OMERO.editor A tool for scientists to record their experimental metadata. open microscopy...

OMERO.editor OMERO.editor A tool for scientists to record their experimental metadata. open microscopy environment William Moore Swedlow Lab, Dundee. [email protected] “Stand-Alone”

Transcript of OMERO.editor A tool for scientists to record their experimental metadata. open microscopy...


A tool for scientists to record their experimental metadata.

open microscopy environment

William Moore

Swedlow Lab, Dundee.

[email protected]


Metadata everywhere!

Lab note-book

Fix and Stain CellsPrepare formaldehyde by dissolving 1.85g powder in 10mls PBS.Warm in fume cupboard till solution is clear. Filter through 0.2uM filter. This is 37% solution…

Word documents,Spreadsheets etcWeb sites

open microscopy environment

Typical workflow…


Fix cells Fix cells in 3.7% Formaldehyde in PBS for 2 x 5 mins. Aspirate off fixative.Permeabilize with 1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 15 minutes at room temperature. Block by incubating cells for 10 min in blocking buffer (see below). We perform all blocking and antibody incubation steps in a humidified chamber.

Stain cellsIncubate cells with primary antibodies diluted in blocking buffer for 35mins to 1 hour. If you have never used the antibody before, try several dilutions (low of 1:100 to high of 1:1000, for example). Wash coverslips 3 X 10 minute with PBS…

LAB NOTE-BOOK10th May ‘08Fixed cells in PFA.Stained with Anti-Aurora-B (1:250), Anti-Tubulin (1:500).

open microscopy environment

A static form to record variablesopen microscopy environment

Users need to create and edit their own forms/data structures

Edit “Experimental” variablesEdit “protocol” / data model

open microscopy environment

A user’s collection of protocols…open microscopy environment

Jean-Francois Maure

… combined to create a “digital lab note-book”open microscopy environment

Jean-Francois Maure

XML importopen microscopy environment

OME-XMLopen microscopy environment

Import of Ontology terms

open microscopy environment

Dates used to plan and archiveopen microscopy environment

• Pick a date (date picker)• Choose “relative” dates (eg 1 day later) • Set alarm reminders• Display dates in Calendar

Browse old experimentsopen microscopy environment

Export to other calendarsopen microscopy environment

Keyword searchingor “More-Like-This” search

open microscopy environment

Future: Integration with OMERO server and insight

• Upload OMERO.editor files to server.• Annotate Projects, Datasets, Images with

OMERO.editor files.• Index OMERO.editor files on server for

searching.• Display and edit OMERO.editor files from

within OMERO.insight.• View Date-Time fields in web-client calendar.

open microscopy environment


• OMERO.editor allows metadata to be modeled in a hierarchical structure.

• A “protocol” or “data model” can be edited separately from the experimental variables.

• This facilitates re-use of metadata models, while allowing for necessary flexibility.

• More info, demo movie & download:

open microscopy environment