On an automatic appliance for recording the presence and density of black smoke in factory chimneys

13 ,.*.,.,.,.I. ,., .,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,. * ...,.,..., \,...,.,, .... I-I-.. , ..... ..,*..,. ,...,.,. *. ... < ...

Transcript of On an automatic appliance for recording the presence and density of black smoke in factory chimneys


,.*.,.,.,.I... ,., .,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,. * ...,.,..., \,...,.,,....I-I-.. , ..... ..,*..,. ,...,.,. *. ... < ...


i t ~io~silile tliiit this \VIM tliic to tlic h c t tliiit iio copper siilpliiitc, h i t oii1y I!ot:issiiiiii Iiicliroiiiirtc liiitl Iici*ii c i w t iii this ~ i i i r t i c i i ~ i i r e ~ ~ i ~ r ~ i ~ ~ c ~ i t . I Ic i i g r d wi t l i Mr. \\'illiiiisiiii'h rciiiiirks with rcgiirtl to 1'riissi:iii Iiliio.

ire coiifiriiictl tlic Cliiiirniiiii's reply to I k . Colicti with regiird to niiilinc Iiliick, arid siiitl tlirrt tliotigli it WIS lint gelicrnlly kiiorri, it iviis pcrfcctly trite tli:it niiiliiic Iiliick cnitld lie fisrtl on wool, while it iviis ii1re:iily Iiirgcly iipplid to silk. ~\ltlioiigli lie coultl not ciiter into the tlctiiils of the proccss, lie tniglit siiy tlirit the princililc coiisistcd iii the 119c of soiiiccvliiit iiiist:iIi~c iiictiillic clilor:itcs, \rliicli osertetl tlic rcqiiisite ositlisiiig 1ioivcr iiiiilcr the inlliiciice

Itcfcrri.:g gciicnilly to tlic siilijcct of fiigitire tlyc*s, lie Iiopcil oii ii future occasiciii to tic iilile to girt: inon? tlctiiiitc :iiiil tlct:iiletl replies to sonic of the tpstioiis t l ini i lie Iiitrl Iiccn nhlc to do tlirrt crciiiiig.

(If StCrllll IWPt.

. . . . . . . . . . . -- ...... . . ..-_--.-. .

Chairnnn: E. C. C. Stniiforcl. I?:~~.Clmlrrrm~i: .\. Criiiii Ilrown.

J. Cliricitic. \\'. J. .\. l)all:llll. IJ. I!. Ihtt. C. J. IZllis. C.A. Rirsitt. Wii. Foiilis.

It. .\. lnglis. J. GII,soII.

Cun~n~i l t rs : It. Irviiic. J. I~slw~iicr h'iii~. G. JIrlbJwrta. 1'. 1'. Jlillcr. J. ltrttiwii. J. 11. 1&~11liiisi:. E. Stiiith. It. 11. Tutlwk.

Iran. Trcaburcr: \V.. J. Ghrpitul. Iron. Lneal Srcrrtaru :

1)r. G. 0. IIci:iIcr~oii, Clicinicul Irrlnmtory, Uiiivrrsity of ClnsKoir.

x i : . c. A. r.iwsiTr rs TIII: CIIAII:.


nl- 1). $1. IUTF.\Y~.

Is 187s Jrcssrs. l'clicriiiiic ii1111 Giiiizl~iirg took oiit t i Iiiitciit for t i ~iroccss fot iiiiikiiig fcrrocyiiiiidcs froiii li:ilplio- cyiiiiidcs. 'his coiisistctl iii Iicntiug to rctliicss ii niisturc or sis ciliiiviilciits of siilpliocyiiiiidc of potiirisiiiiii, live of liiiic, live of cnrhon, and oiic of iroii. Tho iron iiscd w i s iii II spoiigy foriii, olitiiiiicd by rciliiciiig the iroii of pyrites to ii iirctiiliic stote by 11 rctliiciiig iitiiiosplicrc in ii qicciitlly coiietriictcil fiiriincc. h e the rcsiilt of tho rcnctioii, they cliiiiu tliiit tlic siilldiiir of tliu siiIpIiocyiiiiidc coiiiliiiics with the ciilciiiiti iiiitl iroii Iciiviiip tlic Iiotiissiiiiii 1111 11s cyiiiiitle, whieli is cniivertcil i i i t o fcirocyiiiiidu on lis'niiitiiig. \Vitli- iiiit hciiig iiwiiro ot' tiiis piitiwt, I triiul II siiiiiliir c*sIicriiiiciit,

~iiotlclliiig it uii tlic reiictivii of ii Iiliicli-iisli fiwiiiicc, Iiiit tr1ii:tiiictl oiily II very siii:ill yield Uf priissiiitc. i \ t licst tliu 1irtitliict iriiiild uii:y be ferrocjriiiitlc, ~diicli \roiiltL rcqiiirc 1,iirifyiiig ti1111 II siilircqiiciit fiirtiiiciiip opcriitioii liefore iyinitlc coiild be iirrivctl :it, so I tlitl iiot folloiv 1111 this espcritiimt.

111 sttitlying tlic tlcconipo.4tioii of siilpliocyonitlcR one csperiniciit coiisistcd iii licittiiig :I riiistiirc of the siilplio- i:yiiiiitlcs nf sntliiiiii niid Iiot:iPsiiiiii iii iui :ittnoslilicrc of liytlrogcii. 'I'lic sii1ji1iiicyiiiiitlcs were pliicctl i i i :I gliiss uuiiiliiistioii tiilic, iiiid 1ic:itccl to rctliicr~, while n coiistiiiit strciiiii of tlry Iiytlmpcri giis iriis Iii iwcvl tlirniigIi the titlic. At the oiitlct froiii tl\c tiilic sii1~iliiiri:ttctl l~ytlrogcn I i c p i i to tic cvolvctl iis sonii 11s the I i n i t iitt9iiictl to reiliicsr, iiiii1 coiiliiitictl coiiiiiig ii!y frcdy for iiinrc tliiiii h l f iiii hour. iiItIiotigIi tlic iiiiioiiiit of wiilpliocyiiiiitlcs cspcriiiiciitctl iipoii 11id not esccctl II very few jiniiniiics. 'l'lic cspcriiiiciit wiie iiitcrruptetl i i i i c l tlic codtents of tlic titlic csiuiiiiiecl.

. ~ b l J l l t 80 per cciit. of 11ic siilpliouyiiiiiclcs tviis fciiiiiil to Iic tlccoiiiliowd, rcsiiltiiig iii the fiiriii:itioii of siilpliitle iiiid cyiiiiiilc of ~iotiissiiiiii i i i i i l soiliiiiii . Siilliliitlc ii i it l cyiuiitlc irere fouiitl t ~ i lie Iiresciit iii neiirly ct~ii:iI qiiiiiititics. (ir iilioiit 20 per cciit. led* cytiiiitlc t l i i i i i ivoiilil Iic rcqiiirctl for tlie cqiicitioii-

.I IiC:jS + t; I 1 .= I<:< + 2 KCy + :I 14s + !? C + 2 S

Ap~i:irciitly iiot iiioru tlirin Iii i lf the siil~iliocy~iiii~lc cttn Iic us wet id to lie olitiiiiictl iis ~yiiiiitlc liy this iiictliotl, i i i it l it 1 is iii II very iiiiliiirc stiitc, l~ciiig iiiiscil with ii Iiirgc qiiiiiility of siil~~liitli~, tlic scliiinctioii nf idiicli iroiilil lie troiiIi1c1;oiiie i it id costly.

'I'lic iiliorc cxlicriiiiciit iviis v:irictl by iisiiig iiii :i!iiioqiIiwe of lytlroe:irlio~~.s iiisteiitl of Iiytlrogeii. V:ipoiir of iiiiplitliii ivns eiiiployccl, i i i i i l :is Iicforc., wlicii t l i c 1:c:it icis niisctl siilpliiircttcil liytlrogeii iriis freely crolrctl. i\t tlic ciitl of tlic cspcriiiieiit tlic coiitriits of the tiilie ivcrc csiiiiiiiictl, h i t iio cyiirtiilc iviis fuiiiitl. 'l'lic tlecoinprrd ~iil~ilioc~aiiitlcs IVCM eonrcrtccl into sulliliitlcr, with tniccs cif forintiter.

PiilIiliocyiiiiidc o f sotliiirii Iie:itctl riluiig aitli cliiircosl i n n cnicililc lit it briglit rctliiers \WE foiiiiil to yield i i F i l l i l l l qiiiiiitity, :lot iniicli innrc tliuii ii triiec of cyiuiiic iiiitl :t hrgc qiiiiiitity of siilpliitlc.

.\tore s:ttidiictory rcsiih were olitiiiiicd ~vlicii II iiietiil viis eiiiployctl to ilcprirc tlic w~~lpliocyiiiii~le of its siilpliiir. 'l'liu o!ily two mctirls, vliith I have fuiiinl snitriblc, iire luiid iriiil

lvitlioiit tktiiiliiig tlic prdiiiiiiiiiry cspcriiiiciits i i i criicililcs, -,*ritli c1i:irpes riiryiiip iii size froiii II fiw g i~~ i i i i i~es 1111 to S or 10 lb., nird in vliicli tlic iiietiils were iised ii: ii griiiiii- 1:itcd ctiitc, soiiiciinirs $0 fiiic $16 to lie iiblc to pars tliroiigli 11 h c sieve, it will 1i0 dfrcic*nt to dcr.crilic tlic inctliotl IIOW cnililoyed, shich is xis folloas :-

.\I& obloiig vcsscl with roniidcd bottom, in fiict tlic sbspo of :iii iiircrtctt :iiirflc, nti!tle of ~ilui~il~ripo, with $1 well-fittiiip lid is iisctl. The iiiiifllc i s ~i~ricctl in ii sort of ei:xllc, ~vliicli is attitclictl to II rope ~tr~ssetl over ii pllcy fiscd to II I i c i i i i i idiovc! :I aiii:i11 fiir:incc. 111 tlic toil of tlic Fiiriiiicc is ii Iiob just liirgc ciioiigli to iitliiiit the ii~iitlle. ' J h 11i11111c is lowcrecl tlowri iiito tlii: fiiriiiice, iiiid rests oii liciircrs so tliiit its Iiottoiii i i i i t l sitlcs lire csposrtl to tlic Iictit, but its top is iiii iiicli or two riliovc tliu top of tlie ftiriiiice. Tlic iiict;iI, prig ziiic, is first Iiut iirto tho uirilllc, iiloiig d l i II slight tiliriiikliiig of cliiirco:il to iiiiiiiitiiiii . t i rcdiiciiig ritiiitis~ilicrc, iriid tlic cover IS piit on till tlic ziiic is iiicltetl. A s sooii 11s ttic ziiic is iiieltcil iiii cqiiiriilciit tliiiiiitity rrf dpliocyiiiridc of sodo is ndileil. 'I'lic niilpliocyiiiiidc is iiiit iii citlicr colt1 iii II dry stnte, or f'roiii mi iiiljoiiiiiig pot, iii which it is iiiiiiiitriiiicil iii 11 stiitc 01 fnxioii.

d\s the Iiciitiiig Iiroceeds, tlic sul~iliocjiiiiitle I i~coi i i i~~ very iliiid Igiiig iihovc tlie iiicltccl ziiic. The cliiirpu is well iigitiitcil to stir iip the ziiic into the siilpliocgiiiiitlc. As soon 11s the rctliiircd tciiipcr;iturc is rcuclicil, tlic' cliiirKc siitltlciily Iiecoiiics iwy tliiclr, iiiiil Iicgiiis to glow, cslicciiill~* :II tlic triick OF tlic s t i y r .

\\%cii this occiirs, i t is tlio sigii tliiit tho rciictioii is cnin- Iilctc. 'Ylie cover is p t oii the iiiiillle iiiitl the ~vliole is lioisteil out of t110 fiiriiiicc nir t l tilloircil to cool. A L!OIII~ clciil of Iiciit ficciiis to Iiu cvol\~ctl i i i tliu rciictioii, Iiccniise If tlirrc! lie iiii csccs'ti of ziiic, it is pivw (ill' i:i vripiiiii~ t i i i i l



Iiiirsts iiito hiiic. tit the eilgc of tlic ~ o v e i - :i few iiiiiiiitcs iiftcr tlic i i i i i l l lc is rciiiiivcil !row tlic hiriiiicc. If tlic sulplioeyiiiiiilc lie i i i csccss, iin ziiic !1;1iiic iipliciirs.

\\'licii cool tlic cliiirgc coiiics iiivny froill tlic iiiii111e ciisily, niid tlicro is no ii~i~ieiiriiiicc of tlic iiiiitcriiil of tlic iiiiitlle Iiiiviiig liecii iictctl iipoii. Wic fiiscrl i i i i i s slioiiltl lie of n iiiiiforrii p:iirl-grcy coloiir tliroiiglioiit, iii wliicli ciisc it will yield II soliitioii free from solulilc srilpliidcs. I f tlic c1i:irgc Iic over-fired, pwt of it will liiivc it diill liroaii or cvcii ii rerltlisli ~ip~~e:ir:iiicc. Siioli xvill yield :i soIiit ion contiiiiiiiig siilpliitlcs of tlic iiI!iiili. \Ylicii iwing tlw IIIII~II~ iilinvc clcscrilictl, tlic c1i:irgc i?: so riiiicli iiiitlcr coiitrol, i i i it l the rciictioii ciiii lie so closcly \vvritclictl. tli:it gcii~r~illy iio iilk:iliirc siilpliitlc or oiily :I t111cc of it is foiiiiil iii the clii:rgc. I i i tlio ciirlicr cslicriiiiciits iii liirge criicililcs this iviis II tlifiiciilty tliiit Iircdciitetl itself, n s tlic portion of tlic cliiirgc iicst tlic liottoiii frctliieiitly got ovvr-Iirctl, prnd~ieiiig :ul- ~iliitlc of sotlii, nomctiiiies to tlic cstciit or 1: prts per 100 t i r cyiiiiitlc. Tiic rciictioii tliiit goes on iii tlic iiiiifllc is csiircsactl tliiis :-

SlrcgS i Zll = siicg i ZIIP.

'I'lie loss iii aciglit of tlic wliolc cliiirgc iii !lie fiiriiiiciiig npcnitioii is iiboiit 5 per cciit., l i i i lf of wliicli is iiccoiiiitetl for by the iiioirtiirc iii tlic siilpliocyiiiiitlc risccl. Soiiie cyiiiiiito iiiiil ii t iwc of ciirlioiintc iirc foriiieil iii tlic process.

\\'Iicii IL slight csccss of ziiic is iisccl, no siil~ihocyiiiiiclc rciiiiiiiis iiiiilccoiii~ioscil, h i t tlicre is II slight loss t i c ziiic 11s viipoiir, iiiitl soiiie tloulilc cyiiiiiilc of riiic iiiid sotliiiiii is furiiictl, iii ii liiiilly I)iiriicil chirp! to tlic cstciit of 15 Iiiirts d cyiiiiitlc of ziiie per 100 o f cpiiiile of sodiiiiii. l'siiig, Iinwcvi.r, i t sli$it esccss of siilpliocyiiiiitle iiisteiitl, the .,iiioiiiit of cyuiiidu of ziiic foriiieil is rctliiccil to iilioiit tso or tlircc piirts per 10th of cyiiiiitlc of sodiiiiii. l'lie liiii~lictl prodiiat iii tlint ciisc coiitiiiiis ii little iiiiilccoiiiposctl siilplici- cyiiiiitlr~; ln,t the loss of ziiic is iivoitlctl, i i i i i l t h : rcsiilt is ii liettcr i:rtide.

Tlic lisiriittioii of the iwctl iiims, d i i c l i is tlic iicst o~icriiticii, prereiits iin di~licirlt~. I t is lisiviiitcd iii tlic nrtliiiiiry aiiy iii it set of vats, like l~lnck-i~sl~ viit?;, cscclit tliiit iii this ciirc the 1isivi:itioii is iiitcriiiittciit. 11s tlic colutinii clocs iiot ~iltcr tlocvii\vartls through tlie iiiroliibl~ iiiiittcr. l'lic crude cyiiiiitlc i s stirred up iit ciicli 1isivi:itinii. iiiiil , on tlio iiisoliil~lc iiiiitter scttliiig, tlic cleiir soliitioii is tlccniitetl or piiiiipcd froiii oiie v;it to the iiest oiic. 111 this \viiy i i ~oliitioii froiil tl;d strwig wit is obtiiiiictl of iilrout

per 100 CC., while tlic lost w:irliiiig of the wiik wit is 0"

Tliis last ~ v c i i k liquor is qtiite clew, h i t , on iittciiiptiiig to ~ v i i s l i out t l i u last traccs of cyniiitlc of sotliiiiii froiii the siilpliitle of xiiie, oiic gcts 11 iiiilkg .;ohition tliirt iloes iiot wttlc cleiir, till it is iiiisctl with ii stroiiger soliitioii'ol cy:iiiiilc of sodiiiiii. It is quite possiililc to h v c II :)u per cciit. soliitioii froiir the stroiig vi!t, h i t this docs iiot settle PO well 11s oiie of 24 or 05 per cciit.

I f the liiliior coiitiiiii iiiiy cyiuiidc of sotliiuii, it is :igit:itcd with cyiiiiitlc of Ic:id, wliieli is c:isily foriiicd by ~irccipitiitiiig II Iiortioii of tlic solirtinii with cliloritlc oi lo:id, scttliiig iiiitl t1cc:iiitiiig o l T tlic soliitioii of cliloride of sodiiiiii.

The iiIstiliililc iiiiitter, coiisistiiig ol' siilpliitlc of xiiic, iiiiiniiiits to iilioiit 65 per ci:iit. or tlic fiisctl iiiiiss.

1\11 iiiiiil~~riis of tlic soliitioii rciiily for cviiporiitiiig i s IIY fI l l lOW4 :-

1s?cpwssi4 Ill i;nllllalcr; per 100 vim. Cpiiidc or sctliiiiii ............................ C.v:utntti of sortititit .......................... TGS I ~ r ~ i i l i l r ~ uyii!iltIo crC xii ic niid xoditiiii .......... 1.5; ~:nrllilnlctu or wdlr ........................... l l ' i l Siilpliocyiiiiido ol' sotliiiiii ................... 1's

'I'lic stroiig soliiticiii of cyniiitle of sodiiiiii is,iiow piit iiito i i viiciiiiiii p i , niitl oviiporiitctl to tlic coiisistciicy of II tliick ~iiistc, wliicli solitlillcs 1111 cooliiig.

'1'11~ lliiislicil cyriiiitlc coiitiiiiis iilioiit '6 per cciit. of rviitci,, i i i it l iil)oiit 55 per cciit. of cyiiiiitlc tit' sotliiiiii, iiot iiicliitliiig tlint cxistiiig i is diiiilile cyiiiiitlc.

This coiitiiiiis tlia siiiiic i i i i i t i i i i i t oY ~iviiiliilile cyiiiiogeii, nr lyilnittyiiiiie ncitl, us II cyiriiitlt~ nf Iititiissiiiiii or 7:i per wilt,

:)$', I 1 * iv., coiitiiiiiiiig 2.1 griiis. of (:ji!iiidc of sotliuiii

I ( 1 iv., iiiitl coiitiiiiis iiiitlcr '4 per ceiit. SiiCy.


Iy siihscili iciit Iiciitiiig tlic wliolc of tlic w t c r ciiii lie tlrivcii i iC ivitliuiit iiiiic11 loss of cyiiiiitlc.

J\ii iiiiiilyris of tlic lirniliict of tlic \~iiciiiiiii 1iiiii is 11s bllo\vs :-

C.r:iiiiilc of si)rliiiiii .......................... ; le i Cyiiiintc of sodn, inc!\iidii~~~rnmi:tii~ .......... ti*^ lJniilil~'i*yaii!tl~ ofziiic?:iiiiI~t~tIiiiiii .......... 3 '11 Stilplioc.riuiicli! of swliiiiii.. .................. .$'3 C:irtioiiaii* 01 sot1:i .......................... 1 +i% K:iti*r ....................................... 2 r t I

111 tlic iiliovc. tlcscrilictl Iirocwr; tlic gic.111 af nniilulilc !y:iiiitlc iivcnigcs iilioiit iO per cciit. of the posl;iblc yield iccnrtliiig to theory. Iii the cvnlionitioii iii viiciio. tho loss )f cyniiidc, tluc to the tlccoiiiliositioii of its soliitioii wlicii .icntctl, is froxi 4 to 4 pcr ccrit. of tlic cjuriiilc presciit, pro- ritlccl t h t tliu v:iciiiiiii Iic good, eny, rqiinl to 96 iii. of iiicrciiry, iintl pv i t l cd also tliiit tlic mcngtli oE tlic soliitioii lie :ilioiit :W 'l'iv. I f tho soliitioii bc Iiiilf thnt strciigtli to itiiit with, or the wiciiiiiii poor, tlic loss is more tliiiii llolllllell.

liistend of ziiic 11s iiliove ~lcscriliccl, leiid iiinv bc iiscd to i~ccoiiipo?ic tIic sii~p~iocy:iiiit~e. 11 ~ i : is t~ic tii?;:itlviiiitiigc, tliiit, owiiig to its high eqiiiviilciit. iiiorc tiiiiii :i 111. of leiid :ire iii.wt!ss:iry to t l n t l i c work of 1 111. of aiiic, iilso tliiit i:i the I i i h i i it tlocs riot stir i i p iiito tlic siilpliocyiiiiidc so ciisily 11s ziiic. 0 1 1 tlic otlicr 1i:iiii1, it Iins tlic iitlviiiitiige, t1i:it it ilocs iiot foriii ii tloiililc siilt wit11 tlic iilkiiliiic cyiiiiitlc, cvcii i ~ l t l i i i i i ~ l i cyvriiiiilc of Iciiil is stiliililc to some csteiit iii oyiiiiiilc of sotliiiiii.

\\'liiclievcr iiictiil is iizetl, the rcsiiltiiig sul~iliicle iiiny I10 trctitcil liy ortliriiiry Iirncwscs to rctliicc it to tlic iiictiillic itiitc upiiiii. or, iii tlic ciisc nf ziiic, zinc d t s iiiiiy lie iiiiitlu ilircct froiii the siilpliitlc.

Otlier iiietiils \vcm trictl iri plncc oF leiid iiiiil ziiic, lint ant iritlr sritisf:ictory results.

'I'iii, for iiistiiiicc, redoced the sulpliocyaiiidu to cyiiaide, Iiiit the sulpliiilc of tiit, wliicii tnis forriiccl, clissolvci[ to I )

liirgc csterit iii the nlkiiliiic eyiiiiiclc. Cop~icr is iilso iiiisiiitiiblc, :is tlic proiliict i s II ciipro-

cyuiiitlc. Otlier siil~iliocgiiiiides, siicli iis the ~ ~ ~ I ~ i l i o ~ y i i i i i d c ~ of

pntirsiiiini iuid barium, beliiivc liltc slilpliocytrliide of sndiiiiii, iiiitl give siiiiilnr :;ieltl?i. iiboiit iO licr cciit. ~iil~ilioc~yiiiiitlt~ of sotliiiiii Iins the iii1vii:itiigd oC lieiiig cliciipcr tliirii tliu others, ii i it l , OII iiccoiiiit of the low coiiiliiiiiig weight of sotliiiiii, gives i i cyuiiitlc of ii Iiiglicr strciigtli.

l'lie sulpliocyiiiiitlcs iiiiiy lie iiiiiiiufiictiirctl tlircctlg, or iiiiiy lic obtiiiiictl iis by-protliicts iii 31s-iiinkiiig. I)r. I,iiiigc stiites tlic iiiiioiiiit of siilpliocyiii~idc of iiiiiiiioiiiii iii l<igIisli ~iis-lii~iior.~ lit iilioiit 95 111. Iicr 100 ~i l lo i i s .

111 iiob.ps-liiliior, of ivliicli I Iiiive 'uceii iililc to get saiiqilea, lins the tluiuitity rcnclictl iiiiytliiiig liltu tliiit figure. 111 Scotcli gns-liquor, iiftcr it Iins lwcii trciitccl for tlic cstnictioii of iiiiiiiioiiiii, L Iiiivc foiiiitl only ~ilioiit 1 11). of s111pIi0- cyiiiidc of liiiic per 100 galloiis. TIic rcfusc liiiie froiii gns Iiiirificrs coiitiiiiis ~ ~ i l p l i o ~ y ~ i i i ~ l c s iii liirgcr proportioii, h i t cvcii this p i s - h i e froill Scotcli jias\vorlis I iiiid to coiitiiiii uiidcr 20 IIi. of sul~iliocyiiriitlu of liiiic per toil. !u pis-Iiiiic tlicrc is 11 liirgc iiriiouiit of Iiyposiilpliite of liiiie, wliicli would rctlirirc to tic ciitircly rciiiovctl frniii the siillilio- cgriniile. iis tho prcseiiec of osygcn coiilpoiiiitls is ~iwjiidicinl in tlic forni:itioii of cyiiiiitlcs froiii s i i l ~ ~ l i o c ~ ~ ; ~ i ~ i ~ l c ~ . 'I'lie siiia11 rliiiiiitilics iii gns rcsiiliics ultovc iiiciitioiied tire riot \vo& tlic cost of rccovcriiig, ss it is prefcri&lo te rriiiliu tliu siiliiliocyririictcs by rlircct lirocesscs.


iiidiii-riililicr iiiniiiifiictiircrs 1i:tviiig stoplied iisiiig it i i i tlic iiiiiiiiifiictiirc of wntcrl,roof cloth. Ile agreed wit11 the ciiitlior iis to tlic cstrxtioii of ~iil~il~ocy:iiiiilcs i’roiii xiis rcsiiliics ciitniliiig cniisitlcriililc cspciisc, 11s tlic :iiiioiiiit of niiitcriril \vliicli woultl hnw to Iic cle;ilt \vitli ~wultl 11c wry Inrgc for n siiiiill retimi of sn!~~l~ocyiini~Ie, tin11 the tinislicd nrticlc woiild iiot bc ciisily piirilicd ; \vlicrciis in tlic ciisc of Iiisiilpliidc of ciirlion ii Iiiirc sulliliocyiiiiitlc coiild lie p c - ~inrctl with coin~inrritivcly littlc troiiblc. A s rcgiirils tlic tisiitioii of ~iitrogcii 1iy iilknlisctl ccirlion, i1ltIio11~:11 n Icirgc iiinoiint of iiioiicy iiiiil troulilc Iintl been eslieiidetl in tcstiiig it iit tliiTcrciit tiiiies, its siicccss 11:d licvcr Iiccii iiccoiiiplislicd, i i i i t l lie tlioiiglit tlic chief rcnso~~s wcrc : l?irst, the liipli tciiilicnitiirc rcqnirctl ; h t l , the serious wciir iuitl tenr of the nplinnitiis ; nrd, tlic lnrgc pcrccntiigc of cy:iii:itc prodiicctl, wliicli coiild liot lie rctliiccd ccoiioiiiic:illy to cyii~iitlc. Soinc tririls IIC 11;id rniiilc :I few j:ciirs iigo ~iroilucctl very little cyiiiiitlc. iiiitl t h i t i i t i i Iiroliiliitivc cost. IIe was soiiiewlint surprised to licrir t h t tlic cy:iiiitlc siirvivctl tlic fiisioii in contiict with riieltcil zinc so w l l , h i t 110 doubt it w i s coiductcd olit of coiitiict with tlic ntinoslilicre. TIte fusion of the sulpliocyiiiiidc of potnasiiuii xvitli ~iictnllic iron nccrned to lie the ~vci ik point in tlic process wliicli xviw p;itcntctl by GJlis, cvliicli lie I i i d tcstcil niid foiind to work sniootlily until this point \vns rciiclicd, wlieii lie oiily olitiiin?d 05 per cent. of tlic tlicorcticiil yiclil of cy:iiiiilc. Iii tlic cviilionitioii of cyiuiide soliitioiis lit ortliiiiiry Iirc’Crbiircs it wiis well k~iown tlint :I serious loss occirrrcd, rii i i l it WIP :1 IICW iileu to Iiini to iisc ;I ~ : I C I I I I I I I piiii, Iiut it coiiiiiicntlcil itself 11s ii good wny out of tlic tlifliciilty. Iiistcrid of coiivcrtiiig siiIpliocy~iiii~lcs iiito cyiiiiides by fiision, it sccrncd to liiiii fiir iliorc nitioii:il to try wid get iiii ccoiioniicrrl nietliotl wliercliy it coiiltl lie doire iii mliitioii. I t W:L< well k n o w tliiit iii iicitl so l i~ t io~~s siilpliocy:iniiles coiild Iic coiiecrtcil iiito cyiiiiitlc~ 1iy iisirig 1icrni:inpi:itc of ~iotnsli, : r i d 1112 Iiiicl tried pcrosidc of Iiydmgeii wliicli nctctl cqiinlly cvcll, Iiut tho cost wns proliil)itivc iii liotli ayes, i iud !lie fact of it tiikiiig pliicc iii 1111 iicitl soliitioii ~ v n s inconrcntciit, :is tho Iiytlrocyiinic mid woiilit require to Iic eori~e~~sed, tiesiilcs tlic ii~i~ilciia:~ntriee?;s of working :in uppnnitiis contniiiiiiz siicli II Iioisoiioiis giis. Ile 1i:id tried one or two csperiinerits in 1111 ii1l;iiliiii: soliitioii, but tiicy gtvc pnictic;illy II iiegutivc rcsiilt 11s fiir 11s cyiinidc wiis coiicernecl, the nitrogen coining ofT priiicipnlly :is iiin~~io~iin. S o doiilit clie:iper ositlisiiig iigciits, sucli us ~~i:ii~giiiintc of s o h i i i i t l iiiuiigniic~c tliositlc iii ncid soliitioiis woiiltl give go011 results, wcl tlierc ~ro11111 lie Iimdiiccd siilpliiitc of i ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ n c s c \\-Iiicli is II siilciiblc by-lirodiict, 1iut the coiidciisiitioii of the IlCS \voiiltl Iuive to 110 fiicctl. ![c further snid tli;it the itciii of cost \v:is the niost i~:iportniit fiictor in 3Ir. l’liiyfiiir’s process, niid lie would risk hiin if lie liad foriiictl uiiy it1e:i ns to the cost ;it whicli 110 coiiltl Iirotliicc c y i i d c eoiiip:ircd with the iiictlia~l IIOW iri use.

111 coiicludiiig tlic Cliiiiriiiiiii coiigirttiilntcd Nr. l’lnyfiiir :it liiiviiig grqililcd witli it ditlic~ilt subject, rind Iiopcd lie illiglit 110 rcwnrdcct by tlic conipletc success of his process.

])r. J . 11. If I W I ~ I A S tlesircil lo kiiow if 3rr. lllnyfiiir 1iii11 IIIIII~C riny tittciiipts iit crirrying out 1111ii~c11 niid l’liiyf~iir’s resillts by trying to ~iiiiiiiifiictiirc cyiiiiidc in tlic Iilust fiirii;icc. 111 tlicso cspcriinents it rippenred tluit tlic ~iotnsl~ ~ y t i s tlcrivctl froiii tho coiil, wliilc it WIS not certiiiii ~vlictlicr tllc iiitrogcii WIIS derireil froin the ciir or froiii tlic fucl. ‘rllcy rill fiiiiiiliiir wit!? ;\Ioiitl’s worl; on the iircliiirntioii of Iiiiriiiiii cyiiiiiilc, bnt why rliould not potti~siiiin cyiiiiiilo Iio miiinifnctiircd in tliu blast furiinca iiiidcr suitiililc coil- ditioiis? Tlicro uppcnrctl to Iiiiii grciit hop(! of R U B C ~ S S

iii tliiit direction.

>[r. R. 1toiic~ix siiicl tlint tlic question he Iiad intcndcil to nslc liad liecii niiticipiitcd Iiy 111.. l~eitilinnii. 110 liclirvcil tlilrt ccrtiiiii eslieriiiicnts ciirricil on rccciitly in the 1)urluua clistrict iii tlic iiinriiifueturc OF cyuuide in the Iiliist fiiriiacc puiiitcd to hopfiil results. 110 would suygcfit the nsc of 11 \ytitcr-jiiclictcil furiiiice for siirli work, 11s i n this \riy tlic siliccoiin liiiiiig, wliicli woiild of coiirsc lie nttecltcil by tho :lllinliiio iiiistiire iicccssnry for tho Iiroilwtioii uC cyiiiiiilc, cniiltl lie tlisliciiscd \ v i l l i 11ii11 tlic Ii~riincc coii11\ lie iisrtl \.LT.V ccoiiciiiiicwlly.

arr. W. 1 ~ ’ o i i i . i ~ tlioiigl~t t h t the rccnvcry of sii1~111o- cgiiiiiilcs froin tlic w is tc liiiic of gns-liiirilicrs coiiltl iiot cwictl oii ~irntit:iIily. I1c 1iii11 foiiiitl tI i : i t tlic cyiiiitlcs ~irodiiccil iii tlic Illiil~llrilctllre ol‘ co:il-pi?; ivcrc clccoi~iposc~~ wlicii t1ic xiis \Y;M 1i:~sscil tliniiigIi tlic liriic pririiicrs : I I I I ~ iiji1ic:ired iis ntniiioiiin. 1Ic Iiiitl rccciitly iiistitiitcd i i iiiinilicr of cspcriiiicnts, mi1 l int1 Iiccii siicccssfiil in rcinoviiig 1110 cyiiiiides from tlic cn:il-giis Iicforc it rciiclicd tlic purifiers. ‘I’lic cyiiiiiilc \vns olitniiicd iii coiisitlci~iblc qiiiiiitity, iiiitl his rc.dts Iiiitl Iiee~i so ciicoiirnging tlirit fiirtlicr cs~icriiiiciitn wcro Iieing proseciitcd. Ilc Iiiid iio doubt tlint II 1:irgc qiuiiitity of cyiiiiitlc woiihi Iicforc long IIC olitiiiiicd froiii cod iis II Iiy-~irotluct iii the iii:iiiiifuctiire of coitl-gus.

Jrr. l’r,.\w.iiic, iii rqily, snid tliiit 110 lint1 iiot trictl to rcIicnt or follow i i p IIi~iiscii i i i i i l llliiyfiiir’s cslicriiiiciitn iii tlic wily of iiiiiiiiif;ictiiriii~ cyuiiiile i i i tlic lilrist fiiriiiicc, Iicc:~iisc Iic coiisidcrctl tliiit Inter cqicriinciits on tlic fis:itioii of iiitrogcii iit high tcinlicr:itiin.s Iiy tlic rlctioii of iilkiilised cnrlinii-iioiic of wliicli Iicid Iiccii eoiispiciioiisly siicccssf111- were, gciicmlly qiciikiiig, foiiiidctl oii Iliiiisrii i i i it l IJlnyfiiir’s resiilb. llcsitlcs this, the cxltctriiiiciitiil use of :t 1il:ist fur~i:ice for tlic miiiiufuctiirc of cyiiiiitlcs tvoiilrl Iiiivc itirokecl hiiii i i i rniicli csliciisc. l’lic qiiniitity of ~iiI~~Iiocy:iiiiilc in 1111 tiia liiiie rcsitliics froiii gusivorks wliicli lie 1i:d csiiini~icil W:IS sn low iis not to iiiiiltc tliciii worth workiiig. llc prcsiiiiied tlin! Alr. I?ciuliz rccorcrcd his cyiiiiiilcs IIS siil~ilinc~iiiiiilc~, or i i i se~iiic otlicr foriii, \vliicli woiiltl reqiiirc fiirtlicr treitt- iiicnt. 1Ic coiild iiot give iiiiy csiict tigwcs :is to the cost of his Iiroccss, Iiut cstiiiintctl it to lie at leiist %-XI per ceiit. less 11i:iii tlic cost of tlia otlicr proccs*cs iii usc i i t [ircsciit.

TIIE 1wicisrr ~ ~ I I O C E S S o i? AWIAIOXY SXECL‘ING.

IIP l~ri\l’.\l:ll I:ol~Gl:l:.

1 i i i : snicltiiig of nntiinniiy is oiic of tliosc lwoccsscs nboiit nliicli little trustworthy iiiforiiiiitioii is to bc obtniiic~d froiii those tcbst-books \vliicli lirnfvss to nfiiirtl iiistructiiiii i i ~ i n i i iiict:ilIurgicnl operiitioiis. 1 do iiot know wlint tlic c;isc iiiay IIC with rcgircl to tlic gciicmlity of t~ict:illiirgicnl ~ i r t i c ~ s s ~ s , but I cilii siy tlint, s:) t i r iis tliosc with wliicli 1 i i i i i practicnlly iicqiiiiiiitcd iirc coiiccriictl, tho t ~ ~ t - l i o o l i ~ u1ii:ost aI\viiys iiiiiy lie tnkeii iin teiicliiiig iiiiytliin~ mtlicr tliiiii tho prow’s~es by wliicli iiictnls reiilly iirc olitnined from their orcs.

l’licrc itrc sonic Iioi~oui~lilc cxccptioiis, of coiirsc, but tlic vnst proportion of so-cnllcti iiictiilliirgicnl works siinply copy h e errors iiiid repent the obsolete processes ivliicli previous iiiitliors 1i:ivo couiinittcd to writing; ns it riilr tlierrt is fnr too little origiiinl inquiry, uud too initcli coiivciiicnt fiiitli niiioiigst coinpilers of tliesc works.

1 iicnil not Iicrc point oiit the errors wliicli :irc cc?iiimittctl i i i iilinost every work rcpriliiig tlic process of iiiitimniiy siiicltiiig. I inny only sny tlicit diiriiig B iiot iiicoiisidcr~ililc stiitly of the Iiiiblislicil processes, I liuvc iictcr seen ii ctini- plcte nccoiint of tlic rcril mctlind, uiid tlicriforc I liolic tliut tlic fciv iiotes which I liitvc tlic lioiiniir to briiig liefore you to-night will iiot be ritliout iiitercst iuid vnluc.

I presuiiic tlint it is ne~~dlcss for nie to givc m y iiccouiit of tlic ores of riiitinioiiy, nor of its Iiisfory. ‘l‘licso t1iiiig.s arc 50 wcll Iinowii tliiit m y refererice to tliein would be siilicrlluoiis. Siillicc it to sny tlint tho oiic \c.liicli 1 Iiiive secii siiiclted is II sulpliidc iiiiscd with qwrtr, the “ stibiiitc” of the iiiiiiciAulogists, wid wliicli coiitniiiw nbocit 52 1icr cciit. of iiictullic iiiitinioiiy.

l’lic ores for siiic1tiiig by the I~iiglisli process iiiirfit bc frco froin lend niiil ursciiic, iicithcr of \~Iiieli ruatuls ciiii Iio eliiiiiiiiitctl, niid iiii oro of siicli II piiiir qiiiility 11s tliiit wlricli J liiivc iiiciitioiicd is costly iuid iiiis;itisfiictory to ilcnl with.

Tlic ore rirrivce in this coiintry guiwriilly i i i siiiiillisli piwcs, mtlicr Irirgcr tlinii ordiiinry rond n~ctiil, niid iii ~ i i i ~ ! k i ! t l i i i lings Iioldiiig viirioiis irciglits ; :illtilit II ~ ~ u ~ i ~ r ~ ~ ~ l ~ i ~ c i ~ l i i .

r .