'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale...

Pioneer Farmer Honored 9n Hts 87th Birthday · W!!ditesday of last week Bet- ty Rae Karrh, ·Nina Ruth Lew! _ Re\'. , . and Bet ty Grace-a senior trlo-. of the The " Hallmark Reader.'s Digest" did a swell lmmltntlon· ot their at Ceta Canyon, will be program, which wilt. be broadcast teachers at various classroom at the local church next T. R. Galt, pioneer farmer here, was honored with a party on his 87th birthday Friday, Feb. 7. on CBS Thursday, Feb. 20, 10:00 chorea. morning. Games ot dominoes were en- joyed. Angel food cake a nd coffee Scouts Praise By Mrs. J. J. Caudle Mrs .. J. J. Caudle has· a good Louthan 'lmd family, Mr. and word· for th <• Boy . Scouts. . TW·IN BROT-HER OF ALL AMER1CAN WAS VISITO- HERE Comm' unlty .bnmbllea Coming cerns. the great manhunt which Mr. Bentley announced that Tex11s Methodists have Frank Norfleet, pioneer Hale Cen- blgh school students will stage a camp"gn to raise a 1\..U t cr ranchmnn, embarked on sever- weekly communltly assembUes llon to erect )(,. al yars ag.o. The story is being as soon as . the new auditorium thodlst' student centers · 'OlliL- odapted for radio from the pages Is completed. Mr. Bentley expects campuses of 13 of our ·state cOl-_ of the Render's Digest. the auditorium to 'be co,.mpleied leges. R. emua Buraess . 11 Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third week In Aprll. of the local.. campalp. Galt and Ralph Louthan. Last week end a trio of Boy Mr. G&lt was. born In Appleton Scouts, determined to do u by Wallace Beery; was swlndledl---------------..!'!!!!!!!, ..... ____ .,__ Li e ut enant and Mrs, Ralph Davis tn Dallas by .a man whom he met 8 - --· _ 5 . E • ; , Cton City, Mi ssouri In 1860. He deed for. the d n;1. un<\ertook n moved to Hale . Center In 1913. man-sized job In making He was engage ln .. farming Ull •. _repairs op. a !>ortlon of tlw roof about 10 years · ago when he'sold of her homo. "II was u hn.-d job. his farm and made his horne with .but the boys did till• wnrl, we ll ," ·.Jlls·•'C!aughter, Mrs. Wallace Lou- Mrs .. Thc•y nlso than ' tfff llti'lb§ from hot ynrrl nnrl ·his bU<' rty visited Lt. Davis' at the Adolph ti s Hot I. The man oy ts ·· Mr. nn!'- W. an . d th .. e rest were pu.r- · cou. . DJ·O · Y. ·. c.., S •" F'n .ny. The . v.lilt(\iVWere suid by Norfl<!l•t In ·a hunt which ' : · · " n ' " '" ,. 'o El whl!ret.t; took 'him from coast-to-coast - · . . ' , - · TlavL \Viii he at Fort but resu lted in 37th A .• . ·. .. _ ha s three sons.- and fh·e :!IS:, victimized Hale , . . . . .. :pn1versarsr ,IJt Dtl\'ls is n twin brother of Norflet, now past 85, lives at - .. 0 ' ·· , ,, . daughters, all of· whom nrc 11\·tng. by their kindness," slw nddrd. Army's All-American Glen Davis, his ranch home n fPw miles south- lly Cbarlel Pollock tim'' ' · nil Anwrkn 10, who was Wl'<l't nf C<•ntt•r. UntH ·!)he T_ enclerfoot Scout Night Watchlnolt· ftO Out. of. Date Fuel 91 Per Cent School nu-;..,.><1 out standing tootboJI star past fpw month s, hr . was active Boy Scouts of Aemrlca. Troop Act as City Manhal' , I of the notion last fa ll In other monl•unts thnt led him to ll8, took o•er Bale Center sa- BottleS Dangerous Taxes Collected nil parts of Nn rth America, In- turclay, Feb. 8. from 3:00 ·O'dock Olt:ot-date ZOO,lOO and 6()..lb. Approxlmutely 91 P<'' ''""' of eluding Old MPxko and Canada. until S o'clock. Bufane-Propane bottles are dan- "" 1946 st'110ol '""' ' h n\t' b<•en Stark Makes Fast c ---- Seout ortlrers, <' lerted ot a and local farm fuel deniers ·ollt•c N>rl, Ta' ('oiiPctor !'i.l JUNIOR CAGE TEAMS meeting frittny night, served at '1nve been inst ructed not to ser- .. Douglas report <'rl last week. H•· Trips As Mother TO ENTER TOURNEY various rity jobs. ': lee them, to Eorl. Bog- ·lso sn lrl th ut many· nf tlw delin· Becomes 'G'.Mother Conch Wi ll arr1 r<'ported Scouts serving at dty jobs dur- mana ger of the Boggus Bros. ' JUent t uxe s harl nlsn b<'(•n raid 1 th is WPek th at he will enter the lng the day were Vernon Caudle, Butane G·as & Equipment t:o. up . · · . I Withi n u fo ur-day period, lo<·nl junior boys a.nd .. girls t eams fine chiPf: Clarence Caudle, as- Boggus. said · that there Is dan- sa irl tltnt t u.ws whkh Mrs. Lf'on Terrell became a mo- in ll tournnmt>nt at Abernat hy;. sistnnt flrP chiPf; Bill Chapman, ger of the out-of-date bottles ex- l>e\'ome nr<' to ther and a h'TRodmo!'her. sr h<•dul t>d to h<> sta g<' rl In cit y secrPtary: Jimmy Lamb, city plodfng. He· repor ted that n moth· G pl"t ren t penality att er April 1. ! . It t'inppt>ned like this: near T<>nms the grade )udgP; Jamie Gnge, Chief of Po- er a nd sma ll child killed last ·· - I A six ·po und baby da ughter school wi ll nl so entPr In the tour""": Mnc Caudle.' , dty marshal; week In South Texas when one GODFREY iKERSON, VICTIM wa s horn' to Mr : and Mrs. Leon. ney. Dennis Oll,•er. Charles J>ollock, of the old type bottlt:'s exploded. GODFREY AKESON, VICTIM T...-te ll lost Saturday, ----- Lf't' Ball and Talmadge Todd, po· "The ou of date bolll 1 · · I Mra. Shipp Un4erqos Surqery lkeme n: GenP Padgett, Wane sued seve;al . years Godfrey 1\.kN><m, who suffert•rl Tlw T.uiosdny morn- Mrs. T. A. Shii>P und erwt'n t rnn- Fost< •r, Snrn Flndl<'y, ond Edward riot pnss ICC lnspettlon," Boggus n In frorlt ''·' Mnrtln' ..; in g so n und hi s Mr. jor surg t'ry Tu esdny rnorning ot Bush. ci t y C'Ouc-ilmen. Collect 517.45 In Fine• snl d. u•ronks should .be .. .Inspected Thursday w hii P; nncl Mrs. i>l'rry Lynn 8Pt'cher of thf' hosp lt nl In Pl olnview. and every five yenrs, n-nd for your e n rout•• to plcl< . up his rnnll, Is Tu lln , brcnnw the pare nt s of o ports shortly following t.hP opern- si\fety nnd our_ prott'dlon, we have ;howir'f.t. Pllt'OUrngln g hnrro\'e· baby son. tlnn-tht> operation reports thot Fin•·· colleNPd amount ed to odvlsed not to service · any ment., oc·oordl ng tn rl'ports Tu••s· Ro th babies were born at the she withstood the opt!ratlon very $17_45 .. including fines . from two <l ay aftNnoon th•• Plain· Pl uinvlew hospital. well. Hale stUI hal· a elty marshal . Jess Minyard, who was named night watehman by the city COWl• ell last w11ek, has been . tnvettl4 with the powers of elty mlllhal, according to Mayor Joe Mllea. The ci ty marshal 'S capacity W&l crt>a ted last summer. will handle the city marshal work In connection With his nlghtwatchlng nut1e1. Mrs. Jeff lvey Ia spenttlnl the week with her daughter and ,fa• mlly, Mr. and Mrs. Escar J>uket', t:; days, and Mr. Par.ker Is In tb• hospital at Sweetwater. whm hP underwent an operation thts week. bottl es over five years old which vl<•w hoopltnl wl wr<! li r 1, 8 pa- ..-..,..-.,_-- Srouts lor turning In fal se fire hovP not been inspected." !lent . At last he wns ablP ln lock. ne-y Ail-StarT ourney • • • alarms. er!' .. R. & M. All-Stars vets Enjoy ·· fu ll. lrll<' k, - BO. JUlUS will t ake t he volcf' Ills t••ft I<IP ""' parnllzNt o bottles to Abmnrlllo to hove them by tht! strokP.. . . yst·· ancl inspected at a chnrge or. $2 each. Seoutl ·Thank Public ._. . . WALLS •. Sur O p ' r-ise Lockney ThP &out s wish to thanJ< the F. h 5 ATTEND NATIONAL ·"4-SQUP.RE ' . IS . upper CONVENTION IN CALIFORNIA trlrt, mnde. - n hu sl nt'•s trip.. too H11le Centt!r's R & M All-Stars, BEJ!E FROM OHIO thP locol troop. Mrs. nnd Mrs. 1 •. w. Wnlls nr(' Austin tlol • WPP k on nn ltnpnrt nfl t •. ponsort>d by the . Ritchey • Mr- Mr and J011 t'S of Carding- Tht' following Sunday, ten home Saturday from a .,·hooJ mt os lon li P l<•rt Su nrl n' M••nru•my Motor Co., nosed out ton, Ohio. who art! <•njnylng a Srouts ll'!d their scoutmaster, VIc trip lo Cali fornia where they nt- anti re turne•1 We<trwsd ny tlr P bas keteers 411 to 41 four month ,. 0 ,, 11011 with friends Lamb, attended church serv_kes TELEPHONE LINES and relnth• tn '"''"" ' rotn t •l nt First Baptist Church. T<>mple In Cnllfomln... . They _a lso ARE IN OPERATION WNint>sdoy nltJht. Hnlc Center's over th <> \Jni! Ptl Stat es art• guest» , No Jmpro..:ement their son and family, Mr win was eonsll)cred a major up-· this wet•k (lf Mr . and Mrs Benja• Wardlaw, who hi)• been nnd Mrs. R. J. Walls, and other Tel eptlone lfn"" tu Cotton Con- set. H inee Lockney went Into the min Carr . The \'lSiters Brft getting serioudsly, HI In the Plainview horelatives In California. _t er art> in 1180 ognin; nccurdlng to duel wllh tU.O previous wins over l'enl joy out of their vl•lt with pi t a! for several wee1Cs, · Is not reports this wel'k': Work on tho the local all -$tars. the Carr' s, youthful opetntof'li of showing any Improvement. lines \\'a• r.<mlPIOtod last week, , Melvin Ritchey, local sharp- the Midway--Cafe. WhO took over ------ with c1t1 2 ons of t11nt community shooter. run11 thO basket ·for 15 the cafe two weekngo . .. The Mr. and Mrs. Leander Ktng dOIIIJI oil tho _ work ... JIII!l (!Oints 'tor high 1)91nt honor. Carr's were long- time nelghbors Los· Angeles, Cal., . are tur.nlalllnl! ftindll . tor tlu! retioJrl. Haie Center will meet the of the visitors In Ohio. Mr. Jone• their dtrugbter and family, The linea to Cc!tton Cent er have winner of the Spade,Anton · lklr• Ia · a rotirod business man AM nnd Mra. tiay Batley, now lreen out _ot tor In second round. of the Mrs. !ones Is n tonner school but formerly of Hale 1, .• "'

Transcript of 'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale...

Page 1: 'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-14.pdf · .emua Buraess .11 ~. Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third

Pioneer Farmer Honored 9n Hts 87th Birthday ·

W!!ditesday of last week Bet­ty Rae Karrh, ·Nina Ruth Lew! _ Re\'. ~0·~. ,. ~·"··--..""""~"""' and Betty Grace-a senior trlo-. of the

The " Hallmark Reader.'s Digest" did a swell lmmltntlon· ot their at Ceta Canyon, will be program, which wilt. be broadcast teachers at various classroom at the local church next

T. R. Galt, pioneer farmer here, was honored with a party on his 87th birthday Friday, Feb. 7.

on CBS Thursday, Feb. 20, 10:00 chorea. morning.

Games ot dominoes were en­joyed.

Angel food cake and coffee

Scouts Praise By Mrs. J. J. Caudle

::~.:!~1:~ t~r~\~~d ~~~: GB~~ Mrs . . J. J. Caudle has· a good Louthan 'lmd family, Mr. and word· for th <• Boy. Scouts.


Ma:f"~o~~;:, ~~lla ~~at::t ·~~~~ Comm'unlty .bnmbllea Coming cerns. the great manhunt which Mr. Bentley announced that Tex11s Methodists have Jt~ Frank Norfleet, pioneer Hale Cen- blgh school students will stage a camp"gn to raise a 1\..U -· tcr ranchmnn, embarked on sever- weekly communltly assembUes llon doU~~ora to erect a\11~)116 )(,. al yars ag.o. The story is being as soon as . the new auditorium thodlst' student centers · 'OlliL­odapted for radio from the pages Is completed. Mr. Bentley expects campuses of 13 of our ·state cOl-_ of the Render's Digest. the auditorium to 'be co,.mpleied leges. R.emua Buraess .11 ~.

Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third week In Aprll. of the local .. campalp. Galt and Ralph Louthan. Last week end a trio of Boy

Mr. G&lt was . born In Appleton Scouts, determined to do u by Wallace Beery; was swlndledl---------------..!'!!!!!!!,..... ____ .,__

Lieut enant and Mrs, Ralph Davis tn Dallas by .a man whom he met 8 ---· _5

. E • ; , Cton City, Mi ssouri In 1860. He deed for. the dn;1. un<\ertook n moved to Hale . Center In 1913. man-sized job In making n~eded He was engage ln .. farming Ull •. _repairs op. a !>ortlon of tlw roof about 10 years ·ago when he'sold of her homo. "II was u hn.-d job. his farm and made his horne with .but the boys did till• wnrl, well ,"

·.Jlls·•'C!aughter, Mrs. Wallace Lou- Mrs .. ·~audlP . ~o ld. Thc•y nlso than ' ltaul~d tfff llti'lb§ from hot ynrrl

nnrl ·his bU<' rty visited Lt. Davis' at the Adolph tis Hot I. The man oy ts ·· grttr~r>a.rPn t_";· Mr. nn!'- M.~·· W. an. d th .. e rest ·ot~h ls gi(~ were pu.r- · cou. . DJ·O· Y. ·. c.., S •" • F'n .ny. The .v.lilt(\iVWere suid by Norfl<!l•t In ·a hunt which ' : · · " n ' " '" ,. 'o El Pns~, • whl!ret.t; took 'him from -· coast-to-coast - · . . ' , - · TlavL \Viii he !'lnt'('l).C~' at Fort but resulted in co~plete reveng~ 37th A . • . ·. ..

~ _has three sons.- and fh·e ::~ ~~~ 0~~=~s!:•r:~·~ ~~o;;:~.~:~ :!IS:, \~or•O;•;~\" 1 t:~~ j,!~mt~tlf!'J'. ::n.tle victimized Hale ~nter , . . . . .. :pn1versarsr

,IJt Dtl\'l s is n twin brother of Norflet, now past 85, lives at - .. - · 0 ' ~ -··· , ,, . daughters, all of· whom nrc 11\·tng. by their kindness," slw nddrd. Army's All-American Glen Davis, his ranch home n fPw miles south- lly Cbarlel Pollock

tim''' · nil Anwrkn 10, who was Wl'<l't nf Hal~ C<•ntt•r. UntH ·!)he T_enclerfoot Scout Night Watchlnolt ·ftO Out. of. Date Fuel 91 Per Cent School nu-;..,.><1 outstanding tootboJI star past fpw months, hr . was active Boy Scouts of Aemrlca. Troop Act as City Manhal' , I of the notion last fa ll In other monl•unt s thnt led him to ll8, took o•er Bale Center sa-BottleS Dangerous Taxes Collected nil parts of Nnrth America, In- turclay, Feb. 8. from 3:00 ·O'dock

Olt:ot-date ZOO,lOO and 6()..lb. Approxlmutely 91 P<'' ''""' of eluding Old MPxko and Canada. until S o'clock. Bufane-Propane bottles are dan- "" 1946 st'110ol '""' ' h n\t' b<•en Stark Makes Fast c ---- Seout ortlrers, <'lerted ot a ~erou s and local farm fue l deniers ·ollt•cN>rl, ~'· .h;>ol Ta' ('oiiPctor !'i.l JUNIOR CAGE TEAMS meeting frittny night, served at '1nve been instruct ed not to ser- .. Douglas report<'rl last week. H•· Trips As Mother TO ENTER TOURNEY various rity jobs. ': lee them, ~ccordlng to Eorl. Bog- ·lso sn lrl th ut many· nf tlw delin· Becomes 'G'.Mother Conch Wi ll arr1 Hedg~>s r<'port ed Scouts serving a t dty jobs dur-~ us, manager of the Boggus Bros. 'JUent tuxes harl nlsn b<'(•n raid 1 th is WPek th a t he will enter the lng the day were Vernon Caudle, Butane G·as & Equipment t:o. up . · · . I Withi n u fo ur-day period, lo<·nl junior boys a.nd .. girls t eams fine chiPf: Clarence Caudle, as-

Boggus. said · tha t there Is dan- Dou~:lns sa irl tltnt t u.ws whkh Mrs. Lf'o n Terrell became a mo- in ll tournnm t> nt at Abernat hy;. sistnnt flrP chiPf; Bill Chapman, ger of the out-of-date bottles ex- l>e\'ome dellr.ctu~nt nr<' "llt>Je~ t to ther and a h'TRodmo!'her. srh<•dul t>d to h<> stag<'rl In 111~ cit y secrPtary: Jimmy Lamb, city plodfng. He · reported that n moth· G pl"t ren t penality atter April 1. ! . It t'inppt>ned like this: near futur~ . T<>nms ~rom the grade )udgP; Jamie Gnge, Chief of Po-er a nd small child '~ere killed last ·· - I A six ·pound baby daughter school wi ll nl so entPr In the tour.· " "": Mnc Caudle.' , d ty marshal; week In South Texas when one GODFREY iKERSON, VICTIM wa s horn' to Mr: and Mrs. Leon. ney. ~ • Dennis Oll,•er. Charles J>ollock, of the old type bottlt:'s exploded. GODFREY AKESON, VICTIM T...-te ll lost Saturday, ----- Lf't' Ball and Talmadge Todd, po·

"The ou of date bolll 1 · · I Mra. Shipp Un4erqos Surqery lkemen: GenP Padgett, Wane sued seve;al . years ng~s ~~~rew~; Godfrey 1\.kN><m, who suffert•rl Tlw fo llowtn~; T.uiosdny morn- Mrs. T. A. Shii>P und erwt'n t rnn- Fost<•r, Snrn Flndl<'y , ond Edward riot pnss ICC lnspettlon," Bogg us n ,. strokt~" In fror lt ''·' Mnrtln' ..; in g h~r son und hi s w1C~. Mr. jor surg t'ry Tuesdny rnorning ot Bush. ci t y C'Ouc-ilmen.

Collect 517.45 In Fine• snld. u•ronks should .be .. .Inspected 1!'-s urnn~P. offl~f' Thursday w hii P; nncl Mrs. i>l'rry Lynn 8Pt'cher of thf' hosp lt nl In Pl olnview. and r~­every five yenrs, n-nd for your en rout•• to plcl< . up his rnnll, Is Tu lln , brcnnw the parents of o port s shortly followin g t.hP opern­si\fety nnd our _prott'dlon, we have ;howir'f.t. Pllt'OUrnglng hnrro\'e· "~ · lh . -r lu s" baby son. tlnn-tht> opera tion reports thot Fin•·· colleNPd amounted to b~l'n odvlsed not to service ·any ment., oc·oordl ng tn rl'por ts Tu••s· Roth babies were born at the she wi thstood the opt!ratlon very $17_45 .. including fines. from two

<l ay aftNnoon fr~>m th•• Plain· Pl ui nvlew hospital. well.

Hale Cente~ stUI hal· a elty marshal. -·

Jess Minyard, who was named n ight watehman by the city COWl• ell last w11ek, has been .tnvettl4 with the powers of elty mlllhal, according to Mayor Joe Mllea.

The ci ty marshal'S capacity W&l crt>ated last summer. Ml~ard will handle the city

marshal work In connection With his nlghtwatchlng nut1e1.

Mrs. Jeff lvey Ia spenttlnl the week with her daughter and ,fa• mlly, Mr. and Mrs. Escar J>uket',

~~r:-~~r b~h~n:!:e~~:;:t t:; days, and Mr. Par.ker Is In tb• hospital at Sweetwater. whm hP underwent an operation thts week.

bottles over five years old which vl<•w hoopltnl wlwr<! li r 1, 8 pa- ..-..,..-.,_-- ,..~-"'="------------ Srouts lor turning In fal se fire hovP not been inspected." !lent . At last r~pnrl s he wns ablP ln lock.ne-y Ail-StarT ourney • • • alarms.

er!' "'~~ou::~":u\~n~~rt~~:ne,o:·~ ~:dus~ .. ~~~~":::· ~.::·;r ;"·~~:: n.~;' ~;: R. & M. All-Stars ·,·r·,;p~., ,:run:·.u~~~:,ct:~ca::~·~e~~ vets Enjoy·· fu ll. lrll<'k, -BO.JUlUS will take the volcf' Ills t••ft • I<IP ""' parnllzNt o bottles to Abmnrlllo to hove them by tht! strokP.. . . yst·· ancl inspected at a chnrge or. $2 each. Seoutl ·Thank Public ._. . .

M-n-.-A~_D_M_R_S.-L:-; WALLS fc•rNBtuhl~.lsn· 7)','.~.",,;,.11•1•:·:n~cllots'~f·1 111~~:. 1,.A,,·,~.,: •. tlr~~rlalr.). SurOp' r-ise Lockney ThP &outs wi sh to thanJ< the F. h 5 ATTEND NATIONAL ·"4-SQUP.RE ' . ~:~~ ~~()~rp;~~:lo~07h:~n.~~v:o;l!:~ IS . upper CONVENTION IN CALIFORNIA t rlrt, mnde.- n hu sl nt'•s trip.. too H11le Centt!r' s R & M All-Stars, BEJ!E FROM OHIO thP locol troop.

Mrs. nnd Mrs. 1 •. w. Wnll s nr(' Austin tlol • WPP k on nn ltnpnrt nfl t •. po nsort>d by the . Ritchey • Mr- Mr and ~Ir s. J011 t'S of Carding- Tht' following Sunday, ten !'xpect~d home Saturday from a .,·hooJ mt oslon liP l<•rt Su nrl n' M••nru•my Motor Co., nosed out ton, Ohio. who art! <•njnylng a Srouts ll'!d their scoutmaster, VIc trip lo California where they nt- anti re turne•1 We<trwsd ny tlr P L;>~k ney basketeers 411 to 41 four month ,. 0 ,,11011 with friends Lamb, attended church serv_kes

~~~'~:~u:,';,e h~;;l~•;u~h:o~~~:~:: TELEPHONE LINES ::~:"~n~i;:~~!n:"~l~-::u~~:; and relnth• • tn '"''"" ' rotnt •l nt th~ First Baptist Church.

T<>mple In Cnllfomln ... . They _also ARE IN OPERATION WNint>sdoy nltJht. Hnlc Center's over th <> \Jni! Ptl Stat es art• guest» , No Jmpro..:ement vl~lled their son and family , Mr win was eonsll)cred a major up-· thi s wet•k (lf Mr. and Mrs Benja• Le~ Wardlaw, who hi)• been nnd Mrs. R. J . Walls, and other Teleptlone lfn"" tu Cotton Con- set. Hinee Lockney went Into the min Carr. The \'lSiters Brft getting serioudsly ,HI In the Plainview hoB· relatives In California. _t er art> in

1180 ognin; nccurdlng to duel wllh tU.O previous wins over l'enl joy out of their vl•lt with pita! for several wee1Cs, · Is not

reports this wel'k': Work on tho the loca l all - $tars. the Carr's, youthful opetntof'li of showing any Improvement. lines \\'a• r.<mlPIOtod last week, , Melvin Ritchey, local sharp- the Midway--Cafe. WhO took over ------with c1t1

2ons of t11nt community shooter. run11 thO basket ·for 15 the cafe two week• ngo . .. The Mr. and Mrs. Leander Ktng

dOIIIJI oil tho r~.nu _work ... JIII!l (!Oints 'tor high 1)91nt honor. Carr's were long-time nelghbors Los· Angeles, Cal., .are tur.nlalllnl! ftindll . tor tlu! retioJrl. Haie Center will meet the of the visitors In Ohio. Mr. Jone• their dtrugbter and family, The linea to Cc!tton Center have winner of the Spade,Anton · lklr• Ia · a rotirod business man AM nnd Mra. tiay Batley, now lreen out _ot operatt~. tor •11V11r~ m~sll In second round. of the Mrs. !ones Is n tonner school · ~:o~. but formerly of Hale

,_..,.....-~4-1, .• "'

Page 2: 'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-14.pdf · .emua Buraess .11 ~. Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third

-~ •• KIND


Let't encourage our Hli.le Cmter

Sc.'Out8 '" tll~JJ: .. ~ ped'or:mSnce. ..

·In their Scout .p.ropam ot service.

8y action, hrt'll show our pride in

their \\-'Ork an~ tJ'I;cll _whole}Ome ·

illt~tiona. Let•s ahow OUR_ BOYS

we ha''o FA1Til !" t~cm.

Accept Our Beat · Wishe~, Boy Scouta


Our Si~cere Congrat:ulat:~ons

To Our ·Boy . Scouts

The qood work of 1b• Jl.ale C.o-­

tu Scoutl during tbeb ~·•r~

tcry week: ll a n .u:uUent d;moa­

l lrotion _of .the wortld.n•q ot the

ScouUog proj.c-t. W• join J.n gfv­

J.ng Hot• Celllter ~0\1111 our com­

pl•t• IUJ)port.

Hammit & Anderson

SCOUTS . TODAY, 'Builders Tomorrow!

Thi " ~k -11 IJoy Srclut w. eek In

_Nn.l"' CentC!'r oncl throuabol uc .~., World. h Ia our .Snt'tle Wfa h that

lhrou,;rh lhto Bny Scout •.__ obter-:­vanrtl' of thetr 37th b~ ,, an-·

nl\'.r&aty, l.b.l1 -lbe Peo,t. -~"thta ~nnu.nlty ·m,_,. · ~•- Cat f ~n· IKIJoua f)f t.be maanJrae. and,

.. 1 ... _ - lla>vl

.. Ct M. do Your HAULING '

h lwe- a aeml-irallor . truck with cattle · n<"~. &nd can haul nny thlng . nnywheoro.

L. R. HULETT Call Elkin's Store In <;onon Centet


Free Removal of DEAD ANIMALS

Hammit & Andenan

Blocb·ot Now au u ... RADIATORS

Can, Trucks & lCo•Piete StnJee IJep•rtm('nt


Ptalat"lt"l!'; Texu


Auto • Fumiture - Etc. LOANS

GUY M. Win, qnton Howl: Pho. M6,


-OUMWalla, stocJIW.U­G" or. 8 • ·bOlt - 1UJ0

lO" hole - fUO 12" hole - 112.00

IAoraJrt Pnml<'o GfOCOIT 2 .mUeo Mfth wliO.Jc OD

Platnvtew UJahw•y or _ -~ 2-mo:Jo. 'A. D. TIJ!ot

l . F. MU.ts, Ma:yor City of ·!I ali> C•nter, 'l'exai

ATrtsT: SAM W. S~flnt,

City So«!rotOJy

Scouting -Means Better -~ WE SAWT£ YOU

far Every Need Gaod lnsuranc:e

On this 37th Ann1~·crs:1ry nf llol)'

Stou1ll, wo pny lttbut •· t o thl.;

S<'OutinQ. ·niOvr-,.;etlt in lla lt · 'L '•·n­

ter .•. to "It's JcndNshf1, t<~

It's nC'Cornpl11hmcnts.

* We Pass Out Our Reapect to

Our· Boy Scouts Jn out Seou_ta, w• ~~ •orl« dtt­

aen• o~ tomorrow • . Til~ ~Uta

Wbo loll ow the C'reed · 01 Good

Scut1 w111 h a crecUt to tb•nt~

•elve•, ebeh fcun1ll•a. thllr cOm~

munur imd tbtb cou11by.

Let Us Install • • ~ ·



Royolty · T·Ea, TEX.A·s·

19 nnd 20, nll In Block A-3 E. Surv~y.

Distur-bed ny thO rt~portR, Alley e:ont_(lct.ed the d!i\ilY lnunedlntely, nnnoUnclng kMW nothing .about such Ue so.id .that some ot perty holdcra: within tl\0 had tol"ked to him r.tiout tho possibilities or such a ·b toc.k being ' formed, bUt no nctlon ho.d been

'"!;: ,~!~::;~~~:!d<~~;i taken. He snld that ' he had not -h talked with nny company·

,.,, '1\f (hP

1 r · • • ' · 1' ,. h • ., • • ·ns nppr('f'\nt

! ' •I .. , :, • •, • _, ~nod"'o" T-he Hn l t" CL"~t"r Nt>«••ll1· f'hth \!. 01,,, ' -lr :. 'f. ·· ··t"l:V

mtot Feb. !l in 1 IH' homp of ~JI-.;-: ~ lr. nnrl '-T~" (' ' S"Pt•lv


'- ' ! r nurl Mr~. T . T N r•('l y DclidouN r('fr<'~hmC'n t s :\lr nnl"l Mrs. R f'rl Hnust'

"'' rl'l'cl to lfi tnf'mh~•r..: nnl"l l h r rro '-Tr nnr1 \ 1r'l. n alr\h R urlr1 \" \!';l tor.'l, with t h,. .. Juh tHijournin t~ Mr nnl"l Mrs. Cr<"l l Cnl\1

lnR such o block. -HudSon and Sealing reported

thnt rumon concerning l cD..!IIng nctlvltlca ncnr Hnlo Cen ter hn d caused oonsldorahJc hrc .. "There's nothlnJ;" to . mos.t ot the rwnon;," the real est ntc men iYOlnL('d -out. Tht! mnln·. n<"th1t l£!s nre at 1enR1 10 mlleA l'lOUtheost of Hnl (' Cent.cr. w it h some light lensing w ithin seven milO!!. or


ond sponsors


~:::.:~·~~:.i:~~~;;·~~;; ':.: . HIGGINBOTHAM BARTTl£T CO •vii h 50 ren< "ntnL I - . 1

;---;;-;::---;-~:--- 1 Hale Center Local Scouts are

Property Holders l·"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'"""'==""""s"""'==== .... --., Thnnk~ to t h1" 1dndn('S.~ or !he A T .b t '

rtll ld rf'n o f r ln• Jut •· nun f.rl»lrh ' . . rl u e n .. .-. lln ll• Cr•nttor Roy S•·outs at<' · l•~·• •ll•'rty h•1ldr•rs.

St•\·Prnl r"l!nn ths n~o the Gtt.ndy .- r hllrlrf'n f i\"f' rlOU).":h · t r rs .nnr1 onr- ~on I urnrd o\·t'r Tlwir rlPNis to two lots in Hnll' (',.nh•r In 1 hf' f\.,~· S.·ouh Thf' Int .; nrf• (n\"nt:l h l " l nral~>>1 u h\ork r-nst or 1 lw hu~Jnpo;.~ ~(·f'·

tlnn. nrul wlll ' "IH!H' fn rl s;::ht h!\nrl.y for th•• ~r·"11 1<.' h ulldlnJ: plnn"'.

to Scouting , ·~ , 1 1 1,1, Tl. :rt y-Se\·enth Annil"<'rlinry ol Boy

:-,,·,.ut c •. \\I' l'•tY ~r•r:"t"ial tribute to Hnle C('ni~~~-

1J.,i Scout ur,.:unlzut!on fur the work it l'l tUI done to mf'('\ w it h f'.l r" . W .. C. WiU1i1f• n_nrl fnmllic-s

~:==~~=~==~~~==~'- tl F'c h 19. Roll •·ttll will lw nn~\\'l'TI'ri w ith ~Om('thl nK nhout rJnwC'r~. · _ __:. __ .:::.·=· .:...:. .• We Want you to ~ow that

w~ .. do . Ptum.hinq. hut we Want you to 1ay that what we artr do~n~ apaaka louder tl1"<m Wha t w e may say.

C::rml.t· r·h ilil rron h ndrw n part in r~x tf'nrll n).! 1!11• rP.n l f''!lnlt• g ift to fh " ~NlUI~ A t (' Mr~

!'"lud iC'\' A ppJpwhi tf'. Mr!>. Jun­n lln Pntrhlt:f'. Mr~ W . n. r'r.l­t·UJr•. Mr.; .. \\". H RA U)!h n. Mt<l. H . R ('ronrh nrul Bnrnl'y C:IO­rh•. T l1.-.!r fnttwr \\" It~ n n ('nrl~­

d~y fllOil<'l't In l hi~ community .. i

, ;, l ht· \ •:l ""-1 ~ pspecJally f ttr tht' wurk It

... 111 tho m llw future ror o ur romm·unlt y .

OUR BOY SCOUTS Farms Chanqe Hands

J W . Rnu tol), -.a.;ho hns. lln?rl <~ hnlf·m \lf' t•nst nnl"l n hnlr rh llt• south n f I own fur I hi' pn~t. thrt.'<• ycnrs, hns sold hsi IGO-ni-ro farm

We SlneeJel y Appredote Your PatJonaqe

his fnmlly Ita,·(> nwv~..•rl t o tht> Mr nnd \frlf. Nk k All~·. tT , ,·Jc; lt-


Hale Center Garage t o Bernard W h itfield, nnl"l he ilndl J. A. BUSH & SON M r nnd ~H" W. G ~t-nrs. nnd

C1hoetyto~n~:nt~~.~~~:,~.~~\',:r wt~~ Hale Center, Texas t•l"l M r. nnd !\1r11. Do~h· Smtr h n1 " T u<'o· S unday. ~1r. Rmilh, an <'X· t.,. ______________ ,;;.-l rnrm Jlf.'n .~ l t'<' nnil 1-'nl!h hnncllf"rl ; ----~ · lif.'n·h"cm n n. Is \\MkJng nt t ile

!!' t he WhiUI~:>ld-Routcn ciC'ol. M r. / T ht• llfllt• Ce nter Hom<" Demon- .:=~=~=~::.:~ .... ~=======:;:;:::::::::==~===::::1


Routl1n bou~ht thr> Cot ton r ('nter s trntlon dub meets the . thlr~ Turb puwN piont. rnrm from Alt on Dixon. who Tusdny o f this month with Mr!\, bought nnd occuf)led n farm, for- J P. J.nw, two b1o<'k s west of the

m<~ly ownod b y Bud Hnr.ell OTIIdO " hool. 37 years With Honor ON. Tl-i ls 37TII SCOUT AN NfVERSARY·- ··


WE ·Jcnow 'hot much qood will eom• from th•lr wboleiGme actfviUe•. and W1'r• beblnd tb•m b • art and soul.


Our Best Regards fa • • •


Scout Hon'or Roll:

. J n m rTtl!' GngP

'l'llhn llgl' 'f(o<h1

Sflnl J.'tnlt>y

Jhm.n!l' l.nmh

t :h-ln Jane•

M nc Cnul"l le

DiU Chnpn\tul

llmml!l Oliver

Gene Padgett:

€:C;.rc:~oo Caudle

·ScoutlnCJ. with ·lb unl•erW appeal tO boyl and ll)ell: ll p ledved ~0 work and ))u(ld .a JMner ~mmunlty - a bet-: ter world -· unlted In 111 d•t•rmlnatiOD ·· that tUrl w11l C<tlWCIVI be peace on earth. Fe~. 7 to U ta. ":'• ~!I' ~eou.t__ _ __

Annt•e~•ary--ob .. "trd by thrH .. mJlllon lor ~t1 1D 13 ,tcm~ . ·

.Ru4. u GJl, orgcmha~ coiD.poll4_ ot the .. ifla,t1t ro~IIUI .. erfllhti. ~WII«<DIJ tJuouP Ill bl9b It~ th• l talwcut m•• o• tomorro~. ~

. .;;:



, .. . ..

Page 3: 'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-14.pdf · .emua Buraess .11 ~. Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third

Annh·crsary of Boy Scouts, Wt"'m hiiPIJ)' to ~t"!l" lhtll• C~ntf!r .. bi?.rs . tnkln~ pan In Ute wol'lh-y- -Rrouttng · progrnm. Wt.! ccmpllme.nt our Srout.tr. o.n(J hig h­ly ft'«)rnmend lht> Soout pro~ram

·to bO.Y4 wh() llitt: d OOn. honoroblo ebLU"cter-buUding tet·rN\UOn aml ...

~ p~llrn'e: .


.Bailey Produce


-Cripple Cars 'I' our Cor Will


Whe n W e Give It a

8 EAR ,




CHEVROLET W. T. n .At"!\t"lf


~ 0. K • . Carage

Our Scouts Are




~--JI--·-GIIAllt-<:tr tllllJERST AJIOilfC Allb .l:"iiAiiAc:T&-ft BUiLD. IIIQ INTO Oitit CO-UliiTY.


THE kind of CHICKS .,.., b.oye cdwCifl wcmte4. Wt b Pedigree. R.O.J Shed. ()r..

.,,, now.... .S.uppl'l .. ~ Fe.U cm4 Supplln


Hale Center, Texe~~

A SltTCH IN TIME-~~equ~re_wi r\ng ls l ike'thar proYerbia.l sntch 10 tJme." , .

.:roday, maay b~sinessmen "'' ' find ing, as chc~ ~proYe rhcu IJ.gh!ing, 1hat prcsem wiring is madequarc. l.uckily i1 n >m liulc 10 repla ·e presen t wirilng 'vltb : llt"<luatc wiring, but 'i&

.IS ftl'CjU{'ntly trouh:c~ : ""'

The lesson is <>lwio•Jc, If , b .1_, . >U " C l> I Ulllg a

•1: ' nf hy~incss or 1<: , di,"·k ·care. ·

' · J :\flo .maim sure .~.i l:t ~-o~J have ade­'""'::l..• \\tiring for to. •by .•. antl tomcmow.


H. L. Dent Station

TIIIH qu ,,l i :~ bAby rhk l, , . rif'ty or h11: h

·suppl )'h11: ;LII • · mcnt.s, rrwlu·l r., ntlneornh to h . :r· u s:oods ~' '"'

Th"'. f l u ! t) 1t1 fl Wl.' ('k!< ,, On b)' t'h i<-k ·

~ ~,_nnl\ nnw unt Qt rt">t"tt ond y•iu rtrnrl" l blt• w\lh h poor qu~~lity. 1fl'd.


We Salute Our Boy Scouts

TheM boys.· our eutun& tlf rv· morrow - - t.ho~ ~H ~ t __ h,~u&h I!Airifft~lt·-ibe Jlite- -cotJCfiPt t ol lhQ SclotiUq proctam. u e to ~· crime our ' eAtle-" .01. what we 001''' \\1 11 bt a ~ttet woriiJ.

bill m~t: ·be i!>Oip,~bijt is t-he tilllt . Tho avera&e · · 'tiui>ni ·aptin,os $00 ii>

SlOb per year tor fi\fdiC~l •cM~•. \" somo localities . leN. Is ipent, nild 1n tome locnlttles the aervlces nrc rnuch more ekpenalv,e. tn tho lndustrlol area~~ of 'the•F_or 'East, the annua11ped!cal b.tll lts leu1httD

~maamal!l!lal!iilaa.iiisiiiiiiiiliiiliroisiiiiil!iiiiiiie!!i!!s;;i!!!;iiiS;aoiliililiiiiil;l j th~ce per cent of the verage fa·

ii;!!j~!!i!!i!!!!ilii~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!!ll!!!!!!ii!1 l ~~~~~::::t~ui':!~st1". ~ Q~· For surgeons lmd othe{apeclol·

Proud of BQy Scouts

morrow. Yea Sb, we caR count on

Hale ~enter's loy S_couta tq make

qood cttluu cmd good communi·

ty bUiiderL Help develop the boy

of today and you cern always

count on h im as a gooi citizen.





Ritchey· MOTOR


Chrysler • Plymouth Sales and Service

e commend Boy Scout Troop

A grnnd p rog,rnm nnd 11

sw t>\1 trunl·h of l;ld!~ wl lh

our v~ry ht>~<l wlshelt.

Th••y'r•~ our \1(1}" 1 of TO ·

d_nr building r••r u bNt~r

world 1omorrow.

o ...... ~.. youneU.. u a 4

yo\&1' Doy through Scout·

ln.g ta a WOJ14 • .Sdt

bof l - :PJOVf!n.\ .o l GtUtu_Cll

Sa'ereat cm4 -~a:a«· 9 •

~~~rley~s7._~n:~~~~t1:~- ~t~!ve;:::. lstt, $10 to Si2 per year. ~' · · For basic denta.l core $8 to $12

t.ho coit Ot bne Ut.Dei(Jl! a fo:rnUx per year. may ensfly be. Ji!UC!I, ·~ater, lban . . \he Income of the · til , t~)' For hO<pltallzation ( limited· to for a whole year. -. ;,.. ,_ - certain petloda or Ume) $15 to $20.

now Can le biU Oe ;.~ and atUl Provision of -prescribed lcnve·the. q.ver age f.Jti~,. ft9m~. abo_uld not c~~t -t:h~ _famUy . the. constant tea·r ot d~mOrf.lblitg· than $5 to $7 per year. nnd disabling tUness? Tite above figures oro

The answer Is upott n--plan wl.th at least MHNT plan. A pre~ member-fomJUes. · Plans with lfnnbles ·PQ.Qple- of tt-.to .wet. than th.at. numb.er mUit "pool" their tlnonclal re)Ources ln P<l:<:J "their. group enre to tlreparatlon to equal 8b8r1n&" ot · ~mewhot more cost~>' lf they

celve the complete eare. tho costs of medical care. I .

The slmpleat way ot..eatabUih~ By nddlns tho Clgurc above, lng n prepayment plan ta to char~ wtll see that through simple 1: ~"' everyone a flat rate, sot at a~ gnnlwtlon of the potlents' hout the average abll\ty to pa y ln. to pay In · advance tor the 1 hnl area. 'rhe dbjectlon of this that they must have, they 1ype ot plnn I!! tha t many fnmllle!'l cut the cost of m.edlc.o.l.. care nf luw IncOme rnight be unub le to the average family from $90 J<1ln the Jllan or could do so on.ly $100 PE!:t yenr to betwem S58 _o.nd t\1 t lw sncrifl t'(' of such essl"ntlo.ls $76 per yeur. n:-. tood· and clothing.

Churgln~ In proporllt\(m lO\ ln-.

DR. D. H. JERRELL, D. C., Ph, C, -Chlropratlc Health Clinic --

Chir o pr a.cuc Adjustment• - Coton lrrlga Uon - Authorized . :rerpezone ~Untc-Met:tale

OFFICF HOURR: 9 :00 to t!i ,oo a. m. and 1'30 to _6,00 p, m, Ot.h~r Hounr hy Appointment


We Salute

Hale Center's

Boy. -Scouts


Hale Center's

i.IONS' CLUB Spoflilon of t he Boy Scouts

FREE LECTURE, Entitled ~ - -

"Christian, Science Salvation Now-»---

By Thomas E. Hurley, C. 5. I. Of Louisville, Kentucky

Member oi tbe Board of Leet:ureahip of Tile Motblr ~~ The Flrst ChurCh ol Chri.li. Sdentllt. lD Botf:oD. .....



First Church of Christ, Scientist

Af Plainview, Texas

Cordially Invites You to Attend

Page 4: 'OlliL 8 ---· 5 . E • ; , oy cou. . ts ·· 37th A ...unger.myplainview.com/hale center/1947/1947-02-14.pdf · .emua Buraess .11 ~. Norflett, who will be portrayed about the third


/;~ ~~~ ~~ ., ,~--.. /~ ~~4_ . 'l \\ .\

f;.~ "' •

d/1 A'!!erlfJI! 11ill welcome the ·' ~ .


&re ll am/ you see

BIG·CAR QUALITY AT W'\VEST COST now made even lliNl!er-looling. tJYe/l ~efler~loolang CJlfJR mfJ.I't! !Jeaati(ul and deBimUe, in -wery 'WlJ'

Today, we and all other Chevroter ~eaters are disP,layia:'S the_ (l~wes~~- , .. «etltion of Atn~rica's fsrgest _producer of auromobtles~rhe new Chevrolet for 194;-olfering- you an even ~rrearer measure ofBIG-CAR QU.AlJl'Y AT. LOWEST _COST!

to the best party-line -telephone· service Help yourself? Of course I You can get the greatest value from a party-line telephone by doing a few simple thipgs:

to make or receive catls.

3. If you have children, teach them party-lirre tele­phone courtesy.

1 .. Remember to hang up quietly if the line is in_ use when you try to call. Wait awhil~ before trying again.

Your skillful and considerate - use of your -party-line tele­

phone will encourage others to -

do the same. Result: 2. Keep your calls as short as possible. That gives ~he ___ ~ther fe~lo\V a· cl:t~UJ~e.



You foUta that weren't here Satur­day missed a good show and o chan­ce to jrOt !lOme valuable pri•es - a• bout six people won from two to three dollars cash and Mrs. Joe Mile; won the Wear • Ever Cooker _ at th 2 drawing.

Folks ~i! -iit our ''Who-Dun­it?" program werc J. L. Monroe,­.,_nno Rawls, Mrs. E. W. Patterson, Mrs. Arthur Landers ond the two attrocUve cb_lldren of Mr. and Mr~~:-­Roy Smith. We had a lot or fun ond. found out how lnte!Ugerit · 011:1' poo. pie here ore. IWe'd olreay guessed!)

One dismal happening In the- fun woe the tact Utat· the BOy Scout& Ill'· rested me and made me pay a fine

· for .dlsturblna -the peace.

Which remlnl!s me that this Ia ' Bcly Seoul Wee)(. Haft ott to· these·

boys and their loader, Vic Lamb. The IJoJis Club ·fed thom the Other ~t. The)"f41 dOint a . dlalldy JOb.

We ore llllpacklng o shipment ot cloy • . bock heaters, Proctor Irons, Dish Pans, · Nesco pressure pon~, tennla racquets, soft balls, bats and gloves.

1 can llordly - write for Jim - wn; ---=1- ---tJI •~-IIF."'-"';; l!nma Is out hero building n chick· · on hou~o. Ire bought .one - ot our Oakes 350 copnclty t·hickon broo:l· ers for Slli.73. GeorllC has had one for a COUJiiC O( Wo><•ks. llnd he ttlll•' 1y Ukes this outomauc Butane Brooder. · Jim doesn't know -11 but ho·e going to buy our doublo-wollod Wa•-­ter rountobt, and. nll-nultol <lhicktn ·

!.~~~~r~be!'oli~v~~;s t':e Able price. The teedere ehaper th11n some with pressed Wuod 6lde,a couplf! yeara baC!k.