Oliver's media evaluation


Transcript of Oliver's media evaluation

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• I’d say that the trailer develops the convention of a youth drama which involves gangs, simply because I feel as though the concept on gangs is captured rather effectively as we see through the trailer ,we get a slight insight on gang behaviour (anti-social) rather intimidating, unapproachable. We see that the gang are opportunists as they take advantage of seeing someone by themself they decide to make the most of this opportunity which also implies they are cowards, predator like as they are attracted to someone who couldn’t possibly give up a fight because they’re outnumbered. We can see by their general behaviour and attitudes that they’re teenagers(hanging around in a circle ) the trailer relates to films which such as ‘SHANK’ and Kidulthood” and this is due to the fact that they are both based on young adults and what they do, ‘SHANK’ on one hand focuses on gangs and “Kidulthood” on peer pressure and the day to day struggles being a teenager.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My groups media product portrays one set teenagers negatively who involve themselves in gang activity , but on the other hand what contrasts to their outlook on life is the lone teenager who we see gets caught up in a situation with the gang members. We see that the youths are dressed accordingly tracksuits, jeans, hoodies this was done to stay fixed on what we were representing an ‘urban drama’ and briefly showing the activity teenagers get up to. By including characters in the same age bracket as our target audience this meant the audience would find the piece more believable . The perception of youth gang activity is shown in a negative .

Media institutions who would most likely distribute my groups product would be ‘Revolver entertainment ‘ this because products which can relate to my groups one are distributed by them ‘kidulthood’ , ‘shank’ who both focus on teenagers, gangs and what they generally get up to.


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Who would be the audience for your media product?

• The target audience chosen was to be from 14-22 years old, this is because we felt as though through these ages you’ll be more aware of gangs and what they’re about . We felt between these ages that the youths are mature enough to understand the whole concept on gangs as they are adolescents .

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kfapOIPCRik" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience based off of our survey which with its results indicated that our target audience would watch a film to do with gangs, this worked smoothly with our intended opening sequence we had chosen ‘Green street 2’ which pinpointed gang violence. We let a number of people from our target audience watch the opening scene of ‘Green street 2’ then asked them questions on the opening sequence what they thought about it etc. and then went onto apply a number of the themes represented in the Green street 2 opening sequence e.g. having a gang, representation of the characters (clothing) which was urban and youthful tracksuits, trainers and the language use by the characters.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• After completing the main task I felt as though I slowly but surely I became more familiar with final cut, I’m now able to perform simplistic edits and effects which during the preliminary task I had no idea how to use final cut. But now on a positive note after the main task, final cut has become more understandable for me I'm able to add transitions to my work as well as accurately edit (cutting unnecessary footage)the footage in my timeline. I’m a lot more comfortable with final cut then I once was, without the preliminary task I wouldn’t have been able to experience final cut for the first time and make mistakes to learn from, I’m grateful that we did though so we us as groups and individuals were able to learn from previous mistakes made in the preliminary task.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression it to the full product?

• Since doing the preliminary I’ve learnt how to work and cooperate better in a group, this in the main task was done by splitting the work load fairly within the group to ensure that the workload was fair. Since doing the preliminary task I feel that keeping the blog organised was more easier to do as we had previous experience with wordpress from the preliminary task, this then made updating the blog page familiar. Although it wasn’t as easy as first expected the main task went more smoothly then the preliminary task.