,·ls, mod.·m mortuary and ere.

malory. tr.\Clttiollal m<lllsol('lIm •• nower shops­

(1l1d [l",f,·"iollnl wUII, .. I"" wlto kllow cure meUM


Hose flill, . . a ".llurally beauliful memorial

park wlr(·r!" dlgnily. ul1dcntanding and care has been n h,tllnl"rk of tradiliun for half a century.

Rose Hills Mortuary/Cemetery ment is a vital part of all of our lives.

Therefore. our National President Shig Sugtyama has officially gone on record in support of the expedi· tion of John's agency hearing. Furthermore. the Wash· ington JACL Office has made congressional liaison to further support Shig's pOSition. I've also been for­tUDate to sit on the prestigious Employment Task Force of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. which has been helpful with respect to providing me with the background information on employment dis­

b ' U r JACL Poul Shtnoda. He.nry Ishida, J f'o

e~:t~~"J T~s n!~e ~~heduleci Ryo Kom.e. Yo Mln.ml, Fr.nk ~e'~~ ' l u~Il"~::; III~,~ ~' Ft:~~ oo~~ S~~~h c~~:!,~~n~i.~~~~~~dKI~~'i N.1k.nl. 3900 Workm,ln ~hil /lu.td. WIlIlltcr, CI. 699·09:21 (or both days, A mixer and ~~,'::OkrrTO~~h~l:;rcf:.m~~ou;~~ 'hI. Klyo SnkohAN1, Ro~' sekO', 1000 Club whing ding are dn, Franees Yan.' Yokoyomn, ~~t!~~ic~\ll \\ ~~~it~l ' S~~~I~;'~ ~~ Pr(!d Takagi Jim Nlllrlntnlllr. Trr-

planned Friday night, while a g~~:: C:::::I.I. ~~1:n °ft :~'::~: : th(' month, f .. IICe: Tort:'!. ---------------------.

Sayonara Ball closes Ihe two- ~g3'T~~I~~::.~1;0:t~::,~\I;:;~u.!~r)~to September Events day convention, ft October Events

Presldent-elecl Jim Mura- fr~c~~~rt::;e~~r~l~~hf~_;:: kaml Is also scheduled to be Dudley Olok,. (324-7608) at present. $10 per per$on wilh Mnyko

crimination issues. Jobn's bearing was officlaJly set after 16 months of SANTANA WIND SHOWS

Tarumolo (329-4931) handling rese,l'vations. w hie hare fl "must", DlnneJ' begins at 6 and must aeljourn by 9 p.m.

procedural bickering with the agency·respondent, the NEW IER FORM T Dept. of Transportation. The hearing began Sept. 23 ~AIR A November Events but Is suspended until Nov. 24 because the key wit- GARDEN GROVE. Callf.-

~~ :~c~~u~&J~~n'tu~~:r:~g ~~eA~~t ~~!:~!i ~~~th?;a~~e..sl~f~~.tYsa~~a~~ m~~ . ~!~~~0~~a~:~1~1 months. Jronically. Gaither is a Black. ~~~;.,apt.:':r1~r~!t ~~~~ thl:d annual Bunka-Sal Japa-

• Clev.land JACL proselll­ed Fumi and John Shlmll a ta .. ewell dinner Oct. 10 nl the Bill Sadatakl home. Active On Ihe chaptel board and newslcU... slafT. Ihe Shltnas are leaving to I'unkc n new home In California thl. monlh.

John served as flnnncC' dl­r~ctol' fer the chapler for many yean- and chnit eel the Holid.... Fair. complied the chapt,r directories. headed many key committees such ns Issei Day, Euclid Villa P"oj-

• fremont JACL members Frank Nuka"'oko. Ired Inouye nnd George Kato spoke on Ja­pilnese experience in the U.S, III lh~ flrsl of " serlcs ot t.~lk. ;ll1d discl.lssion ~ focusing on Ihe Bicentennlll i Celebration bcin~ .ponsorccl b~ ' Ihe Ala­n'lcrln County Library. The Sep\' 25 pro~ratll at the Fre­men t Cit.'" Libra..... was wcll­lecelved 'L' mUIlY qUestiOIl.1; wcrc ".ked about Ihe Evacu­ation. JACL and Ihe history of thc Jopanesc In America , -B" Wnlt ... Hashlmolo. Unfortunately. the facts in the case which have tour limes more reading mal- nese CuHural Festival over

been discussed during the hearing are not available. ter as compared 10 the old Ihe Nov. 8-9 weekend al Tor­I tt ted t ·t in dl· tb h riD b t k d 81 ,~ xll-lnch page. newsletter ance Recreallon Center. Other

t IJ emP

bec 051 th hun~g e ea

l edg



asblle edllor Ken Hayashi an~ local Nikkei groups partlcl- uARY SABUSAWA.. 1923.1975 o eave ause e eanng was c os 0 e pu c. nounced. pating Included the Del Amo ...

Some of the allegations made by the complainant, Distributed to Nikkei taml- Optimists. its women's auxl- C Jobn Yoshino, are significant and should be mentioned. lies In Ihe county as a pubUc lIary. EI Camino College Nlp- hicago teacher succumbs to ,'Ilness I

I. John has been passed over eight times for pro- service over the past decade. pon Club. and Norlh HJgh motioD to G8-15. the Wind Is still a volunteer ~I~~.o 0 I Japanese Language

2 Th Jaj t IJ "tt f U" production. Instrumental In CHICAGO Ma S IZ' Sabu trom Atltachc Relocallon Cen- I . e comp D a eges a fa ern 0 prac ce the conversion 10 a crisp off- Continuous enlertalnmen~ - r)' I I -of discrimination by the Office 0 Civil Rights of the set pubUcation were Roy Uno. demonstrations. exhibits an ~~:~ie~2~ Pbar~~~ ~~v~ . O~nN~~~ ::~~ U~ U~~i~h~~' !~lne;~;.;~~ Federal Hlgbways Administration of the Department tenner PC Board chalrman; concessions were .teatured.

f Tr rtat' J h 11 th t tb tt h Jim Yamasaki. Mike Isblka- East Wesl Players presented Uw J ACLer during the tor- Parker School to, many yea'r •. a anspo Ion. a n I eges a e pa erD as H k Sak d B I Iwo !{yogen skits. Gary Yo- mative year" of the Chicago She w., "mong the reel-favored Blacks over Asian Americans. This Is where ~:ru. an ai an en Sh - shlda was Bunk.~-Sal chalr- JACL Chapler. Suzi was born pients of the first JACL-JAL the DeFunl. OVertoDes of "reverse discrimination" man. asslsled by Kenny Uye- in Cre'scy, Calif. and relocat- summer fellowship in 1967. cryJtallize. cia, emcee; Jack Eardley. pro- ad to Chicago in Ihe early '40s She is survived by husband

3. Jobn has further allrf:jd that an ca'~ortunlty A bl f II h' grams: and ErIc Wada. fin. Hat ry. of 3837 N. AHa Vista f ._lnI h bee d ssem y e OWS IpS Terrace, Chicago 60613. daugh-or UaJ ng as n denied m an that· e could . • SaD Mateo JACL spo- K d lers Deb("rah, Riki, and Ellza-

not be promoted then training should be availabJe to SACRAMENTO - Colle g e sored a communily meeting on 0 - beth and son Randall . Olher him to make him promotable. graduates may apply for the Nov. 12 al Sturg& Presby- survivol"; include her mother.

10 I tel h . te 1 with J h Y Calif. ~mbJy FelJowlhlp terian Church 10 dlscuss aid Continued from Front Pare M,·s. Aki Suzuki; brother. I persona :epi one 10 TV ew • 0 DO-program. all-month workiDI 10 victims of vlolenl crimes Frank. both of Livingston,

shino. we discussed his feelings toward his situation. educaUon ltartlng Aug. 2, and the wllness program es- r~ctors 0/: Calif.; sisters. Mr<. June Mi-Thoufh he was not allowed to divulge anything that 1978. care ot the UnIY. ot Call- tablished by the county pro- Oakl.nd Chamber of Com· chi.uki, Kalamazoo. Mich. and was diJcUJSed in the hearing. John said. "J believe that fornia. PoilU cal Science Dept, ballon deparlment. David J. ~~~~. 6f1~~en;""Ad~~~I~~Pcg~,~,~ PAt Suzuki. New YOI'k City. Asilns acrostr the nation are being discriminated sim- RiverSide, Calif. 92505. 'I'l!n fel- Mandel was speaker. millro on Ihe Elwlronmentol 1.,,_ Her sl!,ter-in-Iaw I. Mari

ilar to th t t t hi h I h I ed .. J h I lowshlps, oiJerlna $748 month- The program provides Im- ".ct nepoTl or 1M 71,",,1<un Illv- M[c~enel' 01 Buck., Counly . •

e fta meD 111 c ave race v . 0 n s Iy s818ry will provide five mediate and dlrect services or. ProJ_.1 lor the Easl Sa, Mu· Penns~ I\"ani". I hope for forcing the Issue is to encourage others who monUu' ~ork with lOme M- 10 victims of violenl crimes, ~~IrJ'~.,?-!str~o~ , ~~~ .. !he,.~~.~~i; Services were held No, . 5.



Come Drive a Bargain with


(F •• m.,I, .he .,"k .f Tokyo of CaIlIe ... I,) MEMBER FDIC

San Franmeo Ma." Ofke .. , ,........ . .. ,,(415) 445·0200 San Frar,elsco Japan C.nt., Off.c •... " ... (415) 445.0300 Oakla'ld Off,c. . .. ,.......... ~, .. (415) 839.9900 Fremont Off"e .... .• ........... . .. _ ........ (41 S) 792.9200 Palo Alto Office ............ _ ... , ... _ ......... (415) 941.2000 San Mateo Office ., .. ,.., ..................... (415) 348-8911 San Jos. Off"e ................. ., ...... _ .. ., , ... (408) 298-2441 Westgate Offic. . .................................. . .(408) 298·2441 S.linas Ofke ....... ..... ......... . .............. (408) 424-2888 Sacra menlo Office . . .... .. _..................... ,(9161 441.7900 Stockton Office ... _ .............. _ ............. -..... .(209) 466·231 S Fresno Office ............. , ........... .. .............. (2091 233.0591 North Fresno Office ..................... _ ... _ ...... 12091 226.7900

L.A. Ma.n Office: 616 W. 6th .................. (213) 972.5200 Los Angeles Office . ., ....... .. _ ............... ., .. _(213) 687-9800 Montebello Office ......... _ .. _ ........ .,.- ...... -.(213) 726-0081 Crenshaw Office .................................... .(213) 731-7334 West.en L.A. Office ......... _ ..................... (213) 39)-0678

G.rdena Office ..... _ ........... .................. _ ... (213) 327.0360 Torrance Office ........ _ ............................. (213) 373-8411 Panorama Cily Offic •............ ., ..... _ ......... (213) 893.6306 Art.sl.-Cerrilos Office ............................ (213) 924.8817 Santa Ana, 5th and ~in Off.c •................ (714) 541-2271 Irvine Of lice, 17951 M.cArthur Blvd., .. 014) 549-9101

San Diego, Civic Center Office .... _ ....... (7141 236-1191

-With 7S Addit.o .... 1 Offic_ are being discriminated to "take necessary action to semblyman and six months on Including emergency transpor- Uree"l"' At Ihe Christian Fellowship

bring about a remedy" ratber than acquiesce. I agree. an Msembly committee. . taUon, household assistance. George Is a member of tlte ~C:h:u:re:h:. _________ ::======================: ~sak:~~d !~~:~ir~~~~' ~~rv~! I ~

Creell., to Our Ni .. ' Frletwl.


Greelinfls to Our Nisei Friend.

Wm. H. Dlcochea Labor Camp

Let Us Solve All Your Problems

Recruiting Training - Transportation

Presldenl's Special Commit- I te<>, the Lake Merrill Break­fasl Club, sponsors of the Children's Fa i I· l' I and and Golden Gate Optimisl Club of Sun Fruncfsco, ha v in~ SCl'\'ed

as prc ~ idcnl. I Besides thc JACL he is or I

has been n member of the Easl Boy Golf Club and Ihe forme I· :-lissei Club of Berke­

31976 Japan Flights Sponsored by Nat'l Japanese American Citinns league 1511 Abbott (408) 422-8801

Salina., Calif. 885 Riverside Road (408) 724-9919 Icy. serving a term as pres­

idenlon these Japanese Amer­Ican organizations. i

Dep." from Aircllftl •• u ...... ip C.p,city Fore


WATSON'S NURSERY Est.,1I1hed 1928

Fertilizers, Seeds of All Varieties Calif. Sf"e Licensed Landscape Contractor

Tr ... - Ornaments - Shrubs - Bedding Plants Lawn s.~ - Supplies ~ Native Plant

M.terl.1 - Oelivery Service

Watsonvill., C.lif.


LESCO SEED & CHEMICAL INC. Seeds of All Varieties

Agricultural Chemicals

David 1..'1" Exten.ion (408) 373-4495 405 West Be.ch (408) 724-2201 Pacific Grov., C.lif. W.tsonville, Calif. --------------- ---


BOIAY NURSERY Our Entire St.ff Ar. California C.rtlfl.d Nurserymen

L.nckc.pe-Oes'r.er & Contractor, Garden Supplies - edding Plants Orl.ntal Shrubs - Roses - Se~. - Bulbs - Pott.d Plants

Greetings to Our Nisei Friend.


Landscape Materials

30 Hitchcock Ro.d (408) 455-1868 2776 Soquel Ave. S.lIn •• , C.lif.

(408) 476-2464 S.nta Cruz, C.lif.

GR!fTINGS Greetings to Our Nls.1 Friends


Residential Industrial

124 Lincoln A., •.

Ornamentals - Over 5 Acres of Indoor Foliage Plants Commercial Over 32 Acres of Outdoor Plants

Over 97 Years of Service

(408) 424-0619 400 Casserly Road S.lIn •• , C.Uf.

(408) 724-0651

Watsonville, Calif.


I.W "coslnew " "8 .. to loans !"\ + IlIIIhomo Bank of California

~.mb.r F 0 .1.0.

Geol"$te lives with his nt- I

tractive wife. Chic. in oak- I Jand ann hn ~ one daughter. Jean (M ... B,ucc Wclgl). who has an MA in Fine Arls from Oberlin und now rcsirles in Rochesler. N.H.

Kondo so lei. "I glleSS I'll no longer have liml: tOI' the com­munit,v Anrl civic Involvement but in my new position 1 wOllld Ilk. to rClain the mol­toe, of the Rowry nnd Optim­ists Clubs" hlch arc:: "Service above Sell " unci "Friend of thc YOUlh" r(!'specth'ely,

1975-76 Officers ~IIDWEgT DISTmCT YOUTH

HI~~~~k:.urj~~ft\~~c . ct:~~~): ca~~ Solomon, 2nIJ vc ... tr~n s. Imcm\)) : Tert'y £nelo. _ec-hut.


C:'"~ :'tlllir .. , "h:I:~ r;itl'1t, r .• co,t'h: L \ .. ,,10, P ", H u ,""0-lIut-hl, 111*, Vr.h!l" '01.10 , ,,1.1, Slmun \V"fl i JllI 'mh,


I Nov, •• (Frida,.) PhUadelphia-Bd MI., Tom

" Kuhthara rei,

Rlvenld~~hJ:n~::~~r::~nr, Flut Chrl.llon Churt"h

Contra COito . C'l1u'cr forum, CC""tru (;u.lu ('nJlt'.~, n n m -" p,ln ,

Snn CnlJrlel Vfll1~)' - Jn . t dnr, Mlchoel 's ntalnurnnt, Olendofa. ? '30 P Jll, 'J'nke t,utlu Tnkel, "'pkr

Nov, 16 (8I1u(l,,)' )


No.1-Mar 26-Apr 16 No.2-Apr 5-26 No. 5-Jul 24-AuC 14 No. 6-AuC. 7-Sep 4 No. &-Oct 2-23 No. 9-Oct 2-23 No. ll-Noy 8-29

Lo. Ancele. San Franci.co Los Angeles San Francisco Los Ancele. San Franci.co Portland-SF

747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465 747/GA100 $465

Air fare subJect to revision pending airline's fare increases for 1976: prices mcfude round trip airfare, $3 airport departure tax, $25 JACL adminlstrafive (ee. Aduh ,md child seats SOIme price on any one flight ; infants under tYrO y us 10'0 of regular excutStOn fare. Seating ca~clty subject fo Increase. All dates mol)' be sublKt to change, 1 '~7.7 :

I • Sind thi. coupon t04.,1 to JACl-A"thor, •• 4 : : Tra .. ,1 A,lnt, Ch.ptn Tra .. el Ch.irp.rwoft 0' I

Prelldent, al,'rid or Region.' OHin, or: : N.tio".' JACL Tuvel 1765 Sutter Str .. t 5In Func1Jco, C.lif. 9411 S . ,

I Send me inform.tlon RE: 1976 Nat" JACL Japan I

: Flights, espeCially Flight No, . :

. : Name

.~-------------- ---------- ---------: Street

:0.;- State ZIP

: Day Phone Chapter

FLY Japan Air Lines

TOUR with Japan Travel Bureau

.n'.' .... '.o,...1



Central California 912 F Stre.t Fr .. no, Calif . 93706 1209t 237.4006

Norlhwest-Intermountain 327 N.W. Couch Streol Portland, Orc, 97209 ' 503 ' 223-405 1

Mounta", Plolns PO eox )4329 'Wesl OmAh. Station Omaha, Neb 68) 14 ' 4021 393-1009

Sou lhern California 125 Well.r Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 1213t 626-4471

Midwest R~ion~1 5415 No,th Clork Streel Chicago, III. 60640 t312) 728·7170

PloU! 'Cnll Court ' PSWDC-Qlrly S~, CUI' on JACL

hOIlI~, numndn Inn, 850 Domin-

;!,~;~i,~f~~~~~~~::;'~1 J.. The Mitsubishi Bank on I." 7·a~ol~"n'.:J_·!1 "f Call'fl\rn'la

Cinelnnn" t l1 l.'rnntlnnnl n11l: \J " F"~.lIV 'i l

Mllw'luk,., Folk rfllr '1ov, n·U

CeDC (.'onv~nllon, ,.',I'.no JUlton I1 fH(' I ; \ i'lnbh Iniln flnnt

'lori, :~'~ ~~'n(~,,'fJrd~) C,."ltlnh Vnllt ',Y, In .. 1 dllr, CU Il _

lin} n" lauront, 7 ,un

Crmtrn ~t~~It1 '! tl l~~~!l d ~i'~hl. 'ro'II\'n 1/1 Illlirilnl, Hf'lk,'lf'~', 'j ~v, II m i'IlHh,. l'onl:I' _,

~jl\', ! .... 'n 'DC' H II unlht I rmVf'l1t1un

I'hl'lIh'lhl.ll1rU'ktfl4:" tArl htltl' 'iO\, 'W (H"lIIr(J""

Mllwnukt>r Olm H R, Int(lrnn· Uounl I n' lItul,',

HIAD OffiCE .00 WU.hl ... 1 .... , a... A .. ,.I ... C.II •• 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE J21 lilt Seco .... St .• Loe A .. ,.I •• , C.lif. 90012

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W .• 140 .... 0 "lCh ., .... , G.r ...... , C.lif. 90247

SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 425 ....... _ry St., .,. eallto, .. ,.

(2U) 623-7191

(213) 680-2650

(2U) 532·3360

(415) 711-J600

Page 4: On Decision Making PACIFIC CITIZE · 2000. 8. 31. · eem 10 dll'ler. a s-dety based mnre on dem-For example, In a recent ocratlc and egalitarian prin Am4!nc:an newspaper article,

4- IlACIFIC CITIIIN November 14, 1975

'Buddhist Pilgrimage' SAN FRANCISCO-Films .hot dha has been made Iota a by Bishop Kenryu Tsuji last 22-mln . 16mm movie. the " c"ember on his pilgrimage Buddhist Church.,. of Amer­I :> India . shewlna ... cred sHes fea announced. associated in the lite of Bud-

------------,.,--------------.. SACRAMENTO VALLEY



Since 1912

Fru.ts & Nuts Trees - Wholesale & Reta il Now Featurmg a Complete Gardening Center

For All Your Gardening N eeds

Fowler Road (916) 645-819'i Lincoln, Calif.

Greelings 10 Our Nisei Friends


Complete Nursery Stock Seeds, Bul bs, Fertili zers, Insecticides

617 West (916) 662-7339 Woodland, Calif.



Agricultu ral Chemicals

350 Matmor Rd. (916) 666-3311

Woodland, Calif.

G r..,ing, to Our Nisei Friend,

Woodland Trador & Equipment. Co. Authorized New Holland, Fo rd F~rm Equipment

Slles Service Parts liND

Steiger 4-Wheel Drive Tracto rs Wisconsin EnRines - Bean Sprayers

95 W.st Kentucky A., •• (916) 666-1944

Woodland, Calif.



Firm Equipment Sales - Se rvice - Pa rts Dulers for·

~ • F.,.,- - FrM"""" • H.sslon . P.rkln. ~I lng ...... DueIJ • Speedy Hum.

T omM'O HI,ve-strrs

Knights Landing Hwy. (916) 662-4633

Woodland, Calif.



Agricultural On e Sh.fts - Axels - C lu tches Transm.lS'ons - Power Take-Oils - Un ive rsal J oints

Hvdrolulic Hose & Couplings Qu.ck Disconnect Couplers

2345 E.,.rgr •• n A.,e. (916) 371-0140

Wnt Sacramento, Calif.

• Slnee 1937

• I .... IC ...

e "erlllehl"

• Firm Che,,"ul,

Fertilizers Sale Spreading Hauling - Grilln Dealers



Bruce Kajl

G arden~ V n II e)' J ACLo.· Bruce T . «;\ .'1 m'(t~ld"'llt nr Mcl'l t Sn\'hlP' \ . T.onn. w n~ elected prcsl,I",t n( Ihe r,li­fornla Sovine & Lonn I.cn.ue at its lccenl ,~nnvt'"llnn held at COfOnndl'l H" tcl In San DI­ego. The lelI~lI. rcpr.sonts many state ;md fecleral S&L

I groups In the <tnte. Califor­nia has abnul 10'< o( the total S&L os.<tts In the U.S.


Stockton pol ice retained David K. 1I3m. d •• 31. Of Sac­ramento ac; its cl'Jmlnol jus­tice planner under a S 133.500 federal Rlan\. Initial lask. ac­cording 10 police chief Julio Ceecheltl. will be to develop a team pClllclnJ( ~peraUon and inereose (·metenc) In the COl'll"

m u nict.tiC'lllS ~ystt!m. A cl'im .. Inal juslIC< III·adu.te Crom S acromeJVc State, Y n m ' n d a hod oe~n prcgram manager In Iillge.prh!t;r.~ r.nd facsimile Syst"",s •.. the Cnllf. Tech-1I0\0::!C.· r.esen\ eh Founda­tlcn. Sac"al,en' 0 He also s •• v.d ns deputy s~ate real ....lote COmDlisslNler and was emploved by the state crim­Inal Investigation and IdenU­llc~lI('n division.


l\Il,ekn Urln. pre;>aring .01 the rnInlsto·y 81 Bo;ton Unl· venity. was am ong five r e cent recipients of the Georgia Harkne .. scholanhlp. accord­Inll to the United Methodl, t Board of Higher Education and II1lnish·,·. The award Is to Cf1CCUI Jee perscn. over age 3~ 'f' r. l~pnre let the- ministry a~ l 1 5:eccnd careel'.


Seattle Insurance allent Al­Ien B. U, eM. 23. pleaded not guilty to elgbt ccunts at vlo­laUng the Uniformed Conlrol­led Substance (dr ui s) act ond W81 re leased by Superior Court Judre WarreD ChaD on perlonal recognizance. Police




Agricultural Consultants Farm & Ranch


(916) 674-1255

1445 Garden .Hwy

Yuba City, Calif.



920 Tudor Rd. (916) 673-1235

(916) 362-3468

9800 Gerber Rd.

Slcrlmento, C.llf. Yuba City, Calif.

Attention JACL Central California

Capitol Life Major Medical Policyholders e


WE ARE ANNOUNCING NEW, IN C REASED Coverage, effect.ve JAN. 1, 1976

New M.""mum Aggrelate L,mll ......................... ... ......... $300,00000 New Ma)(,mum Room Rate . . . . ......... •..• ••.. .............. ..... 580 per dab S.me Co·lnsu"mce .• . ••••• ••...•.•.•...... ................. .... . .... .. 80/2 S.m. Low DeduCl.ble ......................................... ........ ........... $50 pe r claim


Mal. member ................. $32.00 Member plus 1 .................... $68.00 Family .......................... $8800 Fem.'. member •....••... $ .. 000

• New fnt,u,anu c.tufte., ••• 111 b I'T'oIIJ.d to ,II cur"n' polf(yhoid"l

C.pitol l,'.', Me,or Med pl.n It .. b"n In .".,, in C.nl,.1 C.I,forno. con'muQu", lor 0." ELEVEN YEARS Tit. pl.n h .. b •• n wo,k;nll ,moo,hly .nd .floci.nlly. CI.im ,.,.Ic. h., been FAST . nd ,,,1 •• w"h NO DELAY 01 REO TAPE.


JACL Clntr.1 C.lifornl' Dllt rlct Council

• • , ...... , • • A •• II.~I ... ,on l.fII"., t NIW ."IIC'''' ' ... ur •• 4 I •• ,,1, Ih .... h 10ClI ., •• "

Pi f(lIUl", ""~ '2091 226 ·0.20 Jol>n NIoU .... Fr .. no. ..: .. J<;~.o, !>o"9f' 12091 .75 3705 Ed "(.no. A .. dl,y To... 9-,," w~" Lorod... '2091 562·2166 "(0,,1>. rll'y.m •. P.d,.,

• U~."f,,"',. ~ C."ft., Llf. h, ..... ,.cI c.., Den •• " Colo.


1209) 255·8229 (2091 638 4533 (2091 875 5689

C/tln"·fd.,,.,d, /n,"r.",. AII.nc1 S ..... Moro.e., C.,". 90403 2811 WII,It". Bl.d .. Sull. 770

(213) 829·4727

.old they conflscnled $50.000 'North of drugs found In his hnme and ot on('thel' Auburn ",tdcncc "nd SIO.OOO In cash.

L<'c: .-\Il~ c le s County Supet-i-" ('"nlll JlId$lc Robert 1\1, Tft­

kQSUI' ot Pl' I1'I(',1l0 agreed Oct. 1.2 to n\low R lie detectnr ope.­ltOl" 1.0 tesllfy os on expell wllIlC" on behalf Of the de­(endon. III Ihe e,lmiMI Irlnl [ G. CliO • • \' Themas. 2 t . ac­lIS(ld or rnpin R ond murdol­

"'" Tessie Fern Wlllloms. 78, I," her hnme In POll'lona April - TnkaslIIII', decision come Ihrl' three doy~ of argument "etw en der~nsc ottorney and I ~C dep\lty dlc:tliet. attorney"

- . erulirn indicated anothe.· &>! j~';:!rnph~' operatol' lestlfy­lOll( ollolnst the defendant will be asked to appear now thot he judgc hns _greed to al­

te \\' sltC'h wltnc~scs to testify.

('011£, G"w Blown on Od. 17 oppointect Sansei attorney 1\"11 ;\1. KawaJcht tn be mu­r klpnl judgc In the O.kl.nd­I'lc~mont judiclol dlst"'c\. The 1.0. AIl~cles-bOl n jUllst is Ihe S' n of Ihe D.·. nnd MI S. GC01 '~C Knwnichl o( Los Bench; and i!- 1'110\ !'led 10 Sus»n TOinUl (i ,

\t sen, eh nllOl ncr Cor thc Aln­tnC'tin County SuperlOl' COul t "Old the dnUl(hte. o[ "ppe\l'lle c' u. I 01 Justice and Mrs. Stephell Tnmul·u o( Snnta Ann, Knwuichi was n pOl'LUer III the Onkl.nd law ft'1" of Ynncmul"a, Ynsnkl and 'Kawll ­ichl. He is u membe.· 01 th~ Day A,e. Community J.\{,L

Chihara to score

TV film: Manl~nar

• Richard Glma OI. lrlc,-n.tHord Ift·O): lAllehua ,M. I , Afrn ,3d" MUI1t1u lu o 11 ·6· I. ; W"lnlun ,n-e·Il' MIlilAni '<)-"1 ; Lf' \\'J1rd Olllltrl("\ '"-0' 'itlt",-

th,·1t . In nnol er r~pnrt. h



p' licc .ald lhnro w rr GGO ar- CLASSIFIEDS r".lJ of Onhu public .chool

kull ,, ", W'lhUthu j 1-,1 ... , I Cllv /1-51 C(jrnphdJ ,0·'

POUTlC .\L ., 'ENF. - Fe,­I w It puhllcnnll 01'1 III ~i.t Jl Il l l1 lt"\· 0' V \VIIJlul1~ (" p\l'l

l 'l Bl"ck th ' 8' ilt (I' S~r Hll fI"T'I HI" 1l0Ju\u Fan#!. In tht- ('VC!t1\ 1;"(> Int ter

Itud«!nl' tlurlllj( schQO) hour. fo. the t074 -15 ochool year. • noplnll [rom rf)bb<>ry lD aulD thell. •

't'h. PC Cla .. Jntd "alp II I. "en" • word .) tnlnlma'" .. ' '""rUon. nUt Jt a J ... ,IH •• 11l It tame COP), ." .. a,. tour u,.. •. Un I .... p,'or (",.41, tI .. hu. f'. ta"U_h.' ,.H" Uu PC. ,_,"'.,"_ f. requ,st •• In .'''.nt.

The SUItC (r lIuwoli hnR UI1- (Ic (-I(ll" " 11CIt tr. !-"rk "I,: .. ~I('rt~t)n nount'cd n m uil lmlllhln- tlo llar ' ,rs t ~ '('nr "Right I1r,\': r m b uildlnt:: pl'oaram with the ct nRldcl in", Il flrl lh,· 1)1" .. 11,'1-gaol nt p'ncln~ 11'11':'1'(' Hnwrtl lnn tty hf' (Foll~) mlJ:hl "Clti ll'," fam ilies 11'1 lhC!h' ,. WI'! hrmCR, r ulnn "rlfd , No (hill clocl"II1I'1' The nnlv.unccm!.'n t wos mode , I' CO \e)) hhVC been tJk(.'Il, he by Geol'jt ~ Allyr shi lind Bll- ~,-"tI Hul Mnkunln I cp ,u lie BeRmel, dlll'N'r or Hn- thut Slnlt: Rq,l , Pnth) YOUllliC wollon He m ' Lund" Undc\' IllH~' ~(("'k lhe s(Jo t tit., V,I­

tloe l,rclI' Dill. 808 new und re- riot ct by US. Rcp. P;,t5Y Mink pJaremo:onl h( ,"('!oj wlll be built !r, 11(.> . t YCIII '. clcctlru S me In the state . /lUll cta say Rep. Minh, w ill

Three p.'. 5 n. unci four keal t - ur c( Jnprtnt(.~ hay,. been In­dl, t,d en chor",," of crlmln.l­Iy con.plnn!! to nx price. In vlnlaU'1\ 01 f.deral .nllto ust • EmploJ'ment Inwl, Tht·y un: Robert M..ac-GrOi or. prcsld.nt of Trode Wind Tw •• (I H.lwoll ; M,r­tIe wo. p. ".tdenl of hlond Ifrlldoy; Wm. Charl~k III. I vlC't: proaldt.'nt of Cc nUnt>Mll.1 Alo line.; Inter-I,land Travel ."lee: blord KalidaI'. LId.;

~f:.: KJ~~~~ ' :II~r~~~ 1 J!.rc~~r~:: I Hilwall. Inc. From nn Ad\' r l\l lfl edUot'fnl i.c-k the senoLC'r inl 8 eat

"E\'t"ntunll~, Unwall', people Me whelher Fong 1"unfl or not ~~~~I~tl,~ec~,~n~~rJl~'J~ t:~o:n~; G l)v. Allyoshl 10), Hnwall State Capitol populnllnn. Dul It will lake many i!ol lao smull to gain nn~'lhln2 .(.flr Itn , Frederl('k RohlnnJ, vtnl" In t' lenn liP lhe unexplodctl tl I I' ltal rrll,ned hit frat In Ihe: le,ls-\)(.IIl1\). It ':01"' \ ·~.Q l nUo n and oth- y supp or nit 01 m(' , "lI(C h'llure- t run (or C~'H1.rr next \ IIWI"c mok,' 1'1(.0 t Ipnd IIvnblr .•. C('IPS dhcctor Sargent Shrlv- YUI". ~«"kl n. the po., •• pecled FOT l\1luu' Idlilioni . Inr HnwRIl'. l'~' 01' onyone leae ror p,csl- 10 be \'nc:IINt by R«,p ,.,at.un •• a. lonc-rnnllv AWlll. Ihe P~nI8.on elf IlLlul contender 10 COli) . who pion. tta run 'or the US WI \ll d 1)<. wile 10 toke H'c InlUa- Stnlc Sen , Fred RlJhlf\n~ Is S nole next yen The' Ri' ..

~~\I~II'~t!,; 1I~lh: , fcA~~';~I.~,~m~~ffn~I~~ ('. peeted to rCH mn1ly 31111f unee tr;,u~~:n::'.:"",~~ ;::I~d~~dlblt: a::e , Wt· It '11M' lInt be. n hrntt"c.I IPiur I t IUS J)olntlnf!nt. \ .) \h. unale • UI va: .,ow. "" ..... 0" .hM wun', R·' ~1(~US~~"d dacy or I \ e •• c •• cd hy Rohl"n, Tlot") .,e thr', I "Wtly" lI .. mnlterr, Tenh)'lOn Lum. Am-

T"hc " ;!wllif ~t~,t(. Bom'" C'{ CIUl\I E F'ILR-Mnjm' Clime =~~~~ .. ~~"e:II ; ;'fI~~. :.y ~rlrJ~r. 1



l12 l hi Sh .... R..,,,, 202

los M' ..... , Calif



• SR I TO REA LTy ro

HOMffi , N '>UR.l.rIC, Edl"·".' II' dCC1fl( n to a l1 r.w ' 11 Oahu Inel"eo'cd by 7 pel Bru .. Keppelu, Donn~ lked., Dan I R01C1khtp, ('f"1 I .. It,)·. ~c h tlO I com- lor the n"ll seven months or U -.kodll ond Pred " "rnmln ..

p\t ~ S 1(,:1 , 4 (tH.· .. yro.. tdal this yeor, compared wiLh 1974. One of the Ltrg~" S.1.cfl pe •• c ' The,.e were 27.710 cose, (com- • 242t W J,Herson L II

• Hono lulu Sce ne pa.ed w.th 25.380 .ln lhe .ame Employ the H_ndtcapped 731-2121 '

pelled 10lt yeo I) covcllng Jt I~ esllm.ted that 290 mll- JOHN TV SAITO & ASSOCIATIS

upu s ·, ,~ h, will "ecommend ... obb~IY. assault. bUl~I"'y and A ~ _til _____ ~ ____ _ TARBnl REALTORS ( II ef It ,,c.-I hnon Kcknn Ka- mUldel, mUflslnughtcl, lnoe, 110 A crleanl n f dillabled I

thot l.ln,,'crslty Ave. be ex.. I ~ ~ ....... ~-leo<lcel .,e·' the Ala Wnl I LbooL Rik Y Cnnol Wlllklki. nnd be used 8 .11 Wish,l 10 Ih, enlw, Wes ey UMW (0011 II • onezawa nl n mnjol corridor 11'1\0 Wal- )apanlll AmtfNCIl " C",,,,mun;I'Y 14th P,,"hno, fle:v,wd I 13311 ArteSia BI\'d . klkl. _ I I O, •• n,.I.nd F .... Otll. R.clpe, I C .. ,,.tosl Ctl.f

Fift' C:1UIt'd $1&&.000 dnlnAlew 10 au & B Dcnat.on '400 Handling 50c 926·582' (71~U 522 ~U"2 thl: hon,.. nnd tar nf Den le i M I:zu- yny uyny 1 Wesley U"it.4 M.thod"t Ch."h

Hr wn Il cl\led tnr hUrns on hi. " , uc h l,O·1 .It OO-S I1 Ulume 51. Alu. I'" H. 5th It. h n Jo ... c.n, '''12

left low I' )el ntter hi" ITOU'~U, N sery , ... _.. ~ -; --eDu.,ht rtr.." The Inc.~ ''d1 Inlured I ur Sports Scene , I!' .1..: n I

Pull"" hI." Icno,,1 ,rid .Innd- 372-5522 " (/llIlfeH. ~A e InA" '" nr Nov, 2: Honolulu Db:- 0 ,rlcl. - .·;,rrln,t,," Hi win •• 1 10.,): I DIM" D .. ce • CHIde.,. R' 0,"'0" r5-21 ; Kal.er .5· 2\: Mc- 1407 Goodman Ave 'UK '''A., I ' .......... 800 .. ' 1{IU!ts 13-4): Kolmuld 0-'1): Ka - • 31' E . 111ft It. )(1111 ',0.7). Wlndwltrd DlIt rlet- Lo, Aa ......... .. .. Ko.ku, IS·I1: Coo" •• &·2\: Kol.· Redondo Beach Ca hel' 13·",: Kahuku f3.I\, Cf'ntral , -'-::==========:: .,------------.l-------------~ ..; L OS ANGELES

Greelings 10 Our Many J"panese Friends


Sales & Rentals

4121 E. Florence 581-4396

Bell, Calif.

C."' .... rc ~1 a.hi._'-DeSigning In'tlll~ho"


Sam J. Umemoto C.rt,loc.,. M.mbe, 0' RSES Member of J.p," Assn. of

Re'rigrr.hon Lic . =208863 C·38 SAM UIIOW CO.

t SO, W. V ...... A • •. L •• A....... AX 1-5204

~l(J;I: H)WI II F:1l!;

Mik8W8)'8 I Sweet Shop 1.4. E. III St. ,

Loa Ang.1n MA 8·.935

Aok fo. ...

'Cherry Brand' MUTUAL SUPPLY CO.

10M S._ St. s.. , ......... C.tlf.


Jlnrf 'ShQwJ

I (lilA Cocktail

Paul Chihara \'

MILL VALLEY. Cnlll.-Korty - f ~~.

I LV1"Jf't EO(~':"~'1

Te .. HCMIM Tfl)p.tn ~ Suluya\ ) I.t",,_ Fnrn~ . Inc., 811nrunccd Seattle .. •

b011l U)l",lC";i'r Paul Chihol'a,. 36 • ..r I ,,·, ."n~clps \\, ' 11 c.eate ~

the mush:ttII st·C'1.=l! lOt' the TV flhn. "FUl"cwell L, Manz.1nar". n' '" being edit'd clown for a twe hr ..... pecinl on I"BC-TV with music, soulld ef!ects and narration work being done slmultaneollsly .

Greetings 10 Our Many Japanese Friends


Rough-cut screenings to date have lacked music. sound ef- 6600 Ch.rry fects and scene' corrections.

633-8105 Prevlcws tor Nikkei commu­nity "epresenlotlves will be held as planned In both San Francisco and Los Angeles, director J ohn Korty assured Oct 31.

Long Beach, Calif.

Greelings 10 Our Many Japanese Friends Chihara's works have been

gaining national and Interna­tional stature. His recenl eom-

p'siUcn. "Shlnju", (or the San I B 'OETHING Francisco Ballet has been ac-claimed . .His works have al&o TREELAND NURSERY CO.

been performed In London. Berlin. Ed ln b Urg h ~ew York.

Houston and at s Anllelea. 23475 Long Valley Rd . 883-1222

Chicago Irlal-Cantin ned from Front Pare

According to SOUl·ces. a tt or ~ neys for the hotel will attempt to prove thal the two young women knew lhelr assailant and that he was permitted to en ter Ihelr J·oom.

Hearing the case Is Circuit Court Judge Harry Hershen­son,

Both Ms. Yamada and MI. Okubo had been Junior J apa­n~se American Citizens Leakue delega te] to the 1970 Nallonal J ACL Convention at the time o( the Incident. The remainder of the convention social aetl­ville, were cancelled.

The JACL later voted to

I boycott Hilton hotels through­Oul the notion. JACL also of­lered 0 $10.000 reward for I n~ lormoilcn leading to the ar­r .. l and conviction of the at­toeker. but In March 197t ,esclnded the offer.

Alter a length) recovery perlcd. Mi. Yamado returned to scheol and 10,1 June crad­uated from the Unlv. oC Calif. at Sanlo Cruz. She Is now IIv­Inti In Son Francisco.

Her mother reports thot Runku' IIwble (followln" tht allock) I, 11\05\1)' mental. She .nys In I~ur years she hos neVN .een her dauihter 51eep at 1I1f1101. except for a .hort while. Mosily she sleeps In the daytime, M .... Yamada ob-101 ved

Circulated a month laler was th.s face of Ihe s layer deSCribed by Ran· ko Yamada 10 a police artist The suspect was nlYlr apprehended.

Woodland Hills, Calif.

SA N DIE G 0 •

8 ~JJ Wilher /0 JaptlfleJe Ammclfn Comlllllllily


Wholesale Only Growers & Shippers of Carnations

1674 Crest Dr. (714) 753-4617 Encinitas --_ •. _----

Greelings 10 Our Many Japanese Friends

San Luis Rey Agricultural Aviation Dust ing Spraying - Seeding Fertil izing

Fi xed Wing & Helicopter

1069 S. Santa Fe, Vista, Calif.

(714) 726-5090 (714) 436-2761 ------


ESlablished 1913 , I rrogation & Sprinkler - EqUIpment & Systems

Specializ.ng in Drip Irriga t ion

I Also Agents for R~inbird-BucknPr AI's Star & Roberls Sprinkle rs

A C Pla.tic Sleel Portable Aluminum Pipe Fitti ngs, • Pumps, Hose, Etc

11330 Mission Road (714) 745-0511 I _ Escondido, _Ca_l_if_. _

G reetings to Our Ma ny J ' p a nese Friends


I SlJec','Ii.SIS .n Pneumatic Surge ry - Pruning . Removal , Tromm.ng . Brush Ch ipping

Spec.men Trees for Sale - We Plant - Transplant For Free Est ima tes Call

(714) 745-3068 1322 San Pasqua I Valley Road

Escondido, Ca lif.

Kono Hawaii Resta.allt 226 South H.rbor BI.d Sont. ~. ul.1 92704

(7 141 531·1232

OPEN £VERY OAY \.at"dtH_ l' -)I _ 2 __

Dh"t« 5'00 - 11 '00 Stnt4ay 12:00-11:Oe


5 . .... Check . r M.O. 10 GIe." Shi"'isv 19520 SC.,t ..... D •.• s.,...,., Calif. 95070

Include 6~ C.", .. Ie. I •• plu. SOc Iund'."O per boo>


Re~1 and R.epeu'S Waltr Huten, G.1tbege OiSpo.uls .


- s. ... ,<, .. , Us .......... -AX 3-7000 II 3-OJJ7

" "" ""

Aloha Plumbing lie ~201"S


- RI"C),a.rs OuT ~c",1

19" S. ........ 1M.....,.. .t . .un

• -:&!:.&::.&.::.&::.&::.&::.&::.a:":.a,: ' . ~ -...--.. ........... .......,.....,,-:. ~

~.' Nanka Printing ~ Toyo Printing ;'I "'Ill. 1 ......... L.."... ~ 202. E. 1st 5.. t: ;'I Los IIngel.s. ul,' a: _ I. W HDIII ST. :f IINgelus 8·7835 r. Lts ....... 11 - .. A4lJe<t ~-al . 5l ! :r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r::r.: ~ -.. ..


English .nd J.p.nese

114 Weller St ., LOl An,eln 90012 MA 8-7060

Eagle Produce 929-943 S. San Pedro St., LOl Ancel"


Bonded Commiss ion Me rchan ts

- Wholesa le Fruits and Vegetables -

los Angilis Japonisl (osually Insurance Assn • - Complete Insurance Proteclion -

Alh.,. Inl . A" ., Alhl, ... Om~tsu·K .. kit.-Fuiloka 250 E. t $I SI .. . ..................................... ...... 626.9625

........ Fullokl A" .• 32 t E 2nd. Sui'e 500 626·4393 263·1109 ,,,", • •• hi Inl, A.,., Funakoshl.t<aoaw.J-Manaka·Morey

321 E. 2nd SI ... ..... . ........ 626·5275 .62·7406 Hi .. hll. I • •. A" .. 322 E Second S. . .... 628·1214 287·8605 I ••• ,. I ••. A" .. 15092 Syl •• nwood A •• " NOIW.I ~ . 86. ·5774 T.m T. II • • 595 N Lon,oln. PIS.denl .. 749·7189 (LA) 681 ·HII Mi.o, u 'Hi.' Hagat., 1 .. 97 Rock Haven Montl:rey Plltk 268 ~ 4554

St ••• M.k.,I. t 196. W .. hlnglon PI" . .. 391 ·5931 837·9150 Sat. I • •. A" .• 366 E. lSI 5 •..................... 629·1425 261 ·6519

Shimatsu , Ogata and Kubota


911 Venice 8lvd, LOI "",rete. R19-1449




Three Generat,ons at Experience

F U K U I Mortuary, Inc.

101 E. Temple St.

I LOl "nleles 90012


II Solehl FukUI, Preslde nl

J~",,,, N",kolgolw3 M anager Nobuo Osuml. Counsellor