Old Habits Die Hard

Old habits die hard. Tobias Enné CBS, February 17th

Transcript of Old Habits Die Hard

Old habits die hard. Tobias Enné CBS, February 17th

First things first.


Tobias EnnéHead of DigitalPrimetime

Proud podcast owner.

Today’s lesson.

Disruptive innovation?

New technologies?

It’s all rumours.

Somebody’s lying.

But first…

Remember these guys?

Today it’s all about these guys.

All about flash.

All about help.

Say hi to Lars Bastholm.

Case Pedigree Found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIolSJtkXMU

Future agencies are problem solvers. Not ad agencies.

Case Field Trip To Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_bSOwFWu-A

The rise of ’new model agencies’.

The rebel alliance.

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon. David Ogilvy

Technologies change. People don’t.

”Art challenges technology, and technology inspires art.”

Case Deadzone Dinershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0dQt_6nQU

The human touch.

But make no mistake. It’s still business as usual.

OK. So maybe they’re not lying to you.

The future creative is the hybrid creative.

Disruption and new technologies will never change basic behavioural mechanisms and human emotion.

”The two cultures.”

Arts and sciences are one because they are human.

Don’t be fooled by jargon.

Communication doesn’t care about technology.

Future creatives are hybrid creatives.

Future agencies are not ad agencies. They’re problem


So that was today’s lesson.
