Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/Sag Harbor NY...

:rt3Bm?aeffff»wiaiB»ii«»ii^ «*(,-"" rf**,->/.Sv*>W*fo»V***?*WA 'fc'foMsf&iMaMWii^^ /^r> SAG HARBOR EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY. 15, .1959- I CLUING TIME FOR ALL CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY 12 KOO* M e to fee expense of carrying classified advertiaSof accounts on our toftks aad bulla* for tliem, we have been obliged to adopt a policy «•** by many newspapers: All classified advertising now payable in ndranee, « •# where the ^ « ^ ^ » " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Paymeni. refunded if ads are caneeUed^^^^f^**? w t e are He a line. Mteimnm rate %l** first insertion, $1.00 a week thereafter. (Allow 2t words or less for minimum charge.) ^^ FOR SALE FOR" SALE: Twin burner Florence space Tieater in good condition. .^iSy reasonable. Telephone SAg Harbor 5-0767-R. 1 15 It NO TRESPASSING SIGNS any quantity Sag- Harbor Express. 3A 5-0132. 10-23-tfc. GOOD SELECTION of used out- beard sizes, all checked and ready to go. Guaranteed for 30 days. Hampton Mower Service Montauk Hwy. Phone BRidge- hampton 2-069$. 7-18-tfc PAINTING: Reasonable hourly rates. Call SAg Harbor 5-0664-M. 1 8 4tc MISCELLANEOUS _ Clean white ash, nut and stove coal $23.05 ton delivered. Rlverhead Fuel, 950 W. Main St., FAxk 7-3093. 8-14-28 WANTED - Baby Jane Lattanzio, 5-0952. Sitting Jobs - Sag Harbor 1 15 2tc CARRIE ALIDA SHERMAN Carrie Alida Sherman, life long resident of Sag Harbor, passed away at her home on Main St. Mon- day, January 12th. She was born to Richard and Mary ^Eliza Devaull Sweezy February 9, 1868. Her hus- band, William H._ Sherman prede- ceased her. She is survived by her daughters, Mary and Louise Sherman, Mrs. Peter Garypie of Sag Harbor and Dorothy Ward of Islip; a son Ken- neth R. Sherman of California; two brothers Ralph Sweezy of West- hampton and Bruce Sweezy of Col- orado. Also surviving are one grand_ child and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be conduc- ted Thursday, Jan. a5th at the Yard- ley and Williams Funeral Home. Interment will follow in the Oak- WGR SALE: Reprints of James Whitcanb fe^fa "Passing of the BaftkhOKS'v' suitable for fram- ing 25c each. Sag Harbor Ex 1-26-tf press. RUBBER STAMPS Daters, Mark- ing and Pricing Sets Time, Paid, Past Due, Box Holder Stamps, Etc., Etc., Sag Harbor Express, SAg Harbor 5-0162. 10-23tfc USED FURNITURE: Sought a no •old. Bargains in bureaus, tables chests, chairs. Why not turn your old pieces of furniture into cash? Call E. H. 60 and let us know what you have. Used Furn iture shop in rear of Hamptons- Dept. Store ^-lO-tfc FOR SALE: Aluminum combination windows and doors. Jalousies, awnings, screens. Financing ar- ranged. Ward A. Freese, Montauk Hgwy, EAst Hampton 4-1925. 4 10 tfc FAMOUS "GTJUSTAHT CARPETS AND RUGS. We fake trade-ins of old carpets. Sale and installatior of Ceramic walla, linoleum, vinyl rubber tiles. Aluminum doors windows, Jalousies. New blinds shades; launder, retape Venetian blinds. Budget, FHA Terms, PArk 7-4000 Suffolk Floors and Blinds. l-l«-tfc LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLOOR SANDING & FINISHING Waxing and Polishing. Joe Gun ning, Prospect Ave., SAg Har- bor 5-0902-J. ll-13-52t ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets every Tuesday evening at St. Luke's Church, East Hampton 8 14 tfc NORTHWEST KENNELS: Dogs trained and boarded. Free your dog of ticks. Dips given. Also ,baths by. appointment. Call A. Staudinger, SAg Harbor 5- 1090. 5-29-tfc ASPHALT PAVING: For instant asphalt paving, bulldozing, or bulkheading - Call Roy Ryan, BRidgehampton 2-0550 5-8-ffc FURNITURE—Living room, bed room, dining room and breakfast sets; everything to furnish a home very reasonable. John W Nilsson, North Sea Road. South THE ROOF "designed for your home" for as little as $10.00. a month. TURNBULL & CAlN Flanders Road, Riverhead, Park 7-3660. 8-2tfc DOCKS & BULKHEADS. Richard M. Thayer, Segaponack. BRidge- hampton 2-0325. 7-10-tfc ampton. Tel. £434. 494->fr REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE — Homes, plots, acreage. Summer rentals. List pupperty with Dr. Schreiber, Sag iferbor 919-M or 5-0600 3-14-tfc WANTED — Listings of Houses Rentals, Acreage & Lots. LOUIS H. SASSE, Broker, Henry near Madison. SA 5-0603. 5-1-tfo! FOR RENT INSURANCE is our only business. World-wide facilities. Why not take advantage of our facilities? Philip Rcichers & Co. Tel. SAg Harbor 5-1010. 11-13-tfc Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y„ at 11:00 A. M.; on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil- lage of Sag Harbor, N. Y. to fur- nish Fire Proection to the Noyac Fire Protection District for a per- iod of two years, commencing Jan- uary 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1960 for a consideration of $4,- 500.00 per year. By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It PLEADS GUILTY TO ATTEMPTED FORGERY • Phillip Whitter, a 31 year old Riverhead farmhand charged with buying wine from a Cutcbogue Liquor store with a forged check, pleaded guilty to attempted forgery last Wednesday in Suffolk County Court. Whitter and his friend, James Miller was indicted last October on charges of forgery and larceny. Police said Whitter cashed a $77 check in the store last September 22, by forging the name of Theodore Doroski, a Gutchogue farmer. Whitter told Miler about his good luck and Miller tried it a week later according to police. Miller tried to cash a $52 check, allegedly sign- ed by Jamesport farmer Frank Kane. The clerk, Mrs. Eleanor Zan- eski, told Miller to wait while she went to the back of the shop to get his brand of wine. Instead she call^ ed police and Miller was picked up minutes later. Whitter is to be sentenced Febru- ary'. 10. He is in jail. Miller, also confined, was scheduled for trial this week. Realty Transfers W C Hewitt & ors to O F Cloud T L g P M M U Rjmfr & w, lot 41, Clearwater Beach sec« • » w w w m ' "OH* NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil- lage of Sag Harbor, N. Y. to fur- nish Fire Protection to the Bay Point Fire Protection District for a period of two years commencing January 1, 1959 and ending Decem- ber 31, 1960 for a consideration of $900.00 per year; By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING S1EAM HEATED: Winter Rentals. Furnished 2 and 4 rooms. Harbor Haven Apartments, Union Street, SAg Harbor 5-0729. 9 11 tfc PHOTOSTATIC COPY SERVICE - While you wait, if necessary. Congdential. $2.00 1st copy, $1,- 50 thereafter. Call. SAg Harbor 5-0872, is no answer 5-0162 or write Photostatic Copy, Box O. 11-20-tfc F0K RENT: Small furnished apt. Suitable for one or two persons. Plenty of heat and hot water fur- •ished. Reasonable Call SAg Harbor 5-0162 or 0872. 11-1-tfc RENT: Noyac - Furnished or UKftirnished bungalow, three rms. •** bath. Oil heat. Inquire la- ttice's Nursery or call SAg Har- b«r5-Ot5i. 10»tfc| NO TRESPASSING — WARNING All persons are warned against hunting, trapping or trespassing on Spring Farm and the properties of Daniel F. Mulvihill, Collins Estate, Monico under penalty of sections 350-352 and 365-370 of the Conser vation Law of the State of New York. GEORGE SCHELLINGER, JR. Sag Harbor, N. Y« Owner and Lessee 9 18 tfc Boat trailer and ce aocpt mixer. SAg Harbor 5-0369 o * « e i 7 - W . 3-23-tt WHY RENT? When you can build fffOt own home complete with ffgl basement, hot water heat for a? BttXe as $8,000. Financing ar- ranged. Literature on request. Qmtact Safeway Developers, Bex. 741, Amagansett. 11-20-tfc FC0K RHRT: 5 room house. Heat lM>t water. In village. Call Harbor 5-08*1. 12-11-tfc £ FOR RENT: Apartment on Howard Street. Upstairs. Suitable for one person, probably two. Call SAg Harbor 5-0861 or contact O'- Brien's Service Station. 1 8 Itc NOTICE!! Dumping of rubbish and refuse on the Highways of the Town of Southampton is strictly forbidden under penalty of law. AKDRBW J. HALSBY, Sunt, of Highways. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the, Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at li:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil- lage of Westhampton Beach, N. Y. to furnish fire protection for the Ocean Bay Drive Road West Fire Protection District for a period of one year commencing January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959 for a consideration of $1,078.- 97 per year. . By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It MIGRANT KILLS MIGRANT; HELD FOR GRAND JURY A 37 year old farmhand, and father of six children, one of them a newborn baby, faces grand jury action this week on charges he shot and killed another migrant in a brawl Sunday afternoon. Riverhead Police said Hurley Davis Smith shot Johnie B. James, 43, three times in the chest, Sunday about 1:45 p.m. in a house where both lived on Horton ave., in a slum section of Riverhead. Smith, who confessed to the shoot ing, was arraigned on manslaugh- ter first-degree charges Sunday night before Justice of the Peace Bruno Zaloga, Jr. Smith waived examination and was ordered to jail in lieu of $5000 bail to await grand jury action. Police said the fight started over Smith's German Shepherd puppy Queenie" According to other farmhands, James who lived in an apartment across the hall from Smith, complained about having to clean up after the animal. James first attacked Smith with his fists, and when they were sep- arated, Smith went but to his car for his gun, according to police. Smith, in his statement, said James charged him with a knife. He admitted firing three times, all three slugs striking James in the chest. Police were summoned, but when Sergeant John Harris arrived, James was. dead. Smith said he threw the gun in the woods nearby, but police searched until dark with- out success. Tide Water Realty Co Inc to J M Halsey, parcel n s Montauk hgwy, Bridgehampton, $1000, '_> Montauk Beach Dev Co Inc to C B Morici & w, lots 32 and 33, blk 23-A, map of Moritauk Beach Dev Corp, Montauk, $6000. H W Hall Jr. to Josephine W Bol- lo, parcel s s Cobb rd, Water Mill, $20,000. A Press to F Konebel & w, parcel W s Bishops Lane, Southampton, $1500. Margaret K Scnaefer & ano as execs & ors to W P Schaefer & w parcel e s Oakland Ave. Sag Har- bor, $9000. Alice R Lukeman to H Ullen- dorff, lot 138, Hither Hills, Mon- tauk,$8000. C C Pool to P B Duryea Jr t par- cel w s East Lake Drive, Montauk, $9500. Mary Dunn to L Remkus & w, parcel s s Corwin rd, North Haven, Southampton Town, $3500. E T Huntting & ano as exec to C E DeHart & w, parcel n s Hunt- ting ave, East Hampton Town, $1000 Helen C Halsted to R C S.heehan, parcel w s Lookout lane, Springs, East Hampton Town, $1500. Astelle Atterbiiry to M Freeman & w, parcel n s Shinnecock Beach rd, Shinnecock Hills, Southampton Town, $4500. R L Krat & w to A Pearlroth, parcel s s Dune rd, Westhampton, $5000. East Hampton D & E Inc to S Landfield & w, parcel nw Kings [ Point rd, Fireplace, East Hampton Town, $6000. C J Blackburn to A V Aery, parcel s s Big Fresh Pond rd, North Sea. Southampton Town, $1500. W A Keller & w to J L Masters & w, parcel e s Dogwood ave, Noyac $10.5000. Florence Honjes Inc to W R Dav- in & w. parcel s s School St, Hamp- on Bays, $1000. 1, Fireplace, Bast Hampton Town, $7000. G MacKnight to P T Fisher & w, parcel ne s South Lake drive, Mon- tauk, $6000. B Lindberg to W T Snyder <& ,w> lots 11 to 15, inc, sec 4, Montatdc Lawns, and lots 747 to 749, inc, sec 4, Olympic Heights, Bast Hampton Town, $1,500. Florence Leary to W Bender & w, .parcel w s Sugar Loaf rd, Shin- necock Hills, Southampton Town, $6000. Montauk Beach Dev Co Inc to P V Moroney & wHot 3 blk 13, Sound- view Estates, Montauk, $2000. Same to E C Lynch, lot 12, blk 13, same map, $2000. E Graboski to R L Williams, pel w s Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Tpke, Bridgehampton, $500. Same to W Ford, pel w s Bridge- hampton-Sag Harbor Tpke, Bridge- hampton $500. Continued from First Page The rules and regulations pre- viously in effect for the proper and' efficient conduct of the business of the bank were adopted for the cur- rent year. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Chase Manhattan Bank and the Osborne Trust Co. of East Hampton were named as de- positories for the institution's funds. A discussion was held on the pro- spects for the continued and heal- thy growth of the Peconic Bank during 1959. Optimism was ex- pressed for a general improvement in economic situation throughout the country, and it was felt that local business would share in such improvement. After setting the second Friday of each month as the regular meeting night of the board, a motion to ad- journ was carried and the meeting declared adjourned at 4:40 p.m. $22tt+S22QQ, $2*QQ tually a profit making corporation, and this could not be located in a residential area. After Condon filed his Supreme Court action in September, attor- neys for the zoning board, moved to dismiss the suit, claiming it was incorrect in form and failed to state a just ca^ise of action. Ritchie ruled that Condon's claims "are not based on relevant facts. Rather they are conclusory and without foundation in material fact," he continued. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FO|R RENT: Office or an apartment in the Whalers Inn. Reasonable. All utilities included, furnished. John G. Strong Agency. 1 15 tfc NOTICE Meeting of the Village Board with the Board of Wardens post- poned. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 8:00 P. M. January 20th, 1959. By Order of the Board of Trustees ENCY C. BEYER, Clerk. 1 15 It Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N.Y., at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, to hear any or all persons either for or against the application of the The Blue Line Bus for a franchise to operate a bus line on certain highways in the Town of Southamp- ton, N. Y. described in the applica- tion now on file in the Town Clerk's Office, pursuant to Town Law, Sec- tion 64, Paragraph 7. By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It JUSTICE RITCHIE TOSSES OUT CLAIM AGAINST S'HAMPTON Supreme Court Justice D. Ormon-1 de Ritchie, last Wednesday, tossed ' out a claim by Southampton Attor- ney Lawrence Condon . and five other residents, that the Southamp- ton Village Board of Appeals acted illegally when it refused a Certifi- cate of Occupancy to the Southamp ton Bath and Tennis Club, located on Gin Lane. Condon, who summers in South- ampton, filed suit last fall, charging the zoning board had acted 'arbrit- arily, illegally and capriciously, in issuing the Certificate. The Cofo was issued last spring after a series of stormy hearings at Which Con- don oppised the granting of the per- mit. He charged the club was ac- WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Books: South- ampton Town records, Griffin's Journal, Lords of the Soil. Gard- ner. Box O Sag Harbor 102 or OT2. 7-17-tfC WAJSTBD TO BUY book or books containing East Hampton Town Records. Gardner, Box O or Tel. SA 5-0162 or 0872. 2-28-tfc WANTED for my collection - Old guns, pistols,, powder horns, bul- let moulds, swords or cannon- barrels, Indian arrow heads. Lic- ensed dealer for modern guns and ammunition. RICHARD O HENDRICKSON, Lumber Lane, BRidgehampton 2-0206. . # NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, to hear any and all persons either for or against the proposed Amend- ment to Article XXIH, Subdivision 6 of the Building Zone Ordinance No. 26 to read as follows: V 6. No dwelling shall be hereaf- ter erected, reconstructed or alter- ed unless povisions shall be made therein for not less than seven hun- dred fifty (750) square feet of hab- itable floor area on the ground floor exclusive, of garage, car park, car port, open porch, or terraces or other extension outside the body of the house. By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It NOTICE TO BIDDERS IJAN J [15 Bids will be received until 11:00.16 A. M. on Tuesday, January 27, 1959 at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y. for the net cost 1 purchase of one -' 6 cyl 1959, % Ton Pick-up Truck, equipped with 670-15 6 Ply tires ; , rear bumper, spare tire and wheel, windshield wiper, heater and defrosters, turn signals, back- up lights and reflectors. The right is reserved by the Town to reject any or all bids. By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y. CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk. 1 15 It NOTICH The Peconic Bank Sag Harbor, New York The Board of Directors has de- clared a Dividend of 75c per share and an extra Dividend of 25c per share, payable January 29, 1959, to Stockholders of record at the close of business January 24, 1959. Checks will be mailed. JESSIE M PUMBLY, Ami. Cashier. 1 15 2t TIDE TABLE Courtesy Bay View Shell Station Tbe time given is for Noyac and Peconic Bays. Full sea at Sag Harbor is one hour earlier. Low water is approximately six hours after high water. AM 3:29 4:20 5:11 6:0S 6:59 7:50 8:39 9:24 17 18 10 20 21 22 PM 3:51 4:44 5:39 6:35 7:30 8:20 9:08 9:52 REAL ESTATE JOHN G. STRONG AGENCY Lie. Real Estate Broker (Abe Podowite, Mgr.) SALES — RENTALS ACREAGE — WATERFRONT LOTS — ETC. OFFICE AT WHALERS INN Main & Madison SA 5-1256 V. C CAFIERO Licensed Real Estate Salesman SUMMER RENTALS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Stony Hill Rd. - Noyac, L. I., N. Y. SAg Harbor 5-0371 Fer Lie. Realtor ALDOB. GBRASOLE 7621 - 13th Ave., Brooklyn 28, NY 1 9 5 9 RAMBLER Now on Display FIAT up to 53 miles per gallon $1098 at port of entry 1955 Volkswagen BIG REDUCTION SPECIAL £• b Roberts Your Friendly Rambler - Fiat Dealer Authorized Rambler - Fiat Sales and Service IRVING GARAGE corner Windmill & Hill Sis. Southampton 1-0253 0NLY- $ 1925 The one-owner 1957 Ford Sunliner above (Fordo- ma tic! Power Steering! Power Brakes! Continental Tire Kit! Whitewalis! Two-tone Blue! Low Mileage!) is going for only $1925! It's typical of the A-l buys j on sale now at your Ford Dealer's, thanks to the tremendous number of trade-ins we've taken on our best-selling Fords. For many other such bargains... FORD DEALER'S^XUSED CAR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE tender delicious v., KOSOMYCBIS m m<»r^9ies H MERKEL'S SMOKED BUTTS 69c lb. READY-TO-EAT KRASDALE LARGE N' TENDER PEAS (NO. 303 CANS) ROSEX BLEACH (QUART BOTTLE — 2c OFF SALB) 2 for 29c 2 for 27c NESTLES INSTANT COFFEE 79c UOe OFF — LARGE 4 OZ. JAR) PARD DOG FOOD 2 for 29c i ' " PET EVAPORATED MILK 3 fer 43c <14V£ OZ. CANS) .1 . - ' . " ' ' ' PREMIUM SALTIKES ......... (1 n FKG.) SCHIAVONI'S Main Street Sag Harbor Tel. 5-0366 •i 1953 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Sedan 1951 Ford 2 Dr-Sedan 1952 Ford 2 Dr. Sedan 1356 Ford Victoria 1951 Oldsmobile Convertible Official N.Y. State Inspection Stati on - Franchised Renault Dealer b i- *'.;.•-, &•.•;•;., ••• >' ;-' .v.^**^v'?i<^^^f *^i w*\y'*^^^?v^^y^>*-*»«*^*?«*^^ >'i \'*f*tti&^W*!w#rt>}i«^^ "' "••• v.vv ' I '•"; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/Sag Harbor NY...

  • :rt3Bm?aeffff»wiaiB»ii«»ii^ «*(,-""


    'fc'foMsf&iMaMWii^^ / ^ r >



    C L U I N G TIME FOR ALL CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY 12 KOO* M e to fee expense of carrying classified advertiaSof accounts on our toftks a a d bul la* for tliem, we have been obliged to adopt a policy « •** by many newspapers: All classified advertising now payable in nd ranee , « • # where the ^ « ^ ^ » " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P a y m e n i . refunded if ads are c a n e e U e d ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ * * ? w t e a r e H e a line. Mteimnm ra te %l** first insertion, $1.00 a week thereafter. (Allow 2 t words or less for minimum charge.) ^ ^

    FOR SALE FOR" SALE: Twin burner Florence

    space Tieater in good condition. . ^ i S y reasonable. Telephone SAg Harbor 5-0767-R. 1 15 I t

    N O TRESPASSING SIGNS any quan t i ty Sag - Harbor Express. 3A 5-0132. 10-23-tfc.

    GOOD SELECTION of used out-beard sizes, al l checked and ready to go. Guaranteed for 30 days. Hampton Mower Service Montauk Hwy. Phone BRidge-hampton 2-069$. 7-18-tfc

    PAINTING: Reasonable hourly rates. Call SAg Harbor 5-0664-M.

    1 8 4tc


    _ Clean white ash, nu t and stove coal $23.05 ton delivered. Rlverhead Fuel, 950 W. Main St., FAxk 7-3093. 8-14-28

    WANTED - Baby Jane Lattanzio, 5-0952.

    Sitting Jobs -Sag Harbor

    1 15 2tc

    CARRIE ALIDA SHERMAN Carrie Alida Sherman, life long

    resident of Sag Harbor, passed away at her home on Main St. Mon-day, January 12th. She was born to Richard and Mary ^Eliza Devaull Sweezy February 9, 1868. Her hus-band, William H._ Sherman prede-ceased her.

    She is survived by her daughters, Mary and Louise Sherman, Mrs. Peter Garypie of Sag Harbor and Dorothy Ward of Islip; a son Ken-neth R. Sherman of California; two brothers Ralph Sweezy of West-hampton and Bruce Sweezy of Col-orado. Also surviving are one grand_ child and one great grandchild.

    Funeral services will be conduc-ted Thursday, Jan. a5th at the Yard-ley and Williams Funeral Home. Interment will follow in the Oak-

    WGR SALE: Reprints of James Whi tcanb fe^fa "Passing of the BaftkhOKS'v' suitable for fram-ing 25c each. Sag Harbor Ex

    1-26-tf press. RUBBER STAMPS Daters, Mark-

    ing and Pricing Sets Time, Paid, Past Due, Box Holder Stamps, Etc., Etc., Sag Harbor Express, SAg Harbor 5-0162. 10-23tfc

    USED FURNITURE: Sought a no •old. Bargains in bureaus, tables chests, chairs. Why not turn your old pieces of furniture into cash? Call E. H. 60 and let us know what you have. Used Furn iture shop in rear of Hamptons-Dept. Store ^-lO-tfc

    FOR SALE: Aluminum combination windows and doors. Jalousies, awnings, screens. Financing ar-ranged. Ward A. Freese, Montauk Hgwy, EAst Hampton 4-1925.

    4 10 tfc

    FAMOUS "GTJUSTAHT CARPETS AND RUGS. We fake trade-ins of old carpets. Sale and installatior of Ceramic walla, linoleum, vinyl rubber tiles. Aluminum doors windows, Jalousies. New blinds shades; launder, retape Venetian blinds. Budget, FHA Terms, PArk 7-4000 Suffolk Floors and Blinds. l-l«-tfc



    FLOOR SANDING & FINISHING Waxing and Polishing. Joe Gun ning, Prospect Ave., SAg Har-bor 5-0902-J. ll-13-52t

    ALCOHOLICS A N O N Y M O U S meets every Tuesday evening at St. Luke's Church, East Hampton

    8 14 tfc

    NORTHWEST KENNELS: Dogs trained and boarded. Free your dog of ticks. Dips given. Also

    ,baths by. appointment. Call A. Staudinger, S A g Harbor 5-1090. 5-29-tfc

    ASPHALT PAVING: For instant asphalt paving, bulldozing, or bulkheading - Call Roy Ryan, BRidgehampton 2-0550 5-8-ffc

    FURNITURE—Living room, bed room, dining room and breakfast sets; everything to furnish a home very reasonable. John W Nilsson, North Sea Road. South

    THE ROOF "designed for your home" for as little as $10.00. a month. TURNBULL & CAlN Flanders Road, Riverhead, Park 7-3660. 8-2tfc

    DOCKS & BULKHEADS. Richard M. Thayer, Segaponack. BRidge-hampton 2-0325. 7-10-tfc

    ampton. Tel. £434. 494->fr


    REAL ESTATE — Homes, plots, acreage. Summer rentals. List pupperty with Dr. Schreiber, Sag iferbor 919-M or 5-0600 3-14-tfc

    WANTED — Listings of Houses Rentals, Acreage & Lots. LOUIS H. SASSE, Broker, Henry near Madison. SA 5-0603. 5-1-tfo!


    INSURANCE is our only business. World-wide facilities. Why not take advantage of our facilities? Philip Rcichers & Co. Tel. SAg Harbor 5-1010.


    Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y„ at 11:00 A. M.; on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil-lage of Sag Harbor, N. Y. to fur-nish Fire Proection to the Noyac Fire Protection District for a per-iod of two years, commencing Jan-uary 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1960 for a consideration of $4,-500.00 per year.

    By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 It

    PLEADS GUILTY TO ATTEMPTED FORGERY • Phillip Whitter, a 31 year old

    Riverhead farmhand charged with buying wine from a Cutcbogue Liquor store with a forged check, pleaded guilty to attempted forgery last Wednesday in Suffolk County Court.

    Whitter and his friend, James Miller was indicted last October on charges of forgery and larceny. Police said Whitter cashed a $77 check in the store last September 22, by forging the name of Theodore Doroski, a Gutchogue farmer.

    Whitter told Miler about his good luck and Miller tried i t a week later according to police. Miller tried to cash a $52 check, allegedly sign-ed by Jamesport farmer Frank Kane. The clerk, Mrs. Eleanor Zan-eski, told Miller to wait while she went to the back of the shop to get his brand of wine. Instead she call^ ed police and Miller was picked up minutes later.

    Whitter is to be sentenced Febru-ary '. 10. He is in jail. Miller, also confined, was scheduled for trial this week.

    Realty Transfers W C Hewitt & ors to O F Cloud T L g P M M U R j m f r & w, lot 41, Clearwater Beach sec« • » w • w w m ' " O H *


    Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held a t the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil-lage of Sag Harbor, N. Y. to fur-nish Fire Protection to the Bay Point Fire Protection District for a period of two years commencing January 1, 1959 and ending Decem-ber 31, 1960 for a consideration of $900.00 per year;

    By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 It


    S1EAM HEATED: Winter Rentals. Furnished 2 and 4 rooms. Harbor Haven Apartments, Union Street, SAg Harbor 5-0729. 9 11 tfc

    PHOTOSTATIC COPY SERVICE -While you wait, if necessary. Congdential. $2.00 1st copy, $1,-50 thereafter. Call. SAg Harbor 5-0872, is no answer 5-0162 or write Photostatic Copy, Box O.


    F 0 K RENT: Small furnished apt. Suitable for one or two persons. Plenty of heat and hot water fur-•ished. Reasonable Call SAg Harbor 5-0162 or 0872. 11-1-tfc

    RENT: Noyac - Furnished or UKftirnished bungalow, three rms. • * * bath. Oil heat . Inquire l a -ttice's Nursery or call SAg Har-b«r5-Ot5i . 1 0 » t f c |

    NO TRESPASSING — WARNING All persons are warned against

    hunting, trapping or trespassing on Spring Farm and the properties of Daniel F. Mulvihill, Collins Estate, Monico under penalty of sections 350-352 and 365-370 of the Conser vation Law of the State of New York.

    GEORGE SCHELLINGER, JR. Sag Harbor, N. Y« Owner and Lessee

    9 18 tfc

    Boat trai ler and ce aocpt mixer. SAg Harbor 5-0369 o* « e i 7 - W . 3-23-tt

    WHY RENT? When you can build fffOt own home complete with ffgl basement, hot water heat for a? BttXe as $8,000. Financing ar-ranged. Literature on request. Qmtact Safeway Developers, Bex. 741, Amagansett. 11-20-tfc

    FC0K RHRT: 5 room house. Heat lM>t water. In village. Call Harbor 5-08*1. 12-11-tfc £

    FOR RENT: Apartment on Howard Street. Upstairs. Suitable for one person, probably two. Call SAg Harbor 5-0861 or contact O'-Brien's Service Station. 1 8 Itc

    NOTICE!! Dumping of rubbish and refuse

    on the Highways of the Town of Southampton is strictly forbidden under penalty of law.

    AKDRBW J. HALSBY, Sunt, of Highways.


    Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the, Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at l i :00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, in connection with the proposal to renew the Contract with the Vil-lage of Westhampton Beach, N. Y. to furnish fire protection for the Ocean Bay Drive Road West Fire Protection District for a period of one year commencing January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959 for a consideration of $1,078.-97 per year. .

    By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 I t


    A 37 year old farmhand, and father of six children, one of them a newborn baby, faces grand jury action this week on charges he shot and killed another migrant in a brawl Sunday afternoon.

    Riverhead Police said Hurley Davis Smith shot Johnie B. James, 43, three times in the chest, Sunday about 1:45 p.m. in a house where both lived on Horton ave., in a slum section of Riverhead.

    Smith, who confessed to the shoot ing, was arraigned on manslaugh-ter first-degree charges Sunday night before Justice of the Peace Bruno Zaloga, Jr. Smith waived examination and was ordered to jail in lieu of $5000 bail to await grand jury action.

    Police said the fight started over Smith's German Shepherd puppy Queenie" According to other farmhands, James who lived in an apartment across the hall from Smith, complained about having to clean up after the animal.

    James first attacked Smith with his fists, and when they were sep-arated, Smith went but to his car for his gun, according to police.

    Smith, in his statement, said James charged him with a knife. He admitted firing three times, all three slugs striking James in the chest.

    Police were summoned, but when Sergeant John Harris arrived, James was. dead. Smith said he threw the gun in the woods nearby, but police searched until dark with-out success.

    Tide Water Realty Co Inc to J M Halsey, parcel n s Montauk hgwy, Bridgehampton, $1000, '_>

    Montauk Beach Dev Co Inc to C B Morici & w, lots 32 and 33, blk 23-A, map of Moritauk Beach Dev Corp, Montauk, $6000.

    H W Hall Jr . to Josephine W Bol-lo, parcel s s Cobb rd, Water Mill, $20,000.

    A Press to F Konebel & w, parcel W s Bishops Lane, Southampton, $1500.

    Margaret K Scnaefer & ano as execs & ors to W P Schaefer & w parcel e s Oakland Ave. Sag Har-bor, $9000.

    Alice R Lukeman to H Ullen-dorff, lot 138, Hither Hills, Mon-tauk,$8000.

    C C Pool to P B Duryea J r t par-cel w s East Lake Drive, Montauk, $9500.

    Mary Dunn to L Remkus & w, parcel s s Corwin rd, North Haven, Southampton Town, $3500.

    E T Huntting & ano as exec to C E DeHart & w, parcel n s Hunt-ting ave, East Hampton Town, $1000

    Helen C Halsted to R C S.heehan, parcel w s Lookout lane, Springs, East Hampton Town, $1500.

    Astelle Atterbiiry to M Freeman & w, parcel n s Shinnecock Beach rd, Shinnecock Hills, Southampton Town, $4500.

    R L Krat & w to A Pearlroth, parcel s s Dune rd, Westhampton, $5000.

    East Hampton D & E Inc to S Landfield & w, parcel nw Kings [ Point rd, Fireplace, East Hampton Town, $6000.

    C J Blackburn to A V Aery, parcel s s Big Fresh Pond rd, North Sea. Southampton Town, $1500.

    W A Keller & w to J L Masters & w, parcel e s Dogwood ave, Noyac $10.5000.

    Florence Honjes Inc to W R Dav-in & w. parcel s s School St, Hamp-on Bays, $1000.

    1, Fireplace, Bast Hampton Town, $7000.

    G MacKnight to P T Fisher & w, parcel ne s South Lake drive, Mon-tauk, $6000.

    B Lindberg to W T Snyder lots 11 to 15, inc, sec 4, Montatdc Lawns, and lots 747 to 749, inc, sec 4, Olympic Heights, Bast Hampton Town, $1,500.

    Florence Leary to W Bender & w, .parcel w s Sugar Loaf rd, Shin-necock Hills, Southampton Town, $6000.

    Montauk Beach Dev Co Inc to P V

    Moroney & wHot 3 blk 13, Sound-view Estates, Montauk, $2000.

    Same to E C Lynch, lot 12, blk

    13, same map, $2000. E Graboski to R L Williams, pel

    w s Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Tpke, Bridgehampton, $500.

    Same to W Ford, pel w s Bridge-hampton-Sag Harbor Tpke, Bridge-hampton $500.

    Continued from First Page The rules and regulations pre-

    viously in effect for the proper and' efficient conduct of the business of the bank were adopted for the cur-rent year.

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Chase Manhattan Bank and the Osborne Trust Co. of East Hampton were named as de-positories for the institution's funds.

    A discussion was held on the pro-spects for the continued and heal-thy growth of the Peconic Bank during 1959. Optimism was ex-pressed for a general improvement in economic situation throughout the country, and it was felt that local business would share in such improvement.

    After setting the second Friday of each month as the regular meeting night of the board, a motion to ad-journ was carried and the meeting declared adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

    $22tt+S22QQ, $2*QQ

    tually a profit making corporation, and this could not be located in a residential area.

    After Condon filed his Supreme Court action in September, attor-neys for the zoning board, moved to dismiss the suit, claiming it was incorrect in form and failed to state a just ca^ise of action.

    Ritchie ruled that Condon's claims "are not based on relevant facts. Rather they are conclusory and without foundation in material fact," he continued.


    FO|R RENT: Office or an apartment in the Whalers Inn. Reasonable. All utilities included, furnished. John G. Strong Agency. 1 15 tfc

    NOTICE Meeting of the Village Board

    with the Board of Wardens post-poned. The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at 8:00 P. M. January 20th, 1959.

    By Order of the Board of Trustees

    ENCY C. BEYER, Clerk.

    1 15 I t

    Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N .Y. , at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, to hear any or all persons either for or against the application of the The Blue Line Bus for a franchise to operate a bus line on certain highways in the Town of Southamp-ton, N. Y. described in the applica-tion now on file in the Town Clerk's Office, pursuant to Town Law, Sec-tion 64, Paragraph 7.

    By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 It


    Supreme Court Justice D. Ormon-1 de Ritchie, last Wednesday, tossed ' out a claim by Southampton Attor-ney Lawrence Condon . and five other residents, that the Southamp-ton Village Board of Appeals acted illegally when it refused a Certifi-cate of Occupancy to the Southamp ton Bath and Tennis Club, located on Gin Lane.

    Condon, who summers in South-ampton, filed suit last fall, charging the zoning board had acted 'arbrit-arily, illegally and capriciously, in issuing the Certificate. The Cofo was issued last spring after a series of stormy hearings at Which Con-don oppised the granting of the per-mit. He charged the club was ac-

    WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Books: South-

    ampton Town records, Griffin's Journal, Lords of the Soil. Gard-ner. Box O Sag Harbor 102 or OT2. 7-17-tfC

    WAJSTBD TO BUY book or books containing East Hampton Town Records. Gardner, Box O or Tel. SA 5-0162 or 0872. 2-28-tfc

    WANTED for my collection - Old guns, pistols,, powder horns, bul-let moulds, swords or cannon-barrels, Indian arrow heads. Lic-ensed dealer for modern guns and ammunition. RICHARD O HENDRICKSON, Lumber Lane, BRidgehampton 2-0206. . #

    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a

    Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y., at 11:00 A. M., on January 27, 1959, to hear any and all persons either for or against the proposed Amend-ment to Article XXIH, Subdivision 6 of the Building Zone Ordinance No. 26 to read as follows: V 6. No dwelling shall be hereaf-ter erected, reconstructed or alter-ed unless povisions shall be made therein for not less than seven hun-dred fifty (750) square feet of hab-itable floor area on the ground floor exclusive, of garage, car park, car port, open porch, or terraces or other extension outside the body of

    the house. By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 I t


    Bids will be received until 11:00.16 A. M. on Tuesday, January 27, 1959 at the Town Hall, Southampton, N. Y. for the net cost1 purchase of one -' 6 cyl 1959, % Ton Pick-up Truck, equipped with 670-15 6 Ply tires;, rear bumper, spare tire and wheel, windshield wiper, heater and defrosters, turn signals, back-up lights and reflectors.

    The right is reserved by the Town to reject any or all bids.

    By Order of the Town Board Town of Southampton, N.Y.

    CLAUDE JONES, Town Clerk.

    1 15 I t


    The Peconic Bank Sag Harbor, New York

    The Board of Directors has de-clared a Dividend of 75c per share and an extra Dividend of 25c per

    share, payable January 29, 1959, to Stockholders of record at the close of business January 24, 1959.

    Checks will be mailed. JESSIE M PUMBLY,

    Ami. Cashier. 1 15 2t

    TIDE TABLE Courtesy Bay View Shell Station

    Tbe time given is for Noyac and Peconic Bays. Full sea at Sag Harbor is one hour earlier. Low water is approximately six hours after high water.

    AM 3:29 4:20 5:11 6:0S 6:59 7:50 8:39 9:24

    17 18 10 20 21 22

    PM 3:51 4:44 5:39 6:35 7:30 8:20 9:08 9:52



    Lie. Real Estate Broker (Abe Podowite, Mgr.) SALES — RENTALS


    OFFICE AT WHALERS INN Main & Madison SA 5-1256

    V. C CAFIERO Licensed Real Estate Salesman


    Stony Hill Rd. - Noyac, L. I., N. Y. SAg Harbor 5-0371

    Fer Lie. Realtor A L D O B . GBRASOLE

    7621 - 13th Ave., Brooklyn 28, NY

    1 9 5 9 R A M B L E R

    Now on Display

    F I A T up to 53 miles per gallon

    $1098 at port of entry

    1955 Volkswagen BIG REDUCTION SPECIAL

    £ • b R o b e r t s Your Friendly

    Rambler - Fiat Dealer Authorized Rambler - Fiat

    Sales and Service

    I R V I N G G A R A G E corner Windmill & Hill Sis.

    Southampton 1-0253

    0NLY-$1925 The one-owner 1957 Ford Sunliner above (Fordo-ma tic! Power Steering! Power Brakes! Continental Tire Kit! Whitewalis! Two-tone Blue! Low Mileage!) is going for only $1925! It's typical of the A-l buys j on sale now at your Ford Dealer's, thanks to the tremendous number of trade-ins we've taken on our best-selling Fords. For many other such bargains. . .


    t e n d e r delicious v . ,