ol - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38324/1/1886110101.pdf · i...

i i - 5 ft 9 H OHM LW4tff 1 I I I R I VOL. V. NO. 259. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY , NOVEMBER 1, 188G. PRICE 5 CENTS. -- AdvtrUsenirnts. - i : '. vo.cn Qim fp": fpin THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED Every 3Ioriiiiig Except Sundays. ol jiAii.. 'i i..' uii !; 1 arc now pivetici to re c. i . r h.r ;!,,-- - (.'. K Li a:...! rTiilizi--- lr. j,i t'.it- m:uiti!:u-t..r- u!' Luck A OLlur.'it S.i i. 1'i ,i l:ci-c- i. 'i f..;:..Hi!i:; i a r. j.rt f (!; cni;"-i- i i i t. irt-- , ;i - ..i.t.iiin -- I l.y ('!: i;ik;il uiiiily- - V,';.. t. I' S.llt JV.T lit TO FEED CO., Qu?rt ttlinburtjli Streets, WHOLESALE A KKTAIL Dealers lu HAY AM) ;itAIN, Telephone No. 175. i(jods delivered promptly. S. L. BTANLKY. oHN MfarANCK. Spruiuice, Stanley & Co., Importer and Jobber of 1 "In WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS 4lO 1'ruut St., San Franel-- . S7 tf Aw ISAAC K. HAVIh. HKNHY COWKLL DAVIS & C0WELL, MA.Vt'KAfTfKKH OK Santa Cruz Lime, ENliLlSH PORTLAND IMltUTKRSOK 1 E It, FIRE HRICK.1, KIKE CLAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM. Street, net. Clsy and Want.... toll, P. O Box 2,212. XAN Fit A N CISCO. 52 5-- f 23-1- 7 J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and 14 Pin street, Han Franclwco, Cal :i..:t, i' s;h.M,-.;;- .m :ii r.-- i 4.t'.) l.:iii.- 'il.Td rh..-i.i:..ri- .- Ac-.- 2:5.11 (.ixi-I- ..' 1 ..'! S. .'..i ! ...ii'.c A.-..- 1.:' A.,.:i s.,;. it!".!-- ' .it r: '1 n 2.7 v t. O F I. i N i V . I. S T I. I. I - II 1". i " ' ei-tl-.k- up..x i. i TN.naNri 1 .leseripti..n of property ;it t . current . ot premium. Titttl' HUM I )!.)?( m 1 -- :;. : . . (.'liiiiiis nrr.u.'; I by iii.-- . Willi promi'litil'it- - :ti:i! JidtTiility, . h. Co., : lUJAwtf Agents for th.- - Hiiwuiian - - ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVSCOL. l A. I lt. - - 'KOiUi.f.V- - . UNLIMITKD I.iA'.-.Il.n- i . I11r(, f iihii ranee l ail le!-j-i'tJi!- i 11 I1 will be t:i'-t-;l ill M.,ilei-a!- !;;il' - 1 utn, by the i:ndf-rsii;u-d- . , V M. (i. (IlWiN .t ( - Fire and Marine Insurance Co. j i 1 Xe?it!5:nl. j CAI'II U,. : iO.'0!.0( (( 2 5 ii vim; Ks'iilili!!'-.- ! " Aseuc.v "I 11 ll. .ti...liiiii. for ilip M;i;t:i;tn !!:iimN. I'.f - dtTsii;Mi'(! are prcpannl to :ic'pt risks :i,r ii'it in .iw.-iiings- . stores wureh-.u.e- and .m. I.se, on favoraiie terms. ?I.;rn.'- - n on fivishis. tiottoinry, profits and CiMuini.-.-'i-n- is losses iroiiiitly aljiixtetl A ;s n!-!?- '. -- dwtf W;M . HlWiN to. " j THOMAS LISDSAV I'llf-ltll?il- JOV.'('ir iH5 '"'"'5 ,o. l') hi reel, i, j IEoni!t:!ii. 22. I. ' i I'atlicular alien tion paid to repairing. j ,I()UN COOK, House Carpenter & uiMer? j :tl AluKest Street. Will furnish estimutes and inake o.i.ir.a for anv descriptiin of woo.l buihiii irs. j Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction j guaranteed. Charges as low us the bovest. j j TColiala. Saloon. I ,t i --is i ATTORX V. IS-AT-- 1. A CLARKXC K W. VOLNKY V ASlirOKl). ASH 1V11U. Alituril A AmIiIutiI, ATTORNEYS, tX)UNSKLI.OKS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES. ETC. Oittce Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post Otlice. 2ri7dAwtf 11ROWN, ATTOt XEY-AT-LA- AND CECIL Public, Cauipl ell's Hlock. Merchaut street M, THOMPSON. ATTORN E -L A V , And Solicitor in Chancery Oftice, Campbell's Rlock, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu. H. I. tf J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. ttHte in iiy part of tlie Kiutc Kenl Bought, Suld and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn so. a7 si:;hc'1iaxt stjiekt. Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfi-t- f WENNER & CO. . U Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Hoineuiadw Jewelry. Watches Jlrncelets, Neclilets, Tins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all klnda. Silver and Gold Plato, Elefcunt Kolil .Silver Tea Set. Suitable for Presentation. KNfiRA VINO AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in nil it- - branele. HJ- - Sole AKents for Kiug's Eye Preset vers. Metropolitan Market KI.VU STKEKT, , J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR Choicest MeatM trout Fluewl Herd, Families and shipping supplied on SHOKI NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor ouly chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrl?erat)r Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and iij GUARANTEE TO KEEP Dl.NHKK AFTP;R DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. 143-- tt JOSEPH TINKER, Family hiiiitiii Butclier, CITY MARKET, NUUANU STREIvT. All orlcrs Ironiitly atteiilel to. Telejtlioue 2S9. toth com pan I en JOSEPH TINKER wishes to inform his patrons and the public generally that he will deli tfr his noted Cambridge Sausages, Ireheverv afternoon between the hour, of 3 and 5 r- - m. CORNED BEEF and PICKLED TONOUE alwas on hand. 323tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accoun W for Ad Fertlslntr and Job Prlnil'nv 6t Paelfle Commercial ? . ertlr Office will from this date be presented for pay- - ment monthlv. Honolulu, Mai ch 2, li-M- Onus spreckela Win. O Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO.,1 BANKEKS, IIUXOI.ULU, H A W A 1 1 A N I SLA N I H, Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, nutke collections and conduct a treueral hanking and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav iut;s Department subject to published rules and resrulutio.is. TToc'Uf MACFARLANE & CO-- , ItRAI.KKN A'I F.. WllOI.KNAI.K in Wi.N'Ea and LIQUORS. 12 li an li u in a nu Street, nosoi.ru:. m-t- f M. PHILLIPS & Co., rnt Wholesale Dealers in XmMrterM Boots, Mines, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy tioods. No. 11 Kaahumami sir:--t- . Honolulu, H. I. lftf-wt- f CLACS sprkckels M. O. IKW1S. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., 4Jl'(.AK I'ACTOKS ami oiiiiii ixsion O AdkNTS. Honolulu l. I. tf H. HACKFELD & CO., COMMISSION AtiEXTS. GEXEK (jueen .t., iionoiuiu, 11.1. T. BA.VNLV8. W. MAIKTKXS. P OPFKKKKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., A Conniiiion Mercliaiil. Importers Honolulu, H. I. l-- ti W3L McCANDLESS, 'o. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BKKF, VEAL ML'TTOX, FIKII, etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, ami vegetables of all kinds supplied lo order. tf ! NOTICE T HEP.EBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND 1 after this date I will not be responsible tor anv debts contracted without the written order of "myself or wife. SAM I' FX l'AKKKK Honolulu, September 10, 18MC. :riiLH'11 W. 11. ALDPJCH, ieiieral IlHHinens Aent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store. Queen st., where he will attend to any l.usi ness entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY nri1-- r for milk resi'ectfullv soli prompt attention given to the delivery of the; arue. t E. E. Mayhew, CONTRACTOR AND RVILDER, S6 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1.. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. BOX 315. BELL TELEPHONE VI. AH work In my line faithfully done. Plans and specldcations mn'Je. JoODing in an oeinus ...o.- - al short notice. Oood work ami low r mv motto. TO PLANTERS. We have just receive. 1. by the steamer Al.A-- M EDA , a consignment of Automatic Trash Fccdiiiii; Furnaces, i Fo. four and live foot Lirnac, s.coiiip!. .. with gr:"K bars, tiearers and trash carriers. Mm bines of ti ls make are now it. successful oprratMu at Sp;e kelsville, Makee Sugar Compuny ami other plan ations. PLANTERS AND OTHEKsj Interested are requested t" call and examine the above. Eor prices and turther particuiais ap ply to Wm. Cf. Irwin & Co.. 295t ,tilll. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily P. C. Advkrtiskr, one yoar 5 00 Dailv I. C Advkktiskk, nix months 3 00 Daily P. C. Auvkktiskk, three months 1 50 DILY P. O. A OVKKTIHKH, per IllOIltll 60 Wkkkly P. C Advkktiskk, one year 5 00 F eiifii Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including Dostagej 6 J 0 Payable Invariably in Advance PAINTING ! ! AVISO SECURED THE SERVICES OF THE H celebrated California Sign Writer and Gralner, IT. GAEIOT, I mi now prepared to do all kinds of Kiu, IIuiihp ami snip ln inline, Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc., In all the LatestCaliforuia Desiaus and Styles, at California Prices. BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat- ing for the 50th birthday of His Majesty solicited. C. P. PATTERSON, TAINT EH. No. 77 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 4G2. 182j.m 22 DLL AI. GOTO, AND SURGEON. LEPROSY A 1HYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako. from S to 11 a. every day except Sunday. Will visit patient at their residence by request. All other disease treated at his oflice, corner of Punch- bowl and Beretania streets. Oftice hours from 1 to 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. in. 112apr2 Birthday Jubilee -- OF His Majesty the King To all Hawaiian subjects arul friends of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, H;s Majesty' loval subjects, contemplating with grateful hearts the continued reign in good health of our beloved Sovereign, which has been vouchsafed us under the blessings of the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap- proach of the anniversary which marks the fiftieth lar of His life an era in the life of a Kuler'which in any land is to be recog- nized among the people as a fitting occasion for marked rejoicing and festive5jubilee do nvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends of the'Nation, to join with us in a loyal and loving celebration of the :Fiftietli JBirtlidav OF HIS THE KING, -- ON THK- - 10th Day of November Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, God willing, we may all unite in demonstrations of love and .fealty to our Beloved King, PAUL P. KANOA. JNO. M. KAPENA, L. AHOLO, JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH. JNO. I,. KAULUKOU. THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV IGATION COMPANY, ilJmiteilu Keep constantlv on hand, for sale, STEAM, 1 AM1LY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. a2t ly New Photograph Kooms. OVER NICHOLS STORK. PORT STREET, the Shooting Oillerv. pictures. 1'ort-rait- s aud Views. 'irst-clas.- 4 work. Satisfactior guaranteed. 114.ip'j l ndNSU.VKS. TO LET. VT PALAMA TWO NICE COTTAGES IN RO-tel- lo Lane, for S KI and S2i1 pr month re- spectively. Inquire at liymaa Bros., Queen treet. Sot tf IhIaikI Onlern Solielle.t. 91 :f We have received a consign men t o the most Economical ai. J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. 1 1 Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and i? utter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu litive matter; this nearly U5 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oals, or ;tlH Bs. of corn, or to 7ti7 Bs. of wheat bran. For Seile in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED Hi ED, as well as our csiial supply of the best kluds o ! liny, Ortts, li-it- or.i, lite., i:te. rAllSTK fc CO. is tf John F. Colhiirn, Importer and Dealer lu Jrlfty aiad. Grain? Corner Kins and Maunakea Streets. Ci(oods delivered promptly. Mutual telephone :tS7. 113 tf TELEPHONE 5f FfNTEEPRISfp Ha TT lYIYI AT IT T. 3 n 1 JiAilJlilU !LA1AJ, AlttUen. near liieen St. 21 -- If To the iPublic. iTIie Pacific Transfer Co., Oflice vvitli C. K. Miller, 4- - Merchant street. Hell Telephone :i77. Mutual Telephone 3UL I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayag-e- banlmii or moving work, ail of wnich I will guai- - a!.,.. l0 ,.XeclU(1 fHitbfuUv. :,H , v S. F ifllAHAM, urietor. 1 J. LYONS, .rYnctioneer AI) Genoral Commission Merchant Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu 1 Furniture. Stoek, Real Estate Sale (Jeneral M ercuandise properly attended to. Sole Aeitt lor ATperican & European Mcrcbacdise. 191-t- f T. H . S OjL E R , Successor to J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS fc NEWS DEALERS, Hairaiinn Gctar.tte Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. :.- -. tf JOSHUA HENDY acl'iirie Works 'o. to ."il I'remont Street. SAN PIIANCIM O. Manuf.ti t ur.-r- s of N 'W and dealer in Second-haii- d Roiles. Eiiirines and Machinery Of l.v. ry Deseription. Ihu e constantly in stock New and Secoiid-haii- d i W OT)-W- f HIKINC; MACHINERY, MACHINISTS- - TOOLS. t fP.lllO ATING AND PU.MPING MACHINERY PIPING. PIPE-FITTING- ETC. i j i Cata'.isc lies and price lists forwarded api 'd - 4 cation. f- - .'3-l- y i i t'-'- I..v X'aivt- Mnti'jii , s;n perinr to any oi Ales, Vines aiiii Liiiimrs,,. Orders Jlccnrtd rdt have rrompt ,uuJ dtrcr.d Attention. Ys G. Irwin t: Co., Ag.-iit- or it.'' Hawaiian Ilniids tf G UAH AM PAPER COMPANY, : . 3. 1 i . i . M .10 Ufa- - ture an-- l i:i'l'-- all kl!l.l: tit mill !.;i? I l!i;.'ri. i;iii.!erH" li:rf'. up.-ii'KN- T a;!-:n- t Ur I,il":-,.- r Sir.'.'t. ""-- " AN ;i:vNr!st'a ?i J."S:o..'i.;l ft'lvell t J : r:: ei on) riM-fx- . r.s tt.few 9. k . . . V i l tI r A liV IV liMl I'lliol 1 ? v." Mi (Mi iii r i'.'.'a'.' and i .v ar-- l Si rev ts. sx i i; X; -r ' A I.i F( WIN 1 A w n rxVI()1. t .Ji).. .M'lnlll-- : Sup. i intmdi'nt )V!l.!i:i;s OK Si'l.AM M At'll IXI-'.RY- , IN I a;l -- Inimical, Land Kxi,,,--- , l!u;b-i- i!i.;U l'nssuic or ( 1:1 im i! i ml . si'i:M Vi- ssrl s. ,.r ;, kinds, built complete with llniNi.r W'o' d. 1 1'iu V I oinposilc. oKC'f.VA i: K X( ; I N I :s coini'ounded w lien ad- - vivii.i... STEAM l.U Ni Ill'.S. H ii'-'- -s iitid Steam Tints c.in: : t uilli ! lii'i'iii-- in the trade in u hi.'li lli".v nr.' M In- - inn- - ii:ut' and ora.t or wa ! r y naran ti SUCAI: MILLS AND s I ; A AKI N( f MA-- ( !IINi:i:V inad"' aff r tb- nn.st aprov-- pian-- . AN'i, a.'i I'.i'ia r Iron Work ' tin in'i'ted ti.i'i-i-witli- VA ' l: I'lIM-:- , of ll .i!. r Irini.iif any f.y.f. made lu jsiiitabif ior connecting t -- .. th-- r, or sin-- , is U..lled. I'linched ami l'a.-:..-"- l'".r -- inpni, nt. - ady t.) be I lvcted on (in- --;i lid. ji y I 'Ll I ' !:l VKTIMi, Itoiier Work ami V.ai.r lijn- m.id.' hy ibis establish nient, hivi-tr- by d I a i.iic i;ie!imr Machinery, that ouaii'.y (d wmk being far superior to hand : : ... SHIP '( ) : IC. j' M.'l S'.-'t- Capstan.-i- Steam Wineies. Air and ( '. reu la ; itu,' Pumps, made aft"T the n:-e- aj'priA-e- '!aiis. sol;!V'v ra IM'Ml'S I'li-e-l ."-:in- ' I'un. (:s, f,,r Irrigation or l ".'. t.'ireot-s- hnilt with The cell Ki.'.m .No. nji-tair- s. spreekels Kloi k. ;Au'enl t.r Hawaiian IsiatniS ) L'J.."-':')-- l v.l.'.v J SIl ESOViCH lV CO., .. ,, ' "'" u boles;,;.- - Healers in j i'oi c: and I met:e n: ,;s. jjreeii ami drie.t: . m,i n ;ihn :i "I- - el I "ei. ca : d ( 'oeoa na t . Itanan.is. I ..,. s. fin- - A pph-s- si"-il- la nmns. Tahiti ora!.--e- s and nuti, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and m i n . l i.; I'nekiiii.' J i n t for export a specialty. I.mn' ex- - p.-r:- . life i:i mp;"ii.s 1" hina, V us.rViia. M".ico, otial Am-r:--- a. li isl'-- t n states, et-'- . ropieal s or:, d hie- t ov every st.a nn-r.- . . 1". O. box lisS. ip.i-.it.- Post ."!. str.--- IT ' r. - i N l i: A N( ' t I . j h? l l i S s -- 13 j hi L y U if no. r si ki:s:t. ;ori w::.b r co.vf .m.. J m v3i JL Zrf.lJL : KV .5 a. M. Til l. 1.1 !'. M l r.i, (Ii WlT'r Ji, Li.M.1 .11 ',S.K. t 'i'i.cc. or :;i:s r i;i:. nds a. i.l Eat.ey lHi;Si- - rvi'ml',. selected from the :!..:.'.:.. tur.-r-.- . a;, i i. I.are Variety he-- r ir.u.nv I. i. ; ! I.I A i I w .'.! lind an Eb--a- t li:i"HW;-- I:ll!t ai b, v a ii a 0 i ; om fi- - it-.,- .:s. ! -s ; r ...;.!.! t.e pi. ..ed Lo receive a call i i:. fi ' iiel Li- - Public i . ::ia.v desire a 1.5 N A NMltSii:. OK A JA! i; OF I: S I.I.I A II 1S. II . J. N0LTE Atceuts for Klrhy'a fcmita Cru Taunrl. HarneMS and all other kinds of leather. 15se8 IV H. H. KI.I.1S. J. W. MILLLtt. ELLIS&MILLEK Wholesale and Commission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 HPKAR STREET, Between Market and Mission. HAN FRANCISCO Solleltetl. 42:Moc2-l- r Wliitticr, Fuller & Co., .Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACIFIC IlUIi B EH PA1X1, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW OLA KM and AR- TISTS MATERIA IX, 2123 Front St., i i Nnu i'raiif lcu y C. MAIN. E. II. WINCHESTER. Main & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importers of Ilariie, Sadtllew, Urlillew, lili, COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. Nos. 214, 216, 218 snd 220 battery Street. Sau Irancivco. Illustrated catalogue sent on application. 101 uicHV PllOVIDESCE ItlVEIt BRAND OF Cove Oysters Are guaranteed to he of the BEST quality. Our " POPULAR " brand of 11 SIliA f tLF are not excelled. FAIT & AVINEHRKNNER, I'ackkhs, lialtimore, Mil. C. . YOUNO, Agent, 25 Ilavln Street. Kan PranciHCO, Cal. Vrio'M MANHOOD W4 f RESTORED Th fhnt Thoutands eannot att cured cf SEMISAL WEARS ESS. LOSS Or UAS-1I00- and the result cf abuse, ditw. or tree, it awing lo a complication called P HOST A TOR RHEA. DR. LIEIiin'S jyVIOORATOR it the OXL Ycure for PROS TATORRHEA. Price. 52.00 per package, 6 paetaijet, f 10 00. Guide to Health and Serf-Anai- tt tent free. Addreu LIE-M- W DISPE.VSARrorDwa.te of He. 400 Geary St., San f'rancxtco. Cat. lo:-t- Dodge, Sweeney & Co., Sau Franeliro, C'al. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, and all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR IJbliy, JlcXeill A Ubnjr'w Fnnneil Neat. II. M. IuieeN (Ertjfle llmnd) Flilrjje IlaniH. Henry YcrliRKe't ( nnurd Vienna and Ham Sauwafce, Anil . V Ilnme'M Fla" Hrnnl ol Fanned Salmon. V i tuch'n 07 G. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Ship Chandlery, 39 and to Market St,, San Fraur ineo. Agent for Taunt'n .Shealhlinf M tal Manufactur- ing Company. !2H Itt'l ly WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Imprirters of "Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 1'i Ileale Street. San Franeleo. Employment Office. rfllK UNDERSIGNED Has MOVED INTO the otlice of Mr. J. E. U isemn, wnere he witlt tip nreuared to furnish household servants. coliect biils, do A mflo-Chlnes- e interpretinif, nd (Ceoeral bus-ness- MIYuNH. LEY I STKAUSS & CO., 14 and r. Pattery .treet, an Francico Ct!. Importers of Foreltru and Iiomesttc liryiroods, Hosiery, Ladles and Gent'9 Furnlshlnif Goods. o!e Proprietors and Manufacturers of thecele-harte- d PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING. 479 Jan26 i't ALWAYS )N HANK. Taney 1rial-.- s of ery ieseriit ion -- i" ll . II , Webb, i d.fcwly I'l iilirictor. ... iallill liii!Oiil!l!C 1 W Ul'KS. 1 .l'.r:itel Table Waters. j OlViLK ALL. LEMONADE, j ORKNADINE. PL !N SoDA. i Ats:iit-- I v I'nre.' As supplied hi the principal t' ii'ii lies i n I lulu, and exclusively to 11. r Britaiit.-i- ?! oestyV vt'ssi'ls of war. ' W S. LUCE, WINE ami SPIIIIT MEilCHANT. ; niiiplii'Il lllocL. Tereliaiit N ' lli.s jut ree.-lve.- ini v. ei ;, "..r .lie I.i.,;.. Wl.i-ki- " s in e .. ; (). Ac o.S. S. KENTrCKY WHISKY,; c. v'. sttadt K!:.irci:Y WHISK Y, McKENNWS Kl'.NTrCKY WHI-K- Y .MAI.TKD RYE V.'HISKY. Aii'l in ImiIL. 'iH.H Ci:oV WHISK Y. " 1 1 1 .1 J Ai IT At i " winsi; v, "NF.W IK MM; " WHISKY, r.Ki. All: " WHISKY. , Sot-.-ia- l ii!t.'i-;- ii .M.,'.!i to N M'.f.l.f FIN ! I' OLD 1T!;I. (. All I'o I '. N i A LUAN I'V. t-J- Pnl! I:ee ,,f the best i.r.'iiids f h mri'-i!- ". liraodies. Whiskies, ete.. always on hand. ! v- 3 'a I i i S '' '" ':"'m''y.T' w""''' r' ':' !" . - T'' '" ." ' ;',''.' At'X- ' ."Hi ."pjC .

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Page 1: ol - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38324/1/1886110101.pdf · i i-5 ft LW4tff9 H OHM 1 I I I R I VOL. V. NO. 259. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY,


- 5

ft 9 H OHM

LW4tff 1 I I I R I


--AdvtrUsenirnts.- i : '. vo.cn

Qim fp": fpinTHE DAILY

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every 3Ioriiiiig Except Sundays.

ol jiAii..'i i..' uii !; 1 arc now pivetici to re

c. i . r h.r ;!,,-- - (.'. K Li a:...! rTiilizi---lr. j,i t'.it- m:uiti!:u-t..r- u!' Luck A OLlur.'itS.i i. 1'i ,i l:ci-c- i.

'i f..;:..Hi!i:; i a r. j.rt f (!; cni;"-i- ii i t. irt-- , ;i - ..i.t.iiin -- I l.y ('!: i;ik;il uiiiily- -

V,';.. t. I' S.llt JV.T lit


Qu?rt ttlinburtjli Streets,


Dealers lu

HAY AM) ;itAIN,Telephone No. 175.

i(jods delivered promptly.


Spruiuice, Stanley & Co.,Importer and Jobber of 1"In


4lO 1'ruut St., San Franel-- .

S7 tf A w




CLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM. Street, net. Clsy and Want.... toll,

P. O Box 2,212. XAN Fit A N CISCO.52 5-- f 23-1- 7




12 and 14 Pin street, Han Franclwco, Cal

:i..:t, i'

s;h.M,-.;;- .m :ii r.-- i 4.t'.)l.:iii.- 'il.Tdrh..-i.i:..ri- .- Ac-.- 2:5.11(.ixi-I- ..' 1 ..'! S.

.'..i ! ...ii'.c A.-..- 1.:'A.,.:i s.,;.

it!".!-- '

. i t r: '1 n 2.7 v t.

O F I. i N i V .

I. S T I. I. I - II 1". i " '

ei-tl-.k- up..x i. iTN.naNri1 .leseripti..n of property ;it t . current .

ot premium.

Titttl' HUM I)!.)?( m 1 -- :;. : . .

(.'liiiiiis nrr.u.'; I by iii.-- .

Willi promi'litil'it- - :ti:i! JidtTiility,.

h. Co., :

lUJAwtf Agents for th.- - Hiiwuiian- -



l A. I lt. - - 'KOiUi.f.V- -

.UNLIMITKD I.iA'.-.Il.n- i .

I11r(, f iihii ranee l ail le!-j-i'tJi!- i 11

I1 will be t:i'-t-;l ill M.,ilei-a!- !;;il' - 1

utn, by the i:ndf-rsii;u-d- .,

V M . (i. (IlWiN .t ( -

Fire and Marine Insurance Co. j


1 Xe?it!5:nl.j

CAI'II U,. : iO.'0!.0( ((

2 5 ii vim; Ks'iilili!!'-.- ! " Aseuc.v "I11 ll..ti...liiiii. for ilip M;i;t:i;tn !!:iimN. I'.f -

dtTsii;Mi'(! are prcpannl to :ic'pt risks :i,r ii'itin .iw.-iiings- . stores wureh-.u.e- and .m. I.se,on favoraiie terms. ?I.;rn.'- - n onfivishis. tiottoinry, profits and CiMuini.-.-'i-n- is

losses iroiiiitly aljiixtetl A ;s n!-!?- '.

-- dwtf W;M . HlWiN to." j

THOMAS LISDSAVI'llf-ltll?il- JOV.'('iriH5 '"'"'5

,o. l') hi reel, i,j

IEoni!t:!ii. 22. I. '


I'atlicular alien tion paid to repairing.j


House Carpenter & uiMer?j

:tl AluKest Street.Will furnish estimutes and inake o.i.ir.a foranv descriptiin of woo.l buihiii irs.


Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction j


Charges as low us the bovest.



TColiala. Saloon.



--is i



Alituril A AmIiIutiI,


Oittce Honolulu Hale, adjoining the PostOtlice. 2ri7dAwtf

11ROWN, ATTOt XEY-AT-LA- ANDCECIL Public, Cauipl ell's Hlock. Merchautstreet



And Solicitor in Chancery Oftice, Campbell'sRlock, second story, rooms 8 and . Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu. H. I. tf




ttHte in iiy part of tlie KiutcKenl Bought, Suld and Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

so. a7 si:;hc'1iaxt stjiekt.Gazette Block, Honolulu. lfi-t- f

WENNER & CO. .U Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HoineuiadwJewelry.

Watches Jlrncelets, Neclilets,Tins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all klnda.

Silver and Gold Plato,Elefcunt Kolil .Silver Tea Set.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in nil it- - branele.HJ-- Sole AKents for Kiug's Eye Preset vers.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest MeatM trout Fluewl Herd,

Families and shipping supplied on SHOKI

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thorouly chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrl?erat)rMeat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and iij GUARANTEE TO KEEP Dl.NHKKAFTP;R DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. 143-- tt


Family hiiiitiii Butclier,



All orlcrs Ironiitly atteiilel to.Telejtlioue 2S9. toth com pan I en

JOSEPH TINKER wishes to inform his patronsand the public generally that he will deli tfr hisnoted

Cambridge Sausages,

Ireheverv afternoon between the hour, of 3

and 5 r- - m. CORNED BEEF and PICKLEDTONOUE alwas on hand. 323tf


All accoun W for Ad Fertlslntr and Job Prlnil'nv6t

Paelfle Commercial ? . ertlrOffice will from this date be presented for pay- -

ment monthlv.Honolulu, Mai ch 2, li-M-

Onus spreckela Win. O Irwin.




Draw Exchange on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, nutkecollections and conduct a treueral hanking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received in their Saviut;s Department subject to published rules andresrulutio.is. TToc'Uf



12 li an li u in a n u Street,nosoi.ru:. m-t- f

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,rnt Wholesale Dealers inXmMrterMBoots, Mines, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy tioods. No. 11 Kaahumami sir:--t- .

Honolulu, H. I. lftf-wt- f

CLACS sprkckels M. O. IKW1S.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,4Jl'(.AK I'ACTOKS ami oiiiiii ixsionO AdkNTS. Honolulu l. I. tf

H. HACKFELD & CO.,COMMISSION AtiEXTS.GEXEK (jueen .t., iionoiuiu, 11.1.


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,A Conniiiion Mercliaiil.Importers Honolulu, H. I. l-- ti

W3L McCANDLESS,'o. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BKKF, VEALML'TTOX, FIKII, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, ami vegetables of all kinds supplied loorder. tf


NOTICET HEP.EBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND1 after this date I will not be responsible tor

anv debts contracted without the written orderof "myself or wife. SAM I' FX l'AKKKK

Honolulu, September 10, 18MC. :riiLH'11

W. 11. ALDPJCH,ieiieral IlHHinens Aent,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store. Queen st.,where he will attend to any l.usi ness entrustedto his care.


nri1-- r for milk resi'ectfullv soliprompt attention given to the delivery of the;arue. t


S6 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1..

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


AH work In my line faithfully done. Plans andspecldcations mn'Je. JoODing in an oeinus ...o.- -

al short notice. Oood work ami low rmv motto.


We have just receive. 1. by the steamer Al.A-- M

EDA , a consignment of

Automatic Trash Fccdiiiii;Furnaces,


Fo. four and live foot Lirnac, s.coiiip!. .. withgr:"K bars, tiearers and trash carriers. Mm binesof ti ls make are now it. successful oprratMu atSp;e kelsville, Makee Sugar Compuny ami otherplan ations.

PLANTERS AND OTHEKsjInterested are requested t" call and examine theabove. Eor prices and turther particuiais apply to

Wm. Cf. Irwin & Co..295t ,tilll.


Daily P. C. Advkrtiskr, one yoar 5 00Dailv I. C Advkktiskk, nix months 3 00Daily P. C. Auvkktiskk, three months 1 50DILY P. O. A OVKKTIHKH, per IllOIltll 60Wkkkly P. C Advkktiskk, one year 5 00F eiifii Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including

Dostagej 6 J 0

Payable Invariably in Advance


AVISO SECURED THE SERVICES OF THEH celebrated California Sign Writer andGralner,

IT. GAEIOT,I mi now prepared to do all kinds of

Kiu, IIuiihp ami snip ln inline,Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc.,

In all the LatestCaliforuia Desiaus and Styles, atCalifornia Prices.


Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat-ing for the 50th birthday of His

Majesty solicited.


No. 77 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 4G2.

182j.m 22


1HYSICIAN Office hours at Kakaako. fromS to 11 a. every day except Sunday. Will visitpatient at their residence by request. All otherdisease treated at his oflice, corner of Punch-bowl and Beretania streets. Oftice hours from 1

to 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. in. 112apr2

Birthday Jubilee--OF

His Majesty the King

To all Hawaiian subjects arul friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, H;sMajesty' loval subjects, contemplating withgrateful hearts the continued reign in goodhealth of our beloved Sovereign, which hasbeen vouchsafed us under the blessings of

the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which marks thefiftieth lar of His life an era in the life ofa Kuler'which in any land is to be recog-nized among the people as a fitting occasionfor marked rejoicing and festive5jubilee donvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends

of the'Nation, to join with us in a loyal andloving celebration of the

:Fiftietli JBirtlidavOF


--ON THK- -

10th Day of November

Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, Godwilling, we may all unite in demonstrationsof love and .fealty to our Beloved King,




ilJmiteiluKeep constantlv on hand, for sale, STEAM,1 AM1LY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. a2t ly

New Photograph Kooms.

OVER NICHOLS STORK. PORT STREET,the Shooting Oillerv. pictures. 1'ort-rait- s

aud Views. 'irst-clas.- 4 work. Satisfactiorguaranteed. 114.ip'j l ndNSU.VKS.


Lane, for S KI and S2i1 pr month re-spectively. Inquire at liymaa Bros., Queentreet. Sot tf

IhIaikI Onlern Solielle.t.

91 :f

We have received a consign men t o the mostEconomical ai. J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.1 1 Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

i? utter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nulitive matter; this nearly U5 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal is equal to 300 Bs. of oals,or ;tlH Bs. of corn, or to 7ti7 Bs. of wheat bran.

For Seile in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED Hi ED, as well as

our csiial supply of the best kluds o!

liny, Ortts, li-it- or.i, lite., i:te.

rAllSTK fc CO.is tf

John F. Colhiirn,Importer and Dealer lu

Jrlfty aiad. Grain?Corner Kins and Maunakea Streets.

Ci(oods delivered promptly.Mutual telephone :tS7. 113 tf



AlttUen. near liieen St.21 -- If

To the iPublic.

iTIie Pacific Transfer Co.,Oflice vvitli C. K. Miller, 4- - Merchant street.

Hell Telephone :i77. Mutual Telephone 3UL

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayag-e-banlmii or moving work, ail of wnich I will guai- -

a!.,.. l0 ,.XeclU(1 fHitbfuUv.:,H , v S. F ifllAHAM, urietor.




Genoral Commission MerchantMasonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

1 Furniture. Stoek, Real EstateSale (Jeneral M ercuandise properly attended to.

Sole Aeitt lorATperican & European Mcrcbacdise.

191-t- f

T. H . S OjL E R ,Successor to

J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hairaiinn Gctar.tte Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I.:.-

-. tf


acl'iirie Works'o. to ."il I'remont Street.


Manuf.ti t ur.-r- s of N 'W and dealer in Second-haii- d

Roiles. Eiiirines and Machinery

Of l.v. ry Deseription.

Ihu e constantly in stock New and Secoiid-haii- d i





i Cata'.isc lies and price lists forwarded api 'd -4 cation. f- - .'3-l- y

i i t'-'- I..v X'aivt- Mnti'jii , s;n perinr to anyoi Ales, Vines aiiii Liiiimrs,,.

Orders Jlccnrtd rdt have rrompt,uuJ dtrcr.d Attention.

Ys G. Irwin t: Co.,Ag.-iit- or it.'' Hawaiian Ilniids



: . 3. 1 i . i .

M .10 Ufa- - ture an-- l i:i'l'-- all kl!l.l: tit

mill !.;i? I l!i;.'ri.i;iii.!erH" li:rf'.

up.-ii'KN- T a;!-:n- t

Ur I,il":-,.- r Sir.'.'t.""-- " AN ;i:vNr!st'a

?i J."S:o..'i.;l ft'lvell t

J : r:: e i on) riM-fx-. r.s tt.few

9. k . . . V i l t I r A

liV IV liMl I'lliol 1 ? v." Mi

(Mi iii r i'.'.'a'.' and i .v ar-- l Si rev ts.

sx i i; X; -r ' A I.i F( WIN 1 A

w n rxVI()1. t

.Ji).. .M'lnlll-- : Sup. i intmdi'nt

)V!l.!i:i;s OK Si'l.AM M At'll IXI-'.RY- , INI a;l -- Inimical,

Land Kxi,,,--- , l!u;b-i- i!i.;U l'nssuic or( 1:1 im i! i ml .

si'i:M Vi- ssrl s. ,.r ;, kinds, built completewith llniNi.r W'o' d. 1 1'iu V I oinposilc.

oKC'f.VA i: K X( ; I N I :s coini'ounded w lien ad- -

vivii.i...STEAM l.U Ni Ill'.S. H ii'-'- -s iitid Steam Tints

c.in: : t uilli ! lii'i'iii-- in the trade inu hi.'li lli".v nr.' M In- - inn- -

ii:ut' and ora.t or wa ! r y naran ti

SUCAI: MILLS AND s I ; A A K I N( f MA-- (

!IINi:i:V inad"' aff r tb- nn.st aprov--pian-- . AN'i, a.'i I'.i'ia r Iron Work ' tin in'i'tedti.i'i-i-witli-

VA ' l: I'lIM-:- , of ll .i!. r Irini.iif anyf.y.f. made lu jsiiitabif ior connectingt --.. th-- r, or sin-- , is U..lled. I'linched amil'a.-:..-"- l'".r -- inpni, nt. - ady t.) be I lvcted on(in- --;i lid.

ji y I 'Ll I ' !:l VKTIMi, Itoiier Work amiV.ai.r lijn- m.id.' hy ibis establish nient,hivi-tr- by d I a i.iic i;ie!imr Machinery,that ouaii'.y (d wmk being far superior tohand : : ...

SHIP '( ) : IC. j' M.'l S'.-'t- Capstan.-i- SteamWineies. Air and ( '. reu la ; itu,' Pumps, madeaft"T the n:-e- aj'priA-e- '!aiis.

sol;!V'v ra

IM'Ml'S I'li-e-l ."-:in- ' I'un. (:s, f,,r Irrigation orl ".'. t.'ireot-s- hnilt with The cell

Ki.'.m .No. nji-tair- s. spreekels Kloi k.;Au'enl t.r Hawaiian IsiatniS )

L'J.."-':')-- l v.l.'.v

J SIl ESOViCH lV CO.,.. ,,' "'" u boles;,;.- - Healers in j

i'oi c: and I met:e n: ,;s. jjreeii ami drie.t: .

m,i n ;ihn :i "I- - el I "ei. ca : d ( 'oeoa n a t . Itanan.is.I ..,. s. fin- - A pph-s- si"-il- la nmns. Tahitiora!.--e- s and nuti, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand m i n . l i.;

I'nekiiii.' J i n t for export a specialty. I.mn' ex- -p.-r:- . life i:i mp;"ii.s 1" hina, V us.rViia. M".ico,

otial Am-r:--- a. li isl'-- t n states, et-'- . ropieals or:, d hie- t ov every st.a nn-r.- .

. 1". O. box lisS.

ip.i-.it.- Post."!. str.---

IT ' r. - i N l i: A N( ' t I . j

h? l l i S s -- 1 3 j hi L y U ifno. r si ki:s:t.

;ori w::.b r co.vf

.m.. J m v3i JL Zrf.lJL

: KV .5 a. M. Til l. 1.1 !'. M

l r.i, (Ii WlT'r Ji, Li.M.1 .11 ',S.K.

t 'i'i.cc.or :;i:s r i;i:. nds

a. i.l Eat.ey lHi;Si- - rvi'ml',. selected from

the :!..:.'.:.. tur.-r-.- . a;, i i. I.are Variety

he-- r ir.u.nv

I. i. ; ! I.I A i I w .'.! lind an Eb--a- t

li:i"HW;-- I:ll!t a i b,

v a ii a 0 i ;

om fi- - it-.,- .:s. !

-s ; r ...;.!.! t.e pi. ..ed Lo receive a call i

i:. fi ' iiel Li- - Public i

. ::ia.v desire a

1.5 N A NMltSii:. OK A JA! i; OFI: S I.I.I A II 1S.


Atceuts for Klrhy'a fcmita Cru Taunrl.HarneMS and all other kinds of leather.

15se8 IV

H. H. KI.I.1S. J. W. MILLLtt.

ELLIS&MILLEKWholesale and Commission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 HPKAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission. HAN FRANCISCOSolleltetl. 42:Moc2-l- r

Wliitticr, Fuller & Co.,.Manufacturers of



2123 Front St., i i Nnu i'raiif lcuy


Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers of

Ilariie, Sadtllew, Urlillew, lili,COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

Nos. 214, 216, 218 snd 220 battery Street. SauIrancivco. Illustrated catalogue sent

on application. 101 uicHV


Cove OystersAre guaranteed to he of the BEST quality.

Our " POPULAR " brand of 11 SIliA f tLFare not excelled.

FAIT & AVINEHRKNNER, I'ackkhs,lialtimore, Mil.

C. . YOUNO, Agent, 25 Ilavln Street. KanPranciHCO, Cal. Vrio'M


Th fhnt Thoutands eannot att cured cfSEMISAL WEARS ESS. LOSS Or UAS-1I00-

and the result cf abuse, ditw. or tree,it awing lo a complication called PHOST A TORRHEA. DR. LIEIiin'S jyVIOORATOR itthe OXL Ycure for PROS TATORRHEA. Price.52.00 per package, 6 paetaijet, f 10 00. Guide toHealth and Serf-Anai- tt tent free. Addreu LIE-M- W

DISPE.VSARrorDwa.te of He.400 Geary St., San f'rancxtco. Cat.


Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,Sau Franeliro, C'al.

Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, andall kinds of provisions.


IJbliy, JlcXeill A Ubnjr'w FnnneilNeat.

II. M. IuieeN (Ertjfle llmnd) FlilrjjeIlaniH.

Henry YcrliRKe't ( nnurd Vienna andHam Sauwafce,

Anil . V Ilnme'M Fla" Hrnnl olFanned Salmon. V i tuch'n 07

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery,39 and to Market St,, San Fraur ineo.Agent for Taunt'n .Shealhlinf M tal Manufactur-

ing Company. !2H Itt'l ly



16 to 1'i Ileale Street. San Franeleo.

Employment Office.

rfllK UNDERSIGNED Has MOVED INTOthe otlice of Mr. J. E. U isemn, wnere he

witlt tip nreuared to furnish household servants.coliect biils, do A mflo-Chlnes- e interpretinif, nd(Ceoeral bus-ness- MIYuNH.

LEY I STKAUSS & CO.,14 and r. Pattery .treet, an Francico Ct!.

Importers of Foreltru and Iiomesttc liryiroods,Hosiery, Ladles and Gent'9 Furnlshlnif Goods.

o!e Proprietors and Manufacturers of thecele-harte- d



Taney 1rial-.- s of ery ieseriit ion-- i"

ll . II , Webb, i

d.fcwly I'l iilirictor.

...iallill liii!Oiil!l!C


W Ul'KS.1

.l'.r:itel Table Waters. j



Ats:iit-- I v I'nre.'

As supplied hi the principal t' ii'ii lies i n I

lulu, and exclusively to 11. r Britaiit.-i- ?! oestyVvt'ssi'ls of war. '


niiiplii'Il lllocL. Tereliaiit N'

lli.s jut ree.-lve.- ini v. ei ;, "..r .lie I.i.,;..Wl.i-ki- " s in e .. ;

(). Ac o.S. S. KENTrCKY WHISKY,;

c. v'. sttadt K!:.irci:YWHISK Y,



Aii'l in ImiIL.

'iH.H Ci:oV WHISK Y.

" 1 1 1 .1 J Ai IT At i " winsi; v,


r.Ki. All: " WHISKY.

, Sot-.-ia- l ii!t.'i-;- ii .M.,'.!i to N M'.f.l.fFIN ! I' OLD 1T!;I. (. All I'o I '. N i A LUAN I'V.

t-J- Pnl! I:ee ,,f the best i.r.'iiids f h mri'-i!- ".

liraodies. Whiskies, ete.. always on hand.!






'' '" ':"'m''y.T' w""''' r' ':' !" .- T'' '" ."

' ;',''.' At'X-' ."Hi ."pjC


Page 2: ol - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38324/1/1886110101.pdf · i i-5 ft LW4tff9 H OHM 1 I I I R I VOL. V. NO. 259. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY,




Saturday, October 30th. !

I . Malo, Keliihapa, Kekins, Welehu, j

Annie (w) and Lean Cn each forfeited j

$( for drunkenness. !


T tsssui

C I G-- A IiBuy Them! Smoke Them! Enjoy Them!

Tbey are a perfect luxury and a preventative of sickness. Buy thtin m you oau 3orJdollar's worth, by the box, or even a thousand at a time. It Is savin money.

ENGELBltECHT, SON & CO.,yi a ii ii

21 First Street, Snii lrancisco, Cal.10.' liich'J9





lie it Enacted by the Kinj and the Ltyhlativc Assembly of the

Hawaiian Islands in the Legislature of the Kingdom Assembled:

Section 1. All labor ou Sunday is forbidden, exceptingworks of necessity or mercy, in which are included all laborthat is needful for the good order, health, comfort or safetyof the community, or for the protection of property fromunforseen disaster, or danger of destruction or. injury, orwhich may be required for the prosecution of or attendanceupon religious worship, or for the furnishing of opportunitiesof reading or study. Provided, however, that on Sundayuntil nine o'clock in the morning, barber shops may be keptopen and fresh meat and fresh tisli may be sold and deliv-

ered; that until nine o'clock in the morning and after threeo'clock in the afternoon, milk may be delivered and cattle,sheep and swine may bo .slaughtered; that during the entireday meals may be sold to be eaten on the premises wheresold or served elsewhere by caterers, drugs, medicines andsurgical appliances may be sold, personal baggage maybeconveyed to and from vessels leaving and arriving at port on

that day, that the railroads may on Sunday carry, passengersto connect with the steamers and public carriages, horsecars and licensed shoreboats may convey passengers for hire,and that all labor which may be lawfully performed on Sun-

day shall be conducted, as far as. possible, so as not to inter-

fere with the right of the community and of each individualto quiet and repose.

Section 2. All" public amuements, sports, shows andgames on Sunday are hereby forbidden, and no one shall so

prosecute or take part in any recreation, amusement, sport orgame not of a public character, on Sunday, in such a manneras to interfere with the right of the community and of eachindividual to quiet and repose.

Section 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of

the first or second sections of this Act, .shall, on conviction,

be fined not over fifty dollars or be imprisoned not overthirty days.

Section 4. Xo person sh?.ll serve or execute any civil

process on Sunday, and any such service or execution shallbe void.

Section o. Sunday within the meaning of the provisionsof this Act, is the first day of the week and includes thetime between the midnight preceding and the midnight fol-

lowing the same day.

Section 6. Section two, three, four, five and six of

Chapter 35 of the Penal Code arc hereby repealed.

Approved this 15 day of October A. L. 1SS0.



Millinery and--to


The Popular Millinery House,

Martinlh s ii absolutely pure.

Mr. C. J. Fish el returned lv the Aia- -

n.eda with a large Mock r,f new goods.

Martir.elli's ih-r the hot and pure.-- t


The Alameda brought i'J bags wf mailfor the I'oit Office.

The Y. M. C. A. bookkeeping du-- s meetsa 7 o'clock this evening.

Read advertisement ol Martinelli'scider.

The Alameda brought the new, of thedeath of Mrs. S. Magnirn.

The Mararoa arrived at Sydney October2 th.

The Kiriau leaves for the Volcano at 4

o'clock this afternoon.The hearing of evidence in the Admir-

alty case will be continued to-da-

The brig Claus Spreckel.-- . sailed forFrancisco yesterday with a mail.

Fifty tons of fireworks arrived by theAlameda for the birthday festivities.

The book of the season. The Ho.nomlsAlma.nac am Dikectokv yon 1"W. Price,

50 cents.Captain Oeo. II Luce. Tax Collector, ha

an important notice in our Authority'column.

Tuesday, the l:th instant, being the an-

niversary of His Majesty's birthday, will

be observed as a national holiday.Val P.latz Milwaukee lager beer is the

finest in the market, l'.ottled expresslyfor this climate.

Purser J. B. button of the Alameda hasthe thanks of the Advertiser for a file oflate papers.

Miss Swanzy, a sister of Mr. r . M.Swanzy, of Theo. II. Da vies it Co., was apassenger by the Alameda.

"As a true tonic, effective invigoratorand genuine appetizer, Imffy's MaltWhisky is unexcelled." J

Undressed kid gloves, ladies' underwearpink, white, cream and blue cashmere justreceived by last steamer, at C J. Fishel's.

The steamer Wilmington arrived in SanFrancisco October 14th, twelve days fromHonolulu.

The brig W. O. Irwin left Sn Francisco,October 17th "for this port, with an as-

sorted cargo valued at $17,0o0.

R. J. Agington, the roller skater, was athrough passenger by the Alameda forSydney.

i- -s Julia Judd, daughter of the Hon.C. H.Judd, returned to her island homeby the Alameda.

The young Princes and Mrs. Governorlaukea will come by the Zealandia on the17th inst.

Mr. Edward Iluttou, of the HonoluluIron Works, returned by the Alamedamuch improved in health.

Dr. E. Pratt, Bellefontaine, Ohio, writes:"I am well pleased with your Duffy's PureMalt Whisky, and will use it exclusively inmy practice."

Mr. L. Cabot, a civil engineer, was apassenger by the Alameda, and is theguest of the Hon. S. O. Wilder, at his resi-

dence, Eskbank.On Friday last the wife of J. 0. Howie

gave, birth to a daughter, at HonoluaRanch, Maui. This is the first white childborn in the district of Kaanapali. -

The October term of the Supreme Courthas adjourned sine die, all matters on thecalendar not otherwise disposed of beingcontinued until the January term.

J. P. Peterson, charged with embezzle-ment, and Alin, charged with perjury,have been discharged from custody, as theAttorney General declines to prosecute.

The harkentine Mary Winkelman sailedfrom San Francisco, October 22d, forHonolulu, with a cargo of merchandisevalued at 2',S49.

The llev. Geo. Wallace preached an elo-

quent sermon at St. Andrew's Cathedral,Sunday morning, on the Festival of AllSaints.

Tom Cannon, a champion wrestler, wasa through passenger by the Alameda. Hegoes to the Colonies to try and get on amatch with Prof. Miller and Donald Dinnie.

Last week the Police at Waimea, Kauai,seized several ea-c- s of liquor belonging tovarious Portuguese. They are supposed tobe selling it without a license.

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the Honolulu Almanac andDirectory, 1Ss. Pri e. 50 cents.

There was mu-- disappointment amongthe members of the Honolulu Yacht andBoat Club yesterday owing to the non-arriv- al

of their new racing Ixat from theCoast.

"Mr. Henry Rerger. our worthy P.and -

master, returned from his two weeks vaca-

tion by the Kinau on Saturday. The bandwill be warmly welcomed at Emma S.juarethis evening.

C. T. Hoyt has removed his shoeing andjobbing shop from King street to oppositethe old Police Station on the same street,where he will be glad to see all his oldcustomers and new ones as well.

The first grand opening of millinery andfancy goods of the season takes place atthe Popular Millinery House, beginningNovember '?. lSs. N. S. Sachs, 10 1 Fortstreet.

FreiK-- pattern hats and bonnets will beexhibited at the grand opening of thePopular Millinery House, beginningWednesday. November 3, lo". N. S.Sachs, proprietor.

A Malay wa arrested at Kekaha, Kauai,last Monday for striking a colored manover the head with a shovel, inflicting anasty wound. He is in jail awaiting theresult of the injuries.

The Iwalani brought the news of thedeath of John Lovell, an old resident,which took place at Nawiliwili, Kauai, onSaturday. The deceased was about eightyyears of age.

Messrs. Wing n Wo A: Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, be leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXN and other choice brands ofManila cig r- -, of the best quality, for saleat moderate prices.

The Con ucl', which arrived inFrancisco. October 13th, twenty-thre- e

days from Honolulu, reports passing the j

stern part of a ship, bottom up, about 70 j

feet long, in 27 c.eg. 57 min. N.. longitudeiy deg. min. W. I

Facile Commercial Advertiser




Fenanuu i 00

BLx months...- - i 00

Jr month 50?

Nnlrriptjon l'aynhle A1h)i inAUmiiee.

Cutmuurilcgtlona from all pu.ru of the KinjfJwnwtll fclwuyg b very ttcceputbfw.

Psrv.njj raiding In any part the United .UUt-- s

can remit toe amount of sulTljtion due by 1'otlOEloe roooey or;li-r-.

Matter Intended for uMlratiun In the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

Editor Pacific Cumjikkcul auvlkter.1fiuiua conunuiiloatl'jtj!! ani advertisements

ioouU be addreised simjilyP. V. ADVKHTIHM&,"

And not to Individuals

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale IILY at the Following I'laces ;

J. H. SOPEK Merchant streetCRTS TAL SODA WOKKS Hotel streetT. O. THRUM Fort street

Five CeuU per Copy.

MONDAY November 1st.


The fluctuating character of events inEastern Europe is still maintained, andthe crisis which previous advices seemedto point to as being imminent lias againbeen deferred, if not averted. There areseveral items which distinctly favor theprospects of peace, though they do notassure it. The European Powers haveeach informed Russia that they are op-jos- ed

to the return of Prince Alexanderto Bulgaria, and he himself lias ex-

pressed a desire to refrain from the can-didature for the throne, whilst the cov-ernme- nt

do not intend to nominatehim. So far there is entire concord.Nothing further is stated regarding theliussian ultimatum, but notwithstandingits demands the elections of members tothe Grand Sobranje have taken place,and with a result satisfactory to theBulgarian Government, which now professes its willingness to negotiate withRussia regarding the election of a Prince.This being the main joint at issue, anythreats bearing on minor matters connected with the situation lose theirHieniOcance. The occupation of Bulgaria is still gpoken of, and providedShat annexation does not follow most of

the Powers will acquiesce. "What guarantee is to be given in the event of sucha contingency is not stated. On theother hand, the object of this step is

less apparent if an agreement is arrivedat regarding the election of a ruler. TheSobranje was announced to meet on the31st of October, and General Kaulbarsdemands a postponement, but considering that a similar demand to postponeits elections was not enforced, there isnothing to warrant the assumption thatthe meeting will be deferred in deference to this later demand. GeneralKaulbars, the Russian military agent inBulgaria, whose overbearing conducthas gone so far to strain diplomatic re-

lations, is to be supplanted, if we are tobelieve a irt. Petersburg telegram. Gen-

eral Gourko, who is mentioned as hissuccessor, individually does not bear thereputation of possessing a particularlycautious temperament, though his atti-

tude could scarcely be more bellicosethan that of the present agent. It would

be premature, however, to predict thereal meaning of this proceeding, evenassuming the report to be true, until thecourse pursued by Gourko is seen. Gen-

erally speaking the change of a foreignrepresentative of Russia means a changeof fronton the part of the advisers of theCzar, which it is convenient to attributeto individual caprice. At a momentwhen peace prospects were in the ascend-ant the Ottoman Porte has obtruded,itself on the plea of attempting a recon-

ciliation between Russia and Bulgaria,and it appears to have formed somekind of an alliance with the former.This step is naturally resented by theRegency, and with a degree of plainspeaking which makes it evident thatreliable assistance is at hand in case ofneed. Whatever may be the issue, thecontrolling power probably lies more inthe hands of the financiers of Eurojn?and less in those of the recognized rulersthan would appear on the surface.International dissentions are said tobe rife in the British Cabinet, and affordindications that the Churchill Minittrywill be but short lived. At no very dis-

tant date, therefore, history may againrepeate itself in the alacrity with whichthe British people have again returnedto a Gladstonian administration. Thisaffords the best hope that can be vouch-safed of the pacification of Ireland,which a Conservative policy must everfail to accomplish. This done, thehands of England will be strengthenedabroad. At present her foreign relationscannot be slid to be satisfactory, furwhilst pressure i- - being brought to bearto secure the evacuation of Egypt, theRussian advance in Central Asia isslowly, surely and silently going on,hastening the day of the coming strugglefor the possession of India. "We areigain reminded of this fact by the stillfurther extension of the Merv and Oxusrailway.

104 Fort Street

Kikihi was charged with disorderlyconduct. Plea not guilty. Three wit-

nesses testified that he became abusivebecause a man refused t Join him inconsuming the contents of a bottle of

liquor. Sentenced to forty-eig- ht hours'hard labor. Costs.. $3 30.

George Bowman, an insane ierson,was committed to the asylum on theevidence of Dr. Webb.

Kahelemauna was brought up on re-

mand charged with keeping a disorderly

house. A vast amount of evidence wasgiven for the prosecution, but none for

the defense. Defendant was remandedfor judgment to the 5th prox., to enablethe Court to visit the locality.


L. Aseu and G. C. Akina vs. T. N.

Punohau. Assumpsit for $19S 75. Pleaof general issue. Defendant admittedhaving made a note for $425, also exe-

cuting a mortgage to secure same. A

portion of this amount had been re-

ceived for a sale under the mortgage.Judgment for the amount claimed, to-

gether with attorney's fees, $12 40, andcosts, $3 ;0. Apieal noted to Inter-mediary Court.

Itoyal Hawaiian Hotel.The following are registered at the Ha-

waiian Hotel: II. A. Voorman, A. W.Smith, A. II. Morris, San Francisco; II.J. Pratt, Boston; J. E. Ellis and wife, F.W. Burwell, Jas. Hardie, R. Rose, R. J.Davis, New Zealand; R. R. Hind andwife, Kohala; F. B. Baldwin, J. H. Ad-dingto- n,

Buffalo; C. Mengerson, Kukui-hael- e;

Miss C. Smith, Oregon; A. B.

Carter, New York ; W. R. Wilson andwife, Melbourne.

Hi Majesty liirtlulay.Commodore Philip Caduc, of the Pacific

Yacht Club, forwarded by the Alamedathe following reply to the recent invitationof His Majesty the King:

To His MostGracious Majesty Kalakaua,King of Hawaii Sir: I have had the honorto receive by the hand of Colonel John D.Spreckels, Your Majesty's most graciousinvitation to the Pacific Yacht Club to par-ticipate in the festivities which will cele-

brate at the Royal Palace, at Honolulu,the fiftieth anniversary of Your Majesty'sbirthday.

This most especial mark of favor youhave further enhanced by offering threemost liberal prizes for a competitive oceanrace by the yachts to the scene of yourfestivities.

The Pacific Yacht (.Tub desire me mostrespectfully and cordially to thank YourMajesty for this distinguished honor youhave done them, by your most kind andgenerous invitation, but at the same timeexpress their sincere regret that owing tothe lateness of the season, and that severalof the yachts are already laid up and out ofcommission, it will be impossible to acceptYour Majesty's so kindly proffered hospi-tality, and to personally unite with yourcourt and people in expressing their heart-felt wishes for a long continuance of yourprosperous reign; but although so far dis-

tant they join me in wishing you continuedhealth, a long life and very many happyreturns of the day.

In this hope permit me, sir, to subscribemyself Your Majesty's most obedient ser-

vant, Phillip Caduc,Commodore of the Pacific Yacht CTbu.

Sa-- Francisco. October l', 188.V

Funeral ObeinIesi.The funeral of the late Chiefess Abigail

kalola, daughter of Kalaniulumoku andKaapio Kiliamanienie, took place yester-day afternoon. The procession, in whichnearly a thousand persons took place, leftthe cottage on Punchbowl street, wherethe remains had been lying in state, at 3

o'clock and proceeded to the Kawaiahaochurch in the following order: Mr. C. E.Williams, undertaker; Hon. J L. Kaulu-kou- .

Marshal of the Kingdom; the hearsewith nine pall bearers and three kahilibearers on either side; Her ExcellencyLanihau and Mrs. Hoapili Kaauwai, chiefmourners; relatives and friends of the de-

ceased. The Hon. E. K. Lilikalini mar-shalled the procession. An immense num-

ber of people of all nationalities lined theroute of the procession. Arriving at thechurch the body was received by the Revs.H. H. Parker and J. Waianiau, the organpealing forth a funeral march. Amongstthose present in the church were: TheirMajesties the King and Queen, Their RoyalHighnesses the Princesses Liliuokalani andLikelike, Lieutenant General Hon. J. O.Dominis, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, His Excellencv Governor C. P. laukea, Hon. MajorSamuel Parker, Major A. D. Hayley,Major J. T. Baker, Quartermaster GeneralNowlein, etc.

The church was crowded in erery part.The service was opened with prayer by theRev. J. Waiamau, followed by the choirsinging a hymn. After the lesson hadbeen read the Rev. II. II. Parker deliveredan eloquent and impressive address, in- -

eluded in which was a brief history of thelife of the deceased. The service beingconcluded the body was carried to theKawaiahao cemetery, and laid in its finalresting place, the choir singing "NearerMy God to Thee." Kalola was born atWaimea, Kauai, in 1S10, and was therefore70 years of age at her death.

Roman Catholic tallieUral.To-da- November 1st, being the day of

j All Saints, is observed by the Romanj Catholic Church as a great holy day of ob-- j

ligation. High Pontifical Mass at 10 a. m.,j fallowed by baptism. Confirmation at 3' p. m.

November -- d. is the day ofi t!. i ltncmnration of All Souls. Low

masses at 0 and 7 a. in. High Mass deRequiem at 9 o'clock. All masses offeredfor the relief of all the souls of the deaddetained in purgatory for the expiation oftheir sins.

Ocean Ilanl.The wreck of the Dunnottar Castle on

Ocean Island has caused the aggrandize-

ment of the Hawaiian monarchy. KingKalakaua has annexed the island. It is

to be hoped that this violent wrench to thebalance of power will not precipitate abloody war between the combined nationsof Europe and the ambitious sovereign ofHawaii. San Francisco Post.

3ST. S. SVCTrlS, Proprietor--.

The largest assortment of imported pattern NATS and 1JONNKTS ever Injureexhibited. Also, the latest novelties in TKI.M MINGS.

lyMIW. Af KIXI-S- ' dressmaking establishment on he premises.



lac - 1 u re .


03?Ji31Sr.INQ- -

-- OF-

Fancy Goods,

f.eoin -






AT- -



1886. Third Year

j. e. "wisiiijvrisr,Campbell's Mock, Merchant Street, Honolulu.


Books and accounts and collections attended to promptly.

Hell Telephone 172. I. O. Ilox 315. flutiiHl Tellioue 37U.

of Publication.


ALMANAC AND LEW IS &d CO.,Ill Fori Sreet. Iiuporlor anil Jealer In

Staple and Fancy Groceries.(IIXTJSTRATED.)

For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic! Calend'r FRESH GOODSPy every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and eoinplete line of

Provisions, Etc. Etc.Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. V. O. V.ok No. L"J7.

FOH Til V.

Official and BusinessTOG KT II



TUlilfUTOR i1 I A l J V J V J--

y K A R A N -

Directory of HonoluluKit WITH.'

FRANK GERTZ.I f(Importer ani Manufacturer Jj

Of all Iisorlptious of

j ROOTS SHOESOrdt-r- from the otber Islands solicited.

Xo. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.



Full Statistical and General Information


Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-trie- s.

Its Court aud Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have neen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in

their condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated.



215,217,211), Bush street, San Franciso.

Stationers, lJriiiters, LitlioraohersAND

Blank Book Manufacturers.

tstotick:.IHE REGl'LAR QUARTERLY MEETING OFJL the Pacific Hardwire Com (Limited) I

will be Leld kt their cflice ou Saturday, October30. lsSB. at 10 o'clock a. m.


Honolulu, October 23, vC. Secretary.1'XtoctJO ' i

Page 3: ol - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38324/1/1886110101.pdf · i i-5 ft LW4tff9 H OHM 1 I I I R I VOL. V. NO. 259. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY,

1TV", .i


..aR.fc.tL..il 'C.Jl




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ll.r Aiiilis!U SriJ USiU) c i .t !5J. iecktU,Cttttttti K. i'. lirw, iled ciitvU-- r .Itt, at ujt-u-.

tor li iujii.i', Witt. 2,1''' v..j4t Hi --- ! 'j

'anils Tiu'.-jiBo- , luri i rs.'.'.-- i

I ;.nue NUket? aitlvrd Ui.lv :ci ltfroiu a clicuit of Kual. v.ltt - t.fil itlle. I.'hid.H ud i

t I'.- - t.rk .'.. i.'Ai tel. to iwiK'Vi s.lii iartor vi :i I l iiii iniu.

The .tcau.fr VVMi:analo !tlVed .ctoNfl k ti..U tiMliAst li.'.'u Ko.'laa. uu ber lat tnj i

iifi.a slit eiiioiiuteftrd u:j Wic wca'.hei, .4:1 l

lii r !.ulwiili 'cre v,m!iJHi-- .' i'tii il.tliie Coti.-fifl- wt to trail au

Krailvlffo i.'toiirr .;t'fi, for lilis port.I'hf 'lAiit ii'iut ijuf.eu, iur tuif. J'oit, :i.l

bii.4 Ha.'Ari tor Hil". H'aii, vitl !t-.- smhi;..'i.uj "ii it aSiiiii Nov ei;i-e- .th

1 lit; sita:uer aia!fal arrived icti"ter ilt,r.j: . Ii.u ui, H w ail .

i'i'lalli J. W. Mc t'oi.ai t, ii'iiui-rl- j ol iim.iiifr Klt.tiifa lion, is uo t'tili-- f l!tli rr of tile

!..ir f iiti ue I'iai-.n- t iy.MUi-- f our l;.t ad ice t!io folio a 1 n,; rn.-.t-l

arrivrd at m V r.tii4 Kco float t tils fvm fiitoinUitoi'fr Atranislii p Wtliui u,; ton, bonce; Oi j

ii.i rr 18th, !uijjiii tl im L'uniimitf, )&rk ti'imiiju.-e- ali t trru J. O. Kord, lifiii'o. Ottottwr l.'tti, ;

irii Hazard, froiii l.tio. Uav4a:i. t- o How i tl

w f rn the tupart ures . i to tier 1 7t ii, triha!iti !ifti. Irwin for this port, .rkeUliue Mry iiikt-l-lu.ii- i

and otixautiiif tohn l. Sj r. cki-- on 1

'Z Jil i tiita lit,T!i Ocuiiic I'oiupany's mcaiinlup 41aiuJa,

I'ajiUi u H ti. Moriif, arriTcil at !bisort lctter !

. lt, it 7:.0 . m. l'urt-- J. It. Suttoa fitvea thffollow in repoit: Milrd troui Sat Krancis. o onSunday. Ui tobpr at .' 45 p. lu. Iic ti.irt-.- l

t'l-o- l ii t.i't p. Hi. Klit 4 hours ein'tiu.'cJirtjili iOutbvii.st niili aud hfad i'4s. Tht iiceto port liitit Uorthfa.st iui ea.tfrly winds and:'!!! Tune, 'i day, 17 hours anJ 4,!


iiiiiiutrs.T'tie American haikeutina Pis.overy, nmier

nf Cipuiii Jnhii I.ee, formerly of lieti.irkeutme Kntrka. arrived at tbl port earlyOctober .'1st from San Francisco, via Mahukona, .

Hawaii. The lnscovery was eighteen day a from ;

Saa Francisco to Mahukoua. She was deeply ;

loadeil'and experieuced llgtit trades tlie eutsret a.sae. She landed a number of mules, horses, j

pis and several hundred tous general mercliau- -

ilir-e- , iucliiitlti redwood posts, lumtu r. shingles,hav, etc. Stie tiroutit tlie balance of her cargolitre. Ttit) Hiscovery is consigned to Me.--rs- . U.

H.k kieid ii Co.. and is docked at the company'swharf. i

ItOlt.N.HOWIE-- At Honolua Kanch, Maui, October .'jd,

ti the wife of J. ii. Howie, a daughter.

UIKIKWILHFLM At San Francisco, October tOtb.

K.ity Wiliiehu, siterof Frederick Wilhrlm. ofHonolulu, aed 13 years auu 0 months.

Lc'VELL At Nawiliwili. Kauai. OctoberJohn Lovell, ayed about S) years.


Then? is nothing -- pecial to report fromsun Franei-c- o. ur New York advices arethat the demand ha- - continued liht, thebusiness transaeted of narrow proportions,and trade generally dull and unsatisfac-tory. Ketiners contined tlieir purchases toa few small lot.s required for miaiediateu-- e. and have -- hown no nipu?itiuii to makear.y important additions to their supplies,either by purchases on the -- p.it or for for-

ward delivery, but supplies have been veryteiidilv held, and sellers have shown no

disposition to effect sales by accepting anyconcessions from previous prices. Thebusiness transacted has been, therefore, onthe basis of 4 -o cents for Muscovado,test, and "

o-- cents fori test t.'er.trifiiiralsT!ie of buyers appears to be

due to the unsatisfactory condition of themarket for refined, the uncertainty thatprevails ifspectinc the result upon the ex-

port triide in rerined. of the reduction onthe drawback: that takes effect November

-t, and the unsettled condition of the Lon-

don market.p.eet Crop. M. Licht iucrea-e- s his esti-iiiat- e

for tierraany .V,'") ton-- , andreports that the quantity remains behindla-- t year but the quality of the roots i

better, tuber parties differ from f. Licht,At i,l estimate iermany at soChooti t.nis, in- -

sTPild Of !'")t1.. f toll-- '.

IIavwv and M'ata.vas. i October lM.s-- k January 1. lsif tt.soo tons; receiptssince. 'Ji;.o.o; exports, kfuJ.-M.'- ) : art.mt ;2-- .

s:ork September ".1. 70.717 ton-- , atr.u'nstts.i.t:54 la-- t year.

I'liiiiippine Islands. i"i;ir advicest.. tiftfV.i--r Uth -- how iuLhki tuns h.vd-- ailed for the 1'r.itetl states siiwe January1- -t. ajr.tinst lol.'ti) for -- ame time la.-- t

vear: 40.4," tn are now afloat for theI'nited States, aeain.--t '.l-'.'- l at same titri"

iat year.',ir latest advice" are:


-id .ijr.'irl.-,!- . ?i

j - l.if l s.ir,-;,- -

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!!. If U iii : . i .,!;r i ..If I

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If ii.f li.ii-'i- i a Ki '.u. i s : i : l .iiit a

In. li.ct i t .i V .1. 1. I.i i , I; i. .!. ti ftil.lifl i'i'kf U .ii.f t. I a t . ll I

ill.ll I l.ll- tlil.l- .llllt tl.f i iii.: .

c 1 i n .1 W.4l. t II. l!f- -J ' l.t I'. .11

t.i'.i.fi wi-n- - tin.ff. Willi ti.f'..il.iU i 1'i.k.- Vi w i t i . . i f . wiiii i,;- -

f.UI.u' V .If I Ihf i . iiif li.alI 1.1 jTc 'if- - i.llf i iii.ii oi.i 'i-l- . iiitIH'tttith-taU'lili- j. thl- - he 1 . .J.I ii.in.-.- l tofestih- - U.th tin i . t ho If. If thliflocly ihiillili He, hi.WcVct , tiitl- -

Uiattly .if-- i lift I.ti.'"iiirtii l lue t. S, 11 O11I.

London. (i,t..bti l'2d - At a tut iii,z

ol the t 1 1 lit. .1 - ol th,- 1 1,1 1 i.i 1 SI i .ililslilpI'olwp.Ulk lo-d.i- H W.t- - le-oh- eil lo M--

the t oin n to t he liiteiiiiitioii.il SteamN.U ('.liipaliV Ll the siliu oftlL'Oo.Oiio. I he liabilities, ol the lniuaiit 'oiUp.4li Sfflllfd to tlfdltolS willamount In tlTI.'.I'll, and I In -e to lllise- -

t urcd t ii d.t. .- 1- t'd ,(100, in, hidiii' tiades- -

im-- s Pills aj-at-....rat i r Lit O. 1 hiiompau 's it-i- ate valued at 1 1


POO. I liscfiircd tifihlols Will lect-iv- i

itllc tOct' 1(U oil the poundl.ooilttii Sot litllM

I.onpon, O, tob.-- i pull 1 he Social1 ciin 'f I at if Federation pioposcto haethe Wol klli-liif- li ol 1. o lid. .li liilloiis thelaird M.lNol's show, lot the plllpose ofI'xhibilill side bs side 1 if ii I 1st ot ill V

and poxelty ol tht' llif tlopohs. Theleaders esiimilc that loO.ooo jieiMinssull take part in the deinon-- 1 rat ioi.Champion, one of the leaders, has w lit -

tell a letter to the Chief of I'olit'C, s.lx ino;

that he can't guarantee peace, theSociah.-t- s thcmscUes will be prepared tomaintain order prnxided they be givenct di t it d t if 1 1 ic pt dice.

I'lie 4rHiitl nl.e M'litilas III.I.onpon, October 10th. Grand .Mike

Nicholas, heir to the Russian throne,who is atllicted with pulmonary disease,is in ;i precarious condition. It is fearedhe w ill not iveover.

IX'itlh ol n .tin r n l.Lonpos, October lOtli. The Marquis

of Ailesburv is tlciid. He was 7" jfiirsold.

Death of u lli lllsliR xNootis, October 20th. Major Gen-

eral Maepherson, commander of tl eBritish army of occupation in Burmah,is dead. He died from fever after twodays' illness.

1 list rurl ions lo INipiil Nnneion.Rome, October 21th. Cardinal Jaco-bini- ,

Papal Secretary of State, followingthe Pope's instructions, has sent circu-lars to all the papal nuncios abroad di-

recting their attention to the principalpolitical and ecclesiastical tpiestions olthe day, and urging them to cultivategood relations with the different govern-ments, with :t view toward improvingthe situation of the church throughoutthe world.

The Emperor Willi mi's Health.The Emperor William is said to be

suffering from chronic disease of thebladder. It is feared it will be impossi-ble, with the utmost care, to 'reservehis life fur more than a few monthslonger.

Storm on theliritinh Const.London, October lsth A hurricane,

accompanied by the heaviest rains with-

in memory, has passed over lmglandand Ireland. Many wrecks have oc-

curred, involving great loss of life.Among the number are mentioned thesteamer Arvos from New York to Bor-

deaux ; the bark Rutland from Quebecfor Greenock, the mate and carpenter!eing drowned; the ship Teviotdalefrom Cardiff, 21 lives being lost ; thebark Belaiort, of which the entire crewperished.

mtrrlliiiieon.Justin McCarthy, Parnellite, has been

elected for Imdoiiderry, in opposition toC. E. Lewis, Conservative.

Baron von Schleinitz, a member of theEmperor William's household, has beenarrested for forgery.

Twenty thousand dollars' worth of

opium was seized at San Francisco, onboard the City of Peking, on the 22d ult.

It is predicted that the equality of

white and black labor in the States willbe a burning question in the future.

An earthquake shock was felt atCharleston as late as the afternoon ofthe L'2d nit.

The German Socialist. Hoffman, hasbeen expelled from Leipsic.

A French priest has been sentenced iff

Met, to two mouth- -' imprisonment forcausing the choir of bis church to chantnravers for divine protection over the

urn.v wltiN- - in defense of

Franco. The judgment was based onthe charge of exciting seditions cries.

A Berlin architect has contracted withlb" bipane-" Govermnent t erect at

T'.kio a palace for the future Im- -

perial Parliament, a palace for theMinistry of .lu-tie- ". and another fop th"police administration. All ate to hebuilt iii European st le.

The returns for the first eight month"of the present year sh"H 1 I o st)i, id"s in

the ier man ai m v.

Sn Jtleo enlh on Hie I :ine;l n .

lr, the J-- th .,f I 1. ,.!...r of th" tire- -

toi li o'l (lie sf. Mtn-lii- p 1.ITMI '!:'.. JehuHrhp.'fer by tcuiie, W Idle i'l th" pct'l"!T!!- -

atc-- of Id- - duty, was -- tri- b-- d"wn with.p'.piCVV. .'Old ip.'l ' I" i ( r:;iv, 1 o

bodv w;is buried ;it - l. "I'he pb-- i m,., !m

on I'vp-Tcc'-!' licit tie- - ,!... e:'sed bad b ft a

wife find t .v.i i liMdo n i't --'im Fr:iM'

probable in p. t vi rv con i f. i ' I ' i io mmi

t i u-- ' " ,i i e "i ( b i ' c v r . " '1; up a ' . a ! , :, , ,

for ili-- ir here r't. a !, , ' !'...nu'''d ? i $.".''I hi- - aucmt w ii! ' e rw a !'! I at 'lie jj

i .pp. .ft u ! it y to t lie id . hioii'h J. bu1 -- ere. !.:. - A Ip... ! o, - .? I'. 0.. .

t'.ri. en hi h.,!f ef tl: i. i.e!!.'' r- - A

fl.er sitt... f 1 "i'l wi'! ' - I !

oyer to the c b t l,:pthe return f th a . i F

e i i i.i

'. A

' iii I If1.: Vii.it ii. y A .

i,..' ir.tf.'i.i t !i. iii i.iU- I'l. in i A if .4i i

.i .i vai.-h-l.iU- tl.o r..;!.ii;.in ti.i-.-;t-

tht! tln-- d. li.'t t--i I tl'.k'.

i'l elf i ti'-lj-: d luli.T t Mil I".' ,

i. ff. let U li'l ;4 ii IJ. liil.l.- - ft l'.lil- -

iJUri.A h.i; r..l!i.ti Klldiiil. tl :fFr4.-iu.i- tauker to ih. tidtf a '.a. 1 11

at ('.it, Willi 7 I'ft iflil Uili-- l - j

e "It -tii UtttV of the Z.lfi'Io.1 Utui Oiku- - j

li--!- c h.vilvaV. A hiiliil.tr rojllcst ha- -

Lffii li.alf to the Lull I'll I'.alik id j


Uliiiilii; ol the Sotiiali.li'..1 If Ofl.ii.er 1 I be L.u'.'.iii.4'.i i

t, iovci ninciit has aiuioiuu cd to the j

Power- - that the Sobrattje will im-t-- t oili

i V tobc :'.l- -t . and a: lei in ; election j

iftniii-- . will immediately c!o t a inlt-r- . !

1 Sociiillt lieleuteili

LoNpoN. tb-tobi- Itith.--William- s, aS h i a i -- 1 leader, who, in August la-- t,

cli't ted to scive a twi months' impiison-men- !j


rather than pay a tine for i


the -- tlcets la- -t July by pi cmc biiii,'

Sotiali-iu- , was to-da- y lclca-et- l, having t

l.as.-e-d v tla s in tail. lie wa-iu- ct

on his cit by a crow tl t.f friend-- , who

oao him an atioii.leitlh til n t.ulhschilil

l'iiii,H'iii, ()ctobcr loth. MexerKail Rothschild, head of the o,,it balik-iis.L- t

tiriu, died siid lf nly fioiu heartdisea-- e.

4 4inlti 114 the I iciifb a.Lvuis, October lsth. A bill intro- -

hiccd by the Minister ot Marine for thex'om.plctiou of the French Navy," pro-

poses an outlay of 2S,lHH,0O0 francs torthe con-- ti uction of men-of-wa- r.

IteMcti ou Ill's M nj lltnoe.LoNpoN, October I St 1

. WilliamIVaclt, the Australian oarsman, has

from Plymouth on his way home.4'hulcnt Itelunit.

Yienni, (cttber ISth. The cholerareturns for yesterday are: Trieste, ltnew c.i.-- es and .1 deaths: Pesth, ;u casesami 20 deaths.

Itritlth I'oIIIIch.London, October 17th. The Cabinet

councils to be held tlurin the ctminweek are likely to lead to stormy scenes.The Ministry is badly divided on leadingtpiestions of :inerial pohi'y. On the onehand, measures w hich would be satisfac-tory to :t majority of the voters of Eng-

land and Scotland would estrange theTories, and on the other side the meas-

ures contemplated are almost certain toestrange the Fnionists. Either tlie Toryparty xvill remain, to all outside appear-ances, a compact hotly, but internallydivided, or there will he a ireneral opensplit The remnant will go over to heFnionists, leavine; (iladstone at the he.nlof a firm and unyieldin;! majfirity.

Purchases under Lord Ashbourne's actcontinue to be furiously pushed in allparts of Ireland. The officials of theGovernment are working hard in ail sec-

tions to make the act popular and to per-

suade tenants to take immediate ad-

vantage of the bill. They are appar-ently laboring under the mistaken notionthat the smaller holders are the mostdangerous class in the country and oughtto be swept away as soon as practicable,if there is going to be peace in Ireland.Churchill's men are scouring thecountry,doing all in their power to acquire titleby purchase to all such lands. The cer-

tain result of all this will be a frightfulloss to tlie British exchequer, increasedtaxation, increased interest on treasurynotes, or loans, and a further postpone-ment of the long promised and frequentlydeferred improvement on the nationalbalance sheet.

I rp.r.tN, October l'Jth. The branchesof the Irish National League in thecounties of Cork and Waterford, havobeen making inquiries regarding thecondition of farms in these districts, andreport that tlie harvests have been bad,that oats are selling at from three to fiveshillings per barrel, and that the heavyfall in stociv has rendered farmers unableto pav their rent. On account of thebad harvest the farmers demand a re-

duction from i't to 7)0 per cent iii rents,and where a reduction is refused, theywill pay nothing. - number of landlordsof Ft a red net ion of '.',' per cent.

Irotet from I'ranee.LoNpov, October 2 1 st. The "St.

James' Gazette" says : The French Am-

bassador, under instructions from hisGovernment, has protested on behalf of

France against Pritish occupation of

E'rvpt. Tic pajx'i adds that France andTurkey are in complete accord in their1 ppositior. to the occupation andRussia supports fliern. 1 he Lritish 1 or- -


eirn Secretary is engaged in th" active j

exehamre of communications with thePorte.

London, October 22L -- It is believedth" French Ambassador to England de- -

mands that Ore.it Britain fix a definite j

'Lit" f r her eviici.intion of Erypf.j

Aftivll.v of i:?tl!i in Alr. i

I.ospon, October 21 st. A tra vc Ier fromBokhara, who has reached Pershawur.

that Russia has completed theMerc and Oxu railway to within five j

stages of S.irakh. The Russians intendto establish ;i milibirv cantonment f"f:'.0,oo0 men near Bokhara. Russian nth- - i

cer-- t disgui-e- d a" merchant" are activelyenrag"d in Bad.iks-ha- inspecting thecitad'-- l arid th" p:i-dg- "s to India. Th"t ra veler also reports that the Oar is dis-pVas- e

I at the Ameer of Bokhara for re-

fusing to llussjsns among hss

troops.An Irrlfll Anlofrnl.

"..tw itlistanding official deni ds. therta'cirient thiit th" t zar l.'.i- - killed oneof his chamrerl.uf.e- - with a s:!ber or

pistol is corroborated from St.vary as to the precise

circumstances of the case, but the acti appeals to have been commit"'! in ofi"

Puiuts of Iutcicst Avouiiil the

U lube.

I lie Uiil.nriaii nl.Sni-iv- . CK't-.-U-- l lllli lu tin- - cleft iii

liil lllf'f --! i.'l t !i t. if.it ..!.r.t!.jf i.

C I C4. I vl lift, c.-.- -i to 1'iiiifc A If .i if i ,

.ill tl.. i 'V f i'iliilfilt l.ill ll'l.lil' h.4C1hTJ1 S'.tfi '. fill. Ilif ' o f I Iilllf !lt ut- -

l.ii lie.-- , little iin 1'i'J l.Oi.f 1'.' the iu li.'li i!, the li'.isi-ia- ii hele, iii

diplomatic ivlalioi.s.Nlvn V...tK, Oitubi-- llth. - It ii .itatcil

Ku-si- a ha.- -, dfii b.'d t- - nice I the iV

of tin- - ! '.'i!-;.-Lt i.iii l i f ii ii.'i i ' by i ri o. t --

' iii j, that Li uly a!i 1 api'.-intin- ; a Ku.s.-.i.- ui

ruler b-- l'.iiijai i.i. pciidin, a lulliiifiii ot a!! the lfsti'.'iis arising I

the dethronement of I'liiu c Ale amle r.

Ii tin; li Nell ltifssnit St-cii- i lll4iNi.w Yi'KK. (Vlobcr ls;li - A London

f.ibli. t tlie "stui " -a- -: t if! man bank-

ets are still cumin;; o,.-- r loaded withUiis.-ia-n biiii.ls, wbi. li will be thrown onthe London markets tinting the iviiiin,'wci'k oi' -- old to private piircha.-er-- .. Llieyhave utterly failed to unload in lli'iui.iiiriiia.'if ia! center-- , the belief be in ocncral,in spite of olhfial iissuraiiics, that war isprobable. Mont of the Lowers oaeagreed to Ku.-si- a takin.; cpaiate actionin I '.u! j;.u ia loii- a- - iiftlun - l nc in

the way of annexation.IttiNsiu Stoifs ik I'oint.

Sr. I'm i u-- lti ii.;, October I'M li. Ail

the Lowers, incbhlino; haveformally Ktis.-i-a that they dis- -

favor Lriiicc A lexiUidcr's rct.trn to Lul-oar- ia

;md w ill not approve of histo tin' l'.ulojiriaii throne.

t hiiiiiberlniit Hi l onlitu 1 1 uit.t'o.N.- -i AN i'tNopi.E.1 Vtobi-- r ISth Joseph

I'liambcrlain ;md .losc have ar-

rived here.KtessiMii Assn riiures.

i'iss r vn riNopi.K, (V to her I'Oth. The;Russian (hner'iment has ol!ici:uly in-- :

formed the Lorte that it does not intendto occupy L.tiliiri.i. '

Lib.m the Turkish icpresen-tative- ,

li;is informed the L.uliirian Min- -

try that he has, been instructed to actin concert with ieneral Kaulbars. ThelUiloarian tovernnient report that theyw ill no more brook Turkish than Russianinterference.

A Uulii'iirimi I.u.The tJiiliriaii t tovenituent is arrang- -

ino; with a London ttnn for a loan of


Itit' Election.New Yohk, October L'oth. The Lul- - '

Lrarhm ( 'loverument is thoroughly satis- -

tied with the result of the election, and '

is now iiit.'linetl to negotiate with Russia '

reoj-ardino-; u Prince.The Putvers litiast Rulcuriu.

Lospon, October '2'2d. It i now as- - ;

sertetl that Russia has airree 1 to occupyKill iitriii and that Austria ami (iennanyhave afreet! to declare tlie newly electedSobranje illegal, to compel the lievrencyto resign ainl to force Kulejaria- to submitto Iiiis.-i- a.

Sofia, October --- d. (iaban KttVndi'snote to the Ministry notifying it of an j

understanding between Turkey and Pus- -

sia was written to Stanibulotf in the formof personal advice, not an official declara-tion. iahan Efh-ndi-'s mission as special '

envov for the Porte is declared to be toendeavor to reconcile Russia and F.ul-L'iir- ia

and to make arrangements for af-

fording complete military protection to '

the Sobranje durimx its fortheomino; ses-

sion..4 (ourt Uarlixl


Ttie Martiiil has fixed the be- -

ginning of November for the trial of tlieoilieers un!er arrest for complicity in thedeposition of Prince Alexander.

H Hill bur lobe Stiplin tetl.St. pKTKRsistR', tober 21 st The

Car has summone'l tieneriil iourkoMilitary (.'oinmamler of Warsaw, to pro-

ceed to the Imperial Pahn e at Gatschinato receive instruct ions preparatory t re- - '

plafinj; ieneral Kaulbars as the RussianMilitary Ajrent in Iiult'aria.

Ittilifarir eliiut.New ViiKK, October 23d. Kul'aria

h;is providf.l a freh surprise for Kurortand :iven fn'-- li evidence of her plip--

and rrit . Tic has rejectedTurkey's overtures and demanded in '

plain words t" know the nature of thealliance of ajree'ni"nt between Ru-s- ia

and Turkey. It is obvious that. Kulariais backed up by is from one ormore of the Lowers that she considers:ru-- t worthy. Ln h military prep.tr. t- -

ti.dis in Turkey, Ru-wi- a, Austria, Lul- -

irari.i and Katern Ro'imeiia Lave beenr''.--' 'lined.

Si .f: ., October 2.' Id. Th' Government,in reply to radii. m K'c'ndi's noto fromtlie tirand Yii.-- r askiii it postpKinetie-n- i

of tb.o m-eti- no; ,,f t r t s'obranje iti order,to a Low Rus-i- :i ;t!id tin- - I', .rte time toiiO, .ti tte j. ,r the selection of a ruler for


L.uiiT.iri a, says tii.it tie- - re,i--n- s fort!;e desired delay eannu? be as

.' uich'iit unless the time within wlii'--

a ruler will be chosm bo stated.S fi a , ' tober 2: id. (loif-r.i- l Ka'-il-

bars ii,i dem-uide- t.f the Rulo-tria- n

t ttiverninent lb" of the'-ineeti-

of tii" Sobranje. The ioyern- -

ment has re fu-- d to accede to the de-

mand.Sovi, . tober d. Pri.'i.'e Alexan-

der has r"'juest"d ti " S..br.mj.- - ignoremm as a and; la'" p.r th" PciL' i nanthrone. Tii" Bulgarian Government isendeavoring to 4"rju.ide the Rouui"liaiiIoputi'S to restrain from attending the

, Sobranje on the day v. hen a successor

; x v r

llMMiiit;iI 1 laltrior.I L i'A V, tin- ::., i.tit-- i

iu j:i.iic:4.ry,i iLt .:::i a Hi. Ma.stj ':

&1U. lU - ted UwidaV,

il iuiU ...its. t !L iv tbc iu:.6.Ivia '

will be k'.tn-- J v- -i lUl ;'. j

I.. AHv Lo,Mii.i-u- r ui ti.e iMcn.t.


I . 'ftl. x. " tvi- ' i

j 7 . ... i v i. .' 1 Ji


1.4 V (UI.I.M tUK'S I It t t'OJt !

IilrO t !' llunoliilti, Ittitml ill OmIiu.

tax pAef-- . i !i tii- l A.e ileitis? utiiii--

Pi, tt.e 'i i si iit.-- b.4- ' ui a i e 1 . i !ec tl ii

Ui,, for tin-- .'uut:il rr .tt b. ulticc lu K.tpua-1V-

, slii--- . li .:iu .1 : - rc:i..ii unpaid X! If I'

l!;e title ntti a ol Pti cu:;iT ill t ll'i'te tiu JJti-Jti.- 'vii .eri.i-.i- t tiii t.i'-.- i )i.. :lfc-t;,,!,- .

Ul.O. i. I.l'Ch.I .iv t ..;in-tir- , !l.':i ..'.u;.;.

I jiI 'uliiA li'I N.'V::u!k;i 1, ! vm..4 no

i'iitl I'ol llti'0.Muiku S'lrii .ii. :.'.-- . 1

r"t!a--l- r . tir l "i t!i Ki U Juiu.K. W I NliLM.i.liu,

ri..t!i. 4it-- i vif ii-- i ii.

I,. AilOLO,Miuntr ol tin-- !!.Iti. r.

!ialulu, r .".. i. tt';

All mtr lit- - s line yu 'r (.

l'oiciuiirr ;n. 1 must !' ' ' lt-'- " "rti-'-

tb IU uolulti Wiirr W(.r ' the l.'.tli 4-- of

Njvtlbi'rr,lrtl- - I'a.MUt; ittta tl:t-;- !t r;- -

ka s. it. i!.i.'N.Siiiinitwiulf nt U.'l'ilu .ttir Works.

Ayj-- i . t il;WALTKll Ml tiUAV U'.'N, '

Miiu-.tr- r ..f Interior. J

lloui'luln, lie iiii.i-- r ! 1, l.iiMi. 1:Wih..15Uiw ;

lho folUwiUi is the list ol" Tax C5 lector ip- - i

Tiutfd for the. VMrllHMilli.

l fiibiAililuHsuuaku 11.441110 ,

v..h !. H. NiihiuuSouth Kohiiia. lifi.risf 15eil

'orth Kiuia. . .. .

South Koui. 'H. S. MartinKiU

Pun . V'tl.talolKt

LahiU iii . KiA Nal'..io!eliia

Wilku .. Ji'h ti W--

. K.tina

M&kawao iir.i. K. Hichjrtlsiiti-

Iioi-j'--UnHolokai Atiil L.4i:i4i.. . . K !i ".'i'.i K.ni'.

Honolulu ll- - L'U--

Ew ad Waiauae l.- - H I""" :

KooUuloa u- KaiijitoK"luwluWiIu

T' 1UeKooUur-oki- .

1 iio. Kakii'.a .

IiL:ietKAWMliiU . RaiM ;

bi-k- a

KoloaLibu S. Niiauao ;

J. KaUWkitueaJ. Kvale :Nilliau

i'At.'"L P. KANOA.

Mi Ulster of i-- iiiauce.

fiuacce Oitice, i '.'. I.TOUT OF HONOLULU, H. I.

Aitltl VL.SarrKDAr, t'ctober

tnr Kinaa. Kini. from Mam and HawaiiStrur I.ikelike. I..rer.7eu. from KahululStmr Mtfkolii, Motireuor. from Moiokais hr Lnka, from a

Saar Mary E Foster, from lUoaUiSrsDAY. October Id.

U M 3 S Alameda .Ann. H O Morse. 6 days.IT hours aud 45 minutes from San Franci-c- o

Stmr James Makee. Oaiup!:ell, from tvapaa,Uanalei. via TVaianae

Stmr Waialeale, Weir, from Hamaii-.ia- . Hawaii,via Lab-aina- .

John I.ee. tmtn nA in bktne discovery.

Fracrisco, via Mahukor.a. Hawaiivcar Mamukawai. from Koolau, OabuScbr F:maa. Macauley. from Kauai

St-n- r Catertna. from tiaualeisohr Mana, from HonomuScbr F.ob Hoy, from Koo'.au, Oahu

Hn:sr.AT, October .50.

Scbr Waimalu. for K.iaTiScbr Haleakala. for Pepeekeo. HawaiiSear Sarah and Eliza, for Soo lan, 4 ;abu

SrVDaT, tVtober il.Am brgtne t'lans Spreckels, E V Drew, for

San Francisco

v I i.aviiuc r-i)- y.

RMS S Alameda Aia.. II ," Mor. for the Co-

lonies, at 0 a m .Steamship Kinau. Kif., for Mam and iiawai,4 P ia

Stmr Mokolit. MrOreicor. f'r M010i.11, at ., p ni

Scbr Moi Wa'111 c, iaple j, for Haiiiakua, Ha-

waiiSi-h- r Kauikeao-.ili- , for XohaiaScbr Uainnow, for Koolan. Oar, n

Schr Mary K Foster, I r KauaiSchr Mau'a. for KaanShr Mannokawai. for Koflau

IASEirit.AP.m v i.s. i

FromaCirrr.it if Kauai, per steamer James;Mskee. October tdst Her Excellency Ooveruesx

and four servants, W H P.ice. H Wter-hii- ,W W ".Vaterl.oiise. s 'A" '.Vllcx and son,.

H VV Idmon.l, I iiiai-ki- j E B-.- -h. C Pannen-hause- n,

a Chinese and 7 ; .jsaer, ce?i.From Kabului. Ma-ii- . ; er steamer Likelik, ;

Oetiiber 3th Irvine, itr-nbe- r Bertram. Mrs o';

W Smith. Mrs F V Ha.-tin- s. Miss poise Makee.Mrs Sr.eMon, '.VTKhoa ts, w!: and chil i. MissXuilin Lyons, Mi T.rton. t Armstrong. AhSee and dec't r,aseri'..-rs- .

From Hili. M.aa'.ioa and I.ahaini, per steamerKi nan, o. ra 11 M '.V' .'r.ey, Mr W"

Foster. Mrs S Masr r,r;.! - ;.!. J n I. JMytintrer, Prf H I'ts-t- , .1 B Orint, Mrs cMi Alice SarTry. Ah l.tnvf, H R ititct.'''-.'k- . .1

E Ward, Miss E Turtou a'--, t 'n '.p.'k passengers.

From Franci , per uteamsbip AbmMi,:)lst "frs O Wi ay. Mt- - P

Fife, Mr W I Al'im ier and ttfT da'izbters.Jame pod t and wife. Mi-- s iini I.emon, MissJ iMi.td C H Bishop. Mrs Wm Horner and tr.reeebil.lre'n. Miss Mar K"irk. P J Sin-j- , It X Hind indwife a E Whi'aker, K H .it ton. Mi injy, ?i-- s

Im'b pr ' Carter. A H Morris, C W Ashf'.r.l. f.i;..r,t.' Mrs K W tf. Mrs E P t,c.Ad.. 3hi: sr ler an.! J W iiridley, J iVrace. il A

Vrrata. C I Fishel, Mi-- s Rrse." Wm Kirur. MrsPavis and ltifr.t. Miss Smith, Wm Moon, Miss C

Srjith, A W Smith, J it Afberton. H f Prstt and"1 sterae, and PJH in transit.

4KT' RFs.ForSsn Francia''-- . r- -t ne Cia'is Sj.reckels.

'1 t ! - i) 1'r-- i nr an.! wife. Mrs 'A

Idi)ate. a Wesael.s. J ,le and .' .ter.iepassengers.


Th seViiner Mary K F...ter arr ire d inOctober .rth. fr.-.-- Kauii. S - s ai today with tor,, ,r j.;;..,itf

The scho'irer Mj.a bro'i.-l.- t K rn

lsses from Pan, M odThe schooner I.nka arrived from I"i:.a. Hawaii

October 30th, with 2? v,,n. fr.r Mer.Allen & Robinson.


I cideii

Tills absolutely pure(II)i:U is niamiiar-ture- d

in (lie ureliardone year before jlae-in- t;

It on the market,and generates Its own

is by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for sale



Australian Mail Service.


liir u,t ami floe AI u-- l .teiunblp

44 j .:LTSTIiA TAAJ(Jt lb MteariAbhlp l oiiipttiir . mill

at IJonalulu froiu uil Auinluitl4U or al.oul

ISToveml)ei? 20thAo4 will (rave for tb abeve port ts lib mall t.udpaJtoenirera ou or about tbat dale.

Kor freight or pitrnume, tiarinf Hl'r'KKJOKAIX OMMijIU J IOM, apply to

Win. G. Irwin A: Co.,

1I0KSE CLIPPINGltin with Xlspt4--h


LiglitniugCli)pini;lacliiiie-- AT THt- -


Apply to



TaTOmTT rrmTTeCiJ!i011 VlllJliO

Tn be beld iu bi.nr.r t.f tbe

rOUi AnniversaryOf IP Va.iet.ty tie Kli.4, BirthiUy.

Tuesday, November 16th.

Orand Reception at.l llK.ktii-u- , from 10 to 4o'clock, and In tr.e ex er.it.tr Eire Vorl ami Hoti-olul- u

Eire Pf t' 'i'orcb lipbt I'mttmiiiU,

Wednesday, November 17th.

Keentia, fn.rn 9 nVl.xV a. rn.

Thursday, November 18th.

Historical rroceion, rn OnVlrvk a. rn .

PaeePall Tournament, froru 1 nVloek r. tn ,

HUtertcal Tabletv.i, from 7 o'clock p, m.

Friday, November 10th.

tirand Hall, fvi tiic.

Tuesday, Ncvembsr 23d.

irsrt.l I.e. a n

Saturday, November 27th.

H- rse Ti-- e

Monday, November 29th.

Military T'xra '.e.

Thursday, December 2d.

fc'.x'e i r.er. 1VS d tf


Missnn. j. v. A CO. Tt F K I V X OlVJtb '.bey t av ; .jv-fcr- l ef ttir

j ti Mi r.e to Mr. J li S..jer, f , r ?.cm O.fy fppeak a ccritir.tiir.ee ef ti e he . efofere

J lnl 'f.i '!) tt em All c.v tint Pie J. t. iht' Jr. '. on tb 1 t if (i ii 1 fv, x p. 1 j r' le, te,l I x Mr J. M. !.

M .nefirl - . O, ;. -r 1. I1,- - llfnoxf.

Funu'lithl or Fiiturnisliotl,

t'TTVot: 4 IA N A I n O AN P rtxori M VS ,VI f v. t :.it e 1 i otu; ete for J,e usrl vr r nof tcneard i"Hf. lr ;e jiarj e c . Aj jlvto

VHaS. J. IMil1 17 r. cit nt..'. Ii. ti x,.

All NulutV !)

lo d.i bt lllg ihc ic.-tiv- al of All Saints,tht if will be u lelfbriitioli td' lio'v Coiij-i.iiiii'.o- ii

at 0 :lo a ni., and moiionpiacl at tl u lo , in St. AlliiteW'uCathe-dial- .

At the hitter M-f- it-- the P.i.shopWill dell r illl address

s 'hj.

A HDYALItXr.t Als. At..' f I 1


Absolutely Pure.Tiliii pow b r nevi r varb-n- . A marvel A purity,

fctrulij-'t- li und x li.ieiioiiii-lie.srf- . Morethan thoi.r.liiiiirv J. nuln, mi l tannot U mtid in con--j-tit- io

vitli lUo iiniltituilu c.f loaVratt, ahortwcl'ifbt, biii4 or pln.sili.-iti- ! jwdi r. Sij.lOVl.T 131

rfcs. itoVAi. liahi.Nti I'owiitu (u,. J(J WaWN. y.


Qiion- - Sam Kee Co.,

Iiiqini Ier and Paler In

(ipnenil Merchandise,WINKS,



DREGS.S5 null 7 It In if tr''t : : Honolulu.

jegrBI.NCII STORES. Paauhou,Paauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa,Rice Plantation at Kapaa.

2 112 dec 28


Attorney and oiuisellor at LahiOffire No. 12, Spreckels BlocV, Honolul.

17f, octItf


'lire Ala i Wiiskv i


E ( li

Medicinal Use.NO EES EL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and UnadAilterated

in v s E I N

llos.i tnls.( nriUOe IiiMilnt inti.

lntirmnr ie,AN1

Prescribed hv Phvsieians Everywhere.


I 'ill G iSliniTilantVnr 1be Sirli. InvfilHs, Pont alesci r.g rnt:ent

Aiie.l lVeple,


xwnr.lert flV.sr IKI7E ti'UP MVPAE a i

Weill s Ex po6 in nu. New Prleins, En.. Is8.Iur i:cellPiiee nml I'tirlt.l.

Macfaiiaihi iV: (!oMol Ageuit


'I'HE fNl't ON I'fHAT.E OF THE1 I liter-lcUr.a- . stran Navigif.en 1'r.inp.xr.y,

t ti t" stiXM-ret- thank tbe rf'Tt and frerr.enef t!:e J pe p. t urtment, n n 1 also all O w) er "il. t - t t'rir perx s st tlie lite fre en tt e"P'ruiier 'W H:1l!.--

W. V. OOPFHFY.X p-- Pre-- '. l, r 1.1 s. N Co.

.1. I s.'.s(. of . i t s n c.x. UC r.1

)H SA Llil.1 ry, i !'f t enter. v)t

j t '. tj f. r ii- -., and f.ttcd xx itb Vim,

p.-.t- o. t '.. i

l.iti..:illi'. a. '.'.llr leu r..-- ..

i ( t c. iM'i.l V. in.l striate bsrriess.1 ! r- 't P ii iirih-- i t;i-t- 'I ,.i! iir. '

A1.'. tl.....-e:pb,.t- re Utirre-- tiebOi c u--

- fUrl-ie- ty cnlxe In Ncxemt er. Ajtlyt:- tiro, tt I.I ft'.

i:.' i.T5

Granulated, j 13-1- '' : stnrf'.-I'.- lN'e-.i- - York marker. ' i- J

Aari A, i





Page 4: ol - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38324/1/1886110101.pdf · i i-5 ft LW4tff9 H OHM 1 I I I R I VOL. V. NO. 259. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY,

- -- "1 ' 'ir' "!ir'ii Tniiinin'





Steam Navigation Uo.(LIMITED.,

The undersigned offer for sale, at lowest market rr.tes,


imi'oi:h:ks and m:ai.kks in

Groceries, 3?i'o visions and Feed,EAST VORXER FORT A.VD KINO MREKTS.

received by every .rtck.-- t fruj the Kn- - t.-r-n statos and Eur.. pe. rh CaliforniaProduce by fTery teaier. Ail or-Vr- , tr:Mu!:- - attended to. and Goods deliver to aov part ttT&hSn V rdr U'sfaction Pos:o:!ice Ro'x No. USll ;. ' aplT


BATES comma tide

Will ruu regular. y to Maa'aea, Maul, and Konaand Kuu. Hawaii.







MUSCAT (sweet and dry ,



, ETC.

Cotton Itubtx'r I.J net



oni uegree. iik- - Attorney (..leneral de-

clined to present an indictment. De-

fendant was therefore discharged.The King vs. I. B. Peterson, embezzle-

ment. The Attorney General declinedto i 'resent an indictment. Defendantwas theref'Tu discharged.

It. M. S. S. Alanietln.The Uceanic Company's Royal Mail

steamship Alameda sailed from S;i Fran-ciic- o

October 21th. ct 2:4-- p. m. The firstforty-eigh- t hours had fre-- h 3. W. windsand head sea; thence to port light N. E.and K. winds and fine weather. Arrivedat Honolulu .Sunday morning ut 7:30o'clock. Passage, fj days, 17 hours and 43

minutes. The Alameda brought 44 cabinand fel steerage passengers, and 100 tons offreight for this port, iihe has in transitfor Auckland and Sydney 12C passengersand the following freight : For Sydney : 1 40case- - canned goods, 100 packages driedfruit, 0 bags pop corn, 275 doors, 1,000 bar-rels Hour, 05 cases drugs, 4r$ cases grocer-ies, 50 packages raisins, 15.232 poundswalnuts, 104 cases syrup, 1,000 pounds teaand 10 rolls leather. For Auckland: 112ca.-e-s canned goods, 4,2"s pounds broomcorn, 13 mats beans, 22 packages machinery,03 pieces iron pipe, 43 cases paint, 17crates onions, 501 centals wheat and 233rolls wire. For Brisbane : 70 cases cannedgoods. For Adelaide : 33 packages machin-ery. For Melbourne: 32,595 poundsbroom corn. IS packages groceries, 5 pack-ages' machinery. For Newcastle: 210 casescanned goods, 9,170 cases and 50 half bar-

rels of salmon.Th Alameda resumes her journey to

the Colonies at 0 o'clock this morning.

Rubber Hr.se, JIoe Carts. II. aud I.. Truck and Kir,- - siii'Piies Ken.-ral- l v.I ai kins-- , Rubber PackiLX. eu-.- , send f,,r circilors and .rk--- .

FKEETH & PEACOCK. W. T. YFi:KMAN CouimandeWill run regular) to Nawlllwlli, Kcloa, Eleele

aiKl Waimea, Kauaj.

SCHENCK,Sari Franrlwo, Cal.36 California utrf-ct- .1. O. Box 5U4. 373

Supreme Court.IN ADMIRALTY BEFORE J I'D if. ( . J.

Sati kday, October 30th.Pacific Navigation Company v. S. C

Alien. Further hearing d" an action torecover f2),000 for the h.-r-f of thesteamer James I. Dowsett. Hon. run I

Neumann, Mr. L. A. Thurston andMessrs. Whiting k Creighton for thelibelants; Mr. S. 13. Dole, Messrs.' Kin-ney i Peterson and Mr. K. F. Biekertonfor the respondent.

K. B. Drew, Captain of the Clau.3Spreekeli, was called as a exjert wit-ness. The speed of the esels andother circumstances hein- - presented toliim, Le stated as far as it was possiblethe effects of the concussion upon thecourses of the vessels. A diagram givingtheir respective positions immediatelyprior to the collision, as described byprevious witnesses, was shown to himin cross-examinatio- n, and he stated thatit the feteamer had put her helm hardaport and swung over her mainsail therewould either have n a glancing blowor the collision would have been averted.If he had been Master of the schoonerhe would not have kept her three pointsoff, as was said to have been done, liewould have kept her on her course.

Captain Staples was then recalled,and stated that he had no other greenlight on board except the one in therigging. The Moi Wahine's cargo con-sisted of 15 tons of coal, 5,000 feet oflumber on deck, and some general mer-chandise. All the appurtenances of thevessel were in good condition, and therewas a good crew. The after part of thevessel was badly strained by the colli-sion, ami has not been us strong since,lie put the helm up instead of down;

TIeplioiie "o. 4B.




Will run rfgularly to Hamoa, Maui, aud Kukul-iiae- l,

llonokaa and Faaubau. Hawaii.

Just received, ex Lapwing, a largf eonsijjninent ot

Genuine German CologneTHE HONOLULU IKON W0HK8 CO.

Have completed aim! oin-- r tar sale tli- - tol lott in ISoilerw. ic:

1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL D0ILEJ.S1 Combination Doiler, V2 it. x 5 ft. in.

1 Combination Steel Poiler, i'2 ft.x 1 ft., also1 Serond-ilan- rt Tubular JJoiler, 12 it. x 1 ft.

105 je.7 S6 Apiiy tt. Tlie Honolulu Iron Works Co.

STEADIER JAMES I'rej'ared by Johann Maria Farina,3IAKEE,....CommanderWEIR

'Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. It. FOSTER, Rreaideut.Secretary. lyKna,

Gegenubcr ilem Juliclis-Pla- tz Cologne, Germany.



M. W. McCHESjNEY 80jStil.iiuiteui.


Demolition of Hie Sailorn' Ilouie.Tlie foundation stone of the bailors'

Home, which was laid by KamehaniehaIV on the 3lst of July, was removedon Saturday alouc noon, in the presenceof a large concourse of spectators. Be-

neath the stone was a sealed copper box,measuring lOxr.'ixo inches, the contentsof which will in all probability be revealedsome time to-da- v.

May 8tli-F-er Mariposa, 1,754 Packnges :

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 PackaKes :

To Arrive-P- er Consnolo. 332 Packages,



Great deductions in all Departments,

To make room for a large and varied assortment of goods, suitable for the celebration of No-vember Kith, to arrive with Chas. J. Fishel on the steamship Alameda on

OctolDei-- SStb..

STEAMER KINAU,(Klnff, Commauaer),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at lahaiuu, Maalaea, Makvua, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. IIllo aud Keauhou:Coiumeiicinif on MONDAY. July ZS, IshH, and

on every alternate M onday at 4 p. m., the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TKI1 reaching Keau-hou on Wednesday niorniug, w here horses andcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOUS-K(nv- e uiilea in the saddleand nine miles by carriage).

by this route will have two daysand two nighta at the VOLCANO HOCSK.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymorniru.'s on Volcaiio trips. On Hilo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from Hi'o for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

Tlie ZonlaiMlia.The Oceanic Steamship Company will

the Zealandia from San Franciscoon the 10th for this port. The steamer hasbeen undergoing extensive repairs, andbeen thoroughly refitted and newly up-

holstered. Fpon her return to San Fran-cisco she will make regular trips on theAustralian mail service line.

thinking to clear the vessel altogether.Had he put it down it would havebrought the bows together and probablysunk both vessels. lie would act thesame again under the circumstances. Ifthe steamer had put her helm hardaport she would have cleared theschooner. No answer came from theDowsett to witness' call, "Hard aport ;"he was then within 100 feet of the manat the wheel. From the time the Dow-sett was first sighted to the moment ofthe collision the schooner kept the samecourse. The Dowsett Tegan to port herwheel when about 75 or 100 feet fromthe schooner. Witness then describedKsition of the lights. They rest against

a board two feet long in the rigging. Tothe Court : The collision could not havebeen avoided by any change of manoe-uvre on my part.

T. Sorrenson, a ship carjenter, whorepaired the injury to the Moi Wahine,

Will bo Sold at tlie Lowest Market Twites.

STEAMER LIKE LIKE,(Lorenzen, Commanderj.

."Wore Opium.On Sunday evening, October 2tth, three

Chinese were arrested at Ktkaha, Kauai,with opium in possession. ' They weretried the following day. Two were dis-

charged, while the other was fined $100

and sentenced to five days' imprisonment.

A Itoynl Itirtlnlny.Yesterday, October 31st, was the forty-eight- h

anniversary of the birth of Luis I,King of Portugal. The (Joveminent andConsular flags were Hying in honor of theevent.

W. McChesney & Son,i


12 hikI 11 queen Mn(, Honolulu.


Leaves Honolalu every Monday at 5 p. u. lorKaunakakui. Kabul, uilluelo. Han and

Kipahulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theahove ports, arriving back. Saturday mornings.

For mails ana passengers only. .

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Cameron, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Lahalna, Paauhau,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohlna, Lau pa hoe-ho- e,

Hakalau and Onomea

STEAMERMOKOLllt(.McGregor, Commander,

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:

Commencing August 2 To l.anal, Kamalo. Pu-ko- o,

Lahalna. Olowalu. Returning to Lahalna,Pukoo, Kamalo, Lanai, arriving at Honolulu Sat-urday morning.

Commencing Augusts To Kaunakakal, Kama-lo, Pukoo, Halawa, AVailau, Pelekunu, Kalaupapa.Returning to Pukoo, Lahaiua, Olowalu, Lahalna,Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono-lulu Saturday morning.

TIIE LEADINCi MILLINERY HOL'SE.Iteinaliiiiisf in tlie etirHl iot Oflico,

Honolulu. October ill, ISHG.



Eddy's & Jewett's lfefrigerators,

described the same. His bill was $270,a reasonable charge. She was not asgood as new afterwards. She is notworth as much by $250. The stern ofthe Dowsett was not sufficiently fastenedto have twisted off as it did. If theDowsett had struck at a right angle theMoi Wahine would have sunk also.

S. C. Allen, recalled, valued the MoiWahine at $9,557 islanded here. Wasnot interested in the freight value. Theup freight would amount to $S1 50. Shelost a trip by the collision. Witnessthen detailed the expenses and losscaused by the collision, amounting to$1,187 36.

Counsel for respondent filed carpen-ter's and surveyor's accounts.

The same witness, in cross-examinatio- n,

stated that the Moi Wahine did notget the cargo of sugar she would other-wise have got.

Hih bet andranters' Hoe8, a superior artic.e. Vutn


FREETH & PEACOCK,M'lilenl Wlue aul Spirit lerclittiif

23 ISTim street - - -ami Honolulu, H. L-- :o:-





1 ;

Fence Wire and Staples.Manila and Sisal Hope. The latest ,,.Novelties i.. I (;odS. The very best and second Krade

Kerosene Oils.Kerry I!ros. Furniture VarmM,. r,.r Mil- - ;.t the lowest n.arket rates by the


gTBr Tb Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless roceipted for, norfor persona! baggage unless plainly marked. Jfotresponsible for money or Jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of IJve Htock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L U. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69-- ly Mar 30

Sole ants for .1. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " (JIN, IVllissoix's uiioolorod,unsweetened, pure old BRANDY onlv' two qualities shii.ied, 7 and 10 vears old.Hy. W. Smith A Co.'s

THISTLEPEW WHISKY,We ofTer for sale at reduced uren, n lare and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LUUEUKS, etc., either in bondor duty paid.




Asherlain, Capt FredAhuug, li A

Ilrown, WilliamBuhrmann, HugoHoyed, BillyBruns, Mrs AnnieBryant, Mrs H JBalleutine, Geo

'arter. Miss EllenConradt, ECbarrnan, ChasCod, LewiaCrystal. MrCunningham, W"

Clarason, Miss

Oavidson, Charles1'oyle, E

Kverett, HalealeaKlaws, Capt ThosFrark, JohnFeruella. AntonaFell JohnCireen, W HOrabam, Mrs LizzieGroves, George

Hunt, ArthurHarwick, JohnHarper, Miss F KHanker, GeorgeHanson, Mr HHall, Mrs V VHamlin, FrankHilker, Miss LouisaJolianssen. AlfredJohnson, Elmer A

"lisnnedy, Mrs JohnKidd, Thomas

I.enord, HughLyons. T BLnsfomh, Horace ALob man, Chas A A

Laine, II W

(L1MITVD),1. O. llox 301. 373 Tl-iln- e 'o. alO.NiirreKWr to III Hi ut; lin ah V o.To all j

HAWAIIANS and FKIENDS j F'ort Stieer, T-Toti-oluhi

Atwater, Hev A, oiArnesen, JobauAcia, J II

Hums, Jeremiah 4

Jessie P (4ilioulet, J Jt CoKiren, EdmundBehling, Miss DoraEaker, Oeorge S3

Buchanuan, J

Cryderuan, JoserUCameu, ('badCooper, EdwardChase, WilliamCropley, MelbourneClark, Mra WChichester Hev A M

Davis, Beuj Flavi, lienlievoll, Henry F

I'llefseu HansKarr, GeoFisher, ChasFraiser, JosephFanyse, Eudwi

ireen, Mrs II KGeorge, AlexOott, Win NOeide, Mr

Haver. E IHall, Miss CharlotteHeine. WHarper, Miss BelleHiid, Mr j2Hiustrou. HenryHart, ThosHolmes, Miss LilianJatb, EJen, JohnKendall, W r--'iKeai h, Alvi uKruse, Kluil

Lewis, W IILujan, PLake, ThosLee, ThosLarson. MrLozer, Mrs Augusta.Mullen, RobertMoLane, M GMiller. J VMuller, J P (2)Munhall, Itev PrMullen. RohertMathews, ThomasMendez. HarryMuser, I'anirlMeyer, WM.irshau, William


Counsel for libellants then called ;.E.G.Jackson, who had been 20 yearsn the British navy. He described howthe light boxes should be constructed ac-cording to statute. He believed if theMoi Wahine had put her helm down thecollision would have been averted. Hadhe been on th schooner he would havekept straight on the course and therebyaverted the collision. Short sightedmen are allowed to follow the sea as avocation. If the man at the wheel ofthe Dowsett had seen the schooner at 90feet he should have been able to swingher free. The Moi Wahine would pay offfrom 1 to 3 points while the Dowsett wasgoing that 90 feet, and the Dowsettwould at the same time pay off 3 points.Then they would have cleared eachother. He had based his conclusionsupon the evidence given by previouswitnesses. Witness was cross-examine- d

as to the regulations affecting the lights,etc. He was guided in what he said bv

II A W A HI NCI! 1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 3886.

BUILDER.Importers and Dealers in

.Staple nnl Fancy Groceries. I'rixluee, Irv slont an( Fcel.

!No. 52 lort street.Particular attention is called t the fact that all goods in our line are WARRANTED FRESH

and of choice quality. All importations are so regulated as to avoid accumulations of old stork.


The undersigned gires notice that he will beIn attendance at the Valare grounds from thisdate to the 15th day of November, to receive theliifis of all who wish to express their loyalty andaloha for Hi8 Majesty King Kalukaua, oil theoccasion of the

Celebration i

75 and 77 Kiiifr Street. - - - IJoiiolvilii,flu tu a I Teleitlione Vo. ...Hell Telephone 275.

-- OF-

AN Il- - WILDER cfe CO.,His Majesty's 50th Birthday.JIafon, HMartiu, Thos ('Mi t ton. Mrs J IS

D rMuller, F.milM. Cullv, t.'Moller, WilliamMulliner, MissMay, WMuller, Emil C r


ICO House IDelicaciesReceived by every steamer from San Fraucisco, embracing all varieties the market affords.

WOODLAWN DAIRY Bt'TTER, in bricks, and other choice Island Butter, alwavs on hand.Daily deliveries to all parts of the city, Waikiki and the valley.

the maratime law of England. Tlie Ha-waiian is the same. The light boardsshouM le 3 feet long; if only i' feet, theyure not the regulation length.

Kalawakekai, in rebuttal, testified toLaving met the Moi Wahine otl' Waikikitwo weeks after the collit-ion- . She had

.no lights; must have seen them if shel.arl WW , V l .i

The articles presented will be duly registeredand cared for as the free-wi- ll gifts of a lovingpeople to their King, iu accordance with thecustom of our country; and It is requested thatthey may be given in charge of the underpinnedat as early a date as possible.

JOHN A. CUMMINS,Marshal of Birthday Ceremonies.


Ilolli TelephoiiCH. "o. lo. 3fi2tf Lumber --"and. Coal,Doors, Sash ant Blind,. All kind, of I', t I I.I'ERS' 1IA l!MVA H K, Paint,, Oita, C51a,Corrugate,, Iron, I'ortlainl Cement; S'iKEf. XAII.S. much superior to Iron, and cot but litjmore.

- 10 m v'J-- 1 v

j Noble, Ihoneyj Olsen, Win Uuc. was uu i.Hjaru ine jiana.

Crnij-iJ-vinitri.-.l . T


Olsen, JuliusIrehn, EilwanlPennyeott, JohnI'ond, W itTaliner, T II

was a moonlightnight. It is a verv "unusual thini to HEBE WE COME TO THE FRONT

I'eterson, JuliusPoj-ue-

, W ir VPeterson, HansPowell, Wm V

luinn. Jumes C ,'J'

ICenr.ie, Johnliabello. Miss Marv

meet a schooner without lights. Papu,one of the Mana's men, called out to


-- With the Sne.t custom-niade- - J O I--I JNT T O T T,Clothing and Furnishing Goods,MULES !! T t T "' v rri 8- - yi- - -- JsWPIS"' ftV't ':: .;:7

Ever brought to these Islands, and which re will sell at the following LOW PKICE:lOOtlozen Boys' Wool Suits, per suit 52 50 upwards.100 dozen Boy.' Jersey Suits, per suit 2 50 upwards.

75 dozen Men's Fine Business Suits, per suit 5 upward-- .

tnem, "ou have no lights.'' Did nothear the reply. Kololina also called out, j

"Why don't you light up?" Severalothers hailed her. She passed twice.After the had tacked witness saw the I

green light. Would have seen the red j

light the first time she passed had it leenthere. j

Kolohina corroborated the statement !

of last witness about there King nolights, but said he did not call our.

The Court then adjourned to :l.-- this '

Just received, cij! rig CONSl'ELO,

i j Hue-i- t -- '.r ti r. a me - ?? uui i i pt-- suit c j ii ) wa rcis.50 dozen Men's Fine Black Dress Suits, extra value, per

100 dozen Men's Working Fants. per pair, 51 upwardssuit Sis njiwardf

1 lilies1 8 Fine Yomiff

Kobertson, HenrvKaymond, Mrs A VHeye., Haymond i2'Kilty, Williamlioland. JKobiuson, J II (3

Srhul7e, FStowell, Mrs W IISilva, EugeneSchwaneveld, Rosinastrob lei n, M CSmyth, WinStark, Frank

FerdinandStone, Chas ESveiney, II HSi ngleton, M ESiuiuuson, J (tii

Tinnon. Ant Tliti'omb, Mary Ann r

M iller, i;WiH, John BWallace, AlbertWinues. AntouetteWarrelmauu, HenrvWyllie. Mrs


Also, au extra fine line of Men's and Uovft. . ' ' - T i 2 k B f ' , . W T 1 I "3 A U

Kir hard , JosephKumble, Miss U

Kudar. Misslieed, W 1!

Smith, t'eore 15

Smith, J WSniytbe. Lieut J IStu:irt, Mi.g Mary VSharnian, KreiSmy t h, (uvitiStai'ev, F SS. hul,', HSpencer. JamesSvlva, t'SpaMiiu.. I SSchultze. V W OSuVeug, W

Topdeu. Kich.trdTitcointi, JTaylor, J I)

Mai lace, MrsWei-h- t, F IIWelch. Miss AliceWrit-ht- . Wm UWiUon, A WWalllWaters. HenrvWard.liss IiuraWard. Mrs 1. 11


Which are uffrred for sale on reasonable terms.Apply tc

W3L G. 1BAVJX CO10t ap29 tf

100 dozen t nlaundrird Shirts, per piece 50c upwards,100 Men's Fine Undershirts, per piece 50c upwards.100 dozen Men's Fine White Dres Shirts. p.-- r piece Si 25 upwards.100 dozen Men's All-Wo- Working Shirts, per piece 51 50 upwards'

50 dozen Men's Straw Hats, per piece 75c upwards.75 dozen Boys' Straw Hats, per piece 50e to SI 50.

We are confident these prices will


Satckoav, October Cotli.Hiilawe vs. Kalua ct ah, ejectment.

Argument on defendant's motion to va-cate judgment. Ordered that motion bedenied.

Hiilawe (k) vs. Lanae (w), divorce.Mr. W. L. Ilolokahiki for plaintitF.Granted for desertion of defendant.

Tlie King vs. Alia, perjury in the see- -

VP filllv fifTtil-fi:-!satisfy tlie raot exactincr.what we mean ! Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Any nnsatisfactorv article mav ,p rt:. OUKKY & miOTHLK,

AND IiEALF.RS IXIMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt Winchester,Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rides. Reming-ton, Sharps and Ballard sporting- Rifles. Agentsfor W. W. t.reener, Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-Ioadin- s Double Duns. Colt and Smith fcWesson llstols. X. CVRRY A BRO., Hi San-som- e

street, San Francisco Cal. 3S6-l- y

Yeuii. MrsAll rersons inqirins for letters iu the above

list, will rdcase call, for 'Advertised Letters."F. WCNDENBERO,

Potui&ster Oeneral.

cheerfully refunded. Remember the BLUE FRONT, corner Merchant and Fort streets.

EOA.lNr & CO.'Svr,3 tt

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WorkTl




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